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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1860, p. 4

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- EONDAY, the 8th 4dy of OCTOBEU nent At, the hour ol' 12 o'clock, nmon, ait ho Court flouse.,in the Town of Ohithyt. proceçd te the S d1.ol' aaid Landû, or soe t.uch. thereot as anay ho neceîaary l'r the paymnerit ' a uch arrears of aaueaaaaent, ualess tbo rsainetesr ai5lsal awful chrr"" aooner puid. ROK - LOT. cot &CRIZ. Ut hall' 7 1 100 N E quarter 10, 2 50 -18,' 2 %(00 West quarter 21, 2 25 North hall' 2ï, 2 100 à, 200, Norh hall' 13, S8 lot0 North hall 14, 3 100 a , 4 200 Est part 9 4 12 Le&stwhll 12, 4 100 ,."% 1 4 1050 'West hall 21, 4 100 1; E quarter 21, 4 50 South hall' 18, 5 100 Sontha hall' 14, 6 1110 15, 6 200 S West part 21, 6 15 23, 6 200 N E quarter 18,, 7 50 Nort-h hll' 11, 8 îcw WVest hall '17, 8 10 Wvest hall 19, 9 100 Sothlhall' 1, Il1 0li 8'W quarter %i 13 50 r- NW quarter 2, 13 80 West- hall' 7, 13 100 No-rtl' ialt 4, 14 100 r4'P. quarter 15, 14 50 izortOs hall' 10, 14 100 MAR, 1, South hall 18, North hall' 14, Eat hall 1, North hall' 3, 7 South hall' 8, 14, South hall' 7 South hall' 12, 14orth hall 12, North hall' 14, 15, South hall' 19, North hait 12, South hall' 18, North hall' 13, Broken 2, South hall' 7, ]Nlorth hall' 13, South hall' 18, 19, 20, South hall' 7, 1, South hall' 14, Souths hall' 15, South hall' 17, .Iiorth hlait17, Narth lhall' 18, South hall' 18, 20, Forths hall' 23, 26, 27, 28, s9, Forth hall 6 Northa hall' 7, North hall' 8, North hall 14, Sout-h habl 14. South hal 18, South bal' 18, North hall' 18, ,South half "-20, North hall' 23, Broken 26, BroDken 27, Blroken 80, Broken 3, North a lait24 North hall' 96, N W of Nbd2n, 80, 32, bO4' ouge a. q.uth hall' 9, -9nhbit 10, 16, F orth hall' 17, Souith hall' 17, Est hall' 22, North hall' 23, Sout-h hall' 24, N R quarter 26, N %V q..irtcr 26, Nort.h thalt 27, N W Part St), South hall' 7, South hall' 8, Nort.h hall' 15, North hat 19, 20, North part 21, 21, Norths hall 2, 25, 8 Eut hall' 12, South hall 17, South hall 21, 21, gorth hall 26, Forth' hast 7 Wout 9o. Puti 1%,Front Put la, Front 26. Front 28, Froui 29Proni 8,FronI 17proni 44, Froul 44. Froci 4.Froui 2, d. i But air 9. South bpart 20, IVot p 1t24 1'oth part 19, Minart 20, 1%, East halfla -1, ITest hall' M. 18, N Wpart 18, SEpaýrt 19 S Wpart 3 %vesO hal(' 8 Fast hl' 13, 14, South hall' 16, North hall' 18, Wet lhalf 19, Est hait 1 2west lalf' 1 'TEAtU OVL 10519 1 1 21b' 118945179 - S W qarttr 2, 1854...............Squarr2 18358.2499Sout-h bal 18.e al 8 1854 ...'....". 'South h&V 65 185459. 4 39 South bau 6 185 45 6 78 9..ý1S4 19 is5:13049 65 7 8h.' ÎSB85 18523 45Q78. 2584 ouhp 1854.3I............5 ot 18352 34 . 1968 8.. 354 ot 1854........... 4 21 East part: 21, 18512 8 4. 15 35 SWyparî-. 