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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1861, p. 1

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'-~1 2~p~ ~ ,Natbauw Tecfy fra VOJ4 . WH-Ir. ficalmerat hâd1 - hic'heaat m iHeur>'s - r ath aleveaid i aiNJ43 a.hevc -B3IICK 1 BLrovk. aa L o liCa e- -l A., ST1IR EJtT1A- i (lliatter>'fora WhlLhaa.« -47 ,VA, CANAD A >WN Â'IOP tl Le t la i' ettai 40 N, SON. ;Y -AT LAW.. SitraC'.WiiV. NTY t4AIIL, 4 a Wielgi TIiY, itiel retro rlit. E L. - %VXCT0RIÂ IKOTEL. raInetl£All5e T. WIILLIAM sc<>tr, PIMP1RIETOR. (Latte y Wn. liytoaa's.), 27 Tiiôrc.aîta, Jaîiy 20, 1861. 1 OC. ýW. SNMITRI,< .(F LONDO0N, F(iÇlýAND, AUdlTTOt 7; aat Vhllnineur, Oliawa. Ciaarchilp, Clapa-oi tiaaa &aledgut. ad 24Uaprla p) kOVINCIAI.Loui AurvipymCaî,aivil Eni- eta-cre aa l. an ta, 6te-aaax tiner tu lia. fik-d'ia, Clamrola St., Baawanaaiilte. C. G.1 Arixat, a .r- r. . E. IL. itat, P. -L. s. te- Pesacripiioaas è'ý14r ha tsdrawn np ý short anotiac.-U~.n WIIOL USALE nit tail Daalot lt Brillit YVanal AntacaitiSatianery Ocda, Writ iaag', .WrsKtplg, Alla ionm Éapera, Sclictl. Bolt, ilîia,1r, &c., ma aaîfaaLîarar of IlataAcçoejjt tBoa 'ltaelranaas, &, &e,~a.17, linar strcet Wcat. (atte ýilaIara. A. IiG Araaaurr & en.,) Toroanto..1 Toraanth, J aly Ba, 1 861. 29 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, arOpposite amitilon & RoitertO4,...mi n 1oMItIfCAIa TRAVELEIIs WILL FINI) %-,/ it cenvnient stepp'iiag a-'t tit tam a tu-y e-atm ltarei aam lt h 1giser liBok Rapt ut Jtlae bar thaérouteis tatietaIl)- tholrprdccsr. Tiie pra)paicLor takes týaiia oeaaaaian tr tiaank b is natacroata patrons anadlfritida lfer ltit lieaaaaîaciiore t clasb il csli A -Wlaîtby labnerliatre At.>ge Iheaataîwea.lJ11a lit ,tla Goëd Stahllîg, nal attentive Ostlerm. wlitby, Mey IMO.. - tit 1E TiRItAPINq. rj iE PPRopIRTO-7iis OF TËîI, WÈU. -L -known Sulon,t, area now ln ocealration of the'olai $f. NICHItLAS. irgni-reet,l roronto (lîa-aaarly kept by Mr. limaley. The preatalaca haave botu etawly renuoa*t-tedthrenghoait, anta littnd i'l-)Ithe efatst tyle. Evairyrpreettrauble daliacsy !l eeason. A igaür divan*fltoal aap se- tîarately itto which.ncniebtit that latt Ibraindia arc pcranitted te ctetr, ue CARILISLE & McCt)NKEY. GraýndÃŽTruek Raitlway Motel. (.ýmuEA Ride tof Railecp av ) ,PM4l'n ii*b..) 'l E UNDERSI(4.NFI) BEGS TO- tNFtailM T A laMt.enliqand the puhle, thaat it iow li poisessioaa hh lbbb fftel, tebslet ofwietha ewill ita ttaîraicarrytan on bis;imai aceemnt. Good Llajna.re, Wiues anad Brandies, Excellanit taablilia.