Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1860, p. 4

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COUNTY 0F ONTARIO IY 'Vrua !aWarn suuad wo Wlr: f u"bytharesaurr ol Ihe Coula- àyo nal, ba..ing date hpFurteatlth day of May, -one Zthuasrd -ight lundrad and ixty, and 10 nme direeted, for the colletion o arrar and assesiueats due upon the following lands in Ihe sad Couzty, 1 shahl on ]KONDAYS the, Sth day of OCTOBER nexi At the hour o! 129o'elock. tîoon, i tthe Court -Houas, in tht Towin of Whithy, procead to tha Saaieor saidLatida, or s0 muid thraofaaf may hc necessary for the payanant ol.sueh arraars o aeslesaunta, unlesthaeaame, togther vwitlî al lawvful charges ha soner ~ BROCK. LM. CON. ACRE&. But hall 7, 1 100 N E quarter 10, 2 50 18, 2 200 West quartar 21, 2 26 5: à 200 10), a 200 North hall 18, 3 100 Northa hall 14, 3 100 8, 4 200 at part 9, 4 12 Eat half 12, 4 100 West part 14 4 si 'North hall 17Ï 4 100 West hall 21, 4 100 N E quarter 21, 4 50 South hall 13, 5 100- South hall 14, 6 100 15, 6 200 S West part 21, 6 15 . 23, 6 200 N. quarter 18, Il 50 Northa hait 11, 8 100 -Wsthalf 17, 8 100 Westhbalf 19, 9 100 South hall Il Il 100 8 W quarter 2, 13 50 N Wqurter 2, 18 50 West hall 7, 13 100 Nortia hall 4, 14 100 N Equarter 15, 3 5 0 North hall 16, k'- '100 1852 4 56 789. »::$3298'e 1854 .............. 4.36 1852 34 ....2493 1854 .............. 8 03 1854 ..............8 5 1854 ..............7 89 182 4 567890.... 74 85 1852 3436t890.. 3357 1852 34 5 6 789.. 25 60 185234 ..........25 44 1852 456789 .... 17 09 1852 845678 .... 83347, 1852 34 5 678...- 25 64 1854 .............. 9 35 1852 34....... 19 68 1854 .............. 424 ,185234 .... 155 1854 5............ 520 1854 ........ ..... 7 86 185234 5 6 78 9.. 23 66 1854 ,............1M62 1852346678 .... 26 69 182 34...... 16 17 18fl5 ...........18 91 182 4 56 789.::: 26 73 185456 .... 18 74 184 5............ 58 184356 ... .......88 182 4 56 89.... 38 94 1854 56 789D.... 81 79 184 6............ 469 1854........... .. 4 80 MARA. 200 100 100 100 100 189 2 200 t 174 8 100 8 200 4 100 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 200 6 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 7 80 7 100 7 100 7 100 7 200 7 200 8 60 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 100 5 200 8 95 8 96 8 181 8 115 8 21 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 87 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 100 9~ 14 9 2 9 50 9 13 10 100 10 100 10 60 10 110 10) 110 îî 100 Il 100 îî 200 JI 100 Il 100 Il 100 5l 0 il 50 Il 100 15 75 Il 196 12 100 12 100 -12 100] 12 100] 12 100 12 200 12 26 la 75 Il 100 12 150 la 20w la 100 18 100 18 100 18 $00 la 100 la 100 Eà Southa hall, 18, A Noth hal 1, lut half la Northa hall S 7, 1 7, 2 8, 8 Soutlh all 81 h 14, 8 Southa hall 7, 4 Souillahall 12, 5 Northa hall 12, 5 North hall 14, 5 15, a South hall 12, e North hall 12, e South hall 1, 0 North ahal 18. Brokean . 