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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1860, p. 2

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NOir doetse»f8fL¶i ]ay. Iinfluences ai -wro umniylng the mut FrouaUat xteultirepreparutions maduIe Twe-fat eb,-.»onc-ny 'lu - - tivial $umialtoC mtteTo' eue- y -inassy oxiWtors thora isgvery rossesrte Tu f Visebc rtcttook d ookiiag Stere fur $28, esoqoance,, tisecamre disposition mont .be xiet rt la .1So iteifu oe it 5SS a s Coaea, r 1d;- Jhn ,ir(Whoi Il/sain,. -publie -oîçeton. à30.-Ow: . D. .11pulic1 e . y trait# B i~ra-Ontrie-Alex. Brmownm, lst; a Vasn 9.%te-Cbetjr-WlfradC. finlri. us fain hope tii sn- tuse. te, CGflei 1ç ,tbe atoi, sdth"ukAber s-' ý, 2md ber. In ercscovnectto pet vil, oa Sd-' pûris-Crts ad toO0ifor i vestsa.ve-a-uiodanstiregardà e issu ahobit- that lit; % Byný;Sud. r Marie lsùrnceC. MDero't. tcow bav-a ordiýiy wih lgaeusa'"rPig 180-six ctrlis-J.es- Surs-yot ÃœxrdeQurtely - 'r-Geo. Mete-alfe. tise nction sf, thaCt e uni. ~geeross pilit ofenul.ation ib ins0sede dr- s, tdo., nd.1 Tot Catie ouniîder sin lea beli taallprogresand imprový v i>W 18»0 -ix -ntxtisCurils cund ail fu thepar oftheCouty-he inace om.ment. Our (lounty Shsows occisg csry P-o uuielst co FuPton. t- it ntresmra Taadtui-tiee xtnded-Jobn Stier. tise part cf the Comnty-tba Finance cees Town ocnil-mebers aisen-Tboitne mmite, ep sakçnpp tiseneolsya t year base au importansce net gcemaIy us- -.J, Q(lroy, asti John Way, Sud; S. Nets- L barfe A acntmprryweltber rtnJ.,3r.of th( - Huston. ' -or49r a pulnf9($18, onuy ta ho expeideeLtntet.A oleio ymd be-eto, J., 3et.SpringWhat-oix cntriri ho,,pi Great Chancecy Sot-J. V. Haues. mjumtLfutecscevupnistna Ya luansnoS Ntctn Jr., It; J. Coites, Jr nt, Crown Lands' Ikpt.-Salo of Lands at ils rri-i-id*ôn uc' S&-dn1gtepr'>Pgesoftheia -Province. ThaY -5" Snd;.J. G(lroy, So tr . s--.centi Sasdvrieit-Andhe idicati one of he aulvaoiement of the Tmo hîsheta' IarieyL..twe enrii-. oy Saiwe- nrwRussoit. c ales place; or ise te underatanId snc os - - Ftnclt; W'1, Iimu-aesir,etiud. orb Saa f aneahCintsaa-Crowfn Landsbase tise Finance co mttee roeid have.is anr an0s4îvrshsîinae0 silosOt-ýfivuctise-S.ý SaleeuofeLandeLnt5OO Chatham<o sJrlt; Il. Seîgid. Isug Departiotneereen ts otra tt. ierS I .Tire buslieSmall Pcas-S Notrton, thlay Clisecery S4eiof ealui ata-W.iIson & tien adupted by tise Coenty Councit plasudtpaitioS, la the life of teate", istisa certain- Jr., lut pr,,u. *-M Hecto,,. ' - qu~te $300 la tise isîsu*of tis&tardeu, and ty tattlii býngiag&, togetiser of Cise po-. i isl lro cu-2four otrie-J. - àélsofcalloôslghigonssm cinLst 1.Spéas, ud. cmft eà.tttin-Cha4rles Lyndé. -nWiti.4<hjýiorm h xsnduit ür é TirebuahlclIndian cern -tiscenetrici;fo rte 'tue~brt yi.-Of tisemalitant b a1togetiseel, irecoucelive, paong, mii prodmâea important esuita ina -JouuolaCs; . LPîstîips,>simd. Notoît.-l.Ford, - -itiin ibeir dlcretios. IHem ,artisatise inpretent of tisa Late and Uic geai- ua.Sircllisturmip ed-two ors- a __________________________ Wirdsof tise.esolution.s' - ua etthe peope. Tisere 15 nou ceaext- Cnrtal-Jui, tCotd2s in AI.? Slùes - ilobiiosoas, ~~~~~ - - etecor petctioa in tis w orte. Our ex- ele tsr-Jix ,et o rz iaUuf io es.a1rti aeaîlycme- iîuroont tI6tS-tso otris-Joieof se - mores, ilat Ues be ýaprp-- ecesuêprfct oftse7bCo.a.-Cd b hsCorepocatrohn adi h r.aie h odw e lv a e Nott5 Jt; Davîid Jul>-, hit2b Il byibNote.ad-3ntisefrn-ntisofTishnid eusinCpn.e sau, Pitrte ofraii-vireocmintries-J. Nuit, 'Wbitisy, aýh Wàenoday, Oct. 10th '1860, per roreptien -of His ROYat rIighncs tise excellent ud a -ery perfect imptement, lott -.aJclty, luit. tbéprsprfefJospi Wit-J <I fle- rice a 0( ica beis m rvàl'>in tho until tise merleof tise iron pleur sbire iai S'fi-David Joli7, st. liog, Auctioneer. County; sud tisaitishe Warden anud Couety Collection si-oeilturtirsg-Joii NOtt, OsLotNo. 1 ) iepoet~ Engineer lbu aÃ"oemmitteo. ctise pt-upç~ea.Tsand1epn i1kma ieu-lt and Sud-pcizes. 1 o., ShsCou. lnerieg, epndtornisas oei'o enetenms e n6uïis impielunt, anti1 tise cramle Tire nshcis petatous -Cis entres -J. is a Sahry, ctber6,tise gencral inianceo Coesmittoe, asd hat meade its appeatranre; and iL agen became P. Puane, laC; Jolsu Englielu, Init. alee 'William P pet J .StrinA -.24 roote turîipe;-ttuirteu eitrits---Jno.bc Pisipan - 5 Strlig, un-it saItlie tisa 4uty-af tbo-Treaaut-rto PaY very p&fection asCiI s-dety pmoved,- milIe Eîgliîs, laC; l. Phihlips, hut. 2 50itbeise oaui ou the ordor of tise Couuty by ths reaping machine. Tise oid fiait 24 roote Mangel Wurtzeî - Cru entries 9îKii È ngineer, rointecsigned by tise Warden."' - it'.1tirsebut uhtie grain mattâteiraculosmsly, -D. Christie, lst;- A.