Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1861, p. 4

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bM LY ,1 Rnt.D. D. SALE.., Deo. 13, SubJeet-'EoiliO f IÇAtUM isO" tn, âiekYewIaidîEt1>q. , ENniter m-l* Dec .se, B bject -'tTc itlal Trii.' Ofl tir A. Waam . M. A. Jan. 8s; ëii. ~o-The Cnusadb-i-hM n"loWy and Effects." Rv. iobhl.Banni,, D. D. 1a.710, ibJet-"'Sir'WaIter ScottIand the laleoriosid Tove]li.t.P Thcorn&% aDarey lGes, ~L.il .. .. Jan 17, Stbjee-' Mcuinory." Itey. Adam 1Al, 11. VD. o,îTleoettc cfIe Jan itîr tsnd matter or,,Uniocîut tih spîrittiul bia. ,>au. 81, Sujet-"'The PtwtLamid Pmnt ot AcînticamuPoliiiv,." Tioîs. Mots, Esq.. M., A. Pch. 7 Subjet-" Woinwi. sudlier true r.wki illn itSodiey" Dsvldci eler, Etti,-, M. DBA. 'Pub. 14, SujectcîFreedom eot Mini." Rat. Blen IV il kumD. D. lct.21, Scbtct-Phrtnology." ltvd John. FO.;s abe-C " GcolUry, wltîllIlaîna- t1*isý' R11M . Gerge 11e, Il. A. N. 11-A Lecture will alg e eli lverecl by Lie celbnteati Bn..Goag, &a., eLLher le flaeemnber «ortIihirùrv, (if wiicÃŽ i duo niotice WIîI i gir-en-, adintsieiet te hich mtiiM le 25 enlta te au Well eune<7lti, iccrder lu mcet lthe laima ofthî. e Uexrar. SEIGMACHINE COY 34, Ring Street Eoigl, Tunte. Ont Teni>'y îi aar ecnmcetfor tlixein lieity1SiaxvoaîWoegtcorc mteil,'e bet1îanty cit tiuraliility o-ethle 'I'iiY arut tho saine litiprnepipî9<uU ( a>ircu heamufa uniLb.eelbraîtI Wlc-eer cami MWilson, rut ahc imnlo ' 8,00>hava beiaciti iciin lice UcilletiStites luneu. - Tiiciar ue Ievoud i dhepute îh1 b t ,tceliînoe - - ci-dotn.mtio purpoe6. ud r-ce il v taiategcd, Lhit a eebiit en nts d cie eperucre itum. Tht>' ixiti e l citbe o0y tek mttl, w'eii li. LIe uniy cttl tlcilotIiieiîipon raacIaùd IA alite von boti loi.. Tii,>' til ailuel, seue, ti, .qailu, oel;fulli, gaticer, etrd, btidI, icti wucnk eqail>' a .11c - - mu lnon, uc-olii autt iot. TlucV sew fraie t1ho , rdlxcat>' apool, antiare hiootnoliieleaa avitouelic cperdtien, An et pL t notparalol caucinite : ic i atliluonexheur- l î hirty unluitie. . NFuLe, ci irtir geise - tma4i -ontact xitiit4 egarmenit on thitcudt L -so1itlisîn. Th,îu' oeilît te ho, zclictieloe inan yotAro ii.>'w il lie. it v narAmmy uii. relucove ebove-thea lut iithliui ecole.]N. B - Cilong ' Iten. itcod %Shiulga-tc'anici ixg th ulant tact t Toi'ccitc wanwitlîl pu reicase ýi inclitimIu for taeit can uê ic'eyl e lloenti La te ine dis- txuau lias IftiLbentirer iro:i lbe naiuf;Cit-crsm. OurKanfacufling-machines tIc. anenit li pctin et.lal te ltxttiig Ilael'hei of'imanellcetuit ngIn thr, Ie «rouIpraictieiil t..,, -I ber ci t)t i cct.cî i, ila a afc