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Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1862, p. 2

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ici bool pigTnuMeVf tqie--JoulioCarter. id Infs foe a1-R. Leouaiil: FPUrw for sale- lmt nber-Towuof Wlftby. et-it. E., Perry. ]end-S. IL Cochran. tomd-Joliq Grahuam. Agenry AssociationZ-JohnGr- Reard -Touwnuet Whî. o Rert-'J. H. Pou-iy. seorilu cf R'aiad tiHarbor %001 ~ih-A. P.Chuouileo Omfcn. '-John Watson - Tu rf Club Meetng-G. ],au.f sk rmn sfnrk, imipluinelits, &.. Oin Lot Gn. Whltuav. n!ri March 2ilfb, pu-o. 'Michaeal McOvans-Tbos. Myturs m stock, implemenfe. &c., ou Lot (Inu. Whltliv, on Bant April. pro- Thotnues i',rtfr. -ThomausMjers; ver ONE D OLLAR AYEAR Th -~a.March 21.1862. natter% Poiltical. ruti maters et île pelitil.1 pool c-sue lu i ched i late. Sa far lia'.e &cceeded n la eetiugthoir and exl)aibiCunI a bolti front. Ti. plates cf aIre. miniefera te 511 b, mIen doue, ileoxpectie abc a addtiieuai trenguli. Ou t'teoflir opposution usseritlaa t:fi lliuagof tub minieterial senta iii prove a olee, !nd iliatjosloosy antide ,tiaofag diîappolnted expedtants et j bc the resuit., The Vpper Ca- ccetiou efthfle mintu-y have for- ecteul M. Fe1ley leader, fa fIa. are et Y-u-.fow-af, ho apireti caiilon,- sud flue chagrin ofthfe hlciJ backed p Mu. Movaf'a pre- Mu. roley could net lie matie a cih Mu'. Movat peu-laps the cas remt, andthulitselb. reference. of ilar e'gsu. lu!. Sieolfe lbas ILISO ntl atfhe liesi cflthemé eC.. ecfion ot the Oppoi)niian. Witi t l-adoe the Opposition mi lie formidtablo thun if over bas beemi. iposces talen t and respectability, y flue confidence cf a large ahane îmamunify. Tic debite on thre tas atjoorned th ins lutance ot sitîoua te Wediieasay, whlen thc £ la sent t prpuess. LIi> elya bIla i lu>" ou- re%4*rp flue gatbening geg. Mfinistere, Rantirer au- baveo becu worliug miglit anti eauiing t4air feuces for thé te- tieuts is thîe fermer ire- idettin Itu eir îmrentgh. Tt la uriiétain mluat a day Muay 'ti.1g iîlseilueu-e v.suppiy the Prcti- >arllaucuî, andto Ja. itia tÉe ýdece ofo 0r reaidem-' ciefavorite 11:161q r.otmu4a for tire C.Uaty Ète-payerx ant tire Corpoeionu, it scia *rot procettiluge in our-col. voe lakenu niuteti action iu -tie he result oeth ira labatltenders n caled fer, foe' a bloeofo grount bce Coruprationi, sultplile fortili er thre Coant> Agu-cuhiwal Aise- suitable site thre Corporatien offer eufures lu pa3'ment, payable in -e, or a le. peu-tat, if tounst F. Thé effet' upon tho prtofýtii vo thblule h muet lie aditt*,d, a ne, suna can 'scar<aeiy 'ail t4 uluaef Wu are lnformed .by telegraph that flue vacauuci l fic heCabinet lbave, et20ye been fillel. lI thé Lower Hou'c Hou. lMr. Carfisu- salal îhèy would pmboably, 1e filied up liy toMorroff, {(today), and the Houe., onsentea tb potpone the consider- àAio n ofl d'drees mnllthèji. Tu tbe !Upper IHouse, ou tic explanation of the Roui. Mr.Smiîli, fte counsideration ofthte ïAMa9à ua4ostponed forsastuilar resbon. Ot tbç Iffn., Mr. Smithh le Speakoer mas dirctet leissue bhirrit fur the. el#4tiou of a. uum4uu e serve forthue uuexpl rèd terni for the Rideau Division, lu the room of the o. P. ÃŽf. 