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Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1861, p. 4

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* -y o-dur-i Nov. 29, mî~,1Jrt iras Worhip. fla of Mlïi." RIttd. Jonâtatn SOnorti, D. 1). -JDec. e, Subjet-" M1AuEnlRh Villag." W. M. (<.lalr i-, Cor Sacy. Ontario Llîerary to-2ru lorkk Yw"ltid, Esq., Bllumer at.l.1w b.20 s[1h4.t 11 Ia.f1w Ecelftans <of 8cienc." bimiel WiIfson, E q L. L.1), Dm" 5Stejct\."rtagileoin Treem." Wal- ter A. watts, lmn M. A. flilawry aud Effecte§." 1ev. ilobl. flunis4, D. D. Jan. 10, Snbj.<t-Sir Walter Scot itiad thie Mlatorlcal Notaellt." Thoint, as Dor-v eGeo, L.JL..D ,M.P. P. jani. 17, tîbet- ohRy.o1v. Aa k Jan.24, Sul.jert-e"Tlhe eonnettiofl <i ld mn Matar. or. lîîUin f the Spirituldi MhterlmI linu niy"-.D. Kellogg, <E1ýq, Jan. ai, "îj~~~Theo estn. and Preeîît ot p .&morlaaî liîisYTho-. Mosa, F q., M. A. Ye.7, Sbet"Woîndan, mandiebr trac nosIion l Dity"avid Tiieker, FsqM. N'e. 1-A L.ect~re illa n ot Mueivdliy. fJienrylYnkv .. -111 ix, vp1îilît-l*ioloy. t o w liti f3i j tt ra c'liî i node urt ol,. 20, Sjt hIdcéti.-irG'.Iey il ltî TORONTO'-AGENCY. 34, Kinîg treet Fiat, Toronto. Onu- FatilOh tl, Me"hîineLire rCentmoicîel fer thir ltup!ictty, finue iech.iiulsin. elegauraofr umod], epaeuî, ibtaity si] dorabiliiy of tha a-crie pçrfv~rmncdý. Theey ore the snain prliiii1c (eu'itit*mesp-'ai remeS4)asthie cueb1,rn 1ttulealu-r suivt île, u--r tl<u ly l3-!u00bva bu0ii sold inIIWt~ Vffluuh Sîles a*1muis Tiuy mre le i'iniîh thueIlib-t machIne iur dvrna 1îbe L,, tnId ai aur ie lîeîî 'l1peý nmlz, iý h abitîe r llktitliî, -hic-i 11 tlh,éè îl y m:tiiclu ihhutu%%Ill iiot iup or ruvel, uand' ha attire it hotli si lt-. b41k -linonl, aouli'i su 1<Cotuan. stu mw fruutîtî,- i r %p4 tiu, andut re lptý-rt o rsi-afr fin iuea e eshirt it<one htoîr fi tid i uu' ýl op mir Naitlucu it0or 6gmcme j qelneh i eqtuliuu-l 'iltt 1, êgirmet tit rhrt-cl bu I suil tlieaî. "-u' u iiguo b, iiîl hIeukre îuauîy %M Itl ha 111, il' 1uVaci-FAo-îLe 0Wui t-)ui6e far their oceitoai ho mi b nloued tile asîie.- -esalîlt na if tiliùu orulur riotnt114ke îf5unem Ou~r Kanufa'cturiiig Machines Are tlue ietr i i n%1acmthe ceîabr.td eintgar's andl qi ievquutul in ii ifui>ut iîul iu ilie work perfurtmiot. lui î 1 tuie Iesaine i.mule of iulnauutfetn iîug îidvuba>tît le grant it e-tie.il "Il. sp rty ciltltesan aiunýe' j$ ref t hîuxb0,0i0 ibpe. 1No Titil ru Shoe uiufaturr, -î- -fu, Stellr, tcriueTrinîunur tr I.,u Mlter, cia sfloi-d to doim Itlu'eu t i;gn. .A' Thom"and Datharis a % eur la about the avsuraige prAî1 nlt-î ly Iue o<fout. -. OIu prlcfgeiru toI luro ,c-r leur0i lv.er thpin thumusaitil -ed --ii s e)lli t. '-1i a ,?o<-i f te, plsNî1, oteomnu itiul, 12 inch, 75 ; 1,.2, o un mu tard,191 inch, 85. "-1 -Uteru iline le i aniel, nsud ccihlliea b-pI -u Irepa4 ic ne er ith-'otcluemi liropol'. 