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Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1861, p. 1

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'j r' ~f uJigit e1lou1 A, po t f i 'Ihuolelitîo4, moud uttuci for thég y diuhJo t tIs 'w 0 ro ioititm oel 1,remis. muoott'uy nue tuea ii lstrtinei iuLntoucî, flhlert fer a tatir triai r ruuuig t oriol ioita>'b. ut n c'ore't ultaoib i for Meuities Gl.t1 éLo stroett ttreot, ilitiuo,, ,ftnc e Co. 17825. .tfs4 fotr 4E uutioiu i to'ro, t uedIit ) u%, i'/),/ Lands. doyt> tiieoktlitil.>' dur litiio by vir- wiii,, Lu iouedi- eè,.. bobi, Anus6 asncti-1it Onu Ile toret orIles,, le. the lu i12t1o 0fiugwh.re ou liot iooo îhA vos gfl er oit'sl<itar- !tirallui vithllu t s;.d ttiosiiIÃŽ, il.lbt hou aiulo *Wrîitt$ ai L'dut, tu. citen 'O at 'ot oing ,iii àt c u, ot' 51o1 voitJut. ut ocret bu tu N 1cr0,u tlCr t CO 7 )i uti tumI'iret liffllTurl 00.l k fl c oîrto,. ;lt'o', No'onby o/toerrediiitipl rit thant entift- miftiv'oIliuit ', ctioccu-, 0 ai.,SurboV Broui11totuil, 27. c. incs ar- 0< trouble uf AENTS el tucn e Lu bi t it)llionre- osi Strori, toi reet, o few o lie I»i pro- 4 lisuoe itbi pnîices tn LI frout bui otli Suret, îrY, lutcl H.HLGMIN W oU oor to the RnyCueh tar 1. J.V.IXAM, 0A DlllTI-LAW. FPER AIUX, zztDt.itv.V.W B.1. FAIRBANKS, QOslITova, NT. UBIC &. o c - BreokîLu, Maty 1800. . N. G. HADM, iBl IIIIITEIi ANI) ATrOINEY-ATtIýAW. COMMERCIAL HoTr A>Ofilee-oppooito thelifoghatur>' O11l"uBrook BO S TtE WIB, litret, hitb. Il 1- WOPPO$Ite Hlailtson& Roberti J. W. CALDWELL ILOWNq Ç ON VFlVANCEIt, CoMM 1551 SoNEII F011 JAMES CROOKEE tukleg Attldatîtai, Aoccuitàtut, Luttic, 1it1%»le wcotart, Nutar>' itublho ul Uciruol 1Agoii, O(liig.fllio-ieg trict, noîtri>' looito (lOIiCIAI, TU/OVEETS WILL, Lh iaia 1toaltl. S%.J iL ccotv'uiirutt aLMoilug i tiim 1u01 N. Bt-AIl hiiiiiiouteutud te b»ucie ilIliuojYont,010leorîu tnouin'iiic RugbterIBooki I .setie proiuojtly louîîoîîîîoetnu. eu)tetour Lhe routnes took e u' tîtein riuci Tthoroîricr takes tisoccasioui ni JOHN BILLINGS, . liuutuurîsiutrusuui1reil. L AW, CIIANCIIY & CONVEVANCINC I itoulhe a I>ertotie i)osuwed otitlutin sîri Office, Proinuce Alborit, ooiueioouoetn ut'bubi ooni ili Wlotbý A. MRiS Il.A.,Good, Slabiiag, and attentive Os A 'T>lUNLY AT L.%%V , SLIcuToIi IN Wioitb>', Ma 180. C)itiuccr>, Cucyuacon, &o., Maint StroeutE"RRPN ltarkiguti.TU ERPN I Wlk~aa~Priatud o4 v*ttogt VOL* V. m~,c GLOBE XOTEL, B890KL HIC NDERSIGI;ÉD TA ESU OCO T u> 6ýreturo hlÀzllncorcthiu.uIto hi, aud the trtt&Iîn1iun publie, fer-th lb.r Vgo exteîided tu Jîltu sIpoo, *p ooit bnwljnuà t Brooklilu. -Idi doiljg »iO b.a Jiii, î.uy fricsiids-.that ne effort Wlfl b. o11 his "t ~tc. kop Up ite ihürÏacto4 Globe iun Iiorutofvro, foreomo.ît amogen hotuoéln Iifi part of te Cunutry.$sine ,sime oier, iin ettondanco, tind',min busineus sun 114. 'Tilîofut trtittiîig 1)011Y "Blac~k Bird.,! Inonro 6.5,î fer Luenauon ta, oolngIle Icap C. DAWES, G. Il. DAWL'NELLL l-EI>LJTYlRiGISTîtAl<, MIASTEIt EX'rTU JL.'ordiuavty unîd UXUtiiLhoer li Châncury fi LIio Ciiiîty of ijiturin, llrock.,.t., W Iitby.4 JoliN MCNAI3, BARRIISTELC, AiTOINI-ý%, tîzo. 'Ofice- (oruotCli&srol îîî<I uurtstrets, (çojtlp ltt ii Cul) tstuîîd,> 'Toronto. IVILIA TE PIIEST, DI. D. K 1 0 ë E9 T,081A WA, CANAUi l'o r 47 A 17 W. Il. 'TREMAY NE TF3AItl<lSTEII, COUNTY ' 'lu> W N AT-rouI JU>Itu>, &o., &e-., liiiuiiuetu thia , rouis Wuiltby>, Aîîg. 9f, 10/Cn. AMOS '%V. CRtON, iichlTXE)T, civilENuINEIIAN]) 0. BARNEiTT, & Co. M ~ANUFdIC'l'UtiltLANI>)OE INB l ICgitrm ai ud Leuf t 'oaecoe ti-.o Jt1, Ï,iis tee., oiet.Pur Port 11010, bMrli btih, Isoot. w-t ut' 1 ROBERT J. WVILSON. -oF > IF Io Ai'et< &AT'ORouNEY AT LAWt J> Noicitcor tICici 'c. e IiiJy lJ. <1UÃŽNN, M. D. ý&_Utilflit-N'TO TVIEiCOUNTY GAtL, kjlyroui sinuL, W hitioy. 