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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1861, p. 3

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Nirw YOvlrgbtl. Thea Auabla a&Mive&l'" lgiL b$ 1*bslu £ll*ote»l quo. i. aAvablapaiwe Cibm ty of Marné tssd3adontbe Soth.4 ti wa vPovlèd it1w1tIi. ulth m wê* db. onild.rblysedsied. Qiolaha , où Lord Elpblntone là deid. Maucher ar ket daU Rand u/t a Û.fa euffileuft toit pruce.. Sales of Ils 'svek 50,000 baie$s NOm.O lois ,tis rot nalft ai 102f.; o.bay, 9«. steak ý19,0ObaWu. - Aia~!csneecnltia duli, ajd nding es4 disent; Eri, 391, lb. Nov Ocnail oet !miuteaawu ferma/ t il Lpleifs, ierconftîtatioabe.. <aven Oaî'gbaa&aQ/tPelie. ' Itvau Tpontdthat a.dwldi 6an s. hiaecdhie tntastion fto go te CoQnstant!. neple sbortly. - The teedency te ýwur la the sprnag l reportad te ho lackening ln ItalY. The London Times-regards the presecî knonth au big with tihe fate ot the American Union. IL saya tihe lateat advicas vaere the moat important yet receiva/t. Warîike preparauiona werc ver>' setive Jt iT'atd that a Ievy et 100,000 men viii ha aakWdfrein the Leg, latnre. -Se. vanteen sdditional regiants are projea. ted. ST8Ym~I BUEt........ .........Sp W 'smarblo tempe of mI*trewe 561 Ar 563 Dîadvay, M. T Wmlapr ln dthar Trthàf aI Ud Mt!, pr .voMing, EthloplD orrfuru, eeMmohPhotogrpbs at t*rýt 4 AUCT ION SALE ou' fa t, t, t.u a*,e ONTAIUO AND VICTORIA.. T IIATERE.OO. MESSES. FAIRBAMS& A ODONEIb atI.aurg Wxiv, INTilai Il lan riorpd tat s seiioflcial article i1%W vv a4 V/r o vM 1aTa a Y 9 fis ahouîte appean, /teciaring that if Pied-. rdy h o a ,o act169 mnt maltes vanon Avatniamise muai ex. Ft ay, te lTE day et Xere, 10 , peat ne &id troin Vtrsuce. A Wu.xec.cscx Thse drain of gel/t freinlte IBank of IBy virtua cf a Pover cf salae onained lu a certitta Mergage ti(e hy LAucester Illîrsan France contWued. Arrangements vero Soitoftlil ut' tte Tewi et' Whitby, Mandatant, tuate iti tie IpenalIbacisaI t. ates.antd vtli ad MonIgaga attan 818111g411u1t61t mode'wih te lripria Baik t S. Pter- titaroot, iii ba pruditecctl tCtit asiette fol- bsirgh similar te litat of -England, for the lewiîtg prelucrty: ex4itango of 20,000,000f., ilvar for gold. PAR T 0F LOT No. 6, W.Iarliko preparalicus active lu Denmark. In tha 7ti con- oof Retati, In lte County oft On- -- An itariu, oecýt1iiugcitne acre, nacre of tocs, sititate An adrausatete King il bciug signa/t, l i iint Jgaet'fEpsena, vilhla rge store ballîugon ihînte rsutextenatpresure utareittte, iad tveiliaig, antitreseut occtap«icd tallng n hi toresit eternl pessuer y Mmsant,. Dermiai & Fergnacu. 'au/t net abaundonathie Danxas Nationalit>' at ,PART OF' LOT 28. Scblesw!g. u Inte lin/tcon. oftie Tovttslp ef Whitby, Russin protesta against furthar GermannDov forninâ part-oethOe Town et Whit7, menaces againsL Denmark. coc a tscre ldsaioe or rinitae Tis Courier Mrcantie publabea ie, 2 atonies 80 ey 49, Wtt barn an/t eut- TheCourir Mrcntie pblsbe abuil/th tîuL pittbaeupad b>' IL. WVoodl- leLler frein Naplas, date/ tsh mol., ta. wer4, 124., ranta for $144. Une brlek lieuse, Ob 0IX