., uu1tIol . 1t.> iuli gtight, tisa reamît oft p. Mn Iadulted lu incié sa 5,tachoss gives se loi.*- und dsveutatng isaqîsleqs, un- n sittelued, bel setlosse, end- 6 is tihe dire e - >Mo destruclive 11 dsrewiug lsa e fow yoars o01 graea. It de- eplily,'wsstes iigstsîl dersugo. ibopu aoini thf ýe,. soolty, bu. e, ad loavas and i nd pré. b train of'VIl; li0se comt habita QI - te sAtiatfut4 emol.t if bulÊ is ietnueit World ingy ' hi mc Cg a tsrneet dobsil eca for Modlices icen et falussi uranoo VCo. vefos is, oNee N 1702. AT à 0C.# gebat, for canada. eu b>' FîRE andi re-le ters-m, sud co e the tiaBoâraila DWA RD, 11N h. rIi thsu bta BrIlm liai oor to thitEVagy Oae.. TJIS~ATOltNEYS AT LAW, 4tstto C ôuut oünciliOntario.- the OouTt Houso-South Wing. QqplOgEi. DARTNELL, ~ &c. Office ovor G. 0. Gros'a »Y.drsaeY.Sto, Brook Street Whitby. J. Vs AM, _bÀ-#ISTER-AT.LAW. (>FICE-BEOCK0 S. B. FAIRBANKS, 'COLIOIIOÊ __1XTARY PULJIC, &o. &c. 'g, Q1iwa, LU. . N. G. 1HAM,. fl,&toeSTic AND ATT£ORNEY-AT-LAW. LP0fA1o.-oppositç the ltoglistry Offece, Brock stres#, wilthy. es WC ALDWELL BROWN, OEgVEYA CER, COMMISSIONER FORt tatinght ldavit*, Acconattînt, lend DIvi - É OUA Cotrt, Notery Puîblic and General Agent, zb a. Onfilco-ig Street, neariy oppoisite th lbë ic 1ai . lqw-41buinoes ,trusted te his ce e will b. prompjtly sttanded to. 82 OflaJOHN IBILLING89 ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Olsancory, ovno, &c., blain Street G. H. DARTNELL, 1'EIUTY 1UIISTItlt i ASTEIZ1îEXTRA- &Jordlnary, and examiner lnis Chîncery for v h. coeutyofunîaerio, rock-st., Wliith)y. 47 OINMcNAIJ, J.Cornier et Chssîrois and court Streets, (Op)po 'iêh ab stand,) Toronsto. IVLIiIAM TE1PST .s Pa STEET, OBILAWA, CANADAt W. M. TRP»MAY NE AHRISTEII <OUNTY d'JoWN ATr'l'OR uoy, &o., le., lan reusioved tue isa ouisx c'ver Lowes î &i>uweli' store, Meacrl§. MO-1>ir. son Blrick JBiock, iirocl-St. Whitby, Aug. 9, 186o. 40 AMOS W. CRON, AIOlilTECT, CIVIL ENUINEII.AND Xebte Agont Whili1 99 DARINETT, &Ce. ~ANUYAC'.UitHit AND> DEALER% IN CIgarm, aud toit f oiaccos; ilse'W hisp%, JolinS treet, i'ort Hope. RIGl eýst-hafite tiaNorth.iliaif ef FEA(EBAE & Ni),IOG ROUSE, Fo etou.' nquirae, fthétlzà »Idsorbar. AUCTINE ERB. w 1L behapy to attend al) salas thsatlise u'4,7 avore-wsth, andi fromsspet cx- ettendad et short notice. andi ou reasonebie tersas- Wlstby, Aug. 8,18. .4- QYTESTEriRS j~YSTER8 o fpsor qualIt>',reoelved fresis 'J ven>' diys>,ansi orale by tise au et tDiBRAN'es ILILIxaRDSALOONq, ]3ItOCx STitEET, W]iT]3Y. Tn>' thean, ansi got au anticle verth.tnylng. 5 'G. A. CARSON, M. D, T hîitouIîr tIse solliitifli t i s iserous ~Lfiende lsae returnesi te Wbltby ta resuîue tise preoticol of niediciase. île le e gradlae of loti modical scisoohu,,viii irsistil disaîeitelui tise sauetbecicutifle ainier and _ptors-mail operitions oni thes Eyeandulkuir. Ticaesîctcees Illichi Dr. Cas-son musd whtiu viseus îrevlons]ly raaiding lus Witty Ile tIse hast- econîtnunda- liou ho Cals grIve. Ls nssny cacaslue varrants a cura on Do piuy. OFFICE.z-Op1uosite cripterûa. Motel, Office Ilione frosu 9 s. ni., tilI 4 p. an. Wflsen net lu tha offiece11hie say bhoandoituste tis I. Wiitby, jeu. 23, 1861. 2-sns Protecti os agaiset Lois and Damage by Fis-a. mrIiîUNDEIGNED TAICES OCCASION Lto rturnisMs pIncera ths.nkseobiQptuon, and the travelling public, for tihe llbesel parron- ega oxteiidod ta lm hniicoh.o omsueseâd busintoss et Brookilu. -lu d,)4g Boi1w assures lits inany frianids-tisat no e ffort wil bu opa7oed on lis* part to koop tup tire cisaretor of the Globe as iserutefurq, l'orasnest amongxt tihe isoteis in thisi part of tise ConaIry; SudY, tise saine ostier, lo lu ettenudance, ndsiinds liii buminess as usuel. -' Tiseftat trotting pony "Bluok Bird ?l'stands for userois this season et tira atublei. 'orms» to mejure $b, for tisesaison $3, Iingiïe ip *9, C. DÂWES, Brookli.,, May 1840. irdretr COMMÉRCIAL HOTEL, W Oppoulte Hamilton & Robere.-Moe JAMES CRtOOKER, Proprictor. C OMMIICIAL TR1IVELER8 WILL FLND %Jit cosîiicsst ,topinlg et tîsis isotal, i@ t1isey cea cru frornithe Reglntar lBook kcpt t tise bar thse routes talkon lsy-thair prodecess4ors. Tise îîroprletor takeon thîs occassionu to tlsank Mis nussetroils patrofin andi frioîsds for tise ibeasdpatrornge bestowod on lm sisco tise cusssssescessnt of Ilus bumisseas isti.Whitby, Cood Stabiing, and attentive Otiers. Wiitby, May 1880.'Ot HURON BOUSE, PORTsiT W5STY. T lIE tnudoriginas i uistuskaîitise boya Motel, Thc ivsaslie lisa sely fitted inlsou nîssnar for tis a etommedsstioit ut tise public.- Good stabllng, fine roony slscdîs, sud avery et- tesstiî,u 1ssd to sîssîlsansd horse. tî Tise as% wines-. lissors and cigssré;sut tise basr. WILLIAM TIIEW TUE TERRAPXKN. lr IE 1IOORIETiIS 0F TIltS WELL kssowss Ssuiuuujarc iii ocupaioo hav benno reîovtetathrougîiout, andi fittcd is- lisitise Iret, styla. Evory lrocsrable deicicy lris soasoîs. A cigssr divinflttod i p sas- iîariteiy into wlsicls snise but tise best branss are porsittod toenauter 23 CARLMSLE & MecCONIZEY. GrandTrun Rsslway ulé. New Tailoring Establishiment!1 SIMPSON & FERGUSON. ILLY ennaunce tu the lu- ti Whit>y and aurn9unsiing -y hsavo openosi a' )p on Dreck Street, rutînlo Ilotel," vîsone ail ta tisera viil bcSauts vils gpetch. 