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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Dec 1861, p. 3

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INNÂN 1HAI)IIES REDUOMEDIN ope tuat a large n. writing of Ihlm 4r. Gough i8 an Ils atory aith aitthews #éxcept. - i eer istenécl 1 et, andl hlm bouseihldI disi. en extrerné. 1 )bject of his de. tes hie thtunders ýthe trialfcrs Singe t3o, andl Main frorni tamr long, go" lié safély ànid, léose tîen whom ce rtai n périods, pet gré'at moral emphiatally, a retwarkçablé matn aineal aitétvnty- id hé purchied la to hé presrit. tt al i ho hear es, bu-ait îhe iIl la oratearicail andl orne Uaairul leg. a. ,hicit arrivié titi brngia news of feeling in Et,,. P -news cf thé on *nd ldeli. te n, statdeinti whichseerely lié fédéral titI). laâir. The' coni. teC are ex. km thtat Mason tp anal orgest -h 'Otadon Neicg la that the cause thé mtrey of il, of Liverpool I on thé 2Sth, -l dignuity of thé clnelOn of t-lu on wau frecly mawré-pre. *Cety, liesmigiti wrSi prisons are ife of Jas. B. Reevé of ltée tugitter. ýth ist, Mam a-Ai whilb V, ini', JTatuétiT. lianubîton, tof rai'is of P.ické- THIRTYB, Cîuanîitîtu frori I-a ta S Stot-c oft't'arijîîauk'iaa O Agriculturaý tIl arril u-la.l ari 3 l iaý-:Iitflab larm re one Siiarnl-1, ii dlc'a 2f) trou Tr:ti Rcttli' tois tro ýilf IiiTA 'el!l' 4)0 lim $teiai- 2 striav it Cuua',, 4 Rua-t t'Scriitla'rii. il'ier1 2 Poirtauble lF'orgea. u110V 1101' t'e- w1i', iiii Aboliit M t o mlat rutitnî LN Eý W p 1airt- 'uit Patiî1'iî-tiz ,1 t 'oiwn .la a,Id i n N.îaiiTter'utai ia' , %%"ili té, i iait Al sunsait40îilii laita'ttele6u t ia ai .àiiia f,ê il.1ta uii uu TOjai T1 ii UEIil ut AIt hée it'tl (J)ll'e tof m 'Iytr,at i théý A. nt- enidtuc of r -eedit for ltaeini t iuil goo forj-,i Ç.r. itrîaevconuuliarréu l atiu viirt-iljz clhe urgéetlaètib Wlitby, Dec. i7, 1R861 X STOVES. i45 itnr,ch itîcla, làual itiiil)or tif anircn, 's CtJTTER, üct e (U'l y ailt I) 1 a'0 iv 'F'S.A LE, hi.Oél au 1ii -iiit4 t îici wî tlà ue., iftint-, 'tuk t îiç-.i iiptytuetat. - As MyElts, -Yriâ étI-r li ir % b tué oa the initrie*stock Is II ,orrijiired'v)li'uat- auté boloru ta. ,ýtla ot' FA YE t 0F TIPE aonbrofriéda I i)y yotiratnoiugsl yoit, -otfy taI ]adresning you Leé utiatost t y power. ionoor of thé Caf Muig- uuumtaut tiee iappe- haý1i lutt of may aibtllai>'.. aur vit. ot't Fer1't, Coutyi- )Oniarl'u, 1~N adii4lrn er Colst 'Pl-l WITn'- 1jll. cQirtor Sassions of' thé e, icc lu thiAnd for tlé ttb , wîiihéi 1101J lai tîa,. Court Ilate, i l théTuaa of wit- Moxiday Deoipnber 23rd. 1861,, At théetîonr é*otivén 'rcIoloc,, jr ttheTittpua .oafiiliitîiairi'îiiî,ta 'anl ottaer î ;otii liata tltîtfir liriar.a flca1 ISi-, aîîtadKlcha IOtér h il$ i infiat-' l'e Iî1aolatiorat-heé Court. Il.t J. MACDONELL, A ÈAUGE L(T TO AND - HAMYILTON &RBRS ~OO, ~ALOB & BOX TINISMI1 1strOCK, 111, aa'îtIlc -i 1 aaéll te wholé aof lai' 9th and lOth of January, 1862. -Thte Stocottitoif, i0 (..aok Sli"fira-,tirise o mpîiijléte. 