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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1860, p. 3

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a se. than dancer ; ilac 1 Iconsider *iisly aWkward le polka and valtu. mced toe mtertaa a continuai fear apura woutld bo doing dssmage tu testume,and a concere for the la. nuy accouai for thse i.ck of se hl m eclg. Aitihe bail np o mecsam0d"te andIs tur au re formai Meudhon bofore sote wus amnt *ls.ladhcal mail, ern Y pW"lg, beyond tbo C&WelIl p of tis]ae, ols., ad if ri;hoonnn, smleil, appeaed te c fiuaMd to luzassete inf0c(""M5 intorai ret-jat.lRe tock Paet daouuntll atse houe cf ltaig uck, and lis departusm fresu tise 4tdieltiesa vathe igani for psy UtgdSveteQ-n, n toni 11ia Royal Hîginscs tiseprinceo of e -11iprobahlarriverit Quehea sissto, Ith or 1ttisof ausigîst, And W'11 OPaîn bil o ri dge t Moisrcai osntise 25tis btmont1. Oa or Ierore tisa2ud of' tii i ber Ieîil isit Ottawa, and wii Ge SsssdftY <th) lt Toronto. Mia ROY- Te ghneOà' sabsequent movefs5eits sili t esateil y circumistiaCes. ais fiereptiens or lovees wli prsbaiîy iyehotîs hy niZRyal ilighnsacs ait to felose.te asces : li gs'oI.t1, Oto.NnC ,,y gentle'man desiroue of heiiig pro- cet teRis Roya ighnssa ato0ne for 8 leCes, mut cause his intme and ad- ta ho ltft eiu tle Equerry ofr is i ilighi5e'sor niti Lieuteeaut-Colcstel Dl.P C te the Governor Griserai, ,st site day beforea suci levce taises St, An ex-ceptiais to tliin esie cast ooiy o ilcases iSSn 15 mids te l e a taes ci ta00so after tihe Prince's arrivai aslo e ts oheraînce iiopra.iticsble. Alpersans, nsot British sssjects, or l'el taituaitY residests is Canada, isust P throir s eansid sdsrests ha transa- i asu afaresasisitiisotgh the Consul or Conssul of teir nation, if thero hac nt tise place, und milI haie ousidercd scîted tIo iaItoyal Hi.-iinesn by %V Cosaior V ice Consulssli At the levcae oei'y peisoit wiil brase Pl ns iitntiY srittcn, coaîasiiil4N anseund office or Miitry rutk i p ose of suds cards lviii hae detiv- 1 lit tise coutrancte ia order tiit it may li esjared Siti ie lilsiof mflashesprevi- Gi ssinitd, a-id tisa stier nil he roains 1 c A. 1). C or Equcrry lunsaiiîsg at a meo of prcetaliofl. or Aftr the assisuicement of is name nv gcsientenif vii pay hie respects to Ils fliglisesis hy honing and wahi ussa Coîîncis eomuaîdisg districts, ai- le ida sseasers of tise active force also A e preaeneil, wnul appuar lnusniform. e' Ail atdrespresented toa Ris Itoi cas Cali as a geserai raIe, be presaistei fi Ialy, oîîy at iecues. Ais exception i,, ho madaeaisesIlis Royal Higîsîsean permit asnhbsddrsses from Musniciplt(a tu. he preseuteti to hlm os his arn- f soute statisn or place, anîd inseulsani 1 cases- f Copies of addresnes to be presessite Rîîyali tigigiss, mutni t tansDItit- 01 t toast oeaday befure ilanlitesidud t seulsttiea. At tiesainme tiase itl i atarly resuesteid that copies cf ahl ad- 5 which it la desiresi to presî-it to Ris E jlighistss, ssay ho forsvarîlî-îas.15 usas i as tlîey are framed ansd adaîtued as ti le, tethie Secretnry of thse tisser-I sacrai, R. T. Pciinefiétler, 11"sq., C.t averîsor'a Secrtary'u Office, Augut 3rd, 1860. Thse Great Bail a% Halifiax. tcs.,iiosildrsssof fletC l iasf'eist WcEDESAoY, P. m., Au,,. bal cameoffil Ist ccesiîîg ccordiîsg -mualme sutIse Procur.e Bouse aud rillialt nliair. 'Iherea it dbeeîs t cither aide of thic1Provinsce sea large wooden buildings, admsis- teiicis aug iîed front, thi~ ssier sie for the hall roomn and tise otiser diiîg-iali, snd front endi lusenud vas auistlibokea vien. TIselisait eoîertei the ilseenîlve Coitacil or, tsed no5w as a grand retiing ad from wiîsdos of elsicîs a aplesa- e of thse gay scelleis of tise hall below c ohîuinscd, andI lie Asnembly Chams- ssîsely Oppesite, in which tîdy malt- -ii up lunch i-ssii periotis of tIse g.Froas the seindowa cf the latter per esous miglît bh eceis itîs fine Ailtishe nartmneuts vere dî-esued, Of Iisit ere lItated lu baI-rao-,, ois, asnd sapper room, ansd the ssii- desire, oii the parts offitht stewards, et pist, ansd bine rouet tes, seensed nheisace as fur as possible the of every guet. The miitary were- t issa requisitioîi, and the huild- srrtuaded by seutriceis ose duty talreserve tise place from the dans- acqaitanse of rowdies lu geseral st-rs lu particular. The gacats as rsîidly, anti shortly aller 9 ocloclit Il., lrince, cIad t ilin lubis Colonelsa Cîseredth ie bali-roomn with Ladyt e pan blu aros, tise royal salte, &ic.E g. Tisa etrnnces ons ctcrtd uc-1 lifer the energeti effol'rts of as oleano, 'eho wltis frantie wavingn ite stick kepitihe asuemhloi gueula tht area teft open for the procca. dl a couple of exceedisgly prettyt APPErs1iENSIOX OF MSS COSSTANCE EET. A Meeting of inagistrates as held yesa tcrdîîy to conîtinue the investigtionts io this Mstcvious tiaordei'. Fro s 19 'Ciock te haif-past thrca the inqali.yN.as coadact- ed with clorcd doors. At tha lutter l'Our itispectar whieher, ef tisa metrapliltan detective fosrce, appearcd, haviisg Mis, Constance Kent, a haif sister of thc deceas. ed chilI, in eastody. Tho accased waliaad with a tiria atcp froiss 1er father's