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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1862, p. 2

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Spruinr, ynprtLthcs-J. & W. Celaan. Grocei-, c,-do. do, - Fire and liti-URoyalI nsci-anCO Oc. tloee .jflh il tYDonneîî.1 Mmnuiiidoinslook lest. SaIüt, &c. -C. Druaper. - Wriing-Ni-. ih. Cliancer>'Sl-.Il rmys a cbd-lt rPcvr- 'Whiiilby asu- n trtscSale-Rykonrt & Snpei -' UCTlffN SALES., (-)0f ilocachohul Ftrimntumui ah No. Io. ring - ~rctOshuni.April 1711î. L. Fairbanks, Joui..~ ctineer. ()f Ta-o'kcres, properb>' cf Windsocr Uset uidri1Rtn>'u sITown Hall, Whiltb', un Bmd Jue. Of 14 Acres. gtores anrtiVillage ;Lt, mt flrouglirni. mn 24t1î April. James Wood- rIff, Atîctioneer. sONLYONE DOLLR AYER W îitby, T iý,ly Api'1I 17, 1862. r,>:-See Suppiemeni.- 'rhbo Velums rt thc Amarlis tfiepcbuie. The auc,,eat wlich huis ef lais e ca-net tise seln of thua i'dur is-tho cealiatioti -of-tise once tatal-,nI"ou Rjehmomd"* cm-- theo neeccupauiuua of tuhetge SatMes of Mis. 'souri, Xentuclcy, TennsseeC, andthte greai. r part cf Vrii-adthse probable e- tonquet of thq 1emoninui states'im rcvrlt, a-iscs'onue of tIhe most ditliculi questions of - - odem poitic--a quosion whiscb yeams suil îlot s(ztii, ualla oummu abc-a-e t-cm> tondu fear- -the imh dom of Asmiciican logis: tkliominaible ln dirspose of, Inmmthe oevent t f thîe Southierum, ea o:, ' alii their inde- peu eues, tise sceieet of boundaries$, the &uljstmiett of national tiebîs, tise dis eosal of oumh l ior LePursel>' 1opulmt( ive s' tori-us srrioies, mimad milove hie mnn tfi0clti, iel hutouhi aine frei m ttfruit- tul souree (,.1 h11 ulies, soufliomu siaver>', hwt id roqrfia al the wisdom of a CIa>' on ale Wbtor sis aIl îbîviger mmd prompt- Doss of a Jauiskon. a Porlcxiisg ut-smigÉ_ýt b iese quenluon, tise couiquesl 'rittIhe Souths preenus et-en More iriricnuemmmd difficl unes. A proudt andt haugbty peoplu ima>' boconquoreit, but if iluhi conuîesi equimes a gar-mson in Cv- sr>' tn'u, the mercntlyre a-old enderaian d tisa tiseboul>'polie a-wotld ho ratiaur seak- ened tbcu str-eigîbeneti'us> the accession.- 2 Altumgb holdin li abhoircnce tise temeus of a faitS wlicb trehs tisat mmos> ca o lis fllewy man, andt repucdiainiu thé princi- pIles o cu c'e -deiýac>' scîicb Wald mulil laveiti-h commur stonie cf tise Stete> Stij justice comnpelh us to gay> that the Soucihmemus e ts a claISs at-e as mucclsinneti againsi aU i-lumc. Tou proci theunselvea 10 o*-i mueau, fisc>ylimie not seen ail tise 404des ot t- tiseir cuter.Ynnh-ee bmeelien- Stiling et-- er i-o hueep their pecliar institutionms intact 'tile>' bayrt eerlouied tmas> mportant mat' n trs et tarif and revenue stiiib ave been cn tg loto tise ver>' tliio f tieselnave 'tc . Your Yieeo han also hen to thie lave-ca-uer aathlie Jea ban béen to the rcsî of Chriiendoni. -Mauiy -ut the plantations jlouget for mon.>' slvienceti ai hidIJIrilc f intcrestiluthtie Caro1inaS1 Georgia, -andtheîbcOut Dominion, beat 'us culthi s,4.But a-cet of se, tise inglori- (usg niavie o, carri-icioui b>' Yanees, aud in Yauilee ships, coiepared ails a-hiO n eutiui so very luin'Chrisian institucion, pets the fiuiilinung leci on the uxenviable mansion oi 'N. G. Reynolds, ESq., Sheiosi 1 oh Ontario, bas a deservoti claiimituii pei- tien of or spaco Ibis %week. hleretofore, during the 'crection of tlic buildin0g, st-O htave alceisoccvasion te desrribc ius grçat -aize, strsnigth, anti extont, andthe flc clpi-c ber cf its uarchitecture. Nowutls finuseet1 appsuirancesitjhout, andt h. gi-ahtelurd1 beauty ofut lininternuil deconiutimlms demimnd a imurtîher mtios,- But i erder to do the ubjeci justice lut llh its muagnifient elabc-t ratouions, stocît require ail the pnwet cf the professional arcluiteet, cr the o ennois- Beuri-' to nid or houmble etiutoriul pci.