201h. 1850. 60. by Broery. ýQ DWA. b a e, 'îul phrtseil ta ur,. - - i - . j - - ~ ~q~1 ~ Pr1uit~d ~ TTC~T XT -- 1Vy ,Lv. V. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL £100,00(1 TNhUî<ANCE eflctc-sion iliiidingmaiusi tier Lcostests. Every lustorsssuaticss siaîlplliecl on iîupllctlou to tise ndes-elgaod. JOIIN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Blyroni Street, Wihitby (ScOMIeA id sf Rcua1D pof, e,- V)h.) T .Il UNT-'ISION Fi) IIEcS TO INiuORM 1s18 ficssdsîs901d thsepusIJIl, tlit luee s oy lRsOgo o'isl<s Of the- above hotel, tua bueiscuis cf visicslise viii las fiutusre sCurry osi on Isiie avu usconssî. Goosi Liqusors, IW'niiesassd insdîes, cigaiqs &o. Excellenst stabliig-cý.aroful attenutiosn for man ~~~yt ~ ~ ~ - WI ,Mil ts_16. e-sy > JOSEi'II RUEBOTTIM, oustny, tient tise ROBERT J. WILSON. Wiitby, Jani. i9, 1800. 86 Tailin.s$hop "flAltiISTEit &i &TrOltl4FY AT LAW, UONSAIN OTL I)pposito tise "Or .ISoliolIor six CChances->'diaWliby c.W. UoIONeSTAcONtrustesi (>fle- Wahaee's iîiuck, lrock Street, "'lt>' FOuîT OF-YORK ST., SECOND TIOUSE neatuessud Sesp R. 7 GUN5 11. f lois-n Depost, Union Stations Toronto WibOt 0U EN T IlE COUNTY UAOL~i-Mes2es cc ti: WsluOt "0Bronse treet, Whlitby.ls. W. OSBIORNE, Wht WINDSOR IIOUSIb, WIIITIIY, QL~M. assnvu'sosssîzTou.ONTARIO HOTEL, IT&Mlm if itsasl i n apbusmant ans nliuN osi1.leToisitlictruad. rrIIX iimacihor bage te to orni lis fMnsis u. Ion travellors. (Coud JL and thetavelinug public, tîuha luehs tss- ~~ 5 t1r. 22 enctue abv oil known hoel and sitrusts b>' rfIIE Ssiweih ô wasu toi.,' ipie>, Sel1aadU!4 issi Pout, and Carl. e Wh,tby stecà s psroe on rat )1> lssg anid belssg lu btse tuounty a9 ilth, helng coin- ,*n lis.h leW*"Xl»lhl i o onua plais thqa-of ýaan ieuty-tvo, 1111111-uvn, oanI etWhitiIqos ion Fe. i-east s5ssrt.r of lisI>' et Ontarie. ýYN0)LDS, Mlienil' ,C. O l'en C. ouriie 2 cuise tîsa veki> ion et Vocal ansi Ie Muia coet- 10 CEN'Ts à e ud prenounced u"Oitutn>', tlo IST WORI< 0p ORLD."t 1 a edPl ondF r Ir eand st ydu l -tire faim ila*a ni- Auceorilon, et*., sud Boonud n, et 82.60 b~s 8t., New York >r Sale. ,nsiip aitWhiI - DO0 aens endli 10 iavnshîps oi se a100 sera trsm (I on thse other land aon hotu of et ltivi'ln, llersgo, elueda nu young onih- 0 hc misili. aim'es, Wi ltbyf ,WI 1h>, -'r' tslaproparesi to w MoroPupils et thul - - ANTON MOTEL - M eoeonmodîstiou fur isvelloru. W. CUTIIBERT. Prolrictor. W. IH. IILLINGS. r ARRlITER1 & AT'ÈoRNEY AT LAW, .0 olicter t i uccry, Wlsitluy,C. W.- OIc-Waiiace's Buildinsg, Break-st, Wlithy JOHN McGiLL, ICENSEDAUCTIO)NEltiFOiR CANADA WVatt ollers hii, ervices to thislshi tenta of Osntario îasd 1>irirhîîtin Uîîîît, tg) &et- tend Saules by Auctiosi ll'ousahiold Ftiruitîure, mereisedlze ansd othar eliaouts, et a reousebial coinuimlssOi. 10 Ostîawa, Autral«t 1850 JOIIN NETCALF, cosîprlsiug thea To sssliju lroclu. Ad- ados: Cantiiigtoii. 14 FRANKLIN IIOUSE. L INDsAY, C. W. . )F. EWETT, lRttl'1IETt>l. 'CtMFIJR- 4l 13 tasbleacscoiissssutitulilor l'rssvîllers. Wisitby, Ju. 1117i (4rrnoi?-l, ol tret, W h tby. Pa- Ç IER OF C(btJNTY ANIf) SUi'EIIOli 4,1rta, andi Memeîusrcr to ie (oulisty CouLis- Also tlunand ornîsasunta usllîiter, %W uit A. PRINGLE, MERCHANT TAJLOlI,-IIOCK ýSTIEET, ROBERT IPEARs. 1LERiC AND> TREICVIJIER OF TRE dJ'owzsi§iju) of Uxturi-igi-. Asîircs, Uxlridgc. CHARLES C. KELLERL, A -rOINEY AT LNW, IOLICITOR IN 1.Ciccry, ,,Utlvcys'iiler, &co.sIic-ils 01Ltorla boildusi, over tisee(Jlsrwsictc clisc, Brook streut, Wlithy. >iio eabraîsis iollisse liitisa villageo of Bafivar- ~ ,Towsiill> cf Tisorals, suss Coussty of 0su- sel. 40 CHANCERY. MB. W. Il. BILLINGS ltAVIN(; MAD)E e rraisgiiuscssts witls-% Solilcitor cf tise Court of Chaîury lis Torotstu, le s nopareirs ta cosîduot aitlÃŽuhausdibueiscaoms rcquiriîsg prompt sîsd cerlua ttentiosn lis tiseabove CuOirt. au C. W. OSMITH,_ V~ LONDON, ENGLANI), ARCIITTECT aned Clvii Esgineer, Oelsîwa. eCisirc:Iciu, (020pels, Ilouses, &a., dosllgnud and s;uparin- tondad- eus jreaaoiaitise . u J. RAMER GREENWOOD, ATTORtNEY-AT-I'AW. SOLICITOR IN ACiuncoryî Notary Public, Couve)-siscer, 5Ltou lgimtry Office, on ]3tock itrikq. 48 DItS. FOOTE & WARREN, -BIZOOKLIN, C. W. Y V~tOOTE, M. D. Il. WARREN, M. D. IlIANNING & USSIIERt, -D ROVINCIAL Lend Sur'-cyors, Civil Vu _Lieeorss and iLand Agesnts. <Jfficc-noxt ~door to Dr. lûid'o, Clsurols-t3t., Ilowsuessviilo, A - O G.IsNo, r. L- . s. E.R. Ubssi, sP. t. s.1 SiDeorstose for Deesis drssws up et WýîQ. ZABTWOOD, A, B. N. D., *r'OBLONER, PIlYSICIAN, SUR1GEON &. An.attenttve and caeofulObtiar. S. CONWAY. Asîhurul luno 18, 1(80. -25 ALBION JIOTEL, -soiis.Every attentiosi pald to tise omiuort ofitr;tvellere;.. il RAILROAD IJOTEL. CANNINOTON.1 AtaEXAiNuEInTiiearNou, PraOPREiTOn. rlEbeobas been nevi> fis-ad up andi se- sovtesi, andsslm laow uliyprparesi fus- the roeîîltiess ot glests. Il is sittisstaulon tisa Iti: coicoeustn of Bs-ock, ous tis a disg s-ced bu- tveen Whtby, Beuverten sud tucsy Gooul uueeoniiodutuou, asdsusi cittive Osttre. Cnuigtouu, Juil>- tinS.1860. 