J- V V upla "10 ln sl tl tbeOSSt Titenan nut "nou1s $212.72for iwpaimon q g D i'e.t, ýr o ,le caniplaint corild boutae o'tlse "ordg ftéomIt nd 'I -- -0o étlitethat befère thei. rsît thelaw -m ifnoûW- nod." noam re. poatqojhaIl b. ,glven' by-I ee Mr. CamTpbell- (Reach) à dvocated thje l'ho ï*4r oertty '~~ab iniipality or îté ,fqtliés of'the pritip c, thanfà ihatet,* nguert '201 evied tbotein for ithe curret wus riglx R'au tiat. the-peopleocenit nÃ"tto sesiary -or oiI$t ce bc dp1iv'.d of a'thgbwhié1I jéie <eg. Tireport alsOe 'Ian appropria.. rovidea .îhat reident cte.tte . 4?,'ry ran ent the couniî boliarJ, tio» of $31009on 4. bidiu "ô a bridge Fb'eitie-t e&ttô oeos rtesi ou Oit teo bce cted qduectIy by actais the Sovri'ti vâl, ~tao meure or, rh h.P 9oh, é ? ýt '.a , uen ELYC; rorsuci -heI)cplead 4.cl. jyira-o' .wee.m the travel ounithe M reo-1 md ahrou-h ay Le prescribe4hby a ly.law bers or ih. éotunncil. the Caunty4 beitig opW tý at. the,couneil a1Il ty., Mr. V'er:ioe eezreud witie Mr. <Canpbcll, of Mera and ~thse p ~a~els le&.t.e Jkek l1al f 'Wîbv towiyeip, thtb, le ould bu too pt rpiO, TQthkiJ, i9.4enre jîJpr9l DCalent7 Tr.eauretll 'at-tbe sursre iul etddtieral tsc ta ç1ecté.and jay u1 p 0-~~.iù~ b4ialu Sfrth ie.ry QV lis rall agven mente îel4of flWe, sud opjpsed the that trioen ni bt'encli qV h~e &ern la within r thse non-residesit colleuer's inotion. Ile Ilit, of thse Côuts'. IOeeer't f n eà ae~ugainat Mr. Cliapmtn sepiortea 5t% u'xooe tb t The reponrte~Ihc~d orl QVInti. ~ - 5Ae leîe,étlî. lic sald that lioe aways tlad' 'à 1hIcteimttee, dÈ Cl. cî' earmneg plIôvides. shat ilAresident trpposed' thse.principle of eeccing eua ispe'avements by ilebentues beinir etrock 1 shall ha returned by thse tetteb,7etberiff.41 and al l uit; but thiir as a out. - the.1 .i D ceiber, or if u'ssu ditiringframi littexact Rtil.... A ~iei sn~a i e rpr pets1, tiotiller tisa» the.firaît Hue ere mon2sein t lis Cýu-nty'cancii sben in troduced snd pmcsed. I tise nextt yrar'. ta 113. ýeèanîdaptropriate Oi, îjles0f is KIt.rIls AND 1tl' Tl' CIt>tt.Ni provides îheeýat louglai lise 'peuple et 'tcutjty btnrd, ýn li lit th e- IT.?ér nteÙedéle..nte tered before the frsi ilîy uTInn aor iî t-epeople 110 [ -nlY 'an là SulhJcct., u hichis p tudhraug]e ali ts stages, Colector iîleey cntiuuu iairect voiec.. lîa te tistlait itis b dv nsoitem.11 liec!le tii ý1uIl,.Vs »»hawkers t npeid taxes under a rusa*- sitofld etedrct fI-iîée the peupa, d ni Ld 1îddicers. %";u1i~ sths Packit*,5 1 ravideS ehcîa capy ofVIlie sII il. luvsiulimluld have a tuiler voice t> )at $2 1 ua buiidiie ý 1 O Pelialiy for mxes sheil be returnied iîis. ln tieir 1eîresîtueieî. Lutiuei.l es. thn $2,or tTtiare th,î thse time i t)l n i-lltfd for ie'. Mr. Wî m îîceud i nrnrnîjeîCrIf to'tllee;l~o ; ilef.