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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1861, p. 2

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f wfagé sA~ Jauob T rj eurdoan-J n.vuo. Myené ýcA~utaoear. Farin Stock & Implenionts. on Lot Ife. 1, Tt.b CasuVicering, en the 14th oabe;Pl-operty of Alice ouiti*... J, 0. Sîtng, Âurtiineer. 'Cah Sale of China & 4Glàas.Ware, bc., nt rxbr4dge-Jobn Menuks. Cýedit Sale of Farni Stock and .Tmpl]- mets, on Lot No. 22, 4th Con., Whit 'by -properi>' of Thou. Gibb-Thos. Meyérs, Aucioneer, Credit Sna.e of Farn Stock and Impi*e ,jnentz, on November l5th, on Lot No. 25,, Mm RobertBtell. *CHANCERUY SALES. Wnýrcn vg. 'l' r, Nov.141 &t'O n Fanirbanks à& liiedonpll. »arrnnt . Bates, ci ni, on Nov. 19th tOXTY FAIRS. Qutarierlv Fair of l3re4lin, on Wedncs.ý alky, Nucb 13th. Oreenwood jQtârterly Fdir, 2ad Weditea. day iciDDecember. Ný,:v Advecrttsrments tbis Day. Dry GOeuA4 AGracsnléq - Haut;iten & LixtvPrié-é uuu pad éa>' Mnty '-Hamilîca Exteýnsive Credit Sa le of Paru. Stock snal Juupîeaéuus-ltU t-13Il. ,tetinsivL, Caedi- S;cié of laupettalStock &c-WFU. Miller'. Hamea .loJ.1i. Philp. OV81er Salioon &r.,ontiDandas-treut. Gm 'itd Feml nal Frui:s b -Season, tý LatO< i hua-j. Hatinea-Grûenîcoal.- Spen oet 0nsscor Salé-Wf. C. Scht-heu. Ncw Patî,eri und Piicee-A. L)ga., Boots & StiLcs,-Win. lDui-is. L/aîhPr and Lwather Fincing'-Willim 0lXIas. 1 flj ýiitt ONLYON*%E DOLLAR AYE AR ~..Se pdvruise oefnexensive anc. tiu09 ae of Valnwtbé fianstock buple. Fort S* :v s. -Sce aidvertiemxent of À. beeé -faii d. Ckili? wil~ ead 'ith dcIiîý4 i by every r brôdieharoftthie aft. k bP Alpe rtisres'a large sîck of fans ~>frydsctpu nnoir on haad, wbieh lie in Preparéd tô O iprice..to Suifar t er of Mr. o Bi. afB orton, -ilirte yeans1 ouf n, w as hadby se.ld d on thé 27 th.,1 Ulto, hY fa!,î ntoi a pot ofliling nilIc, wiMle it5 mothier %vas absent froun the litvh.- en. Tirc BRiDoi: ovEfti'litaBEASga rt 1vrn at l unet)) s nowit vpletecialatb tstreap, cvriof al refuse timuber. Tffcu is oy sevL. O.L. '198 BÀ,éa.wý1 'rôN celýbh'ýitpd the Fifth of Xonrniber by dliainte te ef.ft Gloyeé?. h. 1.1.There were a g0uAed n ugs sprésent. COmnpI'unauia1;ury I>ier totlae lon&, 1 tIter (.eneriý,I The. <inner ant >eîarher«,alÇon We3ines. day last in honer of ilie PesImaLster (len.t PruVI Cleiedn ita the Législative <Courieil, f- the ihep )riaint D:vhuhot fTrent, vai a tüotst' CPSS. , The gnus nambere& ma'marda of 700, eand therewere manj .laies t ,ren Tîje Reur1cw sys iluat thé Post. dinner floittel arpect hb sl -tné reveryttiin" passed off viii tée griaest actai. - 'I - Ttupat.rsçét. Keileç's cxc -licol Tbtatritail nu The Mmnt, or ratbét fCiniaui wlîneuss by1 subject which ba bcen i upon public atteton. Ik of the grettthardabipt ku to compel a witnuuus t, tr mil«é-%Péaitl -eka oft& ias Vanté usho'romains, sud pay ceaca tire, o 1 u'ailmay taré, goiag tram, andi reiu-nhag tc bis boaé-a.d do ail et bis ovne"éreum for, îh,e"belit 6of thé public. And if ho hé a Pogx uma%, viose, &m>' am.