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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1862, p. 2

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Io1cliî'rit unur"-Tr. Muloalîy. tray IHeiftr.-MarilmKeogis. 1partuershîi. --ft. ê& J. Caxnpeli. lussetvsc.---N Z jtr< v. i Sewieg Maehiai s-Jas. Il. firrie. D:htslden Coumrt.- Cesmnty Ontîsrlo. - Fa for Saile. -Johnii Carter. 13.aa lb. t93, -- iis utWhtbl. f Otd Dr.ioitî Plour, Bran AsiSsýors.-C. Draper k&Co. -Sherirs Suie utlasîmlds.-.. . O.i4ynohs. Meeting-Olàtr-trio Tu ýf Club. Fiiber WUnsel--T3ê-n&Pieterson. AUCTION SILEq. Uiireservcd Creiit sale ut Fanm Stockt, 4%ui.,On Lt :N . '0, fth Con. Witby, un T hrsday. A1riu, 1iî, property ot Danm- iefioliidâve -Tuist. Myesr, Aeuçeionessr. -Ci-odit Ssi, tof 1snî Stoek. Ini lemnis, o ~4n lot 25, 4tis Con. Pickeing, on Tuieidayv, Atîril Shl, îropert! uf J. MLurens -Jamies Wo lruff, Ais-etioneer. --Crodit Saldeocf Ferin Siocis, Implesments, &c., on setuirdàsy, APmil 5, on lot 27t- 2îms Coli. Wblitby, pssopity Ut N. Hf. J. Werst- ONLY ONE D OLLAIR A TEAR cjm iee SupplIvInesI-.ý rh'ie men r uf tic ui-laeéî. Thse procted iuik, reon tliesudeissto on thse Itimprsentittios iiqrt itiînugivens elseahere, %viilrm founsiiitrt Is~ lens. J. Il. Cà. v-m-rosmî oemesc.iairtot fait tr i fnd fâsei sor viia every thisihi ug Upper Cimîsîtdiin whvist>lain esrnestt ebuosshobissettlcmimt of' - ise qustiOns. 1 iitise only proposition yett itet-il tr i usimicis er Canadians vou!dLt lr 1ii 7 teuscceie ;fut suhihegruuub. ng to V pur Casadilosa tise eiieresed ne- p iieoulstion teu rlIIch w-, cieIos te ucsiý tled, it %vruid, tirugh tise cleck jen ite Legislatire Cusib - an ecOecf uai gîsaran- tee ugui:si inuîrfe';euice sitisthie riglits of Lovwer Cia We comusend us unri s-cadetsrus iuiel of the proceedinga. It la iurçi îu c-lt t rnrprîme ansd iodorate mncm aslit e mnb -<e fer Peu, ansi Norths Ontariuo, tisat tr sr1sue-isinsqesin oa ho af !y narsd jtmscoiys-t - - Whiile tisey 5onu p :ssjtiy ans] frmly for - w-at is Upuîer (ara i i u1i tierdo mEu eonvit-cirtg rgîm nisu5asarc lit jte ir -motoehlcîunivitta L w-eî- Cao diesa isan aIIl tho hlmsser, ced is i md-thullsi sof ail the ultra demrsg seî itu n esiusttm Ca. of 1849. T'he governimemît voe therefm>e net exceorlinsg their puvers viten they àt. gotiatoil on tisat basis. Hon. J. S. Macdoîcild si le hon gentemanhadcorroctiy lï I W h fatstnd lhecutid not suy tisattltm,: wus fot apsro-priatu for t 'aq ot' tise desigui long mse.re ti.(Hear liwas lu fuvor ut hLavieg a liii. connct- If the negotiations inteurlea to secere its bin huiim proyed futile. fflear, beau'.] fHou. 1Mr., Siconte tisougbt it vas only rl-ý h tàéè goverument sisonid have e- deîvure4tj u lvi>to efl'ect. If vos Vcry hdtl 1t4ïbatte claony i at alitimes seu seàsocs have ac'cess ta thé heart cf tise Empiré- Hon. Mr. Foie7 Said tiehe bn" t. ember for Cornulol, (J.;S. -Macdonald), Isati per fectly oxptttssed tise feeling of a majority ut tise Oppoe1tiox ae ut tise .iihtserial aide et tisaflousse.- le trusted there wouid esever bo amîy dIffierutnce betw-ee partie a to thé desireblity of taking evei7 meonsý celeulabed to perfect our ommuÏjnication vit t <tie, metheir coutry, and tise preger. - ration of our pouce agamnsat fureign en- Mr. Maedougall aclenowledged ltai'ff the Gopcrnment hati gone fia fUrtit" atison fMe act autorized, ,tklyitumd uWt ndomme wreng. if nserorer, ealitary au, thitsflies îtougit lte road miemesary for thse defence of lte Prremsc, lse fLlrtd ti îuowfse op)xosc it,, 77'hor~1ses'e,,ad tnsel fee» show». Bsd heesaus no- tling transpitinlg he fta show tt lA w La were fn ore danger front a sar wiî/ê our meglibers than se had