bouse te the hall, but was inje tcrs Shc sat with lier eyes fxcsl ou the ground taroughoui tise inquiry. Inspector Whicher stutesi ta tise bcnch thiat, since last Suallay, ho lsud been enged ila investigsutisg the circuit- stances Of tihe laie isarder. le said, from iMy exuiniation of the promises, the sce of tho mortIer, froin saquiricsandsi ifor- ,natio received, I have resua te helieve ibat the saisi marder was perpetrated hy an ilimute of tisa hause, aad I suspect that Misa Constantce Kent lu implieated in the irti. and 1 ray for a warrant toa appre- - I I Tha Do.idp~ Nesea eisjccîs ta isls prepo. lsenti her Thsis stels lias laets tahsen froua The Priu.eess FrevIericSIWiliamn Sal tIse fasi thai oui ejaasiiing ih i lIsasohftise becs couiniet with a daugisuer. bousoe, sushueqoenthy te tIse tiscovery oftisa Naples bscedered the mitisiraval et al arier, tisa palice foutid that s hcigows, lber tcoops froruu Siciy helosgiuug te the yosuug lady, mss sîîihuu, Threc Duîcl nueti-f-wa are ordcred to asnd, nitisstigmli a strict unqeiry isas laes Beyesut. matIe, ih b.snuit au pet Iseat iscoveras.- 'Tige Belgia Cisaber cf DepsîehallIs At tise close of tisa gvidessce Inspecter presestcd au addresa ta tise Kiag conugre Wisichar isa, luI, T sask a for a reinausd tuhasisg hlm opoentise compieteusoetthe for a fety dtisyand on tisai occasion I ha- 29t1s ycar cf bic veigo Tise adireass ettraoi lieve T1ssail le sable te sowe tise amus attentioa, from tise faet tisat lu coaden wih eis teil betmecn tise prissaceand la strog temms- te aggresaive palicy il tise deccoacd, andte t senthSotise is ssiug Franuce, anti iniirecily apei aEsa nigstgoms wviteif tin exiatence, msy for protection apsiiusi Frpnise s diga Possbleho hofouni. later isueo furthcr Tise udiresa 'esaisptd usnasnaorell ais coaaulttit, tise prisoner, vshi ati aîoutiy enîisssiasîicaIIy. asueried iber innocence, vas remndesic lil Garibaldi bas captsrcd Be.lase. Fs-uap next, anit vas remaigvee tuDe-ieu Tise King of Siavdiuhaisa ireechacit I scn uita autagraps jette, tauGsnlbad'tre qneslussg iine st te iack uthe coninenta As IliaunsPuEs ItuosaaNr ix isn - possessionu ofthlie Kits7cf Naphes.- tord Ayhmer, visas ciaietutalha ranhed A Mos-mon coufe-lce vwu lisein len ateing tise Peera ai Ireland vas adiaitted tdoe. Brigisat Younsg aW eS etri seail isy tise Hanse et tordu os Tisursday, tifstise Bormon cisurcis. lOtis Juiy, Sergeasi Bus-ke astdOie. Hodg 11,000Frencis trep, amj d e,te Sys soa, mppearing as coussel, fer Lia lerlasii, 2,500 Engliais and a Sieat tfalsipe vaV in tise descendant anti rapresentaive of tisat goisg. gallautadmirahilise finit LeAdJjhsaie, ene Abilel ader lpis oen e for Qoee cf tise ierocu af thee alclary of La Rogue, otuipriag. vise vas Goïeenoulof Greesnwichs Muepitahe  reportesi officiai telet ogi.ue sai visoce ports-etnresagt lise»Oe uurg -he tremby ispiveen tise XMsres ad t thse Rieus caa ine epeteite sePaintait Druaca, isu t acs cg "tm Manl of, tise esftiah. Tise irai Lent Aly* Napohen hait gone tg ($iles ar. Mtsueva tiseAdWssihiseescortait George Tise Ring et S5xoy ,,j&V" Wou, t acreca *sea oesvisea lue cmue ta lske coltpariOpate iii tise Toplijt cnefce possesson citise lIrilIis tisose, ait tigre Tise Beli" is al tbrtmrc that tigns. tatisatishehum. of Ayiuer lise meuaint usemens t4ase bses consaSStly andsti eteeitalshy engsg- v] n an eptedtea ou el initls.avual ant i ;iii*mi sie ofut" isie l of t sL' , osutry. Ii ai a&ceta s .this i torut <ie s ig 18 peckeoneég ,honorable, adbu beesa Mghy pected o.Baim6Uad g I*bu theib esubselution of tise Frenchs troop is en uspesidtd fer tise presefit. ett Tw- T'nSareisian resslsis1ale beneut of thieCout of 3 ri Tise tnprteeVueroy cf Egypi plae teseiseAt tbe disPessfielt sultan te pur- r. wtasr.a ictera mi: reat e&citemenC ps-iiid agaisat tise Tus-kasniccoant e ,ose M aacm TisgoPmms Cbdittisoea -78mt tithe m epefitin pejoredby n i Î S as àm ateof aecamicy bo c s-udont, Md &a "ad opas4-miasaWbo eec tas pa to betakea by {rmmsce *01 be lmlis tbt f osepaioü ib*m ntcevetnl ZLVIX._,t on Saday ti insu hht ug %duhI O fýB I rt*.Iiae.i là Ye fNL i 1 iuis nataral droas, meben his Gypsarue .l oced tu Ilisgis and bis good-siccel moutis v Drmittad ta acar thai cxpreasioan oh 1 Ieas to Say, ,'"Tii la i very anine hut ire ila a 'good tume camuing,"- mcst ba i menOt nt eoine sacis avoat tise description i f wieli I isow - close. Amang tisu nota,4 itics ar tise Lord sud Lady Mulgrave., Alsiral aîsd Lady Blîssao, GC Troilip, le Dte cf Neveantle, tise viof.St.t 'aauGeîî. Broca, tise yaoung col.1 cad nie, cmd by înanuy as thée hero cf t tirs, sousn is aid-de camip tel tisa Prince, d a v'aciety of inilitas-yhoes, hoarissg le Victorlia cross antI otler meuls, is mtinlts ful tîeir nalorripousicsafieldl or attl. Ful dess vasreqaircîl of. civil- ts, andtsthettensetmble taenolicl tisa stuasles cf tisa. fair seus: ad tihe enriegýat-s - usifocisis of thé îsiliîa-y mand naval off- er ps'iscipsally costribaîcd, mas had- onie in tlsa extrema.5t Tise Grosai CrIcket Match. TIse isosual matchs betsneea tise Unsilei .tts aul carsinuuuuis aîniensced atI liitseiu m tlise groisîsilcftise Nesw Vorir Criceat nui, i Mcuay. Plaiy began at tsvuity iiiiissapisi res-e.1 Sl'he Caunaal peso re Nle-v.rq. Ben.i ,tr-,'iis, T. tC 15tterso.., ands A. Firsusar,1 Ir Toointo ; G. Sha~r, Hssamilton ; 'fl. 1). 