35 JIRITISH AMERICAN ZMOTEL, 5uiM50E MuI&Tl 1Nesîsev. TIIOIIAS DOWNING, (lita Rlsroui letel T liithy,>i'Prop-icter. Beat e unes assuua lilîuonus. t uperior-iîeccininodutiouu fýýus-t-vsîos-s, oued Stuliisg, ansd attentive Osticre. 7 BLACKtS MOTEL. tbn-uar si!Brok ands Pundase t-ocde, 117iftili rpll1E ABOVE WELL KNOWN, AND) CEN. i trasuly situnited liubl lisubean us wly f'ttcd uip, a]uia revou-atct5 i u i Ii ocýt coiîfiurtle ai- usas- lu> tiersa -ant ocenaiîit. No axieus sis beenis suas-d teameure te ail g(laseandtl eiitos e hiue. Tihe beaat brndis et Winsia, tiquuiis sud Cs- Roouiy cuisi ocvaniant slîae,good sabi'n ands uattenstivea silars. Tuieisotl iles'itiuteS liiitIse vos-v luaanthtie Town cf Wlilby, aundwillibcha t;iiuîl te bc tIse ussuist conu>ituust stuli.5iig place for fanasr-, anS JAMES IILAIiCK. CENTRE IMOTEL. B3 YRON STREET, Olupouito]Batik ef Mess- treal, Whluth-. 1) -B. DEN1ISON, Pro pilotor. (GouuiiAccu iiumuosiatioids. WVisiby, -luiseil, 180>. TJIOSIAN DEVERELL, B 11 1 l i c.&., GREEN STREET, Hl. W. WOODWARD, COMMISSION SIEECIANT, INSUIIANCE C aussiGaucril Aeu. Otllea-totl>-ocen- pisedi iy Jaus e lSiuois, W'iitby, 0. W. htresi-zcsp-Tuuuuuis(learkseon, -Euuq, Ps- uldeist Boad of Trasie, Tes-cule; W. G. Ca1ssaim, E aaquuger, lîk B. N. Asusanicîs, Toronto; W-W Riiim,-juui, Esq., Manasger tiuscbep Banki, Tos-onto- W. Gsisile, Esîl., Milton isMls Te- s-cute; if.1'.MlilPneuudeîst Baunk eoflosu- ts-al, M-uisr-cul MIfemsure. Msitlususs, Tylea di 1liliciuluuoro 'ui-nto; Meisure. Asisionu, Evans, &di <e., hMonts-cul; M.,ses-e. W. l'sioo di Son,qiia- buec; lsre. l.J. NeaSd & Co. 52-1>' EDWAR>S & MODI)ER. AiLOSil, DitAlEItS, d& OUrFITTERsP T ig -Sree, »iw&. Geietseinnia'.gr hie style. itl-ly N OW 18 TUE TINIE. GET YOUR LIKENESS AT J. A. Chark'm ist Ps-ie Pletere Gallery TrF yen desire a correctî anti lite-liko Aîuîhra - I typas, Cenetypre, tettes-ur-pu, or teather lsanseror a Liesei a ce.î ]souch or Ring, ton J. A. C. eau do it lu the hast istyle, sud aItiss-trtIlsotice. WILKINSON'S BLOCE, 88 lfrock Streoit W7uUlsu. 8. H. COCHRANE, l.rL. B. BARRISTEII ATTORNEY AT LAW 90- 13lucter in (ilaucers' No'as-y Publiae ke - 018e-lu ligclev's 14ev BuIlding, Ãbtid; Street, » hitbv. 42 MALT VINEGAR. i~IAtT VINEGA]t cals nov w besainlslange .3.orn illq iatittes, et tise W hîtby Brewerv. WHISKEY 1 WHInSKEY! BI(' hIlE ARREL, AT FAIRIBANKS d& MACDONELL'S, A Suspanier article of Fusîsil>' Fleur, Clseap AL.for Cash, at ,-Oottlcd1 aie equsel to tise luiairte arttte. CLýARKdi W tOIýW AIZI). WbauNv. là tii, 1859. dia,-4v. Markham Ullion Lodge No. 50* ~ M EETS T HI ODUE Etcî,Wllissgbeus Ilota] W. H. HIGOINS, - Secs-ar>'. il. 1. COIS()N , W. M. rAiconiuicîstesis to tlue Sacretar>' should bc uddrcuuuuc.d te Whitby ieu.t tIflice. 28-1>' JREMO VAIL. AMBROTYPE GALLERY. A.. arbz IN settiing thiiuks toe isaluluie for tac il- endssu putroussuge lue 11lnec-cee aiisoo cossu- î.uaîseiusg busliess i Ms-. 'aldwelalie hok-, luage ,caessvtlisintunitctîuat lhu a bsarelîo% cil lis Aniî- brotyecGalles- ta tIse moinrs oves-ti th tufe cf Maeus-,. Lovai & Poweal, Biiuk Sti-oct, u5uare lue is preared 10 funiils Aoiafps Likeraes in uh use r syloe. Mr-. Grauii's ]prescrit s-nemis-ercliglutesi freîuu tiua tuop, u- t-re'y paiousand suiS esîuinail tise îîîluuufor tilsiuugtise usonSlerteot ilc-liks li'kciuuioa i t~l kiuis. Wiiiti>' y, ii2b, 1860. FARM FOR SALE. --- TN tee Town'suhsili cf i)rluugtou ; Seing t ho i sostii pis-t et lot No. 84 in thue 2nd Concous- Sions, cutiuug74) acraes -illi s îvuliiiug boeuseus, iuîs-uu usuli eiedus, dris-isîg sheds, ieoul- teis&' 4itiuuiuu m.iie-on. Tises-euire ii c 2 velie a s0iid eselussu, aausiisuver-tUslissg surouin esis i mcs iîss tise fsurui. Il ls iiutiftilly Lit ined 'oui thue Kiimugoti anai'iThronto s-eud,tirec usilus 'rousiui m iss, sandisix t'u-ui lio in vusuille. Tîsie iii an oi-uiuug uelrloiuiofIlereul, Titia lier fart. Pica lModeauto. Tensufl Oa>. kFor par- ulculars t&c., upîîiy te E. R. il. lIA WARD Tr-enton, C. Trenton, bisy 14, 1860. 15 FOR SALE. T OWN LOTS lu 'Wlitby n'as-thelue i>.- AlsVlaeLta Dtiln'« Cs-oek, Frenchs - Gpl t . H. DARTNELL, Soliciter die, .BroS L,-ef, 0dU>1. Jauseala, 18,57. 