Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Mar 1861, p. 4

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-11 fi [Pàarns, mAis 4, 113 PIRE mA b ID t,XPBOAR30.D OP Uýû1R M>lnao for 10 cents. mdPa RB - M13X bresifrain Doge firom runnizg IN -aAN 'Ymr, wte&o41142,5 ',Qujfo M.rcls hut. ai large, atid to utlrie th9&e <>H iyot où D, DAI D O , 4i g ng'u l ksk -et thgrtik Powiaa 1100" A SiMMX,±ls4,, 1. 2uIMPMor o izoEiI-WILLIAU RAMSAY. ion. - lVb. -20, Lomluj Sems,4 £onkln. Cnuani1 pn, et onti ENZt. D*W3EEU AU I ou 1 t iaeted b"~lto Vo0 ration or til <se : 1 Trno STELI Àlje ocNmbrsnt10 e.,U DB M1S o te OýbNia L PE lAs.yi.e NcoupAni6 e5ssOaor 04li.La.3yim ecm ooSro in ~ A DL E EIEE V IK S osstyo bu.-ts~s~qeprosas,~s-loae Udsf. s~sêlsit~noiroe 1h.~~~~~~~~ sieLb lsiîd pootewoet.t -I A etsvn d o lee nBuiaonn ANg ynnha lyeiua. r r.erdLoIsePlilswthsth uule ion s aft, s terl nslyscsre tam rnuas i lrg, ndn> fRE DE PA 90h nC b it*OU & o. on n nb ths.MUe opune.'in, ithi. thsin_______________or_______ffct,__ - pblcltiuiluOu te gnlogpractionâlu tgrel- litAUai) L louesublic t)yAse iamth n tiget do- O B'T rC ",N Il - 0FIl.LS F OR1.N G1. 1 dustien or dîseourit, and !wltliout tofre Rq Le(o Andi bu IL stirtler onnotes! f-luittasotortu Dogi Eisjlansd, mronceforet tse1- uo EWg WI lu WIUWléwlssftr cîpathll c01*0 )c Casesfriei* t'k.,à.he leice "agi àts ofaLif_ of uranc ses! l is yIssaî lo > enal1 Thi* largo Capitali and indIions management TIb>' ierdepteie Uaisi dinu Oceub , 1860. Ae 1 sgo ,ls In d e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to d r u ll tc i î.o t s s o up s sy u sn c t s m e p e t ot a eî .th an k a e iir*-sa S es eO n 4 th u M ia itr 8 0 .Ad i , 8 d le P ré n-!f cf d és tA u d n o n h s L ie , on s 2 t b D eo . ta te lali. S eam rer . Su 0oý 3tnsrday trous -og ti iu a18to Anns! b. tuIL furtiser h es l; oisietos!thebLtait I.tthsCosal!s ofYortiseo, adiladufu oery ad velouiitiesW d fo- 188 ru, Poolu auantilullauysourfcarDmeuarrye udd t ocil>uyrhelie ailsd otier own Cars - L IFE DE P AR T MEN!, Onstrio, for tise snaisv favora coufoarecl upois- tow., Meroee, wll oaopte- e auAnies!Prinu uo 1',Ulfr1rmusweepi! ptbet 041,ate.TViosOtii y usrIng put> ou"s, 1agnlucomane bfore yentin Londoen, 0. IV - - Onilîtstrh;1_à . .,ae$ 2, dd svia foan Assurance on sis Lite on 21th: Marul bat tuarcprovIsios et f ssii B>'. Largeut piiîîiciliasifon of P'rofits consistent scî.etg your attiser support sud confideue B> lîsnay*o Ta n -158 o £0, tn Aesuliresum o £ i 9.