atury,, unoceupleai, an/t a raino ling tisaI aevarai thousaud DBembaus*aes, blut,1i %try, lie b> se, ecculalea by Mr. (0, unoder comuîftu/t et'f Gencral Lutiat, iad ttoiar. eutena4 te Neapolitan provinces, through MTA PART 0F LOT 17. te Rtonata tarnitor', anudt dfesîed the lesu ntha secendltien o e ita rIrange of lots tarit et' lraîck ,ureei, li-lita sali Townoet'Wliîly, unuereus Italiat forces nieur Tagliaczzo, mcattniîig .1 lcet lu tront, on Brook street, b y j 110 fî.-t matsColiboreratsreeC, vila a large 9 alory çonlaat i tenmtot retire ait Avezzasua. 'raite Storé, 23 b>' 114, iii lte nîst cenatral parI of tiet Cos, wciteaun exeio ubîîiîîass gcoul/t i.ATEMÃŽT VIA QU£lEiisvOvx. - bu eariail ou. ILi- sate tht aIrnt> hevce Fri.LOTS NOS. 6 AND 7, t i satensCra gua ratos Ve e Atu..lu hlt sICon., Lot No. 12, Ita lte linaCon. ilaandAutri garatee Vnic ti Ankan/ lt# olîNt. 7 au/t 8 Iinlte BordCoît.etflte tris. Townshlip of' Serte>',Iunte Countv ot Victoria, k enlaiignttug 100acres tamere or lems.,Tite Tise King et' lrussia is ataltreat» of tise abave lautd§ als .av Leu uatrufatii inspecteti, an/t lUth lelit (bne~lsasy it lis- ienarekatoviite bac corei Kità tititv a un l itue 19tioi. -e th Genralssoyahe b - b Ila'mb ar. cale/ tote tthroueila nepocis ef dangers, Teranu matle kuevuaI t ttua etfisi. un itvil p respecêt otcolebat» iac vicla be Fer, furtiier particularg appt>'te. MESSIS. MORRiIOiO & SAMPSON, ihaI! puahape nae/t all Lbain devtedues.- Vau/tor's Soliten., If wé, do adti ncceed in tunrning asi/te tbe Chancit unt., loronte. 85$ 88 'Y - ~84i4 - Paunst144 S., G.- i A ug. I/tt, cash, Nov. îtLIi,. St - St "14tbh 55 S6 5 S14,To mb tpan on county.rts 8184 1s To cshrin tir Poote, ptrt paymepî on rois/t ailovance. Town Mal! rant Mos,00 910t 00 aloitq vbleli fa riaing, wv a slhave nec/t vf sa~a.dfondcourselvea.- ~apoâbansed mention lu Paria, wbene # wvusreporte/dt liat lice King vas âaine 4iî Deumank vas oui>'isanominal énemy>, but lte rési question isevtelter Francealate bave lice Rhime. 1Troops have loft Genou for Naples.- Two frigates have aise loft for Gaeta. WIXITIJY NAIIIETS. Wcdnendity Fb 6, 1861. Aà waa anticipated, whcat has fallen, and buyera are conuqenntly in bad humor. 'The .douiveries have been unuually large the puat week, amounting to between thir. ty and. forty thonsad busheis. Prices wera well .maintained aL 95ets for Spring, and $1.15 -for FPsluanti! the flOwî of the arrivai of the Kedar, announeing, tlc decline in' the Englith Market of front le te 29 per quarter, w4i; elcgraplicd at throo o'clock on yesterday. Titis produced, of coifrse, a lui!, and priccu dcclincd rive cents per buahel. Fa!! wlicat ay b quoted at $1.08 a $1.12, Spring 85e a DOC. Peau are very flin at boc a 50c. OU lnyat 22e 24c. In pork thero lu tnot îuch doing, prices romain steady $5 a $5 75c. iThere is-not less than 750 iîogu i ti store waîting wblp- ment. Poulti. 114 scarce andl iigh. Prestibutter lle as 18C. Cordwood $2 a $2 Dio. a- MAIIRIED. Ai Wlitby, Vcb, 4i., by the 1ev. J. T. Ilyrne, William Hlarvey, te Anti Charles, both of the Townslai of Whitby. y. - SPECIAL NOTICES. A G001) TIU1NG.