lebrite4 for lthe grQWtbof o»x. lkoPiaOs <et serez o e litTtcd States are 4fuulhi' set spart fer lthe plirpolo, but tb4 faries rrly-tink or c ilag tihe atrain. , The. est abjet fito take off thesoed;saufor ithe É bre, for of the. grow.ni a là .thb.leua troubleo o-ai regards texile matenittl ofthlie plant, - la Canada s cocsiderable broadtic ýé< land le orery sesan occupieciby fiax. »0ic apiliof tiiscolon>', Wilas tlic.t ' rature of tho aia,lncncany Instances elosély~ râmeunh iose ofthé .North of reiaud. A gýntieuuan.wico reado.wbinafw îu of 13.iftwasd who roceeetly ystuned from a tour hbraiuglc tie nartiera lauds'ot Canada lnfpnmm us tirat e flieais tvaral fara- eteadi, thue appearance of whlo.hýwas ver>' umci liko tiritasain oe partb of Dowuc and nilr.On enquiry, lie found.-tiat the. great proportion of lice landholden.s worne oflier direct 14i8h on. the descenaaiuta'of Irishc migrants. Flax culture, nai we have saidI lariled oi hiict-ab> several' et the farmets, but the deficiene>' of moins ta pro- parc e t-taw for market, acdith ie ail greater 'drà wbaclc arisiimg tramthe wanl of 'local cans'wcptlon, have biihirla, kept the' gncuwtb clown ta -tie more requireruents of LEON1AIRD SCOTT & CO Yoçtx; ontnu*ta publhhefohfow. inghcading British Piniodcaha, vizr- rME LaONaON 4UAUTBItLT (Canuervaive.) m ibniouuuacu sayuiw (Whig.) MR i4OltTil IhilTîsa UitiVîW (FrcetCicurcb.) IRE WE*STXI19TEIt icviilw (Liberai.) Thi e icnt cnilt state ot.EurbWen tîhe sed trade. affains wiirvalider- tuese Pubtmcmctîe ~Un- In ytâteday' ff'tigwe ntice theet.ua ail> iutereatiug during tiroleî-thcoîniug*, ical'teu' Jigw oie iei~ year. Tht>' wili occupy a Middle g~und m'iai lu orcfsaune specimens of Caina. belwcen tho hastil> -wnltîen uneïs'-i ,etus, dian grewn flux, irrouglît , ,> ci-do cpeemations, und tlying rumouns et lilliti. hitanmapls îer yr.thedm11>' JOUrnai,.'aud tire ponde'rous ceXhiFbltcd ho neverali f our local Marchantse l'o igrnetthfureîio'ir, iLnfte. ind spintiers, mmd a favorable - opl* ' grlias politiegý vents<ofet ti re saal qni bshvo 0passaed away. it ila talices. Penie. irece-ca lnccd aon their qualit>'. Qu dicals' Ibâttreaders' Must lookqifor theo ouI> marircg jarticular inquir>' inta tire malter, intelligible and reliable hhistor>' et curront wO hava lcarnetihaI à i'. Aeano.eventui,'and u sncb, lanaddition ta tineir af~ ~ ~ ~u loauoiai Mro is emrAboetande wel.ihbis'hed literar>', sciontillo, anti ot tirethologiorti ciramcler, wo uege tirenu upon laucdre iletit rs'tLliuu, on a farm ut Nrvl, hcousideratio t thlie roading obhic. abot iiity ile foMýr N arval, Tire recelipt et ÀiavAet<ca siimT ram theo abou hiiru' nulesfro~ 5 Irnuth e cBritishr pubishers gives aà ditiona 1valucoo saune disîict, tiae gentl&eenhave orected lime Reprniî, immarnucir as tluey n now a citglui Mlîl, on tire be8t'principlior n.lie be plae dinth ie Iiards'o subscribçrs about leucpoatct' ml) utr rwrsatps ias soon as the original editions. - growrî al pomi. TER>I5. (lbcgilarP.co) - hI f'eilities as' ta tht proparation etfiflx jPer inn. for inarhcet, 'Tho aMsacxlibite in u Fr an>' oce of timo tour Revitws ... $3 00 fltitcctt yesferciay, icone ilmus' prepareti. 0w- Fur au>' two oftheî four Ileviewa.... 5 00 iýg to tie ra nat droiuiriiteby îviich thteup. For an> tirrcetcf tire tour Rteviows ... 7r 0o Verl setcionuf WesterCacdwsvite For al four aofLice Reviofvm......8 0 Icu tieeuipî tLC nd tht fibredeTFor Blackwood's Magaziiue......8 00 '11theetl'l Pat f teeasutfben, f For Bluckwntcd andtione Rev iw.. .5 0 tîme luice ih tlcer auidbjas .11k>' than it For Blackwood andi two îîevicws,... 