2, 1 9oth hall Ir.a North hall 13, South hall 1, 19, 20, 2, South hall 7, 131 South halfl14, Southa hall 15, South hall 17, SNorth hall 17, Noil all 18, -- Soilla hall 18, 20, 1Soitl hall 28, - 26 27, 28, 29, Northr halb el 1iorlh hall 7, North hall 8, Northa hall 14, Soath. hall 14. South hall 16, Southa hall 18, Nortlah It18, South hall 20f Northa hall 28 ]W'kon à Broken 27, Broken 30, Broken ai, Northa hall 24, North hall 26, N W ofNhalf 28, 82 Atherly bouge 8, Southa hall 9 South hall '10, 16, bI;ortili hall 17, Ronth hall 17, East hall 22, North hall 2, South hall 24, NE9qumtar 26, N W quarter 26, Northa hall 27, S WPart 30 South hall 'r, South all 8 North hll 1 Nortlwf b l1t North hall le, $0, Northa part 21, 21, Norllahall 28e sa, 17, Soutllahall Il, 24, North hall 2e. North u aS27, Eaal part 10, Fr West pwu '.Io, Fr le, FI 17, Fi 20, i 21, i 26, Y %7, i 2, '82, 3, 44, 4 46. 21 20. w ma1% l0k Front Frot Front Front Front Front Iront Front Front Front Front Front Front Front Front A S( s Sc S4 S 182384..... 8677 1852 845ô6 78,9 60 08 S Wpart 10, 1854 5 6 789.... 67 02 12, 182384 57 89... 51 1- 16, 1834689..56 53Nortbbhall 17, 1834 07 8 9.... S W quartar 17P 1854567 8 9. 90 -à-aS Equarter 17, 182346789 72069 Eat balf 22 185346789 78 32 Wes aat 13 1854 ............. 206 01 13, 1854 ............. 6 29 SE part lb 18246 78 0..5581 35, 1852 8 4 .1.... 669 35. 184 7 89. .. 21 43 Wt part 9 , 1852 34 5 78 9 z4945Wast part 9, 19524 5 678 9.60 01 S..thpart 14, 182 34 067 8 9.66081 19, 185234567... 877320, 1852345679 ..- 41 73 27, 183 456 7 89 ..38 41 32, 1853 4 5 6789..52 89Nortipart 33, 185345........... 22 40 East half 18, 1852314.......... 1 6 3 North bai! 24, 185 34 56 8 .. 9110 Eat hall 28, 18556789 .8... 7810 West bal! 2, 153456789... 788061Was at 32, 153456789. 61 part 19, 182324 567 8 .. 63"8Wesbal 20, 18514678 .10329West bali 24, 112 3 4 66 789. .-.53 4 2, 183145.......21 9 Soutbal 29, 182 34 56789...- 48358 Nortb part 29, 182324 5 67809... 43 104 East quarter 15, 18523 436 7 89... 50350 23, 18i324ÃŽ,6 7 89... 50350, West ial 34, 1832 3436 78 9... 7820stnîbali , 159,3436 78 9..5801Easthbali 3, 182 3456 79 "... 41839 Eatlialf 4, 18521436 789g.115 89 Fat bal 6, 1852 34 5 67r8 9..119 04 Nrtbhalf 7 18524 56 78 9.298727 18"546 789. ..4468 - J1 185456789... 471 20, 18845678...5744 21, 182 34 5 678 9..3481i29, 185246 78 9.50 37 18534 ............ 11il 83 l2345 ...38 09 1834..... 282 1803467 8 950 998SE pat SI 1854............ 13 26N E part 5 1852 3467 89...20 85 Souhca , 183456789 ...là167 Nort balll Io, 18932436 78 O8 5043,Northîuiilf11, 1823 467 89. 16136 Noth ttitoi , 18534 ............113 11 Noth'tI 13 1853345......._... 51 723 Nortihidi 1, 18524 ............6 2 Sothi mdi 1), 18523845 79 ...135 16 Southti lat 1 1823284 5 79..:.107582 Southblaf 18, 1854 .......i88 4 n nîr îu1, 184 5 67 89. 6 183Noctha hall 15, 1854 56 7 89.3 6 31 Nou-tIibal 4, 18M45 6 79 .....8869 Westbhail 1, 1854 .... .......... Noruh%l ftie 2, 1853 4 567 89 47 28 Nort hlaii3, 1854.. ... 1 0 45 Est hidi. 5. 1852 3458 9..41 67 Southi hll 10, 5833789~: 860 W quiarr12, 1853478..... 2 0 0N W quartiir 12, 1834587.323... 