- d t tthe buildng ïs fuit aien. -flhc argesb îîrivste -delicheti mansion in' Canada. bt ith ie largeat uOt tho kinti on the whole ýAmnican cortin- eut, tht insalulu uni enside il iuasl the' à.Olidit>', holtiesit ani auiurru4ni. of lime modemn Gôthic -ordor, cotobinusi ivitî>Itle muot accumate pgùooiis,-anti i-guar construction In dtir-n andi finish, rtime ca imagine tihea-ihdemmerni cf 'flhe novice in athempting tb decrîie mTrmflgi-rCasnte." The .fret olh3ecb of notice oul asrenming tire marlule steK rtueive fuel a-ic aitIthe bacc', b, tise eniruuuce -hall, is time keshuinsu riti tne 1cR>' archetci door, on si-hih Ilirepre-, seniet Inluixquiu.ltly cliselecd i-lt-mani- sulip, thie armorial lcaings of the lie>- mohis taiil>.'. Thie ure, represeoted by' a lions rampant oui ataies hielti, ime Poits of flime shield helir'iîg thue scoîhop er tu ai barmei heltnet, nsuinnotntcd b>' a tIser hoiguul, uîls lImetniotto IlJus uueîum Vil'Il,- (te tlot-k aller ii>' gh.)- A masive il- sr, lîrec îiucles tbck, uaid tvelvu ttet Ih, ilvîiî in ao opart-, loamîs iitheie -utratitc hall, wchisi i ix- tu-en feci lus' eurn, ss'itYu gmrîci cihng ami çontainiî-ng u~u î l ius fer fu uizo îuiuuuar>', ut ri-l sirde of a zplcndidtty cunt-i gotilie dit*oer, witi lciptit-miUd be-au- tf fol1>' atintdglu-ut lian d &ides, bri- i;sg fmuim hj iit'i-t j ll te vsuttile. 'Two spîcuidimi giuiiic eiliit-î's rlso Ilopenouithe entrurice hliUmt 'c d tlcotfte entranace door. "lime s-cfib4ihe i-m a magruijhceni r. pattrttt-eru>'ht-t squuth ie ceilmmg richul>'gruiunvdi umuuiainimi ttiirturuit S itmi, iroiui]iug's uihdu tle il jin panchs fIlle uimlluigs uîruiiug iliithet- i. tie in ume graund pend unI, rîchly vomulinuet h- tci, milî'îm rS onie' li e ltc ut-leuriu Cuîiug, inuuî fetrill, againtdropsa a îtigoifi' cent tianichuer. Ilemmt unrialwo fouir uchng- onsi ruiches stbu uamhulaihi i meutimig i;n peicistrulsfor thtut- ctiium cf ,-tttitury.- l'lieImainihallt to the gm-moi sîsircase ih sixtiettt iin engtîl iulfithcOed ué t ile, flie hcigl.t tof thececiiiug- bin- iftecuu feL Tt. routrtinmr iliuu tami clce-afor statui- amy mai dprirtiigi, thue ceiinga hcing ie-lt- 1>' gojt'i c iiihobràie taumie andi tare, anida-itl uLsseum ndpuniducuants, ncurautti- 1>' sir. ogei in regulâr orJer. Iloors u exqt isitu icruigo ati hfinish, mmii arangtcd .-aas 10 give h uit ielvs ofet ile :celinigs froin thue liali, ojien fronmuIlie --utimrmen tt-iiucto a ujruoetnriere uro oui hie ht -ltr:i tiIr.ry uintlie rîghut, tht--seu aipttmîieumt mc o-uri1iut rms1ectleivudy24ix-2, andI 23x2.5. Demi's fmotum the maini mal leumd 1o 'ime uihrauirou)ni îu'hun biýuktmsf. jarluir by fottuîd lors, i'lhh uulîcu>i thrmnirm iqt- gît-e anl Uaeimni 23x0.'te groÎtieul cilinpge bc eub)o aie camsioig on dours uit windiws, the wuîgniflceot mîmrhîe msvtl-pieces, snd ttisv gr'ccfal adernnenit hLiroutiItit ibis spa- clousaiupartmuîrt excite,-iqualitkd adoal' ration. -'1'assing uleosithe hall toIlme Ilrawuutn- morm stucenter anotîher imagimi- cent apartmunt.s, nvurimg aise 2'.x40 t'et. A mitlieuahdbu> iiadut20 feet acros b>' 15 teet in heiglit, havIng titree divisions, -uvula udctbs for figures, suai-- mounitesi vsilI concaveiuurrius, the sa-,uhuî 5anti mullions -ichiiy carved, wstli Gothieo »rcs.uelci.>vurýk, curnnumîlci b>'soîunns' ;awitlu orjaîunei capitals, is a promineni 1olject.