- Ilurt lu-it, atmu iII~i1tibf UI~tU1Ct, No mords-coid bu moesplain tor clous aud Cisc aound fit ef ovon yet remensieret 24 rouIs eçrrot-feu" eutries--L. S. don -. tissutisose, te showr thut ii whloisuest cf s:ou ftsIoaltascatoutoia oiluclit ; 1.t>Christie, 2imd. Al, $100JI~ soicty at tise disposai ef tise Wax' ep lu tise store bsouse oftise mnd ; but misa lit; L S. Heure, Sud. Tj Wjiibyatfrdfy, 2> 160.~'~d tse Cuut Eîgiser, ud hiCtl nlatise presenceouf Uicetisraisiîug machine, Peck isinter : pples-e eneties-So ;::b :~:~ as lutis noi efusi George movbis, t ; A. & .J. Prince, ut FinnceComitte hvenotîn-wlitevrmoud thian f sg tise ftilt. Jut Peck sointuer. apple---faut- eîtrei-Ira ionei I)ILtA A EýA ' t dowih te mtte. Te I gnerl F- a, i . hemysterluas procesi of ceasanin- Chainan, laC; George i-iis, Sud. mcli ce Comittey'!mentiuod n th resou- aoth- Tw ir - s r--T. Mumioo, 1lot prize. bi i ~ ~Jl SGIB~~ AN OTH rane Comitee,"uneitioteitluth reslu esidea cour augg.ets te tise mndant- Quart plies-six entries-Jolin Jury, 4i, IDBTS, TO- -OFIE tien l, of course, hu Finance Committe uis i i mpoe ts, tise sequait- lst; "e. Menusi, 9usd. itou, - appoîtte t ithepblemeeting, a nyoeTieiro Rite telatteco-,Josephs Dickey, oet peeul - -aiunyos ance mus eune evor sugget asutiser and a laCt; L. N. %forrison, luit. FI"ii na *& iMàJooUrELL;are qui perce!su. Hem, lu tise face ef hi, greater. Iliii thus thait heeisowu prose of 6 hiads Cahissge-Cen entries-.lessUa Cu dutlslyainthied petotas Agents forthe saie ttr Cie Waciten sud me obera of Uic ceai salueliy gcuuping togetiser tise ce- %Wrigit, lt; T. C. Foîcnan, luit, by1 colle4.oti ar coe'ut-s duo an Cu ibisnilase lnullfrtVtrioty of prion nugetbuie ioon- of it a et u hsoffc , 0dCuuyCuu seu ln1ul ecmsuits of tise ingenuity and ticiles ndsty trie-tsarlcs Payne lo"t; %'. A. lrjugî.es. to i ýsbur'sd- . elisfo i t aling lu tlie domonstrations, enjisgof many, they proroku greaier efforts, and lnd. vetlau4 -.and :job,vmerl, sntigise recipta the masiut andsaring lu tise accommoda- gv ust oeipratdrrnecd Beuquet ef flosers-fiso cutries-Dr ii *o*Uunusy pidthssl .is ame-tiena prorideit, mon rai Crn round Nation, lt; D. Jotiy, luit, fine Fusis aiotoitotgreatly - bligu, nmiand cipudiate tise reut of hir' omumr nree xelnie.Diypodietsctries -S.S. Wisy 7-1 ci -ton isli a os tacupreet Dnring laie yecrs an incressing apprecia. lti D. Clrtetie, lit; - J. Eucglsti, 3m. ee gavel'theinélve..troeislq aud expeosa by staiei tatmt cirhms. im o Ieripracehssnvsb e Trslis. clîeee-tvvo enrie-it Me- ing UOrlbOh - iu0mdiatu settliment ef tise h aorety coutl not-iatu ieen tise intention ofteriptacbs e v uy l -JhnEgs smeuut et their ýaccouta. Ctumulet tiso Sheifcith Ue $300 advanced bore as elsewhere. Let us isope tisat hat Ten yards; futîedcîrloth-Joietuis Gouit, r whilaisaprochnwil a irouât Triu ist;yards fnliîs nôcg. ori onCi 'W. là. HIGGINS. iy hies; ac u t o iedancng of tise Iar- mTesti ypprdshlsgmiii s fer otitciplu laC JetunEnfuis luîd - du aidCeuty CuecllocrmOe his ~ prodecesseurs as Ce give encouragenient toc Christie, lt, t). Crnite,2',i. Ccu .&titionSaIetise piper out of lus omu poceot %trVu t stili greater efforts lu tise future. Pair meut blanket-tici entries Geo. BilIs Dti.l-ua.e ]Bills Brabazsu, lstC;Josephtu (ull. lui1d. - - - Chat no sîcis meins.sebauslicou attempteit. Covrlit- tCice cutis-W. , Shipinami, 'Tise bestprited, anai tise oeapeot -AnifI it bas, attme censaoy i :thtise Northt Ontario A.-rteltuaa Sow. ltaC; C. C. Jone, led. hie Tsio lias. yîr ur fc lotîs--ucix entries- Autle iels iscars bi proeuired ea hie beliovo tise Sherif ireulillie witrnteil on TeArulraxiton o orhJosephîGouit tIW. 'tciaust, lsd. ahi C/ noZ~ flce Ahusdoit alf.aet ties trengtli of Chu cisulution abuse, t ieArcuîa xiito ot Toirelis. yarms for encbnvfarC- bis ï-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --sheOntaio bolu at Prince Albert on lYed. triai Josephs Gouldît;ai 0. .tilium.lu 2a e bi , a e lsad wiii nr an heer fro nt compothCle pay et of tise $300. npdasa rssd cie seas h t J h n lss rl tIsS titeoflitvusgtAcom'or. Mr. Mosat and lic. OGambie te bc tendance iras munt numerous, aid in quali- Tire pair , socoks -tseo entiei-D. Caadidates fir Kinug Caimuulieîel, lot u D. Chistieu.ut , -çomnpltej R giior is kept ef ai Divison. ty aid umien al thie articles classei mre Tise pair secel'iits- tîco cntriee-D. At~c¶om soes 4' ouey Actiuieoso, We re ik-ly e -- mll repcisented. Aitogetser tisera scre Caruuhel, lst: Join Mugilît, 2l. havea tielysuelesupvaris ef490yntres. ho iorse su Gunt' SiîucC--fo;mm entrie-U. Joli>'.c as ifte slesof r. lez Tlmp, W ar lielyta avea lvel tme f uwars ol49t;nriA. TeSiiriadair, . S n ud.