2 6 at at 18456788 .391 i 19523456. . 89 20 Sonbth al 8, *Su-** 7 Ã" Nrthall 8, 1 18234590.. .1.. 0. 10, 18523 46 780.40 50 Sontiîpart 14, 18523467894842 West piut 15, ct 18523 45,6 7 ai*.59 83 E 15 % s af 1, 0 382845678 .... 6748 Norhshlf , D 1832 345 .... 41 89 5.OrhItuali 7, 1 38545679....1 nntbbuilf 9, 6 1852345...... l 14 s-th atl l9, 5 382345 .... 2016 1 38,52284 .2.... 3340 a 1Ï343.... ....... 447Es 6lil , 1316 72 Sorti- hall 6 0 1523567 ... 42 24 Souut hatf 6, 0 15234 .2.. 279 s, 0 184........... 3 8ocba! u 1852 3 45.... ... 11 Southaî 6, IW2 4 ........ we 7, AJI.hNortha hall 7, 75 103 188 1 91 83 81 831 88 107 84 84 m) 117 200 88 130' 70 200 2» 171 185S 34678 9--6 77 14 5 6 7 8... 17 8 1852 34 &6 7 89..102 " 153 24 5.17....171 16523456788..- 7748 1852345078 9.. 1807 IMS3456789g.. 5496 1823436 78 9 .3496 1582345678.. 53 1523345678 9.. 52096 182 34 5 07 8 9., 5949 1823245678 Q.. 4400 185456789 ý. 0207 182 34 5607 89.. 34 54 I53245 6 78. -...32 94 18MS45678 9.. 4407 183346 f.83911 187A4..........1284 182 345 6789.. 45 14 18Z524679 .... U,974 18ý323 4 5 6 78 '9..' 46 O 1800134 56.... 2S 9 13243G..156 I52324 5 6 789.. 830W 18ý2 3 4 557 89.. 20 42 14 5437 995 04 18523 4 567889.. 79548 1852 34 àT78 9... 67 -& 5213 4 5._... 2' rÀaide. do 8 do 4 doe do 6 dua do do 2 do 1 do I do 1 do 1 do l do 169 de 1 do 1 do l do 5 do do 4 do do de do li do 18 do la do 14 do 17 do 15 de 38 do 3 la do 22 le la 8 W qarter 1*, Sout Ept 4, N W quarter21, 19, 19, N Wut part 91% S EWpart 15, Sort part 19, S W part 20, Wýst hal 1, lEat lal! 1, 1, Noprt af 18, Westat 19, VEut hall 1, Nlut hal 1, 1, 1, South hal 16, IVs al 19, lSth hal 5, Souathhal 1, 19, 2, So~uart 6 , South hall 8, Soouth hall 11, South hall 6, NootV part 6, SEatpart 21, Suth bal 24, S Epart 2, Centra 2, Esidea N end 4, North bail . 7, Nort part 8, Easthall 6 s wpart 6 N Wpart 7t, Mliddlla of 9 hui7, W.part 10 do 1556 . . 77 f t al il 2'o 18"5à567 8- AuEasalf 22 IU84 58678 . 06 do T& ........ 20 7 24 <a 1 4678 . 0 7 a al do 7 568.12..... 60 7 Wetawlî em «Ch I18848 .. .... 081 il do185447....... 17 d, 3454 .......... 20667 do 3691D8. Q 6 .... e c .87 WFart IU 3246876a.....27 . 1 de M4 4 7 a...... . --267 E.atirt 18 do 1814*f4! ...320 7 2 do 18m145y a..... 7...a.20 6;35 do &Uà I ......3 7 do 1 L_« 20 67 37 de A" 30 ie 1~ ~2~a675 206? ~nM5678.2067 14 il 2' I I 1 TRANS VOL AMOUIM, m 7 18 î52 34 5. 581106 -do 2 18543678 . 6 do 24 ,ro do 4.5 95 18545............ 10 88 dod 5) 1522456-.-1888- ado a 60 î5367 8 g..27 7 do 2 d 50 '.185224 56. 544 lCoatlialdOI' 55 18523450. 8 24 do I 40 1855T8..B-~ 25 88 do 3 15 1854 9..........2757 de. 4 80 1823 4 .....03 do _O 8 185 4.... .. .... . 907 do 7 00 185294 ....17 74 do 8 ()0 1852 3456,7 g ..2487 do 9 150 1854689 ..2487 do 11 ý95 1854..... ....... 44 6à do lit à 184 5... ....... ..451 do 133 80 1854.............11l60 do 14 11154 . î 77 do 15 4o 1854... 211Il do 16 .00 183450.... 19 59 do 17 00 18546............. 456 do 18 00 18523 45057 89... 61 18 do 19 200 184 56 ...... 