e -0114i tulclto4 eo Tal r, lilîcie Mifuttea er, e- fer, sil-o, Gi-i ire Triciîcer Or llt.cLeMicr, tiaforitode1c itt lueni. AThonsaaud Dlails ycnr la honît te acee rc4L iilisati Icyi îLe ne if e.id ei , i.t. 4iy .r.ca. i- aciîa. a n»m rfciwtLc c eIi7bpaec-.Nl. t, on roui slind! IM nei, $735; 7t. 2, ou Iron etand, 18 Xveir achiice 1% wttrranteh, ntiaili tue kepI tu apit na lr atili c hltige avbecpreper- ttgsoti. Priý1oI edirectitoneiven. Tlie>' aili s, b, dlireec fc earce tti lInoare>t rAl'sitastation L îiuthmaf' 'reideutes. B'fl are10 IIY M AlîxUFAITi RE. OEe itsOtCottoci uti Linen Tîccat, 511k, Twiat, Fmur W ]heele, and iever>' ilier anachlc AU11ord.rs to edelistinmud o S. S MARTIN, Geuvre) Agent, 9~- 4, MRing hSt.Zeste Toiittc, 1or thxe làm 6&yeam a ii lieers. Mfil .î AT.Siitli, B. Y. Spaitiurd, TravellIng Ja. fi, Gerrie, Uriigglot, &o,~ 'Whitliy, Agent forîLehe uu>' cfOrutarto, August 14, 191. 82 --Ub.tlffa Ofiaq, WlciLby, S.î STAG Ternies 0ilOow nh tU~ punrchaser. T FIer toparliOulgts aPl>l7 JOH1N MeLANL. 14 Aibmi W[ILTBY FAN4JY hART DRGoCK STUkETC situ t hblaro ROCKI$XG* lORtsE àCJUOFIELD'S O0W StÀËÙ. Kic.d puthulo ÃŽIlî eton cy La, - Antidlcnye'e îroath the le ~y l, Actjrhu hoîi uîot hb.'i» 4 d .'titltuta viit of iimperidui Unie nxy tricindt encd tolledtllui- Ot oevtkinicianxd mort tof Wv ' y e ti cr happy girls .1% boyts; Tcy htwçjltbruak, atIare worth lixiying, .tetnut ctcp ai a lad ryingi And of Ihei i-tit-be It itp<ileli-ý lleing lictiaIâtatiber, cui'Lbt, hloketit lu faneyteýrda 1well ina>' seYi ýVltby liever aaw tlieuday 1nilI poî'd M F-Fc'y Ilorel Suitiîî dialila e ff~caers, Thce 'rvne satehela, uilni &ote,, sun lxiii, Ai: $coinbe, andi fauc~pt % , andi ceadi Ani nalleti. dmti, kniîti1gandi ettint, k'rec~cleep clfretiiîg. Ant d c otandtiduinsantdi nig A- ti ft yothen kiiîds cf t hi-uge, W h linakc tl c e hn aillet loie?. « I'vto, cualcefs, boards for echeck anti chema And ta iicl oxa, mue ycuî cci giemua W ILii ardim, fer play santi ounvqretîin,- 0Opicra glaesaca for the nation, Jewolry 1e r ni attstation, Tli dilayed on 4cceioli. Brooohcca, rng%,mandeacainti pendantcs, For ladiesauâ inlein,attendattt*. lul ecetiolis, 18, l'tutwell clilpliCi,' Ani l tc*e w%ý, ene thay bave bliittrieti W111 iiat f14 ctiiet,,nr;i ccli plean4ure, Bweettieati4, andi cakes, andi pies, and tiaulice Vr11h ltenugeaý, sud rope Wiled ttbaiiliuili Cotnuta leucîcitp, anti ecuera )lîhtbv.