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Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1861, p. 2

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Os' Prida>', bMrhItat MaI ,t'W>apnof Fairbaks A Maedoelîl, Whily. Pair. bankas atiai, utoties "Gid'Timk Ti Table WIfXTDY ST 'rîON. - 0*1xa vear. M.&T 10.50 à. M., 8.00 p. . Mixed 2.35 r. Watosm's Nout:.<'1aingA 1 itie Twenty.one yea*rs ugo-C. Crosby. Ua thevr's Venolittn Liq':îd. Ilal' Dyc-. I mathcw,. -1 Tho Lie the b.Rua. V. P. Mayerhofferi ,aoaî' ei'tlv. 1 IMîp cf 1pper Cna 0-i. O.'rotnnbne. Wh1tby, T!îursday, Fcbrîiry 21, 1861.a ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR i -Titi New Amunijcian Ccnfeieraacy. c The st'cessiota moement f the Southint States of tie Amrericau Uniotn ba devalop I d ituif ito a Co-afeoracy, aviLi s prcvis. > umni gavîraîmeuî, Prisideut and Viae.Pre. hi dI nt, and all the raquisite machiner>' for or 4rrybn.-1 at lbudiness upaît iLs ewil accoutittte a a Nation,, and à Pawer. Six cf tiie i tates-Soti Carolitta, Misiaippi, Laui. 14118 Qeorgia, iilanida aud Àlibalta have Ni ined in tihe uldrai and alopted a astitution for the Provialtoual Govarumetit of ite I' Coofcîlîraed lStates or Amaîtica." jic 'bey' havo selected JtItcrsa Davis àfur au masideut, and Ale.. H.Stepiens for Vice. cu reuidenL; and Lic Hait. kIuwahl Cabib, et, caba(lenit of '6 Çotgras," 'theîo genîlo. rut ,su, 444 thieir deputies, have tukun tice t tiB3lt5te~ ;q it by Li chtier MidsotQûMabauss' U tu dupot tihbe Cea- tt tutiou t 'p 6 vrnaa.Tlebo i codint States have tho 911 41 dýânc0 e st ai er Ti ai J41 l T] 19:r $aaldi foilanad goyul«t tir il Dalla $tste@, and gion 1irt ta neW ample lia. st, anti also jaita the nov Cen- fadase>. lYhiaithc apahat ef lie buditasa -viii ha, it iâ yeî dhiLlut te sa>'.Tlie ag. gregate population cf Lie six Statea amennîs htu 2,289,147 vIites, cuti 2,160,721 siaves ; lui' crut>'id ai aver>' mognoa.e aunîlptleta, tIse>'hava no uuvy, anti poss fev mereint vouaiSa, andthurm' meuia. titres unio ver>' itcetsidarahhe. Aad, vitia aIl tîtesa ttcav.baeins, attueaitic border Sgtatuts apeediiy folloiv hlia, i t ifflicaltta ase o tac hiiey an lonag holdth Lu eisent ,poiio- especially undea tiheaeilît nui oduluesa of lmtahouavlicis taearpreuses upoti ttism. Lookbrag uit mttterijinthein prescut asppart, ave helioeathat te viola buiaces viii bs ittat too u'sprofltable tLu v etiaili -or iOsn.4 - as lahecîtusia w1itic hava Irt-t the separationsvili ha dremad Lea ligit ana l iadequnte b>' intelligent perdosota distance, ta jatif> te Sauthînts uiceediug -Satîs in tanir present course. ~ZteI zlraa'lroa casie -Discitttrgu 01 Joriti nde*on, tic fugitivu fslave, vas hî 1 *-r'oscuaton raSaturalast 111-1. Cçoi-t aio Comman Plias.. lic of' u da iiisulsorge anre purel>' tielaicai, ad 'vre tfunded apan objeclianu tainen te -t' vwart ofîL cf otnmitmntot. Final tiat li aaîrat it %va n ttIisauciin confotity %niis i ta atuth', amati id flot cantal,, a rlii' s t'" Mtritiutt, " but ointel>' cf jelo. nt(bac /4onicide." Second abat Liee ?tir. ten t iti ual express te heca"for lie purpase of aurtenter," but oatît>' "cutIltLiaprsoer ahouitibuhitsbargeti it>'due cours. of Tih e rts ni tiivannant avie r 14P ravluae aiCanada, Countot>' ailB-nt." f 'Té aI ai' an>' ai Lhe acnsahibes or peai uilie<'na ita tii.'Coutit>'of -Branat, cudtLatLe keaipei- of ise commun gal ai the Count>' of-B rntford isn tie sait Courtl>' a i-nt. "Wltuteuâ Johti AnJirsotavas itis dc>' changeaI befare tas lwc aOflienMajesty'ao jautices ofthie Peace, lu sud for tiesciti Coutt' aiBrant, on thse aaîofai liamu C. Baker, ci Howard Cou>', Missouri, anti aibers, fonrlthâichoithesali Joh ndortsson did lu e-vautrt Count>', un the state ai Mis- senti csa tii 28th dit>'of Sept. 1853, vLll- fu>', maîbcionat>', anti fetouboueIy stah anti ki111 eue Soca T. P. Digga of lHoward "Tieseare thhinfore lu commandi yen the saId Soustailes on pouce uiaos o an > of yen te tuke lie sanitiJuba Audirsotaanti salel>' eoatvey iim te lie commoca gsei ah Brantford, anarsaini, andt lie deliaier ut-a tote ielper thersof togthier wiLibliis ~ 1At-hdo ha-att>commiandi yen the ami -keepgr cf liaescai'cat-nen geol, tlc reeivn, tie sit John Anderson mb o or ousteti>, l Inte conpogail anti thon. atai>' kiepim util ho shallhobu Lence aie.r livî red -il>'dueimouecf av.c "Obvenanadir tu>'hautianti seulIibisv 1311, day offilepî,. in Lia year ci aur Lordi,& thue arentsnsce.ijl b Wntîwyf . ti isjfor WC beiWve bt hig du ttIC aôi of Prup c ovang letterd ,t4 vould. h4,ý.