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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jun 1861, p. 4

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ftflstidel b.eg ooerdIw!thg@ udwd TU . bov. e 4m1nilIie of'th* hs.tIn <hetowe. shlp, btalng Jgm es*e ewsec- 51. two leadin rose f.oa~vl1tbs seosèmsLiât .vfrya ?antagse neetmgpro ace. There lu a itte 1roena asla etrams barni, a ué." i r' ue pantililai'u spplye JOUX IWOLANE. WIIITBY FANCY hAR Monof thé lm*s miuls P07 oo tor < OIIOILD'SOLU STAND. Mes, rILIZ, p rit 11.4 publiealimaon taetay taie, Anmemr][ thoi I h 1 ave fiordsale, Anti whoîn paire through the lmnigtliy llat, AlcoCîer haur thoald ntoisls '. Withont a vîsit of tue;aebn, Unto tiyylrama ivrted ellpfton- 0oevin y incland sertofloYA Te ploase vanrlinppn ganIs aii1bos VA "0eys tslwoat breakc, aandiire t%,o;th iying, Cortain to stop alil sulus andilaetytnte, And of htlr înit-be It tpoken- - Boing Imulian Riîhhner.oa't b. brokeni. lI lianey goodi 1 weil maty say, WhlCby aa5vpr aw the daty Untîl r pWtd mv Vain. y 8tre, ITîiaVali f<oteeoo Ts e gémtebsi,. hlai- ruilnals, and beatis, Ailacomhaal, andi fane>' OttPO, aniF-eils And ri10l mo atstt, klttiug ai uettlng, Parftmery to e, sp atil frettlttgr Aaad Itdies hato, and pins ala rings, Ar d ifty otitor kiidwlof hlttgib Wlllîla(Idi a nediland alwa'taget, WlioIita-kthe lîatalotneltole.. I'tIti baskstaa, board» for chîeck and chose A ' - -1t(1tutailtOO4, itts yetîn utîy guiapa,, 1tu t iltc ctrgtfor pîso end oiveriatin,- fli(rtito*tismaesfrChe naltin, JeWi-r e tutt-îtk and ti itieta, <lu < utqu'aed 0on occOtion. Biv-tu-ci e-t. rings.an ainmit, andi pendmti, ltrtiuuanctlicites' aialitteat. A"-ln ttie tio , l'an weii sutppied, i uiîc.e whin once Cia.> Ihave tloin trled nllftîvqfiy castomere taneilipcti-tirti, >MYi atdee tunat pfospe wilt hounitetiatre. ow. 'msis, anti cakes, unit piue', allatuti atles Wttî lezeltu-ta, ettd drolîs att-ed "biaidles,," CanaSta lormomî.urupls, sînîlcracokers, Ilohb)h> *IlossoIt-andîl tekeru; Lt-mnttsn, araîilgcsantI fruit, Apu-ls, nitia, atnd pearaa tasuit, stattonery toc lai emty, Andîl nviolcpsa - îis X1<> e thon Cweaty i Rhtes. !iitd penciso, lienisstud eidurs, l'art mor'nules, lultters, Ptar folliers, Basas bfor twiev, saltoîlbouit.landl tory, Andto ty.lxtiks. il)it lliaoocd boys glory. [ have bI-aldGç, Itîdîsdel- t-e, Ail tiulu'as I wnocd. IIIIil willow'wl<re,' Puedistieus. tubs, lîrilm tisui- iiauderu, Modîrt, roillîcu-pis, andîtroiuittr. Crilles for lîtîcît, iiaii lîîtsy*o -uÉl li, ('aett er litdo, martsa.utd pilll; Basiket.. t(taeiiosstni4tuifctre 01! th.t reatt iiter NMr. 4aticter. ('igars, Chae icnCt broîit.' t tlvra cfore, And ielpea t- van> s'izoanduic-id, To st-it couhitîtie. nittîs% .îîîltii- i4. bMy munie, tue, auJIà1 truat-tlitus, BnRo je t o nc or tuv<.î -aîtîîiieits, NAus (<ut ttii Ctest- nay-lue cîcpetel. I lai thUiegost ic eau1 10@;p ly. My otisttins ot- teoiiet'iltlry,- Cy ;îrlceâ lt-ver wil Icititiju Now 1,n Iluletnte tacouint ibu>', Anîl for tlitlii the pqltlie laver, l'i t-o My oery etidIestatir. fUQGIl FELITZ. a Whltloy, stay 7, 1961. 