'hillip, Il. Pii1s, alId.. C. ltpcisirt, ISt. Citisaristos; S. ilardsuge. 'fT(G ais' 'T. l"usiric, of Moatreial, sd <i F.StkrIlug. of Bielleville. 'l'le Ujiited States eleveann'esoe ileser's. lsltcr L. Nesnliali, lBarc-lay, Ves-isci, Kep-i ussit and Ilouce, (Aîeericasss) of Ptîilaulel' lîia ; Sîssler, sut Kiuîgs (tusay ; lllie, of ýewnsliis.sal 5'ilty, Iligham. Shaurp andi 3siasý, of Neiw'Y'rtk. 'lie UnîitedlSiestes )layars %vi-L e ceial ty ftise Coîsciticee îuîsiited lst lue Crlckcetcrs' Conventsion, eli its New YprinluMay lasI. 2'Ise St Jearges Club cf' Neii.Yck la neit rcprc- ;enteil ii tise lisI. Thsis arises frocs tiie rct finst ut tise bite C'oaventions cf Cicket- Bs that Clu uit stllcly asseoussccu their sttesîous cf est a5aiss playing linansy asslgaiistesl msatchies, and,. coeseqsseutiy, se Sutes player.;sire thss seharred fcom avic tfisse acoistasiceof tise services eflsIi. Gills, one of tiseir încciitlers,iiiid sehooi- ldgaul labe ove o c fi tacri-ictcruli A.isrscs. Tise Iiniiei States eleaen, lin- rer, wecco;usisleceau a st poîvcsiii one, ,and fri-ithec score giccîs iaciî usfan fsn eceiveul, it seul tue <iserved ,tuiit liey hald lie adeusitage over caaadsat i lîrstionr~- Cn liffliy thue Canuadaselevea %vonthe tos, and-%se-it in ri-ut. At tise clese sitîse first duys pla file t score snu Ossls lerst iiiahsigs, 811 sconiiu mes1. iii -4 wicet eutt go doesi, 43.1' iitad States, ir-st îiuoiigs, 917. 'l'ie play wuis cestîund o us'seesisy, and tisa usetets teci-iuus:teýl iii fýiseof cftise UnsitaedStaîles, clit5 l uietu to ia bai. Tisa fallolvng is lise csîusplete score:- Cnasda-irctsitu -l.Pîillips, r. <epliait, b. Ssuler, 0O;ii1ptsillipse, Pîsil- _ýfb. lJier, 14 ;Il, Itlîiips c lsti, i ale,1-1, ;C. llyctsert, lu, Soulier, 1 It. I5urcauîv.b',sslu-,7 ;Daiy, b. llolliu, 14; Iliruliuîgs, CisO ouS t;- iasusec, b. Sudi- fer, 13 ; luttci-sua, b. S 0lic ; O Fcund- -u .1er, b. ifîslis, 19 Shaurp, îlot oni, 1 ; Stusrlig, ruh ssii, 2; extrs, 12-totsi, 8t. Unîitedl Sc.tcs-leirsl Itscingi-Sharp, ru t, 0ui.; Vernoni, t). Pasrsonîs, 22 ; Wil- ay, 1). Paursonis, 0O;SIudlsc, e. t"oîuudiiiec, b. lIruiiingu'. ;li~ up, b. l isrdiige, 5 ; Nestissîl, lu. i luiruing171il Barclasy,. e.T. Pîsillîtus. 1..liunrduitgie 5 Kepisusct, rue ausi, 5 ; 1lligtsu, I la.t-seo, 0; Iiuillis. Ciii outl, Mi If use, b. ill.iiuge, 17,e axtrsss, Cutats--ucadlnigni--i.Ptiiiipi. e Il. ligtut. 1)i tuillis. Pi, i. Phitlips. b ilotlic. lu ; Sharp, 1) lills, 7; Parisosuu, c Shaurp, hsaîîss, l1ii)Iluls'. 1)s uuis, 2; lusc- (ling rui. îîout, 13 Fsuîruriî[lier d ust, Baur lui. 0 1; -s'lsrtl6; f. ' BS. i.itettuondt, () Sîisclitug, nisciti.0 ;Sapes, 8C; Icg-byes 8;wle,7--23. Totael, 104. Un sited. Stat<-s.-Scond .linisicge-Stilrp. i b se, b Ilaîstimugi'. 2 ;-s'eciun,nuit inut, 1t; "anis, ntluitmt, 4 -,Neîstui, eCi. Pîsilliln, I6; tarulisge, 27 ;Ki'îutseci, 6 msai I Ina..,(li; bp-es.Il,(; leg-liye. I u s 131 -2o1. T1otli01. Usiles ittes s %isuîsiig euhl rie nelkets tea fail. Caiîada-Fiect Tiinuîgs .......BC Seconsid î0l..........14 Toatal ...........- ....-... ID ) Unitsed Stitea--FicutlTsmings. -...-197 'i " Second d ....... d04 Tise Late Child iidiier Nrar Fronse. -whescver i msided,isnd cspesaiully ai Green- salish, isera ilthadits iaiude for masy jous. U1doiphus, 7tusand presoSsi Lord Aylntaer aedBaron cf Balralh, coenty 2Mnatis, tIse s 1accesaful elaimasi hsfor tise Lords, lives. in Canada -aud it la a curions circsosustance Ushai foremoCsi in rjitk aniongtise millionsu Sera msgts Prineisof Wals, eili P. tish. uenoir nei sucesser cf that trssty oaman wne lua l, as ni ibeis nast' hcad cf tise sîip tIsai broogisi to Ruglanti lise frst i soarcba cf tise Houas or Bruni. vricîl. - AiBrutl son. à5 YOU-NG aMieAaaneMîusIPS usa s'HEc Tise Ayr obscrceruay :-c'Our aauaily quiet îseiglisbcrlod vaslast meela rosd te a sSsla cf great exciteint, isy a report hiînsg rcaclsed us of auis nprovokiesi ad isuiî ulesge, camusittesi hy a yoeig man iand liiards, oanlise peroocf iîi4 Cgciaad isfles falther. lit appeas tîat tiso Cid nansa wlse o considaralsly ovar'80 yecirsocfcgelisas for sorme time puai been livng 0-iSs iSoita>no dosîbi expetiuîg te enîd tise rf ese cal'sisg tiys cf bis 9aieedy uavaed ifé, heuseaistise roof cf thuat i. dividuai. o-ho of ail otllera. usault iehathc fijsut te proteet aisisupport test. l tise usorsîSSg cf tIse dth n bu stou, tise os mîaa procceed totolia harn ta faosissoe tlosag, ttiutg aitis lî i sfor ttisupue a tis pail. Wlîile tisas engssged, tiseliait 1 sonnie nlufrtusie hecanha Siigluly diiassg asned luissois sakitgig ali pparasce ni tise tinte, iustaistiy antinlus teongternis opbroid cd Ilis fasîler for thisaijusry udonc. 