10 Kiaii, la it' t t. 4 St.l iv, iaa' Nio.1l 4 I)avv (rîiaket, No. 4 Mior,~ I.t'ad, 'it tîk. 41s0 P ,a'ti itaito t One Large Bodel Cook Stove. 4 Vu 'It, liarga tl i éaîl. 4 Sait Scil ,tha aat-iîî I Iaiîlof iiii.air atthé . illihl 0 t f i-, i r, lti i l i, oi Friday Eir'g, bec. 2Otbi, 1861, 1).i th NM r. Jo. Z,>%iàkeiir Ntr.uTDaour, i? a l i î alr. l . f-, t. aawaauîIle i'r GRAND ANNIJAL MIECIANI'BA ! of yiuurptrtrr,<a rep Cufîl -v'iaie, iél t a- Iciîd t hl aB Iaid vllait't» J. .Sterliiag's laotel Tuosday ]Ev'g, Daec. 24th, 1861 Mu"ié;,.Mr.J.Croékée, Whlsby; Mr. J. Duilaia, Yuarkhwaun; r. A. Alexanîder, hr' liHn; Mm. fD. MeMnmhy', Sianuffu'thtai ; » Mm-. <utlaît'-rt, DiifflnamCrék ; lM. F. GreééiîGrieéîi- wodM...Mihlié, Brouagliataru; Mi. A. tVil-' Nir. J. A. Ma yrifeMi-tatr ofCrentéu dreéuwno(odDé30. î,îi48 GRAND ÂNNUAL YEOMAN'S BAL lie-Tt îîlatiré pi your coipay. aend - Utl, Minuieetér, on 'Monday Ev'g, Daec, 3Othf 1861, Ticketbt *1.50. Clérwater's Quadrille Béud. rdzw FÂLL&WVLNTER GPODS la nir Coeplete in ail its dépàrtme -taq. Froni the sueior a4vtatage WC o psffls, enalngus US al tinieU~s (opurchase oaar (1oPdi the BESI MAIt1KETS We eu with eonfllVnemeecal) particutar attention to Our lariOd auti oMPlète, DOPNOVAN,'WALKEV &Cols@ CARRIAGEFATORY, UROCK-St. WHI TBY, C. W. FIRST PACTORY SIUT11 017 N. W. BROWlN' AGIUULTUI -,U WORKS. Whicre you wili flnd Cutters aiid Slcigrhs of evory'fdiscription, of, the bes>t i-rmnli nl iuaa-tno of the best tatorial. Cenîpriiiig Patient Front1, Jumper, Roil-over Scat, Portland SIeigh, Bol~ or i Democrat. DOQUBLE SLEIGHES & GOOD Sfl:tCLU'CfUTTERS FOR $25 00~ ALS*,Bi EGI, LIGIT AN» IIFEAVl'. Parties w'1nting SdtraandS1ihséaild clutol nlextir tr poteaît w'orktnen, arsto ti î'î.r tlicIct soIl lcati bitatr oîtcuj.\ r'lîur' nuinl ami t ottartîati > ')e-me and gict a gnoou article. nýj Ai n. Ctutteru have STEELJ S1IQES. ; i atfoocre of latid rttaclied.- '48 Wilîtby. NOTICE! AM ~ lpreillaé if thé é'0Augihbari1,or C/ Lil N. S, BrkenF'rmott, NWhaîby. nlrniit tii>intahécg, ~rt Inmh. Thé o#ner Wi rrqiieted t prnve prnperty niid pay cxpenaeeg, mtlîéWimp i ll bc II éola foai;iMmi. will bhé11014dithé hlIdi of thé MECIIANICS' ,I.NSTITUTE, oN Cotin 11m iig at ot in o'clook, P, in., precisty at tua, eroiesnd nuoin hch tiha, prizn. awariléa ait thé "wrÎttetî Exîîoninsitiaîn vill h4 iitr*gbtd. 14" The écidq er Au înca t ré iniait re.m pécîflolly innitqaeto fîîttaud. WILLiAMMCCABE, l'ri neipal. WANTE.D! 1,000 IIIDEîs whh iformerly, WC eoff«r at a mali AAEJiL~L~1.