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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jan 1862, p. 1

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Mathow Teefy tby. ,0Ofic.. l.ERON'là DM-ACJFO4El , uIT4S~ATTOR)N]PYs AT' W MISRISOrlN,ýIP CQNEA UeStore;, ABokrict WItSrletor ke in ERadVAWin ICIie-rvlfor~ lt% Wldtby'i, *t W, I4 W. N.G.fIIAYI, ROBERT ..ILSON NORIFSON&, A AM , LO FéiIGE-in aClin re> ttueci citcellIthy .lW.i it ~ ~ Stut ut 'uut t, ' tC ARLE ctt - ]W_______ lttner-, adeinlel l fii ce 'n fr Cfhi eof Tinteni,rndco-.,tliCJy er 47 0STEH ,ATTOICN EY, SATe. <utffice arfCtitluceu iil: leku àreta,(pp ali arw ud , rcîlo. 8 w rtI l-T WATITR1.AYN mite.,'l a it , acreenee'tbîtb , C roNinu' W. ~ iceil'a l ne Meeumc, c'mn kTllujdl, lLrd,$t.l- 4 Iyiirt Aeg.9, 980 l~ielz11. TttIIE T L W ltcriBluuck, prompt t rett_WluciCl LLIARLE . ESLLEM. D G ST F AT, OSI WACATNADA R.ut, W l1Nr;, .- D F.u()i%; fThO nautltmti ouctY, AclOu 4i Y1 S. 16,OVINI L .B -DR. G. 1ATOiCARATSAON, CTr ici(i4ney, OU irOF HliiME&c- nltý Bcglow'a Neai ltiili. Eýg, Jcctut m.c Lofl iterss lnd li 4imn JIAMEA GREET ILOD. [mZu> T (']>NmtVfm, uie £N XIuÇEt Aiu eN, ne y entV ttte cm~ttuiuIlei lVlth -- csliuPrinted wO VOL. VI. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, urOppogito hInumilton & oe».À JAMES CROCKEP,. C OMM1ICIAli TRAVELERS WflL FNo lJ1t convencent ptopping nt tliis hitel, mt tiey cenlearre froni thue ea.ter Bonk kcpt et thue betrthe rontea taken h1w Ihtiv uceea~a Tiho ptnprietcur takema thiftA oeamudnîî thcik hiet nuicorona pitronm andrti inmdm foer 1th, libr"li peccnîuirchctowcd on hl;tinlce c cemmonocen t ot Ile bniîcciiWîltlr IGOnD Micblung acnd ttenf1vý Osti. Wlilthv, M.¶~ i '4-tf BLAÈK'S IIOTIfL. rrI17 AOVFWn ,KNXQWN, ANI) yEN- ni), imdi evoeto< edn mitat eveertetlile tme- ner toi lte proet o*eîpit. Noexoxpau been apare4tetoinaerebo a*Igizeats aind vialtora The beat'brnsnh, of Wltjea, Ltqnoica au, Ci-' Rooiny aid onnr,-î,laîît tue,!,,ge. d tabl"n and ettontre o*t lem. Thitz hotrl iîaiitnafted 4in fita vcmy q-ni ithie Town of :Wltitb>y, ami wll he fmnAn .teb mnt 0nvenue,;t tappirg place for fanlinersind JîAMES TBLACK. Ceand Trunk Railway U«%ttel. (,nAdA tige of Jlitimuy Ikpo, PMri lJ-bY.) in pcaao, fli'îovo lotel, thé lhueineas ofwbilili 8"will in Intore carn non ii, owzi eccolint', food Lh}cnr*, NWinnd Brandiies, Cutirp &S. -t' Evecellent aeii~-'*~îlstite'or nte -enid home. Wlitby, jan.1-0, 88s î -àT WIN ~1 M"- RO V RPWITJ ÃœY, wu.0v. 'nar, reopnîev«n. J'IE above Ilitel he ituited !no piematan d, I etirc'd part ofitie Town, onthefm.entroal.