22 WILLIAM KAIJFFMANN ARCHITEOT. tz> 144, ay Etreet Toronto. .OUR MUSICAL PRIEND. " UR MUSICAL FRlEND " a RiaeC 'jpaillonifusth iseIiiterk~hothe. Co- Eves-' Pinilut, 5ilS pdrocure tluis voakî>' Eves->' ingar, Psslicetion cf Vocal ansi Evar>' Teahen Plianio Forte Musieceelmt Esuer>' lup]i, huug but 10 CENRS ea EvenO uîe n unnen, ansdipronouncesi B>' tise eutis-e Presseoetl tuieouit->, te ho "ITUIE REfT AND CHEAPEST WOIIK 0F ItE IND IN hIlE WORLD."1 Tvahvctsal-.ized Pasofe Vocaul anti Plane Fonte Munie ton 10 cents. Yeiy, $5; Ialf-yaîs-ly, $2.50; Quis-tan>', *1.25. Subere o taleus- Musical Fsicnd," or orties- l frein tise ieaeNet Neysdealer, asnsi yen iii have lMusîie cesugis fer vour niesuitrt;sl> et an insignifloalt coe;t; anti if yen vaut Mueteo foi thue Fttai 'lin (-oruuit, Clasimet, AccoiSiorh &e, dic.,sauiscribo taelthe Conitaing 12 pagas, castiug esily 10 Cents a Numben; Yeanly $2.50; flalf-yoanIy, 01.25. AIl tIe Back Nuinhîrs et 10 et@., ensi Bonnis Voinnins, coutalig 17 Nunbens, ut $2f.60eueh, couituti> ou band. giAgente vasuteti for tiese puublicatiens. (1. B. SEYMOUR &di(;()., I ui(1 Nîseseus Si., New Yos-k I -~ wJ~ C~ W~. ~su mate maaasasisJ LICENSEUD ÂUOTIONEERS,- FOR THE OOUIITY 00 OTA14T0é ]BEGincet respec tfuiytoreturu hirsn erethaes,sto tise lsbitatus the 6 ty of Ontario, for tihe Liberai stspport they bava receîved troin thern, and would kiîîdly ollit e fsrther continuation of tisa e. evlnge Liceusti for tihe wlsole Couuty, tisoy areýirepear- ed toe ttend ail ordors wlth pronsptness snd on liboral ternis. Âddross, ALBERT SPRING, TflOs. MYER'I, Greonbank, P'. 0. Whutby, P. O. 9 DRAIMN TULE. T RIE subiscribes. bus for Saio et the Tile ard ±4tls Con. Whitby, <lmuediatoly Blest of Mr. G. Ogston's Fersu) a quaritity of' Drain Tiles, l lehsiz, and et moderato prices. . Tho Tlues hîave been proontncod by cosopetent t 0gesbcb of thea very be -t qulty. 1,000 li,,las ewill lay 70 Roda. 1rice liât ftirnislsail ond ordors taken by Mo!srst. lLsnilon & Rtoberts. Whitby. JIMES SMILLI. Docoinhor, 1860. 4 LUIBER!LUBR T lI E bsrbreg to inforni the lnebitants ofSnOtrol tht is ving opoued e Lusmsber Yard et Osisewe, for the sale of = 1assy. i'exsoss & Cot;., colebratod Lamiber, lie *iil bc abie te isupply tihe sai ne et resseoneblo prices for cash or approved joint notes. C. W- SMITH. Oshawa, Jeu. 80, 1801. 8 DENTISTRY!1 DRS. CALLENDEIL & CARD 1Sua.gosntmlstr, &c.,Rooms ov -- 1 m. UrlnIILuU ndl'S im.Ore DUNDAIS STRET, WIIITBY. T~ EETII fluies ini tisa mos4t perfect mausîer and i noise but tise benI anaS suent aPsros'câ îîustcsial ssesi. Tuaigeiu1g expariancecf Dra. Calender d (',,rd asnd tiuoir thlsroupgb kuowliauso0f tisa pruse tie or l)cutistny,oiiabla tisom to o*puireciattes gresut i ccflt.is to hu deniveoui onsa uefuil pro- à nîrvaiiuaof tisre eli-iisportent, sad beautitu orgs he î teatli. Upouil tirais- saeAeration a groat duailcf tise seeltîs, luippinems, ansi oifont of sasskiusd depend. Tiroir epenatione lu tlt braucisou tisa pnofcssion caunot fuil ta give set- istactlcu. Lot tise affliieeti diseasesi teatis, oîsiy vissit tireura hn ture, betoro tIse diseesc o a tio fils-suaa uoui. A1ITIl'ICIALTEET1.I luisrtoti lisGoldSi]81- ver, 1lstjii.- Pute almecus p on bue caîabrata,iaà d luisuil>'rcoonmanued s-nicassizeul base, atas-fisa Isat isniotaere-esmetiiode adopte dby tisa profea-sion. I'f',se nions of Dr.%. Callei siendi C s nocarcruli>' pnforsuesi usi blonin f clontis gnateât satisfaction viii hu fou la. -:1 utles- attention givan ta the cas- ansd rogun ltioof e liildrcn's teetîs. Parents ehoulsi atterid to this as a ver>' imlportanit dat>' tu tioir offuuprng. Ail ol-onîtions viirrented satuefacton>. Tennis rasisoususle. coiaultation fs-ce. 20 TO FARMEIRIS A. B.- SALTER, Yeterlnary-Surgeon. (1RADUATE cf the Coliaeecf Votes-in>'y tJSusgngcusainsi Masduisc, IBostoni, U. S., ansd ieousistc f' tlis-c usâ-e-dues prictiosrs, frein alecollage, iîoîudeu, Englususs, yl baiii stten- Sasiconou TESDAV'S dîu u ach eyak, et Mnr. Jaiuce Crocken's lictel, hib, iashob ii>' bc colimuilted en011îuî tes-u o fdisieuse ta iiILîicli sosus i cuiS ustilaosc ui)jct. Ms-. Sel- las- taols cof-leut tIsaI atters- saesl yoas-s siec- e"ssfisi rutiee, lia viii bu asbie to uive isoties fasction steisl wi:o unfL e> lissS isens-ueo,. Miss-clu 18, bOl.,Y I)ENTISTRY. POSTER & JACKSON, Surgeon Dentiste, B iibiat ofW ib n thesnnuîslcct isa iusg couuiry, thiuu, sa',itisg tisis day boîîglit ett Dr. C. C' J eom's antis-a stock, nissilsteroat lu "tise Iestist prsofession, for tise Count>' ot On- tarie, issuLSO iseiving noatl>' asrau ge s hie olsi office ovasMemss. Loves d& Posl's store. BROOKZ STREET, WHITBié, Wlscs-o tise>' s-oaes' lus-oparc osit uidertike aIl Opersshýiis -ltig to eyiiiuir,>- isuciliiho iiiiut î uýpy te attensi te ail îUscesuinîl cals,, by %Vis'ii1 it lise suy bu flssos-n h ly tisapublie. GolS, Sihves-, and Vulcanizcd Ruhbes- bees, at vos-y Modenste Charges, And iin a usaniis-el tte hae ginpssso. Tacth flleS îsiith old Silves- Staînel fol, uiS houe îunepusratiouîs. 'I'catii extrsucteS 'sitii tuae greit- t-t essec aud eounfoist te tise patient. l'us-loua- luisruttaiitiosî givon te tlis aure sud regulistioss of cluil(Iui e ath. tujrAnZusas-k warrentud do pics utifffact oi ar iwe lsiua. - oua. lcsl euc-a fais- triali.Ilemeiibes- tisa lase, osas-, tOtVE & POWFAIS STORE, Break Street, Whisbv, Mes-cii 18, 1961. 