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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1861, p. 1

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pROVINCI AL. 1-ARD SURVEYOlIS., ite. lanc nt itrpan s ria p. Wilti ntitd pt-teorlande vulid. V Naltahbe anbds foi- saleIiitidjoîing towntitps. tgOflcs.i-Ieavcrtoasuda Woadrille. (IBO. î-ili3ON, il. B'VINET, 41 wctdvlle. .Ieritn TrOJfItNEY13 AT LAW, xxttt-y (l mci ontri.- DARTNEBiL, RAFOR W. A., AM, ETA ATTt-AI-NEFLA NTYLLIROWN rO s >llt-lSSt>\hl -t Aîui uiitt, binh li i tIlti -cti teit-rux Au 4eLi g ilIai iîsliANttîIu T1'0, BE A it- kst, WitiItBY. Ail, Ttiw nl t-i-coIs1 (lit oid tort ravelere. G-a LN, 11T, M 1> VICTORIA HOTBEL. W jTjjAjNt'SCoTT, I'XOl'RîETOR. (l1utei ORJON& S&MPSON AN(4S~ iIoIUSN.1 J. A. SAMPSOM. C., I. IIMITII, ('ttîpl> iiîîiî~ ,'t.. ltsigxxîd aid titprin- 1 g.iiùes uttt. si .d <iAgxtt.. )fRtiex.t don tah 1,. It. <ltîiSt., 1îwî~tvle D îe-i îltx for 1lieoe'sdrovit iiup-ut shit-otice. it2-1m W OL(>It>E and iRI tnii Ipletm iiilitTiî l'nîlB tiî. i 'îxrik, îtti,.. tîttlîtit tof îttç., ISît. 1 lie-ir Nrît t-t- e Wt. liatiu rss A. ilSn îrm& tî ,) 'l'rt Toronto dxitv mi. 1941 COMMERCI1AL I-4TEL, RUISSELL'S il O TEID tuleur fretit t-nid putr)ua, litIltîey have t-ho- roîtgitily rtxvl-ttuucttîttîcit uritx the W wilîr, mwlie lcl> liuîeti ii tow taoeolr tu flict Meitîbtu'. (W %lie !iiiltutr., anth<e Trx . littdition hi le aituîî-titiyIaibdWii. 1, th y have tut-' lîor-i atiti ld-tîîînîa inina tîî-re h.,nt-e ni-ht t-i l ltt-el. WlîtCit, fniîifntrt l iiiiii con ritîiiieP, ire t '.xlss'liib tlie eîtv. WNF. ]RUSSELL £ SON.' Qthc ail, 11. C,. 2 - FRSALE CHEA". t A i g itti ftîti-l l-tn Titre i%;Ilieaut tire il tlî t 'tacttedVoit wtîlrli <ir-te lit a lrg t- i îlle. %wittîuîîîwli lît ta alti tîtisti iecttitîctiîon with iitwîIn. Apply to . t W. Tl Tl>IEfIAYiE, itatrigtt, &é., WVliilv. 2, 1861. 19 Protecti On agninet logs.a nit Damuge WVESTERN ASSURAN'iCE COýdPÂNy CAPITAL £lt)0,o00t't Travelling Agent1 Ihyton sItt-gcli ht-by New Tailoring Establishment! R ESPI-XTFILLY annQ e the in- 5'hniiitintiniIVWitiby and qsîsrounidin.- otintry, tl.t tti-y have openeti a !1 Taîlor's Shop on Brode Street, oppottite t1 lfi o lj o I ," -whero al ories entrurtetlIntathetn wteilibc donc with t-itnes anti detpatch. %Wlîitby, Oct. 2011,, 16019. 60, Whitby Brewery. ffl I1~ Sthttth rs-e tx0w pîrepiruil ta far- J xxiii thle pt-toitý,'f te ,ttBre-xery Ï'tl,î i a t-i e ýIiiiiit !Ltie2le lit toi- qttti if a s ',' hoiereqied, antd en ternis ta nit- par. lioltleth aie orlnl'I t te iîîîçtto atiel o.lcl, Wýlîthly, Nor. 15111, 1859. AS8t-44w. RE 3MOVAL1. AMBROTVPE GALLERY 'A. A. çR~Zx INrellt-tntxg tI1iI tnt at-ie l'th!iîe for t cH- hiriîtNîîelie 1La eceoivd .slte 'at t- xjctce iihîîie'îea iii Mr. 