- God amennnuofuor tn.vellum.. Gond thing and n*trcificost1co,. hU ONFOUSE5, T II iide"liie bamtnl(.nthé titr- - lIetel, whiei lie ion nwlv ilip intle le 4t Gond :etablliuîg, fine nui 'r'uandl overy t- cri rip. liq liers ail 3nigsa lt tlq, ber WII.LI1AMTIIEW VICTORIA MOTEL. It-uyîtni't.>27 ANGLO-AMIERICAN IIOTJiL. T R in itted Ãœ- uôvo boalslMIote], witlî thé fva't4 îftirding iverv ucunnuulto ît fictnmvll ner pulic. <-'ivi hinet a c.l <oed @atbiniicuml tlerm,*16 JOHN M()(;4l1)E ]y pipei, pjdîît-ii sud Iferilucd tlit1>invê hoteu (inrnuerh ceupedby ir. AtluizAnnl aed tlnt th- tn.,illjiutr e1nm'nnuutv ii-ill finit n ioradjgemn>iCtClflaimoren it4TlIic tout. ond tti, . îîgmmndO-ut1i lumie i e aptit. 0011N Z ICKEY. UNION 1OT Jl, MANCJ isTeër*rUI4, iCt tat(loit .iisSta Âev'ryacnnuîcdttoîu Pt liai hn recwly fittem iup and reuîovntca. hutW ucm linot>ta utcgae GR'AS. MceL'EWE, 27 1rpltr 1') WA RI) JOHAY, PtPl OT(O Cflod: E2 Aceouîn imiiio qias. 28 UNION S'TATIONI% IOTEL. Botarul, &I por açMela 25bet. aôe. Sa Jing. W. OM3Bif.E, 18P lrprieter ALBION HOTIEL, CýAýýMT?1PTSQUJARE, TORONT0,- THE TEJUAIN. r' IrE PROPRIETORS OF TRIS WlËLm knove titlooi. are now in oStupatioll ef the oli ST. NWHIOLAS. Kitig atreet, Toronto ýfi'--- y klby )&_ H*r>-, The. romie Dave.mqiiewly rnte tlr-oughout, mae Sti.Aora't>n the irtit atyle. £'very roetrable déleacy luse. Adegsur divan tte up me- pamtely laI. wh flote btct the beet brands are permalttod leoer, 23 CAEtLISLE & KOCONKEY. CANTON JIOTEL, TiUFFINS CItEEK PiCKERiRQ: GOU» D)accniuitodatlin for Travelionç., W. CUTIII3ERT, AM-3in Propriehor. RAILROAD IUOTZJL, - F liONT S1'TET, near tlh. Markt, WM. POWER, proprheor. Belevillo, e, .12J$L 48-iy MAILLA IJOUSEa ,'~WTIIT E GLOBE UOTElL5 JROOKLIN. tfct lie wîll i eteva -mb. it ail si ta attend per soitally te tt athe niIt , 4 lemi>. VTietspranlilcea hïre 1beci e*,liv ainteaet n,! reevîted, ie un enie tîud emfortsbly fltied ep. iund neffrt wll I hq a i n the r of te pe on er" t-nrenderie 46bohe Lt, .come elling the iuesy erfienda> - The table will îclwiî-îh" f3ued pleetftchly I lplliecI witli the heat lln meaon. T he fclelngi- einbraeoa- a it eorl et bc lieid net lite bi, 'wliclegauie nd retei. 0Id Tom. Illla id tîlin, lheat brnini fCognise it,,d olier lrapr'let a1 uet, Sherry, aed Cap Brooklin Hons. tra l lic, viie cte>- allh lee theme'bea illty fiinir*, oand hîa talln proviedewiti t)l Wg th, ýiiýlnattorda%, xith c.,rttcil Uer anti 1imitei1flily one land, lie collett- aet haré ofte public patrnonuige. ]!. .