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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1861, p. 2

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G rnb ~rd' sutC)leta rtitage ré ue-J as. i. Ciahd Lec tre-Pi.-ering NMèclannlé'tis inlas1te. Noti'-1. J. Macdetll. Adjutruet Quarter Saifi A Car.!--H. J. llacàon'elt. fdles o h rtfar-4.J. Onna. Cutters c.-IouritXalkey & o., **Théesod En,'ltah IËIysctaris Dr. Amus amI Son. *Si. n oftho tégkA t Icsif Iorge" . Fe' * lit.. *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n Chitu,~n o er Rsets. ýrîi&- i] t ie-HIamitltonnd Itbet. uýv' Fruits -Hamiltotn an.! Robertài. Ntc-Rebt. Vêt-donà ONLY ONE D OlL AU AT"AR Itly5 4,Thiîrs4a3.Di ceb, r19, 18(31. Advértiaonmiîtt iàt'tded for isettien in ¶ur ncxt itte, mnst hé bande.! in béfore Tuosday aaro nas neat vweel's isue ,sil bc sont tri presi pin Wedneaday trt- Sec Hittilton & U4brts pdvertisemcttt, fruits 1-C. Rery. D r. Thurnton isa'aniocunoéd t6 dliver * a léctinrc,this (Thursa¶y) or nolfg ati thé Temnpérance Hlall, D Mi7 Or k. CTRE.-n AIIC.riau s.é tirpST-ovEs, A i utr. rtet i nst-r &c,-Sé ln.Le. * ~ ~ ~ o 8a' t-rin t t neev.aléeut' s;tovteS, ati itpe nabuCoumeu4)fun thé ith afid 1lObt' fJnnnlary ocat; *The *offiil (Yiizrfc at nnca thot <drill instnaîtors v ill ho slîpliet freut' expensé Lo u scb iluér tps as shah apply t'on * Is-n. InkLia80T linebas vo cnuttncét by filppr lriirs utof théeGlobe, againt thie le uprirt n.ot' thé Leader. Thé- propritor ut' thé Globe u.nght inlu hehlat man la Canadta n ing a suit for iliel. * Mnil. nous ésauxO, Ex MP. P. for thé -Conuîy ut' Vitoria is tu ha éntertained hy Isisi fri-bnds'ins chat réonty- at a public din- tien, ta he giron at WueodvlIle, un Friday érenin". l'he coinplimn. t is vélI deseiveil -ly Mr. Carneron, frQua 410,peuple et'f -The Whithty ladies' Becuore. rdostre te altnowli diréthé sun, lains front Ab,-ailsna Ceéhrasae l h bands ut' the- Mayor. AisuSi nufis-*éroquet at. thé a'wnaunNte1éit et' Mosans. Walréy. *They ufFr <bilLet-s malte anti wun1,-mawuip ai $25. gui ap sonné ver>' baàaditouaé, itsîatd cuttons' for thé cônsinfi rlich are Weil vuntby ita'poc se in vaut ut' a roai!>guud au- tdo hottes- haiu deam i h'1s8ra. Walkey, vho are lu ever'yo" ghly éeliable parils. BuisaFlint, thé dfeated .'a ien vas thé iast Io puncýase lit-, Churclill'a right to hlit pp extnsetor5l'or, tbe sun-01 itmsi thal lie May' ho sucess &tiéç souno consolation 4ruuahi as.! mure fortuniée iàt Il ir taasuh. vswu i bi tu7l Thée Unyoratlty. tit is now fait-Iy iuthé field as1 forthé MfayorltY. Ius éttres; payené an11 ha found elsevhérs ~re. We do net apprehea wtltfsst a>' opposition ; end i lé., té' woîrtIcy cletor uil b a celamaaion. l'o atbuse vi (Jni, Îît 'aeé4scaacely b. tui ia évry resapect ejeliflédt tefi e,6 chir witb boomen sd diièitj sJt(îeil matta Iminets1 Tl,és 5trn iews froua Englap(4 whltib wt, péhllishla u' wecl, vas nuL Tae odexpedtéti. Peuplé, iu thi ats at làéba, bhO réa.! a loyal p~ té 'signa of thé tintés," wre sun pare.! for thé courses viciathé Briih Cabinlet bo6aW l.lCeib alvays uplielId thé right outimylutrivwtha tenacity, an.! bas ieern suffere.! euy