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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1860, p. 2

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- ý . ý, . . ý 1 . - 1 ., ý 1 ý Il ý 1 ý , ---,ý . ý . ýý ý 1 - l 1 1 1 - ý ý- 1- - _ý. - - ___ - 1 ý . ý- -1 1 . - . 1 . ,---,-- _- - - 1 1 1 ý . . 1 ý- ý . -----«M"l - - lm Il"-lîý_AW_ , ___ _ - ma- 1 tîcý1ddVoIViný, open tholol. (Il 1 . ý . ý 1 - 1 ý .. - __ ----- - ___ __ _. ___ - __ - -.--. ýý..--- ___ __ - - __ - ý __ _ ___ --- ---------- - ___ ý.---=--r te,. 11.)ý'C - 1 "'a __ __ . - !M6------ --,- --- ___ . , k ind let Us 1 ý ,itu 'VI ý rie aliet bc He COIlfe.34iýd illut thil prüvi,)Ilî ' _ __ -- - .- --- -- - stifflit cowidomtion ah àt.1d, 1 te Te. fourni thats no lust Ili 1 Ili . Sir. MO'vat -- ".t,-- Mý 1 - tives, saine red-hot clear Griti, saine I'r- IL fýd_ jority Or their relln'z" ý was 1 toiti'tiè-1 , ni ýý _ - ISM IN. , . ý , Il,; tný--itio-ý, il as 1 i ro', %rit t, contestin.- the Division nt-ali h=nrd:qtbey K IN G IS D IV finmers and sumo Moderilles. For hili- nru, tu it. çchee-rs.) what bener, . ý 1 i'r Ili %,,Tow Adverliwillcats M5 Day. il Cil the Union Act ? TI o futist thin-, against iucrLas"lý1, 11ronsollýtl)1,13.1 verv naril %-îowý,%Vitl ý ý 1 ý advised the course which bas been tali-el, - 1 ov'-il part lie hail itllvavs respecicld the lie- Ow > < Il 1 - - . ws lia wl Til Ë N 0.11 t ý11 AU 0 14- 1 ' , 1 , Il, 1 1 rn trade tilt in vailt, ilia . it she. Par(y 1 'NS the OponÎng up te wwte , a IL is utio .il Cookiit,,.Stove fur by Mr. Perry. CerÎtLin defeàtto the litical opinions or thoge, Nyho CwiscientiOus- donc "v 1, for -otill eu. lit uni l or thes', PXOvillCo3ýviL prLîtectýfflaI .ý 1 - - d the Mitentlid lino of miter 'comnýuniea- course te loo' q . ý7ý-itiada W.OtIld l-teseL losseý.;.,îe(l by it. public ,,'ai jbe $29, ý , ý would, without a doubt, bc the fusait wert) DIDATES 'ý'ZOàlliNATLD 1 ly opilosed Ilini, niid ho trulitud lie shunt , .- .-jbhyk Bryzilli. ELEV9'ý CA NI ý 1 ý 1 : sulways do.so. Any mait wlsoi. in 01111()ýi- tien with. the*occnii, ait ativantage in it8elf chau.-el by whieit 1 ,,l'O, -V .1 the 1 eforeileu, IL) LONI provided 1 - 1 . - . 1 , 'r uf V toiling auloulit'or WlInt 'Wali snid tien t , < ý the Ivraithiest and i a vint ' , , ÉAII antlWintee Cioolls--llaillittOn It RO' bOth te 90 te A POIL W th 0110 OnlY, o bis views, advanéed a danse IvIiieh or inestimable vàluo. True 'the. publie Celse te have the 11,1%W ý tkat om cau sucteed in swùring the unit- -FOUR'd O TO A IsOLL, 1 debt hall increnseil since the Lluieit, but *.visites of the Feuille 01 . 1 illere asleition. He (NIT. ('l11111 berts-' ý 1 1 ý ý i . ý. lie lienestly believell for the best ititerests . Ili site_. cotintry, Or > ïTai il populous P'11111111 l l'lest [ that il' the Co loring ýEstablLqhment - Ilatnitton & ëd Sireugib-of both setýfons ofthe Party, ý . ose,.) resi)ectel. for Nvhat cause niid:bý whomi ? Wàs net su- , ýkv Ivanilahie ý cd fruits bis licari, The nomination or tandidat a fur Kiiiý,'s Of the Country, lie (Mr. Re -lis il!' e werc n,,cert-zlisitýti, t!l-ýy would oit$. . . 1 . e o . l . bis t'le expendîtu-re of saventusten millions on rallier as; ilot 1 1, Rob , we ehould expèct certain aute'u. 118 Aspectud a man fur bis iiitt,,,: ity, allais Of .mil statesinaulili-0 Vlàv 0 .1,1014. Theie ý -tiý)u of t' lewart , , Wlletlll- division toïolt place et Markhatn.villa.-o oit litical the inagilificout St. Lawrence o l'ýïh Ille peuple of: very fair propoi lie rev - liniveraityoflQtl li'SGollege-3.Zý or coller all that lionesty, el- 'bis upt-iý,,htil.esa in. ally pu- bas taken place, M-Galu« Sujarday test. Thii number of cleutors ý . . -,ended ;il ri prier : ý ý ý Ha inight, advovate one ine.unre beiierit ta Vpper Caclada %na eàiged by 'verts in nv refurt,13 'l", hieli theV elýllil ý Country ,Vas e-1 Tu the . quite se greilt lis 1 ter Canndd,ý;,,du tû Eircten t4 King, 1),Legstoll--J. W. o wili ' ' e th,'% full mensuris of suppN'ýt prosent was hot 1 Wu ex. course. ý . n ý. - ., Gambie., - > bl rocciv ý pected hein- ouly betwoeil six and seven for the beiiefit of thit country, and nnother 17pper Canada ? Was n3t the G rand Tjiuul, V rit ,:"ý,11ý,," IzVýt0in ; aill, far liq il %Vit,; Z'I'l'lica fur loual 1 As ta Ii dit-Ilouses, caimls, &c. is moto jhan doubtrui. *We leur ho will . lZailway built nt ait experise of fificell mil- illit obtain Initial, Ili. 1 ' t;oll Of thu , , 1 Xotice--P- 91'r-hm ý huildred. The bustitlà"s were emcted nt man %vith cipial siucýrify illight'oppose and -hoiecolicludel that l'il, 'I-ý ., ý njj; a * t;iotl.,Ll iiii(lortttliill,.,'i.. ail] ý - _- - ý !"", net liail lLý Gamble conte fürward Car- > the il, tout advoew.0 a (li&retit'cotil-3e.- liens by the tianctioti.%vith the approvil , liLýt ill(lic.It,(l the . grent nz 1 - - ---ý----- -_ - - ý ý ,Ç,.Vt .,Iý'0 t -oliurly tax _ .- 1 < il Veil C0.11venielit point, frontin., , It was fur ý the peuple te decide bc- fur the benefit of Upper Çý-tinn(li?' Yes, ,convention Ur , -ui! 0 bu rur ltittioli %va.i vury la --ý Auction Sales. ý twcen tbein. Let theui.calinly and dispas- this wuili %vas donc by the Reforiners of 01111 julit L . ý ý w-ls not thut lier-evers after loosing the nomination ,of A.erîcultuml Show ground, rear oflug es s . and prillIvr 1 L', ý, .sucd. ý theq, out. (.