-Ixioe, coltu tr eakere , - 4picle, lnuls, uat sit Statiner%>'oIniti iu4ue ta tet> 15Itsoilcnd ncuc'll, poeils nt i lderc, rotionlblotteni, pper bidtm, BoJXes for twlne, metlîl1b0otlt, asor>', 'And tei-bjuoksî lu whilcihguet) oyt gîir. Ihave liciden, Id1 eeae Al tii,a i wocd. gcit iti llow-atre, lutes, dLites, tube ý,pricitaandiSouitr, Meilera, ro1llcug.pfi it i one% CradIlea for la icd h drill*, Caeges lftrIirds, pcroIe aid 1poila; Of thi «rosI icaken Mr. banguler. Toltcecam,tou~bt-1âe aastoire, <igars1the bet Lr.nFimt hem bhefore, Aucti ipea ci: overy aise sud kinti To tuit eeîî uAte,1txltiay. mand 1;111&. %1v tcnie oo,tuîditrutr<cnt&j Iteqietite unoe or tvbo CciOillnltltà§, B*ii hy mmeaSmit lic exeeteti. INale1itthe e i o>u pe e lIy ustincereto plots. 1 I l ry, Pl'pi;eviever wililit, higli Neawi* te ttinte te cornte ant ha>, Andtifor tu galca lIe 1publie laver, l'ldui >'tieen eOdetveul. Mîbtby MAY' y, 1961. 17 5Ã"> TOWN LOTS FPOR SAL IN V Ilt rfOWN 0]? WILfflY. "e" ILPPLY TO T 18 LÃ"WËS & POWELL AGENT FOR VANDEUS0NS WURIM rNflgTUNS., ,&ýidd t i.A drosý prepli, roci - ih. W. Fl an- In the Gentlemen's Department wiU be fQund an extensive asort- iment cf Broad Clotbui, Casimeres, Tweàls. Shirts, Colians, tUnder Clothing. Rats, Capa, Tics;, W(îutci Plaids, An, id the largest stock lu the Comint5 or U- READY-M&PE CLOT[UNG :R being umade up on tht pl'omisos, the nit and workmanship may bo depetided on. F"4>E A REESTOOX 0IF GROCERIS ItUST =CEUVED. Cail before purchasinâ elsewher. REMBMBBPR, - ROBERT C.AMPBELt., J$EgftY'S BRICK BtLT1LUI1GS, WIIITBY. WJHtTjàiÃŽ, October 2nd, 1881. DONOVÂN, WÂLKEY & Co. IPRitÀTltAL CARRIAIGE MAKERS, A-ND VANUYCTURRS OF BROCK STiREl:'I', %WHITBY. BQ7ý OJ9IsT13 -TilE.TOWN IIALL- aE. Ail of theoe work ,[exoeuted with noatness and despatch. .Ail wrk warrented. Ce.)!andeeseapecimens,. esrbrA tcds. 43. DO!iOVÂN, WÂLXEY & Co DIVISION COURTS FOR T71E YIÊAR -1861, COTJNTY OF ONTARIO,..; ..... o;I ?i. ~t ik. 4 1 o. 5 No. 6 Febnry .. .......... . .. .. .. .. . ...... PCImunÏj .......................... ................... Aprcl. . .................... Mpi'........................ .......... loe........... ........ .... .......... ..ui>' ................. ... ................. Augîtt............. ............. .... Sccecbl ................ ................. <letbor....... ............................ ... .ueno ..... ....................... ........... .e........................... ............. Whitlcv.