ati eseusse Ore," Ipin W"bM1t thba w be WIU ofmvy V&i.M w. roilto *0600, lbe lias of roi*.,,ôs would baie bes se .beged tbat4beci 0 of E.kud no, ud bis o, IMrS of AlbE diard. i Ihb1utfor the lai of the Protutt M& emiso., by wlI e bdd"ihII or Shdslototr Lrnel, # i~ King of Ea«imaod. . b.d cf bis cuimbo;outag g blé, I Dada s treetabut ,lgbt 'loêk oùFil- day.vela*y" k- lk j jobs P atts gid 27 ye ral' 1us ld or a Ires. George Paîicis, spd 60 yesm, vaswu 1411. ed nsr eauXo.eby, townoblp cf Kllmsgon WedneedaY, by tise falling of a tuse viile- Obopping. - - Mary vas Oued $0 uQe~. on Touay, for keplog a dsorduriy bous., sud Haennals Nicboleou, Mary Marray, sud Maria Tyner vote escit sunteuoed te a ainsi. lier penalty, for being faund in tise houa.. As tise mocey vas net fortitcomlcg, fliey' veeont to gaoi for six monti. A listle bol, son af itMr James Gibb, of ÀbbisfBtd, bW! ttrée.ofbis fiugeru -takeu off tise îter day, wtile piaying wit a ci4stycuttor. Judgmnts la tise aan onufcf1,298 vere readered agalnst farty-one ppople iu Queite. on Fniday, for nonisymnt, o f taxes. A Co temporary vaut.se0ksow in wt ago womn u sbeen beid la tisehilghstà esteem. We da't licou, but certaly fuuhionabie laise11 s laiger space lu te vend now ttan ttey aveu did1 beore. l'AbisiJinsmey," usid bel, "ubat have@ you beens dsi'i" 'ONOt varey tacetur," - sauuwered Jimmy,0 1.1 was jisI clown Bil, Mosligac'e lait2 nighit, sur, s' tin sosu me tad a bit saa dionoanuon "iwidsticks.." Sewiug girls cannai Lbe expected ta cora. pete with *ewing maehlne,for they haven't ouch fro conastitutions. Red noses are liglithouses la varu voya. gers on the aee af lité off the casai of Mak. lagas, Jamaica; Sacu Cruz sud Hoiad. À great poel gays liti"the Mountains stand flxed forever-4 Wu know, bowever, that ui l6 co uneommon - thing for them to IL isecoitusa unplesant ta a poor'youung voîcun ta wait upon te- gentlemen as t lu to a prend old msid to bu waitlug for îhem. Sorrow lu neveu more uorrowfulttau wbea il jests atifs .own misery. A poor feiiow contplisined tai ho vas liko the. muon-on bis lait quarter. There are twa classes of disappointed lovers-titose Wtto are dissppointed before marriale, and te more cotappy one Who are diosppoiDted siter lt. Jenuy LUd Ooldohmidt, on lte 5th lest., wile la Euglaad, proeed Mr. goidoehmiliî wiîh asuother son. - Thte people of Boston, Englsud, tare subscrihed £1,200 tavards psying for a monument lu meîuory of lteir 1.lÃ",i . maneretn grant, Who vas lbati n, tbe Lady Elgin. IN CIIANCERy. EÀLIIH3OHENSTON, Plaintif ANI) Williumn Powsonl, Mmiv CiMrAtie. .Ioel 1lglev, tid Utiei, Crpopraîsti utIse Towusklîlp of Ile-lt, (b>- Billitd Iliratu Sloutenbu!gh, ist Jamesss Stoutotitssrah, madle parties lu tise Msste's Office, Defendanta. P UItSUANT le sai)ectee ut tise Court ci P sstcc-î u.slc dil ttus cuc.ue resitisedate îlit .Sevciitls iuav af MnY, 165, Rsud (sis rdor ef 1 -c sii <sit sesii t-ietttweuty-first day Al Fsliroir , 186t,, sud w'th tise spprebsti -n ,4 Os-sî)ro Il. ý)srtiseii, Esqtite, b stor of tise ssid court lit ililiI.