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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Sep 1860, p. 4

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EO Zthe Bth day of OCTQBE8R'Reits At the but I 32'= On, 0,at tho Cout BoS ,in te Torn of Whtby, poodto the o loosaio d ZS, or10 ouh' thereol a aw bu e ccsry'for tho payonent of such arrears Of asse ts, unlosa tin samo, ogther with &H l iwftni charge - BROCR. N E çoartor 10, 18, West' uarte r21, North haltl418 East part 9 Bauthail 12, West ért 14, N North haf 17, West hall 21, N4E quarter 21, South hal 13, South hall 14, 15, OWest part 21, X' Equarter1, North bulCll-1, 'Woathll 19, 80;th hal 1 B qartor 2, ^If 7, North hall 4, N E quarter 15, *Jorth hall 16 Êouth hall 13. Nort-i al'114, Èastat al : Noxith hall 3 gouth hall 8, 14. Sott hall 12, xorti. hal( 12, 1lorth hall 14, ' 15, gouth hall 12, Nornth hall 12, Sousth hall 13, North hall 13, Broken 2, South bail 7,- ]North hall ,13, South hall 18, 19, 20, 2, S3outh hall 7, South hall.' 14, South hall 15, South Ikal 17j lqorh hall il, North hall 18, South hl 18i, eNrt hall 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, !,oth halt 6, 1<oth hal 7, iorth.hall 8, North hall 14, South hall 14. South hall 16, South hael 18, North hill 18, South hall 20, Norh hall 23, Broken 26, Broken $7, Broken 30, Brolcén 8, Nlortli ail 26, XwON bI 28, kthelyhouse 8, Sot al 9, South hal Io,1 N rt-hal17, South hall 17, Xuot 1h1:lf 22, 1Iort.h hall 23, South hall 24, lq qrter 26, N W xi.oarter 26, xerh ail 27 Sw part 30, gouth hall 7, litth haIl 8 'Nortb hall f Mortb* hall 2 Imorth Pot1 21, 21, North >4all 18, Sat hall 12 South liat 17 gouithha10 21,, xorth hall Vit mortla hal27, ACIOSIS 100 50 $00 25 100 200 200 100 100 200 lu 100 87 100 100 50 100 100 2 00 15l 200 50 100 100 100 60 50 10.3 100 50 100 A 200 A 100 a 100 1 100 1 100 i 189 2 200 3 174 a 100 3 200 5 100 8 100 .a 200 6 100 6 '100 6 100 6 100 7 80 7 100 7 100 7 100 7 200 7 200 8 60 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 200 8 95 8 9<6 8 181 8 115 0 21 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 100 9 87 o 100 9. 100 9. 100 9 100 9 100 9 14 9 2 9 50 9 13 10 100 10 100 10 60 10 110 10 110 Il 10'") Il 100 il '200 Il 100 il 100 Il 100 Il 100 Il 103 Il 50 51 100 Il 196 12 10() 12 lOt0 12 100 12 10)0 12 100 15 200' 12 25 lia 75 old 10() -12 1505 13 200 18 10'. 18 100 13 200 13 100 13 100 ItI ýt part 10, 1<ront le, Front ii, Front t iFront Front Ss. Pont 2% Front 8,Front 80Front È3, Front 97, Front 44b Front 44, Front v*. 28,< 1, 4 73 13 166 05 103 33 91 81 831 88 107 '84 84 80 88 841 130 l70 100 182 456 78S9 ..