*epeadéial Upseuis i$uye lborfor thoir. bréad, how giievoui ft tblavé his vité é»d Iitile oué. to staeuv,or, sathéecséu nay hé i cmmit furluér fcrimes5 during bis absenceq, f agalust that sony publie, wYjhoeb b lu o. ligea thitué retituously le serve.? W.e uid poinut ho mauy éramples et casé. ire edty wvinuss bave beau da'aÙ.d fifI>' or éirt>' lmiles ev.7 'rom homne te gise evidénce àon the part efthtie Cromitu -and 1eftnt an Asise toma vitheéf. s sixpencu, or thé unéans et pa-o=auea smet. .. as. are vithi,,Ououn éknomledgt ireéthé vit- nesues, fer thé Crovax mère actually dépend. cuit upon, public chanit>', ihité deteluacd.u@ witnesae. 0f course va kaow t' at là, extrea-éuécasés, mere thé vitnés catues bafore thé Court sud makes a declaratien that heà s. apeér, it lu ia the power ot 11e J;uagé hogunake au order .hloming rie cessr>' expénsea.Bel hem man>' persotus pu-eteç concealing tiuir aieédy dircumnsteeei te deiug ibis ? Man>', very muuey, ne aaaatter vhat théir vent osr muffeaing. > But ný anatté r l-4t thé ciroumt.uue s cf a Croir v.eé-lthim hoas 7 ch às. Ca'us-vé hold ite obeely, jiistandl tquaitabte tht is érpeues baoulad bé paid; in au case-s-ced uDot ouIy hai, but that hé should elso recel, sta'a frcmtaneation fur bis tiane. Taka. the case c protes- tial réausi-a plusician for Ï*àstane a Why should tic public have. a -ighî tet his lime, or te taàke hi a ae>krm bia prça'fe4. ziceci autie, vitheuL payieg hian, anoymuré tien'a pri-vatindlividuel.? Let as teekJ au thé tunomely ofethe irlule nieller, as thé lev nov stands. The Jadge, She-i1 ,Jurora, Ceuni>' Attorney', Creva Counsel, Cita-k et thé Peace, Ceestables, and demw te the Cour; Crier, (vho neceive5 e tee et atrpencé for euch mitnesisworôn,) are ail paid lu>'thé public, eituau-out et Provincial or Ceuni>' tonds, fer their abare. etftthe duttes attendant sipon théeadmieistratien et Justice. Yes, ceéethé pa'lsoesa'kept andl tel, andl geols, gaolers, pénitentiarias andl offlcns pa-ovided et thé publicea.xpiuse. In tact thé expense ot the viole machinéry,, et crhuninisipreaecutiqea, andl thé adunhuis- tratiou-of Justice, hé tborne lu>'thé publie, anal palaloutio etlhén Provincial or Coeîîty tuan is. Tia sunucky -mits is h ibe amnly exception. On thé vhtneua thé aboie anus ef thé proecutice maalul>'lies, and hé is, ot aIl etiens, the onlyin'-satrument hn the, exécution et the 1ev that bas beau negýlect- e d ,-tué eni>' sueel lu the machiner>' for'e hr r n.,sg bshi@ ua iutues - iuutt witnas" s ucousplcd tedisebiarge Ilucuse tiut b a is oinexpess. Tht injustice la monstrs'u. No monder <luat sesa ety caiminais -0 unwisipt of justice.ÂAnd sue monder that. peopie -a" e vry slowr, ead u'iling te caee trwerd m vitasesseS ton thé Ca-ove, nder thèse ciretanstauices. The lam, as il osu tands, amueutd ta t& minas te a witneïs te * oceal muet hé keovi, uaithér ihauucame - orseard t -bis etra expeause t9 swasithé ends of Jesti6e. Iti l'or theGovérnexént toa>pply tihe - re. medalt iis gu'eabdefect in thé adm~inista-~ tien cf théese l;ad mc iu1cýiy- aope, tuel tuiothén .edét et Parteuneil vuiH tet hé alloead te Paawitlucthe uatter ban$. tuoveal ln, rormot angt ur onems poraîr'es mwe are gla to te e due Fft*Preu-ý ala-esal> enlisteal in thé maiter. - chlin g A o -af terrour, vole*c , bloodaeaandl persécution, govérus 0ai.- With thé mit ot habeci. :oeWtI uspeau: sýme &,-u lutte prison wltlaout berlg or- trsis-,-the 1ev taamipedi-udss' fee;,-he'Tdges ou thé enI ÇinÙtùjdiWd, .Ztbe é ith proclas of theé cuoruobstruceéa, and déléa,- -fu-eédotuof èpeéch, andi the <réedelaiof- Pa-ess suppreuse, ---.