beem for mma- lea~ rs sPet. lse Asaericanuuhave eneugwh Io do I ok /lt is- thenuett'es fus- mammy yoar.;la Coisst Arts-r this exibition of bis ignorance uf thé net cfjf 4t) auuilorizisîg theýgant, and ttcclaricg bI 1isimntention or calling for a di. viionu,Mr. Wuasiigteu MacDougali ýan- tuahly votesi vsEAf, tise purgrmiph 1- iVhat-an intelligen't tsmasi id eader! lîre4leitii t u 1ev. K. 3Maotesna. It Is_ wie,1imucb israîflé~ation va tmnstcr" tise foloôwing. tribuse of respect and esteert f ttureostii ansd talents ufthtie Rer. ken- siens Maclemnnan, sinsier et tise, Vlsurch of S :otlausd int-bis town. We condense an sscco<iift of tise Ires-tation troua-tise lructr lles-ah, lerrmisg out tise atldres a nd il oly: On Satusd.iy thse 151h uit., a dopummition cf eachs, sepuointoi for tise îsurpcei, W'isity, at Segesslotet, "md$ inii he ninme of ire C. S. Teachmrrs of Arran, Eld. eraue and lSauge-m, ot;r .n-heit ho exer- citcs] Supers ica as Local Supernteidiati for sanie timse previoasta bis removas ell rWbîtby-prcsented Lii a copy of Worces- t er*$ poyai Quasslo Ditiossary, EaccunipOL- sitAr by an siddrtss to waSieS liemuseeà leugtby ans] iintss-esâive repiy--the suabtalice ut cir ho k ieafterwards intc -d u rit- aissg, sandsi orwarded ih tta thse otity ut lis-ute Teaer's Association., Aefter the -preîeetsticss Mr. Valeutine moredth ie fol loîwistg rescon; isccxsssdod by Mdr.liu- -Tist tijis tzieeinig, hleving that it rcupreeQpthifetiofettho iusiiîitanîts ut tuîle-Cuunly of Brute, wberfwer tise &V. n Msr- Macilant auis kisn vev itis foui Eiag oaf the iira rtiîctoet eiigh - askci r4 uetan i eiîpeation 0cf is tai. cuiti andI V"lueble sersîCV4,as 1q LuWSupe-r- i11u...âds1t sof 5ss-lc. wti* b u mmiw beusi ut of tbe Custiepo itrOQP -cointalsienerI He0r. Six N. s..a-lste t Ag. À- reconstrmtioof ,!tlhe Miniitry basta- ken place. The vacancis occasionesi by tise reirement of Messrs. Vaaikvguaebî Resu and Morrisons. are nov filied.zi-and g cIe have seaiinlitC1iiet.- tkàThrsdey iglt, writa lu (i l1We egcldd eer or" fer Saugeen Diris5on-Hon. %Ir. Paten's Londlon, tise constituencles iatcly repre. senteti by Messrs, Rebinson and Carlingglu lso A£Ssml>. Tise uew Mlisers bave goes anli to tlsaitncussstituentsansi- r alseaiy ptrsusng ieir canra-si. Tise Conserratire lement ivi mis Cabinet is augsnen>ted by d. nev chingo --ali te new uemiers hein; ut the Coservatire party. TIse> are compaMraieij' ntnled maon, ansi noue oft tien have iitbterto dis playesi any great adiniii,îraive or partis- mentar>- talent. Mcittrs. Pattas imd Car- lis-bhefoi-nes- ueprenotin; the cointies et Lamiton, Huron ansi Bnmul5e itise Sien. geen Division, assitise latter tise tty ot London-give as ample I-presetluiatieiilu tise Cabinet btetise Western Peinsla.- Wiiat streugtb ansi suppcrt tise4e gentle- men viii bring tise uiuimsry ni. yut lebe seen-titat thein aoqaîiisiou viii bbng adi- ditiosai support ans] folluvfng iie-e ila, issv- erer. ne douhi. .' -Paaacassrv.It seul 'b. obmsîted froua aniadrertiseentit ii uiher columestisai Mn. Roi)bent Campbsell hum admusttesi bis' brother into partuersbipi te me rcantile business 'The ite of tte sew isi- leR. 1 J. Campbsell. Wisb tise addition et young binas], no doubi mdditicnumi eueu-gy usnd vigeir viii ho infuses] i tise bsinsia, elisougis vo thinin tise publie viii do Mi. htelert Camvpbell tIhejuitice of eeyiisg miat lii: business liasslways hbu e iscbsductmrd. We wiblistise nvfini evter>- attces, and if tise> receire a coituitiî utO that pat- ronage itis abicl tise iseuse ias bouts béretotore tavotred, tise julr p& tiner wil have no causse to compistin.- Ci.LoittMt 0F IttELAvt.