7Eud thse affisir tiersainauud nitishis otag«e Of tise îiroceiigs ah mwouli have becs mcli, but tîsis icas naitishe case. Haviusg pracusesi a isos-amip, lîorrid ti relate, tisis ufeel- in., maust.er proccedad, sitis bs onra hooda, la lustici brualictiastiaseiint ou tise pemson of bsisîîr.olTfediag parent ; and coîstinacd asitil tiuc bacS cOfIse elC id ai* prsuctc a maltiffed lprarance. lit is to he hoped tisai tise Isar-ei.arted stonst er may oscet sciai tuai iuishmestilis cruelty se richly deserves. CCîososr ES uOF TIsONA.TIONAT. ACCOes.TN W'c lenrca froîs tIs aaaoats cf the pasi fis. alîcisîl year tlîst tisa sanuilies te tIhe royal fîsîîs ily ssintouted ta £14i3,788, hîsciudina tise tcharge tof £501110 is-year ta RZing lof thes Beigiaits. Amisig tlîe Politienl pesa. olionss arae1ayeieusiao f (2,000 a-peur tae ar. 1-lieraeli, Si- G. Grey aussiLard Gleael, ais reieeinat tfecm tliecacbintet. 'liere are ivo puensionsa cf 5,5000ayeni Caex-Lord Clisecellor, aisil six if £3,500 ta Eîîillî ex-jodgesandssî ex-Vite Cliatt'ehio. Tîsare s a n-ey long lust of compenstionis chsar- cd upuis the Celisslasted Fosnd, uosne cf thiîen rerîîsaîlbla fur tise legth cf tinme tisey bave hienspoil ,fcr amouug ileat bene- teluories are tise daurkeelîer sud hosemaid of lise Inisu Ilopse of lords; otiser cases arc cosuictos fa- tise aunent clsarged, for tiseis lu rouaisoun of £130,00a-year for oflireusa of sisi laie Eceisticsi antI Pruarigatiee llXuir3. TIse ari Of Si11l- boreîsgl tstea£7700 ta-year, lsis aving- Isecls onuce CliiefiCleek cf tise Court of Quses' liesuei te le e. T. Tlîurlosv lins £.1,028atuslly fer beiîsg tIi'riee of te cilic of' See1uer o tIse isasaîer, sud Lord Avoîîîîore £-4,2116 us retired peisuciple re-. gistsear cf the Iris) Court of, Clssusrery.- 'lIse Clîîcti lias gat verp littie hIsual ios tise Caiseuiliatcii Faud ;tise clergy' iustisa WVestI lîdies have £20,300 ispesîsir aîa hi, aussitIse Scoutisch lrgy £17,040, whtile, iut Irelatiii, Nhdsenooîilisilis £26i.300 a-yeur, the Qu'eus's Cali-ge only £21,000i, but tiîey get a fîseiher atnuuain-te atilisiy tise Ezitisestites. 'l'liiCssiams Ditcisluis aad tise OreS blau alIe frouin u£t30,000 a-year. T'[liule secret-service issatsuîy h LitIttO a jesse ie sein. 0- vustesi aiiiossg tise aitiiatea. SUIT AGAsoor lisE GRoEATr liAsrca.- A suit lisu eesi -cinoseined ag-iiuisi tise Great Eastensfor sn u ifsingesocu ithe i ue of ait Aieicuis paieteinistise puidiS and ecrese, cosuhiied as msotive power. Dainuge la laid ut 150,000. ______ A rrsnnI ofit!iKsngnrue. ST5. Joiso Aag. 4. Thstesmsîiiiiiaiugsroo froîsi Liverpool July 25i1î, via Qu.tesstosesi 201h, passes Culie Enre aS. Il EI., osi Fridsp. 'hoise tise of c.tiuons lîstI asoicted s rrsaoIuiou placingis'isand cilier cous truacts is futurce unIar tisa cosstrîîl Ofparlia- li mus reporleil hat Gauribaldi ns-asTpre- 1snresl for us sicecson tise muais, lai. 0 tu'volssioniary dcusutstrai a ll isad ssac k 1lusce at Napîles. h at ns reîuortcui itna cotlcrrnce o-oui. bc luelel st paris in relattion to Syris. Ttse Porte lsnd -iti iscsi-estearn po cru cf (lie rîsscluvion of ipence beinneeri ihs d ars ucîl Mi.tn.lcs.Ile preised, aiev 0ertlss, toarnt oiltiste grceatsn ilgoT sigainst tise asîtior o tf tise maissacres. ns-u ws rcporleul ihat the Porte isad pie. iltested i gnssiFrenchs interventions, asti ' pu sition as pari cf n pian w'hicis tise 'Gavern.q rssuinibas net cerg to Iucue gas usbodly Otertainu a dîsu ht tihie in evitaisie aqnel i iiiheanlargoelucreasa cof a stantiing aeuey. Ars5lvn lioStis etlaaijan. FATUîn PoiNr, Aut, 7. The Canadian passacd Fstisr paint ai 6:40 ... 0055Z7 T BrJAIN. The Parliamesît pracodlinuegsais noulit. portantl. À. prospectus manstuCS for a aca tele- grapli coifpasy, miicis proloues ta estais- lis n ayteu un tIse penny posage princi. pie, ansd cunvey messages Of twenty mordu 10 any part cf Efigiasi, Scstils or Iras land ntas niforos charge cf eue niilli'ng. An iniiunitial Direction hllibecs farmeel. Tll'eapitiýU-la tocho£150,000 Steii tjgl 'ia jropased to mork tise lisses ocii stls patenit. TisaAtlatntic Teg.rapis Camspa: an. anîossîce tîsat tlie efforts msde ni gem. fotadiani to sestore the Atlantiic CshiilSsad failci. TIse Variy ecrician Report nyys Clit tise biad-isulissg îrocecs tise cuise1 acre recanered la omali leogilin, amossitinÊ lus ali ta seven miles, bt aise cahie iicaria- hly buoke at sortdlisaces, gsa t i as seceaoary ai lani ta abiandon hiie aticospi. ilepaît isys tshe osnires ofîcu appeared sournd, bat on minute isspetioss.merc feund ta hie etenawaay andthie gatta percha "ol. t"Ili tie copper nircu acre as good as soles lais1 5nvsportionsa misicis ere araîsped mus ta'-uasndprîtnere sousîd, tise tar and ismp baiz Sept tise icea miros brigisi antiy frce fron terat. Tise public ii(,M of Gi-ct Brtis lu thet year eaied Juc(A tli mas £71,41lGy 000. Ex1iesditure £70,504,Ohex M. Laver bas aithir.amu,-om tise direc- tion of the Galway line. Tlîo Americaus homges at tise Gtudseosti racetacre meetng sitIa illui asces Thle neatlscr b improvnrt ircssgisot Essglisid hut suasinisl very mach asici for tIsa crops. Harvet expected ta c ho irceo eeka in- ter tisan usuan. Tha Esiilis Governeat bas deeudesl tc dsplateis a complctu net of teleg-raphic appauts ta Chisna nitis nires ta ha laid dams is tise districts occapied isy Britieh forces. Tlîe London Chronirle reportsa taiy dtiiieuliy wmishiainstefered isisNlr. Giai. slase'a rernsasîsog lu the Cabisnctihal hees orerruleui. ROYAi. INTERVIEW