7 QO -wotît uav en ne icr avrb Fur Blackwood andt hroe Rcvicws ... h0 0 hav ben uderinoe fvorblcair- For ilmckwood andîth ie four Deviewas.lb 00 enruisuaicees ; Iut, 0oite leteine, fluasamples' 3[oncy , crrecît in the Stettil wrsre im'ed bhemuii havc e eiî valucd ut 188. t oi9. tire .Dill*boireteived at par. 141b Stoime.. 'lice Yield ofthtie Canadian lPOSTAGE. - saili i fali>'eqUîaî ta haut Of tire averagaetfOmuadian mail aubsciberis wilire aup- ~iie North -ocf lucluii, soino of the fintir pici Irce of C'. S. Postage. ~mius poduiiagsi- cw~ orabot frt>'two O:t'ronciittances nîust, ii ahi cases, ho iftd.1PrOuciig iz wtor bou foty-w umade direcrt te ithe Pedlishers, for at theO Sto>u I o tire Balute ai-e. prîtes no comminission con ire allowed ta Ulithtrl3lice chiot abject et tire cana.agns tien funmer l'lis bceuîtire growtlu oftwieat. LEONtlIID SCOTT & C0. To Ilielu lcieca of production hoe dings 40W No. 54, Goid Street, Ncv York 'mich samethng lilte superetitiaus feeling, uid bdce icait is ticat, whoîî a backwuu'd secam~cc cenuci i iu, hoe ceorns prostrated, a1 waa hua Cielt of former cimys' wlceuthe 1)reilciuuîa t rnejecvecidc fective. it lbai, tim'c ei-e, besn sidened ir>'tliuking mec tîcat 1( ieu atulteion Of fiax culture on a _________- m ul eiceodga ûqual te lIce ratir. éea o utIimu colaca>' ueuldel hosailadraruta- geuces, iiucli, Whlc i i'vuld divermif>' the ccc- tOCA'rED AT tmlie cf tire clonial turmer, t would nUPr'tîn, AlAT aild l tteleruodactivo power et tire Pro- Cm,orneciaandoaci NoN. 4a.....lirdwsy. viuace. CL.EVELAýND, TheorgiiizaionoftheIndanFla é6 N. Y. CîTY, cor..Semaca ad.ciupenon Tietorgucui-uuiu af ima ndia - Fax ,tlnoper iigtluue," m ier cecus'. Socli0,i eutîs ta tht hope of vast gooti hc. ieDTlI iucg uccaallflialcd for Ibo linon trade. Tisl, No.1ADE 70r , Weoodwar-d Ave. ljle r 'n miii clai1cl>' arise tram theu incroas. Cer. 7eh andi ChesminîîSwu e. t eh lsuples of coarsie filre, an article now C1ihCAUO, Sr. LOCI$ no muer requlucti incIbo production efthlie Ccir. Clark anducibiahC r ercr îh acid Vice Mus ncaVaer decriptnlion et gootis. Canadien lande iluigm mtenicl>' freintirose etftico Punualc, Promise ta do somnething tewards meetiiug lihe derficnccs' telt lu mapimies af mdiuaidcutinuar ranges etfas ; anti if forty ora fituy thouceuct acres vee annual>' nniced int British Northc Arueric& andthie ;ci entpepriiuuc lippedti t iis'counntry, it 'mc-euld suuîilly a groiic want, wiihout lice miil'uces;t degrea inîertcriug witi tire Asia- tic produet. .Ticcu iequirements ot the linen trade are, icn i'cct, ut preent se large, andtihie pros. îeniee nnisacm ia extenduit, that, ta m'Ilime demanda of spimdies' anti power. heemuieci, twehee Lc xi$ticcg average would mat bcm' eiTuefic(nt. 1'icare are reaw great facili. ic'> fo eun treluansport ot farm produce tram C~anadaa ta Liv'erpmol. Fiax, purchaeati tie' unaicccs ofTobronltrrMtitreal, wouhd lii slauîc d at one'yed tram tht St. Lwece ta tire lcrsey in thc apace ot fte ticys. As thecn attei atandis it la ana of more ieîdi'mitiulcl teirpist. If tlue aimers et Canadtai iccparu a portion ot their lands for aa.cowig ndl ireable ta pradeco a goti article cet ibre, thfcra il ire ne Iaec of eustutuiers for it. Continental sihucers' îeil uow be cempctcng evtir liraitof Lees 13cifamet, nul Du ndea, for thq purchase -of ceartiai qaicîities nt>lax, andth ie more ex. turamimetthea ,rowvth of il varieties et raw 'nattnialti, cmarc tuccesfui will hoctire caterpria et nufatrers. I'ncct'a.p lm Gtt£Eeci.Accaunts train Aticens statm lirat thae kiu0ciom etGrecce la at.presecal