Pet foreidtable enc. 01i01e-ti lte <ire ea. asciis so detrtetlve fih su tk>ars uf cly grrave. It de- Il rapitly, wabesr ls mnttl draing11- SOVI'aIeprnîet0 ttI a lgeo, miooety< 1)14- u1,111, , andlotîtes ILa ftLi t¶hil -une 1 - II-)() lll aosb 1m o n - îlelirsi t <oui 010Y l'îs or lime ruily eiseeîa 0f lite le mnekuttihabiteacal extîeUSK., tu ttitiltfy tit, tIot I' lItittitto wieloi atlter aà fuitr trial by r t urabog -(lae WIVnd tuay ha ille ig a (,rttureeilolai te t'onMedîclitu et G( net.oo Stretet, îreenwood allers, J'aritsv, 4cve Aie, tue LOTING, Ail of wilioh willi rolit. i le gîuuta p< te ve par ettY. 'ARREN, 1r. m16 it'ul, Jlluesasd ITANTS atks ti) the luai- TYt Ic'ieeaut s ii r tt I LOujiet fires ittetj oia 55à h shah teke le Auctiotteer, Hommse, Seurbof-o' lin. la4e uflue', itiero tu1. Ilmiast *M nit l-e treutla eto t &grency. riti ie DMENTS. luiot tri al suu aus 4Ilt-anu otihuury. ailttîie c lcy i rtetis. ai BK tE, - Agont. )ppo bite h1osî PRIETOIU, (ae lhigenDtr. pony, V. IIAMr, Jr. 87 T 3HE WIig)O TBY OHOLËNOL l3rQQk treet, Whitby. l'" ez: .Ã"<>o to tho Regiatry Ofice. Tzieun CAMBRON & MACDONELLI, I3 &1<ISTEIIIs & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, t6liitorst l the Couunty Counocil Ontaro.- woitlce il, the Court Iloilmo-Sutitlit wiîg. GEORGE Il. DARTNELL, '!nAýR1STB1î, ATT(4INEY, Ct>NVIYAN 1. e, & e. . Otlice uo'ur 0i. C. GrtAc's iÇrl.roSîe ock Street Wi.itby. 3 .. V. IIAM, SAIM1ISTt-A'-LAW. OFFICIE-BiItJCK Street, Whlitby, <C. W. 1 01I CIT i lNO PIYIUBLIC, &e. &co. (Y ,. W. 2 B Altt.TEIZ ANI)t A'T1OtN E)ý-AT-LANN. ttlc-i'iite îo Iigitry (Illico, Bruck street, %Wiitl)y.i J.e V. (ALDIVELl BJIOIN, C ONVEYANCHIC, CONM ISSION EIC 101 tuku~ tStî'isAuconnstutit, Land, Divi 1iot Court, Notary Pl'biîc an Gueral Agnit, Uxbrllge. OIlle-Kiiug Streeît, ticiirly oppt>.itti theMl. McdilelhuIit. N. Il.-Albiitt e,.nttrustcidto hi. cit e wiII a ulrti'i tteiduel l. 3 A TTAiNt'Y ATr îý,%%ti OLICITOR IN M&kI hn.ey Cuîcî'cytincr, &o., Main Street Gt. Il. DARTNELL, W; EPUrY 1RI lSTHRI, M ASTERZ EXTRZA- drînaîry, tand texamîîî inri Clîîucrc'o fr biie (.uuîty ut' Unttril, Ilrovk-,"t., Whbitby. 47 JOHNN McNAJJ, Itle l ) t ii ttid,) Toronîto. WILI "TEM*,.-IPEST, -M. 1D. IÇ N G 95 IH T, OSIIAWA, CAINAIDA %Vcst. 17 W. Il. TRE41AY NE Iit',Aug. v, 1<6. 40t XDMOS IW. CON, G IIIET IVIIL ENGINî1R, ANI) S. IAKNEl"',& Co. M AUI't"rRECAND i)1:.AieRg IN r.Illcli itrect, Porctiip' Port H iMurcihi111,,t ',ci. '-, %s1e ROBERT J. IISOýN. B AtthiVR ,cT'lhitN EV AI' LAW, Sioitur liii Ciaiivecrv, &c. 1Vuiiy '. W. Oto-' W ulitucc'm Sttu~k îrcutreet, %%l.jttîy R.J.e iLNN, M. D. tUlItJ Ro*N T'VtIE COUNTY GAI, I -1l nîStrett W' iiliv. eii oitima'itiiiTott.ltlti IL cirv ab iti ilcii'f t h oi îîec o i-u ont ud. (laul 1iicalil <clii ioium ir Iraveiters. <Joui1 l8tthiiiugici i te '<' A M LRICAN IIOTELL _WT.LKE i!it& PTî'rT:iî, PR<', i IEîlîî'- V toîrs, î-îrl, tci'Voim fig cîmtii ut re, CANTVONIOTEL, WY. Il. 181L1I1NGS. T) Al<lVTiSEtI & AUl~<N AT LtAW', 1--) c li hit 'h cii e.'ry, W lhi', C. W- %ét'st, 'i1lcrm t'i. su' nuusl', iitwici hi atît 'til t u 'u il ii'I icruiuc c'uu cc tut- Mcrlhiauiilce ail i ii her t'lii'm, i a rc'iiiîcihle e t'i' iissitoii. ilOFNTi E 'A iImFNcw a ýîrett t'cuiiicucu.14 A. 1K. RIde, C AIIN'JÇf T Ah<l;, il, hI<toS'I'Ehl lz, c, %_/ r 1i111ticîli, l ' Nrci u tu, t h Vui i- par tliîgilig c îuîîty m 'V i'iteUl- iii khtmci ci'jobt- U'lmg, umad ru[iuiriug u'o"fîuuîîîc îtcîciddlu. IîieNlY IIAN.N.V1, Cli tR II'iUS"U y Alie) itt om PI .Alsu 1ihei laidii ictalpîh iiuter, wl tt by. M 111< IRNTr'rAILiR, 11h cCK STREEr,T ROBIERT I4lEARS.1 C LER K tt ANI) lm'.tsihi p F TILLE 'sJTortstilcih Lxhrihu'. tcuiic,,Uxiriige. CHIARLES C. KELLER, 'ITOIINICVAU .T <t, siIii' N17 A Ciuuiiicry, tColiu(cuiciçccr. &vî. cIttc'ci Vitorliatîutul oci, 0er fle ttu ioii' lue ci, Ais(cu aciciuc li tiit hc t hu ige o u t ivîî'r- toi, Towitiii ut' Thcoriutî, sit ('ucut uo' (iii- taria.40 J. IIAMIER (.IEENIVOOD, *ATTOII'N E-AIT-LýAW. ISOIi 'hOîl IN .t huicrNiuury lPublitc, 'iit>uucr li, "WhitIuy 1 %,W'. Itocîcus, liti t<ctcirti 'ivel , ucXttbu Ii6gicury 0t ee.onuic ilc -tr iil D1111. FOOTiI WARREN, 0~. F EM HI. I. WARREN, M. D. W.10. EANTVOOI>, A. D. M. D., iasN vi i lOU e tbv î tl wh iii Il 1 i11m i ruuii'. Ui t îE i ltic'silut-ç- ofm uiu t he 1,uii'i lijuit r iit'l u ic, u "r hhut'h 'mbed hic le uetrt t tôll limi t eier('ic t i L'c'idiîi i'i tu- bif0 t. wiutt's. tîuh <1r,. iacm i guri t liii' lbar. A N GL A.A1 E 11( IJTEL. cssi o i liottisith iiii c ,svutîuuîîh avery îmeeanm I IJ14clicî tthe Iln i) lic illiii u0h,. Chlvo lufla ccii. (1omc i l ili Iy t 1ers 18 1ti)MAS* MOI, tll)IFG. I JOUN BILLIN'«S Ir &w1 ClANCEIIV, & CiI)NlVEYctCiNL Office, I'riucc Albecrt, tira duirs west et Forli 111 tt's tir; o. 12 s WV. tOSs M. D. fl WSICIAN, SUROBON, ACCOUChERI - P &e. C]ar.uimont, C. W.20r ROUIGE IIOTELi. SOBLiSE pI oON 1LATE 0F TITE NON. "0jquon Ilutel, artul oruierly ef Wltltby, lmu-b isounecs Io 1Mi, friaumi. iued due puiblic, huiit tue 'Iis rented the abovui s'el-knewn iiutcI, ,lîichi lumow lau unit rateor-Ici' for Iluuu uece'ititumou - ~Se9s'u 'Wiuc,LcuîInr. .îd iiA rs. -Ao Il ~Wft cam Prit4 vtas, gt.: $hoaaS VOL. vo Mioney to Lend on Impboied lairmb. JAS F. BRO(WN, lyot<er, Land, ttt and (iOleiiral Agent-, IStamoie 11411, Torotnto Street, Toronto. 0m FAU FOR SAL=. 