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Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1861, p. 2

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00to~I3unu-J. C.Steirlins; SJviol", man ekodLenT Favm 10 Let i arkâi, Zd.Wii.ler. soir LtLW .White. itwarWW.W t. imsoursion o t b. ,To 5 Bzonrinf-.L. M. Squairi, Phlaological vie*o ~alg.f À croixt. To Bx cýiriionists -L. liC qni OntariotBajhk -lion, Jno.Simpuon SpeialNutic-L.ILKeelex-k Son. 'Wait for thse L±iccursiou' on thse I tli-ThOi. Lawler, Brooklin Fair-A. Alexandr. Sâect School-Mis8 Carrol., CNLY ONE DOLLAR A TEAR M1itby, TiUtS4a3, &Oc'rQSt 8 81 EAILLX WIIIAT.-All.hoUgh WC mention- cd last week that tume frirt whcat had'been eut on tIhe -fmrm of Mr. Nesibitt, vo finti vo veto niistitken, FJIllwhet had bhein eut on tIhe farm or William Nicholi Esq., lot No 31. il, tlie rflfvli cnèe"M'0 of Whitby, on the proviens btJ...aY'7 Last year too, Ive nro tgld ti,&t Mr. Liiidiiay had thse earliest wisc&t !Ult in this locatity. iFRE-O[s Monday evenint, last the plaîin- faetory of Mr. A. 0. Alexauder of Irookilin wvas Iiiirssetddowss. Tlhon vas a considerssblc stock< of lumber aud niateriais, ansd a valuable lot oftotols on the premi- tics, and aIl wusc <ksîroyed. Lois estima- teti nt $U000. Nu i<s.ura:sce. A gond part or tlsw vilage was linominent danger of beimî catit bytIlle flamsos, andI vould haie bren destroyed but fur the pruxi snity ofthtie ci-cél whicli riass between thse liousies ind tlthetory. do*- Soutis <011111r1m>AtlelturiflIExhibi- tL.q. Tite Ili lit lrIs u i s exhsibit ion outlis Sa oict> sclh me limt WilsitIy un thte i sti andti lrisof tmb~uner. Tise liat uf prizes Pa~àsru: l-xtsîso<s.Aswiii b. seen un rc'treastlunr advertisiaig col- .imturs, tiser-o ulme ts o l wu pîeue-ss tnihî tu Ille Fiîlà dcri s . t1ispresetat menit. M r . Sq~urir mîins off son tIse 9mAi(turnorrow m anmd Ilat ort M-. Lamwlerun Setus-de->'thc 1 è] lit, mîs gillei ils-l, va toc-i sure, (I l ii Iil li r poweor t l el thsmluîsure uifth tIOvuca3su1ms ti toeIse cornofrh ut tîsir guests. i Taie I1lriirirr u IS'-mrSC"-lias boess trejuessthy dc-tn-, and.i, aften in terma moure vul-n tîan pale. Bultishe foiiov- ln,, littîsa noraci (Lise le-lest eample ut tise da levis 1eiîCcî55 te-ises-s) lis vortis tau là- WVo e rt îhsîttoms fomidmi>lest te Pian- livractVîoîry oft Mr. A. G, Alexander, ut ]lriooklîi, siai laumer-t to tise graicni. Wî lefttthsat, ýilie enosa tday holveen tlsneo tirs] -tour ocioct, mad îen eas eftt al vas igit. butI vobat baril>' g0t ot Isu e na Isle telograîti- braugiat tVie intellgence, of tIse fi-c - Wh itby ]P,viss. Theo logicscuchushin cing thst hâst auir. mmmdesIand] unessrunuhmg cuntrnpunery a-ommsaiss--d miat li-khi, ahi isoitli aeabets vsgls, ad e-rd lc-c >s-ohavhue booms aso ire. WhiiiLa me <r "it-t 'J iuecdli ton of tise J>r i, iiisue iîformed. wsiouncea a clien inaiLi-- l' M ho"b c L'h;;;.île-wtui calinj, Somo ~suple selcd-'sss,-i glrl. TatiruSTasî>s,--A violent shunter Storm, onrs-etIer wesi- hioult Se-y e- igistiig Starm, pastiduvrn hi. section ut counttry on Tuesta>' nigliat flsvasaice. Tb@ ligi sing wvqa e-onstinaisoot glane Lirougi- oct tise tigît. Near, Prince Albert a iiuuîo vas struect ithis limitu; easti sorn viset deli-,ssi;d, buh ai elletueaskilîcti. NEw IT-mmm'is oIrc.ntu Eveaing ',Juan-tl" i he tIas ean ut e ovdaity Iaier pubiîlîet inlasTo-rsntos>' aur trient MnI. A. 1h. St. Germe-ia. It is a gout isuiasos oakrsglect, andtihie ade-trtisiaag ne-les srcire resuccdtovu 4cis tîsan cse-af t-Sangs-t b>'tiseiotisen cil>' ie-lers. lhawaisilues rocoivait a nov adtii. tuisu inte îapor lino, asat nov passases a 1>/code ea s ec-l es a Slaenaan. 'Tis Plcailer is is àis--lualing lseetrtnd runii- ses WC-Il. The. folloving poster wvis b O nt t e eitY O f N e w .T o r k p ,s "BRIN Go IGÉ àîV ed. Our gailant eountrymen t;-t4l mortai 621h have Covened îb.msolvés wltl tes Dot oily UWIffl but Ohdutliàmou ouremons te onnOdedfois ana Pi- goutrs as îiiey ucis Ijun*Èitiebin1baill.- 4 Bul - iow vlew,tiiy treatet by tbi. barbu- j ous<eet 4?lit the, <sté Of the. gallant the. fi endeneil immortai by thi e iêote deecle Of the 69â , iia bis t,1woât eut fT0 ea r b c'ar by 0a tiamd robtIi han &, att. Irishaien 1 tbo <huro", Coreorali in the4 Robeason bis brave commue inii rm Forbial'dit gigliua <or, n would lwibav OUithé e tunied, leoouof 9u grain MÏother Iii, *ioûld vo enie 1 i- ,- 'Sons o _F$ coantryie7 f oroanI arm il fLib hre ,beo n àIbOlriNtt â5 min on tiie souti baik. Ot the P oméa twenty àay$',, tbobattu cery being-Cocor. au, rescuei if living; Avenoed itdead." Tt le not the. firot timne tliaI lisbmesi were aronsed to do battle for a thanklies, and ungrataful foreignir. ,lantii basin of danger îhey &t. pîîttd Md lcajoleti,'anti ai vays too enaily duped. Whou îheir servi. ces ca e-n i spêeadwitiNo Irishi ne apply,"-tiey are contemneti ad spuru. id. Iriismen ougbt not to forgit tii. troatment they neceived t Ithe bands of 1the native Amerikans and the. Knaontb- mugs. The retreat of tise patriotie Yankees from BulVa Rut,], whesitiiny left tii gaI. lmint 69th tu face and llgiit thse enemy, Fprovos that the braggart is ever an amrant cownnd. The acomplished Yankee may hi an adept nt garrtting and stabbin- .sId sîooting, behiasd backi,. and in tIhe .dank; but il mequirca other mateial to 1stand a rguîar pitched battle. Youn re. rgular Yankee ruay be good enougli at gou. 1gina and îrickery but ho requires