-ian.. 1801. caution Aga*nvt Counterfexi,,. -rte bight rep til e xl cl.e talaof meiata. I'r- r 'iinca havint intler,.ch iaty uprecpicclindii taiduI u l <eia Ile, htpuitile illiitanti punntclcnren- pesllloirrowit repomtioi e-, meeltrle t ieul~,pemiacla erbhnililuieir mciicÏttra tbxliiî,ne aie gvnouae imitas thtse rîahagauel[ i. PJIRRI & Co. ia xdo,, the oitide lof rck wrap- peronCthe Cetuial halai nISyriRcan sd 1rrnt mence, &Mhithplr nint. addtrcec ,amid aine tht., cf utce me- akuie- It4nwionthIa i iiniaieic ue t Idan acte. in àmdIial 7cia PeiTy'a citechtrcie " i c Auriralta. met.. Chues, wulal ah txhctr pItiof the rld, viLli lc proerieud bya làtut capuitaffixed utetatrh boule. heartug iheir naine fand WWacidren b fnl ad evcry p&ckeýi andi bîtiilc Btlaiac.rotnmuiitd a cmpy6e lte p&muphlt entilied - Eattxctà lota , -.iiSieci Frieno, d.' » whlkwha oehtin lle im el barg,,d fer the inedidnea. Co., arcuî'll It bea- thîn e. Disnvety ortue ti MUtGENIA c eIcou 'faPr i p 1 15 18- c 8 29 II T 2 au a7 il19 Z. BURNIIM .NE W TREATMENT! BUFFALO IMEJ)ICAT ir8PEnÊJ'9AkYev 1 cAi ti ti i l it T y U tS O .S»e,,,ffcl, <014 TMers,)ipaa, Gi t mput nUi c ofl<i", .2cU JRhewni, Pimple*, .i#tuta>e Astbm ' eccIr pieit,ta liscmptcon, Iurnia e! youth roend cile,d(t. DR. AMOS & SON1, 4i ~d Gcuecen ~.*ieÉalt, YL' Ydce, l~4q ARTIIE NLY PYSICIANS UN TII>' A ATE wco ni-e iictunlerm oethIe lttual Collage etiturgeotece TtLondlonî, 1113v bua coumatite fromni 8 o'vloeklu lIceheuxtriugitiixtil 9 ut ight, in ever>' ctoge aian yiptfoi cm itase. Theardui iloyerceteiiivecuu atecrýitelti-tlpa Fauilly Drug Store, Dandan S8roat. gWrRoak Oit. Petroline, Victoria Oup Korosene 011, Durng P; laid &C4 WKNTED! 10CRDSOP GUOD IRD WOOD. DON0'ýtÀý, WÂLËEY Co., ITTWO-STOIlY vktÀMIu Whi"tby, JuIy 1 7,161. 2 BLONDIN ONICV 1MuRET sTFiOVE:S! so- splà, sduiliter nequets publie attii Lr ion te lis e cw stock ai aupcnioý' Stoves. iiîcy includte Lleiwing cîewý pattens i: MYE KING OF SflVEÊS, DAr RJV CR0CK1I2 DAVYPROEOrJON, RAND TU0rK,. IRON D UXE, 62 Brock Street, whîtAcby. -AnrÏSTIrBE _sO0lD! I'T I E cîiîc'Llitir tflelliti befkre the ist cav J. c Ati laIliex ~v W ti aicu for tne foi- 'iz ---Trit aIl nci o wtt lta-atora 1lOlîingai I lot g Din ht Stret, t i r rly oit 'o s.t1li t.TIMKi" Prîtîitt<live, roîîtaîcig nalargex attie ~ul scvenroimils. AILSO0 cicît.idO the Towilt incita Trio kWeuliog lcIct'ýe of Jiiiîce tIL (ÃŽrr1", vit! aixîbCtL&, (necît bL)oik ,ubat -Lr.. cilerry't' d rOrcK flOr it rlt*l Ixl t ttin 01u j1(1 Apuitfe titto, will lte gîttIl. Appîy f Il. A JOSEII, sq', 42 Frovt Strecti,ritn "1t1cney té LeiidenIt muproid Yw'roes. J AS F. f1i >'bWNi, >rîker, ai4cd, Eaate aild GetiifAgciiL, I M"eouk! lIaili Troitri tr, tu ; c.20.1 211 el- FING lIce Ethaif ofthlb. ortll-liaiîof .e t~ e - - Lol i No.l5, ilut > ic 211(1coixceasii o un teli vOtie ccir.tsinucig Fil»' Acres%, te gacic ra F RAME BARN AND LOG 11<> lE, t je 'Fon paiularicoqtcirecif the msuuî'îcnibon. amue. Wib.De. 6,leCo bu-- pro Hose -and Lot for Sale- S. -RB.