ýTlire groitucul ceilimng of ihis npari- above, anthle halls bemeali, mund giving one> an itiea cf thse spendOur cf lime appear- an6mc whil thse t-iole must'pregent wlien be'iliiantly, ligmbeul up,-Andl filet sud on- lis'cisid wltli gay' cemipýan>'. The corridor the. doors cf tht suites cf rocuns ahidi baid frem ft, havé dl coloret glass mbove tlIe. (ramnes. Thé *hrie building, in a wrord, insa Canatian *cun lend talu give an ides of Ils immnnose niz ansod tru oneai, m wi liav-e tua ear uin mit, lt otoelirmu a millhion cf bricks store coostbiffetihl ils erectirin. soi Ihuat il cove-eNài lirtri about 64100 asuperfi cia felt.1 lu i tïe course of a usoilli, a-e ai-c intoriiV ad, tisai Ime haulîs snd lime prinfcipal Moins a-ill. bo femniîe it iimisasiivo tultmitOi- of solmd Oak, iuanufactiirei sand designeti expressly te correspond in ai réSipet, mmith iîmcstylta nnd'dceign cf thueilinug. The chiristain naune ofN si, ussgi-cm Mr. Reynole ib onrof niilieremof Tr'« falgar, anti s0 cornes tlme appriopriiute nalins Of bis sienid tunaosion -TsÂvst.iCA s- ickerinug Counictl. SIracu, Aprh 12, 1802. TisePÎck.eming Ciiencil met pumnuinltet adjoturninent. Préosent, Messrms. MefIcreiglit, Chapunan, Whiite) ctidWixsonnm. On motion oh Mi. Wixson tise Couîmeil tesomeJ in Commtteu of the aboie, On the revinion uft uSe towuship Il>-.hcwn 1fr. 4feCrcîgbt lu the &l'air. Tho commitiee cf tise a-hui rose ru reporleit the follou-itg resolution; Resolm'ud, ibtthluue iy.Iaws Nois. 51, 57, 89 mimd 106, bc u pbhised wibmut au>' altemnîhouu, and ti îbuiliy-luuus Nos. 67, 123, nd 139 ble umentici bufori pulticationi. Report receive;ti mid uuipted. On usotion of INr. Cluapinani a By-luw as panot-citr rovide for iccnsinë -Circma imers. Stiaivuen keu-,auuid tiimereal By-haw No. 123. Unmotlion of Mr. Chat.naun un ordem wsta grni-d on the Treaâcrer iu fuivur ni JamesDain u fulic suiof $6.10, bcbg the nomouuumi t liimîrcocuml rcndered tfom Mmr. Tuhereîigiui îîîovesfor lt-sie D luit-u ducea B>'hmi5'for i-0,zcuatiiu thie dijut ! 1>miuud-iu!elee4 rnenliaimpunih'tiaubnîahs ir crmuin cases 1-r. 1Thme Iy-Icw a-asruai ibe fira n-sisim tc»Wt tinut mni referredtia1a sCommiiloe of tht 'ut-bote. .The Concil fitîCumiuittec uf thîse btuît Mrt. Chiapcun le uthe Chmamr. Tho Comtuitue of the -huile Î-ose, ru polt-t Jîrogres anditiat-d i ave tei, Report receivti andt adopteul. Mr. Chapmnamis s hîtt the, Comnuci do o imadjumu uil liiu tihe 2la instant, -Camried. News bylseN sviun lomurîs'uun, Apuil 14. Th tamhpNorwe.ium, fruin Liver pool tise 3rdn i-luiLouiti'nierny fle 4thut-- rired hem ent 9:15,t-lii , lie sîeumsips City of'Waihiiigtont anc Norhumîh/er>iau r iivai oui on thue 2üd ins;t Thué Canctisu armivedulot ouitise 30ti cli. and tbe Hlirmnouia on tise lit-ts.. The hmigS Adelaude andt Mary Wiit botis aruiuiedti cLiverpriol oit the_ 2nd hiaviog suesmf li>' runib te blockatie at Chai-leston, w hîch port isey lotion the 3rt et Mai-ch tise>' iatibeiween tiliumabouti1, 4W buaies ofcfottii, 200-boxes% loWcem snd a considemable qeamutit>' of rosin. The3 heft Charleston in conupan>' a-th tise bar que Etwea-5iO cu1four achooners, aIl lata a-jîb Cotton mmd rosin. Tho>' reporttise senken atone hleet fan' bmealqni;g cp, Charleton barber beiuig fui of tie fioatiug cimier. Tme>'alie uepre s ent thmat Cismrleuiton asud S-vaumai awcrg well fortiticil andI in commuanti of Goen The question cf iron' batteries continu cd to attract great atteioun. Mr. Benhluek bat gived t irin l1tis . cluse of Communs, tisai lii>sochi mot-i Ciioû's Coi~-êsji6Ii~eU5iO. if lImai trial, crur>" eycwitoesu munît con- QuipS, .pril 1.tli1802. DurAx Six - uvo are &gain eompariitively nt rosi. Th e greaigils bic hei-Ioise of s secunl>' though not spiked, are being nI- lowed to cool, preparator>' t Illbe .mtîi> batties tlic>' arceoxipectd te tigire in b>' anti lu>. 1i niat-of course tit an ad- joomnanunt of the Jîegislatiro binstukm place and tfiat the Halls of Parliiiunenl in- stead nf resonrding sith the impissbomed orator>' ofithe CamertonF, or mioue 9gentl> nurmrir.g lack thue calun' persuasive d-1 quenee cf D'Arc>' Mcoee,mire oumI>'emli-lihi cd 1»' tIej'oles cf a few Ilouoggu' vl posgitil>'havhmg ne home auitlmciuuhRtor 1usineén iniemests ta caîlilium immiack have reumimled lire during .the iniurv'ul. 