3> Lot No. 5, iii the. 2nd concession of Beach Ccuîtaitiîg Fii'ly Avres, witI augood FILIME flÀRN AND LOG «OUSE, For particiltars etîqttre of the aiubseritier. J. 9. M. WILCOX. Wtitv fcc. 121, 1.160. 50 Hou2pe and Lot for Sale. EMtW r-( S'tolty largo brIck à -g lts'i'l d ii agood bilîtutîcos beaul- luTtiro 1, a îiiiirtcti ie t i and aune iîe , iPot t r mie bhrri,, uîîîl a tîtverfiitiitg wuili iti ti i)1. Tlit< îCii»tum sillusittuîîted on Brook St., tin tt e Suutiî Wrd, iunît inînoidiate Iy up)posho 'Tue lHuron IlIotel." '7vrîî,s ea»y. For ternît. and fîîrther partienlars apply 10 FAIIlBA1IïKS & MACDONELL, Atictioueers, Wlîiîby. Mîri,26, 1861. I COMMERCIAL MkOT£l, RRtOCK STREHET, WIIITBY, w~oppoaÀ:o JHamilton & Rnberts._ffl JAMES CROCKEIM Proprictor. C NilNlMCIAL TIIAVELERLS WILL FJND xjitl Cii'.cnlit ttpiiîg ut t1iis iotul, ot.. tlîcy Caltiiîr froint the Rgister Bouk kept ut tiîo'bur tthe route i tken by tîjoîr prcdecc..sioro. Tii. 4roptictor tit. xtht. ocOittint tptliutik tut. iiuuimcrus patrons and t triuidA fuilte i--"eril pautruiiuge 1tiostuivcd onit hlm ice the e<ioiitîcîlttfIl isintess ii Wiitby, Good Sttblng, andi attentive Ostiers. TIE tRRAPIN. r1 1t16 PROP1UlETORS i 1 TIS WELL .1. inîwii Siolii arecîccw iit occupalionî of te oi.l S'r. NICiIOLAS. Riing rtreet, rorunto (c11rIrytreît by Mr. itnrlcv. Tiie pretiiesf tîîtivebccLi itîcîvi 'y renovated tîruîîgiiotîî, andu ftlnt îiii iiithe ft ttyie. È Eùv r irtL~ibIg delLeI scam $iiot. A ciglir div-iîi fltted iip me- îîuritelyiitt whieti noue but lice belit brande§ tire i.crniited ta enter, 23 CARILISLE & McieCONIEY. Grand Trank Rnilway lontel. (Sîu),ede (f Rti<îcIcoPort il7dtby.) T Ile UNi)ERSItiNFD BEUiSTO INFOII j iie . ricttiîd the publtîic, t1iîît lie ilt. îow ilu pomsescion fli t t e iov Iliote], tie Ibsiuies of wliicli lie îill iii futture curry onun t. but.n scletî tib mgcîrfiitteitiun for touait JOS EIllI RUEIIOTTOM, Proprictor. Wliitlî,Jîtn. 19, isia. 8a UNION STATION lIOTEL. F 00T ()F VOUE tiT., SECOND 11035E Ifronti)epoî, untin Stliitîfo, Trîîito. Boaîrd, $1 lier duiy. Ma.2futs. Lloyd Stziti- E AST M ARlI, T QtUAIiE. T(Jlt)NTO- J. 1111T11, l'roîictor. Jxcuihict uccîîîîî- riit;dttilîîii. Every ItîcnItiiii pui'.i tt lîoC'euufort 1JIISliII ADIERICAN 1101E],, IiiitCîtii tTiii.tT, ooI,îAI. "'I MSDOWVNING, ttîîti' Ritroat inît, LI cttt)iroprhclîîr. lIcol <s iîes i.Ii liqi îîr.Sii oriior iir'oiî i'icidttioni t'rtrav-etere. (4'd Sli itti- nlautenîtiv'e i bture. 7 Ie AM10VE%%Wjzu EN(ItVN, "~I) 'N T 11-:11t. ,itiiiuhî,ci hîll mccil netv liteil 1-t "% -i te-1 i Iiica iot c'ciicîtrtahtlcciiiccl- ilei /î'N. ct.t t c m'ti'e tii' 'U -?t irt.lldic of utWuie, , I.îîii asnîud Ci- Tm cIl oufci W Ilitliýli îud wililie ttuiîîtg)mî1,0 Illu iii-m't cciiutc!iiiiIlrtuIpiîig plua-e'tur fà rmtuer' andi THIOMtAS DEVERELL, fl 11 ) liEU, &c. &c, IJIIEEN STREET, B> Wiihltby, C% W. C IMIISSION MEIMCIANT, INSURANCI', candti Cicierai Agenil.t. hic-'Liîaelty occu- pied hîy JîhiiimtfItiîgau, W'hLliy, C.%V. Ri, rînii-4tsît.-Tl inOts ;Clirk;oti, Eeq., liro- eldeitlaio ft",de 'Iorotitîccl W. G. î'cst..Aý, E1,Maliuugr, Buiulk B. N. Atîcici Toroitu 'l'i'cito; \'. cJ.tibe, Esît., Mitou lili. 'lo- roîctu icii. 1'. McGitt, l'rucsicltit Buîik , 01, uc ireici. NMoiittruitl;Mesers. Muliîcnitd, Tyhi'u it' Il îteliîiîîeaî. Toronito; Ilesor.. Anidersoni, Evaîux de Cii., itreul; M srt.. W. h'rico & iSui,Qico- bue; Nlsbrr%. Il. J. Nuud à - Co. 52-1y NOIV 18 TUE TIME. (JET YoIR LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark's l1.1 Prize Picture Gallery TF" you desire a correct anîdlilfà -likoAumbre, ÂLt% hi, C(ieuitiOthi, Ltcttrtli, or Lattýer 'Irui;Mer, or aui.ikeiie,,!ilu alciket, Brouet. or Riicg, tor J. A. C'. cliii do itllut tîu best style, itil lit shlort ioticc. IVILKINSON'S BLO)CK, litut-k .reti W/tij. S. Il. COCHIRANE, L. L. B. J3Altlil.uI'Eli ATTORNEIY AT LAW, $0- B iitor lhtîC i ijerNu ' ý litie &tC.- i iiice-tiu IBigetuw'a iild, i ý ,iiîat.(i Street, 1P lilbi'. 42 S. BARNETT 1 MNFACTURER AND DEALER IN VICigis ndtîîutLeuif 'ohcceos; aIso Wuuipsi, Liricii, ttCq.c Jehn t Slrceot<Ptt ope. Poirt hIoh ettMariii8, 180.1> WHISKEY! WYi!SKEY !! B£' TuIE 1l.tI, AT FAIIlIANKS & MACDONELL'S, ZIVICKEY'S IIOTEL. MANlCHiESTE. T1 lE suîbscrlber deâtuheus ta Ta torux Iisf riotmts T aud thc traeing ptublic, Itîcic it a$ imos'- y jptered, piitiitd ant i (urisitlieut mite tuvtmltfonîcerly uccuipiet by tIr. Aliimusu nd i tiut lietrîîre't it, igcaniait iy w«lIfti5ud Coina- uotrmble as.cu4iiiio tiuolu t tudoriiterates. The tablte lms <i Ptci o1 ut ch t ht cery'tiiu mea gsi. (bot tuîiug and curettil ostlcr ou en h tliet.wc"y Saddlery and Hfarness. T Ie utriia lbers to staheztuat ie .' cultitmieichi g c. es lime tihove ie, antî ilq reuty te upîîly cvem'y article in the. troUe jirompti>' uud it il unetna il>'. JOHN ZWICKEY. mautcholster, May 1, let.1 OFFICE ÊOR TItE ISSUE 0F* MA.RRIAGE LICENSES AT THSE OC POST OPPICE, WHITBYI A. XcItIIERSON, 46 Aet WIITBYt, O. W., PARM FOR SALE. F? IPFY acres on Lot No. ab, 4tlî Con. of Wliitby. Abouit 22 acret; cleared. Tho tituber aittthe nncloured land !