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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1860, p. 2

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8rOns4'oooed socb a cocrus Anthe . vole Spéi'cqoadron, wvItb~Ue esiceOlcaOf enai'venant, thereespn -loftIfor ifavan.-. Tise Liberiils, n"uitee, biRom00-ite îleý pose méimieof sedry ineins cf van wit ib -tdshie dioonsreliren agànlatî Cis$Is as utole procstod nt Iiiigor. *bO<Ofl, sud Behilo bail offIIcie4 a lin et $00,000,-vteor ia tise saiebionesi mannes la ol taten.'Tise viagutil eto tise.LiSeraI crmy bidreaeeiilTacobays. W. baveftstbir nove erthtie Japnsesé Embasy, wicî laiitishe Caette >Vemes ensk l 811July,ildreacisei lie hrber er, t. Paul de Leaindo, ce thet (esut cf Alica, on île Itî f Aogei, Sabet cf' ceai sud veler. -.,Tic Jasee't es n6 peediîng 1iste rtisse meel as hfore >reprtent-le iryineg te ettain ac leenge et tise Englinb leegeage, eatie, drleking, eilp1a n tiee pecilar fiet. Tise Captin et te signet StôciitRing, viici nventiy areivedl ut Icerfolk ua a pise, h lua stateil, bail ne losstation ile intoeming tise ofileera ef Son Jthl, yvsiiîe captuire vas arectai, tisai liho enantbnflsonithseDepaty 1U. . Mnsnlted ot tiapoint midi $1000 #0 ai- 4@swiisste depnrfreransdy Hook .Thn Niagera jafter eoaing oeil lakieg veter, vas teilave St. Paul de Loande on île 151h ef Auguat. By île Caeedet'e meuls. WC' recei" lon. don anil Paris jouonels Ito thse lIed nl. ie- tunisie. flic adhelces'are cci nelaie a lien tobegrapisenifroteCape Race, but the deteils arrivedt Iran Our toreiga ica atnil coirtea1 deenosare.îieeeiieg.: We have lao futisee partliù4lans cfAltia e leterlet o. Laimnees e n Iie' 1neffierees 'letoveen1 Otillfdi 'art IDWPniiDo Caveeïtrtaten setlotus eensie1 isnceseni al finonde oftre II, naly>ssýOpa uith be re"srtn cn tis e uh- lea iare estiy excigerated. IBetismon are netseuary te ise reloltatienE andl iscli, il may lho belieeni, ara tee sensible.send tee patiotie te ýanytbaia in stand la the vay oe te ountry5s complète iiberation. lttittated, 'vlsmuci s emnnuee, tisai tho PoelE is'Tr iscni allocuiton, Witt ansecunce bis dete,:minathon to loave Bne if bis Holiseàssireul do iit lie honît ii. plifi nattee5 veoy muI nslcd open tlnerondi Anolhi er fmtul.store bhdoéccarent a tisa Souith, ievolVieg tccmasile Io banoe lite andi groat deelage ce proporty. Lite île one viicb cecmereul ooy afew wieets since, il ap" mesta lave extended l eoag the Gelff'const. 4ti;e*o-Orle*nandilviciai- ty firliver, Ite f&lY' vas iCct onionsiy 61ltasd tise demage resutiig ram it tieré fa mstineted t $150,000. The bock par- tîon eft îe cty was.enlirciy sabmergon.- Éthveeamiles of île Jackson Railecai vera *msled evcy, tegelier Itia large num- to fiebIousese c tise route. The damage ce tise Missisippi River vas aise very heavy, a naahe ofste*so"tâ beieg hlownn ailipesasd ceat-boatsa uirl. Tho steamer Baoen City, pioyiog botireen Gelvesten anil Iloonteul, Tfrees, expiede lier hiler a fe days aye, kiling a largo ioniser oCpesohN psinicipnnlly bat b"a Mentrsegro. The exact uumber un net tise Prince ef Wales aed cuite, accord. lux te -previeus aaoncnncemecsl, visit.-l Moant Venmon ye&tende>, occempassieni by tàq Proeiligici sd menegOricftie Cabinet Tise revenue cutter Rarriet Laite, wib vas gailyilecoral ote ts casien, con- Veye thle paty te the grounds, vbere %bey voe r rcveil. by the Superiatendent viii due tcrnsaity, and arveyen t objecte e1 lîîleresa. Tise party, ois tiser reten, pro cqeedeil ote oreidence oflLord Lyoessuu parioche ef a grand, dinner. Te.ilay tii reyal prty yl go le Ricbmosid. Grosl offorte are Seing mae te inioce the Prinet le proloeg lsd easy et tise Soth. Ti 0Iave -teGre-l0 tas vae tseeessrever maueserved te h at,' îed apd fcatiiered nd ilridea out ofthe cees. sseniy ona a rail. The lelîe la a late COM. attnsscation te tise Guacnlfaan, Bes:j, icEa my lut I bresugit ml accoont noven te Moidyrigt-tiîe nigis of lise great bail. It wra by fairîles larget ecor givon in Britihl-Ancrica, île attendance ising1 estimarteil a4, 500. TisePeines dasicoi Cltatina sIWnàesor ofice 'clock in th. norniag. thin n=y ho &a seitable place for tise renanle visicis I teel booini te mare, bowvevr reieolastiy. ThéisPnéuet'c moral cosdietyontUIs as lie is, la notA hianneoes. Tise vice eiicisbas o leh reie of isay lings aud princes is ndelgeel. ein h bi. 1Wise'oie nesecret tisai veenAs et badl ciaracteir arm in thsePrntc'din iteé' Tiis is'a -fit ethtie gravent impotane.- ht ià -asdiigenBtin; as Itla selanehiy, te thiik etfise sen oet Qocen, Vitoria-a lad et s-,iheteen-.idulging in the-,ice liai ecsrvte ciuid debase bIs md a'.d l bo!. Tise Princeins iot' te liamnco iassc.as tiiose viso have biin eclarge--tbe Dole. et Novo 'ati, fii exemple. Tise Prince of Waies shesli early endeetanil tht Bri tish Christaina eipectinlatheir aeiaaeistise virlees eofa Cihs3e*à gentleena. Rlai ranI inoolves, igh respoaibility i and thse aurst neothon estiieieg thsesonriae ain mon-ercly iteielt.i; bcontempt, is for tise slave tflut. i,wer eila» tCoel al- tentions earhy te tisisa îetrf.