>, %-13 hpencsssptsrily tics litont 1l onstStnrinay, thft twctîty eIxth -dicutAt Jnitusury, 181, ut tIl îcr ofIeunofthle is:- ktiii- tren-,on, aI B. Rusueli,', Tavro, i: rlis., Visgoft'Masseheetor it ticseTossuembip ut liess', sy Mn. Charnles- fayne, Auellanoer, kiit eurtlis place or patcel of and, lseig aspart tf Lot si unber ihirteot. lu tise lent-h eouceeaslou Cftils sal Tewsslîip eft'iaah, aud deiuribed 4.: ~!-., tisa Il t a yt 5f:-Cummncucis-g aIsa pssst f îwplsuutss un lise front outhlie saIs!tonsl t-oticait.iots, at te distance af feurclt sa anal 1vPYlisicpg r-s a course Nantis uovenly four do- 5ir r E-sot frornthtIe Southt Western angle o! -s i1 !,t t iscîibert bisrteic:- il euoesNortis seao- .V- l'or diL-nos. Eal aoug lihéfront'et the f t :-s.iiu frur cîsines and siut> lînksss b. -- ré s--sinsuife or le», tes thsecontre e tis treat, --ssc-s Ne-f-0ss ias dno egmes, MWes lveluhalts -1 .,, Asi.t.-thts. litsk, mosre orlcisi tcles peut -t ' ssi4itr,.l t tis e isternulimilta or the inill .1 t cisotee iiotsg tii. Ecteru i t si i-scer, sîhen tssised l t assutiet '-st<s ba'.ct ssii)the ,.treausi, taeapoint oft he -t-s M n. r-'m t a distance et tweiity chaluts sud t- C tIiSil t:si tînthteSocuthis Western angle of t, t )t't .>; tiience seroesthie sais! trem ta ti-.- 1Fasileris liilti; ai'ile ruand iovnsticeasi ti siiI Lut îà tîuîber titintcsest, and Lot nucubar tîscis-i; tsenaco Seitt i vxtecan dagreest, lait isýiit- tjiseEititus lignite of ttio said isas!silos tiiéüttitirîcen elidiis siun ty-slx his.; thenco Nkrrth efei>'rsur tgrecs, PAiut tour cialu sud iti> litîkit; tiseisce ci six s nz'on dogmeos, E etIlx* îslt saiu 1 sIxty' six lInke le bise place si f I. à islg, cotitlisiug i odrusouramnat, kjcsve:sîe,.,t tigrest, lie tisa s -sve uson cries».. à f-t "t tete osèid pleaoflsand trontseon tise- c.nt-e -o ufi.iuis j. cbat four miles anal à bait rrnstlise Village of Manchester. Tb lisse *, - Prisme Dtve.liig Honespuîeniii "id, andess, isug a iili s.tiM u not liiM ipon fit. The pu;,-eitausr wuhlibb. tehalrod at ttie. ousetu puy dawn a depasil oftoen pousasut hi. 4i-artlissse usons>' te thse v.nor et bisSoi- eltur, isud lu psyt>' i reiaiiitser of the puerh. M-csfoy,> % Ithliteros:. la onq ntoath aller ttia dà y ut main. Tiie Wiset condition. et et"euns tisu ssîusduisg'conditiones of the sels! Court et Fîtiîr rpartlieulta eau lbebtained ntise cf. ge ti a te ifirg;ned isattWhtby; *igc tif Me*svr#. liasrd 4 il fiîug, rince Aiberi;, -Sud Duclaed Ilîiistb day of Janisucr>, 1 -61. 