M;VvNieb'B %Cuw wlante,-& . .Perry.. S Shet ill's Sale eofIaud,î <A'.Fe.)-N.4O LW~Be~tnape hs bode--Towu of .înnal Qnti1Quarter Season-Co. Sh cri fisî Sale ci Lanid.- Joahiua fichar.-- treîfo' Nte-D. M. McKay. * Close of Bock for the eiîrt year kLffe 'saociatiouu af Secolnd. Saile of' Lande for bionresident taires- Lect ArCrCVe'i. E. OKeeffc. Clearing Se-.1 , eMilan. RecudyYade lotling -T. IL. Mci nu. jAUCTION ÉSALIS. - On i'eNi. Ph arcb,. on Lot No. ID, lrd con.', Whttbv ferm stock aud in i- #1,enrtA, prop.?î îV nf 7illiam (llenriey, Dtq. Tss eyri uctioner. Olp Fs.iRy, srd th, et Tai-lor's Milîs, on Lî Nî 11 , 4th Con'., FittWbVitby, înr o. -.'.cuiris'sres, impicients, &r- L. <b, Ttiezrli. Mtrclî 11 th, ounfhot No. 11. 801 Con. on irlk4,rtný, lorses, tstucltand! tueintiniplementm,.litnperty of -1r. -Moses Lhiton. TIsi.4..NMvcrs. auctie seer. O)n Fiay ccilton Lot Xo. l 4,Con. ni Picicrîn-, horses, stock, farm irripIttnents, &e., îroprety of Mr-N. m Roherts AThru on nctioneer, ONLY OXE DOLLAR A YE AR The !1t-iii;h and Colonial press are noir entydin discussi.ing_,he iuhject ef tha 1fi1ieiery det'euce or idue Coloaeiw The polie>' or kvepi11ý!up bMiliter>' out peats aiý al iî qs iaenud thoe'il people gribtiiipl. ludty ag-tirist bein,- tered for-the pur As n uiarticleilu thaelestnumber <f ilwteElin'uLreb Reeieuv bas served inunu Finnl dî',gi la rrcmoîe the discussion.- Twelrnonionilis ega îb't?- Imperial Parlla. et:ent app itd a Perliemnentary Comîniittea "t, ,iqtiie wheher nu>' sud what aliera. tiIlami !î d%-.intugeQüqly idopied ilu "ri' e, tedet"uiwe of thm Britisitdo. llr'sd',oi.nd the proportions ci cost dotrsc',tbrSne, ns î,ov defr-aed from ..tlsp- il and à olonil futds rýpetîvelv." Tlit Curitîce" repirted dviingithe die. r('11(enviem of tue BlitiOli EMPl'e into two vIî'se ,- 'n e;Lntakited fur[ $ilitary aud lm rie1l pur-poses; îbd nthl inas eCo. Spropewr. The fblowiu týi# the- coai of!ithe Militar>' expenditure f r itht year pYVli11, M.ureh '1960 ln- eâch 11fIbtheta <'ssesT-.Gihaltr~£420, 095 ;,Mal& ÃŽ, t 11l1:7t:,nîs Tsade. £280,661 Il West Afet,Z£.44 91:>Be-rnuda. £R7,!;87;, Bs- h ns £7 2~0 ;Pslkl;inds, £2,117-, st. lib;Kong, £31,300i j*L buan, £7,- 32 9. Cîtsl- .A. Comulex, £413,5f6 Wo ud,£'162,690i South 4frcatif £46.38 auritiu-a, £145,658 ;Ceo, £1O,6SKstralia, £tL 1, 545. The total auuul ceaI ofi Mititar>' det'ence or' il ihe Colqiec s lagiran ah £3,620,990. orf,'biech £29.5,909U paid frQm Clonal sources. The ]3ritià h À.-ierican Provinces are plecd luil,.heascond clam ansdthe 6-igures set down art £413,566, asauce Imilu titan OttIîcStxth Arica,,(Iibrmltar, or ahbe noives a full quid pro quow i.t Greewo.d Mchui' I11îQef A Mechanies' Instituts sud Librar>' As. îleléi&dni' l" boi , ng bi~t4 -rcauvood. At ae meeting held at the O0range Hal' on the I9th cf1let rmeuth, at *biclt ýon Chapmsu, Esq., Deputy- Reva Of the tewnship ut Piclîeripg&pVy,; ideil, and Ebeu.elerBirrel, sq. aced