à moaitly bard, wood. The tibove farm is aituated wîthin 8 miles ofthtle Tmof utWIitby, îîud would prove a mt t eosablo invcett,îoU. For ternfis, &o., apply to W». BAKER, Or to Witby, P . R J. WILSON, Esq., Il1rrittr, %Whitby. ]FOIR SALE OHEEAF. AMent and t.ubritutjul fBrick Cottiige wtitaîteloinCothurne TOW N OF %VWIlITN11Y, formorîy occupied l'y CHAULES lIERSON. Thore i. hllf.ait acre ut Lund attuchied ou wltieh tbhe la e rg S.1,witbagà vcyWIt.Tflere là aso a cisteÃîlu ieonneutiont. the dwelliug. Ail o W.- Il TIEMAYNE, Whllb, Miy21, farrister, &oc., Wliltby. WibMj21 161. 19 R. E. CAMPBELL A UC T I1O() 1 PE Il. I~~LL bo happy ta attend ail aalcKt It ie'I. W iiybe lav.îred %iîl, ud rom paint a%- pereteo ioes a Lu illtr sî ntlendad at short nuîcu utnd on reuuaoable ternis- W'iîitby, Aug. Sn, , 860. 46-t OF TEFOUIR REVJEwB & BLAOKWOODp COMuzENcE JULY,181 tERMS PEU ANNUM. For any one of the tour Rovhcows. * 8 0 For amy twu uftheIi four Reviaws.... 5 0 For auy titre hiefour eviewd .... ,0 For ail fr oftchueItevhewu ........... 80 For Bltickwoad'so Magazine........... 9tW For hlckw.ed and ouneIteviow ...... 600 For ilhtikwooand ttitwo Uoviewst.....70 Fur flhtekwonad nt rc. Movlewis. '0 00 For Blitckwod sad lte tour lleviows... 10o((0 j1offezjCurreat 6 in elUa t1i6 ior woiMl4bd receca t par. CLUJIBING. A riconut of 25 per cent, frein th. abuve prive wîili t mlloveet ta Cltubs ortiorit. four or muore cmpie's oftauy onte or mre et lthe above wurks. Thun.-.'our copîies ut' Bluek,.ood, or ut orme R'view, willbo senl 10 anaeudsress for $9; four ei'plem ofthie four lvieWd and I Dlsk L4,giliiatt-o iuee ouhd always ho atidresSoti ta lte îubiishers. LEONARD SCOTTr & CO., 80 No. 54 Gold Si., Neuw oik. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS, Fýrortt on againgl Loos andi Damage j F1 IECUT FOTUO WESTERN ASSURANCE LiOMPANY CAPITLAL £100,00P' INbU<AN'CE eftetet cnmltil(iiigt.undîiluer côoteIItî. Evmr)yinuformuaticni <upllieto Apcplicatiaî on ut u.t i ttu u JOHN AGNEW, Tras'ethiitmgAient. lByron Stretet, Wluiîby- New Tailoring Establishment! SIMPSON & FERGUSON. R ESPECTFULTLY anno-atîce bu tle ho. hubita nts uof Whitby ant sttrraunding outitry, tIsaI liey hluo aienvd a Taitor's Shop oiathirock Street, opposite the l'Otarnio totel," wlîere al urders entIýuulecl tt heni <i ilbu <boy itiu nesîtness and de.mpabclt. WVhitby-, Oct. 20115, 1859. fr0. Whitby Ërewery, il/t,' Sutlîstr itietmre fir îîrejiureî to futr- T li itht te putrî<tiiofthlie W'hitl)v Itrewcry wittt ait. execOhlciut irtioe iiucutchu '(tiiiititisit tnumy liercqnh-ot, aitdet ii rii tô ta u'pur ehu use-n. Botlei aIe eqitilaltthe itmç<irtîiiî article. Wliuîlli, Nov'. 15lu, î859. tls-44îr. REMO VAIL. 'rYP'È PE GÂL'LERY.' INrotiîruiuuig thiau-lt(ic to 'uh iitlc'for- tiue t l'eîhlitrotiaLeIe littis recel <'e-ci sn te c li u.tî-icchig buuetices iii tMr. t3uicclt' Bck, 1legs learci lu litiatut taItlic ii 'uiist- its Accu- hrotyln (Jaiterf tic lice e rîr 0-l.cîcture iii MeL-i.ers. inc'u.&Ploit, 'Brick*turei.t. ci-hicr, tue lm, lii-rcrd I ste mie.4,sul!L i hltut ttu let suIt-. Nir.(ruui'. irirîiseit irîîooî ue tril'l'i 'iu the tp aumroers' ifiuici, i iti cvi ai 1imtci 1u1pplicummcm "îr jkiu he'lc i. t<tiec uen t-hik Wliîtl%, ut y>2îý, 1860. FARM FOR SALE. JN uetrio îci, hi Dt irltttiii l'c'Iu.'l norîli ictt u]t -Nu. 34 htiti 2imi.'nceu, 1iîi îutuîiu 71) mcr-s, %siltu i i-tci bourîîses, lîuîruuatînd -,ri c iciah 1 c%omi- mili( almuT,&,hoc ic.'tcre <i tut et a cpheuiui( urchucî-d. ataiutec-aiiu mrut Crises h is Ittot uisIllu-t iemthtif>' <ilt uhuocscdu f tile iichluttnummid iroiltti <uat,ti'ce tuti, c (roin t)tIuIuIi', uidi \ ls r -1i1n1 îiimiu- Thuc11cà is oi imicg e"f-11111iiiureti. 'lit le per. ftc. l'tcîModeutc. 'enmu cuy.I-ar hpar- ttcuiuis &î, î~uht n 'UTroutoiu, Mîîy 14, t'f EÃ. R. . . %i W' tIt), citu. uii pOR SALE. T OWN T i n utW<hilhiJpmuir th ue y.- cîtto, V'ttiuige iotKt e l)'iuii5 r'cL,1~'u~ JIIUWý Lauy îuîcd Port uîcnry.. A i ii> tui J mie 16, 1857. 0. H. DAiI'INELL, .lroîki Srteif, tVhtb. IILIAIM KMJFFMANN AIRCHITEÇT. Q>- 144, Bay Etreet Toronto. Employlnent 1 $40 a lYontb. AGENTS WANTED I I W E wiput cn active Agent li overy Conttty in the United Stîctem and Caiada, to stil lime Franmkltni6owitig bMachune. To % iberai uubor of Travellitm Ageutt, wu wiii puy a $10 per MONTII andi ait E xponse8 I 'Vu L(cal Agezut.. ccoimuiesii ut 80 lper centl. on ait sales. Evcrv iuictini' le %rirrmittecl togiva uiiiveruml eiti.ui'lton, manîdikpt lui routir six niîîiti4.- Ucmce;t hîmLrsoiuc ll e rtin nectuii thmo tîuoel 1 upu tar miitic iiicrkit. ror tîit lpurthmu- lars liii caîîruîîîîîuît bustiness, aeidress, witlî stîîîîu p for rçtîriu etter. HARIS BROTHIERS, SIole Agceîîts4 Fruntulin Sewiiig Mneliitie Ca. Box 186 Bostton, Mass Brooklin Houee T 'IlIE Suhiscriber haring iciiecd the troolin lHeust, and flictil l up aie a irtst Cias iolel, ut 00w preparmd 10 ucumsuunodite the traveling Public-, w tere tiiey wilfin<d the hast qtailyof Liequorm, and ihis talte providad with tiio bogtthetinon aftordus, with curculol 0,4er anud luituaif alwuyt. on hîuîd, liem olciti a sitar.- of limepublic patrontage. GEORGE MeLEA N, - Proprietar. N. 1.-AIse on hrnd Ilors,.a and Buggies to drive travelers to auîy part o'1hei.Ceiilt>'. 1braokin, Mareli 27tb. 1881. i VIEGAR 'VINE GAR 11 rflE UNDERSIGNED BAR F0OR BALL .L Viejmaro qualily, minuftsrlcut04 b y himeit-ontilb.prouisaeu er,ut BL-utîo's (1.1. Scholieid'o) Storé BrÃŽck 'Stret, Whitbi; Soldun largo aud suseù quantitieus, wholesalo -eiditaIl. Bny a hetap, and reuly goodiar- -tiele,.