25 13 do' .20 200 185234678 ....4382 do 21 100 1852 34 56 78 9- -84 92 do 2 Io 182 3 456 78 9. ..40 72 do 2 j(» -185436 78 9 ..53 do 23 100 182 346 i-7 8 9... 548 do 24 100 18545678....022 do, 25 200 1852 34356 78 9... 52286 do 26 200 185458 ...*21 79 do 27 50 1833 4 56. ..10 97 do 28 50 1852 3456ri7 ...16 34 do 29 100 1854 .............. 2 24 200 185458789. 56 0 do 30 100 1852 3 45 6 789.. 8777 do il 100 18523 4........... 13 87. do 32 200 1853456789 ...6078 do 33 200 1852345 .6.. 0 24 do 34 15' 182 34 56 7 89...- 13 40 do 35 100 18534 ..... .... l do 36 100 18545 ........13 do 37 do - 38 SÇUGOG. do 39 do 40 25 isba 4 56 7 ...... 218 North aida>? 25 1852456 7.....30 33 ico s. lt 1854 ................. 9 6 S dmo I 3 1854 5 6*... . ...C.do 2 3~ 15456 ...... 13 do 3 100 t 852 3 4 5 6 7 . 26 01 25 1853467989.....25 80 do 5 50 1853467 ....... 23329 do 6 50 M8 2 3 4 5 6 78 . ... 4 56 do 7 100 18534 56 78 9-.102 34 100 1853456789 ....53305 do 8 200 185456 ........ 50 66 do 9 100 1854561.........35 3 do 10 74 18545 6768.......40 1 do il 200 1854 56 718 9 . .... 141 00 do 12 16 18545 ... .. .. 9 5 133 1852 3 436 i8 ..... 151 do 13 47 18523 46g78,......26 57 do 14 40 1852345.........24 23 do 15 -do 16 SCOTT. do 17 do 18 21 1883 4 &6T. 164 do 19 200 185345 ... ....335 2 do 20 200 1853 4........24 14 do 21 100 185345 .........17111 do 22 50 18534 567 .....2016 ilo 2 50 1853456789.......do223 100 18534 5 6789....5680 do 24 100 18534 567 89 . 4... 3 66 do 25 200 18545 6789.....4690 ado 26, 135 185345 6 78 9..439 do 27 200 185345 67 89 .....9O88 Suhad 5 185334 56 78 9.--.-30 01 thad 2 45 1852 345 G7 89_... 3093 Siancoat. 28 1854 5678 9.....14 99 do 3 72 1852 34 5 6 78 9.2536 do 4, 50 1854 56 789.1.. 80 do 5 1 7 9 1 852 3 4 5 C 78 9 . 3 72i d o 6 185 185234 5 6 789. 4097 173 18534 5678 9 ...6290 do 7 200 1853 4567289 ....6036 do 8 69 1852 34 56179 9..343 do 9 100 1853 45 6 789...3173 do 10 9 J 1 8 5 2 3 4 5 .1. . . . . . 9 992 d o î 100 1854 562789 .4....933 10 19.54 56 78 9 .......933 do 12 61 1852 3 4 5628 9..4430 do 13 176 185345 .............2602 do 14 100 184 56189 . 29....921 do 15 100 1853 4............15 do 17 200 1852 34 56278 9 .. 89 d 100 1852 3 4 5 627809. 54 19 do 1 85 1852 34 562 789. 485 Norlh.ida> 50 1852 4 ..............9 3Victoria st. 200 18534...2.......399 do 2 100 , 1852 34 56 78 9.... 84 do 3 100 18312 4.......... 421 100 1852 34 568 9.5403 do 100 182 34 56 78 9 . 55 do 5 100 18456789 . . 38...835 do 6 100 1834 .................. 4 84 do 7 200 1852 3 4 65.43.. ... 3 78 do 8 25 18523 4567 8 . 18...820 25 185456 8 ...._. _ 120 do 9 25 185456789 .1..736 do 10 25 185456189 .17.. 736 do 1l 25 18534 ...5....524 do 12 THORAE. Vctori t. do 2 50 185245167 .4...042 do 3 15 15245679 .... 28 7 10 1854 5 69...37.. 798 do 4 100 85567 9.........2452 do 5 10 105467 9......7. 67 do 6 100 18284562809.4..844S 100 18M5462 a9.....2. 72 do 7 100 185467 8 9.......22i do 8 164 18545672 ...... O22 os 83 184567 ...tisa....il5 do 9 83 18546728 9.....199 do 10 83 154632218 do 3 88 154561389 ...... 