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Whitby Chronicle, 30 May 1861, p. 4

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conta, niuq tiierbinrotlo.âgyt 0eiare'b sud luI odeaoo illidm h reminiejr big oee lhgehrw pilp, inrg loceped -btweu tlievo trra rcaes tafeinWblt b¶', and i poiasl very a- ¶'bntago fer îusrlc<tirg prel<*. Inere louen tbe preifllem â1?;e fratlie barn,, Tem 600 dewn, thm reuraleder t0nunit dir, pu rëbs*ri For fiarlirr arbulmar ppliy ou lb. preimses ,WIJITBY FANCYt IR < B1I0CM «TRIBUT, sîg r flte large - ROCKING HORSE9 nifturg morts »rom Ji n SoClopi~ELDIS OLD STAND. HUOR flLITZ, Proprietor. ICisu plIe Ilîten te sny tie, An i-l e ar liegoda 1 bave t'o' sale, A nti wlita yctrtbrortgh bbhe eFiay liAI, ffirîtteîrer ir lsrariîld net la. missld. MeItlina cvisît r e' nîpectîon lusQ ay tyrauud vaercleltiu O te kilrdan d mortlnftcy% "uIl " ~yr'er lînmpîay) girls an lboyn; Ter i worî break, and are wurti buylilg, Ceti estop> il selksansd cryiug, Auj eft teir iret-be Itspolcn- Baeing 1Ioaian ltiblber, can't lbe beohen. lir a fey R«ocds e il wera %*yas, Wbltby oiser a sinhic day Untillnpeu'd riy Pent'>'Store, - Kthnri dfispirv 4oedsbefere, 'Thocn are matelielx, lheur bmesb'es, sud bada, Anrd conthat, and taicy sospb, aaîd oueds Asid ralîs aun eitri, Luitg aud uettlug, 1lrfirtemry te ieeep offtrtti AuJ .1bdiiesclt, and pins aiA rings, * A M fyotîer kitada et'thiagga, Whfleili idirse rnee! ualways gel, WhVio rilertirhe tisniei oit l'vu baskets,,boards fur echeck anel irem And doniunnpel, as you May guie*#, Witi eîlli ord. 'play aUad ceuv.rsstle,-. <lisra zlii.ses for tire nation, .8inclr taer raask qin' statinr, 'l'ebu J lsplayot i os neclr. lbrsucles, rîtluganmid chales, ansi peudauts, F'or Indieri tlilles' ittefadirtis. 1)lifi is'rertis, tee, l'ni'moWeil ilaed, Anal thme witis once tiicy have been triesi W4iltgive îîîy cist'inarmsesueil pleasur'., M.y sales inisl irre4poll wilibu massera. Swetriiaatas, u ars iusind lus, andie carels Wlia Jzeirgzes, ridtidrops malild"braidie;" Cointitsro rsr.î,and crackers, Ilajuby-Locieç, c-oIts anrdlracker; onîrioirsorn n trli trrloiirentroi îlu enty, A fi cnavlorîes h- Ikind ie tî tututwenty i firîbow,, aird polioulm, lienus oriel odrs, Porrt murînîcisi ) itci'si, Irper feidrer, hi-in ten rtwit'. sciriîbooks, ad *tory, Al t o oy-ek». il wiricli gond beya gicry. livo bi foste Idoi sîuelrrc, Ail liriilait nwroc.llerund'viliuw-wrre, 1'ilstis liedr, tubhms,rritIsaini Porisdera, 1n'dicrai, roll e in<-1piimi, and roilritrs. trAilies for liriics, mi bsiy'smiatlis, ('aniges oli' lîtairut» Uaidl ols; llinnrlttii,btne obir s a t rrarfctiroq (1'tliat rent inasler hir. $anigsler. 'rîîanccrs, fo, 1 iaucr a store, Cigarstira iuit 1îroîagurt lare befoe, Aîi1 ihres oa'-,ear>y iaueiel ihrn, 'l'rîduit ecaiti te tianincy. aundriiîid. bl nir'e, ion, îarsd i-strurents, li -qlirc jrrst unie îor tan comnnueits, Jiliig l-y nrrset t u îre OslAecteel Nurse ianl tiaeit as lia u Giacteal. 1ltg ali tiragourds 1(Iout sri y My CtntilrnaeaIr îeaalIlt Myiî cc i ll nubc li«u u Ati for tu gai n therapblic t'cvor,C l'Il du ny svcry uindeaveuir. ilUGIl PELITZ. A Store to Rontf.