\IphLiiýe.) Thui - ý - ý the garkham Convention, and Placud I:im' ý htel. Shortly aftertanc o'clock Mr. Sher- ,,ýýt,-,"I*,, ., , N'e e , ýs.'Ilt * and wlia. -_ - ' « .1utely dissol il --ard ta l'ZtI)I.L , 1 . 80 2sionately considerwho, Nviks riglit IJ, plier CaLi-zttk and tinder a 11cforits. Ad. Tite deniquil by Il AtIon Ille Pop 0, Lot No. e3 tirant of the à th eon. of a dest the husting's noeoni. - . . i.itration. (Cheers.) Then therc Wasi the L71liuu ýliotilit be u- ot Mr ,ý%lu%%*-it hllow 1.1at ,ý self publicly, berbre the Illeétors as a o ndi- ilF Reynold's ucet, , ý %vron', ; let tiletil hear patiently the vieNvà n'Il' . .1 i t ILIIV(ý, r0furenCe i 11 - - __ ,, - . . eanà ;jy, Oct. lothi 1860P * outil bu a strong patiied by bis depuly, Mr. C. Nourse-- 1 1'l e\;ý! , Whitby, on «W' date, Ili& position now W fait i let thent calinly duliberate liait the municipal debt of seven millions j- but thait il -S lou. , . j, bath sections, miniber of relýres("Itittives w1w ý or Joseph whi -jý C. Ëter- Order, havin- belon demqlllcd the SheriWs 0 tak-e Coutil any O-le Say that liait waa mot ell ta luattets claitinvail t', ý ýj 1 t'il,,cl- and 1, fille P'Opert'y ite. ona., But as it is-with the limitait titac 0 clainaliwi Iveigh thelli, when lieurd, nuit thon . id bu left ta bot], ower Catilida ling, ,&t1sCt1ýneer. , deputy proccelled te rend the pro ed by Il o veish of ille Peuple of U-Pper Can- Il that e.-Ich V1.VVIIýL-,.I u0u . ., . ý s ý IIOIV was il ýý, 1) U loft bien te appeal te the ilite,11ôence, of clection, and thu . .1 . a, 'iairs ili its owil the allie footillg? NO. 9, Gth Con. Éicken' -.5lieriff rend ýhO writ the coutau they toiisciutitiously believed la propo. IlIsl its OIN-11 ititer:i , a- 1 ý o. te The Sheriff oht. That was the political course ho lidit *-' And thty fouad. that when a - -Il - il efl'let- Lower Canaffit, as alleggld- tyr as in,,die te lirait the expenýiture ci Ivay- ý T'aie (;O%'etil" 1 vu nul the saine and mach the convictions of the ClectOrs for holding the electio bu ri eved ta sition w, ý,1t- ý,, far us -IPFOFerty of - of ý' si' Press prosent had taken-the one ho holiestly bel (l , la, 'h, ý;.ý-i lie *111 necordance Il us? Hall N Sc 1. 1 Satuil October 6,1860, tlýs!t a mat disil invited the minotiers the c. CO. ci Upper an,- 1 , le (if Uppër j LuIdsliiiure ils lis(' 1"ýýLster" ý 0 lie is utid-)ubtedly p1aýed et 9 iicip.ýiitie.ï of 1-"I)pcr Cil natta, J. C. Sterling Auto- l. IVilliwn Phippent .1 ulties te totake places on the buatiný*3 and arnoll.-St bc just. He hall taken into considLeration th" Une' - ith the Nyi"lt:ýi Il[* il, ý I,-iý hethe. 31r. 'ýrt)%v.it Tests li . aS the tirât inau te l'et un and de- Ny ., nswer tioncer. . vadtage ; ho lins a thousand diffic ý thossi moasures prepared fur the goud of Brovin W. - . il il, hce a. asked v; 1 ý eh on those, whom wu observed present Trere re- -- 1 - . Leaàcr, Globe, l',rie the Country, and hud fornInd his Own opili- nuonce it and allow thora tu 1p their bauds chuada, nul] liot, eu-Iý1- Ile thell re. l"ravf" ,r= No, 1, lst Coli., et ltra overcome, and a tbôusand difforences and :":ý,Iýi. . .Lad soleiiiii ilistrt-li'L'its ýý 1 1 presentatives of the ï1ceper in tho public chest and Tub the flic end'i of 1-ver C , I)etvcen the provinet ý OeL Il 1,soli, the prop ty or disa-reemetits te reconciles, for t'ha Mttle- ion regarding them, And %vlintever kili-,Iit i Il:,ýcct taxation, 1 the Viliol. I7 B. liRraon, --- J- C.- 'Sterling, Atictioý'irc'er. . ' IIertild, Yindicator, and ll'atcltl;tan, as ý L.11,t(,tl it Country IviCiout tirait. (Cheors.) These furied ta tL'O.I.Fiiic';,',- 1 ii ,,.L- the 1',,-.-Iti ut' 1 -nid %i-l;,,.tlier the delllillld flJr ý - Sottie- ment of which. se as te st&b.îerve'b* inter- ,cil as front this oilite. The Sheri'r ask. bc the result of this eloction, lie 1. - - ont. lie Lnciv that in io- výLre Il us ny ý ' oluis, uuuld pre , ,.zi-i )a was malle, ilot N'i i On Lot Nul 30, 4th Con-, Saxon . . W le Te uns iv, our public delit was ý , ",_,_ýill-.;-!- - ý 1 1 * si, 1860, the pro- esta, ample tiuté Is absôlutely requaite. He cd for a quiet and patient lienritij for the 111,01 1 1'l.- lýt:o SLIIIý ý ý ý . ý <1 many muons wore resort- Lower Canada with the respousibility Ièý,ý2jj 'be I«e,,,!,tted by 1:1'l pe'ý:,ý Lit I 1 nalla relieviti..., 1'l'I'Lýr cilliadzi. of tyl 1- tuent, on Tdesdl'ç Oet 1 'v ""' lý'i', 'le .,l-,ý ., ý ý Party of A 'ýý. C,. Sterling, Auctio- several candidates, aiid.fortlicir movers IiIý.,,,:u11 ,ý.e.c".)",ýs.ist, inercased, and they were net -le charge ---ilialent 1 -ler Cat . - Trulli, bas, hcwý1veslx wc must coiifeýsaiýiti the short .. , ý . ý le l enablu lis to ivi-uiiiii;ýc Over l ý 1 ,ý _ and secoudets, and truâtud that the tire- cd tu for the purllose or iiijiirinwan oppo- , 1 . 1 Il. oiýj,.clioiýab l neur. . . red the field, ose- iL rCStet' âoiely UJ)Ç,11 a uIàjýrity or ûu, civil ý and c-ilà ti.li th.- ý .1 ti,,Ilti'tu gourd, no tic ' 1 .na ton., of Pickering, time r.itice.hure.ularlyotitë - cuediiiý'a would bc carriedonwitli guod "eut- Ro hn-IbckILiiýijuretI, oralteilipts Ji - i local taXos the they 110 on Lot No. 24. 