83a 5IS4678.......1 46 noo 1 83 183456........ 137132"North aide 83 1854567 89 .....226 7 100 154 5 627 8 9...... 7a2 Abert ai. 100 ffl546 78 v.4....doÏ2 50 1Ot4. ....... 44003 do 3 100 1854.%6 9. .......Uo 100 15467 89.2...517 do 4 10 f04........... 1313 do 5 106 18"456a7 a89...... 577 50 18342 .......... 6" do 6 50 1M45 ......... 101 do 7, X3 la"85599..>...... 1183 do 8 20w l54 5628s<9...... l do 9 m60 18&4A67.--.. 11la83 do 10 lo lo du da "0. do do do do do do do d. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do. do do do do do, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do de de do do do do do do do do do du de de dc di 1 5 67 8 ..... 20 67 185452.8.... 20 67 îosa5 67 8..... 20 67 18545678 ... 2067 îol556 78.4 0 67 15426 878....... 26 i854 587..i.....172167 1854567 8...*....20 67 ,BU5 a7 8 ...4..20 0 1854567 8... 206Q7 1m546 78 ..... :20 67 1854567 9........00 e 18.54578 9::....2417 15435678.9.. 21l7 1,%56 7 8 . 20 67 1845678 . 20 67 1954567 8 . .0 67 1S8 à5a78 . 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678.. 20 67 1.854 56 7.::20 67 18%5678... 20 67 i854 5678S.:.. 20 67 18545678.... 20 67 154 5678S.... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 97 18545678 .... 39 43 18545678 .... 20 77 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18%546 78.i.. 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18M546 7 8.... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545 6 78.... 20 67 1854567 8.... 20 67 185-1567 8.... 20 97 18545678 .... 20 67î 1854 5 67 8.... 20 671 1854 5678 .... 20 67! 18545 6 78.... 20 671 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 1854 5678 .... 20 67 185 i6 7 8.... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18.5456 7 8.... 20 67 1854 567.... 20 67 1855678.... 20 67 1954 56 78 ... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 1854 5678S.... 20 67 18546678.... 20 67 1854 5 6 7 8. ... 20 67 18545678.... 20 67 18545678 ... . 20 67 18545678 .... 20 67 18545678 .... 20 0 1854 56 7 8.... 20 97 1854 56.1 2 92 18545678.... 20 67 18545 678S.... 20 67 154 5 67 8.... 20 67 1854 56 78... 20 67 1854567 ...'20 67 18545678S... 20 67 1854567 8... 20 67 1854 567 8 ... 21 59 1854 567 8... 20 67 1854 567 8... 20 67 1854 567 8... 20 07 18546678S... 20 07 1854 567 B... 20 67 1854 567 8... 20 67 18.14567 8... 21 32 1855678S... 20 67 1854.5 6 79..- 20 67 1854 56 7 8... 20 67 * 1854567 8... 20 67 18%567 8... 20 67 18545678S... 20 67 185456 7 ... 20 67 1855 678..20 67 1854 56 78..20 67 18545618..20 67 18545678..20 67 185415.......... 00 Io 1854567 8... 20 67 Io 1845567 8... 20 67 Io 18545678...'20 67 Io 18245678B... 20 67 Io 18545 678... 20 67 o 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854 ri678S... 20 67 lo 18545678S... 20 67 lo 1854567 8... 20 67 la 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 185466 78 ... 20 67 lo 1854 56 78 ... 20 67 do 1854 5 67.-.20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 du 18545 6 7 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854 56 78... 