è LC. aiase itiamle fMn lx.To ip tluelKIngu Division duriusg tise remindor catrie cisomn mre sery asueier lu tisir Lailes' Bcîuet-t. Sinclair, lit prise, ne -soui Sarbno' Ai pertio isvo e toitb.elcoitetot. -There ta heen 5auneerai clouses. Ts atst exhibiteit -Chitd's uuiusore t'î uirCoS. ao ls té connte tiise C/rQsic:à oflile ce t eisg fet is ieadsof tise (rit Party lld iras adoitted t b etise boit $ample hatCBarber, Iss-. ltr, -seiidiloWthzo aud hhey cen nai once finsi eut 'irberiah Toronsto, mu are told, at irhic it wuaieser caeu mier tise jsitgei' notice, and me Piecee.mrk Qult. -Fise cuurica -S. P. sudlhee lny tic'soccrb eogu e eeri.dthat Mr. David Beesoo shoulit mecs totd by Mr. Robsert SpesietU- Phece crochet îsck -tire eutries Jolin ains te wirtt dayîsi sevics ~ step aille anduilalowe-eHou. Mr. Momat, bridge Uit ilterpaMecutin, qusity-the Christie, laC; tD. JolIy, but. tiemnber for 8iul Otro t ao hmeat whub ll dsocsai ahlmeilton, and Fanu>' Knittiîu-50cthe-DCrs e bo -rôenred. .Wmll tnthoiity heibeeuplcen oe' qr. krhm aeel, is tole ufirsCProvince prise. In tuibrt;D oiîa'yeuîîulntucutu-Jmi *~~t . e~e cel ~ baaFrmlace. ihi tic, oidr.ni;ully. lin tl lt.e-.le ~nvp8 tiiIgg'mntandot Mr. Jolin S~ia s cifc ii ota tise diipity mis s urpislygo-Ttesoilt ..'isu.hi. opd'tappoiOt ehcys mithoot reeereiice tiluarrnugemnen t,, 1 lnet tfcrus te son he prncipal exhibiteci ihein.- Messes. W. tiriting-t0iui) etrhs-l. C. t'orcmiis. te -- tet tssyhav aceuiecedh ut is ar A. rinle t sjisrdgq sudChaci ayonla%.h.Sinclauir, 1usnd. el te .Auctiosseei'. bitta hyhv a5sei t 5h1r5. EnA o xrij. n halsPan i troiiery-E. Oliveru lst; A .Simn- hbu .~l iuselo bis m-sitmiit the isrei. A reesissticu fofr Mn. Gamisle et Resci, mise meute a mueatcreditaishowrclair, dnlu. aucdon bills printea le this :a"ult Beuinin wo ok asd-1 icar -offce, will sea-bye a uutbo ~ baslos i aweeil hreegis duo Disiuoa,t of gardon vegatis. The onYfuly . t pie iv elrisi -1 iulsr -. îmti tie wm belieso, tisai motiltanding tisat gen-. ihieis me have tDf nd i tS the exhibition i Berlin eveol fiat-t). JolI>', lst Irise. sac C/îro/oioulgràtýiitts ilmad usthe endu' deel t!' aat he tis hat tisa accommodation rah the disposât of Psi Dsus-tvr o tries-WV. A. 4i1.sustnnoetplain andi oraatentatl nomintion at Msrkbcmn, M. G(isei lde- exiiitore and visiterae millaier teelirai- Pringle. lst; Dt. Julty, luit. nety, iasie-r t eaeMapig-D. JoIiy, tCprise. lit neetriniued feruard ou tisu day et tedl. Tiseapace ton iseowing ise hsees and Sngecorret carrîaeeEisiýiiy uit ytltsg et J.sudepom îrie a ni o petilious)nomiination andi ofer iselt toc King 6 Di- rattie irs mueis tee amai, uni thCe grain Withe, (diuputed.) - vsin.Mc Gmllo5 ousesufe, e-a etsmre qiecapolu nl Single iuiggyoeu tirecenetriec-- J ~Maron & Clark, laeC;Ce-o otluorenutries ds Ta 1àe VhMtse's RPcePtiOs mnt Whtitbev - mwila sMr. Ferry, tas bee tise rersetfisuilteittogetiser in tise coifiseelupece in puteit. sxilthtesa uO5SIP absout lit. weiat as expectet troes hies, andt aiythieg 'urneS tiey mre locatoil. Tise display ai Siagie double cutter-Muation & Clark-, batstraiistfermard andl consistent. la- tise FIerai Hall mai nony a hiri Petaesii on u I~ t reilp ChsoCet.asiendmec p 4e~d e uemigist enen quasition urbether it liasaurceauful,andithtie enire arragenments nz ailtic lsjosnddlsi gosopn iS et. nl osmraUle osfair. But me re.erve mot îatisîctocily cncieit eut by tise offi. Wagon,ionîe-nvotiv-E sy - bte nemddigKO'othi ÃŽater. 'ak&Whitelot* Wu. tltcusc. luit. Peoolebis ltpm aeisytie crs itî a cmment upan M. Gambes conduet tuor cers oet he Society. To tise lkiiiness of Wioot pylùuuh-Emnfy & Wtlte, tut re PeSeteIbave unil-W net0t ibis clrt prise, hi hal e Tpon, ilyI-lcs>' asItj~k Ch t aier occasion, aid until aftec me isave 1Mr. Diuley-tis ecretary,mo are tedebtoi ed Soit0dprisnt tise 1pyr it]Isame ans i s, th.: ' icertainoit mis thtie noninatie shah do- toc tacilithes toeunablo us Ce fumiis the Scletrr -in.ii ur, t-C rie. ntoeud sac, aud'ihat ttise Wardélý >dit clope. As te M. liomat, ho lu a ioiti tluigtt fpi.Chunuî r-clii INott, , t prie. imes lietere Mr. Rosor tram any peint et Blondc alssOs ur-dmr Ilore rcle-JosiuIlecild, lot prize. sosnathinX, and that M, Periy sait sois- i tlio-e ntyEwr rtanaesv deai l, sesamaresc, be aurouiller- Mjor, list.Grncurs el-J. IB. Lazice, Ist prise. po thigle n.truiis certain pais m -baddte Hrse-tire entries-D. :McTag. Wus5iiig nciiiir-Jgio. Nutt, ict prise la thelatis-y tise elotore. Tise objections ramesi gart, lit ; Donald CarusicîsiIh ct e oa Ret.aspoinS tei eosix ptiseittattor-hgoit&ehiteeltiohnca-.ur ent211(l.snn Dnae -thisevsrytiis goorl, tute, aid ta Me.Rsrmeltl*n is >t Broudir on e ith la at-ire&Witlt uîsheid ut in h, he m o Mr MwaLTo c dfeaedenrsoJhun Wcir, let; Jiohnrs Hamilton, Side suleie ttlkçr--Joshiua Wrighut, Lit Indiffèrent, hat - tuiuesaplace i iets cs t1r Mmt eS dtaelSd;-Joephs Goulel, I3i& asdCtiprizsa. teiaui s wee ePOt.