4 ILS IN DNOit110UNoE, IW111TUI , vt. . AOsîîîV 'Li i J'ticct. ~"~ Ilao vueIIbid is hmit tc'd liu aleasait uîoou - .retircel paurt iii te 'Touwnt, utueltiuriot a.r titiblg tenuo telitit'o omtiers. -t III JJI PELITZ, - luoul udtpkForte l0t ioI ttriiiaiuuts, i ure eured lo) recL- u l o i- W v oaore u li olr ia hei or 1u1s residetucu. 4r le AJIEIICAN IMOTELU W ALICEI & ltA't"LEiSO N 1RitUhll1' 'I7 titrs, coitru ot' 1 uiiiundaite nuttStri.ets. t -Torosutti, C. lo'.ti o D CANTON JIOTIE'L, Dacctauuuduituti r 'Iu'îvelrs. 4, lOtt l'o'ooriutur. WV. I I tLIIN(bS liolicitoora !i ciihaccu"o , WiltiC. W.- 0Mllco-0,Ii1ce'sMoIildhuogo, lroei huL, N'Jiily JOuHN I CrA lteh.,JAMES iLiK L Vent , 0outurs iii, iiovieea ntuthJi ilbiJuiJCENTRE IIO'1EL. tendol oes b>' Aiucuiiuu liîulol l"arilîtîe, .) reult'u i.11.DNIN,' Morcuuoîillzou aud otiaur utul'cts, ut nea dhiîîîJle l'tr ;ci <o iiDtîtISoiuii. Oshuav. AutoitiM1l0 _______ J OHN M ETUALIt, THIOMAS DEVERELL, LEUXOF TE F FTI Di IS ON CU BT U 1IL1) E iL, &c. &c., GREEN STiLEE ,..jceuîtîrlIsitg tlu u'u oitiihi'uc rok. Ad:' B i .W. dram t (iuouiutgvta.14 I.l. IV OODWARD), 1'IANILLIN 110 USE. 1M MISSI ON MEICIIANT1, INSIitANi l' f hiC. . C otil hiettril Ageaut. Otbuc-Iately oc 1oieiil e)*Jilieus 1 .1hilgat, W it), V butolouuc'~oiaîî',lîniut ut rutelers oidli ouJiud UoI'T'rodo, T'ouiip; %%W' u. . ss Wlutbey, Joootii, ti5. t1 " Jîîuîeri.kudcIfN. Amvieo, Torouit - -. Vo~W. Y1 Em.oî iq., Mutigen tiuchuc Lit A. K. ILCE, 'f"nounîo; Wý'. OiitJambe, si iltioii ii, 'T C AIINE'L bhAl<c II 's"lunîî ,ruîîî<o ; 1luî. 1'. OiGiii, i'rLmei an ok îf,' Llerrie*#a al Il l'r0oi stijt, W'uultf,> l'à - treai uuîruu; Musans. IMaitinlauo 'YIu, oorluuugioguucltI1'uu l io', tul îo i] Itui i iit , o- b îoujuîu, 1u'ito eurs. Azilursuta, Evut ilng, uttI reloiîrisug of h iriiii ut c u uîltu. te <'0,, Nfoini'oJ; N m tiso. 1'. ltnic' e u ,t ifnrinnr oarl'ulhy utuiuel bec; àMesîrs, Ilu,. . Nooute Co. IIENICY IIANNAM, EDWARDS & HIODt)ER. ilEul Ou'F iOUN'î'VANI) tStLJ'Eliliole rUAi LU, Ithi DAPuclS, & OU't'FIrTEiIý Cout,,ata îusiecr 1 tu c iuul' 1 îîuîu- L5Kiiig Struo,, otàwtcla iti etuincuas"L'o clP Alsu p1iiioi rui ,etlu îuintenr to' oi'i, i olmae uuup aîod ut ha inte louco§t fuitiluîtg loy. -i bis si>le.lo- A. l'III(.Lb.1,NOW'18 'lTUE Tlil]E. Ni ERCHIANT T'L i , ! 111CR STtîE', ouEl li . cESAT - - -' '-- --' ---J. A. Clark', lst Pnize l'lctoure Gallerl ROBERT1' bE AfflI Tt'oiît deuie iauerreuci uuî'lit'-iiku Amabre ECîK AN]) 'Oî:s; tui F Tiî ll t>ie Ciulieoîyue, lctturgvetpJo, or Lcutiai c utoaî oîu Clih o.duxb Ulrilge, "roue'ri oLikcuoîainu au Lueket, BroueJio < itlicoL, f.r J. A. 4'. cait du il uta iehe uet m>le CHARLES C. KLLIt, uud tsun oiicu .s)S STTcOILNIc*Y ATi'Lt il, SOt,(lliotINWLICITORIN s B N'kStIfi.u'< 'ltubi ~uiIig,0er IL Ju'oid Oou COCHIRANE, L. L. hB. Brook trtut, tiih' 'Aimucil trîolilJi'h lueitvilJlage u' of ir BAHIttIiTEli AT'T'OlNUEAT I AW ton, 'Luwuu'liii ' uT'1iordi, , sd fui ty'iOit- B lîiur ltîCÇ Nutuar>'.Puluuuile k..- La. 40 llig iîîiîut-cJ Nkew Buili ug, btiitaii C. WV. SMITHI, l(ivi)jJION', ENGLANJo, AICHIITEur S.-IARNETT, 7 al ivi EugtaorOsivu Cîoî'ciîc, ~,ANUFAc.'nr f NI DALERI N C îaîeli, 1blo180s, te,1sgo a o~uio ILCigars i eh Luti Tobuiecos3; allie 'hlle,, teutiel nt uuou uiuiruo. 8 ai] hLuu,,&te,&C. - - - Joluiit rect, Port hlope. J. hAllIERGREPortOD, l'uIiole, 3Marc-la , Ino. 1>' A TTORNLtY-AT-LAW. SOLICITORIN E Cloonucr' NotoryPllic, ,uzcoeîcr, v Saa EY ! WHisKEy! i# -&e. "itt!. I%'. iouais, lui uturtioli. BY T11E IIATREL, AT nest tu Jiogstry ('Ifice. un Brugl i -0a'o',. ï ARBNS&45DNEL DESRt. h'OOTE & IWARRE'N,FABNSte ACOE ', BIIOOKLIN, C. W. ASoperlen cruel0ut'f Fîuutly Flour, Chcap J. FOOTE, M. D. Il. MWAiIIEN, Il. r1)..CA fer Cashu, ut }'AIIIBANKS t& MACDONELL'S. IANNINO d& USSIIER, RIOVI.NCIAL Land Stru'oyor,, Civil gn ZIVICKEYcIS HOTEL. .L"'giuers, and bontd Agents. tJe-tuext MaIaTR dueLte r. loil,, hiuoli-n.,lluîuiivlîe, rlEmiub8criber baue tt il forin bu&strienla C. G. lîstesînceU, V.