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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Feb 1862, p. 2

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£w Straed-9eà» BitlArd. Noticè t Bu'id r S Cmpbell. 80ts and' si9q.--jssBain. 4~cck9-Jss.Bain. i Somùi-4s Bain. 'tÈteceive Cre4it S$ýe-Thomsas Bur4. Toy andi Fana>' Ste e-O, Feli.1 Fruits ond Candiles-0. FPolit£. BdlIiig Off4iebetünPbell. Lumber -Geo. Cornmarli. Chancery Sala P"ostjoneà * ô «15(1h Feb..- ONE DOLLA'R A YMI- WityThursiay, Febrary 6, 1862. Dusinessa of tha couRty Cogûcil., I lu apîtî'blility betore ibis t-caches Manysrof uer reatieru tise Jaiitsar>' tsionuni tise Couy Couriil xviii have beeti con.- Celîd. Lutzit h ien tise Wardetî lai iso chair ver>' litho *bauinais rermauadt o bc doue, MAidtisai uvisull cf a reutinse chut-aC ter-, su tiat an adjqurunseut. ili doulîtiS taka place' befoee ra isîmn;cof, tisa Celtîcil ai stoinu o-day, lu tisa lentîglsrepdort 'viicli ue stfppiy we liav-c o'sitcd sttinz cf importance. Wlsile tva lave ciss-ailei Isae peee.liijfyiksg, (sud uviçca te tiseît cf oui cet-portae repsaiaivetba itspokeîi -vas reall> cloquent au veil sic saussilili> ni, uhe l'art cf nome cf tisaspeakçers,> -w liave given lise gist cf tise mater ; aud tha actual business transac»ed is fusl>' preduord lu etaji isa themant sti-in-;asun wîl us, pet-bapi lise meut iimportîant part cf tirs! preceadinzi viii he foutu containedtiniitise r.Žport cf tibiscommnittea esn filanca t. isl n miss cf vitiabie informnation, inerestisi r Io ci-ar>'ratellayar ilu-tisaCouniy. Tise mbiiiî sud 'llse .paiusiakig ptp st> alisp!ayed, refleet, tise tgiesi 'credit ors its atusr, Mrt. iŽus-ty, unio iveli eritèU tisé leuceiânûis pass4d esponen kub>'thtý Rleeve 6fÈIûsrea and Ramna,andst hier usemsbers ofthie Ocisucil, l ime cousie cisaeit -4erFvsîiouî -t-ha-tise rirîsert aiat e1de Iing n disparage tise lents cf otlser mauisro f >the couerli., Va uroii( Ail reluctaut le statale ( m-aci cf 14h1 islltigcst gentlemen, wis,ou pstt'gouu comnseti la daprive Mrt. Pary cf tise Wartieumlip, es-e ittiuy sta etasîk. If suc taIre krepjrts cf tiset-eva of Piclrerit.r, tisa Ientlemanti,îross uvisu Isle reevealc Rtancis laveiitd seo mucis gdod.ntatureti flat tes-y, as hein- >tie mansaboaeh nuis i es-s, (takiug bis Owu' yard.fer 1)-whlse lnows "vIwhn te speait, 5evlua peaik and unirai te suy>';--if 'va laka tisiieputl,. wlile -chairman cf tise Fintttî 'tOuaiite, tise eôtrt si u ertaisi>' gréai, anti masred.- Tise rutepàyers o-f thre ceurty vilI scat-e-y fttl Io mark the- d'iu7ntin ; anti viile l'bis l ia èase,--wlviie Ms-. Pary lu titi- inireti sud cemmltudeti b>'tise Most inîIclil- ge et raprasenuiaivas cf tis e cossaI>'arnd 5ià eff'or-ts aprciateti-1)y tisa eratepayers, lha eCau atiord to le-iva nunoticeti, ailtishe meain iasions apite, sud'all tl inaveotli>'pstih tan jTfirt wvicais ers-c te unita aU hie op- poenis-persona1 aund political, ilatise 'steuncli crs-let one claver able mats.Ilii; siuperloriIy 'viii Le as apparent before tisa raiepaye.rs of îLe cnnnI>', asit bas beau ~*di;èa i is e cossnei m"- 1Ths ie,-Mt ofethe Conrmitlee os ftestdis hh 3!dà«omaes inext in importanc- The