îu!i. i i yilesteiin i< r rtfor HLetlemtet i theflicCaliece- ettitlie iltavercf itien pe iinst3-0 (lL I eeit Ile 110i1 Dec., aned lris fouît tisial înuic it-, i. eprcîented A )i~'Ultipasied, oardeinr î1îit tht Ili fle counîty Couritelinlit praportion t() i lv-1. l,- ttpteîhed tieceties in thse 121 pro idu tisat tinnpeuri ier claOi>uetliî. hy 1% direct v-e f, tise tiU l: i iti20ciisfssaie ided by the County Treau.- peupfle, inîdpeifdent U cfCh local tôtewships Le, 'pri iued aeid distiisîi if !iÃay to ilin whoain amoianîceunciis. Mr. NWhite itrrdu cdbis m eteend I.ttY OFce flECeÂ. UQIWEftOF 1't1sq . ,h ot.or parcel. Trent. uttosuiue lie. hcoitt tidine tisChat 1 i ià w aiîe; esst1eam îteniherta cf the l <ad shoqid tle eicted fi) A b>1-Wair oriding for payainct cfr eli due ? - Arp nun-resident tlic etuilat>. Onyii îd itiie nt] uiytecà utirtv a'arf ut thse ?tkdicaIitcer tof the priwoît hoe llrÈt ofOctober, or At . tînesir. >l[e ii.lt tIsat the r esei niltroduei le, Mer, Gamable, and PaËss1d troll is dulivered ta the sl sa itre'aner ile harl i m r eetdiltiii cil à ils lgs cssenîy T elseuntsder sec. Whis did ceat re5restIue, Itle people remet a tufiAit o'el(cc a ffatiotc for adjourie. orta Ai t«ime cf thse n- direct vote et. theiek wet.fraref Isep-uet lit iuccuil rîl le» occuta r-tac 11marni on thse li-tof a, pro- plan. fle cerlitimid thiaï lee weuld Uk e nitW u by Mfr. Sangsîur, and caraicil tiate 15aid A121 ? Your ta' ste the rlicijuir aedapîed cfrg il,~t Ctsefiiwi'~iiii Ir ipht tut sathe vaxi amar -pines. rI'iý,1 îwclî ley tînuis1 Iinie --Msr.'Vre, gsier,T]Ãomp-. le lime fliseI raisuc piaced ilieu Ceutcil ine-proportion tu their impeuriat, Nicol. Rt.iwe4cît, Cisuepnts, Brethoust, the Coelrty Treasurer uîîd tancé.. > qo-8 ttisa te» pur cent addeld Mr. theet c a'm d~.ioinlent .n'd rts-Msse.(ainhle , ry Ë i Ill Ist of Ma>. vcideyoeir arguied thtlagelairnahipsa arly sent bi i .iipei~ cs aibi Wss ti4satislte ta be e'n(etusi îwo ni uets, -sucç,re the wý,itl aml b>,>. ir -r et3 m'rt.allowed ta rumetin populattions cenit llt onue. upsid prier ta naad lut cf NIr-. l1ry ppised th isîtee t cf dît Eerthe Cwà f0à Eeii Erapi. nrt warrant in the batnds of ru e c f l'iceriig,. rc,r tiig that cc-e It lei taxes fer 1656, if toiseace e bn a hln eeiffl ltatsego MORTNrCOCRNNG ire net due titi theislt of tateis. roet.du ieus of runiling ir'NOWRT ANDI SoiLTEIt