-Mr. Macei voy's aiews cf Iiihscenny antd eharaier, tiits deaijgaated, aficrilud quite a treat at tise Mucissic' Hall on Mouday and Tuesday hast. Tise Hallvas cr<ow-demlon!,eve >re ning, ans] descrvedty so. We ý'belioveil onrels standing née more ouCaîhiaxle bridge w-leu bthe sceeocf Saetuilie stnret isperu oi sia ns] sctuatly nuovisiluneas- Ilnt avoidt iat Iris a sutiag car titat w-e tearseti miglit rn over us. Tise occempu- nirnents et Irish national songe, ani the cisartuoeteristlc humôr of ilamne> tise zulde, atsie all neuesarv tosa due arîurecitOnOof tise The reu f ette êrww fOr RABII TISAO1X tise mntis of Februa ry ety - - iîtÀ -!# aime~~~~~ Wluettiê Acorrespondent ut- Osbara stend& us ~îendcg Me-iep~ ~paricusiars cf a vry shablsy transaction fittancial dffcultiêst out OÉ 48Q "aMkwhi<chtook place.in tisat viage -on the- i10o accouat ths imunvse tïr;ad'ïtwesn granting of liimuses. Whita vs cannot Canaa ad te tnltd Sabs, I va 00 Gad rooni for thse lengthy commauication,j Caartadt eUnteiil>5pbdi Stt, iu speuo we have, uevertiselsss, te express. ar ex-c sica f spcis pys~e~ fa ibe ortiera eding regret ansd surprise, àt the very in- States would have tis effest of draaing vidions, aud certainly net very creditâble, lagely Ibn tise coin assd butlieoofur Ca imitantedoptedui thetOshawa couui on the itaiaà, Batiks. Tise cntras-y, iteverr, gatno iss. Vsnwêsekc 'ba been bue mae. The baniks bëld in coin tise conlmcîl m2ean thei majorify, of the and baxlihfm fmta mendiers ofthttt body. The, facts aire Nisvemuber, 1861, ......... $6,180,320 vit-hie isar owa knowlelge' and areshom-t- Decenuber, « ......7,07,239 ly as follows .Ileres pisons im heo vil- January, 1862,...... ~7,10,37 4 l'e pliesi for simop license-omie oft tern Fermary ~ . .. 71265,757 aesember of tuie coUýncil. -:-Of curse'tise Sheving ins increase for Febt-uary orer cuci- seuedhsowr lîcense in tise Noveber t $,085~7~~ u~O~'firat. instance ; lia aise assented to liceese erae o gilsivISlmI~rasig tse ter~sbeing grantesi to a second efthtie parties circlaton eu <-bm$143s6~~% ii ov-maktg tise application; but vihLii the ap- ember, te $12,645,074 in February; isoing plication ufthtie tisird panmy, Msr. Muicai, a decsease osf circulation in four inenthe se ofiibsnesa u S aio $2,311,006.. Durinsg tise saine poriusd te1tise nia Ma ianuinboessas etie t aip deposits feil off $l,220,528--havieg bouts *18,627,378 in Febrimary, against $19,8171-,- ucs 1suo iso ou ,cm p iecsu 906 lu November. The resl is that while ýciller in questions at once objeetes]. No roarmenwvais assijned by hima for su doii - our batiks ins four moetts redeemosi $4i- at leuet uotisi,- butter thians a fiasy p ,re- 2,3l,06 utf circulation, and paisi off Ïl, txfrleddstprbnlt iybt(u 220,528 on tise depessita. ecoiit-makiigt r sucbyIep.a euoteae iso total.redemption of 353 3,m ocoin tbiimmtluee!rset,~u eih antiboUon u tseirvauai 55 1 public as fi alaue,, as hie dia hinitelf; by, $1,086.437. -.Tis ststemnsofetactsnitsreuilbe m-a autattepe- must bc truly gsatîying te, evety Caniadian. heo tlutt otoo iepbi It à oeiejore mdus-5ptahie proof of the ie ' i o-iames'- nmr soiutiness of or ibatiks, andte tisemsi!ry comprisigte1 ai;nam.ta uýr vitis visicistisoyare governod. Ansi viai t utuir-iodh s.al oe5 A modated. Tise'inference, ansidts enly in- asde more te aur admirtion of Our prorîmm- recthn o cdawn àL,ýthtb caintttosilteac-7a Cunadan -eectot od eevs isth dol istitstious is ise fet-tiset a rivalinitsbusies, ands] itemsd ut Batisi bills for the past ilbree montisi have jaloving lair sud Open competitison lis traits, cî)mined a pretnuun in tise Northeîi hoietrantesi to cisloe-off ai honteat coroprti- States andi eaci setry note, as soon as opnicprnge Asv iuo suonas augit a sanen o brkeriai states], tise musttor la uuvortsy 'tise Carpe- bist tnl<ntuatm eent-yvaspi-senos]- trhtion ot Oshowmiuand exhibits tise g-reAr our batik couniterd foteremmtion inisspecie. ! 