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Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1862, p. 1

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IfnthewTof j ment, htby. k "-'t-qý ru I m Prixt4 ýoMd, gr6at theughtm nun DtiSgint ud kr MACDONAi.L, &TtOltNEYS AT LÀI. lounty Cocceli Ontarlo. Tt Ilocute-soatlu Wing. 1. DARTNELL, T"roNIET, loOWvzyAN Office uver G. C. Qrose's ,e Street Wieitby. . HANI, LAW. UFÉICB.--BEOCK C. W.i D ATTQRNEY-AT-1.AW. te ittgletrýy Offe, Brooki N & SAÀ4PSONÏ 'ttorîutuyt, olia, c r.iJ. A. IRAmV"SQM. MRAR, MiASTER EXTRA- riitier un llhasîeeryfor , Brock-at., Wiby. 47 F XNAD, TOICNEY, Aie. Office- t andi (curtStreuta, (opp rN-TY CR<>WN ATTOR mmt rencd tlte morne etcSt. -Xse M1. 40 IOTrRNE' AT iLAW, iery, &i.Whitby, C. W. >li, iirock Stratut, W litby Nor lte Cjafcie office, lit te village f Bearer- teral, anti ~unty o f Ot, 40t !IRANE, .L.B TTORNEY AT LAW, SU- ncer-, Xoaryi1Pubic4r.-c X'a liewlitiing, Pîidaa - 42 Rt GREEN 001>, T-LAIT, 891ACITOR IN ntav uiblie,t Covuyaicer, ';fouas, in % Vitoria Blocli, ffce. aon B3rook ttrî'tt. 41q BI, Ai CoNV%%EYANCING SAI b1 rCtwc alti100NWesCttf cATTORiNEY AT LAIT. citanscry Wv4itby, C. W.- BultllegaBrtck-st, Witby DW>ILL IJROWN, il, COMbltishlONElitFORt te, Acutoitsa L lanADitv-i Puiblie nt (unrs Âet, King Struet, neavly epposîte 5ua.ttrntatcd tu lis ae cyl 1, atd CI1481uîutlluer IliQ i itn col le - wJ on tae inoRl sitt promîpt rNluiittSott 10,11.-- - S GIYNN, M."D. TiIE COUUTY GÂtiL, l'Vlltby. - 4 ai cyolînue tuf Sttrgeount, ,ccetate ut'1,018 DubCln Ly- A.- CA.RSON, ,T, SOUTII4OF TUE AME- neo Wîhtty. Jtvery atb*u mle iLctuucaandti neey ,rueort11opuy.' 1 Hl. WARREN, M. D. I-- We CoR1, [BVIL ZNGIEER, AND Lenti BervayorgCivil En- .. L E. R.Laasgx, c.. 5.s is for Jeues trawi» up at VOL*.VlI. ,oOMMEROIAIL, Hof-,.4QOIJ TLuDOOL, - JAMES ROGKERý C OIMIC[Al. TRAVELER 5 WILL FIND %JIt consactieuit ptpplig ait titis itote, u they eau .learii fromt *fie Reginter Peoit lept iet tiii bbtr lta vrouîtôetaklin y theirir<eeess Thte I.roprietor takeut ttis oec-ui,,u te tlîank luis îrumçrn puptrotns and Iitttinlm for te liberul patronage boutoweti on--itim ainc Illte eonmencutîe ut of Mttut butaine,,.ln Whutby, Good Stibl.g, and abteuluvo Ostleigi, ]àLACK'8 MIOTEL. trlynttT I tututlluta m Ien nowlf fitteul lu;., siul rev-e utcl i.utat àuut nfksrfbuôric nn- nerh bte Prattitît cenphaut. N 0o erçemx 1«betu ptureîti ituuur o ail giica uti ivisitor* Tf te buestbrandetof WlneeaLt'n=' amnCle Roony and icotuveuiett lieda, good tiaahfi andi attentive outierut. Tiis otO l le ittitted lithe vert' heurt et dite Townu of Wiuiby, natal willbcfjuuud lt e thei moet couiveiliieut ;toapptrg place for fiarusuer auud Cravellera. JAMIES BLÀA<K Grand Trosnk Rstllway Hlotu!. (SclA O f Raitlctuy Lt4Po rt et-ililby.) lut pautiontuf-lie above totei, te Iniieu. of luicCa lte wili iiitttitre carry.on on ii.evn amenaitt. Goti I.iqnortt Wines and liraiistuà&, Cirarii &i.i 'Excelent at.