uic~~~~ ~~~ tectîtluinrb fre MnCs. Ile dcpt iii td thse- ideacfr phsuitiegS isi-r citis euscli lot, tise-Itte icint' *te tIl,- xpuemqn cfr ont nîi>. ,ar sire nat 'et ic- e ynts electliîîg il tinctrs gocitle ratreil but Artivuai oftee Nova séotan. -on"quieîly aestenet noce cisc adflioliual tarnibuts lu proportion 3 ivtteae i- t . ïleet orý r.Scejtswiî If ise Co tecil untetainI populuctioe, mandI muid thet!, inseul u e a t.tcas e y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~s yc- annllc is ea.tieon.ruin tn uueieipttis wad îîmire _ havu Imlg airo acice-î ly our(.0nultte te wr- he 0ý.olin' nrd tât (lifi tEurepFI. lMatter-s look as if lleure ln te iaid ftbSul:mthe arse lt.eei isIe reà i bcd, cf tise tiiiri & rhe;led ary, ifIle Ceunicil shauld thip eeud uhe iidcîtendulnt nmerrs tif the Thfe 7'leu ittisitnq a lutter fronta i 'tise tlixes are nat dire entitiil, croi] tiexCuedi everytIitiii Or Illte ctisî -tcl'u tîtîuît u ee~ lîs>.i lccle Var, itîen hit ini] WCuhave yvt ec.re:e<. lkincdtfiette7'mcraîIt nfigtnu-e Io tillismrawIltie 'rittrant, tisereev-n trfPic!einte; fan -g, iiticie e ,eititg usc eI, 1tpenis c lentds. paît yeett, eciile Wîtden, tiSe» tit qmca- aj'toiti, and Ct4ilud aie tise gcter 1 rieî ne respecîfuiif auismitied. cure caine lI Ielite Ceuncnil, talI autt aIl tnu'îotetecuenfe;ri drgru ta DA PEJiI, "rlog cflus aela» a 'gT lutcsuof tliiceutrccl i-ilts. The Caletai» of tise Cliairmuan.c-bic - ngigil , anul .taHi- h eaiueo r;f4 divilt tug fttu. - iîst titeiomrilus On tlecll Ille i-eeu e nfroni Cierîleton Pavur-n et Lie-erjîool, ýnoeud b>. Mr. IPurttlaCenrgLui>s inuion Ster> yer. Ilio -n ras anliin; lest effîuetiî. I. ie eliîs cosis lieut miglie nsue Cc tir( î IiituePostioun t-ilen hy iseli,7'tttt titat 'theSi tonte IIockarde', go0far 5 us ailai g oui cf liii. Coutl>. (Xstnçilcie tise motion tter-;etr-e le LirnieO ti. ie oi» îpttinîll ieruetierul fdilt~il --pit ittue ftise port, jtlteli bo reinenbnddd lice ccli e ttt-îlydeepen ehrllor ianseu nriva>. t}uIisiîîae, r-n-evge of 1i how iî lee, ehille he wa-s a aitscîult ltjutofCt h cttave 1 nteti ie etrirsiuiisftnl~l;toi ieitzeffonlieitbtc.hvs cOhEN. i-o- vIce QiEEOn t'bcOl:Lbtj(»ct.cN.lîq DOENC I() nEQ iik.ý iq -t ifice i lceteec ickcrtnlel. -îIttr- reprequeiened thia tîrleaIeIr) tXuus -M]dc- lifr.~~~ Tieepee ih duetu.t dceIispi<e-i tene], iirtnd ic l) el ueitte-e ~dSaviti. lileeit n] tie mnut landi uof tislic eplC e bl , din -itiu(ectllt idrbu 000I dnelft 'in - (rif Con- .Sebei.u] t ui.,~eel- utcrî t 'it - ltiî.