1, 18 à5 20 liutti bay 2, 1854.......786aN Wptrî 6, 18Ç 34568 .. 366S SE part 211 'ýà.......... 12 52 South bai 24, 182 34 5678S.... 26 69 S Epart 2, 1852 3 4......1 17 Centre 2, 1854 5......'... 18 191 E lîe à Sendl 41 1854 567 8 9... 26 73 N50db baf , 1854 56 .... 174 North pan 8, 1854 5s 6 .........' 8 58 Eat ohaîf 6, 1852 4 5689.-.. 38 94 S Wpart 6, 1851 à67 8 9.... 81 79 8, 1L454 6........... 4 69 8 , 1854 ........... ...480 NlddlepartaI7, W part le, 182834 ..... 8. 77 100 18a.45ô6 'i8 9.... 67 02 12, 100 1852845 7 8.1 ..'. 1183 100-.,North haV 17, 184S8W quaer 1, 200 11815 8S9qoartar 17, 174 852aet hall '2'2, 100 1888345Wst-V. hall' 29, 200 1854.......... . 1 53, 100 1854 ......... '9S part lu, 100 1852 3456 07 89.. 55881 18, 100 1852 34..... . 1669 36, 100 1854 7889 ......-21 43 35, 200 182843678 9. 49 45 Wetpart 9, 100 152845 67 89.. 60 01 West part 9: 100 185S3 4 à6 78 9.. 60801 Souh part 14, 100 185234 67. 8 7334 20, 100 185 3 45 70..417327 80 185343789.38 41 2 100 185'5 468 9..5289 North part 33 100 185845 ..........240 Euot-hall te, 100 185284 ' .......... 16l53 North. hall'24t 200 18:L 346 789. 91 10 Enetta",tev 28, 200 1851789 ...7880 NWet lr 29, 60 185487 89 . 8.. 161 Weé8Part 32. 100 183 45 6789 ..63 2à 19, 2(0 18M24 5 689 . 03I9 al 20, 10u 185246 7 8 9.53 49 41:t hall 24, 100 1852834 567 Y89.4$68Sout-. hall 19, 100 185345 6 7089!'-- 44lo.h part 29, 00 565 417 89..5)5t10 5st quarter151, 100 1812 314 5567 8&t' 50 50 W fthi 3, 200 1852 3 45 6 9...78 S'Wes ba 95 1850846à j178 9 .-58 ')lEasottl' ,3, 96 82 3 4 6790....- 3 Esthall 4, 181 1852 & 4 à 67 89. f15 89 Eas heil 6, 115 182 34 5 67 8P.-1904 Norhhalf 7, 91 1852345 6 7 ps.29 87 27, 100 1854567 8#--.- 44 68 8, 100 l05tl47sU ... 475 6 1(10 15 .578 ......57 44 20, 100 582356789... 54 81 21, 8a J 678 .50087 29, 100 1 sr'- 14 ............5il33 100 1-328456.... 8809 100 185234 ..........~. 21 82 100 1853567.8 9.... 0 99 Ep 5 10 1854 ..................' Ps 6, 1 14 182 34067 8 9.20 85 :c.itre 7, 2 183 4 56 789-ý... 15 67 -'sthlall' , 80 1853 45ô6 78 .-50 45 North hltl'10. 13 1852 34156 7 80... 16 386.iie 12Ida3, 100 185è3 4............. 1 13 $I orth. hall 13. 100 18545.. ....... 172 9, 60 1852 4........... 6 25 N.rth hsll' 10, 110 18243 à7 9 .... 185 16"Ot"tIal 'o10 185-34;lut"hall'lo 110 5 1891284879. 107 32 :rOtttiI.t.1 t-, * 84........... N 3 ortt-haifl'a5, 100 1556 789... 61 13 t-bru- hall' 14, 100 1854 5078 5..: 6 81 -Norli itaîf 13, North. hatl' 4, 200 1054 5 I079D..88869 t-fetlatd l'1, 100 1854........... 2 N5w iu irte.1 100 85234G.7 8 9...47 28 SortI, a' 8, 100 1854 ........10 45 SOrth al' 3, 100 18-2 34 5067 89... 41 07 ha[li.1.1f 10, 100 383478 9 ....... 30861 i %VWquater .1 1 50 1345 .......... 20 08N W qurtur "-, 50 18516781 ... 323288t ut.a la-5,1 100 185245067 8 9... 85 93 75 1853415 6........ 69 20) tontlhall' 8, 196 1852 345 9........ 