the 12'iý tihr tuocip tue Corn. id whtiuv anial* Idrd wltuter st i-ChIo Ili br aisarg@ lada, AntI, badA inC d- ti -i.-' * r j foctrea 'itb rer aht the ielow the yearalnced. thons, which igth tg w¶at rý 3L' ,1., Juil. 3rd. rt, rom Gal. vice* ire liVo AciériesAta E ALBEwRT. st the irench iin voted (cr ,,ani a argo seizcd litu Odfidc repeek. disp)utetsu td rr war retali. 2th ut,, froua celved. Tb* intheb ootu 111 tiVaBtCit. 41 antI freilia native troôpa,. become Irregu. liues oncen . r but decisive -evoited Sate ut projuoseuf#0 F ho put 4owawpî4I' d's inilrest in ,,e -enquiris ho ofiend the bc secourei - reveti>to wsd dei by saying ai alIy or the re stes t - t 4 ý8Ainét the la inIyr'ta aim. tIl"on the 22nd Frenchi aroiy 1 LSON-On the - r. Fraser, Mr. te Miss.Mary veek bus , ery les-à wbhiimonaio u of et îl kinthl or ailg u$1, 82, ; 12701. bas fier be.t mami- luyers SItis an extraineèm- - negectod. y' itt 02cts, for ire ut 45ctx.,': ne la that 20cta, wdayalsti118., <e. for etiugo à la very duit an-d eiwpstt, which aili tranetiOfiS lwouugt' e oNe" 15. Canada b '-e' nuoea,ldqbCt. p2s*w o4a#ryirs4.e fvî Aoesnet dry o emt ir' t iôd'-' permamino iWq<ujýC110 ht W Iît puo-fduoe, erf9l& o waa! utF. Beci) lit tni~e ,n yva, Prepuried ly by Drugslvr1pý N 2. Y. and, Pmn !$ze- C.W NE~' P E~ SE NS~u vii h hé me, b a nd ertte Conty or * '~it opn e,, lnt#oTôwrn of, M>y A ' ý P, ý' ý -, 1 - -- -D IlTucsf,ttwële i16ay no. f ln l Coronon., jusîvees of thQýeeee <ontà Wen anmud Al other, uneerned ,wll-tuulcnotice'o per C. .ourse. t8horU'ti xl 0 41»61-, WILT.I COMne 0OFFliqin V>ÂLUA1I'E T01Vý PQERTY Over thBe Ne iýnutnîuet V (trso. FOR SALE. ~"For fIl t.rtictirs, Seou itrund MhIS, IléTVA1JU ITiE I'ROM131TT Prepîlttor.~ * miteBrygiui'id lotîci, uùtd tWeun 'ruronîtô, bay 4, i'i61. -2A Lt1it Buttts Sot tBi1L0h. DR. F. DELLENBAUGH, ,, lr)pr),l aot10 ei*fon t- rè OpDVIBUFALO,N.Y., TOWN OF' WHITB- V. Wlli ah %lite ttlltewilug puesu$oiu5> Titxos-'ren ycrs Crelit fortbo-attE «(Jtnte, 18011. ho rtirchise mreniqy. ed tutIthrai p«, cePt Whilby-Crocker't IUntel JUDO I2tbi i utest fuir I he first flirevetug ' ,1. Tcroit-Bevere Ifose Junee 13h. 'trllcs uemiruttr i t t t itive nw n o ppor- HamiI<eu--Anercmu Ilotes Jue t ît si tireîuiurîitiksle prupéerty tieW *pries. 141h. lonig crcdit,arucecdliiture*t. nt. Cathtuvines-WeIlaBud flouse June Apply te 151hJ. HII11,PEERY. 110iire ho ctu, bc eonauiucd ois utl LINGERINi Wititlty, Q201 Misy, 1941. 94 Justeilrd, 1861. 21 W.RONS .; D. -MUST BE SOLD! T I1 iîigtilA.t priec e eot îihefoe othe Ilot dny -T 'leAisrist lnuxI, wil'butitkeîî fier 11e lt-f v'zVit i t weil kîi wntt tr lBîîB~BB i t Bi BI Iiiid i t Sitrieett 'rniîtriy tutcilt t ik thé B.tlN1I."Iriîiiliîg (tiu, e,uBlitiBg aBBi-go~f A L S-O. Flvean s tbtld t BIîere,. mi CChrane Strcet, jBit OB IISIBLie uwiiit ltii1 ditî lots, ineuI lictk Wes fit<rMr. . . . lorr' 'so TBilice)CL. rlli* l 1% t îit Iu,tttfi ihOtitIt etr 4-t-rtyfor t privisie rreeiîlt'BBCClitBthe Towê- A I>ti'fu4 titît wil hbc tiivent. App'y te IL. A. JOSE11ll, Esq , Or , JAM ES 1Il. G4Riti, 24~ WVltby. li itlTdf b'(l î t e iitOt iilt;t ils ntîn. T ~~ ~ ~~~~h Cr0 i'piiiBId i bic II. ibtt lie Ilis 1Iýt t, 1 i pri-plBred u îtg)iieid go ic thewiBti 09 I le trBavellingCîBUîissiJinty 1isBvery tcusr 'lic tie. owihi bu i WB'Iptjulinttiiyo .np- Pliit wili i tB2BBJBt>t. GeOBi Wltîeoi, Li.liergB, anil Cigirs, ecelclentt StubI1îBg, aittil Btcircl il BllttteiltiBtti aottir. A. ALEXANLIER, gr) lrpitr R E WA RD. T 0% e MUAY, the 46b imn4m.tlati lýhI.k iên4tanit itilà îterrier dog, , ors andt al vrupî'ed. Aiworl ho Mie milletuoft"Jack." A ny yrs.