'adelîBloeg teue ta iiiitià!tt-rtlint lie 1t114V',na tit d ihiqýAm. b rtt, "tillerv to t hie i-nmsove r thle itorîaif lie kg ppantM-dt laftiîrtîi A 4eîtepaLiaîteat in tlie>bîist ttylt. Air. Gtauiii îwtrelt ri arc a reii'tii at lite top, ire vetrl*pieîAC1s1, oUl ,i-îtniti t *Plaphekgeer ot lz lt-e mup c te.îi lî.îoitf alilkitîda ?ARM fFOR SÂLE. 1rI tn laTowtiîship of Durituetoît ; Ihelng t i nointIli part Oflot no. D4 ini tlie und Cî:aicea- lînuse ,,lia nicud,,-rvhi iid ootl- suitatîi-iti,&êtereoa. Tiiere iare iilta 2 welln t h c t e o s a t l , i f u lu . I t ta l eaul t i h lv a i tiateti onlte Kio)gatoi and Forant-o raad,'Lhrco utleît front <jahit, ittîti ixrtix tr>Boevuîîanviloe. Tiis laan apeniigsoldant offereti, T-itI per fect-. 1riee Moiderato. Tei-ina eay. Fer-par- E. R. B. F.AiWAlD, '1ronton, C. W. Trenîtoni, May 4, 1Wl. 1 .A.ROHI:1ECT.. Muathow TeofY bretts i 0t-ie ptoîititi mîtisii t-o iive at- itoctioti. Lit t-leafuet-t ill i tiuttsejdt-etli, mil % ritit t4ii i tht-e, betare tie digLneaae-t-s A-, l'it Ca 1hoTE EHiset.i GlS vor, l'httinux 1'ite ulsî ipuxii he eibratedsudt c x1vstlylenized l uxîe ftîrTlthe Laè_t. d a ti mT-t-eprov4edintethce .d( adpteâ y- t-ho pioeibo. 1'q <iprtiatiýtAof lîra. iCallenj dcýi & 'ard at-e an exxtîftlly pertarmed, audl se' pt-aecet i l lexneeclveti, tlint floit nnly ,tl-ie atai--- ailexprcasion la proxured.ht ihe eseaad eaox-. iitrt. '-it1-ttweatrraftieirrtihttial t-eeh,iaýpri xîxîill t 1thîe snjai ti lue. fiitho dnti-ablity c.1 tie materit i nuit-, andtheîn liaiti v ia t-lt hiendiinutfIclotl t-l iegitest saiaWaion 'P1 hoe fouîiit. l';-rt-tetttat att-ntilongiven ta tlite erare cati tîgîiîîîaixi ofolhlidtîii'e ,teeti. Patcnt-uttitoed nstteîd t- t-bsûaavctyliloaîtxtyt ie, Offsprxag. Ail operalloaiôxt rnt-admastiafottry. Tornt FAIRBANKS & NÀODONZLL GENERÂLAL GENTS, t UoumssouMechiis& nU eei BRoCK STlifET, WIIITBY, C. W. (OPppo.ite Itagftx'y Offic.> A HF -pTopaed t-o sttend %alepsila]] p arts of L. 'AIRBANKS, Jr-. 1). C* M&CDO <ELL t-KY' AFTA WIVîIli t ,C. W- d.lirt . At uî- 14 e- t tlibci liit oin 1 lî,t I lu ît-uîîtt-it 14 ît-s. tilae ofeilî tt ndAMll -* _4 M. 1). calm Priated VOL. V.ý NEIW VOLUMEIS O(FF IlE FOURt REVI~WS& BLAUKWOOD CQMMIENÇIE JULYi 18611. TERMS VER ÂKNUM. For cny -0ee f t-he four RevievWA.... $830 For at-y twu aiof ic foetr It-vvem.... tfi00 Foravt r yl-eorutl -etivicers - 1 00 For al loýtir onIftitc Ieriewu............8 0 Fot lackwooti,ý'-t Mgazineà........... $ For Backwo aot un e eev . n t- For Itisckwaaul i ut wa Rti-es. 7 ùtO For ilicki-îood ani ltre Revicta.... 9 00 For Blackw,'od andtheiitour Rnes.