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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jan 1862, p. 2

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UmWàÈ 'a$.Érn 01.piti '. <feent, in'tire ba"dsfut tbors, toi C!-r adà Oeirt*n...W Camibtilin " Iail acceptabrle ietùlroaeWo vIre à fôsqaeq <~~-4hnt~ ' fraie hier. Tirsdispositionv@4 4gê - tire effetcf defeauiug thre A Qurt-1 . l'Dellenbaugir. t. h otaIiOd, and srouseda.sapla boe Ta Laned ê#ters .4t)ha Seulé. - - viriftreaw otb.rwlai ilowM W ~ o ti n tte..~ have sequieseeti is K,. Eaieiiff' ele6tl0s. tien. .. 5f~~r. Racliff*ele~o vuii~i Bail. d1iv. -quite inu sceurduee witîliar visars. Wo Urtertiere iiî lt I*-Thoc'. K>.rs.' have been adaeeath4'gilie claies cf tiere '. êË u n i.-4. kitisonu pmenetatiç,es et the: Corporationss withii ValenFins-.. H. Gerrie. - tire TOvWÊhuIis ret Whitb>', te the houer cf iioôlk sudCoal Oit--J, I..Qrie. Wasadaui&aï we h.làasrd t" t-tihataraci o ftissse atnd Garden ta lTt:-&R. Oa'pbellot e ne e f-tirerbad sariri e iUýtheir 300 Ferkmns cf Butter wanted_&.1.cap. O4ri. Hati anotier, andthetrmure mianî>' belIceôurse, becu srlopted, ibis vwoeid have benn PireoogyMr~ Mcdarss5tire caa#, H4ri Mr. Whiite ccrrsulted ait Lecture .-lurs. McAals. tire represeetativea cf thome Corporations, - as vetiiruki might ver>' propedl' have doe -a4 ulloveut therât te alsrthte - B.orluc4e, fronta ausnttirheraselvos, their t cf Eastiritty uight név erjay the War.* O1~LY I<~bÃ" LA1~A EAR rens chair..lRad ho don! go, irstead ai -- _________ aktug ertartlera tIe mL cilderue, aud - 'aking a part>' esMter ofi il, lu order te Wlitby Thu~~a~,JanlarY 30?1862. _________________ lu fr. Pery oit, tire;e is Iiîtle doubt S t ser' Nsa.mr ad -rthe tirettireresait cf tihe Wràdensltip voulut tynuuted trtes,.. hav4 inetn ri&mret..- For vhat folloele, ~. W gis elsvireein, CkroïdeaIttira' veo dc ýt'àe.k te juraif>' il, b. WC gve ls-ereinto-diS>'s iras irhu iusit tai biaw4Ra!, etmadie bis ove tir ele-rriiiu suirmnvry of thre nevs -s b>'irr. 5fr. ersp iiavtlrk viie tire Europu, wriirh, in -sa 1ear- asit inuli. tt e-ier s<rft'it@il~ cutes accuretel> tire state cof public feeing l4eue oaUe.eîep eacp the e -ad s r~t> iaprat Alit th ie Wsrder's chair ruiessho .scoeed. tinevu tif the sî,-reirder- cf Masgna sud ein getingit b>'s a ér eajorit>'cf thre -Stidell ia Isuri aureeived vils satitractien mebers, suri1ire vitirrrev ln faste cf Mr.c b>' prestandi people, it dues -net asperSeiti, ru c uleib ave boeeeecteri," tiret tire gigantic militer-y preparatinstaare' the second.ris>'. We do ntuay as'trve art'esied or, sîakerueti in tire least. Tire apprare cf, the oseition takeu b>' hi= asdrI rmaces andi ar-maories sfflil acaunri tatire bits frienris tirraeglioU4,but Vos do thirrke noise cfrtiail>' andi rightly ganglé of wv1oru-. tuaItirhe circersascues hîl aroee jrstifiedi men viaisalternrtelY alev siral er;trin ute tea grelit extent. Tire>' ereil thse double set Of liruudît emptoyeri in -tirher ire t e meaporas bronghsîagsinst