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Whitby Chronicle, 23 May 1861, p. 2

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RoPa Ppr-Y mtoNokn tom. mors >ui.ou sélection, ~ I~m~.fl.- - - - - néY 1 W. M fl.fltwgo. V'edors Solicitor. ~ " wu~s Çh*C . Ch 1csy*&l-Jiak orf otea ,Reaci bau not boeu _publiabsdin the. liai of te> the. Oiaumiwm 'y & V,4q' 4.t pMrogatIotiof Paiament. W. obldlHS&elnyw t %M~ey~*-Tuxv.Eytb et aI. > 'I ýce Ofh in the Votes ead ro- oma t Yý11t dora Soflotors. flà thé ý>kbIIabd a4à~ itoe ' 9eeýOBVUI¶ýerî @ iUwr bydesign or &"nMt It ~ ~ M T ' ~~~4;bf r4iocga.is qnoveriooe4 thé". weSa. 4 ut4b tu oVT é1poJ.ft For Sale Cieap".-WJ H. 'rremayre, th ctý, t i fliôWfb I WO In lu u> m.auanz 4lttSlat .mi Land Ciri1srJ UarnPerry. WO pubIBl iâ . 1 4pt T~ IIIXU. 4 AUCTION SALES. Aenl."er~Vt O D18RUI,. ~ ~ ~ ~ To uco ohei. S4 risVtub or Landcs-Town of Wiiitbl, 15LM june-* rat# i~p4UrTe "Flpqrg4 b.830W calied! the Fairbasnks & Macdopcil., Wheratu thepubl! wenléieuc ibi nez , Q9jl dl thir. CiueySl fL nds nWhitby, lbuh inhabltabta eft bel ôuiipo'leei 'om hiter of the An. Ciraucery Salo c woul& iiti proi td yadivson p of that nuit7 sund Quarantce I? Se.y fti Juu-I~ainan-Albeac rnti. Thewuhpntte.prt Mudalto To sinend the set -iloon atng the. Cha n .10o ad nBaccAbr fra, Ber PafsJty, ,by-sud *It1i tiihe' tra Asylum r , nd u Ltfr Spriug. ~~~~~adricce snd cnseutofti ss.tv wmo- E~xtensive Credit Sae-WoodruiT &Thonm Counei snd A"5dlUlvIi aof-,<Càn8da, suaCta To Inoorporat. the. Moutrial Skating solifoiiews-1 & -Cubf loti, 1.' llpon and '11%Le lft day Of*isti. To incorporait. the Si. Antoine Associa. ry neit aiter the- asbigoet th's Aet, that tien of Mentrcaî j ~~ ~ unicIe ~part or portion ef tfuopreeu Towihip oet An A et, te aboiféh tii 1gîo Cut ë on*loBeach, fin lots orne tetwelv. both fitelu.etQurtr caios udReerr Courtst - 5ve,,froin the .Township et Whitby te the oteQurytresion and sî,ftal oloni urs; - earosrofthe Township. 1.bhil b. set Spart tAn rYttaeen'ad lthjl j n et; ONLY ONE DOLLAR A TEAR aud shah :for. aa.eparâte Township Muni. tAn Cosotudea.d Stuejte cf Cnaaer or eipality,to b. called the Towusiip of 'Net uIod sa &t respectiug Lthe PorolnefalFoui. Whitby, Tborslay, May 23o M8I. .Rescii, and tii. reninder of the, &%id tenilsry' fCnaa ~~~ ~ Township shalh romain a Townibiip Muni. Toen.îd the. lOSth Ch"~tretti The Work or hit Sessoion. clpsiityby tiie nameofettho township 0cf-COnsUdItSatre eoCnaaste Beach. olsetootaiùcfctl aL nt Asluntlfer Tiu uîrtî eaiea t bSiti Pts. 2 Forer .purpooe o( tfiotiroa iMlet. iiau Convicts tlm o mîAait of Canada wiich cloaf on gfaturjay pal giectionlo bd hold id the iid 1'ewni. Furtiier to inereau e Capital Stock cf wilI ho remarkslo for liîîlfer ilo tian thstat ip <of 'West flWdadtnoxt-after te paseLa Banque du P~eople II wusIlle last, Arr fliteloOo.ing oet hid Act, the, Connty Council of te oatadtiCatretti ual nchievmens u' oi' atreti reresu.Cotinty of Ouutarie shall, at its irot s505h' Bank; thY eleeeioo u arot ers, on next aifter the passiug fet ts Act, ap. Tu Iacorporte the. Cfiurch of Englsud I tativen li putuing lisraedîoLine me as te pec. point a Rturuing Offleer, sud sait! electi. VomIl. Orpitan Asyluin ef Quebee; lico $60Ã" apiece, besicles other littie 1ick. on shallb be .d at Lthe Village ef Epom. To ceuselidate the dcii et the. Town et ingu sani puraquiites; svaiiing Lbemseivcs 3. lTle provisions oethLie Act respocting Petenboro,'ad1 acins ti ssee Or thet opportuaiti' or proeisiminalsind thj, Municipal Institutions ef Upper C&. debcntnres on theosecurity oetoLwis proper.À bide, Chaptor fiftytour of tho Cons*lida liesdfo ohr purpeses; tijeir awaa punit>' anad patriotiom; liberally ted 8tatutes for Upper Canada, as res Te incerporato the Canada Central Rail. vutaa thu Suplis" orti. "ubic "r potsth sesrdonettJnte Twnsbips, waY Company, and te amend the art cuti. vies," sud returaaing te ther congratulations net incersistent with tis Act, shII al pply ied an act te provido for, and encourae of ilicir frieni, self.satisflud witi, the uleri. Utifth ewui wships tRaad, WestearchLe construction et s Railway frein Lake tua'uous atte ia lydi iritrs asifitesdyowJniis is oner. Lii, dHuron te Queboo; c oftiircui tlay htiud layia l ittle ierctsadfii aye ardee.thus9d Toabolish the moe eoetprocedüre in ettici ouaty-lteaiisltte i. e ight hundred sud suxt twe, boon uuitod; C J merviug of public record. ThCutymnrrvdd lwyta iestr t iii nginal case, callcd Reeerdiug sentene Th atr uriPoidd laytatteshr f h fdeati; a c aT ef Fîvz Ilvxrnàî, i'ToUsAND DOLARS, Ciergy Reservo Fond, alreadY distributed, et medtepioanasl npc.u abolit wlaicl aianounit tlicir rirluable olsî., and witiclî shahl, at te passiug oet tiis Act, tien act ;g tien irili coit tie country, ia scarceiy worîh remuin in tlsç haiadâ of the Municipalit>' et To providu for te separatien oethie go ,briaghalca itoueouat.No i i wrhithe Township et Beach, shali belong to Connty et Bcnfrew freio ii eut de a wL'le ousJcairr th hus pccailles tasd be equahi>' divided betwumn te Town. îar; shipu et lof hechInusr, WesthrBeachanAu set te piéet vexations indictuients L mochiso ttr Hrîs, hutro~c s 4. Thio Act shahl be dccmed a Public for certsin misdcmeanons ;ti exubrirance uofl)ttriel.c spirits, blackguard. Act. Au set Le amnud snd cxteud the lsw in Ag ed ad tlarrrrtent-,d tu tiauh each otier.