4 GEO. Il. DARTNELL c Mueter at Whhiý- Kso B licitb ymjFl ,r1-û, !ho.r m 19W - - 1.1 w- tF9 1 ,lui NORit IU 5ar u or o) 4. DLACILvooI>'eEDISOUllOli KAgà oZtiNE(Tory.) Tise prtesent, erlîlcai et4te-cf- Èa'pat etfair ls iL ,vnder tbes. Pub1iqtiot" U. uiisalyi it.e tiurmte wca. be ;vii cmw a mi"IWon orude speclatloOan sd fylng tau o th. ei> J MY ctra, -sud the -pondru- Toms-cf lte futurehiorsrLt alr lis, liing Inter et sud oxciteisent of'tisé groat' ýpoliticoel avertIea !54b? ti"sî hhli- bave pused avaY ,i;tje "bem p Ptit dicals that resdera muet, 16,k>r tie ouly inteeligile sud reliabie bisovqy cf outrent' eviuts, and uas sccb,;lp ditki to'îishfr vil.emtabhishcd iiesssl,DOOin ifc,' sud theolagleal chanic~ow Ã. *Ego'em upon the cqnsiderstiou ci the radng public. Tise recoipt of ADVACL esums from tise Brliisbh publishots gives add 'Iiouai valueote the Jýçprtét, Iusmnyiss à sy t4 bo, laaed in the hsuds otosabotefbraboit simucou as tise original editsons. TEKM5 (Reguiar P ur e n)- For auy eue of tisa four flvies. . .D0 For auy tIvo ofte four Beviewm. ... 1-00 For aillfour cf tho Reiloiri,.... 8 O For Blackwaod'a Magazineo... DO 0 Fer-Jliackwoodsud o .vg .5 0 For Blackwood sud ît"cRéIews.;. q W For Blsckwood sud Iisrep Reviews ... 9 DO For lllakwood sud lofetsrBoviews.1900 .oil bel recseved et par.- POSTAGE. Onuadisu mail ubciberu viii besupi plies! freof aV1. S. Postage. týrRepà ittances must, lu al anses, b. made ilirect toe tPesbliuhers, for at the»s prices ne commission eau - be silowed ho agents.- LEONARD 8001? & 00. - tov No. b4, Gold Street, È4ew York LOCAI<ED AT BIJFFAie, 11 ALBAN, y Couler Seliaca suid MtsNu. 448... rodway. fsl. Y. CITY, CLEVEILAND, 1 Cor. Scecmiand Supers., no utu r at - s PPiLAusC.PtetA DE.TROIT i f.. 10,WeedwarilAn- Cor. iîh sud Chosius$tu.. nue.1 cHiCAUO, Cer. Clark aMii Waais toit streets'l 9- wi. UI Corner 'Iii uS Vice I4us O ur sçtaudtird ut Psnmani/cip in the /cmnuous Stu'lessî, eau commence et an>' lime, asetiser. are I( lacu aianis. Tlsi'nrislciùs aud Teacherisiof Cisauof Coîleges bavé au exteniesc acquanne, à en large cilles, sud alviiys coualder ils pleasuire lu fit rtiitr the bent luteneîsauof toit s-iîstatou, '. Studeneutenig an>' one otiscîs llegest 'hy te paynteit est $0, becme nltledta lhe pnîviiezes cf tis-eontlro -llc imi i i coinpihslip' eigist cfîLe muet tisorcsslis, eutliive, raclicai and pepular B site. Scsoaintlu lb. vanl Fu Catalogue s adCirealars, ral l elis. Colege IU0Morciaddresa as aheve. 88 BRYANT & STRATTON 0F ENGLAN». Royal Insuramm Biawùaggozuvov, TWO MILUIOIs STERLING, F'IRE DEPARME N Ti Tisa Ccmpsuiv Injure# Buildcngss sud all othon desoiptlneof roperty Mtrm tLsor Bousafé by FVo, ou tîe most.Libé,at Trmi. AU! Juel Ioases pronspîl> setllett, itout de- dssetten on disconut, anti vithout reterenco le, Englaus!. - Tish ge Captal antd judiclous management of tils.= mpnsmures tise mont poelelsfety5 4IFF. DEPARTMENT, :vaies nticiatin of Profitaecîsusisteut brdiso s!ciena 0la ___ ofo b.