tireraI rlrolu su riclr'asuluar- noifiriit « b>' tieir epponents, 1- Witl r.rFairbanks, Par5, tirt.tirey vil! flot ire dumperae d wiiiae trust te ho savota repeitice cf the sifr prl- aariefc. ia uprOecedutrgs cf Tee4as>ltsrt he eleetion runtsgnificauit fer- our ieigirirrs searais Iof Wsrders, iereafter, anud hope lirat the tir trcsus elirusforotteeles, diguit>' andi indepeuilence ortmemben-sOfeP Jt is alear enuuri tiait if Groelr-tatirecnclnu> rtbturtusre n ~j expects a >ear of pence, in 1862, sire vcrld. cerîtîuIy rasteeb b> rua.i eue 1 Dottiu. reworkisg ' oube ide" n tirethse Prescrit occasion. Wlratever -tire dif. «J deptir of vinler. lier oriitar>' arrursnent feesbtveeetire friensut0 aitire'aller is quis emariient for' ait or-inar-ypurroser 44ririts ieprsa sde ritr if tterenCe sid pratectior1i. Neyer ince satisfaction cf kerovlng <rrý malter Irev81 Enx1afid Rrst bezsn vs tirer-e se. large a tire avent vas, braugiri about,) that re-ru-as bc peir cetage utihier 'poi)ulaltion trainedti leeil tr hi ilau laetu irtira wvietireras re- tirs or r'oiunleers, as sr aful~ ~----~--' i tris momencrt, Never %vere. ber store- -u wel 1v iii enrteaver ta isçha%'e iris dtites "4w h noues a~ ehireçilonisired vitir ait tire atiî' u munitionsof w&r- as ire>'are nov. Wiry, en berefore, tins extilia eaerlion? Wlr>'tîrese $WSasi' ef lhe Towa Clark. rast aritirnai p-eperations? To us it '5fr-, Mseoiell tstr-eruced ,a l>-lav atit ems there cati eblu t eue ulIienttans. thre ast raettirîg cf tireeortaliefiing cf ve tud, e.ü tiret itir ear>y ' c- tire detie of thse Tovn Virk andt 't arer fi iti6ricf tire Sutirrn Couferier-se>, suri ai tirh upr$uo.llty u etge sg pos&ibhe pht, a war an tire Canadisu iis saisi>'. Tire reamonts givea b>' tire routier o<f thofr'rred aud irrititeut Nortberuramerber foer tihe Centre "r& aud i lr<kPa AT j eaur, aerwr ouis 5 veé, vsu tue sabpuet-f 4.*0letueM a 'aoueeed, 4go <Irli the gi 4hdiuqbnr stid net fafi tede meritati justice; sud la a critical eomuai. sou of tire Hisîci-leal ecvelidi, Who iria-s ted, or folloveti r Waltss.,lir. Mace. exblbtedrt iagwet-inwti$ tlqui tance, net uMou w1vttisthe. wér&n, ot Jsee Couper, sund Ilsryatt buit be veigired, as it vers, tire aîrengt usd Oapýcit> cf tirose selliers, andthlle moral teneouc>' cf lieir tesahian sd btoeghî io u t nItug relief the depth cf tmoral acenrines,sud puri>', sud tue vurtosas itaculeetienis, virici maurk- tit and tiistirrgniskhe triici Praduictions cf Scott, atndha>' beueatu tire surface of ail iris vritings. lie praisedtheti,.Man vire d..t "eiit lord tsud ia'i>' gsy Tire untsiessedisited la>'.11 The listps Ktirha lrrved tohear," Pour Guiad Glifi5urnd the-i4alin, Mati seul, ire eetôgised; as eLuaiug neatesinitsi estimationteluthre puni>' snd usorah it> of It vould bie qut. iit#possible, ilnnnla- turer oaserveti, tsi exhaasit Scott andth ie U4stonical 5ieaeflits, inra slecture ur ini s course of lecturesBuit i fortusualt>'as uao 1texpecteti of a pupular hclurer îo ruake iris ksour'à discours. sueir