'Vau&ougluut Ppoitd chauèllor. ~The <'Piregtl'aod tiecCoutraimn Gr{ttiàmu canent lire wituuut gïievanc vr Muhe8let i aand prtiMost ob«cure pori., Odîca lat accu iii.the ees of it,& dozmn or two of stblcribem ,to tic big OIelýe itslf, ailW* l ttetleir tles of sorow, ta pou r weeitly or daily into the cars of their, readers.Theselscuruuus ecomtaîlinga,: luowever, do net accorer a par value in the' market liom.sdan , oulie oueat hlcde ifs oi' aaal potaboos brnug sixty cents a biasiel. Tii. (obe playe t l aisi carde o*In tire publie aecounf i, but lis maatliqunaicahlctlulnlievever inge- iouely tisteti, caulîti oit neo otis agslnsiý facta, las ml as a rfu-ev markneet anti uetatinng prusperhf>. ,Onlevancee, hou-- ever, as mweil as iiomoopstiiic medtines, ýmay elFaye. b. looket for mIcro there are dyepepc efomacha- And ti i avelu per. hapemaupply inu h ais etorpeopie mibli papere toteir tate, j'on if a résuaccaunoî est bis becfsteak ai is icisoro mfihar thanigtuil Lcart anti cheery countemsace il la nef ta b. expecteti that lue coult digest afîi-atr is a riolcom etuuospapen articie. So me aay bluet soloc psortof giievanuis wîiii à1slsnaunculuated, ecuber lu toma, ou- city, lct fie egg liee o lat epeles it uts>. Ameng the. dais ef tclucices" thon, te whi ch, ce have retereuce, mosi le i"&u. puiablyraiksti, Mr' Beach et the Whtby PeMr. Beacia's sou-iosms ic"co-uui5 lent mifli Lis WLitby entet-prlse sud b. doec -nof fail ta maies tc ekonca veiuy. Tr'aki tic foin anti connty printing. Nowvbmiro a m an gives up lis legitimuisie calliag feu- a busineu. of mhich Leolenoma n ouhimtg about, It la ,presuwect iuatledee se fu-fie puarpuuse oatt inpccuitl&b,aandi. s sucii should lie prepared' cliecrfuily tu sulumit t lebulatet'eu' tinaequicuces nia> reeuît froua rash ativentuarea. Mu-. Beach *8 ýof tuis clame. ie gave uap sebôol teadli- ing for priufing, -antibau fount ie -spece. 1sf ion" uuprofiîsbie. If lis vaut ot et- péu-euaèe lot hlm te tender for Connly Piaring a tut t-o cent.aiesaulunrlg irat il Witcosi luinu t4veuly.G or tbirty cents a titeussudt t get tlie type thedt,~ ire bas eo pousou téa lme b# ut imael<- He thotald neither groewI or wmmc, as ho tocs ieeliy, ai flue count>'commcit,the couarui,,clerk, or auj et thse eépfca Tluéy have aething XO 19~ 4iPathe matter futien than toe ~tbisithe. ok is mclldoue andi acco-ding tê contrsct.i And **n)on tic ofluer baud, it a:éuc'ti tu-o e icoffice cfrIthe Cicrli ofr lie Croiru andI Pleas a-Gordou et3. Grand Trunla Railmsy ; Caverbi e t ai,1 te Ou-is et al; Farquhareouf va. Morrov; Paxuon et all te. Cameron et al, Camneron ri. Paxton et al,# Wilkinson et al se. Tilli; iartarick os. Richards; Richiardison ri. Dugan; Buru.: bam W. Htued; Websster rw. fotsu Some ' of the eues merp af an, Imtu ant charstleer, and wmil b. foundinluithe prece-, dingo givon bciowq. Thue enuamai cases mere James BarIcu Rape IThisu. G. Richuutieouu ailempt ai Rap.; Samul'-Osihoumu, Frauat. 1 Tic court openeti at 4 o'clo~c, wien ýe followlog gcmitieuasawcredt ftheir' i àunSs U Grandý Ja -, and mare amorlu Thos. Bedford, Enes Canieron, Mat. thea' Emersun, Alexi Calder,, ios. Fiticli, Dati. Hll1day, Luther Ilarutipo, J. Dl. Eoyi, Tiacu. Johuisors, Wun. Laig, ber.t Ma-ularc, Tiuetuy'Mlleu-, Geo. Psxton, Mattbeir Ricuborougb,, Tbos, S8aam, Gee,' Thonapson, John Tîcetie, 51Sil Vernen, Josios Wright, Wm. Wiîit'-, Jol u Warren, Josephu Wixson Je., Poweill We4duo Tiiere mus a tsfong 'alfentianie ef tic Bau' frecu Toreoanti &A eleriie. Mu-. John Bl, et Belleville, afttnet as Cu-omu Counsel te asilsf tic Çount, .