17 A Store to Rent. IN the Villatgue o t Blam, lui the "uwal llit (i' PlckF'ritg. sus Eîîqulreo f m It OBT. DODDS. owtk.vr'.ne, May . 1561. 18-4ii-pd 50- TOWN LOTS FOR SALE IN TIIE TOWN 0F WI-IITIBY. APPLY TO lis LOWES &POWELL. FOR SALE. T ITP, O8ub.e-rlhern b-lnir déielrnis ta rtlrc, rim the. Fo4aadry hîîsltiama aller, for malet TEE WHITBY FOUNDRY. oîtiistail ln the Town of Wlîty, Capital of the Cut ut Ontario Any person of moderato capittl will find titis a ftrst-ratû cwoîprtiîîty tri nvet tli. t@îsus ii eui o f the beat eatiunui for a Foutidry In Cana du Weoaî. For termeansd pries, tiquroeto C. LaNDE or LY ND E à PflT. Whltby M4atch li', 1961. il -P 1 c K 9 R J N G T !TE uherhpr w in'11 iko thig. netlnilao putrotiate lie raeeolveal the latat year, ud wotii <ArCher gtate Cthit lie ha prep îred to reteive Totmaire ln Clelh or ilolîs, et tiue tellowi v r 1iin Hollg,M C entts par poîtl. "i*'ettalît g aundt firlaiiitîg heep'si rie.tua nt ~A's otîts lier yard. 1 L 8g iatiiétte FM coriti per yard. leý .'.-,r) style thet miy be ordereut, 5) va i- r i. tBitltetà%, 85 corAtu per lard, fiill- e t ie l s (I, cents ptar Yard. lta lanttcl 23 catit, lier yardl. L'ibi i i tht brlig flta Wool may rely on h. blatg worlee1 ln An.1ti iitt rs41lited enice O.te gi e allrpar- tlesCltc.r wn wf1gtoor WVe I Parties itir. lng littîn wlthtl ieir work, toc> rely on ti lhîlît well claie. taid with dc .eh 'rti.l -oi. Woolt tîlatîmue, te ticrti iitlill', taiay liuiaýi deoie to tuks e itw wtlîitt a. JOIHN IAIGIIT. Pekerlng, May 18, 1a441. la -a 15 4 c 'a or. dat ta '-s 'c GR <. A. CARNON, ~3 YIOI~ ~1uEEr. utiUOtF TIE NMF. oistîca' uIistite, Withy. Ever>, sttcu pugiveu binilrolo tileesses, W4 ti~ mati> us* nwm% M ir t'e i . lse XII .J.l. Nov: rNplete with ei the INOVELTIES 0F -TIIE SEÂSON. Nos.l1and , 'm d 1W11' I ~ *=. ~Nd ~ o a. & ~ te~ ~E' ~ 5.' Aprl 4th 161 -C M P j IcTI* 1> hà 'y5 'J - a a f sri oý ~~mo a~~e j~ ~liq ~ii1 E. -j, u ~'~' o ~ ~'1> ~ ii~ ~ I VED, P.QUAL1TY. qiLTON &ROB'EPTS,' W-hiby. THE-IR sibier woultl i'espectflully inforni the inliabitants of Brooklimî, and mni'rotiiulimcr eountry, tiuat lic bar; takemi -thîe prenîlses iateiy occimpied by Joaiepts 1-uekins & Co., wluere heb lias opened out a complete assortuient of DRY 6GOOBS, tGROCER1ES#HAR DWARIE CROCKERY, BOOTS & SHOES, &c. Which he is deter'nined teo el nt thte very LOWEST PRICES. The Dry Goods depturtment wililai.- baudç replete %'ith every article sititable for tihe semion; consisitîng iin par't of SIPRIiNG AND) SUMMER DRIESSES,- Deuuines, Mîslinm, lBereges, Prints, Slîawls, Capes, Cionkini ,Parasols, Fieowa. ers, Fe.atliers, lZibeonm, Chentille Netts, Bonîctu,TLadies antd Mirises H-ats, Brown Ctns, H-ollands, Siicetings, -&Cu., 'wha argo stock of Fil.'CY COATINCS AND) VESTINGS. GROCERUES, a large and wi.all.assoi-ted stock of Teas, Sugars, Currantig, Rie, Utîffeac, Spices, &e. J-,ýýiAl)WAIE-A Ilarge stnek silttb!o foi' Cotntry Tr-ide., SALIT ANI) PLASrERtt'a.,ys ot ilianîlt. Jîmat rer'tivt'd a flrst-î'ate am ople of TIMeOTIIY AND CLOVER SEEDS. AUl kimmui of'pi'oduce taken in exciange l'or goods. ROBERT WARREN. Bm'ooklirm, May 15, 1861, 18 0 : TITE subsctiber will pay Cash for any qîaantity of good Merchantable Wlheta deliveî'ed at his Store, or at Canilpbecll's Mill ini Brookliiî. ILOL3RT WARREN. Brooklin, May 15, 1801. 