a cresireulaurd cuadntdi .asl*ms.insparm, as sur>' sscb .exhaumaivo seramar>', hIever--'-cleveri>' atone, muest ueueuariTy >rore. Wiren.vu aauld tio4t erefore, proceush ir>' A>'of in-- dectiou, kuittiugIllak te Iie ko 1ushd ont>' i.. ailier alternative cf preoering ir>' va> of selectien, auss stalle,; aur'conclusions is aIl passible ti#fersoce Tire point lie si-op oasdt i litrstrate eut ef the m>ried< poietît pu-euteutinlu Sett'a ciroal, but tre especiali>' in tire master apîit imseti, wvMeti.resiôra iion s e spnaih igs cf excWy, ws,4r the 90Und wdsan-0 ulry f .Arid andi Preepere, Itmgùut»i icit dud 8l*ae»& -Aail wastilîlPut: à irrite rcuat tihe earsintr uslrt>'minutes, but, il vas cal>' b>' orarstd ai tire rni te sagicin, virase apeut la> î'ïâiisbolus sud 0e h, wthôtet Iris ochaas even Caliban w id mse»sacugi tu me,:vas a feèble *d Dau, aItirhe mure>- of icis &campjs as Trin- %Ic and'Stepiraa. Of the value r tire Iistory of tire past bore could bu uta qeestion. Te ireidoms ýthe preseuni age vas s'sgmansd, tale il or ail in alir a vas free t a baisa sicioa, tisati ilwuatire besi ugo the vrM id pi eauée. Bat iu the viadom oethtie;, tales of G. IL Jamesg, Ha-rîson Ainrsvorth, Jasa flanies, <esaid-GriiEa, suatig.Bel' ves'Lyttc. Wlsile he adraittedti us greel aud varieu powers cf suli tese tifted mreU, ire corteaded tuat wltu tis'ngle exception cf têrJt' Griffin, noue cfithem hâd adr$ F'ed th ir'purer murait>' 6f' modern tiruri, auebtrusiveiy but iravariairly mb tirte re cesses <f tire eider aend eroro stinsriug periauts of national 51er>', Bul"reusutylo ba conl- siderari susperiar te Beet'ia h?1nl" eatio vas certain>' far pester; but....excepi in iris] latter, andi nae.listrrimj noveis-the pros pasîcrais cf tire Caxton seties-bs ~MoralI nesuürabli>luerior- 1 tire Suott"&a. Several au eciote, farwvili vsre ret va cant fluti opauti, vere repr'aied entieriris section of tire duaccurse, ta tue evîdeat enioley'nt of tire sedienue. Ira conclusiorn, Mr. %McGeo conteued tirai the higissiaies ci tire iigles t bed af iristorical novel, vas te', translate thrteader out oftire dowvvard realitiecf tire rcur, to e>uke bis intelligence sravé&ý,thcug1r tise au leiniglut pevsnrrtllY hIisv rselled tireegirspace tc lei d.bwit geniTy anti cour. tenoly, aIl tira barriers af rasn, ta place a posaat in tire pre4ence of rt ng-,>-rgr s King in tire inter-l>of atse pasaut's leart sud lire ; ta reirtrsaelf.cpsi;n an sd r-es. train rash innovation n to inculcate Io>'alty, ubadience, severuoce, andi ail tire rirtues rpruug fmcrutIre loins cf venerable age ;nto maltl>' cr- evu ive b>' tire tires wviic tead for tire rgirest valum-sg in tire recordr of ail Tlue, sud ta gise us "uriler lovez andt uobler Cam." At ~thegloseor the lecture, a*fescîution of thenkls, uleteri b>' bru Sher, Esq., %vas paaaed lIc. licGee, vira vas repeatedly ti rarnîl> appi1auded derieg tire ir ansd ia rati which bh ptechainiire eattseîieu of rire <f thre iargest sud most rtspectale eudieneesvicstr vahalte yet-meeat tre