Secretary~, al-e arg nà opeefîc mtee aT"ap$atnhea Io %it~s hé i *ar i fiula. A'oyttd metbmnÉbas gecià iÃà fou' Weduesday thbm 1'Mb lust., fer tbe pur. pose of eloctiug offices'l, adoptiag by-lsai,% &c., vhen. the declaration fer unan so f iucorporation s'il! ha. igned. The paiç. pie cf Gre-envacil are nialing a cmove lu the rirbt drectionen fl aing ibhe drati. tages whicb a Mechau'u' Institule sud Libary Assaiatian 's'il!suppl>' io their vil;<Ever> 'one, lutae lacaiii>-ind especiall>' ever>' bead of a tami!>' shenli inke an'iujcreSî ln p4moting sa neceasar>' tand desinibie an uiidertakiug. 5LtsOXuC Balu. ~Tfe annuel grand bal of' tbe breiherun of Markham Union Lodge, F & A. M., caie off nt Mariebaun Vilage un lest Thursilay ihib, abneugbî ho. geiber over iorty aof ibm craut, sud e ,îi larer number ai the vives, dtughiers, and swettheurfs ae'Musons. The Litdgm reen ut, brother Julis' af Ibm Weliington batel, vas mailt tastefiîlle laid out for tbm occasion, ad tbm supper rount presented an eppear. soce, whicb vas et once profuse, sump- luans, aud îaaipting wiîb e dlicicus bau- quiet. About cduo e'cleck 113e bell vas epeneil, accerding te aucimt usage, ho'ex. celienî musie sud dancin~g, wbicbvas the enter uftliec nlgbu, vas canînuneil untîl Aurons ih lier cel-l ras>' fingers opeued Sella eya, sud ihrees light on this vorld, bles', wariiiug those teho e en trippiug il liglit on ibm latatstic 1cm" te icave off capertug oun h enlueansd scck re- pose. The bell vas ln avecrespect"s m»c.at aoccesai'ul une, and ielecis iho bi;b. est credit apon asu coucerneil. So sft be. Bt.Aczwoon for Pcb. bhuma nrecelv-' ci, andisbaighiy interesîingnumbr.- Twearticle' on "rTe Defencae'f Canada" alune is worth bahf a dozen 7mears' stibocrîp- itou. "The Chronicica of Caringford" ar" contiuuled,'and iu part I. oft "1Saient Chape!" ve are iutreduced îo tiie reverend Mfr. Vincnt-& diseting celorg>'mà n, au'. dent au nd iaiail, ' iuking, aud twenîy.flvc yaarscf ae- bisdeacoup, sud Ibeir vives, sud M'issPboebe, thi pai. piup drtugbtur of decii Tomer. 'Salmus Cýâpel" opens veli, snd se fur, v,'thiak,I san-a i atatia ercst'-ai4a( the "-s&rne c, familianil>' ot its characters, tbe Dotaet aFAuly. We havse the Cà neudoaeca cf IlWasai-a Chistnua tor. TE aud instructive ebaracten, are 1"Caxtenia- a series of essaya au Lifp, Liteaur, et 14»e ' ongien o inLîuage-an' exceller nea4 goug." ~e numbe iîi octudes wtt note frein E. Wlby Pugint te edito lu refereunce le tho remnalu :ii1tie T)'c ber umtber cf'ttm Magazine cocecernin Town. Couacs!. 'Walttr, Pcb. 28,' 186, On Frude evnitt the Coucil nt 8olcek. Is Werubip the >ycr ir chair ;'the odier -mabers pueent 1iMurs. Bllihugs, Cameron, Crpeuter,: doneil, MeDermottmau' Perry. OomdlçTftKaTo 0 h, rttzL. f Du motion 0f Mn, IPerry, scoendci Mr. McDermoit, dia Tr esurer weenrd to pay e$50ta Mr. George Ynle, Seni 'full otailicafoc damage egaimmi Cerporntian for' Ooodiug& bis pn4penîy te gradilig of -ebt 8tret. ,2.2 Tie Mayer v cled iii the na>'u, seotua amendmnt - wtw,. tdWA=s original Mtion oannled. A motion b? Mr. l&à ~IU6î'efl iî, jecôt" ider tih'otn pup~d et tue tat ueetlîtg nf di. Cotuncil, autbôniting tIbm ayMet $51 te Geôrge fle, Smn.