âbe Idt4 ouicourtfu1na4e*t aoncdi ib ar Ifs inpec., . ý'ni" n1à dyng1~ plain conistruiobn- cf the;LttteaIdaîheltov forlh u,~et1860 L.Ã"a 'bed. 4 4 tnqutty, taitte sorrendor the plîe....- ýaa m6bia dtfsr. Viapman, a Bye.is. 1G(â,ý iré1l. <L',hq Cour, f Commea Plias> -IipialQ111V ai a'.ad: tlz<.t limas i nd- piaed, 'appoin(. Diu~oa~ evideat, vire glad Las esape aihi giiia- àlag townshibp affeura for tfio préent yeux. < (l. . Otl itibrtroë su>'use' un-my taicîg tii lieonÙ0te tcinieuti points iang lMe onreight mttves3, forleveIfayeo9ut' lii arfa-dutyti. heiag îalid- u-pou la pranouncu upon,,tic ducotýj Bylta* toepreveét ist d nnhing ut fi ai eïzion ti, ast U1 Watcima?- amarita of tie case. So,.tiat tIeýdever 'e fie--- Ipukhtipewaar cai of lie defects bu tic magistrafu' ýwarrant ' 1--Ie- B.iav vas' rad 'the, fist'1aMd M. iti >yeu sud 1, kuo butter han acei - pewe ' 'iaiy dl 00 aaeetbcond Une, - tailla a e nt'existee asdtment- ' v i ne c a u p el l e d t a d i c a r g e 8 , m e s a Ld i s . T h eb 'u ù i '>e i '- i d c cint t e . f h e , " fr i 1 Isw l a 7 w - a s l a i wgacable duty. -- vice. ,i1Vite eullii - Mn 'sixioua lu Lie chatuq4a. la' Arnycr ri MaisEite~. , - - Conaritte, of teiiIè4rsrpreç ev -hr '1leeare adongt,our C'ê6.tômpo?ýau.cs,, pregres, -and askodlevc a:i, ia tii.o5ad1 iauaaIipicp, fi Iotirt>'niâIl bn tuis aouty ear t se n ieaantd en'.lte nezt m.eeting of lie Cu- w ib'i lbulidie, -ithe t3Vatchmanut> c e- viotîs that tic>' neer (ail te retail, at sa. On motion cf1r. thésç, ieCatncéi nver CO nid precüriaiid.ve have boti lie coud iaand, ever>' -drty littléj -- 1 satfctimonte ao , Ja enattheat produc d lu Le lYitby "W ate4 1 ,ag onara-th' - PeTerWtch fiacting cal tii&Journal sud, ît rpito.o~ vonrkinlfor a 9ri ftieVanxt aic ItLis af nu avail tbat tLiaayLiaoîote stato. Whlgby sudi Eat wVlthby gnicllafor., taenia ai Lhe "IVstMaacn" Lube untrne; rai 8 odia. elive u Lita l0e1,1vi 6 tiiau nsd censure thoseDmsgi, statements Ita 110 rii6r s - fae, andr.x PTMnst tOnotice, A-geuor41 meeting cfEvrcrlkkfiy proe teit-contempt oallie 1"Wae4smmq" Lie mimbers ai tii above ,societbes vas eW l lîgnBq andl ils truce ;-.tbîir mnaso cuviaus diapo. Jed ah Davî's boLet, Brpoklin,, en Wed. Ed4iàtoràu1PéojreWýr cf tihe ititi gels lte bitter of thioir. Irrti and esêy, the- l3tl i lt.e,to,1e Lto cocnairt. Wll> ~ae toncat>', sud tue>' Wil - backbite, anad au- iraîlcu the union cf:-tiisiduccimties.- Csot]aOru, ýutuite titraugha i teirjealcua>' of amti- Ts meig o oihd ecoe, sdJonxia itb , b 8 r ufc's< icOhav Jia S.o br~ Sproavie Esq., nesiCi s-pOeill>'onsPltuousilu Iisrnaspeat. No E- - , - idntcf the Wh'tb S.1.CociItaANB, Esq,: c Met ktovz bettgi tItan teedilor aifLiait Society', aalled ta Lite hci, and gîc. Bob -Batiter, -ipe;r 11tV fia.ie ara the atetetus cf Lhe ua4, Esq., niquestcd tesAt masSecaîlar>,ycu'viihiki dahe Site wetier p Vrtchnait îegîîrding liais Jouranal; snd avion titi follQvWing nesetutionsvire adoFI. thora lea sWordoai ratiatic testitteuaents iet ta serve the b atie purposa te îvhbcll ave - d. cf te 11witcalat" regardia.g Lavanotes aLve botono aihaded, lie nocyer misses9 an MQved b>' John Sueor, uecondîd b>' Tica. wibch iL la alleged vie placcditai yonr pkortuitnfy of pcllulisg iiacomua » ' yPiîtaaniauda toi' collection agitiast -pnodiscing thc lU(t,-anthLe ubtnders "Tiat lu Lie opinion af tLus meeting a W 1 IIUN, t itci ~pîr uau oau otîaant> u nion cf tic Wîlitby, and Esut Whil.by. -rc le is Ver>' careful tact tao opy tisa deuais. Agricultural Soaloîles, on'a fair and equi. 7b te Edilo,. of 11iti WI&iîibi, (Jroticle. n ýcii'e is igvu liiireadars lte other table basis, voîuintbe-conduaive t te ie vi. hUe of ie crase. Even>' paper in tic Counu. are of îoîî scaieties, aud ta tie agricaltu. DEAn Sîta-l am' b 0rcabpt i'trs ai r (the Viujrna, tcluded,) avails 11801f rai intoresîs cf hoti lcwnsbips."