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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Dec 1861, p. 2

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N w Adi~~î~ ~ Apprihéon o'emOSWar. IÇ 2ne --Every day, littie by litile, the iriger of fr À »<>» oni)te tâte kEinigra. I ar between ~ Great BrlaÙu a nd t l YeOun -9u1 itleStateýs, appeas tegrow or iSii* - 1 f __ Z. in' f d Mot~~g L t1~. 3O1~ ta ie. m eeeognition cf beUgOent Mht& farm of c ou t ry dt I ~1 115inithe.Soýthe'n States by ilanId, *t*4r1é r unPuý t QÈ « enipity atid dis,rut base cla d-ifr ooellCntuain 1eLtTsra rinl Mr. ISonaldotun of W G> gi&sto jt.t>-Js: emu~'IÇottheru States, exctte<land pruvoked by there i nla nu ~>4I~r t~OtO4~ i BîîtlA kineuli ot.,th itter tonee and commente cf Northeranil, a fair trial, but thut farniers wil ind it of th, ~ Gb Lt rîaî tind 3nok ewgpsipers, tapti îhey noW assume au mOteiiieith rp; 1eaf, heasileniu Mi , list)ýstillery- George tde omeeàcdita hostility. The exultant -ays, 'viii this lie the caàe where lteé e. î WltoU-. ' and tlefint Y#og'f the Notburh MM -t ý Uta:týc b1~l<~vD elJo.MCEtruy. the arrest 'of Messrs. masouaad Stilil, 'arecoed.Êftenai te nilàe10 Thé LueU ant1 T iil .sd the ciprèesed deterrainatloP net. Io rwt o'la iudubc f freim.iiayth, t 'EiodD!'X,e-Geo. (Gnilcy. gWtlepoio t.wI ý,~1~k4or, à4vintag à, à4id t' ow' tbat th oVýer a le Tu~re dad ide.wrong, ie anoiber evilençp of the Preaili' ý t a8veo rder d a nunmber of £cul;1 hi ng state 1100t. allashoeulir-W. E. Mark. .in- badl spirit tf the Nurtheru taes dIitieculîy ehimhhroor o exin ted, inte ana Iwolitof Diry Coods &CI -W. Il. Gibbis their governmenit and peOtlOifcly hc eetfr xitd n h in C'). land, whom they thus'bolt lmt nt dofi i~ ant or prope: mahitîir for prêparing l>ilili Uh.1;s7aw ron -W. IL.( bb &Go Ren althcu&h, t uta g orflBritain the fa.- f -mahrket, wilho dune aWa'y coiu C G(.:ih" Wr l-» . Imnay have bcen v lated sy t.he iliexai ar. 'ith. lMr, bnldson wrie' ne, tisat 'bu or tesrou f thuse gentlemen, -white joîteying expeet Sult te ae tu, rut 4owil tu fci I! -UN., V .under its protection, Yankee insolence goes ^libywt 5tpi fbul andâ Tailo- linibe.t. nd, tose brou-litwithhLim -fimIrcland Taih>r &r.~-F. Laniberi.se fer as tu siiy thanteparution iltalibe ntuesohta l, -inporter of Dry Gloodu&.-no a. an ogro o th f hn ho will feel' pleJaso.! in placing the favu fence. lsuoh aastatu of thingi, it t te eoeIâ gieluit ft o Cuuh for ~~~~~~~~~~~obeyiug the dictâtes cf comnion prudence, ~iI7 b atrl uevt~tecr t Dr'y G qods lt ., -J.