ý tIîeae'tôirbn. te Mrs. lul-wà s 4* Ceuci sjûurnmd' uuit'-ldbnda>'Even"' in te,3ïitbu 1stWar uv, 7ermb , 188. The 13aff met ath13 e wc haltl, pÃœc. suant te adjourcuen; this,' venltg.^AUl lte metîhera wvere preseut. Minutas of lit nMetng remid sud confirnted. Paymntnîqt' !itdry accaunti for cent- Wood, sud cutti'g, s'pairs sud cleauitsg, advertisiug aud 'priufiug, -&o, asmuiiig altegether tW $157.42,s'as ordared. Alec $482,50 tan teacher's salaries- Ordmrmd Ibat the chairmen do eii&age Mns. lisbella Grant as aaslstA:i> teacher a John5ma StrtMo.l. Ordei'ed tbat Me. Thwahte be sdded la Ibm Local Commitîca <of Henry' utreet Seheof, lu ibm ron et 14n. W. R. DomI, resigned. A resolution aile passmd ordarnu;cartain repaira te be maide lu the opper store>' ef Banc>' atreet bolqaaditicae irougha h. 'put cp as son as posible. Adjoieuud tta iTumsae>inluApeil. BarIieN COLUBIA.- A. number ai enter prising parties, sïiing hat vomie, ook their depature tram ¶'oroînto for Britiob Colum. bis, ipicndiug te taise'the overland route v'ia Fart Garry. 'Iu Wiby ve tearu tflin anu attemp is abeligg made Wte orgauizeas Company o!'asente ten or ivelve l'or a lika destimtation. W. hep. ththe m <dsyiug titat 44allia*8net geid Oint gltenà t '11i13be rnred lu thiirbebalft MONTcasL MÂrÃ"7AI.Tî. ZBetndry, bas bemu eteeteil Mayor of Montres1 civer The cabmann rled bard aanst Rod'uern l consence ot bis enceuragrment et Ibm sireet ruilva>'. The poliing lasted six -days. Wsî'rom r aie. oSaos',-ThmSping Show cf ibm W_à itbjsud EaitiWhitby Union Agriculiuasi S0emet>'Witt t¶4CpIAce nt Oshawa on TbuMadsytibm 3tb lest. 8j-Stc fourth page for oontinuation 4c advemllaement oaiue.sident lands fer Wae. Tauti MinsT A ND seeCivîr m O aa I N Cm.i.s T Wîa Esrs.-A gsllanî Captin' cf a Vulunîeer Rifle Compas>' in Whlîby, ratier notit foC bis pugusclit>' sud pugilila. shed uit4'savwe4' imai rotu suce a g ~su 011 the.son oci' Leaconlit ['ha saut. figting il Capin '" la Lvy-cLtonkemp île pïits.É maw iwyis wbilîib ats hie, bcpAd, wm.«"46J"4,4 -Ii mân,,but- viii'net *dvo* ? Wby net usay abava ,d to 1fr. Beach,'ba la i way, but i lisesait!> oif hie 5s uinithi i UA Mfr. Beach'u léaye, or bein tn j# under 1tbe ýà h -09iI* 1, bav'*ou*e4 ig perting my famlly s. edoes credit tW U7 humble ab1hhM ji Iami sub- edit or'the fnçri J'à .This is nult ho 1 îÃWîý i; neither yaur Paft I have rendered >our establishment, I have re; ceived mny fee prm"Rty. -Jan any indivi- dus! je the Presa establshment say the saieT For want, lowevpr 'of somethng of imprtance ta 61 iis' â,commu-a waut that fnot unfreqeenill occnr8%o-hett parades ury humble naine before the pub- lî,e