$32 08 1854,..............4 16 1852 3 4 ....24 93 1854 ..............83 O3 1854. .............8 1 183..,............7 89 1852 4 578..* 74 35 1852 34 5 67 89..357 152534 56r)7S9.. 25 60 18528 4 .... ...... 2 44 1852 46 780.17 09 1852,-34 6 78...3547 1852 345078 .... 25164 1854 ..............- 9 5 1852134..... 1968 1854.......**....... 24 1s55 4...........7586 1854 5c...........52 1854 0678_..72866 1814 ............. 12 52 18524 5 6 78.... 26 69 185314...... 16 17 1854 5S...........18 91 1852456780 .... 28 73 18514ô 6.... 18 74 18545....... 58 8543 6 .... 8 58 1852 4 6 8 9.18 94 15546 78 8 19.. i79 1,54 6............ 4 6 .81. . .. . . . 4 80 Npalt West hall N W part S E part S W part 8'W part ITest hal South hall North halt West huit rut haif woet hall 's W quarte 8 E qoarter South hll Sonth hat South hit South pbrt South osl South hall 1, 19, 13, 15, 18, la. 19, 19, 15, 14;_ 18, 19, 19, 21, 2,' 1 19, 1 19, 2, Euot part 21, S Wparn 1, South hall 2, N WVpart Il S Epart. 1 ,South hall 24, S Epart 2, Ceatre 2, E îide aN end 4, North 1alf Y North prt- 8 Easthbalf S Wpart 6 N Wpart 7, Middle 1,of E holET, W part 10, 1852 8 4 r, 6 7 8 9 60 OS10 18545;7 8 9. .. . 61: 6: S W part 12i 18524 à7 89 ... 61-13 1, 1556789 '**56 563Norh halfl 1, 182 34 56 7 8"1.. 8 8 OS I uatr 17, 1846 78 9 .-JO769àsE quarter 17, is523 45 67 8 . -2 E9 rt hait 22, 18348567 8 9.... 78312 West hait 29, 154 ............. 26 1 13, 1854............ 6 29 S E part 15 185346 780.-55 8118 1852 3 4.....- 16 69 35, 1854 7 8 0- . 2 1 43 5 1852 46 78 9-4945 Wst Part 9, 1<6523246 7 8 960 01 Wet Part 9, 155-345 46 7 8 90001 SOtilà Part14, 19, 82 456 7 . 8.. 73 20, 18234 3 6 î f... 41 73 27, 58634 5 (1 7 8.... 38 41 3 , 1831435..... 4 BtIl 8 18284 ......1 3 Northohall 24, 18.93584678k9... 91 10 Easthball 28, 181567SO . 78.80 Westhalf 29, 18467 89 .8..a 61 Wet part 32, 1t5b 15 6 78 9 ... 63128 19, 15521 34 56 7 89 105329 Wet hali 20, 185- a 4156 78. 6649iWet hall 24, 18i11....... 2109 le, 1824 5 6 789...48358 South hll29, 52 34 5067s8..4304 Noth part 29, 181246 .. 00Bat quarter 15, 18524 6 78 0...50 5023 18528345 6 7 89... 78 26 Wet hall 34, I@ri 3 46 7 8 9.58 1 Kaut hait 2, 18245 67 9...41 39 8Eathall 4, 185 3 5 7 i'1 8 Rsat hall 4, 185524 5 6788.-119 04 ot f 1 '1824 5(;7 89.. 29837 N 2rb , 1815 67890. 44-6-44(8 8, 1854r)6 7 89.4..4751 le, 1855g4 5 6 78... 5 420, 18532456 78 9- -- 54 81 21, 1824 56 7 89... 50137 29, 1813 4 ..... l 80 18526 38.09 "85284... 82 182 3456..8....89 1854.. .. 113268m .a 5 1531"4*6789 . 20 85 Counre 7j 1834 567 80.... 15 67 South hàl 0- 18524 56 78...50 45 NerithalI 10 1823456789.. No 0>~rt lialSi, 18554 ....... 