- respect te potions iajured lunttis Province Ar !or iili it scuncel> help te niale the lait Onaen..sd dyiug abroird;, S ~ evn lv r'fariu <othc TueCotnt> metin ettheCotnty To change the. name et the Roman Ca. Co bIoorle4s hoIic Episeopal Corporation ef Pytowu; molesduel, wlick did ntoke place Lodge ut the South Ridiiag et Ontario was Au set fer te relief efthLie represen u r b twu haIwo honorable French gentie- held uit the Globe Hotel, Breoklin on Fr1. tives etftthe late Thomnas Ewrt; meni u.lau o i t-rigtoierl onc anotiten that day last, ira erder te riz the place et mcet. An set for te relief et David Rintoul et tey diii net figlit. Asuive said ut first the ingofthie severail Lodges iuntte Coufnty 'Iud Walter Armstrng; laqt, Session of Parinhiemat will only bu f.ton ceiebnatiug the Twelfth et Jul>"titis To change the naine et the College of motlo,jumt becnucsil wsa the last. It bas 3~ car, We are inferutod Litfrwmt .A 9 ne other clai'nte bu remembereai liere..mouslY aesulve Ltat the celebratien sIud Te ona le i.muniilutis oôt ham le Atter. take place in the. town et Whilby. sud lIngersol Lte pas by-îaws te rat&ty thein 0 Slientliag serintisly anud candidi>' people *es~....... agreement with the. Deneitsm, lugerseil Nil eantcot help t'crliiig disappoiuîîed at the un. DîNNER Te C. J. Burus, EsQ.-A sud Dorchester plank sud gravel red u 9,i3fiLefscCtr'lli'ucortri or thl' I,isltion ef d intaer, on s splendid scale, wuas ent te legalize tho said ugreement; Car t-1in .~..Mr. rvice. Mgaveit 1Te Tamend the28tchapter oethrre Con- selidateai Stututes, ot Caada, ' -- neat rcspectîigirrte public venkaitia se fi il as respectaste poes et final arititrators 'YTo amenda ne]exîthain tee at nespec tticî fuciret fCustoms as regarda package a vinich geodsaraie inponteai; An set te aâmenai chapter 89 et tic' Ces *solirluteal Statutos et Canada resp.cting tii -extradition et fugitive folous from, Lii.Un tee] Stateo e reica ; An as e Lo urnnctic art passeai in tLb 1 2tijar oe ler bMajest>". reigia cutithe( iait set te incorporato La Ceniruinste dei - evercudes Soeurs de la Chanite, ut, D To contrm certain side roais u int Township et Scanboro' said Le prevtde fti te dofiiag oethier rosai allovauces ana listes in te ssid Levnsiip ; Te autena te acts regulatiug te Coin mon otfte Setgnr ofetYamuaka, sud La autitonize the partition etftthe sali Coin ton ; Au set te amenaite Chaurter et tte SenttEastern mining Company' et Cana- ' ]or tite Incorporation efthLie Lake. St Peter Navigation Compua>' ; Te amenai tie sut incoapontiug te British American Manuturing Campa' uy; To autie cte Incumbent uaidCiturcit Wandens otfte Ciurcit ef St.Paun t Loucen Le oi,$baise on mertgage a por- tien oft Liat blocke et landi on vitici the mid Citurcit stands; An sett Le iacorprinate te Montreal Bsp. ist Churc ubaien te nsine otfte finaL Baptist Churci etf Montreal, une] for otter puaposes; Te revis. sud amendana act.to inoorpo- rate te Kingston Fire aud Muane Insu. rance Cempany'; To cenfimin te settiemetît made under te viiiefthLie late Heu. Ticatu MoKay b>' tedevisees terein mintioea; Te eonftnm sund legulise a certain agree- meut enterea I ntc, betvcen te Citurcit Se. cieties efthte aitecss of Torouto sudU non relative te ceirsat ciinrcit lunds in tic diecese et Huron ; To ineerperate te Mechant's Bank- respectiug mining igits; Te place te Wesloyaai Metioieit Citurcit and ai asenage property lunte tevu of Stratferd, Conut>' etfPerthi, nuder the direction -and -potisteus oethLie madel deai ofet ic1esheyan Mthodist Chuncii in Canada Iu cenusection viti tic Rughisu Con. terence' for te better management tboie. Tb incorporaté Mornin Colicge ut Que. For tie bet. pr.v.nttug te-fraudu. lent use et taise invoicea fur cetain pur. poses;, Te amnenai cbap 54 efthLie Ceuseiidutedl Statutes et Canada entitIeai an A#j a-capec. tiîag incorporatei Batiks ; To amenai ciap. 102 of theo Consolida. ted] Sttït.et Canada entiuipe an Act res- peoting tie duties et Justices efthLe Peau. est et Sessi ons ta relation tot pensonis chua. ged viti ludictable offauces Te amenaite Aet yeLWwlg te *oust&. To amenaitlite Act respeetiug tracte marks said te protide for thé, reàistation et desigus ; aa;aiir-'asla. iVta, ane or tir e,,cu--~~-~~i~ *aacrLacrrO i ljiua t vas aiîatiah.reot'ne t pivuleGret Western Riilwa>', ut Ramnilton, on Mrnr'it-aaqng, ia'vlith iialia-ihaliai-rCarponci. Fiii'lut. 'Tlersverc itetaveen cigla tiaaiic:Iine lail aiy ial'iis Ne brecd anuiinia:e1tttnted personpresent.Henry vacaîrth le Country, te ime, andl our cupier te chtair. A splendid service cf [rogreasive sîste vas éean atîtmpteai.lTe pluie vas presented te Mn. flrydges au Lhe mnachine ig alloavealLe rollecuog iLs evu occasion, vit thLie tollowing inscription a- coetiisr aitlciauL guidance or assistance, sud I Presesutce]Lte Charles John Br>'ages, Eu. qure, Msisagingi Dineelor, by te'empieyeea Oet Ghtreat Western Railva>' et Canada, as a token et titheir respect.atiai esteen.