unIrisih. inan, or a Gcrman, or somns other "istran- ger," visonihioanay bc abie to, "tae-koin" tu do tho negular fighting. Yoa, Irisiimin, arise and faght, you are wanted tia ime. The lion. nwmber l'or Kinglys DJIîipa, ntnd Mr,, Jarker. We ilait tise Makiani Ecouamis -ofhast vîek, li vihithe atacls ofthLis lucsiorable meusien for Kiig's Divisiuon, asd tisoe ar outhtaisiset, un Mn. Bar- ken, is renavati. Wo have no desiri ho metdile on mae in amy persondl quarrai beiveen tIse parties. Thse me-thoni dis- Ipute, iowsevcr, standis on public groundis. It i,as respects an ntet ut pe-mianent; e-m usjust acl, b> wiilmtise pulicaran aggrh- evet, tiset Mn. Bankor coniplasa. Inîtead ut detcnding lIse mnainni, utfviicis Mr. Rteesur vas tissa uigissetur, ha has tltcn il uon iinisolitttabuse Mn. Bre-rn, eaid, in tact ta tien>' bis igist tlucouple-autofe-n unajuit le-v. Ie desire ta intuni tise huai- unieie mehrfon King's Divisioin tise- , . I - --t- l - I. la te gi s c ia al gi TI w a d gét cussstortsibîy coled Ti trin; tiss aarm %veatîsen go tî Goniess ad gel a ;isutosdms vittr (resit tram tIse ounse-in antis cohii i,,iti zmi a lle 5>rîp. "se dilit ri -ai, NEts o-tss0s ti it IFocuu i hIVi - -,rm B I.A ILrOOs). -Cormanemeod is i tie mantis utf Jiîy. 'fl'lie resaint ila e-favorable lime le suisrilio lu ulese standardîîrti odicaîs Sece -mdvt.] ortie nisoît proircie we-uaiiag orbees îhîît1 vo havehrerd o u t a eaiplace vithounr taiiin , r.Johai Cadier outhIisTownshsip. Witii 13 tisys, one hivo swamedrnot malis Lisen ire tim'eaI Caisut'aio IbtirîT.-Tisis e,,atta,wviici vas telie-va etaien Itplaeon Iliai6tb anti 'iti, wsna-potponedteLutise 7tis aid Seis Ce-use tinstaiornle samIe outhlie veatiser. Mm., Pner>"s ayechst rîrlurieti, Ibis, (Wedncs- ta>, çsorsî;) Trelvo yachts versa en tront n tise race orn Tucasda>', eaid stateci et tise hour anancescot h ie advrtiso. mini; but fer toant of teins] lisre vas no saiing ; aid aaiythissg in thie way ut mn et- tempi ut a se-U nu bitter lie-n a more Mti-f. Tii Dari ot Toronna beionging-te 0e-pI. Robenhion, andethte Ari'tnObeiunging We Cobourg, ween bath iii excellant trim, aid 111eel>' ta gis- o ur uIt favorite tise Rivet e- close rus tI-î tiuasb- diei splendid rIver, vroil, -of îts.lr1 âU ne- pal7 the- axonnsionlst wvi -tiirev tiéà, of mea ce-il édtTntl4eand aeéôlfsll, thi grandeur of nature ce-vaut b.e exélled by f uhni.- And, no'*heea1bettef i aâ*Wonthe br0 oat soom of the St. Lawrnnea, cm-atiie mwy: letter is »nly àa*oaaplacwê'nar i lagisi *.poetas. r~nmay#4ui iag itial, a"M.m debela uuagislet Totontae >.bout 4*aOoaîM o wad.themgood steamr,la cbanw effiXr.i9hmsZeriy, -the Per7 and Bl&Ick, qwnvers d-e Bi. ievr Line. Aud nti, m # nt-a more wortisy Captain, or oni bcfier qnalified Wo adminis.c tir, nul alone the vants andi ,eaemsitue, but Wo conforts of a cnowd of îmger excur- sionists, il voultinl Yankee parlaffc, '<hi bard t'O soare up. 'Tiee was uothiing Ieft undonie hy hlm towards caterng Lu the vante of thon. oon board. Stoamipg merrily throngi tise beautiful Ontario, aund inliven. id Iy the. excellent ejusic of the. Duidss brasas bau~d, whuose barmonions sîraina addeti in no small degnai to tise pleasure outhLie trip, v. neached Kingston at dayligist tise following morning. Andi if ever this cîeny along thii portion ofthtie St. Lawrence, and tise pasaing of thi rapide, are to hi sein to the greatest advantago, I believo iL to hi aI tie îanly de-vo,- "-Wliciî Phoebw u i Iigoldon chiarjut, lboulidsa atift-." Tisa scenery was magnificent,- and tise beau ty of tiseil"thousand Ies;," onougis to avaken tihe heurt of the puet lo u:ctacy.- Approacbimg bMontreal, nothing could bi more grand than the View ufthtIe nountaius senery froni on board. To those visu heve spent all their livea amidth ie turne scnery but l'Green fertile plains" of Upper Canada, the vicv vas particuiary encisant. ing, andthie veatisen vas su favorable that thon vwas 1o impedmment to netually re- velling in tieseicne. Leaving Moitroal the iollowing mornîmlg, vo isud an oppor. unity, rarely afforded steamboat îiassen- gars, (searcely ever by the reguîar bosuts vhich ply, to and fro is tise nigîsî,) ut ad, miring the splendid sceneny aîong tiset part outhe r iver, beLwéIn Montreal andi the anciesît capital. To e*uasiunista fsr Upjien Canada, anti esp4éially <from luis locality, viiere vo bave su fev nsiural vondera, othing coulti hi more deligistful. Tii banks of the river ise grdually frurn the vaters cd.-e, and ara stmdded wit h -buildings (Lu unr Uîper ennadian vi:5i) ut lIse mail pizturcsm1ue character. Cîsurclis witis graee!*ully poinleti spires pc-cp up Ieveryvhene, antI there lasumething in the very air and aippearance uf thee dwehimgs t ie-t contrasta uîrangely andi a-reeably witis wt one be-s prevîously hohelti. Along he aks the secnery ià animateil and at- tractive, white the mountaima in the dis -te-nce6-4;o ris-quute an i uW quoted phras.