î brilii4iîg ii t t îiil~eicec,0<t 1 tie. ,tîdrsigtired wiii receivt, $2 rewui'd, .1it ait)- persiBoi lit wliuse pmeim55l>i mid doiz ti iiy bu fuand stlr tio i»utce', wcUl1hocproisîOthn i S. B. I.AMIBANKS, XOshawa, Jâmeicô, 1861 120 (H ANCER Y -AYýLY IN CÇH4A NC(DE Y. WILLIAM DLTRRANT, PIaintiff, AND Jînis I tes,witliRoertgsn, Oo Voistot, IRobert Ciîmpbeii, The Bittidai cit-ty (Os'rire SasiltI andi Elizabtethî b DtielLefelidià itti. Botwoeiiu Bertroii Fî,wie, Execttor of flltuit Wallil ul.î tsaiîogiît ntfltie 81114i Wiîn. i)îiiriunit, hy îliieîiîded bill, bv waî ofetu11ev or, 1i>lîdîîtîiV, AND, tims li-est, David Rhetgon. tien. Ellittoi, li<uirt 'unîîîtsîl 'Fie 'ifiliîîIi i'erninm iiicitiling auisdttaviiîg loeie- ty, 04etrice Siitit, lttI Ei lz&tll iîMt- Jisitiis (i . ilcîtrdmitt, IstitîîlCola»n, :tratf xrteâ ilsthe IMueutr' Offibce, Pi, noieont teo adccre orfle (voa, tfCiuîiîory Iisgie li tisé ti' c hise îuri rditte tite 7tlî duuy-of >'etrtitrv. 18(t.iiii ait Ortler orth iis (C.ourt fliait chu 1w25th dtiy of'Mu-cii, ii, lilial ( îprî itn f Ueo. Il. lsrtiuie, E., blaister oetflite wtt14 Court ait Whiiy, will be J441.. ont Saturday te 25th day of May, 1861, At the ltour of ton iteo ck b istige ureîîe"n, MEUSRS. FAIRBANKS & MACDONELL Anm tionet-is, sitthaîr PAnctloaunitions listhte TOWN 0F WIIITBY,' 1b.otîîllowisug property ilu hrecelt t lst Theour't luot r 1srcei, Towntt ui tainiter tiîuie tn tIceb tisrt-tiiiutu mait'roc-us t AW ltbb stu -oit eigpit t îf iut Nu. 27, lit te Bt-ukuitt Frotuti Cuit.iitift- TtitlY. ufIV Iitultlite tonwl tuB t'ossitri, !ý. 'iirrî i sugon h it oeu lita tttt oitituli tt'eilui lt st,. UCii i. Llr cutuitllil i-'r.'I luur tif town lot Ne. r, lit i--clu tî, lIcie tlO P iiirWsut'il tuB Il'y.andsi hiit i t utelIsusit bitt No. 27. Thora ile ttpots t ua goi ulwt-tlbuut lit-tige, sîslt, Pihîsk r> sofitMeictu it je to crry ;tutu te ittrge Ihisiue-u.- Thorre liéu gondtiyîtrsi csuîuec.ted wtlutte bibu!'- Oru!. 'Tuuc Iiri lt, te utrthiltf CIiitowau iot Ne. 111, ot ittois ,rt et, lut t Ile estil T- wuu tif Whititi>', ii hoix -tug u t,t iu N. 21'Ilitte sit llroiteus Freutil. et,-c4oui. iture lié a stitlifft rateaihouppe ott ci5 lit. The'itiiu utiuuuertir j,'treluutserx ofsclu of tte sud lois, suh tIAlit e iintitf ut sle ýay uloueu a -depogit ut tell psr cetothe litetreuettotcy te the Vcnlr or litssoliibtîur. , And utliu one, tueutis fruont te iisyet'rsie, fort y lier cent of said îurchise naîîuîuy or ettouglBt itît tlie depo- aiîte îîtiakssoeslucfi th i i httieti tie,and ;ho btolgiaw[twilîn.ixnuttit.trun athudyeof &*ie, te.l.. s4eetred bly an appt et-cul ehdorsed noie, lor nerigui1e the presttîses, usnity hu dshttlauic. b>' etuor'uS Rlicitor, fThe mort- gage tu bce rplurei tt thbe expettum of pure':- In Il thor respects, Ilhe odîltIons etfsle are tîtose enteine ln lu tuegenereoira o tise salut Court.i u)r fithon eirtieniarl ho îte oAtlen- rFes mie airbanks d* Jenoellanal W. Y'. Treinaytue Vinder'. Solctor, Y. C. Joncs * irothers,doliîcitora1 Torento, mu! 0f the tun- sigîseulMater et the rottrt. UEO. IL. DAETNELL, - Veador'c Relieteor. Dated Meay , 1661. Baturday, the Sth day of ime Nelt, Ktllen 0e'euk . a. rqEO). Il. DARTNELT, P fIygl'iAN, SUii<4ON, ACCOUCHER &C. Ciar,.tutent. V. W.20 Important te Breedors of Durham Stock. -tock. pirus-.r u e !