- iamilLen, Ma>' Ttt, 1861."1 Po~eaaret t Le suit iarunsîves le Lits praOti oniio of things, inuahad ot thites bcin, aidatat L te vanta anal condition et tae putaîle. Tlheiibanrkruptcy bill, s inaasuîo lonig anal urgaîatly dneid by thta ruccesitieseoftirado ina Canada, sund, if ICàr;JANAtlç X UaAIaI'ae"is te naine - vee X'aîI iaie Jur-y bill, anlite set relu- Liiig Lu Lita ngitLnatien et jilgnet-tit anly Provinîcialijltcîauu'ceort1Lla Session, Wctsi. arttaii' astingt housauls etfaiollars ini ils pncpsratiott saiddiscussion, sloeea te hucoea a uselamsi serol. Athenghit i usa] tîaetc laiomiscal thelut four or flue yesu-s titrutas sooti as Lie restaut ite ceci- et s ueav paper publistedal t Georgetown b>' Mn. James E. Camupitelly Eiter sud propriter. Il ih a neati>' printeai tvenLy. celumu soot, sud promises WeilI. Seit-a paper inuit prove a groat adition te Georgetovn, said iL cannot vol ail et sue-1 ceas tandoner themnagement et Mr. Camp. bell. Sic ag as 'irene thntLe questi:oit of'repre. j0aTJtv'. ia - -.A - . a n.-Charl~es iLever, tenoveijît 31tlolwuacaubuotaaagtiui uvuleconstOora- ten, tiis wss tant due, at ICart net tain>' d'oucca- pi tiLs mota caeu b>' iL airaiprotesa. cdr sl-ai,.oa".,' !SYVtiny 'a.. . cieci ut Spozia in ire latter part ef Apnil. lie vas a native et Dublin, sud vu odues. t'ed ira Paris us a physician. HievasUte el .aia vlesa uru ttur o eione taety.five volumes, ail ef suciî bacefile siaddrisinabie lîgishfation as1viticit are Lie dcligitOt eoelave a. te laelduîcig et ail Pcmniarnetsr>' ele.-tleets venture. . 31. Levernbâti ..A t .u.ut .. T unoueeday, ite payment er criminal, wwt nessea,,te abaolition et newspapcr postage', te îrbcitiom et tlib tcauking privelege, te nuvisien eotan rCourts et hsv aud Chan. cor>' se as Le reliove suitors sud reduce lsv conata kIt. ; and thto bis etaogit in, busc. tiug saittenestesti aw, Lie clectien et Reavas anal Deputies by Lise people tie arne as Mayor ot Cition said Tourna, aud othqn usatul saiiteussar>' masures desireai la>yte people, ail geL Lite ge.by, or lise] L .,iva place te trivial private mecsures s'licit nanan ihcittaha veai'cbecomo subjeets et leghulatiori at the expanse efthLie Coutitr>'. WVe apoidc etthese ruattera re fo e& Il ILry lccarulicg snd Mias- IL isneitien te Mhmtsr>' uer Ltuthe 0 ilion, but thte rupre. dsiiattivcs ut tho eojlitidividully sad aOi lectivel>', ie- vule] iole] reiponible.- Çaiîcsitiinteal as te lieuse et Assembl>' new ii a-dihh'(ý,a'oct restait coule] scancail>' i wel facpaacétU. Su lonagam uoiatittencies oelet 'ruiahie mon.aiduaidislaorx-st pe4ihteiaus, iraa lce (.cit p~a>' saei; îrînatv jat tia iat- ilîl 1ahi' ui it 54 (aoaf hiriga'i ;1laa At ili~c iie a ita itrid alelpetioeai '.vivili îuaîaiaa 41 la-l int0wauiia; the falcct ' îa~ ait Lîî tima, aeei'huait ut s clactiousanî iuiaîlmlauagneedy anad urcitea-. ooi' Qppouitious. etwçen, thut hoth teR cetuta' is idte Viuulm5 muie temenèbens etfepack part>' are te oui>' iucIivdueh gain ens.Part>'-Polies have becu ta'll cali -phiticai canal playlltg, aud business-1 -deîsyiug. 'tue> are ittie ciao. And] if mOstfte t ime ince 1845. EiriîsvAà.-The naine et Mn. John Ben. gougit aboulai have buen inserteai lut veok as eue ofthe Magiug -Committee efthLe Whitby Races. Tic Races eemmenceto.duy(htradsy), said iL in antiuipateai tiat tic meeting avilI bocte lsrgest yet on. te Wiiby course. Iu addition te te boa-ses - men- Lioneai hast, veek, hhere tare arniveai since tirscoOr four tram te S ac,#-amngmt tei Cripple Jack, belouging to Mn. Brown etfSys'acuse, anal Idaay ofzpetAI- bauny. Brown Dick (belengiaig Le Mi'. Pace), te favorite ut te hast Sprlng races, in iero, anal in good condition, notwiîb. standinag Lie injuries reuetvcd b>'. Isiilait taîl, utlHamulton. LimbheJrtbeloeg - te Ma-. Canaief Nortbumberland, ha aet Rent's; aitLthe Grand Trunk Hotel tiers is a flue loekiug mua-e belenging Le lMn. Sterling or Bellevileanal severai etitena sentwetednounai Lic toavu. Iu additio n Le tha,- îauasde6;a aatcheai race itm Le onteoff bcta"een Ia las a>'duaianotiten Amocricn» herse ton $500 a skIe, aud a lroiting tastehl an te last day betaveus tve WlîititY herses. A gocai band et mualuhmai been pueviaier, wiiichavil ho on aie grene]«eCl day. lie tnck hala nfinrt. ondition. Earries viilb. auseuaqad b>' the Secte. sl- osnith.e vecnsg preo sto, caci days races et Kent's iiotel. Oeort o c ertsiu-oeertlftie - fnryj Te iner~,~th te Montral I atr MTeruttunl C.Ã"pn'-j . To 4xteýd iii.application ofcetis Lions efthLe Act Sreé.cdng.tha, a i lhsuttioài'o rt7pper Ca.uàa. To samond chaptcru 19- AUCIZ Of, 1 Consofi&dadStatutes rouiLore Ùaa rospectlug thé' otectien cf parisbqt.aud t negistration of marriagcs, bàpists s bunials TocuifraecertansM oyqs ~!l siiips et Lingwiôk, Burg aitLOrxhbrd; T o W g ve j 'arisd ic tio a .Leto a4i l rm ag tratea, ila respect of certain offeuces coi miLted in New iBrunswicli by- persons at varda Oseaping te Canada;iý llespectLug 'Lie Union ef certain Fit byteni'an Churciies therein unmd; Te veat iunte CerporStiou"r .C of Hamlton te Water Work f htt iti 'Te extend tite perleai tixed for tii. con ,pletion of tic enIn et tfithNorthi Siiol Ralwa>' sud StMannie Nevig~si an Land Company; To incorporato te Village ef yiotori, vile, in thie County et Artiabshca, a fer otiior purposos ; To incerponate Lte Fet'oIoum