&I rcy Mu-. Tu-e"rze. Tic .utges cbarge ta thec Grand Jury mas veý-y inief. Re saidti hat ulie very roceut sMl uîo f tie Couiy Court bat lefi aoting Ou tic caleudmu- uýxept fie cases Ot a ntue se grave as 1 brnug' tiemai witiirtire jristiictiou et - khii Cournt. One mas an uutenipt te comit a rap.- This, if flic art 'eu-c net uealy perptrateti tle>' migut fSud ta - be merely ann assauli mih îtent ýta commit a rap.; but if on the ailier bondd 'teonu t tiralIisatfemupt iluat resultet in uthse aoo.aupisbmnt oi et. tact blien ilie prisouer mouilti ie uuîetr a trial lunirhicli bis -1f. mas invoeledt.I outilLai-e dtt tear th.ervideico for flic prosecution, or sas iuclu of t as tley deemeti neceessu->,',ad decido ourler their oatha to the bestefuiicirut;mete, wvuuer the case ceming fnom tic magiqtrates mas auffilcieuruy grave te piaf tic puiSorier on triai befoe tii court, ou- of so -frivu lous a' natuire nisot fa de se. Inflhe latter case uley moult meroly ignore te bill. TIbe Grand Jury muansuIniermediate bedy betmeeu -the Quitsmho iasfu te proseciýîar iniail ér4uutnal caiso and socleby af laege mwlttiin thein country, anti mers an aA.dt4or,*l seetu- rit>' eaanst toin bastill ueptulerçn rt1 urivu- lotis p,,tti*uinsuucb as,.' mtîli %e 0flher .Vu-y oetiiscourt, if requiredth îe Verict et at ieast 24 of lis teildir sobjeets befere a prisoncu- uoulti b. feman ult o fîye ct-i-e. ThceIea-nd ucuJtge madle sevenai other reurarles lu referrnice ote uapties cf Grand Juron., anti conctudet by exolaîn., ing te thenu biclai on trauti ' andtih le poits tounirliel tlie grand inquiest copld Ud bils. Frauda, le malke ileni ce witbiïn îlthe riauual juriedictiout, mtnüb ave tereeit&ted disbonest intensucb as olitaliing goouls inter tolise pretence, mlth inteuuf ton'sg ltre eèllr;onlte allier uer funscienflou oui ntic part etf Mr. Reireh TIc tell*mlng civil csses more disposcul to e recalliig vceliy on a-bat luo desigsateik o< on Monutisy>4eruuetu, atter clici court 46tura triends" t < e eu-tire bases t-*ha~knTedy ~un hoe so wilfuily anti recllessly lueurs. Hc CaverAItet al ma. rvia et al. - This lia got &Il tlut hlenuderer flor' -and ti wua-s <aaction ofeectmtutuntier as oret bis ocri prices., What imore pari b. ex.-gage. Verdict tor Plaintiff li consent, peci 7 Thme adventisî ng mu nef inciuet mitb leave te move fou- verdict for Defen. iu thue rteer fer pritant if ffendauî's leas e hovaiid unticu puu,.ng, for flac vei7 Pleinuaff's Morggo-S. H. Cochine, gooi. rgeon fiat in misu c ase ihmolul C. -S.Pater~sn, Tor'onto, for Plaintiff. sti&À chance ut appearing tani oftet .lcR. J. Wilson,' feDef'éhuaut. remoe.-caunuty papou-a fiat seltielu or nover Gordeus".sas. G.V. R-Ejec.tm>eriin.-J sec the0 frant townships. To th'se item of Verdict ton Plaintiff subj.ct ta e'iecial case the public service if la us tire ;interest ot be Ire h luiee.-C.S. Fafttsou, -To. tic ooncl tegivefluemitief eu-calitor.vnte, fer Plainfiff. Jobn Bell, Belleville, -h tni t ietewidu;tcaàto.f Defenda<t, let Mu. Beach'a ludastr>' accure inclue&', 7artrU m v. Rfcards.-Thc record in circulation tnt b. mii i îIi efir c e,ý t%,cas, wbld exciteti a geeti tial of in- with othe - r -sat, r u q;tiu-sc. Tire action cau Tic tact le, Mr. B teacler, anti be aber up toC-at lic las it profitable vis; politi printing; tlue lattere nu tle JMs es in ef r atSw o utewtaod it 1 Ze ari " ~ecny ÂrlctlfWal~e-drilla sebool btuy ibrougb h 11duc nacelle a jaeler teing the imar. Ii esc. le oms the Dotta of te-t dinga, justflas thuq.StAuti ýlhabefrom tLe mffl o e tirefi ut if tlue Pro-pa cd'Pa Miiu ssipadh hudtrIhsko-l 11,u fCuu on nonu met 9 ijreu-iî edge-to pupfit, in ahueaçs.