176 00 Nortt- a! al 100 5 3 4 5 678 9.. 40 50 10. 100 182 3 4 56 789...4164.2Soath part 14, 100 1832 4586789 0.:. 59 8; WetPut 15, E 1, 100 185214 5 678... . 67 48 %% ethall 1, 100 1824 5........ 41 89 North httll' a, 200 1854Il7 9 ........81 31' Nurithll 8 7, 25 852 45....... l 4 &-.tlthall' 9 75 1452345 .... 21)16uh af 9 100 1382 3 4..... 23 4 a, 150 18548à...........1 si 200 1853 4 .... ... 16 7Ï2 South hall' 4 100 18 8 4 5 67 8.... 42 2-t Nrth'hall' 6, zsoath hal 6, 100 1852 8 f .... 22 79 7, 100 18 .4............. 38 2. 200 1854 5........... 39 85 3, 0 182 3 45... 8..si031 North all' à, 100 1852 8 4 .2.. 8 87 SOUthh..l' 7i -S W part 7. E pax% 1, RAMA.2. North htat 7, t 73 182 3 456ô7 89.. 46677 t 1la 3854567 89...17 58 t 184 185234 6 7 8 D..102834 t 55 185284&85.17.. 721 E,'t aLd,) ,t 103 12 3 4 ô870..77 48 Wawti5. ,t 8 18U8 48078 9. 18 07 do a 4 Il1 1824 5 878 0..84 96 do it 91 85 a4 5 478 g.. 84 98 do kt83 1851 45678 9.. 5372 do kt 81 18524 58 78 9..82 06 do kt 8en 1852 84 8 67 89.. 59 49 do kt 88 18529846 ô7 8 9.. 44 00 do 1 kt M0 1854ô8 7 8 9 ... 50 27 do il kt 84 182486 78 9.. 34 54 do il it 84 1824856 78 32914 do 18 do 14 117 1828456... 391JA -, do le M 0 1854-..........12 4 do 17 88 1852486 78 9...414 do la 84 182 3 4 5 6 71 39 74 do 5» 180 38524860.. . 8 888 i 70 13824 56 78 9.. 4608 do a 100 18828 34354.... 2 179 de--' à 1 1121 18528343 6....... Il'05 de 4 160 182485789 .5 5 0 do a 12-k 18S4 à6 18 9::104a de I MO5 185284&4678*9.. 91104 do »00 1824S89.,7l48 de MO 185 3457 8 ..,. 078S& 40 171 185384 5. 8 7 do U8 de la »àclLdo 28 r 3 4~ . .154 doe 1 . s ' eu4 l ......... 12404 do il -' lft84 * ....... 24 44 doe 50 1 100 150 155 1 40 75 80 8 200 30 40 8 100 ,100 900 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 50 50 100 200 100 100 200 200 15 100 100 SCUG( 185 8 4 8.....51.1 18" a .... 1088a '18528 4 56...1888 1854à a4 56 8 P.. 27 7 1852 84 .6 ---15 44 1852-p 4 S6 ... 8 24 1854 57 0' --...25 88 1354 9-....... 27 57 1:948284. 1 9 7 1828à4 ..678.... 18484 '1898 4 5689à .24 87 185484... 4487 18. 54........ 468 le"884 .......4 18 1884........il 70 188 28........ i1 77 188 45.8..1I9 18 454...... 165 18458..8... 6118 18524 5 87 8 26118 182866....48891 18528456789....48 182 34 5867 8 9... 840 18524 5 67 8 9... 40372 1853456789 ...5548i 1854578.9 M82 1852a458 67 89... 528 1853458......21 79 1823456 ....10 97 18528 4 r,6 7..-....16 34 1854 ...... ...1.....2 24, 185456789 ...56 03 1852 3 4 5 67 8 9... .87 77 185234 .........18 87 185456789.60 78 1852345......50 24 1852 84 5 6 78 9---1840 18-384 .... ........ 5 Il 18515 ........ ....1 82 1824567 ..... 3018 1854 ................ 886s 1854567.........7 86 185456 .............65I1 185345678 ...86 01 18534678 9....25 80 1853461.........2 29 1823456 78...49 56 1823 416 7 89..1034 1853 45678 9 .... S05 1854 56........50 66 1854 567.........35 13 1854 56 78j.......40 17 18546 78 *à....141600 185415.......... 