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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1862, p. 2

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Scarceî-1Y thtMun tbat ougltoeceut tke fist s(êne. If the new Governtment i prb. hespeak (or them îbeanie uil mag of toleration and faiP4, TheciOm. stant-es under which tbëhe 4ae takqu offce arc peculiar; tbçy bave n- diffcusit ta trmouni, but tIbm are true men aanonZst theau-whose talents? assiiduit>, alla liberal pr-inciples welfit tbem taeandertake the task1 andi discliarge the Came of office faithfaally and satistactlorily. Na Measures of an extraordinary' char. atcter amr ikoly ta occupy the attention ai the~ Couitty Council during the presont session. There is un o rad ache 'ne ,on thé inns or auy other measure tiat ¶ve are aware of, caiculatei ta -proloaag the muniiou or rentier the proceedinga af the Cacecil remarkable. The reports af the Equali. Matian veamiîtec, anla of the standing com- ýmitte on finance, will ha the twao prîùincpa items iail the rest being,' as far au, we cati leara,, of the Wast formel routitte clar. -%We entis-eiy tgrýea itis tiseirrites-s 1,ithtie repas-t oftie pracecrhngt gis-en tuis- ltese lettes-s tisai tisecomposition of lenanoilaqs-calasmn Il s-ailt bc a mat at a -~the neci Minaitry bus8atisiactos-y." mos-caent libas. been initiales] te bsiag tise. t'We entiiselyagree 'antisieun tisaitise twsi - ogn bc eti ony iipolicy tise Miaiitry lias- an unead1.e- r t asaicdeorg a buta ti cuoty "1cepi ou tise ona grent question, is sâtiuiac- Ce-!rysieGoguJa ieia "1tory." sý- osieg, anal bus ety antiasstue brecuis-es] 4"W, tntlreiy cga-e th -ibtisens it3u in lbrhcks undte lId roof-irea. Suants- or "tregat-reh local mattera, 'ie tiseps-a-ceastý laIe, ire kaeicitil ouiti corne ta iéi. By fisegirne ùessssubstantiel justice,,sailtbean teidniie fit e4georpisicri 41ti t o lppes- Canas-a." si ie nethc o<eeea "Mi 'ailtI tms-s-ehas-e'-castire cas-fi- pesialon, anti ahersfi9, tise tow-nsfip 0f 'Ideasce-in tise seterminatian oi th Ise asi1 (targina belangu toi sarifus-aspart of 1&Miaislers tais ring tis e s-irasoai cors-up- tisis conhy. Sise aigsalI lookus lita.ý a for. "Buont wa cisge k(e inii" iiinlareneglecieti step-cisilallonaly lament- "lis- w dsare a-he isua ii hsaiiae ias-- ositisesores oai Aite Siance. ls- Clissai no bettes- ars-sngemettiha itah-e1 tpresent could t lsamoment Is-eve' bs-en the iruant camne baick, sadmsshe wlbe rs-. ulectireri, iad lise-tpper Cas-nialîsin nse-r- sase-si ttioptnarnsms5anti atruc moises-- "bers ai tise tieseCabinet stoot i trniy isyl l-fos-gis-eeexîcatiet- lsards ber. "atis- paitaipica Atd atlid il sealiy be ha-s-i bc asvatd ai tiseasbitsalors.sespectieg - Cuise case thtis50bettes- tes-ns-scouiti lase ie tal; eosls sae-a rai s 46bccn gai a i s-limoment, ilt t anc 