viola- ion of it Lt. î pffero.! ith impunaity. i Casaofut MýE3srk ason ait.! Slidella not uo ]y ham the rght out asyluan been violated, but thé British flag outragé.! ith 1prmoditatied insaît. Poacifel pasnsot, salllg untoér thé protection et' thé Brtishiaig am r rii. ted by foncé antd violence, anud tholat cors ut' thé Crovu have décide.! that suh an pet aonuta b a flagrntviolation uf thé law ut' nationâ, an.! a direct mausuitio té Countty' . spécial naesagge bas been dispa tchedt to Lor Lycans at Wasaitng- ton with théeastinsaum out'thée 1tih Cabinet, demaudiitg. î' hsuaderatood, tlat 'Uessr.Slideli an.! Mason hé dlîvreét up sida prapenapology made-, and in casé ol refutsai thé .English Mnister 15 lu de- mand lais pasaperba and! rtera home.~- Mattens ai-c thus brought tn a cruss. It unav romains viLla thé Unité.!States tovrin mentto udlirer up thé 4oero.acc*pt thé alternaative 0of a dêcla-stion ut' r oi thé part ut' Groat ]3itain ILala ditlcul bu suratise 'what course thée tveiiinentuf Mn. Lineuin vil! adopt uunder 'Iucla clrcatnt. acms.Theé Notthena ntbý hich nuées the rPrésident and! bis Caiétî0 havé aireo4dy glorifié.! the net ut' theé (ommaneothe ~a San .radato iéte *thatS 4 a here. 0(na. tio1is bavé béen mîade hiî*, and.! pens scing irt bis pt-aise, hécansé vith uski arneéd veasel ut' van ho outrage.! an u lannté. BridtiahPacket. Tlte onductot'the A=rîni eau mnol>is hache.!op by %in insolent pcfss and, unifurtunnatly, vo knov boy gmoýtil these influences vilI %voe ilh thé Fedcjral guvonument âi its deoision. Thené is Il ¶11 reaien bu hope. for thé adoptilon ut' con. ciliatory an.! poeal mesure-' On t li cuntnary chéiré arévery rea-son lu fear 1 aat thé prisotters vili ho retainé.!, an.! 1tzrt van, vîit aIl is bornons, avilhé tlié dreaî4, resait. U7ndor sncb circumstaaaeés hé duty ut' Canadinosi% is plain ati obvions. IL is Lu at-nidiscipline, snd bu préped'iLu eet thé vona. Canadianu plack, an.!ýa nadian loyalty yuilnoct hé founal vantgng tu meét thé gravé neeésaities -ut' thé cë- Siun, abatever ttay arise., Already at 1te fitt.una.! ut'thé tocsin théeailiutry ar. dour ut' thé Province ia arouse.! an.! on the aiert.' Militia drlling gués un apcic, und Voluntéen Cotolanies are b*uing formé.! ii eve-y Liriandi.!village. Thé guvonî?mont vili fluJ nou dilllculay ia placing 100,000 Canadian Vlunlteers in thé tield, an.! vith thèse, 1,000 e-ouata troua Englanel, thé invidons'will fin.! that An.! .Lrongh? erer yufotoif,da*iadiaitterri- tory an inviading arum>' viii encouter e hostile population vltli Thc bl"lészrsvoi WC, tént-L But Canada von!.! net hé thé only bat,- tle gruu..Thé van vonît hée arriéd into te eneamies territoryi aund vage.! ther at moYe points tbjaa ou,. Maine votail e- it'é4efféétsi as von!.! lsuo vés-y Northern >City au.! lova ou thé Atlantic Cuoast 1I - snelappily van shoul.! hé déclare.! the Yankeées vil! find, perbeps, pleny of ivurk -to défena Maine, ps-oSeS theit' cities un thé Itiantie mut, and attend w lietregard dollars vbich they -oastie counntry, tomie znxiety, if nuetelsappoiutmonl an.! dis t-ut, begina ta o eféit at thétmallileu( gainé.!. Public imapatience, gay's thée!Newf 'ýyerkJWb' ji se, repremsue onl y by thé ,onviction thet a réal neceait>' for limiting. our progreu as m up te t>l présenittinté existed. Thit conviction uov wanos ; and tiie reticenie sfbleh déébea an' eplanation 1 as tIi>' the popular impause is isu long résisté.!, is beginuiigtg Lu opénqui.