'But tkngof pluns anti noise -«otare net 5<> u it i of doors a; ns thile mescited eha,%iberi; for day by day, 'le tmil trm u thouitie-q acu outgd ila montransd othier sýtilSeri liraçtiée o sd l tioy an ecardtn tuls heursilule tri miellirflithu hiorrible 4îin. I mcmi tfLu Soùihi Western cnrta ms of tlie Citidtîl, fuîc;ilfthe plins c f AI-a.tImam, there le atm nnouut ilv lîr d! pactie,'nnd vriuî iiyse thé li ii-l(il iisi es bîiilgh ini ai niii- i o leirt-ii tuwt tl' arhiet i hie nelluluiu ,Nu. I tout-c. Ihem-r giuîti are siubui b-ju.; oniuuîmteu imd genruhhlythurt it a goomî mî-il îif ciivity unîungtetrîp iudjrating thituitii rrm anire t-ufuhîy alive tthIeduut ük-eiug their, matiur hn orulci-. - The eviden-mily adversýe feeliga c f t*iu( Ni;ew York- Ilomîse uofipreuueu7tutivügtoil continamne o!f Ilicechrch"irattu aifs csnda, togmtlit r ît!uî otîer irulîu'u lions of flu e ji nmatuin ii i-c' Iigluer quartent in ile Uiiel Sat.sý-if hîs ohi- ii not iii s iiisoner-halirmtîau e iîmlver>'tuuVc tY heuattention, oi icor tervef Filîsrr,' oit luoneca-tînt uvus htunî- lutiupailauîmider thie circauimi.stnco.- Certainl'p pe-rlunrelation tothilie tmi,r wilbu lidîîlhuilue Parliinemi a-leus il re-assenbl'u ; -lut-ii" asune o f aur lily paliers ni t ci- fr n-lIYt'tri thue udruiilil traîliri savî' ,iti will lie foîuuud fit i lit: imtercst9ansd bmnouir ot thme coaintre hivu int stiffered ini ibui ande 1o frM. il" 3The Gazette, truinlei'li I quole, gît-s oui (0 gay "M\r . J.S. Tll)oniuIll1ni nd l. J. H. Catmerors conugrtnl .î'd thue liticiiruuui1 S the carl>' perî t ai'u'ichîthesJjarîje l h il >f been brougt up. Mir. !dtu allmndI lMm. Paticik took ible Anierjcveajw ofitur fiscal relutions, to ilieu liplJet ft-- men C r iufry. Ihi j545 lit' (lîru t eanuniutui- tini furt tose pîrct-i i tîmuiSi-tus s-itî -are anx joui-.tu rprimtitrci-tiîmnt uuu ofi u rft ihett vOt s oi lic ju Irt-,rel hmîiaeiuî i Clauiii tA i leIllme prinmcipal friernls tif Cte *1thoppýqiion lidat le voIr' leusI uriteî in etire idependehidu tof the yuuinesuimumi luivo fali od eOli$uýrvt-ili. the Cuuui'eor tAiîi fus-, nlu1t-lu imîd t- > us uew sumnlni-melut lins 1;btn lit n ual rit oflie guetit Mthmure i nd Tornîî ltiii lia9.i tget--f in dpt-rî,nheul uiuu;unu.imi t l'nîltte (,ranut Tiîim'k hlaita>'andtiheu Cannuliamtsi eeauiSteanmis.ti-aiami>' rate <oj ueCempuuiies tic srhioh h îîîe<e cucer-u Uaree cudurted. neliile ;aulîiuf!Yturudoi briitîteeas av umînuvlai disripiii- >-ted le jusi eh ouftlifri leoh Con-ujtriri lu yet ver>' Vfuir frmun bciiig proteil ihual Iluerehla huaei thei <îl nsmiirC0fi smhich fhlmile'n t u l ve us tur'ltui -fo'-tunes, but ÎR,oh have retidereul us gruat services-; miuud sîthi epc to thue latter- tltueiam Ocemîi Lme-thue mlcgm ier f od rlciligantlIli'meoituututjc rintr appeau' open to qnetiit- No tisnu lmý h Uine bas suffrc ed ha-eofrifmucehî puilul confidence lbot cri hve urny theýr crierý pris & 4iîsut wblm alin charge, of niuîl-ut mninisirutiu uim lîl luFe imade. 'The comlupr mYi astianricils foir -athorough Iiqoîr>'mm il ia fir te flic>"ild îlhatë 1 the ocprpot*tlu dt t c eotiug il befofe tboy. art cooldulmo y mentis 5affo'pl ,bvt1 mu 'ot thilmîlu Il , question cen bu reuý-penieti There uvll neDo lobii, lue soiulu oarpîng abolit lime ex- periditure cf fliec if,00iteici 14 tIie fuilI cost, uod saune grintiuii li efora ,mt cm st ppropriationri atibu lisîl tri fu1nish tii i Iiibhlit-' i, bhtit i 't n- tiw tsîpo he- lu e-Prni-uient swii ll e luCte rcspoiirstibiliiîYof e a-0iîosvni u! tt.lias ltcuti <butle toriltilt sut-y ti fili l lic tot-k. fI lins ieen ahi- nbunneci ifmi s. gi-uimi dl l bc aukeulbut ils Lextenmi aa mtYianicut Some pe Vic carry tme figurec il-h ih nd 1 (Liam 1A1--> l~l obgaeumih itIsn .