10 8m ]FIESII ARRIVAIS, ArT TUF NIEW CASH 1IIOCERY A""i TEA Teax,'su4 Caldwell's Block, Brook St, WVhoeo u viiltidealis-go assonted stock et Teas, Coffees, Sugaris, Rico, MoIissges, Synuup, Viuuogen. SOaP. and Ckndics, euS a lanre Stnek et tiquons, Stoesaae, dic &co., wiixwili ha soiS at Tos-onto priosis, aua ses-c îpsoles ex peelsém!fiioing tlisre. Fas-mors% euS etîsers iii Ide velgto oel ansi examine baes-re purelsasiug elseviese. . . JOHN WETIIERALD Whithay, Nov18, 1860. 1Ps-eps-lotos-, Employment Wanted. M ensg mnofetgeuteol adelsesei, andsif efm- ues-r isdnstrions iit,viiov anuesnx-. relient husuid, ant iuiestaudssucsuuceîî, vanta 'esployment. ASsis-es, A.B. Chroniclo Office, Whithy. House and Lot for Sale. ANEW TWO STOURY large brick -M tvellu g, vel l hnea insuven>' unespoot, andsin aegooti husinaslocalu- t>'. Thoera la e quarter acre etfilans ettacies, a gooti frme hein, andiasuaves- tailing, voîlvîtS pUMu. The preuiltasara situsati ou Brook St., in tise Sautsi Was- d uSieseitoi 1>' oppositea&&TSheHuroni Motel." Terme easy. AuctJouwrins, Whiîhy. Bf$~~lhg4~d. îr - - - j-.- s zij'j~-ir~ iii n'etij.~.i.ij~îisnf - -- !îsur ~-i~îîT1 t,-, '> dd~ r- uîirrl~,,iî ii~ii. ~ r r e m ndler mis ppl ïss Februer>', Y, 11 Wi3iëà '-'ti'lb offie tise preeevt >'aan. Le, Fairbliks& Madouli...bho ioaCoîslt,'.y GUI G o.Idr-Bmozk. 6. Alax4Ve ' sa-toilg SWu- PAXTON, JIL., W lîlî y;' P b. ~ C un I>' T re aurer. »OW 1 TUE TIME TO SEOUÃœEE ClRAPý P~iior~AND 1 AT TE TORONTO BOOT ANPSIHE STORE, Th Ssiidritiiiq.rý 4mwý wasaoïs ln ýMag Vas. A flup a f gieau as théaa AOfvansu blrstis adi '- More f les tf.sn, hertuslIsr -i j' i gl sai- Tise y s fron au te l dalhei OfWaika tiua iÉusuiiuon; -"n Waicoa up udeuonte a tis PLsan UAhtu:vthorbi r Jilidoceei'n aerlu ieqpa frouetisaWs»ay. Cornes' -geaing ret isiong; Thuanot" oite e U 0f bfôken sshig-bt, oungr, eil n. Anin tia yoii»-ils BisrscO tsefur Yltaoisi vinton se. OlAwiîante a ler saftan lirhoit vs And oneobs, frosit-oa ryeil'den, Andsi thels rondeiaens patsloave>'. Thse coidrs nîo r o iteva, HO allgl&i oahug e; TaeuC to-aihs belf r, oig iex sun; TUisnas er o *,oussevaht0 ss FIorg IOta or aye tatrcer Oa.lli OlivUer hé plad gdfoioor hia evas That o "y-Mcudets srgliterIorcgep AnT uio & i ba itiîkagrai cu là slm Ansieîre u nd huer rov ils iâceve Ha tIeatîge l ertbligin, Aissi touhesehf li brezas tour AUirisa brosal.osune ailt'skyw, Asi, rcued lligltgoor with the gnpoi,, Thle Wenîlarfaii Houleomald. îEundlasiguesi bsgs to Inforn h is nismer T oeus fnieidathet public, thit lha lias eeuimauood.buxisues u teabova prenises rono Ht ad Z oStore," sutisI sh e bs ps-oeurad fs-Ã" thfisenbt muarkets, an extensive aisi sae-ltock cf firet chas, Goasi; viiol le pnsiand te sali ut groati>' reduces price.s. Comae ans xiçuiu, ansi insge for yuusrslves. Thora nevererosliresssoffes-cilnl Boots d s hocua. Tise attention of cuntry' customeos la ne- quaetitle sslarge stock of Lp, QCowhtdes, Mocasi,&c on bainS. A lange asetonat of Ladies' SNOW SHOEs, PRUNELLAs BALMORALS, GAITERS, &c. Tho subsonibes-hissu niployasi a numbar cf finet-olame Tnaseieen o îset ail orclers lor vark yull bceoxcesste lu tis e hst stylaoui tise proises unsiar lis, ovu saîpenintcasîfeîuce. THOMAS WILKINSON, Whstby, Fab. 9, 1881. Tavern Stan d 4î1, cone (Curners on visue, botis ne* kent instl FOR SALiE. BALE, a Store ansi Taveru Stand lnl Vlae cf Andia>', Lt No. 2, la .tise issioniof ickeieiorniry(1-w' ~Ia poilOr bard. :Tisa bouîsesire ~nasabuii4li 1%0.. i est Office la Per lter=s, &éa pp1>' 0tise proprieor. BENJAMIN MADILL, 7 Aissle>' l'ont Office. LOCATED AT Conser Seusaca eîsd Maie Ne. 48 Umwy Sureois. 48.1 red 1y IlN. Y nai. tY, . Co j. 1No, 70, WoodsvardslAve-. Cr. 'Issiand Chesusîsi Sia. nue.>1 Cor. Clark ai id Wasluing- jCoera Ilu muid Vice Sti ai Street$,, 1 Our stand -sA of Penaesusip in lise famons Sttedcnts cats commrencetat>lime, as tises-e are no vacation.. TlIsePrnscipauîisnds Teacuuess oftthis Cisain of Coliages hav-oelus exteuuiîee ecqnistenre in sev- cil las-go cis, aundislwnym conaides-ilu n planunre tsi fistis. es-tisa iaiturstms cf firs-gnisdisutes. Stautiducsituuriug aoioe oss-tlucuuCileo iuy theua uysues t cutI-t, becoie'o utitled toteu priviiogos et tise cîtiro e "aiiii," ooupriisg ougit oet tiasimon t toreuigl, antesîivNe, pnsuetieul Unsdpopuuis-BtimincoeSiiole in tise yenSl'es-o Cs;tsiogttoȧ auss Cirouloru, cl at lise Collae Roossus, on tisues as auueve. 8 BRYANT & STRATTON WIIITBY PIANO FORTE MANUFACTORY, Mary Street, Whitby;. I OSEPE-I F. RAINER, fi taes greut _pleesuro in i1, fonmusug tise puubie a tIlie si intel>' eutresi tiose extensive proetuiss o ' s~y o .epiedi by Ms-.'D. Ford as a Cîrisîge fuIetor, sseîrl y eppeelte Ilie hloor J ui aIlau.