-TarY IT9 &"E CANAPIN IPAIN PESTIteUL 4. MICINE frthe, inmJInetan/t par. manut gin%,u ofal Paus tomthesystein 7%8 CanainPain Detroyer cuar hennlatioz ,Plogusy, audpain ln Lb. - The COudian Pain Destroyer rallava,0Pin in te basai sand Slek headacite. Sf l7% Cattadian Pain Destryer auras Bilous Cliolic andt Crampu In tha Stomaoh eid Thce Canadian Pain Destroyer 99, ý cares cI1acrý, Clielérit Merbuat, DysautaFry an/t le.linwell Cenipliant. rd Tae Canadian Pain Destroyer -ceres Sud/tan Coldisu/td Bore Threst. nkeCanadin Pain Destroyer 0.. ~~Cuer Nanrsgia, Todolonreax, su/tToothamia. 7%e Canadin Pain Destroyer Duras Bures, Scalda, Pron-bitas, Chilbiant&&a ylMie Canadioas Pain Destroyer l i. ailn xclent tiaine for Strae., Ia0as Wo 0 ndt Brilse. i1 takes away mlPi * the imrnt Lt lu appilad. No Fsn ihotu/t be vithout à boutl, of TU COanadiczn Pain Deitropwr Jpif co cnts POT B etle. PrSllnWhlîbt)yIby G. A. Bennisteran iW. Il. Duel..L. I;àlolinuglon, Ubridie- sa i l U14101110 osier,. Or tle MVAs. FAfIBANK<S & MACDO!<ELe Àanclieneera, Wbstby. Torouto, Pcb. 1, 1M-I. -/ 01aC 6 aOj'Il a- te te t p'ut04 e 1 t0 00 O E- s- TOWN 0F W'HITBY. pUBLIC NOTICE im lasroby given tl.st al .permons d'sirlug te ebttain uo h ca r 81 unaImake application fer the saine I edn cewllite , Prc vinclati Statute 28 Victoria, Cap. 58, Iiy ordrofethLie Town Cetîneli, THOMAS HUSTON, Town Clark. Wblby, Feb. 5, 1961. 4 td Por Sale. A PAIR of matcead Ponles (black). Tarn.s 12 mnonthu teadit on approved joint notes utereatîf not pald when due. Apply te GEO. H. DARTNELL, 4 4in Wlitby. C. W. SMITEI, CQF LONDON, ENGLAND, ARCEIITEC'T sud Civil Engineer Oshaawa. Chnircheaa, CY 0aai, flous, &c., dlisgnad andt superin- tende/ on reasenablaLorm. 8Oda VALENTINES. A LARGE ASSORTMILNT AT JAMES II. GERRIE'S, W.htby Fab. 6, 1801. mdBk loe4 in 486 S~ No.sîl, t W . Wberr <4tb,- CC o, i S J. Go/t/es, DOC 11,Id T. stonizî1moo Oct. 241h, B>' pal/t section No. 8,- 200- 00 Nov. Stî S 5 5 Oc- o0 11-' S S 2eciOit, "9- il os 4,' di 4,1 D 8a lurt,6,. -7 becln, Bt,1y pal/t WatH. It*k.s ton, (C. T.) Dcc. 111th, ~a a * Apil 2e/t, By paid Jno. Shien, Dec.24tb, 66 SI " i LAW (tOs. March ftb, B>' paid R. Wilson, Jane 4thl, xIV. ilson, NOs th, ILR.Wilson, '151h, IVilion,. Pattargn & Co. j 2, (p'/tby J. C. H.) i261Où Karcb 7It IlJ,«en/ton, O 79 "Sîla e. W. Coiston, 410 " Stt, profil an/t as(bs/t j bills frein J. C. Huitiins) 5 001 Api 2e/t, *1J, Grangal-,9 001 " li:h, dé W. Maltavowon, 4 10 àiay St, il R.Camapbell 806 , 424th, Il Postage, O83 Sep. 4th, il Jury scîcclors, 18 001 NOV. Slb, dé Cntom dulies, 14 40 Dec. 5tit, Taxes nafunded, 2 75 151h," S. IL. 'ihoaa, 1 80 S201h, fi L. O. Thomau, 4 10 "251h, "lJ. Campball, -50-o0 Apnil Cnd J a. Lunt, (auda/tie.) 10 011 642nd 1". tlepinstall, (àu/titor,) 10 10 June 26th" J. Frost, (clark.) 1 72 12 46 201h, St M. CamPital, (assenser.) 70 011 Dec. 11h, dé R. Campbell, (0e. seau.) 19 510 "111h, 1 Ildo Exeneàte 'iorontoi .5 00 l' StiUeo. Mott (clark.) 81 5M "131h, id I. RaIi/ (C. s.) 10 5o 13js 1h, 'WO. white, (C. S.) -ýj$ 84 66lUth, "W.. Nicoii, (0. &Y 18 001 "131h, t'J58.Almlit, (0. S.) e -, ~131h, "J& as Da>, (L. 1.) i10 14t,"IL. White (collecter.) 