* 'N iliriVillagcr Bg ann'T ir, lu tire rt I l) ut' I'lle nlîîitg. " ' __ t(ÏIT. lDODDSt. ickcng, Misy, i5, 181,1 iî.Airr-pd! 50 TOWN LOTS FOR SALE IN TUIE 0OWN 0F WIT APPLY TO, 18 LOIVES & POWELL. ONTARIO BANK. N TWTE lm lis'rs'iy givon tIrai a Dividcund cf . Fourr pur Cent qoir the paid nrp Capital Stock oft i snslcik Isiritera tii tis slay rleclared for thae irrent liait year, rawI thuîl ttre samn wili h apcyable utrit thu bcirtri'its Ibranches, en eîi1d afler Suatirrlri t t' rt itdry rat ârainext. The 'riat'cfr Books wahi he clee'rl fioruthe l6tla u lu ire 31tai le rat, Iniclusive. The.Aimal GeineraI nr'<'ýtifigof' the Stock- iioldea'a, for tire elcetion ri .1 irectorg the ensin- Ing ycar will le iraItrut tire Banrk, ou Moriday tire Ird diryof Jnîîrtie it. T'V eIr 'nr aillI Ic talkaît ut twuiva e'clook, at nacra, pruclsely. Bl>'order of thea]lourd, D.411tllt, Citaa-r. llowrucarvilla, April 27, 1861. lis PICKE R JUN G, WOOL3NILE~S ITN conecton i ie.Grand Trunulwa>'y, J a.uud J> t fope and 'Le'lsRry plrcaci froim Pei't I upa îrc the Uù. ucýg atad petqop Puls, vo ~ r!n~.SvrrciaeAlbaua, Boston, New York, 'iXllria aud tii. Western iitates' IlI The. £tcainet r4 pp. L#f yul, nmtli Lurtiiez nntlce, idave Ccbuirrg nt10 a. ni. Pot Ilope blo c kA. naor on arrivai of ihe traia ftein T1otouto, Lmnuday aid Pet'lrboro' .very Tae*dlygThoira&s ud Saturdoy, sud Wbltb-7 *vr~ tUrday, mud- arrive ut l1lobetnr l, tire to Cornect -041the êeanicTrains on New York Central ajnii- . Y. andE , URlioada, Ar- rlvlugln New Yo)k, Boston orI'hldp the iraIt mrwii"g Throuilai ckets to aDl pointa. SoutbR.st,an We-4t ceau bce procured frorictbe.captalâ ou boardi thc beat. 1 iag -iekdtbrough ansd no charge for Thaisrgtto affifrrstIre biraperil, Qulckest,, and u irîce'a-irtllutternti,îcil communication foriotlro.rcigittroin Port 11OPO .' 0 Eetrîura tir ctouclIparts oftbe Uited F>u/il av Rces- tcr oery iundr. Wedraeday, eÛ4 Prdsy eveulise a11 il o e, su wil voidët Wjlll. b ' Oo iorg sud M lt ope lu tarae S. conne Tavern Stad FO0R s AIL E nL0 SALE, a tore sud- Tarum Stand lu- .tbe Vlage cf Âudley,LUt no.2 la the 41,1 coouloa cf]Flekenlu,Aîfoîrmerly Àrown's- Cornera). TIre.la aunAcreof lsud attubed$ u wbcblis a good Oreburd. Tii. bousesara bot-la new fraie buiding.. TIre Pont Office ln keptip the store whlcb la large auJ roculy - the tavoo Iol a wcil known stand-lua agood bueln;; mite, haa large aceerepoeltlëu, good, stsblleg aud shedrs. Thea. promilses are. most dearably altîratecilu the. beant Cl.th, îeatiiy townehip eof l'ickerung, audwill %te dispoe* of on ver>' libers! terme 10 aa Wifipuer. For terre, &oi, spply to the. proprietor. BENJAMIN MÂDILL, 7 Audie>' Pat Office. LOOATED AT BUFFALO, ALBAN, Cornier éSacaisimmain IwNo. 4498...Dlrordvoy. Street$.r "Coopmr iaastittue,'sAstut rlae, PPILADPILPIIIA, ,Cor. 'it ansi CheaaniiBSis. Cor. Clark airai Waebsng. lois êtrea'ifi CLEVELAND, c«. sse aad aporo DETROIT Ne. 70,- Woodward Ave- MT. LOUtIS Comr e ItI ains i Vce lits Ourrstandard cof Paiamcan#Uap la tIhe lamce Srtudn eaucci ommenice at auy tinte, ne thore tire ginnvasatiois. 'lir 'rîreprlslAd brri efîhia Chalu f Colive-cs haau eicxtemlleaeqanansco ru ev- &Ir nie chIes, aunI aîwîys coelîrer Il ai pleasure ti frirtier tIre best lrrtennstu oftlîeir gnàisaten. Siirîcrints crtertiîgamy ouof taceseCellaeas b> lire [.iynieut of $40, becerenctitlld to thae jîriviioea',oft'throeirtlre "elain," compnlslug ciglir I ite iit t horouagla, etcslo rcl atidaîîuirlri!asScaoaî ieol Fer Crtiissecsanid Circularfi, ccll ut the Cellege ItWon»n, or addrcss as above. sa BIRYANT J& STRATTION WIIITIIY PIANO) FORTE MANUFAOTORY, Mary Street, Whitby. IrosEpJFI . RAINER, 'P IF take s Kr al; p lcsure lu lu f 'eniirg the pulile liaI lie bas ataly eîtrod tiIre. extensive premiges tornurlry eccupird by Mr. D. Perd as a Carirae f-.ctery, uccirly ielplciîste Iis hiouer Jirelge Birnrharea, iu thre Town of Wliitlay, auj whirre le uenw cugcged in the recuefectura nf PIANOS, witlî ail theineZrn iruproverneitu, end ibichliei wiil warrant lo be equalinlubillaury of loua, deiicacy-oft tieti, uundarpeler lu finish, tu any ln Amneriéai. AI1 li'aoa arc made by hlin witlr furi metal- lie traînes, rith ere st..r, ettira hast -p'a- soed ltier, arnd ratenmila cf teIii. is. f4eiptien. Ji. F.R. 1lng experionce cf ncani>' 20 yeart4, bt inl Austria and Germauy, a» wcll as ili tihe United Statesandt onrtensiles bixi te state iithci aoc iablttegv corrifle t salisiieion te tua public. 