bre-wiu mae i th reort foris ~- uuce, ac siu 11expos5 es heiguoranca or LUS Mr. Perî'y mll seq el â trson mt-id hacharge. The proceedingu mentioning bis nam ine àgÃ"4ýoA prvi f t3ay w.re - leed adft se despioà6Is a thingM wJ iite'c n, MIr. David Beach 6 fn wty lesk ý îai~ng in tOthbe M rm tbtiO lrion ô ôer 6t. this he.d w beg the prcsUtm-p. Pvions.ilàY, t' <>in or1er, '>'beyanques. ôrder te prevent bis forming a wrong-estiý. idthority for lsciding u e did1. - Qpofeels mate of bisi own ii3,pcortance) that in e.0 ashained teiacontemptible "ostion talc.: Otew~than thro9uglh bi misrèpI!o5a5.b>' aven se coutemptibl¶ a ýp&per as the' aaon calurany :of' Mr. Ilerry, couldiWib >eal iiyn'~ aiipi h-amimsrt-'ratehrat, d-uhjtilr nd - naction * 1%hp ûneti, week ab,,,ds' t.dly ý-stiginàtlsing 'fitil àti'd t àà ~ its, in mserss.ent&Un «epally asrears ditor bas doue. Mr. Perry, alid the 'ileSation thb a bd n. sriuC iiOcs&rly dragà.d -poliîtis,, or the nain e, 0th 5 $QLxnt I aPrhit ate !&7id >, ormr. Brolwn i 0 t theiscussion of Conn è,lOt - ethoàit¶d~ileat ty Coutteil uatters., The fa.cts are:shctrtly ~eI~i~?'oitbtweci na tbes; Mr Whis etoiijctaaeýrMrinîary and ddauberai. nmanner.- l~'ickerigasving no service amniçnition, hc precur- te~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e Mv 4sdr oec h t0' à~l dpowrder iu the City', craped IWO piecea accauntants in ilie Pro4 Sé, Vii p- i«èe,~batngof lead into bail shapei andi having thuîs paintod auditor, on the' 9r*duid that he loadeJ tw'o rifles, he tiedti temto-teether, 'iiad imt w itbh diffcultis 1in business. Mr. andipne bi n rn fbsha hl Verrî i exptiitg "the ' se reatônino- ofbibc. c rd hm y the-reel-é ée Pikering cottende,-and h ayo meatns of a strap which vas fastened te bis qu ité'correct ly,..-tbat a ,an migbt bc a tee. Oiie hall teck cfeot andti dlced hlm ge dio, alto'uscasfInbsi. lost instant!>. A, coronoi's jury J iom ntnctaucus thrqupe brouglitt u a verdictto the egect that Le tout ininthe naie of t e .aWt. L.yon o-m te sii!wielbo r n der A1cKenizie, and the lion.I George lBrown, ~ sii~.hll rn 1ne ih'o.cws teutperary iniaity.'. He Lad a* fev days who alt.o' >hc i bile and talented bafüre reoeiveda lutter frorntbis fatbar in u2i,he raid, .certaitnI>'nover macle fortunes ihon ulde'rigt:yLids lun business. lYrom . the pîromincuce cf the alarge. Inaines, perhaps tîL evrcthse finit Ce occur i te Mri. erry, iu conibatting th. illogicai Spper bythe Marien« 'csnn fM.Wue a'crafu>' Mr. Srilî, Warden of the a Cunt>' enter-. Were mcniined witb ne dirspect or disn- tse iat'-Cuclat5 uue paragemntandi oui>'in the way' vo have ~finsa û05e apro "ia described. Se litile importance e r dldsa, i Ooerupeoi raa attacb ote ittér utthe titue that net *vening lait, ai Scriptes's EieîèlI. Therec oea Word cf it, ppears lu our report cf Lt.her.hîen~aiI~st uspeet andi the ctntcrtaintuenî was icia proceeding; and ie oui>' mention it, nov Io correct a vilful, ant desi'g-ed zisrépra.ame- grabeoe sulationi. What Mr. DBaais s bject casu DON~ATION P*Iar.