1 -'2Iati. Prlnt 1dIrs lZ ivenl. "icy fl . - o sole <eli-ecreulfree , cf' lîsme te i neurest am 110 VhE M ANlIFUrhE NeehItisi 0il, Cuîto'îu iiduLinemiFhiet, 031k, Twist. Enutitu>' W liaeie, sondevary thor nminai *W".AGENTS NWANTED. À- 111omiri' tutcle au'drgsseelta * ' ' OmieuuilAgent, (F.orthe 1.-al 5 yaies aitb a r.Riaa LeA-i A. '. Smiitb, -B, Y. Sîutffvrd. Traveling Jas. H. Gerrie, Druggtst, &e~, Wtîit'iui Ag,.lt fer tho hJuuuty of Otàtnrio. Aupitt14, I&L 82 - - '-$4~ t~ '¼~~ * -~ - k - FA RM FOR SAtE'.' TIE sbsoriher afferis for sale lot No. 2-Nla1i tht O91th C'on. of the îawilihilP rw iy eontalnlihg,.rO Acrel, more or lait'. Abolnt1A cl.ed almin ua egood suato of cllttlv8tin,th reniaindfer bülig oavored W;.tll goitd hardwood tinabor. Thé above tmlýiont of die htti@ t*iî' g Pl ed hoioree thetwe leadin rot ' Wo1dlitbT udgwspeinq aO1<Tad valtege for marlectlîgr o e. ThoeéIlon th.eniia ialfeffie bars%, Terris $2000 ldownthe rail û rtteaimt the 'pu reh aope rFor jlilerpri kr ai pP'yen thie preil6e% tu JOHN MCLANE. WIJITBYF1?ANc'Y MART 8 RO0CKM 8T RJE T, Aigu. 0f the large -ROCXING, JIOR1SE,ý SCHIOFIELD'S OLP STAND., HUGR PXLITZ, Proprîetor, Kli.d Publiceliten ta iny tsle, A nalmark e Iioals I have fil- sale, And wlieîîyourt lhruuîghthue lerftliy flst, Aîîutler hoîîr ihoîld tnt ulliei'il. WiVthont a vii-l <of Inspxeliol Urila iii'lleliiti arlceétllestion- Of e<cary lelîd Ki-id mort of toyg To plea" e y<'r hmpp irls Ciînà çg Tova tliat whîît sand are wit4oyn, ,Allaof tlivir.tinrit-l> t lP len-i lelng liiditî inl.uhor, caîî't ha brolen. Wl ilhy pv rosav Ilho da *y tInll I pen' my Store,- Thlera e ectCW iSur Iruisiies, tmmd luade, And eoeih,., nnd 5mev sosps, mlaiqti% *e And liallm n uiinluts, lenittlir gand netting, T'erfumcrý1 tb lerc ilfrclliuig, And Jodils 1letand ix e nd ringN, A-,d flftyv nlier khtidit fhîtbýrs, W hiich fadie noad auîîdalwa' gel., Who îîucke thi lanie5ilît toîît.. l'va baslieel i, hoarde foer eluok and cdueas And 'doinioc, ast you nittoy guliea, Wlth CîrTds for plai end *ontvart'iilni,- ()lx gîsssfor the ation, 10 Tob i*ple)-cd eno<ceion. Brclct', #"ageCndIioInu nlIitdna For Ilas t nd l i il teudaîiils. hI ooîfeclins, tooi, 'm well supplii, Ani tiieme whîaî oliv e tliey hbava 11000 ried tVihl give îîxy cosliuînCrs sui lelftîýrll, 14Y *OMI08 lm t pyrosper M-11110e11 lro Sweetlneals, and cakes, suad pics, aid wanies _Wtli lozeuigt ,'s,eihl draps coulu"brunicaie;" Couîfits, lt1noa-rop, cnd ericelers, loh ore Iuts inl drackers; lkmii, e4gýad f1mbl, Aipiaa', ui>,a4potur. tM OIasuit, Stationry tou Ir. Mety, And ecu'nelopei- nusne .et.hon twemty 1I Slateu', nsd jeencils, pe<n sund hodersl, l'art 1marn11ileq, luloteri', jet er folers, Bxafor tc' ille Rîci.uu'llaks, And torl, Aà&,itoy-waoaIe.ln