18 SPRJNG & SURINl'LER DIIY-GOODS Begs to aruiotince the arrivai of lus Sprînllg Stock, which lie is determined to sell at a srnall advancc on vost consisting oftte Latest Styles in 9RES*~GGS, SAWI S Mandes, Straw Bonnets, and Ilats, Rîbbons, GIOVes, Parasols, &e., Prints of a superior qualîty and new desirn, at n ht Cottns ableLinnsro<weljnf4 sWindow v andWt Cotton TableLIlollanda1, Marseilles, Mitts, Tick.iuîgs, Denirns, Whiite Shirtinîg, Cîrpets, Demasks, &c., Brond Cloths, Casimeres, Tweeds, Gamberoons, Parmers Drill IIats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Braces. nLr-READY-M1ADE CLoTrING. In Men and Boys Coats, Vests, and Pants, of eveî'y style a nd tiaiiymad ontlîêprezmises, theu fit and workmanship may be Tl'RE TILRIGDEPARTMEllNT Is unmder the superintendenco of a first class Cutter, and gontie. menî fiavring bia with ibeir orderg, mtay rely on ltaving ibeir germaents made up in a uorkttaatilik6 inaitner, and in thte latc-t style of ftshion." oet the wnrltl as TI E 01tiATeWjr EULNECLA. 'l'OR a ttvet- fsitag reaaedy firthie ilssuaf -aiily Uewer. -'slîireAathe ttapaared powcrs r et' lawheta ex. mt a rnîture tii aili aselstif sltrse eeos de- btla>' paoaadu l eerl>' tmpnaîlcttelanîd -variaonmIatrý Ils. suwy., irtîasla'Mt litsgeeîn,. slogiteau aflteseth, attaaaaeus saatimgleId l a-a hlele bewtilWbliutîs liver comapaitse îs t Il uaid rlîtîi ysmaty atiiettjiljttti-. rêer. lutoluar, geit. Isstla lt-ien. hiyetsrli. Peite itstI.. liat4 tuttptedt'irnlalai. Ile nisit woatsîrtiti tritîtpli of arc lever vitmre, adlta adipçîorI scim ees. - lt-bàa iss aeieor t estairiaî5 huig i afeVoiit e "r itît tinai. "essitaye if t isIrta tî reis oillit.. M. I>..SfrJiu!hasIf» Im. StA rtro, milarruilsKt crRithurIlVaois. t deortf [À,ian~d tmspsar~aîtle, o fe. mrirtt<îlut Wilia Vie. fis. stul lt £ aiSesCut4z4 itiaga aavia recmnrcA.d iral tea-iaaan, c e fti lthutrrcery *rie( r iraue'.tut-atutnt. înrlttiA ar rlhdy ulitteia. sti antfo liliiatitgtîi-he i' it.nfe sysletintitaittdioatn.ul 10 t-.. riu.1lic. sai 3. it l . is %aise.ailtîiof irlis h il'etiau'i.i'nfue c'ev-niT-, te seutIdt abAt5A compaiset Ir frare tulî l gutta. aîd ilsee xirat'itiiof cUi'îil)mibaadt uettb-. for'the etivrifclisititte gteet.gît. iarptîoea. osia itail iavta'iaet ei.,tus. aeittuwar>' andl Iligiii-oitiuli-r lti.doremîl tiuniatrttalirritattitai ils enietr se%. ultulinglie itrlIijitt.rinlit' s latacitig thi. fanainttîri- t-im. p.l- 1< l-.ll,-,.stitlijinitalit the ir'-u'liate tiltItle couiva prtira tfthoae va!uable - preriîriuerý lstiiat i siafrfliuirrhiuepa 'irl, Siripttrý. &c..a tituae rte iat u itlatrou steii, -ii-.4 iàt asur1qualtéet rpmd eau- iî,lu ei «i-paiet p.