-Â tsutnber cf thé fI bei otrigtie, faets: il la difficuliteufrientiu çf 1ev. U. Lloyd, Rsp lt miuter z.i.hloisIrs as 4f, bpaddeàired te malie at tbit place, amÃŽemubleti at is bouse on mole-hilis appear mauitiins, anti visbed b1iorad.y eveniA& laitu eîfàirspt te ina!ce.believe that lie was the champien in whicb he is ýhelt by itemt ai a man ai i asi frienti of Mr. l3rown. Iu dia present 'a Christian clérgymàan. <Cash andivau. iiiitanec biis interférence was quit. gratîi.; ables to the amnît of abefrt $60 worte b tos ad ucaledfor h,, impy ultup >presenteti t Mr. Lloyd ou the occasion, d toits~~~ an1uclc cha ip> ît and iA ýrn-- - w veau cf st-t-v for tise ple&Utsre cf kncck-ng iii devn again., We wisis' Globe te ttaa, lseed cf tise cers-acîbt . u- Vluteer moven t tae aEptu-u imue existence amengst us as if b>' ma-de, -vise n iissaftl>'of ces- Canadianu Ct-etier vas 'ýtsu-ateneti b>'the counse- qiences oft-the Trent afi'aiu-, isushad ,tise, efrtl 'cf' divertiusg, nt')-at4al anytising that lkai o-ecuted or a lcug titra, tise ai- lemtietsof tise fri-speople te Canada- Tihe In)yait>' ftise Qisadiaus tissoppos-. tn.ely Maf)ifastetihmbs-s t vitin ils Cfiiiap- prtaismicn sud sympathinlu itiae. Au extruet front a pt'iva'te latter' (vvitten lu. Ltsdes, Jan. 13.) pii'lisiied in tisa Ring.p saYs Utkat eides -&large-forces hicis .wil be pamseýrnantl>' mantalinelutn.Canada, iu. cludiueisa larî -& e tlv afRuvat A,-,;iî. Blin nme perly-, vusare utuumees, vasw u e cf tise lappit ftise kindet ves r eiti -le Pssncmh i >' vils tise Linon Snati811. dlu atar.-.hie isas lise Presideh nt ts sisape 'or a ooft, trendt, Josn Bull direclîog a rifia ai bité. Tisa frighitened cccii aaya, -'Yor'e-s'oî 1lu i ait-nat, Sa ya 7?'" .John osys. '1 tnt, Sr." Mr. Uncoîn tison sayi, 66~ valli,:holà dn tison, dou'î lire. ausuliI Tisa 11Mt~. 1Èoyes Lloydtiliil .V)de. livar tise sêcont cf a ses-les cf Lictures lu tise ieniéis'Hall ou Sabisatir -evening, next, al Ù e'ciock. Suhjeaî "Ciréismai' têsrL. 0. L.. Lotige. A hèetisi; cf tise Ceuni> Lotiga bal t il 'disoni on Tuastia>, Fiai. Thea ùtUteriênce vas -et-y numnes-us. fellio*lsg geunlleen are appoinlet Col ý-VzV .uy weruî y eas envennisUîe - oru ucmpu bu. U'-. 4U. inujTso-ing leadîng Count>' rends, was, va cet5ti ttJns prolçtfA& iL ' mis »J. fepuremay 1e;ri 'e ss>'vajatei. l vs due n ispb'latt tuisg f al l tia Itiaamuris Satt'l Jocnes, Treas-rev. lnêconriterately, anti,vo balileve, uts'iseiç. I-dt-i is. is. ast t'Otea-Britishs peoiplet9~',Ç~ny~ ay, Mûre' iýn oe oftkezenteffen t'ko'd. 1Weéks, Cesaty Chaplain. 's -clti ass i t did sa, hecatsuse'>' "YPm t0 tt einC 3-z ic pe -nc 6,he d. 'Bmiei, D.0.- Uf!J States. T nbl1estn aknb fýart!adirect tac-. -Thry pu-afesreti ma- ttVul - -- stn nb' Thé ostwtneigvraiI h La 4Bu-olk- ing tise la.x-psvçe-s cf te-day, psy-tisa eniire a Cistaultulieau-lis is uai- ha -for tha lle. ameunt cif an 3sss-suuntt cm tise expendi. -rpueest appiky blova os-ar, Las aiso e eep ' tusel-se - Irse ôf w criia ganat-atns fd lvig veh1 ibameasi t appet.r, 'cf directlssg more etd LnoXqarviiiTo be bèeafitteit. Insteati cf spreadin- lise ' cdu iaateto s ieBrtsspei ento on teËnzdo> n nfflari i Toeip ,tunust os-et- àpeu-ldot fIent>' yearx, tativniglsti-omaL se aequaiar tise isst-teu by' ainapelit jsom -11ô> au utercolenial r-lIva>y. Upous tisa wlis Major A am- Mi-Nf. J. Rei. Tira isanpfltlrd bas-afies-, tl ear thisir tisas-e o et-vi, fs-om t Whist analearn, Canada LUWimie 4,tlit e is h<tusêar4hqtiid. il is> ouiti la> tise but-des cf thse tu-olebas le tise laie criass, - stablisedLtlrder.e- iistriaçbisgtkn4 ttttiikt imn ise , . ix'psYevs cf ilit s-interî sefaitcretand importance ai lborne, tt tilttt inntuiuer..