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Whitby Chronicle, 13 Feb 1862, p. 2

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Qre r & si-oltntaro..RyodbefY 0mnjhusý. E. Camipbell. Noiice-Dr. Delleatiaîglir. nUctie tinti Lot for t-A. W. Crp.' 1lînkto l'hs ut1e of Sîtck-Jas. Booe. ~Val~i~s nd ewery-eà.Jobeston. Notice -Jes. Irooni. Hoese \van:ed. * Pos-tpone'lChicy Sale-Robt. J. Wil. e'v'à1 -fo ierntring-Counity Ontario. MrTnnrlr , t'us- J. M. W1arwiàk. * ~~~ Crra Lise -A ia. Cpelren. blorie.y IoL) àd -Jas. Henýtrton. Pttc imd Olits- . oIAan. Stoeu Nc.-A. -'.A. Lgn prpil) tif S'icliou lDr.jÏMr. tBattî, or 'erm t ,k mlmns&C.,.0o1lot No. 30. 5th î Con. Pi kerriug, on Feb. 1901m, propcrty of Titus. Burton.-Mlez. Tbunp- soli, Auctioneur. 0f farn sttock. 'nîpleînnnts, le., on lot No. 4, 10lit Clin. Mut khie, on Fcl.d7ti, properiv , f M r. J. Mcdd. -.Ale. tl'omp- ONLY ONZE DOLLAR A YEARÉ WhItîy TlîrsayFébruary 13, 186. Mýr, Croit l ~tdsin tbidreeki s Isue, a s ll îrlîerty; situaîed lu the béat Part Ur flti tu, fo)r Sale. îînd ili îliu oeîfIg tsite past>r, 1Wmu. J. T. %,u~ vili th!.'un ou-a Iecture lu >-oang peo- jle. 9ubj(:iTbie suarenu of'Yoti." Jntsiuiç.~îteuultic meeting -fôs',hie mt- gsnizmi;ijn uet lmeSt. Pttrick's Societ>-, tua bus lied ai e Aliion butai, ou Monde>- urnu ~cit ala-5t seveis, Set-oa Ttsorîsesic-h yulie aseén ggLalica,oi thtic26tb -pandih27b i. f.'rey L'agie, faudthile black 'mernfront ow-iIile, auud b>- Mi- Paic, tisaI trottet -li 1ib. hst fali tiiauson lte, tradr, aAnidttogailier hAlueresting lime is ex. -V re. quctal attention te Mu. John., smo )'s alveri-ieit5olf e uev stockt of '.Ste atvetisernit cftlset' hiBank nmpt Stock.- W. ca'IltTtà tuteutisnof Oui- traveling -aIes1 id dî-tsnis or csvet' alu-Toron. b; ôaistndti lain, viere every a tteui- 11nn andt good c )mmusdatidu cen b. oh. Luied.- The t Liie'lenevoleni Society- beg to- nr I ntsiedie t 'theliîing donations Mrîu-s.DîrmutIpl, cm% i& elotiing; lMre. W ie 2Sllss lIaI-; Mra. Treane, esat, off Mriit~ le.Iliarnt, 1cord vod; a 'rltsnd, cait oIeltin7 ; tva Friands-cash off cîcthioz; Mu-. Gai-tin,5lbs flIur andi a pla.ce of porh; Mrs. IHastry, basket"oet petatoe sud a piuce of pork;MMe. - Brion, a quilt.i 'l'hé 'lkiti. tLo>-d will (D. V.) deiver the thit-i orutis àl rles of lecýture;lu in th Moceianic4 ILat sSabbatit evening next- At 6 o'cloec. Thte P'tovisional Citeil -of' Victoria basve citase Mr. NaîtMeDinîl.XI Provii ouai Wai4*1a, by e tnjorlsy of ômIS oseu- Xr. Ctlias iA-Idress ta Dr, Ardrtgb, W. issantit a e uti-eS lus bsée Pl-*:- Howe'ver lifpleasant to us btC'esa b. the. contemplation or tl'bq rliko t 1 vo can no longr'è6cc.al ive faet uathettie tone and tendelnèy IleBID Go'vernment s towards tbs . gO l'O called Southern b oekede. ý XeceAil)', whicie t la Baia, lînova uo lawr, à certain. Patience, as fer, as Grut Britain andi her 8,'0O0li pnners in- TLancahire alane are o0iet~,in .tbe matter cf ibis blocicade. But %lbeLiier jpatiencc viii bc sal1owed »,p lSpretO al ng-aufl'eriug, and, afor bearanté thet rois petiee of et'is nMot atriûing at. tributs, lsa aquestion that la nov s.gitatitig the. British pireasstrofù ýend1'sa End tlu John 0' tlroats. fuit