îl u>'pls n lrsnua f i ts-sr iii'es'ieu.Wltl i ', t1cid rinty, anud aver>' benoît it-n- utise futnure. ï a 1ouTàin o. -ul e h brisce i iii theiiceiý,CO Of Lite AssisreueOnli'orded It wll ever b. my dat>' te mgir firs;otii. - Prm isalTus, rin i Pcln T ise -toitssnragscelu rfeenoo mor parflenerl>' Aidshe il, frtier on-istel Lian tfias' Il>'is by the lna.deoe yen have sic lseerfully eonfidod lntue. ýFýom nTorouto, infs Pir ep t h i.l'prelttor is gsnpay. ifier Mauindisy oi iteliltit liit., sud beoli ef ise ji-st, cî.ho ti ssets roa> pttdeotqsdtesrcetattention BFîis nensgTaS.atnrda.Ou 2nd 8eptembser, 1859, G. 11,ieai!0 laaÈ.aet nAsraoonli taai nil! .iiis ii £200.00 mnsh011 aiete f0 m sn.on, 'fP -M 4lalu1849, for,.. £20 100 nt!, -1il ompnyffritss;- Polisea....i...... I1,4 ][licorne trousait sources lu 1858 ALEX. THOMPSOK, nuctsoneer, B oeinîTrInFrmly al t: Mki ; tie nn p .ý.-1..,... .17 JAMES 110'~;r. £285,889.Haif-,way lion., Scabro' Ng it, fton arrivas of ortlod in.. OuUth Aungut, 1859, L. M., db i, agos 49, havi u adnu suaneci 1u I T a s a s M aa ro r . ti nT a or i F r id a > ' M o r i il a m e d ia r l > ' ln - 1 8 0 , f o r , . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . . ..ý 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 _0 un. o4irxcwàu ....... ...........aireinont. iromt U"bo, OfetMonîrousi-1 - lvii Clark. T.TROX?5.3..... ............lrnglîuan B>' iraa>Evenine. Tresu, Train. -Maklnig the isu psid ....................7 Tise fîsids Inl lion! eo.!su <l i*Wim................ ....rooklin conuat i3e I lmed-- aâny more sncb oxapn.iniglit lio quotes!, but tlie. aboya fmmes' are sufllclent ta ilitnisateLise dii'n5 m ..... ...... jib. "-rcig-bxuïýl it tasd etisflaciory nature fat" m e £700#009 dstila a Whit800.t'it7.SpasiaalTrin rinecfasAsuPne1rov' i *a ivisfruniLihe date os'f the lelle> beîig cf. Exîilbfiaîg an lieraisa'Ili iO yoir aliue of Alilorders' loft it tise CS-oeudOMO e ,wliere lis. heur 'at wlalci thtaseMails wvIiiho closed B>' Order of Lise Directorsi. Alncuc, 8 ,O O -0001r faI als -ucI ng-maue 5ra t eacb City, il! b notifie! b theiti etan.. - - A E. iitan;,Cotistiasg lioe u andane, witisuar1 kopisf, shah bis attessded ta. PrUAesir. tors. JAMES. KSO. A mpleo detaitiscof trio Lempassy's Operaions, ans rang l andsda>'sfixe<l, witiment f-il trouble of SIDNEY SMITH, aae o aaa OFFICE FOIlnforinutSvUEtuFuct oe.nt t Post Oghlao Oepartineut, Psilse lnri O~AFFIER IESE S fgt f JOHN AGNEWYQab >c f, ~ 4 Agent for WIifby. 8-2m 11AU IAGELICE SESAgenst fur Townutc Whltby. (%VAuloit. isi bv, Fel>. 25, 160. ' a oi X k rsS o o a -M N H S E WRII U Ê AT__I or 8 1M NO IE TE WLRot.O J ~ POS OF~I E, W ITBYIIlT % cnmodieli s rt-;iis4is t IUinerai con - . A. OSTMcI'IE WIT- Ti :l9MI esienrca aity Occnpaes! 1,' nl. Jamies A._______________________unaw.ujam ans! 4taasiiag liplçiinîlçt1 Agn.AND <M:Ill>'worT.Thuleis a gaies!gardeat iml' Isbcieshvn pndteSoeltl ice-a iaouta teet r ac oflan. Tge veiîni BITSH RE VIEWSO ar 0u u y lae nagodlél o ACESTER, te op ee heSorine eue RiTiISII e - bueIness',~Apid iiitesallarltesap DRY GOODS, a choice assortment for W'inter. -:0:- ~CHABLESGRFI, Irr-O.'AR COT & C --?.Wor f-u JOHN &RIC -,CLOiHI11NG,-Overcoats, Under-coats, Yests, Pants, a11i E 'W EXVEL E R ~ ing lecdiisg Iritiiah Persoalicais, viz:-,i 47-8m uiuacl<saastll, opposite tse psie.stl. rEl WO NJEWELLERY.Cnserat .)' ubi Lnd.GRO%"CERIES,-A fresh anîd complete assorttnent for familyr \TLSI& AMIIIÂN lEDI%'BULRCWluvicw (Whig.) ()RO KERY,-îrect roîn te manulîcturrte Stoticrd ~aches, erreus !i.ie osan>uîliie of -dDiarctlisofu! fhrce, use D thit theliogu 410igi C OCL EsY, rereEngStafodd Eor-Rings, TUE Nou itil ltiTI&IVIEW (Free Churcb.)a tris»de ut)ubi lainsiratte>'n funl orce, j jhJ>.w, En-land. &c (rossate rowae4»iis, sas! tlit tse liais. are solcs ilq-tcic larf ii iat.bic "»byprc P. . VANKOUGIINMTr,~S er PIatcd Forks, Spooiss, &c., Caution to Trespausers in the Dépaticiat ait Crawn Lansds, L ID FPOVETKN riINE GOLO - Tho prescrnt critical stati f eEuropeann]Public Forosts. Qaiebse etoe 8c-,ito LLKND F RD ETAKEN.OERT affairs wiii reîsdèr f hese publications un- 9AITN&RDRS El4JDDING - IR I N G S. usually interesting dnring Ltse fertlscoissing Wbitby and Manchsester ICTAClEî te SUIT ail SIGIITI ycur. Tise>' ili oeeupy n middle grouns!-d________________ R ~ N~ OI~ K btween th ias 3 lIT iijrinews (X'TXCIs I E A L crutle speculations, 'an! fi.ing rumeours cf OTICE leàlseroby given tfuLaip.cei 01 fl,'T ULTA he deuly Journal, aisd f-le ionderous a 015 ty ti itéber,051Pubcli ad itlaiusthe - o& IX îuumI-GO P 0F Tii hlui~TQUALI'lY, AT bnc of tise futurehistorien, %witten nîter afIei> i ioao IIh uiio sts thse living intereasft ins! oxcitement cf Lb art15, tisey viii loeactbeîr Tituber un! colsf - grein polif-icel aeots etftise ime shah oftéisnnufimetuno; ais!partiles remuer isig or -AI.Sa) ~--~-- hsve passe! away. If la to tsese Penoaumiug tu beceaii'.,,or nessiafias lunreassov- ;riish làSwIss a atches. dlcals, ist reatlisnssmust 'Onk fi ieo!' s4%,tsseretc ieroca Oien._________ for te os ulill t e lsistinentufat Crowu Lands, subjeut itligibiosus! reliable hiseor>'of current tlienl»oives -ote uiasy ut #& pur Trou, vii GIRL'ÂT SAILE Op JAhlrES JOlINSTON, levents, and! as sucs, lis a!dtfionto their eois. -I a n u c t i cso es n h woll-esftalse! literar>', scientille, sud Parsions liciusrigiiais>'OlficaoronAgent o olR PT S O K!ulie, that lis tok is 1 mstcompete and h theeogial carater,%leueqefliuls pontise Deîserfneis t ICrowu lasdx iu tihé disi A K U T S O K > .aat, Wiifls>. 2 Lie censideration cfiLIse reedsng publicc. re fli. u>'i i giig tu n bcr iksiI Tise receipt of xDvANcL siitwrls rom the away, au>' liiuber seize! uudcr Lise Act 12 Vi e. 0 j :R.DANIKS & MACDONELIL 13r1tf-isIa ublis'laers' gives, addif-iouual velue to Caui. u20, are galîts' ai Felaisi>. (iENIiUAÎ,AGEKT~, Lie Relpints, inastsucis as f-le>' cen nov lirtte. eutitiig"Tiuiber cit L'inde Vureliesed iII b.