Spdnji R~osi! Company';1" Te estabuisi the, local sud Schteel ten cipalities et St Louis de Blandtord and 8 Vale de Buistrode, in t.e Conty c t.rthaiiska, sud for etiter purposos; Te antitorize te itacumbent sud citurch rardens eofte protestant Pariai> e Drummoudviile, in te Couuîy ef Druni moud, to dispose et certain real ostate ; To smend te st citapten 63 oet Li Ceusolidated Statues et Canada respectinî eaing Staci Campantes -. ro amnd Lte citarseten efthLe Drummeuc ud Aithabasks Couuties Rtailway Ccmpauy To sutionize Lie trustees efthLe ebugre. ration of Lie Presi ytonisn Chunci et Cana. la, lu counection witi thLe ciiurch ef 8oot. and, ut Bcauîianis, te sali a certain loi ihai by tem in trust ton muciicongrega. ion ; To legalize certain preceedingi et -the. ignicuitural Society etfLte Cou-ut of ýrthabaska;f,;,I 1 To incarporato Lte Tarquto ettou ompun>';' To incorparate the M Hydraulic id Clock Company," To coufim te surve>'of cbertain parts O ieci> t tawa ; eacctung Lte eclectie system eof Medi. etu Lù rs*.tî!tà,g é, o ôt1io o i>,g4 ae "prince of WalcS," J. Miller'. lso ri ai 1rf 1q tvorte ' *(I',V1at YenLuke l!J. PWh 1a' Tô ààner t rwvî tfu e iciiaaw.nd, *;$4 f Jh of Cul adminýlrnig e poison,. Srd $2; le T o i u o r p e uo t he t. G e o n gý, e 1& S o e t y 'O N E T Y A I a u ' u L i T o c o n tin u e fo r a , im ite d tim e s e0 v er l $ . ' r v ,'ra n k S ot14 : l t p ri e -&9' tc t h iýii' ,in cmetioeuedasudfor o ihorpur. e Poses.' te vest ertain rend'dallewauco sud O 3T1-Âî.WaIILI. ,~ etir propery in S rah D vidien Baud' - The. "Champion ,f" G. Maazk, lot P ize To Consolidate the dcof 'e To Twn of $6; "Armstrone Li L . Rni., 2nd, 10 port Hope;$4 14 e V r -tb 3 bo tter a si gn m n t et do ew r l ; Ain, S c et r ' *é Upper Canada; ; Markisu, May 9, 16. d Te lncerpera Lte St. Lawrcnce Grain Rs Elevatinglsud 'fieating Sterage Company j; The Civil War lu thc Américitit dtat.q., - To ,Icogporate la Sciet# do, colonies.- Lin d ua b a s C a n a d a ; "N b d y h u tt l l lss til l e n w . T ie re T oe snend the, Agiultural lot; ha heweer agâeAt ctvty' ging on, a s i t- Te amoud ch"e '6orethLe Cousolidated tinendons amuonut et bluster.i Statutes', ton Lewer Canada, respecting Matuai tlasuraiuueCona panies Tb Te uthe ise th o M ayor, Alderm en sud t> l.M . orry's Ysd C rc l," i Citis os t'ontreal, te borrw an ddi. otiir clumu, is sufficinti>' attrativd ta tionai una for te uroo etCoapleting hallengý Lthe attention of Le reder wit. t New Watcn Wora'khl in the sMid City, sud te eut a wM rdf futier notice.b restrit' thé Aunul Expenditur. efthLe1 COUricil s tu buho $sid Ciy witin certain Provinrcial Ekaaii tio n f 18 1. 'l Te amnd the. Act respeeting Lie !a. CItOULÀR It Y1,11TaiIESmac$rDXTOF TIrE AG- spection ot'solo letitr; ICICULTUIhAT, ASSOCIATION. e T o med C ap. 6, ofthe Consolidted- Statutes et Canada, respecting lectin et To t1i. Agrieulturisî, fforticultitrietslMa. tI memibrs of i lie Leg tlat un. for te removal aufifctur.us, &ô., of Canad a WM ut. et aIl douhis as e tiie rigt of appeal in The Board et Agricaulture for Canadaw t e cases itrein uten nentined t W est latel>' m t in, the Cit et L edo ,with To amend te Act rspctng te Investi. te icw et conferring wZt the Local Cer. nationi inte accidents by ire ; itteo,rga izd or t o purp se ef making au q preparations fer te Provincial Exhibition fa Tu auneurite titirteontit Chapter efthLie te-bcoheld iu London on te 24tb, Lti, al Coisolidated Statutes for Upper Canada, 20th, sud 27th Sopioruber atext. PC rcspecting Cuis et errer sud appoal ; The Local Authorities have precured si To repeal the lame reopcting te lI. ver>' advantageouly sititd Éround, teu cordr's Court oethLe City oft Quebec; te eut et fwetysevert acres, for Leu To iacorprate the Town bf Levis; use efthe Association (te raime as tat t Afien wiicli his Excelleno> te Govenaon occipid in 1854), sd areîaking active Of GenralwasplesedLe esevo itefohow.exerutaens te ereet permanent buildings, t6 Geneal as leasd t reervothefolow-stabling sud shueds. Exliibitnc; ay e>' rd7L iug bill ton due signification et Rer Majes. upuaiiL it at ample sud propun accommttoda. tl ty'. lileasure titercon; tieut will b. provided, sud 1 trust tauop An Act te enable Fredenie Chas Capreol tluene mu>', as on toramer occasions,1 bu ath Esq., e dispose et crtain lndi by allo- spiritid courpetition fren al.1 parts etfLta. F ment uut.owitlcstandcing Chapter 95 of te Province. f C asoiidated Sacatutes o Canada. Th priz lt will bc publistod carl>'in Atter tiisceremon>' wsconcluded, Hi. June ca-Lsud ineLat ceaesitote SW 0su ee a nde s a l u r e c o m p er t iti i theo S Exceht-une>' clcîed te 4th Sson aia te 6th aditions. TVie ameuti Lebeu'varded will isl Provinccial Parlamuent wiit te following; bu about $12,000. -' avancesanal bônduiel lun 'the bownsi fBuaord ;1p Fun-tien te amenai tic acta relatiugteu iagar District Bank; Respectimg forteitei estatea in Upper Te amena UCtattor 72 efite Uouselidat- e d Statutea ton Upîpet. Canada, enttled au ar nuLtaespcting marriages iu Upper Canada; An sut te amenaite set iucerporatiugy Ste 'vircsor lapsovement Company' 'Te atathoriue te CorporationofethLe Tovn et Owen Bound Le impose said coeet certain taxes, sud ton ether purposes-; ? r Teuttiteise te Cea-persLien et the Cii>' ofe Ottawa Le colleet certain taxes lu arneans tonrte year 1859 ; e0 le ensile JoLn Ericuson, ta eittatm dletton patant ton an improveai Csoie E. To diil te municipalit>' et St Gabricl de Vulestior latt L separate muaicipaiies; To incorp Lite h Troute Street Rail. An aot te vest certain real estate efthLe1 iste John Kuatcibull Roche, in te bandsc ofttrustees ;t To amenaite acta, iucorporating te Stc *Lawvrence Wurctouee Dock and alWrtage% Comparu>';-c To autorise an>' Board et Notari'es Ler admit,,sftcr examiatien, Jules IlnucinF t aud Josepht Colcitere, te pracîlce as Notant.