the Feder*1i blockaàeocf the Sanûiern parts je net a virtuel blodc. etàè la the ex-cepted- inte"F~tati0nof. et' l terni by Enropean States, éveWnthe Fedural pres ardly pîetendIo deny, andth te papiers of bath Englanti and France are nic. slow tO presa uprxi tieir r espective goverrnune4uts tbisitact To ra.ise, tihe bloclaide May b. ver, wietmer England, or France i1 thIe ti initiative,, but in case of Bitish participa- lion in any eveît et' tlint niature,ve iay be prepared tô expect thaîtihe long genî ùp aniunosit-cf-tiihe tLirai Unioni, whic bams never teen allo*eti to'ieculder out sisue 1812, aid wiich bas neyer faitiedti ta nni-- t'est itseif un cvery uangenerous occasion,, uucli as in the Criuîsao var, tend pore re- ceoîly lu tic Scpoy Itebellion, vil buret out wiîh uucontrd>lled inveterucy, 'aud Ca. n'atit vil be the covcîçd qîuîrry o et.t. Eagle wiîli. lhe wi'eli plucked wings, A simple recognuitioni ut' lbo Southerti Coll. fedeuacy would flot ea t t a vmr,, ueither wonîti it iutertere witb bbcl blookacle, lita in Ibis cas*-tb#ý ofie Nývi11 ertaitly uh llow lie the ?ooisleps ut ft'bu.utier. 1PU-t what uex cites the itîcliguaioi t' fEui;land, antd, 1ine tieed uof Europe, p lte revengeful and- n- worîlîy ireomirse with the- Faderai autiari- tiei iiutà rcsoncdi to:in destroying forever the barbais of a people tbey aie unalile in a moment lu subdae1 luy. vit le al1l. te iatone blockade," or, as aome indignanit E tglia.h journil alî il, ii,.h 41rat.iiole' been uanfortùuate in the adoptiont of znaty not over acrujeulous soatures tib crash down -their rabeliiomis Saatierii brthrsltIThe Tent affuir shuutit ±orItiirn *1>-ipthy lu Beiain inilsmeust vuluabla quaaters. Tus vas -the, firs mitake on tise-paru Icf Mr. Severul, aho 'ougistto le"bus ticipnle theti Coiurse of.Enmlant b>- setting hiis fonr prisa- nars free, instend out'semidumu; tient laFort Wai-eouu i but tbc e pito.fati' stone bloukai" iho ttatitssato t-he viis wbsatevei- pro- N$-buusympati>- raneti. Ltiuser aliaSt thèleeiiugnuîis uig apeu-a sa>-of titis. Tii.Landau Hercad Baya i%îThe destruction, of e bau-hou-is an act -out. ut hostilit>- ho site ismn iae-e&tieclisetion. cof ver te ahi mai-sui'e nations-a crime wici degradas th e perpýetu-atora frcm tiie i-suitoc belligerantsta tiat of pirates, andi woulti justif>- reprisais on te part cf ami> of tise imjred ntations?) Titis ia *tu-eng chancI>- it in aotfrnk moré ttan vbài sncb a crime ageiasb civilizatio,1 voulîl seemu la carant. But theba et paper goes esili furib-, andi sys: liis word, the. des- truation cf Cherlalton bai-bAriit acrime wv'iicti wvutibiieàeaAquatel> putiised by tihe riai t ll 'heIbo r[rhii seusporla, anti-wcnld justit'>'Foti-ope in anniiilating tho North as an indepeudent nation." Tihis is a suggesiitincf a saIsît-dosbttul meralit>-, and i-i spqlin, no doabi, musre in auges' tise in earnest ; but., meve.rteless, itshsows ho wheat a athme. eak vas' pôlie>-of the, Noruthi las brut tsb. cooleand sobér comi- mierciali eint of' Enslend 10. ove tlaÈeti [as is luireed>- by ' bloclkae tatasas aI- va>- s.loea sipon as ~a .umoe tenipoitrrlbut nedasser>- nct o ar. The London SMppinË ' 6aÉiee'spae for a large ana