greatl>' agihtet, andt iaI Itce positionu et Kinug Otîca la hcoming ecer>' day mare diffieult. His' relations witir the Xin, ot Iaicaciua have toi-ced hlm la iMenti- fy hiîtmif ith flic causaetfAushula, wiile the Gc'Lck populatione leu more te Gari- baldi, 'chois they' uppied with nucairaus voiunteeî's, The colsequenco iluIhat Bilent dissattisftaction prevailia mmng the> Geeki, ev it'i lfearet mi>' break eut icto vio- lence ilte o prng. ULSuaa ue Hit -Mr. Spauldiug, ef Prejarcd Glue and Cephalie Pill fainet hbu made a cantract, with tire New York 7ribune for au at'sertiicmnu, onecoclumiu cilengîtin lu al 115issue$ for ont ycar frein 1lie hwelfthu etNoveaiber hait, for wiich ho jayis $31,000, beiug lice largoi smni ver paidt l a ncwspaper, for tire sane tuai1 ebyone îdvertier. G E NERAL IN FORMATION. O>ur stammerd a! Penmneiip ici the femots 94 S dieaeria.1 lituad;cts cai tomumerace ah ami>' lne, as' there ai-e ne vocatiuocs. The Pl>ncipalsucd Teachens oatthmi (hain et Collèges lianve anuc eluiit acq1uaiutince un sec'- en lare c ies, anud miways cecaider il a pheasure tii fcrthen tht best intenumts oft tiair graducates. Stndc{uultsc ntering au>' aeeofthlcese Col lezes b>' tue pryment of $41), irceoune ecittieci tethe hri viicgc et lic te cmciree, leain," cueumprieiueg eight ofet iiioes lticerough, eteisc, rat1a ancd pp amiar Buis.,ness'eihnola itua tlcewonitd. For Catalogues aud Ci-ceulcîns, eal l ut College Roicuucs, er addri' asmhove. 836 BRYANT & SIZAT'ON FIRE AND LIFE IN8URANCE C tOMPANY 0F ENGLAND. Royal Irurae Buildcqeu, Liveerpool .Nbo. 29, Lonrlarci Srcet, Lvadon. CAPITAL- TWO M-ILLIOISB'TERLING, A.ND LARGE IIESERVE FUNDS. FIRtE DEPARTrMENTr, Ibis C'rnl1ea iuecIcs-ed hiuuihllfgsm inu111ethelolîi deectijiîix ua t' lcccrimrm,'cicct Lamraa o jeg by le-be, o eticnuer l 1iz 'Terme. A!1 jis cl hesse poii1îlettircul, without de- ducîla or dscouatu i e'itlout roterence t, Tico lange Ccciitai mccci jndiiomo mamnagement et tis Conciaca>' iciurc lire mobt pcrcecîsmfeîy. LIFE DEPARTMENT, Lýargesttadtieipmîîon af Profits consistent 1 Iltiucdutad scunt>', cundi elen> ry onuit em- braceti-ica ticience oet Lue Asoauceorffordod. b>' tce Rayai.. olteeaiîsfor INew Folioles aane lac six montli ofthe m'st yeur. £200,000 STERLING! Income frein 411 sources lu 1868 £286#889. Exhibitln u ciluorcase lau ono yeccr lou, et Th ufnuai in lianti 'cxceed £70090O09 Exhibitlug au nai lu nont ysar alona ai Almaaals, Ce u 'tnyIlug Calendarso, with ample detitîls 0alties rm puy'i operations, auci ever y saar>' luforicatton frru6slid aithLie JOHN AGNEW, Agecît ton Town a! Whitby. Wht eTb. 21, 1860. c148 ,I"I Lai *Ali1 tue acak Numnbors' at 10 ets., end Borýne ooigtautIjyo0ÀeII*b. PAgenta wanted for tI:cs' publications'.ï C. B. SEYMOUR & Ou., PROVINCE -0F 0ANAD A. No. 5. Fire InWuanco Licens. No. 5L T II E EROYA SUANECOMPANY bavig ln purà uance of the Aet q3 Vie. _3p.8', cctitled ocrt Aettcla ostlosi to Firo lu- siraicieo Conpaulica-hot iuiorpoaud within the limita of the -Province, luveâtcd thid aum of Under the provisionvo t the s'eccnd cause ottime said Aottlice 8814 Roycgl Illeuronc Com4pany is slow lceroccby LIcens Il te cry on th u hsnmîs ci a lîcauranice cgialîct Fire witliu hie P'ijice ofo Cansa, frocii and after the flist.day ofJantnary 1861, asubject tu ail the conditions and require moutleto thet sald ai.ove nxicutýoned Act., Im»tied froc.> the depcrtuneùt of the Miniter or Finanec,alt the City of'QUetba, in Canada t11ls 29th day of Duecaîcber, 1800. (gc dA. T. GALT, IMlilatr of Finance. Joux AGNEtW, Agentaut Wlcltby. 