-totl--Grnde Cows, i$. Ttrutîuzluitrti 0. Nuit-i'rm tof'th i tionAurtitttai Sole, cf tii' Tîtwî-iip or siity îud l'ostV i littty wilu otîiyù lut'istrued $4 Ir r role euuwx. l'ut» uruige tnt ttutscrtte ir-tes. teoYr pelicree tunîl firriter pt.rtbuuient.ppiy ROBERT MILL*EUt, (4uctiuullt ut Whitîuy, Maty 28, 1881. 20l.t BROOM PAPERS Jfîit reeelvcid ft the YANKEE NOTION RTORE. ST A T <N ER Y, SC11IOOL BOO-KS 20 per cenit ciîeicer thon eny othier store in iown tt thee YANKEE-NOTI<>N STOREU.. *Ladies's Retioules and Sat- -hels of ail kindi. Gentiemons Canes and Walking Sticks, at the YANKEiE NOTION STORE. French I'iowers In Glass Shodeoi, Perm fumerv, >ops, L'oba Unir fBrunhes eSsAi 4ndpnattbs E'EADS 1 BEADS BEÂDS ! 1 A futll asertinent of #&l kila sit the YANKEZE NOTIO'N STOItE. W hithy, Niîy 22, 184 1. I The grentemtIlMedical Dlsicovery of the Aire. IEa i >?RY6CORDIAL. BALNM OF SYRACM.- i Esuisuth uergi, a tentai')', uiinesnttttlrugh. suit the wstrtd a T'.119 UFATS lRONtIA 'l'lt;is, ett-'tt-tigiiusg ruredi fier theluatisudt aattu l )werB. ru'sBurcu the' iotpoired powets eor ite whien ex. lumesesie>-sitefoiics.,(sutilu, mitturit>-, or doit!aga - lei a a ertasuuPue ittsu aitea e -utienervous de- bilîisy predtetd by aru, ituprudetucc. aisî vnrtius Pither ty. orti>. t ilisucws. iidigss' ett. shot-ituesu tftctrtuh, salarits rcf uglitt, iidiiuea. chlui. bowel attd hiiitbu liver cs'rpliéti., iiitiuotietu loues relaain d-uttery, etutghs, en4tsiure. Wa'als. taBsi l B,t e r thiUu urliesu. leu..h-ster. ia.jlis tttiie iuso, iutturrepted circulionuî. i.ioisrcax. retstit-suuByIS ai sigtis. it iBttttdtcBt asestuftf'enttiplinttui. 'lhiosin svoBstalle nudteiuisj sit io5t etitl iiste ltl)Bast levtier ntue 1cutd us suispiefr ssilur iosexes, i%#iithe uefftcf rcoluisrin snit eurauuuog 1tht- ensilert-asuvgoetfti.sue c-ha aer t-Iet l.-ntug tt-nuîu proxt.tnt uff ussi ugmir tbudtseri luii mjîutttu itug ilBs<oltuuiil or bolt ciiis. Thouutsautdla have terrts restigre il#t hetihailtd vtgstr yini'itoste, en swore ta t fl fiB.'re tit tighi lit. laoed Nbîayer s(oftsidoit. sied thc fouttuwis.g AtIre-t-Sit-br Peler Laine. Kt.. 1%tr Jus. i)tske Burt. . .. kiejsshti MAuogcisve-. lhan. iiir Gue. C 'rriit t %ir Rei»siter Cardae. Rt., Ia-id ,Wiliiat dsrc Eq. uvisonst Cubilt, E4..,AIl. P., sic lic P- MugoEelu t. . sIt'lh'ca vit- i t tsile ur ftur qsttsuuatut-s inione tic ne Whit's sal-e t'. uttiilitu£5 histici, etrlttig as sving arernedi' for ui t iis' turiui t' fa4i-cosdai'y Symptonts- asi(ut tir!O-à utn it'uî e syuuetts fritt eutamtftIsu.lIts rct liuit eifor i'aICt stv ssit-mex 1t-r wicsienecrtr>, à e.' arectgigot fouBcis nptî us ivillsuolintoune ttes$ ut, the seller rut is u t ta ltui.lsa atiButi s 5puriy dIeivit-B. atB4 Iiete etsb a iiivi'4i1-suilolse-é'esuu os uitiîmaiuic- rFle,'la ie . a knettCO,iCViirAcKt Ufi»cC e t-PIsa, AI1D Ct-sii steue-CuAl't-1s ittziE. corinpuieeil trare ,ttsitifiitlsgun iesuit t-t etf toissuilist susud si îcs.ftir ie t-tre to'uitie