7t ltýjPrice@ will be toun ulimcl Low- er thau Ihobe of Importeli Instruments T 71E Subnriicr wosld ake tîrls intthdo fhrî'atiferrmaufacture. acleiowlerlging hins tisanrka fer tire libeal ,ix (>cùmve, square oes,).... ...........180 putiag«ie reeeved the last ytur,aud woulcI ô% do (round corner,) ............ 225 furilr sat tht ielm roare t roecve do nia Je................ 210 do (over-slvrrg,) .............. c25 7Y4 (Otiae, <earcsting derîbla renard carvrtl iegt:elextra..................... .. 25 Te iake lu Cioti erRellia, aetut' olloving .Cg5WA rtarartbcc of'six yers giu-cn witî lu (i .înnIees, uuaiy:itrui e-. Fo ad SîH l,5cents orponrui. --Aitl rtw ith e icbetutrose Woord. -, ior celenrng Satliette 50 cents l'or yardl. --- - - 'rweds, aven>' style it t îy bu ondsrad, 50>) - J----- nA]; rrIB1tnuItue, C5curts per yard, ft'trîId i ---- Stiseting COo cnts par yard. Plirnu Flarmurel 25 ceits liervyarî. - --cr itcirlc-- Plarties tIraI bring (fire WoI naay rani>'on Its ' bianig 'u irai in ç' ("%S I leF. RAINER, quilà OWN ild(vmuE 4 NTopeluncnteiteIt Ilui sizeham cevrnbefone .L~bec sl! t-n listiam sfrein "Ste $10, iand tie lirait copie% of thia nuork, neolaotIer thara the Irreeomnt oui(nus inaarc 1mev printing tîrcmn frere renne wer1 lantcs), sl raîaîdly ut $10 pcvr copy.- 1it lan iesrîytîirat-by tuerfel iin sire, uaid ru i'ie- .euls W e6ter on an ocennuin ulaliete wiola naion, aigitatusi, 'aix as tiiig tciear hn1rnstand. iug firanie initiit ef bis compecral, CLAY. SEWA1II, FILbMOHE, CALIIOUN, lINT )T DOUGLAS antia viole «alan>'oflte cinoren stalamen et' the day. Evary i5naravuing isacceurpanlad vith au oulino key porntieg eut by ssulievsnlie lscaionfen 'ci pemrcveprcatented. Te aven>' Subscriber tute c leuaeli Journal unre or- urarda us $2, ina iili mail lhe Iîoaaul J our- nal feorme110 aar aud aise eue ccpy erttlia bore cngraring-eailed Ire., aud carufulîy putrip viti voler te prsoirve t. Aduirlais A. ClmtIiri & Ce., 20 Northn William astrcet Nov York. TEE EMPIRE CITY At ONE VlEW Inea splendid Celorel Ecgravlng cf TME CITY 0F NEW YORK, Sirewirag tlie nlive cil>', aud formnrg A (JOMLETE BIRD'S EYE ,VIEW et' il frour a abeet eof superflue drewiug pupur), 24 lsy 86 irîcîes, al carattiIIy o&-c1re(1 '.c il This finse pietire lie ailut 'et-rn pctb! vI e Lt Tinta Illi ns or cop.., but b>- nu ti at-rc. effeted ne cra ennieac-v tu er lute oever)>- suI- seriaer to e taBtucelcud Jatu-ucil, who toi-- wtu'rd. rm4 $2 irîtreticrti ti- init-h une unlt l9 brtcc-- j,ru'cuo --c,; iio rkif)i g c o e uu n-tit - 1- - ci a1so tili-cO- eDncc scafl Z -crt-eeGivle n kway %Va- ilg t1a l -l es CivraAway I mi tllao' a (0sou nAra>- i I Arldt e llrcdt-nriu-t-L rip i u crcý o u o ù -- r-- 'C 'cI' t- c - tlits Iluir on w 'r-c!. Il t t ,t - lngIiiii aim itl thni . v I . a - onculinnri, ' - i -c - .c c c nî110to letaler locu c l'o-c I JOHN DIGH'. A D V ERIS E XEN T. Pekei-isagj, Miay 13, 11. I IU"tN &C I' Il ~ Zi Pcie, eu ~:s -.. j~ i DLNCAN &CLARK-. '1 t iwd- 14Toronto. S MALT VINEGAR. tsi~ ~ ~ ~. il AL I'lNP,(4APi i-ennon' le mmdilularge Ln a 0 m M .281orpsiusJ&lqcutittice, ettirs ~ ~W itbv Brewer7. - 1's ~IJ~~ ~ ARMFOIR SALE. ~~~~~~ !