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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jan 1862, p. 4

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gem mveuî mo 10ula ae(toî pencai inaaia- traec,(ddof cheap lands, fertile aol, nd a wll.*atend and tticlby.Umbeced cOumtry, trtwMnX îowus, groavimg manutfactures, and Ibe other eli.ntown inducemenlta tî t. MentI amnngr uswhlch mele. Canada péon. liriy 1. the land of hoip(", tolthe aurplusi pnpulmîlon of Europe. -If, le Imm tfiat lte tTgdttd Stla are bidilnt higlm foir amet g~htespeolally fripa -lland ; but avien it is made kçn «wn %bthutlhmy are only wantcdý toarnmke food for rwder. îluey aili ereiy chaoose tiii Canada oforsn r referrine te a country wlifnh lold te le et ail limes leferior Ias aihome for Einpne te anur aven. but w*iii% enoma nnfrrtuanly dii tracted liy a itiil wer, wlich meiteq life mnd property inseen-e in t-ny partse1cf h and employtuent is . dfri el re ltaiord ant -ml. Ile eiemmrmnltue tithwhich lhpy are rapidly -ineurring, Iih ne are ielayiuag deep th4 fotedation nt ecytieni of taxa tion which vil 'îf fuîelf iaru algranFePrs off, (tmse wbô leave Europie ta avnki laies -and lanillrds, will crlaiiy prefar Canadia whetre the.taxes are alrwisl nentinal te the Union ler. tcy tili r laigr tbe fihtfui, mii te MM nsnpp--emive (rani lte aant of incch ccumnlat7ad wealîtm ie mfit Illew an there i3 ici aIder colnti'rie.i. It lu entiim;. ' r O u r . a n s t e u a u l î t r i t e i a t n d i n g -.9 bnt tlIat the týnî%rA Siatra teax ten Uir limes ae heativiy as ae, cofýea fine iimes, anti al]i iuprted articles of côtumain elosuraptimon imitariy, ta show hlm aiim country he lad boiter eo.ge for hie 'future hsome. A&nd that thiàis la ruc aill enalty a seýê en baile îarifi rare comptrcm, for whiiîe ta l a e 10 cente otîyin buthe pi. lar, lte States imposeaapci fic tRX 20 cents per lb, or 40 ceti t h ~i e dtllae k tartIa of average tee-ýt rfi t- cost. 0ur du1117on calice isaoni> 10 e ie on thte $1; 'thtof te Uniitecl States 5 conta on lime lbt, ar 50 cents on the. duftr's vettiiW. comul cuumerace epiesansd aler articles ta witiclm tiese ren-irnte appiy. But h. in neediesa, fer il is quite fair te jutige cf mil by taxes palul an lite pnor man's cup cf le or colihe. Thon,te irredeemmhlle paper ourrency or t4e States, as vei ltatcf the hankioeastat cf thee Qevernient- lothm ave fêr, lu b. soon depreciaed-willit lte reverse of mn attrnction t.> people avio bave mn nodfu ehioned iikin-,fi>niish tlaugit the, 'Iteorists praiouice lî, fcr.gold and ÃŽli' ver.,-W. aili tsay nctin cf .îte ilfeeling, fy rinclases in te ci àmtotasrêBritistit atbjects, avitcitren- iermttpeant thte mourm tiere of titome o6i*nr.wîa itantr îeir native ecuucry, for tlitIsemiimenlt avai kuotafounîfeml on errotiecca proffiises, ailil e only tIraisent. ,But ae have 91ivrmn enouh b ave, mudeul la thté'a$iýeàdy well knoave azumente, te show hov preferrabie British Amnerira lu 10 tbe Rabanlaian aer tae dr-Crece WnàIr BI-f LZ PitABtLSMitAl.