g-ct.. gsl. higtit.creust-rct etiuigt. tioran sesissusutiretttirrttitons tu% eollier e sesu'utitg lnitiisseriet tef li'siteug ts. ttî,sasit-a- tss.B-rie at-i uottu.e. tIl rt-aià ltoçljai thc amie gliale a iibe-trative pstwer oftîbese va.a sgâog proeicilltt lis alit t-ss* oGuuorrhuomOl-et. 5tt-tcsare. km.. a ufigritef c-il prov-eob site giey siW thistsetiquaiicsi rtiely ei B ttgir aee p suts tihe biuader. antd the tunt al, V tiistrgats.reuut-ritsg ttrns te theit- hcailh. PEt-l. asul ii. trcls'x. IItIALTEI riND)i',bOsPURE B 1LOOD. rusai t1etasiruixe sprixc r i.O, an intaiiibiec curs eesaildiseuse soifthéeskia. steh em Oeurvey. ACrsttIiauit-et- ts, bie tties. ptua on euts tut-e ani d y, &. Prtec Un. aisdi Uprte UN NRUSESELAXATION, AND> YMK li.eA iu. New editbon. enlr etai100 pages, ilustrateil 17100 AllaitraientCoWre En gri ouiç s «c uce n ttpubiloe The SeletfFriid. A tlIEIICAtL Woclc eit te Nature. Treigai.enmud .a Cotte tnervotu.mend p iusel diility, eshiaita oprtauorhWo ensd mi.wts-gesshieidisesoes e( tbe turvut. ysuclt, and agther dUcaeo teeldeitai tu sis, scies.prnduchag a dcgroicyen t nucsal s&d physte bir ter cminimîg ta loBaIdeblity ' ui i-hue asIoWviBitWih UO dwiuen i u llen O Upaletesm Wigan ircalty lhey catui lie eikiteally resuiou'el b>'isi eteet strple eeis, AWiset lue batifotaIl Agesl itaoi pact the 0ven, EXTRACT8 PROM THE l[,T<T FEIEND, Pt- lesc., whtc coutas dretiens roithu edanoe et patients, asidila icudtinte prie c hafged far thc kaicts. Bold ut Messesa. R. A; ts. FERIY & C.e'.Wltoias DOPYai.No. lise. Dcmet-trett, Oxff trer t-r. Là ndfot ~.BAR LAYkCe.,1, Fatrnsu iSrsset, M1uiey %, Lend on, Iuprovod ]Parms. J AS F. BIIOWN, Irlôler, Lantd, ratate ani enerai Agent1 bi asenil li,, Toronto oifreet, Toron...t $i MÂTEDý i T~iratçlç~s 'i~?x99plete l i iitis depar mentS ana contains au it te UVLIu ~w ~s LA IWES D1RSESJ81WLSI,-CAPE$, PARASOLS1,- BQN-T IAS' -RIBBONS -GLOVES, 'HOISER e, &c., AT GREATLY ZED U ÇEP, TÇF. A, La1R%,(rE- -NTO CI<0FCLOTII7G0Q V1d> Cothing -iae to order on 4li=t-notice by good worknîen,'-and ataprices that d.efY coînpetition, - - - ~.- < am, ar li -m- m-m E eIHETDEVAIV WIL. BE PiOUND WELL STORE!) WITll 011010E", TEAS, TJGRSTOBËACCOS, CIRRÀNTS', ]RAISIN,~RCE C j PROVISIONS--FLOUR,'IAMS, CH-EESE, &c. i~A LARGE~~OKB II8NIL~WR UTUX~ .~ THE LARGEST AND 0TCO-MPLETE SIOCK OV- - HRELD IN THE COITNTY AT WIIOLESALE PRICES. - .01-~--- IMAi ir 1rm , i 'n 0LuADnTinCi iurVl.Wr.Z. DîWl!TýT. 1ýCbi 1FARME M tbAINL) UAl iVbietljî DLJuivVJJIJ a rvAi j Tej IF YOU WANT THEM CHEuP AND GOOD. L0.S&POWELL are Selling Goodsi Ton per cent less than their usual Loç Prices. REMEMBER ra Noqs. i and 20 CONKECIL ELOCE,- Brook Street, Whîtby. VALUABLE PIIOPE R~ IAD ~n W FORt SAILE. f1~ T l E nnderigneil effer ot ' lv'able propetý ut Port WliBtir for male. it cotnpris<'sfou.err- -teon tutu a itaf acres. r jwo Excellent Dwellings, F*eiti iit-tlle for a gelntee»l enil' fud quith Tiiere are #triitrd s and (4urleum conteluinpz every vuroty et' frit trees. Thoru 1 - ea"1Br feiliiiittreens or wttr, tontd in a boedy suffizieici tur înaitmniaturing upreses. Tihe Property ik isitu ted Inthe itit4 purt or Whithy, imdiite- 1yejîpnite the GranBd Trn FtNtinti on titi lBuse Linoe. and wilI hc snId in septtrate portion?. osr tBhtugi'litcr to enit B4uieMitbIe pîîrchtîser.