-ti.the btiida'n. soistthe tttni.evu i lms. m -t'u(titg îtnî tu 11.1v- heaith. t1ri-n iix.mat u'.,* p-r 'a. IliEALtIt ml NtaVPON PURE ai LOOD. - i'Enkylm eetevi, . gecvePl: is . att iiitililiite cuts ic ti il icei4i i(nî the o4 kigi .tîheh souirvir. ati-refrutt. tii-rr, eiti. -ietc-bepl ui ctîe iiti e fui-e and id ant. &pc. 1ven t ,1. attd33,s. pe-rtux. ux NE1tVCus.NEea. itmti.AXAMroN, AND EX. Naew cdtitoi. <'ttrso-a ltiIll aPjit<rtt u 0 Aiîauttaýiiv'îisitioit-<t Eiigi;tîige oist-;tee[, jutpublltvd pi2me. The Sulent Frieitd. ftTDI[Cf' 1,t'«tk ils the Naftire.Treaiet ten lii'- s s <t-rî.tll îtielfttuir li uies lîîriîtnîîlia tt lh i un-tu gi i î-tiuiiuiio v lu t ii d tittt nulsisetlftuitiy s%1"tg uu tutuyil - #'tiviv - c"upu appeler ii-uablt. whst ma rtit tii.' t(!taie S-5-u-aaut l>reauveci up ahe AItuîtî le tutu ttt-i ait ntl ilanl partis ci iv uanit, rXTIA-Tu.lt-R(»t <'l It5IENT FluItiv. Pv-la. et.. wtchvliulpitii5 ltqiretiaui, fs Ibo iheglîtice of sie iaî', a iidu t-li i te riceneharged faur the s-It;tai Ntt'.s. R. & L. EIY-C.sWaii Iluisut.No.mi9. Wtiter, Striet. Oxfot,t teet. [gstioni. Aiit< tBARiCLAY & Go., 'h6, 1FirriiigtiuiStreet, LUidiei. FlU-E AND IAFZ. INSURANI;CE lPN -0FPENGLAND. Royal Lu.?ganecav-vm iît'lùî, ,Li'erpool .Yo. 2iL Sbud.t,'v-et, Londvun. TWO ILLIONS 3TERi f, ANDatXiiiIi"EtN E t INIa. FIRE DEPARTMENT, ulVaiist lîîiai v lîaîîu i t-: i ll s 211dl M 0liute ?<a by Juïre, Ontu dîm st i e ,s e'jTries. AI jtIeut tc.mets pronitly u.tla, s lleit uie- .u1 îi ti r d a-uu:,uuu t id eui l-crsîuca tt rle an uitios atnem.i etf i tai-i nt ii siiemt ii' ii il t aiut LIFE DEPARTNtENT9 001,11),111tu 01itu-t1lti 1t Proufits ev-usinenuu brwu-pt ru n- '-citiv-e o'i-f e 1vAssnru-ai'i-ii bv te Ruuyuul. E i cl New i' aie locnttix unoutiî VT* ittuli iiitil a ccvi £700,000, f pstillattiat an i' cr isemee ti10 Qlt- tIje.jf -every ur-essar>- itif-rtilttiti ut lut ruuitt-l ittlite office of JOHIN AGNEW, Agautut flor TItutu cf Wilti. Whitby, Fah. 2-%. 18n0. C:i- A FRESHl STOCK OF GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED. .c:o Cail before purohnsing elsewhere. REMIEMBER PERRY'S BRICK BUILDIINGS, WIIITBY. April 17, 1861. MUST B3E SOLI)! T [Il iîgct price ofietacI. lifoe thue Igtt lau of Ailciu<. next, wIl ho a t-dtfor Cie f<.. 1iic LLgalitapv-utltrty In thle vit'-,ruit Weili lutiaivo tw.-stiury litiltiliilgîanilt lit otu I ltîtl u Street. f-t uîurly occajlili us tuai 'ri MIl F," iriuîtLu ill fice, uitittiitug a large attire und atnTt)us A LS O. t>at coritrjotoit Brook Street, near the market, A 1, S o, Fis-s o-i ti utf aivrt-s Ott Cochirane Strect, jiat ettuitit ui i tlitnîlîs4 A LS O, Thte diu'lliîugiîvî1uîse utJtutuiIl.ernie -'fh »I luts., ticaxt blîîvkIx .01t c M"r4'jr rusitice . Tliii tiitte tultutt bijiti Iti l t et ý,roj);y fora prvbite re<'Cdacc li tic l.eî A Pt, f'ct titliwili bhoiîven. Appi>, to I. A. JOEPE, Esq., - 42 Frotit Street, Toronto, Or, JAMES H. GERRIE, IiA W h1tbyý Exporters