--ita'ftnlattention l'orstiaa anad aat. ýjaSEPU RUBOTTifla, Wiitby, Jan. 19, 1840. * rlier.1 iyu*S1tÀTboN M TL UOi)T- j)F 1)1Y $'.SEtM) RS î1 realieoUin itd Torontoa. Board, tlvr lay. llaalsitita C d attîl &T L-AW, A - LUTON IIoTEL, tc w - MAIIKET SURTttlttNT,- 811tat latici. Et-cay lttention pal-f t-Ioîthe otnCaa CÂAA BRIT-11811 AttIEItICAN ûOI'EI, Les au ralOtS OWtG,(ateltilaiafotl k'triitýreî,5 Wliitby-,)P ropriutir.fBéâat uaea nal reatoale lliqaaesSuuirio)rt cecnaîedatiot nt-var. 8. 1D. CRtAWFÃ"JRD, M. D., UR t)J5, EM BEFR a«fthé talytil Odlealé ' fSiuleons, roek.. Ad- liitEtaglanal. LioeitLaita or the JI>ualin Ly. 14 Jgi letil>tail. Perry's Bnilding, Byron St. Wluîya Sept. ,16,8 tUERdia., BLACK'S JIOTEL. nata ait ji,- toi STRIEET, ýlTýIF Oné» tferJl a nad Daitd 8 tireeta, 1Vxàbpl. rrlLE À30VEWELL KNOWN, AkND CEN- .. raîity-aîtmatai laothl laas,blaoanewiy fitted aap, inalrevotated it a mnsca etfcrttabalcmn- ner by the premantaaetitpaaîaV. Noexîacaaa se haen tpariad te inamaie te ail gtusta anal aleitera Tlae bet brlda e Wof aaliqnnaa anal. Ca- a llac ta convetiant leds, goed atablta andal tt-ae eP.ir Titis iotell iAttiattal laiuh tcly itéon l t t Tpwitaof' WhItbý- atd ia IhIha feunal toba- tht, meut eonveiara t sppirg placefer fat-aer. ana travellars. braiga. - THOMAS DEVERELL, -B U-ILDER,&. &;.,GREEN STRERI', loc--în H W. -W ODWARDè otiace, (IMMISSýION i M$CHANT, lNSURANClÉ cJ anal Ganeel Ag tat. Otle-Lteay otici- letver- pied hy James liodarsala, Wbittly, 0. Wý 40 nt n of tTratde Toroto;- W.0. u1ekonto ,~ W.WMRteo, eq., Ma-11arQeeeo ýBatk, aI NTorto tp- aauiaht nbeaa1: ton kotlhIoai- acereni inimIl. Met4M fiMiBanko1- BektreatiNiouit-eal; bu,.%a. Matitisaid, Tyhea d& - ~allethleota.Tcrante mast5. Aiiderýt, Evans & CaMca Waa btr. ¶Price &Son,Qne- bai e rost-. Il. J. Noattd &Ce. 52hI - 1<W -18 TUE TIlE. -- GEt ý011)t L<EN!i-.3 AT J. A. Clark9a lit Pe-ize Piottar. Gallery ilot], TF You ciaiire a correct anal lite-liRe Auaihao c type, CUa imeýe Ltc-g-p.or leaitliera t ti TI-saata, on al 1e n aira, ,4-et fircactior ibie.- Rinwg, fot-J. A. C. cen do it in thra -'hat style, .7%t-. ~ ail abà ortnotice. - - WILKSON'S- BLoCE, TW 88' o ck rt WAUi&. S.-R.COCRU.NE,'L. L. B.. GMfSON *&UINETR1, p ROVINCIAL LAND &1RVEYORB, a. )raughtamen, IlAgsAe, oatyaneer% &o. Pansanaldaaecripions drawn %. Wîid aideO lu d,5olifl« tbwflaalip*. GERQ. GIB801Ç, E.I9hNT, w1 coodvilla, l3sverton. IRUSSEI'IS 1-1OrTEL4 11ildaal.agned ?rilprletoaa e the ahov . naéd HTELheu ro,§poelhlly te Ioaoprizat tlaair friaaada atud pntre,9111titt laý ey ato a ra.aigIay raanoatealt)acr Ctabliittaaciat tdariaag the wlnler, *Ihl6lat nubien tlit-iîIl,,w to> offï,r tu thte Mambers of lià igahtaiaid t-htTra.- iaaling 1Public atrcia avaapa Ien.1 nîddition to the apmrtnicnts'tIhcv h;ad hast *in- ter; tlaey >ate n<.w Parlors a; a lit- o a : laarvu aa ia.jnaa aefte loataI. wljaa,r iika afort andxa taavaaitaacre naau sadlai heî!iy. WVM. IRUSSELL .