- Tie ~pop-itou tuvrd eisI~uiI-'-canne'u be sarken eauily, The sic55u Wewî1n tise buitiga iaTisera, isand méuer lteé,- Severni Rives-, were visai>' sud juticlous;l'r ?-reié'i e items reMt1î jus- amadie. Tise tuavel iiaistiese aere *111 COimtempt'bIa candtie of time Wlaibyý lirc-e ji bemefit Ie tise isole cousil.t>' h-1e - o-tuE ée tapedli$tmiir.GnvIi. reportas uEdiatien ati Ceuni> tîi>'-teotis -- - - tètrdi Srs ustZeissr4t; viii -ho fassd- inlu tias-proepj!atcsi- Insu - talb>in sspas-l ty srnPthy1ý cthe ýuÈè e' mnl nd »et1quýtn- amoier -e6ltsus-ad viii h aà-es4 in. 1 oamies- cf tise ~eçn fib-mutmitre- he 'si d-oem ls4rjuti tes-est- - P.u the tsajudiclous -iliiitn rsu'peso siliiemtelti5rLl Lt ésg n e t6rasMIihlt, sn'pir of dia seion, -W*s thea adoption cf a pl. ecs orp-a->'ieisi- tei ads~' lyvs-,li d'to to te saLe,ýl81aIrtse mwinst gr*u4<ng î aueGO fmsst"ridlIlo tisa Grand Truiad r jaa. livertiaaté surauvl re-.?s~'endae~ ing *ifaustebed'rssnnidipalitiisnt thétx . eni inii sispresaatdous.; Mr. Mzc Is tlýa openu of Ibo Corperations w'viserte. d-eouieli, thse County -Clesk-iys mogt gt-ppsy 1_ O{ý >ls". !74. "1. dei-n «oe>b mle ai un tsreelç1slsin da eei. Calumulated t edroy0-jFINOL - -NRt Ii We-bavPres-tefaeaapposai! tisainjust 4 Coundt>' capa-Tsa 1S~O u ta Gos-aths te.m * oflbathstisi:pr-ee<ings,anui va are g t- Of vla"eiîitn Iasieki*ieislae nov -bPet>' f - k thofelthseii e t1b, *4aulimSe1 i f»mUeôt,' oie vosee 'ofef di kvie C-oeni', expresse4 precaedinm' eiist Iba éhétiàhof Vdeu., lof a.I~S <te..4U~s thhaugh ils repr"eentaiv« nlu tinuciug Notinsg ;aOuid b à' Mtr' n îtu.s-seé IHitreIthlavalucU iê Jannavy Thse Jpllowintg peiWiesa-.verep-set 0f John Christia and ti oirs, praying tsat Mr. G'rautba appein'ieà tisfrsrîntende-nt oa Sciscels for th isa 'vlsipà o f RBeh and or0 4. ILuntdd ùnà eilsés p, jing tsiJ. -W. -Àlliot*--eàpoie Lelu Sperintein à e r t o t e 't w s b - 0 c f R o a à a n ti S c u g o g0 ý 'Of Donald Camepbull, jrvYing for t-amuis' ien of portion f auctionesi.I ilceuse. 3Mt- White. - Of jôseplr Blgaew andtiotheru, -Commnis SBleet-, praying tisai certain munies ex- Imsed b>' them ha rerufeit;- andthtiai a eider Ma ua> sue con the Count>' Treàsurer to pa>'the saine. ik. Žiarsbih.. Latter,, vere reset Ct- enssvent -peruen3 lu reference tec)thse ase et uItîIpstated landis for taxe,,. Tisa report of tua Co'unt>' Treesurar was prasenteti, alIse Ise report cf tise Ceuuty Enginee-, amfollios: r."'eav Or Comr ,-çglucnea. ? üik CUra.Il of (h. Corpo.rMett cf the - CdskatyofC ,sgario. - I ave lthe hondtri, -report I tisa s-.4e e Construection of tise NarrovaBslu d" a baan complet 'etin a at iifactos->' tianluen at a cost ef 1,439.10, hait f ofvhiclsbas beau paidb>' tiisCounty, nsud laf b>' tise Count>'cf Simcoe. Tiesewaing4nuesiires soea -repai-s anti paintin &, 'tiesa ulIdf visicis viii not exceeti $100, vhics estiate la cencu-ret iun b>' lie Englsarer 'of tise Ceuni>' of Since.