from a sentiment thE ta snet VCi7 cre- dità ble te a 'gentleman of big unrialed editorial abilitiea. Thiese abilitiei were go brilliant as t o 'able te .keep et one tinta, alive a 'peper, cald the New- burg Inde.v, for the whole tersa ef thee month, but, unfornnately,- sub prosperous printir in Kingaton, Mfr. Lght. foot, aimas:te the Verge of saivide et the end of six mentia, Who aîarte4 andd pub- libda paper for that leugh of lime, with Mfr.-Beach nt itâi head., And'the saime ex- traerdinsry parta-simply hcnstheëy could net be precly understood, Isup. pose-wvoUld bavte hreught 'the Whitby Wakchman (or ils renders) te the grave beforo ihat leugth of time bcd Mr. B. net been'suiereeded in the -edite6risi chair by the gentlemen whom he now wisbes te make it eppear bas clangeal bhitpotitie., Thisi hets, isla t egentlemin whom e disebctLed cliquae in' Whthhy, eenposed ofsa few men who are jealous or the-pepclsrity af the. Bon. 0. >uoast, snd Who have long, dealred te Èee.Mr. Farewell, lu big place, b*vè engged te bting about, in a quiet way. such an- ee -The samie jà r. tics vouldU itil upapi the con'ventîin that uaniunted the Hon. Mr,. Reesor et anY, risk,wil e like view in favor of 34r, F., if they- bad found the Ietecomeetin dhii ,wueien kcetion. They 414 their eI hoever, but baviug feiled, were farced ta drift wlth the current. They haie ateadilY kept "bformper objet i i e1?w it > hregaud W e ie presïentatian 'ofth',, S6uthItlbg sud ta eSet lbis was the object cf their' et arting the geoeid Retrm paper in Vb1t- by, aud whatever denial 1Mr; Beach- iMay ive te il, ibis is cértaiuiy the mission of the Prffa. The hèsd cf ibil town clique;, thte 'ta esitaci f up te, give toue, aud te regu. !etp the actions of the intel~ligent mn o f the part>' iu the rural sections of thu RiVd. ing, coold not muster anfilcient popularil>' ia huA own townte'geL. hiwmêif clected a delegaite tu the Tooto eouvelitiorâ, sud 80 hW te crew nt6 ihà VbcAty ti aplace he c*led 4' Zone." Ih is truc ho goit inte tbe convention, sud, oce jui d-he Wek a very great. dislike te the ouis'4e -1but e was gpeedily uncolonized by, -we Weieve, Mfr. Gordon -Brown, becasa tha delegate. could net show credenti &W Èfroc an>' par- tieeluliasUneof'4hemi8nhee W"-Dthhsud brain Isbas ergan" k..Hfas the gentle- man beau- faore witb a sight ef Mr. Smith'a M. B., or hare thire n - >iy apeial spirituel îmenifestatiQtWfù 'a dlk lcr'a s anctnîn? Grautlug dMique6~ ttiens-sure>' it la uufair il t ut l play tb. "big brother'" là P4ilOgyý, and iitbme" hel iaRd.. g éwfer dsrlng te announce s lecture, lýn *b h e, ted differiug tram tdie . auertained bl that Supposeb1fr. Smith sbcnldsa>' the b b ogair. ;Ta t i UsgtO i'S? 9 stfe be0'a-h, t&o' htmiia.sat tunthe Te lre bas, according ho anaiemista, fie. lobes; '*111 the sapient editor sffirm ibatiti haë more tieu oue gland ? But I do nuiine. tond puranlng the subjeat. ,I thinli,' Iow. ever,iliti h would, eaI basf., have been ruch mnea caunteous had 4b1e Editor of tbm fitudicator ebserved a strict retece, ii afler tbe lecture had beau delivered. 