Ltcetem os uesu«a. b.oiai-eif eut-eut troustire Secretar>', Mr. Orr, a'aw cop>' cf tire programme for 'tsCotnt-, ritir a requt tac peulair it fItireelcharge, na 1'e regret irat we Osenet alforri te do se$ reep. aslu a a'vectiseinut on tire usuel FIRS5T DAY. Infleencou, diri nat cosait tIb"a dgn t>', ruer thast cf tire bcd>' to Wti kJYg lontedr. Mr'. Camupbell, Reeve 0t( " h~,m"Cor, deri tire ntmination of Mu'. Psrqý 1tatlný wl*iehadrl len,irorstke leeve of gar, and Ra Ta, o'resaine tesons,- ire said vl4ch were se vehl expresser b>' th, Jois t irsand lu" tAfoi- jioninAttih ýchn 'Ham,) Perr', romptei hie r Perry's expuereenanid eipetence for ti ofice vas unoubted, sud Iris hcrowlenig cof municipal niattesstrade hm a valuablt membar ai tire counell.-,'tre>' iad, iq vas prour te Say', plent>' cf 'nnteria aelr>ngst Litera front virica ta mRkair sis jecrtion, viro wvoulu diseirarge tire dries o 'Warden cesnltaMry, s,) tbat tire selet pur-rp,*vas nl>' a itàer ofcf irie a menu; iie ciriee vasn'Mr. Perr>r. And he (Puir. Carmpl>elI,) tonlr occasion 10' state, ýtirait bJr. Ilerryirsd'net sipotren u ahlm or tire srsljecethrI i a illc e te lire caincil unpedgied te arr>' man, aud wes ony gîrided iruist eiroie, b>' tire, qeifictirta cf tire candidates. 31r. Camspbri el gi eti tire alee msuner.iu wlsier tire - lardeti*i Chair hir etien ireretofare tilleti,sud p'rais. eil tire'canait for ils vise seleaticnitid respect year ailier year. le vas in rasai cf pssiog tire houer arceutid, and hielieved tire t tire reeve cf tue tovnocf Whiit>'Wall ent)ilter htaiis tar-n notr, T'ie abiliiieq ot 3tr. Prrrry, ie seid, necderi uro comment;i ilie d been selocteri yersr aller >'ear tire setltitie, snd ie poeerail1 tiose, qualiI Renations viicirpeuhiar>' titted i mm tea6lt tire 6mlcs. le (Mv. cribeil> vas sorry ta bu compellta lsey tirai pclîtirs vere, ie vas informusi, inirolurceri ino inis mat- ti, andi tirat il vas seegittetuiriltire taleetian of tireir War-ten te polîtical se- coirat. Potiticat>' iimîteif,lie vas Sorti- viret apposed ta M r. Pcrry. but tirai siouiri îoî preveut hirn tronmdoinibu thegentleman 'nglice, aird revaring bhis adoritteti qualiti. 6alionq; Ihis voeo ruld bure rcorderi on prirrciple-on tire grsruud oi merit, suri witiseet referetace ta parI>'. A mau's poli ital opinrionrs sirouiri have aotiiu ta do witir tire'matter, 8pnd ire truskistritt puniti. caI lihrings woelà ne', gaersrtirhe docixîbu ùsn ire tttred e.'Jr Cinb coîrcluti. ti by repeantire t h. hodii urot ieai tt &serl tiret Mr. Per>' vas rire mouet ampti- le, but ie butiestrI tirere v.L.1 ne mai) more corupsent co tillthtie chair, aud tiret i tire coucl agreedti ta *ectlhe, tire>' caouid couler a deserved hirn,r upo as gentleman wvire vut!d dscîrurge tire ues salisfaeIrily, anrd in virose irnr4th ie dig-, aiy of tire office vuld, suier ne des- aragement.' "Mr. Thiroripsari intîruseer tiret bufors ciarrir te tIre auei cirlied matie op iris mnr in hiver etf"Mr. Rraîliff' lis bore esiirun>' su thre uilrienc> cf bath tIre renalercets propoéeti, havinrg vanhrkt sud, ived wils theru in tise coanacit, uat vitir- )rt an>' detirspeet te tirhe ltrniocf teo alier candidiate, lie prqferrerl Mr. Rat- !4Wfor iis à(erlig wor4I. Tieý vote vras tirecn tfýiis rartbue motioni lut M-. fRat cIPF ire Werdeu t- itW, iam dto ezd:t 116vt ô i èd onm ce4I vdl.4<ô? yèýt8say Mère d ~ >taken. finisired. P X . 