1 Nortbhcll di13 185345...1l 789, 152. . 23 North hait 10, 182 4 .... . 1316 Souta loti 10, 1852 3 4 5 7 0 . .. 107 32 Saoth ihall '1, 1854.......138 Nrth îl 131 18546678 9. . 1 JKrth half 15, f~846 88.869 ohi,__ 567894 N IV quootor 1, 1814 . . . 0 4ý INorth h.l a 1852 S1.78...41<1 01010 185 4 780.J 3060m5S W qu&ter 1, 1 5 ...... 20 06 S W qiuartor 1, 55 6 7 ..... 621836Wet Pat 13, 1,3323145<4;7 95...85 1)3 %a 185-)21341à6 .6 . 9 20 Soth haf al 151-214 5 9........ 1 à6 00 Norh hal 1 î523 4 5 -V78OI- - 40350 . 18234 8 ip<" 46 42 Sothlpart 14, 1852141 143r, a)8s 15tr 152 34 67...<7 48 %% estohali 1, 1823453...... 41 89 Nrthhalf 6 18 487 . 1 1')Nerub, hall 7, 18545 9.5 154 S..ttloll 9, 1852345....... 1ot 1lf -, 185234 .2....340 21 184 5 . . . 1 07 a, 1 73Suuth hall 4, 1834 16 97'8....8 ls5 384 .2279 7, 1854........ 58 a8 553......9 83 Northloalf S, 5812al.01 1832 14 .28...82 7 =t 7, S Wpart -r' ILS ort1h m" 185 3 4 y6 7 89.s6 77 185(89. 558 Iffl3 4 078 9. ltr231î 182145 . 121 185 a4 56r.78 9. 748 1852 4 5 678 0.- 18 07 185245à0678 6f190 185284 5 678-9-- 54 96 12 3 45 6 789.- 5372 1,234 5 67 89.. S5306 183Z4 5 67 890..-5949 1833 45678 9.. 4400 18, 5678a9 . 505027 185245678 9.4 3454 823 45678..-.. 3194 153 56 7 80.94407 1823450.16 1834 ............. 1 4i 185234 57 e9.. 4 14 ]Sàe 34 5479 3- 9'14 18523 456.... 8679 153 456 ..... >05 15354G67 89.. 958() 1S5383435.... 34 a&-24 . . 28 %vmIer 11 do do do du do lq do i de la do 14 de le do 5 do 1 de 1 de a 100> ý852 34 1; . 5116' ÏD 185-15 7 .- 4603 5e 1853 5 .. - 18 88 lS0 is52 3 5 6 78 9.27 77 150- 182 345ri6.-..... 15 44 55 . 88ýIl4 5 o.. .... 8 24 40 185478. ..t25 38 80ý 185 4........40 73 8 1852 4. 0.. ...07 200 1862 3-4.-- 17 74 100 î52 345 6 78 9.. 2487 100 18 6 8 9... *h537 195 18-4 44 68 5 5 1 5 4.......4 bi 30. 1854 ....... .il 60 40 1854 ..... ....il 77 8 18523 45 . ...21 I1 100 1853 4 06-1*...119 59 100 -18546 ............4 56 200 185284 5 6789'... 61 18 2W0 185456.......... 2513 200 182 8456 é78.... 43 82 100 18528346 67 809... 42 100 182 8 45 6 7 8 9 -407 100 1853 4 56 78 9.... 53 61 100 182 8 4ri6 78 9.. 5548 100 18545478 . 80 22 200 1852.3 45rG780... 2 86 200 185458......21 70 50 19528456 ....10097 50 185 845r67 ...16314 100 .185.4............. 224 200 185456 78 0 . 56 05 1060 185284........... 13 87 200 185 4 ô6879. 0 78 200 18523.45.... 50 24 15 1852 845 6 789 ... 13 40 100 18534. ......... 100 18 .......21 32 SCUGOO. 25 18r>34 56 7.......27 18 25 18524567 ......3053 10c 1854.............08 31 185456. ...85 1 100 1852 3 486 78.. 86 01 25 1853407 89.....25 8 50 18534o7 ... ....23 29 60 18534350678.. 45' 100 18232436178 9..