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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jan 1862, p. 3

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ýîtZ j --usuuç tzere int jY raered off 1>7 the dock smperliù-teaet. - VJEAj oQnds. go kew thaL in addition te Firesa wcre lighted ou theeKasbviii, on 1 ;_ý rjilary daties, the- clerk bat! tnsiy the 70t% and there wae an 'jnresaien thAt 10 thut <i M to perfOrm~, in iiking out returng te she wasgoin- ta mail, but se made -noW toftend a eusmot lista or i'Pt r3, dupiicatms cf mevemnt, Menta, an~d a grent déni of othïe work The Tuscarera iras'on the illert with Thurs$d ibi thse 1memberscf thse Cotii had steàûs np. TIc*ts $1,l nowIedge. He had aiào 'tu, attend , The Su inter was. reported,! to .1lave left 'NAAr yer te ye n.ftue .t h nons'reti. Câdiz for Southaïâpon. . French, UW daclm Logu fui f tÈçý'tcw, and ta Ireep an nec It was aise reperted that auetber Fedg.aî R. Ttieîn, t thie. saie. And in, addition to e ee!Was c0 Iigii i htautsel anLutW! sl h.e wouitldhave te kep a police book, inight be.expected aI $cuthaut'o. DufneCrt mi acceunt of 1h. fines. received hly The Mrninpg IIraZd là sopptiset! that ville layer. Âlttouether, Lie belièvet! that àlie Government ha# - npt, given orders to e -1fJi.A- Huston wi e;iel entitiedt! tethe en. the authorities,> Lt iScethanipton, 10' Warn s1pp)ý P at! salary nemet! inithe by-Ja-1 and- the TuscitrÃ"rà thaî sha inust either q1ii Qh--u 85 sure thi i every counilior and rate. port 6»t once ôr at until tweuîy.fourIho =$, r r1i the tevrl wuid give Ife. Hust'On afte-ihe departýý re ftue Neshr'il. IWelo . ýredit cf proving a faithful and correct abouidnont, sajia thé iieraýd, haîee ilIowed W ýe servant cf Othe, Corporation. ' eâtihe Nashv~ile te lie in wnit, at the xuouth oni of Mr. Macdouell the hylaie was cof the Mersey, for Americàn packeii o reat! a second traierend the conîrcîl merciiiutioen, Ithifefre ire cannuàt w,tLoui ftturda into commiite theré;on, Mr. McTrer. a grs Violation cf or guty anj neutriis fijr thiesa, c in the chair. alwteTucrr . ieà.wo s~î crLMejn the, L.aing s uggested tIle destrabiity of have refiqsed lier enieMy. Atîl uoig the by.law v)laly on the' table IThe flerâ1 ll sd out the course cf the itia nexîatiuc;li-i wouid bc bekter Frenichnuihoritiea ut Mriîqa euirgen w jar rcd te express ii>a iit . hto is1roquoLe andi Suiner, as an exaipe ien pre sicid t,> vote. 4te Molow. Mr. Rutssili, in bils corresppçs ae comîtiieruse reîsîîsted pm-t-es denc.t tu le Tiarex, prcdic!îý thAit the fate Jj ibtaincc(l ltve teu, it 11-ain. of tihe Ainesicun Guterimieîst uili beseled l.I 4 LAItIi uestvLlbyT SCiKTy i Jh;iuary pars without RoumegosIve stà uf tir vias &esdat the dcspo - t"'y. thse Ladiei Nf(.Ltwiron, mru'ate oi ttise Atnrcau - *biip JA M E itas VIK ~ ~Ganges hird heen committedl for trial in nè;()V.