-16 1 Xîts'ye rrni f inte.,iahi rle'm faed ti-filel rierei-ît/tpar. A kihiant tf 25 liei- ront-: Irontt-le cave pt-e l' 4!th-i iiltiwi-ilteu Iituitu oleriate lt-alyot mn- etiptis o i-il suivOe ot, jui. nt thfesahove worke. Tt-n't urett ci ef tttti "or, l oI ana ae 'W Mciii ha t, innt aitsdreitlfor $9 - tieîir t1t-îîetir Rrea adBbt-ek aWoaot tit.i l, ;, ildîti ci. to tlelttlsirc LEONAJIDSCOTT &CO., X811 ri 4 t-lad St., vYrk LICEN.L'SLD AUJCTIONEERSY, 10FO TE (Y>NTY OFIt- ONTA1ift-. B «G imnos eactliy tota rn <ttclt ir1- ty of Onalari-o,.fet tl e Li ternl14ilenppt t h ey havi rt I MMuiiruntheli,. cui vwotilti klidlv ci-o1cit a Iitirt-lir e itciiiinuitiiit t-f te etnte. llaviag ca lit-cusi l'or-ii eliolc ('ouîîty,Xhi-y are pi-i-lir- adinl rt-tttc li odrîtera witit pr ntapIcqs a&net-t liihctc1ternir. tiri., ]DRAIN TMLES. T Il E six.-lîtiii. I r b,i- S"'ale ettt- File ýarçî air.G Ozî n's tiini) a qirtt -1c Tules, cil site., antiet dertle pilam. lt Tit-'.luieitîtproîtonetioi y coinpec,ýett t-adi--s iiil l -ituvety l ic-ttlitr. 1,110 ' 1il iu ltay 7 0hIod P. 1l'trirec lui turtiaslonud o-dît-tgkeu by JAMES SMILLIEi. Deeinhîr, 18.fi. 40 DE 1NTSTRY!I URS. CALLEi'DER & CARD' jar. Carleton Lynde's -Store T TIT filIloluii t i ionibt mane, Tm 11t-et- e l 'lta. eW cd...entorm nut-ti i-Sttr, WaITRYt, igr~OIpoitr IJît-maîton & lRabert"..M2 JAMES_ CROCRER, n1oR lIt-lI AL> 'rRAV EIEhtS *I'LL FINI) 5s.) it i etîî-iielit îippîiîxg utt itis &hotu, cne t-ty i n lttî jilîtt toitlîîh - tfuurti-htt.,zB ,1 et t'5 lus bnite t rit t it*tri I-ult ri iti 'tlt lilîtitti iîitîui îtt wî'ilies re titi etbotiipaîtr~onenn lh ttîieii i ttV1l incthe Gond .'tn flit, ni cteuhuin îhers. Wlitl-, ltr atiy 1980e. at-t TUE TERÈRAPINY. r IIE PiIorRIETOR$ FOF T115 W)tLL lte olIl s,. N I(1- 'iOA5. Cin.srybntl f(îrîxiy Nkept hixVW;!ttr.lt-ui. FlicproisesO tiave tlb ii-iiti1y tiioviîtcd. ltotigioxt, ci fitt-il tn !in t-eli ftst att-o vctry procuabie ihpiheii itetion. A eI9àt dirait fitted xiiime- paratçIl,!tnt-ilwhiîtii meebut tthaslet- hi-ats n'li pertîtit-te t teitc, (.rxn»d Tiuuk Ruiiw.ay Motil. 7 I, 1NtWIZýfGFJ)ll'S-TO ITNFC)RI inio p s.c t iî Il 'tiflt- ti ei- i titel, t-le 1hxtt1itcs of aile(ltlts 101iliiit tiàret crry i(littntus tîvît ttt'eottîit-. (-matiLiqnors,, Witieb tti Brantiîs,ai: Et-etleutit staling-îrefol attention rfat tîttîn WltihY, TaIi 15.- 1ratito.t -UNION STATION HOTEL. 00 0Y<t t-i' F0111-1'_. S MIi Il1;US L t rin flut, ITeîion tiI'n~Trtto. Ineurl, $1 par dy. Moil tis25l Gond Stitb- littg -QAF 1()tiT iiaii 1. Ye atninpil'îtIliîtat A1SIJIOW HOTEL inôod tialii rct'at t-villaivetulert- 7etuo o N t-ruRethîths. o-l nlu flRtISliASIEICAN rofSt.L - r" tuuiuu: i-it?,e-A DÇN T, hioteiWIN4 (it- ben ltai littel, 'W itiý i, cttituut. litaitittt nI lieriors. ie iîtr eoitn Nti itoifrtivtcs 4e9l dpatt-cint eau i lt-eite t liiVa 7s ROA11. an1)ll RAWFORslid, M. d Rlbl WnL e iBRat-t-ii Ritc(aile i-tf Stîrgoi th 1 iflglîithy lieit--te i i i Dit4bc Ltye titti lliietit ile'uir. iaci ur fuitand 1 ritC%-CI ILOTEL. Ltu7~erif BicktîîZ Ped', atredî, WWîi tic ,' 1)lit prîsnto. & ctt. 0 uR etpciîSTREET, htenspit amai-eto h«nas u vtilr -m -W. wV OPDwARD, (Y 4lfMtIS.StON ]ME'IIANT,1-NSUIýANCF atlGene-c'ah Agelit. (ltilcé-Lat- occavu- pidhyjme otigaucn, Ititty, C, W. aidet -Buoft'Pýtad Torient- W. (;;aate la tillMaager. jlaîiýuB,. 