iinheligentclsasQs iO-chant piiies Iýn tie Britias rùts'ap:AW ~usgs strangi> theinitervention ast Én[lanu d Fresî4e *itit a etrong an bét wptaul;end' is4n ouity bue oeaintiiéd j- 4ihe £l'stuuictioa of plaesa desigued.by tue iband oft nature an' thse pntiats or a cotm*ero lunviici 'li te civiliseti verl inconesnedu" The'-LaauIjo iineqahisc-lit ÃœrtgQ the çontinued t'cirltMance ot' Great Bitain, and thînks at eSFuantue dmàztlin loe sloeé to taIr tise initiative, i<4 eqiiIly anriqli vit is sconlesn-porai-iest5for- à àpeedy oms. 1 eegr vdnmut came sooner or haler. Latesi trome Europe. BY the steatueahi P ùUýà vhieit arriveti et Portland on tii. lth, froin Uverp"oleti,, the. 3Osii, and Londonderry on ti leàIi â>w 0" Bel MOiQ8to M*r- S.v%'ajd's àesatcb on ment diff'er entîrely fron Mr. Sevard* cou. cînsio ns on tite Muesti0#n ;Whtier tie per sous tak-en froti the reut. nitersp posad dispatches ver. contrabani. lRe arceues the point et lengtb and.points out the. injurions cotiseqtnuces4 of such lev. For instance, isccordinig tu Mr. Se wa'a doctrine, a pccsceriga Conifedrate agenit fronti Duvet'to -0 as Li b cp tureti and tak-en to New York, and in a likamantner thse oedrtanihcpie a Canada steamer frôffi t al 1 rax, on tb6 grotend out'lter carry-jog dspatches between, Messrs. Setrnard eîd ,&damus. The. lritial Governinieut woud nos acquies ýe in tii. Capturo ot anY 11iis sh lip untier circumi. stances sim'ilar bu tui. ut' (j the Tuent, andt the. fact of tlis iîugb-uagtfur iadjudlica. iuubefure n Priai court, alîhough aiterlng. the elitai acer, ,voti!di nulat iu'dlbLe gra. vit>- uf'LLe ollec. Titi dieputch lëan- cludee atîh tf~eu~, Mr. sewarcd sde- laratida Ihtlttif th. e iy t b uo reqjireil it, it tvould I4evv beeu right te de- mutai 11 Tienlt piues i tpy Ii Ëaî-1 iLinaci s.ays (luest lliîu.nctliuo h:baveperueitted the perpetruttio eft t wrong, hlee 1 ihin ult. bave been' lie insurrctidu ,lài the Soude. Thi e Ïes, iun cltaracteeistiéarticle, cutis for Sonelbitîg ieciziive lu America.- ht gays unpleasaljg complIicationss uiiat arise if the. present state ort' aims oiiiiuùe M cci lo ige r. -Làkils Lapoleoin openail the FrechcbCham-, bousI on lie 27sii eh. iil hs speech, b. taid, tiCivlit I iiiehdesolases AmȔerica, bas grenIU>-coniptomiseti Our commercial' interesîs. So long. b owever, asa the riglits ut' neutrals are reaîeclte. levomat coliu6ne ourselves ta expresioisiiuv es fur the early terminetion of theur disseusions."Y The London Mcur-ning Advertiser states ii the most positive ltinsma itiutil tie 23rd of Januat>- it vas the <ail int.eution ufthîe Eeipei or ýNusp0e0no j taiuottuce la hiaseeh séý bd I'eâAouùtid aiome u uabolisb. the -f derat Liuckade-; buta bitch,,cocurreti ut thi stance et' Kart itusWselt who deemed il polisie lu defer duitu'g anutsln;r for a 1ev weeks. Tii.Etaperir thtreforo allnded to th usinin biàs sýeech in a maiuner wihwotild bint i dm uatlsiug. TeAdte)t*Uer says tbai allthte co-opor- ation iat Nepoleon athet froint Eu;and vas 11aval co-operahiou. The firgt part of shie perritbaitbe in the great libel suit oft'he, liait. Ã"ec, Ils-ow propricer oft tic lobt, againat Mr. Jas. Beatty, proprietrorfet te Leader, bas taken place. On