ýwhiiçlbgood lho aglory. ,-j hava tu-siduis, 1 do dehsla, AI! t1luhîgs ;Il iv, îîî& willo.ule Ji1at, diclios , bpriits und lpuuiiuerm, Mnlhlrs, relliiglhiis, ndirotnodera. l'radles for thu;, n's cuibhi 's dtli., Cae b«ee fr irds, ;pré,îe su pieu; llaeLîets, the ehu,31, ilnnfl,îetnre, Tabaccasl ,ho, Thave a storc, CIro suÇtie >te, mno7i le, o , -î N li ue, too),ueanditixtrnn:ent4t, h4iig b,- îuîyself wittý-rare cctu N0ncA- t ha&t ina>' ha aepatâ~. Ioailthie goaiis1I dO5llplil~Y My cusbonacrtq to ;.c'eleise <try, li rçetici'over will bc Ihigli. Now i-lte le t'O e a coa tod lîeY, A nu for to gain the Vpublie fitear, Vld<o uy ùvery eidscvonr. whitley, Niay 7, 1 si1. 1 50 TOWN- LOT& F~ORRAME' TNTHTE 'IOWN OF WItITBY. APPLY TO 18 LOWES POIWELL eJOIIN-DA-W E S, AGENT FOR VANDEUSON'8 WRlM CONFECTIONS. n' ail fsiw y betterpr u-tlerwiae romîut< d' m t e1d . Adums rlad 3oki C*. W., j ~ Iuh [CAL .1OA1 ]P1jICAL GARRIAGE MAKEI#S, AN~D MANUFÂACTUBERS 0 IBROCK STIRET ,lW U OPPOSIWTH TE TOWNRAl E t~I tibsrbrreusapublicete -J' lo ta hi» ncw stock of superior tv's. T includo the followimîg nea- pattrnus: THE-ý,KINU 0F S7-01-rS, Tf/E -PRINCE ALHERT, DAVY CROOKET,' PRO7ECTIONISTI GRAND TURK, -IRON D UKI, -calI and examine?, JOHN BRYAN. 62 trock îrecat, W'hîl-by. YMU S'TJBF, O T of Auut 'uwiî ho tujbauî it~ - tbe foi- l :Ttat-luoit'a-î t c'atr lidingand u-TlMJli" htrntiuîg ofillaisi9ititgalrge On. corner lot an Brock iStreet, icar the marktl. -ALSO - F.,îe sud a luelf acres ont Cocb)raiue Strect, jugt ouitslde thie Tua-n lirnita The l-ainrhut oflaunas Il. (lerrie with six lots, <met bock t as f Mr- J. Il. 1erry"It rasiil-eca. Thi*-ii;tlhe inunt belautifuîhhv sitnat-- 1 rmo p er y for a prh'u-ee rcesd neeainolhe Tow i.! Aperfecttitîlo celîl bu gîven. AppI>' ho fi. A. JOSEPHI, ERai, .42 Front St rect-, Toronto JAMES Il. GERRIE, 21Wlty M1onoy to Lend on Irnprôvc4 Fartni. T AS F. BIWN, Brkr, 1,nd, 'ctae ni] ?j G-merai Agent, 1 Mesonlo 11311, '1';routa Strrct,'Tormît n202 PFARKFOR -SALE. Canada Agency ýAssociation,. * anilly Drng Store, Dntnd&sa8treçt. BIBLE DEPOSITORI At Mr, JAMES AIWISStore Wlb. féund a Valuabla Sappl>' of 81 BLE8!& TESTA MENTSqr *Adafiteul for Touthindt lhu'ucof Riper Yaurmi; ine( sorntly hou-d ; saitable for preseutie; adteul far tie use af Siiohahli School-%, -titftun 13-lte o met ta wntwafdivoreified i egesand tacas.Prît'ptattention ho ibis Notice la Oictuler lithli1841. 43 W AN T EID! I O (011) Ã"F (101) l'II D WOOD. DONOVA-Z, WALKEY &-Co. HOUSE TO LET. TITAT TWO.-STOPY FA'ME aie suitlcely 1>niiuce uih1 telesm. W ni. A1îply to Wliitby, Juîlir17, 10111. 2 V hidi h aaiei<'w aun 11 n1h lh a4 s.tan iii osie. ai)muc' bnu -I uwaminted goat tlnlepr'for 8. EvcirYv article itt tha Inifet priera. JAMES JOT-IN.STON, --, - - Trocie Street, Wldithy. Ail of thé above work executed with n- eatnes and, desp Ail work warrentedCali and maeccimens, Rent.mbe~r tUe adcl.e. 43DNOA( W iI ýtch. COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO, ..... 