...-Carri. to.da>', r'Pecling astsîsietjthba S r tae reportA, atnd te ei, of Lièfte edCa',ai. ----" 'tcaicbt" onccrtaimg certan notes hi -having, heequ placed in e me banda it>l yonr le, asiielit e go te some axpenso e tlire. Movid b>' D.,Hollida>', aeaonded b>' W. lt arnrfor Protast. The statemînt at' ire; %va have mcverii' tt-ited ta oblige Yaung, -the- a'îchntauî vIws taeit-st f over in r cn/rt-e- feqaent>' t icaneni - Tia Libhard cf any sn8'cb notes, aîîd I [lave no ir cnfr-re- frquotlynt iconeni fi hatthefolloaving ho adloptedads a note~ it tu> n possasaien vith aitiser yonra ice La otirslvcst-atid yctlte meaunesbiais for suai uniant,vis ;-Thaîticheaaid nnto, ,Nr.'Pryor frRî"snie p i tiiplsaYadcî.L asmpe'ilaasi, including 'tie Towncf Wi.thy, on titem. - ,T e rettutrna au recaive. Baut,"I'tero la 4 anud the Village cf Oisaivat, hi dividîd loto Your'a trul>',T ky cf rý-ckoauinz."1 fr. lli'ckstepp, for- cigitl sections, four an îaci idî,as follavas, S. H. COCHIRANE. t ulny e-itoand preprictor cf te Ontiarlo tiat "la lu uap-lst. Tii broken front Wbitb>', Fil>. 2o, 1801, b8Cl'C6P, Mi'. ilit, cf te Poat, liii'. Me. and fin: coaciuionsy 2ud- -9-sacond anor lia oili the )mlnvill- Star, it. $ tliitrd concessionls- 4h fidTiice üs 'atze, of tL,- ,14r e- ad tNwï week are expee&o Lbcaile ta aup.f -41 44nabt ysotie ui yiaLeeii'tîg statidts qtrotu W& aaofinous nta c resc,"vieni - -ta- - 4tei di- es ioqd t- _TW-nýWC ac diupsindraopiedjikoa hot potbaea Buetreaccu l'Umde.roCannid nmul b' w'61rgard ntiad prcta-'iten 89, Wom(. etd',dismvanard u g tacral iluer>. The afficers o1ýb Seaya Tos,1o.Tt'heulTh exn13 rtnitivMOsawa owi 'L 07,Btailasgodalai e 'nmle, héavito ltd u "Tith le nsLtc sc ut> ahal b la Ã"~~ 87, dre ts on., Uniat.aai.2-Iofhur he prn ison, Depnt'w ni u e n, a unddane al ai orshtis of"Wheîby sud Ss ki tin of 45, rnehig to th 5. tuuhe e urcv. so r le Dpt'1aîs Wisitby Uttion-angnicutiarul Sacieîytaanhe that Lil e rlAua n éMetgacftheie ai fiues bing1900,'d Nied i aatehtgeebionlsiewa'tain sowl>,for aloiteel îon tecfu affa rýve ftira1 shah h. - ititon. Rin i i ba,,ttves tatîd ntlaatg i ld able iaIh ield uan âtt iokb,, o c bcntirimat be ata DY towxao. -fMa's'ntcrt 452,- aildfitacl i a Weu- ifeao LItprsne. inl Jatna,l6 oCnieEs JI edt.hod vas found iouting 3,ai' Le Noriarei onars had au ined tartthi n a ire.î Move b> -Jon Sc', ecotict b> Ratva'Uitdnri fot criBrak88 o, eTa. atvonda eti, al utee y.a thfi ing Tîtoa O, rentaonedb 811 1, Elouairdaela, iticovati ta rl ba ied nuhyarmîtheel ut, ua-cuwither. BulhtfnLepeet 'a i d5 at eiat cfGrga Ati*f( ediHavant,13api"e- ed antefi aemarcn i,, back auare. cleIlîs sailtheuniled oety1usd, utbden l 7 det oo ntpaf 4,Ohe ewe hm DtuyW ro enn adeîiu ate uprtisatl Wiesti riandBtknâ 45, a yreigimto2 ns a'ca. e vr>' eov vsco eilgathe Lu t hise fr tuat-a, v i s ah oti a jitt ani.Tiyi f tes i c'srtht ee is Ng B ina i e gia i n> Dvsc o gL nt mtad 0 vn Preaitiot cf ie seeît>' iving Le largsltninncf Jneuah>llanti ivas auuaiset b>' Mtccaos Soumiefr aihenetion ta preie adl iic the fniudi thatdhe iiati guipeotatbleSiaLesbc absee the hSier, dlui sence yRiwywaf oto okSreto- nt cal but eFwotis ril is in ah VcePrsdaîs sdlit ieS riu oÂnruon ata.