1 mao aneo iepesn oets It îs instresntiît tte examitte, tise- elItet -, Mni cf iii 'Ispecie cnlsai"-if 8su k Muayho isep iuses. w-eac as hitm1 nit called on h btise s, separatel-. Tise liai teliroestairs Teaciso gr Basn of Mentreal-misu lartst institution iingto ho Passes or-r witisuîtt comme-nt, ofet tisend is thse Province- -teppears tu,- ant w-e trust, thsat bu theiseOrt-uaUIttIIO0O bave been uransged tise moit successilhly-- tise couniil viii noconsider tiseir decisioti, Tiçs ejieclereset-re vas ineréased br mbis iOe.tunîrt Baisk during tise sanie tour monu 81,sn1i uib 0 htlt oncltrt t12, w-ihlu iscirculaâtions dereaset $303,- 1i1visons vemasparlticutssnhy reterreti. viii ?22. buar l indositiegolden noie, and Thîe Commercial Bank asepears te hur )iiît o is slevesih ttb isud Muost extensive musîueciona wirhiste at M nsî bhvsth opmi-1) .Amercans, ils circulation baviaig decréeirdr 1eenstbho4tieoroaiu luth "MCsan peiuoti$135,976. Tise listuis i (fOshawa tu setitWf ltright, hofQre - tise et UperCanda seforei l spcie tu tise publie, astd prove this L ioatis indP- estent cf $181,982, asdinlucirculamtin ridu& av ritisnir-espeOially ins fairt ta. 1$344084. Mtl6s$ Insk of Mossîneal de disiohriew eiv rMueh creaset in circulation from*_ $407, 922 sin iljmirvevobie rMuoh- Noremuber in $266,656 le Febnuany- Tis"11 vi e oxmrecotrse ta tise 1ev te rompt.ce Bassnwilie rçrseewnrmm; ts bilts te esrt fthe issuiog of a license, as tisere jes io aisitî over one-tlird ot ite total circule-j doetst lie coUisi sde, whure there la naoisy-. 1tiosn ieKovemuber,asethmie samne tise rian totsectsy emcet keusits apsie ressera 8$54,261. Omît lwt h ot of tisefifteii batks, thse Ontarlu la she Oi5ifV Ontbai-to, Slrlng Asie. - one tiset lbas bd a langer circtonsm s Febnuar>- isanitii Nenuber. Tbisecresselr Cnlue. of cicuiaioe ln tuis b tk ek tw-oen those - Wrsnv aos2ts twro periois la $27,06, aud an ilicreue l j- jspecie ofa8552h ito addition of Carnes-on s Paartoîset al.-Tiis vu- ilerlyfiry Pr cnt 11 tâspeiee rserve i anu ctissi bruisgbt tsy Mn. liiotor Cueserom ueam-Iy fitty pt cent onits - t... s.a. a e f 1Thé Jiebate on te. iepreffintatdu froin eaeMo"tiOn Of tIProvince i. nehe LeMteCooncili" uein.He ret4,ved to the. operaions ofra ,ujni- Wiftri, March i1.t, 18. U .C. CAXERON' S TIlST Eu5*gT. ljr ptrinrfp&l in the United Statcet where H113 -Wollilp the. Mayor toolg theê bfit repreetttatiofl in the populair bra,îch wnz 5»5O AI A .NDMT 0 ~U~toi:. .. ccordin,, to numijbera, buit ini the Senate. at 8 o'clock. The other mlembers pregent càwo.the States were equally repro-etetd whnch -wilri !e#îrs. Perry, Ikaxonell, IMji bcblevdas a jttst *pp)lication of the' :a.~pîe ilreî~rkd ttttwhen the Wataon, McDermott, Brown, Carpeter, OnP"dynightthe dbýeo b Pitpe ertire ht -l n anrn qiieâtion vrai firmit brougbt up, in 18401, i niCteo Adresinrply te Ris Excelleney's wouhy a Party tw which Ilh aîtthe hanor ~ 1,ESIX speech waas med, and Mr. MCDO0g5Rll to,elong. T h ernotion wnu tiet nade-liy »rLArdn am o> » etI and lMr. 8Sicotte's amendnnts tbereto. 