70 00 t 1h, "Wm. While, (0. S.) .1 50 't-* h. "J. Almen, (C. S. 1 850 241h, IL R Rateliff, (0. -.) 1 501 i24th, lé R. Campbell, (C. S.) 1 50 24th, ' Wm. Nicbohs, (C. S.) 1 501 241h, ILR.Darlington,* (Trams.) 610100 êw o .580 73 88 union8o 611 72 50 U., 7 65 [T.ý 24 45 U., 16 05- U. 89 575 "09 65 'U., 22 10 20161 41ru 22014 00 412 12 '12 001 144 00 55 5 go oô01 82 20 160 100 31s5, " Balance lenlte bande of Tresuirer, $8965 30 757 81 611 40 24£28 2016 216 00 297 77 150 301 485-'70 1805 74 WoIl --'danagna/t haviug examina/ thebaTromaurer N iccountsasauaboesan/t compara/ t Iem vit thel avonchons, Sud lice Ume Ce- e fin/ thlithlie Collectera Reli contains soinc lui -tuikes iu coasequence et whicb lice CollecWhte acollecte/ t 1m- toen delie .inel>v.ine centa, ($18 99,) ever ite ameun - -o Tresanrer, au/t ilkaviao thal lthe total et th. Non-resi/eta Rell aboyasc olsar an/t eighly-îvo cents ahot orhet'lte se- . n/t that lte commutation tax Io net caarie/t eut at aIl. We have net bs/t acceas te sny document ahowing lhe ameaint lu the casa of! John Uer/ton, ef a J ndgmeeî au/t intea-eàt lheraon or- deed to epai/ th ie Council ef lb. Fit day et Mfatch last. We votaI/ tharetore respectfuîly urge lise propnee%>'oe cauding le be plîce/ton lte TnoesaBooks aIlt1he amouaila due titis Munîcipaliiîy, ithen au judgnment& er elisea, tI be Auditors ln future mi>' bae semas certain data frein vicici t leccalla. We fi n/tu inte ceeoftteb notice frein the Coancit et the tweel>'. forhday of December lumt, rdering Dr. J. bote te psy le lice Truen Ivo hun/ned an/ t f>'dellaas,,($256 00J) viîh lulereal ltereon, Ibatl uI' Io hun/tre/tdollars hava beau païlt AIl of wvicici l respeettnlly subillad. pft ~PETR IEPTNSTALL, uios Brooklil, 41h Pebraary, 1801.W L U MASN NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR liUMBER, TIMBER, STONE AN" GRAVIEL. TENDEIISviil a raeaived aI tha ooffiee te Town Clark, Wlîllby, untl Xgonday, February U1, 1861, CORPORATiON 0P TE TOWNSJIIP 0F WIITBY ~.TOTCE l itaaby ivan tai the aîaxt nasal- .1. lugeLtaCani viake place nL the TwliiBrookilit, ou the ]FIRST MONDÂY in MKARCHE, bigthe 4tit day etfltha mentî4 t theacu ofe tah'etock, a. na., at viictime sud place te Townsalisa ffce; for lte proecut year wiii ba GOi. MOTT, Townaship Clerk. Brooklil, Fab. 5, 1861. 4-tçt CAUTION. TIIREEB e astion ait Parsons frein givieg J. ny Party or parties oedit n my aecen or upen the acenut of my laIe bas0,band, unie»s the saine le aathoinzd bi a written ordar frein ELIZABETHI S. CRAIG. Pickering, 4Lsth it. 180. -i .L0 roc o flktbookcnateiigeratc Haison, payable gote n; aise contai 1în2a.9 Tii. fader cin retalu tte money :M U viib. snitably rar/ta/ rt artrng the noie sud pipera te MILTON DU?(LOP, Lot No. 8, 4Llacôu. Picering, or ay lasvlng the,»sant athie "CHEONICLE OFC. Piaakertng, Jsn. 80, 1001.8j 13. PÂ&TTYE»8oN,1. D. B St yg h Pbl m o i Homo sud ~ f ~ teacav 'euhabunes tueheas,0%re et'eemtI vtl bstumt/ atmyl/tteBnoutu,vâheauent po. 1IIIUitoîon ofilbitoy ln om ee- tth"ItU boptera/fsmsappl>' le P. 8. lVu publia viiihem *fo.me» ' f~ J. IL PERRY r ' wvleh u prtiaularavWi b."3 Febrair>', 7, 1881. 