*oxild b, gVary rn C 1fafly 10 infurih the Cililnaof Whltbj1an vcii that bai rceritly cped 1 . e w ueIiel oter tiie New and Fash]i nabla Dr Gouii Sýore of Mr. Bijtelow'a, wlnors ho klnciloiloita a abars 6f Pffl1e IPatron og. Portuti taealu iithie laiut In*p$aVed mhyi*of theart, vie Ambrotypes, Lettergraphà, tph.botyp"ý&C9 .neadli. fittec Inlo IAS 6, r'.o'68, 1 et., Breuatpîus, Bracelets, ina, 6iîaot modqnsLe Oaarts. -oerve oven B IIEXWS rGoa$oe The Airt taitight, andji',atrnuxe'ita atppiiecl on rdod4mnaota rula. CkIrrecit Lkeneaei, foF Twenty-flVe conte lIîwrds,. Whitby, Ode.. b, 181.-l nul xd,ralgied bagattta uqàaint hie frieucla Sand the p1uihîîc, Ihatlie lies take t lài~ etile for the Gceuty cf Octatie, and tUtis.l preptircdtco ae cîctien ii c Inla muetart ciftlie Lot)ittv. H-ia uadlividied atentccu. icbiag «IenetouiLî ieinepaandi front hlm larcge kimew- Iedge oftLhe pOuiîuty, lie flattere»Iicceelf tlxatlie cin domawei as aicctîer finr thoue reqitirlng tMile hîook eiid list ef enggtcitte are foit inI the CllEtfNICLE Office, ait nitani, wlere e)ery leforuutioux- ('i ha harl, und arnrcicje- tment S ad terniSfo acea etld iatla aititilîcipenic y J. C. STERL1NG, Mie Celobrated German Oil! 4JF nomthr.unixdl of temltînoniala aàto le h vllicaëy of effri -dy; thie fol- liwhiit liiive beau itlceotil * I 1h#ave used your cil the Iset ,tix )earml, and cic »ati>ed thut iL ls lnequalled for lig eutie and tuiringfroit-blwp. ItA offi4,&ty ;à qulyg i 0tapid te O'Mao(r tla ait."ý JAMES.(IIIEI tu . Kowtra lit maLice id ycîî, uni]ai»aàuluty 1ow(i the publie, 1 thhsîk it righit to e rrcmond yonr Celclrcctod (ertlian 011. My liLtlu girl guI ise- vercl< aealded, ab inucli au, that lier. rtiotery wa ýitubut alLe-r the firit appliecatli n o agccîtoilun1bor.Two ap llîtiadnsropoued, Ciîroc1liber Ciniq-lotely, amI bish anew q«t Wel" MA-jTT[EW -,WAÈtLOWý, Jr. 1'îkkeritig, Januiary 17, 1861. 1 «et ifront bitten, and was toM te use )-our )il1 -lFàvinig done no, 1 aoved bot mny gret 1I xuftt.red rmal a bud runing acra for two yeurs witlotliiternisi oi i1waa judu ct) Io cry yî>ur rôlebta'ced cil, cttd êiiiinew ceîplete ly enired. JAMES FITZGIIBONS. 6I)uat i s,-Your cil bim boen-the 1nicang eh mavi*,Ig 'ho 11 il xofiMylittleboy.,, (liue or Ibe tiret 1'itd m'anmin ii titi Coulit) Ihiat iii-Eveywhere,a1 0ovesuIlle t>rllI yotlrjuttly eeClbtd ercan <Oit dégerveaLtiu bc kîccwc. It inuit prove aàtmensiîg to îniîîî- lind. 1I have ueaect in ltht e re ot enta, brui- Sel-, Irot bitrs, &C., ccd c0ao0c0iisorea c1 lotig aînu:it be4iliever falled to nibuit a cure." ro