- & J. Iisop. Ibat precatftionary stops saold buî tatren ne.t attention ofeutr fermnera. But 'veu Lecture H . O.Mowaitt M. RP., for the ýdefence o ilheoýaiadiau frontier. . nut letMr. Donildilon i senk for himiol!. terj, V'iclei-ler gIevbaiiirs' lîiiitte. ou . .ilklu . e~tu ~ lt a tttür publislied in the Gloe of Tues. n Sin ! h iuci; loseO.Feji. facts that General Williâmns, anud uer mili. dastuthoerte Tuu&C., - 0, VFoUi. 1yatnd a~nIi k~i atraÀ tag#in ieg leve.to trouble-oen îrou4çh jýo t Fam.) 'S t;rV,--.du.. .placing iluÈe tate ef e fficiency, the defences the coulasf Jour%videly cirvuutedtod pepr bu Dowîituc'a Hoîtit. cf the Province. AtMountreal and Kings* itl e re eirso huiotii u Wili etn Sprit erètantD. tn 0 poetant braneh o! agricnlturè, belioving as a W!î>IQII Wi~ ~rISpiil erlieît-l. the defences are being trengthened, 1 do, it le cf more importance *te the fier- niew batteries are being erected et Torunto, i mer4 of Canada than any other question flou Cari-ymnn T'~t $oic$oç ~ ansd hit in i eonteiàýlation, that otheru At pveent bofore the îpublie. Even the ceti L'huucrySuo-Hmiten& rulrW sahll e pliced t points long' the la'«-e, queitio! ofpreutation by, Population Il abould leave the uad when a branthi(If Coomtyori I ýtt SleR. . 1 luae. white the cluedel -at - Quebec is bein" Pro. nutys mpratt h ouiîry comes1oa Qudrle an-ony lavr. cded witb improved gans, and 1r tes ilu the way for discussion.. {owece,sapart 'sti Finwnniiid lics--Homi'ton moud Roberts. of eInmuîîitioèi. There may ho, anid we triem poilues, i uly 'vonder this auibject Wl ----s.ncerely trust there l, ne neeasity for 11 bu i br en îaket"n yamr el a. r ths bt t s tiy si- imly pecuun ha, . >f evidurnt ait muet, Appear t b r' ~Q.dIta an trm il tia l ge; o eoun0us F every une, from tite long continned dtsrnp. utor ci) _ and o deeel att oug on erund icsr7.ion in the United States. Cotton calinot êàant bedeemd alogeter uuëcesalyebcaupplied lu thé ptemtifmil ma 1nnmr it hba 18 ON\LY ONE DOLLAR A YEA.R Wý ee 'ar unfortunately lu break'outl ie. atways been by the Sommheriior, and ihe--by. - ~tweitemî Unithed States and Euigle.nd,ie cof Prlces ma: aui snceeding qu tattots oh WlltvThr'~yDtcebr , 86.Ct;nadian soit woutl b. the btattle grocndl an, u iela laîeeqiyw all cati Le uubaituted ? -'aundit isleteter teulie prepare.! for the The Nortbêerthiemueices u',,'vo irli To(juuermu~r.-W. J. w ->ei.'o rât. As long as there la a posâlbilily cf not conitue a ooùnld cf Southern cuttur, i trai ù ~war hein,- brought te cor doutre, 'wehould, ire eau Lumpt it, nnld iluîady bave Ithey in -met witie dotigall ini our puirer tea îvert the ventai ahie,(aie werî un exhibition ty A îî'r-Mr. IHutIi Doherty offlreek clufit h(-is aitial» 'Vir) p resent incresde iilil tiui, fllfren ua ere, mii>', net mlosrourselvr- e U ltaken theî ls ut Fi)frcolnan ýd.!Vjetriiii- oue, ul frm is oreluuaware. Aud iotwvidtading out- Amen nfua-ni ubd wEngIle reti ddrn eUt ld olehsle ili- four places. i a ' s I i nnubàu uasympathisera, ad4loil-oWâ-rru eau-n -u .ii-.o-Wsa s rMinducemettcaiablu ous'me are lit fre W'sanrUiuî.a-,i iTîrisComp'î'Ny,.