~.-.--- ~ k Î-i Tpm-ilme ElplosIÎon lii l'bi iiiaelplmu. ,AUexuplosmionu orcurmed iii'"im1e4hi aît Çve minuites 1Ilo 9 ii <on St&àmui-, 1 morinu.lit- a-lu wit-h pwaýrd.ui'Of irt>' Pèpule1 st-rs eitlier kild r mten ýil>)>' muuuuglc.- The scruue of Ille accientmmt wauuitmMiit<u acly oppouite th-- ciiiy or NMyamuiuuuurm pmiuuît A pyt-otettunilsI t niu Jutoi bail securtel a Ilieut-y guit-c-na iti-t-lt-t-, ut-m fuliu il iili luo liai employed u;nm-tu t-f(> sîtuoly hiuns, anud svorked vg buu u t h t bu tiauglui carelesmî>. The enrtrialge fueîorv sun.4 aialne stary frne struture, locate amt the cui,-ne-r rf lentS aund RàIltlummemI, an mi inut iii f+tt squaure. h lu uttourt-h luci fuie bsn-t-lu or kvm ofuitpowdfelwerucu'm steuti oui the prouuam. es, andi gruuuums uof thtomult-îiu,tim'e uV- suit- ta) bai-e befii attê-Oit-us brise1>' mîu'nii ftut place. "î ruiieinsfuor ,tingim*lu. îtug the rin-te s t-t-mufewidmmuiluhilni mi afuer tise accideIbu le fumnte si-aut-on 1 0f. andumi, i i lebst'ld. ,u'i lu41I deneuhu niv i~of tiese tlii liii he di u sciim of ibe explusion. The acet-hiuetfa% cimonnetl u>'adli. hiooming sunnul, foljiuteisoons mft-r la>' 11w ringn- tif theiC4c Jmire iiltmîmn-belle. 'The stCous mit-ne potl,,ýtîuandmimiterrî1ibe l iu cd for uquarea aroundth -ispatches ut tie-4h, houes andi bt-aln. Our carispnndcuul iic1Lt-Al p a bit or nIeuli, aith the iair ati' h in ,lu> it, more tisse ai b'nk (miii t,*tib'tim ai a truile) front the pluace, amni a siliolerllue îîîîc ieu1, ftcwetis eceniae's thatort Joulit-bcanc>',%vst-au ndtin iianopeolot ucaialuet tIi Prison c L linh, teetb, fin e"- uît miiOiusof ,,calp wa-cm t situ iipuu limhe oofa cof neig1toiriu i andumu b'otýd ut-us fourni l imon al tile ttlbi'î meidîs. A polices otlecr Sas Eeuî beuiLiia lumil i1Ltd îiîblt-1%ail, ,luties iandh fei, anul i-cics rfit e terril'eeetnir-iiim îuu 1Ise hailiuofut ht t-su4 it.;tsio thtc stuspu of samuarmetanti tnîpping teiuut f<uot uspon bhe 1-0fof ca ebouse in .riiiii SIriuau,ý nul lieseral ternumif, theit- clotbuuu fi t um, a-es-e runilin;lîlîber undti Imhtr. avoicu b>' thoe rovtut, ali-ieiu>g mulesi pliful>.' Saine zruthbc aotuncc a-crë seoiluah aimorgL10%,tlo n up mihai that uml>' te r-e"wite liuu'utof tht-lt- bots ru-- moinr. Allhe imu mutxi or htIe eeiin tuceieuulasuredeuicihltil in u1ytof tise (015 if I î 1u s cîs w to Iîrîl>' takecu hp anud isba-n bo Illeat-tact- Pedestilmu a-n- ikum-ie treatel 10 a buuit inth ie air, .aumd i omi le hacuucaofilueprso 1slt l tut bb>' etici in Iibuir ctîn uasd fel 13thlie floot-. l'ime i-iole bidtu -ulowt10pieceme, uniLialuit the expllosion failei te iestcofwaas c ýeimillishid by tise l(uiinslfahmîîal -imaiueiaflhy broiýes cot li te u.ecnutsun o Teuith i autRlut streets test-e snattc-'bspit- aIs forie îire; îand, ass nue b> ' 'ne the iv~gjînul nangleti svi'ocarietioui the sighus t The ?uuifoa-iucg pemsemus wome itihea, hilléd nitrîgisi t o n o o ingl iciruceti ur riliso .tbule ctebàla la tise>'%liti earcelurvvemf-. They -et-e Edutaard Jaionc, deaut i Jhn Meiiunuy, dotfiarial evc islip g iinusal on- o repreenîuttito b>' pipdsin -R Ynmr réoneiln<almtrio givepoplation.- utir l1 sa> ui al to ininîltab I ioru s.quioinjfw rav I liavmut deinimble seba (m ouf Uppîer canait. ThAistntictiuhfe allait- evemt-alhy caîhiuîied- into a comprmsisor sîmnuiai-y comvictjoui-dicivimle onl>' luy tse t-Iustices, tlaiuiiff ani dcleniisuis wedg. ib teir noses togetîserise if seclsiug a. ci nuon centre.-'Thimfin"es nti coijts atnoîunting ho $38, stiiiI ne .doumît benett thue luck>-, cunutiable, Who, - lit1e bell -cuire" if amotcr frient iehuonlul leap itto the goriarikonot, if uiliendid wilh sinuilari>' profitabie esula. anthuer hateli ara-tW hosumnioti, svben.