-n.La.8.-11.Umîîtîî , 1. Il . J.. andth le truu'eliiuog public, iluat luehan nov- , ZDCMonil tuns for Duils draiotu uyi 1>pjreil, Ilclt!d uouî toiisiiàl nteue boyé siuort iloiice. in liotel (tcrirovorh> b r Akii4n W# in. EASTWOOD, A. 13.M. D., Jral leuildto tiueaurt i - . balle lié ;l A iitîedl init oer>tloiug lu sua OIION)ER, l1hYSIC1AN, SURLGEON t&e.. suit. (JouI faf" c 'Wsit>'.at. ttnuîuug cnd eturefuul otuleris ouite HURON IIOUSE, JOX ICKEY.« FOT uT IUY. Saddlery and Hciarns. 11E nuermbgucd lias tikeu theiiabovia Hôtel, lE rJlvheo itlieta, uewhyfitteui utit lu île boul rVIE nuersuitt iset e ,te stote tit e i saullr or 1te ~aomoa binte' flcubic.- ouI èontinîues bis husineu luanthie atuoe hin, tontion ualLte outi ucîl u1on1.r110 i. , pi'aJ~înOîîîî' ietu wbîais. q ura tul ciguro ut huu hon. JOIIN ZNVICRET. Wl,ÀiAM TIIEW« Mai iclitsr, M>1 iri '16 r~lElipi)I'lilRETltgS OF TIltS NY L kuuowa i ulimilurco erliioconjool Lhe oldST. NuCtiOLAS. Kutag street, l'or frtîul cî >'M. n>.Tho pri iîat's ecto ruuw i rcuoed tlorongljuîo fiitailu-)i ii theoirsgtstyle. Evor>' }tocu delucy loi seaseuîi. A olgor dîvotu hittel ou putù1ie'iutu wbtc u oe btthtiti. test tiue itierttubd tu cuiter, 23u CARILISLE & MoCONIC G.rand Truuk htaiiiway Hotel. (&Seth #aide o(I e1sq D puiPrI e ma T JYUNnfISIC;NID iGSTO TNP( luis f*riendii ouItue ;pubic, tut lho li ihl foiiymisu ti u bovoc teh, tue bus! et' tt'lilJueitlii ito Infuture cuorry'et ouit ii uccutst. (bod Ltîîuuna, Whnes nool Brai Excelilnttubitg-tief l tutiosu fut aud huorte. JOSEPII IIUEIo'T'rO.,i WJulith>'5Jae. 190, 180. Pero UNION STATION IIOTEL. OFYORIK i'-,SECOND 1101 F l)ol" epun, Ul'uiîîStottion 'l'rc ihuaril, 1 tour oh uy. atuus ls f.. od i liLig.W. 1OSItINE, 13 'rîopriobu ALBION hIO'iEL, ]EAST!AuI.KET $qUIARE, TOlilNT( i . S l'1, Priioietctr. Excellouin agii iitimlJli. Eter>' itîgtui o id teute cow ut lvellcns. R9AILIIOAD IIOTELs CANNINOTON. ALEXAN11io l ituIt.it, iIiut1LTOLt. tiu'.'aued L wy ,. forpimi noae outiis oow ur îly pnu'ou or rui1huu cifet-s. It. 14s at"uonte, i oi1 t , (pîessciof llnock, on iceliii ,ý4jgg ruIîd Whcea it'iiiv, Boavertou onil liidsuv. (luoouuaccoutiuuoduiinui, îuid atotuivsu CUoouîiligtUut, JUIo> Cili, 15410. T 0OMAfI DOWNING, (iute RUhIroad Hti T l *y iir. oPerioprieuitioiu B tirt a .uoct Sitiiiuut, ad t te nitive (>A t n r . BLACR'S 1IOT1EL. Uj.h,e>- (fJIî'ecL-and Ibiudas yt.-eet,11144 "îucABIOVE :WlI.LL KNOVN, AND C', j.' 'IrtiJituateiluluî otel us heui ut0v al"t [Ip, 'Uuid t i iLaliuost ouifortà&lý tu iuer !)y the uîiesetut ovetioptuu.1 Nu ejdii tic,'i o.Jotuod tu ii .tîsu oadi giuuéti un lsh 'Lue tut rti îuds ut' Wiiiec, 1LuûIldu r' . ami Iuttitil'e uNl iui,, 'l'iîJs iiutilas pitooLei lia theluev ieurt iou "wii ou' iitfo, itiii e itaiel Lu but tii5 Cui t'luiuui Lilfieguce fer furm)orm ao 't '4$ ~<-f 4h u 1 £ucry 'lîuui, uuotJouît IlCENTlc t ___ eu___ -il ta ito rKconsud ictar iub, dfai, -. ~ n î r îî u îu r nI p îî u nàcd Ti e oXt 0 1~acres u'of Off c n leV ictoria B uildins , ver h t.o u 'i- C uT he u uf tyl t le E re st siept bis la t uloop- n âg O f 1 . -,a" rTotcdlad h bv v1kîuutwî onfail djoins lte Ci.offico. b4 Ch iaLegU al smen hmlii.bes Lsmter. 