'Mr. the Contrvtives. ardP. theinthe ar&u 4fMr. Ma*donell, on the prd6ra of the dal Sicotte's auni en4t tte efrect that afil nment in lits laver was cýrried-On for mutwy béi ,iIda te oveil the ocncilt hto cbm- changýe in the, epresentatioh,$giving t3pper yeartt, the referai pàrtyconitvtitly votin ftà,orensainof the ~by-4v to Canada a largi r n"mber cf representativies ngaimmut IL h1850, ho rememborad Atty- rvn ossadsvn unn tlr taa Lower Ci nada, was uncalled frandGn cod niaita i ar-n t pevet b rses Si sione Thenill atiug aoud.esbv eef theihts of or lifavor of it,and theè tsfarni, Op.t witb1ahhna 4y of -t2iondTnet 1,111ian. wot~~~1dMe OLLO~ ~w.OZ<rth, Grenville ,and ther-efOliT.o-pSJapnlyo'2adctmr ia Canada, was d ifeated by the overwhelming p~di m.vted aginstIl. g Inii $5 on ail perfl0U5 £llowing horses andi vote of 57T ainst 20. Soveral tower 1851, %-hen the imotion tiras br<>mghit 0ail.ticrannitng at large 6etfortb thst it Canada mcmbers voted miainst Mr. Si 20 votesi for it and b1 ngiiinbt IL td 91Or wu thse duty of the Chief and other toimi colets amend oint, beèanse, tbey held that themio 20 every. 011e bclonged tue CounT- conetabIlrs to enforco the by-aw, and cou it amncted tu a "ote of want of confidence servative party. lI those:days dcst> ioipwr fd.rs n omimn in thp Gove ient. Mr. Street and Mr.o I~mu~c mt lascnmetdwt Re4ndeclatid theinselvosi favor of' gmrtdeal or f bepo, toibieraence Immd incase of non-payrueeht of âne. thep ptt f rpreoeWion en ~hemoitdr,-itiun ;_ nd although tismt ý.pirit bail Cotmneil went into comntittp, Mr. Watsod thoin ' iuo f r p dàanbth niîad ý f eciidepwite<I Irons sin*ce,,ho va" glild tr i iithe chair. doin- sa stlmmdttta lisibuseuthe dtincs of 1g thefsulj-ect Mr. Laing opposed theo lflU statin1z t hat Lov-er Cané.Id ans that it vas for the pir. 1 etrcsachatr cUiuly alTiftoe' thore vore sa many vacant lots in thÉ Posc of crush nX thons or dopriving the perately.- lie tsopédthe saile lfeling 0f town tfiiat parties should nout bc prevontell oft1heie riliti . Mr. Eyerson paid oin elo. nirodermti on ansd faîir piy wotild <cotit lue frorfi turniog ocnt the-ir piga. on thon., andi quant tdhute o the 1oyaIy n atitiun iu l~dimpiyedtl -ittmott whieh the ailvo- ttt 1 leoit heb15 ioub nmt or Lower Ca sadians recently etcon- agisuutt lhprties urere could no!d taise to d played, and ~~ tOficl tse svndor justice %Vlliclt eîi,;.*d j~ trtlprisveecmeldWfmc spicuou7myssty yâ adexpresseilfori ý revr n C asîsimsoritleir vacanit lots. 11(c thotnght ih vas the.mn from,,Ipper Canada mes fellow sùb. I rOsîssîve tilprt-iCC wbc ailtLIkvi)i mwcssary t,) have soinetlinii!to eat tmp th*, jects. H1e bélieved ise Qsioen-elittrtained TOM Liî;pliir tssi Ix.lie I>elif*Çd î tublo ; fle hill 05houida AI,§!.lie conisider. féeliis of illi deupest respect'mmd regard t1m is m.t, twilich nus tmfttiptol ttî U c, PiIY ta 1yonng b tirérý', which bhobho. to Heen. cotmfessed ho had bailro.e-ted Ssats.s vusals o vowlilarieti tIlef lieved i oo ýf tile comrliliors vetoreriing judicos a.laist tthein in comîsquonce of Utnion ~h xisici t ettenI herm n iiicmros 1 a v i n g fu r y e a r a d ra v ai b is p o litic a i in s p ir , c es a* fo r i n tlie î w e r tr : n sh cftl h ori s.* t c)lo n a h etacie io n s sitin weisi' ftin dii hief opposition iîtsoUiler Cssflauit fl oid hivil a j 'IfM. e ,itojced1 h irso or~mnio.pîr Cnaa ;bu tie or.mmt hare iii t1isereprerserstion i'l îie the il. bill; ilvas, hg he-nndterstQod il, a pro. I fflith h clrgy ad lityutLowrlrt Laisltio Concl'if inirirsged shiould i tate bis ohjocmion.Ia lt tise proper Csdoalndaed thom10 fils0v'sd l't1se aid prsusit vwosad ie lUmp. icbarî.(hes) Fo htvrs.srîet nenittCntttion of tlise Mr. porry vas of opinlion tifaîtnvs weaiisesslho ni.fht have, lho vos huart and 1,t p-j-Flossase s te give t-i rmtIs rpr io h '! mebYlea va selalritisti Canudi4is arid loved ail Who ailmiei . mb fot oiy ta rejet tte Il sîsisi bîng sidered-iin comimitceo, wdsci trsyloved 'anada and, 3ritain*à Queen, 1if h i lit1,dti) nthec'zts' (lienewdci rs.) With smach feeliinshi h t't 0 lrnredlrso i 0>0îsîovsî.H old nt grs ithé 4pproedid ~ ~ fi' e rpresonitation j an k:,L:c::s s fine di~s ah oki-yawudb oîf upî aamla vetililmsm' ec roy oiui valks, and malte it, Ifou -iip~d ilper Cianadîims showod .thoe(u iedti> ~.aaimî eiasltih-Parui- t 1ti î1ug ur tresHova p it in o rvr Cana at311d-1o oi-bifmm sr.