20 67 i1o 1854 5 678... 20 67 do 18;4 5 6 78... 20 67 DENTISTRY' D R. 0.O.s,.JEROME, surgeon Dantastis 1 tiwbOarceqiirk ing mOOla u lei and nte ublie t a 51oliu8for sioilibfl$ u vititff ae ita, opou isîtillea hisho ie iIbis' al lu -itilad btoieta ou Tengltet'tâe t air2 thoaci wh so a e ..Afarti wiba rocsi. t 1 Dr (J C auoaut1w-01,uoi tait iti triont iffilit eue silli ttc greatest pelqtOoti. In ah mfullccasss, partlii eau*ti 'a lBock Tct wiL llaIi3Gurus.inieh-lisb lut avOu-y resplect, o!th iba ding Dentists 1i1n tcsYork, otnîlt~ eiuuoi citiestu ltt thettaUiteîd finie. oasyg te tii be rin ueti lhtgt,,,rsiteeIouinsuOrî tooo n lh a7ratctfnithrecout deesncà higttcr anti ueO rPoforobl tltauugotl or ans auber intaoio pltei ob on uIi Dut.Jcuuouï, ooltt isi ot b ea ut tlutl ttuat tlifne sire l ru-t ucIlued ttheprie 11otutol liurtofsra ncu tisctsauuturd.lie l~<' ttf-cia Iütr tit i-li a t 1u0tltu s e cs'iottluttlY uaîng tthe atova o ul utb&tiltti u veracel i ,it I t put, doriug sabietitiu itett"tasl'it tuiîiu-Ogrsai ziatutar ofcaises, uul li atlt uaolath£ittt st ai satisfation ltas tbecsIliaifctod by Itou patientea. Goid, SilvrrlisaitPlainauiplates eut ap ln the Lattest Styles' AUCrienpt 0thutt nua,futie1'Te.LtOrGulnd tto atsl ctsiut11:tte Tastitalu or Oatieu lar atentioni ian us tihe regsuilI l' 01cli ircis recti. .,inliti,)F'ceî.. Al îork Wiurrtuiid PS. Ce,, ld exautuIttestf;eiettîîts oftîtls wort befoco gettiliî, )5sia lch i iseteulpetttc. F#ii~s a BuLDEsie Le 0"' ,S. 151. CU FIE D & Co IMPOIITEIS 0F Staple and Fancy Dry Goods GENER.XL STOCK 0OF G;roertes, Crock-ery, China, Earthefl A»D GLASSWARE. Cecoe siItret ttti sllsiCu ofaceto, 5uotr I rictite t. licatîaîstu .l, airet fu-sutu te Stotuftufisu urîs5 at l e lout a auuy lioson isttîc tu-ilo Wvel aioftouleul. SPRING IMPORTATIONS or Dry Goods, Groceries&o.s PRINTS, IIEL.8INES, NeiaRobes, Orienai, CobooIrg9, plinta& Faiel Dres.ses,Ccek rlaide, Giaighenib, Plait, undl FaauüY Shirtinfgs, Cott0one, Tiekin.-Siund Sirapeul 8iuims Bau-r? and Sniockintl, &e. L. i. SCIttFtELD & Co. I1NON T Ceuo heck Pîsnidg, Drille, 1"Linens. Miolcskitas. Satinettg. Canton Fianneis.swhilte anti gccv Cottons, Vcstsngs Beadyatuadc Clsaîhing, te. b. il. S-IIPIELD Ca Miu5 lst,1391. DBroad Cloths, Cassim6res, Tweods, Doeskins, Plaids, &c. i_ iIl. sctiOFIELI) & Co. 5!ay letu. 1-4o. M DF il.Sens, Beys, Children. Lb. Il. stlut>FIELtS & te. May lt, 1808 SPRING IMPORTATIONS 0F Tala, Sugars, Tobucao, Currants, Rai- oies, itice, flarlav. Cotllèe, Spire, saep, Csîdles, Poilms, Cord- agec, &c., Wane@a,IiurOdYo Rani, Old lViskey, Tues,Aie, Prcer, Vlnecar, &. L. il. S2tFED& Vis. May Itt, 1400. 3,000 ROLLS RO0M PAPER Al5 SIItE54 ANIPîE5 Mtay ais, 1860. (a Cs.e Opritu l t..t1", viuLuLe. 