4 Whltby, Ja. ai, 1661. at Ci tai ofe 12 o'cleck noon. Fer 25,000 feet (inch mnsure,) et IX Inchi rpiaapaik, 12 feel long, and bet weon Baund 12 luches Wlde. 8,00 tact 8 >1 4 Scantling. - places crost.ings 4 fr< 12 inclites 12 foot lot.igasdsm-h furitaer quanlity ot Luitber seî eq-uiredt for the u8e of oftaue Town Comi, dnrnîg the 'aar 1861, tite contracter te recalva notice ay telo lut *day et May nexl o thea amoant reqaired. A&IlIte Lamber to e b.dalvered at sach place vithia the Cororationun aumy ha dlracI'd by tae Standing Committeu on Streets an/t Jin- proveatteats, betweenite lot day ef May au/t te iBCh Jane. AlkO for 872 fétact unigtumr ha lel ered ait Port Wigby, eanor befera the M01 iÏy oftmarch neit. ASO, 386000 feet, leuit mmsearae P litp6k 10 fteLt long, 8 Incitas Lblkand/tronî10 tei14 incites ide. Te b. dellvred at Port Whftby by tihe151h dey of Apnil atexti AAO 50 cents ef Habbl tfd r èd livered Latore citlhieSay of 4p14 etbuc i lut.Nuntitan/t Cot ru a s a cit- Cimpredb te committtea oùt Streteana5 ALSO, 5,) corda et ciu ueg,ïifd freind u.To bdl re ntewhr 4i dpara/ti it SparposetilPort Whllbye eue hal bre thi 15th day otUg , n/t tha re- mainder bfoe the lot day oet ai alynaxt, AUlof thé teregoleg artnleo te b. oftaoo merabantable qnilty, and/t rvd.o h lown Concnl. arv.tebyia TENDEUS te b. s/t/resse/ta Tenders for H" AM ERRY0 Cha!e &., 1lmisre T.sn4tImp.ey.misi Wnisby, Jae. 29, 14., ute n. :tst.nAgnm idex NEW JEWELLERY. ENGLISIL & AMERICÂN Broaches, Locketop &o, 9&o. Sllver Plated Forks, Spos, &c., FINE GOJLD WEDDING IRIN G SPECTACLES te, SUIT ail SIGI 0FPhTUE 'BET QUALITY, AT -AISO,- EnUh& Swiss - WatchE JAlmESJOHNSTON, H ibn sa errbeasteinfonitCha inabita of SouCia Outorto, tîtat butviug epent ber Yard jit Oitawa, for tite sale eft ais% P'axton A CeS., celaitnateal Lutaîhar, he vii abi, te itipp'l the uana aI rctusoiabla pri ton esui or approvrai jaint notesi. C. W. SUIT I'»1~sFOR]PRINTIN T ENDÉISI feër pnulithelte latieulas,1 -L av14,qiRporfta, A/verllaing, &o.- &q., lthe Conty<ouil, ()utarioi *15 be recelv ast the ClerksOfflc, Court Moms., du & " ÃŽe d tte 9th da et ebËâlry *1 sti cteaeuoft tvlve o'ebook noce. fÇM , o! lendra tdan b. reftlad nt 4OL06-fic..Ucpea. -applIcatIoni If by 1ltta pof sd- EL . .MACDONELTi, e.tale it k'U Uiles, 'Janusry 29, 186 1. -HAMILTfON &ROB~ERTS4 hl~Jnio BF 1ýéiHB AIIElý, AT ÉM AN A l.OIiONELL' ~T W~ N ~IIPRESS an/ t aaioiiywilh ýbe pub îiad; O f ! for C enctt cr b is W d o)w , iaoA tîtbio - - - - ~-REV; -'V. P.-MAYERIIOFFER, M, As; The subsoriber offers for' sale his entire Stoo1k of C~c yait in-vc~I-u vva ov a l A U S I U A N S E R V I OE , Comprising Gilt, Whiîte and Fîgured China Tea, Sets, aiso White FRES»iSONîs AN!)iiAlq.GJiIN iand (Jolored 'Stone Tea Sets, and' a complets. assortrneiit of <Jom- 0 AAA B. N. A. mon Ware. Hle, woud ivite éthe imm ediate attention of country The Book ivili ertnün aly 400 jgce, Deaiers, an&d Housekeepers, as,,the-whole of the stock musi? be Tme .li al,,pice5. ,nujt disposed of by 'the 7IRST 0F FEBRUARY, so, as to beave lik---onte a uotier Z.t,e thiî i roonu for -another branci of business .