bu, ad et t.A. BANNISTEII, fircck Street,~Vitv A id at ailtLthe pr*nclpal pa o f buasilnc1-ýil, Lbe I'rci'ioce. i NEFý,W JEWELÉERY Tl111 tqitacirihcir bui now on lx!nd, ai full as- T ortxneiit of FINE GOLD JgWgLLERY- PrIee-4800 for uh'lo, lus neud Lot ; one- thlîrd te Ié p pDed down, the balance la îcýû0year frein the laI Deceinhr. For flirtiier pu rticuclari', onquirti ai tils cffiçc. Octobur 98rdi19181. 41 JOHN CLARK, &~L WIlOLI3SÂLEAND> RÉTÀIt DEAtEIM IN Anà himporters or' lordgm â6d IDomeltii -AGENTS FÃ" 110 ES EIIEBRATED FARIL PlIODUiE AND) General Commission Agents, 68 NEI UN STREET, NEXI booIL TO IAMÈ--i'S iOEL TORONTOI .C. W.) J0111';SIDÂWAYkgetit. N.BIl ututrv Ordera teîlett Il ltrompnep and lti eslit-41 >rnc i p b«cie snuIb( FtICACAOVIý îild tt intîrOt gîciîoul utshLt tircr.' eor £Ajkca- loieiloîîhe ec ille bll r Pilles. Pie$1I Tu TUE LA ucedimci advter 4itci%ttd t. OCIs Thte Secre A Travti.oven P «ulbe MERCANýLILE, COLLEGE, S~t MA= à-, àËNEOA STEEETSc il, i acimportantlikin îie Natil caiaI NEW *txIlE PllIIADFI.1'1IIA, ALBANY, CLEVllLAND, ed31 o DETIIOC(î CIIAO Â~î ti. LUIS - The C A se 1holatbhip sftetiet frouait .ht Di3ffa- -e Io Coilc«ea'll l cci l u- ccctie t tiLer,, ficîher furecî)iiçict iigtîcu cucrse-,, or fur review- 1)uBfU ici« aIevtîuyttie cremfiter, - J ll n«8c The. Dexigu of theute InntitilLiofls, il te frointe' Inipant't. yuulug cîileacîiid ItIem cruu,y, epîlc prccctiul bîcineit dctctcr.Cure, b>' 0 The CourNee ofInstruction, :L4 ec aror î,1ttu g relî r. i mte colinntion7..)rp anîd 1'ractctei, anndticrccl thereli> ame retolîiic tidout, mu perfecit Ijiw- iieniu Ildue ot mucoeu ite. -, MAu.FAI] iuntcl Law, Coinciuercial Ariliiicti : id P len- situtictiil,are 4ilt c u i l L ilc îx o t tingli catnd ~int lm i nsicr. Fo wTIe Tite Spentecnâtau SIY1te cuxucf entman. ship, ils tati-ht b>' %V. 1'. i îcr.1 1. Scbolanraiipý fîull core patyable -ilo cO- vauce. $40.- 0ollc'u opi cii undiv',ica-c î -It5are requette Relencit hrncipha et lt il, J. C. lcar &W. PculrreÇcli. Fo tr tltor he tc 8sm.c elititttIlue TIIE -Ccllege Rîiicor <oui r ( a i-ut ciic tt LIg BRYANT & sviAIr'o.N - WAT IN8' LocketS4-Rya n6rac Ear-rinei - Neck, and a 9,L1l Enlstever, anid SWIss Watches, TWO NILLIO, Wliioh haviuy estefoltîl>' aeeho . AII wa5W AN!) LARIGEI ,an of th aut taaalluc . -For ternia ani*ftrther perticiumia ippîviý th. - FAIRBANKS & M.&CDONELL, - ' Auctlcîneen, Wliitb ent tro INSURANCE& GENERAL At1E- sec Pire Liue fau maine Iumiq&rupcç ail DR. G. A. C. 8.1 -'c J - J L'A ,nice Auctionee r. 1 Gréenwood, Augu stl 1861. 1 "'

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