~'~~ IF'tY aisonu Lot Ne. 80, 4hi Con. ofI ..L' ~WlýitbY. Aliecu 22 acrei clear-el. 'fie S titrber mii chi- utrcleonucd larnd le escstl,' t-cl I l*i~~~ o(ju. WTitm.unite feu-m la itiietd 'aectcjnu3 rîlè Cf t n -if o'WhitbY, auJ veunî p-Ovea a Mont de 'i uumsineut. Fer lurra, A. ipyte Dit# G.-Ag, CABSON, -WM. BAKER, B ROIT STRiEET, SOUTH OF?'THEEME Orlo WlbP. O. éB culet Irasillte, Witby. Eveu ten>s dieu giron lu Chroute dimosi, âsud lu ô ils>'K ,W iLSON, Esq., sass warrants a cure Or nopa' 1 i'4SsWiila' - 1 ýr Élin-uc ýýui doy TUILIC AUCIIN, E -. L rin , fictioneere t Plnq m lÃ"ýîIl tièitag ili Ardraw tW iirAbiEqtî t.ci c Wvednco- e y, J2tidayoJu , rr- ,cr --kc , - i - t- our'L. rsda e, - mo ut ut -c Y 11oui tei, t-euàn t. arai. Part et lot Ne. 29, ira thet tt -n. - Tcrousiaiip cf. Uxbridge. ce)uti. - - cg c 25 i c nacre or lcac. Abolit 8l-cre" oft thislot nar e erâ- cd and endar aulîivsaton. ,tha.1rt"lo»c48, tethe 141hecon. cf tire or Icsna171untt oiau martgage, of wiîci tiare le due the sum uf 85 or ticreebeuts. 1 tia. Tire aculir ieat cornier cf lot'No. 4 l tiret licou, cf tire lovuship et' Scelt. conatiuteg eue acre, more or lems. Tiare lis s Prime build- I n ou ls luI sultabla for a Taverri: asbu, a bre; but tirey havia net been yetn iluiael. 6tb. 'The 8âif c lt Ne. 4, lu te, j" tCOn. of tho Townslap f lotý i ou4nn1W iierco, moire or les", About p.J src&th Ifeoare cieir- id ma under oeltlvamtleu. rere la a gccd Trame Dwellung ilcse ereeted oir1,tis lot, euee cIcr>' sud àabiIf lgi, contL4egA oom rôld a collar. Tiers are ésale ci arnaliont-huai- ne -amdutionsc ï oa wi i . b 'W ôO ",o tes.containeci le the gallera ondoie 6f the sali! Court, witi lire folleoaving variations.:-Tie perclsier or perchasers §Iali Atthîle rime eof mae, pa>w<leva sdepst lu tire proportiona et' eIo foir every AItO<>of the. penchas. meuey,ait bets No. 1, 4 and i8, andi £20 for every £100, asto laI* 2, 8, anrd ô te thc Vendor or iii. So- licitons. Vl tu our Voeîkt rous thei <ayoftanle witb lutercat. Furtier jUa.ticulara and conditions et'sule mey b. lied et te chaiereof line sal imrster1 (Os- un odlaiau ut tr att e fl s ni'fIes-reurs areor lMiaîreel ai Icitzgrasld, Cliircîl S,.., Il., (Jil Ba--î,h.a. uut lit;. sad S. Il. Stroargt, Dlated i1i1W Ittir dayci'Aptrilf 1501. A. Xi. IUELL. Mesr-( AS1Iil(is'.'r \ICil!AEL & FITZ- (tilt.' t- Vernal ' St.)ctus Toi-oite, Mc> '2u.i. lni, i nota Publgilid weekly ut Fou? Oeutoq, sud a oW ib Munuthly ?irt% with cuveari e nt colte, or,2 00àVcar..>bhsJ. i hll KING'S DAUGIITBER, THHu'EMAIQSO n»rTyî This la the titi. of a n. e nlclrwin~ ritten =xredy for the flceheLtd Inrnal blra.Iir*iM.,Polan, 'thré ac'àýlýe 0lb onthebRcgott Sp Q iaôtt'ra~~ 1ard thim. jot.t roI uiiial, te 116 i"idonThursdy, Matchi 21%t.- Sl.xTYr-irOVl1COLUMNS. POUR CENTS, À DOUBLE&P1G9 MAP Q0F -T:HE WORLD wllb. given fre.alog wt lb. finI nmboer of the uew vo4luwe of lb. ous01 _eady on 2let 1Mc. WrILUVDS '01194 Y1 blo lectulre on the "World'a Whw&%"eaca Iivned'by Dr. Solgor, bfo e , ovYork Ilatorfl a u Oogrphlcal ochty-wîU bo yblaeluh.Ilua.hoId JourinalNo- 1 2,.on ou Matcrh, prie. four cent*-.&lon' esoaly for trie UoueeIold Journa4, ud.r TRE NEWST A» BT MUSIC Both, Voal Sud. lutruMeut,ýbjtb-e,bst Aurrosu and Europesýn c 8pseappeair re- guiaal vi' very week in ti:i. ieh.ld Jouernal, ProeYuer Ceuts. A nov aong iiy Stephen Glover, appeaua lu No. 1, Vl. 2. BY POPULAR XEN. ilvery woek a lecture by aonme di?