% &Imm ofet ionagi0 andi persécution «é.iliiieeryvhére, -ah.* ocu'nue ya Mltsydeépo-, tism-vith a pbob seéry, wvie viîb un. baidisa l ihenén hum pillage and destre>' thé prepertyof péeable cîtisens -ubitué r Yong ur od elaléeaping froun thein eutra\. géous; anda trecioss violnc-thé pictu prasoutéa -efthlb. encetre sand happy 1Aib 3- aicau 'union héI indeed a depioreble oui 4 Lei thé tollo wheg extrscts speak for theju. selves. "Talc vsauaXsUvoS Jtoos aorT âoAGiu5T Trucsissu£a etsuuirtwsieieor Ton S HAS DépntyMat-abat Phullipu Tapresénléd alt thé Circuit Court t-a-uthat ho u aid net servethé mIe issmueul b>'that body 'on thé 2ýad nut., te lue sea-ved on tIen., Andrev Porrer, preveut mai-uhat for thé District et Columbhia, hécuné aiesuoraleréal b>'the ýPrvsï,lent ef the Unitedl States neitat serve thé sanie. asid te repýort te the ceen1t that the privilège oftlthéewrît etfkaieass lioq haes bée nsuspended for iliepresentby ai-da' et thé president, .lunregard'te thé soidiéra et the are>' et thé Unitedl States vithinthie district. Thle depuuil Meruhaul respeâatully disetahus &Il i lt-ntion te ýdisebey or traa viula disaepet the orders of thé CourL ChietJitieDuiadciivercd an opinion te thé Coturt as flloir.: Rule -ta luev w c ausé againut Gemural Adre-irPorter, paovost-unarshal rutthe-.Dis- trict et Ctlumbia,why an éttachment fer coltenutt et court issueul-àgaleat hie for ob.'tucint-tht> procexs et thé court nal a-turn nhale-b>' a Iarahal on thé 26ah Of Octoher1 me mîii - ader b - .fileai, t hosgh 'we 16,1e0! doubt our power ta retumn il as. insutllCin tle 1e, anal te procceal aglua te uiler Whbo bais made ht. The existing coiidhitnoetuhe country'makegtit pluie that tisat officer ln pemerlés gainust thé VaxtanuIlîta-> torcéetorthé ezecutive, sebject Inobis yl anal cider a.semmanai- er-le-cii etofthe are>' ana l uuevyOetthe Util1teai Suites. - - Assuunai ng thé venit>' et tileretura, ahiclu huas beee anade on oati, thieca"e p'eur.cd us witisent pet-alie1 in lte jeldiclè. listoa-v of thé Unitedl States. andl invelv"esth é -- action anti efficie-nt:>'oetthé jutuges cf tbis ,contry. Thé Preialent, ejiargeal b> thé Cnsatitution Iote aite cmthe lamu b. execnea, hem seen fit te avr-t thé prOcesaý or Ilis court, anti te torbiti the aeput>' uarsicil toeréctute . -,hitd" ot etiîa volve me-rci>' thé question ot thé pover et the PxéCutive in civil var -te suspend thé greet at t ftrédoun, thée hbesisco,355W country oft.neh asuspension, lucre uo1w f11. mninait hi -vus, ndal.Thé facta on mh't -atai e s'hé * -omdérefl hy ite couaeas rspette. tZ é srese i $cts !théke-at foe'éaus ltêeie a PT hbd theaun b.teuee hl power oues~r the widtiofueun,'curpusoa-M h -lwutly ,uuaehare sw ee athé ne wonGéna Âsadev it as. Thé PrésInent, ve-onthile .suméé t'Oaés i res ena i. fthe acta et Génai otérei et aislthé l eie,ana .andctio dns id tes-b' bisosten ta> dépthe M*spu l abata *u sere th rocènràl thde Pohsir.aTsavohe vé dnt e phicIa pnuevént epone thélaitrft tascse ttof ci -iss erllPoter, scefordine.Agi th é e n sanc- t-s tte e-uneis r te i toa tsé vui M&anî'hiipy tée noi ta serhethe roré eu'o anal iasuepar-t etathé eo ad sésii agt the Prs'ôuuh aeut nmiéivemenov déjdéda noeto iner ce'ft-thés' upreeps ortuhhs Auesocit e e a Ms-rave esaîti wuihriyof thiscourt, Ianix on fo béIor, I téladerptis 0to aof O tisI.u thbat andis B, 1~6t. ho .rpras mossratie Uonutetle et Dedienm, vas te-day rildaln on eas'ait by 4evéuaî -of his tevn's people.