~tt !nlit h le tet.lit tttt l e eipet e e -civ ic al r N nte Aie ru- y snae:et~- i~ . n »y c-a exend], el is ose s»in. aCh n epcirUmisiiln. A. Lnde» onglet np lise report of terEýst WCee td iiI carealiIo;e:d letea tii- tutter iqIi tis J5czriÉ etteeris tirat tI iseE-.1 kd On motion tise coauncil r-cet voico il, îyng 'isaaiou]d liisfc-ient li îreà agrstte ep thýtreon. tOtihnt raldo>.In - turs ttzln- tr declain»; &ulhcrn îth~ is cnipct »cf Dr Jot' toii -e-te ti.t OAI 1 is O seagaies! fo)riegu commerce- , luit-e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 111s" o1 tm ieti liellinef - tit i.ir-ltyle 'flic, qrk.-.»tio f Enirapeaniot' nln1 neceesr. fe rnitute nnd ous f lte ' ssi,)I,anI xpres >e il bte-n-rit ii sl t rn ues more cly i 'iniitne pessentire self rtutdti>.50vIte aginst bath tise yltii cai sti nlcrdrly niaivttr mnanntrnrut. 'lIl(:rne d lg it Churleston barber-, ,pt ta tise report cf théu - Mr. CaI n0ipll, ( 11e, indIIieiipr-uts>. leuti]Iil eg].meainuleiny fte in prief of tise eeonomv sli in 1>Illetise w s t priteipies cf ti the rî«d - hlu; lIe e5ntse pt tis.nyoffi moinsur- ir»tisa< us _repeu(if PieKerin cbrîngiin; foth a efurletEth D E- ufll 1» ina !uter lu Livecpcâl! liu inQtruct,,d to hlete iep r odn tt I lise letter-. -sbip ouenurs. statua thsat tise 13itisiioeti' li jto 3rock street coin -Mr. Ciiepusan suoke in fter rcftise mnit nnified Lord 1Lyous cen han e me- ltei ekpcita, cf $4Q10-ý priniciplu of ropresentetuion b>.ppulainn a.da rpr ,ts:sc rlpa r-n d sapni nmi i ltera;t i »eMn o Nicipa nilsedsîtti ptwa] eain impl> dea aruoit an] gilol b>. coutrat; but Mn. F4irbanks liro-uiet up thé tr th ie format disapr.i flis0'eqhg aut..~~~~ îIe itctt f~ ie-standing cnniitee on lt.ads-and Gac'ernnient, of-the cocudîset cfthe. A4iri. w ~cîy-tf .~ss aticesBridges, a»id on miotion tise Coulcil ment eaui (*OV mnhtu u b>ip in ~an4* as the fdoctuiting ptmcea, ii»lf) conuiitetLireoul, Mn0r,, arsh h lb - tis diie, â tt-hQleecjjoint Lord Lyomea in r le time -etire carintlucu Chair. Thse report, mîà erter thng tha 1 tise proa@tîrîagpgiese'ti e u. (fth oanty BEug:er, :ominub:llià hferd the euveiaeu.. Tié nPg> 'aa~ u ange. 1 wniîe i itions, Act., belore tiset, adotsu n- vd rtyapà éiug ua aittstltiole'id tVlieh ,4 e.proeensoel ughtuand tise 'eaus --et -the uiaieu copiieBfli6nin Ã" u't e - sUnde "I Wd t 6a';loký ig ut'oftise cmorty ho eiiîule tisern, Ëted l-these 4Oeeetetstanoe3 t il%7tu - l ntbo. pnluithe ti.prennt tg ondja61lW1isin pîtý of the remDi>m 1-TIH>DA. suiteof tht inaucem of tIle-coulnt>. la tdopt sélaicet muade4 tisér -e4 t1l& ' - utesalsaua ie4r tlie. gensetali inprovemetof -ÇFranc~~an4 e wilibave F@.Shjj ý tise ieadiug- linel ctf rôtiù Ibromegli ru nothiin- frce si at4nterfsse. o fi' cisair £lldrt1y bd-u- ty t *tise prçaent session. Thse - cr--, TIe LoAodois t etpIbsLèlilid4ý % muitteé exprusa the opinithat i »adopting rnt 1ai m wutý îhann ..ea minent discovercd t the remainder a 5 à deà d i nîe coa tv$e.