-nuarticle f9uaud by elttutmial testâts 1 h tlô bai vter proditeumi i.the to<vuî. Whitby, JnIy 0, 1861. '86 B FG ina.l rempecttnliy ta returti tiîelr sin- core tiaiuk. Iii tie iiihabitiiiiîofuthie Cauno- t> ut Onturio, tor thie Liberul sup~port tlîey liave recoivoîl trett int. uand wotih kiîîdiy iolicit ia utiirllco nntianationî ofthle t.anic. I iivitlg a liceîîsoc for thie wlioic Connty, tticy are prepar- cd lu îteid ail orclor. with proiiptîicus ant on libürailterisi. Adcires, ALBERT SPRING, TIIOS. MYýE11,9, Ofiioubalikc, P. 0. Wiilttiy, P. t). 9 DRAIN TILES. T IllEieubt3crilier liiis for';ile ut ttî.Tile Yardl 4th C'oui. Wliitbv, îitiiiîdinîcuy Est of Mr. G. obisul's Faîmirîi t qîi.iîtîuy utfl)raiii 'Vile,, îîl i cos, uand ut mioderatoji)ricot. Tho 'iles tîîî'c'cî licou Jrolucuîutccd oy curiupetclii ,jIdgsio utorthe vcry bu't quiaiiy. 1,000 Vie ilt 1a y 7 0 l' odsm. 'r'ice liet ftiritie'l unit creer taleu by Mcctore. tlîiti %iR'î'o Vtitbv. I)ccttthr, 160.49 I ENTISTRY! DRS. CALLENDER & CAÃŽID Suigeons, Dentiste, &C., Roohus over DIVr, Carletoli Lyndé's StorO T PETII ilît-tin ialheitoast perfectiiiainier. Fituet umoite but til i. cd oîtîappeuved ttugterhi i us*cl. The 101,' tifDmu.'Caitî4,dea- ltet oh'lDcimlletr< . oîuublu lhoi tei boiretuilitu lin à ruct 1 ilut-its to hbcUt-rt <'-11I h 'ua i t-inm-uu pro- s"ruic - i -i cci tho lu î-litupatanut, andiî t i't iti lirgle, tIt-cîhul. t Iitettr presurvmtoti i t"ct t eothîc ue cittu, tuîp ii utt imllfvr' muf tiiikcii it ît-tit'iudt-. "li'ir otci-uciiiit iii titus irumit-lu it ticuuu e s ic ii aitcot Cui togi <t'ecti tiuinuiili. Leltt'eulictedit ctuIli-iue'c'h l'io1 Itiui a ilit -iuuu.tiu gu .'.îtuvî 'tA "E'ti tiiesrted iiiOu ilti- V'er. 'ludtici h'tdtc.iihc uîîittc-hel'miiuî isu t>v ruvn'ulclUc'ut e(ut iucii/et liase', lii tch Sqp u iiuithui'tl lihouitc il fi> Timhcui'huîucf I)nit. tthcui uc-r A'Cnt cue-e uref'uli'l *v urh'unaucc, aiîsue hi"tlu a. 'uc iet c, tui lu4it ly tteicuituir- I iutul lt tut'sMaille licle. Ilctheti Uuu'iilib ic Ghu wamuterIA ch < ase, iiiU tccfiauruîocy n tIi bheiuilvicc' o to, the grciitc"t saisctttciun 'vii 'zrii'ttar attenitiona gtven teho 'acar'aiud ruivtmliuioio i t-UitncuutecItî l à I' eitmâ ftltd uu'irhtug. -. Att oiperatioos înurrîî)t auts itcer> Ilîrit. reasolluumfîie. Cuiisolttiul <re. 2 A. B. SALTER, V'eterinary-Suirgeon. (IRAI)UA'VE cf f (u-ttii' ttete-rttîur> Sîurgeoni iii J M cdui'ci, Bi.stoii, 1U. I , mandî us-iecolicil of threo tnet-ctuiut Irictinuuen,roia. tiicule tc l .c, iiluui, t:tuoîcuuîîî, <rhiil iliOcti' uhîmuce (uiu 'I-f.8)AYIS îtti-hiu< uncit weck, il Mr. Jautues Crocîcrs tîloe],Whtby, srtiuirt- ic t111vîuc bc ucsucluicctOui uîl fnnuumc-of tiie lu. w 1,it'ilui rxns suil tfetidrc i ocuujet.MNl. SutI- ter fi' ta cotultchnt lhuuî aller se-.i-ora lirsc- cutst'ict jrmiutie-, lia viii hbc i ui] hi inuctit. facutin u LUIt cvi0oina>' iud cus ssrvtccti. Mur«4lxaS, 1oc1. - -t Farm for Salé. I N theTowtncshitpe of ii Ùgbeu0 oupoa eci it parItcof' Lot t't'k. 1tlinilte 3r P-0cutiîud Na. il lu tlh tl e-u cot-uiiitiiu: 1211 acres ut latnd. The oboro ittuil luiji.uain'tttt miiiiiîstIie pnuiporty'à 1uirM. Atex. lîituijp, oittilehîo st,uuumt is su Weil liuiwillis lu requitre no fitrtlicr des- ,Criptuui. u ru Fîtitilahrs cpply ait iîttheput (If- fit-o W'itiby tu lu -A. McPIII;,RStN. FAIRBANKS & MAODONELL GENERAL AGENTS, C~ommission Merchants & Auctioneers BRUCK STRIEET-, WJIITBY, C. W. (Olipos-ito liogistry oflue.) Ai PTIt i rod tce oattndSites iial parts ut fiqa goiu cuIr>'. L. FAIRBANKS, Je. ,B. C. MACDOI4ELL itEFE1ENCE~S.-Z. Buirihuato.j Esut.,Jutgo. Cmîu' ty Ontaria; Wnî. lmiug, Fmmq., ittte> Il. J. Muimutotli-, Erq., May'or otWýhitby; J, B. Wuunreum lsq , umibiger Ontaronukol DL. RUSSELLI'S 3laorIIEL, Q UE-B EC. i FI'<IIE Uoteruigmpd Prepd etors ofthtit abat-e n1tanîcti HOUELbugrespeetfuiiy tu apprizu tIheir trieude cuitdpatroums ltuaI iue>have ltao- roaîgiuiy reuuvcted.hhein cstablialtmcmt turing the wilmer, vtuieh onabîleu ennov te offer lu Iho Me-titeit utof hIc ].egitmture, andi the Tra- vellintg Publie SunWior accotittîtili. ln addititu th0lie apa¶rtnet tey buti luet vhuu ter, thiey titwttinu>v Parlers and Bît-roomnilta Flirto Iitititu-'or Idt-u. vhtictu, for cotutort tint cîuumvonuce, anreutîsurpaisset itittocit>'. WM. RUSSELL & SON. Qu ebce, 1/archi 11,186È. Bakery andOonfection1ery, RICIIARD jSNOW tecsire, ha intonni his numerouns eSoers asli te puifihe, that tee has, renove, t rou .luls'oljipretnl.sei ut tb Baiy, and ici nm, 1ouleoie-bu " etste, s tt rmiia abtl eesîaped-by Mn. J.2Amati- lunll>' Su pèr~ajt7ndd'eu unplied. - t- d. v 'o "ONE Dy 0ONE. 0'Ptistrive to.grasp tigeta niL >_ ne iî ton - Urst wiS-1t a.cutiui -ýtr Iy W 0treogmdioltucaci .Ueay, lto, a ut ti'.. Ol'by one t iift h.inee li fuir à acSn 0 roin dbu, W oine.11il fado unit aters grVot tltee, P' hu sw t ssiu1f tiruugii the lanud. Don~loak ut lif',longsAorrow; sce Ihow suittil ecatch ttîutjti'stuin, QýewiIli 1lp thto l'or to ntorruw, i r vryday hegin agatu. EýÎry Iu'ur ltat Aeà .0 stowly"é 'ume ls task to do or beur. 1110118 the crow Il und tîoly, if thon met aumoli guru wlit rc. DP flot linger wtti rergrttillg, ;Or£as:5nghtonra dc.poid. Looùk too eageriYymuuid. lions mo godenliti<ilado'4tokeni, -Ucllitg cavn ;butone by onu thon., ethe clin tibu brakon, 1)î.