'CCgEXs HàitlàED SEcI-r(u 15 v., tou. .tire PressoutheiCoouiuîry, toto tobu rîw Sr c.Duiliou., on Lt thteil_______________e______ eretonoc, ul eulhuobl, Té oaf tticmbivsi oret mi heIstnl rsio enh arecebr 2"TUE ]IFST AND lJA'E1,leST WOlK OF' criîîî.on.For poticnlura apply' un the l'est Of. CS!FREEYOY urynggrveillntapa ebv 'L'îE INi)IN 'l'lE W<>LD. licou Wiliitb>' te AI!FR EVRBD ee eagi te bave cruahed an offensivele idsl owdaru tel 'n.f iddiomtne pr-chknh, Wh 6ost aeiOeolc atili Levié n, aronnlae uI 'Inn.e idfi, lconiutls'ugclcé,hai Turcîve ftiil-slzud Pa~ges ut Vocuanl uzouForto lu A. 1MCPHER$.ON Wt istsLahvOIf>. But tho evideece? On a'ceck al iL b >oom pr teclateb'apac u leLuo snîrr'et J3ry 5 ll-Ya],$.0 uatry 12 y turnlng Surplus Stock Ittu Monoy Tht. gvlîcnce wa wftuîîy, canunsiyythé lau ll ahue okl iebrve ibntt.iteeciiesaentloclc. Mun>,g5 iecrl' Cfo uttriy10.2. AIBA KS& IADO. TT- 0gistbe.landiard, baOillad>',.Chbomeuronad aud bouts uuudor'hn,6 ýsot.Cikn SuliacribteLe"ouIr Musical Friculn," o onrde ARAK ADuiLwr l iosé ' ci sesso o bou t, talout erafomn. au ehtiokeaus foi Lt trou thc ocaraî4t Newéduee1 ulund ruhu (JlENEILAL AGENTS, Thunalrsigtiod rotvce canàigentis fer I condensé iL for thé rosIer.. Betar. e. a uosl1> ufr ucsinuathseilca p lln'UM U4 ùlOfgh fe b eré ng shrek ýfrù t eïý, ,g e iaon e a a ie.a s i r e L i t vyu aiefujýu n(GUD e stop inte court an Lie occasion ufut his Pleen iiik ro i roon occupiolexsecata> io iniigilifltit cuat; cud ut 'ou Çvant Muosei* fut Commiss o Mrcans Acwari 0 1damli £uuost remarkahle ti-, 'we viii by tltaérsintatrsectiLéon. thsu ou aie CTn-, hr tfi i lte FIni., Violiiî. Cornet', lr,net, Accordien, IICC the "igeta urchs eauhcot direction viithe meoch basîiltev ainmoncé &c., &4osubsotribe te te 13ROCK STREET, WliTrBy, C. W. t otlo igtot rieseaht oisotsi oerLit rmad xhibté .agict t setbe uoSrmnt, s trrr nule Is rîcuii le eihLrboluiPhneu1 00 O(Opprosite îiegimtry )COfi.) Ail parties eaesignitug goe ans roi>' on yuuthfai d.gigis oce m~ rerre sud ycoin-ite oni>' îigit taicgtatlrg cegrutLé mule et hic somoThoe rsjdd onbispreertvltch cn- ~s îii buuingiiiliehane, urol lup. as enda uarg ne co etaein theiiieo hii Cotia 2pageai, costlng oui>'TheA. Lite CPeuinhpers CentiuunRF1,BErorerelte attend Soles in ai partm et ]PR OM PT S A LES, priiéd, a beautitel Manaion sud raeur in P 10 Cents n Numbur; Yéurlv *2.50; L ARAK, r .C ACOrEL -AND the o unt> 'fNurtbamptonsitir., a Sjtira vs Pysa a l h nau.avrI~s 1Ilf..yearly, $1.25. gcanî so,' ies ireguarileaet iteha yes vas a Ler. ay rivicg as4pourkor, aodngo c onl iý,ýhoe laiteë-Of ne, The aighi ibtme teir dy Vl oBea ouniuuiu 10 t&,Nndumu>otiy ntari <j?~îcou; Wu. Lainog, Eu, , <Ioiîîb>'i T. F. NICHOLL, ostrangeçi ilntm tina ébtessdrible01 oniai8dýe nn lat bu s ertnhIU<lairliel ad, e vois mwtuo Rwî volutnnotcntainiijý 7 Numberano. $It vashune t.aicdiRaslconyq.r Mayb os laubsud, vbonarskedsv reationsvan constcutly ou hatol. B. Warren. Es q.Manoager Ontario Bank 'B ûtoer&Guea omuMrtut, (m'on Liethier *hobadlobng fougiiî agailaat tuai lace>' p gîrAgontৠvauîted for thasc publications. F. Burke, Éaq, bôaitaw; J. Ililolp, Esq.,eh-iteteroroueghi, C. W. Letcta issnsLa odut é a a, for ne une vçuldi n'i l ha alu. rpt C. B. SEYMOUR & GO0., 5o ~N. B.-Tll',Tovn ho, oekeewlodgoil b>'LbhattnhLb .d; bcfier a 9 107 NoaaiSt., New York Caomeisi toe te ite tesct iu th~ eetîtht netaetmotersof te aa oé<O >t idé t oy eJmo étt cêi b a R-SS L S1 r 'IE Pirovunce for b.sin-;j. 11his éa ixgaua m; sud it vwasneot titilîcal thé maLheurtat thé intact Le>' asite- Il a Brooklin Rouge. Q E j 'E L9 'Petcntouro', C. W ., D013-, 880 1 6n. a hiàgiivsf' relry', ie which Ricial vas hying hait' in sel hif ouut'fthe roon lwm écu aiae"vsm B r o l n o s . 3 H éritage naît au a ftiansbiy bal a abare , On ber face. An lm wvas setticg Up iti 6 g ar, il eeonu é, a e i d ita s ~ pa o1LsCha~I t It uboS TORE AND DBIVELLIN G thati, ir'RaîpÉu!vas coiepelbel te . baeimh'ia oOkiug scarul sel Lévildrel;asel soein. ver3 .-naur tintthIl do t get mac- 110101,f hilouw nproutarel tea ceoititiootu te their f iâaudti truos, toLtthe haveotho- ON foi hi. home ho esanie vbawhm Mbiheart itogi>'net eteescosbabe insfcauuje. trtelaliog IPubtlié, vbre tbaey wiil litl thue test roltghly rouauvuetoitoir estibsout dune yçt céiun g. tue clothi gabioutber stèrepot paifuinniRcAfs.