2cctt-Psa. 4(nuit plu ut i;i.I îfin, Btm, I tt.ctr-aus ca ,Bhc. Il SCvii andIED & Usa. 111,-k lst, til!tu. TO I i 11 . MII0AIi BAS !OPSALB HÂVEST N OF EVEUT DESCRIPTION WHIIC II EISSLN< MNPRESEDENTEDLY wW IMM GREAT OLEARING SA-J ÉSI Onad ferMuay, July 2- 1 EO, the subscrîbers wiu em mnence selling theremainder 1torSrn n umrSo f 1r0c At eatly redclcd pniccs.7, per cent discount 'w-ii he ftilo1Vý oY on a cka ur-ases over one dollar. Sale tou ontinue for two months only; u anl drten na stboclaad to~iiL ay for Fou poprclîases witlnn the preserbed tim. Uleu ' b Otn -oust bargaîna ma> ha epccted an Ladies. HIATS, BONNE TS, JIIBBONS, ils af gueumnSBarages, Delains, Shawlis, Capes, Skxrts., ef. trjnmIflg5, Gloves, Hqosiery, Childrens and Ladies ,publih< ]Boots and Shoes, GentiemeUs Hats and Caps, &Ijapaea and Léuster Coatings, Cotton and ID union Tweeds, &o., &c., &C1tWe exThe higbest price paid for A sorts of 1Taar 'e Farniers Produce. Nocapean LOWES & POWELL.h tO 152E PI ilie thai iii dc lbs Of M jing ar, BEOGS 10 announce 10 bis nuinet-,slqriens andeistiimerthat lia i. i. ryn CARRIAGE MAKING _ IN imI. iS IBRANCHIER, AI On the preinises heretofore oecapieî by %Ir. N%. RAY, on Mary Street, betwes Bcîsî- t and Brock Streets, whera lac is prejîared, as iîcralsîlare, to exectilteal arders intruited to his cate.À T R & . CARHIAGES, BýliTGIIZS, SLEIGIIS, CUTT S&C,1 Z gýManI1ietured nad solîl n the Lowest rcaasneruiting Prîras. iEt ALIL WtlIK W AI1IANTEI)s s lios LUit JLR anîd lI>RODUCE T!KL7 'd.INGg INal M.II>rT PPRJCEà F(j D. FORJYS long caperietace on i îirtialYcars iin tic principal Nialaiîiictoritfhe.sa t tî States anti Canada lias giveta tliftt e c i n i ievvrv br:adii ofthea busillesvlc few hava been ablea un arrive M.i.11hi foir iiusnt l o esii-, eieg .ncc ai fiLi Ldo-iilt and soiity Of workniaeisliP i '; s sork- c: nt 'lie excelle3. c theE #I-~csil and îaa speciniana.s t Wliiby, A.8utai 6. 05 Iligliest Ca«shl price paid for any quantity aIt the Stores of -:0- FASHIONABLE 1 REJD YMfIJDE CLOT711-NG! in Tweeds, Faucy Mix~tures,BA GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER. A IIA'MILTON & IIOBEItTS, 17 Nos. 1 & 2, Tili's Block, Whîtby. B t S~R~GNBSU 1 i A BO A Begs to inft)rm bis customcrn an e b ier, that hia stock of Naw Gonds îî now to "axnd andl W'ilibca old Cheap for ~ B conaistiiig 0 a rge aisotOent ni IJBS$GUBS BBNITS RBBn S, PNRI)A l S, ' 100 18534 9.20..2036 100 1853 4 . .. 12 42 100 1852346789 59 15 100 1852346789 6089 100 1852 3456789 55 OS 100 1853 4..4...1 186 1854 6 ... 17 65 100 18W3 48. 371 I 100 1852 3 456... 24-70 200 1852à456789 10537 100 1852 3 45678 951-6 200 1853456 78 9100q79 ~200 1855 67 89. 8633 61j 1854 56 7 89.31 38 2M 1823456789 1W 89 93 1854 56 7 89.4043 200 1954 56 7 89.. 9 2 100' 1853 4...119 1 100 1854 ..........7702 25 1824â678 2417 H J. GIBBS B AS OPE1NED AN OFFICE IN Qr,. bec fo. the Transaction of the Ilti. cusaof Parties residieg linTJpper Caaaia or elaawbare, witl a ay of the Govarninelt Departmaouli Perm"asdasiroua of seenring Patentis ,r Tandis, or baving Claiius of ay other lid agalatat the Govarumenator' reqairiag0 inoaaaation .otainallat tla e o Lm or otlar Ptulie feas, may bave baW buftan dillhgaatly atlaildad to-Lb7 a j edweie rite atteetioS IL L Gl%8 'QuIaa, saet2% 8 iUL 3q

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