-9,011or il x-Ilvc yetuta;Ittîîty TERMS, STRICTLY CASI11 ng pp g hei 1ý - L M M I L L -e . W ith alm o t ever>' avent et' wiaich i rDI. M a er -' Whitby, Dec. b, 1880. 7Io'u~~~eios1 qaue. Ilavlibeea iregiment et' Ceunt Ignalz GyUlaty, hacvals pro- S 1861. FÂLL IPOJTÂTIONS. 1861. sent atito- jaswi the vair 1812e aria ~ ws~a.r~ ~ And %vasa with ie isregiment dcaing the iaotu et <111of-io:--.--.anfdLcljîig. lite h flATTL.B 0F -WATERLOO, 4.» ESIREB teintimate te ibis Cnalomars au/thLitapublic, titat ha lise maie' ls oîîtedlo alcnth uiiw»pr m nore t i an astuabi>'itvy linporratlon--aaiipa ti s alarge traie in P sefa ravaral forhiterlnBvaisvitit thg tlaee mre Ltac lttttutlfgot/t ttltS. eîlaiancid Until bimi departure tor Amaes lat S I»ntudln pl-P sons ypla meaaaale. hie stock, sud hac aonviasc/,Lith t eycor11 -h.eshltautl paCoilUy 40- Tihis vork, teastiu as it dea et a put gêe. (l&' "TME PROIPLES' OHEÂP (ASX STORE," . <1 rtion, au/tfut avnts viict(in the raceut ex- owciac.: ing Goodâ araevortitY et ltae spectsi attention of iutendiog pur- eiing wart; lu. Europe,) htave beau partiaily lent ýlýit oposs aanyati> etuathat yl rander, Drex Gmdi, Kb Iot ndothr Ceck, Pinta asiamerea, An igitly iuCerealing te thea reaallng puialie.- U2 Dess ood, Eb lty ant otai heek, Ptate! CAn.,dt'ii ftha, e oruttrkabî amen cf Ibose Cobeargs ta ail colonne. A large lot of Canadia Tweeds, whîte daas, littIe kuovu ba ou/ thlit imîneditto lecu- ran/t ne/tFianeis, piaule/tand/t sriped Shirtiags, nt a bargain; littes l in c CIeyo curreal, alione t hrouli- -' Tapaslry sud Twe puy Carpets. A largËe lot of Druggalzag, Iîemp nie an/ t c Inlangariatî triues, never yol auh- -cl liarpets, kit. La/tlaa Paît Hats, iu grant v'riely;irlosiery. libeai r rsenteîl te t ettelaer, wbhilst tô Lait'an/t Gealletas GloeseVaaùlrtCapsea/t Gauntiets. La. iaPrtsat ollth.estops by wvia iigît- Ch&? *. no, uf ait,&. oy cated ananwvitefoo 12 yaarit s/t beau s VlctoinosCaf.,iaLla~ ~C iloniahtPnitat btiaite a courartte te Baeru ,0 *a1 Sag&rs, Tobîccea, tn great valety, at a bargi. Baffa- cd Ft i, înttut ahound Wîit liattefoo§t.. ThéO le lobes. viiele touecof t erie stlitoet a gentleman L-adies', Nf.sna5an/t ChUid.ne 00 ots an/t shees. an/ t slor. 13 denoîteM#aêla/tia, Ebberand tIBuÉao ie eOveréShees, at a Thea acquitaticaftet eauticor iii Canat/ z5 ý >4taviiig beau cry exteiic, lucre are Chou- 04 l fléjÉsoka, jlaak Dokainclullng a geacrai stock or dIa. s.a»d, vitewill ricogeize lte bstjema ud hhe utteiiitor lucvery partCftebo..1 UoraI Pnablfaler's> Prces. -hhrh iProtestantl iles, founded auslte: 0"o ith~ is establilcmaît anarkcd in plaic figaîre3t,aItae loet CASh vwermtitpi-n researc anad conviction, vers w priée, front îtiit noe altion will ha ana/te. kiiowilteCcail hi. broter Oraugenien, of vitiela IDRÊMEMBER 111E ÂDDEESS, Frata»iuty iIe itat tahe oor et iie-ing-orpaa ______Ctinptaiufonraicertal yeurr.. Mn. Dyerhofller "ýTUE PEOPLES' CIIEAP CASH STOE," Wttnat atotaRoal