-Thé paspers ré- flioc tst te ,eason utioneta, vititcaretuil tJor te MinhraiofuthIe Leginaquritsu theT o"o rTe 'il'tt -oÃ"fahr pt-té o i lfi.'.dhilll MoET<a-R aud inoaif lttays on Itaidlibe soiiitua sharcvollin ui u acjrp ontîer- O AEhafrérir.rîo s R h adad iroe "edrP asfuoilitéblnt aeuo fs et thRe public patronae. alditinsi te ttc apaneslti te>'bl at i-chthke iu4 iéhadedcb, o&Srbl~-sopecsaf GEORGE MCLEAN, ter, t>' haro nov Parleyrs suad hled-roomm Ina (y'taO' erisorvii tforbsgelfe P 4ram usrals.IL a lipofl fat1 Preprieler. large bouse rieur Lt Ithe,lîchfo cetoi tiior Béail Estai.. And 80Richard Herita2gdaperd gt'vi*,"t o' riee oo u..mcreied hioml in faorder to.gr . re adciveuaoiic, r uuJE IELW epîéaa N.Be3-Aloou h-ndI ersesas elBuggies ta selcoativ upansel le the CiLty. Ai' t adsel .,jia , é noau1 ' DOW sondtheuicu monoours aoierîteeslaîersau ie padeid te am drive travacrs Wtn a>'part 01 te Coutî'. IV'X.IUSSELL IL SO.JEL GL'9rutor ten carne au Imr itli aë«balgrn i -éasf.Bovt iouii nù1M iaî1,l e r, fataMüd $ i.s41w slJ' Birooklai, 3irsl7th, 18a1. IlQtacbec, MVtch 11, 1861, 9 îvh',tL>o, ud MIy, 186L16 vonlerer about thosé Soatht Amcrican alenan caseieul corridor,iLth uthr1Ieè 4là4 ~ kTItint orh jou4 itoo od amriooonebnaboanir thill IOOORRAN20,iML W . bl l [Tie followl oidab rdfe roo k lé,r8ktii M wî and it& L i f wDOf licoloc~f~~e~ne ~ Fo toonssudfoithc patlehar aîpivt. 'ta",~ liad neauwibli T]BtISwnewbc sodA FAMBIIS,& MÂCÇDOXELL,4T 't'Y0aOT 0 tduaaesnLoela.J ôi,~Io 42tcines ib y o n trepo1rtl bl gte rt-etilo uioon wbiUOi ffb it itorsgn, uîe bAlfre, Orho aa&na. a l~r stti e . tuai B Than ....i -forn a uLie ooduoten t ii ibealn r ît g s iOt ratl5trncohureAitourtMoïý - E7NGLie Euotholf t te~orLt.la1 et Llonoo orLp i ld %-bal y,<indlIJ1<Wy'idpfd ftbIocaoSPRlrou ipwtsrii alpaâdota, wt IfuTrnera eSüafi h HteCflrifO ah, IL TM B Ut en. 5'. Ili the, 2io concession of Rellig Th cd tu attezidsaàâs'orde rm wito priigpiwr4i$er certificagteccsaioniy sh Dec. 26 iÀSU.TILES.e et uwbu thetbad Oh 1te Celoiieawuh thir. wy to ou , T, rl - l' . m colt~~~~~~~~~'ý1j uo 4lCo.oty,<inoatiRut i -ThimuOito'aphn .ari;calo hr tiser. . o T o N E R. ~ t G.Ustu' Fro) qucLiyoDruîî C RO geue ue ~ 5h aod*4térwOe ot4.d.~ . fin JOn e s ýobchml..rl crtIna Liera. shortoîuti'18uî1donorotsetilbeW ý o i tee Ce. W ltbv.twiit t' e. L rictd-t Whiby, Ana. 30, 186.- J MSSM50'F liey lulaelLhÈassd crmbmteeanat.cioin ebe o eiL Hr u oo fte au le, li ingatn ________________________________itfiel___ È sick t her An d il v s he r t . t h i 1 O p n u g i. d e v t a rei ______ 4, long-.' O Y S T R S! Iud, *ante, uoaung al tés. ven andIL he ps sae u b0al rnai ndip VEL R. X.CMBU dlUKDCol.Utty MiBERistBoîitoeru bok wlhtirulFgxtewa ia lteowihp"61d h iodo feîofe.-te tii. aléofeit e crrior Lot on ff ONDRYAN'S BIlnLIAlDllALOON, Liîi xuiter nardeo??iîugll a th ILut*qqrll.4 d flýuoniikni Et t , s u d . A U 0 T 1 M E Et T l s i os , a n d M o f r â . e p o C f. Ai t .- f W h l 5 ddtl y u d . -f r l v , a n b ; , J o - s h o e ý : d I L L b T Op pWt eltten dthlo btrdi4 tte li 'Pi es hteabi nre fie c tia n b y cp ant-tin g S .D o u agh eitie rsn if' ita a p:t or tile judgeWauld bu}toftOit oa yarWewinglienea1acol rd-outeelosvoîdgfLeif Momsub1of beraDillon. ie the wTry theutu, tu e nreo w rtiîtrlg. o eandpy oftronitoîiitléex-otes *aei ppd r1 uly xlotBt inhoro ie tho oo i :ue 'a m I I 1$ie0é titonie beo it....gth rueseuh *Hloosiuî t Pikor Forburi. nd ihlîi iIîropcm po r thou it of tii jr c ,omi ng w id c w l it te ô n bu t ilthere dit v as, a s p se =b u hot oie and__u___________________ bora oore hid teto , away v.tjtii flclin ASU ACceO PN J)E T ST R !J.ito uaitwtlt 0tIL e s et1h. i l t he rosenanLe day aucheeAUing,,thé lirefoéhip; e r n 'a eovérak thro' terrer et'allé n Whitbt,,A.izre30, 1860. 