satuol,' ilast th#,.ocase c ame bef(5re the Gonurt or arguentnton de- nibsirer. fDr. (Ctnucr ani uMr. Adani Wilson1 appec-ired for Mre. flrowu, ad Mr.,M*. C. Cauneron for ltr.In eatty. The argumenta et tii stage ivere coaifintidtuo pueIy IltI questios-nterely aslto wbethee iMr.lIeat., tyls pleans udfJtstifi-ation are good pleas fis late or nt inoL <113 tuhotheir tuutb, visichiâ< tbeOquest.ioa, for the jury te deide. lBut even se fer àotee ititeeainqdiesttisme-,iii el %n eu e l~ itsSip. hneý'sureieim OU board the. &ldon ît ported thutt he S tars front EIltetkrCity-. The. Baltimore Clipper ptslllsles an ex. federete gnbatÙ ver e captu raî anud lb e rest weLeIafittk n scattered, Tii. people of NO:fOlk eand PojLmbutb are panic stricIék, 1 sa newa s ieitfirmed b>- pas- te ngmby'the BFortne Munetteboat. A fiag of trace to4ay brings the intelli.1 gencestint eure uoops ha& lauded at Huati. alce Islan)d. Thie particnlars are given, but il vas intintst.d tiat thie <land bud been giron ssp.1. Ten dozertérs, couutrabaudâ, cante te Camup 1[lausilon this p. mn., iinvin- bee founu by a Scortng parti,, untier Capt. olcvu i th~e i6th Maâachuseub regi: nient. O.iu v-as ae member ut'fuliBtusci Vit-.ginia Cat-alry, vin> 'vere enagati in the skit-mîsIhi iiN vsr-tBridje, eutitthe 2211d ut' Deceunher, vitfiiNlnx eber'e regitu>eett Hie vas couipiete-l>-artued wlsaaliea pistols, uitC.. anti a tenstulcralste aiioLtttoft Coiifvdurutte money. Tii.>-reýpresemît e great acareity out'pecviziour.s. - TIse barque Tiity arrivod tii evaing frounBoston iii '400 rutleused lpri.-otiers, in eharge ai Lieut.. Buellitoalebccbugd an engagement witii Somu coqt'oterales ouý Suuda>-, seven miles eaut cf Fort Iielitýy Uf-vv lte ruatosiîu Dinelioan. Flve Conftdcrates weî-e killeti aad'tiirty tahctra jarisouters, aend tiiâty -orsee vre captut cd. Olie federal wu Woundcýd. . : Adetatibunt &etL tIc àaIllinoits des- Iroyed à partioù d the i.bridge 15,e'the LoeillleI, ( lurviIe anti Memphis Rl-i roaAà on Satu tt,>-etruiug. The Comifedrate camp ut %i4t llace Laed 'teeu previoissly et'acuated. 'llNar>- Departunent huis receiveula communication frous Caps. Dupont, ina-los- iný thie re-portu' of suunijer Pttrrôtt, bot the disposition outhte second stan. denet. Commande:r-Paurýot tates that the re, iaincler ut'1ibdemate ltet>va.8s suk on lte 25t11 tilt., tIse date ut' bi& repart. He thiînit ttie-ass v elI placetIas thiey cf- t'cual ilocli a deep and excellent pas- sage -ta thi torkof K a*tlonoke shoal. Capt. Dupoi states i -Thse departineut' Ïs misistforucd, as I iîut'er fs-ut a luttesr ne- ct.ivcd titis u t~sath le IsabeL ges1iu iiuto Cl-jIsést 1v>- s te tain ciiannel vwhetitu the previuus ficett vassua k. Thet fîa5t: gos iu b>- Muffat's elsaunel, ajlasta portion. ut.it-beîveen Ibtîlesnalie Shcal aud tshebit;las been bloeketi up b>' 1*-i l'sic LATm T Âaîocx AA t.YLR.-Oii, i wy to Toronto, Mr. Jasper, a far. er u' Luther, picked Pw' a M traveler, wluc re I the t'arnier hi beinkýýnx db *e. ig for an Àmerican hoqu , n 4. 