-tblitg-ý-crtfuul1.atlttioin for alnt- anti ioruc. JOSEPII IIUF.ioTT(Otl, EAST WINDSOR flOUSqEl, WHITByý, ~fEabovc lotu e itut atdiue pleuastatid I etrtipaurt cf (lie Town, on tlué frcnt roati G(ond ecenstniatýioli for travellérs.Qoo1 StnIiing anti ttteuîtivc asitier.2 TrIl E uuucrlttc iittalion tile above lotel, L uliela luec1,.îi owly fi(ted n u in tiec ;htC maittuer forte aceetmudabion Otufh e ptbit.-à tiood stabuingr, itte roooy athdat,ý andi cverv et- tettltieun petal Cc insandthorse. jrThe bett .Vitte-iu. luq nora uni cigarut their. .aur WILIAM TI{FW VICTORIA ROTEL. W ITLIAbt SCuJTT, IROPRJETI tE. (LaCe AXGLO-AWEXICAN JIOTEL. puttaca tA lUrl. T IlIE fnSut.iber lias itteti np te lboya cid eatabliulied itetel, %vithîe çiew ocffordinx every teeotttodatio tewtihe travelling p1uu.bie. Çîve lim a c*il. Go,d estubling andi entier..16 JOIN IIOGGRIDGE. ZWICXEY'8 IKOTEL. t. nd te trav-ellintg publie, t1int lie iuttuncw-. ]y papereul, paintcialla furtiselite uhuve itow tui<Iruierlv 'euPieti byvr. Âtkitta«Oi) .ezd thttt ihe trave"iV.ug e m-tuîl il l eotn. jortaie aoQnttlion n a txicfritf.rtteake Ti iti le 'veli Ru 1 0te1iwith ev.rvtlilttg lu"ea JOHN Z 'ICK.iY. T 115Inel acntall titatul ini pOseau T v.yaooîneuuît.It ha. haeauewly BL-ut mines, lqoé nicgtm 27 Foultr STEAN BIOAT RQTEL. DWAIW RAY RPl~O.Gondi MNION STATION JIOTEL. oI YORK . ST EO<.) B]ousE ForouuIlDeStUnion StaioTomato. lieg. W. OSBIORNE, ALBION, JIOTEL,, E AST XMARKE-T SQUAILE, TU-RQÇT,- IDJ. SMITII, Pr0ci4leîor. Exutrt eobn- tn(aidtt.EveryetuttitonpPOUt tluiduiàfùrt TRE TERRA.PIN. 11B PRLOPRIETORS OF T1118 W% r LL known $ d"l irae w in -occapatiotn M the 4a $rv. , NIîIOL.U. 1Kig tre., To"nt 'T'X~ aovp ellknowrn, old etattl!4bed hote, an preisea lav hut pnteiued by the suseariber, and li dire o4a4inqma4 Vîaàt h. 'vil M nyé bc on lhpnd t)attendpe btnlly bthUe 'anta cf LIS o#eàaîs- 'The. prenulaca have -been -nwlY Pinte pfnit rentovettid,,endi onveletly.intl cpýtita1ly fCenpan ieoflbt' il Ib. apare& c lt Si¶r cf the premeni owner ti> vcnder the Globe 1SteI a hiu l îriligthe stsy ofhie friandt'. o['ie table viii alwv be fornud pleotfeliy sniplied 'vith the breat'in aeeitn. Vie, fcilêwlng. embraoesa àlligt f liquorp to lue lid et the batr, vloleanle aud rotai. - Morin'. F.ttnly lProut. Monogohla nA tlur aperlor whikv. t OidTom, llollitnd Ginî hefit bitanda ef Cognac e.tdothe Bradi ~, l'rt, MSherry, ant i a bool stublitg 3% ILliSandyv titi Otler. - AL1EX. .ALEXÀýnDF.M Brooklin Houe.. T I F.fiubeerihuýr lbavir« leswed te . Irooid Ilotige, sand ftted iit tnp u" a it ClIt" Ilotel, l new prepareti tae eimOdaxethe tmttne l'u bie lic, , ±hey wili fand tie bout lnnity 0flîu1uan ud lMa tableprovded titia t, le lt the tîetuonftorda. iî ,h crelnI ouier mid Iliiuîtiscl*feiey.cehad, lie aoI it' mrc or~ the. publiç pat.ronage. N..