f 1: , . - "410 Wmut W -îPWýd a" ý*1! Thay vo.b;d alae beg. týà ll the atténtio MY POrtWIl of the 4efendive force fmo, -ýv"h_ to the provincial pento L . lary of fiepropei aùtborities te th' contrary, thère are ind, ýgtvn-_. On the îifi in ibis è d e CM of oui. Ica, CheýaD tsons wbich may require it te bc cceed nigbt of the 1 RIT,ýe 4Q%ý,wh1Ch ôýeitirrèd In tho'iJail,' cd Oth instant, au ed immëdi4tely. in removin- Ire. iibd, ta press upon théth ýeýoiwit bis manaclas front one foot Oi ýWîing Into éonsid ' ati6o the "'in-ftff editoral articler" or es 1 the car à bligliment 4st dý4#ntch ,d of 11, Rouse of Refuge, or of maki o trio very ýo;t,4 ing a ine filAý t. x tw 1tQ, f0ý> such, Po ý y of -U 4L ty 8 r bther sustable provision r;o Âg OnM mbry & if gall6n,2rà '-V "LAGE'OFBROok as hýWoT a pane jà bjê1à ýjt ýeà j -n't o1 ouý ceuli. In oc vil L FOR -IN for badhot properlybe edinitte>Z1 i PO ato thë Lasse. trylë intestine trêâ.,les. l'lit- J one of the enl of£ Davis ployers at'the-âpot who car, BES-T, KER0&'E4Eý'11;2&,ý tic À8ýiùm; -'ýà Iîà 6ught, nOt W be confineil Coidederucy huit iesolved some te wagoOlfrctlsivc utared'him ailier an exciting chue of Le, tu.--, lot et thc-Unicdfftà t«iý war on the Governnj*ý t 'ck; lý4u"ý ýiîî iIý Geîveà 4, A-tu Ù#CAN and wili auault or open 4re on Tort P- - a mile, or more along the Hue. cd. go. W. po RpM.ý,. ý il > "" "ic en& tpý-,4 turit6li Cd te., ortp necFh ilo been ri iît Ktô and w à en 'eq $10 2ild ti.'Bid th p a -ri mà y èU a aliy il cm ý tý : >11, ý P "«ýý U ,ý 1 ;! ý STATIONERY OV XLL KiNýns. b,ýgtýitaltion'tù,,r getiérh, piir $10 2 d )re Whitby, AM S 1861. beau carried b Draught , n auault or is sopreigud t>t it mu:îtupecý. UcGegGon pUXDIE-à t the re s-i- eý th $4; beait brovil 'narc (drý ught,) $4,2tid ily f4afrander. WiLhIn Ut rar. dance of tte brides ÃŽitliée at ýýlvhïtb'y4 ýî' $3teril $2; béat biood illare for gotiorui pur- the, 6Qîlýý0 (if the iiîurký»tâ ivill fie :ýVhItby, April loth, 1861. $4, 12iid e3, Crit e-,); liclit, Ãbat in eotmquenco ofillo ré mýaýki t tlle Qiti, tilt, by-tbéýRevcti, Jrýé. pwtlaâd > ito;ýfd# pliddlé,,Dr two yeur nid 1)ýaltntelring down'ille duft.-n and ilà ù4hieýi nousz Ax-ly L--ýT-, LïAtt IN,- $2. jý ibiý où'the'Beneh én se yeur 0 es t j C*rtbig, n by ftit tord 4, B.AtË 1 Wý d 01 ; boottwo in-, th At', _ÃŽcan U ion Me. Walter HcGregor, te Mise. llarriet ril flur, -1 0 0 dufonders of the turi là ý.besttWO30arollil Le. a yesterolay, they T, ý, b64 e ià I)rmii, ), 4,,ý 0. Ruhdle; -ail ÃK Alicd 4aughtér c£ Mr.ý W glit Iii)rmQm,,u Sud *6j- 4mt _Àeem'ittbeir ânty te mait: TIIE XT OF TIIIAL èOÙÉ", î , wéiL the followint uClied IJXB.RlB b'ualo"«' tien. It appédil frorn the growded The New Yoik 11eraidýs. "ai. $6> 2nd $4 be î il bull -of the Luisatio Àsylùdiî -tbat lunaties ý., ÈliANDÉIt-ýfcBRIE.X-On the 27th 4titç" *' Bï the ttleirr.,ipfiic despatches frotu dwt-llil)g, 26 fect by 40 togother with bal 2ý gril -si bý,te, ind persona of unsound mind ffiay have îo WiimhitigtqÃŽni uiÃcf 1-py i- ' inst, ut Columbus Cliurch, by iýheRev. 01 TH4;ujuler# ntelligence froin ail a!) lier iý"Jn; for somo'time confined igi, out. gaol I)OiiitsÃ)f thaï the" IN4vy B. Yinerý, B. A,ý lfr.;J.oÃœn Branâer .ýý'to Thore is, a go!)à Wall of wattr ýoow 0, .2ud 82t,8rd si îZ4t tJ-ýènr" LÉ, 94 In i 'K The ljroK>rty in Wbll'tîitiiikul- 'el hul. 291d7$1 j beist 2 beloie -room can bc niade for themr in the tard ut 11rouklyn, it al)peurs" th t thé Ann ýowribbip of- Whic on Tortiiito and Nveljjngton itr6eto;ln tire our- ler, t2y licag! #Iti ad policy of 1 ni. igliiiie Villa ýo,ûf U,.#cbildjzë eoùhty or Outitrio lioreu rako 62 %ivl 85 Akylum. That the recent case of suicide tstel-ly "lý"et'vlty,' of %vhich b>% Forfùrlher "%;p Ileyetofore wu have- liad du inuLch experiuneur oHà te izes ils thuir elliase 1 à Ili either of trio »ocietie% ,)articiilitr#4 onquirc (if tire babiseribur. (If by %tommitted, by the, imbecile nian Patrick lias given plucu to iinusiiul bustle and ex, - - -pilid.) = .. trie union Agrictiltural soeIetý will dqr MoOladd in our gaol; shows the dangèr of citeilleigt nt -cite %ý'Ilitby u2ffl wurrily 111AHICIQte; THOMPSON liner att4lie, y'ar. mzors lui the bands of auch 'Kr- %Var and ý*NTà iy và rý wu Th'ey Woold therefore suggest te the lous naval and iiiiiit:trýý througli tout 01, Co 'RuIci and Regtdatio'ng. ptopér authorietes that-for the future ruzarg the country. (4c-iicit-i4à l Sý;utt is closzed fur , Igi, J011:ý THOMPSON, Airy pereon, brin- u rnainberj can ëi3mpete hourri witil the Gibliet. 