9 05 1852 34567 8.....91 51 18234 67 8,....2657 182 345.........2423 SCOTT. 250 1853 200 1853 100 1853 60 1853 50 1053 100 1853 100 1853 200 1854 136 1812 200 1833 55 1852 45 1852 28 1854 50 .854 5 179 181.2 2 185 18523 173 18523 200 1853 4 ,.o 1855 100 18523 97Î 1813 100 1854 100 1854 fit 1852 176 1853 100 1854 100 1853 200 1852 100 1852 85 1852 50 1852 200 1852 100 1852 100 18U2 100 1852 100 18-t2 100 18541 100 154.. 200 1852% 25 1852 25 1851 25 1854i 25 1854i 25 1833 TIIORAbI. 50 18523 15 18523I 50 leu4à 100 l514 à 100 1832 -q 100 1854.5 100 1834.5 164 1854 5 83 18-'49 88 114 à u 18à4e 88 1814C 1es 1054 - 100 58149 100 1814. 100 10.4 loi) 1814 100 lOtI 100 1434l 100 18341 40 1854 2w1 100 1814 110 1le4 4O 1854. 100 18-49 4 o 1814 100 18.-4 100 1854 200' 134 200 1854 200 1114 100 1854 100 1814 100 1814, 200 183" 200 5la" 200 18"4 l'O0 1814 100 131m 100 183" 20 1834 80 1523 100 1523 BEAVERTONi. onafith on.t-a oe'Iflth oî.o'fth on.488 Qu-& do do do do do do do do do do de - do do i4w do de do do do de de dû de de de de 3 496 7......1694 415 ..... .. 3529 . .... ..... 24 14 45 67 ............ 201'f 4156 7 89....... 28 à7 456789... 8() 4 567 89..43 66 51a7 89..... 490 4516 7 f J...... 69 88 3 4 5 PÎ89.30 el 3 1 fô7 8s9-.... 30 93 5578 9 ........ . 14 99 , 4566789 ..25 36 567 89....18 2< 3456 789..37 21 3 456 789 ..40 97 3456 789 ... 390 05 6 789...60 36 ,1416 a789 ..... 34 3' 34156 789..31 73 345.........19 91 5667 89..... 433 567 89 ....4923 3456 7 89..... 24 3C 4 ........... 60' 566789 ....29 2 4 ............ 76 34507 89 ..... 86 9 3 4156 789..541U 34156 78 9..408! 4 .... ..... . 94Z 4. . . 229! 4 ........... 9 4 3 1456 7 8 9...-.5540 5 6 7 8 9 . ...... 1173 345 .4..... 3 3 41567 8....182 5 6 8.......Il7 66 789 ..... 173 567 e9....1. 723 4 ............52 345 à7.....442 345679 .... 28 à188....... 7 5s789............ 14î 245670 8 ....... 43 5678&89.......... 27 1$67 88........19 5678.......... 31 567........... :11 à a7 8 9.......... 196 :567 8 9....... i7 15878s9 .4...4 ô6 ............... 131 kà6 789........ 26 6567 8 9.......... 27 56 8 .......... 4.N -5679........ 21 56è788 ........ 57 0678......-...... 6 4567 9.........1 k5 7 8 9.........87 567 8 9........-.. 4,7 56789.........1 567 889.......... U L5678 9.......6 j789........4 L 57 8 ...... ..29 L467 8........ 10 L3678... ......81 56789........... 4i L51739.4....2 6467 89v.......... 81 L56789........... 42 &ô67 ......k....... 42 &641789 .... 454789 ........... 42 4567# 8.........54 13467 ............. 8< 18"1436la.........2 581 46 78......... < 18" 367a............. 20 184568............. 20 18 à56 7 8.........2 s 5468 ............-.go 1"5468 ............ 84 18"945078 ..9....g 1854à178 ........2 18"4là ............ 20 58t14978............ où 18"448-0....... 