1I wl on!>' add, ibat, chatevar mn>' ha tbm views ai tbu lecturer or othErs, ' ithe' de. velopuueîtt f the front p)ortion of 'the bras,î," nu une who reada ibm Viidicrtor bas ait>'dctubt as te thae :ditor'. belît; Pas sessied of a (cabbuge) haad, sud, 4.1( he eVergîtai itarried there ls cary ltIe doîulbt but b. wýiIlthave a e. wbitby, Feb. 27th, 1862. The roru jrerr nechau le s gatute. the flcEditorcf 1the Whitby C/troui. DetaCiraanîc..c: îuè attua ncUs'ai rwerlling ibis >'or, there la no gettin; a lfull bouse, sud I am ver>' serry,,fer it.'h Ever>' lecture, bas been sal'allure ilu peint eto atteudauce îhough.cames orespectabili. t>' bave inppeared lu onr pregramme. lu- decil1I migbi Say' that ail Ibil year there- k a wMýlv fuir- turn Oumt. and,, bat "' là dtlueelley, te lier a efcture"'trom ' u~r frieud, thae c. E. .O'Kel*tç, on, "'Ihe ibe. Ilis discourse' vs -'ittel ifor research sud impartisîlit, sud as la tsual vit!, hlm, gava general lctisf'actiou. This vas testifled hb> a vole of îbanks for bis "<iable îaud acierdiie ecure, movrd b>.1r Bid eccnded b>' lr. Paetou, sudd ne4nunimeusl>' . The Rev. gen- iteman replied lu iarms et gratitude ta the liuatitute for hsving gencrously, 'because g'ratuifously, givou hlm the nigeaof'tbm iigbtd hall on tbe occasien, sud assured ibsÉ1bst~bs ul ev e.b -ckierfui 1>' contribuiad toewstd the amccees cf tbe ic «r, &ÃŽ o'ur"esfeeme! frieud lIe. Bigelow, who filileidihechair, ennaunced rthe close efthile proceedinge, vbmn weai îmtire d, higbl>' pleaued with our eteiug'& entertalamemit. Ybturs &C., 6%iE PRESENi'. Port Peiry, Mardi 1, 1862. L.atezt frora Europe. Dy' thm Norwegian whicli arritred at ?crtlud o eu bm4îb, va hve cews via Lendopderry ' t th e 21st n. 1> It-id 't.c bih a are à ;l eime o shsi ps and thbeir cargoes ho run the blecliade o e ia outhern ports. 'ï1u on thaeI11t'!est. lîtaiâes- That for air montba of the year wa are- dependeut on-te Uttte4'ltateI <nt Ammr.' es for outr ceuuniioia vida Caniada. That inuae ot an intecruptidnuofet cr friand!>' relations wlîb the Uniu- cd States> tnu *iqlrcouxmun -icatiou 'viii Causdg, dur. nei utpe~rle!dl able 'taeu ct effet a mommuî's noe'an anumportaitjor ion jeopard'. 1Thetthue coeteien cfa lise of rail' vit' met Halifat ta <Qnmbec would rau1 der us~ pertecîf>y indepeudeuit uf the tUnited Sipta; et preseet our 'trade and cornas ponuténce.wvîhb mr owu province of Cana' da, sud the local tçade and'cerrespoytdeuce beîvuen lte lover Bt'itish provinces sud i'arigncuuiries, la, lfor bhihe >'cer, sutftf ethe iviliisud fiscalmitactmnîscf B>' the compltion cf île peeposedi he, diret rà 'atlwsy cemmts,icetiau viii ho as îubliabed iiîrou4h Britilittercitaryé' fi nt Illiîftsc îa Lîlse luront, a distance, of 1,. 