îIle ho ake iabiy a man et M. Momnt'cst"ip anu isueh- 2 3cer oit outîre Colit-fis-e cntris-J Site uppericatir-Joihuie W'n.tita sesýft3ihle focail thtntYsarlut or doeaisuracter, moulut bu a viator>' toc Mr. Ferry, Christie, la; W.A. Pringle, Sud. -ni ui rss P, st, strest wecy onesohf Mcaspacid2Sycar aid Fllty-eiht ecutris-Joisi Cati okhîs, dressed--Joshutt Wri"tstlti nýor r Lterytisne csie ar toe acontetiiaeee c e-JckolC u.SC.Si.auul îsit prises. 1fr.me sutJnac-sn ,iu st -hi eSm osit oisson Pair ot lncls Coui uboot-ossut si Bah ip .T W u ca 1abte..1as5A5digf. eutt- Ji- rtma rhte-lm"eiia-on Cgaiese: L Pa yun e cte; uanul 1. 4àvo Wo tSwde$" . sCseiaS o ut mtinte t us'deohether o trr Ileet cun di-." ý, har,ey, dis; DMl.Joli>-, no o4btipeationms, a>thhees lr aýýhbit lutn the* Weir, lut D. UarnÃŽ44 2d; Jhpta pilboir, dis; Cortira k Roips, IWax i' atflhrby meeaee o oà&t. ý.»_ xhlhitama Weir, r.XU in' ýtite Psition talas b>' semae po Ir<itujol FaJOJSBTt-ceos Setboter-tour entrite-Wm. Ficmrs ; J. NV rigiu,t ai-JofetKîr, dis: H. et mas e risesneptic < Iqked aernmfatsklûot5 @, lathe " iR w-Ward, lt; WV. toimacu-Sn& - Iaigit -3 iquazhu; MvLJURlY, 1 Bureau; Wedono kW e iste, dken" raspesitut masliainLcss -ei stis. Wpa- I. Sisijcuuauufo' lamlias ool rug,,sag sug uurpariodr p" o"M o eat, ias - J ,. i.Msu, sa; John iWeuin n suwdis;Jno. Soit, maling cnes, dis; or in d uueàout s -i'te-1. Iýecelalyz n -W ïya LILTulioPeprdis; - A adw ttra 1 -i r- m ja jtS; miee. aTise foltou is;doatemoeis;r ho «ght te1.-Aea"al loi Nes-l w'. he im. 'e 6 y- Na -,Imndüm lt - m w', p1,;ji Fi ent iisieorNos-esk in.ew York. -c ý, - Butants>',thel, Eeesnlong-?frsm5mI. l'he um Wma a,,rj-tm 1The-terillig isa tatmn fh S a a& t ta gotbr l lu th ata l in a àlil h. N", iCga Weet Pouah.-4 Lun rccçmmendatio bai oponed i asole >ý a, a t haciser. un. lady poessssing impertisg las.tesicti siroftiattemntion, i committeil ta he .ultydsoaeners oure luhireti fonuatut bM Carroui bai a Ts o, rqiat insl aid iscipliethe nr chiarge, %îit bhar, iteil, and minas and ery gent1 ieoledge O ereccStangue, ne cenimpartisO pipits thëte ta pron .ounciatiOn 'ast se ce auattiinionh miicis me bave secn soldons posseauced by tise engîlis tendh tn Our sseo,mIt*hopreSuix taeCste ages tram ibooks, una. mord of wmmc are unabte ta pronounce corrcrtly. lias Carrollisla meli accompîlisoil mai iaid- gises inat ructuon on Uh ic pie i a mort, Lu Canroll'u scisulot ec pportuuitt/'tofr torealhn, Use cituca- i of greor-ail g-ruomisg yeuugladies, isicis parents mise moult ldu tieir duty their cbiilreunsould avail themseiveî. Psbiuutiauanrecelrcd. BLtcKsroe'i MsAr.nzsfo tr Septemi choira inisber. Tiseontentls are4j acl efthUe lite andl cisrcrter et Sic Ro t Fortl;" mcGcict Wits, Mut Witu;i ng Arthur andl is urouetdttishle i" "T uggle et Melasse ;" -&The tomer et Ler E u I, 'om> sincIcire'-part VINI. TBE CusuîOPouI.:iR Aujot'aiiÂm-Th Cember issue eft tissQuarteri>' publicz n prescrits a deliglittul table et contenut iuding an article ai &iDean Switt asg Samours ; a puesa>' Mc. Dugane, ry y Alice Caciey, (unfluishel) sketche Virgini, contnihutet by Juin Este Ce; iThe Phantees Wenidm- cite Wm. NorCis u mMuszeiuan d alanumeu ruiner articles of more than usuel ile ý.The illustriations are iljuiet"-T Iony acene fres Remuesncait Julieta ver ue teel plate. Eloclrolypei-u.LiC' cning andt erenlusg ;*' usSoptemiser moi u ' amui a portrait et J. A. Certet. Min. ROBERiiT CÂuAscMPLL S left for MeI !lti h esening, te niche aitiiticunsi aiais gosdute bis rft importations. 0::- Ma. BDtELtom has just cimoeuti Ihasdsoms Neir Store, mnichislano )ut finlahet, eutdsehicis visn filleul vl sucir stock- of geai s su uite an it iiný' nppearaiice. Tes-n Voaseti. Agrain et anthor meecting et the Tic uneit fer Monday eseiuing lait, tiscrew oquorum. Tise rlere, inpnrsuaneeoc !olutionîoretChu Couneil, pubhiAlcu'co ,ru tisesaunes oethCle asenmutemis Mr. Perrsr's Meetssue tSis îcck. Mn. Ferry %seul ailtreai muemeeting oet lertoci ut itreelelimi, on Thuiday cocui -xt. Tise meeting mheis mas te hase bh gef tljoiumi,.This has hecu dune in con- qsence erthele nominoation tek-ing place eus îiturtey, mhinb ireuldIt lare Mn. Ponry, rho ia eîi'eaily a gooldoal exhanstel, ne Clu ceit botore tise day of mnominattion. COunty Council. ADJOURNrD SESSION. lTE ROM) BY-LAW DEFEATED t Wuurisv, Sept. 25, 1860. etisrizin. the raieing et $20,000 for the eproemoîut of heaelisg li nos ot mut lurougi tise