* the Royal. ReCLiptut for Ne o Pihle alone lnasix mout. of te puai year. £200,0STEMIG 1 Inoufrontisoucela lm8 Exhlbilag au nesreae i antYalys icaoe Ti*nse a ls ans! eouda Ex inihr an ln c'he iiot, ut siene cf A&Iaanlout lieuse ('slendar. , bu -;o JOHN AGNEW, Agent for Town of Wltby. Wisil yFb.25, 1800. - I Attise YAIîRES NOTION STSI1IE The tninan lu 'il ite, o>' Wilkle Collacs, At lise, k YANKEE NOTIoN STORIE. ViolFlut'ms & Accordoans À news lot Jîcet Recoes!aI thse 48 YANkEE NOTION STORE. t>To the Affietod.o TUE CELEBRATED G-ERMAN OIL!, Folm CM osa r Cuts BruIse.sial& ailkins etcfFies&, Wpus meulent te thse Hama System. la Be0tten at 25 te 500tse ach Aceardisig o sire, Tht. 011 s'iil cure ail fmesi wIouisds, su s ai it'alll ble remedy for tise re- le Atil i il 4i? 'thon; '15h1 l-seil.l 'VvoinSEYMOUR & Co.,- 9~b, 't b-a SCMA4FtTruolngtoer tnr y ro-,i. relation 1oinrLondon, 4 l Ilî P u~tne.Cnspnis ol cerpraed lU1ciis -ro TMueitamrvi liie %ls Po ne nvse ieaNs f B peliTaiJ-$5y--et- ., ellits5relation 4rmc< iioe fIooprf-dw Ise -F - - nre. 3aner ariai 'lmitWtbe adIoa nuac t tube&Dmftonofa Univ hor L icous d la c n tise beruçf B ray vnn Tri ri luanrcc.e«ipt alo lum e :c vio f aînstls IRcsn Oa'sAc, f>thosu&d-alrlh isdre JnsybiS5e ri (Ot ' - iBM, sub>éetWsli the . ood thesdrqi. otei ttents ~ ~ t obxue iu lsieve euîcced -i liZà tvens1,4e all iii b.kont Isue <o tsed parmu < ieNisitoatal iyvià o oiid h oTi.. ~ Qncbee lut R sciasnbru 1(Sigued,)$ . - - . JOHN AQNEW, TO TEEINHÂ.ITAXTS,. OF THE COUNTIIS 0F INaçilxny sitieerc thanks tu the bilta- ostaio, for the matir favurs conufrdupou m~e d urng put years, lagalit conse b.t ore you otceltig yonr ferther mupp'wft andcpfld> -pe lù tho;fiuturo. Itl ii eT b.My <IIIy tonierit vt.hnt *ft- 0ets o gv o eleerfoily cou1IdM dlu ime. Prompttudeeer , and tho sirletot.t attention tablnessg, v1fiii tii.mnunsshAan talc. ta- deserve itscntlnnar.c. gg'X.TO psôl;".AUctioneer, Uaif-way jicase, Scarborit' un. 50115 KCNAU....... .........Caretil T. TIpMUOM..........roulîn ..d0a~....... ........Wh Juue 25th, 1860. - Ail orderio left ut the C"rct&wf o0 w, hcro a Reiitr cf ailmslessd-sua teitslae- geiykeps ,.aioi bcattend- Yt. rices sr. rBodsd aslx *,wlhout tîotrouble o0£ moï' t.iumso,~ A. T. OALT, Caution, te Trespaqsern ini the PT ui hby iv oe'à lisaipoon tno' Tiniber ou Publie Latîdiq vithout autisriîy or Licuiso, WihiiLe -punià ibeil anthe Iasw pruvidc-s s Tiltat is't, y 'siiilumttteir Tituber ,end eousi Of ils mntfstste; unsd parties retnaviug or ior iiitituber out ut tige reaulinut tige Ililicerm afthe 'bepartuiont ut Crawu Lands, subjeet thtielves tu a 1Penulty of $3 lier Troc, with coois. i'eryon» liîtdering auy Ittilcer or Agent of tige Dcpairtmoist of Crowit Land» luntté dt.- charge ou t ii.duty lit Ȕeziju, Tituber illegtsily out-or takiug awss-ur catsnitg ta lbe tiske t, sny Tituber scized und.r tho Act 12 %'ie. a.89, ture g.siiîy of Ecouly. patrie, euîting Tlinbcr ons Ltudi; purlitased by 01, =ai p eneutf ettlenctît, b ut resily for tisýe -purl e outtit g te Timber, are Tres- 1îiasorg as abova. P. M. N'A2KOUGHINFT, Departmrent et Cruvu Liundts, ousiob. Quelice, tis Novemnber, 1I86(j. TOY BOOK &ÃS FOR CHIRISTMAS PIIESENTS, Ae' THE YANKEE NOTION STORE. AND . 