-.102 3 100 185345678 9....53 05 200 1854538...... 3 ....00 6 100 1854367 ......35 13 74 18436 78....... 4017 200 1854 5878i0......14100 15 18545. ... 05 133 15236 .8..51 5 47 185246Q7 8,....263 40 18523453........ 2423 31 1 20 100 50 60 100 100 260 20 45 28 50 179 183 173 200 69 100 97J 100 100 ai 176 100 100 200 100 85 50 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 25 25 25 25 25 THOR-1 60 15 50 10 100 100 100l 100 166 83 8q3 83 83 83 100 100 500 100 lin 50 20 100 100 -'00 100 200 180 100 -d 100 0 100 B980V£ oua-Si oste'6f51 oue-ftih oue'6ft one-f" one-fi" one-auf do doe dkr del de do ' as01 do 22~ do , -8a do 22. do 83 do 1!4 do 2 IÇotdo ids doe do 2 do . do 8 do 7 do 10 do 'à do. 10 do 11 do 12 do 14 do' 17 do 18 do 19 dlo 28 do 1 do 22 do 23 do 22 do 23 do 26 do 27 do 28 * do 27 do 38 do s3 * do 32 do 35 do 346 do 35 do 136 do 39 do 441 3 N o r h sid oe 1 6 ie SIIUIOs. à do 2 3 do à do 4 < do 5 î do 6 O do 7 S do 8 do 9 7 do 10 ýO do il ý5 do 12 d do 13 ý7 do 14 do 15 do 16 do 7 do 18 18231486 1.... 194 Z. i; 185345 .........,e-35 29 do 120 18534 .;i....... 24 14 1453 435........17 12 do 21 18534 567 ....... 3016 do '-Q 18534567 89 .....817 do 23 115,3 4 56 78 ....56 80 do 24 183456789. 43 66' do 25 18456189 ....4690 18524 50 78 9.439 do 26 1854501 89 .6..988 do 217 185234 56 789. 30 01 Souh ide? 2 182 3 46 78 9...30 g3 Simncoe SI. 18543<7809.....141495 do 3 18 52 a 4 536 7 8 5~ . 25 36 d o 4 1854367 8 9.....1. 820 d 1853 456 7 8 . 3021 do 1852 34 56 78 9.... 40 97 do 6 18523 436 7890... 69 do 7 1834567 8 9....60 36 de 8 18234 5 67 89.3 173 d 18523453...... '. 1997 do 10 1854567 859.49...4î 33 do il 1845 6 78 9- -:..49 do 12 1052 4 56 7809....24 30 do 13 1 8 5 3 4 5 . . .2 . . . . 6 0 2 d o 1 4 M 1 8 1 4 6 6 7 8 9 .28.. . . 9 21 1 185334........... 7 53 do 1 18534 5 67 8 9.6 do 17 1853 45 67 8 0 ..4 10 do 18 18534fi667 Q9ý ..44088North 81<16 18524 ...... -.«t 185324 ...........:22)19 Victoria st. 1582 346 7859...364 do 2 18524.... ......942 do 3 18534 5 6 7 89....54 03, do 4 1852 34 56, 8 9....557 do 5 184067 8 9. . 38.. 835 1854.............. ... 4 84 d 1852345 .... .. 438 do 7 1823145 67 8 . 18..1820 do 8 1854568 ......... Il 70 do 9 1854 56 y8 9 . 170... 16 do 10 184507 89 . 1.....036 do 11 1 8 é ? 4 . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 3 d24 .......l.. 42 Û do 2 182 4 à 67 9..... 887 do 3 1854569 ... 71....17U do 4 1651567 98 275 do7 152534.567 S9 ....43 St' do 18;5I567 8 ......2 - do 7 1418387 84......w2 1&0t5 67 ...... t.. t2&)5 do 8 18:,4 5 67 ......... 15 do 9 IsI à6I'931ls do 30 5054à561 Il... l.otsi53 do 11 1c54 5 7 0........ eiD 2 18,)4567 809 .....