~as~ îs eus ..airsu f th(é destruction of ornsa- hsol itin rrrem terthos a tis Q adsoi 's i~mtiigiv huon o'l ti e 1:5 tiisîstl trocs vhichisiui been planmîid tIo iosition l i al ways dense, but -respeetm.d fsihîms senmr oboiieyc i t1iliithi î ts b h thm s tre 1i-1and, brsîttîers, wvise- ri us iie l îc s iemsamr estcî >.miytae, y re t tie vot sordygud stere-o ia iîy lita fris-ris], .1 j thi- nveiiii int .iliibihalilwod te Yrnir, at largeailhimit Isle th nt,.ctise Iliîze tfilai iîythe eitboieito~- criais.H hushvv go for Us dnldd vithia refriremce t lis ut 1;i.tme. ttiui 'Ili' S onlussc îhcy if tn ds-i ,inaîing eon the fines. ceborses, jetfClmai deferice, resusing bi:s sa <jes imtiiî wU is l1itinsii I m., o jrvsl ts mutvîsttl amoidst0 chers i t acino unq-asi l re n ntcli on iht foirin,r ho vooludedoce the 'I . .C m r n .st o p t tyfr uk e i : isif fo b h ons,.siîv mi; g e mmpo i iisIInts!ms oitim e latter te 50 cisits, leavimtg tielrmîpo md raisted bis eloquent voice it -andi if flisc ,v.nnelihait fl timsAt! itehftUplser Csunadam. Ho said tihoi la î, mso Qnetstiî. lv sis o its-.u itiiifit trons thut to$5 dismrtiotsary feit the qmi ien vasary grave one amnd ttX Zit 5o5ti I hy set ii th w ir e l tit, Meg i I4rit, ngle s aieh :o shots h ppreacied with rfeeings vni of iits.îrfrsntspi u illhois -faeoti,' hvtginwicioti htblliYm btatast tn rossi. lonzt-si wvhînvers- pledigui toitl f Sry 1ud. mrmles. deitruel-tve. nWîmh these îýY lt f auiy ndfilndhii.imai tîke bliwe nP1feL lati?, poria:1.5 mAîilicaaiemîslho vas ii mfevor of the by.law, Fit at t-as10be consideres] alether annie f om al I, id.; $ Iîli ht ,ze- sîxlslin i e rs4frred ltuOIlme corporation of thte 1itore .va. afy justie in tise demanidi lave nwiuikodf i irt t Iire ur ils '<i uis-usiiuhil; t .Shil»i e show chut they Of lupîeur Catna, ansd if so,srnmh andiceus t1s1,,skulingiîii .e;sst j- ur a -siblies roeig herses and swmnse justicoe $l i d prevail.nHo'camne to thebi(, , csîsr,.,,, îc-sïm.z s th erebrisc H1 uop de s decifha ios i) bVIlr.McGue%&' Il iii tti :ls d f-tl iuiiiiisut large, and thtt isey ws-re cf simievhîisr livcavu feiaoris et.îeiifersl rsns ut enieiî i m-tliiii tb»ls respct, a s-p in aVance heeuselis liluVui ls-t h aimeoflarie f sur tosen corporation. fiti3 voice oui behuif of t!'îiicwr Catie;. tueCIicsmss5lsolisl ,'sut tise nvslier M r. Nll)irinltt mrueti thut nouse ot-itle 1 Vitls hmiemuber ftîr, Weiiiiidmhocouils j sntrv ii i mue mvieril il fs- tth iii U uhmiii5 onmiisbi 0nni st 1saIIy. ulud lot dosiie tise ptoisle of Up pire asiinii ts% 015,1 il l .0 . r s- laiAi iuthse tofi'out Vimby had. und vuuid per Camssmdt o cruih or ovrercumie their feil- gls iesiîaitwr rad l CCiotbotsrsi'rvin , pour ireru wha kept Piouw subj-ects litLover Canada; isut it couls hmm ir uss iiiieisrsv ) I i Y-[ue i, sii )LIel i.Iiiut fa ri not bic deiles] m- l04 Upper Casiosu isired ImPrsvî snir)% Iî iti r la 1e ~ siu-s iv o iiq iid. of it.nul p->- - a n s] ru it la v e "it ri -is . lI ne v e ry se ti i -Vt e rs. J r m o l e i i O c îrit.i a is ior lhse mt tiî i t l uin d o a s l a v7 of themotoemsry wileîî tiePu oie tasso.s bled tn - sîuintil i 1 iisiuiî.,uisss M.ler min teferrtd ti ite des- bogether, lijeritii edcided questions, ansd nîani t. lt ililrd tn itheIsrsilo Cori trusicis cf e' ite-walksand lihe publie pro- vhy sisonlit hehdette o 111 1.:li iarlia- Ivolion 1hilisr5'f îCi-re ts tsm!s.iiv s erm t»tOf tite tows by isurses, andl expreseed t nct. UC spee Casicia bad iD0,000 ntr enu-sugu ( iiiiii~î-îh n i ftsel'i E,1.1thulle se ysers of r pweýty fis peuple tis n Iover Canada viso aCre umtfi- r-vicfîîie.