AT s-criera- T'ise Prinlce Regent of Prussia arrivedl at Topiciz ais tise eeuiusg of the 2ish, assd was reciveiilit tise railisray termnss y tise Enss1uror of Aisstia. Bauron Vais IVrtlier, tise Peisosiut Ans- hassador of Viennesandss otisar diplomaties a-ee ut Tapletz. Tisa Pars Io aya givesa'areport tisst a treesy lSliecaee Austria astI Prussia preccai ctI tise cosfsrce t Topîla. I.ttrssi front Paris say tisat Palerssou'a speechsais use snainal tIefatuce crrated grat ocîatoioi. Samene riters gc so far au ta 4say thorea was set-lotisalarsa segaedittg theo Maitstesiauee of peuce heStee tise tao Th..esNispesor esthne uleventis heur put off tis cchttcfplatied iita Clialoos camap 'Tie iBoursaeiad hecus depresacîl, but aa thec 25-1stisere wasu a parial recosiesy, ras- ttes loiitsg 68r05e. A rorseagpauudeut of the Londion Iiî'uult, iiIl.ging i i various naclilse rumeors, sîstes thtIsaislI tisetnaval olliceru 09, fîîriosîglhbacc i eeui orderei to report tiseuiselven aithuaut sdelssy. Thse Naval Iteserve raliesi eut hy tise Fi-cuicîs lict lutise Tedieraseau i to hie 20 rails of lino. a Iilitary preparatiois go on usiiagiog- a y. a Tise Syrians epeiitiau ha stssisî at 23, 7.0 nîcmeniesides arSilsey andsicavsiry. Tîsere lu ntling relative to Garihald's useveuiens h. Tise Kinsg of Suriisi ad rereives tise Neapoiiia Ambassaiais, aud it mas report. cd siss tise Sardiisiaa Gaverînhesst isati couueuied toaspport hy is influenucesGari a haldis proposai fur lix osonthutracec b- i-tmeen Naplesanastiisas. Tise Landanu Tusses, llsding t1'list a- tempted aermitice gays, Garibaldi ist tise Ma niaist retrace bis stelle, and t i l geîseroly n helievesi tiat tise Kits", of Na es iii he- fore mnmy'ecelas incesue hiesatà of e'ilad Italinap' issc. Laîtero fraus Rome aaythe lpc sbas rerussad ta sdspt asy lle-11-re -cnsmeoi' cd etby tise lFrnch Amissador, and deelares if tisese cisaunges are focced open ho willi absanlis States» Ir Fearu are enîcriained tisat Garibaldi migisi uddcîîly appear ou tise Papal terri jtory. 5ST55A. ir. Md Dry ing tu Od the Dit- ne wy ti 19 wo ' do ile mi» foý Ille BW Fe Id or id ila u ar- et- MieDOUGALT-Suddonty, 'i n Toritol oin Saturuay, 4ths inàt,, Jolit McIDosgal, Eeiq., of Ediislerg, Se6tlandÇ ageal 41 ROSS-At Quelece, on thse 23i-dtlt, Maria Saras wifé of Thes Rosa, Esq. R psrted by 11, K Pnilqï , Q. WIhet-Faîll, $.0 Ditto-Spiriiig, $1lIact0$1 12e Flour $510 i $q). - Barley 150c. @ ii3 Rye 50c. 0 > 60. 11n3' $10 tl$13 vj toi.. Beecf'$4 $6 Shtcll, $3 ~ $4 50. Blitter toc. Erois cti. il daz. (lard Wood $2 00 Qjý $2 25 ~cerd 3Vool 25e.-tQ 27C. NEW ADVERTISETLENTS. To Carriago Bui1dels. T 0 LET fiSea teri of vsrs, i(or f-sre eae eil.-il o4tcre- d .it), tht afsrst etustwo.esery Car- 501riqgo F. t tye t h,.Neiai ueo' Iiltue, in tIle Town soe intuly." Aîpty ta J Baîrristcr. wiliy AngusUS5,IPIO2-t A GRAND CI5N'CEIIT %W'LI.. l3 GIVEN AT TUIE NIECIIANICS' HALL, wlwrfl- E Ig, uN.U 80 YOUJNG E.MLVýUSII VOCILISTsS MIestei îtsy, isite MluuiIIt, 2tel'5t 2 t.revili-s.gfthtte ret ue.t of iic- itoor. AenransE7, te eaiiîses.'osut iS, oelseh. T'ehet.. 21î e,ite. lt"ervcd ' î50i et-.. jýrFor fiîtir prticeuît.-ea se ziill1-1it.. Proclamation i. w îIîIREAS i. itlsrt ee h lviii iezt Sh ivtff oet Ile (,.iliiis of 0 tlu Iltssii.e, iscs1% ta qli-iliisisi.Id se1ws .inatiritisiii, Thos.. Dose, A. 'iele suis, wlkii. Laitue, G, Il. Dttelt, iiiuî Yartiostî, Wiii. Tiieter, 11,1 l rtEtt-ký. Lesi & 'om-eî.t,fIlî.iia,i..ttt.1O. t.ii etin- fielt, 5W . 54 tiltîig ira . l \\isS . l. f Te..ia.ilie, Jî1 isel q% L. iX ~i... tîbeci E. l'erry,.Itllioil tts il. Noilse, N. G. ia If 1 . 1 . Aii.l-...t. Il-(ti . -, t.. fee, IV. Il tiisesst.' liiit ii ',ilitir, Jsiiîîi 8,-î, Metark ieoii.îts fl is alît, 1). IF.iroe, R. lf. iouristoi, .1 ..îs T1. Ils r , isiie n riglt U1 soit. iciieii es.tu. .-,re ilsti ovincial ii I- .sa' ose t ipe, îisi.î. ly t lie Si îuîît iite i'l ,î.ii îjîtle înîie .tir'uli a pblevso tieiic ihiioie îCoein- IV 1t 4.1iorc-stikilt JhAsof MIe Stî f itf.r, 9 1 , , îe. neii ts, ofiit tio 'im-e, ilet.S'ieîtonlttiIlttiiti-ne 1îIld oise.s-roliîsofîtbic ti... e...s.ptasfth ;s ic u i t is ttiite. t It 5 ïf*Itot ital Seet .'l' i. i.'itisa tai Monday, August t3th, 1860. At te isaîseof tSas elock ltitue ifteeiiovs,. t*fîctiieti attl cesîsislire e ie1eted te isha s., IrA1stueco tioii t îseiiigt,.stî S'e esuîîîa ath ti, tcsiio ieeinllgasdifl isî ,a ~ Io e. it, iirefiîre It sitli the sa ;rît l, ofhe sitisaîlitîl. of as wstiets preuiss-î, Il iiuiier o e i is are ltrelyi ii flier Nlmjc>t'. isîîii, macst vicai elire.il aihdl.li l-5 it s tieirperiltetaai ,otice sud gaccesi tiiielcïttccîs-rliiigty. GtC) sAVETIIE QUEEN 1 NELSON G. RtEYNOL.DS, Witiiîevs î a îsis, sliatasoiown of W;ilt; lei dt tusity soflOntari, , Sis O t tlaof Aîgîs Sheriff's Sale of Lands. È cuv.'seof oItlre k utrias ilue 12 Ta Wilt iJsunf 1eujie lie esuetius ai suisalliasll O th slait îsu lansuaisd teuuiet tieeeu, eizul a utalu deesisi ft eirtihe iiicirtLismiin rtutFiera Fitsci tue i a rici. ilsz 11ut ilia i'sty Court. Oeoreesisip, îstiutiis, vs. wiliitiui Tatit iefeituast. Ail the gmliisra uaierigtut. titiand oilu serait et. ilusdso thIe agentil