- ingtun",-men 'whosee petchesanduîtwritingsCana<,a cf raisin;ib tis lant te taD> ex-lito *C.41taim Waltac< ndertises for yeua- men ne dcclii, surveo tugive eneouragjment ut S.- fur of apirovel ttaracter Ib encreoue thd e ibm oubiton -Goveriluimt uf annexIîi heepoutoFanefrtheean!cf iîtrn ri o' iiis Ca ada bythe Invsio of ý,orLeru linonls aîd varua in 1860, eclied te largo sti'ngîîo!~ kÇomaui. Caada b> du ~nouiui~f a4rdouanntuffll 15,000 , Ois yer £21, 000> *'--ariny, Candaus-loyal Caaadai,-wîllshin ait ilîci-tse o! £86,000 iii this tio litndruseout nr eoer ilî i an *stietthe'cati cf idlegisance as duey tlid lu short penlod, Tho nnicertainty cf the ses- uit ihl Iabniuî inA dRoberts, tbave got a 1812, lu defemîce'out tiir altarsan sd thoir F-118 1, inlurelauid will have' the eiftct cf Ti, - ul.umofilîtit .t4awdFinan Ulhtdes. rî tns tdtelis~uîî n essening the quautify growi that Cound The a try, ia t i Weil 'ol noivut thuit îlotsimallto 'J hum Vd.Ub.atu .or Uýl-bi-ide Village der irbiclu îhey lice. Çaiada l u litd'and lfarmers cidentate Upon s few acres cf flax n lua pîivu euTan ownbell.' t hou licou la theotis ae, sud (Ja.odÀns inmore Bri. payiiîg duetr reut, anîd 'wi) emîîL>fait l ihu tuli" unn utiy er r.llebm's ho. ili ueing anid sentiment, sud lu et- thi.u particulardtiv ri -Ibecomes toc, gret toli --tacliment tu-their country' sud Queeu> th'aa admit cf ttue trimlbcngzepeaie-d. It s l onu 'muC utrxMtrTLÂi. ImixovbOUim%T avu fihoua th1eMsetres, reiing luinLte1 e doplore. that ttue poutce ciup bau fait,- os] Soulir Invcut on Moudaylst,-Subject BritishLales; and a.oy attempi. te invade e.!-te 5ueh uexteni. ibis jear tut that couri-me .Itr.,oud-Wa mur!muîntpeaueoîLe ~umttry and ilit a ioer front a m'est intelli"entm (iurcr It i. 1d iifaror o! War. iCanuadieuTerrttry, wotld ho met stel), tramer, in ltae North, due other day, he e stop, steel with stceot, an.! ire with fire, lu telle me iÈe fluex toi- ît coirparnîicety a Nex.st su} eýt cf dI-'bite: Mou%-ar.! er. the tot extremit>'. faillnre, uwing te ibe lmetvy %Tot harcemi, 1>ut ethie gretet inducement te '. --- but the price for tain quatities sUhilkeeps np, uctin ?It,.moigtaizatoiiof 84 P.îtrbcko sbe'cbiàbtn4 j A ursome a ae"»Q, aut 11 f Soci1esty. tise Lest quatit>' eittsmur-the hb@Mqomeanum da Vut-s mI il i t Tîe.