- Thé-bedy of Sigismnda Fellasés, -mho bélongeal boaà eatthy Jew15î famil>' lu Nains, Grand Dsichy otfieewDarmistait, German>, max taun aévévat déys shuceý néar Middletown, New Jerîey, mith tveity stahs, inctuding levein the Ieart, Froan $110 in goli béitig feunti on thé porsinet the decéaaéd, ih vA. snpposed lue vas înot mnurdereal for gain. ifaUtil yestea-day thé efforts le dîscovea' bis idenîlu>' pive an- Avaiîing. h nawein seu he ébaad $40,- 000 la deitnand $Î0,000 la mccc>' in bspossession. .flue aaua'aléa'r oréturdet- dttctivés a« tatively a'xmployed, hovéver, in pursuit et-the guuity paurties. Thé tact abus far devulopéat Induce -the belief that ilh. éaaader mas plotea le uhis dit>', anal .coumîttéd b>' parties living heme. Ma'. Felltaea' araiveal il3avarasanal boIt lealginga aut hé Brevcoa-t Honte. Hé teft fhé hotel vith a strangea-. lIe lu salai te have heéta lae vwiîh a robit Jewess, richl>' dresseal ead éperkling mihdiaunonds. It is surtuhueul ibat ibis voinan uns>'haise bire ansuassassin ýte kilt bit.. As thé case stanéds it in -nvelopad viii uysuries- Meaittime s-remara-aof t 500 lu e u of.t tred fer au>' infoa-matiosn that il leed. te taie discover>' et théeunuraerers. Thete nié oui'àatoetOfthi -items tram the 'Catalou ofet criant eacluy, asudi<ser- dea'o tuerpaeailing lin thé States, vlîieh wvo conlal lIaesott te our s-uea'sr. Add tui the-a thé dastresanal auti'iuing Xîiuig uxuui(otzit flue uutprovided starvîng teunilies outItle anldie,-s, thé vent et employanent fur me- chimies, aa au thers, the exorbitaint taise, anal tme illegal séizar s sud ssa relies ih dasily itaini iulncu\ anal ie hase a pictetre ot euiset-b>, anda diserder, cue i-oe, aud bloodaheal, unequaleduvien iha aual of civil mertaru. Extensive Salé of lamported, nuit Thorough..breai Stock-. I. N 'e lé a-t 1. id B. hi ýil ho acceu b'an aaneunceuueut li 0111r, coleunna, that ibe ftsaestock et Wlim ihuEsq., of Pitkein-' lu te ban ditjpeueul et etPublic Aucýitn, ont Wedrucs- dii>, thé 20ih oetuhe présent unonth. Tis sale twil affirai on excellent eppea'iuaity tn farmertat id bÈeedera 'fer improving. theis' bords. Thle zuaine 0fMr-ýilIélu ds io cii kaieve throwyhouut-à sÏotlince, us a stock- lureétienandt Agrientisat t4 neeti one word et comunestiotu- ere. lu oont>' noces- sa t a snepuicé thalia. lé -mýl il aIe plae, anti that îhei e!illtI Whéthé slight- t rz ïuvess u huatc We tullyendeu-se tit et elgfý h Toa-ron to *ea;- - «IsMr. Miller lu meIl keove oser thie Am- iricaut continent as eoee oua' esa-iest ead unest spia-iteti impemuers ofut tiungh-ba-ed stock, anduisinaine miii long bu raaiked aunfuug tise eéer,,elie, l-mnaie unen Whdo. gave thé finit impetars 'e the vorIt ot-a-ri. cultural improement i-n Canada.,'Afuer a long lite etfuuaçceusfutl ihustuy Ma'. Miller Ibas reatlveti to e.e bis'férustaandl retire trom active btusiunesu lite, ltis Undur these circuanstancuas hé nov efl'ers ftrua- le,mih oui reserve, bis entiré stýick et themeugh, breal herses, cetta., anti sheop). Théeop portusai> t- fpurca-olunfia-u-duls animaIs viii, me douhi aoî, hé e eagerl>' avalleal ot ta> ta-mère desiu-i>susoetimpa-ovng their hurds. A hetten