-u10sus8, lu tise Tovn of Wiitby, euSdvore l Ionov engaged lu the aufauusctuure et PIANOS, vitlu ail tlsesao-iuau iprovesnasuts, aussi viics lue yll vws-rmnt b be equel in bmilliîney of toue, sieliosa>' of teudli, anti superis l fin lisitet au i n Amrnon. Alu l'faner;sar mads>'yhm vit filb sutîl- ied trmwitli oves. ef rinq,o et tisa at 's- sedtbe-, aussiateils etftuirefines. J. P. li'g. I ug axpeniice etnarhy 20 yottas-, hots ImnAuilt-ufian d Gernmuc>as eveillau lu tise United States andti iis ccitny, cuuable hia te state vits confience llls ahilit>' te give consplete setttiioation te the pubhlie. CIPrces rill be tound mecs Low. an Ihan thosa eo Imperted Instrumnst et Infaes- rmanufactbure. Six Octave, (square case .... .....*180 86 do (rounti eqrue;............. 225 7 do do Sa--. .............0O 7 do (oven-strlug,).......25 7,1d Oetavui%; (ever-strni dà ubua er-onus. i carvei legs) extra.................. ......42 WA guarauofetsix yaars givan vils isch Instrument. Ail veaal-verk in tisa best noacvood. J. F. l'a. Pianos bave taken rat pnizea aI tise Provincial Exhibition, sud ave hren luighly reoosiueuda bIl tise Jusigos. l eauon aise noente saverel ft-euilcs fi) '%Vluitandait aiovisana cis tise Coîunty, win ho a s hoire flonor te supply, as te the quality oet isnlustra W-All kinde of String Instrumnsarapafrefi Ail Pianos otfsiny lannllseure kcpt iu lune tas- oua yoen GRAftIS.- CÃŽr'iosuombs- tise Asisis-as, 43 JOSEPH F. RAINER, P. S.-Ps-thon cuculS ha cas-oful ucî 5tes-aud1it Il-a s9tatements etistese-d }aems sus o aes- Agents tes-rsssupplyimigtes-aigu llanos trous lion l'.;aitaedisitîncc. Support home manufaatusre.r 7 ! - M i! 1-1- iià i Lu MMifiyîMYbrach idaedhosew1l1vImilaeeuEffpg, T hr o u g h va a i i P a r reýb u M~e~ou~ P29TG. Tii ~ - ,~9%.- va 11 4j abAre tb qq4 -tees au-nd-'iith a ,everential ono b9 0 là s errand. Os Ilupeewdïèd ifi 1 ia a 'î ua d ade ii qai "e' a f i'à u4, tisat e pa " f' dt ho woud bave i'è, I4 à ~g.ry 1i~ertis ro Whexq ~'Qflty5p, à b4asbewp auune or th h é îmi4 ,~ #d~- Thc7 vero usierîed iuto a j>,ýOF." afiuaamiat'eo'iôtugl int - i ngy. were - beaot4 1ybl:i f5e narrow c8 sem g ual o ei~ttrteriutliig o dP4p1d t nanuucuod: the apprçaoh of aS- i&4yj - veat7, b e y vere'peakuîg stich -aut ,unuis rs, otints,lshn g wlnth e rosat t Is he rock monuonscaj. i4r ýïon t1wi.rse caIis usin, Seen1èred, and aa. second ll bta p 1oth, gorgeons- lla ue t ntr u mm r ,W s tn pý ë :'run levs;- ovn h. fuasre.e1tie- rie Wdid-noi; oulse ta yoaf as Y0 o eii florof. its 5cant>' look; a guiter leaned asi ýekehp bywualMtM. undar 'tise 'tiuny mirror, and ia fav ccetîy , OhaaIe l g toO'wni oetus4 -m booka vie acatterdL'in an jartistlo.ijkje mn- r u ar.Srnsr tpc aw .;ner hither aud -tisitisor, vieraver ts a-1îdrtehr ad stHrufta bing oe wOuid wih W" Be ppedem :era;vsreoetle?- À sceïtfrc "This ii Tueeday,ý"said 'Hrbrt; cat l Ibae one y Friday?" ns iiOsl> ~ts ia. saisd "Oh, es, sd acoèr ifyos s ould -8?01 bomother, but ber aea sbad, cafig 44sOh, yeg'.%B soéri YD bui s!ght fasmaUi Gek baËp" u a 'ila $QHt sooPer, unlese yo gg iié:;br i'W 1. frosn tise ight, ansi youé wary looksseen Mamoies au mà and ud s as 1 sussrùu aveu nov to se>'tiet you have doue go." le ere.JOy sald .on kils, tsoug1u.- - It l is helot'-ibf tieà *austres," said Wo akeo rnsbraoiu ieu tie lady, calm i' b taM di. W n eetis b r wo n Tiseyoug unn culs nottrut iss vic he teerfui-e>'es of ber msothier. aise faIt-as Taei>' ud bssnatened away trutbis. oice sinresi there vaïsmaneblest mystery to8I -o,r e 'ad b s t n d " . I n h s f i t a O I & - I t w a ls l ô o i e x p l e i î i . l e b e i ha gave va>' to bis feolings: "She tishue r.Sysr saibcrefu ra iseloved sud tise beautifuVti'u inmaiIl the puât vinter-he bad cleared th service,'sud tisat augel-like another séwigIolyisrsf insasiseseh efbe r lvin.'t shalh ha so no longer. leamned hber abaq aud esrd'isi Tisauk Gad for riches," sud be ased hua foui wrougs bsal been doue ber busisand peu and-inseribed tisase wordp on a slip ofEmoyntia stcualube nai '~ An honeat dethteclii yconnuut.lctoi bis ow papier, ' n ngtdb de orbs iy. IHa bout 41us nenergie% un baud," ho enclosei bauk notes for five isn.* talents tothcasndife--e _dresi dollars, sud addressed tise eusvlopa ta aisvs'aî nitisshe,80 ' Mns. Symor, of-tret, drppiug. it io tne eire bak airr issu e or, Buh 8 tisa post office. weelth is vit, too ; tlsc'wretcises Who hai Coulsi ha have seantise, gratsiful tor blackeîscd tis-e ansd stolîn tise otheé - hat t stle clown tise vidow'a csceka, sud cowaril> flecing, inateas of nsakiug manl hasard ber aoul-tonching jweyers, as ase ne- confession. ccived'it thet evenixsg, ho wouid bava rea- 51I have to, tbank Mr. Linco lu fori lized tise fusil force 01 the text. 18 la -more 4ie ble sed to giv a tissu to r ceive.ii il " xc îim asi M rs. Seym our, t t ie closi '5 htiaIitvea ile' vîig of ber recitai-1'anud 1-have te a I'>' in id1hm, ai h,1tan'gae yat," anssishegancecuarchl>- atiir-B- e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a i oe"sii ie tsn Hea oulsibo meetlpi, aeau aunougst frieusi.' n.~~~ ~~ no0aebe I amyef glulli erbert hosutatasd amoment. Thoui ns tis s simin baud, v7e h osorelkueit baside lhan. I h avaenmotisr" i ite witsomu taakiug onnaelve&as s -'ervani> 8as 'ai sassi>'. Be as oua ta me au'<a ýed iseratofore. 