5ANTA CLAUS IR CORLINC! NYo. 20, Lomibard' &ree, Londion.1 6 CASES JUST ELCEILED. 1 Post Office (;Uosmasar eneai Wagon-Maker'a Shop for Sale - or to LeL ;- T 111Ecommedions risvenisset Uusnr's Cor- .5sîor'Areiti>' eeupsed yb>'M. James Lilots as a %ywajcnà u! trmisiglinîlement' msnss<sct>r)'. Thone la a good gardon îund about s qeuinter acre etfii4id. Tlie premuises are nocansd situatedjita good ioculity for business., und viii bc sold on letclisoap. Appile oFf 1 01ChABLES GRWI , JOHN JUGE 47-Sm Biakssitis, opposite the pretîslsen. :Public lande. DEBTORS te the £'roa'u viiltalk. Notice 'that tihe Regul ilions requirn pisysneîîî of arrearx due ou publie lands 1are 1 n i lotce vlih the sà uîeîicis oettaiiîmelit. ce feiattera are rpinuiuded that tiîey eau ouly acqi. a right lu Puablie Laudîs by pureiaît fruetii. Crown, aud tisatitJise.landst arc ."Id totliceifrat sppiioeut.,, 1.'. LVANKUUGIINET, Departiiint'ofuurLreiouer. Quue, Octo l âle i t, 18m, GIREAT 1SALE OF BANKRUPT STOCK! S9tovesStoves - AT A. LOG(1AN'$. Fuihet', cis! otbhihmeut, Brook St. Whitby. Apple Parera at Iegau's lsif Busisel Meiaurceat Lcsgaza - (;Mting scooSps tkign Wistc, c.24, 18t 80. 40g n e toe n MAUABRAM OGAN Mary Street, Whitby. i OSEPII F. RAINER, #> 1 lakcs great pieaure lu lis t'orgiiisg titisPublie thatlite bas leoly ossîred thheeexteînsîvo premîssea fursà sieniy =ucuîid b>' Mt. D. Ford as a Carnagie tssetory, ssaloppcia'lîoILe lossor J udge Bisiîîasi s, hi tise Tsowniof hithy, andi wltern ie s.litnuuw eligagealun tise ussnufucttsru et l'IANOS, with al tlmetooii i nîprovcutsiel, r.ud visicit hc viii warranti tu be eqisal lus briiiaury eftoue, dclic:o- of't5 hand snpeniîsr lisfliis, tu Ail Pianos an.esuailoeb),' uim w it h fou11metal- lic trames, eIfiiovés. striisof et b.ot -es- so tie!mber, sud matelsliaof the fisses. J. P. 1t,. i ng expenioasce et isoani' "0yeianit, bath ister-"a ud enisfsîs>,as Veli as ln thie Unitedl States. sud tlii, ounrn, esiaislos§ bimt t tc te cosleue flm ,ahility te give Comiplstoesati*Gtsitioti ta tlic publie. 'PrIcee wililib onal mach Lov- or lisais hoae of Iiported luIstrumâents of iferior manufacture. Six Octave, (square cae,)l............. $80 du-(-un - -ru -4.........225 7 de deo o M 1 do (4yr ù4sg~ J 825 7J Octavp, (OYtivelrng doubleruldere legm) extra ....... ...... ....... 425 W-A guarsutto of oix Yeam i!on vitil eacb Instrument. Ail ,vool-yrork isq tlise >est rose vood. J.~ I Panos ,'hi ve takeii t aprises elt the P'rovincial Exhibitions, and bave been highly recamnsesided b y the- Jidgi. liecas iso, refer te several (ainiea In Witiby esud eltoovisee lia lb. County, whom ho has hthi ie houor te suppiy, a» W2 tihé qualiiy of hie Instru AIl PilsiOsO m psuctare kept lu lune far onsyoar.UOR&TS SW Reinecber tise.Addreas, JOSEPH F. RAINER 43 . 1 W1kit e. P. .