\ULosndon fohr iurderng one of bis çMWat ,aig eîiquir-ed cf the, Msyjr if lbec a ore auft[l hi tueii Ile ster, nnd Ur. The Lionn kooey ni4rceî cin the lth- oeil urge,ü1t1at if Hi$ Worslsile5t opcîed tfrmt but toarard,.iliie close slîo.ved iple, iL iroulti have a good ùetfust. suîue lîgîit rotictioru. 7i~tÂ%.:g. - Coio~sls telo.ïd st î decliii., attributed lO accaunt 0f Me. M. C. Caineron 'for illy t,) reuaijoZs -it> fter the adivance... in Ille càqae.of vggis.theCuro.Tire insrket duc thisdulbttey. C N Wbas osdered- to tue palti, as iwre Siiice ihe reduction of Ille batnk ailai- :côui,îs of Se) I.Digeio*w an dMe-mui otf Ttirsdsty tu 2j per <cent. noiîey At ho loiro, i1 C.1000 iraï aisec placdto th, lia beep pretty plesîtitui in the opcn, markcî of thse sûhl icait i. at 21 pir cent. fur the beSt hillio and iras incil adljpui'nied util Mond ay ee.oitresd un the stock exehagrie at i1 per 1 j AL at half-past 7 o*ciock. *en.C$,J )>jIJ valai iseEurpe.BRYA N'-At Whl, on-the 24th inst. liAi AX, Jsi. 2. tUi wife cf Mr. Jascob lirysun <f a son. hurKî 11xiir.4, ja. 26 &4!ut jouier steatnàliip Europa froun Liverrool DIED il .th at 3 p). ýn., andt Queensston u M UNSON.;--At O.shswa on the 26th î*h it!i4y , *ar rivcd ut 10. 30 last i rs;,4 l'lieîsist.. Mrs. Lydhiia .B.. w s' >of ILrV %L.. opa has 16 pa'ss'ngers ansd £6,500 fuse taon, aad '£6 500 for H4iuifitse, The d iras iheru and'iàs sîli bloinoa icalîe iith a h ey $(,a. The Eurona ileitiier troop8 pur.utores, tîte Gos' iii.ll t haitî tiscutiucd hipiuenîts by thse arders. t il rep eorteiltl lt.rowithstanding the1 *'.'4L0 11[j(- 4 Ieîîîauî q Ilesu issu, -earationt idt eiowicilshave ,î,)t trt anti Ajat euitiruues te take tors ufor IItuifàsx. 1 ctice haiiit-b ieen i-n t lh respectiri ng uyteurec seules orlassabtfwa -- het the retioctice ttstes jîace 'tri ,e' VeOunei iranS uunrOIueti for bunt mid bet'o coutitertsitidedi u'd i% imil st' ben con- t Counî lu I,ýd-on the9tti. uses atidleruoýtnîhuitails fserer usieti et'.'iss,['ri ie.s saisatinsei'rUd, asti1us- thne ' e d i Ue Tvrnt uit, ils s <'f ucsalinelce Litil. ,A i ie u'url sfc's laws of Gtoiu tefîvernment 'rua> nnîJe,. seul tlse-y hvhai as iity of tU1)nnîting te iiieli asre net sat ail astmi'sssable, ont sucevr>' f t!iriprisooerfue a .properly raiesI aiiddiseuse. .froning PMW tannonces st Éi i tuidrossslsî; isui benari s- the Aruuiirs governrocut. Niit tht'>' given itiee îieerparntîoms, outng mc Mr. Sisessti ull havé sue- iu impeessing-on the Esiglislu go. it tlle no!iton ' tlit t iey )lasve net ýsent instemiity, but aIse nu sinai f fusture secetiru>. Pmca sanI lia t rt.sner fixes En; qrese, tiwirit i lt ifiely 00,000 ; bust thte Tintes expeetru, 1 Ile billsicre iiit