111 beesutitul cisl i e no repaid £ ïthoneusd tines11 -iý seo longer a iseiul qha tirew bsek tise raveuýlcs tht lir- Inspatient>' aise aswai tedilFni dayaî'in g, fonrcluster.ad on luis brais', ansi impriutasi tises se tisan Ellon vouisi surely beié with ber agalu..' a eins eehis M so"aad. But that evouiug came sud, vent, sud ehe soleml>-, "1 asiopt yau intonsy love, iid vas eft aloua., A usiden suiLevere ilnes lIon recrslve, a brother."l But Eilan vi ,se ad atackad luira. Summfens sud ien Har- -gonge. Tisa>'caugisî, hoveven,- sglimpse su-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ý __t "whlba os o ia vuu~o iite musîli lu tise green sari le tise Berne iii>' ha basfsent a generous ieva Iowd'not by boîh in gift, he fouassi t ilful of aorro v.-T he ii % Y~>m our isesi, indees, i a , u i 22e physicias n oi>'èiook tisoir bouda sudl>', suddsen thriiliug pulse iuhn Ië!omri liesr eg vison nekesi if thare vas an>' hope andi viso cheokosi ber, sund sise rasumed lisr seat* m- tisa loviug one8 gszitd ontisevisita face of Herbert bastened , ont sud fouieS ber, it n- tise sick asie ansi merked tise intouait> Of sder tis hadow of an oId ohm, oa edeS. bar engoîs!, tise>' Inuesi away with tainting mn' ii e ipfl frshni.Suai of houts. Nov, tise full beaut>' of tise bouse- lunisimsecf beside ber hoe visperesi ta. bai st maid'g charseter was doveloped. Instille- viîlisg aar, long ansi passfanatel', i a tivel>', tise>' gave up ail ta ber. $ise di heart's. adoration, aud vith a ead-ndet lacl a. rectesitise attendante, aise sooîised littie of jo>', led her back ta tise bouse andi i k, Nell, cnrised tise wiid gsrief of George, aud ber niother's kuae. nr apoke so swasatiy to tise mourning linsbisaisi su ad brother, tiset tise spîrit of faiti s samed siiA rte,~invi n w e P sa, be'1but wheu I askesi len if ions us lu tbeir nuldst. To tisn aick ivau nase day, 'not van>' ferL ae>, ase oulsi cati ns aI vas lu ver>' trustisa ministering usugel. NO b>' s dearen ceme, she vas mos-a vliing. b ibansi go aafti>' ipes iber brav, go tendon>' Our hearte have long beau nasn-bleu, if bathesitise aching limb, go geusîl>'raibesimtsrser h bests no fa s- tise crempasifingers, go defti>' mootisosilives I3" tisa piliows, 80 atnungel>' aveatenesith(lis-e "I' ' £s bealing dnaugist,bhsongistsuais cool drink Tirty isoigre with a Skuuk lu a Xining it to tise bot îipe, asu aucis acious fond ta Shaft. 1 tisa sterved peInte. Her prassence seensesi ta besutify -tiese ick roons. Under ber Tise 'Calveras <Cal.) -(Jh,-onick or the id iving mniistrations, it ssumed- a benst>' 9tison Januar>, relaes the, olowing u, tia Iw as alm ostdivise. N o e k sew wvieti-s t ry' z or it might be tise gato ta Paradise or ta White G. Atzel vas onaspnospecîiug t a brigîrrliteiocnerîls, but ail feit tIsat tour last viuak, lu tise seigisborhood of Gar. la whether tie patis of tie pual onec as and 8 ranche, onuilOiQ15W onia u's Guci,'f , heavenward or bore, il vas flowcr.crnwnesi. ho observesi e tunnel, aud, spproachiug -it, ae Day fter day, ansi nigisî ater gis, bise ard a noise as of minear working itis as foînd tie fair nuse beside ber patient- isa sd proceaeed ho psy thens a visit- Wbewer e tbe cnovsis tisst baSd ockE about tison as tisa>' et iLs sisorea? Alai tisa widav sud ber chuS taound nana of theu Alune, ansi usaitIed, tise>' ere lafIta ste tisa tannant of esivensit>'. Tisere vas a tri star>'. One ansi another tbing tbay IiE ta Sa, but tise obioqu>' tise>'nostesi où ti deasi man's grave tolloives ieisliving Sa .linge, tilt paves-t', li s moat cruel sens, preasesi hesevil>' upon tisas. $'Let ns go visene wvaren unicuovu," sa lejf s, passooatol>', yet mourufali>, iei re e' ne nilT'fms 0tlgiugs, 'Ande bunied ber veoping face lier rnotbcr'a ,bosotW'"Tlie>,l kl lxa wits tisais- colS ps-ansiloukes. SNosr lus b s>' bs-assiof stsa-serstlien ask isonoat ou ploymenî of these scarutul ones, vbo Irai pie 50 flenduabl>' upan aursancreS griefs." Ansitise>' gathered up tise rosuiiî their trensures, sud siIentl>,',-secretl>', lei tise sînse abaulti fi>'butor. Ibis, vent ta, iouaiy bore neutise cil>', vhanau vafinS tisai Tisane tisas>'eaili>'procureS needlavori ansi al tise>'couisi do, ton tiscir linges beautified aveny garsent tisat passeS tbnang: thein banda. But thse sang ufthte ahirt vc tise oI>' anastise>' could sing. Night brough no sest ta tisevois-y day, andti iougr tvonty, imtat outtise Ivelve ihouea"o tise Bible vere spent l latiste>' vere feu iissetiandi fruzen. dé Methen," saisi ElIerï,. anc eveuiu, a the haun af micinigist tonSthorn stll a wnnk, "Ibhis is tua mueis fon vaman. ebali sew no longer." IlBut viat wiii yoU do, dariiug 7" an( Ms-s. Seymour vept 'aven ber paie, tisin fe "Ishah voe atarve V" "Mothair," tiser. vas resaîntion lu tha toue nais', "mathen, I shalh une out a isousernaid ; tion't attempt ta, dissuadé me rnu>'ni a