4tiing tashaie supporte u aci a Miss-lis-ytise Blacks ri-es-, bisteco ibis ýcoUaîy and, ',bat a s-es-y dirent thin; las- tlis-e sai be tise liasiedcti casalc a of s-k aàsiPanaI ap. tscarntss-cmhers nftil s-s--isra ied ltged pears ta gis-e rua sînal auof iýsati,,- "thrism ess ol leoraoo and al asideas--sussv- faciin. ise ariitus-tors (tas-s-i i wsm, "ced otiiers frtas- assinZ tIsaI s-es-q ors. yîewy -e- essbr i~b nt fl lise presant *tâte of feeling pr s-ni!- Cauniles Couascil, s-s-ila lte arb'ts-ator ap- ing in Loirer Caasada-(cnd -s-lids fliac poiutct an isahaut aI this *causal- was ans Globe lies bas] nu -stahl siare i biaiýig;oas 'tir)-livas-c isdatathait he arpentses alaoaia-it irauld behastsaieiisg the,ise a-ttt-s io of arrtracting tise brdge tisas-h le bas-ne t tir, s-se Ihinit, te asseat tisat nu rcjs-ara a ethse proposition oai sito uta a b>- tis t lise f-tm lpps' as-naje ahalt eIe sl-ie C saty. Ta is eaupposn- tIse oaaicati Cabiniet, unioe-thtIe ehlems-nit aiftise ý- tItac .12,000, Ontas-ri ealal has-jata puy Preseutation quseston s-ses-me a c a Csuiia t$1.200, wule Vas-sk anti Iseci s -aglti onl>- moeaure, M-, is-taron, hisu a s uenas-be contribaute$800o, ai tise ateoua4U olas8 ta insit oas Ibis mecis. In tise fus-s-aioas us-isîi prncilea ast-nos qiy iea- oi bis smmoable larty-elth eurs fCtbiie b lîtaitssiouit bas-e soans-de thais- ama-a lie absedonietitise question for 14 checiks aison a mettes- 'aereiit m ust lavYe beau ans] guasantees ;"i andal i us-at paesnming seslesident bath caunies-if' Dot alik e tue suses tpon the prabsabilihians ai tise e-,tal nilatereîtid, lise difierence iras Most case ta suppose, tisai anre ke caled -spon' certaiay in las-orifOnaas-l, anti Sgsiauî la th. late emnesgency, lie s-soaidlie jasitise Unaited lCaunties it lu dificuut le patriotic enougis ta do ps-acitiely tisesai divine. Cerîainly tise sembers of tise tliurag ases- 'sesin. aie alto matie a pre- Counr.y Couneil cannt ces-erstand il, anal clou 'bas-gain- forlise setletetuit oi tise as-ehaies-c it ilse preent iletes-ainiaiion Se;gnorsi sigliIs, it mi libcremenha -ca, naeta o poceed 'antisthe vork-eesder tshe viulsif ens-s-es-I rss-1woas-14 impose as groe' cla-cassîânaas. - voibueshn atthse people aiflippes-08Case7 ada. Noir lt.easy mec bave danselia-ies- Foa Tias - GtAau-v EXHIsus---eDs- s-basa tisai. If tisey have alaîedtheii*cGasun, tisevo-ils> anti itupecheti Mayor of titoeretlial qaueston of reprtsenlation.