0 . . Quille of aIl political parties. (Ilear, bc-ir) 1 tu theill- Ir 11-1- i fostur, il,) il wOndersý Ris . . ý « no institutions ta bu Prjèjýr,ï-üCt. 12, 1860, the property of Comillishe .persciieal cýn- lit hall been made tu injure bien, in connertion peoIlle Ilicilisi-1 % ý S VI, 1. ! ; ',Il thelll 011, and ierlîtii,- luctiosieer . . eling and without. interruption. as was the il in the N - True, 1--liper Canada hall Inr difficulties ta , i Illijuld cuit, ý/ ald Ùonroý--j. C-S , . Yom aihee the iiomiùation,,,hn3,been alto as, en ail former occasions wh with afrairs that liait "Occurre . Irk _, f-. "Iln' Ils ta cuitivato. Oint %Va î ý ý Ilson . - w 1 ý e ait lie had bain Township Council. Now, il waï .11, ý '-"Iltt,ýt-.d with, but would the meaI pro- lie lioncil Ili') l%,;c .,Il _. 1 rive tIlL 1 XII of tlieir la-,,per il ýorty of " ýýjjýtic2, 1 polsed by l rown and bis party i-üt;tove LaIe tu ' . ý ting xi e 4)ntot *jNIo. 1.11, 6th Con. of llickeritig, -etlèer confined te South Ontario, Allowing the humer ofpresidin.- as Pleturnin.- Officer. 1 ' . . - the proli. -Ill ,Il ibl.neQ t1l"In, in a litllliili" on Frislay, Out. 5, 1860, Re would Pull the ilornisautioli's seriatem Old and sý ed priuciple Of Blitisli 1 C.Jr, ', \ ý : à ull,!. IýVlItuc'.V fur i p ils and supporters towork- urs the -u il) Il 1 , tai.iti,, rI*ýciuuI , : his fricn 0 tjult a ,lu, was innocent Illltil piovud ý,tji!_ 1 ,Itzm ? %Vould "Juii,.t"- titliority" hulp us? exailli le ý ,.u .IlM., Barburr,4-J. C. Sterling AuctIcincer- 1 . t 1 i., Ii hilà 1 I)us:tiatl*? (ý Ipplause.) 1 1 c- ', ý I ' Western porter the Division'aild Îf, as as taken, and as suce, as ho liait ruceived . Did ilot, .NIT. Gour e At Ijeýe:,t iii,â 1 jal I.- ý , 111 ,)ýlli..l 1 ý _ _ COUktýCS V.ý,j !ýj.jý 1 On Lot No. 9 1, 22, Stit Con. of West filera ail bc would docide às te the lime ta ty, met Ibis principle ho claintud the botte- ,ge Brown tell us lilas, the I , - a .1 le-1 Imiis, and j ali liiicw silure wa,; a I,-ýýiAat revenue Of th, e . . . 1 -1 -claild .111il -of bc allowed the several movers and secu il 1 IIIJOIC of the CU5tOllISý . PTO . Il ý -, 'L ' Il %Vhitby, on Thuraday, Oct,'!Z)Lll 1860, the they state, ho eau re1j open fi o h adroit B _ fit of. Saine lima sinccý tbey would reý 1 . .il ý .1,%ý nul cý,t l.,l Il , -1 1; l". Il' t'i.1 er ý tvv(ll En'lalid Il L > and James Anderson, J. . ý . 1 ' ý vilice %vould l'o te this 1-juint autharity . 1 IL .. . Il . . Il ,ar ut u deluali aôg . . -ast um- 1 . -' il,, taxes l'or did they ovor ici préporty'prjolin a majority upog the regate vote Of the ers. Ho ivould however limit the time Illeulber, charges were made ll , 1 . ý . 0. Sterling Auctibneer. Westem townships, bis grQat activity, and te three heurs se as tu enable poisons f self in refortlice te t'lie printing, ortlie 3jarIý- 1 Iliiv theik viere we to bc bi:iieritted by il? : CýlllaIkk colilli l,1lý ' v ' - ' ý 1 - ' - ' for Represet I'Upý à ý . T . b . . rom Wuuld nul the vev,!iiuc of the I'roviiiýe lie and lj,.iiig gu% 1 1:11 ýj iý.Y 1-w, I. Caliadli, lie itailioli l'y 1ý Ast M hitbv 0. il . d-lat ur l1ois,ý 1 diietted ititc, the saint! chakiiiels tu ý .1 L' Il - 10-1.!t. ýýttelikiIt.î i 1'. ý lut, becal'e il on Lot'Nts. 13 701 Con. p a distance te reiura homewards, as early hem Couneil i and a great . ý atlier tllou2lit 1 cireursustances very prosperju§ - nt rru- 1 wns [lot .Érai, '. ýý l7ýý 1 860k the properiy or un or al as made through the newilpapers like th-l . weanesday, Oc as passible. Il beiug thon half post cite Iv ý t il, il - - joint nuilic country tli,-)' ýýLiv sucil lits - assiltil, J. 0. Sterling Auctioncer. Canvass of South Ontario, may yet ensure P ý .ent. .NIT. l'ýtsor oit sl,ýn'-i.,tg oit lie sub- Lad beet, 1111111 Il) il,,%, ... RoPe1ýk là , - offiz, or called upon the geil- Leader for the purpose of dainagving, Iiiiii , j. , , 1, ; 1 -Lud -ýti!d not Lie Ïor Ille public gl, W- --- -ý- ý the Ileturniii. ý jvct Soule illoutilà shicè, berorc lie contein- ý litî, %,..kýssll.i, ý _iLlý il' -- ,lit lie a., 1 t% ý . hini successii Wu cannût say that wo are politically, Niithout any foulidation in trulli. , . .il 1:1%. bat aile le) (I"ult, ll,)%Veer, that ,dia Tout admireils of Mr. Gamble. He The followiii,, xiomination'a wote thon te- lie Was nul charged Ivith nuy moi-al %\ roi, z , !'Iýtted bucull a c.iiilidutt., fer the Divi- villilt vi-3 l'i-ý ;;t---:11. ;'.,Iý"" - 1-leririners ! lizid IzIL;ýI %%iih nlgard. tu Illu bg Olt n id t+ 0 1 -,lis oplielleills Ilad net the hardihood t') M said-11 Talli or a Fodei;Ll L'iiiiii !- Liud of j,!:It :-ý * ý . -,-z;elitý.tio;i 1» .ý O R P - ---- is ho.ievever a gentleman, in bis bearing and ceived. I %vould .lot ali Our ciýsIOms' levellue pzlis said 1:1-L il.oV dusiled 1 olitailling, lo-Ill 1. - - ---ý addre'ss-a mail of refinement and educa. David Iteesor-mrved by C. Campbell dû Oint ; but il, was Il that L.S cuit. Ille j >ýl.I 1--*, '. , --Y ý il Il . the local Ilvai li.ýlit. Ile hall hiiiistýl .WMtbYIý1 linm dai, 40ber 4, 1860., c.ti.., and one who lins hall long of Whitby, seconded by 0. P. I)icLsoll of duct bail been technically wrotl,,. Thev 1 iLito th2 bands of thu Federal C overiiii.ciit, cull!d 11LL%*il eiý.ý!.._, I_ 'l (X i 1 I, lie liad 0111y 1 Driiii.moud, .il leadin., Low said, in addition, that the v.-I!ül,ý mait ' 1 luld r âtate Goveriiiiienu lie sus- aillkils , ,.