4i liic Wv. Wl. Rioineta, ves., Meatttr i- c atk Tntoiito;)W. Ganible. 1t'q.1 Kflt-ça ->111,, To- mtemio î. l, . M PhiirsifcInt Batik ef Boa- treal, Maitril ; Measta. Miit-iltnd, Tyloo '& llut<tbitiiseui. Torotot; Mesit i, dersoht vn Co(l., MaatteuilMisera. . ltc Ol, Que- ec; Mosns, Il. J. Nas4 êrÇou . 8g-1y N OW b187THE TIXE. 1GET FJ-Y41ZLM4EýS AT 5,q gIIî54L s P~opea 31, 1861. ANqCERY SAEE .jL PROIERTY!1 5 HANCERY, Johin Borlatto Warren, Plaintiff, Josepýh L.'Tuelter, (by bihl,) axid Hienry Sturne.s, Iobért OtMiara, lienry 'HlaraandlJohn Craiv. S ford, (made pnrties-in the Mas- RS~N aa derrteof th Connrt of Clîaiey cIiii tiis q i , berinR datqfc to ih(in> or Decembor, bItlin yent ()f Oa4Lord, 1ISCO, and aai aider of lîtt i'OCir, boaRt4 t dttetie ilct day <of (lt et, in tbo vca*.f Our r od, 841 and t-i th thlie.opprobn-j tion f Go, Il. Iirtneù,E*qnire, Magter of the moifi 'urt ut Whxtby. viii be i on thit 14 Day of ýNovember, 1861, tlie )i -o -f Twelîroa 'lork, fluait, hy MEýRS- FAIRBANKS I& MACDOXELL, eatiuiuitt-,iti 4 - ltuilt5 R THE VILLAGE O OO,0 li t-hi Tow'iîlktîp of CIarkt, andt ~UNTY,-(W DIUItIAM tads at 1ul 1reitas sait-atseI itîtin iit-le iisIitp- n ltk, iitteCt(itiily n;fI liniîcn, tf it Utniteti ( orîî e INoétliuterland Lsr itcni, bpiag eainpaoti ofaipet-t ttlot- li. i t-ie 41.11t-:oCeaio i uit 1 onftp 1,9lI i*ltill'L b y aiiiteuremeut o acin lre Pr la-, n so ic nttcX andi 0e1; orai-xa' icalera-Lotkawi0.%tub- t-h.it "4Iotn Aur t Cpmen# aIttie notit- b>V aglze of sAiî tei, theu cmauil txtesîn s'e iulnie elinlutut îîid twont-y Suc liîka, t-lie vitî st-r-uvet-n inuie-.cret cot, eilisti at-i«Ved ity fit- liks, ta t-li o4illitcitug Anditi îîiîtan i utiigîlucr j.- t-ti s, t ~rt oh' Iot No. 214,4unIllîe tth of;u utorI~t itn-atititr tuet liethet- i ka-iac otil .liirl in, la a life -r iy lt-at1t-ula, ioflte Unit'-ud ceixaîlês w( uu, 04t-o at 1- e it l et , IINi-tI-Je tit nlt aI ofey, 14î,ant i tgste th Ie tUa 101, teriei -1 n lac lt-ted ii f train ;ilce X.> rLWi~eto t-sc AuîtrewvN i 1o, a1 t-le lI ut% aiMicy, 1148, ti noisu-er- ta tîil iuy c :4tclt194, avig UtiaX- ~$tiRetis pioiji tt-be 'est sidit-i-, ti clgLu alliVi loi, t-etlrotist 1-,,P, eàll-iintt g aon. iuthsa,gati ueti ut1o, sud lry it-ii at Nt-war luieTae Rt-lît-EkT J. The London "Timuose osetn serlann Jobît lit-tiivos a volkin 'la pari rvon day, lia fixi,,t-lie vend rvery mach lin httwn vny, Vreix'gtravnst1y nova seu m tram hver theAiea, f1ichant 0thgrcRt colaxxtryv ot brags it l tie. Riand lîesaa he tidingg tis noux'Mit idîia tell,' Tai ast taYnker DûiUe vasg