~ Bbc he lrtenestéti, ln advàsaig m albé {tnnnOstabiot the fourni b>'the'bef asla6ol f eiadh[ug 1, xperiencei haf leevarr bIs r met witl ho 4boulnbave iteil, -th inf iul r-#*$ovî- lu -.ing he Wbitby pres." la ntngsnet pr'fiepble te a .t flue Pemu, -aller no flunte ar. Ucil ird thatwir- f a atofspoeecrh tbat ilî ter n o usurd undisepute.r Mu-. Sylvester tynde examinu-t on tlie Part cf the plaintiff by Mr. Cochrane- Was acqnaluini a ithre, Farquharsmon) lier maitien naine iras Eusé T'eur', bettirb sIc mair-w iasprof ty mcliacquainieti mlflu ber. SIc iWu 16 or 18 wlipn wifnuaes flrsb kasi ber, aad *ss dieu rpiesi lua ibl luer abcp'ftlier. Waau-sentat lheur Mnau rlgthe maft1age foolc place et Mr. PFanqahmron's ho e* saantiPeter Miaedonl marric t ienu. lisdouicli mu-a merchant, 'es marniage toolt place over 30 ycams agui. Mu-, anti Mu-. Parqutliauon betl itieda&inos.- Was acquaintedti hfbail the dbultircuan sd wrîh flic plaintiit, luo wmsscouelderedth te oldest stan. O, ros-ex&innc by Mr-. Cameroi.Nefer- loisirthat ÀM. ai-qulau'ou batju lanrd lu BrOck. 8h. ieft s numlber Of -ofler chltiren. "Peter Macélioncl as lu the huabit of muarrvii- penWeu atiacteti S ench.uî -Reesîlleti-Teu-. Pattersoa-4ar-doul. aid tiieti befouec '.17 sud '40. 4y Mr., Canaron-There mas no chuncli of Enizland I inieter thon anymicre neanr ibzan Te.ronfo, notices of marriles mere put up ut tic Baptiit Chai-db ; luýt auosiy at bye places. (lerglter.) Tire nofioen lu F'anquharsen's a emena rtjustput on outuessesdoor. ,(1,Auoghtcu.) GoulU ot ay bot long liufore the mani'rlg-4tkort finie. fleard of no objectionu ta ti<ansk. Th*. forhludi;ng rof uufagisfr" ta te M u a teudeti uertli & met teo uiexplorcul regleuis, anti cstwarti to. about 9 nuiles fron Wlit- by, and t hêre was ouly one Clunuci of' Eux- landi Niai ecrilion in Toronto. Tiere mas more16.fou luM mrrages thôs. tisys iban tJere I nom. (L-iughtcr. I[enry H. Bottes exammceul on the part of the, plaintif pro"ei lis generaf kuai letige erthfle Varqoulis-sns us Man anti wIf., anti of tir e imnif' balai thue erîdosi - Ila ard proved tire date of? lie tieatli et Mn. Farquliarqnsen.ulieli mouid b. 12 years ago ucxt A prit, andt tat tic death et lire. P. boit place tire years before. For bic defec-Mr. tDoyle put iu cvi- tience a tieifi-onu Jobu Farquharson anti Ruas Fai-quharsot, te Josepb Mermw,, tisieti 151h Jul>', 18.19, by whichk It appea> cd tiiat FaMamolare anti a-f. conveyed tic pu-opeu-ty ilu qesituta b inorroir, in cou- siderafloncsf flue <auaetf$I5Gipald oy flic latter. Evidenoe of peusou since tint fumie mas given, fIatthue leandÀal been cleareti, and baillags e.réetedud anithat tlh. cefieulant, Wmue hadthfle large famiiy ef 15 chiitiren-fourtesu irlsantioe boqy-reareti theun ail on blue llfty acres. Mnff. John Treax provedthetia. uymeut et tlic considuration uuoriejte Fýabas-on sud wife,-tlie hou-in beiug matie ho- mecu te parties by lieself, ai the raie of $3 peu- acre. [<nec - blen lIai fliclandi mas lira.Farquuharuson'e -fiat ale s Ld drairn if as a IU. E. -Loyallut, tbat slire ex- preeseti leuself auxieus ant i mliig to seli if, ea>ing thst ahe tii not expeet auj of lier faunul> moult irsuif h. Mou-rommwas in possession aluce 1836, and livecI fIare ince. Thismw" theepase. -The Court directed a verictt o-be en- terei for flue pi aintiff-tluere bcing no p.o- per certi.fication