< Tient a br'Iige is.sbeaq eccteti as-osai the Tribut.River ai Casnaren's Milîs, ai a cc-Mt cf $580. Tis arv'isîg exatiuineti tiseLaite-Sisore Rosti iear -the mouts of the Talbot River, and aise'tise viisit>' of McLpan'is lantiug, andifisdisg tisai the concession roatisleaud- *iùe tise saiti isinsa ai-e net opeun, utist baet the iuhsibitan:s in tise naigsiserlscou voreta talngseps ft' e*-pait'ing 11s Laite Soe ra d est 1 haritLe flcaiing' brid 'e 1011, liai s-cati s-aiveti. Tire Rend t bai tc been repai-au andi is nowu traveilati. - Tmai repai-s te s êoasitierableautmoulut bave Me bn eessa->' Lth(,Sctsgog 13r1iet, Iuisg diae Paut M5as-in. %irr ites-ihaveiea ait deuru te gea-c, msm r-as a practimddle, againut injurias fs-rula c et- orsthîarwiue -àseunin Is ilte $i2To. Tisaitithadrain liaatiug frein lise gani haviu gotstoppai1 tp, it Isecani. neces.4as->' ea take np:1Sapor-icut cfi, wviieis asbeau done, anti a properl>' otros-ctee bt-lik aeu-. pet disyts, vha cesspogqires tise Fa-e, ntian e,.plaséof $86 h i Il ha sua- eéssa>' te continua tise brick saur-fs-en esupool te' Break Glu-ct, idistance cf about 1314 ýsrds. 'ÉTie îps-o1ssable cci cf bicis 'viii ha aout $466. Tisaitisae cou- iu eue of ihé dGsoiesSreem a gav WaY treni ry, rt-ts tuser b>' vaut o et muant itiou, -tise floot- bas beau rapiaceti anti properly ýentiIatedl,lise fleur lu otirer lune Doms 1*s very tmuait 'caad, andti vli fleen reqiir0 'id be rejtlsied. _- Tisai ali nkscessar>' asupplies for ise 0ao1 luCourt Blouse Sas-e beau obtaiceti, anti Ëe acceentà fur uviie iaving bret dru>' eamina4 antd certifiai! are L*rewii b e- tic ci l t left tis hair u ntll 7 oc)lotîk. 1At saven o'alocic tLer'e. vai'no meetig n for 'vaut cf a quorum. i POURTIi DAT. > e Th Council mat ita ttn o'aloak. appointeà Seirool Superiieielenî for IReaci anti ScUgeg. - of, bh l -la'v for tise appoýintieet o f sud. l. tdr§,ýalmlon mollets tisaCouncil avent miet - ée'ulsiittea tharaun. - Dtisa by-lav Cor tise sppeinîmant cf an audii. ter on tise part cf tise cony, b. filled up it itislie naine cf R. Ir. Launder. 3Mr. Whiite moved lu amuenutiset tisa naisaof John Clrlcc. Ilis veaào n Cdr *d'oismg atus-îsô ata h l iad-bet-i tisaitiste TrernaTrr ant i M. Lawdar coulti caver ags-ee, andit f a parson aquali>' compétentl, but of a tmers, cconsnodatiu. dispositîion couiti b.founti, IL 'velti e a kinduasi te the Treesurar. lRe 'vas aise' cf pisioei tisai it 'vasismtter te change tise aud , tora te preveni ciombinationu batween tisa cOkewss cf tisa Coust>'y, vhich ri4ht vas-> ensit> ha aeret ilite wie thlie audilt- s-a.mainati thesain eayer arter yeÀr. M-. Fairbanks$, it-. Pet-ty, it-. Camo- hall, <Resais>, sund-Mr-. Wat&aou Orgeth tis claintu ofeMr. Lawdar, bis fituetu, anti ereatf abil4t>' anauacceuntaut, -andtihtsasatiàfac- ilion bv--eiutfoe. is-eu b>' hlm 43 CdunI>' aittiter. Tise ' a edepu-'aaîcîlins ver> iudirptsant taring, -soea tncali for, reustanka stade >'y l-. ,Wiita, ins refereuca J te, Mu-. Lawder'apr-lu-ste busin aîters. Th isesasicu ledit quite a paruottaI tue derÃŽiç ft dontineénce anti entietib>'! su:bstitutîng tise utua cf JnCakfu tisat cf R. [i. 14*der, aidCuffit>'autiutor, b>' tise casilu; vote cf Mrt. Casupbell, Braeva cf whîîby, Wlso vaS chairutan cf the a comitilîteaeofthtie vhole. 