1834878a. ..... .2 18918678a........2 U5487 8 .... 1O8481.......... .10 106447 t.a la"& l ........1 I ~ do 82 . ~do--1886'67'. 1067 i. àaai iii 2l4 10 183 4.... 2036 67 wemthalf 20 4 100 1853 4 .12...242 6' Ea-thalf 26 4 100 152349789 59 15 067 %Wes6 hall' 26 4 100 1852346789 6089 7 L8 at hall il 5 100 .1852 3456 789 55 03 6Easat hdll22 5 aOO 183 4.4 11 6724 5 186 1854 6.176 SEWm hall 2 6 -100- 8238...33 71 Wet oif 6 6 100 1852 35... 2470 s ~ il 6 200 1853456 78 9105 37 S" omhWal 1 6 100 1852 3 45678 9-51 67 'C17 6 200 18»3456 78 9106 79 19- 6-20e 18%556 7 89. 86 33 8 SWpart 5 7 61 18l54618 9. 31 39 >14 7 2m0 165345679 103 8 '~E~as 18 7 93 1854 56 789.40 43 U72 7 200 1854 5 678 9.. 93 27 EmÉ bg 35 -7 1»0 185234.. 1917 g37 7 '100 1854...........7 02 lu 30 8 25 1853456789 2417 * INELSON G. E.EYI<OLVS, &,MW#oce, PeV C. oulh * Wltby, 1. 1, 1 ed. EXEIEC do 4 do 8 678 . 808 do d o 5leu668 . 80:: 87 do 23 l~ 8"5678a..... 0607 do 8se do '. :4::78 . 0 w '1o 1834i67?...-.......71 d adoo1184ô-67 81...... 007 do I 111 .do- 1834S678.......81067 do 8leu 5181417 8...... 0667 do S do :18:41678 :. 0 71 do 7 'do 85.6 7 8 ... 8ai do 8 do 184567 88.........1? do doo 18"4.673.. 841 7 do 6 :o:::4187 . 87 do 10 do - Iffl67 89... 87 do 18 do 3035 6 708.......20 67 do 14 do 24 407017" do .95 do 1855678 .....20 do 16 do S155789...... 24-67I do 17 do lqu546 78 ...... 20 67I do 18 do 185467 8....... 2067 d 19 do 6 74567.... 206G do 2 d o 18545678....2067 d '-1 -----do 1557 8..207 do 15 - do 18545 678.. Ç07 do 231 do 18.55678 .... 2067 do 27 do 1854 5678 .... 2Q067 do' 28 do 18545 678.... 20 67 do 26 do 18%55678,....0967 do 27 do.. 18--45 678.... - 9436 do -- 28j --------do 18545678. .fW2077 do 29 do 1854 587 8-:.:20 67 do 230 do 1854 56 78... 20 67 do 24 do 18A556 78... 20 67 do 2 do ,18545678.,..20 67 do 23 do 1854 5 67 8... 20697 do 27 do .18%56 7 8...32067 do 28 do 1854 5 6 78$... 207 do 36 do 18%56 7ý8......20O67 do 30 do 18545 6718.... 20 67 do 131... do.. 18M55618.... 20 67 do 39 do 184 5678.... 20 67 do 40 do 84 567 8...20 67 do 34 do 854 5678....20967 do 32 do 8545678:...I2067 do 3 do 18545 6 78.. 20 67 do 37 do 18545678.... 20 67 do 5do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 69 do 18545678 .. 20 67 do 80 do 18%56718.... 20 67 rbde do 18%567 8.... 20697 do 20 do 183,5 6 78.... 20 67 doe Il do 1i4.5 6 78.... 20 67 d 12 do 18545.)678S.... 20 67 do 14o 15568..26 do 54 do 1854 56 78.... 20 67 do 1 do 1854.5 678... 20 67 do doo 8468..20 67 do 17 do 1854.5 678...S 06 do 18 do 185456f:18.... 20 67 do 19 do 18545i6 78.-...'20 67 do 2 d 8*556 7 8.... 20 67 do 1 do 1804 56 7 8.... 20 67 do 22 doe 8468..26 5 do 12 do 1854 56 78.... 20 67 1 do 24 do 1854567,8.... 20 67 7 do 25 do 185456 78S.... 20 67 3 do 26 do 18545678.... 20 67 do 27 do 185456 7 8.... 20967 2o17 do 1854 56 .18 --292 do 18 do 1854 5678.... - -20 67 4 do 19 do 18545678 .... 