ç'.,tîe Prince is sutIt yentist land taacbabieA" Tise charge ngainst tise noral character nt tise Prnce l a cruel calny, andl a menoteous f.clrication. 'fiera vera ne vo. mn n e erine'o suite;j netWvaS tise Prin et a ee iRisa ct otsight t tiiene ie chaïge cf lieneexeptvison le nep. Who 0tiseetier et tiie laader i5ivo e- sot kueir, but comperng île estyhe of the communicatien vilIle tise her taise Acu- nations eystematicahly plslieul egainst tise Prince iby e journal oetiâ it 0117, ere le moreatitan a prasumpion rainenlthtthîe Editor ot tise 9IVit aeu e lael-'i& fieger on lins. raipoiteot proclamnaton by Garibaldi. 'fisc folioving proclamation by General Garibsaldi exposes his poliey. ýnd projon-t te dlmen ail ltIailnd efreet the enneoxation et Rome.o "&OTo cesPEePLE OieF P.xnstO,-Far sund iear, I ana vith you brave pepe- vils Yen vitI ail My lite i Mutuel arei tien, île commanity pI ail fatigues, paruls aneil gony, enIte ns hy indionoluble bonds. Fran tle boitoins et my Beul, andin leMy Italien conscieneee IIrowietisat yen be. liene jme or, ny vord. Separaed front yen by île inerctâ of the commun enste, h have loti itis you another nelf-Depretis, Depretis, vînon I have coisodtd te tise vorthy peoplo oftihoespital-IJepretis,viso in more thaa my repceoanttivo-tis e- prsenlaive efthîe isoly national idea l an! Victor Emanuei. Depretis vilI an lieuses te tise dear Sicilien people tise <la ot tise annexetien ortttIcjaIe te the ret ol fret Italy. But it ne Depretis, elo» faithi fol te my commission aed lise itereotn of ltety met determnine lIai isappy perid- Tise mierablo mens (i ninferabi(ý) wvii apeae cyen cov etfaneexatice, people Of t Ncill, are tise very samne persans eiso on- ieavorad a montis ago te excite yeu for 1the sasse cotise. Askthtem if I1lied listolu ded te ail thibm complainte hev 1 shoouu y have boen able te ciontiue ightiog ter LIialy and loir I Coulil ý-déy hava sent y70 b my affectionate graating frone the beauti- 1. tel capital of Boatiseon Itnly. Therarte, y genereeis peoplle, lte acowards wvIe hid h tiesnelves vhen yu enwrq.,dgitieug on lbe tf baric&aesret ahemo for Italien liberty, c. ye sIssaicy onbehaîf et your Garibali ,d (del tnue Gankliii) tisai annexetion and ae tise eign ,of that gallansi man île King in .1 tIieiy, wiii hoe speedily prucaimoil hy us .e but yonder cnesutuamit et the Quirinal wbe Itiy aisalllho able te redkoi on cl hem etilidren in the saine familye and ti laite tlein, ail tree,, leto ber noble hosen and blocs,,tisco. tor troegis-ber lIsjstr-à Irdte Amers-eas provines, sud a no euions ageale, tisoeghc scoiibat nove rapin, rue over tise- Wes; tem Staten, SEnt h bislî Co"mtortelicdo. nicileil ai tished"mia esetropelis mauIlbe gEaet 'o thîe natiO»6. Thieviil et tise hein apparent recls nomse intersstiisg scunenira-. :When tise let ý hir o letîle IrAgl ibtrono visitent'Nonsh Ateerica the issue botveets tbe provinces sud tise nctber eoenlry hait smmoey -heen dec heul. Oas alu ea t herai l ep. ed thsé Britishs teconquie CanadaNova Icee o*ew Bnistsick sud hail lies takiea ?p arme egeraît lbenjusi e-actions, 't a bigetent king sud an-ebstiuste mini- loy. We von eue cause, sud teen. prOcte 'den t ebImill Op thin nation vhîisch ompeis ait once tise vener sud admiration cf ail Chisntendon. White yt teuggling againn, ibone infastile iotdero viici lie Peuh. cal 5701cm et every nov Govemect nent go througb, vo verse gein cse0mlildte go te wat witis Oar parent anil naturel eliey. hi vàn du,'ing lhitelet ver lot the Britis salami Detroit, and -tise nenrable tatesnen vise la ai tiseieailofethte State Deprteent v4s icempelleit ta chers le the humiliation xpeocdbylise offilcees ad enil onvi siieniersil indes, île endors o e etral Htuit io tise Britsh forces. Agin, terly- sjiyeees ago, tise Britis nis led Wasl. ingien, burneil the exoosiive nansion and tle Capital buildings, and ceepelleEl Pro- aident Madison te fiy.iO Georgown-e liappily, tle prenent Britis invasion is Of e plening character tisen thet cf 1814. Our ancient onenys endo ber flesI boretsous as e histage cf anity, cf peace sud fidel- ity. uutsn Bell, .Jr., dropis in upon Bre. tiser Jonathaii a pionant, egreeahIel chtty sort cf vay, quite ila ascordanes yllise Queeonsnlette o tero cgaod feiend1' lie Preadent. "'1 nnelyon," 1saya ber Majesty t ci ny oldesl boy ; ose of Ibese <ay, Providence pernitting, lie iili ho King et England. IHo cores te bave a locoe et ycnr ceunnrY, te pick ep ae utile informatise abent yoe, ced le let yen tnev tisai vo deies îulire ce tise bent torlsn vus yeu. 'ive are piaeai in a very ditS.- 1cuit position. Ail tie great Continetal >Foes ara more ocmlegssdespotie le ticir kformaetfGavormeoa t Iisdor priîC, ndi alvoyn viii ho île boast et Englishmen, rtiet cee toit te free, ttat Albion insaesalce- muary for tise oppressent cf ai nations, and soe versto oland. Up for libral princi- ipies , and ai the dame tin o tekecp ce good .terme yul lthe other Fovees. We rsoog- Snisu lîs the Uniteil Suites entîpr groat .Poweor, liiewine frea ai apiy for ra- haioved front île influence cf despotie go- vormsente. We lite le kaov thet ne have ycue moral aid ; plsicaliy vo ecee take cars or onselves. Tien vo rade )a great deal logetiser, ced tisatidlaenother bendl te heiuon tegoîher un trieiiship." That id wbt thlinPrince et Wasa'visit 1moans, andigoce id tetalon, apparentiy, 1> y tise Frosideni, whe enceines lile nO>el guest ýf viîhjunî nfficietcesrerAeny teu sov that tte i- importance ua is visil is tlY reeo'niaed- tf Tise yeusg gentlessan id net bored niti, -fornselitiesa or esssoyod wyul set spcuOoie. 