-f es ;9 To enale teMunicipal Cunil oet oLi Parisit et Ste. Aune de lu Prade te ostubliat cern Tlt hounte Bridge aven te River Ste. Aune;c To incerporate te Moutreul CiL>' Pas, tsonger Raiivuy Company,; la alter te limita of the Village et Acteuvale, lu the Count>' et Bugot; Te amenai te sts etfincrporatin- the Carillon anti Gre'nville Raihaa Cowmri; To incerperate te St. Miuiieal's; Conu- greg tion etf M eitreal; t To eusblhe ecii>'oetToroute Io issue " De hotures for $200,000, sue] te co s lidate 1 the, pnblice].bt of te Cily'; To"remove deubîs asLe te vahilit>' etf Bylav, numbereci 57, etflthe corporatien et te Ceunt>' et Grey', anal et certain deben. o Lunes Liere4atden ; R Te remtite deubta as te tie vahidit>'oret certain bequests, ceutainue] in te Ihast ilI 5 et MaiewGage, dece aseai, une] Leenable tite trusîceusuteer thc sie] il, te carry of loto eti'ec le aid bequets; s An seL rèspcuLing msps ef phans eft Levrs " on villages lu Upper Canada; at To amenai ticeusssoment sct; Te sàlow te estaishment et a Cem. missionen'. Court, tinte municipahin>' eof Hleitrtille, icite Cont>' et Chicoutimi, ve notvititanding an>' difficuit>' in te number of ehecton ; jA -Funiier te extanai tie tinte fer the ne. JO g tasrtion et o v ymnaue, Ler lie uons t Di l ttions in Upper Canada;W Te uthieete Corporationo e LityCI>'I et Ottawa Le continue William street Le square; W To amenaite set 23 Vie chtap. 26, ane] ctuap82 oethLie Censelidateai Statutes fer GE Lover Canada, respectng Liai exemptionW ef certain articles- freat ueizure, la satisfac. ý Lion of btej% .Le le p r v id e f er Lh i se ra tio n o ft h et C i L>' B et Tonente iroui te United (lousticet.-of York eel, frcertain'Juaihal prposes. un Tic JoitLStock ,Cempanies' general &W chauaconsolichatela. i-r'; To explain ssci amenai tue railva>'seai; $1: le proe fo. tonLe genenal adoption et J6 tic practice e«.vaccination;i ni ti y1 id nd sta 'd . àt King Alfred,! j ~ os, sfd'ltpâ conohidateà $10;"1ituhgg sasW ,'R D ffwIB i- w do t !tte .~ Y~ t xibition>" L C nnor'- 3rd Bon Geteneu ofthca Legilatiae Couni, anad Gentlemen of the Legislative As- semblM: IL sflorcs me mucit piasure te fidtiat you iave competed, the conideration et uchi measures as yn dem neceuar>' for lte Province, netat I arn LtuableitiLe close thie 4Lii Session ef, itis Panliaint. an dcea te Criminailsw, a id fuciiiîataad ie trnation et jud'cal business. Yen tiairýecaut witithe seeral meastres sui. nîited te yeu, uaid yeuitave bestovedai patient attention ou ttc petitiens aid repre- setations et Rer Majcty's ubjets. I inia>' cngratuite yen on tic prospecta et Canada saiitae increae et her experts a i im ports. Ibe hippiug o vlyi u tndem youraiudus iii tic river St. Lawrence anuetcutheopenin- f su abundatt trafflu sud I pra>' that Providence ma> bless otan fielda vitIt anther plenteous haïr- vest. Gentlemen of theLegiskatiie Astembly: I tak yeu n uier Majosty's naine fan te supplies wicityen have liberal>' grant. ccl for tae publie service. Cre shaliho taken Le expcnaauci moe>' n acerdance aviith your visites. Honorable Gntlmen and entlen: lier Most Gracions Msjesty hau auhlereaij s aieep desuestie affliction in viticit Yen, as ier loyal subject, tare exprusieai yur cou.~ dolence said sympatl> 'I bave Laken cane e fraard your acdreas te te Secretar>' et State fr te Colonies. I beieve tat vu mu>' shortly expet the hour et ai visit et a pria-sate caructer rom is Royal Higit. nous Prince Atreai, saidI1lcnov tiat the preseuic ofetanother inciaber etfte Royal turmil>' et Englana i iiibu a subject et con- gratulation. I nov reicuse yen front yenr lahes, anai prregrue te Parliament et Caniadaî. TIae SPEAKER et the Lgisative Coun- I cil Lienaie], Fonerable Gentlemen of the Legtlative Couuci.1 and Gentlemen of the Legila tire Assembly IL is te iii andrmai;ure oet lis E xecllen.h >' te Governen GenernLa thahis Provinciali Panhiameut bo prorogteai urtil Titucia>'r the 27th day ot Jun cot, L o chre eI, 1 uni tiis Provincial Paliameat is accrding. ly prorogu c.i Est Utdtug et York Spng Fuir. N lie Union Fair andi Plougig Matcht i of te Mukitand aiScarbrougi audERut Il Ridiug et York Agrientural Societies, Lok place on Wedncsday, Ms>' lot, on lot 37,1 5th con. et Sanorougl, on te prepert>' of Wm. Iloca, Esq. Altiougit s great Lto rageai ite maing, aud te grounai ti was covereai vith e v , tere vus a large b .ttendauco. hrt' ploughmen entorse] forb competitioa. ai T itaee vere nine en inisu tan the f is v( clu, Lvtant vere avarcealtic following w, ver>' hanaiome preumis a- - il Sim uen Benie, S arboro' Ist prie 20; oc Andrew Hood, Scarbere' 2 A prise $15; in ein L. Courtree, Pickering, rd, $10;, ta Dngalt MecLean, Eut York, 4ti,$8; asy Cir, Scanioro' tt, $6; Rugi MuLean, O augian, th, $4. 