20 67 9 do 20 do 18545678 .... 20 67 r4 o865do 51857567.... 2067 do 27 do 18468..27 do 22 do 1854 567 8.... 20 67 do 93 do 18545678... 20 67 r do 24 do 1854567 8... 20 69 do 25 do 184567 8... 20 67 o do 2 do 154 56 7 8... 20 67 B do 23 do 1854567 8.... 20097 do 14 do 185467 8.... 20067 do 15 do 1854 5678.... 20 67 7 do 17 do 1854 56 78... 20 67 do 78 do 1854567 8... 21327 1-o.aOt. o 1854567 8... 20 67 4 Vdcomasdo 3 do 2 do 1854 56 798... 20 67 l7 do 10 do 1854567 8... 20679 l3 do il do 1854 56 7 8... 20 67 13 do 12 do 1854567 8... 20 67 o do 16 do 1854 567 8 ..20607 18do475do 18 84.67820 67 i3 do 18 do 884682 'O do 19 do 845 67 8 .20 67 o9 do 10 do 1854 56 7 b... 20672 Ir6 .dothladoe1855678 .20 67 k3 d 12 do 155..... 0 )Victora t. d o 1854 567 ... 20 67 do 2o do 1845678...- 20 67 )7 do 3 do 1854567 8... 20 67 88 do 5 do 184567 8... 20 67 ,4 do S do 1545 678S... 20 67 78 do 7 do 1854 56 7 8... 20 67 20 do 8 do 1545 6 78... 2067Z 70, do 9 do' 1814 56 7 8-.20 67 98 do 10 d' 154 56 7 8... 20 67 3 d l d 846 ..26 46 do il do 1854567 8... 20 67 Soth bide do 15567 8... 20 67 70 do 2 do 185567 8... 20 67 97t do 3 do 18U5467... 20 67 98 do 4 do 184567 8... 20 67 do 5 do 1845 6 78... 20 67 44 do 6 do 1854567 8... 2067 72 o d 185456 7 8... 20 67 21 do 7 do 1557..26 os do 8 do 185456 7 8... 20 67 sa do 19 do. 185456 7 8... 20 67 18 do 10 do* 1854567 8... 20 67 46 Do 12 do 185456798... 20 65 77 à7 North aide 1 do 1854567 8 ... 20 67 82 Aberil.î 61 do 2 do 1854567 8... 097 s8 Eatde do 185.r4679S... 24677 do 2 do 185456 7... 2067 99 do 3 do 1854 56 7 ... 20 17 14 do 10 do 185456798... 20477 Holoway's Oiatnet. CO3SOLA'TION FOI' TIIE qsFFf"" Bauvtslgttand tte iîilizvd îike,iûl 'et llia" a v eg 8 p e c ic oe t l t tr . . t ' whrnthe nt' .1c l,i-inq . tIc û>t.l U=mntgttenttt1C %tûh'.t di , ttei'll tII' l ad uit.g aà iodrcsisit, 111iC 'in 1ttI tillI Kt ment. scrofola, Eryî'pst.O, nul, Sait itheutu No rfiedy l1.o..et 11111r",41îî0lî ne.ofdiûca C .' f\0iShn, -heîr ,ay tnl. tue, o l is ortt~It ~'--t Eryeipela.-i i . tt ttltl l.51û B3ad llegs, OId ,iore',,nand ['Icc-" or treRtntlt. t-ste few applicatio,'f 'ttiiû t" Erupiiols 0o,.Ilil'e Pu AriýIn .-.' '. ttû r ti 0! le Mf."il Pileo' t1anh!,F1Il. gwer yf,'-Peitî1r"- f..,bo tr i 'li A fe.l inre' tatittn , o utld .~ I l thy qtiilitîro tîil ttc t-' I"' .-r'- BlvtA l,.7.r. l i.~l1 l'ut. ithe st-'lttt 0-i - Scaldse , '11-1lq.."'n'.1 >"Te o'il arecdilùtri':1,1' thtetboc -ci,1-1 - gt X the sa bil. uA Ib.. 1 " oc t cic ral 0 Lue il î 1 i-ed ssri, ii th e lrL r > : e N. 0e lB. 1-î!A PUItIFI '8TIlIILOOI>. loliait's Liiéi' lut nd P1lt'euix 1flîtrs Free Irq,..attl îinal 'î .1 .si.ttd in t0, i-'.- -t-V, -' r lic iîld bI" b e e t 1,ltx Il ,--'tI- l i N i1zNe NE1 'ilil'i X o R.it-tIOml1. %lN (covttrIci. l" teILI 't U -kT .7,II It" A ni. *r'rt- u .) N -'1 I '-' N ' N T ST AT E-, i "l ,:- ., 1 front'îeb ltt ii.r î"'. t-' Vie.