(.t;,ýii %vould ! declare ou Ille flo,'r of t'tu - , Richmond llill. 1 Ur 1 il Un local or of t'j'l". 1_:;",ý't. - _, _11.ý -___-11ý parlianstentary and publie c.,rperieuce.- John Rami j"erry-movea by Col. Bridg- wGuld bc broufflit bc-fore the Couet, roil lia, 1 t iiied by direct tu.xatîou?" tlIer.t,, hear.] . Io ýay illat Ille 1% ,ý-1 1 ý l' result would Show bila ta lie tilit4 ta lie ilever said truer words. And ta sec ý S110\y t1lat tli,,.ý 1,:ý,1_ 1 ,,hut là-l'i Larle- 1 wlivil L'Ilper Cannait had lits ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR lie looh-s sud ,lots like a senator. 1Iýiâ1 OP- fard, ,of Vaughan, secoril by James repro- ý 1 . . '. . 1 , IL cloi- 1 1,,,iio:itv . ill ilmlibels over il, 1 To Subserýbers- Burns, ofWhitby. .sel, t 'ý tl'u vlotkill"s or direct taxation let lisent 1 finit Mr. I'c:-l.ý -t, . . ; Ill 1 le le posient, Mr. Iteesor, eau supply very fow of t the Division. Weil, they flil Id tlia . ý 1 ý 1 ilicir -.àliiii,,.i- ' Gn, tlic muaklie iiitIýt lie Col Ji . * . . . I l' Rosi. 0. Mowat-moved by L. Ilouelc they could do nothing, and did not britit" look sauth of the lino -13 =, I, liera 1-vold ýl ý !'i.dciit thov ,,-1 iIiýý ý ý - - 113 Il.I,::",- ., these qualifications. Ris unfitness for the 7 ; M t1le science of revenue - xasl i , Ur i - - il .I\i1lý Lut -.il !IL 1 si" atiol to Court. Ile should have boeu vury , and lit. %NIe are obliied througli a heavY press Canadian House of Lords i3 adinitted by of Wlàîtby, secondLd by IViii. Robinson. - lk: l e« 1 1 i ýs worked te Ilerrection. ll"%V- did direct liýilie. (I -au !, ý, .- ; ý,- i - ý 'ýý'-) 1 The Sliei:,l lwrc iutiniatud J. W. (;amble-lnoved by Col 11 L. if they bail dette su in sauf, o, .h, .1at ,ý . . il ho could have dilfended hinisulf il t l 1 ý v% o., , tall:ation %vork in Virginia and Keiýiiicliý- ? i Mr. J. V.«. Gajl,',ý>l ý-1t Illll!ll.sLd tlýe 1 Ille, tli;lt lie hillt .Cctll.i"l il ý of busînestý wilich lias. overwhelined Our the.most forward of bis Olyst supporteras Deunison, Becondud by Edward Mussono ý - . . Ati a.-_-zvýsur coinLs arotind, pulls Gilt vour 'e:eet,',S. IL, - -: 1 ",:,ý: ý - lIýI:i il %%a.; >ol'.It'- ! tiiii,-, thil t'.( il iiiiillitu S. ., qbtftce for SUMO tikuc Past tu suspend the who opeuly allume that they ouly give hira Ltobicol,.,ý. of every cite. [Ilenr, lieur.1 11, th ýk . 1 ý (aw tu 1 ý-, t,-*ý 1 1 , , . ý, lI :, IL (.ItiI'li(l.1te ý Mr. (:il 111M'. --T fi,, re, ý(ll1t ,(,doit ta diseuss salut, of Il o tlýtitic.ýtt %V.ýkli, and if il bc guld, voil n1uýt pay .1 ý ihin., il 1 1 . . John Boit- . ý dollar sillon it; if bilver, lialf a dollar.- ' call'u j'ý,jV:LlI -l l'il . 1 --, i publication of the Seuli-Week-ly issue of their suffiraps Il fur the salle of the party." moved by a. Miner Jr. of proc( ý . . ý - . '. , ta t-%IlIlili ' il, is. I "In eut 'hors, iLi Ille In factl the statue, and the peiéonsl stand- Scarboro, seconded by D. Knowles, of questions Ur the dit).. A ý,,j-,;It in.itiy iýt . . \.:., 1 ) lie ti'd , zý(l.ll-,ý.i. 1 subillit to vour : compel lis tothis course. . <1 ý uppercaaada, lie sili'l' . ., l1k, batia er Cation, liiý %iý-s I-j . 0ý ,ý-, ' t ý Von niki't. IIZIY oit that; dues site wear (:ar. . d", Il a i t l tiL.1 . L'.ý-Ilià il N'ILS tilliiiii , 01Ii(Lýr, l'lit 1 il,, 1 the C.%ronicle ,for the presont. Our busi- ý . ness intemsts de,,ile'l Il disý:lý. Pjes vutir %\if,! Wear i' 1 l ý lug 01 lie two men could flot net fur a Uark-hum, - ion oit accoulit of the ait- 1 - . ý l ý ý ., , 1 ý- «When tbe hurry in laver we stigil manteau, . Wna. MmDouýtill M.P.P.-inoved by T. lion Of the 1'o . 1 Ve il'e paver tu eii'.',,i-CL Azly. In pýich-criLie, seconded by C. satisfactury maintes- in %Vhicli lil '1ll,ý,,Ilt ý $il% ýii he jluilî OP ý1,,r !.uir -.1111 cxzý.til"ýiu.i: ' lllj:e I,,ý0l%:1.:N lýýi- 1ý ... ... il L', . . . ' - i moment lieur a comparisoû. Mr. Comble p. White) or i , the publication of the Semi-IVel . ý1 la iiii.,,:t lit%' j (1. ti!;I.ý to d' ,'.i !. - ý ý ;, . ', 1ýla.-_ý"1'1ý_',;ý111ý I l'" 1 1 ('il) -, ,; 1 union wolkl-ell. 'l'lie elfct of' il w;is ta Inl ý (lI,,, ,,h'ý ilidul re in jeViýIIiV, V, i 1 Il,, L (1, > 1 1 > certainly carry's with him ail the qualifien- Crosby of 1 - - - . . l 'l - ":riý,)rtiiiilv ,;t:ttzt ". of, I!i-,ý L'Iltci- ýuiIleiil the meantime ille weekly will bc sent te Markhain die Upper Catiaclit Nvith ;Lit CHLI111110LIS ('ý"Ilt 1 011 that. Are you l)1ii4,l? You liave 110 ý lis lie l'a 1 i. ý '- - . - 1 "" -on* ttloibent tiens for a member of the Lc.ý,isIative Coun- John Duggan-m-aved by 11unry Crosby . ý, ý %,il 1 Nl.l:ý 1 1 f illill reliio. [('L.trs.] ý ait sabscribers, and a prompt se V,,,,l aud lurgely lui iricrease the ta,ýation. %Lý,,Iý- ýý busine'is ta be su; pay f.,itv conta, aad you of LI,ýýn, , il II Il. L ý;-ýý ýý:l 1 II 1 oi«U out t'le ciijoý-meiit of a pro:-oi , Il.-INe silo lýrivi',-,e t ar siiCCIILCIU.ý.- ý theN , , r, 1-11 Il 1 i. _i;lý 'l. 'S lie bave cil. Mr. Recitor very few. The former of Markbain, and seconded by Audrew ý * 0 wlc, 1 . iý It %V:L ýl,.I:(ý'ýl, Ml.)Ivl)otlý_rlll, ll : fitade affil the couliter with ail w ' . of Etobicoke. týIq1iou_, ýiiILle ý , ý', - ._ , 1 1 ý or M111 il' %N'hito, .iil ýl,>.s:-;. Iiiii-Ile Ames W. WriýhîL M. 11. .-inoved by 'ftIýc public e.,ýit.,iidittiie. TII,.