-.'-' 2, Norh ide, 5t54567 . .... 4 1 do 3 18u..5- -188. ......do 0 1S4 5 69........ 11(:, do 5 ,SA5 6 78 %. ... 21649 do 6 1534 5. .. ......13 61 o IK43 7 9..... ... 0.d 0. do 5 4 ....... t6 44 do 9 185 5 7...........do 1 54 5 687 ........83 114547 8 9 U3 3 do 1l 1o1415 7 j9..... ;)43 do 11 KA857 ....... 13 1 do l1s'à à A7 ....tO 1Albert s. 1854 56 » -- *.1 1 do 2 18A5 5705........' .175DUEast Sîde 4515674 .4.....424 18140567».9 .4ý! 4 do 2 1,;54 a 9 7.......428P1 do, 3 13M456 78 ....... 1 I44 15 e4 56 7 b . 14 5*456 7 Sq ....44 ,41 1854 75 678 .......-"2484 îWest qoartet 1 Igu5464 ...... tI ')1 East hall 17 1%-56i8 u........2114 W~est hall 17 1454à ........... oi ( East hall 2 1-545 IlO. We.sti part 2 liU 5 678-.....41 8 1032 4 7&0 .... .. 19 5East hall 35 EolfE quar. Il 1170. -%V fE quar. 1 9TO4.West hall 27 Wes! hall 37 5 154578 . 8S SE P«rt 20 .......7~......"2867 W of Ehalf 3 1 6 f 867............". 'l67 Prto Éblf1 5 6 7 8 ....81 ....... w sot7< S Ê part il àa 146 7 8...........o67 Eaataalfli18 IU Z 46 7 8 .......58 6 est all 18 . 70467 ..... % 0 67 , h 7 S. - - - .867 East lhall 20 h A 1078 ....~. 0,167 Weîsthalf 26 h 104567 . - 67 L 18k5a67 .167 Est 1840,1 26 LI, - à6 7 --..... sihal.. m466078.. . .. . 20 7 w-th« .....78 ...6 Eat hall 22 84 578&....... 567 27 . 2o EnISO lait 2 à 56 7a. .... 7 a h 9 1856a5 6 e .so20l67Soath hall14 18M à 478 .10-67 1,1o 14M e 78 .. .......2't4 IRM56 8 ....8--- l 7 WPr 6 7 ......... 110 C14 101J7' . " 7 3 .20 CI .30 do ~s4.~t1ir.... do 33541<1 do 115486 500 100 179 100) 35 100 350 il4 0 10 40 4 800 130 100 100 100 100 100 100 185 100 Ise 100 100 200 100 M1 %oo 93ý 2w0 938 d o 18,546 7 . . . . . CI o 18--4567 . .. dO 11541 8.... do S54 do ....... do 1855678 9... do IS. 6 7 31)... do 15.1141ï $.... do 1854.68.... do 18545 6 78... *do 1855 678.-. 'do 185515 6 7 . do 18545 678... do 18%55678S... do'- 1854 5 678...- *do 1854 5678... do 18545 678... do 1854 56 78. . do 1?354 56 78... do 18545 678... do 18545 678... do 18545678... do 1854 56tIl8... do 18545 678..- do 18515678 ... do 18545678 ... do 18545678 ... do 185156 7 8... do 18545678 ... do 18515678 ... do I18556 7 8... do 18515.678S... do 1854 5678... do 185456 78S... do 18545ô6718. - do, 18545 678B... do 18515678S.. do 18545 678S.. do 18545678S..a do 18545 678S... do 185456 78S... do 18545 6 78... do 18545i678S.. do 185456 78S.., do 18545 678S.. do 1851.5 678S.- do 18545 678S.. do 18545 678S.. do I155678S.- do 18545678.. do 1S5456 78S. do 18i,55678B.