fifofisut 'i.2 IHsis nFroitS, isu usa Tis.uetiila ofu Wliiîîycei tiiuisua 500 acres tgiare or las4. i11iLte Csurt suSt-'isiisai'Iosoem. uolai C'usîe.usu, defusuýlsst, ais Aiaasudý CasroilSu. istilit Ai lîre M1 .1 rutl igit, te, sait uila ena of, iatundlto l'il Ns. 7, luat uCt, u,.h orl )li afts-. lu tse ui.!tCcn.i.Tlif'r.ihl. >;11.rifrt'. Fer C. Picursis. seils slie, Wlitlap, Aig. e, uce50tl TIIE NE'tT l,>t't AR ttIARTPttL'sF W ILL BE ILL), T MR. C. DAWES GLtiTE fIQTLL, t1TuIE, VILLAGE (T BROOKLItN SON - Wednesday, Au&q'st 15j 1869 B,~aastleei.seck, -*"sl fut caIlle, lis espreeued te intentiioof utieiisnpre.euit, they kottesoun île eus.i esofesisaihaes-S in t ppnc.e a% e Ciii. fuir. ÏFas-smpiotusniiàInli ,uutiu tIhos, and na ist seo f thoic gleek sre5lars. b'aniiitiu, nasu talsusiutIltlet sOuies aillfi un iaotalee uaiileair. Ni 1. J. 0. ST[EltLINGI TIse Aneiseer %111i'nho &inssd, 4aiS i-e1 sssr'uDa grLa iîij ibo lm tsy Q C.DAV ES, Breekîlu, l m ,as. - A t'Y AT sW OLdts Vitoria 1ba tsbevr e- bise0rns cl lrkasseS mu, NVIli. ta,, ,TTuwaaisujo ut Tte"ue uuaaitn*r uf a er oel betoro yuu. persteai ambition ho serve, nor pivate glu. -Dt et imo soo ce A residett ftlise Div'icn tac earIy a: itagain ;n uboold I1mss-e tise hboses' 'J a fw mies fonte TW quarter cf a century. I1lelieve suuself t ta b e eelecteel, I viii go te lisefloeuse (cee wiithy, paseaioiuncasthis a t faptirnîer hiei personally knous-n te a flasoeety c tise and uutrsmuulled sadui'pleuugeeýt» tus*as. eat. -Apply ta W f-et C_. feerajlsmu.Orth > iseter on, elviitisemeforo bo tise Setter support Of a"Y pouicletParty or set af Faareeurtcty.' @Me-tos~jsude crcectiy wistler lunlise event Mnr, «"fer theal e -sftlie aerg." Mypu- Wisatil,.AU5. 9, 5115ti1W 3. of My tnlng placcet aitise Seeofet tie poli, iturmi viemis oa tise pnisiie q"oiesr o f 40 1 'epul'proteet 3-or intercala, adaucate ts a r arylufos c.Tsseprm- CdIS.hs a"ss, &m eil« your vie"roanad cpihnI, os qustions o et sphs are suoS us 1 Serteve thiseucin ter- pu blIc pelicy,adtI .enaiusy isaNtO5T casttise Province demand, and ilthef.n- 0 CUhreygvn19a h, I reita-aa tise lis mts ofest t ifahe .der every cietusaie and cdîto idX 16*U o I tteTe pe -inaw-aiciest lrect PePUION eMa ,d hItelligent lenume aaa ** admoef-.-meMonay Cae a t cù"t elisa y m hue, mes c aiaa htr power to.duy, maudgo ot to.aamrov..-o. tft bzs m mdu re- oCanadiaebores, T eanly lemaseities.Minîntseay rexiot ev Suur*or temuvaiuisu. emufty On. - gretverasseisisiprinsitples of pm'geovs Jean hobu tihe vola,, oftheProvinsce, I-rY'i onH raa 4"adrlr tisat Savne Sain ýohappuiIy and antae t rcisTegremiises 04 Myujutiva m wono owe, nieTW - h 0oiuÏ eiOdiihlta us byte ibotec ountOary, villalaya hlmsy $at Cassider- cnemri4 mSoertaitiese t vauabe ig0 en 1have te is ls.oe. tv2enue, .Assit natiesIo es !Z._-r U"-.4.1 Sm pts lm 'ms0' ý i'_- -_ '17« ua.vss eu. a out.,- - - - -Jlimu iL -orstpor - - ~ami isoyour choseus- 1use ttve, l l{puauuisdhîedotla Om etj. sm.te tise utrecist of uty bilityfadvocate tise ur, eui sPilSi'1, ntiiautic cafoiI o.rlý-tDilsuie,fohiomissg principîca: steguetu 4ttis iine O thie au 1-mues ifaintanaceofattise Union cf tihe - e. toutel. Provinces. 1 JORN S. 513Wiu.oiý. 2. RZeprcaonsti'usaccard i g te p opua. IWhib isy g. Iq, i5tP. 9 lation, irs-espective cf a dividing hue Se.- -tmeecn lpper andi tomer rnsiu. A UY-LAW , 4. Fs-se grasata te enigeas asd of lands 21b vaise Psty s ouhp f heatt/l msOf Tu-ear: - p tbcir,beîng acsuil seliers. 5. A Hlonieteii.aw. ty.7iioceaddollars an nt aes-est pop. - 6. No expendittrtocfpnibliamoneywmitisu able ina 2lea4o years fer th ise upm-ré. \%lsuttfise ceusent eoh Parlistiae.I 7. Provisncial,.msrkuooily, toise talaca Up fieat of Rends t/ss-ug/sost thae Counlý 4z am' i Sy theise Jnkentsiamane noexienditue c slsls ____ >'W ..publie munan toola ' e i o rks cf a rîtE MItliipsl i seil of thiSTaa'tisip e oc a rasctu, Whsreas tise Muaicipal (Corporation cf IJ Usbii luutiiuis. noilîO Sus e'Seîtcsahler 8 Y enasm en vecy dcjuatment ftise Coatycf Ontas-io bave by rseuon tuext, ta priaceeti ta pissa a Bp-lais-tfrt b o pusr- cf tis lepcdsra-Ptigncfie onlrsovdhepcdtse-tn lies ffuuubia l tai-..tion ocf chssu I-rocS'tise prusain, soai tise top." etî eti ntsg inCcmt ts stc 2,lircarof tIse 4thito i le i uai a.s survaveît o hp î isu le, Eq.l. L. S., ahi ra- jburdonuoc, tuxaien, te ho placussi euh'the Ouii ofT*enity-tsldotIllars bhomisel airsd peur. isteseitalagoarast u lùusrie (if tise rei, hs1on théiseltcs-hyebestureaôfasaiutsspcto jail, raive secirdssgol. sries of t epole -lus Twe-niy earo, pcovided tisai tisýe nis ,itcia tUixbri7dgs tisaarSd dye iiuns 10. A .uiiouslBihsr Êpt tam., cipailitits.. visere tIse, uroy luta t hob ROBRTSPE IRS I. lIc action ni LianeCost.o, expeaded reine y -ac tîsermice an 10S--eTsa'suifip Cirk. 1-1. Sin pliiestile cf tise procecdilign cf caltnt oiat. Be 'it therefoie eniactcd CourtfL a- 011 y tise Municipal Corpîration o e is(oss. sa13. Rei'uan.olthé Courf cl Chances-y. lp cf Ontarilo la Cassucil assemblctl, ane il S TR.A Y E D . 14. F, asi.cthcftSMunicipal Lans.'