'Y to Brampton to traniat-iflis ess îî Chson.Theii ' dd Jaâpor tat,Jie fi. ,pgta]'aotli f Iiummtanees and businesi, and4 leined that ,Mr. J. ývas týhen on 4is. way, ta T kGrrt1 ,au t~ u ,qi]aee of5sno lun,07 Brampton, w1)4r4_ t4 cônUiÙe the. story in the words of, te Orangeville San, tIýil n8ty ccirdes afler qundrv .sgnit of tnttual. t. tachwaent in Uhe way. of shaking bauds ovcr- full bempers, parted, the one taking thi cars for ITpronto, and the o9ther, not0ai 'supbu d o tbüsfiesg with Mr. unis. Win, b ut in indicting wa leVier tu Mrsî. as. Pe t't ýwbich lie la1d ta4r oeenoces. sitios had spng ap, aî.dthat .lie Wou la re. .lré a 0 r of$60 ta'malie ,O.id the e py. nient of the land. Thii sum li requer«cdý 110' Io reit.b x rnêforPoit tu ýÏronolto,, farniliarly ilntimi'tizl,- ut theslime duneý, that sh. wcfl 'nderatood howte ýbaiàe it.- Thius letter, puq$or1Wug Io lbe ftui ler htu$s. band, V6êà3ead hy 'Mr$s7Jasper, wlio course thlihk;ng tint ho wa,îted hinuy ~badIy, u iiule a good, kind.beart, ed woman, to do the amiable, numbhled t lie cash box and forthwith remnitted six X'às to John Jasper, E&g., Toronto as directed. Wuuny, Feb. 10, 1 862. The Council-met et Mhlf'pa,,t 7 O'C1clttk. Ail the tnembers being presient, tie Mayor toolc the chair. Afier the'approval of the'niintites of t1ic lest meetîn±g., apetition- was -iutroduScd frôet th h utesof theÇSetiiorCuuniy Grniuar Sclioil, lirayini for fuin4 a the anionnt of $250, to petd the moot honteý and premnises in a proper state of rpie [teferred on motion of Mr. NMacdonell to the Coniuoittepeon Finance and T osit Pro- refuuîîded 1ce rtain taxes uamouusiuîitti é2. Rieferred ta déýmiiittee of, Fillan ce. Petitionout'4Jc B ryan, pny or terlaîn tteratiops iu tihelicense là!', au fur as the.saine relates ta TilliidT;tlm Mu ns ta equnlizeit fo that of cîber nîsuni. cipliîes,~-tatis, ë,15 for tie, flist table "d, $10 for, every ailier taÉlo used.- 1 1 'h re.ent licensè paid by biuà iî $60, For- two Bitlard Tables. I1ferredLýo Li tceuse Coffthtditee. Tii. Co-Unoil went juta cumînîttc of the wbohî on thei report of the Statidinti Corn. tittee on a~,'iuitneusto offiue ;MrCar- Venter in iliebhiair- On reading the clsa" reIatien.to icenise Inspector, soute dllcts- si01n aroge, on motion of Mr. McI)rîuott, tuse ulstitowute u anrouof h(r.-WVni. spence theslaie Inspector, for that of lir. N. 11L.y, broeghî linin tue report. On a divlomthe. amPndrnený, carried. The appointineut or Chier Càn4itnile wîw r44ë>àtnený1ed -.a be luft with the 'àayoi-. and atribe close -of the report, Dr. Geuta 1~~1ï7r~ercnas Chief couustuiblu second meoeiteet, the. possibillt>-orgtttl I - saitg4yeai-. teoil Chai e tq- r.e-é va - . àscea axassaah Pý' 1.as o t ie Town Vtérk anti1 lbtbamandimaviicinov ride ouItIhe gulen atihLd 8U"o ae ont~Ms. Illitg's by-Iscvfour liie aptrutsmet'it te Âtiorrespondeùî uÈt tise 'ieWyt)rl,«er- utier Tutu Offices-s eu-asoepasZeti; tic ald lis btiusi-r-ued as a 1,- i nuu!ms;3of t offierts atd, sailritlq are as Distsisi,ru Suicirjs-Tha Globe saju Tiota Hu3tu, Townt Clertz -*ud Tees- tisas with feeliings atheliýe speatsar-av süti-ar, $-450 ; Iteet->-Hamînuit, - Agsessos-, 0 soi-rovrit ý1o0 -, oa. licOih, Colectas, $25; Wm. annuonces sho melanusiol>- deash of Mr, s'pence, Liees nstpectoi, $30 ; Alexander Alexantier Muîoald, cieance-> barrisie f Cameron, ChiefaCuna.bt, $I.io; R.11. J4uiII- et Tcroeto. About bait'pput eigbh. o'ehocl dot-, anti A. F. M[cPieu-eýolt. Audîto11%,ý$l0 an Tuesday> nizht, Maurice O'dont Il, ecih; T. R_ Lewis. Hall Xeaei.r, $60 ; John Lyonîi, $Gd E.artSi . 