Aréu Prie ht/ton, au/tfor JOËl dL OW, ýÉ nme veard Onid lCietaplaln cf ttt Onder lai *hïtbir, Èev. 11, 1616DunaiasStreet, Whtty uawrttswr iih euteao ~~ Ei~svAlblen lIa aainoved tg lais uiv Store, ou Dundas Street, opposite gcealitîtercst te ail claszea, 'rcadaris, att/ %vii Io fa-tuler tapiijtheItaabmurd pratetit sioe, immotral uaaities, anîd unsctupatlout dat' 'ltile f the(ItirciaoftRoie titan atiy yel Prseud toettiepublic. MANCHE STER WAREHO U~iSE heaove work cnboohreing tne. -d ollar te i i P . ' ' fr c o b> pttoCaca u> part cf Uppeor Loveér C4.; REsusrier avng oendthe Store lately ereCted ait a.tîau 2, ILtai. Ã" R SEIL. DR«Y GOOD)S"a ehoice assortment for Wintcr. MONEY! MO@. y CLO0THI-ING,-Over-coas Under-coats, Vests, Pants, aliT CA ,N L J stye4es. negoctate lesas tC8Spair coul -intare3î up- G]RO ERIES,-Afresh and complete aasortment for family ý ijroe ai .Teinuc atibe oh- use4 pitovid cf. For'rer t ofapplicaction ati/ otier informa-' 1 sbire, England. A LL ICINDS OP' PILOflUCfl 1!AKEN.. ffAmITm I& ROjkoms, Whitby and Manchester W riag it- î c ar J ln -i4t T rou ti6. D c 2 , 1660. 50-Sm6i Shoriff's Sale of Lans. Cotait7 c(JI'Otatario, 0NSaitrdiy,th Stll2ti 1861, it tvivil O'CIOLck ca, wili bu aold liv P tb ie A tî ut, aC i >t ii i n t e Cit ouet rt l'ttin th Of!u %Nta ii Iutlay, Cte niglit, tiff, amit iiterc.st tvli*It Ile ittaderititotied uietlt,î- doltis oevî.r.lly iiO.ýes .î i ite u, ruuiî Liîttl, tas;d tCll ta'tts titere i, ,. 1.l v taio un- (fer tuti lley v%îe tvvtat rite " ieri Fîleaaàto 111(r dirtîctod, ci- t ItlCite Ceaattty CoJUrt. steplirît Graie, plaailiatf, vs. Ch Iao Witly stimttîtMili Comnlîy, dCtendaut». lu Ciao Cottrît'ft-ueeca's h1onea. .Jolata Vitlîdal liait], pltaiti', vs. lthe wlitby Steiat i Mill Cottalptaît:, dcè.itiaitîîn. fitlite COurtttCu-' lhlt 'aritott Lya-ic tanai.) i;.'l f11,a11îarv, plaina tilt , vs. tile hî,St-n 11 otiuyie lui n ta thee. rto aitl itcias oiaBown itt i t 'mt avt(. r Co arltipide ji.v t e tut i i lict i'çu t tl ica ve Miel lCity, ,îe.îa a iilt:titiI t a Itlandsitlu .t,-at coitaîin ia.tad.o mi NiititWnaiBrut, iliro 1na Ibat 'ti 0an tit liac, ?walttt , us'. Ciao Whit y ifco Oal C nri tilt! adtiîlsC biiei Ail atu ciica§tion oCttt etai ptr&l or tniseto a hit tii, ttlî.pai.-1tti e iiî tt o f lade Cu q'taîtati pathier Es lvi ti aiîtanti taljty-tje. lai iit -Ix ouandet'ttis,ty-"vmà4 Jit ptook ititeptrîlatheINiTown d y-ai; la. lit sWd lankzvtat/ iîcic aat lu ieel 'Za th %.l'y uua oftaier Esq.,i haeiai tm sitreo, Jtyeig lai ntiff-eit-&Un it, esat e.t Nuroe Si, ;c ite Toia t cbot 11n C.site f ouh te CUdU1iofa l>icaea NELSOU%,; . REYNOLDS,- Sileorlf.C O. Sherifi', Office, PuFr C. eUruo. Withy, Jaa. 23, 1861 DOG LOBTà A y oi' 14mQ*nhà ldColly b cd' A bh, i-nast4klntiakwhi-1rina oai ueck, whte on itcliy, llre-slfoalder,audabott taau. l tIle latineoit1eue fork-foot -l acra sicqneiie 'hcavlitig a claw eut orf. Anawers d the iiamnioetf'Boxer." Whoavar yulibriug hia le lita aubs iinibcr will b. roarted. ('N FidIay,ttahe nat1, on .lit Inený WhlCby,aLà bark brewn BuflasieRoe, wih6uc bu>' rer ar/ted by ieiuvitig iL nL Biak'ti H01011 1hJa,, Lot Nco., Dilta Cota. Picker1in S. c.Sprieraortkàte of Fami!3r Fidur, Chcap FAIRBANICS &MACDONELL'8. PUBLIO NOTICE., Caowae LÂ?