-Aisc e, on rd ltoru,"ita nd! Beggica h drlvet-mvelera e.. ctny part ni ite Coity>. STAGIE 1HOUS,' ISAAC FENTON, -EST Wiucsea txu,! oca; a.nperr "oorm Btteiilia u fo gtll ili.in1a N#orthern Hotel Camn.gtoýn: The iuicrcainitleu'iuueitai t 'ic taboe .faeer ali> Alt 1 nWn ~leli,.relidirra4t tcceauiyfr the ;toehchertn cenlumnitthue jc'e-leuuca. lihuit dote'n tui ayn ' elelfut, ascmdel fbtluu-u- ultentiniamtit nid c< t-r a g'eçuere ili fuctlmi the c nf mut eqni c<nnienodatiln oif Mot geecta. Tit te nl a csa'.apirvUéwith 'the be'at ituueann,aucd nnee î he Cm ea bradp ofl and,-.u ictilnuur*kepu on the pr 1etim Timucnuc keepun-'tipplied whoe.l . lea el1wlaoup. Melu l, - rno aledi 04ler, cnizys in, uttef6d- ane >1t1uuie,' iWW luy Dit-k, -tc tako charge nftearn. JOIHN WARD, t:)- 144,,1Bay ZEtreet Toronto. V~INEGAR, 'VNEGAR 1! gtt lbuitcgkI ansd atirtilic Indgol Y, .W, THJJRIS *WANTED, - A ST'AT)y OBÉR ATI, *bcwffirCeéve .t.eOlptntUeiZplvnee; ad eauhavuofliu- f'ortable ioume to live in. ,.Appiy tû JAMES IwWE. 48 Port Whitby. Squaxe Timber and Rbing1Oui! T lh«4-turilpr lsrq f.'r aaia, anarendr far J AS.fB. CAMPBELL, Lnt 4, Il Co"n. nIeeli. YÂIRBANKS jXAGDOMTL (,omml'üis4n Merchaluts & Auclioneers (<pp'u-ite ?oglst$i ()Mece.) L. FAIRBANKS. Jr. 1). C. MACDO0ML FERENflE.~-7Btrnlumirn, ti~. Con1'irv I Olnrna; Wre. Laing~, E>q,, ittýy ï 11, t. kweopril , ~Moi-or ofWbltby ; J, B. Warren RF.q, h&nascez(r'ontarie Batik; i>. P'. Burke, Ïaej, Otqttawai; J. Ilislop, >aq., (bih- WOODLIUFF & TLIOMPSON Lloëenae A nctionex ifor the enuioxcLvu otite. attente,! to, dnascfrtale sp- aLppninted, snd tperm*t ie. LICENSED ATJCTIONEEII$ FOR ýTilFt COUNTY 01P ONTARîIO. PG Mo.t remperrlly te retmrn thiei aitg-' eere tln, lesothe inialitzat's or the 0oun- ty ffîtro1rtitLerln ptlayav rrt<tiwe,1 tran thernI. sed wonlà d ladly aollelt a ftirti)er c,>mnitiuaaion of the manie. llavitg a, J.kecnse for the whole Conntv,thbcy r rpr e, tn 1>ttcùail c>i oderp -Withprmtcaedn Fit>eral ternis. Ades &LBERT SPRINKO, TIXt-% UYEIVS, Oroonbanle, P. 0. Wtuth,?.0.9 TO THE INHABITÂNTS "FTIqECOU2TI.S (OF' N enel aimyencerp :hslilthe inIt- - hntanio, for 'the i lI UDRSGN»RIS FOIR BSALE ccc c trine g t7er T oiiu~r t hue botcitivu, iutufaceture,! yo]e titt> rf tl b-a îcu tf-ni> Cli. rce, îao-cabr of Battie'sa in itli tt ii. ihut 1al4fi lore. Eroek r cutI, Wlitby. IL ll Vpii err Se lil ai>trge Riatm,! utl i auttiet,, votemab enoi ohave uco aetd nitmt1. - lyieiuuapand i ieaIly good ar- ?opini;er tiele,--aec article foim ci tc - ilaic:Ot,,te toi, tii biitine9ft. wil- I Chui beAr üve r Lwz40 hmtelai e.jeqryyo Ci.e~O#tteeu ranaee. sud days f1l NOW 18 THE TIMXE. accieg Mr. Thoeep* 01ET,Y4>17Il LIICENMSS AT ~ ('A J1. A. Elark'p lut FrizeO FctÉrp Galluery TF You deujre, a correct anti life-111ko Amaluro -LICENSEM Ity>loe, C'iieeotype, 1,etterarpîc, or leatieTF-r lncanfer, or, si k.usuocin a s Let, Breacli or irc f-.,&A. <(, six 4Q -it in lbthe St çtaei, fuT~t andliut ilort notiee. CUUINJ 38 Brock ste-'W.ith5. 