46-tl. Tho plinda ar e u. io ad ito' e ter, Ara ,,eI o n. wrl t "t e ut é&lntt ei 'th e d orImie îL e on OEIler CA IT LS10,0' . T abundt So01oéi f twoa b>' the peoCinclutut b LAW LEN ETha th t th t l inr W Il thei pasa ge h. a .at ,- WELL BY aiBliin P. O. t rml with oo k whu t her uh titoir I hat , l bu v ie rd y f . s the vo m O>' ecinn.lt .%,h 'al r i è ,t'oi 0 ST EII-14 oEf gulererea ulings aoied Luier O R o 1X ' ri'ie )let, oivuoiuooLoîLuLiu undfor mâled. so'autollod on D s. CALLbg» e NErui&h CblARDnTo prtcfbuuy ia ito edeii,* élars iee.haie ent thcm amplt e mýld w i w s ean th . e o t bngd nd JOUNAUNE , Sugeou, Dnlags &c. Rooo ovr Kotgag d Pr mise. An luluo i e c iiuurele qul t iuoiàtchle, t te camé te Eeglaed, seol aiidAshem _1,o ouhiurotâ avn lin hc h br dsabe rhümlW e t attol'wlaet ortg ai in. T riseellnRY A N , B L I R S O ONl O ,luitby breà î ifijîlul , iVind9Lar Yad t haaetonrLthe sle eAidbnI okon ttocl ot g Té oulaed ton, sud thé igloreandith A ll c- Tigré T,111 llti. hd inareacbedflaond.7 ue>'horavel. 7ado Pof addmi n re a meric ros Tiecfa Chiaifttilcnanduid got airtk L thrtrecle ;wed >' oa frm Lyvrpoî t 5 FIampobios s it t'ilO ln 5igbir thii At d.ô frcsor pf e jitw et t. ci o uutabv ndow o hoono Tute otohuu rs ois uincd uryvtt sd u o1ieo iet o a bekdo c eecm aî e ils té agge le v ie sL i 0. W-oiSMITH. leier-tForarad surouaning îîîed eriltia eider.of tue ol. Heriugi of Lite>' oun aýmw if e èýbttid, , . It s, ad tt ah ougo evidrou uoa fLi.soit waru, crsud xlu onoolot Whîio Litebirdheou d wkrvueoat wandle thm nýe eir uncfle. ,o bs erans oid eor nd lguer Te t rlaan WETRNAS RCOMPANY , cfDEtiTrubl Iuumte preeut Ltd« 8 18 ith rlurr rn hi ot orlfu Toiler', Shitilep1otuileiut Ble it as eucdnet thé. - c f ni e oe it lobut terrr fîhlaie opp.) it1Lue.;uotareoiJolci "É;lare ail survuriy nutoLnoaid llhiuo ertauetrsudobaitetii O i-h iflio esi $08 89, tohknu o o,- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ta ordrse ruatn e hcurwultbeduewih at1 iletterLsauLieWasreer Lao a301 di> 82 &, upeople.s lu _____________________ 6 nL iodI i lni ~ Adn, .0 rml i h dwio ir u hei h cuydtr i hed ychab eccuter ed a vspuohusd:>6nnAmug.'on 'ihooti in Lune, bofçetereiLluo disoasandigeLrssin t!o 1 wetoth toi uctauos L f i mgn tnke. I ot a t e iib nt mlb. din yorm ag, nd bs Oiiv ed t h le aé Whi gltf- t b.Eey B o er. col'riii..eclcoiitéernenpeeudte- it ir wlih oscLubpvplniateiot; mee onstaliCtbeventi tao toc tt RSuooi. . unî,e, o su otuei tioécilsui e O sp iit'fde, ae hoyuiern sn o untony, ut on IL bd s ig aioc nd to a c he> au hremaibe. W é ale ut applicationAR CO ALthTII isooroil oi (aid, SMU- Iob rotoil r mss u tetrso tiumaeqocidb Travelling Agente Byropn Shetcrebetutlnaol oaIcgate o ,:iUtetir env A ndwo Ieg, tu hecl ou g e t ciese i ouiL asd hemicosetero.mlr iwti auecge ni oyafrn y . f ros-Carletuon odrLyntszdlame, atrLt ço oiîieoii:su ortco tieu ire 1k u uuîî, tuitiithcednfan't, eeuritr itt lad.e Lt art' y ef2leo e iulîgoLgrab usn uro ~ ~ ~ Ju uolaes ute.ul'pruonuaivl ity aoiuutuoouourotuuteoin-T UOt thr useogtilais>'optruet HrtgeHaltq wud nawld et u teti Rues b.rote- aroo aid In, nmierteWthesbef. uaihhatolresthepraTowlir.hip mtof libttt flotyadsurudn erf tlung eueto ie ,Ltn t o ui>'. talenoer-& eDIIyofOtro, or lhe s., Pricedfe>'ood, he ote am n e dovotin hare n and th bey hugr>' halin. LRi ote in cev ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-h ing'terca oof ud$' tru5 u18uur titel ittuhsutloItîj. e hoeiirbuiîr u . Orvth- sp unfistadl>' <luesteNatureioapbutr 0'Lid mI qli e Lt r e rlce 1 1 r n tritis u c . 