'i Tis-a t--ten n eet II. Joseph îis ce>' Ne ef Lxbridge as tisa second atudi. .r (>l1, on ou f LMr. Perty, a reiteiîori Thoisun on, 1BreLlieons-andthelite oeu9-r, a Special Committee ns préapare a men oions1 te geu'ernnsent, -setting ftrdis tise grasi aivantaga tise pubH liltarasi *'Veultide. iP rive- frein tise peulin>' of aa trhrougb KM-raSntuti ma lu Ibis Ceent>', te tise !fu'koiis roaji. EOtttAT5(uN. Mrt. Tisompson-brou-hit ssp tît eorarst e4 ibis Cesunittea, 'viicit after coertable discusioin inci cimiitee on tisa subjact cf CeunI>' anti Townmship Superlintientq, vaî atioptati as as foletwa: 7b the Oourtsil of the <Yeno-f Oni>4rio. Yoer Standing 'Comnittee on 1E4ducation beg te report. Tisai iavin Sariuntiar tisais coasîdera- doen tise repor-t of tise ITrstees cf tise ùeior Ceeus>' Grmmat- Scisol stdresseti te titis Counili, maid for aid te repais- thpir Scisool gousse nud pr-mniscs, sud re- IMt>OITANT MEXOItIAL vo via LEMIlAUnz. >!r.,Rtci,(F,.yeported fron.thei.Spacial, Coimuittea appeintadti tprpare a Maerner. l e e i Lgtta gainst grantiug fur. tber Provincial aid te thea Grand Truuk- Raatsy Company, aud againut relieviug Z i ndabted municipalitiei aitise expeusae -of- tose whieh tid net invelvo ihemsslves for local. ltprveenents. Thea uemorial- reai as follows : 1Tisai-ibis, Province -buai reai>' nâIe than ýfelfihlat ils angujgfnient ,tintua Giand TminkIailvay -Coyspan>' ef Canada, aud huit ty ftsrtisé'r mlsistanceI frei iroviuci1al raesO'ices, cubher lu tise fon of capateiized postal tarif,- or là uîssy c-obar fdim îbéi wouid adt:th ie pt-tient -or prospective bardait: aireatiràmzposeti on« ths ProWunce, for, the bonefit cf tise Grana Trutlk Rail' the Province, with saisigis tartiauti a large annuÀl delicit lu tie rvc1iternd te ct-us the ene-gies, anti cripplé tise reoentces: eC .this Province, wihont, it lu to ho feareti, ultimately relieving tisa Grand TËrunk, Cons- pan>' trssé ita itôpelass>' autiarrassati poi- Your msemobralistg regret furliser in lest-n tisai steps, ara baiug taken b>' intaemiteti parties to ind ccctise Geverunsnt cf this Proviâce te reliava 'cet-tain .usenicipalities fons dia cenuaquances >cf thair owu acta; lu otirer s-et-du, teassumfe thea ailities of tseïe uicipalities, meut-t-ad for lsd pft- posa cf sttzdcn>'local iusprevcutants. But wniilst- synpatbizinx deep>' witli tisase muicipalities, lu tisa difficisîýt anid dépresi- iug position in 'viicir tht>'ara placei- parfectIy avè,re tiat, 'in sema inotIuncqs at least, -tise.liahiliti ý& are large lun sropor- lit-n te ibe-ability' te utaci tiseut, au tisai Cora lima tisis usa>' retard tira ptograut cf iliase mweuiaipalitias-.ycer memoraliils wnutd neverthelos u bmit tisai nhan these sounniaipaities cugaga ti iose oeratieus, large prospective ativantages ' a'aautiai. patetin luwbich your memnoralitàs, and iuasyeotbers-in tise Province, 'vorairever expeateti te us'.anrý td tire effert ccv hbeiugf madti . hft froux 