'Movellients -of On account of the bad state of the ronde; -bovoprizee otber dangero- denied for ail or uny of th as weapons bc t provided thut auch parties during their confinement in troops, and warships lire ordv"rud. Artill- the market,,hss been thin1ly- -jatteüdedlfor- forzve entey,üver four, by onu inoiriber, 1234 cents a ditionfil he raid. Per otié not ineniber» cry conipanies und corps of uppers and the past :' eetÉ, not',morethan",tiventy,164ýb -a 82 for ne' d tbat the opërttion of abaving toinerg.lc*,Yo, IViÃhîngton for $(kliv York. 4 1héatwoming in'dunür, the-time., - No. or articles tnust bc bon4-» the proporty,üUlie will bu charge them,;: performed by a person emploýed und G'eneral Sunimer suddenly Icaves; for 1 fall tacots a ready sale 0 ut $1 1 Oc to $1 paroufi où eriug tiie.saiiie. Stailions and BuIlà fer that purposo. the saille City, and perh h, uired 0 Th la another circumatance whiâ bas te corninand the troops - iring 'a whici ' are huit rilitaining premlufnr4 will bc roq té fterv aps-for the So 1 ut 12je ; intérior samples are net taken te in tire townships di flic eneuing yeur. No Ilired since their presontment was mde e4 f 1 0 L re 1 19 ship, and are bought ut a low figure by the animal obtainilig tlloIIÃLt prize Ili ith class, M111 oeç contrated there.' Gclicral Seott's private -ilir ye them viz. secretary allie louves upon a recret expe- millers. Springr %virent is in active request boullowed toco7ipote the folluv, Ill* The 3 cal18 for some remarks from -able quantitybçý- entry or exhibition of uny uniulid or artielu doe. 'In the trià t of the prisoner Ilart bis counsel' d'tien. In the Navy Departitient iiutà wr- ut 90a to 93c, a considel Tondété -for Road-Work. net neceâ$à rily elltitle lt te IL preinitrin wherO M-ý,4 %pplied Ifèra lètter said te have been writ- ous ordors aroissued, and ëvry avà titble ing wanted for 'immédiate Ébipmeiit l)y the# 0 la no coinpotitiou; flic J udgeiL in iiiiel, a boule. Tho -Vinnedota lzailroà . 1 - e office of eol;c-are te docide nl)o!i its wortbincsiq. Ail oit- FrENDIPRS will bc recel ved ât tir ýcn by the Post MaPeter of Oshawa, te hils been orderell froin Ilostoyi to the Town Clerk, iiiitil Monday, 22ud A pril tries arc to bc niade witil thù Pbecrutury before Véorge Aëà à teurig 'of Port Perry, which mouthi; of tilo Mississippi: the paîchatir at il,) ololock nourri for placing the trarel- il oiclock on the duy cil the Shoiv. à By the arrival of the Pergia yesterday, -IL tle Nuiiierieul h lutter It ppeared was net produced, the theRolda8atid the Peri-y 'tire directed tu otiloût tacked te every nuimal or article utitured toi the Liverpool markets are quoted quiet and 1."dýtý' ad-waý on 1oek street,. frein Colboriie tickets wil Li. supplied, whieh inuýt lie at- e,-o copusel for the Crown stating that ho bail proceed South, and scaled otderé have been '£entiers to litote price lier rod, for straigliton- e steady, and moncy casier. compete fur prizes. given it idong with-othèr lettera and papers déspatched tothe Pocahoiita8 In New York fleur and wheat are both ing and (liteliiijiz, and relaying the graytI and By order uf,41iu Prcf§jdent ait(I Dimetors, lit this eue to the foremait, of the Grand and Jýo1j)1&în ut Htij)i)ton lio.id3. en the doclite. Sà les yesterday et $1 23c mtoite lit peux, lit en the rond. J. WILLIS, -Jury, and that it bad net belon ieturned. fur Chicago spring. Tenders will bc reccived for tire whoie worlc, or for section .3f blocks formeil by oross strecte &rival of Ille Per@ia. lu Buff4lo'thére aie no sales te report. Tenders te bu addressed te the Chmirlnan ci W114thyi Apiil 8th, 1861. The foreman and the Grand ;Yury beroby iiiittec rstreets and Iiiiprovoinents. unanimouly deny ever baving recé ivôd such In Montréal, No. 1 fleur is selling ut