CouiC>', ths Couacit amsembleit t tise Court lieuse tbî day, for tise pur. oie et tak-iig tise finit pusslng eoftth y- lai int c>msshieraioem. Tise Wsrdcu coo the chair aborri>' utter tisrso o'locu. With bue exception ot Mr. Barriette Deoai> heure ofuit il blthi ail tise mumbenu dore preent. Mc. Rus-oCt, secondei b>' Mn. iVrigist, noveil Chu tiird ceading. Mfr. Eaciiti deemet it neccesry te ulate, thut ln conseqouece et s cesoiutiou uassel by sAis Cooncil, ail tise feeling ln- is towenship hein è ,agaimst Cthemecasuro, te ahasuli, contrary ZW biu former i-ote, be rompeile tea-rotsugalnt tise puceiug et tbm by-lam. M . Seigiter ou behaif of j. dhteSi bis colteague (Ms. SmiCh>)asoulil-l. e~ pellesi Ce ofISona ullarecuse. A race - ing, he stîtet, iras hithUe Most tesor- all part et bla township Cbe expression ut ehicis mais ufasocable tomants tise by- Mr. Campbeillfolloe s uit, ansdttise ci- solutions hing boom put ma asetupen the fullowiiu" divhiin- Ycaa.-Mesuuu Homett, llohinsoe, loee, MeGregon, BrownanmdtWrht.-6. Nnys.-fmoesrGamcbie, SBitS, Sang-- pter, Pint, Hart, Campbell, Batciliff, White. (Pickering.) Whitee (Whitbl,) HUielp aid Wi'xan.-l. Aftun a tom moudu trou Uste martes in ceIn ta tdieedi of non-anitent landsitu ho giren b>'tise Shini thUe CO uil, oM MeO tien uit Mcr. Smiths, u djoraei ie utie. LA Moamx ha urlUs a fnienil ut Astoria, LL The masna he onace eharanei tiuigo, misepla>ed s-lUscourtiers as wmU footb&alaia. 8»Wv ittIs Setter ticea dr- velag Id&.4, 1scjmd iy a terrible ougli tbat ia besrlg isaE CtisahegraV%, arcat>' "me t ta in ladièree.t uentencei5 '-Y. i.u bser" in at5te oetm-a5mVa iag lamers lanhbebarr, as po-s Opholu sEuL Wbs s~tkmmm" eudbiV> pariaw,a uuc.lb<l, ot leSg snàs04r th. U ef as.misgm KM-sed ySil" eu&rum M .W e )P up W"-lusu Th ie#w ia t -h a 'O a24w -u omu rtdùe a telW bà '-f;aw Wmet &m * te e*- ,1 ged more tise weapost~ i 'rtTVT~1ON gmace-sO leeemted KLNGS p oi-pid, tkhm hle bcbng eut te the boue M Pr. >Iowat w-8 scarcly osiu-fte Tire OA.NVASS. pain inflictod. until after tise operatlen. BltOW~'SAt tise conclusion of tisa meeting, tbree, e BtwIÉCoBRERS. hes e es giron for, Ferry,, throe for t 1 c. erywattii and tiscee for tise Que. -Tisa rt Mr. tlrrsse, gremalo~rity of tse sseetiug mus in. favor a 0electera ah BrloisCorni, Mark-lîisi, of Mr. Ferry, aîd swhite Mr. Momat boadt on Tisursday erriii , Tisre ei 'P siany friendu 1resnt thaoso of Mr. Reesor Wi5l f 1s-udcd toters Present. Jobn, mece ent:rotlifew and fer nmen Re nter,, ieq., occtiicd thse choir. Mc. ..4s usscc ivnvlscei;ts hîllu Sc:Yoaen ob ur iaPryv ci troducred te tise meetingý, Yb fthe Editor of rite WfkibIi Clrostfcle. - er ý e is sCOi ebvs a mcd cs1lodl papsr is nosv going thtroulnds, of miic i Spplaudceit he tiset .& Mr. Pecry's being,a dectarationof mast of confidencea fi address mas aale expositil O f bts Poili- 1Wu cber of tise'candidates for King'a Divi- thtieat platferin, andin its delivecti w5 clous' sien, antd ceejuesting. Mr. J. W. Gambie te rced hy tise meeting comateout au a candidate and pledging iim and asimaîrd, and tUppOci.ýo. wiisfreqtieit horsts .oisppltsse. At Chu, Sefacr as ail îhis. gecim, wmmMc. Gambie r conclusioun a vote in bis frvoçriras carried 'à strangeir te it tiseta is netii remarie. unailtsisyi about sci'eseigt-ltli of tisose alte, andd more 1 net nasiured ot bis colleur present rising is fi-or of tise resolution. * ceusce in thse sfeir, I shaud have consider-1 -s cd aucîs s couse entirely bènealis bis digni- a- SXICiEtCsS tiIOL IOUSE. ty, and oesho svould have spscned sitisj contenipt. 1 ,-i Mc. Reesor fild ilsoiceillg et Sîidec ai Red Mc. Gamebie taliosneo oié of tise ecoliosi Sohr uFidt te2s conventioni, but corne ont at tise reejueit of 3chol ous, oalor'o n Fida th 21tbis friemîdi, or on bis ownobookl as me terni it. Tbcre scere aouot screnty-firc pier- it, ho coutil propecty and consistently bave somus prert. The chair vrai ocrupied hy doue se, but eeiwsu comsidler that ho Mr. Milter. Ifter Mr. Iteesor hadl deliver- ment Ce the cenvention, and subssitted hlm- ®r roi11,s speechl, Mr. Pccry wss coiled upon, self as n candidate for tise suffrages of tise A u liedcrr tc etigkiepo dolegatea theco preicit, ttîe isole Uiing na andalsadreseiltht mesues a dificert aspect. 