& SOIN. 1qaarlcc, Iarc h1al,18. - FOR SALE OHEA?» tre t, ntheo Cior â T OW lO'FVW IlI*T B Y fo0ry cy acnped 1w CIIABLES 1'IEIISON. TIi ore bhlf an acrea(;land attaaolicd oiwhielh i-i aho iste atran cu t~in withe .w'eliîng. W. fi TREMAYNÊ, Wlaitby MaaS , BarriaIcr,, &C., Wlaitby. hibi'I2 1861. 19 Protecéti on EmgaIî lt; oma ad amage hby pire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY CAPtAliU£10010V RASt1lNCE eéaected, on 14iidiea and tinier I. oatants. 1Everv Itnforntaati<eaa saapplicd ona Appliation t' lit tladoraignoal. 11. .,JOHN A(iNEW Traavelling Âarent, 1I'rou Sitrcct, W1iitby New,Tailoring Establishm~ent! SIMPSON,& FrERaUSON. RES PEGTFULLT ahnaaunce to the ii habitantscof Whid1y'and snrrounding ountry, t4it they have'openéea Taflore4 Slaop on I3rock Street, ojapositô the "Ortarjo IHotci," where -al orders entrtanted -te thena will be done with neatnesa ahd despatch. <Whitboy, Oct. 2oth, 18t9. fina. Whitby Browery. T flE Stib.acrabert-.aare now pr -piare ca l fr- . ihtepattron,% ofthte WahBrewery aaatl an excellot aairticlc an aech qaantitias as% rnay ho reqni-ed, aaadebu terme te ta miit pair- BottteatIleqic cInatai tht, litai-ted l ttt. . ICLARK & Nt 4 1ýtVAItD. JXEMO VAL.151) 15;1J 6-4w A M. P AR Ã" 5c1;!N leNreluarniaag tliinka;tot the P1>abîlc for tnae l- I. h1rtipatronjagze lielias, rectaveal taitce oi a.îcacing baataaac,a an Mr. CailaIWell'm lhock,Oel leave te îitiana;teilhat he bas rt-nioî cal bis Ain- hraatype a, llerya te te roine ocver the torL- e Meacrs,. Laaacg,-. Powelli, lSctret, %whcrc- lie lai praapaaruil to fiariaiïýh À~8dadLik.eaqaat li tiac beiisyo Mr. Graa-caa's promint rtinsti re iglatealifroui tha toap, are va-ry ap;tltain, aand epîiiaiiul tht apancsfrtaking tha zaotplrfeet iî8Liik nommaeîsa of ail kiuila. Wlitby, Mlay 2b, 1360. FÂRM FOQR SALE. TN taav e wnaaip of Ilartton; lbinzti c .1 ortaartdr la t1ý C-4in the 2bd uîoa- aiaaaa, coittauîaiîag 71) acres, witia12 dwaaUiing houmas, baarn anad staedIaa,41Hri iag alitai, wood- taa i atha&c t -cn.Tlatre are .. is 2 wella a eplEaii ri, anda anever-fiii)iing atrasan wlaîch erolissthaefarin t», I Ilatttfely nIL aaaaîd on tuhe Kingetota andl Torcanto road,tlare muae-s fret» Oslîawa., tanal ix trmi Blownaanrlle. Tis la an opeaaiîgsaldom coffarea, l. 'le par faL. }'rice Moerata. Térataàts easy. For par- 1il tlaraâ&c., aiol.vto E.R B A.WAPD Tretitos, <C. V Trentotn, May 14, 180. 15 '-VWILLIAXM KlAUJFFMANN RVJEW &'\LAGKWOD £oxiIEN,?CE 17LY51801& For any oneacf the four RevIra....... O For-any tme of Lb four laimi- S00 oraytieof tte <er Raviaml...7P ocIltkodaMiagatziiça.