- s, b tens ocsijreteneeof etftlessaenfti t ral to e ,S o u .Mantdes, Fui-s, llosiery and G loves, Pits, Factory Cottons, ilissloli'MerchantS & Autioneers, as scion as tise original edif-loîsa.. s aer » v g ie iubr aeirsT Sf-ipe JirtingYCOttonWrp Carpets, Daanask, &c., Broa! Ciotis, Cnssi- P. . VNEOGuI E-, A- LO GA N'S, mores, Cainudian weeds, Fr IClotb.i, tatinctts, &c., iihieli hc purcbnsed per. ((>ssposrl-'T , Wagill'y , . V.Per afn. Deî.nrtnicsit et Croivu 1itid, , ConimIibiiicr. Fuile's als! esfbl>îtis'sucs, Brook St. WhiLby. sonstlly in tise Brii aud Fsrench M is-kets auts!wliieli lie ii detersiuied f-o soul For ais> one of the four Reviews.. $8 010 Queusce, offisNu oL'uir, 186o>. Apple l'anrse îia at a iaaU adyance on f-be Ste-iigosrFRCS. l udcilp-- lrte~.ib't o attend tamin 01 p tfFor ais>' wo ofCtise four Revieve. 5 £0 (jtifill5J Miisanestast taiget'.cia! attention te bis oxteusiVe stoec of he coiuiitry. - For an>' tlree cff-lie leur- Revieva...-7 00 The Celebrated Gerinan (W Tn tiir olfiti S eics t ogena UA 'kk?1taw..- Tj'irtwu-s.-c- IIflI3ANIZZ, Jr. DI C. àItCDONELL. For ail four oftif-lacIteviews .... 00£0- a. &c., ia tact oerytliîsg .-iii f-Le sf-evilais!11 :' R -A DY-31 '"' ±T5EUUG. LJ f Brifiain EoES.-lge Fur .cwo,.sblaga.îne ...............r OMtIioîssisdl(6etfteLqtinouw nuus stutise Un ligse u Ba..ae aontenis s.-te i adWokna pn v etf-i;Wl W AII, ,%Iltb ,For llackwoscl an! oee Reviow5-. .ff o-V elecy of fuis iis'aILîipîe rein dy, suie 110i- T î..MTS enMoeU0o h rmss--h i n oknnh1 ay 'lsscdoiscll, ]iass.5, laIeor o iiIb.1, Fo Backas'o! an! tw ivews 0 u nfIlvebûtsoced irq, ssswioJi)i~s ~, su: orhlsàksoo-as 1)re 1, e1'. . o~' ilie ttsaed >'cur oclitlise -Iiat six yoans, adcasuapes. Pus ausi guiets aapp'tr for sale, b.! dopended on. 1,000 Meseasd oYs Tot) ais! Body Coati. 1,000 MousI ____________________For iliaekwood ais! theofour Beviess.i0 00 aito, uas!csriîsg frolit-bitee.lirs dile-.y hA ABRAMILOGA'N. quality.iv rQrpxf ie Q VTNTI ire à tel 4v Jll:oney leurrent in f/se State uwi'ird iaucd ecquaulYgnÇeet auîplie! te lsaai i r Iben!t."l JAMES H. GERRIE, DRUG AND BOOK BTORE, WHITBY. 4 ShoriWfs Bale of Lands. Cousty chOssarieo ('N Situruls>, tise Tlsr. A. saWit; a() iciil slsY et' Msrcb, it). 180sfla12 a'u'Isele. ncois, wilt bc s.d.i bvý 1'sssle Asui huM NIs t iss' Olthe lsf-i les'sr iotin- lu Lt Iise là ss i liuss eiii,,f i îguit-, a iinafli ltaitsaiiaLI e ilassusî jsi d!ees!,t aud ttoirtt qt-fhiensiis, seizer! 1V ssiie snder lsaid hy vîstise of'cerstshai.s rite o e i un atiesa vin: lun tIseCourt o ue ieti's Bilcci rIelusaiCarsons, laittiilr vs. Jailisi- Gotliki., Lo(m 40, 41 is>] 42, lisliBroken Frosnt consiI îlots, Tuwiio'llîsoflîatssis, coliiuing JUS acres. Ilas Lie (ainit>' Court. *Jausaes 'sYillute, 1Iissîifi' ve. Johin Greer, De- - teident. Ail fL id a!slfssiu' iglit-t iiale nisaliiinter. ot, in bat prt a'taise SU- iiot 27, IlisthLis , ffi.stecoioas eilo T'avssiipct* wit b>', kîîsw, . apatisJouati llilIiai-oistîtsanSise, a ai s ow JA1u-s- nd 2 lis hlick " a0,"mf ts'l'usTown et of ais acre, itnon ls. tli'iuil, C.10. per C. Nunce, SîeuT.Offce - - ________________________ - _____________________ *-'----------- i POSTAGE. liclseniig, k'eh. 12,1661. JCanadien mauii stbscrihena