-r.cl, ilitped taofvî>' Fort Smledabotb, sFan. 15. lie t fulSor hpntoaathensiaide, b acu at futuaiAsalfrednocarivefTo-ahi and uigt. A art>' a iv Ota ud ail uitie sua lces as Lie hourd.u>' icermthe ia ai ront, à oini man24 yars r ag. aDeati i fltlow wsîkoac re1irnnti ieo bie:avig due ear La t i ceacnm dion e ngherol f sjunt>01 euawh h laceiAntijLinatLe auguiThe cipal stapin places. He thee n a- letyuadwuaa liptag.istavirend all u tas'detriuf tCeiSoiet i fe agetnior manomua and tt aiaorurla dButaeier ans aa îrui tehut n nuieeti in memetb>'ie. andarin, ts is>'. dieti lutanth>'. Hage reactvet a aSottlu. asecehetihb>' Sandel heabeBeal, tc foae nidutiFtS mrith. ln "liaofi as$ hepancicf ieguaea qînlytcu INv YTO îou.COF OtT E i DcggaNT hlai an o f ie rt r Go BnatMatEls ni a ne re.ra a ic lte;antion otle so fi'intjaah NGo Siondu>' an tcb'cfln a tev-wyFrtSih Fb 5 lieoprsen eaabe sdonthekWont d, anal ual 1>' br ufid wiiiOinhene t ad d ur rrbevo an'Frarode' acuresind guardîti tie viole ihew'rascfowesl' bte at hide lu ien on, Ntatce hu bain od b>' atpn>' cf mAlParyof'. vlantvas utiinomeaeing liebadaeti.cfti nullalmaie. saed. tlahense ex0c iea xalntang th taic u e reard ta- thet accieodattinens.oglieeproiteoferssut-ernovtautheer- s eCtrla TcAdo tt theAM» Tsting lu ie on lces.anHontraet, on saM ou. gon tiaibare L ti o.erdaw matc bcbel ut nobplae astheboadaby, Le carisec Rvndi enaprecuyor elle. athaids. ho Arkepr am. -As voeriii sen ovai uetotia feorma s.- pig k Rofat, tIs eourate As te rialu cf Lie pagisanhea va taniog Lie i arsa-ilnt dGpa.Ane raiso bigcagt Itwc-n, dviii avitued 10 alystîay, amoi ca art ina ouha- as nt Trofkhaorgtin eginosn . YATCna--oo ieler ci ci tie $50. ofutheivrcilaiGatietneti rtie ndot&r the W. a ntreitdofbthde1Sohietypbcileoustcf Ti.îthe pionNtace ~a slcdy iti ou. c'hepr fiuin let u f Mh nte ar, tact msteru hî lo frhrlr'-ue encmîlt esLie, utetui Pou> Pannit, mfont i for amoyLe lm atliLetintriithonie asizea.A. lu th cast>aausTepeti ta ape. euat' S glati te ftnd 8i01101 and refuge ili> t Ckrosiod ciolice. ita>' abuscd uo, au' the Wîateltrnù&e anel Viidteator noii' do, aiLi cut amy otiter cause titan env> cf aur suc. ceasq. [ti reLus-n tacgava Lheiten aplo>'- maent nlutheir lheur nf noeet, and we itelpttd tlitttaandtd lier Cai'licin lu Lit- nesai- ics Otur cotampor.ies arc ut liberty tc assail us jusi as naucia as the>' plonaseou public greunda; but tlis cul-tirent, Sepa>' sort o a ittaava ohject to. And ave arc fu>' confidcent tirat heirur tmanlyf>' cti Lu do us oers'onai antd pi'ivîitteijiti, aili bc sean througla b>' te public, aud tise iii. caîiseqiucticts fulupon tLisecvea. %ViIiLtao Vindicator, for otnce, publiai tae ampjle detial ai ils atatteaaeta,. under Lite capliaroIi'liaihe ast lyitîghiiAi" ai tie Watcin,,an, cîseavliere Il - Chancir>' Proceaisg. WVUts-av, TuicsunÀy FEB3. 19. lise Sprinig Citancan>' Examinaîlan Taint opetiedtot-day sitortly afLar 12 o'clock. 'lTaefoîiowaing caRss ent, ls.posed ni. ilamilton V&. Dowc&.-Suit for forat-lo. suri oi Moa'tgaga-. Dacrai protîcuntin e- fering lt tCis a hscr at Wbitby, Lc Laina act-auul cf antoutat due, anti enquina for wbut purpose inontgage givent. R.' J. Wilson, Esq., for pilaintitl, W. Il. Inemayne, Esun,-fan Difeaadmnt. 1 Ct-asie,- a-. Dô7liy. -Sauit fur spacefia pet-. frmanceofai paroI ageemetnt, for sala of lantis. Sevesal wittacsia eî-oe ixaninît. Jutigmînt nlfîrrîl.- R. J. Wilson for piaintiti, W. Il. 'lre. tacyne, ant iBlingit & Ilurti for daimn. Powson ve, -1,ito4et. --Suit for dowr out of an eqtîitablu estate, Judgmient roservod. W. IL. Tramayne for plalntiil; jIW. Wilison for Defendant Gra7tam vf,. Gra1am.-..Suit for Pirtition a01100 acres of land il, Regcb, decree by consent, directing a relcame by the plasntiff ta the defendant of bis Interest in the land upon paymetît of £25o, each party ta pay their own cgots. Blllings & Ilurd, with W. Il. Tremayne for plalntiaf, J. Edward Blake, with R. J. Wiltion for defendant. Leaak va, Sorowlc...Sult farpaysnont of an unregiistered rnortgage, with an aver- ment of notice to thbedetendant, denied by thie latter, Postponed until Tbusday'next,i when the wltegsaet b xmndI Toronto. tnasarteb xmndl S. B. Fairbanks with Edward Fitzgerald .for plaintiff, W. il, Billlngs, wlth Edward Blake for-dofeodant, The above primants a very &aIr dooket, considering the vît7 reont appointment of aur town uns a place for holding Chatu.1 cei'> Cir;cUit, We learo from Mr. Dart.1 neil, the Regltrar la Chancer>', that the local business In thia Court lao- ncronslog rapidly, anid we havre-no doubt that the de- centralizatîon cf