-'r-' '..î-1rs-t l-' wr d, 11 ý-1.t'h- À0tI- ,!'IlT , 1111I\V II \ûTk'L tr- at ii I'."î 11, U8 eli Ild -rk-t- tb piîy-. in r ý,!- l 1 - dt"-'-- dll Dr, An- IL >"".îtî'c-r-'oiÇ - thuimti.v l'a"i 8, 'r d l I- tî- li,r i tI 1,str tt.ttettt il t-'l, ,(ri bm bee. Il - - Uîtr Y.k; C tK 1ttTI. Dr. Atn'..& ûS..-v i i -- i.,rît li j, s tcr rt, Hte wli '.- it.,tir il>rt"I'~.r,, l rtirlr ...'t- -',î, the polltcl tît1 f r ti I'-.rr.î- Qil t)ty hseetsý. ltoi. , N 1.i l, TIIQIAS Il. MeSIILLAN ilIAS L'ron SALE HARVET IIYPLELYENTS, F EVEIY DESCRIPTIO'N WiICII 1W 15 SELLING AT UNPR 1IESEDI 'N I DL' AIl kii of Liqutor'. aid Whw t e.. tIl tttcitr P-trr. lartiesdosiriatg 5 ptel t- mly [ig mu li he, titut.stIl to ite hi a cal.I THOMAS il. MeULILLAN. B l ocr"'. BI'e - eo htt, B EGS 8'.8nuoùnS t»obisouoert-8i% rienls and eurtoOI O tat h. 10'à on t-la extensive Ousinfefe l N xAIL ITSBRJo.IS os amt. premtahero oln' upt.ed by Mr- N- R AsayS and Broek Sutmý awherc ha St- 1.epaw*L.b'AS h-uitfatO~ te lie car. CAÂIRI1ÂGES, BUGGIES, SLEIGIIs, Ff R ,AU .W016K WIV&.A-ýN' IL17ED&R uaL PJjVDC9TD yIN X iCff-1 .0 .1 a. FRWmS longt .p,,,,ofethlrty yle" 8in thea ~= et ARCHITEOT. t:' 144, Zay Itr ftt, Toeoie lu 1ç10m . GR~EAT OLEARING XïC on and after, Moilday, July 2,- iS 60, tihe subscî ibers win .' mence selling the remaindes' of their Spring aisdStun 'So0 alR V GeOD Stock A on ail Cash purchîsos over ont. dollar Soletto, 8cot tt eutl'r tiv o ttbtllîs lOI l al 1 htewt -' eremdt o l'ti a oroas t-rlis%:t. ùd egtsrie tm, n ride-o t B1ATS, BO0NNETSItIBONS ~ Ku ln, Barages, Dolains, Shlrt i, s, Skirts, ofe, 0lOn, trimpiinge, Gloves, Hosiory, Ohldrons and 1idjes Boots and Shoes, Gentiemens Rats and Caps, il, pibi' Âlapaca and Luster Coatings, Cotton and Union Tweeds, &c., &o., &o. o«F The higlîest price paid for ail sorts 0 of ;~ Farnùiers Pî'oduce. lai LOWES &'POWELL.'Th. HlighestCasl priee paid for ait qaîtt > .1tthe stor cillE -:0: BOO A soîpersor assortîlcuît of (" cuits ai Boys e v __ HA 3L tiu FASHIONABLE RE.ID YJJDE (CL 0 TIIIA'(! iisTw ccd", Fl.tiic o xtuîres, GARM ENTS MNA )E TlO 011DER. b'A. mn C W 1 xV AIlA NT EE & 0OR XNô %,àL-t.e j' Il 'tMII.'ON &-, EOBERTS, 17 1î~ 2, Tli's Blck ,wlîîby SUI Begs to iilt-iriîi lîi~ îstO C;an Il 1lepu. ic, that bits stock 0ofNew-o.nd sil i. tînt-r t-' i t I. î I îîî bcrSOlM t-i frC-h iî. DRESS CODIS, BONNIE'I', 1RIBIIUMI , PIRISOLS, 711 Gloses anIt. losite> . C..rput.,lit'-t -.s'î-,, \ - I liatitî es ieouîîc,î Broa Clths 8Jasillers&C. AuninTedGmes a ii n '. I it, ttt '. - t-. at di b it ii i t - p o t i r l e m i-e " 1 Th e is- ..nidarably c, t uetland - tc, Ii. v l tvr iia reyip t-st îtg thir ktrltteil t t.im len-i k adnndinteaAsye Per'sBick Biiltaliio'. Pe->s Whitt-y.27 t-jrl. l,60. R-sU 11 -a

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