3RIJLINE1{Y-ÂND. 1ÂN4E Now replete ;With &Il thé NOVELTIES 0f THE SEMFON. Nos. 1 and 2, TILL'S 13L0OK, wHiTBrY. DIVISiON COU'RTS FOR TUIE YEAR isfl, -0- Jauoucy............................. ..... ................ ........................ Mr..................... ................. J ue.............................. ....... Jîiy.................. ............... Agiu................'..... Sauane......................... Oe:bcr..... ............... .......... ...... lOieie............ ............... ............ LONDON, EN'GLAND.; A xeseptrcierîre(l u oinetg ruite -Loanmn 8ah1tpotr A en. olre tOplii prove d i s" e Thto moncy ctitulbeobtiaiulas unuon atg"îhe rroparty lius beau tvaluoul and the titia hma eecî r o n s o f A p p î i r i o n e nî d p i i r i - inetiou i tpy lu A, IROCHEF, litger, t' 't A Or tel 1V1,ulue lbeau ulîpoilite4i Vtt11,itîr for the Associationli t wh'litby. - 22-tf The' Celobra.tedt Gornan Oit eff. allcy (if ti rîvtîubeft lyd, tîmil fol- 1eliiulive beeesli'et4u'1 Il iveus e-I uir "il thla et six ye:îra, caiT 1111 %titiefliiii hnit it iî-%nîînllel tr Iiectlig etihif aml cieiiru frost bites. le t-4(lfluu',y l equuully VI "utiltiiuî 4lu 1111111 ior To A.K-4fw.ueu. EeqFI4', F'Ieru t)'F-. 12, lqeiI. lnbju'tî-u Zo vcuti uiîl aic t, aluty I owu Ithe ruluibiîe, 1 tliî*îkI i ri<lit t" ifrimiinu:l CrelbroitetI Gîretiui ()il. ic lîttîl%! irl gol.s+c- verelv enuidi if if-li'b o, ihnttlber. recuvery wus ult4 il bt ifter'thîe truC t plienuiitn of your oh,ele 'got timili lhueto rrlh' eýnt unliltu a genitîe uiîtil ber. 'l'vo itiplhicitiolef; repc-uule, cuIraI lier cn a1ulela A4îîl<l'ele ow pqill 'MATI'IIEN V IT,>(J. Ilîeleriiîg. Janiuiry 17, 1Iii. fi il <ttiroot hittlleî, il wfl-' bld t le pcyoir M)1 lîiviuîg doeeMo, 1I snvi"lintny gret '.TIIOMI'SON. sIoc reil rom at hiul ruullui2 lorgerafuir laîo icuirswith'oliitit ni 'io i, ii e'lîie'a lu try vaulr <e ohiieiuil, -l nIdliow r'ohplue Pesa Sî';Ouor al illi tbemi tliceainïuuyl scvliug 'lie lirc f imTi lîttle iov« ', <lite of the ttticulîromen iii te fnicSlt i I>l)y3 tn,-ËEver,ýw iereali l oer the world >aîr jufy cularaaîlf4rîiu Oui l ué.trves lu bce kîuu5wiu.- IL nîst lproie ac bleetiîig luilin- kîlid, I iive truceil it iit the Cuire filî.nte, brui- ses, 1froet 4ites.