the bualgies. WUI tond much t4 theconvenlnce futorm, au v.ll as lesaen ermse. r ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ti'e'ltahveeLbiloateVIXfron If, e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'q fieeca~b~jprd Teol diffleul. Tii. ixitenco ,$ftlpeÏÏed's helmotnti edtit ieanou ty ashldbçe $,00 a tide n, tawbi fr i'estrawol b a ccdr~ 'ut 5mmîr os1 *rop tof tetaT cetly d- #ônditipoaMenes, efsimle; -Trezrace- Va a Hugdesirn, hatheLie tin, Th xoteoftuais e I4..re arntdo ta soubo oc $2000a b I ~ ~ ~ ' Foeei ob whnatae "idmnîef i cusetrbfi ouer ord yana d i I hyas 'fChmers poples lonscrits. mIe Port ugues4law Loof BaBaatig Clubsth te chir. -card counternaait ilone, iich lie>'said ýved -, Mr.-,Cambers la ta hobcallawed $500, we ~ foutîdi he IdîtsAI t aid~~g wasiingd, and whiici for bis expenues in coming, vc L a i ho, having sein similar aties iu the Enst moat cetainth tat, witin a feîvdays, the udies, conjetured Ia bu rougît diamands. rîprîsentatives 'cf the minn'l aigu thé arr, lie braught>a quantit ' ta Lisban, wlaere, tidlese and the mono>' viilbo depOîaited Lu i isuspicLons wo!ti confirmednd publiea Litthefianù of Ue 8taakeholder. 1Mr. Chnt. tintion was-ath îea diwp fa the rich dis. bers will arrliv.. ,in Noiv York,> with ie caver>. Tîe-Enropeaija deniers who md tiî,Hrr asc late la F'ebrUà-y hutirtoohhinc thir tors fott Iolaand bis traiing' aili begina immediaely. fîaring tint theY 'would -bc depreciated Ln value, spread 'tie rýpaxt tint thae]3razilian »lmasuliar Strength. diamond-a idbeau aurreptitiausly sent frotu Oaa, ta, South Amorica;, but the Portu TW3 musctalar slrength cf the human ho. 1gurso sean demotiaîrated ibheir autlîcuîiy, dy la avouderful. eA Turkiah poiter wiii, and turnud -tii tables. apon the marchants, trot a rapid pace with, a wei;;bt cf six hu. b>' aclunli>' setîdingý thacm tao Ga, aind soit- dred paundj. Mile, in elehrated atilete imtg thetu in mîdia as nativle produce. The cf Cretona, bunItai>', accustomed iimself te discover>' once made, tic saurcacsf auppi>' aarry tho greateal burdaus, -and hecame b>' were aooa found, and warlied extensively, degrees a montrin,'l atran,,th. It la said and proved ver>' productive. The atones tiut ho cari id ou bis aboulders an, ax fomgr abound Marc or leisoau tic great narti years aid, atnd weigbing uipwarnla of 'ane qnd sauth rangea af tha ceuntry' betîveeti 13 îtouîand pautidi, and afleravards kilied hlm atnd 218 southa latitude;, but tie principal aith one blowofaius fist. Heo»wa Severn working, sa low ngkowvu as tho diamond times crowned nt thc Pytian gantes, 'a nd ei3trict, and lu whieh the tôwr of Dittmata. six aItich Olymnpiad. Hoe prese.tîe& b ina. tina lies, b ig ih, mountttaus, antd star- self the seveutit titua, but ne eue iad the uce country, situiate onibawea thee beada of eer<ra-e te enteur lite istsagainst bim: Ho tie river Doce, Arasçsuali>, Jequetinhionha, was ane of the disciples cf Pyt[hageras attd tegreut river";a rncso.Ta n t is unucimmom atrength that praaep. ancieut province of,eitbia' bas aise more tar and bis pIupils owed tiroir [ives. Tfie iately bacoma onea*cf thc principal sour. pillar which supported the roafaofthe bause cas, suddenly gava way, ýçt Mua uupparlîd the In 1843 a mulaîle miner; via had ,ene building and gave the philosopher tinte ta Laone iit tic utioaite searc for new escape. Iu id tige ho attempted. te pull vatlt, inthealbcd of a atrern at Sincera, partinîlly ellected bu, but bis atringîh. hcing -rJusrpyqcae whe% tp,bu, itind cfgraduaily ' xausted, the trie wbare aleft ~~ 1u.'xumac,-AfIta f011 bis ltnd pinedl ti ixitgar.iti thi e tévtardsae ruil 'in tbat Co ntry tbàù*old ü' Ur Îîy W ei pICcted fa-pin. -l,i suaily conservetive hoe cf bia Bviev.- The- 2 o gèdpof - HtarM andRoMcàncCela luletent La bu tiote ilgi article of the.