îmi1-I. U; ni thi mmIlehIwtdoame nover puercbued prur mvîed ilsat r >pre-semî Ili parliiîosent,il:wivshoiiuhd <but foruiIllegr,<if givi:tgof iscr i'ns: i11.î tîtu ie, vises> ontîirabie inierniera for Lever Ce- pse s iuir stre rîd rý î rliIrà o.-ihrsetsirp. fpssuiigtus ahîhuîisrim sr.ireulMrît ime oi b-n -- i1 isisa ree ihMr uryaoi nada sais] thiere vus not jusiitce celluh l'1i1, îassd îr'ei sA 1)ts s-îe~il is riu gedwihM.Pir lot the midi of thi, people ot Unp CnelPt i esuieiiir i Ptpisittiif ir 14 ;,il ei ts i-s irsqicrs;but-if pgsw-ctre insgýed*" f1t Low t- tisa iily, if il. recfoiveillca, anînirmcy ud daisge-roiis Ilf 1w trii,îu:jht itv uIs] ho satislrctoq. Tisent imtismiti d pre.eta Î9ntîî ?y ~fully selon- tice. Wf I' li-Il uemy put-titis abouti bise place whoa 'b," t ".Gçd uha. iMr. yii tril - . . îse1 i-.i s. sid they vere veli quiet pli - itiqtctumii ie an Vi "Mr.IM. t'. stl re iriifi tte gi ts aier, by tisrsts tsl -r~solordisaddbsreass rbsitCt ise clort o. s woyrlisof t Mrlie 1. iSiti, 1lie lias itot pro îsnoî tb inilsrebut îroliiuisezïu te - aii eiaitbor of 1t1eC HOoe., Omtirsio ir mre fllr repyrueett5 iy h1, 5Jue thuut 5 nul -IvIeue--, - ocer -li ef,)rus---n, e iM tise a of ts seliyt s pswer te Iiimt lsd tic.J ritozOF itutr tWMvsra.I u hi ci tise nv ninstrsiou(obuc sI. s. isac is crut for W~eet Tor- gailist.M.Rtuaos tist 'C fsini-mau" b~bList c ATiSii AtAb<5TEkLOmN uRinthis. Fi-lis>- evt ming 1< M. C. Cnmereni itei a puetitioiugiinst tise retumns cf iShutsr Svaus, os ntieben fer aat ses preseuteil a petitiota ragte$nsb tise neil eto 14.IbLeader. un ati, mI-gentleanu's tise btcet 'mîel; ut tise 11Lpeolîtleaiierge, buit1 pctb1ictslary thmt U!, bis loto colugrefgult'io." a~Lsns]a ea isI ahaîrg testime- mti', sire euîdilisees of tise higis rQ d w-hici ceauîseis aila, otiserd isîtereates] is e oper, tisulà f our comtien achoula Ma e sltut cnkertii fuir tise obite Of' Superhistessisui, w-bea that office is tilles] 1»-MeuiaoRuir to it -ue -hIave tise abhif Y ta cliecharge tise uies of tise 0ffB00andI whe.echam-ac ers prouepte fi to do it faiýthfetlly.. Men viso, like tisese, sasiftst a sincere regard for eveiything thsmt. tends to pnomote tise socaleI, uorul anss]intulictuat iiiiereatsetf tise r iin; uuîut fur hans]. Thse Muvrrnamd Secondier cf nthie Address. Mm- rtNS an Lns e. Mr. 1>eaTMÂn tof Euset Middliesex, movces ansi stconded the Adrsunrepl>- to fiseSpeech. -The fol- lotvin si; a a hort synopsis orthtis peechues delîeresi b>- lhe movrc allaSecnr : Mr. Denis spolie in Frenci aisi alludet iu feeling tennis th ie deth of the Prtisce Coussuit -,te the Trenit 4ifficýl1y, tàes elib- iltsîg tise loyalty çef tise Çaný4aiass Peuple te the admui-p ijofCaiaa n vesselabu Freiicle ports;j tq tise baskruptcy Iavw sand' spiutiln- vnaracetensae 1 ose siii more xi tisais tise boIe charge et 25 cents pais! ton - A utngi Dy.elaw. n li 'l'larilka -10 Mi. Macdiîoell, tiseToi Council oit Mooday evenjusc lt isassetia nineis needesi l--law-, deçimé f t9rpitrain bottes andsilrl>e frons rutiniu at large aithil tise Corporation; Tise naisausce Lad groan istulettbie, andl net alone that, bat utiaolf~éy~eijmp4. R-ese re sallow- oui tu career in drourea timneegistiesetreets, brealin, and l earin; dean ail bâ4ore tiern. People suere afraid teu ibetiseir cisldgn on thse streetis for tuai- cf beinsg trample)ild detis, tisa pro etyçsf fiè crporation and- the vitixens wva tiomnesto e hoWantçsuiy ilestryed .