- Whethen ightly or wvnagly, thé coursueut' Genêt-is nov provuireaciticisua, and sIrop- tie cIilii-ans amaaing views rn L vbolly faorable 'lu thé thécoryof nilitan>' infalli- hulit>'. Thé close approach ot' vintet- qiclkeas itese discussions. If thé bellot' asboutît hécoetéeoeiral that fiatthon notion is positiveîy te hé dferred aintil sping, voul.! terminale ln serions elscntnt- Hovévoer inapet-t'ct thé civil alprociabicu uay hbcEM Su military science, commun asM isluan attnibuté whcb buttons and bullion do nuL aluné confer; an.! commun sense is qité as competent as taetical pro-. t'uudity au décide thé question,%ut' thé ex- pediéncy out'lseunaordét'ig.oé- tions. t tells us, adula abat journal, thiat vo have rmuoh lu lose hy prolonge.! telay, and! thal vs have, nuL mnch au gain;, that thé ct-yt'on perection in:tdriil an.! sount expérience binsat to:bhéfautisied by thé ad- ditional paacice out' wéél r 'f Month , since nuL thèese, 'but, long, jeans, are needdt L maire s potfotat-ns>' thatthe influences ut' a Winter lifé in inatfi3yt will h i pkgalnst thé éntlausrm ansd.thé spinia ut' thé iruops, and nea muth in faver ut' thait- futte nvinciility-fon ILis nj-ot tnîliing, an.! revicvieg -that ose>malie ltu teers stand Ocr-, but the fréshuessa and ia petnosiay ut' théir courage, an.! thesé qnuali- diés are flot nonishea hy tIse dultreguiarity of camp-liite; tbat titeir sldiergast ndsu. iviil itérer bé, more meeltanical engittes, eren if décades at-e vaste.! in thé endeavor Lu maire theni su. <The more thé excuher- anean.! annimation ut' thé mon are chilI.- cd, thé lèesavaînablo viii ahey hécuhen irought lu masses héfôre the énémy,-end il s ut.! énougllif the leaders JIave nrbltdis- ouverts. tat the fut-cea ut the Union at-e rul moIte.! upon thé priniples et' foniga anmis, an.!tbtat the contact ut thé van needa Io bé fashionet accrdin-lp. Mnr. Chailes Ellet, civil engineer,vh is deicriho.! as holding a social and prulessienal position éutitling bis opin- ions Le respect opeuly' attachathé polioy et' thé Cemmnaing Général; ini s pamf- phlet entitled Il tTiro Aussi oP ME l'o' t-oSAO~sr lS M5WAÂoSE, # and chat-gos hlm viih incapacit>' an.! ncmu- péténq to drt ltheuavemtaof solage drtdete C u ongress, Seuate and lBouse Chamemru.itori, Cougnemanen,' Officers, an.! Etgineru, one, after anothér, are aIl acnitiniaing vith, siO'for giVing, dfèÀ 'isoniiru1101 intho art ot' 1entistry., Itrictfor Plain- ,J. IL Greenwood, &Iwééyal forIaistiffTî T. C. Kerr, emnsel for Defendant > sta'bbing. Theplaintiff vent o rté1 e e~n ant and another ma, whe, wre 'bands. Damnages voTé laid at £50.', Ver. diet for pïaiti.fr- £5. P., b] Eérd7for' atll for defendant. Court ad3oued. Tsw,.4bi', Do 1,1861. - Warren vs#. fjrsrsJ 1-'nk Rai4*wm.