vii! bc sup. l utc ov-~ sadî- v u î~iie (ne of t. S.Postae. -puîblic, If lîlisk h iglît tai rucriinid vousr WReniittances inuet, ln al cases, bis eeleanatodl Gerina il . Myivitt la girl golft e- ma!u direct to thce I>uldisli, for atfhoue vûey tucaded, hoainsîsels se isat lier nacos'ars' pracei nucommssio eau e ahowcs te îss ainhff'-sfl, buaf îter tflIls-titappilait i'f price n 'o comisson cti b allwed vnor 0ci l iseg utlianisseiaîe relie! t5 a iît listo agents. agolitle siunuiser. Two appîctoIa, repeaseil, LEO'NARI) 'OOTT IL CO. Osires!liser n >zupieî il $csssJ [itt 46W No. ti. Gels! Streef, Noir York MATTIIEW SWALLOW, aJr. - -- - - ~ Pickcning, Jauumr> 17, 1861. Du O l W 1EIANT ST9VES tîou oaaiqe."too - o-- W. TIIOM'StNç. G O TO G. ROBSON'S 1>'e preYd fo ad rî:aiutgscre fértwo (N~z doo te /seT/cg.îryo.~iey tri' yaiuncolobraf-ealcil, sud cui uow compiete - (.Aext oor t theUcaisl-y plce lyJicured."1 ýM8FTGBOS E S u NE D.. sI oo! is b-ficZG menuOs ci EXMIEHi evngte,-YfuonMyl le by." h iics i ST. LAWRENCE FOIZ $28 iIENBY WILLIAMS. THE KING $25 - Ose e h ia Tsdiu Tl-E PPIOTECIIONIST (original) DL'î in Si wirai vrth ol eciabatec Geri olu011desurve., f-a ýckon i sst inros', a he.sgto piîan- $28 TW SIES)kisîs. 1 bave uses! if li flic cure ut cutis, brui-- TEE SLVAN ITCH, ses.,frosf bitc.s,,6.e., esndàl-'.c on flores et long THE YLVA WITH, àtalu!iig: if- lins ptierr alles! tu etlévt c cure." GOLDEN FLEECE, Tu be lias! cfG.A NIS14 VILA3rock Ssi-et, Wlily THEBAN, Ans! et al lice principal plavesa(cfbuiial- Ceebrated ChaUlange Resiter, & tseo.'-sse Iatef Xi, for c s uitsh ill dowvol] te ar e orSae Ive a '. L îC2 o r1 elîevli0 e. N o i cuso V a l u a b le F r n o a e T0OTSNais. 17 & 18 ilu tlseliwiî,slslî(it Wlilt yj .-tIs cri1isrcoaiutilsissg 9) tri3 r,usssd LtheJ latter 107 acre%. situae-c!ii tise touvlisiiju c1i Eaxt ssndWesct Wiiby. Oit fl i c a-ne tarin tisere are 10 ac resmaot woai!s aîsd cii thesoethor TIIEILE 15 A Aacres;fis nIourtrastiîdror flise laul oubof-h fi LIVERY STABLE A'TÂflwvn fiûrsîasl :ad stafa... t-cilfia'.e. au u-olce oun ti;aIs'4 lIssai >.Oufg ora'b- an!, " sans tufr îui'ailegeesuaiof-ai bc snrpaos!c. Terme libaral. A pplvte JAE7M'il 'IEItSON, On tf-le preotaîs or f-o 8, B. FAIRBAN RSa., E...WIL30N, esaq., Whulda Or W. IL. TII EMA yN, Esq., Wlif-b>y. Quebeo Go'vernmentAeny flusinee»S ansî.ee vif-b tise M10 WinUrî and! ether PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. attued!te., Aio Soeetred b>' Lie subseriber. Addrniapropals!. - E. J. CJESLEY Lais ud dGçfet ken, Ncg1Aune Street, quebe, àlrchQsebee. Qube, fsnb 'i, 1kt60u.. Tr .o ns vrflàaiag î eaiu n l fho boit stylo Poit CItItisTIIAS î'BEySENT8, Herseis and Caniage. 'filE At SdI ho order. YAK~E NOTION STRE AGRICULTURAL IMUpLEMIEN-r TOYS 1 TOYSJ1 TOYB J - t - SANTA CLAUS Io OOING1 0 CASES JUST î(LCEIVED. YAN'KEE NOTION B51>11. 