- Turis littoral ; ait d wiiilie cxclitinged for ltauinB lis« "mtI. (ieiooprnprv i-&moos t uigt'slblittintett for Isîlus eult Ili Btilliditiuz Lots, or lîi stit 411 a inirtet gardosetrin Iu eutuolitiiit to ticg- town. Appiy le GEoIIOIt 13. utAL' ,0t'it Whitby, trte, JOMN HAMBER ORFE'WOOD, Soiioltor, «te., iLrock St, Wlitby. -the Black Hawk Ohief, I& majoh t 0imeu £Or dh bredlOet herses tailaetst,but Il lu clalimod fer tîtein end Ju -t rei cut o 01 pe'euillt i luncs Ttetai tt l ottlttg herses are IethbIsbreest WTurtze - LIV! FAIRB3ANXS, CÂTTiLEio'AGENCY. liontreil, Mît>' 11801. f1111 subeeribers begr te lnfortu thuir n lenda, The la- T a1 . b l tip thet hhey lbeve this dat> bo xeuspremisea, Raisins, Conuer o! Wlingtoiu and Quec Streets, '7g(,atut iife ai ket, he ulenu of- fe~r e i'aiitfor Sal 1)C miglons Mr. L 8. raïeya C orrinceneBUTCIIER, omis 8yesr n&t.Ant'. Markeet, atis eacre -- as propteter ofîhe BSul',§Bn IlRotei and Cal 1uc Tard, lu sefficeat gmtrantofethe h mu-Whie we priee of Ut. day lutng ebtulueul. Mr. 8. W Ersarey's irhoia ttctltiuii t ngdct'oted to tlitis in bra"h ofthleBusqinessr.- - BîIEAItEY & TAYLOI1 1 large suppy of' ALU1WOOLAND VITOIO WEED ACIOTfIINGý, from -$4 1-2 per suit upwards. Also a lot of superior Prixîts and Fancy Drest Goodq. - T IIE subscriber huis receivcd his riew stock of Staple Dry Goods to whichlie would eall the attention of the pUblic generally, as he is determined to soit ut a small advance on cost for Cash or Produce. eceived, a large lot of Timothy, C lover, Carrot, Mangold: ;el, &o., which lie offers at low prices for Cash only. -0- Lrgest and best assorted stock of Teos, Sugars1 Coffees, Ricet a, Currants, Tobaceos, &c. Bys--domestic Malt Toddy and Scotceh, Brandies, râüà sl 4Gins, &o., whiu.h he offers a-t niannfacturers pxiceS. T. iH. MCMIIAN, trc1<5'ü-èef ,WhithY., ~e<1 JTJST RECEV 100 BRLSBES4T< HAMI[' CDMPITITION1 IS TRII ~ TEIE subscriber wolde re.qpectftilly infor-M the.i surrounding country, that lie has t'tken the preiis lixikins &'Co, whcîue ho bas opened out a coil C2ROCKERYý BOOTS & SI Which he is determined to seli uit the very M~W] The Dry Goods departmoent wiIl ho fatnnd replie for the season; cons sting ini part of SPRIING AND SiUIT Delaines, Muslinis, BegsPri ntsShaut s, Capes ors, Foathers, Rbons, Chenille Netteqý cour nt -bi y, will b b> solul eau ue r ti At tlîe Itoiur-ft12 o'ceck; nuioi, 6y eS;Ss. 1Fairbanks & 3Ma4nej, ~ Aucttiîcrs~et îury 4ntineno"jn th1e flicu fuiiewing pro 1pérty:Al fi I ei d nitlnta SCottiB p arcel ortlrt't t lBtita t utul. sitatte, ylu g atillue itug lunthe, TutwsitkifWhit- l'y n le <otîty f Oulaieuntiuîct~hy ietT. t ~~~~~mpsuiru ut cnt Bintelt tut!and if~mrnec'c 41itiend, e th u e nc o ru? iird , in e rontpoiedjofttlitt rt ofilot nniyiber 2rla inte Lit con.uofîtîîe »1ÙMXTowwtuitljtof liio.ei t ina> l'e ottueerwuckwitite spirt of 'iii tsî. e .., Ç~J 4~. . Noë 1" >, helfile ?*-la lier ot: itît ln the iist dtsttio' oNT fet1lrt;tuey tsi- uniienitk>t thoeuîtrnlv Ilitoitf Bric-ck îrcet, feeBto with Yi-;&Ijorthecr1 ltait f-*om n a Strett, ndrtintitug î!u ocetnh74 deiîeW C"e I 2fu et ;Ilium t'iol' th :Adeg;res com 47 lout te thlt nortiirliýroi -f(ut -rn tri; tiieti nertis -14 degrecis cash on file ilO. itithcru S litoit,21 itiki., n or loit, l teta61 -~ ~ -~ aungle utf 0 idi'.ie)relot Nbi. 1 l i1 nmoitît ' ;à P. i - ul,rces wi.;t 00e citai» ii,1 q385 iks, ioreor a B '~ <.