an fithecti c f Mu-s.Par froua tic eeeotiouor th~e deetd-iaus givige the defeudant an uintcrrupt.ed poàrc~easb et more iban 20 jean. 2nd. That if muet ruai oui>' tesyeai-e froni bhc deilu ef flue unef ler, on, nt least, ten years froua the tica thioethîe Ctler. Thre Cort ruiet against bath -' ints, snt a verdict maseatereti fou- ¶reploiutiflý u-serving te, thetiéfentanit iber-ty fa tait. thue opinion of the Court_ ebye. S. H.. Cechrnane, anti C. S.. Patterson, for plain. tiff. J. H. Doyle, andIlecter Camera; Lar endant. Rc a rao t. Dsggauu.-Ima dais KitrIppeau-ed tirai Mr. Duargan, somne- jears ago, matie out s depti et pruperýy pur. eliaseti by Mr.. -Rtubadaou, but Mri)arggan everlocked th tiratblesa-a lertain aunuityy ma Ued ; n tbe dayilu question wu5 in thec swanp ; beard a sceauîing betweoan 2 and 3 o'CIgCkÉ, wbicli set the dogs a barli. i1ng ; thouught the noise camer frpufi men wluo weré nnderbrasbing lun aiiotber part of the owsunp. Wben lie went bomne bis wife t old hiniwhaf Jim Barkcer hsad doc. lie' immediately etarted to Sund hlm, but aid not encceed ; foiind the place au tho road whoro lte crime:ws, comtitted; if lbore ovtdence of a great strugglo; found -sain of PInlýi's etoi n clo'thes;wi t f ieé eme afWcnoon and madie a complaint before a Flerse f"te Cocuel ifor the e Crwîreated th ue se There irere Do, ritueseO called Cor fthc dfec;Mr. Wilson, bowere, did the best, that coél& ,b.dot* net-thft circuntan. cés, fôorhis client. Ârter th'le Judge'. chargi tbe j yreired andi saoonaftervarda rcturud witb ,tbeir verdlçt-Onjlty of Assaut witb jutenft f0 commit Rap.. .Paxton el:. aLmt.Camer«e.-This wira as acton of replevin. The. platutifts, Pstn&C. enwedthe Mi, 11at Port PerrY from Mr. John Cameron, The. a- prreement etateil the rent tf0-b. $500 ,pîr nuum. sud that. the plaintiffu. irere to b. alloiret $150 for fsling dow n d reiti-i !i a cbimne ansd' alaÃ" fôr 'il, umpairs1 necchsary ta be nmade preu'ioas tn rulnitug thec miii. Mr. Cameron claituet hie renti1 the. plaintiffs aliege th lat the nwceahary repairs matie by thein exceed te i nuout of their, iiabiity sud refaseti ta psy auy More.- Distresa warrantse1irere isecd and ut guantitY of uiiebt beling ftafthcplaiuj tifit deetraiued. They <therefore replevieti,1 and.tiiusthe action. Tii.evidenoe for-the deféne ondeavc'red ta sluow tluuttthetiu- ount estitustei for fleceesry repaire #55 exorbi tart, andtilant a greant prrof, lie irn wua doue after the mai11 had comnî. meuuced rnnuiing. The plainti&s produced 1 evidence of the value of tie workc. anti that ail that as donc mas uecessiry uand re. quiqife. Verdict for dêfindaýt. C.- S. Petterson sud John Billinga fur Piti, snd Hfeetor Cameron for 1,14fî. Court adjocrne ta to Vedueday mars- CAnmuoo,..Tbe Bu-lisht Columbia Coim- panj et golti secices, ihicli reme iuuioned soune liiu <go as about being organizeti in Wiby, have goft teir ranki tilleu ta flcrequilite sember et tiroi..A mneeting on Manda>' niglumilast the>' appein-. ted a commutte. te pourehase feiru, rifles, sbot gons, amniuiiont provisions, and ti uer tiocessu-y o, They propose atàtiulg 02à lie 20ti et ext mouill. We uiuteu- stand tio-y-lave lad cemunnicatonafroua parties -.u Moutrale Quebie-, anui Sar-nia, mIe werc etuofetjeVuainz ib1eir over- lanfi expeditiota. 