à Fer Blac'.kwoo6d undttal catevlte.6 tt la-r Jlaeweel aal it- 1~vievs 7 Ob orItcaea ama Lhrlevews ..t 9 00 or)a*aald nl Lofueer Itaview-s ... 10 Mt c mat~rem .aa* i ft, Sbafe ueo iaaatajaWn . CLUB3IING aA tiAmiiaaalt cf is per catît. fa-ca l te alove îi-kamic ilho alowed te Cebs erderiniz four or inrt amnaepivm efaaty ccc or mûtrae t the aboe. mot-s. Thautat -"oa-coapies of Blaelawood, or aad enbe ltut-laýw wilt bai sent te oea.dahres e r tu; foure r aaecftotlnr %itel-iiéand if tk maoidfor 4$ aad v n . [-~iaatiiers atiioldala.a ho aiaaleI to tîte laimtbe., LEONARD SCOTT i t»4 11 - Nao. M GeldI st., Kiv ok LICENSED AUOTIoNE1ÈRS, FOR THE CýOUWrY 0F ONTAXTO. MostG motrspactfally 10 return -tîteir aiu- cet-e ethaualas lethe nailastif theCotan- tycf(arIe, cr tite LAfi-IeriianpIort thesy hua rat iIrnj2 I tral, em, anad waatklaadly aolicit a farthir-.aalntaation oft'.isainie. Ilaviaag a l.icaiaaýfor Ofiat irole Ueatýthel , avar-a 9rcr- 1 tn etteanilt11prA-itawiti.a apaL aado TI1(J. .MYRS, (rueeabank, l1. 0. WlahP. 0. - DRINMIES. T ti 14bm>erlinas fo ear t ala i It.Tue Varal 4hom. Wlaitba, (ianîaaeaitly Eeft o lat.G. ttgton's; Faiia) a qtaaatity cf Drain, Tl,,al l za, anal at moderuta pricen. T'ha' flics have broi preoaîncod Dy cempetet tada e ta. cf thae cay ha-t quality. 1,000; ,ies I9:iI lay T70lieds. Prieceligt farniahc- end nrdcrs tala.» iy Matra laillota & EnhartaWlatbt. JAMES sMILLIE. Deccanler, 1860. ~49 J)ENTISTIRY! DRS. CALLENDEB1 & CARD Musgeofls, Deetiittr, c. , lIicimiq ovC Mr. Carleton Lynde'3 St0ore DUNDA!S STIRET, WIIITBY. T EMVIIfild in tht rnns5 uectmariner,t Tii s i et te tia adt wI t eappo.ovc4 IN CH daite tht i Oua- UaraI beurieuatha yer oft(Ii sala ('.et l4th Di At the MESSRS. ajlay on 1é th waaith ne li .t th bsit -Ol've or, tilirtja laiattend- taRa tihargai ofteamnu. JOËHN WARDi, 1861. 41 tIhé Mortat-. 42-l'y PBRT Y! aker, (bh- bill,) anald landl John (Jraw- mrtiea li the Mas- Detandarata. race ofi tho Court of tuai, eae, herinîg ýttra in the yealr et t-dia- of'taaCent, o f 0(t#-aler, in- the aqeaire, Mtastrufthe hai wtIlatI ý1r)hait rember1 1861, TUE à(ENORY OP mNNODo. AN ENOELUXIlT PEW SONO. ÂAI-2%àe LOmkng.Glaaà ( From Blackwooah.) ho nen an tln, revive -ilaoaettmnes think I Bta ale 1 Or gbod et4friand Motnhoade! Ilias içw*a, m1heià ortia st Irât thal 4uimb, Appaaaed a lihtaèodd, 0Q1 BLtt ép* wto vénoticesA inei thet sainie; Tha e éc-etMail haeloveal te trace . w lendbhyeld-Miebioddô, Tâite.1A C b t(aWthe" ottf ia I- TII! r1rdtlC4Qut~i, qf Tl llepwla. ualPa lnd «racla Thpyk-umi swel'sMcibodtlo. -Tae tho)ig-hit Ihiat-Metn hall once haudt talla QwaaIad ei ljaagrn fall biod, 0QI Anld wy iaint Uîtetture fatlls, Was caled f ldc 