-far Wiiîy, is about taking bis dopa-laise foi sncb sites- ai lel-ta rensain in aisyances,Europe, esi t t-ainentjoa af visiiting tise tise>- bave ith m- uncisdiscretion anal juti;.Greats- Exhibition. Rec aavea about tise ment, applies] themmels-es ta prachicai mail- i4tl i mt. Tisa dodtos- intenris tshs-ng lan tes-s ai prime impor-tancse ta tisees-ounIsy. France, Belgia-u, andal ay le bis tour, It tisa scees- in redeeing the'arns;al ex" sud des-ting meficient time t-a viit ah Ushe pandittare of thse country s-ii iasts iavouce, places aigres-t celebrit>- in Usose coanairies and raeijntieg tisa larifi', 10 suta suct tie se me mainlatisasUiutedl Kingtios. Wa deaausd4 upon tisa revenue, île>- tail blas-e - ear ai saine otisars ai aur neigisisrs aeeaaupiisied isiccismare stahatantisai rod, Captain Raie amougmt tht nember, anti for th.e coutils-y, b>- enti-îg lise gava-a-m Ms. Gasbay cf tise Eau Wissilos- bouse, menl, lisan hy yeas-s ci adsareaies toaasb-' irI s Io Inens] s-siting 0ise'tt0o4dsud"? siraot opinions aies political doctrines, iia dating (ho period theGti aset Exibiition. thse at cool mliades of opposition." Tise- A pleasaint at profitablea ions-aie, and sale ,iew adrninbýtration express thias deire ta relus-a ta Ilim ail. - ata enth Ie Mlitia tsi, sa as ta ecuse a propes- e rcimei oithea aaailable force oai OOTass-saSa-axas-oRis.- -Tise 8psing Use Province, unides- efficient officetr, tIsa metiag as-es-tise Newmarls-iCana-me'lu as- distribution ofarasm, as]tise encous-ag- ve rttseal ta taise plate ait Tises-dn>- anti suant af tise vohantees- niesemee Iv. -js Frida>-, tise 12th and-Lî3ik lusI.Tise firet gratifying tisat lIe>- are sus-e ta tise pro day tise Swasepstsaeicof $200, s-sils $50 ps-Iityof ibis step5ad usai tise counray is easainî ii bc sucfer. Tise arse& effaras] suai ta lbe iloed la reas-asiat- efenceles s aouet ta $700. and unpsatecteui, Â laesraupte>- bill, ta - 60 apply tu tise anis-eProsinca, lussaso onthe- CaseaneroNor- 'Ta;T Tws- 01PaiJeUs- Mlchslesial programme i as] a tis-aoughila - -Ai tise $cmi-sneuat -mesetng ai tise vemtigaioa laste al patter, oeedloiLhs (Csunty Laode of Sauth Outas-lo, seid at tise public buildings At Ottawa, Sefasu theBo roklilon blondisy lest, it s-au aecideti conirsels procaed an>- faitier, lu aIso ps- a-stnthUe celabi-ation af thse Tw-eIiîh sisaulti ms-plts. BSreiy Sere is a bill of lare tist t" la c iet aiGreeireoud ltisa-rmn migisi volt satif>- su>-one leu fastidees - tissa tisa pati-otie Mr. Bsowne? Anti,als]- Tuz P[a]oGATOanns-asn. HnMs-. bics-ris cta t sis, varseta-bhas- asmaessre fora-sîctettin aise Lp"islib-1CatincilonM - - ,tà prrýto w iyo Mats- lise more , eqeitalule sttainnt of Parlis i-, t& 3sa-gta m ie> atk mntar>- representaaiaa, ile aa-sh ectiosa a piacts-ti>- y(Tbis-raa>->or to-marroan but the s-osinceýandultisat it wilîl hbcadriteds-bat itwl -aud tiepenti spon tiesâele as * s-saI, Ibat local legislationuaialh ns-t alC5i5a- s-- be fos-ced aon sitbe esction af tise Pro- 4 vîncea gaîauinshe visSes of 6:tcajoriuy a of sa'u*-o1 a 'vxm. -ls Its~~~~~ rsrsnaýe-c iss tetiiuni&- 4vo afthe awl>-umssde Minlatesi ara ta Se' vralltîc roai Achsection. shall posass tis" - p d is'dFMs-.felingllsautoppÈs-al. uses