--Malcem Melean, o, ~ f £164 sterin;. Scînethin- over £2'T -The ru-orgaumaa!tmon 0,ý S. A.nd w an acre. Afterî bducting ueo. 1bur o! ouullu, ras~u mrttedudluLinisa',Sacleiy, =du. the plessitusticces whieh Le -iulil realize £20 pen acre clar croit.' cin WU L1ed-y Ib uî, for "-mrading, aira>' P f attaudedth îe clebratitn ethîe anniversary lu our inet tewnshiips hie accordîts;., a cat. h( popelyof IIr Fetoi' ûto! the patron Salut ef Scot!anti, 1toier tethe Cousus telcen bot 3year, ie bave in-N lu-cfîouml, m vabrnh 0 r - York Township titisveèage cf Fet] Wheaî (Tuiu'ns,Esqi3. P., and -commt wîish guerosttosiîhi, ehede 15t 32 60 hîtgie te tLeacre, ef Spriue Bil ted t tu Qeurter Sa iînsmu wm'itby, theirIl gsav ae aromate.!the natio- 14 18 G, lu Vaug-han 18 10-60of ut lli taI spirit of Itu ltter, and atimate-d theia Wheat, itin ru 14 40-60 ; ln Scurboro' nul P>ielutuOMuîî~'hTTTr witL tLe dc&re te reciprocata tLe curupli. 12 :19-GO ofFoîl, anti 13 15-60 of Sprîug; 1bu ~rll >uuscut m' l-n mIttcîl1nt that, Hll. fmuet ;n true Irish mtye. thtinluMarbehant Il 24-GO cf Faîl, îand lu Mou iî,lui1> li te'tTlivr te itenion milhb le pt Si-t;-1 480; u Eabioke .. N-6 MERATl0N 0P THE 'le St. Alndrew's Society E in s.n.crluting faot, having fnization. Atralwn b>'. as &Le ro ut (cu~ duu lie5iiWO~ m/tiUa vsami mnm~îmva.u.bas been snddeniy galvanieti into nw lite vbi ,k-ei4fý' tr - - - suý lý anîB -iel t" uttsotitn pe ! r St. Andbrew*s'Vtay fallhiog _ g airdaj m %rZe ares,-srgu stock-e.! attres, andth" ibis le. (o cebelfmati&î 4toiik ialsa c 11the~ et> et>' Manions titlen,,ug- &t of eljswamil, prev'iuus ay.-Friday. An cloquent ser- lu>, 1furoal' iButîal thonuwhVtby psssssmon, appropri.ate te the ocicasion, iras m MY>' siital ftaata-eos inithe lfine capa- preactiotib>' the fleitt. W'. R. Rome, Chapi cas lieu e! its s8plendid -harbor, and i. a l iinof the soviet>', ait St. Audré*v'a tuirci 'Ob imercial mai-t, comnxantiît the trade lu tLe foreniei. Inluthe aftotrmmeun sa meti.L a rieh a,;ri-ultural ccuniry, hil ito the iug wuae ld 'ai CrueLiuor'ai hot#el, wheu 3ý - or ilis eui ite: position ot the nui e, clawere'enrolleuI andd le foeklie li ;ho!.iu cei:y ît> t. ir es iiâ i tn Iewing ofllce:bibai-eri3, fer the eusuin- year, mu ail, frable causPe luelpeut Osicia, Wiity -nRel.JoLis Ginnt, iq.,' M. tD., Pei Li td iti aro boots 1eift fur betinti. As itl di..4p- ofEq, \k-peiuet>- se conuit>' seat" lbni1193ttie sau 1R . M.Lawdru, Eaq., thecretar>', sa mbio epiiiOOm bel i an.! iD4ýM n-- Chas.licherts, Esq., Treasuror. irise, ai.!die a stimuu te bcemuteü in. Rer. W. Rl. Reýs, Chaplain.es isy îuys,e-bulbe Oilla Lebs tetiepenti Crnmfte fMaaemn -Msn :1>'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I 1-1 l w natc rvmcu .I. LainIer, W Latssg, Relit. Camupbell, t). McKa>', A. Alexandesr, anîd John Me- twtîtndn' lendrai-iiackat.tlhota «ii i- as tler ul o d ea, lu seaine respecta ,, Bcn eeeum Constsstttee .:-The President Sa i esptcialiy iuits ntamuactulea, il sur- Secettan', Mosane. McGilI, MecKa>, atîmhW uaWiiîlîy. Oshtia 1 L al l is found->, Alexander. -t-i