of Lumber, B RE h.reh yremindeti that coîlectors eo ns .Itoun tCiruglteuîtte proviicti, are alutt- ise t t Te atl vet«aîalo iuavicug Luanher on Boardl, tuntua carlifilobatentira prnJltceti roto thae Local Crowiî -Tiuber Aaeuth,,Chat the duesa onautcluL.otbc-t ýavobl1p1cu, ao'seaturet, Or t1iuttttîle tai t csa inla> ha. n>uu eTtbrDea h ta teolIssr>& tetatenitA itsoeld ha furtunilica i tti&tn~r A.cmoa asily in theu acasonut a P. M. VANKOUGEINET. Depurîantof 'rwn Land$u, Woods aunt 1or1ata QuiebOsJeep 1,18. Comiaiasiooer. D() YOtJWA NT A Brilliant andCheap Light?7 Of tue very heet qnauity, $elîper galloti, 2t-d SEST, KEROSENE 81 25., STATIONERY 0F ALL KINDI. CLO IYULE, Jn., leNcxt door totue l'est 012ce. 'a'itthy, Atril lOtît, 1861. . 1 inF0 IlSA 1,E.A 1£ PAIR t ii îatclîed Plofles (black). Terris 12 tîltha cre-itatt1IsppviteLd jolnt note., juterestt if not poi whcn 'luo G. H. DAËTNELL, 10-tf Vhittby. - 77u Their stock is now complete ini ai its departrnenta, and contains ail the noetisof the 80880f, LADIES DRESSES, SIIAWIS, CAPES, PARASOLS, BONNETS, IIATS, -RIBBONS,ý GLOVES, HOISERY, &C,, &C., AT GREATLY RED'UCED, PUTCES.. d~LR~ STOÇR 0-.F CLOTHIXV'V QI~yJ, - VjoyQ.ï 01othing 1made to ode on short ýnotiçe.ky- good workiçu, and at prices that deiy vomipeti±ion. WILL BE POUNED WELLýSTORED-WI lCH0ICIÉ TE &s9 -SUGAIRSq TOBACCOS c URRANTS RAISINS, 'RICE, &Ce FROVISIONS-ýFL40UR, HAMS, C.HEESE, t&C. UMEA LAU1(lTOt F WINES NlL 8SJY3ST ýRECEXYED -M THE 1LARGEST AND MQST COU~PLE TE STOCK-0FP - HELU IN THE COO[TNTYý AT WILOLESLEý PRICES. FARMERS AND GARDNEIS, TRY. LQOWES POWELL FOR, IF YOU WANT THEM CIIEAP AND GllOQU.ý. LOWES & POWELL are Sefling Goode Ton per cent les. than their usual Low Price.. REMEMEER Ig'< Nos, 1 and 2, COMMERCIAL BLOOK, Brock Street, Whitby. Tho Célebrated German Oil F ItIONItli,uaitbn(l- of taiiiîiita etii.. oflcic ai itjiv,.iiiii,le ruait dy, rtue fol- loiituî- liii'-hi-cii 'tiu-iîcît - Iltavê tise-1 yolir nil Ilelivit six veèars, iti iiii si.i4 ed titi' it im iattvaie itaid I fcir 11iiî e-tC. iid cutril fi-oèt- hitem. lisgîc'Ilcaioy 'te ciîliti, l i t iîîtîied to triait nor iltî'îîl.' Te . LtS.Eaq,* JAMES G1OE[U TI .-e ,F~ 2 81 112 jtalîice 10 yOîîlt, Udlinas a dtty I Own ftic. pule Ik itc rr~tlt r-" tttnilt cii ve ,ehrt Ici teriiatî <ti. My lutilu girl gitse av-rrr, 50 tiîutIl Mo, iiît t ir rî.ctît-ri N U t- il s e got iiiiiiui-li4ite rî- lic7.îîd v-ait i<ut- ut gI ia clitiihr. "t'co lp[lictitiotis repi-iiiîî. caret hier c;mîîiAeely, ttii ste luis 1W quitt %.XTTIFW 5WALLOVIN, Jr. lickerig, Jattiar 17;181. i aot trost liteii, uidt % tor<î ta B O iitvuittg donc sue, 1 aiveul lontlit niy griot W. TiiOMI'SONà,. I Ptift.-rî'v rmin la midriîîuîjiitg sar Inr1lwî- y'ira <iti it iintertisicî. I tvisiiiii t'- II .ry ýI Lirv ictlbrie tl i, îidci mi nuw cct,îlutc JAMES }'ITZGI1BONS. Dlu An ti,-Yoîîr Il lifes hbeaut le tîteotîs ni sî Itî ru lita 1,ti'ny titi le *ttit.'< Ih nwlièrc, ail nter l lie wni, umtr iiiuty ut't-lrtiî I ru.