52-8w TO THE INIIABITANTS -OF THE COUXTIES 01P rente râm& à omtwia2I lb Ntnc il îy clecerci tîcantth ie iilîi- I.btants et the Coactcces of'y ciic, Peul, and Ontîcrin, for telice îccucyfcc>crs colftrrecl upota me .inriig'patt pursm, Icîgin corne befure )you Aolictiný yoîcr fIrthcer à cpprt and confidet-nce in thet uture. It will l er er h îy Idt'ty tinerit that confl- dence )-ou have isu cheerfuil>' eoîflied lic nie. Pruînîm)tittnde, er aiicd thuiitrictemt attenitioti te buîsiness. li tue alcl i sah talte te des§erve its continaance. ALEX. TIOMPSON, Auctioncer, llclf-way Ilanse, Searboro' mit. 30N 1) tCAD....... ..........Clrmont. T. TIOcleSc................ rongcmu "c.DAWiB. . .. ........ _......Brookîu. " .cogn......... ...... lîty Jiue O5tlî, 1800. 27. Alilorderileft ict the OJiroaikici aile -, whore a Risur n1 al il eahsuad eiceen in Te- rangea andi duym txod, Witllqut, :ctrouble mof steeiug fr. Thoinpion. sa Caution te Trespassers in the ]Public ForestE4.- JOTICE ii;lccreh> ge-ucticct alilpensons 1~ermtticcar Tinilier un Publie icc us witirout actlcun-iay ot Licensfe, w2il Lbc punisiued as theà taw Ireei(Cln Jhmut Li, tlccy wil] luse ilucir Tiiembier and ceat et ils macnmfcctiie ; anda puartie$s recuueing or ccualug to e bcraesnv.eI, rc>r acceiiLuîgicn reucv- ulm-uhi tiember on-teil- Ocrccita uof ttue Otficers cIt flce Dcj'icmtiiint cif Crou'c Landces, subjecet ticen-temta e 'icaltv of' e:3 iperTrec, with l'cnmcucîs biucdcnig amy illcenanrtmuit ai Limai Departicicut uof ,cu Landccs ic thcé dis- chcrge ut his daity iun seiziia, Ticiber ihicegahi>' cict.-c ivacvcy-ur caicsiiig te becmmkecc mwa',arc' iccice cized umidtr lice Act 12 Vie. Cm.learceiocflil 'oriuv. P'amtie.,cuttiuiurTimrceenia Lcuié parchcsed b>' hiuoiehrteceeoai scttleeic ,t, but reccli> fer tue ihui-îmse ricuttli gtliceTiirer, are Ires- P. M. VANKOUGiN ET, Cumiiisioecr. I)cpartrmucnt et Crcuwn liiatm Qaicbcc, Gth November, 186 1. TOY BOOKS F0OR CHRIISTMAS i'IESENTS, YANKEE NOTION STORE. TOYS I TOYS! TOYS! SANTA CLAUS IS CODiING! i6 CAES JUST RZECEIVED. At tice YANKEE NOTION STOR1E, ie aoncan ic Whitc, hy WlkiceCollicns, At tht YANKEE NO'TION STORE. Violins, Flut- s & Accordeans A mew lot Juat Eccicod attire 48 YANKEE NOTION STORE. COJTo the Affited.-C:o 111E CELEIIITED GERMAN OIL.! Toit Til CUREz or 1 Cuts Bruines ammd ail klnds of Pios- Woundm aucedent t te o uma In Bottles at 25 to 5Octs Bach Acecordiaag tu ic% IlcThis 0i1 wil curet allfr0si weeamds, mimd 1 -1ia a±u inteiiilmnecey fer thte7e& lictolc 1IORflSE S-& CATrLE sua'c umm &aei %D yAt>Tiat HEALING 0F AUL WOUNDS IuflicietcdUcn Ldimais. W it lias bcu >n dé muceassfuli>' for tht Lakt Iceven Youiï, aid lh& never beau keowau ta feu. Madie acui soldby -A. XNOWLES3 pickerng, C. iV- WVlatbv, Jan, 21, 1860. ly 2 Six Otaeve, (oquare caso,) .. ........... 1801 6% do (roundcorner,)..........22 7 do do do.............25 7 doi (oéver-striumg)323 7,à Octave, (over-atriug double round earved legs) extra............. *-»........ 425 SWA gnmrautce Of six years given wlt h eaeh inotruant. AU woôcd-work lu the boit rose wood. J .. BPianos have taken frsl prizes At the provincial Exhibitions, sud have beau hih> cOmmended by tht Jondges. lie cia al~rfrta aeveral fUillialeWhitbY and eleleinithe County, whom he las liac t-he hqor te supplym asne othme quality ofthiz lustra moits gW-AU dtifidaOf Strlnglnstni&esepeirel AUilPlagnoi of my maruufacture kepl lu tuno fur anc. yeargR&AIS 0-'ienember thé à Addro, JOSEPH F. RÂINER9 - 43' P. .