ýiu; mils, distileoiy, rewery, taniner>', The oletiî lbtthr frein Mn. Birren S. uim e t, a n d -c o o p o ro g e l t na u f 'c ll re ,a s i d r o t a t t m e i g tl as itse iueo:oua ricli stores, an.! biti- *ILR.IM.Laider 1,i. 1 Secetar>' St. Audrau-'e Steimty,m lit ts mai-ta. Tmurue gi>rO empicymnent lu My DEàaii im:- a 'ires-o o!uivhan-is ihe Iimidutn Jmacele iulîîin soi-ny te infori yenthaýv mu tuàb>. Tise of thmq , c! ltn ebanies '4 circumstanu0eiuarft occureut wiboLwili. ni qîcui ui tut XOuutheress. ein a -us-ent me fi-n umig myseit the julea. fi- e seutin 1i ton, hereâîlýbc- ig "sI urecof meeting mitti tM' toîbumirWcuutr>' à itant we--ly, c-xpendutusre ithb the 44men on tLe occaion ethîe 'rceganiia- hb ure keepen, tailor, sud baker, winhid ibis e! a St. Andrew'e Soviet>'. 1 ap- il tc a in IVxeaonumul Li t- 61 liror ici-y much oitsuch a sectEie r er -1 am point o! expert an.! import, "di fond ta estahlshetifer bencroleuist al tuai dia jutposes. -When Sctctimen araeunLr- ail mila pla e cf inup rtauu I, tunate 1 lit icev e z ej are tmre t te i in some repecta supenior to due Ceunti>' ",lioeme rec4esê than men cf an>' ciher bi in. ýjarjç.t rude,_ utlepiident of due, ýico0ntry; ,an.! a 1110e amisuace f'roiol lde ot the localit>', la carie.! en b>' the ilsocli o fond as mie>'bu ferme.! db>' ou cl eresaia cof Gslutea 41tL 'thieback colin- "iSOciCi> cous hbcou0tinuidfor a longetr 1- %ie . ai Touklii -a> diale lime, and.! more lilieral>' beatoireul îbuîegi Ç)ahssn usnt-oni teta> 4oii imoId w' mticlinabc expecteti freminitdividual un - - ~ - ic.henit>', sud su set ais tmnfartuntate sec of bis lir 'aLith itali peri-L-euiagos for 4,Scotie upon Lbislniue balance. For-" jpi -ight mimd cri. iao n ibis respect Le 'Ieîdoutiitt etr k on a footing %i )t h ie W bitliy uumctuant . i uld t-n e i if- - . >r upjplving îLte trade oet iluinterior aof ucusmîncueaudlec y - -' Ville tunu, liibm ou u;- pi lemetu Anitiew'umttu, lie ihitie t- shvl, MHereafter 'vo miien.! aeitingata 55 p or>- " oeda o bLeru h-nh ou o! uur sîsce for Oiu atta eotiae- Id andtiilî-sidea etfcI.! Seilaudti het y6t. inta, and laaamaîtesexlcietY.- 14uill Lare sausuelfatei-nal' meetinig> aund ufs inceb e m ake a begin'tiu- aind u-"g ,ooed nst-egg, wmiTch mmli "10 onI r lie preper lien.!> îitb b, e fua the an iinîsii ietli ni-aI olu$ o)uICe4llenT, ifs d hepri-ip t ) 1!enes 'dcii thé roýcky tide of 8hechalIioi". e pnicelpal 'iil nea iveti t u undendtan.! tbatt your 'uss ufthîe pîue. Tha large circula- ditteuauc e 'ivsa l Le bé .Gd.