- Action t., redover vau f a qesltity ut' whoait. PliutT delveréèd350 lhÉ~li of w.hçeat on board tb.1 çars fer éonveyàne o MNontreal. Thé quaîtily on arrivaI vai found t1 bho déficient 5T 1usbels, îbence Itle action. Dut'éndants étaiméed't have car- ried thé whcat wincer-a spécial contracl, and on that -round their aon.liahility, Thé jury ivéré out about 1t'ltOtnis, ad boing unable su a;-ree wéo discharge-d. lsven wero fuund fo o b nfavor ofthes i~tl and une foi adefendant. R, . ..Wil*on for pléiotift', Chritophier Pattorson.s4 Téronto, and John Tel>u1Iofîklt-ville, ?r)eféWanta. Gord.s s. 7~eeukActiotto re covor dannages for faîso représentation of qualitY on salée of vbeat. l'art of' thé wheat, Îil vas alleged, turnie.!out tu hé mttsty irbpn naanut'actured int o fluer. Verdict for Dé- fcntiant. W. IL. Tréétayato fer plaintif?. R. J, Wilson for Défendant. The Querit Vs..TJohn >davez.-Lar- tony. Thé ias-ceny chat-go. vas théestéal- ing ut' twoaintsoff a clotés ElleinP*lin<& Albert, thé property ot' Dr. Jones. ?na- s etr vas defondé.! by IL J. Wilsonantd pleaded geiîy. Séntoned to one months, wiîh hard labor, in tht County pals. 77te Qereen vs. Mazktm- Maeai.- ,Obtaining goolsA inder faîne proteéceli. Thé prisuner borruved a coat fromtaMn. Maybe ut' Cannîngton, vhich lié excltang' cd for anothér coat an.! $1. Ile wa3 de. Ieuded by R. J. Wilson. Verdict of gfity. ,ctcnced to iwo imuntha *ýitlabard labur in thé Counity gaul. P7tbé Îd 1The Queen vs. Jesstytiro R)eod3 Delog--Laceny. 1The prisoenr, iwo rather "oud-lobldng yn6ng voinen, were 'charged vitla stealiawg a quani t' p a nd nau! stove, thé proporty of Mr. S. S.-'Joty ut' Port Perry. R, J. Wilsons de- fended thé-p,iwniars.asud W. H. Tremayaté prosecuite.! for Iale Crown &Bemuty ini dis tress" provailoil, and! the prisoners woe Court nejourno.! eatlI Fr4day morcisg et hialf.psst aité. SFatpày, Déc. 13,181 77,.e Queres rs. Adam Soet.-Làarceéy. The prisouen vas indicted -.for .tésrrng a fa-ir ut' glovcs, froua the store of Me7ssro. W. H. Gibbs & Go. t' Osawa.. Verdict guilty. ïSentence.! to 3 monîths barttlabor, in thé Caunty gaol. Mr. Wilson defosadé. the prisoner. 1 L Oaiasaeea vo.7smas i*,~i* loser watohfuluots (Gon. McClttllsa'ahase- violein Maur tiré policy, ad bis capaclt>' for dLpôM a ony andeat an.! suocesafél>' diretinz thé vaut mater- - p s or ils placé.! at lis coumand. Thé valoropa chat-acter e gulag-to do polie>' viliidotabtlsas uontinuet fende.! b>' M Lu excite atélacesaoplainta and.!uuteét;ted on lte eh buL penitaps 1iL i. cause.!b>' thé yonng- gen- vertdict for ce eralVs, appréhension et' éitther "Bull's IlitH. no Ru." boitait' ottbe -s..---gondi Adricé t ]Balla tias Sonet. . bi h- efétuere menthe at hé À réferouce Lu unr drrtisiég coluwns Thé prise viii show that ané unsulnuuaber ot'ball[& satistléedwitm are to corné off before thé firt ot' Jaiuaay acquitte.! hier lu ahis neigliborbouti. Those fond-otsfhe - tiséthé twelro la -hop" vill havé an ojpjornitiy ut'etjop 7e QI igalively time. Tise folluvittg ae thé 'saulijThis Globe Moitel Brooklini Frits>' eéehbug lJi@ lte ~sa Townu ooctl. MuaNDAY, Dec. 16, 18,61. Thé Couricil maet' at thé Town at ,fie Mayor tanki thé chair ahortfbefôre 2 elock. Ail théeinembers préfiet. The Clork réa.! thé fulluving redu1-ns ut' fines recëlved, and!