0 M. lBuchananemete Lard Rntirew ai the tf door cf tho White floe, tales bine te îl te ,hraing roue, vhera tise ladies avait w hne, oeil atter tise cnstomery sutepradiel il- chat tisera come> a dineer en fanuilleand cian oveing Bipent in pleasani conveesnoni )r The Prince anil bis cite met et Washlîg m teon ladies sud gentlemen vho bave beei - tamiliirr vs atneonphereofetcurts, and 3,uiso areaua fait te ail those petits soins id viicigole matre up vhet lu ceilei go le bneeding. Tisera id ne greater nuisane , le the vorlil tissu our vulgar gond natra dil men, andiv e appreisenil liaI thcPrnce il andlbis parîy bave onoseetersilmoesthal in oaaetftise hreed, botS in lie (Canadas and a, tise West. Bat thatint ail ever. The pet i, fectiy mftnageil receptien hy the Presidesi %Il %et& everythiiefisiragito an! pts tle Prinuo tc andl his party qaite et tiseir cane. Ttc] ne have beon recéinont by crue et hs Oh debsout gentlemen, in ticesimplet andil pe d'osnl thatjhsthlnieio idlolft on theeP wloue evenÏigiatrale for the West. H foleloweilon Baerday' norsaing.Y At Tol. do lbe learnèn thtia lie had gene West ce the iciigan train, and hisepereevelinglY1 conliieth ie search. At .&drin hoý found anilcaptereil hi.i, and teck bue home. WheMonet ile bis rabil fils fe wois14 discover thse unoooiee mali'ntniao-0641. tien. He wcsldmaI"e veylrsed'propo- itions, and citer îm xorbilant sas for pro. perty tsat bit is ifancy, - bu, ha wond do sei neés cassdid and captivating a ssaneer as te la mot cases disaren suspion (Correspendeneecof the Connticaitnass.) 1TeRisi, Saturday, S ept. 15 1860. The Feriansset in ocoelcenfor the 2d et Otber. The-coovec atioe vas dccided oe eterday aI e Council cf Ministees., Cosot. Trechi, Kid"ue-Canip cf Geribel di, andl Dr. Coanisilia, i l vOntie Dicta- 1er efthtIe Town Sicilien eppeera te pae esaimited confidence, arived yestendey ove- sieg et Turin fron Naples. They are bearees of % letter Iran île tomons Geneor ai te tise xRig. The audacieus werrner in tusa leter traces thse sasse 'programmen as that deneloped in tise proclamation te île peopleofet Pairm-that le te Bay, thollie shell net regarni bis mission as teuminacd until hsn bas arrive1 et Rosse oei Venice, snd îlot, despite bis ardent desira for ime nediate anisexation, the intecoîts cf tise continuation et lis ensirpeise ara opposeil le, îlot osesnne. Garibaldi coocludes lis ietter by soing îlot ho has ne confidenee'n M. ,Cerner, and tisat thaït is th. eeson ho cannt lis- tee te advice sent i. fron Turin. Thiis letter, viuelin net knovn te tise publie, and of ihici I ccii guareun te .051 pertect euthentioity, lias produse~d a rrat nsenations in official circleuu. An yul nothinsg las bee deeided as te tliu ternis in wiiolthc Kinga repiy te te te couclod. Mi. de ayeevel, Si recetary ot the embasy, bisubeca cppeieted Charge nd Affaires duing tise absence et M. de TaIleyrand. TRAecacEst OnFvicE e-RieNGOn Nories. Tise coerenpesdent of tle 1Morsning Pont eays:-The folîoving fatç, nmerslis aiseuy tbing îlot las yet Isoppenoni lnstratea tise treaviîory andl meenesofthîe lent of the Neapoliion Bourbeons. BusnuutIse jeurney 1,hetoveen Reggio eand Napes, a meseeger vas toppeni lningiîsg fresl proposaIs troin -tle Kinsg te Garibaldi. Tloy nure le the folovin- leet-Th t if Garib.ldi ceaseul fraie utnIer etaclis, on the continenîtal dcminioîîn of King Frauscis, lis o uld lho >alloed teceIy te pans tîreugl then ils er- nider te atteekthlie States et tic Pope ; tisai rîle (loibcîdian terces %oold bie supplie! vitI provisins by thue Kiuj dsring tise t woîsle oft bie sneelu ;itînt a oioflet3,. 000,080 of ducats woeuld buc imieedietely palEt te Garibatldi cone thee m,5.., -sur an! îlot o contingent ofut 100onnetil lbe prcusrccl. Full anthcsity hIs been 1Where aroeîles otlàtur lii ? Wilere the be contribute! Iy Naples te the Italies gis-cii thoWI. Illiggins le ettle terme cro arsny jus tle eont et a wvr itî stuîna. S tcdueneiume ît1ia loulil have talcs place ùoaIly ilte clereent deptis of dogredatian seapeetdsnniin rfrec inM.Vutîoeiuriy TuyIea ofet eno NouiaisBourbons tîcrae s t te île Atsiciseer. figures cuhibit ans tni-i ntohie falling e lever deptis. AIl esctlinbille prnîted nI ilisei' otheipiethof ut ierfaith fl ? TIe lobe c ilice s-llroceivo a notice -in tise May cisi e viutry-O5i! ne doubt il in LYeehtog et Two ilorse-TievOf et offiesheverNMe. Gonible, îîho stabhoenly per. Fort Sith, Arle. (J/nlvnnicle gratin, utitil the day ofesale. sunedi snsuugC ueasdfe.Bti ThsrtenoAIl sdy ctbr 4)p it-insdoer f1snoie. rctuct a lvitu ory Cv tGit party ? We trenu Vhs tteinçe, <iurday Oeibor 4. Pnitisgdosto city, chctiply aind ex-,Iese. The figures prvetise revente; aboeut 3 'cioct, a mon name! lîlant te pne nds cuiii H.netuc 01111cm, alias Wm. Ooven, formerty of thy roeaniticnsiyoe-ilt.bu .. n n. n....unMo uhn.. as ]MOUton Mr. G(iesulîoliîîula Mir iecanis ObI nE i i Freinthe Mrk-lie rXpefF.G. GARIBALDI. caniesi vay, andlî ts n at ti. ....