~ lengte uti a evt Tt t sid vIlloaue lot; ii'en6tît a '.1 4 degreces cccl>, tuërrAi tuecentre feft ltè 4ui'.t bote. 2 aiins wtd fiiks, muore or lcs'x, te titi * ettutertui initlorcfBroçle , treutt1helu sentît In "-ec-ulgrcuti et 2 lisitenore or Ics, lu lie placet et hcginyiiug. 'ture are twu friue bîulidtLnrg Uupn lteaa lantîtu!,ci onpix'rîei y lL'y ldiFcuii 04 1 huuaySoe hittue tcrie?§ iii ri-iNl Ifvr e,0 peraittuuîîuun nd tttxiuu,uuîîd theîte lit:y 1.Joitutetti uaeitcblctner andul Jeýcuçui litîhlgollé tJ.ury tilghit itrenîl eg for L'1ý pf-' îîpgeî pria', ot£5t0. S'JiThe pturclitittuur or piteîtser-q ofetulti prnperty su ii tttte tinîaetsfitple poydouoaut tipuit ti UTA UT tutu pur cent. ilfthe puru'?îtse motîC> t ticVet- [~,u~ g ji![ ~* dr ,or I i',oltcircr. unt-u liçein;-Itîjclcr ofthn - Iotui uun w>'iethit o-est troin lte duy ci -tui hunlupaidtI iilîleuur weeku tfritutntlic ua3 BTON & ROBERITS, Vet , w wit'je ti tinr %k"11'ii le iuU l' t ile nuauac properly Wil (,l <d Ait- 'iy.- jec te ho lit n frit ie ecitt tuinuttre, ILhl WhltbLy. Éiî uand J. (Iitiun, lte pn-1ul t-l'ire luiiit. unt itlut Apriî, 1812, tnt Joltîst-,4itigol,, unouthiyticttit. ial itu- tar rctpucutti eci.e !Ci ut of'sa]ICare et-l ctitiiiedbl ite gil- ii M li ! cri ordtrs ut lte ls-ill Court' eeet.Fi For foruler porfilcillîurt to3f 5-rtiu-t Solitetor; iîe. tu.(rtt-I& rttlu' and Suiut't,,'tte4îoand f et' ttu udurignud nhalAints of Brook'il, ani intel. oftute Court. ses hately occuipied by Joseph i(4EO, .IL DAIINELL, lete assortiuîent of May, 1811. fiate'~ ollABDWAREL MIES, &e. EST 1PRICEis.* etc with evoryarticle.suitableý ]RDRESSE si s, Oloakings, Parasols, Fiewv- 'Bonnets, Ladies anud Misnes Itats, Brown Cottons, Hoiiands, Sheetîngs, &o.i with a large stock of 'e FANCY COATINGS AND VESTINGS. HARDWARE-A largo stock sîitabie for Colintry Trade.- SAT cANI) PLASTER alwavs on hantE Just reccived a f1rst-rate snîple of TILUOT[IY A'ND CIOVER SEEDS. Ail kinds of prodîîce taken in excliange for goodq. ROBE RT WARREN. Brooklin, bMay i15, 1861 . 1 TFIE subsoriber wili pay Catsh for amy qîxantity of goil Merchantabie lVlieat delivered at his Store, or uit Catnjubeli's à Mili in Bi'ooklin. Brookima, 3May 15, 1861. 18BRTW RRN SPRIINGX & SUMMXER D RY-GOODS Begs to annotince the arrivai of lus Sprmng Stock-,.whieh he is deterrnined to sel at a smnall advance on cost consisting of the Lateuit Styles in BRE8SS*800BSk"nu SIlA W LS~ Manties, Straw Bonnets, and Ilats, Rîbb)onq, Glovcqs, Parasols, &C., Prints of a superior quaihty and ne;v design, Factory and White Cottons Table Linens, Towelings, Window I olltuuîds, Marseilles, Mitts, Tickitigs, Denims, WhIite Shirting, Carpets, Deiuasks, &c. Broad Cloths, Casimeres, Tweeds, Gambr'roons, Farmüers Drill Hats, Caps, Shirts, Tics, Collars, Braces. 19= READY-MADE CLOTIIING. ,C In blen and Boys Coat,,VestF, and Pants, of eVery style and qualiiy made on the premises, the lit and workmanship may hc d ependcd on. TRE TALLORING DEPARTMENT. Is under' the superinteridence of a first class Cutter, and gentle- mnen aoring iiifl witlî thoir orderg, nm#i rely na huving tieW'ir gunents made up in a workmanlike m:tnîîr, and in the latest style of ftsîlion.V 0:> A FRESH STOCK 0FP GROCERIES ZUST CIYED. .