a ianurs-eau, us eegy ancdlbutines& habita hiaveno aloai4 seeîa*ed efflcieecy ia tisa P'OSIt Ofilce iDepsa-taent2 and gis-en tise ihuts meseeoa public satisaction but -tlsey 54s-.e aimama-i. tisedeparîcieni aeif- Dsustainag îjais-iwel eighîtishe Coitea say tisai lheretires fsrornie.14uts tise adirasationof tise Provi-cesnas a reparumen- tl offices-. We quate- fs-assaOur coîcarapa- g o aise cn a tha ti eHn. S. Smitlh issuncot bans-n a -faitliful ses-s-ana of tbe Cr< - os- hie s-&P nmet su-ihI ha (ouais -b1- bis e Scannue i-a mosi sallsfactaty state, We speak- tiis 4sivisediy, for besides wasi ie imow aofiisattbranch ai aur State ibasileaus, ie have coied varas-ulhy thse re- 1mîarkmiasanuiltise Opposition prss madeé ta ail bi§ proceiings iselore thiccrisis,fanti fois-d tisaitac0chiarge 'ans mssae agantîis efficiene s sa deparimental cilices-. Ex- ceptionss-ses-e s-aLi,ii ta tise a-pe-nses iius-a- res- by tise Oceun Stcenssitp a-saaigcmensia; but esen in ibis metters- if tise ex-Postasu itis eierl, han erreti on tise sîde ai cutrrprisa. Tise balai masas-es-bicot- hutsis alotsted ba-ougisi Canada murai prorniently basfore lise wos-ld tisa aaytlsiag aIse -whiicis aur msless ves- dis] for us. Indeanti a laIe yeas tIse is-stai Depa-tntaisushaen most fs-- tasaste i auhas-ing jaidîciraus ladusirioussaid enacs-prisieg sme atit hohaa. Ms-. Spaince van s tisoraugi man af businesi9, 'ha i breir bis 1isala saut bato tise wark ;anti nu bet- tes- mit ants-lalhave bar-a foundii Csada, probahly, titan Ms-. Srniîh. Tise tmets ai our countr-y, ietise postailiUne have bacc most satisfactos-ily saippiieti, ati ai a very esodes-ale expers-ta tise countr- Tris mnsrernotaipartions ai our-scînileai lanss (cesstI tisueuerprite oaibtisndepastaent. In- deeti, for a trne Ceasa oak hi:;her g'roaserinla postal tditiatges tIsa ary causi- au>- in ths es-iord ;Ailnewmupes-cs bts-tsa fofs aipostagle. ie carrylsa ai tuhe mails ta Europe wans a vàs-suandaistakias;, ansa raiquiras ti anu i scs--eandth ie cioseat oves-i,;bî ta mitias-ie?' Tisa anna ie ,aeding taas- lacae on l'burtday las-t, Mayt>-.hî, ai the bil ai tise Its-aitatru; tise preatidesar, J. Humaner Cracra- wots-d, Es-q, occuptea ltascviais-. A2\'.\rses--lonT, 1Aiter s-eadisig thésai snutes aifIthe lait amcclimeeting, wii-laes-w e adtiaera, tisa ps-csidti -aad aise annsùi s-sps-st, fa-Ot shîvlwe cle-asn abat tise méas-ms-rs umber 267, Leiug ansus-crs-aseai 63 on tisaips-es-i. Dus yuias. Fifîcen a-egnlsar, anta tso extra lectur-s m-ade ai> -liaicouss-fus-tise past sasosn, 'alaivi eese ail s-ci attend-a. Tisai litas-a-s-y e s-at connisis 808 vais. 153 ai us-its-b s-seaars-ed by purcisase turing thie focs'. , DThi-latishe yes- lia unis-asimcm- bers as-ailes] tisanselvs- ofaitise use ai tie ib-aa-y, tise aumîserof voit. issucti bein; 2,- 965. This is an