-Also ini id ilormes und ËBoggie, te dtivte trvetaru, r., any part ci te Conty. Tro ln ar., ,l 0 U S. il ,ISAAC F4INroN," ]'ropriuetor. 1)S E~TWineand'i iiqôre 1anplir auimotn i>uod.tiout for trare . ier ; géud abling sutd ttecntive lotlçr. 1e Northoru Hotel Cannington. The !1uereaalng iînaileat at t lt above fià%*or abijy kibown Lotel, hâa. rendered iIt neftefy for donc toto a coýnndîrble mentt, andTi mde ,,tlur erttintadiup eua O paccore ,tiil farther thue c2ntfcrt anceee<ttintnndatiun of ies gneta. Tih. tabtle salways iroidod iti thr. ~llu aeaOnand mne but te best britit 1 Avcrn mirrt ppld hlel . Gîexa tal! 1as yen pR%. -i-. Bob te ruftierneti 0.ler, aiwvaya lin ted uîuee, titd by Dick, te takte chatrge ofte*unu. JOHN WAUI)*, Cannlngton. Oct. 2Sra, 1841. 41 STOREY'S MOTEL, onae BZek sorti, of theiMrrl-d .Çyltar.), 'J'IE -tunderaiguied lavicit purchua&lite1 T bve yull known pretelacasf ram tCité laCe prepieku Mri>awa, ega 4)le uteate iii. vltde in .t, iîiblie, thttCt tuel c inl rxcýIetnt orler for teeouuodto f (ret. otnfortable aeonîo it.n tt oder-. ai.1r~ .Pittien lar-ai tention ipati (c fur- tpera ctaling fronthlie eutry. 0r~llu JOINSTORMX Tarant, .Ja. 7, ~2. 1rôprie r WILLIAXI KAUJFFMATN. #HTBýY:,CkrT 13 oN"Ir m ET, Wolin y. C. the couStiry n is y pI..iises lateiy occepieti hy Mr. Jwolb B7a in BroAk trect, anti known un the (>ntmrri Ilitel. Titercoma-have lisen nawly fltectupanT e;- niovatod,rtudthe lunitelu. uniergoltgsthorcuglî Ahajiige,.îîî order (I cffurd ltheat p pfble ne' cnimii<âifion legouata andi viltrv. thu proprietor ilemepeciafly careful to have noune bot Vuutpt tusîtd attentive ogtlcrm about té prenutaca. ,The bar wîll bc mteppiiedti ithle bet l. qo.W ine ltidf(ger (-, Aie ar iii aise el,, buk p tep IiItlgr oonris vaitrveti for WltltVy, .lun. S, 1862. C. DÂW~. 127 STANLET .STREET, T CNO 5-1 ly AiE.t.. CCHANE,- 5&liy iroprietcr. iXPFIN SALOON., N XTýO TE OAL LY(,EVM KIOg - tee Tornto Uitue g. nvey Square-Timb.r and Ahingles! J AS. B. CIAMPBELL, - .4s 2nd Ca.,Reécu.ý 49 Patt Office, Athburu. 1FAM13ANXS &K]AC»QNELL (OMml&SloD Merch»nts & kAûcüûneerý IIROCI< STIEET, WIIITBy, C. W. (tippotuite Ragimer>' Office.) lA RE propaýe(d taattendi Sala.s i ail parts cf tcoulitry. m~ital, xllq, Mayor or Whltby; Ji Pe. Z-kr - ilp N tndoi y incere thankuqtelat(le islua. mue doring peu.t etuse, 1 lagein ceaie bafgre yenq in thteIXitire. It willuovar hctydutur b meritthst confi- dnce vonlitava a-eu eefutiy confpetiin lut;> Proptitudceueier v,àlet (le tritàC atetotiô, tbusinassa. wilt ' thien a ilfiae te duservoe ccntlunn-. Al orderfi 1êft t -thte £Ireý*tte oltie', ere a Ieistr of aitgals anti .ng-eoent&a l re- gtu Iarkeiupt, silil bu attendetu ta. PIcgeaAr renýz0Iad ni tlysfIxei, *Itiuott 'eotrouble cf 1). CAMP BELL, LICENSED ÂUCTIONEER,, Fou Ta£ 7 AlibTw thliiendsandti tunn.ts Cbereîn ortVie smelul dnts, otate, or lutereat Cher., i ri iaeF for sale. nt puhuie Anction, At m~ tffle eVcr Hotein tise rown of QineaonSatud Wluitiî~ i, Per <C. Ncurau. T 1 3UTFFALO ÏMPDANTILE, COLLEGE4 [&- $LPRiDADELTflIÂ I -N - CLEVELAN~D, r ,CHICAGO,- ND ý T. LOtUS. lu Chambersn V. E lLu 1~~ &wutA ~ebruqry, lii of êt egaaoftHqr àfa<eg, Qucen Vic. l"rIaandin rteypar of urOlI,. , l12. S John Est e .rv, >aîtif ilimIrlons, Difentiant. 