~»t t~ faJsy accounits from Azneiica arc, nost d(espn)nd.' Cuiwi............Tu SLy,81AprILt. ... .. ... 2 bit4ubr ni...... ty. 81Mareli. MIa. .......... .u.. 1t tih RCI 1, 1 f. .ril i . .Iui x 't' .'rhnr tu ýv, T8i Ma1rch. .... .. ......... 4f14V 1 Ari C~ 4........... M'ql4d HîhApril G.drp............ fî; ti I arr. St. Titio)tt its4 .......... lednoApri 14h.Xp!miI .. ... .. ..T ict .41 p l anme, on Ille 401h insi., at the residence- of the hriduý'Lq otier, ak shur, l!r. Wti,. MJAthewion, ta -,ps Eupemi"aaveMor- XEW &DVEZTSEMPOTS. r xîelr i-.tcl1A\z-r, C an- UNDJ~H: l'AIN GI. 1,i- tiv 1-eb. 1 Sc. 41vy ROCK OILî. R) tilNpIut041 ni-uirpl-e t Iif-rsu J -A M F.;BAIN. W 1. iub î l.4l-'t1u SOTS& SHOS. P biutltri loIe ý l r- fe-utlettu li hle Ârtr E-e, c P. ý UDU.J ÈICES BiN T(Ieiii bcm, i ii'1 5 . K A't. TtI ENILi 1L VN'a 1 i'ritstottît h Im tt id ut ,'i & c. Ale ted cIwuirf îiiuilblttue s r tter -J>. riioii,\ BcAiiT43N. AiN. ViitrnF0 , i las -Ii emi - 4-hueM L yE*TrNIVEy wk ti 1ui 'S 30 Cls c iitil» et ikrn, I ýz 1iia- >.u m -1 --.hrso rsoixt .îit ~ ~ ýe i eittsd -uitiià & t,îc ùuti anr mf hf8WJNTERdTOÇK a i i tr ' 17 t 1t~I0t1S"'~J$oY Cut~. es~Pafitjý, k90frand $op, '&C e Qut iuytet .srij'j iI i t l lfly oftlle abova K tis lJt-ili i-ina irrgillew fl bigvnîr Ti3 v, m h 3li cetrÇ f ltbv y ii F tf~.p~'" ~1Çrêutu Pcrry's Brick J31dini ihfby. 011 u q$1 #vikkii ronu s Octe twt&À11 t~d~~4m -D WHYITBY U-i N29D1862 and the gurrounciing Counties generuftly Ithut they ftê re~ I~d41~fvr i19 their line on t;ue itury sbortestt iieéjcc'sueh-à g g~w &GRISI-HILL UÀSUJN1S; ofc~~~erm decîtjno he ket and nxo.sL înp ra.vQd la r n a, n 'it 4vlc af tknf. Fii tht i lnt L itbu sriassed by any oflsër etbih cL AsPlain suxd Orinamentai 'TN tRtWI& Silii nd Comm nis; Gra s, Slt-îgh Shoe, WGA IrIL D PitPe Boies frtram ee ci t fou? and alSelf tcîm bauli for,_Woon andtiIron A zrie trer5ue Thisé>. e niakingng t,er à ,, eai, i and cc-nnié of, CQ&K & ]?ARI&OR S To\ES- Wic tsu'l tley1r-e Selling whOiesýaie an] rettil; ciz - T-tee "King of 've , n ang tep."' '.taaamlldcr," Laclieruaver ite,"u &c.'tue cenneccien 'ritilCIice $tete - Dpantietft, -lue> acnact.uring uc-ery kind cf iJeliv sTnihaededienuctaie t Tinl Sheinet Iro n,& Copper Ware fi'uared Platesc;f