0 11 wi Pitteen entnies iu second cluse t whoem &i ee aardea te foibevig preminins:- li Alfred Spfford, Makitun, lot prie $20; of ere. Fornestera- Makian, 2ad, $5 ; ta tutn. Milliken, Matkitsm, h-d1,0; J i : ffhittel, Marmni, 4tii, $8; Robent Me. va eau> Rut York, tt, $6; James Stewart, ea ?Mt York, GLi, $4. 1'1l Six' cutnies in tiietir] clan for youtU thL uIi eigieeau yeara et âge, Ltoicia vWfee a v ad e ai p re m itam a - Hfeur>'Kennedy, Susibore" , iPrisebc, ý12; Wm, Patten, Mankiani, 2ad$0 Pil i n ~~~~ f l r u3ca h r ' -ra , W i l l i a m l i p lkson, Scarboroi' 4t, $6; Robt. Rici.1toi GArranigements hure becu made ivitht Gruat Wcsteru, the Grand Trurcka othen western naitiwa>',an d mise itb tt propnictora et the laku staterboat, te car pasengurs stock, said articles te canai tnt cthe Exhibition at reduceai fates. The accommodation for visitons in Le don wiii bu amplle, sud Lte LeLuelîang inoderato. JOHN BAR.WICK, ».Pre. 'rov Agt-ieuL..aociat4 Au Ohio Girl enlists tojoiu her Lover. (From thce Cinacinncati, Ohcio, Gnzactr'.) A yaiuug girl et Ohio, vicose lever h-, enlisteai, determicad te loin bu. Site wî ir.apccted, uccepied, sianu lu vin ithtl rest of Lte company ; mancheai Le Can Jackson, OQio. drilicai Liere sevcral a), when sluo wss sent with the 3mai Ohio i girneni Le Camcp Denuison, ucar Cincinuat Hero she ussisteaiin lual thetudrties etfto' iuig a new camp, haudllng hainber, stani ing îeutry, &e., until Saturca>' lut, whie ascertaitiug funr the finaL tinte taiLiter were îwa CampDeî-isons aud thasi viate eh vas in eue, ton lever vas inLte oLten, i L:aucusten, Ps., site vent te Col. Morroi aud ra-qucatcai Le bu changeai (rom Lh Coacîi-cue>'site vas ini, giving as han neasoi tai aite lînetrred tote soeiaîe withAmer icarca, ana i her nempan>' vus ceruheac [niaimen. lier real design vas, viaun ho requesi usoulai ho gnani:d, te cheoso place in- OnuetLte cmpanies et thc 2ma Reginiei net kueviug thaL il; voulai b impossible te citange hen frein eue regi meait Le cuother. Col. Morrov discovere Lte secret et ber sex. Marsitul Thonupso supjîlied ber vitt appurel more apprepniat, te ber sex, liuving ennobeai henseif ici viic] sue expreascai a ai sine te leste, as sie hua tnienais in te ciL>' vitit hocn ahe ce tal sootamu. Site vas releasuai. Officiai appolsîtments. 111s EXCELUINCY ruE GOEvuILNoIcG ENaIRAIc tas beau aieased te anake the folîowing up pointints, viz:- Jantes Ila> Siveavnight, Esquire, M. D. Asseciato Coroner, Cennty etf Kent. George R. Vanuornan, et Brantford, Esqutire, Barniraten ut ILaw, te bc s Notany Publie Lin Llppen Craalîrd. lias EXOELLENCY TItE GovErNeic GRzIRAI tas aiso eeuitpluaseai Le grainLicenses tc Johin W. Pickup, ef Ottawa, Eqqatica, hl. D., Arthur Lyon' of Ottara, Esquire, M. D., Jacob Gain, et Barrie, Esqutire, M. D., anai John G. (les, ofFarmrvihc, Esquir, Mf. D., te cuaalu tbeinte praetice Phayslc, Surge>' sud Mtdwaer>', ini Upper Canada. EdunaiWilliam Mairray, etfLte Village etflBuckingham, Esqaiir, te be ienk, etfLte Circuit Court, ici anai ton tho Cotant>' ofOttawa, al;the .Village et Baickingami. ANe EXECUTION SCENE aIN Fs&tCE,--I ras obligeai Le keap on Lthe outakirtu etfLthe nrovai; sud neyer iiaviug suen au exceu- in botore, I coulai net iielp boingitockcI by Lte blL> ty Ltes. people. .Men vene, hawkiug about cakes, rohu, said iota et eut. ibics vihtero iiouglît-freel>', saidde. voureai amidst laugiter said jekeo, as if Lie>' 'une ut afete. I fohloeea in the tsar et teo procession, and geL close up te'- the iaffoîd. -Tie pnimouers, vere, breuglit ont in te epen carta, sud titec, for te firaL ;me, I tuai an eppori'tntty et seauing vit bey were iike. NciLheof et Lem appearei obe mare titan 36 >'oars et age, said iL as impossible Le deteot iu Lieu face an>' igi et fenouiL>'. Sitapia eneugi tii.> 'okeai, certain>', but tiere *wasmmci mors otite sitep titan ofthievoit in titeir pi>' lognemy>. eRaclai1iciai a crucifix la bis tai, anai each MOsai apriest boLide im lie prayed incesssntly. Tir respenses ire fervent, ane] tiero vwauagonising *rnestuess inttheir toue wfllci *as da- P te iccar. As tie certege meved saoi>' krougi thtitrong, tiee.wP5 ae longer Dy et that levity perceptible, vitici usa kockeai mca few minutes betore.- Evor>'. ady-mea sud voiîa-seéd Le synt. 'tiis *!ttheLiiicniminals, sud I noticeai ea meving, as if sons among Lihe apeeta. ns ver. offcrng uap prayenu for tiieir be -withouî fnteres to te tate -s0 -th.iu ofe Ȏi Princes wiio,, eore imtrmanýgl, Campbell 3îrs. Janp. 'have beratie littie kinj ý 1t CuT y Qrtl§Jute.: ~arc seveutt4wo luntûmber, f'Io finit, wu li~ou Odo4.,ci ief of the Èerlufe 476), auid the l(,Npoen1805)os. 4mong the most uïdsj. ,illpatniotî e tioeBovel4jzgî ureThee.l>t donic, teGotit; Chaihaign, 'thte -Itahiin Edridge Ward Anduiun snd Nupolcna. 