- rént ut' thé To1rt IHall , u itnigte- bjyeà r :-F ines $1 1_3j ynjLt'hall élection $8 nahtng iàall *180. k'ihea ta hé collecte.! $27. SThe'CotnciF'went intu côtumittéti un the. Ittt1tnrf Mr. McOll for an exacreséet'f salpi-y an.! on rmotiona of Mr. Perry,, a resu lution va rported. grauting Min. MeGiIi $4O'extra saiary for 1860 and!'is STREitTS A-NDutavazrs Mn.:ýPerry bronght up the report ut' thé vent Înt commuttéeethereon,, Mr. Draper: lé thé chair. Thé report wuas dopted. -It shows thé total expeoditure un accu1-ut' atreoets an.! improvoméoet%, t'on thé year tu ho $29494190, bcing $230 in exceesut'fthe appropriationùs.- Thé report réconamends thât notice for tenders for 100 corda ut' gtuo,1 50,000 feet t' f loich plank, and 15,,00 foot 'ut' 3 and!4tinclh scantlag, ho ,.ssncd at once ; thé tondons te lé be pee. on thé thirdý Mouday in Januarl next ;aise t'on cedar. Thé report ut' thé Cotniut4e vas adopt- éd recommending pnymént ut amîtll accunîs ut' Maclear & o. an.! W. H.Hign On motion ut' Mn. Brovn, the report passe.! thnough conimittée recumniénding p aymént ut' amaîllaccounti amutotin ab $28. 1aPTrusate uaFitEus Fou 82 A hy-avfor thé purposo vas, intruduce.! by Mn. Penny an.! passe!,ap itiniy Jfannain Retnninr, Officér for thé North Ward, thé, cîçetion ta bc bol.! at.tbe Mec. 1hanics' lli; Duancan Maodonoît, Return-, ing Ollicer for thé Centre Ward, election at thé Town Hall ; and Thon Huston, Retorning Ollicen for thé Soutb WQrfl,ý élection nt 1tuwe's sate store. TOWN PttutEttTY. 1Mn. Draper hrought up titis report,which passed .tbnough -cotorirocomnaening payaiiit ut'vaniottiaccounti. 1lettilaje.NvutErT SOCIETY. On tmotion of Dr. (hmnne thé Tnaanér w s otdered tu pay $25 ta the fonds ut' thé Lýadieq' ilénovolent Society. ont motion ut" Dr., Guno, a résolution passe.! ae:tdening" thé re.4pectfui thani-ut thé -conci! ticthée14 out'thé j3enoen Society for their praiaevontby an. succeas t'ui efforts 'un behaît' o& thé itoun ut' the town the Pait year.11 TUE -CIIIEY CuaSTABLC. A résotution ut' Mr. Wilson-ta proure an encreaéusoft' $50tLuthe aslary ut' the' Cbjet' Constable faile.! for vaut ut' a seconder i but thé matter vas subseqoentlyi considere.! ln commnittee, and thé commît-,i tee rosé viabut taking nwy action on thé aanderstancllng,' however, that Mnr. , Cansron vas Lu receivé the fuI] salary ut' à100 for thé preseut yeux. *On motionofut'.Draper, a résolution 1passe.!to have refonde.! to John Fergnînn an.! Donald Simupson, $2 éachi, amolttpaid gby théni for poli ta;, provide.! thé ansount ipal.! by them, for taxes on lots eézedé< 1511 it that Mrt. YXeehart inaunmo tins1 Mn. buat sthpr evidé,les irbielathé>'w( in a propane.! Lu0geL Lu mert-u-eveéuing,. loitt tttz-nu T.nutsA e. hlmc r Befortitheé nain;ut'olte Counne ofà Pont-y, seoudéc by Mr. Deert-bî d'thé following reauhution :-'Tht brniutheir pt-uueedings Lu a CIO te t.e to tht-t Who are OurNt- 'itrai t iei1- TbÇaadt reeiitân wasks this -gués- tien 4Èr thereo4IÏ'i gootd dal in%4tse fallov- lung reply ut' tlië.