eaac-ssue aof6els-eatinin usa- s-ess,aisd5 91 s-aIs. an tise ps-es-ions yaiar. Thse reiptu fraun ail sous-ces amoatteai ta $851 '>S, andtihae expenaliarsre $847 13-tise re- scies anti pùicting las-sing a large item,- Tise suiditars' statemeet tsais-ss autlsta lhe amanait af *254.3 .10, ant isliabilities te i April $52 M ).Tise repo-t sug-gests ise ejprease of tise iesbersbip fe, s-sich s-n mat ion, of Mar. ~VbÇsculsby Dr. insus- lie report iras asdoila. Tise auditors repart ma a lspadopteti, and lise thankse aitise meetingauvitarithie reîiriag OFt'--ICs. Tise foiîowsin -s--are tisan electeti officers afos s-Se esuingyens-: William McCalse, Esq., President. A. F. MePiserson, Eeq., Vice-Prasidtiss. Jaisn Sisies-, Esqf, 2aad Vice-P-sitient. M. Tis-aite, Eaq., Recos-dieg Secrela-y. ltev.K. Maclenan, Cos-s-sponding Sec'y. Jamans haut, Esq., TreaSe-r.r I. Frs-mer, Esaîs-s, Librarise. Gxsa-EAs-a, Com-sxs--vx.--Mesrs. John Fes-gaon, Major Ia-par, M. C0. Douas-sas 1. hengougis, Aiex-. huson, J. Il. Gren- -aai Cao. Ilapinu, J. H. Per-y, James ts-aj-sa, anti (0. Y. Srnith. ha ai ai a Fi Ji D' Iteuclutions paRgsa nst tscting tise Coin- millet ta asranige for an excursion trip entier lteauspices ai tle intitute, <lasring the umr., if lta-y <laema t s-an ssc Ps-esenitig tise Revs. J. T., 3>-sne vitis a lire Tnmes-ship, la tolenof, bi&ssers-lues, anda 'ppoisiut>acaveanittes ta irait on han mis lim Ill sas-as-s-c , aîu s r -ts- tac-. aii s-> s- U is spne.out tise hs-iitora.le TIse es-itt--aIise u-s-ii-te atain le a es-mgyus-s fs.a ai tu n absi sue'55055-for- get tu s-aat %tsa-ies-aes-rnom-s-iiiatttasalias iolsai tisa-i. is effis av e, nlais; ha-va notis-I as tise s-vîngs ai a partlly insanet Èisgt, andialcouneentiy ass isesdes.- -Thse s'alt' a i'and asstît'a and isa " French t o ud-su," a-las-s" gr-aaî Usbnls-c. On tisase lie takes pliaty ai rosais, ini cIl gacs itl iinti hButass-c have sais], no anaes-f uresaaLi s attention te tisaspo-ur crs-azy nsiln'as rsiti-'t. Hlis dis-appros-ml ahen aiof s-stses- a-daiste train; beesusa tise leaders ai buth sm c- tious are Ramais Catisoiicuq 'ailïas, aiody, as-y hans-n, pad tise Mailer s- onl>- asoIe- vos-il>- atil, a Sbie1i1g thia-l isai sIex- tise otisy papes- epposeaiu tass-ise Po anyï i Macilanealt-Sicotte Cabinet,. lBat, -eft tise G/obe mos-es, 'is eonsingiroutas];1-aide- tise returnska quateai in assoîbes-article. I!iu>aluaed Lacts-s-scon>aGeole;y, andj remaîns et1 Geelaigicat l ousmrs.s Osa Thus-sti aist, Ms-. RllcIgave a s-es-y intoresile;lecture, sisal an instutcls- exhibition os-sGeolagy aund theainassbitsassts, ai tise ancisints-vasid, ina tis a Ia-gcbrick seliooI haute, PDara-tn. Tise diorama ai extses- anirna's, anti geological moasters, vas-c excetiingly clear anti distnt l o voyeti cousideaile information ta tise mintis ai tise audienace as