1 have been tpd t -ceediuigo l tlo d nii) toh af-pa t 12 orlocle, hat M c. G a mite con mipti s Chat tise con- ;" sc e resioliOiî tr-soutin fui-or of Mc- volition mes peck-cidi fuser of M. Pocry, ,h Rieesor aîîd careied. Tiveity-miio persansi'butotesaime lioe acenemlegea Chah lie in- only Voteil: aid iheri 'vas .50 veto tacu irant tg tise convention ini fuît qonfidence of L: ý big etecteit, but boing dissappoimited scys, on tise crtty siie. .;- if hoe had only kuiomistlîo day befere, hoe 'leM coutl loby bis influence, bave had a sfficieut Le CLIFOCSI.MARKHA im nîbec ofieleteates here, Ce gise hies c C4. veï lrge iecing numerig sinemajority, le a44o ack-eovledgei ýte isuing A4v3y, oge C~l uteui O~ been inîstrumental ini ieleetin-, noiseof tise oid Cie buîdred pcrs5, v ws addcesied b y dleegtes Ce hat counvention. Nom ii iem ,a Mc. i'erry a, tc h-*aolOplacee ostSatlucday of the above, 1 moulil aileyen mi s ritise e Cllatot. Mjr. L Milter eccupied tise pacler ? ForcMr. Gamube ta offier iimniî chi. yr'lecaeioîssora Cforceetion, aftec ursuisg suris a concs, evey Oher.,aheri-., drin, te cntOtýis iriter mniay negenttemnaîiee,and aI- s' rry oto îhu: iuigts ototogetîîec unmortby of Johnî W. Gamie, ber renuirkehli able and britliint. Sevoritl andc 1 must tell hlmt in aittraideur anîd Wr- ques;iOocivre asiecitilao by sarioui elec-frieuelahip, hat lhe mill ot ho supported lu ho ors tu cliles a ojes a~ier1 te gise this section of Rings Diyisioii. e tse fullet atijacia. A cnotution of In efe ureadsteoasrLvecn ry 1,apoa n upr vseihsatcl didates il mutho obvions te ail Chat hoir -'saprost sdsuj1-el Oi nîtlussstcatycourses io se fer ausisoneur aid uprigist ,r- cerrird by ait uiaillious voe. coudur.t lu coîîcer,îed has boe vautly differ- -- ont. Thot of Mc. Percysa lias beci goutte- MeCpEthittI,1S SCIIOOL flOUSE. mnaly aîîd traigitforssard.ovie tlat of Mc. Iteesor bas hecus of e vsciltating and imi- on on Moudiy iucinj the 21tiist, Mr. atisve nature ttîroughost. Mr. Ferry lbas of 'lerry lieldai uceIicii Mýcfrititi sehlle pcty avosceilbis, prinicliei aid froin.the lieuse,:ir(lcluni. oi hiezcriîg. There oerceficet edliereil te then i&8îoseriîgly, mitisout &%bouit t30 persol0 pcocct. MIr. Dentd feer of ronîtraicitionî or in ii uy vay copyitug lat' G i ch r st ccu i d the cha r. r J m es t se cre d of ti io r, w it elt M . R eo c b is ito ilei li acciiedihechar. r. ame legisletive-lik-e, hoed fcont one chiiin of 0W MeCrigbi ipitvs îoe lSoiistuoI. r.c- oitics te emothor wieiîut amiy ixcil lritici- uts cy %vs'ictieh cee sulis ilcti.rily eîissereil. Nu pie, titI lho coîîtd diseover tise tost uppror- im soie ws a ikeî but Ili-, loue and feelin.g cd 1îieik1 inMr. Pnrryo ptutfocm, hose of he ecti).l %e a, iforedwu$firt-liua esstolon as ilso hase of luhs o, snd of isemciiî. oi i iifrinilms frC-au if te matin himis-tf if posible more ce- rate . Th e io icL i, bohe uti flite eftec dirulc i, ho bis i tisst lise hestructure frais giisg ttiîe cies Ca retIe Queue, tise pile cf rtto,î plemîhi ami- rubisisti l, i AXEL' tho depuuitacy cf tise cloar grit organ. MA W L S IttOO IIOUSE. Your, m ost espoCtfully, Cis 1>LATO. .faM. Pcry ucd cc-aýsd a iucotin.4 uf ttîe lliuoci.is; Septeuiber 25th 186. ýlàc- electicra atiliii A-ci IccClii.vc sies is it- -_ n. - r ucîicd sacci111 "e icisa Nacihicf llurmuny Provinîcial Arcm umlAssociititon v iila g e c si r co n - c ccvü iccg lsst. lise at- îltt î H m lto nm . te nid a c e v a s ; C ol-l c cid b e , t iik i ig t ise p l c e i .to ac ool, , aio uibcccercil utaiards cf IVe u le t t e f otto iiîîg frein tClie pU islià tise îi tY Peciacs. Jachb Cccnk, Esq., wus doil o f pri ea ex rate t ate persemîs re iii g culcc calettuaelia. c hiehofille-J very crcditaisly . Aiic\Ir. Perrysa adiceos, ini tbis tuuily îand viciîîieys iîlcis esa eîcycciis eeffort, at-nd etce- BIoiIorss-Thoins Docwig, Gas. cîl ceiced hY t'leuci.,-eyiiety Y iad sua, -ittiprise, $9. M v tuey auud i .,i i1. ace urryturus.CRI aRlon dtli pri, se $9. t ict iiic.-cîstciii. Tis- u ieiL betîrerju M . Se i0e ri uccnd iis r.n.ccuuid aciagcniat, iis dc- M I niet )5iin ile lî 1ie'asuit as beuîtird t iseCh suds0 îc ch tcliv u uosi iue ouiîl slitet sc i fumessif. tt îvac shs.,iher froc tront uhos tiseutihieîuers.uuuuhuiieisehici bai-e, C tîseou h u t hei c Coud si, s u freiju eit>' ch r- ctecizel Letheuic ofsetMr. lDavid IRec- e sec. 'blas eewi, i4 h.'ucp ini tiese ut of gout buesur-u eoîr beiuug alie-ndUi u freu aIll cceuuis, if thucre more a vote Chie $1 divisli osuldIit-iic s ecuua closune. Mr. Ferry hioocsýec, ils aditltet, aurcecedil% iiit îiîaluîtg hoe bis eldo e scajoru>', nuy of whom eu i-e opoîsed to hiuu îueesious Ce bis eo taeuîg the sancd. GREAT MEETIN'3 AT DUNUARTON I Sq At Dîsebacis os W'sdrusdey eneuiug SI co cf use bestu-if coi vise very lict- minlugs yet iscitducici the cruuiassm-ai aittrescilhy lic. Perry.Tho-,isomber pro-- sent huaishiees i'ar.asiy oimntet ah from tmu huaicili-cl b icîshuuuu]rit unitfifty per- vOUS. 