(;( îîîtii il aIetrvia t-ý "- eiu It 'Il,1 t ruove iit e .aiîgt tî-ulu -Pll at.tj...Le., iid îl,.to itOcýOt bt sttli1ýii' it I t is lne'- r ftijed ta cttect a vlt. ro'>bc hiid of G. A. BANNISTi-:l, A iel et ail ic prhîlcip;il pl:IcL (if bti&iesi"i lie Poi 'cvic.t Quebe Gove'rnment &goncy. Bi ii iesaeon utectat iwtiî the - atndiotiuer PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. attetideut to. Alsa Sacuiraît by ît t1ilvi.cr. Auiulv-vaii prejîsi-ý Nu>. 2 Atuiie6treet, GJRAT SALE 0F BANKRUPI STOCK Sto ve-ë s. Stoves AT A. ILO*A.N'IS.' Fîllar'a olti ustbhilialamaiit, Brook St. Whitby. Appla Eturera t utLogan's liait Duishel Measurea at Logau'aq G rai n Scoop. at Loisais, Tin wturc of tuvar iru 'cliii.Stovc'pipes &cr., &rc., ini fiuit u4cr>tlàtig ini te stove anti CoVpcr iita uad Shcet I'oiîpcrfL'r taule. Cahfor Rags atut Sleopi siis. ABRAM LOGAN. MlblrYaOot. 24, 1860. 40] 18 - DONOVAN, WALKEY&Go PRACTICAL CA4RRIAGE MAKERS, AND MANUFACTURERS 0OP, BROCK IuEPIwi"v 0LiENOPOSIUTE THIE TOWN HIALL. -M Ail of the above work executod with nleatness and despatch. Ail work warrentod. CaIl and sec specimnens. -RPemember Me. addreos. 43 DONOVAN, WATJKEY & Co £>P Xc3 X> 1 Bp GS to atnnouaice te bis ntiuanis,î$inondsanmd custoiners that he is now -,arryitig on bis extensive busine'5;s 'oti CAIIRIAGE MiAKI.NG, IN ALL l'US BRANCHES, On the new premisos .tly erected by hlm on Brook Strcet, the iargest and miost com-. plote establisbment ini the'Provitace, vhcro lie is prep;iped,-as heretot'ore. -to execute al orders cifrtisteil ta lairt care. CAIRILAGES, BUJGG1 ES, SLFÂGIIS, CUTTVERS, C.1 W"Manuu1actured arnd Sold at the Loweut remunerating Prices. ALL WORK WVARRANUED LU)JIPJPR and PRODUCE TAKEX IN EXOHANVG1,' at MARKfET PRT6ES D. FORD'S long oxperionce of tbfrty years in the principal Manufactoriex of the 'tatesaînd Canada bas giveri that exîterierace in every braaich of the businesswh'ieh l'o' havp been able ta arrive ai. rand for beauty of de.simti, eltigance of fiiiai, durabilit>', andu solidity of workmanship, bis work carmot bc excelled. I.'t'all anad sep Specaneîa, TIIE NEWV ES'IABLISHIMENL NEAR THIE BANK. Whlthy, Sept. 4, 1860. OHEA? . Il rIN ~laurge supply of Au,1 WOOL AND'UNION TWEED i.C1-OTING, fî'om $4 1-2 per sait tipvitrds. Also a lot oi -iuprior Pî'ints and Fancy Dresai Goods9. T FIE subsoriber has receivod lu is new stock of Staple Dry Goods. Ito wliich ho wotild eail the attenîtion of th.u public generally, ts lio is determjtîed to scîl at a srnall advânoe on cost for (2a.si or Produce. -o -0 .Tu -t reeeived, a large lot of Tirnothy, Clover, Carrt,', Mangold W'urtzel, &c., wliich he offers at low prices for Cash only. The larget and best assortod stock of Teas, Suigars, Coffees, ie Raisins, Currants, Tobaccos, &c. ie Whiikeys-doîncstîc Malt Toddy and Scotolu, Brandies, Runis, Wiies, Gins, &C, wlito he offteîs at înanuf'acturer-s prices.. T. -H. MCMIIlLA'N. -. Brock Street,, Whithy. CAMPBELLI & CO. ANI)ILL FIItNIS OPIIINGS OFFICE.