'd ie om r fu lu i '~ 'g 1 , i h tt o el w (u u u s u u d ' it' the c et e tn h tuds O inh a r ossret ht t e ost llonî a tasooovéi al ov riàstiro >' ea ux oay oppostet__ l'ntaro_ Ilte],______________ liit u Choe ul-nmpy certanainaltnioat-s, ie urct o5 $9,inakulrtn idt .eauly . 1-801. Fr(gouotof the siéveoyi, ippinan, andeçinnfartbeDtvi)oom-JOteuk tie troothie ottalu, aretasufata ns molea , butur ia biacre tCrs.j Rotes n E MO A L. oîîcîu ndd Lu uis s a tory i o ertiongu lunJoo tdii tsmbo&rulertinfuIno>' Woke te , ill it r ic hl' liie hiselu the lteredat ttiras lur e rmecl irlrprina airo' ..im A Oct.u0tstea859.ut).LietiguurofsCli poofesionialencedramy eyeuugBuc-ientt vr gîtntoarm te lu enitrnk nea reee tedch in thetsnaorarsLeoyhuidher.ivd wit theaI Il - offapriog. Lot t lie a f turen.eIL bld Ld 6bnd. ldiLunnd i eresbeényt of .ug ne ereAndron ii. lion, utt Iicti A M BROTYPE GA LLERYth. ornoon pr2cad t ehit ho uetnIe.oyioeu asr.oi v tiia nobddered uhe r on lui ste asin rTe te lo j ite eeu ateli W h i t b y B o w e r y . L u ria a old . lai es, or 0 ilitiiegtip artitio n vht0111 und uas em o rg eecyu v o n idoonL kedneit ieubilfeuilsIu ertrethtwîcieery e fi r o th e 1ae 'T lF A Re E coS arren's toreofeetheodc haisetthpaoeeta tuipossbltnpoceul4-rt lltheine caLedoad tha a %-Crplatna Ilati lsosipo theectebatt.,atit eh it 0It ieumsmore iko n Anmant Chanbrigit ceIL avas ur in ithibis an rhopun thon, ahETIItee ated i t4od, S -oeti trartifilhg L tféle ee huruile rgerfshteuns uâtl vulgutuiua huiieartlavese. rL of L Noti,& . 2Asa Lthe l Liu prn, eta i ters vLtakthe ifatere ithe ure t ter. Sy hehl inatd o ecthé t uh e thlîiotutîtlelorioo e Ii iii, Auou. T e po a r-s rg ieti malashil r s a ppog eril i G arcie wibaatom Wi tufur-ms. ticoi ii vucilova asCha nethaîogheblthoirnotilcurtrancilue suahe mvasamtdokéin orrensas tlia10ewhunvas emAubb, thtli- Ilmc'riloteti u s'o of theru k irce.t iry 1 8I rgeoni!A u Mcd. ut e asea d coinU.th . auj A.Drebiect lierdanta ars t i l G exeent rt rli itl iittc s as a 1C dun C 1g :iLUSA ;i1 y 1~~le odu tilw stligroi. L p. oohnpifAaiés v r. crvéd vih tos eé ho nce beiieve d isa t aene ue brl hie cdua aie i mLl livigbLutviii e i àà iny cr ctt,: o dkh u uute orni# tu c-su itu. viotctit ter a inesudouiiLe . Ïaotheoa r. Sici tl Orciteisrcu it ercntds- cs s I Lad tva or ureseNatre aper et e m a .4 v r nm n al auo by ied ts lie nuveui>î> raIy WhtibyMa>'26,hOU terfou, cuohlleu tiit oftIrd.vrai>hearrd ofie eiiiell uteluthsh ute. grai nupolane, or Iiva yeug A th ther bnds Besuifal r &leicelia ohl taheturttcle. o au. Wl!. Ir Dte NtaTwisupe'Duriu nlultrtieitiookBrrkit. Fsu doit-I coei et veso tI nyc ued elte c aackau thuteeeer' To vraÃ" o tsi16 y rs E Cg .1. nuit ii 'art ufiî,t u. 841oo Lioo Coud Coutoos À'TSIJI N drik-I coud nt mee-aL tima,86m1eui t ep re, se tit thy htobe ut r e as d ue, s 7 e yeab u tus 7 cighlmaé I bal atctnntionase unhueit,îLe it* t "o al eji gýt à'i atin the iitrue t tire Iigirdsb nekuoulytit apicudilurolîurd tutl aueve-fuuiiuu strtio Sureon troLmf.. IiLbai bee putou' rei dayte dy, uasndas kasei su cem ende te eavn, md nuo utPomp>- lv thLu lieau, tob70 - vu cl c u is s Lia u et L s , oo ttAiiat lG oo uel s u re a c t"u st s ft, ee n i r I tils foît l>luîi' tiol ix roii io otou.vuie .~iuatnO tuLié- -coni T the ie r agt of Lma e va mupo mel the ilgiwt heas iput et ouIth o Ra i d#ilehW lroî boi e d eon génroni o s .uo.idP Il RO YP G A L R . iitbobita iiî Cos ulatit todLonrud. 1 Arecf[ ti 5arlaricm ? i v levson. s)-in auttne c h o ou lil gnt W hi. ele nAiot.xur odlor e s ilth f c c uc o uvbu t iLean i n g tr u n u a L d efitie: t e r i n a lo i <fi e4 Ã" 0 v e o h é b i r t1er TuL 'icuMdrao eFies 'u a.Ar.~C eulon'tRe tc, itotRetiu î W auxulcoSaio el rec, oi o& IiAfa~i es trspuuiiyvs t wmi asion t' rotou, ud erSit e 1.;rcttriii hajs T r e uit)jcfa u «. fioOtItl-.Lve 'îvî' toe tliàletA clcuooete M s,& . is, tor >?ra 14, onie o us 10 BROOK ct;- . 