-P- t ProlotiseMark-an. speeC.ocfthse Proideut yl ho imitateel ils $111 Tise conlioneence oethles voatier turing NapIenn Sept.Io1 860. ose ciîmes vhiol tise Prince visita lioneafter. t tise put veel bas enahied fauinse-ain tise Tise tolioving aidrens tae heopohten Lot ail tise cOienittoe mon, Mayorsanam soutiers anil nidianil ceenlties t0 eees a armny uas ieena ase pulsieil: visaI uet, aveid making a foo. Sec totes goepotioi f tei crli. i te ntb, i e o idiclsinGaribaldi for yeur police arrcngements hoforohani, avoi ioeg hi, iovever, sotithtaningtise finonima'oft op ils icarms, h.oeiny esres ta fight ortin-li te the seil mon of Bostone dmdy, nh igît fot aebe gis yyu iethe eneny cf the ceente>. - especiaîy-aIsd above ail, remenshoingfo the ripening of th.cocre, especlliy cetise Tby thntediscrd-tise chreele mis- tisai uter simpliiity 18 use teltcf gocnd th Wdëa We are aoeey te observe tisai , aeuten celd~ys.fortunes ot car lan. Italy, tramspliuig on eanseers, evoiti making a fue.E feaeoV damait by rein liasnile teenmech te---se---ini, cmnistebis ba"sinlagaîering scIera the corn van et. t tragnon o e oor, tovarnis thse Euape 0etc Maac-Ue omarten ca ci Thiss yes tsrop et vIent vill uxlîibit lt akn h etr veets. 1 promise Wîîo. Co eveey veiey in qoaity -tht lestiion, the - levitbeing insply fit for cotte fond , andil ntiieg moestisaisui01malte Yeu figit. -nth lviadPan alr tise liet nly çonieOpt u ves G . GARIBALDI. agi is ivios li, elr fonsseryear. The Mres aehudy Nples, Sept. 10, 1860. About a yeer ince e gentemsan in îh l StldRi eet e tieto ewave atiyintermor of Wsconsin became insane, and i tbh i lbu seioesaly eeclate ol heTIrme d tic tI50.on st m eas sent tute li Lntic Aylumet Madison o pnb ttll he aie cfoithav.-in tial tate. Hoewira aPhysicien by pro-.t o"n&.rie 1 til themie of ld avefession,and wvaagentlenoas tsperlor cui- c oely, needi2 s. te 3s. par quadre; Bnd InformaticnertrmTcb'ce in L'Iueieps- tivaion asti eoeankabiy prepoonessinfi Op- »nel he d.nuir come botter te handi t dens= Belge givea the real fh'istsfettise Pis- poananco. Ho iras abovl tlirty yetis noh.T "aemi liii vo shah ton'iel te isenmehiiest toi sol se muci ta etof.A ise-vittOd Some six ireels ago lho scapei Iron heie anil iaecy neîe b.stocks of li fer prson. nameti Boche, conneccivîtis tise Asylsi. andl vent te Chicago. Tiers lieso - slxlg nmetirlilasudio th hae itIl lerai &Op ost-ofllce, vis>nmania itelecesive Part- ononsteroni an lil folemi, vho lonen i l plie t teig n. it wvold apear,, noce- aeeslip of tise Emoper, wvis o l senequitea&suie of oney, havisg ne suspicion n *ver,tbat raech of tle sei r cop gahered pesecaici vitIs petilions iiat Riz Maesti cf lite isn"ty. Witis lii, money te sup. f le mrtb*tea Mrope tinehcmp sud itfer rte liai consesten te saidgoiftier (hi proxy> plieti imne ithilnov sud eiogaii cils- aedtman$y«ese tsisn e ide ditTrence in te ene Of his childran viisial te' ettret log, and etarteil lotrLapone, Indiansa, a Elelyon ointh een île valuesOfet110w Ixoperial notice amongthtie croienth ie tianlfty village on the licie ofthle Michiga »& ! cImE, otis frelgis ansi Englisi, on tibias pee s"en n, impîy firent a pocet, Sealiere tliaa. hRe rosainen tihere aid ofhrmno Shddtr 7wn 0edphistoti i icair. Tise police arrestibinlong eaough te vie tise ffectices ofa Yng sisal of un eavuregie asouilsg te le Par ~ecblo eoeza ioidenlity of sud vealtisy vidoir, andvas noarien!te t coût. iteinte bu reSsennberedth" the olaie e. à niuve te, e uenol evenide- lier. During tlie risf cocrtehip lte exhi-0 nuofethoe bannent by oe ue ti etates 90 ti c eu entabout lnetins. litednone igus t fiauaey, but aiortly afien Ruh lia te prvide for;1 and île pieniy TW tÃ"sIisIiIL ha.îe folloviug lite sarie ie Seconeeencd cting o1 £oc Sondilee reportet in Asserics a pogvplitiintea mannoeiiei strtilentanc Mid>551o5 eam * Se meoia5 heelyle mti u9Foreign jeureals aunoOince bte ns~socken lis vite aei hir triends. a aIl sscusscih. hPrie«saumbed oâb uta inai euiècnit againait lie parent fbus Ma- Among othen mad lfandies Se believed y ltu. Baiteafjemiy tsk place et Tolent. Tise staiemeel ho wvas bp, snt inlàteilon craviing i0 -in coluploeohyGd-"rcuil ceut hiseailaanti fot, hiiating ils TIc. Wareav Netfag.e The.parla.oropcedeet of tise Loatn-lea mn bod nier i ol a &leu m ye sieîfaraltionckonantirue' frastie ai-. ThceàZperoe ef Arinsiandthie Frhsttt is.an re .no details <of allegen t iten-Subopra te bti mebro f hbis foneolod- bapaI Or PressiIl1 sel ho eceoullled kit etT ujo.this nsan e oolais ieTic sisappy ladly, aiat l vrs s et vie bi thelr Wninsca lte Wars'#- viithier aniso or nami, made the attampt vatciîg hics Md entievorng te rMature The pasecorrespneteof tins Lod- n ol@utody ; bultisePone eitevery- ubi reson, amade peparateona te Rondnt in. AjVW4 vel"dus cm tho 2UlO i. " ilg qii ett".aanh.letai eswfpaper te tise Asyluin leminpelte. But us ie snt f iw;bf6esale vwilkrae eS 'amollr ba aiumb etofs nioehoiý isoa 0qmnutîy the coue, saeeniy Seul anpei lu 4f ur"iL& bu jt tb = aeot rote on eMid eta&lis.Noue bis w, -a he.adrotiy esceied. W. leoi of tiauk i4f*ebws sit O ar e oftis'pade pps bf~lv«I tIcea liseOcnsexi hodefetnis yîàceceN.