-Parties shquld b. careful ucîte credit ttc utalemenla s fiutereste prsasvieaus Agents forosuîpiyis'g force iianos fftrnthou- tics at a disance. Supprt homanuacture. .1.K FO 1 'l 1 CATTL olTesa tetstne ovs ls Cu> HORSES &dst t l. usrseay~aaaeah- 5irtERliO INX ts5, ~ ,t f Ontario. It in vitisin t 07 o f the lufltee-l sanimais. W' IL hmbisben uscalUlige. , etlTem. - rInjg encisfly>for thc Lait Sere l ests5asd bas A pil te ssibatubntg 611 misle , noei iseenkuowu n t sUi. Matie snd sols! b>' Y LUM! SADLER A. KIOWLES IDE Pickeing, C. '<i Greenvood!P. 0, COunlY Ontlrl Wtitby, Jlan. 24,23860. ly à Plekerhcg, Mayi15, 860. 4dm -&rehokof Teui S%ugsd froïcoï ,utc"içdr 1,OO9-FERp OF,',L >ÂOPMUTER, t FO WHIH TE' !UHE~TPRTCE WILL DIEPA! W itby, November -7, 18È0.--'A PRAT!OL OERAO~AKES, NDMANUFTURM OP ;m1iA&M, il IROCK STp RÉ-,Ii qýWýiITBY. OLJ- OPPOSITE, THIE., TOWN HALL. J ,4 fth bvewr-0ue-1-,ngi ~4~1 cf the above work oxecutedivith nea.t~ie s ~nd despi~tc1i. 42 DONOVAN, ýWAiL ,ýkE & Cle~I~ w1Ui4 ptirely without the use!of- the neêel te, Migbuttons &button holes - -fvejust rea.wsd s shpment of Ibis latest uevely .S 1 - C NSS& OVRC 0OAT Sy lu greal vanlety, sud of lte meut destabie styles; sud as Ihcy are likcly to supercede the aid style to so large su extout, vo' wouid respctfülly cadl your attention la oui stock bofono purelt-aingise.wheru.,-- These fa<ries mromà ilw oveh n lle w 'Wcoitheut auy sessm, ounlte cross fibre system, Which Icnbt;c, ltse grealcat el#oiiy, with lise greatest strenglt aud duvabihiby v ill iesthser shrnuk, uer strtch eut of shs1,o, non eta*l; sud aimeal waterproof, sasd lu point of wg~mtb, duirJbIiity, aniae etr~l'- <î9eitien, unqucsîiouably superiar îpanuy cîher styles, as ail wima test tlîem nmusit cordial!>' admit. IVe dlaimthuit lte Seauiesti Coal a is artuen, and ihiweitr langer Iban auy lwa ordi. car Cst e (h ad 1>le Nos. i sud 2, Commuercial Buildings, flEGS tw announce ta big uneUJs friOndS sud custOMerS that lie is naw nirrying B ' on bis extensive business oi CARRJAGE MAKINý",w IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, On the new promises hsteiy evectcd by hlm an Hrack Strct, the iargest aud'most cont. plo.teetabliihment iu the Province, whcre lie is prepared, as heretofore, te exceute al orders eutrusted to.-hiucav. CAR RLAGES, BUSJGIES, SLEIGIiS, CLTJERS, C#. -Msnutactured and bold att b. Lowcst remuaeratUag Prices. ALL WORK WARRANTEI) ZUIJRand PRODUCE TIKES IS EXUHANGE, at MARKET PRiCloÉS D. YÃ"IiWS ,Iokxieo f'iiit~ nrsnthe principal bManufactoi& States an d iiiias given tisat experieuce iin evtry branchioai-th. busiuess Which kew have beun ablç to-arrive at, and for beauty af design, elegance of finish, durabiiity, ahtd selidity of workmansbip, bis wark cannot be excelled. lS"<iai ansd se Specimens. THE NEW ESTABLISHMENT NEAR TUE BANK. )WIES ý& POWELL. OFFICE FOR TUE ISSUJE OF MAItRIAGIE LICE NSIES (Dy Autlcority.) AT THE- -45 A. Mo'IERSON,1 -Sherlfl's Sale of lands foi Taxes. f I,,s le Ltdi% for Tjitt*îiluthe Ccnuty' TLot,-'Oiestaeit Wiîich Wva4 fjeld at tise Court IOctohe. 