ý , l'a c I 1 . %vu .lý 1 ý [Lati -1it,-r.] This was the kilA oi'-tll-,zizi,)Il ý li(','l - :,. 1 Y, pista i!ký adivance for the former. prefers hi$ country te a Party, the latt-r is, 1) 1 ý : . ý - 1. ý 1'l 1 1 ,il: LI 1 0 and -NIL.,.\*.,I,, beLýi;%!!v s;,,ili(ý, ý ý**- being adii)iLted by ail IInkiieý in relluired ; tli,ý-U the Lind , t' ill!-_ý ullu lý., t ý , : ý ý- mure Party tell' Of the two "'el% and Geo. Arkey, seco'dud by L. Il. Rupert ad 1 I.ïýýr ! -Nir. I,'ýeýýur il Il .111;Ziat'A 1 WV 111.'. verv SI.Irv il: - .lt il is BSCRIBERS A7ýD O'M - their fiiiiess, the il illovedby J. Dug,,au Cou- ai but il was contendud Un ilie pait ' Il riiiý:',>!, s lie cllitl.iul,,,i '71r. [IlCar, hear. 1 the (',,lý,, iIlý,', , I ' i - ý ;il ý . . 1 NOTICE To SIJ -re con bc but one opinion ; Archibald Barker- . l !ý; ,,, ion alA 1 uý Io >ý11,1ý;v Ilil. s',-ýuII,,s i of tLe iiiiiiisterial Cand ditIuý ail 1 [,il 1 N. Li at AIA Ilow lic [Mr. liei i N ] cuinc ta t'je ý_ t, ut Mr. Pou, ý l ;_ 1 . , ý . - .. ý ,11 by J",ý,L,:,LllliitilL j Li' t, E epresetili .I '. 1 hilj the 1,.,I-Z!C-' ai ,-tll li -;,,,,;tl this %% Fffl ][NàL-BT!-,D TO TRIS OFFICE, - betweel, tilem as candidates-party mon seconded by James Siabbach. ' . - 1, ' . ý , l . ý , -,Ii.11 û Ilion by l'i)1'1i!.ttiuiý. ý lie ui-% 'l !ý l ýý* 1 ý * . ý will of course have a choice. Mr. Party, 1 For yulirs thii 'lt-i:i, i -le Ilad b"Il 1*,,Iillýt I.,Il :l. Ii.lý- 1,ý , - 1 ;ýL l li, U lull't _NIr. U.tl. 211 ýýa.i oil> L cli-ili ý Col. B. W. Tiiotiilisoii-iiiovedby C. E. if wu ut 1'lel'teientati . ' - te, and that ic wo ùl'tailied that n11l:1ýur , f'r and noýv vilwil tho tiale %VILS Iil,,,I-U.ILII- ; lL il _ý t 1, ! ., V ý.1,; , ý -', l1..-1ý ',,%vrItl lit ilil- candil.j MÉesnsd r.-kiaB.%,,qKs a MaODOICELL am Lawrence secotidedbyl'lionitL.îAriiisti-osiý,,. eils I%«tklý,i l'o ictamcd. Ill, li:ý,, f.eýý Io 1 l ý as CVery one knows, was oureandid'a lc'-'ýab-iiioved by Thomas Bor- cutIfess 1, 1 L ' . ý 'l duly aqatbort'ictl to act as Agents for .lie John lie could have lieurs triumphantly rolurtied, l'Io wutild lie s-,i-,i-ý!i,-ý] tu '-ive il IL tzizil klill 1 iný, l'or -u itýv.- coistis, wlieii Ille true lula : 1 l'., i 1'. -.1 1 . 1 ý ý . ý, ,ýzlý,u.w tu lea\ in,, Ille ri ;il ta ."Ie"!S. Te lie fairly duel' with. But te this we n« the Te lie thouglit it would bd l,1ýIi1ct: d ur i -d I'oýili up:l,ý;- Câlialla couM I'd as- týi.l;. ( il - ý.ý 1 1 ý . , lý (;:Iltll,:,. luA Pl'l 'ý collection of accoulita due dus office, and toit, sec9tided by Nelson Chapnka 1 l ý ail Ur . :ý,.l la!. il ilny Ai eael, noriffilation wt i - 1 1,:(,I);Ilji!itN ,_ llý I - - ý i.ý ;, ý ý .. 1 -cias te riscellives subscriptions and orders iitIi-lic (lxl.l(,- cciaýlied, -iiil therc ,vas a 1 ý - or pal t in t' ýcl, 1 IllourIl- 1«1.c S'ýc,-i'l , ý' fer .il- ' 'l'eat poil -, b-t front the , - intend applying oursolveli next week. Al- turning-officer ilivitud silo genfleilleil lie- - il: aditig men in 1,-,lver Car,. ', t te'l !.rit ,il. (11,-. 1. '. , :: (ý.lý'll ùalv ýay eh work, and gîve rrceipts 3 ino%ý,r and beconder ta Iiiouq of the ICI I-Aa . obtuiclin _! the iiiziziiii-c .') long 41,-,it;k . . ,, 1 ta be iii 1*ýL% ,_,i. oi, Mr. IleusL vertitang, and j though Ive may have beeQ iiijured, and faith nainated, with hii ' V.. oý ; 1 I-il,,,"l tu Cast. il z,.ý,i-l-- zu'à iiIt Ill lia, o il); L ll ,- ý ý' . . . . Iý 1 II; ,1% , '.. 1,ý,1,lI, 1',,:- Mr. V, 1-l'y 1%;Lýý ý : for ail moneys Pald Ilium in -Y mime.- . toile a place on the pl.ký tbr1n, whiell lii,[,Ily lie did not tiiiiiii il %vould tvi-t- L; 1 l-,iziltt,,'. ,-. . inay have buco broken with us, we are L-1, l . . ý t - ý. -"iýt,,Itii il ý,,, lit, t1- 1,(,r ',I,-rý. (;il V net Thoie %vere, it %vas true, a fev o' tlio re- ý il, lit -%Il. In faet, ll' ý-. MI)ýl.,,,aII il.ýll -; 1 'd, .. lýt.!,. ý 1 lý, el ý ý . Parties indebted will greatly ob'i..,el and became crowded tu ils full capaeity. 'J u ý '0111 Iovei- CLL:.;1,1.1 W!,.,) ý,ýILw ' l'ýl:Lt lie %votè*il nit ta,- il iiow ii lie ,ý,)t it. ý N% Il , !_ 1 . . : , ý l . ý ý il -LI: . ý , h*ýý Ille- -a',,ýLit ('1l('l.ýtýi'tl;e qtiii'llill-iý ý l gave themselvu trouble and expense by the party te s(lect a critical. moment te time fur roceivlll.- uoluiuatiolis haviii., CIL. 1 ieseiit.iti% es fi (.\:l:ýl:Ltlse.) th:i %va . i (lie lilý11111.,.r illuv ý sý:tI(ll. - lI ,,il 1), Diak- xplissinations which woluld. cripple Our pired. the justice of thol piliciple, ali 1 Ilý ý: 0 ", ill. . ý W, iý 1. !lý i ! , . il, 'e ,,,,ýLktl"- A 1.,,!l %, i, z ll, inai.-Il. 1 maLin_ý au imissis-ciliate sottlement. of the o o 1 cli'li: zed f;,ýiii ùIIl11.lr,01ýJ ta Uii It'.,ez- : aild la il %'. , il. , - 1 ý! : - 1 1 l 1j ,Ills, Ill ,,, vr Il, i ý V. (;a:IiI,ýO alid 1 k il. lied the clectors for their illýý, ta ,,o for if ; l'ut Ille)' (:01!st.-,Lt ,1 il -,,l;y . 1 1 . . ' ,;_ ILI ruý', j,ý;llL ailkli i.:t)- la"', Ii;ý il Io I_ a - ý 1 :, friends But we have exploitations te -ive The Sheriffas ,_ 1 . ý . III it. liud 'i lic lýiu(:".llýil s ',,[Ill:;,; amouat oftheir accouats. -ecly in proper patient and quiet attention te Lliu valions smail portion or t1oc Lolver ('alizAl:.ýl l'o, ý %%'.,Iti Illicv h. ý ý W. il. IIlGGI1%ýs. gentlemen who viould address theui; and latioli. Thy.sztv the iiijti.,tie. LilIIý r %, iý ,--- te, 1--aaà %,,es :;O Ujh they C,)Lld*klt si .. 