>-I cil- Mn cf il ium nuciN-ct xth roughuut, the * tctageyen T1s. ihicli'il puy tiat, aud tire counî>v, as 'veil mas ut and aveu.!"Lie a smalideiatimu toma-di suoh a lsia, vendocis it cisiptaticsllthe Ueo 8t fuît.! as yoe coutomptat-" ieioun foi- busines, ine a vertiseît- ' ndhaethe hi- t qci'Onestu -~'My dear Sr,t] "Yeoi-smuai aincerel>' _ 'Sb Iascin cf soe otber bu- buti'Cp - ~ v ~ -î> - CliOîi~the.payite t -of lueiuberR ales to tue zli51 umuet.' -ILiî reports.! tisai ees, tLe proceedinpe 'vesbroultl belrge steaer tiad.!loftLondonn ith a dote- ilt cargo t eueisitionmeof mer for lts Con TUE NîSEzi. demalte Stites. The pnivatesur toitutr In tLe euienin; .liotweten &eîuontv and a oualivilie arrive.!ai Southamupton n'the -igtygi> -gettieîuenithe fflcera s idmoi-- i lai.. <Yu time 1. tLia it., - he fell je ijtil bers oethîLeSociety, andti del- issritedti id boase lie ttAtunican etip 1Iai7vY guemta- .sai down tesa sumptucas dinnier i i cli, ibout.! frein Ha1re L t ew auri i' Crochcer'u LoteL The cLair mas occmapîed t sllauu4 -Thetoute soff CaPtuiin ?1ehsois b>' .1R. J. lutin, Esq., M. D., Pvesidt c fi id bis ceoi, tItn set rire te the slp iitl the ~Sciety, aud tLe Vice-Chair b>' James v )urceiý ber t e isiur't- adge. The 1. »srtvid!o, Esq> Ont he rigbit oethe ' rasbiltlanide.! Capiaiu Nlsoii andI ociebschirmun ere tiestti e r v..W. R. Ross,9 It Southamntî4en ud ronîaineitteti ber- [tkv.. K. Maclenuan, antI Thomasu Dow,e il! with due Confeuberate gasg flying. Esq. taimager efthe Montra!BaukbAt i Mr. Reemiel in btiglt let.ter to 'tLe :WLlib>'. on bis 1_jft *re jilsn Haus !n)iiea,adsaert tat tLe 1>'uesdent Anud Ca- Prny, REsq., &c. Tse vice-Cha7irman mas isen)t 'ver. ipreoit>' censidoring tLepri-s. por cu tonte viglît b> John Stier Et- po*itiùus or eccupiiilit or l1ikifl* 1118 iter- antd it i 'iIl 'X uus,~sm- enno r thes cf ils.zE.n p0aiuWet5. > n thSe t-,ert y *itmy gnw, Lîqcbu te pattron gmîlmt ut Seôtltllîd.' 8u0teWî a acatiereit over every- paxZ or 4he wariit, *ntlwiued the ocuairnitti») Cousidered it a y '0 Obamir4e St. Andreir a day. lu sucrver part cf t11e world s sebtchmusn u4Q#nýda býbghîte is raco1lection ne- ,mbituiacèa ôf home andi frlenissund of 's aï,ra' ana üt*y.--'he- acelebratittiuVOf" i day' aà%-btne tibieW' ssître'etcd SctO- en together everywhoio. Ho iresLïeppy, the remewval f iii St Andrew't Suci- y'lu Wbîtby . h vas the miens OF brin- Social liarmupny, îa ou the presen t c. ien, sud it prarmiote.! the boimevobent beet irieh IL trgamizution ite uo ci- ol ameti at-the reliefof tthuin disiressed rilier s"othmhîn, 4. he chairmttu concbudý i y ccogrtultimig îesoiiot>ou ittim 1 î- r mut inetnbemWh bh. ilreuiVcuiiie "rad iurollied theuiîmocovsiii lus nîîulki, ild truste.! that tie $eî-]cîy twould lu n , i, - sh an.! preeper. <Cherits) Mf.aketi iksn ait te dinki aofull bumupun tou tic toua fth(, IlTh Daty, iand ail wlî Lemon orit.". 