014ltubtdde Iae glaoweil tiat tltng on tliei. -ap, 1 WhaiealtîýrmcyrmeWCpio, Oh Weuld Wear th',appeage t t ia.8taip Ascos s iNpno. AhI&M1 he ýndla 10;d lile knew, A% thl8sgtgue ruatl lha troal, Oh Tiautotiatr.4euonalhipatt l en, fAnd ]never »am l Mouedts i $Ueh i ks 'aaholaoalis" taeoir tails reatdreti, .And themiajnfcthe ï ub Vo cigU s 1 li .mtippare4 Tiaee5hDarwli n nayprjoelui theblair, An l*W-.'abrcaal,o!> Tie miati%tritatlst aecret asir, Tht Archtitaet pr.cedleiteetaiken -Of iiex nit baes the hoal 4;î 80 u 1 êaad aut taetna,'Iaaad of 'cakeat1 Wu'll vindiuae aMutobdou. The aiaattnatI"who.umld jrtdg Llis pratl"c, A Mowaacr them bt-eus rame, Tu o tir ç014 Moii badi,. bcatkey L. iiLaio sLnrd Konboat- ettfi jueittalo 1 My dIearyemuebuàigoa â Inn- the'sful eartboy.lt' a "r rna olî ie. iar'. foait her ,wlht tbr ortwoth 1141htted ei1 a eni chehea. ëôrj àb ati moùng IhAvaf t his'l ut6faJr lgh i atheind.. o l'bfe ibia, Pli nta tlha l ar y but min ovi- To h. he t 1 tht bll,-it wiltbe plefait to cet) it, and know that 1 am&aihlg for jota." For ttirec yes the lSOlp W45 piaéed lauithe, itte itdo dv eyy aght. People cftan reaamed il; anad, Il Aà brighî asm other Locke's littho windowr," beaea a favorite cayieg.- At the end'of tiaut tinle, 3'oing ÃŽenry vuc ofered a good ebance on boarda ala. iog-výeea, an-a le aesei'aed teaccept h. It cot hlmnon. lailew vltat à truggla te Part mit4 t hh bein- ho, .lo-t'd vith au ai. nMot woraipfnl affaectli. Bt! e, knew -thrt thet iane bai comei-ônen ho must go forth int e we'orid to do-battle for bicu. ceif and for bar; andl a sailor's lite mac hie acovçted oalt$ng. ilaIt satana ,80ta, eenry,l" na.lithe. motker, -when,, wlhh a tt-embling. uip, ah. pet-ted froan timi, Iaas if I mue liiput theit -ite iittle window. 1I chah! thitihe ometima!e I betar the souttliof' yont- footstepu, the clichk of tht iaicli, andl jour pheasant voice. O Henry',Henry, if 1 could bot lUght jotaover tua vatersc 1" 1 > t4 Mos.har, - ed vii I d that," cald fHen- rYý, poiastiaag te tht glnica.gIlesvelle, 't4Go. wit! ligW m ee throtaglitht clrr anad through tecaihan , -bail, axother, I caah think evar>' niglat thiat the, Iamp la in the. window that yeu cit,ataar il ; tittgorne body blessas jota fbr the guilng ray, and, abore,*111 that yoti are rying, for mne.>' Tht long voyaea as almost endeal, but anoîbar voyage iras tlened hefore iaat. The widow Ltockce iras taklen ill. et mith unfading ragnularity, witha feeble stp and tramnulons hraud, ai-itly thteaitaar *oe mata triamed the hit i aap. ta' placeal it un the window. Stl7ah, when the bond-. ed form coutilaie longer touer abount-tht cottage, mheu sha la>' helpiess a r t-bcd, and the neighbors came-in to care for bart she woult!Bay, 1 ut the hut l mp in tbê Irindow ; My Henry w miii h iikingotit.P Xioeht after uafrbî. andl es,, unaal 1... mdà ce thé taini&ter caid-."'