&Ctîigu!Allîcd .121 mran aippeurs litithe'llouaoliold Juuniaeh- uon--pectir ait iîlaoî-îltc Tiios. r.ublislie<l Initihe tir. t volume arc ai, foIlowa--(arry cf wlrIclreau luie lid price.Tlrec cenlà "ai, Irointaujv îLews-ngeîut, or froui, tlii. puillahene direct onthet .reeipt of sclmps) "l"OtduDrect LICe," IDy 1. B. f'Jough. . . . InNo, go *'Maeeiiaa,..."Dy 1ev. D& . lilir. .AnruNo. 26 ifte $ultau u rs<oerne. I v lala.isi, ......................1.u1 No. 21 'Thle Turklb Empire." Dy 1v. Dr. Hmi- lin ................... fi N. 28 tii,........0........,............ in NO.22 "À Dby in the lp»."9DyBy .T.ID. Cuy- ler .............................. le No. 21 "iMin sudClimast.."lDy Bayard Tyo..nNo. gM 'Itieleç T 1e, D Rv. Li. e rri... In NO, 19 812,...... ... In No. 18 "Ll(ëIn tuhe Molle Rgou»J lyr 4metatl lt#NO. la "Social Respmmiflls.Z'Dy J. B. JogbaNo.il "Yuio.g Àreries." JDy Roy, IL NV. Beeeb- or, ....................la No. Il "Diazil ud rhe Brazillaes." BD y v. J.0C. ...er .......... ............en No. Io "Tu. currelution cf îbe Phyuleal Poeee. DPm£L Fondey ..........e...»nNo, 9 ..rL'yriUY ........rm tu Noé '1 "Ceenual Alffiaity.p By 'o F .l OV. i "avlitalorl Md Çobesul." By e. P -ru ....... Ne,5 ...........lit Nu. 4 Prof. Paraday's4 lectures are llustrated witlr ilfty..uo ongivingai. TIIX 01Ir At'1 IcW t EOLrwrxtî;0v ýWE TER 'tu the SENATE Webster ini the. Sonate, Webster in the Sonate, DZLivEBI% masGta"T bru=f O arzm oar ", 1850. £2859889: Exhiliîinu n iort-ruse lu one year alilereoe Th ic ftncr'iilu aud cxcead £700,0009 Exlribitinc an illrar sc. !. cira ycav alune ef £80,000! Almiao,5c5, Cotii; iGi-ulote ClendtLrs, ivu-nI ampîle tictaile oft rue Ctcnliîyi' e ouerations, aud cvrry iceoanr>' infonrmatijan uraigirad uethle JOHN AONEW, W bb atAgent t'en Towuuof Whitby. COIM1PET ITION. T MiE SUBrbItti7%1 'S I*ItEPAP-ED TII Il - t -- - - - - ttc - -- - -- t IËNGLI SE LA NU !FICÂN Lookets," Sitver fJatàed, Forks, Spoois, &. tPA .t l Rl b SITarSGNT 0F TUIE BEsT QUALITY, AT Engllh & wissWatÀchoB. JAMES JOHNSTON; Brecr-at, Whilby. g- GIlEAT SALE OP BANKRUPT STOCK! -o- Stoves,- Stoves AT Wl t-i--i-li1itcnt, 1Brock St. 'm.hiîiy. - a ci iLogtan's ch'-c ti cleesc-nre n rt Logan);a G rcciu Scoops entLgcis Titi îucrc' itt rry d-.icrip)tioniiSteve-pipes &e. ti. - i. tict evuîrstlliiin ti Lesteve aud ç(tîîpe(r Pic. c1id nccot i'raîîrfer sure. Ccacfur langa autoule;tkcs AB3RAM LOG AN. Wiith)i ltt. u4, 1860. 40 The Cerébrated German 011! - FI>ko"%ltlioiit;nicd', et'tc.st»!nricrls as;te ltce iL' itIri. of tliciîc lvcllcrîîlc rein dy, tirefl- -u -u tlie luc,-t sX years, uacd * ' - -ucrccl-d for lc-i g t-, --ý~l .1er... its cueltay ta T~I ilw '- m. T- Akc , i t. ,161 i. i jet - - - - ni - - ' cie ci t-lt-tv 1 un-t, lice S- gcR su- --c--ru- c.c t-I - i-r. A.a£V.t.mLV195 VY VWL s - I - ,.;ýV illuetraterl ~ nesn ----'- c~tî ..e......... r-c-- t ct, c- ttc - - -~~tr L ti liciot.. ................. . o-------c c tcus-tut Brgiui ....... ........... --- ytt. of Ladies' NVare. Oi c' -ri - - - i - -- tle .usira. ... . i .Itu.r oircir i uc c - c- - v ~ n-c b, ni-n. P. t-ucîîstin thieiatocv tueic tc, t l >» car.Z - --u -cc. S-- c-c- i-Or. cc.d uuilià pue, - - --t -c. _______ 1)0 YOU WANT A a.gcctr ntc c-cj1 u t.n N *.l WILLIAMSg. tc-ac~-, z.. illia.nI ad £hn8np Light 7 exnll1 Ia LY 1LL ci FOnuettf tire trc- ic- len ian tIre Ccuauil- IIE " l iedntbas for suds a larga frutuner (j ~ A /~c- - i. Ic-h- c.t -c T L I î.ýn 2 tc t-t ov40 legeilutr ui tin hait f ,r o> atqei>,$ O aon îJ O - t cntt ,rovecILticeutgc-Li ci- un:1l is't dwelowtcr O h er etqaHy 1Tr aln v k m,. -c flt'co Ut - t e ut-, hi rî- n t c ,t, t- ' c B stresto ,iu tlOfie r 0ouaousr- e îa. Oi- , -i- . 