-we u ah ave amother alpproximiatioin u of aéemandimore colIece Jike ludlicsit flieir poshncipis, 1 stoli mow adi uuy moral. "ntuteit-iolac menti on theopari of fathurrusin xiiuiatign of thiefanîts cf iterir sons, -andi tumu"reud- iness, i:h a samunfs iiuyîgli penalty' oiitheir tuisicoît ai-c muulicieter calruhaied 10 fo-xter etil tenmiemici tsblin tb relmove tiuno. Amsotl)p uimmîit, ijrctrd-aiatirin aund ane thue utisprfng of tîi onia cuumes off to-smorow. - We t ire, ihierefore, notI'fîus ai.er"L 'ime Nûrtii lucre, ânu nsiht h uhbc ecf mm ie tver reu-il uîms Chum.ii miitut gieastmahuhut iut iihi riit iuŽut iein i "OntarioJmiitna-m" or if a iximui umflu lot-aI vohinteer 'curps ;s i. iî'Iforu te defemîce of the landîof ut mr u uiu Sou mat- rt-lt-ira liuimf1y f misma u*t-ruS, îîuuhuu, froin the isring mîsland u'-iuru n of Brut-k. 1 airi, Sir, for thie rms-t iaIt aint t is e Jh t ie d i a laI d i - t tise flîiDnçrfoe ( ex amine tic great gothîle win4ow at the Gr4 fislcuntiuog hichrecbý tronuthence si X heighit cf 18 feèt 6 lncises;. iiis dividet 'croatu Eloctirie. mTis ot>.~ he( me e-u om".Bot &Il,î rtbe tmir sai p t! ,ul ti Ou kxi l'ittsburz, bue eneta umtit desp fo'nd îon au lefI their fli here foc An à tisaI ther Stripes CGen. Tt i,;à ir lue se- tuuhe the bali usuah tr Wednei ntmnck In arriveli fuir ilhe Piasbui 1*ai )r are tire lu 0 (i vuxici terl ile rogl hut 7 ucall km the i i r!>' t11 t 0ree t At-0f Ti Amenrri4clin Wnr. Cfl lou~our whol ]iie- . ThU elle- tte Confcditrrites COIIIciI of War before - niy. lular4o uuuber~ jdr , q tepic tS he ittsbIurg battle, decid 'd, jr victorin >P rlIT 178BLleG-TER a 13 L LOSS 0-ý of Ge. ti. icrmaâu's divisione and fel oou tco drive the FederaIs nordlinu fur as pos. IIOT Bflictue2,Mi, 50th, 72nd Ohuio 1cginw;ltS.- siblp, but if beritéen te iîdraw theïir for- 'rhosc troops %were î,ever lbefûre il C:;i oniy eca, und in,:ke À%demperate Stand in tIi. OUC F SLÂND NO. 10! &et eu i o epectwd y attacld, mc (Juilf i$iitct. Tt isnow belle-ved tiet Ille as able a resistiance lsuisbo , but weî . I Conféaeriut-3 forcr infilte fi -lit nunibered bu Citcno, April 18, 1862. in comninititl h d forces of (Cen. IPren. Gý0000. The 92t' IMinois Regimcîlt>ftld 45 nt the sanguiitry battle rouiar , s, fîorccd to seck -support of - the 1rocip. Cuul but 200 effective Men ou >londay rTenn., 1à oMeAntly reported cimr e 1,aily ickhermasr.At 10 oeu tiori-;1. 'l'bcIlili Illinois 40 aud file lI ed audawoundccel. T49, mss ýui thueentire!oql nbot5dolwis fUly enu,!ilthlnwilbut 17 ocen. _Noù battlp e 411 Dy lu mruuh gr2ater. They werega-m rr of canon anud îinsktry t 1wet for, sorne J&y8, beavy raiW havn Cowid,' aftr the rnost detierneul îj--i o aiîtrnîsin fon nii1r ahi n iuete oi npsulf~ rllr Pareto resistftnce, onthe> seconld tetapoint exîenmdiîîg laf w4sy dw ru d wagow:, ,bert Sydney Johnston's body nas tel t -i~ The rebels nMade ai p.Fwss bEE upi 4 i etue Md auafiteirls,.mpde nraie charge 'on the tâth (Ohio Baîtiury, or paper bas been rereived ber, e1 rtnn uCla4 0imeemhich, pot- hcinrýrqnfficicutly guoppdrtid l bI li. Gmi. Jl k is ei 1luuugue.uchsfroni ('-n. Iteaure- JUt nfmirtqut ot lllrboug. Suulurgardirî Mation to the second day's fighî. rival frng. sliig1,ndngsasIlec50 i rrted fanôr le of iei 11 'C' lit lisltg.1ee luiîu ac(111111011 i frbii iîtuglic iaaon sîî 'î h airsdireo I~ victory. Ie îsys fihit afies cpturin'g 16 rebls n xisdugtheOrs strtk o ,uns-wore taien îy tho encrny. isu usud30 rso~ i oc e Smorliiug, carried tib, Stars ema B il o'lck anumbnhor ofcomnuan .e a ugui 30 rtriishsfre fnid woro fthe Un1cqt n i.orm. oIuieosIa l1i îd >f~btek Cpm bLis çwnrks lit Corinîli, whiehu 1 eg.s oots 1 aoben not a bil il tlieliniicaie fuhl;yd 1 Pro)viioýnal Governor Johnson o h or , nu4 f i~ tilerranie;ye le tl o :Ld. r s %vonnided and îuskea Prison" b wlîich 4tuwed iat ilc conitun both omsrndeW Yorthe a, AepîL>î- àiel dhit Gpn. i'renistss ~pu uu~wsfrdeatb or vocory-foriî lY qedrer, afterlI)ming eaptured by thle ne ýnrtusion of Ille roell's eteuat 0on foot ileground ivus coutestcd, iuund fludiiug der,,e i,. 