- "'Liad ene<s.ntnmnt lu tse viow."1 »eu ton Wi cil oif fur, leu tis onI tell fus vià mil loto oe- u gv or of tIi «Il tel si, an tri th th or Q th of loi 1 t tI aL essi psascn, mine vanta ecoice naiiJa Tîsene is an air ut nomaecolathe aceaer>', vi or, te rip]>', (if lac cea,) ta Mm. Dliarer anti a somîtiiag tist bninga ltiste mimd ci agnuatiets thia-slu opersiet la vilyla; a tdéerlphti ot he beatitus inlanature, utrsw maotbegenleue-s' chasacter. Mn. -visicis ane fels e-tth o mnent that liseisas si arker lisas sisav n un caar and subir leai- sumetimes imagiaietion rend utflanumanciug ri descriptions. I tee-r, Mr. Editor, that y'aup ,e-gi tiset Mr. Iccso's Mmp eut. plan caaclcdo-,than amramancing, ead occupy- si ýc vas e-ai unjust and oppressive manscro, iaig yur value-hie space frtonliet purpase. a mtit sit iL as calculâelitelu vng lna- But lai procoeet. Arriving ah Batiscan, va tl «t pureisasors of viuag, iota. Mn. Bee- stoppeti an houri anti ishi etise boat vas si on insteati ut expîain or diaiyino tise takiagi'n s'uod anti vaton, tise part>' hadtit a tise upportuisit>' ut onjoyitsg a teligisttuil amtter turcs mroutdatidaidebuscs Mn. Bas-- atral linhougi tiseteiry-grnasti vscîs1 an. Nov aise public cannot bo satisfieti haroehaica su utssccesstulîy enrlcavu, laig ta t! itîs tisé-sîîanner ot a publie jçeuraiui, anti paint. Procceding uhoas.çe tu Qsmobec-, tl is incneofutoun Cane-due-n Iouse ut Lords3 nammnerans andI varia- c-iaftt ubst osto t-ilis ineii hes deeiag w - aprivasgentleman. itl, istrul>' acrpi.ing. Vsof t oer>' r 1 d - gmaonen tescipion, tram ssthe igedsiipLatise n Jr. Be-mier is a gentleana futciserater Indue-si c-naaee; amnd tise iuge raft, encoun-i. ýn lison, iveli kauvai, anti videl>' respect- Ion une et ever>' point. Anti, b>'tise bye, s d vbenc itusuva, anti casnul bcdeslt vitis tise rsftt otitsoit oulti be a picturesque à fter Ibis ftslon- W. have mIe-t>' iigist toesstncss. Tu tisose visu baie neyer c ivanunr iiseatiis' ta n. ecsu's I. ecti about ais eare ut log~s houai to-etîso 1 ,ive ou objcliii*ote r. Rcoo' bll.i ane hue me-sa, viti cabusas-orctet ai 'bey have mot bain motuteti; but, ilee thînoon-negfular gouti looltingsh iantios.v 4r. Barkîr, vo '-aie aseri in the. abuse anti a cnuvd ut stusivarts, isard>' min iving i -<lise Ecoson et- We have nu apace this onai aerd. Tise Iook of tire tii.sg is neal>' à vaek taeisicl uen lise malter as oun linclines streaigo anti inipiaiting -as must ho ars>- 1 ion icatis uila du ; but, next wev eut vo srsgit on tlasa ater. As va nearet i Cap Rouge, about iino mies this aide ot i )rouise lu atîtndte it; and gieMn, Bar- Quahstha0 k, stsnu ni nt1en ien'i aida urthlie stor>', as hoe visises ns Lai hecame sssfdeaiy ioraceat, anti a dense fogj le ha a letir elsgevisro. overs-preadtheii river canipebliitg us tu lieà . -ho netiser tisen tian th is niitfuae-collision I 0::-A langais> but veil vnitten letten, vils une ut tisa meai>'rumorons vosselsr li-ciptive ut a trip ta Quebee c co, - vith wviiistise river, trotn Ibis poinst tLu large putionoat unr spaci laihe eclu.iSQcisclaIlrngt r i<o PDsis ts ecl-pertiall>' ct-rot vo sourngat entier vci,!si ian of otiser me-tien, egaia-evin>'cyo boing nov straictdIoa catch e- fimst glinipsaiofuthtie greal slip- P'ickernsg Towassisp Conacîl. Thuanit f i- t gsa -acet easti glimmneret - ~on the vaten, eaidtoha-i sthosrsevan>' oye M',vav Ju>' 9îi, 16 wuva diaoctot. Sec I et lutî crioti a lady1 Tise 'itken- gCoumaei met pursue-amîtl passongor, tIse tvo largo lilisasu bihigs p 10îjurti ent. ansdi ite apart-tsce's tise Great Cas- blemers ll roset. ern ; asti su it prorsa tetubc. Our bue-t9 M inte s o e- e i gmil prdesent . pa s ot close b ', al sow ing tie part>' an x-. Mineea f laitmeeingreai east apro.cellent vie ofuthLie large vesgels lisuge pro-j roti. potions. WVe passet tI saernsm ivilsai On motion ut Mn. Cbapnien a B>'le-v beant>'cheem, asat rercint-tIma vîrun gs-ctimag was seut e-fint asti second lime, lu ra-is. frunt tisssun boartdli respanso. Suais by sesmena ai tfa cent ia tise mitenîards wvaeriset orstise sî'sanf, ansd s>' asossaxnt.e-ne-tothuse viso tesia-et it lantIa tesi houra hc- doilan on ail tisenetee-hIe propet>' la tise fora tiss clos. ut ni;ishtt lierma>' a sînuli Townshsip ut Pickering, tonrlime imsprove- brougis the ity>. Thse imxt day vas do- uant ut roadqanaat brIdgres anti for atisen vatadte ltiss main ujsacbt bich excursion incidentae-cpeîses ut tIse corpore-tion lu ý-a riait ta tise GrceEaîvero-In >'aen bc rned e- Ibirti timenaet the ne-t meeting lat issue I notice e-n admirae-bisascription ut tIse Couacil, ofthlima isiuipplieti la-unia litîle pamphlet Mn. Iteigit niaiesaiet tise Reine grant anîti un boas-t,e-titione ut viic I ubtain- e-a onden un tise Treasureril a evon of Boit, cd. This se-vos e-ny ettornpt un ni>'art Rithie-dsoai for tLc 5cm uf $4, hsiag amount nesPOctin-aig v isebissn alivady>'su wol due hlm ton services as Raturniag Ofilcer expreiseti. Tic ver>' sigil ufthle lover- for 1861. Carrieti. iaig t/ing lyiag epon thîo bra-tftece ut 1On tise motionaioftM. Ciapinan a B>'- thse ier is ut itecif 8a ifg/rt.An inspec- le-v vwu pasçe tet appurtiontihie sainiof tion uf its litonnai arrangemeaits mnnst b. $1550 appropriaetitlathis corpore-tiunaede te ho tul>' approche-ted for I do mut truni Lie Municipalities' taidtelu ducation- believi that tisamitele-borate peti antid ai purpaises. likd'mnpt*n ce-n do it adslsaste justice. On motion oft Mn. Cie-pe-n a By-ie-w B>' theva>'yeno haro raisetia e- a-e-le-egi vu as -selteluaise b>' assesemeail tiese mniattiseexponse et tise Globe', "lspecial.- of $115 ini sehuol section Nu. à fun scisuol At Rumsel's adttrugthgsle ait>',lia is perposîs. lie griat hutt -athugi peviouuly tise Mr. McCeight gare notice th ise o iii gris-t boni ut tisis.vo recogmize hlm.