1 L, 'ýt:,,,.ý . ul* C , , ; _lt C,,itv(.1iýIl 1".;L, 1 « L' ,:!Il l ; ý f, r t;le (j)I,,,,Lý l 1 time. In the meantime ail wu have te sny e ý (,ý,r Liiii-tillv wutild hale .U!ne ,,L'ýl-r ' Iý-- ,.,L.' 1 '. I ý - ý ', ýi-I It-,:Lil..ý', il: Ille lý, IL.,ILiaý 01liu'r. ý ; s as there was a lar,,, iiiiinber of candidates the upper l'i-ovillec li.l,.[-tl, ;LI II 1 "' i . ý - . 0 ýcuziders wuuld lilit' -'iIIi;1,,ý LU 'tilt il, "el",)% il',- il, 1,111 fi 1 i n,ýw il'a, le bi-ili,ý Lq'. . Il"I 1. ',,..,ý.:i 1 .lý ý - , ýý,-1il"Tk fiont _ .1. -_ iý - 4,60- ýl ýe ilk.'.,t, s,,Iil,-, ý - ___ 1, ils that of the two men now going te the whose prop sers and sa . le - - l'i, "' I) ', à: 1,ý ,..! - ý ": ý ', ýý',. v.Cie not Olititrio, Vali Am Salo Bille 1 -net- te say something in refeïenco tu the clainis IllZ"Joi-ity Ur L >%V('i- ('aliL-UL1ý, ', t ". _ý: lý, _,!, [ý'iitý,ýrs.] ulit this %vai nut th,- pruper course ' 1 111al. . studio- ald that - P - il 1 I'ili.(.r Cý Io pýtsue, wir by'ît could t l , ý!u'ýÀ.., l -,Ailetion- pull, wu infinitely prefur Mr. Gambie . * bey 1,,,ýi":b:v ' 1 . 1 1 - ý , ý ý . , %. ýIl Il .,lL1ý,l of! - sý ,. . nc.ceààary te ludicate a very short tisne te alla th(,- influctice lier Io-iitiýri awl pyl.- a(làu'le ti.c (lý.i;rd CA. Let us toll the 1,Ii ýII: . ý _ .* - ý ý , i., - ,'ýýitt (JUI liL.I*oi;i: Mll. j', SI Il 1; t Irbe best printeil, aucl t1je elle.,tl)est withst bas italien place.- oftheir nomitices, ho thôtsglit it would bc OPI),sed ta auY ili,ý-'is"! e g % 1 ., 1 il.- i 1 . - 1 t Those who wish te sec Mr. Reesor defent- each, in order that the candidates them lotion ent tled lier to. IL ,li ,ILL Ll, tiiiit 1 L,),,r Canadiail Frelich Ibos; we mill baie ; .111il I.I4À :- k !ýý 1 , ; , l , -i,ý; 11ILii- UiiLk- - 1't -Auctio, ý n llilts eau bu procured nt the sksI we do, will vote for Gansible. Those . . ,lits und sinco tiley %%oula --ýt Nie 1 il." I.ý Li l. 1 !;,tI, i 1 .,,ý,_. C, iiicitti.11 'IO.Ni).%V, octola ', cd ý selves migist have u Iongr a period as pos after il few years the priLiui:lý' %, "Uld te ý "Ur rig ý l el. A huudred 11-tlrïlleet . . rikezit Ilow ilitieh lourd reasollable 1 pluin!V 0lat l. ', - 1 1 ! o._oý- [tell l'y bit13 clan bc hall within ait bour front Il, to suppose that they would ,,rý' t, ; ho IIIL, I'Cý1U! ( L 1 l., i ý d , l"(."Iý ; l'ýl lie kllew un l'lie Court oileiicql titis il . 1 1 CAMniclé offic who, stay ut home, and will net vote, aboutit sible in %vhich te explain thoir views. Il rerügliizu'I' .11A if il vierc, lie lia 1 lý.o Lui ý_ý %vere ilt CIL ý ý- ! ý rentember that by doing se they are aiding was possible for the nominatorist and secon- that LI leý,isliztiuii Ur the c,)uiitrv would lie 0 , luck, p. ai. Tite ý ý V U') j- luensure than ir'tt-e IN ent in fur ffissol , lion . il,(! t'lýV' ýI , il'ili 1.1 ý , ý 1 illt,,Ult"Llt Ille the tifinc of lenving the order. In. ders-if no restrictions were laced orlon conducted in -il mantier sali'fae lu. :- 1 . 1 - ý . . ý , Ils littiiiý, . lier C aliadix. 'l'lie Il ý il ;vlý i.. Li ý 1 lý 1 IlILýe j,-ti)ititli ; . , in Reesor'a retýt 0 p t' . . ' u 1 O c 1 thent-tu exhaust the wholu time allotteil j ope lil)"e% Ci., ,-,ýi , - or J"Int ý,uIhOrily ? lie did not Lvliee ' Ili, ii,, Itiroi , liceii valleil ( --------**ý , tl"It IL-tilesciit ý ', ý - , S %, ith whoin iligr --,Iýlit!,Illt'il ýltis%%ert;d f A couipleto R,,-gister is kept qf el ho would. tlitrefore alluw ench of those gen. faint elle, alol lie, fearvd th ý dIv 'diui i'-iiii ation by l'opulation could zed file iiiiri- i, -ý , . ýd . ýý - -,e-Tlie Conclusion of the i Cricri; of the tjeulen a Briller, of about threu minutes.- zatiuLi was ditant. Theid %vtiv llla:iý III. lu li ý ,IO, bc obtaitied. Let il la, s!.ci % n flint ; 1 lie rkutd Ilv - ý _ 1 li i:ý;oýý, lie hilevi (,.%%"Iu. ,lçl)iil. Auction sales of Coutity Auctioncers, pr ceedings at the ýilýsizes, and a lut] rc. - prier Canada liait a population of 300,0tA ý sll(,;.Il T, V,.,i l'Il Il . l. 1 1. G IL 1 1; lts,; ýç, E ,q. thouglit lh:,.t l'I'per CLUlada %%Otl',l ii,-%er ý II 1 i iv !. -1 1:1 ail T lý as ýý00 ofthe &%le,.% of Mr. Alex. - (Grcat laughter.) , ý 1 lionilUi I:iLýtIeIL, .I.tilli:ý" Ail bat . .tix-tuvs, T. C. Foivinati, i port Ill County Agrieultitral Fair have Ilill contrai O\er lier oI.Nil .11l'. il Lawer Canada, aiA %vould any j (lit: -.il, il 1 O..! - :ý 1 ýý ý 1-A 1".ý.1 belli lit , rý ,rhmnl will ' ýjijj 11,4til uiorc tha . two of the proposers and secon- ' . 1 1- the iIre.,CIit Ulýl(,Il %vas dijýý,,I% (A. I":iý , illg ý iiiiiii 1)01;ttc that.tho ielý1-eieiýtzuiýes fi.1il ý W-t Vill I1.1 1, .:', ý ,:. ý, 'l1t, S U!> ta the - ý lien of Scarl)ore'. All P.',,-Cles have te bc Civen next issue. . . ý;r.I,.It, Jas. 1'. liv-try, Jik 1 '. -------4 0 *_ ders availed theusselves of the Il rue minutes that represltitiýt ,nid rcftiýu tu gralit il. Il' 1 day ,an i.!l.,-Il l'. ý ( ', ý il inet, iviieii 1 icze office, allowed te exhibit tlieinselves. befüre the ion by l,',)Iitilzrttiot 1 1 lis kt ýe,-tiýiil %- k %Vout 1 1 ý f ri-cil tu, M r. Lie,- i .1, II ,ý 11; 111,ý,'Iii& The Poiling Places. nul bc colieud-4 hy Ljucr (':,[IzidiL. If . 