'The iLcucirorgaiuize ith ie noir neisoî,l bcolus n5heviluage, %mbicb mai rom- - -pîraeiy ihcceîgd-cscuî siîting-rseî being nextCtuCi iosshibiic-, telo itciîeit it- thue buildicng. Mr, Au.ituem Carnegie aceu c plodtht hairandiNlc. iholmes, seisuai techer ippocîcCt Seccetar>'. Mc. Ferry speke for about sictlueur eut e quarter,V risettis,' Chueecicd .e4aienJothUe large etiilJd hy liis iuîr, furrihle aid logirci aitilces. Mr. Nluvat, the menihen for Chu Seso tt iiîg out ticCasusi>, fottomeut, oiu tise piaru utMr. lueuilr, aeut rteisly suc- oeed inlu akuiug s; the cuitgels for Chat0 gentlemesn15in aliitercf iricis ponrMn. Iteesor bluussehf ia toall>' innocent. Evn 3 c. Mouîcuti houic-sý,mate uittbs us>' againsh - Mn. Ferry, unilc curied tChie nudiencecolin- pInte' o w ishle. WhuiI1Mr. Pency'a cia- Ouing îuas oesceleur suittelling, Use butea of Mr. lst speech cunsisteut iu vaui'ouOeuecaiesa nd ai u a eusp pciuicipaiiy of rccc-vceoOtoemmisqrjoint aut5orîîy." On iboiscula Mr. Momat iroutit Oh bus siitc-eI hy itcclansg hat ut iris escs for -4v. hîcccy te buml eout in Dfaurrotfi1ceriitaios hy populaton ;- Chat ucOue01Y epi>'Ccc-ile ems"jointatu- thociiyv. Net &a of etexpiaistiontues- oves ullîl Mc. Mua vou safe as ta mhah Chat Johit outchJit ai. Mr. Penry'u repi'y ma uitcLuandtl elw h dletl6ý 0Piisiolut Use fluet Chat lih m waMc. Muimattiit um o ie iab,eiem i- *ont foic repeeiilion b>' populat ion 1857, &ast sa Cerainl>', if rte pruscipte wore murets b- i for tises, it mu'm morttt àtnese inI is O( Tio"fsuseig ha -sasi as u ltg iia t ths sidsetofXc. rMo 4t,'hoe iiii; tee foismsea the question cf repi. renltinus sbamuissg turoagisUse ctry in efuses ert&a aew t mnutrm For a ftilaif heur, Mr. pammy kept Use meeting Uicthemeut appmui>us thI louiutos-~ e, ion tise meuit Promo- kibng maner, iOis5Jeuj Mn. Mes-at s-ith i5 Mu Camundi ramiule.Ereis Mm. Mos-u Ow -ie aboutP,,im,.yte Cie seel 'imsg te ho Cisurmeil" h adtaChmirU à sut i rM. Ferry ai M. Ko-SSii rpscuo. Wa aa 1m tidg ttis Craisssg -kkosMr.>ep"ygare te Mr. Kasisegali ut Setoand u )Ir.s-Fuse- Wis-d at Oabisurwir nos&aeircimfam t l efnl aise thaiisula 'mali ~ l o-t1one with &«àkgoed karboru', lut brise $40; Josn Sauleeson, arehaus, -ti, $9. Best thsroe poar oIt talion-J. Thomp- on, Murtehace, $22.1. Bout trau-1lut sallion et as>' age-Wtu. ,raseterl, Seurbero', goit medal. Boat tbree-year otit iul-Wm. Am- ceuong, Mark-hem, $32. Boat tmo-yccn aIt bull-Ueo. Milles, iank-haeu, $25 i J. B. Whceler, Scarboro', e12. Bull Cuif-(Uisder eue yer,)--J. Miller 'iicritig, 4sis prie, $4. liet three-yoar oit Co-J. P. Wisoui- r, Scacliora, Sud prise, $12. Boit thcee-yeun al D Ioen BotI-Thes. .lliu, Wlîttby, Bcd pcize, $16;' J. Malcom, cerboWo', dtbprise, $B. Bout Bull Catf-.<ntem h yor,)-J. Spencer, Whithy, 3rd prise, $8. Bush Roufer Cal-J. Speacer, iuts>. BeattwCieEurea-<twseihoeseau-J oser,) -J.iohn Miller, Fit-ecinginit Prie, $12; George Miller, Mark-hans. Beet I b,,erling- Eme-George Mille, larC-hai, huit prla.e, $8. lieut 2 Hie Luils-Josi Milien, Pick- ring, 4Cis prise, $2. BesC Cheviot Ram-(tmu abonne cend oven,>-Tboias Guy, Wbitb)y Bcd Prie, $5. Bout Cheeiot ame iamb-Tsos. Ouy', lfbitby, 4tis prise, $2. Besit tee chearlhng Eurea-Tbomus Guiy, Vihi>', lut prise, $12. Bout tuno oie lamha-Them Ou>', WViitS>', lut prise, $2. Boit Southlome ltue-Ceo shes"ui >orî)--Joli Spencer, WhitbY, 4Cb prizO, Retwo e»e-.-(tiro iheufs aid oser,) '~Johns Spencer, Wbitby, lsd prlae, $12. Betoat Cuesaejing Huea-Jein Specr, Wisitby, 3rut Prioe, $4. Boit- hure -lamba-Joia Spenocer, Wisitby, lot prise, $6 ; 3rd prise $2. Bout rmm tamb-Quterines fiuou)-El AnielmaitOthua, ls2d prise, $4. Bout tire Emes-(tvo ctuearm anl eviar,) Bout tru aiearlng £wua-]&. Arelsoit hlC Pris, 16. BuC twoeeaImb-B. Arelsuidlal Prise, $6. For tse iest ram Otfu-y long s-oole liroot. ef .aey ug%e, ic-mata, Geor&t Milter, MIf unksao. 1Fer the boit rametoai-Y sort s-noIe breean a>ugo, saUner modal, John Spence, Wlitby. Bout hoeutieg se,- (aie yea Md Iovei -JTohn F. Wbeclar, Scarbora, lut Prias Best bo undaer Iyoc 1 aniuMns Scurboret, ah priesa, '$.5. - Bout pus of large gaeu--c- aic Visits>',ud pomma$2. B&4utam.entier-G, Num& Xi kues SaufPruis, $L - But bltdoait sa mtirs i--G. Wiiia& OsWIaa$L liest baltiieutl>' toba-0h B- W hm ssg ma$L -MR egý Yz wbib>'o $8. laa ncomditte of)udlui e la"e c*uiei by . hSn meu s tm States.AId ea rs~ rit Assocition. aitj On Thuif-sday aftortoonn, ,at rio0 , e he Prince of Wates left 'tattn snrch London st 4.40 p. s. - ý "I arrived, the band plsyed tise Ni., them, tise militar7 iresettin, iîd flot make bis appeacance un bisa. but hefoce thse train tefit, e s ein oa bow serers i tine u t the don, ut Royal car to the People (oserabled traie consistedl of turee ficet-clns e aides the »royal carnage. Ilefore leasing lEsmitto, q'i Fiigb1ness iras Pcegented with the ddrt tho Agriceltural Associatior ibi4h rend by thic president, Jobs Wads, p TGHSIO ADDRIG ESS. SFaletE OF' WALES, &.