- et tise aextimeeting etftisa Counecil maire Iune vans! as lai the bi- siip-a-louiset ton leave to intruduce a By.lav bu appoint ber e-npîy epe-ys eillise trauble anti ex- a CollectenotuheimaTovnasip of Pickeiring. pensa utsa visit ta Qiiehea;-Ihé iasjOy- ton tise pressant year, anti alsiset ho veil mntmtfuthtie trip-tse scenor>', lii cite-tel, maiO er<otlie appinîmant of tise -'porson e-ad lie snrruundlegs outhtie aucienl causa- vh i l Mii on-ate the uffici-ftétse oveiîte-I pub -aitogetiser ont ut viev. 0ur part>' sean'ar na umnisis se-is&c-tosry saenit>'. - vas asea piviieget tu visit tisaGolden Mn, Cisepman muves Ibat lie Beeve du FZcma, thse beantiful steamer tbal necenti>' grant an os-dem osathlise amrer la levonr brosgbt outIpat ofthetu tnu1sDov ste- et Wn.. MoKa>' for ties mmut $12 amounnt tioiied tbrogiont tise PsovInS. - We veré diui isr aiding Mises MeDnalti us per kiutihy iauilid on board b>'tise able can- arder ufthIis counclu. master viso galianîl>' insistetiSponthets Onmontion af Mn. Ciapman tise Council ladies pe-rtsi-g o e eresismeal, anti yoer steaidsatijuinedti lii Monda>' the 2ntde-ay correspondtent îajoyed tisele-vair ut drink- ut Septamban net. lns deliciouia vine onut ftise uagnificiail tic. tbat, quoletilai gef-and Howwe i stieetiin ub -utlal o ueontéoië Bm us for tise compliment Vsmid iii, ,add De -onail>' -IenuwsFil uà f' Motmormnci eh1 ne visiteti thoowing de-y, as vera'thei4j ebra toti "Plains ot Abrahisan,"J$and théelha Gdl" iseGbnaitair ut Anerlisà."An>' tai ýtises. fanionsple-ces voUItI auief - ni i a s ubjeet fdn---evesia'-more biiglis>'Da tte o n lie-atilonuu1e hIe-m aDow iatiiting. i ut (pe-rahetieaily) >yun letoo n nieu you, and if I1e-n more ai a jonri 'alir' ne la a "ispeclîl curneijaisdeat" yen bave' as ily yunsalfte blama. Pem e oin tsor t oîligedtiiiyite somehudti>tbreak-1I st, anti, afler you hIas] fournd them out, hi sieti tisen andti iein long ahuries ta tiese e tciiet. IHoveve, since I have tise privl- id, iel I aun beautupon pliasing myssalÇf, I e- s an no une eIse. W. witiieased a review ys ftise troopa on tise plains, tireaikttIe gi atarq ofthtie Mumtmomenci, anti stucit ur ta izzîes intu tise nuzzlcs of tise biggîest 1h uns in tise cilsedel.-ati tisus "put li" li se ot tise plemsantoat l"îimeis" tIase- orne cc muis even spent. se Leasing Qsuseecoasthis norninÏ ut tise e- hid day ate-r ur arrivai, vus tinse marty cîseora tram our Quecia iieisds- oc doms'L usaidcnan ititIse>' anti taeF et nid-ut us) wva again starteti borne. gi W-da. lI Montront ve vomi esasieti to, o itnosa the practico ufthtie Armstrong bat- n r>' befume Gener-u Wiiluns, anti e-l tIe - -jhta lu tise cil>' vortis soeimgPassiag 1 s iougis tbe lac-hs t1l isext day, vi isad e-n l IPportumity ut iasspectiasg Ilioso mnoble ai vorlis-mununnta, mliie, ut tihsa nsargy li Md emterprise ofthLie people of Camada- t mnd hanr, inia>' bc peranituedtetarein-mk, d e-at ver>' tew ut tîsuon tisaexcursion c rip, bati icr borthn ie uppurtmuity ut nspocting, theo Igbulaocsese-atibueys sloiag sl se St. Ljavranco-al'ording, as tise>'dé, I se means utfniatsing tisa voyage np 0ant f tws tise river vithout tise s.igistest riak i )r dmingsa,-unti altisugissituateti-rn L. m anada-înito a heisaicimil lu une part out Ie Proince (î<cnhaismsaore ltIsle trade s tf lîpen Caniada) sus te lime uîîer, The rs ýissiiii.îhrd nisk, atidlboî-eby utse lewen natea ti isismrmnco pronsîsutr on goudabrauhistule i Ujpcer Canada, si-uulti, ut ilwet, bo ami sur- I umont l as tsr-ofuttise exp,,diiure upems1ht Ise vorlus. Speabtîs; rot Ille liglit, houses I -arn semisaeter l si>', ioulit t a c mure ecisoinimil ta uise cool oi t ibtmeegs-1 chtlise lrosii'c, tIsauis tIsIuseýaet pr-escnit. rt %vuild b hoclemiionnd ti eaer, ea d égivoe-a Ftrangar andmtinore Li-illimit t it a, - be-I 150W in use. nniiget ltocksrvoud, -ea-y apprupimitel>' an callot tramntboxck>' e ca-rt %vsicustîsiie t]foui-isbhsep~vitu ro etijoyet a del iglaîft, W Io the ae-at>' uf unr liibs, -momt-wisat timiuguroca, ramble, va noniaitiet sorna lime, e-ast tenceý proccedied lu Bnockviihe, eanst irtl>' atten steanie ti molt K'inigston barbon, flo thi part>' vena aluovitia couple o ut susrto ses tiss sigsts ut tise city.-addiional>' Ji- teresting taeal>' of ns tron itis etîja>'in ho isonur utfhî-imm; repiresontet hy asne ot tions mmuw b-ingimmmdc tioeemire ons an ex- cas)sise scalar, sud c-mmensuralo is-itîstic tmi1mmiliiijce or sni i imis1 un Itle greit maval hurt utf Canamda. Attor iimîdmyiy- mol tiwrede-but 1 imliaiht vcii se>' Of volmdertaI si-lt-s-c-ii;, we srrived 1tafe aud siunt in Tornato barbon. À nt Isov, MIn. Etiutor, miuiuw use ta record "mlanoett" on board tIse stPaîns-r, viucusi e-lt hsonorable samndigratetul of thPisepgenffýs, mi il vas dosorvet 1<>' Imle recipietss, nd ut sisicis mn acc-outthas milmemid> - ben Mgiren in tihsaToronsto papers. IL isvasIlle Imno- soimîmtion ut a iomiuiîc-up to Captain I'crry b lm> Ie exc-irioiislts, as mia" oxprts- giôn ut their ta1<prsacimtien athiesitisaîcs, snd tisa regard sîmewn by Ilii tlimnougisaut 11j~ ,.; ,.mf<e isits th- nn*irsa '. . . ..-furthir elar-;- - dth Om4b IW8e%# A1P9 dl*thU iI nesy#9Q I.oytuý bçVJUager p 4bat s wVid doei$ i. vadicty.vork. 'Tii. on.d bYeý bien confinedté.tabis owai paper. Su go ru asMr. Beeo, 1s 8,te1 ta',nd bis char- cten for truti sud i oa.aty àare conceend, ýdoubil, i oI b e ben bitter for i. Itla simplyra plie eof-iïmfieLneco s hbis part. evîn ta 11101 asto D ïPat chan- t i I shonît ave-il to deind, myseif. -Andt, àfor tise cblunsns of lLUEcoiioaist biigt yen for oea, I am setiafied tila untm.