111m- privt. etchn*., *55 Wlkli peS bui oe>, T. R. Ieus, suit Luiei Carnisiell, neas e 10 truriet ' ritinouid ax a îà2\escu, iConstab<4st;to filepasi jbes '~ Abrahamn atmets -h acad a groin,seud vthkicg up! Cocirane,,and-Ltt PCa-ohlound- hie~~~~~~~ ia.at-L o-to ii ree. k eep.ràto b. pai i>-feee; Heury -Bette- O'Connell lsrentfàsurard *uant* i. 1tiac- l.M lr u ist ~ptiou ed donald inug en thi e oue4 us s-pool oet édueia prred mb>' fae y t(-2 blooà. Iii bis righs band 1 ho halàa iruser, i aijn*at tittlon.tsu2i lita ilatie tf stliill *a5 -uiiay exteudused - - front tihellaieth acou'd j.tlaepiece oi 7btý d.9rfhe IMiüby 5C»lronidt. Wuodi. (OisAAell siiscred thnt hb a e deati aund weîsht'es- assistance, audsth ie body h vite cotivayedt t hie late ie*idence on Jal-t vis Itt-ces. -~iTe t'rla eilg~tlehiuat, appeau-s, letîlià hous, a itie aftcu- inlitI e) efvi1. ký 1J, Q., »M*, n oiuc, wgokced d hwn to en*eged la vrîtog fAisthe CImîsosocLEs1 a tetréth le -laite un queation, visera e erea umev f a';gos«Ir we îa bould býe 4the u e to Èi i n- tiar ~ee atînnbéu ot wagans ~ie etîy te Ps-ei#at ll' ùie tà~lisb bebindthtie wa;gouus 3 £0as tus l i creerise j bs st, h 4ý culiss-u'. Ilt 1-y fero-issrarvioti feonitise .street, aud lbai. j' rél ta hîesielf, ýor seimesPtqus tu>8 in,, remvctie ic~.a t del. ic'e. élai.ir.t.A Thgr, ô ut b'*, esuti, jutbeau commeniceti, aut ni20u 01 gnlypv YOsetA, 'r iabout sixteenuimon, t'dbeen asent taio nn l'hii.tiird set vas ou ils vay, vien jtist uas e ia ce;inýwhichi Çt¶%fc ii'vtrc ridilin," hmd goshait' way 4 >unnttce dritt, andtI tero are scart y tt;t>ý ;¶'$»wp fije ýet ët t..ve nots hared the th mters engacëd clearing. aS 4'ead bodes iu tic drift, jugîtert-r four r.seu.nbave di .d froii s utTo, > or Ilcf;tMce may 6c alivo ili the 1ev .ýts lhc -ng teictliere i,3 n largeo )clction frorii umopercair. Ae (From tt e vetxutle Jousrnal.), optr ail ffrtalnt sprieaadtd displayirui-z nacourage (-worttu y tf t0- greutestl Oitj tuera, Adamis, ia noble volubrer, decn -0i~dr thiifi, tintered tkýc fLIrnac,.tdrrtt (antI j s4itin ticl Yard $Cami, wier~ted isô! er aitje ulitti btlf-.*-h Ie;dienf iffe *eiliittl l pwàrds i of url'uuofe aoi iauîlî iat tweiiytons-falling vill s tvrmentitmi.,ti'tiI llofrdrrasitl:t euLL trt4hi riit ira tiheaIettet'f Ose s l4'licemlowitig tho fattAl effe t' tf e giî_' pendes-uns inst s eenista iuavo i truci t ii-î axe, 6e 'nisluh Ios(dd e rmaît tep af the brattice, andl ne violent. wss tiutlonger, surd came tut'e blik. ledis- sIhoCk thatthse wviole ut' Iemassire woodulen tr essilg intelligence crante] an. ilIIneIts- framework exsendungfr ioni thctoprte tu tl ltoi uîiaa eeVeu ,1 ti lsg botioni et'Itic îhnft gave va>-, nsif ià hutiettikbtii(npgton. Air wt beeu a branudiet' rlueifer natep, ganilwat 1 agiingdoat alive ocuîk it, viii Ilmrled davuivaîsi asa MeÈe pilie ut'deleriz uuvd bnoI ei ammby uii tewud.stichusonut ic it.Tits aat s~nlîtl4 ié liioed hoacertain more rpardonl- hoanche t' faihitn ru1tîireait, se wci-V saiti, encoiutered b>- the ttaceuiidititt'. j, nd-dinIa uv bi outi fi i csottauing 4~tt iurvds o tt jrty ue ~i i trie fmrnac, bitpturer tiire nuslirîatti Iat lta lte- lstulmireîle '. 