-saumber., 21 rnomu ni and its Rival$, 1 w nn'G-aticb aany ofia cf le iumber ,bis aimclnt ivl a b",ia given, rise te muci -dission in 'Eugiand. Thtunmbîreocmminaas a Va' lume. - Price cf osto Rviiv, $3a-year. Priai of four Revievai $ý8. - - 'îfRiaakaocdY aud thei four leVieva, $40. D*Ïiing--AtLapt tu, Escape. ASfan'Fr'ànuiscoccrIespaontotnarratas thOfollovltg conceraing'-lthe dariug ut. tempLýtuf a nnir - 0j f' "penad-o egs tape tram juil:- Some tha-t>' conviais ino r Slate Prison paid, laut veek, e. cost>' tribale te tua-l-. aert>' tint lie>'adore fui' off. 1Seidona bave coovicts essayed te obtain theur free. donnutader mono disparate discauragemants. it valîrcurt vas just pasasitmg ouLvard, Itrougb Lie gala ai tic igi vaillitat sur. rontida Lie yard, wien auddîuiy tiese 30 tadte a disparate rusi for titi open gala. 'laine vire tia-ca guards b>' tie gati, anad 3harle Kimmuard, cf Sutton Caunt>', wio aid jaist ladgîd a primoer anttae ailla., 4aad near, them. Tae convicts divideti île four uquads, atndieai s quad unntchad freemn tL use lu rie fligltt, as a siieid ront the abats cf tie guards att the vaîl. Na ringleader piakati up tise Sîtarifi', and nroaviug hlm aven bis ubouldîr, avare hlm Di a oigr vears a papoase. Tie Sherii', fittding ailis slru.-gles aita, tinul>' tlsnev is-oavta lomk c vii lie The. preteuce liaI the Hon. Mr. camer. On gave hiuaaelf out as a metuber cf the Canadien ILeglalature, when speating aItiih Grand Truak meeting, ia London, La ineor rect.' On the contrai'>, ho expreauily tated he was not a member. The Peterborough& Review reaches us now-Ln an enlarged form, and wiîii a new hîad. The aise cf the paper la the largeat publishud outaide tiie citles, being about une mci longer than thie Clwonicc. Oui' otemporar>' dearves sibeia, aud vo wLslh t te hlm heartily. .large woodsiîd at Niagara Fallsconm tainiug une tbousand corda cf wocd owned b>' the. New York Central Bailroatl, waa dLacvr.4 te b. on Ore about two ocloek ou laut Friday afterooon., The mU,,. reb,âding aud cototuts werp deatroied. The population cf Barrie in 1862,' wu 1,007. Ih ia nov 2,181, s earch n the idingplace of the thieves bas resulted in the discovery f a quantit of silver watches, &o. The jury bave acquitted Mr. ex-Mayar, Langevin and hua ca iambera f the Board of Revisors nt Queece Tii. Be. John. MeLAughlin, f Acton, bu. aepepd the ali forwarded ta hm b>' the, membrs of the Presbyterian Church f Canada, Lin Beaverton. The connusa of Cornwall in 1899. Sim. ce bout a Population f 1861. basa ffe n id tobe raging ln the eouthera prt f Asi",ludreda of deatia ÀA boy nawd Henry Shpprd, wu se. vtrely ,injurd.>' a fali of now rom thé. roof of a house in Ottawa on mouçly. Poota are gaaraly poor; nrhyms ea ake I but itdidbrent bladders te. suppott the . swimmer on thi sa of life.1 is-ca upoandud inatantuy killcd. Tic croavt - ecurtaithie nemainiug paisonars anti matie fer 'sàplaicf exeanlica, but biione curry. ng out 4ieir designa tii anîbos-ities3 inter- fina d an ueth Le paisonens sud ictigit tutm lu Oenovatijai. Tho ixcitetueut continues intense. HORtiRaIEMABBAant5OF EaatnscAaNs8-. horrible Massacre ocurreti fit> miles north of Sait Laie it', at Augut: A Part>' cf emigrants vas-sarpnisot b>' savages, vie shcî a Mn. Stevenson$ fortin>' cf Ratssa, otragot anti kilîtdisuaiie, ýMis Steven- son, a girl cilSt siot Mas. Stevetnson, anti csbcink ap uninfant, cul cff ils arma anti legs witfiu a kaifi, sud lire, htiiIu nl bute.- tho bhas. Scven insigrulg vene kilieti andt av daugenatuy voondeti. Mu. Ste. voîtacu vien discovereniva an.,sd vas at cartou Valle>' aI lui' dates., Thte perpo. -t-alors cf tis horrible Is-agiti>' ere wii meti duagulseil as nTuians. of4piutdere la staled lu bave aniassed i, is tnsur>' 40Ihas weighL ýf diamiou ln a secoud or thirci tinte, )îa'ltt haise a bafli position. ý '- I throatgi. le put bisbanditi o thLe aie, Haubsa- Mqn4iOns, that ho saw a man viose anti- puitedouiot a bantiful af diamauti.