'pHnîon %afthe Plliintiff, sud ik Ç,y affidtvitl tClat after due 4111- Deetntcanoât b. fatunut t Bll; MAN Zra ri uÎMRatu, .tiat -a ep>'-of' tlidi enter, tOgetiterwitlt the noticn e rq-nred by thîe getucrai% r3Dr tufis aCout W bu- pisted in citai, ocm ie e4ch -ueek, ferCheix weeks teot precetiiu l.su tsst.ugstcday cfr-Mnreb suext. A, . Taku notice -titat lb )-OU do net anawcr or Aeur &the Cite l poratiant t te i buve order, the Plalactf une>' btaiic a n-orderba Calte the bilt as confeti aainat yotu, atutithe Cottrt ptcceetiing»ofulte eue., CHAS. C. KiELLEU~Ticto ýW1trtby, FeLi 10, 1862 - - - 5d VxZTEEINARIY SURGEON.> W LL ON.,D AFTfR 3MOND4tY YEB~, 0> OjobÏ o toI, rockfini > ITent Wb1tUy, elveïr M(oidayýftom t tue oelotk %m t fout p nitee h.ay bc conivilteti Wea tet. , Mr. fWter .hu iiaytg 4Und gruatsxpe.- rierce ln Veterlnal-y ulsewauuuofithie trto,: nti- wlth the lient credentlsle wiieli inn be abaaî- et! le hir ownv .bee a nntkle, hàitarng- ton. --- , -- - FARM FOR SALE.ý TRpE smuicaciber cUirx fcr sale iaÏ No. 25inl th lit Cmu . or the to ., ..iofW irtt.. SPRING-SHOW Wili bc hulld Mpnù,pà Crack, On Wednesday, .&pril38th, 1862 iherl CIe tfolciving piMoilUntswllbe aaerti- Beat Bloond ettiruouOT. $4 $3 -tEtIlit gedtijior Carrluge 4 8 2 1 it t t.ie= "urpogea 4 8 2 u.. u Dra g t lire.. 4 2i te year Olël(Olt, h>ududle cr ut Catriage.............. 2 3 -go .:..pnpo ... 2 1 MrinFcui r byber aide, t.l ~ a PlpurposceaSo 2 1 gipan o821igg îi Pau tbories for gea'l purpoec-a Il2 1 liBoîl enlvetaicýl t 1861.. 8 2 1 Oyoke worklnr ~ . 'IWon log h..... Doxicible Ilarrova'...........2 1. - uIron Ilarrowia..ý........... '2-1 Ditublü Tnrnîp Drill . i1, zci 8tof ]ii or es cacoked.2 i t tet cf 'linidh lirîesa.......9 ....Tripuu.........2 ord~routeosrugathe cftivi.li Ofgreen erOPNe, husoiiety 'viliioffur tite fcllowngpe. mmm, ei t tii Ftulli Show, BeatoeacecTir Vi$,2 nd $4, erti 18.b50,44th-8, Pth fltr*2, 701 $1.a0,Bila SI'.,liant quarter gacre of (iturotut 4, mu.d $8, Zrd 82.50, 4ch *B, SU I $ Beast.quarter acre Mengcltl Weirtzei $4, 2nti $8, àrAi $2.60, 4t1u $2, 15t $1. Bett onu acre cf C 4)4, *463b, ,Ird 52.5, I4(1 $2, Sti t1. N. 2.-Ai Studittlorteutobtainlng prcrunimtt, aml to e t eàIatut"wo toppluîg ittetitid WitItit 1'ieurig focehpnt proper distances front pic!dthrsay uniula part, anti soadvertiacti- !fi Chir bila. Tuiik~ i Otu tcher town§iliipi;, {lwing horm",, pay $2 cetl7. No preinine- will- bu 11d tiff oneumntuiliafer thu show, dluring v luict tine uai>' ersan unay 1bave-Mite privile ge of objeoing ta împropur entrien i,- Preems for Stuti Borseï M s ulia 'vii li e padin the 1à11 *afterte public have. obtaineti Auersevcs A i ptbmenls iibave ceeu mas th.i letownship since April, .1861, and Chu inakcer oniy ic bu tue exitibuter. -P*mDmt,-Trnuma. P. ITitl, Dubertpuu; Vuc-l'xauxtv.