-,atissbnlt ~ecaefui act ta erodit tostatonnts afintcrsted parions who are Agents-for stuppl>ing forcîgn Pianos ftoua hou bs at a dibtanct. Support honme mauuia&ture. F reohe8tokfTea, Sugars,andTobaoeos)8 &o,justrecived t> .14~ i 0e- UPERlj$ OFY.OOD e.PACKED BTTER Dr1ùu' #O H TER IIITHElIka' aCx WLi E PIDemtJ -a REMEMBER IL 0-', PE4RIRY'BRICK BUILDINOS,-HTIY im Wlfbpcvolmbçr 7 8 42cotj »QNUN, WVý ýVALK-EY &, Oo. PRACTICALe UARPÀÜU A XÉ I~ RS, ÂND MAN~UFACTORBRSo 0eJ OPPOSITE T IllE'>TOWN0' AL£1 Ail of the abovo work executed wih eatuess ai &deopVh Ail work warrcnted. Cmiii and sce, specimens. .Remr4eZer; tir. mer. 43 DONOVAKN 'WÂLXEYr& Ce No. 1, G ommercial Buildings. -0- Clothing with ut seam, miade entiroly without the use of the needie, ofher than attachingbuttons - button holes 1 I-Iive just recciveti a shfpuncnt of Ibis latcst novelt>' In 'great variety, and cof the moWtdecarablc styles; and as tlmey anc likoly ta aupercede tht aid style ta s'a large an exterît, wve wouid rcspectfnmihy cali yonr attention La aur stock before purchasimg eisevhcro. These fabt-ics are ail woven inluthce Woi, withont amy ecam, on the crase fibre sysîcia, whiclu containa the gncatcîct clasticit>', %ith lime grctest utremgth arnd durability; will meither shrnk, nr stretem out of shape, nr crack ; and aimost waterproof, aimd inu point of wnrnitli, durcbility, anti cli ather desirable qualitico, uncqucuuionably superior te any oticer styles, as ail wlco test tieun mcuust cordià ily admuit. WoÊ daini that thue Staîralcti Coat L warincr, rand wi iii iî r longer Viîan anyitwo ordi. nr>' Comts 'ofthLie nId style. ILO W ES & POWTELL. Nos'. l'anti 2, Commercial Buildings, Brock Street, WVlîitby, Nov. 27, 18CO. 46 ~ G aanuonuce ta bis uuitiec-a.csfrieîd iti md cnstumcrs t l cimaI olauw 3arrying B G toon bis extenscive Lbusucc i-s CARRIAGE MAK1 NGL ýIN Att IlS BRlANCHES, On thie îew proies latel>' crected by Iiîm on Brock Strcet, the langest anti most coin- plete esalishmient ici the Province, where lie is' prepareti, as i icretofore, ta execute mli orders entruatedti t lis cane. CARIAGES, B UGGIE;_S, SLFLLGIICUTTERS, &C., lWrManufactured andm Sold aitt he Loivemt remuneraiting Pricca. <Lt WORK WARhIANTED LU.YlB±d2 ,and J'1 r, / IE I. V E-xcHANGE1, et MJÃŽkUKET kC S D. FORD'S long expérience ohtimirty yemrs in the prnîcipal Manufactonies of the Statces and Canada lias given tiht wpcniemce in ever>' braiich of the business whiiiil fcw hrave bocu able to arrive rut, rand for beaut>' ot design, ciegance of finishi, dtrability, andi solidity of workmausucip, iris wqrk cacanat ibe excehieti. nirciiIi and sec specimenis. THE NEWV ESTABLISIIMENT NEAR THE BANK. W'lmitby, Sept. 4, 1860. for Ilthec.audiamre"an l l#nd .frÙr vmn er ,o, f iott- Front ~no.( ?14o u ii a t , n , P lu m îli Prtm iFllq o rning Tr it 8t, el j5LY?4ri Afinoon rain The Otean i rolnM ontr bttetWw1U -8 ,ý , ','ia ýmail totn ivlgrito a rIa%<o ,ciPortlanid li- - Toron Y ityloraing mod4bely Froînt Qîeboe, ef Mïiitréà lý F ByF ay v n 'Tan Train. *ith 8ptiuiiTn rainti Montrent. Tht houraât 1wimlbefe Mails;wll ha elosed at eachi Vit., vitl benotificid hy tirePmcstnim- 8IDNPY SMITII, Pont Offlmo Uoipartrneît, Quebet, bac.. a, 1860. Witgon-Eaker's Bhop for Sale or to Lot. IF UEcoruioilona îcrcrims 'at Iarner'ii Cor- ier's rucoictly oeîpced l'y hir. Jamesà Cirmyteiam e wcon and triucng fleimnt ncirmnufetory. lucre IA a good gartfen îendl about a qncmrtor acre eofiland. Tihe pr,.nilaes are roonciy muid mlitîatedt lit a gond locality Ior bualucus, and will bc soid or lot ehoap. Apply o CHARLES (IIIFF[TU, Or tu JOHN RICE, 47-Bm lilaekasmith, opposite Lice prerîuit. YarMnBorTants Wanitod. SMAN AND lIlI WIFE wYho wli niaka tîcenascives geimerali>' upeful aud mîuder- gtamcd everyting eonuoectoi with &armngj. No one ileed 1pi.witiout rfarncem. Apply to ILF1ED C. SCIIRIEBER, Tht Farqucon proport ' wýicrby. Decomnbcr27-, 18d0. si- Bina Agricultural Notice. T IE Annuel M. oftmcithe Cnîcstv Aur ieu- Tteuul oolety offlonth I i.ttrici, wiil be chlcil aît Crockr's Ilotol, Whithy, un Saturday the 19t ln mt., mît io'cloclc, p. inc. * JOhIN SIIEIII, Secrtmry, Witby, Jau.2, 1860. 