àior ,f hat j ournal wlsich véhé*btily e4râ - From the fermîa tion t the Union te the defeat uof thé Baildwin.Laýfontaiine admilîis- tration, tla, political alliances ut' thé Catho leof Urr-a Ommyaî e e t 1. t ebjeet out' dispute. T bey véro caq,, oatqnal, honora-1 blé, and reiprocnlly adrantagéotta., Thé moderato, conttitutional Reform-ns ut' thosé *aYs mrthé Li-ne éxpononta ut' thé lihén.nl apon thé application ut' which thé 0 ociaraau ~ pilfial péiica and!usefeu as 6 'f thé Cathulie bodyin lain no iamaîf dégréé dd. pendent. Thé party which In the, fathor- 'lar.battle.! steadfaitly fon thé émancipa- tionof ut'ur co religionios front the bon- dag ofu thé lav-vho stru',gled throg years to secun e taunr kith an.-km thé oquality ut' igîtts an.! privileges te vhich tliey are enttléd--han lsitacountérpant lu Cana-da in: tho oh.! Refonniorganization, whose- leaders, knoviug nu distinction on thé ground ut' faith, vorkéd with n.! for ns vith a tldélîy nover Lu hé fvrgotten.- Thore ver nou secairian feuds lu Lliose day»q, religions animusihiês véne nut thon apprealed to, Lu- prutatoto partisan <esigrts. Sectional jelosié vn nuLthoutplayod upon by Ileformaens as meanus ut' xciting the hoitiliîy ut'otte séction uf thé Pruvince ovants thé uthér. Uppier and Lover Ca- nada vere cordially in unison, in thé logis. laturé afi.!thé cabinet; hèrs aui in thé East, Cathiolie influencé vas dnly recugynize.!; an.! for aIl socular purposes, Cathulien an.! Protestants pulle t Lugethor vith an un- affect& sincéni ty vhich jielded thé happiest résulta. Teom ionslathé distunhancé uof this staî ut' thinga aettributable ? Forbunabély, up on -tbi i poinît thore is' nu ro for doubt. Mn. Brruvu an.! tié Globe, at'tén latving béen ourse.! at thé tren»aary teat, turne.! rouin.! upun, fod betrayed tée puliticians and thé party tau arni tlty areoindebted fton their vcry exisîcucé. Fruni abat momenît te ena ut' setariau politici tnay Itc said lu have begno. T eiioî umure con- rectly, ireligious-pnejndico, IMr. Bronv apponté.! as bis sole sourceofut stnngh an.! hope. Noothér g-unt.! ut' atk vas upén Lu bu With ail bie hardiltond, héý daredneut te impeach thé punity ut' Mn. Itaidwmn'a -purposés antd ple.Against thattstatesméin, at once thé -type an.! leader ut' CouatauioalMeortin, Mn. Bnvn's nia liguant tonigue ha.! preferred iettospécifie accusation-. IL vas thurefuné necemary au cousît-net a newov puition,-xnd a sécetarlan sectionaliani vas eie. lto rnéuiiiouoro -thé purpusge. Mn. Brovu conjure.!. up thé- "xNo Popery". et-y as hi» i -t effective in. -etnîocnalHo raise.! ahunil a init-what ho vas pIeased to eai l fovenOtata do d. Imination." Hé sappAeéi luethé fears, thé jpréjud ices4,thé interviiita l lpper Canada; alleffing thut the Wést. vastra miplo.! upon Ity thée ,rohbed by thée1c.st, ilé by he aho Et; an.! attriinlo;with aIl- bIis miit au array thé Protaos-tatitimiuofthé couný.ry agnilîst thé Chureh au.! thé cre.! ut' Cathulies. True, for a soason, MnI. Bro an.! hi8 servile adhtronta deénaéd it polluie lu aulupt a t0oue ofciviiity tuvîýrd4 thé CathIlies of théc- West' Théy neéeId Osiholie votésa l préserve thons froni pulitieal anihilation, And! it fsuite.! ahirmthon lu affert naucéra- ion an.! t'iend;iness. Our readérs know Sthat vo vers tnt unw.illiug te) give Lu theîr proto.statiens a fair triàl. 