- lai7 shall, priutei 1000 aleets llei Il foran, tpr circulation, one aoi vhich I end to- you, andi if consistent witi youT dee-s of rigit and w rung amd'ut youm dnty La a guirdisan afthie publia interests, I asic ru le publish su mucciatI lasl as viii ,vi the public an insight into tise charac. ,r of tise man Dýaviti. I thiir, et les-st, ýis due tise publie, tisaI yon shounît pub. ah thse two bis of 1849 aud 1861. 0f uurse 7055 viii jutge ut tise malter yuur- wît, anmd letlise vurîti judge ut tise candor1 ind lIomesty of the Hon. Mn. Reeion. - 1 lit that doumaent I îsov<rnm Mn. Bei. ior's ovn aspîer thse $"Ecp'nt," tiset tise1 Hoa. Gesntlenmau hall committati thrce very 1 grave uffresices .art, ho attackçcd me witb.1 ut provoc-ationx asd roinitise meaneat and1 Q2est eastemptibli motive-persunaI spito -andi witlm a veapon vithis viehaknev 1coulîl ist avaul inyself thereis>'Province himoslf n pull' an. Secoudly, by mangling atI miltiLatiar tIhe two nets ut 1849 antI 861 li.rcf'erenceto mapsa entiplans of oasis anti villagfe plots in e3. C., hé actati dishwnestIy, tiercby proving hlm a "maiae or fool"' or bath., Ihidi>', lu ta cbl anti delibenate man- ier, pamsng vtpun bis rendors, untrutlis. First statine tîsat tise act vas for tise hene- iRanti proîortbn 'of tise bnyar,,2nd, fortisa bnnefi asd "Protection out mne imaginary itiuv in Waterloo, tboneby siifting bis Dpouiasn id pnusing huiseîf a ian, andi as sl lut ressoît, saddling liie act upon the nitistry, mis iisabliy a mcthàd ut gcttin, ouit of a dirty scral»ma, as I aeîn ecolecet havisag wittmesed. Timus dues lise Hus. D. [Leesor stand icons-icted isefore the vunîti, hy bis uwn shosing, a cowand, ai kîave, a foui, timd n liar. Again lu bis newspaper of the lus uIlt., -Ise duis ismif il Thamt Duaike'l by courtes>'. 1stylo hlim tise Suùipter Asis, <'hù atietIt1ý yot ingloriously hmOrsr tisa antiemi, or mas Sisakspeare Most hanusiuusly expressesit 'Wittoby Donk' I A- me-n su obsuîin imtecuIt>', as patient]>' lu suhse-14 10tIs i sults, wilî requin mure du Wlientl, lu gît lhts delu4rgisi blooti Luc e-lbt. Tee yl nuL ho requirati at bis head. I would e-dvise frugs te ho ap- plied u bils knee joints. What an honor tei Kin-'s Division Lu have sncbi a reprisen- te-lue, visaI e-credit, vhaL anihonur tu tise members. oftie Canadian Houai of Lords, lu have as tisein paon a manme suat to hunur, ta dignit>', a-id docecy? if Lise flou. Mn. Reeson ii ln duht inu bis own mimd, as Lu vwltat ho moantun lue wlin lie refèeîd inuis article or LUse isiÇ, tr iust he %vili have tio cicuiit isiI<i.3 owumm-m d ms teu biis tiss rc-fers. I. c(,,mmuosid mn> article.yi uni, anîd ni; h'r iiijemasui tiota eshniu tiseorcdeal ut a publie çisen-s.ion uf tisa m4tter lisdis- putP', lie will esîjos>'a womfta s I'Iv go ut tIse list tars] in li% papîr. For tise pro- senst I.bave fsiiisi. Yous, C., A. BAUKER. P. i. t harojust board fruni goud aumtloriay tîsat ',,r, ieesor seId biture tise bill c-an heoro1,ealsmd, ho wilI have ma-de îiii,s cosssturtnhlîe lu bis pdpes villages. 0004 For the CAroide. Mhsaàlby Uavalry. most part cu L sp.,- toPlaeai 0 îot but litkf 'tâb. 1ývonuaWMtins Pro. *ài st,fqaf'dw go ;,aqltoriu& nla bis soîdiers, e gondouagiite -oêj - Mood for, powden, sà good fui;pjbldï; tW'UV fil #ptjý s vel sbitter. WhitbyýTeiWnmhP (eumjml. T isargniar meetng of- Ibis Connei took lcé où- onU>dy Ust, md, eeoord*lng sm to tfie Priestise foliovlng .hbsinesVasa treaiti. Thse deputy n 'e'eve-Wïn. Wbie, Eq. pesdeiandtihtiiother e mnembôma pirem envre gsessns. Almouat. i Nichais and Ratcliillé.. - COMMUNIC.&vION - e-D. t From duheOouutyý Clark notitying tiser council tisaI $1,627 21 wvan nequinetiofut tise Towniship for Coninty purpuses, eaidt $399 28 for Educatiosmil purpuuea. CacanRGY ESCE-VES. Mn. Almnond introduceti e- y-le-v lu appropriate $9120 ufthetisaCengy Resenve moncy Lu tise diffres sisol sections mindj union uf scisoul sectionsilu Wisithy Town1 sbip iin pruportion tLuttisa mveage attend- ance at tise asveril scbolo,fwisichs surs is1 ta ho expesîdotinlupe-ying teachens or liqisi.1 dmiing dcbts on scisuol bouses. Tise IBr lsuw wmis cariled tbrougis al itàs tsuges e-sd passod. Tise Deput>' Reeve lft tie chair tilI une o'ciock. Thie council esumedaet balf.past une, tisé Deputy Boive in tisa chair. 0f Mn. Laing and othes prayig for tise survo>' ut lots 30, 8i, 32, 33,34 anti 35, la tIhe 5ti cuncession Tui'vsisip ut Wiithy. On multionf cf Mn. Aîiàithi.àBoive v .asitistt'ated tapeition, tii Guvermxict Gin. 'té cause-siilisurnva>' hob. malt, anti lu emplo>' Mn. John Shier lu do su. On motion ut Mn. Almondth ie treasurer vas sutisorise t t pay Mn. J. Sîsier, $120 un ai certain us rvay as soon as ha deposits Isis ccrtîimcmitc-s ils tihe tneasns-or. Os, motion oUl -M. Almunti h vas nesolv- cd when Isis couseil mdjournsilt stands adI. jaurtsed li Monde-y Sept. 4 On motion ut Mn. NichaIs tis ee'ia id uhe Clos-lt wn-c appuisitetia cumulîlce ta i aa ho esimaite out moaays ltéhcs-ais- ed tis yoar by mssessment iu tise Townsip ut whitby. Tise c-ousmil adjourni e- t 3 p. mn. te Il I prescrit ut a bantisutial> mounited meer- Tise arrive- if;,tiis countrny ut a large d sehaurs pipe, hy tise ladies to CaPte-un nunîbeof uttnoaps, witi tisahe-pectauian Outf Smith.