51i'Jii.4 Public Lands. DITOJIS to the Crowm wiii take Notice Dtuait the itegul tiens ruqiiiig pmymemit or arrearA ducono publie lanîds tmre in fuli force, wlth the saue'lon of Kirlemnt. Squatters aire rcemiinclod that tuie>'cuit on])- fotquire a right liti Publie Lands 1b;' lîremese frontthe Crown, ant Lîmat limesolatidâac aid Lu Ujic firat applicaiL. Il. M. VANKOUJGIINEÇT, Coiiciniusioncr. Dcpsrtîcetlof Cnîwi IAnds, Quebte, October Siat, 1860., S--TJALO r BANKRUPT STOCK! '-- Stoves, Stoves AT A. LOGAN'S. Fuiicr's aid estbblishrnent, Brock St. Wlcitby. Appie Parera et Logan's Liai Bushiel Meaacrrcm ut Loga% Urale 8Scoops rut togan'>;, Tiji ware of cvery description, Stove-pipes &c&,iii faut ovcrytii n utic stove and tin iue at Ltaai's. CoSper Pusm and fihicet (opper for sale. Cah fer igs ai±Siceepskicus%. ABRAM LOGAN. Whity, Ot. 4, 160.40 CJIRISTMAS & NEW YILAlLS GIFTS JAMES H. GERRIE, DRUG AIND BOOK STOR. W HIT B Y. 49 JUST RECEIYED, A 17_E31cmip~u Stiemr>', coîîs§istiucgý et m'fli iei teeLsaettcr aundiNoite l'ailer, 1's hîis amati lkstccisL, ic geutalar.c- t>'. Aiso an c(îatauto -' Or-CONVERSATION CARDS, of the iucect eînumsiuug c'iaractair. Silcylit ecYtes, oanthlice cery fottaic teller. MACLE&R'S CANADIAN ALMANACS. I)iiaricst for 1801, o! cvcry descnipution, and for sache ty Birooki ftreet, Whilby. Sheriffs Sale of Lands. COeaccuy c't Outrnie, 1(jN Satamnda>', the liuir- Ic i Wl; " .Jtictie day et Iharch, .. 1801 ttlrt 12 0,0001lc, Doonu, oiiell b >'(Lb Itcilc !tccteio, îct mu> Office lac ime Cournt lieuse uinc he Twnaof Wliaiby, the iglat titie -uud cic- teret wicich the tnidernieutioicel detecudmats soecraliy luosqseia latice enderncentiocued landls, macd tcnements tiacrcom "zd by muce initr a id b>'eitrtue!certan Wnitis etfFier! Facicc, lu thet Court ot Qimceu's Iencli. Eeaîuar Carson, I'iaintiff vis. Johcn Guedike, cfenadant. c Lç,tg 40, 41 tend 42,11d Brokenu Front coîces- acon, Tawasmip et Rama, eacticing 885 aùc. lu titt Cceecty Court. Jaucues WalhiWeî Platintiel v.d Johug Grç.cn, De- Ail tire saiulcdtfandant'si riflct, title ant initer,~ est, Ini ticct part oetLhea81 0aLt 27 lu tire lst conccssion qrthee Tawccscipof WIatlmy, kaewn upan 0oi tii'mplm lteit, as Town Lots' 1 aued 2 ini lhck - ,y" of tino Totyua of W hctby. cocetaiuiccg b>' adrncas5ureunmut 9-liths o! an* acre, m nort or lum§. F er NSicenil,.O in I2EAnnuiatl Meeting çf lb. Staekicîderso!f itîmO Windsr RoA Camai»',wil take 1i~nda,-he41~dï"»ofFebiuarY neit Ah 12 01Ia~ _oo ,ah .1. Se ' ts otl for0 $ioec6o t I irxr gnrlo esfrte caurciar»carer-th. 2nti Jan. 1861. ýrelw521 ~Marie leteteetdon uiidiuge mund tcd o-ýVX,éc r4runlipt sfu>Wùpiad'onap' ,n e hétirlmd.. - kâýor-S JOii orferNjWs ýravciiiiug Agent, hlyrait Streot, Wimilby. 0fi1 subsenuber reqcli public allen Il ieou le lià ý c4 n -utck:of upenrior &Oves. - Tiroy includo tire *'liowinig ow patterns, THIE PRINCE ALBERT, DAVY CRoOKET, - - PROTECTIONIST, -GRAND, TURK, MRON D .UKE, Cail anti examine? 