- fingers caugit In a,-chaiti - aI lie bottom ai Elatîdti aniri lsiscaver>'liee nrtiianthoe, a mina, b>' laîpitag it 'feneibt>' nI, sup. atnd oli'ui'etheiastones fon sale te setue of porteti', LtImeaas, tie whale veiglît oi the parties aviitvitatu li a bat ben en-ag. iis bort>, aone tuntiratiant i t> ana n ed. As lte diamotnta vin'> ai a ditYranttal holai as druvn np ta lia anaface, a dis. qualit>' anti stapa frett ana>'tIre>' d scent tance cf six hundneti faut.'Augustus lie hefani, te>' txid bina iiI aviutg dis. Elerantit, iing aif Polanrt, cealti a-ciiup a caventd a nov naine, avîiarl for sout ime sulver piate lik. a sheet cf papan, an«i twist ho atraugi>' deted ; but, an bciug tltrontesr gâ hsehe 8ue.Àln ino prison'- 91a lte charge oai steaIiug theis ait ae e .tso:hoe s n fAin diamoudai, h. confissed i ts rilacovat>', adta, eiti an a salid piace of iran. lia most on promise cf meking it ktteavu, as rc- pradigiaus poweir cf muscle is-ixitibitert b> leaseti. Tie bola licbati brokintoepro. tie fai. lie viale mores wiîh sa veloci. ducad aloeLin pouttta aif supcniar atones, t>' througi a dînnseaeiumj cf aaleta ivonutproabbi>-more lieu £100,Ooo lu vaulal carry bima round Lia venld iu lis their rougis ate y anodci ou tieiegiior. titan a forloigit. A savari8ihuba hen hooti biing scarcisath Le produca vas ta knovn ta atrike is vapan lsraugh lie ahuntiant, tint six or cigît maothe alLer- lhiek plank ai a sltip ; a speaimen cf auci varda, front 10,000 ho 16,0001 peoplelitda4 npiank, aili Lie avant aticking initai, mu>' beati co!lecteal ou tîtaspot, nufl iflita lit ba sainnut tic British Museuma. tano yîurs it is suppeseti that uni>'l 600, 000 carats aviertnactet,ta ltae value of about rire iu iluwmttuvihîa î1 precaidtet valua. Titis, circuntstaoae, liavever, cemnbinadti thelie mriait -di- flicuit>' ai extractian, tire utilttiness of tie climate, analthe bigi pnice ai provi. lions, sooa aheakathettiproduction, and nanuguat maLtersaugautelaa marieionm' ltahe. SiIbis Lime anotîter îaasvmiue ina heeti discoveriti, peatuciug gooti stonîs, andtihLe diamomîd-beuning district is so extensive as; La nemcve açia fia'a spied>' exhausîntion. Tic Bonaparte Legltimacy Cae. Froitu Lia lais IMoteuar, Juîn. 9. Severai joannals bave annoutait tIsai lae Ts-ibunaloietîmier Instau'ce aifLte seitta bas undan ceusidenatian a deand ro panititian, in cansequenca cfthe deuti Df Pa-ince Jer-ome, brougit ficrotib>' M. Te-me Boenaparte Paesonantii -hatuur- igainat Pa-ince Napoieon, Li euo irinof lA% fathe' Thliejoua-naIs have ent0ret bnu nçoatplite - antiera-oneous .expianktions on îo aahject. lie fiait ciamben cl,, the Tri. aunal oi Lie Seine h in aclu febfaiiil itah Lppiicatien aituteni le, vhiei aga in rabis te question cf tii vatidi>'ofcthi marage tutracteti Lu Amerlos in Lie yua- 1803 by a-ic Jîoee-mat-age wvi a ron- eti agaitlb>' is molien on thé 3 Ven- usl Au XIIL; suanuullîti b>' twot alcreos rthe Etupenan Napoluon 1., anti ihe il id30Vetee,An XIII., ant la ic ne dboisions cf the Conseil dI. Famille npéoil lof the, 4t Jal>',;1856,and tLie 5h 80j refusiiail etiect docling lial lie' aicu cf tien vas nuil sainvoiti, antý codai tact, oven ander, Lie cinouatances fthe zaa,-psrmiî-li.applica ttotalai e h~eft f A'ts 2)1 ud202 cftii code apiaatna'butiu e tte ullified mat-. a ttre oareallat in tha neav tinie-sto'1 brick block oavned b>' Mr. Win. M'Murtry, adjoiuiîîg t l aI Mtrcaî Bank Building, anti hafora il couiti e haackedthle cntinn block bheamea aunasoairuine. lie pni- mises vine cupieti b>'Win. M'Murtiy's Dry Gooda Store, Mr'. Joim M'Murtry'., Orocîr>', Miss Stouitost'a, Miliner>' anti Fasa> Gooda establiashment, anti Mn. Man. sitali Pontan's Haracas anti Sutidie &hop. HIow CAnnaTs-sAF:CT 'Hortaga-.Ttie carnet la lie mustesteimcti cf ail Mt'safor ils t'eeting qunlities. Wian analyzeiail gives hbut littie more seli malter than au>' cliii' root, 85 pin cent. bcbng vaLt.; bal ils influenceinLutic stomach upon chat' arti- cles cf food, ia moul favoa-abli, - canruaiag le tii Most perfect ailagestian auti assimilation. Tie risoît_ long kuovu ta praciia1 al min> is cxplcined b h>'cemista as resuiîiug fam le- pmea2incaocf a aubstauScalieapectîne witicb Opirates le ceaglulale or gelaibze vugilablo0 solutons, sud tusis fcvurs, di geastion bu 1ail cattie.' Ho-ses aro especial>' bene fltti b>' tie use ut' carras Titi>' haulti bu ual te tem, friuntL' ith olîtien fcOd.