-Tbiaic oly cf týitêeommo.n haecneyed expressions wla.chpanen ; ltiy letaveentha lips avicu mone e îitaniitrubla b>' mikIng Prompt leilinltg tlite publie fi)rtlme larZe trn ea blimhertotexlaeded t i. > lettc int - iiectfittly lnform them tliat parti lu qqmimt- cf gobrmleausîîpuretùtxe go icti-in lm, ru themitm witanmd a rln fur Ilh or mercheumblo pmrl>dee,ýot aloceapriem. IMOoTS & SIIOESVUJ ANDI LEÂTA== IDINGws$ &o. T RF11UISI>ER$SIQNEi) le P rmpefllylto inii fuî-tlte people cf I;!tiythi' îe Cotil>' of Onttario, entdte public i:ccTally,tlmcl he lbeu ojieue4,en txteý1-ch BOOT 9 S10E STORE lu tlicmcseouiotpronieS k.icitu Cadw,,Il!s BIook, Brook St., ih ' it- y emploiMr. Wetlierail) avire ailI ale it e îî ail kh)bde cf i..ather, Leatlu.r Fittdîîgc,!ee. ILLIAM BURNS. Whitby, Nov, 6, 1861f. 43 if tIc avIicIIt 5v ett it ct'le lino cui" 'The trada cuppliet). Alilkiitt cf wvert me, i ehep.p- Il IDES 1,-h-ATIi-1ER. TUE UNDER 1)EIS 1'EPEIARED TO d3 f oli oi tLyd' Oiim ineyttBokStreut Whitby. O Wnu BURNSB. OîLE ANI) ALL DtIl KINT>S OF SU.- éror iertunedtLa&ther fonsauto st;tlte Wttit- N E IW.JE1VEtAfýliERY lIEatîipinier ms ovonliand, a fuit ms7 T moutnlietet PINJ GOL» 3EWELLERY.I Brooches, - Lookets, Nfand YBstOhailsm &C engliï j ever, and Swlss Watches, Whkhi having e-rfali>' letcl, Ie eau avar- ra»nfttlIte hast nalaity ENGLISIH AND ANERIQAN Plated ~eeUlerxl. Jet Goode, IPectaclleal, SuvetrPimla", .Yct reocveul a l&rge atsorluiient cf UIRIA-"i3 lOCK-Sti WKITY, 0. l'w- 'FltT FA ttF W.RON'S A(GRICULTURAL4VOBX8 Where yon will find Cutters and. Sfleighsof every diserlç4rn, Of the best workmanship andrid arnfautren ofthe ben nîiva. Cnmjuusbi:.ý Patent Front, Juper, Roîl-ovar Sat, Portlaud Slelgh, Boiorý »Ã"VBLE EIGUS & Democrat. CTER 3RSu 0 DOUBE SEIGS &GOOD SINGLE U R MR$5M Al»SO, 1313II LEtGUIS, LIG111TANIIEAVY." N1lèm t*nltiàp tÀçittr tl ,ndSIeiszlugwiIt do weii to catl efnd examine Olir stock beforo pnurctmii-*ng elseowhcre. We iiiklt oui own work. ansd emp<cy C£m-. peetworkmVen, Bo that every artitolie cnld cati bo gli'Iirititeed. We are deter mmceed net to ha nniersoild, ima ene andige aýgeoot)- article. f~~All atw Cutters l~&T~ IO4. DNVN AK~&G 49 DkOAW IEg&C TEA A 0F Àt!.. 1UNÃœ8 AT TUE 1 NIYUOFFE <WAREU 1-OUSE.ý TIIOSE WI[O IhAVE NOT,.SHOULI) TRY ENG LISH BTACK TEAS.I 4,000 Gallons of Prime-Whiskey. 150 DGallons of Fine, Port Wiue. 100 Gallons of Fine Sherry Wine, 140 Gallons of Jamaca Rum. 150 Gallons of Iàolland Gin. o 30 BARRELS OFFEIS[Le Oonisitiiig o! Salmon Trout, White Pish, Maok-orel, Cod and IHerr'ins. A superior ,lot of FRESH ~N~BL ACmKguAND- LAYAN 1TUS Suét's, Fruits, Candied Lemon, Orange and Citron Peels, AI- ý -ýI ~inonds1 &c., â&c. l th A Con. B , I B il' B B C ~ F sr Cou t il, OTî tl 131h cou TOW? TOMI r4 i 4liî $th TOM~ lotit Con, h litm llth 121h ~ 12th , " terun* "P toe - IMFb STIOVES! ! -- CH1KAPIEUTIJAN IKYH 1 T nFLETARGEST STOCK1<ANI)O-RIIATUES Variai>' in Bloveli, Steve. TY nt teTin- tagre, &C., eau ha c een At tlilttre 01 thme ', "atf aven>' atyle anhd q-eiycte Pnice. Turn e popuilar itew m, 1ttein Stovc tic, 1«en intrnnrnil qm#omcoat m.rber imietea: TflE KING Or0FS7VVES, MRON DK, GRAND TR.UNK, pRNefL ALHER7, 00KR7e IDar Caliasnt sae. *#. JOffN BRYAN, ý - ro-tWhithy. prMarnnent home. te'me à ilonlmue OR- 1irappety, lte prepent viii hatounit loopportnyiînlnritmto. ;VYSHIW 0FUXERJUGE. a-hafiet 98o...... lonneitr.. ffontlthalf 14......100 !owiçgnip 0F uc0Týr. p jstI alfIt No. 4....100 ý10WNsffIp 0F MAltA., iomh.eeit Ulot 1No. i.5 m Il- i l2_7..... 