8SitIhîIteà ihat throro a W"a-ues IfMr. FPairbanir, ozpreased the opinion tirai t, ol'nlhW *nd wetrer tire ceuii wu, -it vasquit!9 competer - for rire Counicil to ~ il% pë4IItia ommiitee et ait. reconsider as proposei tu Mr. CmspjbeIIef'ýWhitby, bel.,.d it SP IfiVThe'npson fdectared suais à course to' li We his du:flp exprm, bis vews oce r mk b. Ontirel>' otofordar. ~ter and tl*êfltwas Oie duty of the ceuneil Thie Cierk deeiared tire 'notion te b. in1 S'icily tla_ -bld0 by tire law. ' t lathed order, strttiug tiret it was iisdesiruse tat1 i. lthe townirip elerIt cf Reneir ferkeepiig tire Jiistly; but tirat ir'bliêved il quite £o'n-à tg cunicil doing nothing, aud sair tirat thre paenrt for tire Council ta reconsider any i lm 4ppointlug ofcfeoetuitte nt all ms, lite- motion r& J gal>i a farce. , (Mr. Camspbell irirmif '%r. Parr>' mid tisat setîing aMid alif à, vert for tire co'n'itteetetIro appoînscunt otirer L:oniderationg,'ire tlsougirt il vas duei te Qf wviiithre counili unani'nously agreed.) ta tire Depufy, Reeve cf tire Tow~nship off ix Tire eritlsatrd tirat ire ircgirt tire Wiitby ta, have tir a iner reconsîdèr cd,t r. ouncil had taken tire beat mitans -te arrive andi not depive mm <iof glirsir is vote, buo-e r.A( thre lit of çwlio BanL lire rigir, te give cause, forsootir, tierafeuve of PiIlo.rlnZ 4de- te tire' dating-, s&A at quit. satisfiedtri rt ired ta gt*sve e castrng vole. Was, tie ,e tire couriirnt d doue notiring itIegai. Tire 'beie'of Pickerin~gire amked, sa vcryi le qtuetion heforu the coanniI vas fr tire aurcoiaus ta e.ercise tis i rileie, aïr tý,v le adoption of tire report, andrihir, siroight it adopt suchir11 course?7 Il scrlnvwlig~t t ôf ôddr.for mintirr ta Prir. Whrite a ii-.tiret tirever>' clause e ind faulit itirteir ôvu act. :, Of tire Stutute;' as teaîsav a castiug aIr.P )f Mr. Perty expiaiiitd thre rerrdirrg 01f tire vai 10 ie.givet, vus nserteri nt Mr. Perîy'àoi s threactand defended tire appoîntlng oüf a Otvn insîg tinrrd nov ie wv.alitire fti-t 10 >f co'neitoe; at ail vet.e u ani cf cpiriom izdiore ii. lerequested thse Clark ta notec M tiret tire exeepîlorl sboeldhar beau ur LaIursttire h offoreri bis vote. i o'rs1 tire ippùiiiîiug cf ibit com"fittrllnîealla 'Mr. Curuphell (Rteaci,) rflade a sioiilnr re -'I al o on tire adoption of their rbpr.