oppo.tiuni>' never ofihreul. As hIaa.antEr SorTmeemmnliA,tha'ought froai. Ohioe, U. S., by Mr. H~. H. $;pencer oftBroekîin, pasai ,lh>'Our office on yestér- -day. Thé anils o fa ver>' uperios' breed, haviesg be-ça bret br'Ma'. Alexandeor et Kentucky, mise pnour-d ieasire anti dama troua tl4 e letofthe DéitéetfRich- umaonal, England,s-i sIte-figçUeaof 300gaine»s. ré andt The Fhfth of Novemuber, thés year, wau celebraîed by thé Orangéanen o01'Whiithy, and thstir friénds yiibgn e ahe t Thew'ë hotél, Port Wluitby. Àl Abiî eigbt>' guesta set down te an excélient rputi. TUh chair wa filled by Francis. Clarke, Esq, County Master, and thé e, cbirb> H. -.-MsédouéltgBoqi, The signi ioySltoUtW 'weredrank with muthnsias>, as vu aiseal thé téat cf the Mayor and; Corporation of- Wbitby,ihiwa h adomely respôndéd to:by Mr. Maedorieli. Several fo]nteer toasazio ,lieited appropriai. rempoeses, and théehiau'îy of thé éveninig ias érAi, veeed with songs fron Mr., Clatk, Mr. Sféewart, -Ma'. o*awf, an1d ôhhérs. It Wb& laie Whon thé,gqoqupeylroke uji- 64HIlppy te untiot, sorry -tu part, end happyv to moetagi, thé,4'Observer-" on the clireulation of thé' aiçhràuijcets > Oua' trienal North limagines - tlust hoin taking a ver>' ctuuing plan te adré rtise las litat>e shoot b> atta'actiui the nutide of thé Reso mal . i ttu'fin t Iamaef mistuu-- keu. Thé miore cunuieg ene luoirs, lue mne othérs dista-ust hum, sud, conseal.auontdy, the lesé cen bhis cunnin- prenvail., During thé Patmonîh the Observer hais heut decry-. iug, thé circulation et thé Caania>ac-uaain NerulaOniarl, unua , ceea-se, exloitn itoau. Lestveek-il caps the t cal b>' pretaaog te give theé)Umual,;- o Ceuteanîcu's anal 01,wauer.ruit ttirîlditaf fetettPloet Offices, anti -makes a cempari- sita by taking thvi tevnhip etfBeach. Tt giNou thé Observer 335, autd thé CNCutr,, 4*7 1. lu oe i-niuuaunce ouu4r in thé corcufa- tiano ethîe Caus;usgiron -aëcnrately ait ths offices natmeal. IMsi ef thé aibers aire oae ktuudred per c&Wttbelons ilue actuie nututua-et' ofpoies tîîr*aofed I But ihat wIll hé tlougbt oetà- paper, irbId1eresor.- tii-tu ho tiupet>' meaaaneu, anud pa'e- tendin- ta dilatite tat Nortit Ontiario, louves: out thue pî.a'iei.l offices ahore uhe Caiaesn-ý uc t- culutes by inda-tdt? '. L'bridge- erley, Point -Mair%, Goahwood, Xictoria' Corucua lI'-ok-,Leskslale, Mataillas, Wiei,n P>rospect, A-na ac reo tugethea'cutit' ted b>' the <Jbaa'reer I1 Taking thé total: cir-- culation et thé Odi,'var,, aai sotpia figures, 33 maiiuore Ciitasntcir.'au arc tatt-en et théî (ha-et ofFiceeî î6UiII1GVO M TO\, andA'fUEIL'Y, than the OtaSaRa vx.a's totasl cu.-ulut;ta. L.et oua co'htcla1po-. rer>' piblî.ih titftiei o~fa-ou the offices wCt hase iu-amed éuvanal vIieh lie htaionit ted. Doi vhile ihit l1.3uho-cas.) me ndiglt auta hov ten>' siatuseaiberi ' listhe Observe-riii: Soull/aouutariou? Iouauan>'of thé 121 mil- cd !Atitho- P111,1antacAlbert. Office are dista-ibu-* ted lau Sauu it arie ? Hovtu mn>go b RItaa, CI)luInluauu, - O1lîavat Asluburn,, Brutekihu, Claue-euot, ()u-eonwoout, Brong-. haiKinsalo, AdN, ickering, Balsam, gyrt1e, uutu taIelferd, 4-C. - heré thé CHasoNiruj o itugaciicuictes ? Hem taua lsiu ithetorut fWhithy ? Anl -.1 e:, paxA j~4 swr'utvv-stif Isu nu m II)UIa tolovsu »d eitfi i-n thé Proviunce 4troca Quehe te