Roing ta-tou, Thit ICI vasa vIl aIIped hy lfero D., lianti ne 1nnnerr Il om uicpkins" vas itikely ltub Jutlitî lil, S~Ily u'Iikia, t-lieu alt unto me, Mty tiuent ite, maiyliolti cnv-(.M go piil Letn t.x114,%«renaI Dn4tle racte yen 'e isihova,> Ili lvo liops 'lin voli, vo yull t de 'mni up 1-'Ils loiî legd bota tat uy'icd u10 l aIrli, lI' ritliter tit-t aiee'cmtairAuipin' ie vorîti; Blitudil uv liagrutge lur, 'la ontit. San l hîmpo inxihlllitlii sfreux l-cf lise rtoa 1111t- kniowa Jefferson Db-).cla arasesly ohap, NV iîîgfoea Itin forerlii lit e guavornnet- ap; TBut fitxui'AIIthe >' o tia iliton aie,. "l.i i otres toi- tlusblaýckWeàiat- ti-t Mare ilt-lr' 'l'iîgli onit kiniple hi gais fotr sttiu 'cm fric; Enlis, tiueipal yicld, lt-are puara o e." Sspolie ohnnv 1h11, aa 'splo xto Me, !Ianldhi 'Int-ect 4 tiily t-. IllIrrsoe D.; %Vho wci- u h ipleameti; rabiedýit 'aittia 1c 'E bexrIi-'nnd, tloure 0t-hoetia fer i> nîancy &&Co in, -elinny- %me* !I I trill teitcî yaur Neyr iî.d il vea ,poil il, 'ti fîtul nt t-he i-st; Struigiz'iOst- Itahvo tîcelutitar, buîtmy cot-oit ta etceli', - Aadl cnt-go lit yoarn,>ityonn'agtk a" soi ruioeliéti itita J>aoel611k. n titounsa' bal M uttit- wnrtpudtent tutii-lo t--ta t-elc: u-ni- J<oui' Ihulli tus liîiishly, e'i sic lei am bi411id-tmîyeuitga -oIcettait i yu break tIte 1111 hî ut e hi itt-u ,ckiIe fonttlr to huing, Trit- t- iruti stlîcy erii, mat-lflic ainîmars t-boy 'T-ore vYs(Iinia anti bIaaneta, baudmiguity> ilita Iitcl la ogo t- ieudylto lireni tlicblclile. Feu utoîl liteua xentîdon bitcamne lula the'led flioi apriuluhnt huld covay, vito kup baud le lliltu t;dt ievnt colt-ui, liaI vocaux b>'fu'e 1L4 titi suli'etriu' lieue iuiias'-,>i *11cause .var.a "MI~icro lis cet-t-oitiin lliay, 'itx sudAstc. e;ncr-qt-iîi tu. Jaiaie l Ci, Jct, Sirinniiit 'Ai-'4-cI of, or'lire cotton tighIt-pape- t'eIli li, But-a 'nId viar lieut-ire lis .t-lia devilhuand i itt-1. moo ent- itut 'i1 cf-uiailiai-at-he brmd F sn, 'Vittlitvos hua-fi 'arti tUncastiti-pa'ut iliitiruotil); liantti rot-c unto Duot-le, ibid lion liad te Il-li l'~ tIati - Jiialt4i luunavered ill, tt-JaIly for yot"!' cear togretlier Wben1one ge 1tg a blow doWn they ail fail, and bis employers amiong then, There was no getIng a situation. Haun. dreds of clerk8 and n'any niereliants, aliio, were ont of business. (Jeorge deterined to go WVes. Then lbe met with many mnisfoïteneà 4,lho was Severaltiteis chented,,- and once burned out ;- AU that ho t6ok out with lin, wvi oon gon., What madt, the trouble so bad was, the faet tbat bis fnnlily wore witli- bis' wifels, relatives, and lie knew verY*well liow tfief ail tallcod ta her ieoknew -ho,,' lard'.it was for-lier high and tino heart to ieb .t hear hlm blaned for everything, and und ê-r ,eluetl and con&mned. Su lie had.striven and earned and borrowed: m oney enou-li in go for has family, and thoy had sîeartléd for a home in the great WIè(, and note ths bFow lad fallen upon thon,, and i.t vas I " amn nov "tblout a dollar i tii [worl," oonelnc1e4Georffe, and the po fellow lot bis -lehde-Sink" upon brenet, and.