&., sut lei fl otte et lonig fitanîlifi 1h)uucnever fileýd ho affect a cura."' Tro bhalînol t - ltrock .'treut, Whilthv. Aia iT t .11LI te e puul tulletof bluiiaemliv N EW YEW4ljl.ER«Y T l ii îub.ri4ur lin'e nottw<un liuunl, a full a IFIN1\,F GOLD J IVWELLERY Rings, Broocheg,- Loekots. ]Ear-rings, Nek, and 'Vest Chiains, &e English DiLver, and Swiss W»tches, WliicîuItiîgereîhyilueil-iconw- ENGLISH AND AMVERICAN Plated Jewveflerv. Jet Goadxe Spectacles, Iiilver Plated Fories, Spoonsx, &C. .Tust raceiraul a large imiorlient of . n1N.2Ï I 29 30 i 8 29 5 in 17 2 27 283 2 &0 3i 17 Z. DURNIIAM, SWlitlY, ,Jmn., i1so1. Cautitia AgaInstCosatef'ettC. *Me hîjlrb ePittini-rctlu-nth'e salf, of -site. l'e. 1liliitiiiu fil ileiîtwiSllur illln it fpenx ulsri. yioines u' iiri uil Jreniculi, ?<iu-es. i'rru-yle-u icîi aasi -, auSm U-itaig lutirt meîiintia ui tount- ;~arc ummme4 ieuiidrttiO ah Miitiue vrfIL .& i.. iier-etf 15e Crahl 11dit' iu-eicrum aiiit Deirive Es. vrneand sitht-jr cause. iiie. aMsiaki tihecud'the aie- duc i. j, hhuuenithie lIotte.iu t uietle whui'h ixh.feinv; ait, in maudiissu.ail iii<,y<. Psr'Ve initte s. cuu s Ae, his-luoa. sat a ile ber jane <fie oild will he-litrced hy a lîmssi= 01îf.le hrt lu cciii lasui.lieufmm iher mm asi atinfull;fat andt evrcy l'aulein acel lue IhcI* le e (oms$Luol a (4 smsec 1b pamephll. eurlel iJiuuauts m4fruccthe 1-t Ert-m, a-thic iîsimuc-uminîhe pouçc hiared Ch? the MEtee. I. JeI..1u'yti &C(. cre, oîîlv lt.)le cSw ,utlred a iheur r,eciiie. Nn. 19. Ileifure Si-cl, L.inu.. duo, as îhi-'n ai-c-s, instir -ucii-orruimtaiieee. navet. Piller' ai t i retaul. ast i iuhe-eh>- caution uthe l'oIlie agau i uîny peeso ul ssg ite sanse. Tb6zwtétest Medital Dimeowtery of' the AuIe. '2 Jtulge. 4 i NEW TRFATMENT i EthTAlhLEtuli F1TOIt CURE or I)yxuqqitu, <x'.'.ee.uî Pclily, I1'crî'ait! .-lO 45 ruF44 e, It'uee, Fu-7e4 da. Qu'e1~a STAA E m h, Isluarc meGluaeamiof, tRoyal - DR.AM - ItSON ,48 A1,7ur leumucc . fre d ptAr uistéra iFst fq il.d ofAT Z, ' 'mir tunduîiuc uf til prnel froe n 1 oettî'l,. b uletîîiJi< îîi tii iii, Uerys g aund iiptuî tti i nt easc. t-( ln du e mil,4t-uuuu h>ilol utj iars to p wds uf lvr'eltèîisr- sud cucslu I prute tica an liuiiiifl. YOt'NO theS tAKe Ptb vttCtri )t ye0'C'fre îtamfe imi un <ti Iihil suit'tliîîsmaiîlIs ll a i I-ie Chuetou, ii zohu muga cîeu lsltt [ho fbiuîîiîiîu i iu tîuiuusuu hut re, tatlu' en illico tafhap iiu 1r l iîoili uci îî dvns uitti îftý uC iîîî i llmdmIl" $l.0-rlt a w Iinuosaa-o g vhoo ti erii- oîOufrueic rc av roîbe iconseqocuiesof sttii 11 t4 irvn tti] i 'î r3alll tehu ai tt exc struone eneies inîcc ,'uîîîtil fchatiO, ca.1n 1,fearsltaofmthe, taiesA. Il for tii. Il se f tdie 14ltti at îo -flicern. fair trial' $ions ln m arit Ithe.Worl Itna>'h. 1111 lly tëeteaf< by frsrt'bng a correct detaîl, icese, with a rcimiuîttnc for Medicineu AMO ~S <) '4 aiiu ôrheg" S treat, dloora West f'tilaaSreluhî andeur qshme.t fnIa touttls in e c. ae Ehorifi s Sale of Lands. ýitai of iutrio, h' Y virtu of ta-o Writs 111 WII t 1 B of ilri Yscli, lspu f Ilue Conotycort ilii ue CunT-On- ah n W Iil,' anal to fie dirtù1i, anmhn Lands el Teuemuut 'Nattîcuiluy s, udaLnt. ct thue unît af air Ieui PavN ent tl od Jaromc Toluy, rînittîfls. 