Ç: (Call'beforo purch.uirg elsewhere. RmENERJ PERRY'S BICK BUILDTNG,5,N 'WIT.BY. April 17, 1861. I~ELP>~t Neyer (ails 10 Cure. NEURALGIA AND RIIEUNATIMR Trais1 flURÂT INTERNAL REMEDY I q eorlngo m oeeaaofd.eases vhere *su ethea remetiies ihave ulteri>' <tilleul5 Itixnemere BB urumeî, riieitgfot' thé moment, but i. Enmbrocations endl extertltt neuicines, whicb sct ast stiimulants o e it «rfrconi>', are rmire- iy tempoi>t.y in tueuir eréctsaend et doubttni virtuo. Theli4eu, lgia Waing rmes he ioorco et ahl'lc, tand cfectniiy bu.nisbes te dlý- faae trea tfi*'Syslen. Wo suivi..eone Aid aul le gitte Il a trïal aad bèeedm satrafleulofet »won- derffll powrer., -".- - .' kE4tAejgetiaa so seZIkeoim euwai gW'IT CURED 1fKr. . emeirway, f':nprIc- ter ofjNI#"MgSreret*gQroinoa Lins, of Ne '.rui- -giashcatdin in 1the f .t andl shoulderx. Wo ve efined t oIhe uee'nd ,-'tirely tutabla s*enui ebsinesa, is. oxr wcll f roin lite ose cf Witsen', Netîraletiu litîcENAW'X eof101* 'tut<utng. At lie tinta 0t, commetel iilg ilo heb'wnt confieil te bW isled. kîteown poieVo fiul tuut.citr, wttx cornuet W-INFFA3MAl*OiY EH EUMATISM., Mr J l1i'cl, 84 Ctru'oi t are; was curad aJltf t «if Az Cher Yu, est.lcfer carst. - 'T FLAMNIAT<)ICY RIIEUMATSM, ef FE YFAIL'STANDING.-Mft. il. W. -Put nain, 56 Peatrl st'Out, enret iun tlirce week-r hitd béen tiundr charege 0% bes plyiiinus torftiîot t<ifee yeturs otinding.-Mrsi Llmiin Euuthtburn, of 215 Delaware Btrt, earslv eni. ' N< fWWILLIA-Id ecOLîtAN< ,clcc 4 tlWai Street, ered eofsevere euralos l n li. ,.PrleOB $1.00 pet be ttie. Preptreu j'y .ANGlLC;<AJ1EXWAN IIOTELO 1,XCASZT Ti &W, nb* rhe ilit pthéhevse ci TettabishsdéhlJel1, *1111111te view of ufitriirîg erery itueomnîodtiônh te tie travelling pub'lic'. Illuî but a oeil. Goed slab1ittg sld etiers. 14 'e-HANGIERY SA'L E IN CHANCERV, " THE BANK 0F 3ONTREAL, Plaimtifr!i" AN D James Hotigson, Jul'»-Cadie. iLewic: Capbell Thomittuanti;NMury'l'item,; John Bradley, Williaum Fiuch Morc_ John Haut Perry, lVilliamniOcl'rviuie Eatt8WOOdu John Dil'gin, Williiant' Ilanîiltnm hBurnst. Tite Bank cf Tu" ronte. Erag iru, Francirs Ilowltrd, Xii. liuim Clt.eui, Jtmse tBnurcluy, liteit S. Sage, (Iuybill), aut-jI JhTariar. - Thoituis Tuiylîr, Gerge Th'IGr. Betj coinLu'îon. ilTenry Lviuîart- anti Jutnet; lin-doni. utututiepartieslut the Muitter's ilice, Defcntlanlt. I )UîltUA'NT te il'lt-ce tfîli 'relit efuha"- eeyurtîIu' Ilit ttltcese, rit'r Icil' 7ith diy (tf Felu. 1SOîI.-tuf tti iiieicrt' tit~ i-, iuenîiiclatie il ê'C2(411tutu' et' No'., I i, iii tifs.; tpro et'îiîîc' e. FIl. lutt il Ftr Insister oui teiic u'rI t t t >,w l ieLmoi 011tfllc Fiftecnth 'day of June ncxt. AIth li ieft t' lt-ti-ciz 'iii fle t'nrciîoit 'ri y MESSRS. FAIRBANKS & MACD0NELL,' Auctitteeurs, ît ilitir reîunu iitti TOWN N0F WIIITBY, 'rile tielc'wilcg irisit-<t" li nlitttt'lîlîwing: t. eX Tc terce ct'i (icutit'u--e 1(rn -rt,t Not. 24,.i, luiuc 2jtoîl cit. if Itl oi' 'lt - I i hitby. ftiuî,iet tt i 1îoct plt-dI lui th s-tut lt-ut-est ci-*i er uti îlý i i;(1 lli, icti'-ut-t 74 duces-u, t, cix t-hititis i l>,s, i ui, tirei'-o: taiii, i, i'tîce triiiî,t-uzruc--i ticf 15d l t elvciît li1t iti et, Jr. iditî ti16ti ru-t i-nt i't'te ch4f i iitr. Mnflît tet-lite'fii l, ILr'Ille tiu'g