'theur ovu Èhotlders a load selfimposed, anti vitb seciiosial Ah. ets -lu vie w, anti place it eqsaîl>' ou the misoutders of otibers, net ai ail, ut- Cety aligistiy intereaîtdinlu the aentccipbI;'d seeaflus, weisld ha an aso f injustice toïbtha pertioti cr the coisnmmnit>', anl impose atit itdui tial but-dan ou tise rasources cf tis Provinée, a'hichu mt tise pretent tintie, tise>' ara ilI'fltcd t-o teàtr. Your utèioralisis tîserefore isumbiy but neit anest>' praya>' tiriyour fhonorable body> %viii coi grasivau>'futtit aid te tise Gand Trunk Raiîia>' untia'stxiàting rit-r. tinîsîsutces, andti ta theso portions <If thse contiunity wliiab have 'tiot involved thetu.t selves b>' thisat-ouvuacîs, ha\neî ceuspelleti to carry the loa-1 out îls.saWho zutay hIalie Wlihi n thair sanguine anticiptions. -O, motion of Mr. Vainn, tise Wardasl efi tise chirt. FIFTH DAY. - SaTestaY, Fl I, 11862. .un TO esîîCUxaL iRL OCTsSsiz. vnnant r dusing lise day's ii Aau ausaumeni 10, t bature, tlb. tevus tus' lorvarons pas-sous saryismg groi neu day te 170 dsys 40 cf wvit ere umalat end ieVel. femuaie5, of. tra theMalai dueeLè beau liomMnitted lunée,and Iwsuretht-ce tiutie titriug the absive term, and pf tisa Cenalet twc hbava beasi cousmitted twicc tierintsglL said lesm -nad tisat on tise 3lst cf DsraCens bar 9 pticonessS male& tut 1 fansale t-e- staiseet u in d l. - 1the l,'ai-ereai. steter ofrltasom usurninteab(i ne,1288v.e 245 on -testai 5, su i tissast do . nol, lu lrnSanies- Cou - Jsa tn ccvi noi e ree Ion e tlôse munici palfties cannai be eonsitlerë uaal.51ç npa'id conuty rates cf 1861, in apiuch us uuude r by-lan' No. 7S tLe Period for the annual payinent of ceun>' rates, fer tbose townshbips vas 'extwnded UntWJtba 24îh. or February inu aci year. Ã"tb Your consmitie subusit thse follow- ing et rnate cf the racciptà aud. expeudi- ture.s for 1862. agoataTS. cahon baud, as par stateminn,5_ 2 90. Cnunt' rates due frein muiipalîitte,- $6342. 20. Jury feand Magistrates fines, Say,. $200; In .terest spçcial deposits kc., 1i0;Governrn.nt ,con sat cf criminal juice, $300.-Total $131976;1. Roa grauts 1861, unpaid $1500 ; Deben titres lut Janu. 1862, $11200 , Debenturas 1ut Sept, $1,200 ;'Coupons duè -.Yanuary Lseýud.ily D172 ;Coupons due MarcI âant Selmber 792 $4164 ;grant BlackRie Brid.ge, $,60.-T,)ai $6,264. Leavingia suppoïed bhalan ce te tise cradit of theo cuhty for the èpaynretauî f thë current expenses, t77Ti2.ï o eihiisesn May bc added 1i98S.- 98, ha1bingihe amnunits adrancad b>, the Tre ~ srer, euùtoftbe-cont> funid-, te' thse tewrrslsil, f Seugeg, Scott, Therah: ani Rn'n~on accoiunt af Non reasdeit land' lui.Ttl$9901.08. Tt will requir-e, jour consmittea 15 s uureti b>' the Ce;un>'Treaierer, tisa 'violaeof the aalflesente ucet the erdinar' carront expetiteA 6f thse ceunI>' tethe it ýj'a;ùary Th 18S63i.mkn t, ah :àc TistanTreasurer lu malcin tise nthe biîlnc laieed ofan.e1862 l$12¶inclu.qdtes t a hel'o pralec t slet ae oridnatheu4l ta salte Thcîiltoe, acosuertito tarýturus othe stithtetieo r eafhsur fi zrMuntd tht Sherili bas piid Yo jourTreass(rer at vitriouc limas ,betwaasi the l2th Oct. 16G, anti !hh Jul>', 1881, dia-sje cf $6976.24, lenvin, a