Ce"' Iffouseand Lot for Sale. a letter, whieh they lunderatand is of very Nrw Yoitic, April 9. $5 25e to $5 30c. Some lots have been J. HAM PERRY, The ýoyal mail steaniship Persia arrived sold lower, froin $1 20e te $1 22e could be mitan. IV T OIUZY large bi-idk' Potitiop ' g to 1 littie imports non . wevetthélets fley cannut W Il 18 hure this itiornitiP,. Silo bi ings 115 pass- realized fur U. C. apring for May delivery. t'ý ýA ri Io, 18d. AIMES who rnav il Nt WO ST think of allowing the present opportunity enfers and £57,40 in specic. ffla reelicet, aria in a 4 P tIýMix te the I£glà tlal _h- _t-p il a A dwelling, well floijihLd in every Peus are offering in smali quantifies ut piod blisinelis te pue without clearing tlienuelves from olities uniulprtant. es m ty. Therc lm a quurtùr aura or land aýjprouchijîgBesslon, are *the imputation cost upon thora. The li',nglisli 1litriiiiiiientstood ajjourned 48o to 50c. îLtttwheil, ai %rood fnitnc barn, aria . thililiR t le St;týidi, g' r or, whiel DUNCAN 0. FORBES, for the Easter rëceà g. 08wigo Salt $1 70c. w(311 with puin The Preinimic lion Wl V -à are mýtuiLt4-ti oit et pri etifipus Brocli St., In Ple $outh %ril, iiiiii itiiiiiediate- and ýL;I IletItiollit ivill tl Foreman. Warlike rumors continued- to cireulate Ilay $8 to $10,per ton, ),y OI)pot4ile "The Iluroit Ilotel." TLriiim; ûit-sv. required id bc lii-liliiiiiuiZ- ut Pariii, ilepressing Lire lioiiri;o, which, Plaster $1 ut the wharf. Fur titrilig alla fiirth r ticliglarm il ly tu Grand Jury Room, ANKS Vhitby, April S, 186&1. however, elosed flrtit(,i*,tt 67f 80c. TENDERS FOR PRINM G. & The concentration of Austrian trocips in Verietiii attractud considertible Itttelltiui, SPECIAL NOTICES. Mardi, £fr, 1861. etkFiuit Tices 1 EA>ýLel) Tendent will bc reecived ut trie nf- Pickering Township Conneil. althougli itsserted iiiovetuelits %verc'pui-ely S fice cef the Tovu Cierk iiiitil ';ttturday,) Prit defensive. rýC-TWENTY.0XE TEAILS AGOPP irist., lit 12 nooli for d(iiii.c tire riiit- FOR S A L r4J. April fith, 1861. Cavour reil&ate(l the urgent noccAsity Bijiding allé] Ailiort'li3iiiL, reiliiii-oi for the for declaring Roinc the capital et ItalYt BIr. C. C. lýnLqToL, n clistin4,liislicil (, Corix)ratiwi Ppi'tlà c'.rovu ot' %%'Iiitbý, to à larcli rInIlle, Sabscriberg buitig de irc>iim to r ti The Couneil met agrecable to adjourn. JL fr-)m trio Futindry buâWerts offer fýr e 'r and guitraziteeii)g tu tire Pope liberty and rai ortiée eiiy of N. y. 11, ist, i8w. Foriii« nr 'retteler to bc iwd nt tl-e Bâle Genessee VaU knout. indepedence lit hi-4 spiritrial pover, Voijtud and iiiantifaettireffl a coojii)oiiiiti lifi'iwl, T,,,,, Cloi.k,6 0111ce fruit) 10 a. Ili., tu 1 Il. là ., or EBOAT, an ditilv. It iï reporteil that Garilialdi's fortileil THE WHITBY FOUNDRYS )4inutes -of lut meet1g rond and approv- staff officers .verc orderd te procecd to whieli iis n Ã, Lrt,(;Ct fur cuti,,Iis (;-)Idt4, or JIUSTO-',ý, à 1tuateil in the Town of Whitley, cal)itlil of thu ROCIMSTER9 1 uny broiteli al or luii_-, difflitýIticd; Town Clerk. cP,,ulltý 01 Ontario 'Élio iiiiflorsi!zjiod Is trav Grescin oit the'oth Aprii ' for the I)anibh dallip, cord, or sudde-il challi'u of tri(! wolitlier. ('lerk's Atiy pArson of tnoderate 0 and will Every. leersou Illis ever tukwil Blils- n'il] fin(, t1lid above Nui-t4er> The Reeve rend a cotnminicatioii front coilfercrice Goeui-rinient ' MftIýitig warlik flr.4týratL- opportunity to Il ýmt hi& rucuils in nil or-lers for truit, und cru the Auessor, praying for and extention of preparations foi- ail evuritualities. &Q_ & .. BIr, Minister for Holstein in ý1 t't tll(-' best article over iiiveiitud; and so One of, trie best mettions l'or ri Foui.ar), lit Canaý, Ail ordere s6iit tu Crvc thw, te complote the Amesiment roll. Il rtiffly IijLý it lweoriie, that the tii.ýirk-P!t VALUABLE PROPERTY du or a a flic- Danish câbinet, 'a ail eady ruil or iinitutions, eciiiiitt-ricitm, und «rýe ý1_a Pétition of Samuel Lanken and others, - L1ýe!-poo1 breailsLuff î il uiet find stcady. illost COMIMUMIS, Uilclor tri(! ilà ti.10 of For terni,; and price, enquire ci C. Lyxi)z or -Mr. Creighté Pl-ovisioii4 diiii. lolldi)il (;Oglsoléi Di 9 r).