- ejuest tl Iroetllfrîtanid tendtere i ii vot. 4 Ie insiunced a cse in nue cf itire weqern 1randlire I ivrrd tiret Li vas tire fii (r y cý)unIies virere a similur coutïa wàs adoOi- tie Depttry -teeof Pickering laied a rigîti [s turf irêrder liko lausïacstireobeforo Io shrirêr1in the svoie of tire Reeve, and ditut tire L-uncil. Tr ev fia<rn'iitwotirii esseiltd fIii avl. Ln i se>'t lirat Ire md tire rigirîta g ive tira c.st, ter). rrr, vote, tir.reevu cfrileec i rsijïter tirai IMr. white riiLiested tao remterstir et l ri thre riglt, anc1 tirea as noîiirg ta Uouncil.c3f 1tirg resalurion cer-niett ir rprss'et an>' cIrerrrre'nber cf the cýrnciI Up, atîd1 wstlk-out df tire rooru, (Derisîve I frc' fyi gtie me tîiig, in tire absence 1411f hter.1 ci f the proper evidencee. Regarding unin- 5r.ltwett enlerteiued tire samre entîý P r seilire cbsered firat hoe iad been in tira Meurslire did yestesdny -in regard ito ti Ceq»iei sorue nirse or Léa >ears, tiret tire nurttar4 hIra s ifdr aerr'iyrîg <ht thectàw. prettent vas the firast f igrue Le led- alitiveriTire cage vas now marrié dilferent, irovritrer, ii niee I e put farverd as a carudidle I»' tire tricieuuar of tire 'Depdtiy Ur(ve or far lire Wsrdeirip ,lirat in doing salire WitirbnaIlre lCourritth:i f-, àd anewC 1iratiresorîrd te rie triait>'or unfui1r itrenfrs eai-nrt, tirsulwL#r ever hpreviori plîiions < te procure hlm cvn el.ecrion ; ha had t ua, rniilrt h1-0 reîr belli, t'ire I)epur> rýeL.e Aslred member, 1<'pledge ire'nselires ta of Wili,birergueti, cirghtînot l>e de-' vote for hies, ire did nat rescrit topaIrs>'privedti itiie. ïati politicet influences, neirirer didire gui Mr. Wtt.taru decleréd îrnt It uppeutreilti i op Citriurses, andi ie -dit n:a stand lu ire bIn asif ir eee of Piekeriur,,,desireri Position cf a duf'eaieri candidate. Sa fer tir etie wvyiroleCourt irîrreiIf, or lirai he ai ire vas coircerrrted iimseif lie lwas salis- liarrtei l nbrut>' tire Council. le It6ped ki fiel te gise va>' te e fle of East Wirit- vas nt >t50ant ie atruqteni ilf% erin erat ci ' by,'fer if ire (Mr. Ptrry) irappened ta be tire Cotricilt anOtroîr fself-respect, not elected tire, ihonorable poairian of'War. la sbit t,)rte lepve of Prakèilng's dicte- iders cf tire 'Ceuni>' cf Ontarito, it irourtd tinn. lièe (m *r. Waton) for tue airouid net neyer bu b>' tire asting svote of any>'m'n.s: alk cnt ofilre Conircil iftire motion pais5- ire would crn o iaccept tire office unrIer el. 3Mr. Waîsnn alita ieci-îred tir Le uve sucir circu'nîanes. Tis beng tiracase, of Wiiîy about detaining tire Couici l tire luth exiribition cf feeling on tirepart is protixi>-. '. cf tire reeve cf PidA-erinr, andi iis grcai The vole iv" stiroir taken on tire'notion efixiet>' te have tire Privecee cf recordicg for rec,ýnairIeratian viasisa carrieci whir1 à e5atinzr vole vas quitc unnesesuar>'. sr friwc eut ltMr. White cndemneri tire uiguag-e esei Yenrs-Ntesra Pen-y. llretiotir. Sangzs. b> Mr. P<rrry, t1,s4heing aitageîier unijasti- t-r, Ver-non, S'niîir.