1 62 Brock Streiat,WbLy Quebec Goverznoenta, gn 0y. ilusintas c.ocacacctd witlitueô aned aller PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. attomald(cd Io. tAîo Soeured b>' thce scicsrii,cr. Atlrces iprcpaid. E. J. (hlLFISLhiY, Larti acici ticenul Agent, uuc COD41 Qà - mue a utng Sglf abise ajs ane o! the mrost formidable eueý mica ta lechitir, ldr nuting-eIso lu tnmecc tilogue of hnmau djà ses auses s9" s Ocin 'adraidfipoù thé ini' yItid gR *,lcoiVseamueisfvutm!i througia.-tuiw >eags et strOott heicervCnWs sycstienemapldly, cvamtes liay thte ngielýdo1 lifà , oaueeaeieuai derungeu- ment, pett ia rpraèeout f tht lii'mi csd, dall y hà capmneas, anci Icaves the aufferer wr#elUe4in',bo Cmlc'ýsd ulecd pre- -dlspased ta coiLsUmptlon and 'a train o? eilîs more hu ho dreadcd'tien detl Ilei, - Dr. AVnos & 8à ~talcop leaurt lu amcouucing Lirat thcy have invmutmd a mocat icnportaat «car jtramcutj-het agký4e ofthab- = »iu b. 'Il hama btou sq;bjÃetedc Loa atesit bytht moateinicoul pilryailiramitn Lonaun, 'arcs -PiWemaslteand No w York;- cý ila Iuc encîa]red, tC only rmetul iitrunciÃŽnt âcIt'sfriucroitée S or the tarent SemnuiaiWeakneisOfjumsYdIîiieaaof-the geuital orgzaulem-caîicd by tire seciut habitatufc youtr. l'rida, $10 lcy mail or exprss. - ' D)r. AMOat .¶& Son>, in -ordor ta s'atlsfy'tlme moi-t ite iti as ta tintcuuueits of tfisiai trciimçmit pledigo tirem oiqstucat lin.mauy Instance :Wliere ut muai>'proveoimutsaetory after, - ain trhI th oe'wil be, refuueded by rctlnuing tics Perisnuaun1v part af tht W'oxid ma> be jsec cessfnli>' treatei~l.'y forwardUg a -crretdetaml 0f îcer ase ccdi aremiiance ferbMedcielm AtidresalDr. .:cs&,Se' ,i cancer ai Mainm'an Quca> Strects. itccrhctdo. XN Y 1Phoenix Fro ,Atsuranico Co OMitem s':mcr %ec CemmKtCRmOS, ]LON-D t GiLLEI,sL ,,moFFAT co., -Agets jfor <Juuada IN NSURANCI-Scgcinst LOSSES b>' FIhlEand fiYeted -1 1c'uit mcet S raMie termes, cnd LU(SSES pcid ci iclanat ncfincncc ta the Beardiù tonadon. Il. IV. WOODWARD, .dJelt, Coiliity a; ontarjo. Wfitby, Auîig 10, 1S59, Landâ and Saw Mil for Sale, lthAcres a mu cc-0arscand IV IJcolilýmejccdtice Ws mlu-o 7.. Ltict, 2ccd là m. et* u~IJtfige, UOCg R godDive]Wiglouss ,rwità eont cilIesthere- ,.Ae7 ares aîljoinitng, enuipoaed o! t1e "t .rheu huoce proIîert>'slaiceaietiuli- amnd de- iittai>' aituietud hlIcipltaa lct t'ud ini -lcc l uthte uidcu.tandcd-est -ttlcd twsicin tice Coud>' OfOnctario. 1, %Itis iiu 2, l~ ces 0c thme Village ut Stoeufl'vilie ticirut 10 uaiccafroru Umbriclge veliane, tnd 2i miiecc troc> thue Twn of Wlmttuy-, fl('Ceapital ut Lic eà uut>'ofCmctana. lima p-upt--ty wiii bc solci very clicap-fuir Gacha. 'fle ilcdl A v fil t lIilcuadlili il. Or Lo Old Newspapers for -Sale, A laile quuuutity ot nid Newspapens suxippliid u1at tire Wlaith>' ReadU1ng Rloo,'i duracg the laut iear, tor me cheaic. 25 ALt, pcrties iudcbted te tht Estate aifLice ,1 latu WiUlim Bradley b>' Ilortgmgo or orh- crviue, are I creli>'n9tified flinat iiicediatte pr'>- meont is'requrireut, ancd ahi parties haviijUg iimu1 ~aicttwEs t sacit rc r tatiesteddtifl t lu cuaie ta thce JOIN BRAiDLEY,~. 'Valuable Farme for Sal1e. f 0$Nos. 17 î 18 in tieTlownahîp orWhii. 14- by-tae former eentaicuing go acncLa,and ther latter 10735' -acres. situmated ituetht toNuicips et FMiiit auid Wst W'hlitby. on theat 2acmetfarmn tic r a1 0 acres of woods, mmcd an thce otlacr .acres; tlie renruuier of thme land ecu bath faruca la cumder lice Ligliectstatte.otcuitivtitc mimd thuere mre gco rîud u"s elerauge, sucedi and ooaat-leoucmm <(in buth ; cnl lima youig erah- ards widee water Iuivlegcs mt ta ho surlias ed. Tcnîns lihenal. AplîîlLa or tu S, B. FAI BANSteuq.X R. J. WILSON, Es4q., Wlîit or W. Il. TIIEMAYXE, »,cil., Mitbis - aIoc te-r> béet*q lt*1ancilas-A he .W Sale of Lands. aîThe aboe uropccrty le sittuted Conncyof antario 1m ' NSatturdn>'tie 28nc1 omrihucg t rvcmnwoaclwietal Wutu i a 0 lay et Ftburm'y, A. ISoir cuihs, store tic ;umc eii.ksmu D., 181, înt 12 o'cleplz uuaeîc, wiii lire secdmntahi atier cueiueieecs supphiti public uclien, utimc»'offilce litutiré Court 1Irnsevillage. Lîtuerzil.Termis. Inthme T'mciu e fWlitb>' thei uderxntucalieeti AP ppi>'tlce amlscrber, on b laudwfaui terc'eîts lec-recu, aeiztd hv me un b>' liter, peet-paîi char andtiiy virtaue of certain Wniltâ fitni F a.