'itisberg Landing ecpé,and 011dV battie.it imupossibla todrie6bacli ur centre, the jhaq arrive-d lit CuireFIe îst:asu 10"lo otitl lose li about 70000. This lu e ela ckened ilîcir fire, and ruade vig- tn lie 4,000 kil'led and 12,000 wourjded. naie or fihe rilitary commiauidurs ornes etbrîs cm, cor loft wing, endvavorîn; , %Yo captured ail but iwa-or fliree or their lu 01-h engagenteilut. 0f i uriouîflank addrive iltIo the river bn1îtk. cîteno'> lî0dhe fîosWuhnî abu 00were luusuili Prusouuuirs, This wiug MWuas ederGenerul Ilurlburt, -1And Atile>of 20w ùOrleuinx. ncee are kîled anid wouuded W ithue %vas r oj <f tiiý î4îîi, 4iti, uAd----Wb roportiofll. - Iniiaui,, 8îli, Ibeth, and 2I-st Illumloiu. - -î-i iipuItioul- in Fleîrd te llritjsmh Wvallaceod Illinois iv;s reporfed FrouîAw. il Hipe, oweverc, Wn eus 110t1, 1oesb ui't wauu thonght impossible 'bat lie &7th, sel 7îtlu Ohm, mmd &th Ohm ci uvii W-:we [ive ; Ie was, iow,(,eerteI,.ilv onfro of Cri. iittlau's ivision ive;bu ws, bwuve, liin O ru uf cii.lihiîrma'5 dvisin. writer iu) a recent niiber of Once c dày noliprovinrr. 111e wu S For ceraly, furc rlîurtshè0ct of li nl thue buclOrcfie eur, the buflet b! fr1îbohc ins ueulel i~ week, conu 6fr tle baorfilsE a;lish Week- ont. ef liiise. ý. ingwiîha i u nly equlilcI l'unioe lies, bas ui a uu iiî,rticle OU tb@tmre tbous.auid liun re e epI ita iuuueuuit-uh euhrimasi. X%'h!tle i of thll ritîsh Afreriat ssions, i icr0 toi igii fi-ut-n Islanud miO.10, ruilud bad e i-hiuc.ii:guîiu-bui. 'îyî'±r avns ebright future of Ilriidsh Club y preparuion ii beiug incle feracd up deicrivertiré a ponI t l lu u %<MreAd the JlrcisbpOssussin c ii reidnofouer WÇUcildt iu llr iipuedi o l.Coninntu, aud witb an evideot real izing uruuuhueulise gumu eml dli e t ýut- f irimportance, eotinuess CîuîIco, luursîlay Ahuritl 0. uueî îk u-uiyudg ficw.*'è,îeiest. lct a short fimie ago, eiilbal. up to 3 o*eior'ktîufrlic ié cel tô the 7ribruuîc fiorn i uro rî, uuuafeydi uis deîpji.-ue shiiocubave lbad run west to talk ibut ?0 revj uist begu00114uu g tinîîetrbl uîdîu~tr tn~ tlu-he 1uic, exccpt iaburbor or îwo on or 1detuil frue the great lhuis ai br1ui .;imedu;ljauki l Tuey had about Irîcnvrs land. But now dore rg. 'rroo scier"I lia lueriieuî todive jenopur ltrin mus ol A n f lriéi uN onew 1 ue "i-d mutr Unh f î ie eu" I liat inpoaçîab.e, halluriird îuîî for liter g aee r ind tolhe fuat nl>'on, ~uuhiuud luer uuru~lî~uec uirhef. Fo~ed thi moY receuit malus- Woc ihut! deserve pPu'nthss bitadne, et-}i4Oing or tquul.r the ii y n uuude r aitlu grave ia.fiortunes iu fhoe]Pacifie, aud on 17ï ,uiu udru«c ier'-î,iîluut comnîiuetifiWC give îuo more hbeecd to rid»d '4toh(jwen uuekd u*"' teip. u ei:* ,,ibrt- ndir, tu ýe riuuî i uhut ywunig colon>' tan, we bave given 10 miîre rebel <forcé, . t-mu.lieut men sot. j muahiielu s ivngerelvnsn n.il arUIIhi-ry, ui4 I i rligwle aciii A ij tCrex u i-tCuutO îî,wih Eguhailns, stbilrg 44sM a muI Vt-tît ie cf.fi-.i P uuIy l uf~ moi;ii hbiecf( miuaand hjfe, and Iînund 1-4-zI uuidmiiHotheou 5M tUn,. e tmif~ci îi~ u b' rvey eceivable cluho. There, isunuce. Attwu-lv o'u1oi:ztýti t, "se ud 10Y evîuuîo, ana aluai ù îîru a itu -r Iw.uthe tor truideurs live l in a fort-,locked eWà.u "d .'IîLutit i10:1 'i -utj citivu Arfon oaui erlit lson derumsî,uui ni l gui dpli.adesî aod %berce gautout 'du-lu ide eiî-- aiî, l mlcuuu ther uus i.fi tee jfl hi uîs, uiul ldians Long about the- riverpoos ior lxuvmtzu i ginu us luus î l oî andlv-r lu: t ,P suic