- Y.,vlere inBttemecle u i e'théc ajein f e" s'sidliiperhased a hiofetbuildngs ma Rtdo . i c~em tai Ul------iTe. neuàary Fpaperae, m aiRnte cati and Emproror he r'R," u OM& t t 'A evTor Flirecia" vrWOetn e th*le vun te eun tisa sert daY vlltiste 1naeeY. bu oeile te i t01bà" w Ne w Tarit USUelStas e qhe AU"Tic lis vus tu> pgar ntgee seo orts Mek aefieùeaissm te cù,kna sais si, ei tWttlueop aiemoet -- ppeiny, 'ed tesnuIml île Panti itis o. ls <3ttee ne stel thouic h- uuse e maeWiaaesieb.,kled mi suan c.5 ~ t in odÀUimit May ho nouar ess eort h ae plîleea vi" th"bë b.dinaeis eù«Wd Wfwm %cbat igtepa"r " ive if thnseitprelinbla Mdu teir a bie- ho ti, q 1rvwDtpaoa-teams IracndcsMMeat th Mir --a r îm Te fn& o nULC**b.ilo Md, in Vmai ur ic teval-ik a 1 w ad. AsI d&aI.hobar- Va sse tfZi z. y te5ey" vsg ynandto ering. on catereay- tecuober zut!'.tuu lie peoperty of R.IL ne - S<J.8c- .ing Auictioneer.* NOs ote. 17 18 l98nrjÇconneesn cf Plicering, Brook Road, Octobetr S8rd 1800.11. 'ploperty ef John Fornmn,-, A. Thompsoe, Anctioneer. On Loi Ne.1, li éon., et Reach, on Thîseoly, ct 1, 1880, tise property et S. l-irdn-J.ý C. Sterling, Aoctionoor. On Lot No. 80, 4tis con-, Saxon sottie. ineiît, on Tuesay, Oct. 10, 1800, tue pro. peérby ef A. -TNl,-4. CQ Sterlintg, Alici- nier. On LoiNo. 24, led con., et Pickcring, on ilrlely, Oct. 12.ý 1860,>tise propp'rty. 0 f Donalddretre, Ae. Thoimpso,Actinee On Lot No. 219 22, 8tI Con. of West Whttby. on Thuesday, Oct, 25tis 1880, île proort ofJoh an JaesAnderon, J. On Lot No. 2, 711 Coni. Eat Whitby on Wednonday. (IcI. 2-t,1860, tie proporty ef RoertB1oth, J. C. Sterling Auctoneer. On Lot, No. 16 5ih concesion ot Pick. seing, on Friday Otober 1911. 1860, tise propcrty et (arpenter * Waky-J. O. Sterling Auctieneer. New Âd(rUisements tlils Day. .Tho Frotectiosiet CookinZ Steve for,$28, -John Bryon. Public Notice:--Ansirev Rusell. Depeelmeant of Crovo Lande-Andrein Rus- nell. . Woods andl Forets-AndeieRussell. Freni Groceres-Thonlas UjIeMilian. Wines and Liquoers-Theina H. MeMillar' Notice-Ira Vait. Senior Ceenty Grammaes choo1ýeWUln MoCabo. Store for Sale or te Let-Robert Dodds. Ferne Wated-H. W. WoodnIard. Wlîitby, ThursdaY, Octo.ber n, 1860. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR Auction-Sl.1eBille! Tise lest printoul, ansd the cheapool Auntioee-iiih&3an bproesrd t the /Chroiile office. A bindron i iîcf.inlect bille cois buc ld lthImn aiierfrocn the tiin ocf leavicg tise croies. A coinîî,l,.to R. gioler je kept cfal Ainticti nales cf Ccennty Autcliciseore ae aisc cf tIc scies cf Mr. Alex. Tîtonof- soits cf Scerboro'.Ail parties have te jec ie te cossue te oChronici! ofcfice, aînd thdy cnau t cnce fiesd oit visc cd wvisre any Anctioncer in cnsgcgcel ansd fcr vint day hie services can filt which 5no &M Of ,olgo pat ilr ery5bis friçeds couid do- b.elte~enth of both the Moderate andidates in Kng y P arty 0 Wo.1155 bavevbe l yond qetiOO thet M. FryWOdhv heene jlcted bY a triniepliantîmajocityn da were he net drivenf rons the canvau. This in OVOS M 1eOsC~ uportera now adsI. ýýAv What do wvo g0d Lit e the case ? Oto 5737 votes sn & Dvso hr e r eosor. t togethesr bat 172-jpnllod foM-RCO f VhSnt nlr e rc there arc soeoTt 3000 votes, Mr- Ileesnr polled bot 742, a p sobrnt quit qal te Mr. Monct'a fi 15OOIYover Mr. meots, a ûthe last enrlecto. we bave no hesitatibn an geir ete ction at etrrcould hale pôlei j .20vtsl South Ontario; andilj b 1200 tieyesoeltedthat hocouid, vithent we difficui, bave p0iitd et'losot an eqealth number je the western part of the Division. foi In lacti ooking et ,hat bas taken place, JO ansd aftcr caretuily goiel eover the fi Iorsj, th vo muit ceeto tbecclusîiotha d or Mr. Ferry retaineil the fied and not giron p wey, ha ye!4 ul pull ol mre ivotes thon go eithor Mr. Itesuror 5%te* nssble. ot wbet dffl thse rosît Or tle eloctios aboew? th Whero je the honstrd trenlgtlhof the Grit rf Party in the Divison? Whero îteefiltees- de hnndred and tien eholid majorities for ci thieir candidate ? We s'lai tale the trousg bic brioSy t e 05nnie. At le lent cioctine a tise party.erOte in the townsahips withjn tiset Divisijon nuioherd 2s54. Tho majoritiosnis or Melstas. Mevet, Wvriglit, and Howiand, i thn o eented LI 1084 over itbeir eppe. floche. Mccc ne Sud oÇ.lisoff or 1130 s votera1 Whitts heOne ef thon ? To partîcularizee: We ind that Mr. Recsor eh- taiseel 86 votes in the ton ofN ehitisy,w c viile Mr. Moivât "nt "16- le Oshawaw Iteeser pelle4 111 duile Nat had 143.- P *je Whitisy, (Evetso!wesu) 261 votos vore ir polclfo ee;or, duie NMoiat polied 6 18.- Ie Picering rer 2.8 ;-Mevat 6t1.- Noi i Satbonecoline of Mr. SoI atl supporters in the tino eueii did isot vote ? L moWhre the 26 in Olîoief,-tiie 357 in tiseL townnshipsof tWliiîhY, and the 333 in Pick. orin.« ?Where ?_-ne hon!4 rnry much liko te hnow. To carry ouer aalYsis a littie fartier, wu sholllaktîhe trouble of eerfrh tpri the vote i at nd weet York, i ivhore nue find o sianlor fallin.