-Fairbarnks, Marsis, firble,5-for by auyiu iet ire)t did nfot doet)o ifewets, Camphctt, (lteaer), Proctar; iap and *q, bu î'nptied iot otirer-,diri. I[t ay ian ernrid to~.2 ue~n t al] 1usd beran sheir n stus Mtat Nes - Jra.Gambie, I-teiff, Cstnip- ter, it was, bce said.i, ire part cf tise t>t-îî, (tiitisy), Cluy, WstTrnpruandi ree7 e of the tOw n af W irib '. T ie reas is irl(e1- , - for- teadeiin:xhiisvote var.'tirat î3iri nt Ti1ýr'- t)1ution tirat John It-italifflia, E>q91 doing 50 'niglit oct bu lroauirt uvirereaf-ir a'îtvjsexpitb"ieClrr te r a s a n o b je c ti c rn a g i trt C m mf . I f th e re 3 r. Wir v a uý i n ar aeu t a syt e -' i r et b u t m.d been su>' cutside influences ant ver-k ie dt-ired la record ii nIm vote, tire ae believeri ibat tire>' ere was inurhcit nbirif ancl nia>'. haivi'rg alr-eatibeci l!ieu on tire Pl et tIhe reeve of tire lwof a i liy as an>' quegtion'. y rIl eue ele.Tire Gi-rI infriritire Reevucof Picker- a Mr. Fiirantrur expresiedIirii surprise ait ii tiretlire tari aireac i'fortd iri fnt thet course theO dleustice- lied titkerr. Me The y-u.s and1 ocys beîng defmitniled for M r. ) exception irau buen Isirecu totire appoint- ftlteoli, tira 'otion vas bat, an thse fiiltv- v meertof tire cormmitte., viricir vas eurrirrd ing rîîvilnits. Fin ernimru3ty. lHe *indlcasted tire cnurse Yît-- fs'r. lmbin), is.eiCamnp ns atris tire ccs4 eone CoAseertairs vnpir . , %hfvN:" IticQmkih... ....Wr. t _ Att,- we an da 13isteaIrewetll 000kv srÀu Su onat ai te ire teep it. Tire 'nporlal <Giirin.- tire accouai cf tiree ni*.veaidertîtsifend, ,its patrtlireroiecal lyea.-I visaly, sud ruait. maiY trou~blesorne-'retens -t munI~~ Miifi urlirOugvrauet hgsare ail ýservîc' o uide i.Eau"land ia sendiiig usirer bis regular duties,anud iforvisich eIrr ii, auelu a4 tire Guards. andi certaint>' entitiesi te recel-eee sma mener. rno3t 't- 4tedqcerisas ri 5alicu. ReHois misa obligeu tatrenter Int éut. tire commander' ai tire irear>' boula. Tire presfluut saas'>'altiveti dis±r-raî-an officer -vire is i $300, tihe b>' laç prupois- te suncrease >n ver-tir>'ofiis iltusiricas tire amunt t)t500~. .aven titis suer le nd ;n irer-conduet irms ire en equ.l t4 th atef àIankeherk, vise las pr-af trai lire fate cf tiese ont>' thre sa.e o" ofbusiness, nur tirai et a miIer of inrrtffereuue la of-a book.keeper iu se>' cf ou er canre Il i for our 'ovn domes- stores. Tira eficieney vith' wvirlhi14r. ltplemien i te rnperiscars Heustea'discarrges'the d'utes ofitheriaffice. eàstptetiou orfthe Cioadian sud tire satisfiaetipamgiven the perp1m of tIre 1make il varuinussoinnade-. twav resua v b>',ery 'eersdsraiiost, &A comipanalsip cf tires. Eit virile tire>' lve eneti for bih l Iree S. t- rirueat r scans. We hope dence ofthlie ratqp^reýra, esoleu4 sisobning' 1 iiitsreatiea in possessione cf tle mthe mors substane«aI revard <of au1 s>' thicretieg 'ofParliapent, aditin to i ialer>'. TIhe eqsncr a f uuch a nature as te damatru ely viabal s ftirl>' etiledto, sud caglit mienu of th irralti 'of Ithe 'te have beau matie befere. tuai$aslc ylbe extered on 'SUCDE.