*8. Baleain or TI)um-L'ore, alwayx lie p;99 týc IIML&M POST. LY2\DL & POST. Pétition of Wm. Purke and others, pray, money te b-8 8-4 aceoulit. tP, c Ji for B. i4toll- li-Jeulri, and seu tliat N' biýlliiitU:L-i, 01) the U[L,--§ide ratier Whitb Marcli 27, 1861. Il willl bc I)rotnptl v attalide lng for aidcn the sidë - rond between lotiJ LATEST. eftile bottle. bubscribor IR aiitti'orized te cuspogie-ot -Y à si, in the 7th concession-Mr. invuluable Medicine huit beau T tlie f'ý,Ilowiii,, valtiable fîtrisim. and landx, No, 30 an LON-Di).X. Sunday. now J4(,Ilie 1 %l'clltý -orjiD yvard bet'ùrùýLhù, public, I.-IL)ttfly tire jprol),!rtý, Biloserili. Avitlu- CA M PB E 1 wixtlon. 'Ille ophlione of Turin says, tire -ý4r- alid WiLholit lili) 0;1,djrt 011 t Il(,- part ofthe iii-uF-ri- ii lo*e-trigi tir orlicach coiitillititiLf Thé* petiflon of Elind CFapmati and (Eniari .%iiib;iý:xador to London bas rceuiveii j cuer, its side hils verv extell'ive, alici Id 110et,1011 of whicli ta of, 1 otbers praying tire Couticil tu exiend the notification frý,nj tLe Briti.uit Oi)vei-nment dililly The Joll. J;riuL lit wilici, tire c cared iLtidý 1tttided, beftjgý trie sÃ"iithýitalf of Io ait he bc recicived as iiiinýster of the King 1 ý\ IcI;"illc. 1, -Ad 1 *25 CLINISi criablu.4- ALI, tu ý P. 18, la tire 4th con, 'I'liere-lâ ri izood house M ïJR) licie for oýenin-, the aide linc between lots dit 1 'A itm Leilliii , ll*""ÃŽ. a id lil&rij, &0., trie >Oil lm Oà eùellent quOity, ILL r i No. 8 and 9 in"the Brd concession -Mr. Of Ita'IY. i c. Buffalo, N. Y. n , Id trio iproperty adjoijix tire fluinimhing viii u 0011tge of Veterinary AND XI&NUYÂCMII Xiii, inoveinelits of Alistrilin troof)s irenirer, to iii,çitild (j 2riiiee Albert. Alsoth acres of vulnalbe ue, Buston, U. S., au', continue, atici nrtferm lire givati £,ar Li.. i'. ]anla Wà ritiy r luz;çiw, 1lýQj1o P] liaight moves that the tinte for ail constrilotion of additiotial %vol-k-s to tire y iii(T. , ni, 1 - *i.1 lie 1 týen-i persona baving any obstructions on the ni jotijjeýjjij)n ci poin. 11ý,r maie il air t-egr-octiLi)le dliriim M ON TB S à W Lui 2 zî Z tel, Mllitf», Ãvllei-à 'ltu lowance for rond bg,,twoeil lots lKo. 8 und 9 GOOD Til IN(.'.-TItY IT 1 tlivreosi, bciiw, pitrt of lot No. 20, Ill the Ist con. 1*0rilis et di-,eaeé tu SAWS, 3 j ýn thu OLA con. Oro hi» township, be extelid. -cela -1, - -il -el Of every dût3cription, oit liai orBrock, 'Viiii le tiiu Linly available *uter pri- Lre Rtll»(tef. Mr. 1SAI- liarrisige Ili med %Vit, m sis Tlli' ClLNADIAý; PAf'; DLIITItOVrit. witiiiii tLý i c oiseverlil Milcm. A vulti- KtýV(Ili-ell mile- ed, te the 5th May 1862, for the rérnovai of ter. aille Vil laze. lot in 041awa, situsitea ce tile sonth C4 à will bc able tu L'ive >iLli; t e samo, and that the Cierk do iiotify tire faeti u May noed iie .f1ý '1ýi - 1ý' t',r t lit iiijeiie.iiatu and per- i4ije (if 8trG(,,r, aria oit trie %veýPtt-sIdû of trie CAB overisoer of naid rond bout, of »Lire rejolu- (Fr,)Llt til.- 1).dIV NOUe.) hym'r. It Ivellinirtoi.. Alà îo Vie Canadian Pain Destroyer village lot No. 7, ElILI trie sailli Village of 1. 14 St. Petoi tion-Carried. Z l'lie important ùasc of 613rook vs. Broch' t,)jftittwa, togûther %vith 2 frarne ilwnIl lionsem là r. Wixoon moves that T. P. -White, 1 0 u"(,.,ý I! lictitilitti At il,, l'le, il ris %-, aria - pnin fil trie tliereoli, situated nir trio cortier of " ýC t and Eriployment Wanted. jumt df-(.-idý!d in die flouse of Lurds, illus- r1a(k itild iiiiieeijit lttroet. Algo Villiige' L), north FILES, FI Nelson Chapmau and the moyer be a coin» trati-m the eruelty and injustice of the exiià iAr P'f' Bqjjil mtrm-t ofillitlAilt, with l'raille z triait Prf"orlt.,el w1drt,.sý, iliffl Ttrth dl Song,.B,-ea, -VILe Canadian Pctin Deitroyer 'Pr table itrid so lilionse thericiiii, t(iriierIN, lit mittee to examine the bridge on the llroelc' tifix prohibitation a-ainst marriage with a relieves l'idil ri iù Jwiýeonlo, and ai of A ýje') r' i llldustriý,lim hil bit' trie ficit(i and Sick licaduche. poils Trie 411;ove U(:Uutslitb Wull* rond, known un MitcheWs bridge, foi- tire deceuzed wife's sioter, Tbis