- off ie the Gril vote. Ontutft'le 219 polied for1 l iht et the lait electionl Reenor peileni but 17s. Whiere arecîteenaber 71 ? IloieiandJ pelle4 333 lin luî-Ieirbut 20. j In l Etolicote lReeso nl1Y P Oiled 99, vlîli o Ilonilane pelled p. l ow 11vreithtecGlobe a, nceui foit hlo ruteoidinary diminution ? ýn Lot us eveii step i iîu Mr. iieesor'e cuve 1,,township etMlek i,'and naIdo vwo M Suetd? ViiMr. cesor poile4 415 vtes, wieMri. IWrighut polled 576 1in 187.- ÀiealturhtlÈitbobît~ ~i~4ooth~ OntartO. Tise elgist n nal Exhibition- cf the griculturel Society of South Ontarie, wsa nild in this teintOn Wedeesday and There.- q issat. The'liye stock iscore ot broeght à untilline sepoahi day. The tair ywu an xecae ne 0vbeithe. convonleneofethIe pan cf tien deYs vorsqtnite apparent fron se inproeed facilitios effordcd. T i oie t cattie vas very gocel-thàat cf 1Mr. John bemrpoon-vso drene je a largo bord, parîicularly ne. We have seluioss since ie an exhibition of shcep. Tan Leisteos 'e lad more tiseah 1co- rerocs Me. ýJeffray and a fie fleel feone Mr. Miller otf icher. sg-vory cise of *bîh'hneied indispota. ble pointe et breedicg. For tieoewolamhn oe naneMe. Jeffrey's son Ostin $50;i "d th animaIs vera relueteetly cold byhi. foe that isesoset.- le SonthDoim sMr. JoIe-Spençer toek ail tho prises, and boii le stock te jnebify it. le fat nhoep, Rlob- et Miller ansd George Anderson iook the prises. The grain esd roots e e especielîn goun Ibis year, asd tise kindo eloien oft'tise best qsnlity. Mir. Whsite ansd Mr.Jtffrey'were lhe principal exîsibibiora je tho latter de- partment, ansd te tise latter vo have te tois. der or acknosedgelens fr thîe peine citrons and carrels showns, volas for osse prianecgg, pluns-anl peine table applos. In the floral hall vo did net Ibin isat tise sureer cf ontrices rs 30 grat an snuâ. In fenil tie ciiaplay vue gond- hettor thon ooything ve have yOt 5000v as coco nleo the différent descriptions ot pro. serves. Sois splendid portrails sheo by Me. l'orbes, exciteel generai admiration, and were abeut tise best excued wviie we have sersin a long tisse. The list of prizes, vehicis vo give inlon, vili suppi onore extended details. Thc dinnor et tise Allios, and uetthn Comnercial hotel, on bell days, vas al! tînt couini hoe dsired.- Tte good rmosagesseet. ndeattention iof bise Seeretary, Trennurer, nnd Officees et tic Society, cannt be oo lighiy spoken et. CIUASS 1-HORSES. sUSES oFO OEERL PU.RPenEni Stallion, Riobert Milei; 2nd Josept Meore; 3rd Daniel Holiday. Muore and Foal, William Sinclair ; 2ud R. S. Wilson; J. J. Bovidson. 2 ycar cli! Filly, Aleixander Wilson, 2,sd IVilluane Yoîung. '1 yeor old Colt, Jolis Elijal Jouses, 2na J. Cliopsses. t yeor old Fi7l, J. J. Devinison ; 2n! Jeunes Burns. Font of 1860, Rt. S. Wilson ; Inul James Mitchiell. Foie cf MaLcued Ihomes, Sherman Broies; 211d Thomon Hoidgnen.* Single M orse, Goorge Roînos ; 2nd H Stallins, Jolsn 1Miller; 2nd Alexuuer Wilson; 3rd Jamnes Pile. Mabre and Font, Jamies Pile ; 2sd Jesse Nenluet; 3Ird John Elliot. 2 year nid P'illy, Win. Young ; 211d Jne. 1 yeur iîld tlly, Alexander Asnderson. 1uioal of 1860, James Nesbet; 2nd J. J, Davihîou. Paeur Motehed Hornes, John Thenepson: 2usd Alex. Andcrson. CLASS Il-CATTLE. Blnl, Gee. llickingsetne; 2usd Jet Tîscepsn; Ird fhomas Allen. V..,i_,BiuEll, John Etiiolt i2iidhlenrj 13 mmcislc t a h boe teos t itonho -- llftr oneo arrgei e re of niten ane Tic telloviîng is tle voe in Ring'ii Di- pbanthy rcîurned foe Kii;u Division. Witis Bull Clt it1860, JohnnuMiler, 2usd 'as aretïsond ok ine ne nth% Mr.Mr Gmeano is d le ud dinere renta tise James Mitchell. ffort mode te hang. lins, iaring nwhich he vision, frein ohichit il l been tisaJoMe.N smepei! avayroin .tise nope,a sua s oot Reeser isu ebtaieci canajoriiy ot 721 votes llam as nd oI!lte evjspsility. Iy tise MilcI Csv, John Miller ;2îs JieMii- 2, anc vsile im tiesetaciof escapiusg. llis l OIcourse nuiehu iey ps.uri! tecy lave lest ler ; Sci John Tîosocn. cnîwr einad eia rnmn vrcMr. Gansie n* iiint twMdrtq h 2 year ochilIciter, Robent Milles,; Ici seno coe srins an m!,uultroison Kn;s dciinu i îe utueJ.c. T Je . D avidoon. ms haiTodd s eng on s hosanj ai on d Wiitby Toien.. 85 57 acte! tle dui, i he mangEuer part ; they et. Yearling Iciter, Robert Milie;ld 2, sdi île Cois byoil et removeho vns, vîcece Oshawa ............117 51 fectually lleprincui the Divisionscf a mnnof Wine.Jeffeny. te ecpailet nil etand eeititatec bi 'hitby Westl... 135 25 Mn. Pefrys stanin.o, olen Mr. Comble IHeiter Clt f 1860, J. J. Bavidoon; gî tcpe astol nîerhersd e, bala isen Wiitby Hast..... 126 42 ceuli love ne reasnoirlle eipecîntion etfIîsd Jolie Thomnpen. syGui a hoe eeing e Vahors,eut wu retersent Martiene...........485 213 nFcteedior to iii HenrFat O or Stoce s ii lcevsr nnsaypnsmn Picering .... ...... 278 112 isetseeu u seetyn n ery Beitour.2 tet u psee uminti on. i van te havebore . . 178 118their osen bcd fouithnd Fat Ccv or Heiter, J. J. Bavidsoîî; lai wau again 29 s - o.loIes edtorya Con........78 11 a trco iiti the fatal ncnse adjusîterou rnaî Vaîngises...........O 209 nismanaceenut. IuyGud is neet. Seeiùg ne sispe of escape iso Etohucoke .... .......9 176 17e have more tonsay on this sbjnct, CLASS lîI.