-Ns DEIÀAnTuzT, Quebec, lTt& .tanuary/, 18di. C ERTAI N Publie lands will be otfcrcd at Public Auctien, as followa : At Saudwieb,. on FRIDAY, the TWENTYa' SECOND FEBE1JARY. At Chatham on IJUESDÂYIý the tWENTY. SIXTII FERVIJR. At London, onPRIDAY, the ItST MAIfCII At Toronto, on TUESDAYq tho FIFTII ÃœAUCTII. At Barrie, on PRIDAY, the E r G Il T Il MARCH. -At Sarnia, on WEDNE8DAY, the TillE- -TEENTf-1 IAIICI. Lists oethte lands andt otler particulars inay b. obtelued frein the respective Land Agents- Eateeptinir at T-,routo where lsis may bc had frein Meàsro. Wakeid s& Ce. P. M. VANEOUGIINET, 2 Lomsiur * ~COUD foOoane N 8 IATTIDAY, lte To IVt-: u~FTv.eatoiaisoaac lper. A . tD . 1861, aIt w lv e e' c k ,n oo n ,% I ii 2é s f ;y 1 u b l i e A c i o n , a ltnM y l a in ' t e C our t Il ese te th e T o vtî t W it ,> t e nigtt, tIlle anua itttercst whiot lit undermen- ioeue/tdefedats ,averally pos;seisin te i- Depunîment of Cnowa -Lands. /tarmentioatt/ ian/t a sd teencenta tieraeaa, seize/t byme un/ten ana b y vitnte e sentait anoont&, D3 AND o baiw rîtne oftIieri Fac as t o m a directedi viz :- cdt a Queb.c, itA .Tanuary, 1861.,_ Ite Cotuuly -Court. tfqha OTICE in lierait> gicen Lit a rclaamrsà o? T hoemas Boîstet, Plaintif vs. Cl iiaopuar aub« N l'ublic Linals, net under Lies, bing Waggonor Defen/tnt atcual mt rwt eartaitimrevemncou , /tnjof, luo. U8IntahOe 71h concession, or Crevu Timber Ageaoiolnte and/tdiapofetllte C$ottnulyCeut Olte tiinbr r oviug on lte lotsa aaremd bv - ltent, prolt a the ltaVALUE o e t iter onsTIhomia Bolaler ritaU[fflva. Abrsham Web- lecaL sud,/tlapoee/ofe, t l ta/tou sme se and/tHanry W *eba Deteaidat rG a.hepeaciasa anona>' duo tho brelt);,oeau Oîar Village Lot iali InBMkc C.,j UixbrnIeg coamplying vitit certain conditions vtiit0fllalteCocouCort b. leamacalfren prinCe/tForma.te b. hgain lteInteCuyÇr; By- Office oftte Crwn Titber ietCeaLut Sme alieaPtiIi s irsoie cf Agents;, analofet var>' Pont Mosar nduCusttoms -Sheeit>, DafandEnt re / O ffi e rk i t rou g îo u l t e P ro v in c. l h o r e n l a a B a h n r aii r W P 1. om lssÇKioarV OUETI, 1"biea, bitorstop#cci - lTo. 8 luth ibet 09 on te 11h lmat at PWcP.rrjî Wal viiaoef l!orail thlie TiwÏvÉUsbîpelE i, e ,aàt ug 'as' unl>'o T aL eW" lt as averi, réaitis. rsward bTýekolaow ;te 'n6Hý,Wmssa» C; lltPcrry. hoitenf'aOlUc,- Par £. Nen e.ýQ 3 lVort PO-rry, J i. 23, 1660. 2_91u W h lby Jani . 1 8 150 1 - 4 r CASH! FOR EVERYBODY! Wt/ iald le hava it, By turnig Sgrplus Stok fbiôMo The tîîîderasigîced roceices cuttigumcicts fer Wbenc lta liglieaut pnico. catîtb-e ubliitea. AIl parties ccnsiguiitg gocal.,itata> reiy ou IPRONI:ftit SALÉÈS, AND TF. NICHOLL, Aioinar&feneral Comne'n Mereîtasîct, PetCerborought, C. W. N. B.-Tltis Town is asîvkîtevcalgea l e>'tt Coancresal (Ioiniiuitity Ca bucte t est iii ta Province for b tiitaut<* t - it hoý frore, ain, an/t 1 ýp4 00 0% cq et de oq p di 1 Là lucet

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