-Ane.i caa 8îock Jeugrwt. AD a -A train on- lie Datbuquo anti Paafla Ralroat, la'Bt woik,drave mbýý a iaavyosucrbani whaite running at 80 Miles an haut-, carryingcava>' lie snack, 8tacis i lihýe -in nnés,ànni putîingont lihe fiu'ig. -Tiiepassogers vira liirLy-a12 heurs viticut fodorwvernti. -'LL Psc.e Èia DAOL-J.Wilkes Itcoîi, ftic tragtiiamt,. met aviith an. accident at Gayety',Theatrë, Albany', oatheia 12Lth b>' failing on bis agger anti inloLing sinus. Otftl9r.wound utnaIet-hjg tit asria, batavuin eue anal Ivo inchitst <pt. ILfnt ainiona in churacter, hoý cvir. I an or Je bu ti Pr tat toi ti ai it t et Sarnia- .,..Tursday, i4th Iff Saadi'«ch * *.-...Mondàyý;~t Ciatham..ï.Mondày, 25th London .M fody, 8th Api St. Tiomas ..Thuadayl18 ith"' Godînic ..Tuaday,s-80h U Tonoyve-Tim Hoy. sin Josex B. - -1cý BARTa. ,J. Ifouday .. ..... . th April.,' Th TIi. udsouBay IHanse- l mobti bien parcitased for the',.Cwigrgî Nana forthie-inu' cf £2 00., Tii take poassbcn on the lut of , ay, a taidiatel>' commence their edacatione cations. -- A asa f the name of Join Hal fouad dead abalit a weekasinoe in thei. of avilaihaewas theint oi>occupat, Bridgit MNta4of Peterbo, night cf Satardêy wueký, gave herqe, mach laudattuin t'O scolie it tuat Lt di As tiee vas-ne proëfof 'criminali thi jury did flot commit tie vomat, A matanamed Olman, vas enqga, ,oiii.ng a locomotive wh . le bu motiono Great Western aila>, niar Hauilto Tiansday nigiit. Unfortnnatily he a is fadisg and falling beagath liii was inuhanîl>' killed. - Tie Wfl"- is informid hbag Wha a bt, lir 8,mutear; likea tire, Abaut the aise'cf tie moon at f ceuded viti great-veloct>', almolt pe .lieulal;ly, apparialovin tirtesonth el Aminister vie hadrt nceiveti a numbur cf calta, anal coul a acat>'deiire wich *aus titi buat, aked the advice cf a isitiful clti Afriesu servant, vit ep leî». gc aviere lie mont debblei iii A ag bciàg akedth le usmi ofthin . renIer cf butter.-etampa, napliti tiat il t lie viole iucianhoeent cf huy antl ln usyter>; if tie nacassar>' uiof t i lTao Sublime construa for ns a passage fa-cnithle aunanaus vonîi, in vhiaia lie rie extenion of tic baundalies cif'oiir twiie, punlike, Lie ixtensicacif-he* mudarles af>'oan fai-n, ativea' nasrc's et- b ot e bt The greatest tboughts seem degraded in thleir pasage tbrough li.tle minda. E\ý the Win&s of heaven make but miamttsiê when Wliitling thraugh a Ikey.bole.' To cure the. bite of a rnad dog, wash the wound <ntnediaWrj with Yarm vinegar O« tepidwater; dry ii, sud tin apply a f«U brops of"mriati c lêd, which W111 destol, the long bridge whlch crosses the SSqa&< banna River At Dauphin wev i ow aa latrursday,,nigit. Fjach span cent&WO 250 fiat, naking 1,250 feet of. the bridge whicehu baben destroyn .The lons 10 the Cotmpany is $40,()00. The n., grand opera -bouge abt-Pursail Wtà seait abSout 2000 persaua; tblitgtl frcaà the.hack Of the -box to the proelài tob W>about sixty feet tihe stage, tObu -capable cf holding four huadoed persoisi its width forty.five <octý and lIa depth ouS Sorrowi are the shadwof putjoll. Wieruyer a fire, tisaboita yon viii l ies. AStapid PiýaQe to ihabit.-Tbe SBal> Wtaae 8ayonaugter, endwbat do 700 5t oat of ltimj-Blubber. ~Uaru5. ortl et Doali ladel rilt DO 7 viii yu uatianai *i--ui nal ira, toidtî [alsic v-uastoi, aldest Il vs -the Fe( hans., -hat gai oued lu to dWme a tant à&douis tisys az vine. ed ia - "Wi un ltse canrpc I - ýscapsati Alabana lime, et &0terril suicide. burgiars ual len hem- mad GfI An É. CIii.- ToR Step thei sud consà Honc> avensý, te pars.) ho yaun-hi * ii faunti ing al nr aug smoge viahlng ai tic frictie A fannt( a aiighbc killingsm vietien]1 s site cf Ama &bout to t-' hie g QI pa-fialtin( 6'And in&ui vin ls>'ing resauing1 stii s m iiavy gaIE Caustitutia Province il enumel ai diaianu wit] the ruictiet lasteti aivir -Neapolitanâ tiflemi territ - - eing sa, vithout alse lnztany e, -traffe retors vas expiec ssal>' temd 1- -k- - 1'. 1 1 1 1 1 re 1

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