'Fivouyeln de PniouV (618); Duke de SPoleto Ficler ia rsi quis ýd'Ivres (950) À.Adalberte lais' son, Gtl ie .. sud Arduin, Marquis d'Ivear (1 002). -eniRt le Srner 11.lis eueetLte .aucestens etàH son Adaîbont, àatr having loOê * wkure'ted Ifeunia 1). lieD. lu exile, came te SavoY. Affien-dens-1 Rucîrt(ic in 1108, taok te tieet otntwhici Jrulu(1-b ra Antmedena 11. teok Lhe namîtieoetkinget uno ia w be t a M . - J. Jouex Jno. Jobawi a Oaid IB. Jsuuaes .Job"r JeutaUae M ati Ke ll isa, Uuna L>'nde Sv] "coter Maernick scauceiel Mailler N. Marin{-. whom Lie Panhiamenuta juat. contonned tat Crewn et Itl>'. Titi. itho iiad net buen tabàou reinitefme et Gitanes Y., iu 123al Le Napoléon I., in 1806l,, APALI O .IDENT.-Fire mn Drze. n d . -T i e C u d ie r o F a lla t t e W# U t end uft tus ci , vas yostorday aftercoàn iie sceno et a Meuttiioartronding sud 'esuiey ~ccident lu wiiici le e re~ owned. IL sens tut naine men veo descendiug Lte river on s criub et Il r belonging Le Mn.r.. ad', sd at ,iiose factory ut Hull, northvand of the aIlsï, IL vas iutended to be takteu.- At about tour e'clock tie crib rmade its, ap. Pearuce aboe.Lte Citauldiere, aud cen. idenab>' te the Seutiward eoftthe course ual>' taken Le roacl thite ul aide. Frant te excited géstures sud dospenute utruggles tf te mon ounLte crib IL was apparent that te massofetLimiter was beoena titeir con. ehl, sud the spot efthLie Swift curruît ofet 10 nov swoellcn river. On iLruuieaitilit prcad wiLii Lteé viftess et an arnow avcr ce fails into tie botliug chuhiron beneati. ?or tii, moment Lte unit sud its living reigit vere submergeai in Lteé muai teuiug raera. but when iî etaerged belev tite lspeusieu Bridge sud struek Lie hittie sud vitere It vent te pieces, five et 'the ine poor fellows wioto ook the eawtul lunge, itad. been washed off auendndovincd. 'bu ether four were borne dowu Lte river :r' nearl>' a mile, clin-ing Le auditportions 'Lthe disnictburei crib, as tite> icn teir arens>' could ai u> iold et, sud vere picked pby sonne ferrymen viten opposite thc iks One et ttc four suveai Lic pilot, Au- ustin Graveli, sud anothen, frein viiea ave gutitereai these brief purticulars, ici amcd Xavier Lurtivi.r. The. naines ofthie tber esro-wi"tUave net ycet learued. Te e wio wene drowacd are muid te be frein ie ncighbonheoai et Ste. Schtolastique, C. Titcir bodies have net yuL been founa.- 'lawa Citizen, May 15. A young bacielor, vite had been up. )inteai deput>' situnif; vas calîcai tpon te rve an attacitmcnt aguinet a heautita )un- ividow. lHc uccordiugyly calce]tapon r, said enaid, 19Madauî, I bave an attache- unt for you."1The virhow blusteai, sud aia ae v as htappy te tufonni hian bis attach-. ent was neciprocatai. "Yen de netn- itani me ; yen must preceed Le court." -know iL lu loup ycan, Sir, but I preter iu would do Ltheeoutariug."1 "Mii. P., a is ne time tor triflin ; lthe Justice ha itinav." "iThe Justice I1vi>', I ahould efer a rseu.', Visit of Prince Alfred s - 7 The lust Official 1Gazette centains Lhé loving anflunccment; V las8 EXCELLENCY TUE COVeutNeer 9GtENEaCÂ.t ires te stuto for the inftormation eofthLIe pie et Canada, thaitthis Culony ta about be luenorcd b>' a riait frein Ii, Royal a huss Prince Altreai. li, Royal Ilighnias will travel stnitLyil'a ýgrîiL, as un Officecr oftone etflen Ms- Il ty'î shipi, aud wilh dispense witit ad. f ess sud ethur fermai os- coremeoniai Li ets ofrespect sud loyalLy. lia Royal IHigituas' pregrostrougit ci Country viii ncesaniîy ho rapiu. £ w ci SHIE R-At Witt>, on Lte 16 must.1 v ite et John SBier, Eaq., P. L. S. ef cc ROBINSON-...On Fnilay>, Lte lOthi mut wite et Citarhes Rlobinaon, lsq., J. Pl -] sond rEW ADVERTISENTS. ,n FOR SALE OHEAIP. Neat snd substauitial Brick Cot P Led on Coluiornu Strnt, lai t,e Situaof hby, fenmort 011i y cam ite ewn e ie 11 ai, t ail utce nt itittt l o icu. : ais a large staile, wiLlacigond 'veil. Thuee i O cistern ilhinecto -avitLbLîco delig W. I TiIt Ii ti Bamnisten, &a., lViidy. tht luth>, Bi> 1, 2l,1801. L9*b82 STATIONERS e ci Ap r tCnayohrsoel ph of PL cap ha nua thi E. 0>1 sl nei hc ne [ci il il wai nre 1 ues lm lai re ,le fa he let te w chl o iopnlhta nd,' Otter stoe i Canes and ak g icett the WligSika YA&NKEE NOTION STORE. Fronda Flower»in Glass9Shades, Per. umrSapa, Comba, Hain Brushea. BICADS BI'-ADS IBAD1 Afàuli sasnrtinnt et ail kindi ut lié Y41NKEE NOTION STORE. Whitby, Ms>' 22, 1861. 1 IV cl aary, 3Ma> 20,1861, 1uatM , IN OHAY EAY9 Riuchie Jocu SI Smoith re.. Waa. Sililtul Rt. ,Stanka ral. Scot Aex, Scott i as Tiew Mis Mcry Thîciel Mi,4 Eltr Tewîu I»ti 4 Wcaiti. Ti'.euWccc. . Veyoooy W . 1. Winlson I. Wilson T. Westcfiu WrcrAtîirew Wîcriur J05î1J. WhiitnLy (ilailu W'lddifietd Mrsi. Weitu à1Ms. C. G. Walker-Ties.ý Wîutken iiaîid' THE BANK 0F MONTREAL, Plaiutifs AN Jamcs".IIot;gaion, ichn Catie.'*Lewis Camîpbcll Thomas andi-Mary Thomas Johnu Bradley, 'William FcîithMeorc Johin lata Penny, William OcIavias Eastwood, John Dai-,an, William Hlamilton Bmi.lte Ilaitnk et Te. rtoeu,rEtasttu F rancis Hloward, W il. lium Oueil, James Batela>', Robent Campbtell.'John Sage, Henry H. Sage John B. Sage, said Wiliaim S. Sage, (b>' bill), sud John Taylor,- Thoasaylor, George Tayor _4 Ilenjrmin Lymsn, Heury' Lynan, raid Jatues Dryden, made parties in thte Masîcn's office, Defeudants. Pl)Ut-ýUANàT tai a-doatce oftie Court ofCuen L-en rtiide lacitucis ciuse, heaiiudate ltce iti sla>' of Fa-b. 180, sud ait order ofet 'court beîarcig date thae 2hih dei T'136Novn 'tl thce approbation etfLace. IlIls' ý l, Esu ceaster c e hesaid Court ut W ialty, wlibe ualt on ltce Fifte th day -of" Juzie-nexti At Lthe itour of tell o'clock iraLte forenoon b>' [ESSRS. FAIRANK & MACDrNEMLL"0' Auctionrors, At Ltoeir recule inthe Il OIN 0F WJEUTBY, te fù1fula'ait rOhicrtyIn mluiner fotloîving: lar%. Tan acres eo' thssouth.