3. S TRE, W 'HITa rT 10 ora 5cretsctolck i ulu u iug oi e ho athiecime,9e bypy700l iIogl ie edah bilýilltps in Mr. Blockfber4the wbhe tainoad t aodgéatttver>' lat- ne Ci- Galef O eR ouSAL oe h treo ; CÀ)ofre e 000W f otal * -- Vil reareoi te endor m & ootveof Brociîoruurwihere wweltheugole andnsrleogjeuudofethebslioutellvbnereber le ,4 tu urtixi ikceaéte asite o i c iLtatâvatoies riIwsoyn f 17 Urluriigéitit -.oLi adthe' Ica n t rel thl a rgn a M inroof18 t asilhlm Lette uît sd iè hetg wîi b littIlleoiî,tsle. ohtiiigegeEbulisîg'ildîlStbea citci yeoanuribce aw aiiIsufe esy-ove>'her' A ytbe mioi uucrjilnti AeXii<irÉtc un Jtetor lit(, Mr. Du>', atoil l'ion l'r>. ke igstiFro iii 'ii u >t ooîvlie i avouuoaby1ln he. public.A ilNut wh* reil ccu litnd'.vohaheu etcriminfrleLteliides mhdoi0to Atofu it sn.heo T~> '~ILIS ou ttti~ oier tli lI>' nuistiîpp L aten ta d aeuto- I llawe, W LuLAtue iloaft hld er g te uce e prtom s t ae the at ephsoute wuafuuu rib tith thurimngior <b hetp A a v ryi p&c i u js n oti i h .Ju TCio îî ier ltel ou b ia bo ô t hoe ,i t ivi g C o . Nniouort20 h ampfi t n a us b rput pun e wtriaihaoisautehoeeure" t r e , a u cJ 'il lvn ,b t w Aij> h oces 'ou,?t-ut 'c'iccno (tesmoe uhn, onc i itutdre, 1>'>er to. Pg Il liaics fr G. y h. DntARuc TNe-L g iit oid, S teud Voit aeiszcdînusebe TLw e. 14 iiitis uie lit g ntuCo.B e orvihc er m I e -r Le resofn utb 4wr nsoemdpsso by ier r ts i moul e abLot 0; bisye Li ti NSuolicuhuor at k'i 8.whc e hasîs ad airy Moera uete C rge l- tai P, iongt toiiLuohand1 lat Cou cencitdis ae- re oiae vs c m iti d te ns iule ud moél v eektuut tetttetg t 1 r- i b y Jîîîîs26 , 18 1 8 6 0 . t er fi hî d c nfi b d e nt Ch t a t e i ra f u l s a -N el t 1 . vitb a d in a geshe e lo u se heur u iste s ip urrts.ceLuol taI Lu fYicna geteth e2 , b o t unuruo . dsn rcie iewl aete ubâierihoos îuîoW .t N . 17 WARt REl N, ou bafr riald ye th N rthamptoabio ag. 0Teobemur cde {ahahe uJ I g o e he t e 110; catur ofso Ane-ima is. coo 15A>JAJAL8db iL- Lbo3m r er6ut Joh AdN.phe.vei, sudh her eut gtt a btoobuoilitdas ondm The averageIu of oi ta ;a 16.tg.iîi uuJIIrth partcse uudofouilottLie Nuien. '4t'-in' iothe Lte BLu ou.Wanm reaiei fe Laedefyc.tesept.i > J1N ue To nshipufîraring t Ecti. uaeaodregaiatioo Xnetousti 1e -Aoceueset, Xe a I oasin te d d ta n aeae l oi>i b veho i e r uhon 5 y eenu s Cut e ur usl a i î.'eutereuuce-oandi Lrlouî. lucîntîtaiier bours uaL lions bavé been thon. utheé Goeil nigiît. 1-1 1: 4,B y Ero oo t. tu îuîeoo, &1OWELsSrI croaten, Limes v aient o n>otral s nbtes siioald ag 1 ad helitl o e et3;o egiledaVeonuth ETrock Sreot, Wlmut2 wei siFO:TtRo& J Aso euoil"D t lavo uccnid ,Iputduroffer ibifroulniir, 0r ' n'arine tobW-du li îd tu lth e at i , e i Oa M CA RIA1 docad n ee-iENDii, tre iuurh Surgeontltt to oor. solu a tul o s u en a se udoI u erayto uiepoaitius, Gutisse ad omenedteît n, and u 0 'ar; vn rqunu'ra liii. Woatcrossesar toni- aic, iu.,iagil>' t tlao auutiaeisit L Lite Cmonsud oileilmentaly nuote I begn Lu loteThtheitJ. quu1.t'< wvsoror hurd b>'tIbavtge et 00; sivits iove bee kuils D country, r, 'iiiouid protiris disyweekig ferC i t o sud ortheIal 1o ' 1 il>' ùt i; ndx7,.lIL vas Lu le 00 er. Me n Mulidrtn il tut C E T h s t n p ti ti s i d i o f e ed T tl u r r V FC r m f oL s i r ae c , n i Im îa r l e 2 1( o n c ssi'o o o t> ' t lo n l o x iio u e l ik o A s e m a t w r e n nei o fvith u n s bnlis c e é ré w u h sr e t n il h p a in o - u do t h é . a d e s liio t e ie o î e w n I i t u u u o d h g i o-tct> iozgiod liutu.Teicaou osy u alr-î toe Twsapu t' P p a iclccriug tom cotuaviii CHABLES C. KELLE , vte.mlei ulhie i ou u leI.. - Eîor 't'c ti 1r 1 ' n R te11- u111 - 1-c u it iO n.u tu'L o ub u > 1 1 1 ti 1 1 1

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