1860, sdajôuriited te tihé tit, sud Ifraw the 9t tol lte lOti, of (tituber, andtrain te lOth to lisel7tis, and tram the ITth ia the unti Monday, lte 4ti. day ot MsAreh.-1S61, at the huer cof12 oeocek, mna, wil ltaire elace aïI the Court Ilouite lIhe Tovu cof Whitbyi on the day usid t thi ent rlutI abore nîeuiioned. NELSON à . R!ZYNOLDS, Sherift, C. 0. Sherly'. ffic, i Per C. Nuiroe., Whltby, Oct.,24, 1880 41 wltthelic(roipllments ef thé Seaà en. A Tlit Neica HalBrook Stxeot'Wbitby, ?rayer Eo4s&s w esley'ti lHymne. WÂTT'S - PSALMS An11110s, COMPANION TO THE ALTAR, &to. Suitablo for Prmset. fer the seaeon. Cailsud W. HB. D'on. N. BO nine -Bermuda Artow.Boet in Wh«ib7, Docemnber, 1860. -à d -h f o# utaietg 90, sressnd lhe anrdss* indr lieblgbutats oîeiil on, à ran thers su odbl tIz,, eleri " P sieda - nuthe-prcmlaes, or,~cÂIEBN~7oq. eyW.E. IIEAYN, Eq.,lltby. OIIRISTMAS &NEFW YLfARS G-IFS JAMES H. GERRIE, DRUG AND BOOK STORE, WHITBVB 49 JIJSTRECEIYED, A FitES'Iî smppiv ct Stationat>', eeusisttiug .Aufal kindé orcF Ioolacai, -lelter n aiNote P aper, Penns, Ink ant iskslasids ugravae 1>'. Aie.a. astiyof 0>' CONVERSATION CAUDS, ufthlie mokst amusiiîg c7saructer. sibylinem leaves, oattiisent>' tottnstoleur.- MACLEAIIS CANADIAN ALMfANACS. 'Diatios for 1861, ot even> deserilsilon, anti far 'sale b>' W. H. HIGOliNS, - Break Street, Wth>. Shrif'. Bale of Lands. CeunI>'oreountarie, L'N Saturda>', lsth sîn- Tu Vi 0. lt thday ef»eeh, A. Dii 1861. at 12 e dlock, Sn, vilte 6 id~y p t'oil Auction s I atm>' n 1e . 'ta-eurt o.s lu the Touis o? Wisitb>', lte, r -siti l - teteat viicIlise undermetnîlus d' da0 severali>' pesses inlu tii'ucs!enmettloees!lans, an& eeetstoronle 1lé-tute sud by virtue of eanseiseofd ril lu lb. Court et Quees Boncis - Ehesuon Canon, Plaintif vs. Johna G ek, Deciidanst. - Lot. 40, 41 ans! 42, in Bnoken Front cmoe. Sion, Tevcisip of Ramas, coutaisiing885 acores. Inl tisheuoni>'Court.: -. Jine Wuiiaeo, Paintif va.:John GOue, De- tendant. Ofl l"esisodfou t'. zigiLésIti sdlsti Lot. 1 sd9Slu Bled "40," tfnis ' oro Whsib.,uôtalisslg y edmu5u i;e wihtb>ý'1eia. n2918 160. - AîL, U Note!-thé -,7tà "6 8 net &a! eua41 reeemsltsIi LtNo, s, t sCo. sss..CAPITAL 2100,000."; - c - ~ ~ ~ ~ r -' - -s-s- s s -If W ssc-î M. It Pl -î,ur; eît~caaYluidnsr -~Evc4 a'ui ~be t rc -, ion .te bis uew stock'etof sipersoi :tis-Thcëyicludc die foiioôwifig ewi MuE PRINCE-ALBER7, :DAVY CROCHET, ËBOTECTIONJ8T, -GRAND ,TITR Onullt aqflmine e Quebc Goernmut gency. Dupsines onneét&I witi Ilie andullter PU13LIC DEPA RTM1ENTS. Secured by tise î Addrcsts preeid. 1,cttà d Ssid Otiscrui Agent, Nu2 ,AuncStreet, Queicfc M~els rci lS~O. Quebe. IRION -IDUKE, 4OHN -BRYAN. Sherift's Sale of Lande. CounrygPqItirO Sýud : A. 8r D. isiîî, aM- 12 e-eocIr nocu, wvIi le solds! t eua t o ,~. office linlthe Court lleuse laude en ,eitb»'-tise' udermubionecl ýladoik toemntt4,eoe,. cid j. MeUn der and!