'Vla 9a'nuin lu White, o>' likie Collilue, Aftdise - Y4NKEE NO5TION STORIE. ViolIns, Fluvs & Atoordeaui à isese lot Juat Rilbves atiflue 46 - ANKZR NOTION STOR. 0. leageni fer balect paf-frsona's e& lroLis- ens Agnieaitunssl Iiuplelnut fat e ieiaona 1M111, an! 14 propanes! t ecntiv, ail odes-s 46 - GEO. RO SN, e British America Al.eiralice Comspaity, NCOPORTEDulier it Ac fethaie Ilirs ment of UppeICWrcuîj. noIolhsni CAPITAL £100,000. Irataranco teltofs!on Buildings ans! fhein content. EVor>' information anl)pliod on np Mdarine Biska. for Lb. Season ortfonl>ints. T ravlilsg Agosuf, BYrsuoiai L Wib MANUFACTORY, Mary Street, Whitby. I 'OSEI>II F. RAINER, fi fkeo girel a musissre in lu fumiig tie Ipali -at lieoIs Intel>' etnrd f-hase extesivo etîaizi>eo fonîneni oceaspie by Mr. t). FordisCanrisa icturj neAnssoy p sato 1h. hU o r Jus! g a Ilin nsst lu tish ue t Wltl f ls and at isslela .nos oiguged in.-houiaufcture of 1PANOS, with ni uonadmimpnoveinetsc, sans! wîiebli h will sarrinutf-o ceai liaiibrillieuier of toisa, dolihciev aottousel, asdis sîsseniar ina iiluil, tu eUs ini Anserlia. Al liaios- are made b>' hiuaswit l ssi uefus- lic tramses, wusfk oser rtriner, ci'tie besat , éa* sosod tiniber, ciiiatonsalsaofaie ie ic.. J. F. if'g.. I .tg expe.nieie cf stouiri>' 5201 yae hotu ini Auatn a as. s!entsniaan>, as weil 'as isla tihe United states sud i iii, aiatar, enîcilos Isitn Lu) haafwitb acnfidlensce lii, eilat> -oegive Comiplcte saisfacntce 0tise ibtse. I0-Prces wll be tound mucis Low- er lhau se ~~oflmported Instruaments- of oifoniair mnutacture. Six Octave, (sqiure case,)............. 0 ôY% do (roirai!cornser,) ............. 225 7 do do do ............... 0o 7 de (ever-s-tring,) ..... ........ 825 7ý (hscua', (c'a on-sfning doubhle raisn! csrvod legs.> extrae......................45 9'A gsarnite of six >'eanagi veai iitîs cacîs instrumentf. Ail wooa-werk lu the basf- rose ooeu. J1 -F. ]isa. lPieiàoa Ihave tikviis unef pnizon et Lise Previnicial Eýxiiibitionss, uts! hsavei ha-eu biglal ei>actuuidi! bv f-Vie Jsdgass. liaceas usai reor tuises'a-ral faiiles ian Viitby, assi cscwliere aLà f-le Couisf>, whom iho hlti is bithe - lsot o uiisî>, asufatuIsie qusilis>'ci' bis'lustra firAil kin!s o!Sfring lnistruments ropsiref Ail Pieun of et iv snnnnftcturo kepf liti Lune fr uase 70cr UR&1lS. l ifenember fliseAddrcs, JOSEPHI F. RAINER, P. S.-Pcrties sîsoul! be caraful unf- te creiit tke statomeuttisofiutcreàleslT'arasnsWhvo anc fgent. fer tpplylisg toreigu Pianos tront hou - ses af-a distance. Support homo inun -'re S XANTED. 1,000 FERKINS 0F GOOD PACKED BIJTTER FOR WUII lTHE IIIJES'r PIICE WILL BE PAID; B C ALL BEFORE PURCÏÏASINii ELSEIVIERE. iLEMEMIBER I. C., PERRY'S BRICKC BUILDINGS, WHITBY. Water 011 and Lampe, Coal Oil uand Lamps, Kerosene 011 and lamps, Burning Pluid & Lamp, Clseaen fissu =se bcal .bouIgisf anyvisore f0 f0 p urch ae. 1 e o e g i d tg T r n Kifchu sd ±'iir Lo amp, lrp snd Chan lIisigingLisspu. Cliurclssuppluedat WJole. sale prise. 