-SHEEP. cofse i uit aietd otiin-- but va s1 eut aintidipute tise expîccations icoXCEnvEafr SE. for tis pcut dec!s,, ought frgaeei ,741,003 nisicîs ilîinc uenielesfirts on Muedel MsJi Mle;2s SsulBal te trane et meroy in .oafeeling prayor, -noxt i atis eildiin. emns.JhfMlr;ay ame eul soi earnestly cehici! upon those proenat le Reeso's Majriiy. .121-.6 - rWmJefy To G .2nThs2 be edmeninheil y hyîe example betere tIen. Aller Me. Perry'a retireent n ne ea-Plrovincaeilsso - e- orei f Sheaciing Ram, iu.Oy;IiTsn [lc van thon tranf up asoithc trageY van quainte i viiitle Mtaeoetpoiticai feelinig eine Lit. Gu;3diaB.s John lter; a iou concl d ed .in R ing 's D ivision ceu l have oxp ac lai In t hse e r t of t h îe prînes et thn Pro- G UY - Scamceiy heel mese proceodiege endeti oven any othen result. Nov vIens toc aepar- vnia- xibto gn2 les, Win. Jefray;i lni Wcn. Jelfray. seoiher pisene von irouglt ijet oven~, le r Gmle ad i i e snts vulawaîeecilEhbto 5intese colone, 2 Siseerting Ewes, Thoma Guy; 2il clargeni vith thensanme citence. lie wu hoe ecn. . Mr.Gaan e i n vo wuinei!cctenhy maule an omission, viici John Miller. ecamnie on tise street, costeonei thse crime te usehenc n n sibeh itn ire nov hatenste eupjly.le. ForIesonfi 2 Ene Laîches, Win. Jpffrey; loi Joie I of viles hoe as eceuse!, an! iurriei le ing-i e teise Wcounanl cf pretehod t ntWhisisy, wnon eteitioei! a saing ci-.Miller. tise fatal spot, and 000C svesg hy lthe aide frinis, vioe sole objeci vans te OfnceMr.- ieii~~ e en u eeo lnsedscnneis cf isbrother in crime. TIc secod vie- puiov ýaloed himnoîftavieus asîei nCei!eto Ibics, tisI. Mm Jh pecr- e JnpiW to wa hoties vi f-i te hooe Shuntiy eein eildWheveno eci le lio tednsu f bth M. RmJhnSncr2dJsphWl Tebde ilnet ho talion doire tîllI le. etc o uiyece nS oret oltaieinv110 u cthiusn n n primaeson. eoerov. Tise citizens listre have iseceoemie castetiinflunence cf lieue gentlemien for positey, asns;ricie ce the toi- 2 Rren, John Spencer, Inil John Spen- getyinceured aghnt hiese lhievOen,u sot tram Oshawa irio betcohed ilain lto qoar- îevimg: cer. gratly i foce aebe ol u u fth aka atemLamb, John Speacer; Inti Join lai ioirafesen are isen ld aui ti rellieg wvus fIe iecisieu tIe ate For the bent pir or peo tovîs lot prise Spe cce. - Jh memous, an! the cperaîlcae eof laie eustisaConnteion? Oecece ana vr apiin veres n!liic î on2,egoeso 2veLIJonSner a trostier sisssnowte ho sow n- a'lnacenineu. $4,wldtrke 2apii$,lrogee w a4Jh Secr n -N. Y.nns. Me. Gembie ant iîe fionde informaiet of2ndprîoias F iveexr pieao $ n pSpencer. the motives sud ebjecteavisicis actuateil& andfrtebs cleto fpolr ne. r raussr-AC~Nazt RAi.WA AciDET.-Astheamqmo-fevesonapin hc ortionOfthey -vie. ein tise eroinnuclpsses lhy one eshibitor 2be t ither ) oetMle o dation train vas mating ite vay te o Lndoti oeo n n&lytecmenting M.$.br ilr onMdey ouraen, anti vileuean obe ni l. î etcceehednt tpar- 2 Fat loves, George Anieleon;led C. on Wdneday fteGambe util heat lt 8Tht coletonseshens etailtn by Scot, île O sta o Statien, nome nine mils e a3i nuedin" i t a hee 'as caeehiusg M . Forlcs 0 ceoti sssd îl la -CL SS V. W h E cf liamilten, a fatal accident occcncced. A ,, aou hici tisi teo fteMr v u s i uomd h lr- CASI.SI litte bo ofabou fire y= ofâgerait o.,thatM. prrywas obd adeltasndnt cve!hithertnoleva hy cee Soie, Ira B. Carpenler iod, Thotmas treins thc 4cr cf bis tatiser's leene, vhieh canvenenht M. eryva obdya ibio t.,poica xiiin stands cm tise enbankmnentn on île tract, îlam Me. Cuiehie ougisite bhîe man. Theeiiio oyPeuiuucial ExaiilioowP;elied andin lefront et lit engine abcou nianiGoeteEoenoust, sant ceeor tire et and tiat lut tnr the !eley occasioseilhy Bour Fig ef 1860, ShormenBv; a yars. hs iiio ellniesecci eleigetotîe nosorgishoe tbihle unon-arrivailouthte steamer Bosltn. John Elliol- at the pregreos etf the train, and cappeduti lM.Gabeteem ocwalutyanepu e, hc rýniAM.Fre o gi Boy Pig cf 1860, John Elliet;-,lad Jas. lis hbansnea if fer joy. The e n die ete. mbegte com sai- ifoeHmln tlthscnd.yho ulMak saw im nd hialedIl reak don,"butwen ailaRamies ei l ue n ay, hofid CLARS V.-ORAIN AND SEEBB. env hie ani vhatieui"brealsdovnushI von aimentlie lt5g Danoieletse-if on it vas foundimitpossible te accesi tise train coint jetigi Lon sielir cietaiM. e.rcvesttlaronnsiecI bte alWetDiilTcaen betsre il bail overta en tise bey. Tise Oamble bai eeîy te snsno i 11maei la prifto, Thn Sine loue sioshldhave been led D vidi Barcay. co-cthe srckth itlemn ndtuB . G. bot t11. w.' Ferles. 