mIll b. double i, aîit that tire moue>' laî net lucen Wittflsy 3MARKETS. Jsi t,1862, l'lise Oexcellent sleiglsing bis lsrgaly en- <reuates tise druIîveries cf i al kincdi cf prgy. l'il) W'hct85C to *1.03. S Sîr; 3c t,> 84r. Ikl îy 40er 'a 45c,. Prs 4l t,,4$c. (taIs 2c te o e Iliay $0tii*10. Tusrkseys -joc to 145c esch. Psuslî'yt'wkcss23)c per pair. l>ssk.s :)Oc to 40c pîuer Vat'ts. or es)green e2 tigo J2S l'o Tdonto the sstpIply cf grain ims s 11t1-o, ati lieOsie emnI Ra-tire. - F'411 Wh'tss at )c t> $1.9>7.iS'priri7,13Iü tri 81v. l'crsi 48e ta 3tc ôgwstj $3 23 tô P1lit, t N IJ G Y iON Saturday aiud Tuesaàay Z'g. Febilasry tat ad 41h. at' sri iiea t '[1e t ur tie SOGLALB AL L -SI R -IpleýRtsore nt yôlireoesn",ar.y, 'and Ilt"t . t r sr'ser, î e1'tt slW suiet et ~ ~ ý%l t' stieuB a ed <spsr It. J. AT Et o, N'$Yit'îîit tlctoif, i t 'on t uiy, an Ticket 41 SQ. À ~ou~ liis)iittenduolee. MÂNeeisa fie. J (ieel re. (J. Dr4, 1u )t r1. J. 1 1 oL ; M W ,l* 1r . M- Lein, Liykl; M. 4i,Rilai; NI dy Newe- is ecogiîtiectfthe*ir .cusoiua iý b hte %W'sliehgoai Govern. ~tut' r itteel>' denounces the pohrey of T A~ l and ti ST. AN. tes baia st it-nedito-lusI ou tise DFVC fATU ue te autnd isiSldt.ll, ndtiÀ e&ucit fit'ti e about the mont worthlvss tî.uia ili Coauicel il! lie poss.ible te extract frein tLnd, utrilJWelsts ths-ÂAssericun lion, havin v ben Aad uhituall halersanrud revilern cf '1iday, 3'8 'nise 7iesa se ricusly hope t isai At hiif-)au-t >ix o'. peopîs' wiit not gir. thes.e tel- tsejsrsuseas tî g uvf the s-ape of, ait M5tion. te@i. to a fue in disîres to ail they 1n' andhas reaurneti themn %V lttl, 'lin. 38 al, antelli noir, If they e n - -nl cii>'1 will*iiî, te entangle x with the Nrt.Eigland donc jusi a s asnitiu-to rescul 4 het MaRon aud Sldèlli sce- .' eil7 on t1ieir way cnt! buve ~nX'n h ais> one who antia>listen to cN Et M r sac jovirnis a aiîse a imlar jallute tôMasn'a strets; adlia. fugitive 'slave 1mw, te- prejuiuice *Vhtiuiy. T.-in. , ls reitiertes its 4entinciatior blocka4ii of-Claleston hauber, ncug te crimes. îeukh haî%ýèf le higtory 'ouf a!l matukioci, i 4t us. 1Mr j. 1ai'A , îl, ýic -- - ION frsstii tuuwiîtu bite ;t of Jai )'ok inthie vrinetit côlseti IL MACL lot., BWF'FAI i. lhr.J forne, and Mr. A. T. )ehuws; Mr. J. 8 *itan,, snd Mr.ý %ni, WhItihy; Mr, . W. obinson, Mr. e, Pr1nce Alboeit- Mr. J Bowv1os ;Sr. V.-Atderson, Bronklin; Me. Ltarti Broeghiuon;Mr, J. Lticat,' ruUded ut Woùuls tIltel. kn. 7 rDER,31UNED ýW!lioceive proposs: the 8th of Pebruary a ldof litd ss>y froni 2 to J lT6%vn oi Wiîy4iî> i,3rhc ee1j i- 'turei Exiiwli. &a., &C, ÏOHN SHI.El, i. 8,18432. EN TJNEYKS ES IL .cGB tRIE's DIN ROCK OIL JAMES JH. GFeRRIE, b Ut f> J1±ýI h Wlic tby "e uelling vliolesale anti retail, Vizat Tii. "KingOf Stovef4tsî" Slman7ler," Ladies