. l lureisenacteul by tlîeautbority Oftis -- 0. luncfRcc'es antI l)epiite.qt came tisati isaitl he Iamfoh for1tie 'Tara TNTOia lse iseiaaire of tise ,tsihs r, on lt at l io f Cousbths'aiy ftis eo~eple, tIcs of tius County to raise b way oeltin. eu Ttc7, ftCuiti. sa,'lilubyanaboutrtee mers' tisersaine te-t n Oes cr.- 'na omsorsus16i . t As Oeof itea tI osc.f U roîesaupeenreo cy.rbeui' byius tu iî..ing proporiy, paylssg eiisrgcosuui 1. Asi îtos s ts _a f pe ssCiporate ce pôlitie, miseinlay. ho iii' 5sslzii lier iwu. -antI Lasre ..adi. - ug tosdvsusce tisa seisse uptal inucrait -0R. FRANXII.f 7.Ts ltriagc li iiao or t fCis Couaty. ant e iebcscsturcsubiez>, %sVlitiup, Aigaut e, Iý). S-lsgagéeraCte a prcprty isels inlis artpe- lisu isstionnd, tiictat cf Tnvcntty-tisousand wiibahui ail liing filohe ie lit t. conte dallas-s of lamfsui mcnscy of Canada and te BItS. S. Tii.Ilaaffiliuptstise 0oer reperty, ra sproi nt ca ue amo te ho paid ie iaheisandai TUnE oeftise31o guigor. - - of-citisa treasurer of ibis Ceussty forftise 18. Il]i.9 i aîhcstr- Elcit- parpases herein -steteil. rCLARVOYA2NT PHYSICIAIf, snouan ce duy. OrFissuAeoi l.e, 19. A he teerumode ef settling coateuted loi Ia hssî h nfu o id fo eEllections. Widenicf tliieCeunty te dirlect nny DeF [S nom topping ai IVhLuibyfoa e 20. A Pslsiibitery Liquce 7Law. honturs or Bihbcnutes teî be indee Oit Sdays. Person ssiuiing ta coasuit. licr 21. payai at cf Crirsulusul ititessusq.'C'fér etîcis most r esues et mcneu', net on duseases, miliipleuve escat t iseroculs u 22.Aboli iou ef Nemepapes- Postauge. the-stian Tnvesiy-ive poundu1escis, sud' ai thsenatrec lc-u, iBys-onstreet. 23. Aboli '-nsocftise Franking jiriistge. tôt,exceeding la the un-isestiséabristif wiitby, Assgust 1, 1800. 29-2in. î1îseîièe 4st tIse above prisseiîlcs in-' Tne --tbouasnd dollasu nith listes-est. volve uitny yalishle o Iisiportiant mos- tiîcseon, q 5iy pevuon or ýpessfisqnbodly Executore' Notice. sures of ltefaltniu lcis mvouid iuitend.te er hudles, ovale or politieiny - agi<er mateval adv4nccstcnt of cisc socisal andtI t endicr a 'ute lsapon stuch DtieîIi.i A LTI,PARlTiEls iielbted te tise ate of polilical prsg<reas; but binbte procrist dis- tirss- antIdssut Detiesisires-'slssit fli hte le.turbasi Btaté ýf politiessl cpinios, and coma- he la sucS fra 5 Wardeaout tise, J EtN GIII VA R-Y, ddering thse eaent agitation fera cusuipîctiCouity silait eec1 XpI at, suit sial Be sltetae a otieusi-e ueshîeeîvuotile dis Iluptisi0f leus- onsthtistionsli.seaions bha-ander the Corporate SelAt m Cse(ouis. tistiiitcsuuia fua laeui-ireqSicîlti ui i r ' a erqssiiaI feel bosuilli t siats ty, sntIssl e signcd isy tfo-ha. Wkn liriie s îge tiiui iiin-t gasid F.itte, lire frecin, aussi essidiy, tIaitbe Unsie,, cf tise sait]Treauetireamdis vI.etlrquiei 0it sit l11! hil gleus an t- tus Provinces, I cencecta bc tise grand usinactdepayable lst oatlacu esamýn9tuan d r A'g sia.ilp tuIeiifte..îtli 'u .of A i ,i sus s xi. poi t itie su i n a t is lecîhon. a y tilavs - sau sus shaîl colresp end m itia. and ss e i GEORGE MACGII.LVAIRY, latieisof tttis(haviicis nomhbiaislasuate- oatiafy antIdiscisasge tise saisi Jun Xts 1M. LAINU. getiser tu eus- rreaîadeantagec, iusut prove intercai Clereun. J.SIES .SNDERSON. cisastcoas. l)aistitlon untit a esoan' te a SelTsiteinaetpa iesdDe GEORGE ANDERSON, fuicaî conneclioa of tlise to Provintce,;,1bouturensBilait Se payable at tisé Banke of rxeceutors. belieete ha nst ouly as ecrogade undýîn- Moatrent, Wiitisy, on tielsa a u flyAiYCI ag n sd Noacu eu tusiî itiri spolicy, but, us evincod hy tise vote jn Siec ado e at enday etg teh-vafstuii il]uscutI uto usoficiaetf . ohLonret Canasdaalit lasi Seashea of Pacrl a uitf- yi uSat vr ertrsi Luui,îe. ithetillai Sesiicitsaleiseat. suieuut Vsigi'tii si etuu . î, ~ 5-î ,letperfcctlp isettainale. - ts a-rsaa ad cefre vofftisaUionses'a pare sud si respective ansiasiSpecitl stre.agiy nîleratadlun goSchedtsie lsercnfter mentinneel -1, R IAL P'ers toeste abu s s bi do - eh ct f ibis By-lasv, sisali Se O F ifals consequesces su l iole levedand tiscleeteel ocaesutan uav belice sulis e sincoity coril eîiir rates, fer the pearus eroun mun- t~ 1ti~xuI1i~ss NI) EAsupporters. Loier Canp5 ti iiëU, ijpoci ail raceishle psoprtyis tise AiO IM 8 1 C.ucri ...i Tndi ('îllsai's ansi 'Uîtedl Stats te othe Soiuth,-nvouhd saisi Couuty eti(Intaritu, for tise pus-peo f BrookiSi l'-t., o u sith bc %tît fur C Ssii tîst'e UsavCnal sdrtcrcu-payiug tise sali siasiof Twenty-tShtsend vecy loaa, cuit nsiL'site s otsîsi. roland euulrely nt tiseir marcY. IHostile udolars and tise bleu-esttisos-con, as sioro.. Jis"..W'ET]IIIsT'LD. teriff,andl injuronsrestrhnticnn, iere or sad u iepoéd fsrsselt -i whl'y t puhiust P, 1eC0, .8 fiace, rcOpenisopsubotS, î-reuiltl lacîper us sliahibSaapplid oullely te file paymOont mil _____________________________ 011or ci-ry suc, scofilt tcommtierchal uiiadvaii satisfactiontaof sunob abentsrosnd tise lit- s Ontario Bank. tages tat]cutir isaseulpositiona anoussidrivne teraitiiereos, unîilitueio lfi mi t ait BisIseCanasda ntfnsoutse, iscîs'titîferesea5 Dubisniurca. andthi tislutercat tiacreos iî ii h Bmvoîes Ne.6. Ib*t-o-be-d.sied c oîneetion, anslnn'cItI ho psu iful ul. a T>i D ate lngsesîu iiuiovuh uN.u6. 