-ÂAinsiasat vas Irsicma)Lu.. parties, in a spirit Or epui'Irt1 day ha, a the Rangerotl,.Pikrig s, virichi cf itse If mesui t Jstby Dri. Ttucher, Crruti cu-esar, on'sv rat affect itn roderstingeg< cftebi ta owg eusisîei ïarilmes fir an inmvasnef. Cu n-hà w49hn-soa tii d ' May, mu,.. .ulook .wr ..Inr't v1-- .. . spead of erodaruprgus-. -Mars amien l o s are, to b.mun. Ti, Sei rÏasa overboarti. Kv,thiers emetpohii, (Mr. Mce,.) B 1842 il ilIel>'te lb S114413 of Canada lu inities t th n w Jng of a su assesemeut 1 oft Nr- Pei by Wusdr.lhen h lie*m ws êh counci, irecame te give man intelligént vote, and >Select; accaMieg to his WjSet., that mari be.Rt qualified to 611 thre hr.. B3ut others di nct adope- tris corse~ Tirey founit a bare mrsjority ofthir e' * bers cnaulting whporions vire could ôt bu elected the'nselves, vire bad nu respo.,'.c,- ibiliy, and vitli etiers w1o lied nuca w ha e vrr lu tire c oanty. t i7 f oud, i e da&4, heâoemnrgettin.- together i ac£tCUj in, eleet ri politieul friend, inte-A o f 're, ing nt the counieil board, aud there cpeyly srrdl horiesîly, and wiîiront 'ntrgu, elecU,,,ý rire ir ia ir za n . Re , M fr, F i rl t nkhj , Ç ed ta se the persan presidinig - 6ýr ilï cont rleijyi.ng tire confidence f aiDâar$r. i4y of tire membert. and to eueimipacj iu thre chair by a large vote cf tire Uuuncîjý and flot by tire aingle or duble vote or airr>'onu ýmani, M!r. Caripireil (Resets) desired to ay tiret -ttrer'ark&radle by hki n ye3îerd;y iqs'odn 1r. Purr>' wrould applwt>hr~ equrti fitnesitota31r. SmIith. lRe wau ne cf tire oldeat nlerjibers of thre council eega. cid irn olucession, ad alwaça ýRlridtire i oil lu is t llo w n tOw n sh ip,- a n d i a i l ' u it a~ lsd st andjard b>' w iicir. ta jrd,' i, merils. The maotoontirat Nr. Swiîir bu Wrde1 as' ien 'cariilad witlrceî a tlavi.on~ ben,- nied for. The nuewy e1r-ced Wareý wvascndees. d ta thé rchair bLry iii 'nover azd seonder' anîd afr eirhrki" tire Counil for-tir. onor canfrredi upon hm, t09k tire uîeat ne.th of cfice befre Riî ~rJd 'a FBurniraus, tli in tire Cauancil rU(odrd; On rritort. cp f- WCiaprru., secondieJ'l r>' Mr. Perry, a spec;al cornruittee of tiyo vrsM bsllo,,rd, f go Propose tise Sta d ig <The ballotresled in flivor of Messrs. 'irnkPerq, Tisorupso, Carpbel and Hewett. Tire Wrden lireui lèfî the ehr unl twn o'clol, ditiMotion of Mr. Ca'npbtîî, The slect conmitte broait in tireir rport, whieh vus adopted, prupoeîug tlr jlïowing cOMMitees. Finan& aud-<heseU4e, 'erry, lipweîîanfl Vtrp Educaron.-ess~.Tiroutpsolr4CanMii- uil., (WVhitby.) an4 Sanglier. Couuq/ - PneI,..~ess aeit %tarsir andi Oamrbré. R o (i nd t d I s i g s - e s s F irba ns e canipbeil, (Rieuir), arnd (chapman. C ors i tsgenraeg...M essrs . h l , n Pjcoli. -ýMî3 WaoBrto 'Jr t~rb -i ve notice cf a by li jr irera poniueu ofAuditrsto-arorrow. TlIte 1LACKV ER Bnvgy ' Mfr. Pue-ry enquired vira. tep. tire laIs' li'vi-den ird lto ovrdrs appoinlirrgaaý trbitratar ia thre ruaîer cf tire Blaick RITe. ridýý and ,!rsivn, notire 1tirte Cannail otýý Ii- ri Cvunties cf Yorkc and Peel for MJr. Wite repliedtirtatet l ate Warden _ >f Yark xsrsdPeetlirati be erilE Jnziand, e I ~,iprevenlted iris conuutinz wilo ir .s icI mwe#d tiàt he rrnsme t.>ibrin, , 1 t.

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