100 K'i'jUlif C..100 ~ OWNsI1P 0F RAMVA. lot ;no,44 .......iî 4< ce la............ 100 et tg ............0Ion S 1.......... 10 14 ............ 100 m m 6m .......... mm id i 7.....100 < <i i ......:..ton ...t..al 1 ......... 100 ÃŽNTY OF VICTORIA >1»H1 O411F FIEX-LEY. or,lot'Nn. le............ 150) ........... s itly 1.............57 ' te114 ci fi mIl s 1: r*tle fi 9............. loi imtpir4... ............... .on.t ............ 100 et mi9 7 . . st-00 or UJP0FELUN., eallaflotK. si ....100 i #vatiii l 10-4...io IWNSHITP 0F VERIULAIEa Brolten, lot Nn. i;1..... 34 m IiUMME1lVILLE. .o.. 1 ..............20- m W'NTY OF GREY. 8111F O? COLL1NqGwooDm ?fortlpart 1 t No. 12 .... 7Ï NSIF 0 OPEUPIIRASIA* lo el 0.ý............ 2oo lttNo. la..... ..203, ai leme ifor a torme o0ymlnhe u ÏNSFIP OF MABA- eiirt lalf lot Ne.- 11..100 ,mi 64 id. 14100'd AI 1 ..00I 2iI..200 ce oar9 ......î 18 100 tianla-ha.f....8100 edtttg ptnrcliitxe aili cava lime mcl » emamitit'c enlulin te ltide Ilit 1rtiinmc, mcid tien ion prie. muid m,>' (if hvilevier, prapsi 1), le JOHN UAblPERRY. 1Vltly. 7çov.l8i. 4' O1VEU AR CAPJITAL £100,000. Irmiraitce eftected on Bell.dlitlp and tbiei 4io1tetisM*very inforimatIon supplled on& P- pilctîiiie mUinemeregned. Marinle Rill1c for the &aJOrK ÀpnTWm 1<rveiln~Aget, yro ttrect, Wlsitbi Phoenix Pire AssuraiCOco.3 <iNeAUPt9TR oLZT ANP C14AIING Cem)OP ,LauDole GILLESPIE, MOFFJtT & CO., Agtsnte; for camnada. 1L4)S.Iid lAwitilout referemica totiîe oa'dln ('mniim rercluzt, WhitbY, .lbent, Connty y (jOnta.rio. BRITISHIIREV[EWS.,, L Il Pn liliîthe ftilowriimg lead'ng VerindfiQAlt 2. 4.- Tas Wcsu<ays R.Tu ngmtw (îlibemiti). BLACKtw-onDs %,IIIlUtlI1MAotAztyïmÏýTory) Tite prc.aeni- r«ttIcaâl tate of Flnropeti afre wM! remder îtipîlclcaunnmliîilW inter- emting dîme nii h ie lrlrinn'year.",Tlîey itili oocmpen nîniilligrnnd bëiwee tié Instl, itritten llrwutiteuiii. erîile penlniita, n-I flylot ro nt rittinidliv ,,imfi arth Ie pcnîierriim-rtîtmnïht. fiouira hittoriiîiti,%rîl- ten siter limlpItim ltteretmlt, ' xeieeineit cf ticre tint ipaliti]vents cfthr ic lietill hnv", popied away. t i otriiesee PemiioliceJe l!ft reti<lcs -rsut 1-ttkfor theme ii>'rrriliv i otelligi- tie*ndi mlible hixtary ofc eut it eett, vlid in tuh iieî,litîlte ta thalr eiiiah.ld literimr.edanfiie, mitenrcmiemietr en uarge there upientire coueldi-riaiîtif t1i îe meeting pulie. IMARLY COPIES. T40 e rc'ipt luAeatwefrom tlir'Bmi. flit-it aîhiliegeeîdditloil v ilue to tie.ie itepint, itmnîcnq ai i> en ut"nit lho î1eeectt Ili tila îhitx cf -iuunoiber ablit nte@4coi1 a. lte orilal ,t.rltitui T !'. IS IêA'\N-NIM. Poaran t thftwfour e Roh. .....l.