i abtit si utrter oet! tile ir'tt ill t- icit - ff' t- 'I'<îuuiiet h% iîitl-î. it iit uhere leJt lite e ieict hotee ud stable. rl!c liticis lît80fc- ('rein th iti cii'oi, iiiig i t ite it-twlît u sitiîtil etrint ruttîîîiuîg tutretuguI it btctu-entt th 'TIiiilot tuil lit sîflî i li citput-ce, the pîîr- (-'lsertitill ps I e ik 'tdi- p ii l [i rti I t iie £*i'ittr -e-e'it l --*tt tît-'u' l. ai -lt-t iI Irtît l î i tl t lllu teic, i-ie-it,' tto izIttit £750t, fiii l ti'1 I Il,çetutit lI1tiieu-t iti e iyewî- Itît foîl n e ii-os u u u c' ett ly i> lrruit "- 01t tut- Fe ut s s 9 iliiiktsafi ilttrgtge te bue' uet- extiue t -tiiof lieue ., 12-1B-Al tlolîd5ell uîiie-1 et tcllecei5c qirl-' ter-o iii' u i i-tii îl' tîtli't ihlî. £'5 !te tit 111,1t coii). 01i liteTguu'uîlili i' W'%«Iitîii,entiittiiiîtpliby aiti'tî.ittitt e1t iericleexeilltitîgitlclue-tit Por- ýitiiiiret, c-j'itîtui et-,i'cvtd tu 1tol-eri Elicciccr, atud Ai x. M1te liî. This lotistutiitit t-iarl'iei flrtit, setîinti . 4111(1 Kit-itti 'ad, itl is ieetlit-tit laid, "ttTrhe î1 r1 c I i* vdîîuu-uua ulupu'c4itil- protportuiiiono' £liiforer ucl' uOIt of' ireltec'- rnîîîcy, tuid îailtiii (t-u' uonîlui rti-tfitc (Fils- o! malte, tsiillti'4ieit etitit lo-ng iuthttheîlertposit ti' uttke (JC clie t i l' ftrt'i tuie nteu ticy, titltht- blt-îtec wiu iinthrest titl êi- et ronteuuti inty uit saie, 10 lie secuti'd h i utt'lgtc. (Pli tit lieis tuliclitrlaorîguge tl bu uthlie cxpc<ut finI. Iiglt aeceof sîl tit X>. 2i5, in -fic-, 2uud Coi. l f' W1itbyaetn-ti f u lic ittli site of Muy iSrietîlJi dtauice e f citu Ciis- lut a couirstesn'lt 14 dieveues t-t, rrýfn-tlite li- tersectueu ei Carl- strut, tutti thtt e iietbwet tue teut tviiîul wct îiu' es ef'miuciieluiot NQ.;45 tlieu-e3 otà iul'ttidu-ret-e ttnttti29ois-ltuiuAi..u il' 3L)n. l t é) uttueutirtit tîudfl ic ue tti liuuit'tu flite siilot No. 25, ti-ffée sonîl' 74 d(týécsj - tet, tiltîuIgilie itoutti-rut f lteti e - u snîl lit'fl e'tt I'.stulullut No. 25 two clît-iete, ite utpost us- he istutu etlieue'hti.s, friot ttEûiElle l'u'îw(,etî stld lorNo. 25, ittu!24, tîîud tut tihe catit ,!de offlie stulu liuuu, titence soîut 6deffru-es enusi 8i9 itdiule tid 2 litit tue tiorti-side s f Mtfry Sires-t uuîi b I, hiîg 16 Clu ;fit)$aul G' listiotreýtt ihefoitt«-fti e juid udot.huu nertlu 741degr-es Cait;, tuiunuzthe îuuîntitsicle or Mary Street 2, elteiu*to-tice place of iîuiglutnitig,. eccptiiflgtitereout cerlît iceurtioumt.. old i îl cettveycdte JohtnArnol tnt-iJi atu Wu'il -u Titjj is pcet iuidsmt iii To* ewIoitri i ieuly -8 few illiutes waik troun the centre of the to-yet Trid'eios fronton York Street, a fine streuci et' ehe -Chuiti in widthu, utnd arc VuIiutulicibiatiïlg iota. 'TiispièeC tii l'e »iîqI by tue luaer ýdiug- 'o-' alaiti, thereof inatie by4e ttSider,' pe'1a cegy Oet whl'îcîwil l'e Pr ediuee I alit Kalc-t.té 1li luiccrutOfset' e' uîilot ëelitit >y d"nt , -1 o-aaic hlu-îteta tnoyeîrlott flite doy- etstue, l t-ueg clby an uppreu-c niet, or itrt'gttg enuthte prienuises, asgVeaucIerl'uu S oij4t6oZ mty' dcter4tesuoli ntortliwto t$ b. lit tiiecpcî1utie of tUepqruitter. -TIti, taleiiSffi wilf e-tuiewÉ ege nsrvedhu. lin-alfother rite<t"ii eucito'jo uc tc e hhe oinutl8ing cçeidiîns t-tthé suu(d (Sort.' Mslci o --ooui' al rntune " J.or tutu theu, uuu1x*utd Fý,