0 ocr e r ni -t.'a Coutitvcf ritu rioS[ E6T lERsigýENEiu'Vulbe ..nIitl t~~~~~~~~~~~] - c tn- u!l cdira. fiourtilen -rit- (J-i- ' cc thce sebuaribeir. (Ifi>' ALLXA1NDER THOMPSON, ort ailrea! Beotel, Canninglon. JOHN TIOMPSON, - >epartment of Orown Lan&.; Qucbec, May Se 1861. - NTOTICE la hereby gi'aert tltr lng a .' lire Townsip of et'ia dna e tie. Mania,-l7. C., vii h o open ton secon Aud 11v lte lfth ut' Jrue, on tire veal oon&tiioe fi "tua eettlimont tirmnn, ýIrpnpliae >JeoPh Wilson, 7E.q. , - onLiulÀîtsAt 1ANDEEW RUSSELL, . A"" tntcommàeaoncr. '- A large soaeeI Ot' STÂTIONERY 0F AU KlNDU. whity, PM otUf16. Y'19 e. sul»ribra bliqdeairous bu retiré Tie' theFounry uu o»ýffer for sais T5E MWMTSY FIUNDRYBý &ltuate&ju Itho To w; c f Whbi Capital ut'tire ConnulybS Onlanlo .alavh ied ibis ~7psauot'm idertô-I luvesi iris nmsu la eone. eofle -f«VZForaluîryluaa da Wa î -1 I Frmam#,n .k,eqainp uLÇ. Lyrruor w~>- LYNPZ&& ]OST'. WIyx4 flu- I G.A. EANNMSTEI, Aud at ail the principal placeset'f busiuanas ir tirs Previa) ce. Business conne vtiwthle RIEGS to aunce IN ALL ITS B1tANCHES,, ,O hen*pr>*àtgeë;itely âzî j Brock Stréét flic la gstanddin, ý1cPr5i41incno tJWetelisprepared,' aB hoettfl>re.,tQ cî o*deèra etrutt« h bis care. llilGES, BUIGGIES, SLEIGHS, <IJTERS j~Muuu*bctu1cd a d 1aIt, beLowest remuneratliig Puices. AULWORK -WA1RRANTEl W~ £IT1fJIR ofd PRODUQE TÂKEN L'T EXUHAN'GE,' at MA RKET -P D. FORD'S long' expericuice of thirty yeare je the principal -Manulactii Statea and4-Qaqa4s.» vbas phatepenlence inu cvery brandi of te brsiué few'have beéu ablei9zuàfrve&i<d ïfor beauty> of design, édogae.ôfý finish. du and solidil>' of workfianahlp, bis work cannot b.eelied tw-Call andi sec Specimnu.~ THE NEW ESTABLIHENT NEA'THE BANI. Wlbsept 411880. DO TOU WAET WfflKRS DO youWANTa KUSTACREI Dy-ouWTXSTO? im jL,0GHAMS CIZUBRÂTÉID STIUULATING>OGET ]rovIlie Whlskenanad Rair. The srubscribera take pieasursi ln auraunaciug te tha Cilicrus eof lic United States, tiat tlaey hlava obtainad the. Aeraey for, ansi ane nov eu- ablcd te offer te lira Amenican public, tic aboya jul!>'cslcb)ralcd udwonldrçnovncdartiole.. The stim*dtlng Onguent la proeas iy lrC. P. Beilingiamc, an eminenrt phyicfien cf Londonan itd lis vrreuted te living entea tlrck set cf WHIBKERS or a KUSTACH lu front tirce. tusix ineaks. TIitisarticle is lie cuIt oeeof tire kiiid uisel by lhe Frenchanrd lu Lcradesanaid Pari 1t ln l universel use. Il la a treatmtifmtl, ecoenc, sootiirg >-et stirraulatlng <ompeulid, actiang as If >y magie upon lha rect' aaaing e autifull grevîli ot luxtirlinit lîsir. If aîrpied tth eutr clp it yll cure ridicras, aud caruse te spin ni) raInrplace of tire balel spots afluno erowti cf riin hir.- Applicd eccurding te directions, hin ili turc ri ÃŽno un ey mir te cAriE and rastere gry mur tin ita original colon, lccvaaig i sctt, suaoh alla llxl.t'lae "Ursauxns'"ln ani rdiïlpcialc article Inn err>'gcitilesnca's to'let, auj aftcrve wcek's nr'c tliy uvulel nut tfur eay conaidere- titen bce iitienct I. ThL. su usribors are the euly Agents ot'ohle article ira tîne United Statua, te vcm ail ordeNs minet Iru iîtdrtsscd. Prie oise Dollar a bex-for suie by alllrug- glat ndu Deaicra;; or a box ofet tc -t>cgmet" (wanrasnedltu lhave the denired eld)Il'aililiec surtit tu aisy une dosrina b li inaili (direct.) se- or aremlris OR EL.EGMN&C, il-sin. 24 William Strec, Newr York. MESSRS. T. I3ICKLE & SON, Gcneral Agent» forthie Ci-ýnduse. BLONDIIN, UN1J ulfE athariber reque s tspublic sUcen tie o'bis newvstock ol aupenio S1tovea8. 