Sandwii-througis mhi 4hthé. Cenoua'utata is largel>' spread, ani7reud Anal vhén iis ludoufe rokning oR' these, let 'thé Observer begin and aly'hem tar ils ils circulation lertenus tbrcnghent the Sîtas andi Mexicut', anti haré t au>' Copies ot us i3sunc fiuid their vs>' le Engianal, landa andl Scoilanal. Thé Cansoaaica.u ne alone chaculutes in ail these places,-buet lu select- éd anal patrouaised Iib>' unuofethde roésident bus1In . ess mona, an-etvertiling tmediaume. With al ibis wti dourtiil- sueb3ast vhat- ever tisai lue lhitîy Caaomîi. lua ieucýh largor cireýltiîatî' n bNorlJu Ouui than thé Prince A!bhert Observ-er , alîhot pulished th e 'lîoarliRiding. Oneé g dhtycén=ce vhiiah advertiîs- do net fitl disever lu, that mliîlituhué circulation the Observer i ceuiiedti t ils ove flaip, uluai effthé *Cuana(,Nairi.i:is geueral, a extentoi* hoerty cornier et the Ceuni>'. The Msayoa' toek the chair uba>rtly befi elgisi o'cioca, anti thé Iblleving uuémbi ceuvere-i té- {hoirncames: Mesrs. Peï j WetS0n, 4Iünn, Bromn, MeDermottWilse Camnerai, andikDrape'r., B. périediaet airs oa&fir, att thé 'expunsé mn. entred iu advertising theranud in. thé perchase of écales, &c., boit is ithOit the>' ha.vo'béen àlluved te flat out in thia man. mer ? Do elal? Lke the meetinags, and -speer-higitlng respctiuug the establiuhment oe--Ntanutac'anros in the t.ewe, soeé ime Ait umeké êud hlarnéy mih aur *leadIing, uu,uQa.who w il en tbhave nmade iheir préti>' little speeches think noe-more about tihe malter. IWetl eutablisised Pairs and >Mariçets ceuld flot fait te proeébeneflcial, toe tn ma- mè re nly the ri-ht imuanu taken te rý endu r thuaemou ~adthé farmers utndthe ratepauyerst oft0é0taxén lia. duced to t#ke- an interesi in tlsini. Tis could lue dueby (lfferifig preuniemu, and secuarlng the co.oportionet thé Cýunty and Townoship A-rîculturnl Sîicietics. Anethér mater'te mhlch 1 vas pcmue te se yonrefui litrock, us the -organisa. tien of a Fire Brigaide.. I agren mithi jon t4at ena' Town Cenucîl1shrnid Lte 'la warning" in ibis rmuier. lîvilI hc o te laite te ýapply the reme4y whon Ite haran lin- been donc. '17h*ue a re praietical niai. tMorf outultyin> ad inieresita oevery rate- payjer, atnd might meli demnand the atten- iaai of the Teirai Counil-ioow Ihat tlîey ltai'e littlé ailier Corporation u uine-sta X. North Ontr*,o Agrucetural -Socety; aendt IxbrldCe ad Scott 'Towaship *PlonghIng lMatchës. An Uxbridge correspondent senda us thie felreig. particulaac We lîad tire P]ougb: in-, eiutches 1-h tItistowniship lesttircek. The fiast vas for ti..tamashipu uit anal vas bcalil uponathe faima of Mr. W >gidd, of Quaaker 1111,. an Wenaeaday,the 23îi ulto, 'fluemre 15 iplougbs cuitereul anud ten prizeis vere awarded. -Mr,. ;-Jacob Taylor, Ist; ;,abhn Smnih, 2uad ý -Çatiuu Noble, 3rd iJuie, Taylor, 4sh; 'BOTS t-Jea Ra ,Jr, lst';Wm. AIancaaud, 2uad Theantsceod-w&i frur thé Counu>;- wluîch wir e addupen theN fau i f -. J-.P.' PlaînI, adjaueinjr thé village, oe Frida>', 25tib iast. Thaue vura27-plonglusýenterod anal the priÏs emre uaaded as tollowi ltu'aat-Jacob Trylor, lut ; J-ou. Sinith., 211dl; oln Noble, 3rd; han dia'tiBrushazen, -Ith ; Iun Coistes, Sth 1ý Wlau. Thotipsn, tub; James Saicleir, 7tb5 Fras. N MUlnlen, oaiulas te aue f F(tnome arde beys, thé avaa-ding of taie prizes vais psea. OUraota