la lise fart, ec., ai tisa animalu, vnicis existes] viil tis e -s mes-e Leiusg depositst. Likeaieses ai tise Mosac-urtis, an essaimus Lzsai-s]; tise Iltes-oductyîe, aFlying Reptile os- Dragon ; tise Igunodon, an hba-isis-asus reptile a-f collasal dimensions ,tise Ily-eostas-us tise ,Negalossurus u;s-hatTeleoainu; t- ie leS- tlsyeaaunss-; Usa Pie osausrus , tisas Lahyrlo- thoudo-n s the Librisisaodea Pactîs iiaailiua s; Tlsotaspsaltî Tise Coeiuy Eaigineer 4eguIC'.as-e tsi re- Tîsi on tise lIt t> cf Mas-ch las, b affeetet inlsus-ance on s-ha Canl>-buiiriinm. ta tise aionut oi *32,000, as Iralors, thi ia ta st>-:-Tiese to f $3,000 on isi Courst Hattue, ted $3.000 an1 the Ju, la emeix tais thse flotam ffi c -fles, viz:: i j'bJa sRayai, s-bus Lis-espool nadtiLoasntia ia Western, anti ais- iltiuisAiairiea1 màis-kit in ail, $20,000 on tise Cous-t [Touse, atat $12,0000on tise -Jiil, et a premnium oa i an hialf pes- caent, - iola> aiaeeiitI-peir cnt legs tisan fat-anscii>-pasid, abat tht ustexpis-ar motion fart- thibi-s]s-as-iss>. Ms-r. 'es-sy astaci eielies- cli ssieat-sas-y- requi-caa t- i ftise lai isad Seca compliarid ais-b. s- cHs-ne not, bai sais] apactea t iý su as- pot s-oti ,,1the meut-e, aon b- is eppros-at, as- tain tist theCô .1ar tishe slsa- Sen pan '-ne, ( Gaptol t Di etian Th( In the Ia 3 tapqnIl- eaula ZDIà 'lochea nisl.roosu1 IlsL? fis-e 1s ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YE&R Wffby, Tlîuurs-day, lune 5, [862. Gis-e them Fais- Plias-. siGis-e tiser fais- play," is tise ail bat' ansatinous sentiment of tise Provicia ps-eus, respectisg sht nese Mitsisis-y. Es-en tise rlobe itutîf, cter potsring out tise vitale of iss -,s-tis apon 'tise ules-atiti eetiof Massas. Matlugnli, Wilson, Foley. andt Hs-sss-ais-s, ntf w ru-eeot-,e tiese untims-eant ad lisviaiSlîýceisi-i a tile af luttes-s14 aun tise paesent position af public aunisr," - lanssiers as.fatiowm - cedtsa t igIe eeiiioaof tht Globe, adta aài- 1 BaSsist, ju4 Etots-nv1le 812t"Wt bePrssofth àift-y ap- i 3s- te be Uustanimous in tt2llS5si5e ta a tSaI tise 5ev - ovs-suaent -with sfs-s asird a gnerpucanlak-aiaes-Mout ai ana con- t tecaposaries alla-ibis-e tise isostility af tise -40bia te Chagýrin, ou tise part of thes pro- ps-tanites' ai -usat papes-, a tnot bisitg lowed t as finger in tise pjeienlucasstrscUsuig tis e tw - amisisrains. i's-lehar iis1ahe tha -case -or no;tiste Globe lah-es tenabhis gaviasitiin Its appastiiait ; andi iiile p-t'tn giu Isle altsandonnie-nt aif -apresenîatraus, gis-es due ce oiIls-te abulity, honesty, end] h. -heraîlity afibîe gentlemen con-petits-g the saew Cainret. Nat so the rahîi reigviaus rater cof tIse Staltnsnen (?), lui grent objectios- appeers la bas, that thte-lvasditi mnen of-lte iscwadminaistr-atiouaecRomaun us-J.S. s-e'Maoaldi îth lis daasise ana- 11os- lly ul; lu nw ps-amies- oi Caasntas- tdasissr asi def-ndes- Inems-snas Caibsalie pri-iegea stcssasedoves' proistnauassiiiai Mosut oraie-e eu.aa n s-litisas-C ns detetaniaeti apîlan-itof Xepcaeenlatissn lsy Potsuiation, ansd limsd(f asRamta-sCea Ie ta bssot.