1 n's proposition 1 tliltt -1iiIý1 Juo..jacIiýo:1, (;Co. Lyle, do is tcs coma te the Chroil il il leu, ri. e 1 _g hhouild at once find ont -,vbcn meeting. This disposed or, i was dieu .1 e II replesciltation accardifili Io tuli-itoi-v, lie Il , Ilio. Miller, Donald Nie[) _1 sud they e4m . 1 - the uld ilot ut the jrL,ýie1,L lie ,-Iitzkirk.-,ll,. Le [ « :ýI il' "ý_' ý ' iL ý ýý - 1'l t iiý : alili the The Pollini; of votes lis King Division quarter past two o'clock, and sheriff Wo . favoi, uf'ug'tatiný, fur bath, %,itl, il,, , --'ait sýo-1 11 1 011 such a prineilile Lower 1 [.art; -:î ý1, , ; ;ý ý ', , ", !ý, ': ,,Il that ll:cll:Lr(l",Il, Thuillas ThUulý 1 en_ýa-ûd, villas In ý ."à j ter.,, tout .1. 1'. Wood. Il t . sud wÉemaliyAtioviolleeris, . . ences un Monday next. The places divided the rensainder of the time betiC(ýtL 1 - or tlie uLlior intla- ; ('anLàdi%,witli &Il lier maste and barreu, laiitls, Ioý4à1iLy týtitcý, 1 o, C ,ýý,;.1:ý:1 %%illi.ut ý 'f cornai the clevêti candidates, ailowiitý thirteen balle of procuriÀi, ont. . i llii 1."I-dsllip ziil'ir(.-,bi 11 ro of relief. 1 Io could net seo ,% hy ih, 1 %v(Itlli bave a niuch Iarjer representutiun aityý iiýIjL %%Iý;.tVo:. iý- V.",u locr'Iv âna or what day his services can are . il, ,su i.1ý . %B beau . 11, Broolklirk. minutes for the addresâ ufeach. jjjj.j 11,t IL riýjj Lillo, the Uplier Ilrovince. lie dieu ai- electeil by týlýý '- . , . Jury JIi.vorod the fu1IoYiiý i bc proctired. Pull 1111thority 111 %Vliitbv--.%t the Town Ila ' Peuple of l'ilper canala - fi -!, ,,I* )Ir. l'ýrrv and East Wititby--At thu Town Hall, Colutu- Mr. St.ilsback as .%o elector - jujej ta Mr. P.eesu.-'à changes and incoii- lirokiglit l'il tu ýI_ "I' 1!ý. t - -, ciuitut.. - before Mr. te use their owli lulorkey as Illey saw lit. . .- 1 l le fut. bills. 1 ý1 given to«W . 1 1. Iliggins te sel terms bus. oceeded with bis address called ,I'Iiey paid two-thilds of' the r(-Ycýýi:.l of the ' tencill'i Stundiug tyliert lit.- (Mr * I'c-t-i-ý-) Aýtiiii.ce-tlI:I,;iý- I-ý 1-ý; 1 ýIi. Catuble's] M(L. Fulii:.)1.1,1;, AND Gk.ý . . upoa the ficturniti.- ollicuv' fur the pruduc- whole provila il, in tiie 1 froui I:ý ,!,i, ,,!ýc %_ . 1. 1 I.r and appoint #Jaya without ireF,-,i*enco bfarkhain-AL Uiiiuiiville. ze, and lcil,ý.1i'S 6evý-tit.v lier etulad in ,kiew of Ille circus-ring -LlIt .il the (;aýiNi) J L av :-Froin ilie ' «' - * ý ý tien of his property qualification. C il. of if %v;.,i expended l',,r thc buielit of'ý reld, %cforc Moi, it required lie great conýc.,I:,ý1l, a: -1 . l'. iýý_ý 'l 'l ,,,Iiuti fioul i ce , , G Il. il ; - ý , , 1'. ý : Iý,,l 11:1 l'y ille. 1 have no djubt th ý p, > - Vaùgliitti--'Lt the Tovvii Vall. Lower canada. That Nvas tý,,, %voi.i.itk.ý,, l a tel . %; ont Over 1 f, - lo 1 i l, i ý Ir. P. : 1, ý ý . te the Alictioneer. . Scarbor(>---It Woburn. Mr. Reesor said ho liad lit ready, and it C' 1 41 O' ilnagination Li concuive Mr Ma:ýAil.l ,ý:" :, , , 1 , - ' T u JI ,Atl' %tictioli bills prititetl at this ould bc exarniried nt any fiole. 1 * l, with the calivâs-t . ', ý .1 !, lý1 I.ý,jIlil',_,Ili' bave attualied the Graut l Etobicok-e l At bouge 0-910J l'y Mr 1 undur the liicsi.ý!.t .ý)s1clIi. Il" 0Lot,ýIit il ý sur in 1 le rillik; ý The Sherill' éiaid it was not for Iiiiii Io , Lin. Lis tunibliug, t1iclis. III. %vaýi lý :'t.-, 1 ill. -I - ', '- lie ,i.Lý,,d cousity before, and thù.Cfo "C", "' f "' a 1 i'e efficest will rucdve, a ilotiete ili the Mlisson, oppnsite Sinifilles bivern. ' lie duty of every man in tiio 1'l)[ltIr ,nid li;"I> Illaetl il 'Il hall tuld them lie kvas out in favor of cuit- i tlit - 1'. :i ", i ý I,ý ý, ý,1 h', lit; ,lit %% i pe Sary fur Ille LU Lotze OP timq docide, bat bis iLlli)lU8iULl %%Lis ti);bt the quali- 1,0%,fý Ilouýt! tu suppurt nu .,'I)I'Ul'llleý(Ilit . 1 .. .1q kfrat.14, illitit tilý-, (Ilsy Orsalle. -Centre %Vard, nt fiation Sust bu abown OLI the fiuâtiljg i ý chroniu M Town of WhiLby 's finit acted ui")Il the plinciplo tile Ileý, lit .titutiolial changes ; in less 1l"In, a moutil 1 Uns, linv avvi. .1 "I' lIý;L( !lit Ait L il uxitteràtItiid te your dL si 1 si -ý--».ý -r ..,.kilt -111(l Orna 'rowii'll-ill, North Ward, at-Ilechallie's villeu asli-ed for. 1 lie lind tchan-ed , bis O! iiiiia, fold WZL3 now 1 a,"iý . I'l . i': ý , 1.ý,ý,ý , n'alle 1 ý- mental - - .. . - --.- ---- fk ht,.--* ..ý;lltlic--i-c, Nverta ', .Nlil;iýitl*.ý' aCl"d U!-11, in Il- 'islulin ' 1 a'aiwzit ', ) 1 l ýl , ý _ ! 14.. ý-L.lli ,,...,,ý .Lot a body tu try ulti!tiee, %Qat -ontet advocate. lie huit tuld er .o-ý ý ;,.ýIi il- 1,11, sl1.0ý ; thUir sti .. . . - _ýý.1 ý;..-i_ .l Il, 1 -- il'. '. ý ý 1 Il'rl,ýt tu sup. ', 0 111X)n vi .1.- ,l.;,ý,,., -c, I,ý.lý:,t llk..Ii(liiiv of ý. - . 1, p ite thu el idelle 1 ,. - .1.- ...... I;,ý,,ý, 4l'Ar 1 l'oiinti,ýd- and to ascertaili tieptorà we already avare, that Mrý j aLrteta and improvements aboulu nu up lutà lu (ý" e Of Pine Croire dills, i4 the =AU mouth of the drain. ner, te oppose the Governmen.t. (Heur, placvd a. t1le fir.t 1,1:11cii 'ui thu \Izj11,ýitiü juit Ouey ULL tU11jý --dmd "t he Mudi before the eleeWm la The Couricil thon 4ourned, for two Ilear.). ne believed Ïbey had, ruled th,- wice of the L'ti-uii thsd tvvu Po- .(,:j 'that Luiver eanadai would i,-rant it of the c-tiztr%. li,. u1eý f uu a_ýaiUsL the wishes of the people or ýitic.