balkunce of s.1102.9)1 ïuill due tha Cîriiet> by the Sharifi', On account cf tisat s"le. in eider îo'àarrive a tbah -truac ah balance on baud lut Janeair>, tise amount duc by thse Sherlffwili reqeiiie teebc dedluc. ted. leaving tha sen o$2029.99-acually ttaiiîîble ni lise present tirne. The lait adjourued sale of landi 'vas eld on thsetb or M.'rdl± 18611, therefce the reiuns of. tihe sale, andi the proceed. thareof, siseuli 1 ave beau mad2tietethte-Colliy treasurer fin the 4ris Ofrjl i,;î 1f). Thescfinances ef the coeUrIY yll new reqîiirc payment of the nleeSen of $3102 9l-due b>' tho jhrt--es our commniltec racernenti that tht CounI>' Tress-urer neîify ilie Siseriff tisatilisi Ihibilt> wiîh ibiterait thereen fr>m the th i April 1861 iistsbe paid forth- wiâh 1 \-IZT 11A ÀCr4JU T. 7th. The Count>' Treasurer bals receivei :or inicîreiî, Spéecial Depesits, 186j_. $199.85 ; interes Towîil of Whîltby; ratea 18611, $0.3$0.8 801I-.Tlie nffoitai cf thée Coiiîty Judgg te utrîsin paymeui Croh i ra Ciertnsent î'fa«vralitesof crlusinal expanseso' 1854, 1855, 18q5a, 1857 iu-d 1858 h;tve 1-au croevnad wiih cucs. The Cunt Traas.urar lin Soptaissier lait; rebéeiveti frein lhe GOvértsmeiit $2507.91 ilufCll oF hiî teinti. Yeur Clommitteaeai elthat iis but a isl act Èf'justice te tthe County Judga, eo warni>' aeknivladeeis ecetnutil, anti, at last successfitl efforts, on bahalf cf the COuuty in tbis malter. ccciii>'. Ie fuilCd 1< visa Treeses-ar mati2e a tise, Cont> ilegîýstrar patents for Noýrîls, Or tisa ragular fCes 'uosisi $5 00 and U$00, but ti proinised fau- ai - tis tii course flot 1h Trerer-oulci hava Suit to hav earanlseti df( loi ant)ipuisai in tise v jiad~ iof tis esriti'. ounchis lu25 cnï-, conýs Ã"f Il:aking rtise Sarüf l41 tise avenit cf asr insaie tise tMleeoxpenîci cIt kii future, saltu. -f courset adtiînu.i h,, tà thtua ith fatdoas ?sýOt reïti 4i thlie T, slsip Couticil 'ef Thorais, t1laIt t w Laving ex2tulessed a desire te Compror tisa question at iiuie, iu a fatir arnd et hie usariner. Tise proîrirt>' viii again ativet-tiseti fer sale ai a cesdrll pansa ant'in lutisa avaet cfa seond frai to el dI r vaut of' biders- yl Secý abèsgeahe ~iis -tisaerpeses )ceun thierewits.. 1 51b. At tiseIlie taie of laindi forus taxes a lnumber cf lotisunera soli]that - uncsccupîtti anti for 'viicli io patet Sel;l suttdiInseveral insiancelj tise Count>' Tue rer lias banh obligeti te refusîdîbe'pure.h môe awrtl tan lier ceat-reniirmtion, ail1 tise' charges -ani exhaes i*3meri in tisa sale cf esaf pitieular lot. 1.l asc cf tisa put-chusse usmone>' bei;refuil tise cos uatnding ihs aie cf'eacislet cisar geti a9i5t the non.resitieut L Ftiud cof thu Townîbh u insh;irLbe paj lar lot la uitiatati. .Assuming tise t, (Cor illustration) due againmsi ailot Io $50 Ill e Ci ýatetiing a sala rna> ha matcd Afolloevu. L'ot 100 aces. taxes $0; ativaril *5.2; Shr~fiu 5peri-rcnt. acoinruissos $5,-$ 0;Lhbt-ti's Ceas forsel, Ttl* .7;tan par cent for redlemtnp $587-6.t.2. lleitîug vLan an patf!eat i thabeau solinluerrer, au paqisa Itesatewliip iof $14.62. -To rav futnre-ifflculty anti exuense tisa Ca 1

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