'it s -a ta t It ateuubse ftonyeLtr- 4dà neiuilmig s it t anhitn witlu tlic vi-itt,. VI U t' ttmUerblti, andtrirteîîtIy fîtztmul efInnvEs overvliined h-m ir'-tbi uu npti 10 le. !ýt. ot' buokem hennis und planks. 'flue Ir(u 'Tieutî"drag n l iartt> Ciiryln cage in, ,viicls Use>- wre aseenii vir iis beet-r venilSu ous in aliuhorrors tîis sitattereil lu i- ices iy lie ainci , ntwtikt.îje o the ui.tuiforunate fellîîve vere kiliel - os't 'lle rcltbbr,,tttice va cMîtlned, iii tibtI' spind carrietifair uluvuamoll h ÈtîgOai( I, te'1f Lîsri deiýs O hermamngeit hr,ýrýSur-* itetutga. Tii-en pitntel (uinterî vin*etifor sOealie, and thetiî thrlatee vu 010îwpucîaetîe î<-.~1în uulimaeiyrcsîtud. Xli Itarvr, utr-intj)Io ii rr-COihv li'11 iifi. wcu i cdt mor-e ut' 3 s everni>- froui tilitftt~t'îltutîn TderAnmsyiar' isil at litefîirti 1( - Ths»Y r tniern S veil na tic jîrivatiluns île>- ane tt itsetiIlîtir vytiui.utesi-Wu expesedto td urintic hotwelve ,k-.ar houars h1,J - tVilntlds dîor tht.> foutlt. iar.'eÈ Veyudtd u tit-m. Tier usai" ut'rubluish<Ti liv t-trentu-. d uanic nu uth.-lit tiitj ýConji-tipelY filleulIlte ' lover pisrt u'ofte- saipslti n ttllirure. mlisltîst uni'luceýut off àli cuît.- O t'escnjie Mr. Humble, e-Lever oft4' biit- ni 1lu>- titt egresi fuir mie ý00 tûnie aîî Os .Fnit, mmciiitet- nut îiiti re. emapIt7eyei lA iii.1* lmait.". tuuvltlti iitis ur util la t-t' ;-uItli liaul ELfoits actec iintinetliateiy beguuitfor th ,te) u ti4takînoh' tue s ;, seri(iitsl>-fr-t icue, andl fir 1no or tire. dayuu .îlie yhi-g. fnylneb-tsitt-u-ili were bhourd sigt4lUingtoo ueît- wolk,nuerîf ouml-nulini mars, luth j. bus- Emnni-t euica me-1j a-c t'uîuîuimîLd~.sare Iyin; intit!e gnîiery itu-mr 1ilue lia, tesimuticrlyeut.n n Ã"thuîlev itttt -l , i." Anii uciî;report, abiis day of et' oir iphsouie.ituroutg u, ncsuite ueoîlail hiȔnt-,ihamt b-noniaçlt- 1v tht-mi. i wii htôeru)ts air anivater, may huuliuout t l Ïii ut1tre 1>-imu img in n; liltiret, i'i el.sme tiune )cit. A larsge ,comtoms.îit tit' lit-- tins nu-ms uof strfLIlo1r uîheaenb ucen~~~ _b»t i auîirue îuiclinv-ui ti lil, thuuîu itni ltr7oi-r ujauid, atsil rionos. IIbcCtilthl>-dreased îe~ta5~ ar u, u iiluruîp, mîttr til( fuiti4ee. nalovti d tu ge) tuLu tic piC's ulhi , lis.1 but S"et'tll.,ist(Itit mn-kto sum cu îu iIv'! dieail i wurking mmt, turcexrcl,el ecpiu jnt-tliarud. Thse tsriubitsi vu-ie ait lu-tet persun el ien uieiti intra c itiomnri omPt'ivsw()ft' îltecit i;ulî aIjle 1 trt > l'ic itmn are celui, bliai il-e is ut gu fis. iiir pou.ts. A ue> vs iytgdat dent cf agiiuttiî.n fir a il>uuble sliefi muti Oi iite~taImtteu.lel ment. Theuapitmi utioîugltufktcîu neri volunîteens have *inco ;ýYlii-trîs- ta uff wo-ai uimhe njintgcoliieries ouItsior -We oliis, M i ntrmtiistte i respect ta tisau tidast-mu. 'fTa:y weîeesti I memnt.