'Ith olhomitug are fthc nanie et the cuforpuieing adventu-ems fu-en tîls reighbobnd-&rdreir ?uacplicu'snî James Macpeson, Chartes Oteo, Donald Simapson, lienry Robinson, James Hicicey, Charlei TijieroreS. Yousig, Joiru Watson, Jr., N. McLeau, anuit tir aiera, oue freer Pickiering, ouio.,naures me dit nef Icaru. Wi, wisb tîcu a apasant Jouriuy sud pleut>' cfsport on tfi-romute oui; esud s safeý ueftaia, itia plenty cfiunugits,ui urne. '. Lmortse «ti re steueatyped1 frein jour QI proft fyCrins cliuposed tri entertainirig yoti thfnlç y( peruuue My y! dit for fryîni -vain cuculgi ,flcieutly Wei wug me the r lumat;-bat i let.mc knowr As yen aru finie ber. o but especlali wresthot! vas AS 3!eterduý rain feulu ie erernineg 1 Parliamnent, i excitiug afiiil bwdy titat cea1 the reprunta tenaice. Nuit but our flucut Torouto, or1 with the neo lu 4il1lt.eg0 feathemu; aud cesterday vs lndeed I uevi dreas aq on> fi that rnany fa their outer appesrcd as tl %vroatha o drexme, wivi veruor. Ge anu vreutthr vwitb muoh gi ul'uy he nmerci Ch.y.mue.t Ott ccuuld,-hold ui then %iîldre thue thounutu under arme o0 <loirigdtity * biauds suddfdu must (orinpa wrber, u" uilu :bree- sperei plants irli Mlunat* of tht mneute. But elect ion of th lion' Col. T11 ui 'hO, ruere isduei% rm t pier MoNýb, this House, u îny autypc c4,ccrîty-ht irords. that t ry golid mue merou - seco Tâche epoke eulogizing s frienti of LuS ty, aqnt SR Au auafagriuigtw! ous tue mas fet uuîerou uraidi h te-il sdversoly of uuhil Besldcs Sur . Aci Cunuptiel then, vep virtion Sir AI itv of thrce, chair b%, hi! course the of, wlth thiur uev liees beiti, au hisubeut tng [ainnet reet, On Corree-ociudeuddi iesvii ouf the fraciionul pinr. If ten closcd iluu4 e rtllwitlulaid beftre jon -- ores wore secccred lie saidi thle plot ivoiltid na 11, t thtuk, b. fournd stisfàctory.' 1 Quaua,~aehUda182. be avilihle to the tovun for the. purposeeF- have te asic frotuf YOn thsupplie$ neceR3sa- of a peu-l, 1nj *lis ie atomr concurrot inlJry for carryinz on tbe service of lie, wîîu-i do joti 84Y t a letter h7 a rnJority of tb. couincil. ;fie resoil- Mns b*racious 14aje*ty for the utirrent jear di frieiid 1.Cuuuut wlo uuiter a t ien. uainendeti by Mr. Lainu irastîen sdIhv i~e btlesiae4l terable hytuerucntior inla gmulupased lauthfe sflirmatire, after Et few Oxi be found .with &ailthe ewnnioîyocbýt> la lis port in the business of plànitufrri- remuuurks from coirucilior Cfirpen-. iui a due regard f0 efficiency. I or amuuvirigthotmlly Do t er, who fIl one of the Dircof,,re of the tir re 111,yulbe miiiing teSouth Ojufcrio Agricuterai i lcet. ,t0G Ze n ruufn te nirol, mth iht iemi r-roîsriyfx liens., 1 tauke tiis opprfinuity of gratefuuly &e. ,0 imagi ne ft T 1wîlI oe sur- Mr. llliiig% caili e lcattention of the kouowledgfuug'thie 'goou l miand kindaàs orne ta grnfify joua in afford. cuicil te fthe nuuun&oM dcases 0ot(dog wihh ave hela oeutm e lef authe ecevsary pace iu jouir co- poiuonîng tint hati recenfiy futirunpluceiin -e 1 iOu ofany.atuii~fu J~rneu , J uuho.uluI b. uistakcu'.,jusat forn, aqdaiso e te fact of a vaînafule o lun loo anti 1, *111 nôt trouble, fi.couw bciungiug fa Mr. Rainor, laias-l," been Tii. consfition lias couiuitttod fe jour, mware me md a royal joui pioudfrmpikug0 piuie be t lath ie.guardiiueaip or the Istenests of Thursdey aud yesterday,îi on thefofruner ,day, fât- the on -the struactie supposedt i ", ha ee ico nu- ils gi-cet Province. r I couamend te yonr uu3crsptiouably ilre, whete' tndeti for doge.Ile Baiatht l le e o rueet9 idtil itrg~idtligent tare ithe sye it vas uflouidy, suit'et lait cf