etermined. Ilis asbiouarabi as thisls-I ssall cas-n as muuc, if nat mor tisan nov ; I shi save nu> boas-S; I sisal bave ns> nigiseftansest." Sise plesie( tlI se vanet lessst e tearful consent, au( entes-eStise sos-vice ut Mn. Summera. ii sisten'e bouse hldalveys iecu sa se a nS busc ta Herbe-t Lincolu, but nov il van Sces-en tissu evan. Tiscir tes-table, lu psunticnla-, seomned ta hava a fascination tai b ina, sud, nt tis enutioata tos-nigb ie ho a aippesi so a nucapa of Eleu'sa fragraut toua tisaI Mra Summera dea-ad sise abouli ces-taill> prosent hlm s bill aI boa-S. And tisouginluail îhst lima ha had ual exchnng ea ainen sentences vith tihe eautiful mnd, il vas button aviSent ase vas tise signei viisisattraitesilbina. Business nov Iole is ast of havas, eud tbrea veeks elased es-e ho reu-noS. Ai hae vas hasteuing tram tho Sepot, lus-ning a canner, lbe ospied, coming ssIl von 8< meet bina, tisa tai- gis-I of vbom ha bad dresmed aver>' niglil ut bis absence, and biaiSe han, hittia golden-haireS Neil,. 14 Uncle Herbent," crieS tise chuSd, and embracet i bispassionatal>'. IlOh, I'm 8< gleS you'v coernehorne. Wa missesi yoz se, suais." Tises reeing issssîfrons ber as-ms sase saisi, graefuxîl>y'l and luese la deai Ellrn, taon, ain't yuu glaS ta seeclier agalu ?1" Elle blusses, but the yauug man 50 counteonai>' exteudasi bis baud ta, ber tisat mlii could nal refusa it. us I ans iappy ta asec Mise Sey'mour an- jaying tissbeantitul deys,"l.saiS ba le loy, gentie tasses as naspeottfui>' as if aSdroasing a quseen. "lAss I ans happy t0 see Ms-. Liucoln leokiug so-vahil," reapondai tisa lady iil a quiet digusit',ý ansh ie passeS alang. , diBut visase a-a yougoisg, littia e iece 7"1 saisi Herbert 80 Nell, SeWaning lier a mo- ment IlOh, W sea Grandmasia, Seymou, she, la eicis a svaet lady ton. , illen tbah ne tisane once, auss ilmail..me ao luAppy Iluat molhlelts me go us o ieven ibe <lois," andI &ha trippeil it*S>'. Herbas-t *aiked rappid>'1tis te fis-.st cor'- nos-, tbeu turne andl delibsurately a-etrncsd lbis stops sud. talvasti lietva, till1lha.learu-' id tisa-treat ansi, number 'of E hc' ome'. TisaI ssight as ho cas-etslly examinesi bis bureaus, it occunresi ta bhima t bis suppl>' ot linen vas quite SellI.ent, and fanthvith' ho punchaseaut goal> aseS -pas-os ofthtis rav metenisi, sud et caicar>' bans- lie next a ofth bctre sure s of o r ousabod~- the je. of ise rescue. r tan of ns>' adoption. Came Iitiser, Noilie - Ths e ea's HoCfaher. r andi George, ansi îlieuskber. Unden lien. s'en yan awe ta bier, youan motben'a ýlife' Tise labo VictoriaMaila Loe, u ss -Little vol faces vere pnied tao rs, ansi af Kent ansi Stnatben;n iiGreat 'Bvritai* tpessioate kisses bnoûgbt'. fresis roses into Caiuteas of Dublin. lu Ireand, vasý foutU banr oheaks. Tison a nilsau, h oydaugisten of Us Sereno Higsueus -,Frsnci its pressure tisnilied hban nervçs. grespssiFncchcrick, late raignin.- Duke ut 8,JS4e bier, anssia full, nicis voice niauured i"our C'eburg SaillieS erRoal 41gln-s_ a angel, sent b>' GoS." i bons on tise l7th Auguat,1786. cousu- Ou a briglît ansi - glonlotsis noruing, in quenti>' vas in bon TGtb yean.- Shesmer. tisa monts of rases, a :slieiidid-.equipage rieS, fri, tissu 21s1 Decemben, 1803, Ibis drovi tram tise city-mausious of Mr. Suai. serene lligissesa ,Pine Ennicis Charles of mersi. Il haiS a faisili> part>', tiservite aedSLeiningen, vh isasio 4tis Jul>', 1813. b miothar stili paie, lien convalescence -sadi>' vionslber Royal Higisuesa lied -issue, netardes lu>'tise, feartul iineès 'tisa't' baS Chaers Fnesieick Wllliam, Jlaeareigning smâtton ban tva 'iiola George sud Nail>', Prince. of Leinin, u4K; G., 'ans i Prlneeus pun>', tiougb ont 0f ai dsager-; tise lovai>' pne. mes-niesi tg Prnce, Hohenlohe L1«- Elien, no longer inaisi, but ciserisisesiangel genburg. Hon Royal Higluneas marrieS, of hope ansi 19v0, thija ansi vIite, to, ith sescondiy» et Coburg,, 221h MNa>', 1818, andi barwiaster nsi sprng'» nursing ; lin.,Sum- et Kevy, 1itis Jul>', 1818, bis Royal Hligh. mois his fine, face ail afflow -vitis chastenosi muas tise lae Duke of Kent, fonrtb saut etr io l su Hi-batLincaln, lookiug astbopgb Georgel1-1., -who ied on thé, 28d Januen>', yai Iite*ine ofiseppineau and Jo>' vas 'crawdcd 1820, b>' vions ber ~yl-iJuaias intotisat moment. ~au o nI>' chud,, aur graçiùqus 'Queu. It was tËa fraI long, drive tise p4s>-acij ana à la êrnsitte'd 'isa invliasiîk - nd'tîhoy A"'ULL ,auS9mewh1er,.ýA conr kuev not visera e>' vi re gaing et leaet' pao "A 00« cw va ttuok:-by igjj nana bub - Herbant. pL' ,ingasd, istant>' kilied,ý belonging tor-sIb lçg ei-declicqd going aI fisat is avue, villaea pisysician, viso bath a beautitisl çaIf accu.m nothÂen 80 littie o0lb,"sin iseg,four siys. ol! - 4 top ru'- uii 51- rïa iud émi th lad ie ld ' "e >0 ira lis Mt la ai- ter bis t i 15 i i 'u: iii -'j-'- 71 77= ESPEMPUI IRhabitants of BUFFALO, AI.BANY, CLEVELAND, 1 N. Y. CITY, DETROIT PPILADFLPIIIA, CHICAU0, ST. LOLIs 1 m