'We vene anal. oua La nid in stiffing the bitter, bateful cries tb. apparent no nuhilié( and tîtat M.per, thé Imsportanlt ttolis England. THE ,3rtZlYRE OF' M ESOUTHERS Cf»M!SSONERS DECLATtED. ILLEGAL. WÂRILE PREPARATIONS. The Timees of tha.1th élt., rnalrés the imPortant U*nnouncement that the (Cabinet basrnm d owétheeocls nthatthéeane t' thé Captain of' the Sant Jaciito; of eizing paseongýers on n'British vessel and ctrryingt the 'M forcibly away ja a cloar violation of' the lawut' nations, and one for which re- paration nmtbchatonce demnandedL In ail probability, the first atEamner will carry e o)ut.in;struoc uns 'Io lird Lyons to dermand repai-ation for thé ili advised set of' the sîiure of MasQa snd. Slidell white under the Protection ot' théeJ3ritimhflag. Shotild thia just demttnd nut ho cotnplied with, we îcanriot doubt that Lo4rd Lyona vU!1 under the ingtruction% of Mbi govrumont 3wthdrav with thé -British legation'from Washinlg- ton.- The TErne8 expresses the bellot' that thé Cahu jet bas talion a viev-ofîthe matter vhich vi l bo. aatitory alike to the, patriotism and re4son ut' the countrY. The TErnes aYs thé principle un which the gomernment rest itq .ltrnand ia that a British ship must un- tii her violation ot' neutriol righ 's, isý fully provcd be heldto tu be riui.eh ground as much lis if she were an act4al piece of' 1ritigh soit, and thé right ot' lirotection Lu ail poraupa on buard isnai valid as on Bri. tieh territory. Nov no étucb violation bai been proved,,or soq;gbf. lu be proveid against thé Trne ebliqquentl7 the seizure ut' four persona dragged froni ber decka were en- tirely illegal. - , 1 1 Th'- Poil confirma thé TErneïs' ate- ment. The Siil>ping Gazelle belperes there ifL a poasibîiify, tint a rrmo te one, thai théý Goveriîodeî,t may disavov the, act ut' CapL. Wilkes , and even go to the lcngtb of releasing the Sonthern ý.commissioners, but if the demand t» nuL complied witb, a declaration ut' var.un the lpanrt'fEuglund îi ineritablo. The export ut'iialtlpet.re aud wariiké stores were fuermally prulýîied7 It va4 stated that une ship, witht a large cargo uf Saipetre, for Anièrica, hàd been stupped, and the relaudh.g ut' warlike: atoiert.already ahipped, 4ad been reqnl rd. The naval ýVüuurteers vere offerinetiy corne forvérd. to proieet the lionour ut' the British fIag. There ii ri o nfirmnation of this report. The Liverpool Courier extra says; -0.Ve have been'iinformned thatA. pivate teeiegrm liaS heenreceived l b tis» towvuthi tnourn- in,, ,tatin-f' that *thée ri aforthwith to proceed Lu Annapolia, -witb thé G.1abi. îît-. ultisnt.um for the delirer7 ut' the pInison.ers i ad full reiaration. cus The 7Ties sayî thé visest cuefor Callada ii hbcto prtpairé,; tlot ber at onite diïcipline her iniitia and emulate the W!tlrountry by drilling a Volunteer arn.Montreal 0nly van tg stouts hearts 1ond ",alotiï bande tobehosale ontil thé tSpring returns, wheo ve cati maIre it secure. Thç lun-_er to. Montr>âl-or any other point on i the fruntier iâ test 07;iiada ahould not rely to o nch on us, nor tbu little upon ber Ton thouîands truopa wéro W hé sent to canada. Tho F -rend, journals generally loolt tnp O the Tre-n isgai r fi0thé interéat ut'f ngand. Lettens from IlFranec 4ataWthat thé nova Of tho 4ernérican lilllctities% causod immiense r îeos.vton in Paris. and thé firsLgencral im. Wasttington. A. royal pruicîouua'n, pr-. hiintf-hct expert o ut'goipovder aund sala. 