400 miles, acccisiblea utah seasous, sud tbereby ihcrei.ncîa ibe daliver>' of thu Ca. uafdiau mails snd' despaiches ai imast ihîrt>'. six heure iu advauce o' the present rent through thei,lJnitèd States ç;:ad7 t vaulil opeon up forer bmciouivaeiinaund seulie- niant _b>'e9igrants from the motbar couit. te' upvsi4is of 14,000,000 acres ai unt.. granted lande vithin a journu>' cf ion days irant aur avu' sbores. ,That ibe present cuit aof onvmiug tbm BirlithNorthi Atnerloumailg ihroo;b the Unteid State wli b. savcd b>'-bc Impe. iel 'Vceasuvy, That ibm compietian et ibis lino cf Rail. s'a>' vauid ffect a great iavingîîlu militar>' Cxpe(Ijiîdure ou ibe une baud, sud s-euder Canada lÃîuch mare eus>'of f 'leÙce an*ibm ailier, as.abm veouid be.ar',etib!e withun len days ut ail' e1ofts,, vitilsi ai tha preseut time,'ahe ia, in ail.hier>'pointi of vies',ex. cluded iront cemnt iceiioun iiithe muila. mn couîr>' forsux oitofaiite year.< AmC&ricnit Sp4tms in Catnada. Itb bue.haook laid befaore'ibm Britiit Parlisment the fellawin, cu,,rrespoietaca Lord 14esate Lord J. Ruseill Wà ssuaaToN, A pri! 22,-18G1 . Mv LoAt,-Trhe ittchuaed cepy oft'a leiter wvblh 17addresed'oit the lùth lit., ho dha Goveruor Geit. Sir E iitid Uetà d wil! inale Tohur I.undship.,aeîjlucd witb the staps isicen b> me wlîh regard te a report thal secret asprttî have beein seul b>' titis Goverumnett ta Caiidêt, The 1fr. j3eorge Ashman n -ho il ateld, la hëoance ofteeane ntals ws sPresiderut of th3e Convention ai Chicago, whichi ne Mailway T-alu uestroymu "a rine> e dlock, tdi. LA*B -O (F PRORERTY BY EqM W FIRE. b1fire. The, - - niglit clotl)es1. About six oi!olock ibis merning ani ex-.acméflrniut traor yaýoîdéat occurrmd ou tbe Grand 1 TsJ'mêrsll er Port Union siation, wil 3irt seventeen miles eut of'Toronto. A special ' rn rp passeuger train, wbicb lait- Montres> oni deeda e j ficult>' vitb suas, rcacbmd the ahtien nam' n md wbere h vas dirown cff îhm.-eck b>'a s -Ã" dsmaged car lyiag on ogs'aide.. Tbte &bock a rs bleotai vas net Severe, sud d4'i o~alarm 1 ie pM' euI44'* " _on 9'tIb .,;t24_ O. WQ.taibea,4coufrse oetthen between forty and fift>', smitQng theLuare sateed - beligite Ro. John Ross, Proéidddl.of the have been èc Grand Pritk Company. Tie furuace cf the, fficlllt the oe<urod'm wcadestroy>ed, hDwever,' resideniti sud sud sastower of ceaie eeanped, vbicb vere ot1anigal :caight up £' y i'. ver>' îgli wiud that pre suription of 82 vaiIeil sud carnîîsd lu evar>' direction. A. He emplo>rî it large mass fel on neureeftbasand in an evuc,,,et ti1. iQCredibi>' short spuce of lime the wbolé respônleuî an car vLe in fiantes. The>. rapidly c<ottiturit- sud anathL'r' caheit'ithtbm aibar cars, and abortly gîter" asXistats? 