ulleuoui the proclous seuls whieh one if f>,11,- uIqis, ldWui uî- îseu ~î-~ hu']îivkimi r< îîlufr-qierti the suif shoreibere lare 00W also ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~iý tw >imBteî(5 un',-~~t-1~uuVu~- Lu 1 ïî l u n ukeîs wiîerevery Europeu t ongue us %iti. wluhjltuscacrîutisrueîuuul-LtJd, uulil seurnh)ouuis pufil intde C ban- 'cg uuuk lmeh',uli ii lu u . "tmte s ri-gl vhý T tt tt~ Il eîrik, n r", -sb ibhu>'groingfood INforle, ige ud t muui1ift lie bc îîuf On tis ia 4uufclcehiaueu h -j ouluth;ad godigentiiig ufus(tf -' ud îjn re mtd bl fî la h-j trr-i for flue dac arnou;g-tue bi g aud puedsgei 1hiCe amfuin.wt m~-- ienî, e ni ht ufi utuîlur ft-.-1 uhd or the bierll s a th pota, snul amie em tdisln erlt e c ià luc i ol t i, ilgll. ,i iuý1 'r'î l". bocifor te eio ii ciÇohs aortsxcenda 1 arrmicd.A h Ui m cml ul bc un i11fe5u uk onuilO owîuutiii e n r t- ouef&rhieenr eusthiig onofadvjures ,exingli andiitfur o{mcdutic- oeulq'îi . itha onanmdroui >Coup.il t ilînî. a chenia>Wili siarîle us <ulof a.tire f.ut, hàaoid shurtiupaiuiCe 'The grii bats contuuculté > r t èhll rour thauilher ssabouot r éîolies ln und kep t io p uiety u hi but aDier theni untlout of rnge. Atrturn iaLht-ni pidre ; but liriiji CAlmMis'WU i the nhghi . SMuY fte td - ea 4îacjtg o svurt hutsso ,-1o iqcuumnmplatirîn w MWeircf biry kIode ou fOresud t'u y dem uîltoonx>;temidrnceieguunei, , 'mrs s it-ls and, , ii e hloard road 1 trîl n. tedaipu. nth-ou ,iu-h i Arr u til Setfi îtle casu, ih mli hardI>' in the evet-iig tire GAZ P 1ud V-1io: tu-i r. 'flue wmîo r luofpaug lliuuîr uuupritf,îi mil purpisesu ip{o dle -euilod. bu uiuihi l. mc rVor lie& ta , tithiluil ua awd G îh < rmc0hu, i prciposud' àor orgenie. i to pl Tace îtcr miur ui h o hein,,,flue tirs, li ýcrt 'ufu', l > re av -nany' obstacles tlu vercotui fW our iteip giului,1 l.ui t'ridiiii te aiumnportioni of (ae lusr u i prru ail her 6f a Hme 'fà<-ele by tha eui ~ets prc lu>' ilurce B:cç1 dios . h rau -- ndIboais Ir uà Èake . 9uperior <o Vie uts of Cci. mttisiVuicmc uin u gm-i.tir ir al, uid i scry 'i e jîum- Irus9ErSgriver, but thetling iVil bid dbe, mld iwiived U c cmos- d te mru=diaiet>' itetu tou dvnce wbprqtdue I t nuit .WL-quai fied 4 ýÉpt'a 6 nts !*iwsg riesv.. e 'l0 'heir mmrwsfor th-e iidh. AIlFlaul>' t u Tti bt ftànii*lreW'i ln reltt ersi.3 i sI nit amoz oui ni ltI . 51 -morasteee iia t iiforry oaile Fine of. roule wbich ina?'4 qe- 8 tid~eut 1000 Iilid d ,00 ig C ýn. I l i IFs ort t ul,!a(d wh u jraCIOca1 le;tcmd,'irthe n.L'ti iee;~ sda beLillgcaloI ti tiare "*Onu udiciab 'hilreu, i it r iiuitheficromp el 'ilonetchse, 0depenti on iuÏy tter lit dhe: rebel5 wCeî ;reilit rce Ib' tuîîb fuur iî euîrrcd tm«enm-.ut b>'landl or sen. Tbee dinf Vani-iu Doumn amuiPr1ce, f roui Ar. 'uhll ta 11e i> h hisnjt~l"> npt iýjmadie de beiîe,-umc udt>' wjtl a W 1-7 lare force. 7 'thoah, t-ni he('urumh rau. lulof the Coioinits,whs earest! LwWaflacu cattucue esv iýhl,!ii aîf liib ic t-m cri- nlui1ug îîu 1 -oe an o1i ail to C4ata, butt fiurtA id 23d linina Là-tub llis " und tleu At ti'chnelc the nouud ofuf mirfll ale o ut uaia d btiler sisterecioi*p ih~o sconiir,andcVmilllard h 11km>', ilid, jaz4ridue 'k t yfuu1lI>'eqîualled liluut ouit'.tii ocit tu!e ireihogold.besring lýei0n tW mcorii4 fiercel>' atîmiu-ked the une 1 tiisd.y. Thui(rmîcuu> sas et by nur reIekur sus part of diewealt.of their greîup. t wing. '1hey svcnt loto tdol'it 'it re aii nit tle sp1 i awean u i uo Te wriîer prêdietg tcr'tbià utewIji open- Me"pwt ummBS uiduemscysieor , ) î ricergy< couiry:apid udvancienseat fitut ela- cerahl> coli n t-Iaveexetergt. oy n anb ulîl, to hbcfoticwîud ut snm dmrinu le eels baDyk1twO«!nilecmâideuut me>' meaubav iuîing ue dda >'su1deenet nîoah

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