1 1' 1 34mE8iH. GERRIE, - Drug andi Baiol store. Wbi b>', Oct. a-.is. 1 -0,444w t- siga ofth, cd pos asai hfLýenar. 4ý sf1-' ndctcftssd aiitpo is, on til grâlssit'de '0il aitti e l,,,s 'lo t 1es.. a1it u 1& efasi o ~ ~ ~~ isaecticîs. Lt lic isflites! 'antis !.uud eef-ha aissi>'visit f-leus ii Limue, hefothe dis§eu ste t-o ln a hIolai. 'AITIFICIALTEETII iirtc! itiGfou, Sil- ver, iletiial'jute-cal'ssp,pultîs o l e»elcalh.s A.T TIIE 1isad>'reccostscijts lanized Isase, aller tIse sis! i ss ost spîf o iitetliaids adopte! Iiy tis e U>ncf.us. ls i'nciaaetof )rx. Calluîs der &Ce!cru sai eanef'nlIv perfumme! ast sac Tea and (Joffee War ehous e ifeet lu thut'sot oslyfthe liatur. m0 otel!t i a ss le. 11, fe dunaili itu tii isateri-iss ec!.ais! tise hi iis>' Lun fle ZAI "II T OF COICS YOUNG HY8UN TE&Yefn. Parsticuiar attenition given Le tue eocreesnd ALSO A LOT 0F regnlaftiu oilidnes'o tetî. Purenatsonild C A T T I E S F R 0 3 1 S T O 2 O Ib s . E A C I t -o tbi ana v r'.p r e s - u > a h a Ail openations a sarauted saeisf-eeory. T1cm, resenushe. Cutsnfa-ion frec. 2 lA A ~ LAGAViRaFFE FRESH GIROUND EVERY MORNING.- A WEEKLY SUPPLY 0F THE riAR FAMED HA~MILTON & ROBERTS, LOCATED AT Conn e Sssessald Mais N IO. 418....ai'avay. Street#s.'C V LA D - N. Y. CITY, t o E G S o s u u n c e to i e nu u a e r u s fr i n d s 'a n d c u to m e n s f- a t h o lu n o v z a ry in g 11C s. ,C o r. s 8 e e n al S p e s si Il ~on bis extensive, business onf ce1 DEuu, Air TROeIT CARRIAGIE MAK1N G 9or. ghd Ccil'A ic. INsisal RACHSChesICAsSis. - ' LOUIS4 ve BpE subscriber requcîts pubic attoe ion o isnw stock olf oupeTiot Stc.Tby neludo Lb. following nsei patLerns: r 711;E KING 0F SOr TH I' RINCE ALBERKT, DAVY CRocHE T, PROTECTJONUT, L GRAND TURK, JOHN BRYAX, 62 Briock StreeL, Wbitby. .12 -' xe z-' Ja ~ g n 21 - »g sM__ t.' PEiNI TISRY .f ! une CLMNE &CR SateasDetite,&c, oo s i e gr aieonLa l Soe DUX.,iSRbET, W I' Y TEETII fille! -ie uso,.t wsri-ect -nîtter, adnoue but tis en a uitiaoatn pprus-cd Tlae lonag expeeiecof Dris. Calieuden k& Ca'anasd tisoir thsairaisagisknowiedgeo os fIa.prnc- ice of Dciatii4try, cssehle ticn to apisreeiutc tise ~aiuanncommoec af-assy fini astiér are ne, Qvacations,., ho. lite Prnmcipaesndboachem off-hie Chla Of Collages isave au exteuiieaqauac aev ---ALL - -- RNCHES, CI1AUSTMLt~ -orders ontrnated t b ar. CARIAGS,-BU GI S EIGRlst, CLTTE RSI &c., INaInufactai4ad us ai 5tho I.owesg romunora:lag Pricei. ALL WORK WARRANTED- L U AB t> and JB ROD UC B T 4.1(ffffI f BE x CH AN at .1LRK T P RICE k& D . FORD'S long xperienco of tirtry enslute Isr .1 1 ss1çoao fts Stateandas!Canadla basg1ivn hL»a~x ence in eVerytbrnnch f the u isiness whih fcw bave been ahi. te arrive ait, an! for'beauty fet d e le aece ot finish, durabiUityt --THE NEW ESTABLISHMENT NEAR THE B.A-lK. Whifh'y, Sept. 4, Iseo. a drul Upou he jl ntein, draving.