îvest ucrrotleî Sn. 24, ici the 2tld ceai. of the Towassaip et' ..tti. c tmîneiii ntat S t ipli uts-ai aitics ntià-vrest cýrorr eîcestiiloit Lîaece trti 4alegeès Oa-t, six chsniuais n-ail63licaka,,sd vo Ltis età a unir, tlecn.enonil ] dermees estÛ. llcallli4 tlacesouth t4 degnecses t, 6 allis tial Ilis:a, aiaid Lwajýthirls ratst iir te ei mideIiie hetwcou lutih 24 Sad 25. thiccue thIl 18 ciagreca ecast, culaatg the sialia.e 15 Il sto he paceofhcguiairug. 1,lsl ff ois n the Xtingstoaî rond, canai ie botaquat sro alitce froua Ltce centre cf tie vuen of"Whithy, on iL 1here4a luealtabrick wehliuur'fleuse s'ud ganrdeti ugooî caniege mrise coadstable, lThebna' istotBalft ,01it e ueslid a-oasIcavag a ftilliecltI viit sa 111c11 stresuit ruuîauing titteugi t h uiveen ttc unse sud the rsid rord. . Tia lut viii bu salai lu e, piec, Lthe pur. lson Biusl titi>'downsadepeait iinIîreportuu eof 10 f;r acter>'£110 ofprhs'm cyan t ui t i o i t h tP h d p o É t , s u da k 750, salic te baîlaance wiih icateregi luitoee>-car 01ci Lihe dua>' efalu, Lu bceseeured b>' tinnrtgicgu Lteo salid prcanisei said tuent e c i ,pese of puurcec. gaetbea 2aca. Vin aindividiai iaiety ot the eapt quît. rcf Lie u thel' fIlnt *o. 25, iin the 22aîd w. of the Townuship 0f'Whitb, aenuaiainw b> hnasurnouauc25 ases eccapuiug tlierrit pen. cais Licenot, sc1d soai ivcejte IRobert ieker, actincd u"losu fcils lot us sltittid îcucr thltai ft sud on tihe "i Il Kicigstect roind i i']x îicîliteu, T'he piareilset alanli Pc>' doa-ta ilrîdlîrusit ini aprartion of £10 fer 0i'ery a*tQu cfjcra-lirliu uîecy, anai vithi D ue moiiLlfrein the da>'et e, ail 80aatlnt ratantlong vitl the alepet te rke orte haif otfLie prca-ile uoney, antahett lance wîLli intereait witl.ýilà oll ecrr friuufile- leif surle, - tho acbcanecib>' Oiettgcgc othrle emisles, sueit nteru-ae Lu bc at athu cipeis pitrcliaser, rai. Eiglct acres et salailotiNe. 25, l ite a Ceai. of Wlithy, eoruittiiciag iralthe nanthr ae of Mary Street, ut, the distancue et 5 chalaisâ a a-ouréscoctit 74 degzrees ivast fron the taa ace'.tiota ot Mary streea- 'vuia tii'.'ilue beotta aalltand udat halvai of thora-id IcI Nu 2M etic iloth 1-degoeutagaid -9 a.laiuiui j liigIoth orth tidofth osoattthila 1e' 3muid lot No. 25, theno. seni 74 dgrcesà aii, îdengtae ntietcru bizuuurry o e trit If t Lte saisi lot No, 25 tlave elra,lnte n t th distance aofIi rc chaii, ftnutai e i avueti iald lui No.-am aid 26, ilcd tan the oui e uof$u sala«idline,,tLicenCo South 10 aitgreesl ;t 8 chaîna candi 82 linkrs tu the nor.th sde cf 'y Street afomneshi, bcttug Io cim ucaai0& ks frein Lte frentefthsaaiIi dcmt.,tieuc rtb 74 degrosex Cnts-calang Lice nerta ide et' r>' Street 9 chisuis Let ie place ef begiicntng tpting toreont certain portionâsolasat- ivoe oJohu Arnoit andi Jeiu Wetna. bIS pieu.id, laid ouint Town lots suad istiitlY w inutes vaIr fIrou ite centre'oftheiitoues lois, front ou York Street, .a tInSstreet Of chain la i iýduli atadare vuluable bui'di* Titis pice. avll bc soldl b>'net, 1acce- '0 ae plathltiteof mcnado b>'iJouta Shier 1-ï a copy et vihi yl b. Pn ancdit thtÏ Di. epareitaer of cei lot sà a1ipsy deuil aposît ta propo oif £0frecy£100 tsurchase mnei00 and itailiuoee nth t't 0 dy of skie ouuiugh viith the de"c nao*n. lehaIfoÏitai pifehtase aton', uai bace witilu ntrcestwititu oeuyur mot=" day e! sale, te bonoidb>' an aVproed lcl or.1_ý S;y et in s, , ortgs mo to b ar ail otcet, oendltlitetsi )0 tie standing'OoD£Lionâ of the saidCourt. or tutt.har Pa ttlOutaapittob !F&r ilan, os . relias v- 1 adeolS" ev u J.ennaienjegud., for, Wlb>r 1 the . u DARTNELL, MULT t lty 1851. Ir n e h. air. 19 le ea-Tutur botay lueudua -au. op=m lv e iairi uts Jiind cellag..a-niais,a nlcas, hyua-aus, ia.deluneaix sud fr isae sud eri-.a, leniag rtoirapro fainc ouciesa iasica raitu ba tulas -IingM Cunurfail. I "aviiai irme. ltinr .Mte a tEuIy'î cc CLtuietyfr aua muatainorpua iii &ic., cae sot ciul f iuslanec'cia tnt P-ice 11. unad x3 tuipsed oefrumi Ue d ' cit ai-t la eizh-n te.aa the scauielime cii lit cilla-sae siagie ariaitt j ranaiay a as Cir a 112niagfiga ncri Picl-#ca. ail 13z IIEALTI Dl ma-ey. sca-afua. face ca d Wy S- crN NERVOUSi A.eaau Seal e,. sliexe& syucii,, .ba waag ly rdu Pitunae icM(=-a EXTRACTs i. ?rnirea- Ga, 'ahi-l a- Depru. NNu. 1, Lier Agen-alBIARCI IN- CH A IunLthe mat Doble,oethLie 'J Count>' et Ont Jo0 Mary J' Jan eIDu John Bi huam Do Jane D> Dobale. za ties in t PUBLJ 1fr A. Sj US ttsiaclip of of A"dnew Nont n exý, ciL 2 o'ceck,- - isn a ai loti ls.Part eofsou loth it a. ortIlle t 97 acres, more orI 2aud. ViJe I oi Ilîbnidge, cousis imore 4;ï hea, SI Bri. lPart cf lot cd caM iululer utIl, Uii. Pt'unorilrt townAhit et Jflcu bERALD, Vendoe 1 - Torcaio, May 20 -4 'em M be Il bc ed es y- le Dr id Il. le lk- ;t e Il- r r wý -'l SPEECH. s c H go per oeut town ut tlie

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