1They' include tic fllw r,'Ocw patterns: 719EE KINO OFa8TO IE>73- THE PRINCE' ALBERT, DAVY OROOKET, PROTECTJONISBI GRN D UE, Caii sud examine? 162 .- JOHN BR.YAN. Broçk StreolWhitby. _%FO0R -S A L. lAI ofmatlie, Poules (iiuck). Terrira 12iotscredit on approv.sd jouIt notes, mtererit if Dot piaM Whou <lue. G1. H. DÂRTNELLý, 10-IfWbitby. AGENT FOR VÂNDEUSOàN'S wt» 10 tr U a ta orOsue-.iupropt 00atended tu I~e. lirrIl'ui %.8rol se a-. 0., C. W. zCAMPBELL&CO. Mauuutlielnirr et'nd dealens lu N ~ ~ MAicttiAcrtmnlw arrur. Il oma»C OFPICE.-14 ST. PETER STREET, SAWS, SAWS, O~O J 0fery dciription,on hiaudanmde rloer CAMPBELL, J& Ce., Co 14 St. PetrS t rict"xontrosi. OAise, cvery dýcriplicuon ofFile-, IEC£UT andl 0 wnrranlcd «oel as neain t a rerynueci Icnnuv .~~~ ~pric tin i;àtmtialy Padfurcnw Files. 14 St. Peter Street, Moutrea.1 > . OCL, OIL, OIL, ja .0 S, tporin.Wliale,Soa rm, Mphaul, Lard, r=~ Cottil, &c.,&c, forr ungrigMaciiur-, e ittier 107 lie barrai « 1 aillen kegs. Bakery and Confectionery1 4S.PtrSneMnrcl ICHle intirriouiiis LEATHERéBELTIii, l' c. onelfront bis olJpertett b -£ÙtotnStretcetiWaterpet'f Commted, Rivit lic>~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~d -itlntruItrceonlenumi-c-ê.jrdor $titched, warranterin- ovan>'respect; eau ttu -îQliaeyo eiuii- -.J tru i nisti citherbine, Tvuda'or Cenunmarsaet'a ys-c- - cccttu ctcrdi t>cil oon litO tienany other part-t inauCanada,. t, d ,- -ci cioildrc i~ -d ea fer pnritetiliaiseof pnies., ru- toits, Carotte.,, and C-~c'. ~ 4 CAMPBELL & Co., ____________14_S Peter Stret Murel GO TO G. R-OBSON",S AND ~ ~ cT IE Seiracriber in teedariuig bis thankas for - - - c the tu rc i OUppc0t ithcrto extedo to 1 ST.T.~ ~-~ 8inn iiibursieisreSteuequaiut l-iojafrJeuIn ST. 1, t W l 0 ccc28ublictiraIlie caratieiuda le 'mrin- TITE F Çu--oa - T' T - ONIST (cict ' 'il£E Sý- VAN WITC'f, Fu <TL E ECE, Celebrated C1îaI.2,I-e IM5ter,&c Intruîii-cîi -c-hr-' ct., & I c 'i c gc. üs C cul, O.,0it- ~. la tes n tc ur t .tcou, TIIERE 1> A LIVERY STABLE. AT'ÇAOIED, An! oeraylbing us conducee in the.hast styla At £Il hurs te eiýder. &ApRICULTURA.L IMFLEMENTS. IIAIIl -G.ILis gent 'on sla et Fmttndos JBoH-l an! othen PUBLIC DEPAýRTM,,ENTS. atteuded lu. Aise WATLVWTB Iygin M"XWmIoW Seetib'hoire sbaihr., Ardreasprpsld Laa!d ccd Genonal Agent, - Nu. 29, Ana Streit 4uebec, Isreh Ird, 1860. Iron ]Ploughs, Hazri'wo, Cultivatorsq A ndal al otherkinds ot' Favmnîjnu inplumuts, ait !, uit--t-ct' fbniinm iii ASIIBUFN.:,-,< A : ter xocoted aitir puuetîuliîy .aus- diitcc, sud eempîete matiarflatieuguarricd. JAMES WALKER. ROUGE HOTEL. OSEPU M00N LATE OF THIE NON- qunIlutal, mcml t'nirpierly cf Wlriîbyl lrn- ruou11cce s fins mdté pubie,'tlt hia ic rout-J tlire7aboeawal-krucwn lutel, viieli tnon' linilfr-titn erder ton lie roceptien ef gaa 'svi,LiqnurK cand Cigarai.- Good Stibig andsalatacn>coOslr. .1- DYepartme4t of Crowù Lands. NOTICE slaieanbj -iron ftté l tande In te Ti1Ansao eAustruther, ti tie Ton- sirip o etterboro, U-. C., vill be opon t'onrape 01n anal aftcn lie sixiÉcf Jue, on tire umual conadition cf peInai seutlemenlt tercon, -epan aphatIa o. Wallon Crawford, e Lan! Aen e -boregi. Xcq.Onor- ' of ticir cma,with a z &e . - 11,eoi litre. Au(oa W6lol th.e doos W -o Phoenix Pire Assurance- Go. ONEAB» 5TBitT AND cilANIo 40, .010 FISTADJ ISHED IN 1782., GILSPE OF'FATA CO0., Agent* fer Canada. INSURAÈýES agaiust LOSSES by PIlIE&ud uftetli te mon at aors'le tenmus, sd LOtOffUOJtplqd vibliont ruereco 10hislBead lu il. Wocodon.. - t Commisims rchant, -W"ttiy, A&lnt, Connfti e; Onita-Euc- Wlnltby, Aug 10, 1859,- Sherifl'aSBaie 