ca,,u-an ap 77te Canadian Paîn Deotroyer propvrry will lit- cri" ut' and 011 eumy walitz; e in j)Ioý,1j)e1l t. Alý(i, evûry description ci purpose of drawiug a plan, fur p-ittilig ni) fic-al rrotn tire Court of tt nit, (il' 1,1%>'Ijiell A. l".. %4,:Iry.elllud gooft as new, a tiew butinents, and tuaking other iieccýotîary or. tir(,- validity of a niarriage solctnnized ctired tillio(isCiti 'lie alict Cruilli'.4 lit t he Stol iiiic,11 l'or ternis lard further particitiurs flpply te th." id uâ.."y .id et Tlie Canadian Pain Degtrmjer S. B. FAIRBANKS, improvementu, and estimating the probable abrojid by Williiiiii Luigh 13ro Ilc %,itl E elirelé çlig"l(ll.a, (*11-)14,-[.Il I)ýscrjtery lit](1 Solieitor, 0shawi. abat of ýthe oump, and report to titis Cour, Armitage, Ille sister oi Ilis firét wif,(,.., illillhy. Bý-W(,Il 14 St. Peter c" l its firet motting-Cat-rit-d. niarriage was celchrated in the Lutljciýuu P"ie 1 Vae Canadian Pain Destroyer 31r. Chapman, tnoves that the Clork be Church of Webedeck, in the I)uchy of Ilo - THE' PI(IICielýfvr- land, lie is hereby authorîâed anà requiredi aild wa. ý.1"1 1 12 191 iiià ë- em .1il atiny iv-anomi-ifi the Tý6'wiL of tVIiitl.y, the right, title, audinterest, In tbts.,unde- tpu et lliQnt»tiler Yiv-' 1,ý u Q , -là 1.1ud, vlz:, Tý t4o gu iri&L, Nobii X trong ait an il i ôil Oel moi or a ai pýCM;i(esigittute. iùd bc- 1 El lie üwjjà liip of Brook, in thlaitanty of 9 crio,> c- 'nt shabauw mor-0 Qr1ý 40: lue. di t, lait Ãtl frout 0 "f oidd19ý-"ôn thewest duqf,;hc,, nit otreut we6t of Cýurlùs Gibbâl r î eu , intactilly i known: ai A»u q. .0 aud Vt Utlitaot*augloofmdd uar-ý Il Ë _ ý ý J# ho îi., a *r c; 41' misera Of dieu parýllGl'wU ýf e linos p ÀaM eou.1, éiLbt r6d.4, thon wester - e [y arail- el.,with la 4ýwù.-1k.e,6f »aldtowijisiiip lve rode, -theu sou t1jerly kiirý1tl witit the aidé ýiné eightr0dý,tJ)eu, tw.3,'ûrl yý»mllü1 witli the xio* Iiiie of»" ,,rç?%Yuà L!p fL-"fjrtnL., to the plum lu file Lot 26 bouth si 0 J2 iracoe 8treet, boing; ýpart iot .14,--ia,ýbth cou. of rimradi. udse,§"dý value> 2241, t part of,.iïo' là . lialf oflot, 14, iý4th wu' of jart lit, above, u&,taà oA--d valau 826o Wre) h tue viutigo of ýBèurcrtun. NELSON G.REYNOLDS îlieriff C.,é. T. or 0. Nome. lheilfrg OMW - W hÃŽtbý, Pol;. 2à , I86il. 7 Rouse-Recper Wantedî 1%'otliiý- without' ineu'i'ub'rüuee, le", 11.111rtllyi plac, and fairýwligea-on ý ;Iilltilià tt, MIL,_ sanRBEJEt, On the Farýquarluw»u Farin Vllitby, 'Marell 13, MER 0 CE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMPLY Quý7 bec, Fe.25, i will ex ho pire on gaturday. . the oth day. 'April, elle t uiztiid-elght huhdred à nd aà z -elle. WU. P,.,, , -LIN Cle.rk Amembly. > oi-TICÉý î0li TIR ISSUE OF JOENSE (BY Ar ÃŽILE POST à ÈE icE, wHiny;l Agent. T 0 Y> -BO 0 Ksý 0 CASES JUST PLCEIVÈD; At the NOTION Sr)RE.ý ümQIwilý*ZD &M'MPIL T 0 %Vuinun ln'Wliite, try Wilkie Collins, At the YAINIÇEE NOTION STORE. to encour. e the cultivation of Green *,* Watchnitin, Vindicator, QI).;e Prepared ouly by lululus ci 180elety 1v Il offer the Lellowiu rver, l'russe ried. of a %vidower with his.deceased wire's sisFer le FOI 1 SVIIFOIW.--:13eit 1 acre ofý STINULATING tir- and calladiail l'ost, give Ont. ilitiereicti. Mr. Chapman moves that the Couneil do t skiera 0 In a foreigri country wherc such iharriaegeâ A. 1. NIATIIEWS, l'il)$, -£1 âs; 211d, £1 ; 8ni, 17s Gd -, 4th 15s - 5th For the Whi' are li-al would bc recognized as valid by Druggipt, Buffalo, N. Y. twills Fart Erie, 121-1 #;(1; Otfi, los; 7th, 79 fid ; sth 58. The j4tit)geribert4 t4ilire plenqi u,* adjourn, and staud adjourned until the Il r acre of Carrotm £1 * 21](1, lýâ; 8rd, 120 English law. l'lie Lord Chancellor, in an te Ce to the Citizenis of clin ulliteil Gth d ý* of May next--Carried. ýd ;r4tlIý los , -501, 5A. 'BemIt quaiter clerc Mats- cýý- ]lave] sibtitisied the Arelley fur elaborate judgnient on the whole case ha3 Relief lai Tens 311nutes. gold. %% uftzel £1, 2nd, 1514 ; 3ir-d' 12s 6j; 4th, decided against the validity of ficelle 10-4 ; 51.11, rite. Bert one acre ot'Corii, £1 . 