Favotite.",&c. To conneclion mi the Store- epârtnenî > -FoRx- r armnufacturing ccr>'kinti cf iloltoir Ware,'ûaod bave added tie unoture f titisTl Shaleet'I aro eBrchs. Conner War JAMEî il. GERIE. hojureti Plates of Stove-s purchaset at fiais catablisýhtncnt cari be reaalîly suppiet!trm They iut!h're rc 'ta those engnged!in the MillingBuainesu, that cuflita they DfLLNB tT H have suidti argely ti their Machiner>',,andi lha.ve cured ' tie ervicel rdof !Ért e dPites~ - terri Msîl< r ti'] ei n s thalt t îey arc prepiresilta do worklç 4 utaftl"ki- that v il! PU E CELEB1IATEO uuutssre isatisfaction. Thela' Patterns andi tfuciinery ali bcig new. and nomie but the moet exparienced X X P 111 I C I A N ness andtheo style atîdifinioîl f tudr sw rk. hoti om o uî ly thir ro fPt, LO, NWYORK, T6e sùbýCbem&having pureséd the eniire Stock ofte OLD WJUTBY PFOUNDRr l'ake, this oportu'nity of informing the inhtibitants of Ont~ and the ïi*rouotzncounti 'q gcncrall,,that they "T re Prert t do ail kiuds cf ork î0 tlxeir Une on the iery shortest notice, such as SAWT &GRISI MIILL (JÂSTINS, et eveTy description on tih. latesit d nxnt miced0aXsM, andti n astyle of yack an-, slîip wlat cannot be asuYpatiseti b>' sy coéctfïâ *n1, AI, Pila snd Ornt tai eAST # ht!Clutimns G1t S CAPbeu Pipe Boaxes fram one inich, ta four aidew hait inches both fr 'd anti Ii'n Axié-to Thyarc makîng anti haro oit hand aVArleycof ~'~lbsiiit.t fole cgplaces lu tise M O<NTI 0PFEJRIJAIY, 518M. i'ceg Aiuss~,Aise,, Inrorel itil 5tlildod iti. %VIir.e ac an tbc coisnlt'l -ou it Ilferrasofet itii Shares of £20 aohè 1IR E BR A N F4. T ! t * au, rel aescasemmib>'a e refi ccutred- cf tise risi pncpoacdi. Pire Preniumn.186I4 $262,000 LI'E BRÀNCH. Tacs-e llà*ts 4tlaod-2Iîueeeessînec a"nsu on thué naflieal. iuluu'cust esnynturi er Coli ti i8l l,4Y dedar, Ib>' te Compftuuy. Division dcf Profit. every -Pave yVeàrs; ta P.oh8cles Iliea iueX'st*ècO :wo zatire lotus. THE ~ROYAL ha datinûWue ~irhîs prirmptliusde aud liber -AteLE CORPS, -No extra chsarge te. Volitiiteens%. TPE1CY -M. DnoVF Toronto <>ibaeý-yý'u>îz st., ansi We11ltn s t. FRANCIS IH. IEWARD. Ulauacor, Tocontes s A. Dk-VIDSO, Rceaping Machines,. Msiwing Mnchunce, I;Lümp Exteactfrs. and a trnci> of Poughst of different nia-eus, v&rying in price. tram $0 te $20,. For salacof aven>' decription, Tlwy -are nufacurin- a variety cf Plotigia, lncluding t;ANA9#AN4PfiEUI Pieu9~ endt t"cedijTcrent 1.inds cf;SteelPlouiglua, ahich foe ààrc]ulity anà ch .cajtàesI anno be eqiile4l In tbc Cociuîtry'. ,catt :Y"r-tepuitin- doue in ûail us ririaus branches srith sansattanti 4ispatcb.I WUhTiX. BR WN &PA.TTERSON.I SELLINGl OFF!1 SELJ4NGOF1 Itaiut coasinnmucd to usdl Ir thliTbNi¶ccfi usW*nt)OI1,.sgsicxtIy's. price't for CASII, in crdca- b> snak eeu- lafr hi.l$ rti)%whà à*pço tas ue oa niti~ecltlaager, scs4e tisai iistual.the Sto*ei »iýq tIr.aa <ttotls4 Sha Miatie.