'pet e, aide nitrate uof soda an.! britastono. T'hé siipuient ut' rifles front Engtand ter NevwVonrk continue. Fonds îuerealeady on thée 2ad but ; haIt per- cent un thé-Jr.. -LIVERPOOL Néé3i'V 7 i<aKET# The breadatuf'market bau anunpvar. - ndoncy, wth a sligIt adranéeu n ail dés. ci'lpti'onq. Fleur fit-i'er t an' edvance -of 6d', per-barrl. iaét stili ladveanng vith a risie ut' 2d, pert. Rt led Western l1. M2., tu 429. 10.!. Corn npvtard, an.! ad., rance.! 6d, per quarter. Mixe.! 349. 6d. Mulnteipat Etectlema. to lhc Edilor of thse Wisitby Cfsrotsde. A meeting ut' thé, Eléctora ut' Was'd No.S of et' titi tovnshiip, vas hqld in thé Sohool .House, TJica, uni théerenbng ut' Fnisay lut, which vas numét-uasly attended, the ubjet. ut' hich wv aubear Jantes B. Campbell, Esq., thé répresentive ut' th@ aaid W4ard ini thé Township Counnoil,ý gir. an actouant uof bis stewards ip for thé yéan nlov énding. Joseph Olaughtbn, Esqt., vascalle.! ta the chair, andi John Christie, Jr, acté.! a Mrn. Camapbell baving i1hen éslé for, lun an able an.! éloquent ad, rema, oxplelueti te thé- meeting thé prosén1taatisfa.tory state ut' thé rlincése of thé tuwnship, attd thé mannan in vbich thé Coruncil ha.! disoy ut' thé different questions timat camé théns dnrnfgthé jen. _- -On the conclusion et' his attreas, it vsu muved hy Mn. Edgrar,-an.! seconde.! byMn.- Ward, that Lbe thanku ut' this meeting hé -i ténderédtaluJames B. Campbell, E&q., lééeve, t'on bis gati.q'act6ry explanations ut' unr townuship nElailns, an.! for bis conduct as représentative uft tiaaard in thé Town- ship Coucii. -Carnied uuanimuusly. Moyet! by 'Mn. Ed'gar, seconde.! by Mn. Wnlkér, that Mn. Camipbell ho an.! îs ré- quoste.! to slow hiniséiftaLubénomiuated a» councillon for van.! No. 1, for tb. en, sain.g1yeair.-Carried nnanimuosly. Mooned] by Mr. F'doar,: andi secondé.! by ?.ft-, Ward1 thut te. coîuillor éaistee.!for thi, wrtet thé Township Counucil, for thé yjean 18ý62, bu requésteri toause bis influenço, to pétition te thé Législature ýaf 'Ibis Pro- viticé, 1u pais an édt Lu légalizo aIl thse ronds as qnov trarelle u intis Townaship. -Carnie.! uanimnously. Aftér a vote Of thanku Lueth. Chairmai ara. Secretta-y thé meeting separaeé. lk-ach, Der.. 16, lSfiLt Greatl'ire nS Charistu Thé nova fnoh Charleston il fnagbt vith intense interesa. -Ou thé niglt of tbe lOtîtl, or morningofthle ltb, a ire - out ini the city, which spred rapidi>' Until IL blecamé ,,agenerel conflagration. - Aide.! by thé Notheut wind it coesumetd thé 1bui4(sisportion, théerttry héart et' thé city, ituý-'then vith the eustotnbouse city hail, coura blousec, neF ail thé puablie butildings, 1an.! als&o t stimuportant butels, incita.- thé Mille Honse tand! Charleston Hotél, t'our- At-rival of thé ClI lui thé eut'me affira c

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