î0tîgriglnge bu donc. Hugi's Wife-Â Al ory from rei Lire. BY MÂttY A. KEJABtES. Ilngh Foster, for kiiîin-P bi$ witey was execnted lu the jail.yardo to-day ftt une o'clock."l I renid the notice twiCea-there wus notli. In'? Partieularîy atartlitig about it ta the worîd ini getîcral. '13nly a ari had Uled his wifo anid 'eeeived tho des ro his crime1 that was ail," strangers lu thé aflutir 6vould'suy ; wbiîe thiose wbu wore acquaint. ed. with the dotails uf the terrible trugecly -the triai, the execulion..upriobably dreuw a sigiof relief, aud aaid perbapti, 9 Viel,ý banging wus tua good for lîirn." But'I-to me Ihero was more in Hugb Fusterîs meîancholy death tInt Ilicre icus ta the worid. There was a timo wboî. I called'hiui frieuti aud îrusted bis prote.- lion; w'bc 1I îoed himn, wîîeu I forgot My Mieker zla my mad worship of one of bià creâum.c-.yet, Hugîx nover knew it thank Godfor that!1 t:iernembcr hi a Iaugliiug boy, witb merry, hiazol eyes, ceceksanil agîow wiîb the flush of hlitl and exorcise ; buir goldcn brown, hyihg ini curlinigtmusses uu'ouud his well.shapped head, and n.stliug IwtI iodawhite diutpled neclp a-nd .mli rb iii Yeiurs later-ujes motoe uhougltfui, liaitr uand coinp~lexioni darer-leks simpjlicity, muîre of iv world's wo-ys î.boutIiiîu, yc*iîhccuuLîîitg and attractive ft5\eveu. I du I lot %wolider (lui attie ~4-oi:,WiIuiiîig lteXiîi-oe litu so. Tiiey say love bo gets love. It <ina but unuLiultînt lits atiUcîcioni ulouffb reotîited. 1 did Duot blutmi.c, lutin-I did ual blitnîc lieu'. I auly wtiut a feîv bitter tenus Ibutl while their paIl h lat wuus sa flowr atrovu, mitte abautt I at over ruggc'tiil.-1 - ptt lornîu' vlicys. I1Itiniet nMy'vaina tant -for Hugli F.sîtue epdownuini>'ylitantc ý.od then, pnyitg Glatutableus ticin, h ue u th le burtiaitn >' vcary lite agailli. Ait orpîtutiJepeiîîlctt ulîun my ovo exen- ~o,.uafor supptort, I believe ns> tiottux jte me strunganduitumore able taét-olcc te <i-unî-for, ta tiuutday, I beliove. I1111i's tietter )Ili Icuîe 1 l li i CIî10e!t- 'Ihta tscir ttcs' u<< i-c ht ilt.' H enî preservo nie fi-unittuse via, ih Ib in <v ole lites, la vet neyer <ilt lte lt a ffu ttnlof luoeI1I1sett Ilim elwn as beari' lêâs nisanllrope-untrue te tliensselves, tnature andtiet Got. My positioni ut Hughi's niother's faimil> 4vc tue a deepat- iusigbtIiluotnIhe youtig, uman's chanceler bhan I canît othervuse ihave gaineti. I sawiîn ii vot-y tulVereuil - ioot, I neat hlm as Lie- reailiy vos. He t as a vlole-eouled inn; thiosu le luveti vill lits si-ble sotn], mimd anti strnotbt yel bis ialred'vas su sbrogns life's bittot anti fearful a aith-he %vTuoltcrmtargui a kiautas, nover forgaivo an itîjury. _71-4o udt nican Lue vas partia-ulat'ly reve'ritetnl ; -but au unlintinea, an ineult, raullet in bis 6cliom-Tinie neyer bealedthîe voonti. k.y position lu Mn. Futten's fouI>' vas madre diht a t-iît tin a servant, yeti vuws but n servant, afler ail. I ronhizati 'h tact-tintthier. vus one tdeep gult th nt seperatet Ilugh anti I. I niways rumemberedthle tiffecrence lu our stations, no nver thiaugilt ftnaIing hlm dovu la mine, or raisiug myseif tais. Wben bis maletuedet, au>'liteebcainget. 1 veol out hul thIe world a Ahihgt aga1o the greaî abI tlite ; auîdyeî IIugl's tnienti. aipa ofte lame, vus îy protection; l i. a w a gahuet for me an eligibl siluatlon as thc teaheror a village at-huaI -h. irbowatt-bdot ven me anti,vith n deiica'ey, secuneti for me main>' ttle ait- tentiauts tînt attet greatîy bu My bnp. pinesSI I là 4ia ver>' plensent l11111. ominlu trâ. eonese boarding establishiment. Thien I thougli my gracions laudîaty furolîbet mie villa tb tf ustoul furuiture, tho ga>'carpet, le Ill a tium tnhbblouks, andipiano, andiMni 'e-nuw, I kboy it vus 1Hugh's generoélty. Ho mev niy pride, my semai. îivenejý-he 1mev havI wouui bave st-ar. edte ta auept lIas. avors fi-uni Acisbauts, thaî I oÃŽIy recoived wiîlî pleasure tram lias. onmy sociail lantilaty. Pour HugI afler ail" lie vas 100 gatît for bis fate. I Ta a t the vonît censure as il mny. It W'as a boIt blustering- evemhatg in fle. tcumber. 1 I at tu-avo my oasy-clîuir close ta tie blà zhag hickîory ire, and aiter rabs. ing the wýek of _&e hamp anti ntjuatisg tise abute, w4a about taelaIte up # favorite buok, wvbda I heuird familiar stops in lb., hall, sud h ouet, hurnieti rap, 1 alouit bave recognizeý at an>' lime on plat-e, sountet upon MY &dôor. Iu obedlhece laeniy reaponsue, thsedtor opeuued an4* Rugb enteret. Thon. usw happy Spaný.s ina bis eyes; aeu, as hie, sal tiovu boto* lie cbeerful fire,, anti bruabet tle snuv f tita leggins antd hauts, vie I dit the use kIhatoffice6 for liii t-sp anti Shav]. ha ijt, ianghtngly : 'Don'tlm fnglilenet, Lnuis-aiobodyas dead;.hfr sek' tîkt 'm -'c ;i IIue gis, The. wind is shRp, 1itet' l you- 'uiltfroî the flôrhth.we»4 ad 1 faced I1 <n, ul o t4uros, Hâgh ?i "Yeii, ait of à îlMs are didn't e8we frotqiohoume, but-?? uInw Ireplieti . ~I~eiv ta mile over tO'qiéG yu. The. crimion flusthed up' lut.hi. hand- soite- face ; and, as I sast lown on< the op. paile side of the little, round ;Iigbt-ats.nd, ha tuok.boath'ýofunýy bauds iti li$s and saidi pdrbapis a uitile excitedhy: U l'bulieve I'nxtho happiest ialn iiiai treati'on, little sis. l'y. cone ta teiliyoc so. lu two weeksi Mattie and 1 are go. ing. ta ha 'married. Donit yon congratu. lutte me 7 lAuswer me two questions tiraI, Hugli?' le XVhat are they VtI IlFir8t, are you sure that yotc love Mat. tic Grey witb your wbole heart'Hugh 7" 1i idolize her-I worsbip lier. God kuows that sha is denrer to -me than ni awn sou], Laurié V" 't Are you quit. Positive that sah. lovez you?2'" . il I would stake the haippineus of my life upon il. Sha is a bib coquebtish, like. 9ai yaung gtirls; yeî I1 trust ber word. I trut the instinct of my beart. Yes; I know, amt sure site loves me.'