dava there vas a goo)d attend- auice cf syectators, anid ait sceumed te bo, deepl>'iulreadinithe encoua-gemen, oet geol leu~liog-Tise herses, and theiri asppoîitauieuts, u aibtha matches, maere the lie3t 1 have wtiuuaau'viere, if_1_except thé>' coula fairty compote, even mia-h thome. ThIore seeuued to he ameoasemuiderstandiuig about a sa 'dMe girenb>' Ma'. Waa. Thotnp. on oft Whhtby, andu a pleugh gi!eui lu>'Mnr. Gle. W.' Irvine et Umbridgé,-as thé>'i mère bolà awarded te thé fini priseto boya..Hoping te se the éamu-hivel>' iu- terest continué te hé taken nt future ugri. e)1uiîurat meetings. ITam trul>' jours, * A Fat-are or kAcua-Rcag. a uwlph FaulUin. t "ongitee Tho Ftt ta mail tetir Cot>e., eaoa s .D- par, nif an ~ ~ An b1Ai. rs Wiere, arc an of -the luaracterimtics à and virtuel.claiffied Iau peculiarly heIeen ,ne Solav t-: spéculative Masonry, wbîch, whewaiTed SubjC out. lu thée rdinary affairs of hunnn lifé, ,, anid fully devel&ppd in our anterdoursé $iitb e thé w6rld. conduet îhelr posseflôxr tO pros- u«tac pévity and bappineas. Heaxca 1<8t i t it as il Communt taid Athiatdittitiguighefxd mxtuicu -bretlia'n stroiizly atta4hpint thn Orcler, e and eminent fer their keoirleâge of its tielt-aire these aise wbe havé gaisxed ta theé respect ef their fellow cittens, and lo e. irbo havé. by . eéxerciao oet prudec»ue, thlit Sagaciley, nioderation and ho-hcsîy, uittalned a te à position of werldly e'omtort. tr These considerntili enxd te) the conclu- sion th4t the dut:eà wh:#h as Mtiiouas wecNll1 bon pd diucharge boula in thualodge ad out et ait, terin a counrse of iuiciitiIl a (1 Moral dieciplînte, Iliîgbly Vtalaabte 10 US"M a hrf ail Our social relations. Bttur r :r f k l r s u c h v i a - u e s i s 3 . 0 1 l î m i t eý d t ( , s e l i r r o i r o u a -yt; ( a view &aq thit of are worltlly50C '55, lir A X w e ll a ig h t irai ren fi ae o ýà r htid ir iliciu n h e r of the starry fi r'urnrent ad the greatvr m' 1 lumnari s of la as au ;t Orihi.rt(> f ih t i(Î teeutlity in ftfl'Urdaaig u3Iig4lt t -pusueourprinay aocaius, s t lmit oiurrcsPrCt for litîevolîeiri;ildCa Y atai lihotireily Lave, iîud Vrueanduiuth Le fihe uaiwort hy show that they foi mthe I j M.4! itliect ui ~L) 5 apruSluOrity ii-oua' tions ninSi îitlueaîe %o. e udidîaaaethe 9rbAter and- the lèsser ligýhts cf lurauven as inconietuhîru Oot )f tte eKiâenrCe 0et Almiguuy Architect. Their ailoee d h u n e ri a r' c a re r th ro uig h s p)a c é -w o r e e a " n l7aIZ , f Of thwr thi. aea GemtCe0moîrei 0f ia the iiverse.--Their splendeur w iii10k ui upeux n4-s a Symbol Of tie - giory ibat éiaall he!r"îîfter bit reýciilcd te jij, if we prove worîhy ta ho uuduitted hfilu othe Grand PTc LmIdge aluove. Sa Wc re*eý-çncé and admnire T th itiswhich characterize us usý an Urder tint hecanisr ahey mi na'onduct tus ta wCaIth aand l leorrbut fer thiitvhu n. hîainty andlpieêa au-u eas n we See in shern thuerefiectian eo tu nwbo i the fiuntain aof atll a-tlne. A*i 1i Tlere are are hrîîrshe ekso al a truie Muusoi Iich litve uilwtys Ibeufl SÎIed .4lsaaCP8iseay toe V eil-bciuug ofth e Qauler 1tlîat rattempt hm tbeetu unide ta gaive express iheir vaIle b huestwîi1gU .poal thean joui!: l he mtauipluorical diesilrration or Jevis. 1 atlaude te-Thé Liatellîiu Ei, 'e'li!e gut Toriuc, 'fle 1Fittul IIett-each pie ieus ngem, uand the vortiîxOet 1cuenaca and k by it.i, deP(ruadenCe! on ils Sistea- 'virtuè.. 