'ha toast wouL dranti amidit rounds o! p ýit The Ruiigiomus and Edlucatiocnel inter- sta o! Scottaixt," ivos Oie uoxt toast given 1. the Vico-chairman. Rlerl. .Mr. Who wîL ias calioti uposi lu sqpcn., dia su80 rie!ly andi etieetive>.'. le ande.! due intelligence anti moi-ali> of uCotehmen, ha $niti that tLe Scc>ehmaiî ma net alune au educato i mon, burt a nastwontmymntanud thol tLe rtome o! a )otchýmatli mas a poi4port to t lie highot fieuýs nicr tho Iiiitish crown. The usrmu uhocla o! Scotoutid, Lu assertf.!, id fsentfortilaa meunit of taleop qsil te >' lin the mort.. Anti ihen ieospueikeof ir rýeligions linstitutions lie saiti that the eligious teachers cf Seotlai.!nover fled uni tihetietonce of truith,eveu ta tLe iedding, cf tîteir bieod. flo coiitudeil )y zàdisin,, Seotehoheli(n to conitiînueîoalie lie moral andti ruet-murthy mien, societ) .,gai-ded tîbo te lie, atid uhe>' moitI.! t IIra>' respecte.! anti a.tt -;lWe'vl t aihoe is un tLe dependenelies of tLe IlitulIiCruin. Son,,b>' Mr. Pole-,, Wlien the bIte jonuets camne cuer tLe border.'- Thi sgong I brouglt tdownthde bus,-adwas bravo.! tu the echo. iiTho l-ai.! we tire in"1 sastduc oxi tous ivoîî, andmi. r.ý' ?erry 'vas lud>cabbec piu foi- a rlttluise.. Mn. lFerry ni-cao anti maiti ltat ha Sell i-oit. ut hein; a eaniimtani.!souit Lot warul>'the toast hll ed bocu uouudedti t Ri- aasured lhi1m tuthat Luryer mc Scotchîneu loea. their countury lie 'vi Pte ared te stand up 'and defemîti Cuutediaii ciiaIl eme-eticm>s. Andtin Itit hoe a a Catnadien iras pi-oumd to tiaree oag sietauve cf Lis brother scoiclimen. Scotch, Men>;-Trishn n d Englishmen-anti1- ony otlion mati," 'verea il ureicomo teoCamuoaa Lihe auniuffectionate imoîher ailo extfied her turine arine toe ebrmîe e-enm ail, uni -doptthmso naestia.- Cea)b bei y ve o ral -alîd educated, go mc Lhe hetler-abd if tliY ej e e îot, thm woul lie tade bethtibii t cem-ary.. OUI ummton schooali era, otaerved Mr. Peur> cami veil comnpare with thlu oluT SeSheeld i f Scoîsmît, -(Cheeru,) oir witli thet schov Le therefore prepaed the educattanatttroula Or (CLeerlu.) bir. Shecir, burvin; her ,Thoed t - Ion.! éalbs. le vilitttiittOitue'e i-.aýtr )no i -. --- cf 1 awyers faÀ ' jetlu#EfrCyn . i l ut? itiy' stribte treour attami-Std ln u t,1 îoiai'lwydra weris.réuC. sud sel.! the green (>9 r ttîav.-IwyerS wene iousier that nine-tettl yumr nalîre Ian.! -nf the people -Wmho emplcy thein. lie -The hbum'inug fi;es-et pm eulgiseti îLýbar, , ilssef#uln a, ild pire sud tés.! "6i1or ait put ittin sud maid timet thse i.mo,rf Cdit*a'the umoment toc 'vJilen-jl ateCmd terc u.!tnc n upoint of trust, and' Nimbena gire atrecgts> abii. - daetheilie. "; .ti be rs Mr. Dartuell ant ir. v, 3itig'>5> t]-t> csity ofef 6;htiný, btile' defetidur-d' the esue cf thé- Inwyeraâ. mote ounr arma ir-sli.itbl Cetes l-ei-umade ftir !r,-(f'mrdoii 'Wb 0 mand