$ 44 Thon God bleus yuu boîli, dear Engli" I saiti wairmly, tmyou are wortby uf berand 1 trust abo is uf you-bo a gondi husbauc ta ber: she is a fragile litîle thing § a frownm ai barsh Nord, or neglect, would break ber heart. Guard bar us you woulda jewel, Hugli Foster, anti niy Goti hIess you bath Pl, di Tltank yan, Sitter Sosie, but don't tatI ut frawns anti neglccî-dun't tIn croaker, and make yourselt disagreenîle, anîd duî't Iectu-e me-I bute lectures, and you knot« il." lVtI Iknow ~It, 1replieti, mechani- calhy. Vie titi ual cither uf us uay mucl mare. Il may b. that moment a badinc ut evil sutîleti down on bis spirit, us it did oi mine, I cainoat tell. Ilutgb anud Mattia <vere marrieti. Ever' ana pt-apiitsiod bappitîcîs for thaus, anti 1 amamîg the rosI; tbey seaei 8ô îrell suited ta eacb ther-be su tuable, su hantisome, su dignifie-shu 90 lovitiî, winiog and getlie. Atter Ilîcir irarniage I met thien very ufteta-souetinios I touaI bu witl tbeni, and tbey spcut thue evenîiog wiîh me; antd Mabtie ofteuî itsisted ujîon my accom- puoying Ilîai int huir rides aud wniks :,ami [ graîv lu love îte pretty' cbild-witoiysoîf, anui didt lwuntier ait thie idolatrous wuî. aitip he hestowcd upo bier~., 'îbcre waî onc trait, however, in Mai- tic!s composition that greaîly deceivedi lier appearaluce. Mattie was tun secretive as H ,u-yh as fraîtk anod opoti. Thbis troubled bei' tlioglits, su transparent, he caniti sec tirougheit tcît u nlatît-o;aîtiwhiti sic dit.covéeed hier buslctid's feelii s ou the subjeet, bhie uîily -grcw mare seeretivo uni anystariaus. Itmdii bok auty ex'teptiüns ta lis wife'à catduct, fargetful that bis ex- ceedluuig uîxiety and disquietutie oiily mati theu. titîto be'uty more tricky aitde decuitîful. SIelio(ihigy suidtotame uone day Iluat "selet- ii t teaso Ilug,,h su wel."- Pîmor Chilch, if sIte could tilîy have known iI ilu .uglt I lîuuav ler."suit Huvhi te une une day, tut a bitter toie.1 thougit 'hèr ail artlessiesut, but' " I inhoîrupîet int. 4Stuc is ail ininocence,1 Irapliet. 1<mSLe teutouru >'au anetitusttnh of lber, anti mis. t-itevously il-es ta tonat you."' H liiouk lais lent. 11iNa- i0 1 1 is h il vas tînt. liaurie. cýj ne<0 utusiy>'tu teceive me, I amni isa lie tuaI a letton tram bis pot-bel, gave iî ta tne,.aut Iuu(uied bis blant othle tab)le,- su I coult nat e lis tft-e. The cit-lope vuts a largo, whîite ona, lb vas crumplet sadhy, but f coutîtSeo lIaI the inperscrtîctiun ifas in a bld, business luatit c anud reat, . IM1s Muttia iusîer."1 14 ' ha çilctdi7ot3tu <i-laitaie tu do <i-ithi isu "Ruadi ," bc Suit, nimoît îbarpiy. 1 unfuld telie iet of nule.puîpor tIse teiuvela1îocontaitued, anditreadti iesew<ords SMY DIEAR hTI c I rat-civet youns yes. teintay, anti basîom ta rapt>' to il. Do nul be lu an>' toar iliat IshallfoU lutele itu Sautaton, b>'thelie oe pecitiet. *Be assur. ed I wil ulol btrvalklteenogugometut. I 1have quibe a euriosty tasec your hiuilant. jYao know you once tld me you aevc-r voulti love any main lellertlIn die, anuitI bave andtour. la sec lie fortunate getutia. ian. 1 vatut you ta meet me dovu ly the blrinhoeIclanor unhbe toreast-ruadi I villinmeet you Clerc, tanrI've soniallsig ta eay thi yau I tin't vaut ever>' Onr la beur. I wilI c ha in.eteinosdaky eveuhugr. about nilli) oue.C 'W itI lie antIcipation of soon tolding yuuî lu cm>' à ms, I1uni, us bereofofre, your mast tevuted, I taIt tie blooti nede frai iy tna, leanî il whte as liat cf ana dent, as the terrible thought sînîpet itsétuf upoau my mmnd, tbait Mattie was untrue ta lb. man viose love 1 voulti have pisetl above gema or ruies. ! Ha oolet up viti a 1i11cr suIle. "ib at do yon bliailofut i,<î b. sait. id How di& yon came by Ibis Pl 1 niket boarset>'. Il Weli, l'Il toIt yon ahI about i, Lannie; anti lteot jutige for yotaeif., Mat- tic vent to the past.offite-a ver>' unuisual li ur ner, ta do ; anti wlen aI. vent la bier roui, I snv tînt se cariedct a letter in ion bant. 0f course, I asketi ber visa it, vasd tram, but aIe blushed , anti stuaunenet about it ;,anti vhe I tiemautietimy--rigît la ses it, île refusei traigit up anti dovu t-sa 1I bol it avay tra lier, juatas I ahoulti do ; anti wbon abot an explana- tiais, aIl the, satiituctlén 1i conld oblain s'eS tbia-tbglî e syiter out tIaI 1etter vus lier frient-abe tIbougisi a -grpat _deal ut o'-iii, 1ant lwayabtl vnancsi a uw 1imw., I Ibongît, very probabiy, aI9 liked. ii botter tin ahe titi rhuabai. I vaisjealouus anti exaathr, hoawva;s tmnag %rdt aven lemperet." u "Andiyon, HngI ?" tI ? vis>, i tait lion lLuiif.îhe -met tise re -11 t. ,n ?y 's 'wr o ut laC staer,'Sbe-wïîG TWpet"I thà t wai e" ixclaimed ILs exiteti-ntan> ilHugl " ~He o~o~'e~ p-t enexresion of bis liugui' Mo 'Well.-did I frighten yon? Neer mindi 1 thiuk PiLgo hon8o,.