~k7> advance to Cash andprouîpt payiag cut-s Éor t-i iedi t-léeiu plrîco wil hé paid lu c agina Ton FncýGooda -'ve have oc A.ott, 1% Fai A soim Dùc, 1Tth. 1861.. Square Timber and $qhiùgles! rT 118 iaubîucihér hiffor Alléa lrendly fo r I o livery, amy -ipîpaîtity of îqîtaré tlithér JAS. B. (CAMPI3ELL, Loýt 41,2hi n . atiàh 49 ~ ~ ~ j1s lOff(icei,A:hir. FARM F9IR' SALE. IÎ'T 'pîtda Fnîtétitaiiiti 14 zcr*%, T 95 letr a, cnp*lio S1o., in the 9th (Jonieàs8ige of lYarîposa étut thé Noarth wi.iatunitér of Loýt No. 1,5, ii the' «-éîna-'on. Thé lind i4 or'the véTrvhct quimltv. ,Théir, ilte-4 (1d dwlling, Pxocllelltt tiarî4' ti. hlitît, othtdtg,&c. Tiarro ta lto ai trivi ýg rîfig oreluiaii L niérda,-ýn wié Ia a ndh,i ti ttaare zauttwo îiét-'r faaiité aIyr.înm 4f itintr on Ille îretiigca, oneé colaveioittlv éitrlîldfur cûlffl. Tiiprtirnil.ci arc, atoit-cà wiaiio oiîiimile. n! t!iaq T'aira liIt3of'Mai1nia ni A tileg or Lt-at, C olitlitv Town Mi maiîi, t- itaa a* i 1110._ iiatî inîiv tîiî~ iii 'aiiîiîha îîaa-t. A mili>l véit Iarcaaair a-il . liý,crailr i.trîttrimA ii iAîapiiataui ta hé MITACY.M, ai SO&Il -BILLS. F OURTHI NNA M.'ECIIANIýýC' - BAL! s laa t p l iatii ", a, rt.îia.ttll> aultaeitat AT Tlt Ir'WN IlilVU>, IVIITBY, Friday Ev'g, Poe. 27th, 1861. wZCàMES 1. i 50. Clearwater1s.luadrile Band, IAN iG I$. A. letitlca, louîîlî~Mr. J, î ikv l'î jueA NIrt-M. A.1 Cli iiie, W ,lîiiviIi e; Mir. Wt.la. Murkhiîîî iMr. 1). Sitiliiiii, ; ,iuîIt'Ir il. C('uni.. ' 1îh 1î Mr. J. A. MU)tarlîaahr, MaiîtI o rié Ç'- ittirproitrîlely hur. D). Kci&t.. WlîiCly. Tie. 4, ils .47 GliAND NUt v erCN ri. ha Wlitby Dec, l8g1.1 t j 1 rare noveltiesn plain and al ncy :German Plaids, FIGURED 0ORLEANIS Shautls, Ladies mantitîca,* Pnnes, eatîtéerpt IBBON8,9 FANCY TIIES, Etubroideritu, Vellets, Laces, Fancy Hanuiry, Oloves, &c., &c. iwoollen-Ini- Broad Cloti, Doéskinis, Ca&,sutucres. Canadhtiti Tlweeds,- Satinettes, Mtnilé CiohaVestng, laranels, -n Printe, Gitig. kit., &c. liamai, 'vi AZ. LUU&L'l, %tisi-'lati ,Dec 1iO. 49-tf t-R.uaiIt lO ~I il) YîE iS' Friday, December 2Oth, 1861, At- t-eliai lecoU 12î0iirahot-,)Via:-Two Harness-Makers IHardware, uit tlieéoCaltantiati hcein. 7âe one Ihudle ,IIOMAS MYERS. Whlith>, ir.ii1514-a MA TW' TORltthR I ILT R. F E. E¶lY. Pic.11,l'utt.41-tf Sh)eriffis Sale of Lands. Cotin1Y' f iîCrn.t!) Y irtité of a n-it of Tii Wi: I>fl o i us h-ed 'ttatt Ciat-v ('iiu- ttte -t01 Wh itiaa l% atil t-ao) rie~ ugey -e 'aiiuiattIt -li i oft 'if )îîtaitiokrduana, laini- tiI. I da iaitaa, t u tt in lt xctt-i ai al t lîrc}atro li t rt heI'tîîlt Juua e QuiiZley intlatiuîé crail,i :tnîî r îî MauaCchsoi' 01 u, tei eni l.aaillli utilBiiIlocrk 1loUer K, iitl Villaee of L"ihmo'a naîarkaiîl on the-lé .îiaao villazci liats Wlaoit- on lot- No. 11, lut- Con, cf lia'> 'l'waaslip if MEtituily, hy Johin Me- Al.o klot Nil. 2, thé eat,t idé or Sianatti St-. a&rd lot in o n tlarwétsulo)' ei>ii stroo"t, in the Vfllfa"e Ii O!tilaowa, andl initrlcéslon the Plati of V'alht-é ltit ut 011-onlot No. 10 'ni t-lue it con.tif (u wthaeipo)'f at Wlitby, 1, lTM t-iaéClt. rliai. Ailo! huiéillac'itti1111,1 teiiém-m1lau théréon, orîhairs-id 1efo11nl,111,4tatae, or intereAt t-hère- in, 1 alait-I aîlt'r fotr -1-ta PMthlé eAuction. at tai> lé-jîlauinthéCourt I1a, lui thliéTown of tiit-n, u t-lié 3uiut>' of Ont-trio, oua Sat-rday thé .2lth day of Mlaréh, A.1). 