-. 'aheMs-. Skotte i.s tise pas mies- for Laies- Cantada,, a Rossa-a Chnhîo lie tua, andati mSens oppoaser ai Ujiper Caus- ala siâ- snMcGee Ina, anosh-it- ai tise Sandfield al ainetisabutiaclas-edti îat. bc aili aciieevery- tisea-meaansc, ssrais-risan thsat Rtoman Caihaties shailtant hure 'aiat- lcie l aet'O ailtheir ilits s-spetteti in Uppes- Canaisa, whlicis riglas arte gross iniriusgens-enis on tise s--iole irOsr%tai cons-m-nity,,iii asoatt, tise sights af a smacl iiissiiy ao trauspir on tisenasjas-ny ofai lu a Otiser denamriaatonu. Suobu ie the ins] cf cabinet s-viels Me-- Dosigail, Paley, Hostîn ansal orris bas-c castes-aid.' Ausu Is-.Mr, audte Wilson s-s- îïnow hile afilis pulisicai priascîhsl(s, ouly tisat he repreuets tIse feus-ilsitiiag ci, Vos-k, anc ai tiseesaslt unrai4aisa-aitcoin- î atihuencies in tise Prostiace, anti sva tiscugiat .-lt s-epaeaentâtis-e irceti lias-e ie-preisausteti its prieuciplai in luis ire usd s-s-ae s l- takera.n -Tise sac-p unisen îsy tises-e genls- mca le anc a i tse nst slst-stg m basrasie;, anti injuions te tIse Itefea an psasty tisai bus Isecr ttaain -sielas.ai er- alins-Sion ucr-tise Ils-ics--' segi-srrn, thsasilcGos-tithe cas-as-lisuetavies- haveinot - lie-ku s-fs -a Tis-at e~ i lis-r p aies-us- isa a~s-s- is-ti- - tJrsuta is~s-s- Ais - I s- fs-e-' ils- - 1-s I County Coasucut. féridr thut portion af the rond available r A RLIAM-E N T A.R yMr. T. D>. Nieeix AJde-48. - ai allsensqMof fi ile year. T JUNE SESSION, !1862. $iaat bc 4s tcxarinud ibe brdeover - Cooa'a CrresÙna ecC.-. F kCT018OaoF MQSTEATLa. e? - ibo Talbot River on Ibe>Ç tru 1Rond, ccd- 'JIIl'ST DAY ddei nat flod huy repaphra ecessa 1 y at ie~. Qe>r.I Julne 2j 1B52. GxLse-IsFre1nytse (,0,- T aihe igéna b mosDsuai...ernaor General, bavin., donctme th hoi sent 0thê ingtabridgesentata tateat tse EDeeitt'Siait Wnrrnr, Tuezday, Jone 3r4, 1862. o(ýth"Tajdlïàriver,- requises Borne t5w -Tteet ith el fab o ai Ie requiet bytesEe cniie oin Thse cancil moýt ithse court House. p ahikmand;olier reptsirs, tvhieh bli as di. p.artieias isnja-tnt, sineao they haive na- s-ensbcesaprsaaneih- Tise Warden touk thse chair nat hall-past Irected ta bo made. îaistly turadled tO cunsoliadsate theo power -c twa lo'clock, nIa ierillaigciei That tlica Seagog JBridge asastaincd marne i thIse 5w overismeit. 