ùow.11 .A.s-holie nt-Out a strange:terrori tis ovor me. I loolced ont of the windo.vî tjse uxoon w"Ss hining dimly througlithée ccatsý .aud I conid Iseo sivague"figure bseon in the. direction 'uf Huglisreiçpe do nul lcnow what'powen impeilea me t t nOw awV-oxer My beati, and foîlow.tbs figure sloivly ; 6tiýt "adds. -Hugh vaut' slowly'up-tlie aps,. sund fiieiding;tLsfrn door loeked, w*nt round.liy tb. garden 9gale, anaiat ilst 9te I ueda'.monx0ent aflerwvaid, thoen openeti'î-acarcelY knniy. ing whiat I tiai and fuhlowed 1. 'Hugt stooti inside tb. 'gale. Ho diti flot seetu surpriseti at seeing me, btit, hier. ciftI Henvens I low I shrank in *terror frai. tb. burning liglin, bis eyes. .i Lanrie," hie gsped-hiut breatb coin- ing quicle anti bard, «Laurie, bols tame bhey 'ne taIling in the arborf, joünà er. 'I beard bier tell bini île would love hii as long as she livei. 0, Laurie, Ianrie 7"e Ha drew me inothîe sade, as two figur-es emergèd from th. arbor, sud came. pail us 50 close tsait Maîtie'a dr estouchet minue, The man's an ýwus utraui1é?hier wahatt , auhe vais Ioohing u nto b is face, trnstfully,, confhtenly.'- 'Sbay 8Il njgbb, Walter," she sait, us they partdaI the gale.c ~Not to.îîight, I baçé tsnother etigage. ment ta îneeVi "~ Sainiefuir lady, perbapi VI IlPerbapa,"1 saidti te taillui n, staaping the lips ut the fuir litIle wouan'ait bis aide. <Now, cgoodnigî "Goot-niglit Walter, t'ae -tume yl eeni very long tili I s00 youen ai. The sont of the mau's foalsepi tiet away lu the disteul-e. Huglt steppet frrard, and coufcronted bis *ire. l' Vihut ducs Ibis meanu, battie i'l ho asketi honî'sely. 1- Why ara you walking lu the gardonî ta niglit witli a strangeman, anti wiiat is bluteyou VI Sue trevr hurself up proudLy. Il Joalouu V" she sait, bler prelty îip cur- ling. .é Anti bat if I1nus jealua?"liehore. plioti. '6 It lu my rigbî 1u ho. Womao, gava you my whole heuart. I loveti you madîy, wildly- beware lest love Iurn ta ri e laughed îiglîîuy, usartastiidlly. Ex Garernor Jackson le a pleasant pè- tTell me une tliug," ie vaspeti boarse rnpatoe entliilun. lie told sanie Ai. wiit passioan. 41 Dj,you lava tlust inn?", kanuas suCmiioltists rtI Illenia, itiit Si O0f course 1 do." - Louis was a- rich city, audti tit il coult be r Anti yan tellme ao ta myl'aee-' j i'.f.devote t 1 at-k anti pillage, if tbey bat e ions wdapl' ý -cited Hugli otèrsaiz- stomacli for thueBort of enterîainmeuî. in bis whu t formnr"n-hi . arns. ', '5hée vs- aautt irria'a urghngA-vamaw-h&s' beénýeht -et Âriciüu 2 ry. Thea moon came out fri heiiî iuSuiat ahrg t'lcn0vb 2 dont, ubere vote bluati staitus an thie gat-.bstrbarity. Site-sînippet lier iiufhut chitd) i e dci agte-on the leug, grass-on Aisîsncurod t is htI od l c cil 1 d- bauds, andi Mutié'fell triîle grotuodt vib uython laidit bu tue- sun ctllthie littté îiîs ey uuuberiip 0Ccututu oxpitet mu ugouy frmi lue stinge 0 1O1ugh>-ou're kiuîet me for luvingra u net tmcmti uc at enty brai/ce r."It vas mntionieti hy IcIcraluiili at foui sîritîli (rom descnibiug vbnî fullowet. meii wera dluwnici-d linte Puusuic River ,t May Got bide from auj face tiat Whitue, Ial Sunuy. W'elt theluy wct-o truilte, fal -deati fate in the motlil- îbo emurderer averor-anti ere euttublu ho su-ii. Oue andthteicincetuseti cruwd ltaI gathenet dnaaý,d bis îlinhak-Iitj, ig iloboy tatiut <ith arounu-the brothcr-îîa grny -liiredtfailletr lii. -Iliy v te uc rly iudo atl t, ciu~ À t1tah correspontden-tt-ùrtflte St. Louil a0iy vr lei to '&Uulicasays tiat Fart dnitaiidetalial I b hatdtIe tisery-îthe play ha aut- îeeît dicipoit or by anetiotu, andt that n!- thue curtaiuî lias hutîln-the foat-tigliti are iuit eveu-ytlliiig ,huit beuîî lstuld ta bthe cii n xtgiîe. cail ir oteriful lits, farn îîxt ltuuoîhitmll> rapdrîy it judgiîîg tînt ian lucoandommiiitig lii, is ùtycolirnlhatstiuliua.uuhrui prayor. utue Ituntroti thoauuîr 0 bushants ndtiives, deal banestly atîd îruly viitt encla thor. Avoidt t uuy M. Boudu, ut OfMtllatî, l'asit tveted and c evil, lut the açcpecrance ut evil, anti pateutli îîuei n 0u ttuunbitgtl Il itetier lruýt namîte t iciveurd, graphie uit-sagýes, % iucîtis satedteta h uXi isice lisIricc, tiIhimîeciiig, frtuiûr tu etîy ut lireactit ini use, said 'r unctidiitîitîi e irt cîluicl, if boe-il, celich Ioscuathe gîet antrtageo o lii bisc' 'ic ttsti0 rtebt0c ig"boiiig suaiiucxl)t-iiise Chat teouctan bc A Kà s Foul CLitTlan'~s S.tKE.-A, a race-.uetlandctiijimutet foi' sixpemuce. A cenîiraily course in Nui-maity, aulne Ettglihibtî i-are haying davul wiueî att M. Buthe]Wi'. -sy vere ndniuing the îiictureîue atdîtolric tICi hoîveen Liverpool aîut Mailtche-ster. costume ofthlIe itmen uofthte -Country. Thc Lotmduii Court Journal suys it geraral ut these gentleman j'6ceys, slighîily vsmur-tyraattttalcoiiit exciîed by the imapressions ut their dejeîatier, hiad tutcciti plate turng the arishocuatie trc gatbered atothoi in a but, ainiringtt ICenri utis cety itut uualy costume, but thîe daptivatitg- fut- ofutttIc vaîci u Nunuanmdy, viose TVie NXcv Yanic F.ine Zouves airc-- -ta bu beauty ivas icigîtitnct hy the piquntmî rrag«aiizct Eiglht huiiîrcdthelIn ai"iuît arïi uality out iliir Iaity lace hoaid.guuar. Zoo Zoos, are n..