doge paid a tag for t hem ansd biry hat ri malttcrs whieh niay lie broiglut befcre rundancela butnoftutil fhe a rigit 10 b. jrotecti in f bispart. <f 1thé;ir yen, uRedtiIfirvrently rpraj Alntigtj (and e0 ue uyvur. Thd t ctilkfg it.GIpruerty. n %voiltsiuaajit'l- lcco-te direct jouir cond!ld, iat yeuur&dit t ttt d oaeo t thet,-&, veèr , uÙfu-n~t eeuurîn hciwsconelu' te bis glory, ftue ht.r of OÉ an su Il eut si'uiey aur& overeîgn, aud the. prusperif y and hatppi, afiirti it.feit bouid te bhoorion t hefet ýi fi laa d tiveinstuitution hy is cotu- 155042 ebisproclamation ufl'eujug s remartit afneé«fDIal fkpp-àpis er Ctiraua. ouly do th hmos fu-n ouf; $20, f0 ho paiti on tiie conviction of tihetlIAIV SEBY women. be .if iu Wontrral, ofrenders i î luese puisuuimig cses. TheLii.AIEASEBY lriteo, arc deeply lrnpresoed Council thor a ajounct tilt munday evnnngl suy0beiug in ndienx tua, sua oi.The Sýeaker tfuth le chauir ait tire. ssu-y of b 'lk at, sud iseea tietOthiist or of eiug orandle 1It>iand oDo .'.hortly affermai-de the erembens texepingor théflie uses r LIAM TAR ere emnmouedte toattend HimexB'eilency r ;w omnry ladies iu full mn thlu 7ppei- iEmuse. On fluel- t~1turn se, is occasion, b>- ihici I moan SPEECH FUNM THE IJIRONE. fërot Motiens of s format obaracter more 'o'e danselaliadlai4naid îiide afiti ndoptcd-amoug oulicre that ilie rarmeutm anti t>puuts, and ProcceuiLue'latahbecItouge. vote* aud proceedirigg b. rinted tunder the ialtout vg l f nc ,:ning roonu -direction tuf thui !!peai<r. ltheïr licati, low ucckod - ý! elect CGMrýltieeff ouf ilu-vleges andS c kitis &c., Otur ntif' Goe 2. eclions, oneut piiTn'g tLwn, ou Ra;lways, ai lonaltutiremarkably 4M H ie Excellency bhc Goyernor General ai niTIgà,t ns u u~ ugihie part ou both dl3rs tpsf7f-tcAeiO<ute 'te the rlegisis- laneoutç, Piuivgte hBis, on u dIeiM ace anti fretiom. On Thunut. tiré Cuatuncli Ctuauber, and lnuvIng talucu neo i Iufýerruot bbcHouses that lis seatý upun flic Tliroue, taomnianded thle dors, on Pniig, -u COnt6ngénclesF on cttheuir speatkers befone ltaîeud c f h eitutv eeml.-Puiblic Accouruts mere eas apointéti. y intertOuatea miii fiernu, sud aThen uuembans oftini ouly, redti Attornej General Cantier oibdlei"' r. 1 ued not ftoil joi abolit-Temm rnO iabovpecd 4 s o viufcrsoruaWod hcir Spetîdio r, flue lon., J. E. Turcotte, te introtioce a Bilpmt foroudtôV pi-avitt Ou the backe of horse8, or spnediy appeareti aIticheBar. The Hon, fo rsohe stim ine a Juet Oîics fofthie thr brase ctnon,nr of the J. PiTuircotto infurmed 'His Excu-iieuc> 0prof peuei tJsle ti 9%, ait tuait everybotiy kuows t tl. the choioe tof Ibe Assemhly 1bcd failen Pence. rt Of tii re suif tecpecinally t'pcun teuitailuleir Speaker, antilile Mr' Walibraige rodete t <location et te, theamilitary :Science hm, ru' frfeueu4eslt usoir a-priviloo e, si itfnu ouiso onngy eoditi y or yunglîaeuîry rlifc~t. lle 'uhl r. Lenuix anti Atdington sa special reten eringly sbuddebecaouruade g 1ifriug neitffrer eIch ue are as, preuti as n ru >. ~ ~ .