- Ivo tours- feu' from lis rrat smd eyes.- « Cheer np, my mgon, "Raid- the âtanger "you lt-nov 'lis an old saying that- the aman cter trusts and liopes ina- od>, -it sliouldlie wlien ho moat n"ed< ta. A nti you are lu that plaie novix -1* Yea ; T thiak 1 cm, relurned .Georgé, loomnily.. Il Anti- it is ver>' hard. I bcd> hoped that our =81o troubles were citer." tO Weliy JIt-hink -thlat t-le>' are"' aaid Iheir companion, ,mmiiiag. 1I Houx Mr. Coôndactor, (Ionrihuat- funittionar>'n aht-la moment- panuactibesideoaur gnoap,> 1 prti for thrce-yoni don't change aaytbiag fer nty chltirca yen knoot." (Ilt- lacîeceitiingly kind of yoa, air, aaid George Ilbut-batjon mast give tus ar namo and atidreas, t-bat vo mc>' knov erbere t-o tend it vhen vo beCome sable t-o relum il." t-l You vili have no ddhiclpty nas;Ii re- t-arning Il my ma, a n5oteice iut-ho-Mme tovn t-o vhioli yon are bounti. My nante us Applet-on everybody inl- kuowg me. Litle Jogy, îvho lad beea loolcinc in.a ietlt-i It-le alrager, bore exelcimed: tYon booOka lic-e mine papa." - ItThe child -la riglit-, saici bis mot-ler. "If on viii excame nty saying it mir, theri nover vas fat-ber andstin iooked more ahilec t-han do yon and nMy ihesbaudii The gentleman vas itisibly -agitatcd. Foras moment lie made no reply -,t-hon sahd :1 III losl My oaly sgon vI o wu st-vo yeiursof cge. lit-t as stolen .aw-ay, and vo couîd nover llnd him. -"Novw. youag man, T do cot say that you~ ar m,st-aIensoc. There lx, perhaps, co ressonablo pi-on th -at yoa aree Buttlie tinte sud t-nant-er of your digeovery veuidl A London correspondant- ga rltaI t-t-14tle uatappy reationat-bal bxisl betveon the Princtxs Royal af Englaad iand thexohuabaud sebected fibon by t-helava vhich iegulat ' e royal alianees, have nov becorne -se veil knovn ltaI it i8la ltohielurmain longer r&U' itcnt 011Illt-e, uh c. It- LqSt-ated t-lai. t-be ci'rtcani as acoationcd t-le llvè- lical coacenli iii tbe muet disîinguiahecl hoasahioît-fint-ltandt, anlti tit no v'a - bave bhen saucedti tmalte nepi-sdalàtions ia the oquarter ut-a wlicb ait appontmai bc an&ppoSeid t-o have- anme veiglit. ?a royal ciiiacci, osiaIntpresci ont daceted1' aitaulti terminale uaupily, ebiincxf be-niai. t-rct el urprime huit-the l'rince of Prusiiaj from luis yaxut-h aand: apparent frankness sud ouater gav-ce proea ofci proviieg su ,exeep- lion o the ge eaaI utia ef (eriiic1 princes la t-bis respect." The Filce of Scbwurzberg Rudolitadt vilin laNovember next-, abliie bis mot. cririgal>', for thte pixupo.ie of inarnying * younig lady fron tîhe ina