-a tu ho iulder îheiù 'Ihesa sportsmen vere utten-ing ,their coan. anu5keis,anthitt tce luutntt tucîl ounesiit c moents outhe pascri ly iûn alauti toule tOf imuleItie tnniber suilicîcuut. voice, wlien themr attention vas arreitet îY An hltaraus aIt lady in.i Xci Yurk, gircui tle extraauditiary bvauty ut a youîii o. ta iieinpenuiice lîiuit; , tudusiuthtecd utcul) i an, evideittly just morniet, vlao ail thiuit tuIof vili îrutîî latulion grrail c'îltith umoment pcsicd by. Sho vas valkinog inlkocp il quiet, auut i etîet thue ifant t'ort rte niitfthtebgroup o utntry lads auti otan. lasses la ileir siflk dresses and long taileti Aid nb~n -shunt vaistet black conte,and lu the com.' glttOAiutN.Yn pauy mighbt be seeu the bluak casuelk cf prestihn Georgiut, lamenuthue %vaut af the cure attd vit-airouth11e parish. aon, freeoaioutspeech in taDixie. _Se <vnttc' mi Vhata banl 1' exîcuetiuneoutthut lho received tva hutitint1 lies tu- tIhe sporsmeni, 94 otimy bunor, 1-tgie coîtaiy o oinehiUuiî roî. tva soverigns fan alkiauf ier ruaycbeek."autmti "lHlua, here'a a bifstek wvI a aas he'll Tic N. Y. tribune, it ha uuttî'ritout, eive tva aveigt buia unr Louise," 'sai i viii'ceuse itiiSuutayissuies heuaeafter. The a lunpipn Wlu' uk'4eîveî vos it sudbl- T<rnes vili also, hÃŽt" istsuiet, fGllow suit. ntiiîet sîses, - It isaidthiat 1the- Sontuyedution outeilt "-iAI, ah "cictiýsevenal of tise'girls 10- jounual.las-beau pulishe t a ahus$ ot grether, 6,low- gemorous. Tva louis, arc $200. idii J'cflj hîo, Flgive tbre," saidth ie . a, rine ii herqui t~ot III groesâ, tIhe1resideniî las isaucti a pncchuî- Euagliuhîaninatiodi, na)ontiiig à 'itoisday, Se1tetnber The youtîg voshtati ta wliofi the provoca- 26, ns a tiuy ut fastittg, hurmiliaition aîtd lion vus addresset uoukedtohaan the Eng- li n , a s~ m i ing, sai t: O irayer. > til îî ould . givo you a great teal utf ou dtr tpuittlSnhr ple~ne, Ie, eouieu1) joornals venu Icittet ut the battle of BuflUs t< Oh, an imlmenise teal.'l Ilun. idWellyin luthaicase, îatlontinat 5Che, The Pîiuadcîphin Gazette sutys that ?fr. after a little heaitation, tigive five louis, andtiHaIt1 ut Kentucky, iii no douli bu 1- t hiere's my cheeticdre onof-uthIcvatcant acais ai tiseEus TIns clallengot, bis 'ihbenality vaulti nul preelent-h. have backedoot h bat ilcest lii îtwenty Teylo ée srgni ea ut guineau. Tie five gouten plot-es vuare ravt hu yii< fyri agn nVe. is frn apraan l-D l h oîgwîGalvoston, Tei i aliso afflieed ith îIi man 's bauds, vbo boxaesîly 1peIlrtormeti her at-ounge. part ut the contract, anti rotcivet a brat-o 'J'irty or forhy Cîticagoe sailors itruclt ot lsse. -for higler wagon o1, Thurstiy hast. Tley "lYht aviotali1" netabegay 'h ave bocai goîîitîg weuîy daullar;î a mouîb5 1 thér M. de Cure, are live ga9ld'pievos for but vant tven~'ve, thé pour ao ur pariah.-» ---TIare, are îhnce Iuntred andtoi t> A1 Asaha finishet, accuamations râse on ail -uln -u evYurl Sixly-uiuth legi. aides., m nent. Tvo, ai Ihem une eomsusiuned u. i O h i t ethe use cfthéa ion- ficers ey, a glnaibur for the pnor," sa6 b 'spotsmn, hnt th .a tIaai n ee Motelsty la tbe rot rose that-.1 MWoraven and dh :sthaati ever. - a w hie heurt. Borams :îo <vihite whahes bave tiietiin:, WIat iUi. îe est, thing tu postent a umsiid Nv w, Yp4 frai deipnhliug ?-Pair'ul. bheir dasiro. <or freédozm. "-8 -married agaia'Wîthb'ler 1father's choice, 'ÉeKr bus; band proved tw le a. druakarlud ab' s abtaineci a divbýrceefroi 'Id i St. Mar. ried a tbirê lime,, stilI witli 'liai ýconsent anti atvice of ber fi4ther ad wusagain de: ceivei. Har haut huILat5 o- anai se now bears, provej i 'er ruin. , ne waè a Mississippi gamb1%1r, and --for tvelvé iou'tbi ghe aicompalhied hini!ap and down the river, dremsed iuboys- hiothe, and pas&. ing nasbis> J90-abbr. - ý She finially lot ili, driven away 'bî constant abuse, andti tirew becueif opon, the wVorld 'or 8uPpor Her irst effort vas a b .aeaian,'in wviiclcapaeity ase ýerved on tIse chicago anti lairlingtouituidilroad forhlie. ootis.Thisa vs six weeîci ago. 'FronmthIat site tniftet itbatho -van. texi ut sn , wbich' avary unpratected waman fintis ha a larg1e chty sauner or là ier. SIsé went dovu it ii tihi tbe lowest: round et thé latider iras reahet. She met aeeidently with 'Oua ut tLle slaves. whom cibe liai it- ed ta escape, years before, att& lusa ivea wiîb hlm'ever sinca in unlcwful cannectian.. This negro is'her '-faticcr*s ota on 'by a slave womunia, aitdt by îîailural bics- iB her brotber. There in uoJaw, bowever, whieli santionisIbut reluîion-ship. 86. vus iintelligieot, andi sbawed by lier canversaitiOn lhat ite ad teéti bIitr daïi- Traces of-formier -oati looks were Vlsîblé, anti a atro, rubuat fraie proveti that disisipatiaon had as yet bad but little effect upon ber lady,,but hier mind vus, wbat the mmndî ut ail faîleaa wumeu are) a wrotk anti a rmii. At lte aaruy ugéof ut weui- four she i a abainuees woma-i, which il! the luwosî uf God's cîcatures.* Ebe vii seul luei3niduetvohfor llairty tinys. 5118 staraeti a littho, but tht ueessity vas in-- exorabla, and shaltou Up us Irazeoa3n amly of thein.-Ch(caoa Tintes. A.NvLCEtTlneÂreuL.-j n ectar, à tew miles tramt Colmihe:ster, seul the fol-- lowiug documetli iver ta a receot application for a cortifileate ut bitih y aoe of bis pcrïicmbuurs :-e Mary, uhiteof ,borun achilti ut vrath, Apnil 24tb, 1861 :-Bi- agutai utofWnt.r aud the Holy Ghoit, May lte 25111, IStl.-E8sex TuIé- grapk. r- be i ril t vil l id l ci it hi i-cc- 1 à limoi -7- 1 1 1