'Bet4lenee, for lime Wbiti,>v, Autiion1 of the Cctunty. MALT VINEGAR. BaK§c- Bacinbige and E JAiiT VINFM Att-oeinewbe baillieyoFer"tou. Epsom;_ W>hitbv IBrewer'v. fMcDougAiahEicton; Quo'bec Goyernmen± &geCy.DR Btciiiemcucnuiecice,! itl, thie UCiCe~h CFRO WN LAND ie-ha bu cn ed îmr dt4 0ée PUBLIC DIEPARTMJENT& Pie ittm attendu,! to. Ai» ' Scencreti b>- the aubàQ limr. Ar~ ei,~ E. J. c 11 fl'EY 111,JIAME Lu itiicu (lUncrTal J.,oit,< * Nt=2 nemeSS'e PianoFte Qeebs. Meeb 8adAn500. T OýQ ~ s - mactyfKvomceurel pn a,Iu 1 cccou beore YOD ber Eus=rtad confidene e> lef ontit tmre eiflA- * ~L'-~u; ~ %tvy, Wwavoopeseè,- iii 'tut t Se1tsSale >f èà'da Ceunitr ct Ontfu# t ' ritsoawl c onnof th ienicty CecIrto'f tilcti'mt of On- tarlor, et Wilithb, sud VCo icl-sec4mid, ainet Ilce l'n'and tý ements cf j ma Qlligh'y, de. fblr1tt the s'miqut of Pncha lflrdttm, plàil1t tiff. I W mAz~ c1e4 sxtj In n %ulien AI, the ettieSt '"ttfs'reh't cfthe asujid fne., Qeigiev ici tb(ft ra i n thrrteta or ar -celt f lancl, béi idg cncnpcred of W- cv N.5, in Blnck lettor N, ie#te Villege'a0f u)tnwn am, iakeci ou theê run cf Villleq3th*laid (mit 0ne lot No. h,-lmt con..OT th, I l"t Jr Wlifîuiyby Joli n Mc- ee ý' on (lie elsot paIde or tme st K, lt O n t rbýe.«at aide cf Clul 8lireer,Ilji thie Vlluce mt)cihtpwx, utc,! ceked on hhopem 6lrlId1ige1ASldJicOnl I :io , ln Vmet Coa,«Ib. Triea#ip Pr zam'whky, b>- tlie'late.Chta. Arkln»d4 or the oui,!4ê.dsaîa' eaq Ctatt, <nritlteffat thème hi, 5>81 <ffe tr sloah Pubie AMiction, et M iffcathutioe,ile 11Tows of Whitiy,In te lCoantey ot Ontni, on Sattlrdsy n ÇEeS.IZ G. EYNÃ"ùis Per C. Noue. Sheiii5'a OMM ce 'Wlitby Dcecý Il,1881. SEWIN& MACIEooeY. 34, King Street EOsu.t, T'or3na.. Ounr FeullV teniec rcnecnenf4for liieir itimpiiut>, ina, meecis*m, cleganlc-of mcii. peit Jqity set,!dmrllty of the-] Or Mma*ue vt el~els ntale, And for thia$by Ail eaed As a thieg-orerIliytsles t S8ýnaaua vrd of heactleu a baise1 ,For the slanufeorg avils de utiçe Ykt rniyoeil fle gee4ldy , Wliceen e ncet wilh on. purailing Wav, t te Jethave entereitlis, iVrmi~out lita ow tiittl Whth reelstiel,.and aie,; *~~tri- Q r'..,. vte o'm in 1861,13,6lgqu Tnn tftàilb tilt ition - ?d theç 1e Wc Mmrd 4 ~ittho ln valet1 ' Sessions. flo he th moal L% abidi bp' But tiie icnnter'a goet al boo * lover =%de tiir 1ôpm"04a. ij.~ Ieg mePOW Botter liard-a tit etl kh'kidly .Treuce,! snymet nies witbdld * n, - haithy bieg ftSe ntllîell ' *Doom tte innoautt-pAin Iproximatlon. We glYO a table ai movemeet ile i -o peifodsby, piacingj creeds ln tire great and Catholie -- équath........ i« the17 otequt 942 724 Il crelu Incrosue in the ut deceaniai p me 1 4,565 Cathelica 195 558, 261 per cent. ieEngligla, tanta, 24,545 or 17 per rent. .-*The. im. àtÀ utea4 thero e(sici-.Po t6i491 ii îas4-.*...........I ý'ý19 fLr cD Increase le len yeara:'--Catholi 1d88cent. Protestants 45 per cent. an,! UppoettuAda S 5o,Vo.g ù,Oeà 1842- lei IS6 î8i. ..........2,7 M Increase in itee years :-Cathoiics 31ý me per cent. trotants 401 per cent. tiLt iL <c The . ng i.(witlx balf the Charnnel Isianders) Rgave5 -~ L total of 697,770 in the ceasus of 1851, lof WHILB ETIE PEOPLF,, Op CANA»A 85, 8 l 81, sowing Lan1,lCrftS of WEUS B jB< 181,124, or 26.84~ per cent. ThaeGe, as ~(incbidiaý the Dutcb, Pole%, Hungarians (P~rom'tbe Moxtreal Gïïxtt, Jan.-,22.) and Mmalmau s being DiKd up in the. W. pbliaed fe~d~yuu1ne~>m cftables) numbered, in 1851, 125, in 1861, the reiénIta of latýyeaii cenucu b? origin 24,082, an i'icrease of 1,77 or 13' c «dCed.We no*prpm o eXaMKfle cent. OfSorsemn:n v bad in 1851 only birh of the peuple. apeskig iabàbhtanta oltnumber the Freack. *Thctota ~cpiIalo,~t ~ ~ peaking ii the.following townsa nd coln- eatabUsbhe& tuoie2.56,15,gainaI 1,842 tihP or Iý we rCa 1O'a ly t-ionmJï- 285 lb 1881, su lhiereilse :of663,490 or 36. Sherbrookoe, t ÃŽg~ tei BoeCant. 07 per cent.-£bat of the Uneitedl Stat" ~Haafingdon Miiitiuôf; 1Pontiac, Itich- oî>Iy bavingbheeu 1ý .9 f'or te am prid.mnd, udsand" ed. Ina majority cf Uppcr Canadas rncrezpaatthe r ý f - the oilaer towes and couuties, theMAnglo. 65 per cenL,iavîng tio* a larger popnlui- "a'ad"' îpopuan1a is v'eryi alut. OalY by 285,427 îhau beweýro j.ine ifoilowing >do Cmnadians cfBritish 1 Th nce o opton , amo t origin show oer ,0W ; z :_' -Quebec, Provinces, atccordin9 ,to prejjousc nus (City) 11346--,Arthabédsa, l ' 20; Beau- vos as foîlows harnois, 1,034, Bonarentnré, '4ý,316;-Chs' IriMe3,64 , aspe sud the. Magda- POUad~ Tces. lor 870. en siuA, ,123 8;,Dreh*aat~, 1839 1720..t, 24i4418t,$ it Pr4l~1,004; t.., s 1,2Si4; Lotbiniere, 5S~,.l81,657 11,6 57 7.30 in e vrg.i, ui&; egstv4 418 v Oitswal81660~ 18*7 .~ds< st28I .th ina2 3mi. Shet7ord, 4,029 ; Boulanges, 1,070; SL 181.i,42~8 10137 187,bi 4yrs. Joui>.,2 '112; !rworM(mnisinS& ,0753 and Lower Canada sipue obowigth olçýw -Vau'dreui,î i. Th iD'hjýait c f En- Ing ~siit~t-'glilh birth muter *noatýsirngly inLtowr lin NE IYs of tDuua e )(tor niraSel * in ý1j c.... ... ........ Frehija,3 Orgii t........ "Pmunla,(lntun Stte,,4 -and! Ituiltn,!. £tIVesfova s-e..Cia andit lrtime New Novl$niwielc..... i Nestfocicllend FmWot tilext tailycanti N(ký - 8 n andbPort Bore a s a ............ 91 ntplacetut ot kilowc IN TiLES. L (IL -ý à

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