1 Insee t ul n îkcî 'um i-xttc-uion U dluthi. ahe ne et-f tlle tauid - Natliuî,itl Jiac, ie Àllt tuhu-. uilr thuasa antrtin oeriiuhacnr i-ract, fan phy THE BUFFAIýI.O ni MERý,kNTILE OOLLEG, il XMIN , SENECA STREETSP , 1% iinimiportiintlirik ii ie 1National Chain or Collegeis, lootediii t ,NEW YO>RK. PilITLADELITT1A5 DETLPUNY, lWAO ANO ST LOUIS Ase Shlrsp tualfroni the luiffil- Io College, will bagoodui i tn y aloor iriiur- cubher fuir utniplet;nrzt luse 7tra or t,,r revi.w,- ing e ui îy tiru i lemcfter. The Desagn afthse anstnatitliniylso imputjrt.tua youil;ig n audantildies1, c tulmoregh 'Fhe Course or n-iruetrnf, le 50cm rar.gîielu t.combiîne T/iu'ry iiîih J'riee, coul tlliamebr meCîmme t o the #sîUd'enl, a poried hiiuuw- vadge ofeeenTts.- Bool-keepîngil ut01 i.itîiîtueil(on mnere-i l.ac *'uutiui-lA1ilhîiiriec 1it01e-.1 mnuiuiiilip, tire t.îttiglut in the meluet lî Undtlimi liraetuel mniuîîOl. - The Spancerlutn fyawtc nior Peuntn- shlp, le talîrlut k'yW. l.. i~er Schoîerhlp, fîîill c ay'i'lytihe iiinf- vcîuce, ~tu liejilelît liflipuiiut Ii1EIJ. (4%llBR'YANT For hirtIiar' intîîrmniiî,1Iîeite, cAlilt thie (3nlleLpeRolm iîiir sei ull o ir Jîtî <uawcluI(ir- BRYANT & tI."') D)0 VOL W 41 ST A Brillant andGCheap Light? 'Of theue urv bei4qulit.îy.1 pa- gallon, 2,-Il quilit 290 tant,. BEST KEROSENiK *1 25. A Alarge soesortuiiîet f STATIONERY 0F AIL w< Px - EO. YU[.E, Jut., NextIour* titi. ost Offie. -Withîy, A1,ril lotit, 1061. - FlIRE AND LIFE 0r. ENGLAND. Roya LaîôuýraeîceBuligLcro/ N.29, Lrner teLontdon. CAPJTAL e TWO MILLIONiS STERLING, AND) LAEGE RESEII.%'I Ftl;I)S. FIRE DEPARTMENT, by is mr?, o theicact ,rsellu iflg Ci I he AU eipin t l ree r tv sJau il. wi' utIi e l in av iu l irlihclî everu lIolOji b YoU NG M'EN w aviou 1 cim, getihrilly <'ntd 1 ec,,e'sof hich lre( lossomnellmnet a rit! 'asn, uinah thbe lt, 014f , ia bqf 14» lia ave; receiitly de il vuitîe4ýi ico eý;(tIt cal-lici; of e V fIlf irgîtorîs 10inlEtripe andl l-e tofithbnltu lih.l muer~lcarcel, dry3, ei«tl il i dreucstliieh buas 1, it fuollt r.p » Fui ni Prtc'uu iv$1p-e'1Liç . Tit e 1<-ina the fihuîîey ultc 'inarr b1lit Pr.e m "*) o l'oirirm te$ciie r o. Ti letra iî Pnt 15Y matil r rt of thoa*ic'ttul it is co nituui iu.ti cdl, utOder tile itItnu The Oonfeui p UBI-SIIED f' ut th'ime e seo iiire, Iby sit a-mu h-tt togeit tp «ulclouho e Fowler ane )e angd lm, Pau!ntlostiým, CIrg ciru rqei.-teuî htoia' PIIRENOL( WATE Rai FE C £2OO,~ j- - Incoino :14.1 34 i litiltcvloie c. flO~ 111g2. - mit pAtdo lemmn. T M.ILLa-V f I-ceei -Par )uni. Wlttby, Sept. 17, 1861. 9 6 STAG-E HOU-'E, MNILLA. ISÂAO FENTOIN, B EST Wluais and-îiqnomrst uiprir-acconi Mnadctluufo)r. rveergooel stabling sud ttentive hoatilr. Y lis 1 'IN, / S 1 ept. 2n'l' ]S'il.

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