1 siniffrlu baly Ieuui tir-a movetcstt for an- o -O fl, r cvnii s sn licîe a ý(!l!Z e,.*[r eth ntdStates. ii j il5uu paîlut tuloi ,c Referaed ta liitishe feregoing By-lam, andl s. s hiiiiusiiatu, forîte ieni t ailt-tar, 0<lues-S entlistteiti, isopte no0 aucassitn'fus 50 farisiinue partt ilicf. "u t so rate of eigit ler eister îîîîîîîîîî,) hk 11 vilestii iay ces' arise. isianadsiT ntliaseivheciuid. ctssiî, aid flinttle sutuo n1 air rtih- toi oyfyladetesa useM 1.',paslieaisttue Itihanddîtsýlracie,,iuules liilsuss Sosr olîy sie iuscusuhgsmlssupaiue5sust55re5n afua tr tu,lic tt Sa ay cf septtausaue Q~ia diSîtiiià4îh foree-ccpgraca andl suaru et. e5irtue filetîni iti n ls.nie psitian, eur suais ThoiiTeaaeita ocsa sili ho cel olf l S, ic scirs 5îij s-nPzatiuîssarc %ia flitie lndl- s a ss,8mus,2sua t ltis, ta sua 3LIes .5itreC't,Iliatis dusYl' kIlisusie i a "'lteeIsnirefuge 'rbiuexiles and Os4221u Dy tssrdeci0ibue Ihslots v esuuncftyiunp. couac ,0115'asus oul asi- main P. isiiEit, Cahier. îry îbey inay;' tise iistory Ot'hatesusstrp, - 'a suesa 16 cati lit n aio Il 55 . Jsh , it u~ie r associatio sa, lie r strisggl .-, ave ours lisermncty.liser credil, lier Sisppca.t,hlian ss 0- ___________________ asistesiecrnotle Pesltaca thtscs5 ail - i'a ns 186450 1) ENTI STRLY5 cuir dangers, s542u217s'h siadaiî'~ -Thsry area'lvtfî us aufil. LNs ,i us'iîte. sassa50 ', isul lase 'DR. C C. JROME, te aise proscrit einiection. ai&Ilumisniuîos-s.421s' 'D R 0 . C . E R O E , Iy oppoo i ny asti m is tevuir l.icy, tb sî srgeon Denîist, neultI beliskely ha endager lu. 1181 a P_ rtuviiui uh i$ lîleo usscuuofriedia Tise question ni a lfculcratietaof asl, ts sa-sI et en ssute 1illiio guereliy fur ibeir bliceriProvinccaet ofBitisis NortS Auaericus b , ist rsîuuug'aainonale eoilcuueuiese rtie l'at lisaeveus nom gencraliy sud aevy faviouraÈZ 184us ,mo 1 ianlens ssii, wauidi liece tsee oesîieus itau ita tus al ' ts I. lsae sa-lasore reu.isiritisr % tistiil Tcesuu, flint lis cntertainel. os. dentl satirîpate t%2tî sîuuu alowoiutiiieufa NIuleeiieoferr 'act i,, teaesvy arcauplilisaemat cfsuds a scîseme, sI& siltsiiivail esittOer, j itou aluie l isiceet laiusosi fencitiy iuotte forlits conssuaf-- ." . tc%, ait lua11-s .11 Sinsd sstaDec i 'focetiî, --*càmtp--r laints unm. Iciilzeilnusiy ansl cordiallyaisu Da vr t. u. isui» 1mut eu1%iuhitile i tue . sppor ey step calculatcd ho serare istas 110- uscsttilesult caeiglusi tisa greùteet preelaîsin a taurnsnl. 1 i 'cleve titat bp tise conso- -is, s sa17usa i al ale sl si Illiei en aeuî u BlockS Teetu lsiion f o uemutîssl inlerests iad545C al vo i uuuuueGais ihis, lus ecaryreaspet, stvengtlatrme allitliay tise founulutios of a 10rsa ruin tioro t issutof wsela hsîumutercaet Nortis Auseican Nautiuo, laSai te- - u *î o, " luaise60 k, ilu fictdbuiîg Di)tiei s w ok re iit-lgeiher by tise bonds cf osîtusi commeîsrcial ~' cIl citie itlsotiuît ilus UsîtatI Saîta itt liigadvantages. sud taeor Moilscr Country saooù1ra ta us*.- baiig ematch lightlir iandulofa nui. ci,,ivs -ha tte strenet tics cf oengin laissrin u- - u 5le»5 . a, s iau, tssle trie urs ausitiens, alaitundlentity cf intaruista. nm- ;y (.i.',uurlaiigterualli asucra prefcrehie Slas gottI ibelieve tisi t isais tise nly plasn, by wai sci nuis ar aiss tI tir laitlie pilte. oetrofou o mri-usa13 Dn is. JiusoEs ietit Xiifsil latShseureein iitd re ntsIy haete1iet0rmaos 2fu, 11 s t f~ i.,st ttîut lue lat t reuty rsdiseesiftise friu.e 5'li ianbt bitter spirut of sectioisliusiu anal local furetefare orrote ustIli. Ile ussId 4las ieishelusy n'anv exisuing, tiidcinvate tise nan 25 u ss. -' eats f iueue ta tislinti a saisis eouiutiy --alàtglts1-4oi1 litie ani, aiieditserittl Îfor suoieenîai s1tisu a'ety lsy cof our Pi-eeilcc te tenore sis Ivothyaspraionslifther GrandsiNational tubsuer uit casce, IIIslit laitIi leuscIasa lulileu obj8c4. en-s of sutstion lafus e hesu uiaiuiaied biltIe I sissblho nepsrty ma, in tisat u i us, - ta es patientse. sene oattise mord ttt requures ai maca- tault, Sler ad Platîca Pisates "utaurce, gondh or lisault emasustiuug frcnu one aatl, sit0l vit al ntise Lateot Styles, parti te Seu sueoted ;swhitea tisnet f ss sans A. Cheajaer tjluus i«?iuaussand irratei. anat e arc otauinvaiusyeJce. ib- -1i eges ,cei.a ftî elu.e< su allait endeavar te judr litooeoly of .. u uas . s-i ee ai slitlfuît peciarseit. jr-Teetii esteuecdtiselicmet-ils oft eh nci asui'c, an bu lus ur7 Pa cSsaS~l ui)inuiîiii elct'rit. 'irt ueih t presenctetilfrecnpcctive cf ftisasource or ni- t.r tuuatit te sauegslisieiCiii i-origin (ronm aiicl itilpeocceula, ant) sutpporaMi - s4 u l-m, ml moiSi5i0 su reita 'd fetli. oroppase ut alias tîsese ga-ouss i îsue.- aussi esssutitatiuiu Fs-e. Att wri trsute Fii'mhy beieiug tist ftise truc prinaipîca mý P> Cl1.111xamuine s piecîiiuiulsof fiSiao m farifohLegislntions boosd be--ItSlie greateet - a is811%st, sua ai iefoasgcttilig )-upuais secise iîoeillelseîe. gr tate ite greatest u auoer"-sslinto- as=7t <0.el spu.s5î.na ur ecau sures Icaiculaiesi to asivance tise ccunîry, ue i. w eeeea 5lar Aua4Jeeiut*it. 20, 9..t- s 15 0-5.1-sm W n sdscu-e tiseiappînens oftisacotuuul - 'ue ss u C'

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