2 busbsle Bpring Wst, Tisonnas 0sy; hie off t adistanceeofut- tour roai-e, te oe 1 p- a Mr.TisOmble lentWm. Thonson (lat Wisithy). breaking a e-gasd fnctnriag bss l-Thunslate d teTeveitobêeBalyTO" lau a The notie huat bien & vieou ftc aioof theinui thlnsIf otEl une- r -s- ersDnle ha aue eil try- adWn vboiç event froinlien cotag, bott fram ompromiàba8 la bâceît eat s e. 0r evsro MsesBns2e &Sav buthela Puas, JamesSey ldW lie rapiity vili iehicl il oectreod vas peM.Nohiing Isuvest aef 1.bave scceedo! n obtaining te onteactfiry vholly uall te praveul il. The bodty o te t Mr . Ferry, .sl.aO&aa', nme e uiStlieoojditicae .udls.akiag lise O bernIcle OaOs Sauesl Boli; led Jas. ie ono won ilirova by the cowScctcher ai- i.8bn«-atriosntp91.Te edr Pl. meeatet ber tecm. Upou the arrinsi Ofte have li t l.h e. X-Penydts oea«aqrtosi h 5 î hi dr$8,Fi. ,,»Uàrytu be "« f ", vai he nn'st f fveO2 bsonisiTissctiiyheW, James Pile, trainot ai tilton, a spatial engin. vms liy, elîlougisenîeyl tcvasse "uo i snie u.Tise assunt 10 bIlBvedllTurailp 800411-JebaThOm-- lent bock, is via doctor, bai ve lelietevagoyetcflus ia, atd y bave oitise 'B*40 'lecellmaeIfthle suss appropriaieui so; Onti JeinEeMIbýeL that littie dOuehî exista àtisaitise boy vas kil- niOhaMe enu n, 0 i agw- salabm,. y the Cosuty Lansd te ho granuent CUM L-lîOOT8. U&d-IAWMEdiFrte Pros.. 1&. Gatabe and i ntit vers Peitie iy thse Pgovene. 2 bu" helt ttes, JeoVs ita; Wu. Wio onsm. eruz cia as.-The ev An& , gt e m eiOh36 Boo Retsc -uip, Beb" î4cesuats I; Yerk 1flos eorretnonlenî msya-"The xioa of the Olviclea; iaà. e baet aremtZîeauoawteli wo ea 2nd lRihard Harper.- vile ef (uv. Morgan e ditet oeoiag tebuli*MA"s lcete otiuprltonr cea, t0ât Mr. 836 Rets mletiwurteelJ. J.. DSaI NeYoiekeheBail viti the Peinces mi - b friam Routarnard. Op, aLu Jeeyla i gemne thsliabc nevleu-damezanninmk ea faud Mx 36 8ie t bgu. ; aiB»we tiB osclaW. JR c tier van ue erahuie petae. M"u vibh e "U*b fa . >selie ejgJohn a16es ___ 0Wood, lcaghier o a Nosr Wood, in vitbomat Rm" h euta MIiy « of azlà G n ie, 36Rom Belu k doub4t, auta " 1b iceeeTic PtlS Th fe4 M wmW__ .O n e Jhn licic le vali previacsl]y moet m»d bt intr ta lau the bmie im iom leclie Iodanat lrieumn 49I d rcait o- Ilm5< A t <r siamu-8doptas, one. CLAM VmLvDàa1y -M 9 &.r t beâriia b ]E. Giamà ,b«,M" tm a<»o*W f1 1àiki, [se - asemetk t"1 tlr19 » John Ja ton. Be.i p Sini CLA p jor; 2na 2 2nd Care Mat Cal Bail Jan liai Jos, 2e, N. Br( Grg CL An Mil 2n( ber ME nlai M St ile 2t 'y- 4 hcead Cabhage, (<Wlette) 'Cassphell; laMtrne815? Ic John Whitg.i J o h W hna i t e oe 1 së h J o n Se ; d 4 Pesspkis5, i5 2en B ecioeet rin Fet lad, lMs. 90- ia>l..' s« liu haor. p0tca ci subngrM. Bosir J Jli, lm ~ IL 1S tPle kheu is p e . j ob u l . s m O I s Tarhty <IbO. I SUI P airo ýrs, Tm B.. es Pirof ee en thu. 1 i, tmoe i;2ndMrefJg8,al E Pair of TDrcks, mIraB.Crteô TTRES i2& 10 yards FIannel lieme mode1lL bhel ;2nd Mes. &1..ile 'ar coen'BonceaMes. WM.X .'ledMes. Wn. Major. Joverlet, Mesl. Sael Some' aMes. Wm. Major. eu. 2Pairgi Woolen Slehingn, Miss,, amiss Elizabeth Strioieiad. no 2 Foira Wooien Bocks, Mise C. Biora dMes. D. Theeston. fiee Paies Cotton, Stnchingst ry Matilda Harper.;2nd Mes. 1 )4 ponter. fine Peirs Cotton Socle, misc. tilde Hlarper. fiee Paies Woo'cn mtten,, ln.Mr,, Spener - 2nd Mes. David Rare7 Pair Fine Boots, James Bai; a* Zg Pair Course Boots, Jaes Un, Bais;î nos Bain. Ire,, Pl w geoe reebico. 2,4n.p mi. .P Woodon Flow, N. W. Broie,; W epi IRail. Soet of arrons, Richard Allen. Tiro Horse Cultivator, George p.s ,; 2nd N. W. Brown. One Ilom Cnstivator, George piieti,1 id N. W. Broies. Fonnin- Mill, Lewis llek le O obsen.P StraneCutter voreed hy Herse lOsnc, W. Broien; Zeel James Cisyton. Stran Cutter ivorhed by baed, % ~ ove; i2nd James Claytoe. Cintra, Aeber Wilson Jr.,;si bd Iteptes LASS XI.-LADIES DEPAftT3M Ladies Drens, io. E. Roee- led ?1i, ,nna Mageuire.e Cliildo Dross, Miss. EMiza Magoin j 2,11 ns. Anna Maguire. Gentlemns Shirts, Misa. Mary Oncdls nd Miss. MeIay Lady'n Bonniet Mes. Roche;-,ed th tcise. Fioco Work Qilt, Mes. Ira B. Curpe ir; 2,id Miss. Wileox. Faecy Netting, Miss. Spencer; 2ed Mis tIokn d. Embircidery, ce Muslieor Lare, Ilin eargaret Gordon; 2ed Miss. Spencer. Embrojdn on Woreted, Miss. Cherloîn eren. Crotehet IVore, Mise. Hannali Stric. and; nd bMini. Samuel Sessnerville. lîoieed Berlin Wool, Miss Maria Pli ill ; 3nd Moï. James Basrclay. Flot Borlin; -Wool, Miss. Martin; 2i4 Jis. Martin. GermonsRRi.ued Worh, Miss. Métry Mil la larper; luI s. John Tye. Guipure Worh,, Miss. Strichtend chenille Werh, Mies. Spencer. Sperimns ordaning aondes or seockiop, rs. llobert Fuller; lenIIlion. Eliz"lî ýtricklasd. Specinien eoflteeidiug, Mes. C. Paxton; 2nd C. Fauxon. sperimen Quitting, Miss. Mary, Strickl ndl; 2nd Ilisn. Spencer. Spoisen ef Totting, Mine. Strichînodi aul Misa. Strickland. Specimoen of Bond Work, Mis,. lice eah Stricslesul ; 2nd Misa. Mliza Me.io.t Palier Flovers, Miss. Anna Maetes 2nd Miss. Henssah Strieklsnd. Hoir Floivera, Miss. Strieklssd. Feney Beginot, Miss. Mary A Sons; 2nd Mine. Young. lieg Ilg, Mes. Charles Poxton; la lien Chishoîns. Poney Leathor Worlr, Mies. Botàfeti; 2nd Mise. Botnford. Hlat, Canadien Strav, Mes. Daiel Thon- to; 2ed Mes. Davidi Barcley. CLASS XII.-FINE ARTS. Oji Painting. Ebeezar Berrill lel., I 2ed Miss. Jesise Berrili. lIater Celer Painting, Miss.-iiotflld led Miss. Boteln. Poncil Drawrieg, miss. Striccisnd;i il Miss. maris Sherrill. Crayone Draving, Miss. Harint ll 2ed Mise lizabeth Strickland. specimen cf Dentisbey, C. C. Iceesel led C. C. Jerome. picture Frane, Misa. John Tpi IC à 1 p. il r. Bn loi n le be ip ni, w Il w 50 lii ne b le Si le, C le T c 1' Il Les un. it

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