-alde ' ullusc being torn up, asi om-animeai sade ti-oes hreken devis by re,,iiain tarupedea etflui-ses. Thie, isg Ivere -equally 4eiu-stit-e. Tbe vqni of touren onea oi e o'l gradedsiétteet wsili bsc desioyes i iina.few heurs >- iseus, aund fete andsmit eioereif$c iarsiene tu tiseir destroctiveo adeutiugstbroesgistise yards ans gadns eur citzen&, Tise nev b>- le18, ..imi .baethe ueffl'et oresdilustiisstate chudscg uitis ua9o ie thaCasnaavould bc eof thingei. Inis put ine a Iroper ý>st0 tc fdence 50 1as bu catch sntd iPOI ho able te repelimu>- onemy and 4p priteet tisat is noa nece tise jscntry. mnl -ower ,-befoi- thE Hote.Mr. Porîmâti saisi ie isasimuch i psea in pleer insapç,Sad$sg the Alidress, ausd be- -usssseafu foe enteieiiP any otber toke he nust ownets ailewlg Say> hotw bertlly,he concurro in tise mati>- na st.large vit loquent riutq id 14 lsedth e mry o ' c -e tise lute PrsinceCoussot, wvilse hiss ty.v Fe'. .aie hapart ofI lier Majtres -4wtt>t ~J. . put mWlishe i rr niÀai to iLî-Liab t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~f :OcTs -ptifisi -~ f Ur. . G- Hem, fur Plisitii, M es.rs. Put CUsd gsi etee mih 0odutiugr tise Bankt cf Upper Cili"d* -Iw -tiser>- icrnrn anis]Cêchimne for Dofendatît. - ulio t i ey suciitibeuLetuinemlfotuteir henur. tihe in ar...... . ..... '617 -Tite Qmeen ris. Santuel Ca1Jisumi-.T-1e uas 5je;ts> tr fts ni-tohuisr kils Stôit plsI p-------- ZId,60Upnlsmnervas ticlca. ] to Embztismtitiit ie ?, î: , simes sucli, neotuoven coulsi Mr, llt . munies ad gouda ubcinety hlmus tse mt it in agoos] cuse. Wisenis irs-t $9,62s4,217 servant of Mr.t,N. Il. Daris, Iuncisant, ho mcde tiose observations -tise>- w-tenot ltMci Publisbeu &mmel. ... ........... 9244,918 Prince Albsert ;asti alanfor karceiy.- t1 e-tu ttoh sas tai uo fu e -en lm Tise Jury found ienuaguiltîyouthtie Emnbez -or, fLwrCnain.Fi rf corg oe rdcs er oi cla al lie (s] Differeuce. .. . . . $~79,9 1mirmt butectjtsied ibua cf tihe L-treimy. il. u sutt tsn sclott sbu M' >H lVisat proportion ot the $920.942, under Mc. Juhuî 1Bell, i$sliville, for tise Coî,reepectue ielandsifroine viicis tiievepnunsg'. seetsil îre tise beas cf 'soilser debte due tu tise Bank,"uu Mr. R. J. Wilson, fus e ise neru. Buat wbisie ue beieveil-tise mensure voulu]eth-psmo saud included in tbe abe. ateenet ses eblei sro. lolgsoss. - Action tof S aete-auoi u itnfboclii igt h "1AssoIs" w-iltlever bu realises] le impossible doctigmi -Ver-dict for Plitiitiff - 100. 1Mr. hv1 b- MrMÇt a otbe fil Igt tei CO 9purd motest-tsier.r ygnl-,%r LC for ns te sa>-, or even econjecture. sR. J, Wilson, for Plaintiff. cissiere sloetoi s e Mifr. Majouall lierorrred During tise sanie tison sonis troua Tise fohioving sentenceis wveopiuliS. . aussiothrmis vso uo-tli resetenod Lovns- t il!)bcu MNZmqî ur to Febi'uary thep isp stocek James »arLen-"sault, vithe latenit t luwoitle eof tise ilseka is enlercaïee1~41,286. Tisee"m'nit Hopq, p8mltis -Soenon Jaiu ntCimada, sd si net repr"eontis sh easecjrivesi sunat azggi'oate puld np -Bum*ldg Capital in bardlaouer; Saomuel Calrouus-Btbcz5te cof -Uppei Canada. -le atosuiltisere ueo it tisatiriser c -eaoved i niirielilst, siembor for a cun.it--indoiible Fobrmssry vas $26,47,42.---Of, the nos- ment, 4 years Pro Yi ncial-Peui ent"uany. sius> es-sno1î lernaefui sock parId up isle Qàebe.Baikreemýivsesi Ot. H(hal eueiturued>bocaose tise ho upeartun $20,U0 ;Btza g ue du Peiýpk ,S17,290 ;Pickerting Catunei. poii -à-d lut-ias aios ird i.ts n byPojs Niagra ?s~t:ct i~a uiiss-.Mai-oh 31st,1862 rmeastîre 1ia siiit o!fliberatlty oast " %I r.ns l -t- riu.& ï Uam,,&anuaa olever Cana-ýie I-s4 on i, Tt tir tl bi an nk osf 1u Ijoutusuu Minue id. know Mn.1 $175 $400 lus M Nteoas Bar>-. ~ir- Mr. 1 will 00 go rlglajy [Ir

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