ý cf C;Àllae1;1. (War, L'ar.) Azd %vliili the new cea-,u3 wai taken. They thut those S 0 d The fulluvîng îâ a list country -;tý 1 r,ýitçtive of a ut Niec Prius. Urý, Ilcrr7't lilace as the nominoë: of the weekâ- ley hâd passeil mea- why dA h> du su? S;i1,ýi- ticc la"d h,ý,urtl the premier of the Government reut )Larkkm Çonvenflon, in the Moderato in. Ueper Canada, for th ý,Iuraunày.' It Boyac ci A rs. Bailt igay«"» Court. sures alrecting Upper Cana4 in opposi- 1h,ý Viii'.11 wâh other Freiieh Caraliau meLul.ýe.9 over wou!d lul - uver agaîa declaru in the moet craplia- struiq- teree _ Tlà armagement was arrived et tien te the Dit tý ý"us to !itrouuec for ILtntiirf,)r _1*101 loi protesta of a ad qurity of the and laccia 110 of 8) great impor fi -'- Le V jer lluuse exuelutiun. JoLtk Lpys 1 wrtsTny Thandaf moroing Oct- 4 a majoriq LaUce bc-roi e the jwopIe of Uliper Caitada Cu Iànj=Zý, that ho never vOuld concede for the The only das".,, befum Ris represcutatives of thatsection eou»quence of Mr Gamble's expw1esý deteruina" uni te quit the field pf importancQ ere sa C!ùst IV tu weasure 'z i_ is Of whicil by Rijzdtzll ris. Ridout -wd 'ho werahip this mo-,Usg were two, ofamult whom he belîevýcd te refleet U'Wf the wisbes n-) questioti l'i'fi which W' ta Upper Canada. Now, Mr. the peýy, of the people. , Fer Lliis reugOuy amon.- identiritd Cie i1itvmýt-i wid future Perry told them te wait uul*,l the Dext at, the ri Icard, ev.ý11 p1aîlti1f £ 101 Os Gd. 1111 kstoviedie-twîth a diviled vote'ef the utter the accuiéd being Mr. Georice JOhruM ;ýâ ý4 asi ýýr , - ! ministry. Daring of the eount 1 V. j4;ý6j und then make tha demaitd, s2rvatiiwe il h:s Con 3L C. Cameron for p!aù easfal Capting Jim %Y ýy of Llank of rtlcn!rcid z aimes of the ulghima Eme othera, he oppo-d the the Union of tic ti-ýils in . fý the prfflat canvass, wherevér bu had go Caua4 tu li 01c stalle of thiligà aA à cuald uot bc resiate wai [lut 'Il, b-Pd-- et the party hein.- suce à. ne (Mr. în, theni,> - i ; Uâ, . uw t) sa e CS,ýCUtj0n. W. throughout the Diei f and the existing prifir ta 1 oý tj tuk, a retru, '4 Z, id, in reply te ittaI4 they hua Wied, thtre ver Witheut the aîd and heutjr co-opemtien of Mr. joÉnâtoi, w&g dîsehorged by gi'Îng ou hl eould legbtîl te the constiaoks; the llant eterY fue deà;.d with aa their eu- tu cume. anu in -r ci,ýht vtarzi dia4 lin4 re Ile âve Step hà thc lt;uttecath celiturv was- beien makin- the lir.Gamble &ni bis rden4 Mr.perry in mom satiefs the Plai utiff. Of (>ptjng fac*d the mus;G btit succue esistruill of electiun&; lie certaînly a queetion Of 8ýrî.iîà r.ýy fur y and Yet thel wete à1must M having his case adjourned te tien Wclock un r.. 113 1'l'jugist thel Liin- ira baee Do chauce of coutesfinx the Division 1 glever spoke Ï: and grave ear%, cran-Ei ýi.; "r!ýit tilnà uf fur plai 'Xo a!,-ý,ean iiu.&Dy. And filliain.. that he cieuld W beel, e0ft- d in varieus TowndWÊ cunsîderation. W!L"'. was Li uf! z1._ý fýax 0ýf its recognition as ever. If Mr. 4bould -ulect n-1, lue aturday nexL -cent ta bave the zîihts of Mi nt he mated nu more th" the Tura Lf local , Mored sud tu remain W ---rv warm pal luealîtýL tht-,.- il. J. Maèilput.>Il for PU, dgda " r full eu:,Pbft, Mr, Pe electians as a Èa"date and etberwÎse i au& Upper Qutada bt!füiu t:jL prus.- Ut Ûiliva? 1'eýrT ivai ýMt Ler in- Ck., r CanaU thus tjw ML%* 1 cd Dearly two-thi rdà "-trj paraly' ut Eq,1uni, j1anter ri. Frrry- jZUd, iii d licutýV thu dumiuatiion of L3wer Cu.ýà, tlie gru:i,.eýst -visest thin- in sieppiug The riche5t, man in Great Bitain is the ho felt eonfi& c le e cume is about $7,009,00. wen in fayýr wî4là lý,iier iu the ta: th. 1 i T fur £- ùý'_) 0. qý 1 Il tak larqui'à of Westminster, whSe ft.ralal ils, trath, thst the mi enewing of the Ua f LI!;" ez uc wa3 net Mmb ëlectora ut the Diviaieu the man te repreBe & the IVIiý.t LA C of the pïëugawutarf Opposwoni and :fl tu iLu L jý 11, - Co-.U.-InL- fvr l'lai *0 bouérustion un Sat- 1 w(ne a i 3unil,ý ta Li- But the Reformers w&e jà» -,th Me- GAMBLE's MLsTljgc4.-Ur. Gàml& he wa&mWtakeain i WoLld port u"e Ut- uif L-pper Canada were uat satis5t:d to re- aljýii.vj u ire DLcy-ý'er ai gw fiieuxk of là il ZLi 1 41 main in swe an as a tII2 d-stir, -U l'or col: for 1_130. lni:l ponible, ta ar- ga of eight ur niae days tàat .1 longer. It ge and influentW imeetW W àhlbvm alitâb PO ý7 Ucit ibuk Prry r3. Diry-V, ï mon, in «4èý9 tbe fýrciU 1-1raur the fiaci UY àwl question that they paid more Çzwu,!.t the EW&Àff%. at Columbim, and 0shaw'x, himn» Ortbis he féit. certain that i % sulijett ta rive et M than lower ICWI&da, amd. welre tý X on Twesday and Weduéaday ereniags. ih f the ekiýt@m vus tu elect a Liti, ruý-,Ut« c Win g l1ý.-r 1)y c aniu nt lie, lé 'L 1 -100. SUýû, aud wicah1q, and aithou-,Ii tlic nj-ýn st!eý-_d *Sk Mway; 6" &o& Te Miglit he upc&ka az Brooklin, tsi-miorruil àoSe me in whom th" e" haire Pereýt:t ',lie c ti UUMCIJ" *Mo"i 1, - tbem thât -dey cf thLt Calc, uLcu 11K. zlllLý of t!Llfqý3 Xhat wu. B"Ink ff APýntTl7Ld wwM*i@wà1ý 7 f-,r ùýe 41--a for plaintle L, coa W *W> *Vmizg m -Gremlww4 a" et Btouffir v jk ceufidmm. They vý -i the caeetheySad ne i0flueuce iu bie Col" , â1 ý ýý _,Lý ý D,:, of tbL cotutry. Wh= they j::lAJi,ý ËLwdýj pulîti,--al creeà-ca- ive- à-le

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