$ e o For anyri - v tif tue four Rev*lawti....5 00 Fnr einv tiirue ollîfeiiReica. 7 M For aIl fîîr f the itevime.... .. I80où For lliacltweoel½ )lUuzzne........... 2 gi0 Furtllaeicw.,ri.l cmii aile Ilelen .... .5 '41 For Ilitwruo1 aniti twora u 7 (10 Ferlilekwud th ie four 1Revewr... 10 On0 ( 'g urrenlm 1.tît i h uf !e3.ro ixw cutmi&~ Peeiclr. d l,-"ouint of 28plier cent. frîm tlie abtive priee wilili. lite t taCllb i tý rderimîg efLar or more eopi'm eM'tivnteaor mornte. aaive f t orka. Tliinu: our- copiitcof l1cittvod, or ili ene lt0vietv, vil[ ho moniintoc diaflor "r; orc.,înce efthe four 1(eriuwa t id Blek 11-111d for$.jtnt?,,cou. POSTAGE. 811Àldiait Manil smbo!eribcrm mcppliitifroc cf Unlitet :eeaPlafge. N.lt.-Tlîeprice. i <rcat Britein or lite lve ioiwledit above itemati !é$31 liernnietani. Tomonto, Di Applieati ltrtry, Wl DRIL 2a PAUE8S AI 11 a() EiRVN 25)VPrimcit 215 rentm. SentIre cmp, tare, te mili perte of t1w Union. On lIite tenlle» îl. t ntltuat intit . ti,%ctceilgt I îieri~ Ç~itc rf armit elrÃŽna7îtfgea. tari '401oictîmtcflie hîfitm cidal jmoelujii mtmory. lielirsiot, ant i elnda, mmmUJ Y;r feMa .ltitcg iattre<c < Ptil aUnaerdi»lch weiree, ag Sa' ncd mtI'ouag7 anti ,_,y. e, IIt l tutitil ati-par.tm Il moarird nti hote ertemntiiu mare-lau avute etertiime .c-ttionl>ta etthteir plivalu end ilnn.attimitelire eenmciooe p(t lhavi 0,,- articd t t al-. l faincmdtrivtleg ta, wlilelt eevît' itttiri t îi e l e utiedl 't'NIîNI F MN w'.11-m-e troblat) avwiiît aven rnecs, '.i~tt e r1 lial habit ili veult * i'ffori m h nme '11tllneflc. pain.. he,! NEMWVl'i< -tA M 1,- N DON 'FI. ATIIE WtV. itvo,rt.t.tliterte) im it mr etni AîlillÃŽu nrctIvufftektîowhtdgenti i 1cîrcluen aM the -m,e.tmkilet 1'imiiqltmc a iimgttimPtiuropIe aril tfioe r.niita ViTh titipint iiimimeiunderoum ente aili ni aimi,,t. i ti tro)dure l nto aur pr«matier,pmd ti pumblic mav r(-t.m enrt,-cf the came zeal< ta- t) iy .S Et.1<E<Y. anti attcn4on heing paW4 loita e~hrt.rinftri, ce ai Phietan ino i~(lb l-trtuueýnt cf proteAeirienl prt tict..fcnr M cp a4!21,eamr1 Fite-ucu F ixueL:l>Lu -W.deeho tali f motlinet. -the. etile n' mI uttia han beeg c 11) thciiini-Pof ceani ne-,ar feu en cff rpeiy cona vitut aîu bil remota, ui! t I iiebut 1Pr. lDe Lamte'e Feinale.erieli( Prier, $1 per itra. Tliey ccc ha ialleti tnii part- cf tt.lijitetl St ite. or Gacaria. -:TI TUE LADIlt$-\Wh cnedcri oeXje to-ldaivciitIfi rogzne tn aniv cf îhoe i ,tr-t nitnîint- t.. wiilîihtheir delicaté r L7.,vîi if ti rýicderi them hable, are partieimr litit.t-' tri unt il ta. The Seceret. et Youth TJavled. À &'cL. n th. ra ef Proec-*ure Decapl- crlt«lnntitef4 . Jf pblioed a Bitai t4omi <tiimth Cý,nkf eee etebnd ê,y Itui 1- oant bl'gm4il on roeeipt q i o(3) rt g(I:n1ecedil>' frem Oc inccklut vnýi~mtttz n te Oii t, rauton Seinte>'.i; re- !iIi -, Pin blodioitee avillfîidiretit e cnt Inci prf nt'o ltit ifýdtState. amd aeiihyp tintenttuî i ti h ir sym Pt omsi y het i-ut ti11rti.rfe nuit itl tDR.L A Cuoix, ai ilii ittî-i Le, A h-nN. Y. D ENTISTRY h DRS. CALLI Surngeoiue, 1Dent Mfr., Garletoi vun acd overavieiming mn of ment on foot. Thc formaitionta IaIhe enemy% It11 andl Uguve away."