18502, at 12 I)o'ctl NICLSOS< G. REYNOLDS, il; be go; li< newei 0F ALL UZINDq AT TUE IJ'AAND) UOFFEË WAREIIOTJSE. TIIOSE WITO uHAVE0T.TYU >TRt - ENGLISIIL, BTAC iBAEîS* 4,000 Gallons of Prime Whiskey, 150 Gallons of Fine Port Winc. 100 Ga'llous of Fino Sherry Wine. 140 Gallons of Jamaca Rum. 150 Gallons of Holland Gin. 39 BAI{IELS 0F FýIsII. Oonsistiug of Salmon Trout', White Fish, - f -Herrings. A rniperior lot C'f -. Iit-nore, at prie, O a superîor lot lweeds, terel, Cod and 111 -- 1 )~~~UOD uic :r. deÇyrng atto.Whitby, p by -A ARD. Tn thé Edilgtfqhl of W/eby Ckraicle. SaR - h1ae-s t t ecem;try lni order 1t) prévenu tiT tisuuaiératadio jutia? îppoatnt t iaufomn îîîy friernds xai,4 thé rateo4cre throaawl -théý eohaniinm c voiir iarir. ha!Utuilat decinel 1 am, Yery truly, . l. . MACDONELI Déattus, Ticking,C Cotton Yarn,i PCLOT lfaving age*1a 1 Taiorimg -d3partwn dence solicit a larg ange as aIl garmer tirai ciao. waýr1kmeç andl warranted toJ lot - f Redv.aia t Ilerenidince l2thlu it, in Mary. Atise- '-At flic ré>i- thllhtil ut., «M. jailanSte- 1-lt-r of It-.r iîai of Witt-y. -At t-horou11i- t)' thea list of hluoma,;h;lrp, diîuighîier o-f of t-h o wn- 1 amat., hy thé r tif Clarkee, it-b),t>Eni. attendéal, ring. Thé w Ilch le le gréater Mld over. to Mou' saetlsfac ais are iu 7e. -Ott tatoee 25 ys 40 t-o air. Ha>' t- décliné ily Porký 1,5, it-b ON E STOCK FFANC 49 i DONOVAN, WALXEY &C Staple 'Goods, IT ATLl/>J nid 1>I'APE t'ith. 9:. 'a.i Cirîîéîtii iiji idéto odrin he gbcet ,.tv1,ýt JOHN fie Gtn ILGIMIST. .FI aicy, ev ém tiple Dry' (aiavhé ci) t1lo n fa rai t, ,i, ntp an thii ah11,irîtv îîotiv'i, of rtjho hot f ii itérial iii the oîr' lls AIl wî,rk ttdn uD otý ,i t'té;ic )r,,i i, 7* W. E. MARK. JIRITJIII AMERJICAi 10lIOE L. -S. lalitioi. J!, T. N1m mltt1, Propîriî,tair. 47 EO G uRLEY. %n aiiîta'u eoar.Lýt,ýi itédotp inthé bieat ,und véleemt étI'.I _ 41 pICtI ~id fo.: IIhi>da oidlnni.47 1?. T. MANUE, baali-ianwnmutianvd JBook sMore. to Aliao, Bcaokma nnd or ik ý?i~very d"u-' C. ?N. vARIL.- sifteial ltOtt 1ii1 h'atlv op Siici trrait, thiral ,uorfrth ct' thé Ont-atm W'. xILGIIIMS. &Go., - Irain, direet froi Gaagen<t l uw îirira' f r 47 P. - F. BUJRKE, 11TlO LSAL, Wiié éaîd ipirit IMéréhsin< w (; r. ccor 1o1t1 Pro)Vikionlitair, King St. CýiilaaaamIié m (rièeéry lu Lréot vaiýt%-. Lotattri, iaaahtivi,&-c., and retl oi 0 ysteri iiha. aciaéonj47 XcELUOY'S iioTET, 001) auli atT entflvWA G C îtiaa.B±itbriad ut litpir, auiî* 47. rphtr IOIIN' OTEi4. Zitié avrTa, T (tiWt. 'l

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