Stoca Purellies i e kt~h alisinieent au Be rnýï(Vllsupplied Item té crigiieuîlpntherns. - ishave tîîl Inel>.to-uiscinrechittery'uandlaise cured île. aprviees uf a fir:.t elatiPat- tt»aen - anti bfcliiist eee (lesttleY arc P pture4l ta do ya'u rae anth'à W ThirPttrn nl Mcliiiryà mcirg e n ricui irtlýe tro(lieunexpuv-iensle-d tco-L-rkmtil Idhelope t eiuelt ttcauOf the'etmeeru iity, by thieir pro mpt>1 ndser:ed tisee u(iýlc andt fniaIr cf (huit cîork. dleruvrnt vsia F-on salacof uen>. ýescription,- r0c (itiitcctýxii ett t niuîvu r- uuitiF i ct iie llil in (lhe fotintty. 1 - 'luplýiicntdatte in al itttei,- rtecise -. 4 .LWé 1 malrsie EA'RM YR OPE Mi1'Vt , I1 I«il!E etamdDcrscStie i.ii Itis >.ear qt r 184L1r , ul- ican ot'ilu'nl ueet- 'frnsinude teeti, Itiein; iite time tLtti tc iutJiieur> , se hote miti be ýsotd b> (with th~e appobâi'm l o-r (,e,). Il. DartmIl l, E. lsuuer "et 1t1q $tirt, eut W htbv,4 tuy Messrs, a~bn~& Maedomell, 1";2, nt Il n'victk io tie rofttenun, tise Jililgr- itig heu-l ant I peniilets i - Tl te- et icucIr f flot Ni). U, - e fue2»n or-t PO or Tittes mi etIles'ptn msa Lg rliq uusesd stable. Thi;te cnr-î îtvec 0and 4nae 1e-1'lan] onder utivtti,nT. - pii. îrcuu,-rly taitýgtiitte .ttunt r, t i__ . frc teVuilage nI tueicrlaîi smts frein tlieT-curi cf W;iitîby. - 7 Th e i>purec uie,ý- r ûcr p urtio,3riuc)tut l ie aidi pro- i pc rt y m , 0 s c t i cir E e ît i m ' î f etîtu h i, p s t t i l éa d e . posJî oetbiier ,u euiot1, c urifemuietî>, v cl'e, Veîtdrr-lH, SuilicUtir, cumm-t rtus elîiiu- dyfiu. ilIîu e , %% uasuîkn fren t f'eu day c Ytfiy -lter ariîeist-t - ot'he danéo pm cC1u Meut.1wciruuikll îrtult -Kmuhect, ueur' tCutefurWttî :iLilr.mîrtcr atci,01 E 1.Er leta teraf A 71tb 1 %VL-tby ,Jn 4, 1812. -1 Is its.rmuT,tvser.ev-. u r putu-legeleratte le ita iu-teç esed .Iu e ûjteteis iaîQrey e-rcof4rd tiT M. arat ctrt themu roceiçtular - "buél.rtc»eWuflii tnlaeîl ne t' i !lt rt Ildtatusiefu» Ce 1)v ti Th iubr mwli bc snpplloeuîs'tI thleinîf .1-tL -<tenI Wlneît vild. Cegicrx, C.Ctirecuijll alit 1' lt!ýý wukc tkerp ilio ssttittiii; oreierc'edfier, pStuùate partiees. Wimi(t'c~jaeeC. 882e'- W' Ev 9. IMARI L j.8. tuit l in uktr-1 I 'Mptý%l nverkwri BRITISHR AMEJiICAe ltCýEST.,O$YW. - GEORGE (J) u G rt'e. -ct atottu etci tutu 'eîei't.l. te m -t j- (j Cuql'xWALLACE, irp-c~ EALEII li ta Ean9 ?ýS~uW~>t Wlii nîiM î c St. isîî;>ýii -5 i C. - . '. YATq - IACTICA LI>rnltOha. u)n i itcrs eettv.p site thue>,t &>-,,t tians Ba wt. - ; Hn'.4;. t; - - D.F. LotJ'la -1 tOmiA (tC 47rurt dmrabilit-y ftld à sieteuttiacuitd lft 2îu fi, 1 ty of; l