-WLL clas to ma direeteti, lz : * lu the Conut>' Court. -Gncenwoad P. 0., Q Geengr&o Somi>' Plaintifi', vs. William Mehutool lknig a' 5 80 detendiacut.,,- AIl tiht scd detemîiit's' iht,, tille, and hiii- c tercîct et, linucucd ho tua 'suti lmal ot eut Na. 20, - iubeFarnm là . Brokemu FPront,:lia lime ownsiîipo! W'hitbýr - eomtaintmg 100 serts0it er icrals. ~ p iArs 2 laei ni - i~)')front ofthIe Srd cane In lIce Court et Ceminon Pions. Tôwcasliip, ot Witirr,'stuaîtid Donald L!more.c, defeuctant, ats Alexandier nybttut, notcnce CAceepaidt.Wiitb>' miid' Oalawa, anA wlti estet iaute talot Na. 7, lltýttlc ou, ýhd c~ intr ihiest sîcate ut emniivtti9i,ind qi iatf7lutir Ol ou barh. staunps. 'lcara, upwinrds ai - -NELSON G- EYNÃ"LDýq, Od6cf a1 tfoetanIb shelitYs Qrnce, - -nsve, andt lcre are-fruit an-"iotbt Wlittby, eNov. 30,L860. -- O>-ecèniie-; htraemcl - c , b>euduanuetw--or stcehomme c ou-huhd!8swhicë arc-roamyc - OR SAM . - u thebetofordera -Meexpeni -- - - reci ho ualuingîuio ,ylotloone of - C E>fn.Cihor approve& cret or fi <mn c c ýQ y a n woet, e&,or TrsLe ume.;c~sIur lcEut pai'C.i umnLtycrs s uay le agrouaUpolu. - 019ccg5 tore, eDiéds iriurmrfcbrcpp - -, -WM.-,SCOTT.-':'i-- c WM C istir Dec. 1860. 49 47 O G. ]HL "EieCuty cmtccEG M3 ordnn.of4sud te th oriistndu cWILLIAM KIGSTE) - W.Iù - wnitleki]lfoek9, S. BAI Po r, ant R OBEZ J-7ROBT. CIR 'c UIGEO.X ACC I 3fur thce Ceuuet> Tooie tW. ---W.IL* L R1e*t, *e1 toutso liitlrslu ton& suis by Ant Marchsndize-auà o-e JOHN V:U compnteiug Lt dreso: Cîanmgoa. WhiLby» Jagi. 21., A. 1 C ABUIxWAR _jGorriel - a mal, I bi U drpiciri HENRI CIL.AIse plain caumi b>'. A. IROBEU Tawaship a! Li &T A lb, ae 26z OFFICE F01R Tiii18SUE OP1 MARJUAGE 1L10E NSES (By dutllority.) AT 1111, 0:>- POST OFFICE, WHITBY. A. l1ti'tN 49 Agent. Slierlff's Sale of Lands foi Taxes. R lE sale et Landcs fur laxcs ici lie Couîcal>' 1?of Ocatmcm' iei ch was ficcIt it liec out Hanse, lic thteuLoi ut(ifWlciliy, an lice 8tbeh' Octabe. 1860, anud acjouriec te tice othu, iclict freccu tue 'Jtuta othue Cotia et tctobler, andi frocua thce 1Otia tathu 17t1c, ccnd froua Lice l7th otec 24t1u et Octobir ;ccîîd treucu llccce raleac umtil Monciay, ti 4 thticcay utflareu, ît1-m1, air the iaunr mut 12 o'cioelt, nenca, will teke îîiace rut Lice Cvert flouse hi ticTowoufetWluiîiry, on lime deaatidut thco rlunjt aboyc niiolatd. NELSON G. RE YNOLDS, shctnitrs Office, i l'en C. Neumnsi. Whmlîy, Oct. 24, 1860 f 41 With the tCompliments of the Sehison. A T Lime Medlieai hidi. Bilce t reet Whitiy, £1eili be touciac eie assorlîfaucut a XT.RA-BOUXD BIBLES, Fraycr Books, 'wv esey'à § ilymas. WATT'S PSA.LMS AND) IIMNS, COMPANION TO 111E ALTVÉÀ 'e Simitable, for Preisocitw for the- seasm. - Caiaisud - c e-WMW DOIL. N'. B.'-GomuituiBerniudcf Arïôw-'Rôôt 'lu Cans'trli$i t)cém o,1860. W A.TED-ortggesfor abat'. raMoUnt AppI>' ta - -JOHN LEYS, 52-8w. Churha Sireut, Tnante. T) RINGt12 Ea~-i~ttotihe ith.haif of B>Lot IÇo. 5, lnýtlu. Sdouc.ssiomOf Réeob FRAME U1 ieAE ÂâDIq- , lt For pac-iculan4 nuin'M'o! the subsenlber. * - - J. S.M. WILCOX. Whitby. Dcc. 126, 1860.'1