-ame I Davidifon, Baisat. Maigri%. iheriliin Braw;n, Robert S. Willson, Peter Neuthit,: -James IMetirulglutAlexatuuler Macitey, John Gotnld> Johuflclghi, Gec. Burke anti David Struaeitan. -- HEFoR B1EATbN, - Pï.elteriug, Feb. 15, 1882. VALIUA2BLE 6 OB cettris tim mïnse-rýà ofMeDtlpt îlce,-n a ate e t," -Wnld reatlk go<id er. - nrLicleefcu ea 4 tea e lite iefèver prodxeMtd j~inbie Omj., t b M.IiCHAEL 8ciPi-AUF. -, NWltbïîJuly9. 18QI. . 2o61 1rG J.A., Clark's lot Prise IPi irn 1,3e' *?youtclnlre eti*n tre iulry 1 Ouf r, o aLikuem ia -4,01c ,PvOCIocr -a RtgfoJ.A. C., emudo ItVIlà the biéet- tyle, ___ -WILKNNS t>cX M ALT VLNEgaÂW - iMo al qitîtic W be-ut lit lie Wwtiv . ýrewtr. - Quebso Goyenment, Appoy.tem"g and Iootiilie. P. BUliNET, - Ilcsvertotu. v a1suutT. 1 ONCOUET, Brock. Ad!- CA TON KOTEL,' - W., CUTRBU1 BtAJlZUAO IOTEL,-, F RONT STREET, une ýtheo Markiet. -m - T.POWEýR, proprio -IA-NILLA- 07E tr~usteer sinetÈtli ha leav C un -M WlIJA5 TK2UEST, e. ID. 1I%* B8TÉETi OCMÂ1A, CANAtI)A 1.Weotý -17 -r lL' anFd DRAIM5 -Èin J1 shwa T Gart m o-rC r inthebCýtst JOHN GILCIIRIMT. IDE%'&LER in Fanev anid 8tapIe Dry Gea>idi ",,àdStall 'Warný, rooeriog, IPrcvfi.um Orccker7, &C., MKo t. Enast, Owh1awa. -~ 47 EDWAIkDS & RODDIER., T AILORS, Drapera e nd Gencrnl Cloth I iera, uni <)ntfltters. .£4ntIsna inetis Vamade up 'on the ahorteat notice o(tIle lent qirtllty materil l u the neetett tylea Ail work madie p on the promiae, 47 L TADI1; anti (*ENTMEWS' iloot YWJ.iund Shti>taker-Kinu St., (lait- ' .wtt. [gïrlI workwurrattcd. 47 S S100 T., <JtITAWA.-Good eccteninc dution. R. T. Mannel, Peroprietor. 41 GEORGE G(oeRLIPY& NIEUCIIANT'TuiIor, lDraper &(,,, 1Xlng St. Gentlemen'. wrmenta ninde u p in the beat and.neweat etvlpr. 47 GEORG WALLCE, roprietor. B. T. MIANUEL, lEL it I1>tPaIFetite, d&e Sitnde !4* Ogsbwwoa Nuidc matdBouk 8Store. At Allen'i. Kini; eLtrVret, <.YlaWa. and ut 'Wiliams Moiie Store, yongî stýrcet' Troul t'. Alpto, lUmoki und Stafloery of every-ides- cription, Magizinea, Farcy doodi, on-a pjrf *e., *7-ly. C. X. VAI.S. ~P'ieniaRonialreetl%yoppo, s&&.JJJ i~te tlie'c4»at ltlic.-Fhit unce onl si=uoe 8treet, third In--9ti f 1he h(ontarie7 Bank. 4 W. I. GIUS.. & Coi, JMPORTEItS, and Generul Merchiants, King rind Shmcoe Streetat, Otiaiia. Ircot direct fromn Glailiguw, nt loy prices for cash. -47 LYMIAN! NGLI181, L L IL. A~~~~~~~l 'f<RE TL ,SIcW eChun- 47 D. F. BURKCE,- TXIIOLE-SALZ 'Wiie tittil pirit Merchat,- W Grocer andi Provision Dýea, %ngSt. Cinia Glaat.-Lnç Crocetry in eut virictv. UlÀy-.tera Sardines, A&o., und 1Fraaib -i e ru i soason.41

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