- 0f course atidrosises si-rielau80sîjlmureho camte; 'tise repaira ut tortifi-1 me-dr. e-utapproprie-tel>' soO tOt, ae-rit c-ionsliseretofore quiet1>' allovedtotadira>',1 tht i niVapte-lu Siitls, e--o, uy tîse WYva>' latieam bebrdr a barîmilor, tu the lac-ty ut ladies, iosulU lie andthlIe itînil'î-ieOun"m;tiseharer wortî yrur ou-n takiig dovn e-, vem oun.mu;Stai-s lisss,foran etumee-t le-st, eceiveti 1resent. .1o edcnt sy lonc- latter, T1viii'tisa solcisceor muvorrent 50 poprîlar a e- conclude b>' slatin-, ihat ive balthtie "pia- 'I4eit-.Oiomm-icioemi- saeilalimewe v savo lsri-(sie l0 is- mars inust taeotise Ofî<mitiiu ttIse tam>' trîlnur easdtii tism lilk ie-tat fan-t bull,) andtI hailvise ail scekisI;1 a fotuniii.'macikoe thilsmnosIisnraves l, t xpiroti5hy cf- 1 mysnine rocreation to unke a similaer tripilb> fluxion ut tinle, e-no hein; e-grain inusîsane t tise stcamer Jlowrmanrille, ien oce-'iiom for ragimiar drill ; wihile lime-ny sections ut offons. tise Pronce, nsaw osie-mae Seing atin1>' 1 untierstandthtie- tlai Penry iterds tnit i gettinr up un sexcursinpart>' luthelise a-' i ni he artial spirit ut tise people uicima>' iexI stimmor oz) e-ai se;-Paf if li'e laaeneti, anti seemingi>y ' sîbeno's nut a ducs illtcntn IIwiiesastbatut se-idoe- a ur £n"saue fmspublic tas-un tisen1 aans- e-srIi-r's. Yunrs, &O~- Iss11aVliLby,Illeisa-ur propuli inclines lu VIATORt. sed_ l aradw r riie-a wV eil eai;t lm tua if ibe atverti'c tti ia siseu oanpsn~dan vaîl. gýýianeof uc-evain>', viicis tîsspoak iLs slight- El. Cnaursîc'z.E. est preise, viilho gmistî untloumrtet, "anti viteis tise vurîivih noble isorseme-nslip.1y To te Ediior of tht WFlitby C/rrosicle. Thcoeare ter oîbie atieLv, (visose nai-es frunt motives ot modeat>', h Ma. Enva - wsi tiiqieIho os't iiis ta mention,) viso are ta assuma your va u bl val s l i quini have «. a e C apt eincy a d L i uteaiaaby. B th Heaitis Offlcee. If va haro I h iini bis ur- hava goot experionce lanilitan>' mattars, fiee msat hoe-a sinecimni. anti butS loand e-aidei, e-st, (vison tise>' if vi have sucis eaiulficor h voubi md- ceai) aci lIte offes. vise ui o visit a certain spoI ut Break Boyid -tbie. vu6, se Compan>', vo un- Street, helveen Fairbanks & Maadaae-'s testead ila w b. ravus entirel>' trunitise e-ct Bnyen's, eaid I <cci asridt lit e-tb vihi~~~~ fii iegeta - otti tf ilti tiset yeomann>' uf tiese îrouaidiag cuantry.- ce-n ha saivi, litise se-me ipace, n tire Ena ns>'ybusht ftiseOntario Hotul, al. world. Andi f tise sttelmant mate b>' a îioiigi 'la porti>' mmn, Italîls, anti e con- metire-ime-n bi correct, naemE1>'tint the pueant ut e- abeirful look, a pleain; eye, tint e-u t filtutlns destro>' mono ines anti a muat noble ce-s-mie-g " caulti nut taur, stil enec aofami l,-o1bIh vkit5 bis fier>' charger, fiait place smiong ai mortal>'. Yu5ntistini Fas-the sanie mason, me-ny ofOunr Yorob't. serrant. tavusmeai, vhO, evon ns Lise Ileet serues utf A I~O~KR O BallIa Ban, are asiaigisienti h e Wbiîby Auge i, 1861. -shanbdersmot lu cas-e wvisesecs ol-baa]s, 0 bave beesi coglecteti. Hon MajesLyl 'ab il. Be-uela Yrs eaAâ À AL-A liais'is cotLu lie misueat, anti vie-ae to Murmon prophet, hy tiihe-meouf Josephi Morris, bas sprn unp utO intisunuDrs tGntprotection e-mss]detfeiscin la ie jekia't eaid puwer, botis temporal eaid spirila, vanios-- v ils Brlgbam Youngr. Bnigie-nitinirs f"onutinin barbet siteets,- r hiinae-dangeous telhov, eaid linaisseti To frigis tihe seuls a1tee-r-fmI adrrartesI." - bis pranusailameaita againsI tise Ioesie utf Cuir expeiecce of veiccleen companies t tuis faIs. prophet.. nul beiag tise muet encouragimg vo refrain 1- Fremu-iseicLentos Times, J ul>' 11.1 ti Thse ananniesmeat viici ve aede yes- h inde-y ufth iiiuntet e eleve-tian ut Laro aimai Bassel ta the, goue o nser, ai. fisaugis ut an eieatntilir pneme-tune nar c esiaitabie, witis toubtiesa taki useny outc un s-endors b>' surprise. For tise lasi h- ast tonty yiars tiseaeme ut Lord JobsnUt tussel1 bas bien connecte! viti crer>' i specios uf political viclasitude-nasi vitm tse muai succesi, asov vitis tisemuai coin.- loto suc-ceas, nov vitsthe must,- cumpletcae failune, ut thtie formation of une Goeri- t( ment sumd lime dissolution utfe-noliser, tits tIr bru3 repeai ufthtis etis ot sait Corporatsonstv los, ivits CatoietulEme-nciuîalian, vils tise t lotorrn Bill, vits bisaCaniLav-in te-ct, t nush sveq sîeeringatd uer>' import-tt i neassure ufthtis imes in vicis v lire. Onc il theso sebjects Lard Jcis Bussel hu lae-> noti n ncousitenable aer% and tiLeau- nut sîîm nieasoaehtat lintise intime o if >'e-ms eaid Isanoiretis tatsma s u cis ong manshve-rieti expenheuce sisoubti sit for repose ln that haicyun megion vIsone Suppl]y is enitausn, visera Lise tinaienlhoux is tbc Most se-cnet institution, metdvise-s ani audience outhrea on tour timinisses tise liticil>' utf an oa-r andtihe chaaice oa hostle interruption.9 Lord Johs Russell finaL helti ase-t in ti ulueaoutCommunswvien George 111. vas King, la tiie>ean 1813, before tise finitf Naplaun vas hum-lad tram bis tbrone anti rîsile Toryhîrn vas la uer>' zenith ut ils sscsantincy. Hie bas boom final Lord ufthie rrc-suny ut St-le ton tise Home, Colonial, and Foieig'n Depamîmeals ; eaid, hesities the Gaveriment utfvisich isle vas tise lie-t, ho isss boom e- member ofthtie adnuistre-- lions of Lord Grey', Lard Melbourne, Lord Aberdeeni, and Lus-tPale-rston.