-Titis Spiclire, To do mo effac- Rct thium ofi an ordinauy otan-fit tîI&pui)lic streel b> ingata an, easy pace. Tiie fracture and violent contu- stren;tben the lottes cf ýtin- titis horseme.c at-fui[i in- la bma company cf sernen. lHow aillit lbe py pedesîrain? ga, arien à&r 'e." hlies donc ils work li.ea viii le (ocnd a igitl the scèe of a frigbtful t. lTher.ailil e fbunul ment cf lacIs ro kan bu -bxegu avioiy off ef. men e own ls>oneto, cf legs j4MES JOHINSTO.N, , Watbuuikensd juaveler, Drock Street,WhIihmy. 8épL 2itd, 1861. 84 CONSULTUIE OLD FOR 1 - Dypejet~, O.srr PeUIY, »auc cd 4g Secfria, Obd ilait, Erii.al, Great limpai rit# e B'ood, SmmU Rliemm, Pinapltq, FIlull, Ar!iina, licipiet a aaiumm$mo, l&fuiUuit oautA ad old cge, etc. OR11. AMOSi & 8UON Also a-stiperior lot of~ CANAIAN TWF4,1)S, DOE S Cloths, Satinettes, P'1atnels, JBankete, lBuffalo Robes, which, w~ilbe, sold at a sinu4l advitnce advance on osIý Whithy, Nov. 27. 1861.' H,. M-l e I.VI 1j nii for Oash. Ber .11 FOR. SALE. A 000) 1WEL ilOJ1USE In Sportit with nnt-biidilgi, inc'indiing srivîie bioîtor, o-îhti n excellent weltiwlth a flite orchrini cf b"ai-'nppr trimeî. &o.. in the premicea whieh e-,îhragce tqree-qunorterm of un The wlinle wAl 0l roldparâtely or togetlîer, ta suit urlare i ' lete-n" î0for. tii l nte anLt; e- third te be pni dt'wrj, llte balanet-Ri t m--eâr (rom tihe 1lt DemnniIîcr t For fmrhèr pzrticulars, enqiîire nt thie oflci'. Oetolm'r flrd, 18.4 FARMMFO R SALE., T Il E -'Ortori er fo fn ale I1 No. 25, Ii conttnilig '«'0 aces mnre or Ir^.. Al-nt go eceared ani ti n gent1 itatr- cf cnlltievltio, the remninbdr bcblg ecover('mi w-1h god liardweood tinitier. ThWab*ve rarmik tne of the Nit i n1VithtOwn- ahîp, cbginvtedbetween thr twîî tcadling raefrein Whitbv, ai n As-%siiwr very ed' vintmnigW enmarkeitln ce ! le on the pr ntises a lratrame barn, dwelimg limiliee nioead Tenie siffldown, thn rernit.,lr te cuit tie purchamser. Fe>r lnrther rrtrtiulrmra pplY on %he PrQmIsmea to JOHN MeLANIR. caution Age'uu Co uterfelm. Th. iiigh r=aeamii ienairealae on,, Peit- tedvi 1.iidumeed Mnila t i ipet i iat. Jtaaoilta"peu ble i as tm t oin- piiaoiec heirowite rrpurttonLl. Met. PJerry beg teM2 0Ifern melpmtche5iig ibir emedirlettilhMai amai are grnatine anlp.s> thc2ioi-emuah alifimtatef R. k.&iU PIRY&Ce.. ila mian ouit e oule <ftnanti mp. prr ofîlile iiaIW aliaof Syriarimmandi Deteruive V... lie ace nd ulir ane, aittresa ut mailemmat t inae- dlataeim la tnvn on thtente,iteimitate wililcb l Is Ho; a&W. lu addition. mlanere. Pnsrry itedtelem.u ,el in Atuuieail li ie. nimedllther parti ef mie wodml. tm4il le e8eed l~y apatentl camueiaffixti-te encli tiai e hea r tgileliad cmstln*. la l;.ant CnVcry pok b o l aut lxacc-mp~end t.>'a enpy«Il 'trein thea Ilemit FrinJtt ýetie isineudd lt Ileprie telargeti lW te meeicine. bullied ettheur reouMtim. No, 15 eoicmls trcm l"ie. 11 ýlT 17l"7 Iftivii 1

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