1 varda, fannei b>'the wi,îd, thaeuinir<t train, rais à cf$20,0( wvas.enveloped i firis , uma <of tbm pu- Letusbv sengprsaocepunts,()f,,tibm sepn #-car, uer- be-id thà te 1 ravi>' à cctpei wktiitheir lîvesan id aitVaiiiifederat apies i lest their travelil u.biî;, money -sud ether Ov sis pruperi>'. The'greatier irtion oue imbag- gaige audibm mails vers resicued from theb cars lu wblsibis>' were cantained. Al! ibm waodwarkai the locomotive vas des- tro>'ad, itogeiher vhtbt ie ientcasof vbich Técltn the-train vus oiupnsed. Thea employei h ati on hoard tha trainunuder -the direction ai 80 blocketi UP 1fr. Rosa, worked, energutical>' loacte m , thai oii cnta, bi baviug run off tîxe rack die>' ere The vaniber unable ta remiÃve tbsm to.b>'to uwbat ire. The passeîigerit songbt reriin " e back bouses ibm uh eighbarhood, tunîiltthe facti, large prupo3rii of ibe catadîtropha vqere coimmî,uicaled tu alrend>' trke Toront.o, viien a, speciEttrain vas,- ent siditrabla quai davu îa Ibeir a ssac.T he>'rescbed ual cas>' te 'iscli>' about ueo,,. Gîte cf îbem lait wbmati raorm! $250 anioer $2100n ilu mpuey b>'t ibmIre. ligtLbthtaltthe Tite total to thibmCumnpLpy viliiProbabt> beaut, hit S. cxceed $5,00O.-Lcndcr, -or frotlOcht 1, dry and cle -éirngs the oui We'hava titis wpek tho paitni'dul>' te 7ld. Gaits S pertarm of anaunc-itg a deaîh h uai. ccurréïd a 52e. ?eai in woolwicb li tMonide>' lut, rom ibat dam;g. Most dreadit af all' e~ S, iYdéýpfibia. ter (frasbl) 12J i appeans Ibai saun ne île veka tige, m a ln New Y; man of tbe nameof Lames Cain, à etaboreç, quausýd 5c n t living as the' farent o!' W. W. llevmnnn1 Iit Moiitîrp Elmira, Wooiwic'h townïhi1, vas approacb. cars $1 065 n ing bis bouse 'n îhe-sveuîug,i asirauge deg b>' Portjuttd. Chatî duin; ir iîal)mnees, bilaid dôvu uot 50c oflfred. the door stmp), gsprang t hbi anad bit hihi' Pot atil Pt iu the ceck, qaittu claie 'ta b11.ïtcutt. Mr'. Cela lnnedictel>'grnixued the animnaL by Ts the ibroat, 'snd held hlm entil bis vif. atunued blun ihy a bit,.-from ae stick, teben FOt! Wféat ha teck ' an sd killed bhlm. The Sjtritt;'alie wa'uutd irornýtfte iîe 'a ipi ly, andtît 7e P ail s'eut vell unîi Sasiurda>' 1ait, vbeîîpuer 'e<iueltet3 Cain fuit a iingling sensation inuth,île ofPur ton. S'ri veuud. Ife 4mmedintei>' sent. foi' medièsi 1 vice, anud on Saur49 d >sj&," Bellin, visiteuf the utlortunsie man. On lb. docter'a og«l'ïa" bis fat4ieatat scnp tes, Ctinlasprang baek ilu ursrr'freinIl, fluid, 'and the %warst synipîous et hydrepho- bis davlped ibeuiselves. Iu bis pa. '~i 5lU rerystuu, the uifqr.tuuit-muan utws terniblyt>' - l!n violent -î1Jý' n'izpeiît~,,,1 incapesîable I * SAIfe uintlon cr dm4 ýIthorai ir tinkel h s' fille tis ccwulltryf :ee atilutL il>' ta col glvm carre( î, tii. dcli-, are msnoes to 20t: l«-wet tan sanipieq scarce 22ei Lurk vbeaî Sc litas thut UON r~ isantia vbe E. lIta& me Latesi Atueritas lVss, !fýéwgt. Gen. Helll e inan onster, ms:-Oo ater looser us' inar don 1 in pi flt tat mul M :III cdl Mr. U.ioln n9 us cansîdidaite et' nPuni>' iar IbmeI'nisidciicy State. Lsut, of lia speeches dnrnn ai cauvase, Mr. Stvsni*ale- ýntual acqulisiinetfCanada Il 1 %Z , leri. '