-i* ST. PETER STREET, M 0N TR EA l S,&WS, SAWS, O? ever> daîscriptfon,on baud anti matie to ortier CAMPBELL, & Co., 14 St. Peter Street, Miotitroal. FPILES, :FILES, M7aourtift hSua, ldrsedslaw c eu,8.parv cg Jackson'., andaS oi/epMdoLerg. Aiso, every desc'riptio niattF'alJg, BEOUT and 15 wglttlaaft-1 9o01141s4tiers, it atvenu' mcli legs icrice tlîihatis gaill>, puid torn aîw File. CAMPBELL &,00., 14 St. Peter Street, Montrea.1 ORL, 01L, RO Spermn. Wiî ne. Sojan~r. g, E1t-phaiit, Lard, (.'ntl 011, &C'ai, -&0', ftrt- ainginr rmaoiinêry, cittber by thu urelor 5 ta 10 gallon kegA. - 4 CAMPBELL &Co., 14St. Peter Street, Montreai. LUATHER BEILTING, Pattait StretoiautWiutet¶rontCcntmtud, Rivit- cd or -tillolî, Witrfat4j in aven>, respect; ciii tuîrisuî itcithenthe 'r-de or Cioit Atac'a lueur ptice îa th ni>' other pnrtlce I Canada. genti for printed Ilista of pricesi. 'UIMPtBELL & Co., 1O-am - 14 st, PeterStetMoral 1 oi "golfanbuuI ieofthe rtost formidiable eue- tries t? litusil, for tnoting ielie Ilit Cite dire cs. -tt lene iohidtsesn i oaoauio euas tftatvt a drain opon the hitunian ay4teni, drstwing Itt tionasniulofvt'itIhIr<pgli a fuw ->are of saîff-rit in'*tdi toe un uitimely- rahve. Ct d(e.- trovs.tith lroûQ bvitcm ?utpidJy5 WasCb- mtif, T revetatsthe prupevr tuet'élotuaae aC af Ch. siatese andi ujllcartil>'lineîapiness.ani leva tIie sulferer wr"t'iled la -baaly andi atitad, pt- dutcpoftdcd Suiptloitaisaa strain of evilu ancreto e idlri.cliddrfuuan hiue À i KOST sOKNiF"ylirC NtTIONF t ia t i .>' Ih a v e i av e n te d a m o oa i m Jo t- j n la struniemiit farttbe cuente ftlieab< uýe dîaaease.. i liasbeatu'aibjeoteil to a.testby te moatemniuelnî nehyti'ca4tas lict London, lriaPljiadolpîtia ,and ?.Yor-ak' 7it balhatteen cleolerei the only raaef'turitîtrpinvat ever - nveaited* ro t(lis Cure o? Sexinai Wcslcness, arany cdisease et1h. génital argenta, cattaaedi y tiasectret hiabits ai yonth. l'rice W$I 11mail or explress. Dr. ~ A>aç & lSoi,; aiordur to-sataIt' tite mies stelcc at heierits .of tItià& iuitraimeaC PIC e t liem.%olu'cstflint ieîy instance wIiere ut Meay prove awsatistit"4 ayUrer a luit, triai flac marne>' avilhéirefuade?ýb rtunn h fuitrmen ii <outiorder. b>renig1h CONR , - cuoîsv !VALCDS., PerFaoniqIstany.tparote Ii. orld me> b. sait cessfaully treunteti b>,forwatlitng a correa.4 detaîl o? îtirascwllua ramittait, for Medicines DR-) <8 ON, 48 Fiat Genpee Street, pernici. Phoenix fr AssuranceCoc. FSTA1lJ1ISUBI)IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT&'CO., -zu Agi!for .'aaînds. fNT-RANCES azziahti TSsES hq- FlltEaîd Sote tc.:( uthe motet Si Gasle enns suad T,î»SEh paid %vith ont ruforence te the Burd in Lotudun. j H. W.WOODWABD, ~'mynis*ioner .V&rc/anCWitt Atoen', Connty oj (h.tarwo. Wlîtbv, AtnL' 10, 1859a, VALUABLE TOWN ýýpEOPERZX FOR SALE. TIÀT VALUA BLE PROI'EfTY on Brook*'Street. direutia oppo- go sre Bry.it's Hîarel. antIl-beten fils McMll'îi'Gîteral SýtGrc, a.id Ilob- .o'sLit'ery. Tlifis proliprty is about ltOôftect front & Breek ýýtreet, îtad 2>lc"deep te i lue e.a7teî't-wi-le. F r ,tlercultile stanld, or ail frnt lsaht, th nloationis Dot earpued iii tdon Trm.. nyoors vreclit for tliree-Iourths i f tlie purchilte înatit-v. and tut three per -cent hiteretit for the firi ivg Oa'a l'orticses ixrliar te huIA titveno* arn opp<tr 1uniito tfi-urcha,.iîoe îliî,. prîperty ,ga low pa-ie. litg crcclit, unid redlieed ititterest.