- But, e-bure ail Lord John Ruissellvas tise me-nt pichet out tram tise gre-t liberai part>' la mura lin1theso ase af Communs tise intro- duction Ofthtie great Botoru 1Bill. It vasa iii vai00 tislaIfis-st iraugunatet lthe grent revoutionm, tor nobusisILlias unduaubtetil prosait, 'utf1853. LoDJohn'i IisselPas riene lu. es > <ssu boarg connectiti vilS tiss Ihonse af Conirans lise-Lit la difficuit ta inieglule Isinicontending ine-a>' ailier mimosa- But vo ce-n pencirotise tlignity e-tit adsmit tise viistofu e a rInraItnom tset prominent ipositioni vi ieis hamba 5 long boit ia tise publie eye, lit faineilime bas, made e-ny innoad un bis feauities or deprir- et isim ut tise influnse viiishihobai 80 long exercisei uvortise telihiealians ut tse flousa ut Vmns. W. liane tilt iL ur dut>' un mas>'occasions to ixprssaa strng tIise-ppruvai ut tise prucedingut Lus-tJaohn Rusaffl-., We bave, nohing lu notreat; but - vo, nevéerslies,- sincirl>' visi lu e- etalesman visu bai au long beeai tise companlua tismougis ur coumus ufthtie groat publicuft tis ontiry, anti thé objeal ut gu mach aniticlainand tilimdvinsion, a long andti ranquil enjoymieaiî uttse repus. visicis ise hasearmat bye- lite oftmy e-ut incessant lb-br, sncb ae- f emn vanîti, v her.e, vo villing tolueeemn for lima privilegi ut styling Ibenseires Prime Min. ister o u taignit. I5urtJuin s1 ne îanagiathe Upper..flouse tkaeals ufthie forýgn, o chan eed -be 1 >nu saiccesîtel poiicy vwici, wvite preaer- iaig Englant tie freim tureigu vwaas-de-ut un 1 necessas->' ite m 'entibm in tiseafe- of t th ér States, bas exteatiot ber influence and, rais. et, ber characler. [Tii title b>' viecisLard Juban aseil viilb honais lise Peeras la m ol yet ;aminouaicet. Upon bis crie-lion ie vili ho 1me-de a kaizhit outthse e-mto.] - I. stro oes idsistèèk- hast>' mi. o f- er, anti lied lu parts niknevut - Tii. eserted vite vroti at once, to er-â ftilr, tieSenibiag ber tryiag situation, anti begging bis for- giveuos. Tu lbe areditofutltie-olaigesie. meai bc Il seid, lie respoatet by acmiig to New York post baste, not- oveýen ve-ing lu bave tise fortune-teller aimeslti. He as-ni- veti bore- lit- )Ind-y,î anti' on-,Tcesday manaten-adtamigiter wvon 0 eir va>' westvard ain. - MOUEL Y OIICIDàUT.Mr. George, Camron utmini Bvar - onat>'nie-m Consconà rohsr fIC- x-Canserun, tise Ciiet conslable ol ti, lovai,wuvasec- cideait>' dr'ovueti RudLae-e, la BeÏ.- mont, Cuul>'otPterboro, uon Thüsiscad tss iSts nîtimo, h41tmlling octut fa Cacue, visile tieen-buieting. O, Mr. Ce-nioron visan oli uman, bis dte eurrlag on lie de-y ho bat completeti bis seventy-first yoe-s. De- ceaseti as lie tîiof ut a arge grovu' ûm ,ead vas e-n activaclama leadeÏ ut the Metiutiist bod]y.- ~pna.:4uW~sa -Netn ed W i erlalu tise idlea ou twh,!& l4Pi4ieut;tOc e soment, but-lial>'. alovad -ber aurosily te -a dlirt~i'~xasV en? 'pÉsiible pe ut uecoçeiug tise phicunni»t0overnisie ýunî rbotter jutiàe >àt,Asud on sted$ -1,s.., asutnologlst.,,These lr- receiv$ -..liir aroussi isng arotndw-vth clsstià o suer>' vits s.paek outad aL-bPw Iiagahoct theiseIsd-gùomre(itypé, SieHo thveos, if 'tisevsi & -mb tisebovi-uf ve-ter for a moment, dn voiisi toihisi of utmono- intestiei berntisas an>'pioluri, -Tomnted by'eu- lg oit>', Miss '- tid ook into h4 boii water, anid tison. beisind vintý appeameti bc a likianas et aîgeutueman ,PWIntedOw &#B- )r>, mnd rosting on tise bisotoni uttise it al. Ia anvamr ho hem inqtiiry as t> tis eïcl ,iieinefth t ie asui, tise astrologieî boa ipndeti: à ie 'Miss C-, thal la the likinesà Of Bai mnr future isuâbead as reveaieti by the to ri Astouisiise- t atise womnshould knuv tis ne-ume (neyer- tiinkiug tisat> iL vas plaýa- tios me-rieti putise hautikercifs hie beiti -N.4 Lad,) mimnd gromitl>' startiod by tise speech .te olti wumasî, tise yocng lady paiti beï e, and bnrnoedhy loft tise isuse, vits e- isa igue consciuusness ut being toluowed byr vit se persos at wisom sise dit nul âarg1to nul *k Tise circumastance ut ber da-me tu Bin,; diviuseti by tise fuzlunateiie', gave tise Da mted- art of tise- persunage a certain clu apoct ut te.arful niystary in hon eyes, dis- ,tie e the. teaciings ofhben masoni Tisé,-is, ffluving de-y, hou a clrcumiltance ounn m4W e-t moe -beminfatua-tion itili - moret- coun- le- lte. ' . gentleman ce-lied e-t her etier'. ut 'use anti tesiredtI lusec I"Mise S-u - "Suppusedti hucho ômee-aquais]- ac,ý Miss C -ent dova ta Lihe parloir Lis hem mothen, anti vas, âgtbde k;W eing lintise persan outhtie visiter tise ui- ou mnai ut tise pictune sise had bhe inlatise ha rtume-temlcn's havI l 't heo angcr also Pa eemet quite mis muci s urprise t ihne- p. tha merance, ausd ittor e- moment ut awkve-rd W nisarreasmesîl, infumettiseladies, thiseo ad me-de iijoni mistake."Tise Miss 6I1 ýOf - h smd espected Lu oc w Ms e-COUnS14 L Isibi ,vls-inihi be-tinut iseard u<t for summ fi( ne. Thone musit bho othtie saine ha mune is tise oit>', lue thuglstead imat bt-en de aiiîcat by tise dimootar'. I Would the ladies a omise eU4 use isim? '0f counse-tise ladies voit, atimiiser consfumsion, tise yuungerN f lise two blurted ont somctiim abut îvimmg sernthse gentlenman's picruai A Wv eo wasd Ihe gentlemansiasket brh t is l id reaIIy.ftusd Lie dagu. euye t i utl visici i e-dti les tai pneseail lu bis a cousin',irises hi tunt er,, but bl tacci. Pe msnly tiroppet il;in tIse-atret I This ompelled MisasCt6aéknowledge Pl ir foulisis visit luetthe tortumi-leller, isere- L ips tisegentlenaly'stmanger preaumeeti se-t tise I"old be-g', ie- pielkid up bis plo- b, ire in5 tise isret, eaid- vas using IL ai; a, ucu>. To rilisave tise'ladies ortbeirgnrrit mbarre-ssnient, lho treateth ie visule 1me-t' wn as e-eusrions but ver>' capital joke, andti