- b>r iitue dietrlh Wrfeo éri Fa-,' utheCouu moin s.. AtLU. ai!deten5larNij'. ,Io le-i berest0incla udlta ilote etit isattof Nk*o. 20, Bra-iFrani., li-êTovauisip cf- Wiit4~, entilng 100 smre aeor Item. In the Court of Cmmu I" DonadCmra-!ç,.~asixno eAt a1aihwstid lcIt.No lis tat 4 lis Ine t t Coss.1ofThDsli. ors- , -ut . Om yai, Wv. qîoo. -- enuti Wh-48- 18th De -'551o 1660.-- s.Wimx, h pemi, na inj tise sclferer, vr4-,Wed lu buidy sud miad, pr.- Dr.ÂAsiiùseIo, tltblstey hbava-e ýn*ïeoîtaes !mportant Wu sftrumesit for lis, cure ortile ae.disea". -It lima beon niiyeleinu wMosst ve - nvâéel- lacomta, genlaieryîns, auetd-bythé. secret hfabite e Dr. Aspi&Sn uorder te satiu1' lem 0 ~e<$teu,- ýlo ti merl.of titis instrument, st bs> -w. nîtsleoyalrs1 ra Inatrilimont lu goed ore.- Poenscnss ln a1 p" teis odmn'bsn OcAsult trnte by orwrdig aetrreel detgi; attheiiaase, w th aveiîtane forMelna Qun>' Streetx. L41i41alo. W.-t Miun Phoenix 'r AsrneC5 GILLE É. , OFFAT.kÇ . - - j Agents for Canada. 5. tlcccd' i lsemoat ticverâaule term, snd Lt>SSE8 paid wiiront retércuce- te tise Beard la L e n. d n .p -Il. W. WOODWARD, Witby, Aug 30, 1859, ýlands and SawKf o ae 100O on) tll -Lot- No. ... tiie- uit jats. - -- logesiien viOc s pen or _ ,u s'iso 7ts itîul s., ldtiaiîeb tiseLf Cuuity ' ' ¶si t. u11 if. the t ttuyi acli tIt tTxbnidge village, aud 20 selile. fronthtie Tewn' .of Whithy, Ithe capital cf lie CoustyofOntsio-. Tii.p, fi- v -%-Il e sol,!ver>gesopfor - ERA.NTitCItiiKELLER. PÂR~ ORSALE RING tise but-'at . ie Norths.ialf cf Lot N. 5, u tis 2ndcnceof tt each, IL- . S M. ILCX. SherWfe a os fLns lu the Co>ust>'Cor. Carltountude sud iliratFiptlut s toWlctby Stesis MDlIiCouVplne- t iu tisa court ot Cemmùnen a. -NieholeaWo1andE- pe;çanî.. -ton L>ssde, - pliiitîia, rm tIi. Waitby Steant Mii apn>', den.usus Ail ami siugulai'-*u sesrtain pissai or tiset et iand, 'aud preufl ismsite. 1ligaus oeieg iunb the vualnp et-Wtsiimytha ieCunty cof Ontario. l ite Province o0Casa4abolng eom- 'poaedeOf thupt fLs0Tesyax h.' tiecoud concession efthtie sela Tovuuslsip of 'Wiiiby, kuowu sud ileseeibeon euspi.uubroot- msade b>' John Ssier, Jlsq. Provincial Lend Suveïor, as iý.jlle oteh m',wu ersu _y.W199 - stilt Tv enWuhb, eus sels pîse.- Townsbip et Beach,iufeonygOar. Se fie - eCourse. DOQ LOST. Qsa m! 4 Uhen fli,, t-eoICsrandhut moque o. fluOng a kwIeut wm aaajate tis ame qf Boer." Whe.oulirwhng hi5-n WBtyJe.aç ~ j, ADu yera Deby Ieavhng i atBiaok'siHowe, -à tyýrt,-- - ;.. 1MITB'j. f Lot No. , «à Con. Plezlnk. luth Jan,, ie#î. - a-a 'c-A L tAc, Wis stun C ur O»Ifbick-,BI U GEO Sfurite C j Cont sr i t-it lcb WIL Osr owiiC.I tot eit 13 iel .; l .e b JO ijLEIce- (Vs1 cR=11 toitf? rowiisii- A TTE-N DEI Ail order, ussxersignd, 41 'ûSce,%Vgitbv. -1 sr& slily aà Ltsr sttiila tsstit, & s-arrangementsç rs as the ise'nay ce shaH b. ou Jim- Sales attende Court OfCt-afl te ceuduct all - --- - p romopf sud Co ]i As- ucC- a i114prctit Whtby. Châpeis; Hanse tended on re - - - - -- - - -51- - Ss,.sL -- a'sss.s-~~ -~'- ~ bitbý- 52-8w 1 TOYS 1 TOYS 1 TOYS 1