* Apply te %%lIàthiy. 29th Ma.y, 1981. 904v Important to ' Breedors of Durham Stock. T' IIF servicen of the iniported Durloant Bull, LYont:l Euglstad, i;ny b-' proenrcd t!ý_ liaiÇu abv parties desiroua 'of nruitlagell-ip.7-' -otock. 'l'ermsj-Fôr tes.saaGsoCow, $5. iorostagh brudl $Loi. -Nearîitcrs tffCi U nion AirritiiiuleSociety et tie rw.i o Vih adFtthhitby, iviii oal ic hrea fr r-adoe owe. pur pdire id r erprticnl.r. p! ROBERT!'MILLER, whitoy, MttY 2s, 1801. Gt TO, TREaINHABITANTS -OF 1TfEIECOUNTIES 0F INtcndarittg un> suicc'a ancuto the itîtta. i.bituaite t * ha aatimusol, f Vt, kýpeeI soid Otuuario, for te aoiv faieturs cotîferreil tim mtic liriiîg pcsbt '"i-rA. 1 g.iîcaitint- hefOure tu -eictau nutr trT lue gippeirt und ctenit-Inae athe ft'bture. - It wilt ct' e a My gdut-t' ituaniacrit titat 0cnfi- 'emuce t'on havea #o e cac "nI' cafl.avu l inie. Lu, tuutailtîe-1 vfll t;e tte tatetutus qitull Cake tte ALEX TiLO-PSON 'Auctio .neer, 111t-f11È u' aiiuî.Seuirbeoo 3u. ata~ ......... .........r. iit. vi.......Br-2l. Ail Orders4 lett t tlle c-iroe Omoali w 0i ttîiîra Il aie., sud sg lo-ttiat. re.- Ii-.rtat-ktiit taaul hoatteaild ta. Prices t-ir- ratlta, n. tîil"-uysfiXad, aitîtout t e trouble 'f FARMIîN,%iIMPLEMENTS. Mangles, Wàshing Machines,' Chnrns, &c. andiodragîed leurs to iminone tCa luis T eltmeA n' hemibv ntelebare- anomecd arom ino l0s1o1dtti nia DîjiidsStreet. ta [frodLk Street. cîaa i ttii 'teî ,f lIrch ta ex.cucte ail orders iii hlui he with TrOmp)titti"btutîodsîiatci l n t price4ihat tconnotitil tagive 1suuuisfuatioo., le utksn nomare Otacai a trîial, uuaid frein his 10t4r c.xpi)eatece Ila husînatim, ud tige slcuoeAs whlacis iti itrierti, attetmdc.l Imhiaiit'etiontsnuitt arknaiit,(ttulitîgii tiikt'aprizes tt lit d hto aýIltaw» whceru tiaay waie exlfItteîlue boîtes ta, mcnît a tgvaa-atio tînlaelcftpuiei atoujc glîîf ali Uaamlirta tu-aanot he excellî'cl, ant aaaaid C'-0 flieycer,faially rtere butter is RÃ"cmemhpr the artdreggta JAMES CLAY rmN, fpw 'InrA S rnck stratet, 16 À few damn ceithor. rnetrl'eahotel PAR KING M PL K 81s rrpHEý8-uibseibenlin tendeajiitg Me tbnkmfer i tutuie'iai su'otpport hilliiarto,mitendelîtot lulan libitainetatireatjn st-qaaint bis fri S . antîc he pub ia, hl tinus eo tua112 tscture, hon Pogs -Cultivators, Anti ail other Itinis ot' Fiirminrluai enients, al S - place auf haisinestqlan AeBul1tw. 'dlpateh, 4od ?onlepu t on gaierauatte. JAMES W-,LKEIL Afthlbarn, Aprl 80, 1561. lt1&17 Che L Cie i K BI o s ve r ' Mon Liq -ts Merci ctn &sir Bel AVI c~ cil. Ai by. Ar Victor' Btock Chatelc à. FOC doot- t C. G. I la" shRt Tum GSed s temtitic - 1 S'a, gaz 1 rç

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