t nade isiînu o u eîigistfully. e-reeabie, v 13tit iras orI>' comunirai IiÎènsalutu- a.,st ite hlmru teca~l sua,a. This ho promised& ýdo, ant tsontoakiinseif offtLUnbietUp Le "Miss S- C-1si vusais is tI cousin." C In this va>' commenceti mn acque-intance til -ii l tlitu a -mostis, rè*clted ilaue- l maegemesat beîween Miss C - anth ietil ,eatimenly stranger, lo meportiti bu- e- self to, ho a mercianî ut Lafa-yette, Indi. ane-. Tise day ufthtie vedding hati netual- r becsn ameti, isOn tise patern-I C- emrd sumetising cuncerning tise scihon t whieS led hlm ll veto the viole matter Y e-ny snddasnly, eatd ordoeth ie " myste>' unrdeti sve-ln" vo teritesbis tbresisuld nu moue. Pater fami ias acta ver>' impra- .eaitiy vises horefusea to-givi bis ninsonsý fo actingin itis appe-rently nneasonable : ise-nen, as bis daugbter looketi upon IL as apicce ut inexcusable lyrean>', anti doter- ainedti La esisî it. Tise lover hold>' skit ben, in ae-lettern, 10 ilops vits bu, e-ndti ai -Ts e Càarzî'ïc ,T&un-nel of FrIte-y s-eaid tise te-Ls th fMn. John Muansey uofs1à Ba- IberetaaGreain. slxty-tirSniiYiu -'ut e-g-" Mm. Mus-e-výas thse suc5li5Ii- ufth ieoriginal blaciesmitb Whviss-vVi O 5 us-ny xnets-miwal chissis l is heolti tisl- oft-rne-aa matches. -Upon tise deuil d ihat son ut Vuka ie-m bsm-itia foiii mu Jb Mu-a>',ant ihblatmmniq- man>'y ee-rs tiove e- bsat tacti la55iet5 hsappy un misere-ble, as tise caebe-s i l , many iscadreds out couples ise sengitie kinti offices. Il-ir sieLime, ho mue-t )SV' payeti a-leding pas- inumun s t5ft50 cisaptan utromance, w-uvisea Os-dise- O waus in iLs bey-day, aneLlme musI oftebl,' mae-doquicit vus-k o gelt is-uugh.,eOibW shurtI'ceremuai>',' bitume tse iigitlie loviS- vomi ove-t-k b>' LaI cas-nie-gi e andfo tint rattledb elsithtisonstu- lmyS11 b'ngiglm' heif storimg, frie la in i porsuit. V "eple of anthe -ln. LWU isatv5.e5Igl<* upon u lise scaroldlng, adbîei'iow j iortun-tel>' herxeM, fuiimen Upo07 scmffolting at $so time tw0Aofýw1w, se-eati duwe-vithl àiînf &-en stolue anti oni John Min 4 %elo.- dalfo isoiveafter. -The, other-UnIf Mgan-'iwuvas e-vsy musa injumtdlsa the tIme vo vnlho bis liteJs despié ' eotiser tva upon Lb. mce-ffolti, s.seiaj lb. irer, ce-ngbt isold ufth O an îe iait ail olv - locuînr.-Thei ladies ae-netiligted nl&-h lirtee-Cocueai." The>' teresb fis au sligbt'e'ahbusiaans 01ite vuadirful et. ts la-i .pruuihimig uni- ,p!esis-lng t4e ýuîY utthéhs4ain. "BiirnetVs Ka-litlal eque-l>' mitmiret aiiS,, cosusati. it la wnott & Co.,viso aroe-auo-'tise propri-. as ut tssania' perum neitilesFlo xiniui" d uf thse "Oriental Tooîh 1eas.IpAIlf spnepnaratiuns deserve tise igi reputa- - iib tii>' ia ve aireai>' atta-Ino.-ý- Y. Homie Jauiml CIUSTEitvEiT DaLLAIt ILLSs.-Twu men ve beameetin Montreal, clia-geti th passing e- aountertill faur- dollar batik ne ut tise Be-nk ut Momitreal e- t 1ev, Mn. A._ Wilson, confectluni,-Nutre nia streel. Thea çouatemtoit hie-ni a ose, nesemblance lu a sigeinei ll, but ë signature uf tse former Jo net Tse q itten, non .tis te bill ns il pAttlc >aee ene-~ chuerei fl~dçl- V u tb Be-ne- t Mntreal, wbiéu: sa a more siittl exiethion Ilia m- s.fros- Tisr-Gueias. #erl s UJawoPf tisse mndein-gandti eauge :people cm ir city on Se-tunde-y, vilse- quanllity bf, ggasge, hum'aeaid e-I tiieallier mnai arapsmecalia cunsiquent upun a visit froni se Gýpse>' Kinsg anti bis train uttaflhuvisrs. ~ re,eliii e-noliser part>'Ofuthtiese'-o uplIe bisae hen*laceted isear tise- esidinceý rMn. Se-muai Pelons, -.1en-., for some vooôn luneeoires. -Th 'm~nov bore smé 1.0M Esglmnd, andtihp . -Unitet St-Les .viuig bien tuaisot tom theni, the>' have eetiý it viser tou camp untier thse British- aonce niore.-London Prootype. FicmchnTrt'uruMOssTÂmT.-The, deaths la iw Yonk last week amsounhedti L 565e, ut thic 3399vos-e chsiltrn. Tise vast des. miction.ut' tise lires out infante l at-tci undaubteu>' uving lu lie cmavted anti iconfonte-ble masser l inswicistihelS-gaer oa-I of tise peaple livo. V E scr oius- Tr- v axmos.-Tityý risanors esoapeti mnihe ~cout> juil,- St. ýouls, uml>' Iv ofatvion i be-ri etbhen zpturet 1nmr io md tss.vs iae îscdped wvoro cuafiait -untheécharge )f murter. ABOUT 3,000 bous aee bin Lb. dis- ,ii of Spitalfiuelàl, Landoaiead tise via- rs e-e t tein te-milies bave taki ïta tise xsaeeta ta bew." Jê -- Tise annal dinner un tise despalc of. se ship3a heiocging ta tsa Hcdson's Be-y uompan>', tbulL ie-ce -ItGraveseaid latel>'. Irea vessis ae-mesepatcssd Ibis seuu-.ý thé Prince of Waidcs fur Yurk<Factor>, the, Prince rlrtlcur tun- Meus. Faatonya atithie Corea for tise EsIme-la Cosit. Spinks, e- serge-t imr isé 'culdatres- Gimerda, eat sait ta b. lise finesi me-n, la thé ngiment, vas inge,-getlua respectable young wuan, eaid nioe> trou tieir jinat earnics ise-ti een, tor saineLime, tiorotei ao a fuas]fon tise punaisseoutis diécscire Jntortnely,- ho committet somo breeL af discipline, anti vas tieducedtth ie ranks:- ant e vies àlfed npus-parade, lise otier le-y, he shot s iuself vits a pistol. ha April 1860, -a serians accident out- rît ou tssaNortsemu Rally>,ae-I Hati s>' viiciMn. Pymi, a Hortfordsiie me-gis- trate, vwas iiied. ýThe rails ah lie sot whseo tise caine-liLy boit place, bat boiui i ~ I-I --t- I Cam pies T ferl A yext F tive Va taf tioai edI nll Te 6t1 t La i relie ne aisd uieds Biter by i suai s-en b Duc w] e-ý i, P-t on ti Of 1i fais ash au- St'l e-m J

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