àTell Henury ' viii puý a light ina the window of tuesver Sg ida e ooté8tëps thea*.1" ý 'iàd lle, oh 1 did mli. ira>' î1it Ï C*o bleu yon for ièWng mea1 AilM3 loug YUYRage 1 Ilýe theugln of the. ilght libar little -window, 1- have ceamati to seeai ctreaoeing aIong, along tlowli the. foot. ot thé~ bill, tilt it grea. brighiîer âàll rightpr s 1 drawmuerer. A 11ght tmn the.window of. heaven 1 Yes, mother, I wili îhink stitl yoitare waiting fol fté.156Itromilnot se. yom in tii.,. long years ; but I knëw the light mas biinn-. 1 cannot set yod now> buit I know the lighat la burning.- *-ili cotaie, aothet." Siow]y and revarentl>' hait tô tII4 hihl-sida agrave-yard, and thera hbaet ail nd~ placetl-in tht winaiaamcf Once ImoreliOa knet l~ where ha teft her. S-% but oh! hewm mchIm*AS on the window.8ill, eti that brougb.t the tea" took-hia aotber' e mai -Iueetiag'by the-hbeaside bw&r ,hlm, ha stuugit lier utmrted Iaimsthf, te a righteoucness. Froui ti 'out -ito the vorid, carr aacred mem oriail, but sei avrt hik mot-k led bina,1 and the~ lamp i the min 'l Pin', al nianloaiaat depandl.Tlaetr opr>tltii ntLs te«è hrancb cioLtoe aosant [ail, ro ghre ut-. îi isfitacîlai. Letthae Paflhitadthiî;i ai-used tàatb, thi L111% vieit heil. in tiane, heora theai»easaeta T'le ver, t1ilacPlateaIse cpoil thea ebiebrated,and mi- ilstly v~enîae tIeieiiazedibime, after thtic hattet ild1ni,t 'Tr rved rnetbods adoptealhy iual' the Prefaa.aiott. Tiat )peratricoli rair. calin 81, dca & Carat are se carefmlly partonaneat, si all am I tro»et t bnîeîathatnet only theaaatr- Ile alexre i asprecana-ed. ;h eiiacnt and coin- tai tort of thtverar of thelrartfioai teth la pri pir rncteti it thte amairetitî. lu tha duratuulity etorun Lb. inaeiail uneat. na Idteharaioîtyin the da bhcnliig etceler, lha. grestat stetlctouamii al bc a toetad.tu i'iarticular tteïntion giventute aca-t eadt regnilatlon kf etidrf.tu'c teetia. Pat-ntsboeld- attend te tliasa a vct-y icailortatat daty te their m offl.priaag. it b Ail oprations avarranteal satlstaetory. T- nadr remeonable. Consýultation frata Te 20 ~ ]FAIRBANKS &XMACPOEL GEFNERAL AGENTS, - t pic Comnmission Merchants & MciIlonéra dw BRO6CK STJRET, .WIIUITBY, C. W. £11 ihis p R pu t tASttend Ssoi nailr .ts ofo L. FAIRBA>;Ks, Jr. D. C. MCOJL Cu'ty ntri; Wl. L4ingt Il. nitty r 14noarre ta qa, Macoi-of hatby; J, w F. Buie Eôs llamzr Ontarilo Bflk 1) F. Burke', Osbaw ilial1601, Esq., Ã"ô. vii i aws. Cot Bakery -tad ConifectID!ry1 Ro Soi. A t Il Il c il

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