2xid, 1 !J si abltii tics offer te the Ainerican BRYAX'10 PULMONIC WAVERS 1 111) 0 ;s Z justly scelettrisitelsi and world-j The Amarican Revolution. marriagesci, in this country. It la true, m; Brd, 112à 6d ; 4th, lois; Ith, bs. r-ý à ý-, The Stimalat« C Mdeed, that foreign marriages are in the 2'/tc inosi certain qnd spcidy resnedy et," discelvered L=.c c-D N. B-All Stud Horiqes obti ining preinitlin,; 2 ox are -,0 have ilit leuët, tiva êtop 't r, . 1 fer (tu !f ils, Cliýà t and Èaiigs. (*ougigà , CL- r: il se C--! >' 0 IVAR CONSIT)FRED IMMINENT. main regulated by the lev loci contracluil, coldç. A.çlhnl47,. (oiiçililion. Bron'hitig. Inflie. in Piek-et-ilig tuwil"liilý), ut pruper distances§ frivin 2 r,,n z , - p -Iline enza, Iloariienas. Diffiridi Breathing isach oflier, sYý 5) utiles apart, and t§o advertimed le 0', - e is prýpn red Iv I)r. C. Il. Lk ils E physicici Il of r'ondoil, and 1'4 wi VORT PICXR 4E ATTACKED. the general rule being that a 11marriage "'Ont. er.. ec. in their Iii Is. l'ilose front other towiià hipý, ec M according te the law of the country give tilt- JPOAt iIi hhoiving hortcg, to 0 ont il tlii(!k set of taneciusand ray loxelitry. No Proust- cl Cs rýti.-Citmi wlivil lirmeverm] %vitliaccordiiig te, req , K - --, ' 9 -- 2ý WHISEERS or a N The apecial eôrrespondeut of file New -1where it la celobrated la good everywherc." d- li r- 'ir'*'ý' ilins %viil bc imici til one month alter the Show, %? C> :J > ,,im fait te' a rlipid and livit, cure. during whieli tiiiio isijy persou inuy Jiave tiie le Yoitc Tribune tclcgraphing groin Ilontgom- 13ut Lard Campbell points out tliaT this '11111-1111111 ha- be- 1 Who 1 - -4 i restorled in perfi-t-I hc1îOffh have trwil ollicr fiwalite ils alui 1.11 rriviluge ut' objectitil to issiproper oiitritn, &c. lis troin thrce to Rix wcok%. el cry on the 4th sit.It ci geiieral rule with recard to file fortes of Iliy are vqually a IIen«tiig aile] a cure- r(,-llilllljs for istnsi tomus and Bulb; n-,il I)c < 1 ('111%. one ofthelcilid ils"d b: S 5 si ils Lond; il and Tsuris it is lit ýii "The Goyernment nf the Confuderate inari-iaý,e is litnited ici the, essentials of the ""lg" cl('glxtlr- il', O-ter how loni; Ille diqetLie risny pilid in the Mils lifter the publie Juive obtained el. IL Q -.el have exigied. Or howerver se-vrre il i siay lie, prlvided tileir services. Ail Tinplements te littve bien %z--% Il iiii a beautiftil, eeonoinie Stotes finit doteriiiiiied te occupy Fort (,,outre l"f' Ã)y the lev doi7ticiliî,-" 'l'lie Ils r %liste lefrurtiere of ilie vitui nrirsing in qui tiope- inade ils acting e the townisilip Rince April, 1860, and Pîheni; at vrijateçel- cost. If the Liticoln 4'1 law, or the country ici whieli the parties ai iiilleiji-toi trial. -«ý- one afflicteil shuuld give citera the inalier oitly tu bc the exilibitor. te, à bai Adini - nistration sbou'd attempt te obsruct, "are domieiled lit thetime eftheiuarria,,,,,o, si PnLie ýZpà eiiçà tx.thegp Waferil EPr sept liair. il'applied toi Southern commerce, that Confellenracy -.tlll ! lire goi2uiigirly %viii in drix J)Ayrevove 02 Io etirebu](Iiietpiiiiid cuusutxit;pj seize Northern shlips ici Southern waters and lit whicli flic matrimonial residence the lrl,,st sv%-re oeicrimion il ionris,ýiteA; and tlit-ir regu. M E PLOUGHING DIATCH q-3 >à * î p 0 -. - of' ils(- bidd spdts il fille urowt will. 'Il tilt tintes. in,-refe»t- the " ý@4 nécoi ri -elel -- -cling te) directic carmi thoin with heavy guns, and send thein la coiiternplated." In other words, if the 1 ý eil WILL TAXE PLACE O.NL si Pr towy hair tu iwix and of thec vitice. greillil, i 'il Enci iiiiprce%,illg out as privatecris te prvy on Northern pro. parties aricit legally entitled te contract such collet ennll)oms awl ('10arileqa, fur which "à 2 1211 m 0 te, lits origil;al coloris Icavilig it arerelruktrl)- liste 14 - ri exitessissil V=Cw Friday, 26th of Ajprn, 1861, E. È MZ-'e,, Z e M-i ci, flexible. Tite 18 f a ý'ion in this country, the inarriage is el e mpriei.r. PjclieL-tèf. N. 0 :ýeý perty, afloel, un ID iii, artiele lit every gelitleillauls toi! rfectly valici wlierever it is celebruted. Prive- 25 ce-me loir Wx. On Ille tarin of Ira B. Carpenter, and ceci-pied L; ý 5 r clm 0 .3 0. Nveck's uio thcv %vould net foi IVAR CLOSE AI' ITAND pe Vor elide bv fi. A. flaiitii4ler. and W. Il. Dol- by jos4eph IaNvtoIi, Let Yo. 3, lit the 11-d cuit tiun bc withouCit. But il they are legally dissabied berce, they Whilby. Il. 1). Iletiiiriiigtoii, Uxbridgé, and au ale- ce.