- do 18545 678S.. do 5156 78S.. do 1556 7 8.. do 18545678.. do 18515678.. do 18545 67 8.. do 18545678.. do 185456 .. d'O 1854 5678.. do 185456 78.. do 1854 5678S.. do 18545678S do 18545678S do 18545678S do 1854 56 78S do 18545678S. do 1851.56 78S do 185-159P78S do i»54 £«,'1 b. do 18546 678S do I18l565878S do 18545678S do 18545 6 7 S do 1855 678S do 1854567 9 do. 18545678S do 18545678S 'do 1556 7 K do 1854 56 78S do 1854567 8 do 1854 567 8 do i18545 67 8 do 1,,54 567 8 do 1854 567 8 du 185415. do j854 567 S do IS15 567 8 do 1854567 S do 1824 567 8 do 18545 67 8 do 1854 567 8 4do 1854567 8 do 18515 6 7 do 18545 6 7 do i18545 67 E do 1854 5671f do 1854.5 6 7 do 1854 56 7E do 1854 5671E do 1854-567 t du 18.54-567t do 18545671î do 1854 5 671 11o 18545 6 7 doa 185456 7 do 1854 567 do 15567 S... 20 67 S... 20 67 S... 20 67 8... 20 67 8. -20 67 8... 20 67 s... 20 67 S... i0 67 S... 20 67 S... -2067 S... 20 67 S... 20 67 S., 20 67 8... 20 67 8 ... 20 67 8.20 67 8..20 67 8..20 67 8 ... 20 67 8 ... 20 67 8... 20671 9... 20 61 S... 120 71 S... 20 97 9... 2477 9... 2417 g... 2-417 9... 24 77 18523 4... Io 3 IS54 ............5 70 1854 ............ 32 18545S6 7 8 9. 47 87 1852 34 567 89 46 09 1854 ........... 89 15............ 60 18s8...... 3 1854 5 6e19 75 1853 4.5678S9 50 62 1854 ............1 40 1853 4 5 .1 5 5 1854ý.....4.......593 18523 4 56. - 37 e 1852 3 45.2 5 e 185--3 4.171760 1853 4 9.. 20 36 1853 ...11242 1852 34 67 8 9 5919 1852 346 7 89 60 89 ]8W3456789 55 w3 1853 4.,... 411i .1854 6.17. 765 1852 348,..33 71 1852 34 56.. 24 70 1852-345678 9105 37 1854-3 456789 51 67 if8l3 456 7 89106 79 185.15 67 8 9i 86 e3 I845678 9. 31 38 V.152 34ý667 89 103 89 1i4 5 6,8. 40 43 184 5 7 89.93 27 1852 -3 -4. 1971 15554........... 05 - wr~sro .12~0.o< .. -- .20 67 .20 67 -.067 tL..12067 u').267 2007ý .2067 2417 2417 20 67 20 v7 2067 0.,0 67 -0 61 20 67 20 6l 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 .20 6'7 20 67 !i 62 1 20 20 97 943 20 77 20 67 20 61 .2067 20 67 .20 67 .20 61 20 61 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 61 .20 97 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 ...20 67 .20 67 .20 67 .20 67 ..20 67 ...20 61 ..20 67 ...20 97 ..12 9-1 DUFFAI.0 SEDIA I) i.bl1ENSoARY ES f.IIIIA 1 : ' ýUT. ll. (I't tt.l 1)71. AMOS Not ON, A l~E'lllS' 1-:'1%i'PX 1i I N1 TIIE fr"tte "t" - gt orr cut-vt iiifl 1i ltap o ti,,tau t od i ttru< ;,i 'ýU hé&, "',1-1,ý "i <t? t t tf the g-I ot..tu" 'S totu 1,leoiotltoItoro lte Iteet.'. t'0 htt0 0Iot h tOtN.ittito .'1 ,Utt o'. n the of tal...t. *ce, %coil a tb " i b, o 1 ", 1,tlO n~ .lito-"ie.t"'t ~" "' - StSuo 518. GN.5E3wo.,>.