nIoftha- bouur- geoiae a MNdemnimelle -Sîhula-Of Kon1ge. berg, Nvute, wltlxiber mot-ler, haîfi-esiided for acterai yeucs t-au -Ruttolsalt tand ti î laclje* of soimmer ïrdu)r n htriný.ià. IiTsu1oyal- Hliglinesi la sixty'eight-yeara of ageý t-he lady twenly-.ile. i - 4: fan autw t-o belti t:- 144, Bay Etreet Toronto. Emnployment I Oa .Month. AGENTS WANTE1D!1! W R wrinl an pset-uaAgint lu0eeycnnt -it-te Un~-tited$aeand Canda ,to &l t-be Frantldin ileving M~uiit. Te i liboral niimber et- Tuuvillti 1Ago ii-, wvevilI p-i a Î.ut af -fl pet oual cimala Rater>' n otalsiactia Reuait iai rMONI[ rand ali Expeuseq 1 Agenta a commission ot 30 per cent. D.- mini1'ic t a- i ourmtbdltao'ive u ieuul T F ypîu tiotire a correct- anti lifN ioiAtiiru asut Fiaor i Ukeneca n a Lau.ket, Brçasitor I-ugorJ. A. C... ecc Ii t-in lé -h e est tt-yio, Soe g nudtli iu o imatoticeb. *-- SlA S. H. COCHR.&NE, L. Ir. . i -WIIITBY, Co w., Tha lile Town of I3ruoit-sl, Daden', vIcia Oscar Becker .wtts tried, ban jusi beon titrownu )nto excitéuiont nearly éqiat to that of the ]Becker case, by the trial of à lady of higli tank, ithé Baronessdo Â*f. bail- on a charge of 'atrtnptink $4 pobsolf ber htihalirl. Fie trial occupied thé mt. linge 0'f' lie Attize Court at Bruobol 1er., ing t-le 26ti, 21th, an-I2Sthültý katdaim. de Bamnhac i ii à lady of forty.two yemcs of age,-and la described as of a distlngnisled, snd noblo mien, with paie, hanosoe face.' Sho was acomanie4l in tihecourt by ber ticgiler. Tho charge ugainst the baroneU- vis> that ahe lad scttempîod 10 ltako tle bife of her ixushand b/miaging qucant-eies- of phos.phoras vith tdo Sugar umnally PUa int voit, boit vhic halvas la inthe habit 0f hcving atirVed te lume. A Sifgtilàr pecaliaiy la t-ho case vas thlia the servant& of t-ho haroneu hlad sut suspicion oi toot<* and tt-aân tiPc stcps vicit lotiito t-hepro - ceadiaga,. The Baron Banîbadli lad noyef'- bolieveth -le 'charge,cand in lim xat'itni. lion biture ie court ropelîpti ail suspiclion - of bis 'wifc's innaocence vith t-ho untost emotian;, .Saie lnifliag qua-relu het-veen - - the, marriôd pair appeareýd t late firsl. «trou tise to any suspicion. t và ksd' ited t-baite baron bcd atteaap'ted t-o, faim au improper relation vith a lady of taule, an acrquaiatanco of bis wlte's, and Ittit tis direunafnco bcd awakenedl the buroness jealcusy. Titis' aileg!tflotr, houw. citer, vaswarunly 4onied by -ilioe6a roness1 'herseif, by thé baron, and by moitera vit. net,îMe ,ir The jury only deliberated flvë j inat»acnd t-len retnrnod a verdict '1 oflo g uit-y, vhiclt vas receivcd wit lhoud ap- platelu a danscl>' crovded- court.- Theo . Titi Baron de Bambach imunediatel>' ruabed te is vife and onbraced ber, and thé at-tinoswhich t-ook pince vas siignlori y affocting.

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