-tilon, when the following premiuma will be The Wai;hington correspondent of.(à o dicille lkalere. E Tite sels i.)otcril)erA are the only New York Tribune on the 4th says :- cannot get rid of their disability simply by iLwarded: article lis the United States, te 1 64Events are progresssing rapidly and decis- going through the marriage in a féreign MEN.-First Claitit te, bu parties who hivre millet bc addresited. 0 taken iiielj)iltllls nt tonner Pleughing Matcil(-.» Price orle DI-Illi r a box-for & voly, and the country will soon Icarn thaC country where n-) such disability exist. A TII B GREAT ENGL1811 REýXEDY in the toà -.imllli)-ilit, £1 ; 2nd 145âs; 8rd. IOA; gigts and Dealers; or a -box or thore is a Governinent bore, and thit My marriagre within the degrees prohibited by $18 JANFS CLARK 4th, 5«, Second (!]"si te bu t1sose Wise lievor #OMS (wurritiitod tel J'cive the doigired dijqpà to« otateinents are verifled literally. Engligh law is iiôt legalized by being a have tairen £1 ; 2udl mes ; grils seul; te tuly who desire it, by il o* Celebi-ated Il,'eii-1 w hith y ale Pills, -Kaù los ; 4th, bill, - eS curopiwked, on receipt of prie( Fort,ýpickens will be hold nt every bnzard, lemnizod in Denmark ci Germany, for ex- Bo YS. - 1 Kt, 1.514. 2üd, 120 Gd; ardi ils 3d or aadress land It la by no menus Inprobable that tro,)pm Prepéie-c(l froin a efSii- f. CZarke, M 4th ]()es , 5thl Ëee 9dý 7tli, 7s Gd. ample, wherc the apecial probibation may 1)., Aywlcian, to the Quessîtn. Boys Io bý legs , HORACE Le IîEGý' have been larided thore alrendy. Whatever be unknown. In a word, the forma of a age than 18 yeuric complote. reinforcements May bc necessary te rotait) Any titan engii to a farcntr fer mix inoutlis foreign marriage cannot establieh the Viti JUS ivell linowli !nofiielrie is lin inipositinil, inay J)IoUgll foi- si rii-ciiiitiiii, The Ili ghilig tý1 24 W iiiiam six it will be sontc although the Administra. 0 Il b it tiiîtire lui[ sale reniedy fur leeuloi I)i- bu cul les.9 tissus 1« iiielie.4 in depth. 011 1 dity of a contract prohibited by the Enirlis 1 tien Intends in that, as in al] similar demon- 0 anv caisse what- Ci)-umrTTPE.-Samile] Soinertilidi strationgi te preiterve a peace policy. If law. If the contract is illegal bore, the and Lltjl(,1,4tll a poverlui - , licy James J. -fie ground rettie(!ý t I)Rvidl§Oll, and Alex. mackey. 'm 014malled, it -Iviii rcsist but it will net vol- parriage is voici, iiilierever it may ba- se. colitilit, tiotliîii--, liurtitiltntto(,.aOne.li t litu, Nu ardent tepirits te bc allowed on t 8 herse gi Veil timt Pôlér Nia To Marriell Ladii-s it is pùciiiiitri ilited. Tt John Likdiis, Emq., of the luternutiollul 110- s h m ifffttfii>, nttack. No disguise la affëcted in lemnizod. will, in ci short tintes bring on tiýoe iliolithly tpl, ýl'oronto,. fiffiýrm a preiniurn of £1 for the O)IJpiekering in the con 'regard 10 the sonding of supplies te the period ils-Ith Te larity. bost izroorne(l and hitruesged tentri of ýorà ie@ ut yeoà hdi,-"Intënds TWakin appl Vegsclit ofvrarAnd Fort Pickens. They are Th' l'ille; 40 isil îlierc 1he Plonghing Mat ch atcl Mr John Law, of lourtp 111111ille for prosent and future necestilti(.-a The Hon. Major Yelverton, 11A, has thil directions tif tlie 2nd page are ri-,ellwrlucl, offf-.rÈ4 Illi ýU the i4cuýud bolet iroori-.