& May il pleuse yeur royanil Iigli. We, thc agricaltristi, artizans, Md- nufacturers f Upper Canada, le1t proacs your Royal Highnem wsite pressions of devoted loyatty te fIlr oue Msjesty's crosen sud ptrios, aid ts fer to, Youc Iligîness a 'nst cordial cernete tb tis Exiition ef the prect our soit ard of esc labor, Tish 4 fifteonth exhibition of thse Agriculn.j sociatiors of Upper Canada, and rwe it domonstrates te thoso seho bave sed thu successive exhibitions fren eu yer, tisattbey bave been soceeatbî bi mulating thes industrial clissess itob provernent of ail Choie Productiosisa which thse prssperity of thii portisonsf11 Mujesty'a dominions rnainly depeadi- clissate, and fùceuisg a portion of thai tensivo empire over ovniekHRer lsjem hoolign rmb extendi, and in shieh it ào rrcised ini the maintenance of lise ,ei4ý aud civil rigLIs of alI classes of lier gj jeetu, ove bail mets deiight, the auspieju, eveut of Your Royal lliZbness' visit te t Colouy, aud rejoice that me bave tiù portunity of exhibiting te yssr Royal irt nucm-as me tekoeishat ire cali an bise pride in exhibiting te, our future isovese -srts proofs of the iîîdustry, skiti. nd telligeoce of tbe inhblbtails of thi4col tri. We gladly embrsce this oppsetuîiy expcessing sur arent desire toesotib tise courseetios of tlii, Province irithi great and glocinus empire whieh v e ejo iu forming an iîîtegral part, ttdfeoawl me have ins great part deriveit es rt ttre ns mol1 ai 0cr existence; and iii availing oursolves of the exeampoanid provemens of the eider portios ef empire, and csf tbe many noiatlosdv ges ire posscc'oin our soit, clisiate ai vigabl._. matdio, ove trust tt.t sur ufi mney rotule iin sitsrdimig eoteiciîg p tiiet Chie proseiic-o is reatty a vaisebieji. in tho crowîl cf sur belovedl sovereimsa. we hIopefol 'v lray tit the îiterco of jour Royal Ilighnesis witb the isb tanite of Catada, ard the opportsnity have liaid of vitileaiing thieefforts ve maeling teascIssure tise mîteriail iftirel our country, uiey duriug your futurs Icave e ptcising ipsressi-i 10 ur 5me iseett ur .Il.c'cm s e pras et iis svriiion eivoisgithap our th.yali Si0 iras will conidecnd tuCc cept ihese humris, cutaining a e core-Jfothue ties tf et issAsscociatin fu-omuiii eta' ment. The lPrince thcuu cead tisa toîowisg tilhPLY., rcN-i.ruîru,-I returs peu mp seknomlotgumouts for thîlo Aitihesus yen isave junt presentel apos tht 00 of epeuing the fifttontis ex *hibitise e Agriculliscat Society foc Upper f, soit I tae-otiis opportunit>' ofthîi agrieulturmisits, artisans unit farescu are nom asemblet tram distant purts Chie CityetfRHasilton, foc tisemesc klnd andl estiusiasete receptios shich gare me yestoritap aid repetd to-p Btessed witS a soil of vury remaU tetility, ant a han!re e of lit anil enCenprising mou, this district mut pidly assua momirL impaet peiiii the mark-set oeentit, unitI rejousu icacn tisat the improement in agl' miski le tlabor ndulacienc e so penes elevelapeil in the matiier couiul, tait incciising tise farilities cf penc ensbling yeu te compote siccwssfhhi utie onergitie people misoso atoutcki itucti are nom ramgeut lufriesith' m wlth youc osen mithin tbits vst eaciait The Aîmighty Sas thia Yeuam g'sted thst greateot heon te a Peopl-55ai5 ant barvesi. IInustit 1h miiimate g9iWU a bonne efthos I soc arosdmetna 1lucroaseu t nituand presparit>'te1 My dtlls ai represestative Ofthts deputedt S>'He on a iait Britisi i America, cee Club day, bat la & Po ciauit>' I sesabout te vsit, hoforu I1. tonus bee, hat remmkalae laid 1s dlaims sentisus aecomunea aic5Ct>, wseeoxtrgorditar>' prorMelur0 Slaismec testaa ns-uisse stu I quit . Bl3cilab' il, lot mecne Mose dres tisougisyou this aait"tl of~ iCaua, aid bld theme ai affecotisat May Git pourdown h& htu go iu:5 upon tbisi .t and loyal peuPla Ca 0 teCadylr 9aoe et Tise Ceronelo'sjury det liuita Luit>' yElgimi dsuaten tuiscit üehe~ day. Tise>' us> tramtheiseeiboI ht Use jury thut tisey, belice moth u>'41 * ac ineey epei àUaS t d or. Tey find thnetb ig te a, dlsate sisOad o urd aeIthu niant etPr P agetI ,tlente silo d and ceut1hng f, thea ," sxsa. rjury tise>' eliene hat ie6a dsie pa5amgers moulut Otne eanaersto ->for tho lady BIgia, Ïboy ea e.rire bc amen fuor reci'< pmesseZats tisas tise lu pos N, hat ia is tngemsOssi 00 Ceea te eahumeuIh.s bc q t ubSofOfic i $ 5. tiai oCk 'j, a old -5 ýW sesu-o O Th"y aid oetc achor 'j' toi lue buill Tee dlin auinlst tise cvi te tisa adequa criptie furtive ani tht tliere t Ce a ci rime Il Wise lu casc nuiS secen ced b pars eblefu derea musc

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