- îtti>- ail ' rtht-mis, Imeer, itive vlssIid ag a'adorheé prldemt aunorie, to kuio tt)bt-en brauglî t u b.tisrt~> f'~e > thiie ivc-k. nuiti ivc t taac u tîte'ftnikua lies of the. btriedtetî, randt ii- dvicesli 'lie- wsgi'S tihe t uture om been adopît-ti. lu i t luir livra.M -d1iC; ent woseu it 'A meeting et1tie OPrincipal mininz eu t tit-niianeolarge mîjImIsîï,rs mt tire dli- gier ii co altrusiews livill4 it hul aesutteil ah 8 o'clock, mid ci i ir uL yeîe4a ~lduout 'he>- app)roat-ut it' îdIipric o tmpen viii lie allowanul (o go dcývi- sic arramigcnelenîstdoptetIi iii tihesliuft 1utudet- Ultuil siht eris io n ipro)vi-,I. te ulw!cd eut-Ilasà,;I nl'lie sin'itt i' bfort) ti ý-bu Ii. c TUe.ndisy, Mi'hîuiglit. c7il, It lu, înougt tbýtnk * Active mnue ir lgcarnieut 0111 A teuleun nwutîreceiveul front lt-r 1MuV< for tic implrtiveti ventilation ut' the. slxafi,*eyilitelenoiin; a' lteIiîi., ce n4 aud fer blu sifcty t' tb ati ot. flias e l i l feni;hen vio aire epoelliaextricati.uîg thiteif,-i. : - - anuslry->'21l.111 A. tumnnelii sbei monde fu-oni Ile tttple 1,, tethope, vainr eniir!i-nned utofusîuifit-y operattusit, stand Iai s heturind1îtsýicreu-sceut ietorpep u~ule-1i.~i the Ventilutioti ver>- usini. 'Pie mur ii taie' 'knwi-tutus Frd dept4ýeit nnruspi>-durit, lhave agais c uned i tu tos-,1t; u u. a h M- lai.l vas brtice fri-ni te iigît -mnaiti lu tule O uui,1cfaa - yuard contt rit,s *ant'ii vabjuoieut ( - hl cte 01)*im~ei eratiosis, it izs e2xP4cisd, iii b.uc oiepletet (I thsefolluiis- lu-Iter-t iuun' beteet telv aid ler ocfclýI'ittpi; Tii Queen haglter iiewce huaîno tttifou o'f c luutoruaili pyucf td b, tie dreadull neya zfi sino~ (Ileeiasy> p'ernolona. l.h-,ý;I' it amnter. .tî or' ssiimise vnhilier or ume tu>- m mts u ilL b., s iuy hir M-tj îîy felstic uuuuuid sr- foumnul alive. It ii hopeii she> -ine or1t i paese.- i riiptr~vicaado tire bfcJ part aI' the vuirtins,,adicàpc bn -- tie' wlli vbcli iýieautpposule t o aextenldrîsr~ be>-Aad tice haft..t The Ci-coui Prumîcu's ut'Pru»tin-hiii4,ro- UÀIa-u iPre Wed., jan. 22, 9 A l!I Iirildt.Ille> rsc WîL-renpy ttuiàduý-si rut ' Thie wrk h"a, pceaesd 'naife - aidi çuirtiitncpCOie lule mnnmetalit> f-u~riq-î- -L Morm er f e hum eti relaAtive tethe .accident aStiitIfatis-tIc>- cuIuise One ut' tie tbîari mi u 1;ie--n.t '. 1ttil ti t.. litreha-,; iteLni ves-y ýttrIrny neltur: Shiw» aîtns i-nom-I.m'lterfWn.casc F'ranciie lifst utt ie ' t, -t rc t- Poui-thtt tic l>.,Iileoi-mtmc: pouls-s-s. ila 'rlu-it-. titts iiyc-o Yiin - repy aiirtun.h%-.immitymi~ vi-u 1iss cOnlt titi imit. .. 1LuiNoi Suuty.çn4u cocia- - lite fpinioîe Aa( it-l'l ulth : tlu lit I It nui b omi.utig m-itf loiV-ttet pizm th.- Arc-h ittkç. u, oitih-î t u îlet týis-,nout Mixct,(juai-il Aluiîic ouj ill îccrîtipauy dtuPsocî.cp-in o Mexieo. - ANthiiighrsi ncoi uA en in itiît cirenitaîces.lmaiti utuil.- ut' foutm uru, iris0lcltbnvetiinu' iOs-ity TLure li e f Ir if0tiii det ea ii liiiS t'a uit, . Pet;i3 andbe ft.urlt aouu fo tm I $.Ti unuiueVg:l r.va plostu iii titii ttttd iut' uvo notait, iiv(ýiiiOse s i hn d-sonIt loieidethuin Ibis hrit-. 40llest u altoami WMkinatMuorntli tutu! prîshti tsib lrti authaee bu mit, o nt thtai Le allei)n- r, Vu-. Yntvw -fus ànitu t3 uruoso gl careypcbInforitssu rï obuc llth atscalSi-UsT ve oOmîsi-iný mîneil ii>iei d ILtrick nped ith tivt. Tir nu,- tlA i nvl ~e-t idpîiwins~ -L îlig s

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