- ttrio JZ ' Oh L 0" CI fr!IE Atiniini spring Races 0 ý-/Il On . weli observeci. of th li'flitb Jilin 11111 11111 là 1Û)II ', Marion Instructions have cible besen forwardeti, cd and harnet4is d tcaidof horse# at the il ough- -L Turf Club Will sionte, oif over thst y 1 il Il r rofired from the a»rmy. the Major'a naine For fui] particulsirs, get 0 pamphlet, frec, of in 0 l'le 0 cg, ýIIfèi li:ee CQ"rse on erhurietilsy. FridtLy, and Satlir- faccilà ", nah;aIlo whiel, are llitended te kéop the squadrûn the agent. frl ý,,OtPil.ughà le muse bc on the ground ut 9 d4y, flic 23rdi -24th aiti dayK Of May, 1861. ufk huit 14al -ç ildrez of off Pongacola on the aiert and prepare te bas been criwed from the Junior United o'clolek-, a. ni., and Illotighing to commence lit Wbf. SCOTT, liste N. Il, 1 c)qt i oitampe§ enclosied il- 1 owli iiiiip of] ALPL. il ýaf1u ensnre a boitille 10 o'clack. - lait de "éa ý1 - cô-0porate %vith the fort, if a signal sbould Service, and other clubs lit London. He te of 9 PETE R 1 bc given. The comparcles of d is determined te follow up legal proccedin,ý- ., ry. sappers an 8 the bv rcturià mail. For sale Fa- whit»r By oriler of the Président and Directork§, Secretm ,. A. 11ii ail(i if'. Il. Dnel. H. r. IlECTOR BEATON, N 13. Thsi 'Whitliy Courite wiil bc reacly J. Nr. Il A lit IvIlich left liere ý,ebtérday, have a liethrisigton, Uxliridg.,, cite] ail inti.1icine Jeai - tx-cretary. training nildd!e of April. lieglistrar, boutbçlrtldçstiriatiosi DI)dnrcpgoonboad in Ille colelii-ated illarriage caâe. trie. liçhc1iylï4 AprIl Silifls6l. roleterie %vit) uppeurs fil tr,,,,d tiln,,,. igrl. leonsy Deufistf 0 &è., -iloonts over Carlet-oÙ Lyndels Storei DLIýN-DA-S STIZEET, WIIITBY. ETIT filled in the tiin.,ýt pcrjýct um,,ïùéy",, tid noue but the bon and inust approoccf ial iiiied. long ex eriencu of Drs. Callender- &É ind t1mir trýurutiý'il kieuwlutl4re Ot the prac- Deiiti.-4trN-, cimble tliciii to à ppreciate the eilefitig tb bu durived iront a cay0fui pro- jowuf thorir, ;ill-iinpürtiiiit, and beautittil ý the teetIe. L'pari their pmservation -a Ical ofthcalicalth, liniTiiitýby, and comibrt ,k"I rjjelr ol>erutioUI4 in this, i of ýthe profeiziiion cannot Ihil to ýi%,e sac- , ii. Lot tlie afflicted with alist-,ased teeth 0 ieit th(Un ili tiule'- be-rQte the diseaed kotai i ' itina Plate, u)i;o ï-pon th-m celebrate ùnd vulestijizcd buse, af't(-.r',tite Olil 1110.3tS, )rove métho 8; a 0 toit bî : ' jo-opentiiiiiiii of . . ? Curdtorot;ocitri-t*tilly ci-foriuèdniid-isq in t-ilon)tcolves, tIpti, not oul t ë riatur-i ýssioiiin reserve buithý a and où=-: Jie wea r of their a Me 1 -eth, la pr-à - it tho jiaino time tilo. ility Dý tcriA U J, au the hartribicy in ùjé grofeolor, the g ut«tLt4i»"Ci mlar aftention fflven to the. câïï anà L^nl ildrois,» tcedi. Ilaretitwehould aý thits m a vury important duty ýQ thoir erntionti warmnted Antiafgetoy.-T«mp Ae. ("()II8111tution frcé. IVA M-ir TEIZ Eià ýIëI_, ËiOck stý yoti Will.ïz;â U Lrge, amgrWd' atý'oçk Qf Cofféeý, Sugars, eîcéj- 9jýrîm,ý -Vtneà at. soup. and' Ckudlëw.' 4 1 of &C .A do ý,c c Il gwà cxaBjjDýd fien f hèréý '% . d IItýsu4,Aold, "don, 0? l' ifiifd,;ýiw ÃŽÃ, whieu part of tà eý w1uilt, The pa. r wire or Richard r John Bryan, of î4 and the plaintw idith or Richaid- ied n'rýnan of âO s lmo mince decea& tic* livin- near in the yeur 185% To provo thé. wilh Mary Bryfmý smail wu call e4I'ý luit of the Plain. bigan lut menthe- 1 although net r.qý t'II from circQmý j te him et thtf- i Cornwall, whort reasonable doulit fide Mary lIrýaýd n the -èrown of !d from length et ruled thât thie talten posse»joý- inaing cnder hor,, Vii, and reuiding' 54ýe defendantr à , Vhat the lits; net rilli agaînat t to bo ontered idges in terni, nitations appliid ako oiremil te uned his deed by -_ evidence, the oint %vos aise re!-ý by the evidenim tliitt thîs N4rý deed tu in chancery te ý,à hy- There io yyers '[14ing Irm of camerosil, plaintiff i 00 Bo! fer the defen. crn liet for PlaïnW ri, comet 'for, or flerendant. Aetion or eject, kr hy consent. ul for Ipittîntiff. -Action fQ000, Ain- "o Pl zosions jfùr nverted te wm to be given to cord of hii'ac- nit te a nèn. ýiljjjff; J. me. This wu an. le atnount et- laititiff alléged lently obtain. n ihro other djolteror, No bargain, tW Idailt sa a wW ng'lhepilsilv.. 'e omigea te Main, ý cotinsel'. il, of the firta ýunsel for dip g.-lutorpien- atiou, Arbi- for the deci. 8 eue, noted imed in favor 4-s And Hector ý.-Thit wu )n U contrac. 3t. Andrew'd , Wm. Laing,. ngough senu claim'- )n that before being ,,wo for 1 1 of the .,,0 1 clean isoners lery rorL ditions and days aftd: eJ -rent eVer à rüiiïl pgaiQs. ý- deteùdantl* ýt fer hi râ ; il 0 f cameroli aintiff;- John, defendant. ,ý wu an ac-