'Of anda. Coutyf ntrio 'N<ySalurda' ut 12 o'clock. noura, vii Wesold frr lion at'm y otilce, t cCourt e Towna of Wliiti y, the nlghl, titie, vlniel lthe tnuderaSind d pussuir Iaucdannatiouc& tac ef certaina it t'sri recteel, riz:- ý iu tie Coliuly IrUT~ Elrldgc R. Inis, PlailtjTý vu. tveng ccd E. Anidrews, Dehiindau Ail l MZainggtla, onl-ital certain or, tract et' land aud preniscas idtnste iyian ingia nlreTvrriltip ot' Brsick, lu the Ctoeuty Ontario, corauiug b>' adiISSsauet une quearr elar Acre, ira thesae morteor le", beciu ntoàeTof partoflot No. eO, . LIthe1 cou. of Bvck, aoasl-oimeulgvrea .pèat l'15planted lu iront of acitlot, ou lie wp~~n aideo et'ielist Ktrc: wastuof Clutrles Ghbbi6 store, eo u iid 1lot, ceibmacly -keevu ns Âne strcet, ced et t lienothir nau-gleof' nidqur ter oftan serse of lauti, heupni 1al 0J side linea cf san!don., olanbt roda, thona Ierr iy pavallel viii lie Con. lino cf NmaIn! vsip, ie roais, lien aoilel salIWilibe aiidé liuo c1gb: rosis, ba timsiendilyipcrnailerWitt' tIie conin-, inoreof ýaîd Tcvnàhip liroruvda§, o thle place cf bcglusiiag.1........... Alexander MOeLnlln,1patlt, vi. Robint Meflleu n ad ArcluldMK0i ,deedants. Lut N.2euil iarfieoctroc1S en " p art ef uerti lii6 f fltl4, lusticco.of -- Tlarali.ruusessadvuvlue $ 2 s<3 ne Lut Ne. 16, àscel ide ct'dmcce&eebcn "arto int e t en icf etlot 14, ii lii eci. o Tliorar, assessoed velue- $160 (X<ue - 1 Lot No 18; inoubi aide cffSicc tret, bem lient; casaboute, aasàeelae $250 %acre) - rM tic Village cf BLearcirteu.: -NELSON G. RtEYN.OLDS, Per .NoifC. O Wic if'., î b 24ý8,18. PrC.Nere Brnitishi America Asarace iCompaay, NCORPORÂTED under'an Act f the. TIid- ýL SeaientheBleventa ProvincWiaPrlis mnt ofllppor Canada. -CAPITAL -£1001000. Irtmrauce eteebad on Building.suad tiroir 'ontente. Every luloriautien aupplieul 031sp Miarion te uaka, aineatit foirtheScenonforPnite JOHN AGNEWc Travelling Agent, Byrom Street, hit TO TE nHBITANT&- 0F THE COUNTIPA 02 [Ned nluny sincre thfs tao tlaelas- c Flbmhalrr.lie Co~ulias o et'Tok, Peel, sud Onuzi, ý or th I rivefs'ra confbemd irpon neu gpatyeara,fin came before yos- Iolaeitrag ycn.r furtier suIpport aud aoufideme nii tIhe isiî-re. 1: 'I villci or r liiiyd tuty to monit tIracoIl dlee yen ha-vo s6 ecifnny confiiionue. - roiapttuderergy ard tie ra teet attention WbuinaUs, wilîclitea nir1 i shahtake te 'ALEX THOMPSON, Auctioneer,- - ILnL!f-wary Houso, Scarboro' .O A ... .... .. .. .. "T. Tiieir'ic.............-Brouham.sr C. *c-wa........ ... ...Belin. J. neocaua. ....... .... .......Wlulby'. Juina 251i186ûr. -27. -Ul arders icft utithie Cu7rioU .offle-, virer n luitrc i aleas iA onagernimit.is. la - - J., ALii> li trWesJ wbitby. N 0T .STG'.0 1 ý Lkin f bag lttn olgwr ISAAO m c Gar!oucr, Wlrtby. attentiveoticas. ~OLCIT B snCorrc lor. lcl Mnetin Tentoi tante cUfît tenfd Sist 3Marchait'f uire6s: C.ý - Tir ulnep Tr carre. TuIte FIrRE ýAïNDLIFE fl>«W*nuranceJ3zd1dnggUuierpooi ~.lAP I T A 1, TWO MILLIONS STERLING, AND>LIEIISRaEFNS PIRE1)E P A RTM E NT, I V'niUan-the, ui Bullng rtlai rîe A'] crtt~iisproîrnîtIy s*ctilei, withliat.de- durctieor rduaceoti, au! aitl.uasî rst',ereniou ,te ThIre eCapital auj i.tneious niasagenneut et thus cuanpituy iuisuncs 6tIreinost penecot eafnty. LIFE DEPARTMENT, targctt partlcipaion oetProfits cn istelît vinin- rrt'1 edutvt. l u ry lbentfit orna- linacnd i il tire sciencenoLfaseaneafna liy lieoa -l. ltacciîata for Newn 1oîicies alone lu six inlî et' the priet yeer. £200,00 STERLNG!1 lucome Iron nail Ianrons lun 1858

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