~ ti Ici.W. SOIt, S.otlro lSoo lie o Il Il W-hê.oonot'uo\' 'e7.0Io~t, '0 ~.a1hr~ sililreîti.lrv uf 1:1olD. t r tcSlt 1. e 1ot , l 'ttrt, ï:r h verI 111 5iU~C< lpaiite Ni 111tl'rrcIll~ t tttte o b The li t t l' îo'it "ft t hi. 4,. t.. tftolotOti,,'ý,d lt ell . e tt 't. ." il t 1I 3 a drieityl c I 'c ' t'" r0l e; n'lt' odit t ~tCl d Fhecototo"ot'o.t tetttt, i la the t t lte i'ol'oi-U t't'~"' lêall il, ii'o, d cille 'il - ' v 1,.tkt", .je. plil ,tieIt Ir-t' bot Ie'l' milo t k o'0<' STA-RTLI oie Whi Wheî Prii Laà Dre Wig Col ic NN tt E A 1 sec' tesanpounco <o h b rdsinsai l =tOSYbO1 o m=et hthOl BUARR1n a citvetne tAK 82 A to £5 Ritc,% ee' rer ut.rt<o Ms E am CA RRIÂGS, BUGGIES, $EIU MIL WQRK WARRAI 0T3D LYL ad rRO.DUTC-Z T..I'LN'-V mg. FO ISIu experieO .of<hity ycwal6inla e 4184 tem kw bave b.ea &Untoa&rniva4 »d f- bB5ty o d ag O aaaSyof Weotanodi4Nhia ukcultbeý= ~~se '*b1lty, 86. s 1 ' k <: F ASHIONABLE REA~D Y-7JD CL 0 TI. G! in ToîNu , laicy Mixtures, GA1ME'1' MI)E'lOÈDER. HIAMILTON & ROBERtTS, Noîs. 1 2, Till's Blok, Whitby, R M - Mi I a W (1OI-C a Ik ]E THIOMAS Il. MeNILL.i-lIA1S1 FOR SAtLE E[ARVEST F&IXLEYENTS, 'F EVERY DESCRIPTION W'IIicilI IE IS SELLING ! UNPIILSLDENT3.DLY lu idttt re 1V uo e. ta6adeairn to p0Inl <7 ia in 1.1 bu, du v..l h 111o a dl T HIOM AS Il. M CM IIJa ' ___________ Book r, bie ~rto inforîin:lis uumcrous cust0IIIqersad htt le basrec(l5ed Ex. Calaii INEîî ~1Suîîr,«XrU 0 zul nid Platit 'a3 pat of his I l Soi r 1 Loess GOODS, -SHAWLÀS. LADIES FELT 1ATS, 0F, THlE NEWEST STYLES,' ,CL OTifS, lS7IRS ich he purchased persoulally ins the British and French majkt, ovhich lie is dcetcrnîiuc.;d tu 8d11 ut a1 small advancts on the strio for Cash.to okIy Additions wMI bo Rriceivod by Succeoding Se=, INTEIIO 1,888U FERMNSOF PICKEII BUTTER, FOR WI1ICII 111E IIIGIIEST PIIE %WILL B8E PIID. ,EMNIIELtPERRY'S BRICK BUILD)INGS. itb, 8,ýej Icuber 11, 18~60-1 vilI mts, Grey aînd WhIite Ciottoxîs, S-triPed Shirtiîîgs, Coatingi a Vcstiîîgs, in Enîg1ish, Cmîlî5di'îlîanîd Arnericas Clot.Us, Tiveeds, Ù-C.Genîts Shits;, S'iirt Collais aîîd clics Fancy Dress Couds Stuiff, &-c., Shawtilo, Chenille IBea eses, Embroideries, ColUars, Lace, Edgiîîgs, &e-. Cotton Bat,% iks, Twiîîcs, Grain Bags, Ilolied Skirts, ivwhite and colored ton Yarîss, Boots, Shocs, &(., &c. L OW E S & l>OWE LL. lihiest cash pri1ce paid for alny quaîîtity ut the Stores of 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 '20 67 21 69 20 67 20 57 '20 67 20 67 '20 07 20 67 20 37 20 67 20 32 20 67 20 07 '20 67 20 67 2.0 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 20 67 120 67 120 67 Do giq t i I tR3STE1 .5e.,. mrot, 'V S. lt!1TOIt ItISTE âige. 01 'tttltIv t -%,r CI l flie. 1 ai.Oe~ '11Y etle4 t IL N« G là M'l [if. o&ej

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