mnîycnoisat reapeît;c iii a'few clevt-n re.irtutsirtthatilulie hLad- douce. We muît have 50 ,tt-îîîyn eacei b. oa i tojyehich tbe Lendsmnu at.1vebis follei gçndieen u îLqpi-emelul Lin Lad arrive.!, lave hisa lo 1f tth but expcmed ta ëget tho'ravery ehurfl>', amd officeotiti we nature t111e retuiru2 Lis iinlore luenka for -the ceimi lei.the- aspirant for offiei ltilnet o! iie tcast. thiat we wilti e Wei htedi Mr'. Shier gave the ister aucietY'Of St. patriitlutmandiuns>' b. fi Patick-e couple.! iiib the .naine et Mr. there bho an>'cravon, cru M o.!>' mhich vs uertil>' draube, anti i-il-have oma.thgeto* spemîddu th >'îe latter gentleman ik fit- t thtir eounivy's catI ti, tin, tenmqu- 1 - ae>' tihLme anid bei.cn' "The Barikin- intercala cof Canada" truc comc aut te juin ti mas theie ixt toast, sud wameiliresljded tenite.!fiel.1. to b>' turý 1)w, Mdameger Muntreaai'Baunk. Comne with supplies oc 'T ho Mercatiile interesta,'> reipotie.! ents il yen cit prjocura te b>' Mri.. lRberts. "Ulis of any descriptiont "Tho Canetilan Veknti.oeru,>'rEspouded te Lring - oirn a foc Il te by Cmp. Wallaceu. - -cue idhuuuhein, sud ei Ttse Agiculturai interasta,'> reapouleils f a-s iu la puotubli. Br t( Ih %Mn. Roerot itier.' and vatiuima for aîe ici lt'rbo Ladies," mrespondedti teby 31r. ami.! eavy sbee tut.!exi SuRbait-ant Il0cr lest ant i Msts,i u bnave dierna-Blie j mre amongut due oi.thé-r ounuteor toaïts main iîh tdue arn>' cxe giron anti epondedto t; and îLthe 'wOet -fur duo haggmsge ireupoi auna'Lehurs ayant the tirai" broeuiii bafoue We inusut havo.5OOOO tLe butk oftheLe omùpen>' sepratei, ailtumen an.! b>'the Ldp t mci- pleased with due entevlainmnent of the the JierIian, hauds of txh frein the Lstae .* i -fii ovenîng. u.:m . in... .. -Thc Whiîh>' Ilechanica' Inutit et-cdu for seccrln, tLe uevi( îonld-reuoîneti Leci.oiev on T au..! me he. dat the pulic tiliunin tLe éitrtncexpenge ise lu b iIigin , Lins bure. le Las lu Wbhitliy, but omn Chrlitias. 1 expecticd te stand in ouri- mimsi e.!, eb q Ftt-:atltti,. Lente puivenlîi iadurecato f uo' heprIifi Ion,; che-risseel.- The mansthât mas,>' tintes lu su cdcssmio, IC numboring tîbcîsamds, i8 entWtid o.! bouse alun ui-b0aemtifutTi foui essore.! ibat t neoiilireg, Liins, ee alilleuglu dutey sLunît mîtti smo et Lis eittncletions tatetIt, u114 , iulte ectu ab a itl Iu n anhI Lont ttllfs- fieuds of e Society', shid b4 bou themiel fluencuia a ito'iaspossible to, s lieuni.>' veliamo. 1 . r hume. Ife wm h asi the Scutch- )f h4im, sud Cena- Smenî out th na- 5s mcilias te par- hitu tibIs. counitry s te ahi L-ustea mue tbere menu1 inu, betwre aud tisati. ScotàLtten mai- vr- a, uîigbt,ai iumable to1 a foi meuh Cumphae lt. Let ouae ef!td te deseý

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