î... - ~ fl l-uiomsd their atuain. '"n Speches'Miitues oWho contestedtheticConst.ituency 1 inust tel ou u oa' theaimig 1eèl lectc4,'bhé tiaciefore muteet, econemd by. Speatker4 vus accomplicieti, Hn etune 'uj' e il(t e Colin- the rien. Sfr. tovutulgLr, thit tflue hnore ch. in the Counci4 , sentu i CWGerlleuntof 'il~i ularisie At the Croiru db afteultIis Rlise ou Mon. as cienmu-ed af the faym'ule aemM ly.uhai i, olfotistrtpp.srt a unove thaf Sir. AllitnNa- ",ih i h oi o>êadppr e Rarnnet lie the S peaker of Since flue Legielature lait miet, lier Mai latin;je0 th. e'gm-Carricd - uti toa h tii uaipr diseca uruy jetj sud lie; cuibjects e ii.uftèred<an TiiL- Speaker tien resu tire speecl vifti te <aid Ceeuof Canadianirrepcruuble lues lunblie uent r o lPtn i ras -Wuonretite b. taken intuco4iideration *Or tibe wshlia'h-iu ouher IConsort. Tth le nt noestrn>for fie fui re-on, moaaduy ne*t. oasu- javiul-iookiuig nd mer- r nind you fiant ths iliuâtîuiouis Prnoe, lth  cA orhiitftee oft' iarteen *às ipentelf uher~~~ ~~ ttlo.isciuC-jboanilragreaf degre e delncatèi, luin npropare Uthelst, ofincubers et Staniding idet ie nomination Col. a fou-igu couuntry, wu îrnîy ?iiti.îluilu Committîei - cxtreuaaoly wcII---îu Frèehthulif'en r Atlan bofl ig R apol tic-il - - randti rion,: whle tihe pir- Tic flouse adjefivaied tilt Mouday. ci- t)andaimn fini-s uof tiutticiul ut of unerersal lîcuevuleccehyailiiho- - c4 C houoralie anti liglu mindoti mas uint-,td cau'ud Minuf0ti ercte tic Lord Moutuic and thc ltffiefk' ear iu pureuitàuce a( bis uplui- gretif Ilutuailctal ahlîies anlli shicl ina- -ýcefiet' fQuebeo. ati iu cppc.'itiu'ri Mr. Ca- tumeLsd' eudtawed hlm, andtihfe stores ofr t aln o-. n anisil .throuoh vu- ecquire iniuformatîion miti ivhiCia hy i Onu- neir Goyeriir Gereral la rapidly tlu e an o theofuthe o n. maceul r e Lad fillcd laie mmid, te fli. malciuguinuseif pepular miti tise peuple.- '1uwnlitrna-thee offince.-'promoion cfrevery oWeil uidviseulpln fou- suExcelleucy secuns me taire maclah in*Pesi lieu f h houthe lic oral tlOrd uuiterial impnoeantlor ieun genira ou-a11 l rp5 pu* 5W ttmord 1, good mou sud truc botla of felîruorcreftuores Of ailnations and racerit tan once, alroatiy pulilcly .ppeared <c, ruposeti. butfon the tir)ït di, am u eiejou mntiily cafimafo -the viues airst Chou-ciisnd olherruaattere;. Mjji lau tanDk flicrace by'a a iajpr. mliucii amked ulie character cf the dopant- preseuice ouf etufli ccasit Cannet bU*iWS- sud wet cnuocted te the jcd prince, ihat uuappreciate flic gu-eaf ho. aucligood. 1V..ametInfortiled lby fti rtieier and; seconder. .0Qovwct micrSvrlg issiti -hslec correpoundent cutl tIiHamilton pccoof ofth esuaaijl uighicd cdbeth in bier public and lunlber domes- Speciator, tiat, turing tber ceiebransu or t ti hvéneduubthomii o tic u-cîutiariusam;nJ tirai yen millii ithme St.Valu-ick'1s Day, liQiebea iheproPè vc -ettif-ictieri te ail parties. riulajiaz lst tie fooi of tie TlanmueiLs ne- t, tri i n rn tGvrm et hi. elecbion, and; fear bis speeful -exprt-meioua ot oui- beartfeit sm. oRee whterceauepben et ofSt. l3atr(cl's Il lie fi the way' olMtN ffieci.patby ausi euutielençe. -Society mere met ly-its Eacehleuicy lb. of -the various dutieju of' thi' Circemstancee lave'occiarreti durior ibe Gverrier General, Arr atdre ws pre- RiBIL.-' mhidi none but au icipircd persnseuwm capable oftdeiuigli eting a the1 Word. The reverenti geoltleusu, hli acuittet i lioselt Weil, snd ibis 1eer an hotu' -ad thu-ce quartera, tiurli le useti neifluer note ner rêfeenuce, lie quetatiene, and rettreuce te nai dates mere -necessarily oumnermbl a gi-eat reeearcl sud labor, sud thiat lx Rie tivery iras good-i'eo-t hfnc'ti ith fhe brogue ot an Irith 1 Thie audience uonicroti about' s bh Tg Fxt. Jamnes incapable et île dctentiam 9, andte d -bedpumeecn ie te ara fie e il - s- lu arra

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