% taies TursÇ'FIxnne 111finietq, PeintsN'as'c-tory, Ceton% 4c., &cq,, snd a 1arie e51Wcmlté ln- aIl bts departmeuts. From the superjor advantage v pw~e Mqgs Lp àlî t t Al l tmeatotpr luhàse tur o ini tie best nmrkets, we <un with confidecie cati Particular attention ouccv varie!d and compIetýGod wbilb, as fcrmerly, we offer at-a salr advance te cash and pomtpa GOntmes .Ti inc e a*éhvasu rs nel fiesi, i Pb n nFu CÃ"IOIJRGS. WINCEYS, GERIA-N PLIAifla FIGURBI Ã"LkNS j Sba*liý îWadîesfantIeé, ToIt flats, Plumes, Feathera, Fancy TIeýj Éthbr6ide!cv Velvctg,. taceir, WOOLENS-10 Broad Cioths, Doekin; qCXUsiéé 4RAavorrsPioa ndaiTresSÃŽrt-,lnie F la n n e ls , B i n ki e ts , & C .a ~ w e d , S t t t t . e , M n i i it j ; V a l g u COTTOS-Iu P*llitq,(inghrimrs white and gre> CoctG tsi $ped and! Regatta Shirtin;, Dcnit., Ticking, CôttôdFausI Jeans, Cotton Yarns, whit andi cobcreti. avn fç& daOt-lmCter for'Li. the si1 ,d4pite1nt-ýwe an wvillaconfldcnc A lcî ' u shtre of public p&trqn&gr As Ail gar=c ta wil bégot p by fiiatc, worJc,in thb le n&West styles. anin warrantcd lO ivr stiqtfsfcîn.,,A.large lot. of Readym'a'c' C way.g on baud.L adies Turcs iiiMirtus in, lc, Fitch and P'ur Cari Iii Vérlty, Buiffalo Robes, Houre twili >o found !Génoinô TI?.sà fis, Crushglet!, flfncci and fuscijovzdo Stgitrg W>'îééos. FruliN, Spiceut, Pickles, Sauces, RWcé' sage, Satit!ar and Ã"i'8,* L*rp antiMechitne (isand Salino'n, biackcrel, _bodilsu, 4kriut, kc,. Our Liquors are oifir<ca u.lt ôsaigof Port andi Sherry Wine, HcU'nesfig& Mlartell'a rale, Rrî,klv .Run Gin 1 , cotchl andi Oauadiin Wb!sk3sy, Uiô16 ioi D ublîn Portm ~Abbôtt'à ipeyiir Pale Ale, &c. Fleur, Cer;n; sd Oaîmea!, American cuti Canadian Chocse, togethier Withg vnirieut akàorlnienî!of Cliristit"se Prize WlnSd â .%ô t Biscuits. ~ In Cnsand Kegg.îhoîessie ~Ali rtsi, as cp sà Whltby, Dee. Soit, i861. ks.Iat ~3 X. AiBl41.acodunts ÈaSt duc, and unpai4 àftai the it J- per celit inteïeat.7 618148$ 15'FOR.TUEgONYTARIO JIOTEL, ~C, DÂ.I'P- eiréa to linfona in 4Uie ryuien 1irýitt igotjthe cnvtry,and;th L'o& C. arecahippisîg, te thele scie pithlic, geceeully, oitu'lj pwfsdt ..w~Kst tr a~ansla &r.unBro.ok sî,eet, sud irnowu- as thoise t Tho-môms,îthâ ve 4enanwly fitat,,isîri! 39 Natiacu Stmtet, Toronto, tlicîit eeiebr..tcd pcvllisedgnd thê hpinei* iinlergoia4ra *td'euîi chafigv, fl Ortler ta iffur1i tte tnstpe"ile aK FAIR IA.VEl; S TLISBUrbY, ecn.dsuiIuitgexandvAior.'* all Is i ] tllno r e C es',th - 9.t4 s p o y o le e lt. t6 o t' b ln Nfensqniloyc- Cn panes 10 l miitît 4ifnlcil~ dtsdg,î Lto ,.Le itia 0 13 È, F&WýR ý4 ,le r' Coui 49uei 'lie Ilue 12, Le srt reins l

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