* thonsin~ititof fletisna tlirouigil afew fiulmhedolit al mIiIttiiy gr e. jt IiWn3le eennrpielu ci f., ea5ngetu snntal dera, Ig- meut, çtvt5Io p 3p evlo>pmn,st ois NYAtIOdIitudiÇ~frtmînhrring, ocZt, u 2« utrr1r.kd ~ Bbdy and mind pro- di- ~ d ocmun tio kn&8,n traofï-viî;r Ioe tob.dccdo t *death itoimc1. Dr. Ainos & Sou takg,_pleaswfe iîhrsnotieî th±~y inveiveuted a inuI f . mtii itbrmene for the<..éofdthoîatm in-ea 1 bas boen sàubjete4 tu Stnçt 4btc uà e- pbIyâiei.u,' ilu Ludou, Jaj,1J1dmj,> cow York; -if luis ben declared ftb. neefl i ruuut~ IelnVeufed for 'the cure o rSo4ua eke, oruny dImit a fLis youth.- lrie 'Iqt y uoi lai 0 Dr. Qu4s Y nmnl or exprcsh. Sin ordéérto satiod, the not4 kotic ' 91 9Lo-tis urtsof thim iustrmdùeut Pledgs lîeuoveah ut lu iy iDmaS e,rh.re IL myprove utalnutis' corv aftera fair trial tbh wono>'will boref'unde yrtr finstruuuoin u good order. ' ne OOL<Ta yIALD f Pernun rue ., Àigf ieWrld nn>' biC,. GILLrEuSPIr.Masos & Sou, ero 47 YILANCLS KELLER, heifsSale of Landg. Counts' et Oiatssc 1 N Safsulrs!av-, t 1881 ntiii eive t'eIma ias > i, A -assît itero 'Ii of Is lth' L i li Cotit aaîsevnil.Pess<.ss mu'thesndersneutionaod isnds, ais!dteisegtstiacreon, seize!]»' use un- der Àsas! b>' virtue etconssluWnita eFieni Faes u aise direcfcd, viz.: lI f igc CUant>' Ceunt. - stejîlson Gruise, plaint 11f, t'a tsoWiby* Sftatu 31111 Company, dteudatet 1a tise Curt cf Qeay lses John ansslal Ita lati Iit;ff. vs. tise Wi Steasu Mii Comspany, dèfotadante. hib lu the court ou Queos'sBunoh. Cenîosi Lide aud Jo!'î sus ~Penn>- plain.i f-lit, . fLi-tuiiidtbi'steauin 1011 C(.Uînpa'sYde- In f-le Conut>- court. Canitoîs Lyndu aed s! Hinupo.t, pleinfifi, Va. tic> -Wbly-Sf-a ill1 isiea>,dfu!na IunLIhe Cqurto!CnmeiPe. icecaWooI Brous-si IllnsPtusCa- fois Lysude, piuitif[6 if. l 1 1's Mili Comny>, dtdas;t fle1isf~S AIl and! singula,- tisak certainî p.mnesion tract ?r lais!, atid irsati»s situ .te,,1> ing and tcoing iif-lac To e t WIiif-b" usthe (iOUuf- o -- salaI ~ Twu oVWIîLyc lus tisetoutetsiuuPas Robsert jaas0 slits; e ni iys. -AdniUiafr..str l&UifserJ Amuei Je, lt eutslasud %îi-oa nroro Lýot uaiher Six, lu tiseTirs- oneat îu of bosssp or ltachl ise ti.(Dnty et Onfarlo.- Sherif'. OllIce iru, c.O i, lorC Î. 1 'is. w'ity JanU. 2 M. Souse and ]Lot for sale.- -or price ais!ten5A api>te FRESLI RYÀH lYir ynwhinda a sss isete&sgt--ko A'w, -d ii Ws i l'ontiloi EAST IV ir J'llEebo IrrUJ tcosiC. JUFFPKN feus! files laj L5asisawh. Ai B F. JEWF tabtls Ge ls e'$ Ja cil. MiAiu U b>'. jLjERCIIA: Brocln streot, W fuis, Tuwassaiiip taie.- A-TTIUNÇDEFD .1AUl ondes-eý unesiguuse, s fwle Wliihy -c 8=eLftteri, tel an-ngi ou e uskeon in Court of Cinoe te cendsi0t as pripn1 » cane w -whitby. F LO>NDON, 7. lINE- &0, W-- t. 1- I.. o i. B TI Ni El OPE ,Eng, it th B. s r. Burt siwa. c,"'"ik n 1 if c-1 1 Call and exfflincl Ili; clucx OlTeasy l5ugarse and TObaccOs, &0., just recoived 17ritrPT)v 1 1 'ýL te lm

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