1thue The li-uueuihaag E a-r n the greet whîh tchannal for the acqreurnî ai uhtr' kuivîlg;e. Tti3as larough thee r ir tlicu au' t(t rolrart is fiu-3 itrn nu taie?,the lyre ada-astuC,>îes step b>', oplatu Char thé recetuses etofthésihe Tepencah 4eaeh Step that is takefl f a-ansfroeh 1ti-res f cf knewvledgýe upon the car (if tile attenjad.e uih lihtener, Auu pcuiarl 'oaitùd as ive are, andl PeculiarlY siuinaed-urrous9ded l by suspicions atil isit;Ve cuiem&es, éTa oui t'le watch ta pry haltouoniatirs; and ré k] seuneetflueso derirous, f oiltereatize yh thf? ofvnt s tbrotluarboui irillth T h io0n, irehave tle iliusîiixuch thé par aleé i c(haçqiiitien of Mase3uiC ïkeoir. led eil. Thle mst vuihtuî my somn>teu., t th, t'ajeèI wiuh, and uvere unr pu-ivata-all'sfra a oocomiîtted te Witin-g,- due>' ight e reaidily,>-1 ta th e hanuud.î 'r owarlî udlion1 aado'r.lieuucacaas ha elasarlyfysttotheé nih ianl-tauance of a fixed attention oncOr putari r te al ~~i theirnctiou vhich wé.receive lt 3 in thes. muls. Wé Ila, è oceaeio in 101- luis AI >cortuuiies-eoi ée frequent î- tatain.âe, us cotiid viih-onf leavhn,,valuuiblé eesu and ancianu df.ar&as aa1 ivsrcd. Lii t_ l& *a embracpeove:>' sncb oppehutinit>' et ebtain. T ing knovledge ; andU w - adaué ls h partheutar me shah meut tusurédi>' suvanupe appro hn thé respect ted esicéanoftail g&od md Musons. -- ip, I The ésur et thé Musomut hoa llsten hope aot.-mith whisah thé éxteru4l eonayaarn %whater. bet us il pu'inipWuI o! prieies 4,f Ms, ikad lefoi Du rung pas.u47su te idlé mmnd ;knowaug-hat L inate trrm tltose ie. hoe uttîealy lhé siheisuîlti>m ndet mu,. Wé do net uek tl e , m annd urge maukatili> inîdiýer ýner our rnks. -IL is encégi m e lnom the tialteul cÇausctel enie pa'iriipleé -- 'bat ire c jutb ovi tteteexierai )la tahÀden truth -îlt lie M, vho cannea- doehhsuer 'nu d awl rd ieastahh-he enO tuu pro eea l-u ta- rfo!ter uir;tiys halteibedmbye- atl au, loegsîltegaaifugstar uhi aitaiîb o'eCftoIt> atalderrer. B>' tais l,t r îi;k ita ildepta -, uillturing aliscreda. on thm ui rathur qu et!'xtrrad te jjinn hautin alid reclaiuia n tuif' e ancth-ai ut reeiînue anadhour rluhe tiaiid jevel, "flue itue li ait I-,(.quioty rspeuafl g'o-id1 Mà'o il h, sfai t('a [se r fogi i.iii -iti ie( it-0f7iill 01tl atKu, viII daim ia moeiiete jrelat asn the Fatha' et thé taunil> vilI dut>'pondr iaupoe the Ail-se' the Att.>lwtring ear-rhrinklir tb'otaghît if (feianfiiig se heré pp-ar (éitfutthe> <al ase atul 10lsoiq al u. We d to taht i s n ïLatausct u orou' ~ydotrueiadte obuer, Cao-r' flýtîteou iiiinthé u9pirit at, r. itA a dài arl frlthe sot tint 8anetieiu-7 f ti+'e tîlat f 'y iworthy bionî. No mat idieilttd -withiuithe prtaIs et whoste prtev;iauns hara-ier -d nord promise uhat lue i igo disl'chargé bisdulies anda -act a' witb- hiq pa'uitesieuus. Bra- ,V ta) Ma'oarr tee ooregardle it ofilhéir Olt, igtl0ici5anfd lietce ,staiffes bath with the teatugue A ueri liasse ovcurreai betiteen Mua 'i outr sown r whje. iel ela nponFl flue wil-le oyAtemn, a the Çeinding tltlueu -itxet ipreLelénd or uvItnot rétneaa -aity, eréaic anidBrother it te regelase- teir ceeduet- roîhr. -The absenlce ot thct I 1 1~' ýL l' ;a 71 IITT , ra

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