'fheyhsv rn- fore you for re-election. aver the folowing members aànswered ta damSiage tram lise ice and extclensi igh Iy ifoitittitliscir polie" sd sisce M r~ or thse confidence whsicls thse Ci7zns lheir marnes ;-blessrs. Brethouri, ivhlite, iwaaot duiritls; thesaipring, Iai ofwblchhas d:sy, lctnthé varions attictes o!it -wea-e Mantreal, -P~eciaI1y tbaso who-nre electors Chs-prsn FarbùIa, Prr, Ms-s, er.iw~aîraisîitti n aatiMsaniss mane. pir bsfare bath branlchles of' tisas Legis- aiofthsis Division, hâve rcpased ilintace on Chapmans Faïbanlîs, Pery, MarshVetii-he-, rislill lau en aaiued ceîaa Jdlncn tatibe- formere ocnüasbonsfrIeraoccasonst 1 aloide s:ny rI . noan, Gatisile, Proctor, Sangster, Cans-piseli tIse aceunîs tfor whicis having beau uo- eciaes-<cfei egr isas.ei NiislThîliYadTu. illiy s-xiiwinrd and certitieti,.are hbtevithIs uastrg whijch reail ly desuantïdasddistinct Yrsta-.-Itutisatcndecas, (WhihY;?unE~,~ saalnita-d sassarsssensntt.l'urin~sane tanew M- aslr nt)diminution in tige fut- 181,11iaî Tise Wasiden laid on tIse table a aiupy Tattendatse the aissn bttene Îth "t;i lang vinshdoe ts-t ini the5pro- aa"YnetacaOf mineaieslrtnolisd. of te hlI a aas-tti iseJur lawsre-Couty, ais]tthe 1Un&ito4 Cointies u' ork llgrssasas; blt Ass isera e, li tata no asistt'akt ralasy aifaise cheractea* for liiseralty arl ceiveti frot, flous. S. Snmitha. aaiPuet, relative to a bridgi -ras il.,, ~te tise)ssaio-safuclissg af Piarlisanacut in cas-srprise, vwlsiehuc alidsigssays A communcation front Ilon. ?1. Wl. îîckIier naieCasa hsbe 1e i'r urcit cb Frs ianqare, and as tlaey ivere erc st ps fie r eba ehrsos Allene chai rmaaa i the local commlaite, a' ,tiei'uwtasoips ic eaunt i G, ergius- wipîs tso sulîe et iisnifin tu ea pr e I ibisIsves ftllebsarc10 ofbuiler-M auiga.canascil for aid tasasls e grrecaiasg Mna- ivt tsalhed bylit s-ting Miniterida te1Iwiî hvifcntiueat.you~ the necessary batlduits sfor aise Irovirisîl Toeawardoai-,tise Axbitrsttaruis lserewîth ia, fe,%.iit hd Cal]. Itankin, is1wa, ay ftice hl hv h fotrt Exhsibition taeb baud ll1 ita Tosroni sto 05snibasitet. ýTIsaie bu b alto exiassaiei ay i i tront assai ontspore i ~tIens-enl, et theu hustiasf4 or cariier, ifne. IllesitLe ai the pi-apsiet biig, essa ti sew Adiisltration, anala sdi tieni aryif the fulj xinlasa ats 7es~. aIe laerso GneaalsSasreasy na-assdaIsle cassi tiereaf' wiais tise -ct-sassasy grisagne -,sstint lut isa sitriea ssineuîaies assd lpalî'Y aifIsle -wAdsi. utsshask $s1- 2,000. Th isie -Ir being sse- i'atîssr s-ce5s au ,ýis-y tta biJl tesatiasa. I bas-Id tisst {aie, assfr cOW-e3iti usi aasaar f ase e.rsisaed ta a coaasides-abie extenar.'on tsthr aiilacLebrosaglat tas. TIise a~ssassts5tuiassetas bic wartlsy <ifts psrasaisa leretisry lrj segtietsi Coda-CasMI iaîy ae; îsy a milidans ereciedi asrose s ) -eiaa a i-tsashaasseiw--iaa sI, liai VRA of tlletias boe caanirj- bou Pl.ta- ,s-rsas ilftise huis-t iast 1( t ii tsis-v s-.; nl sss. A.at e-a-, Ian se le'elie retalssjasînftis'Qse tsa the licsaisi river an lat Nu. 23, in tha str risasîoditai11 îssgstesa- as jnde' Tisa Wasdes utsa ifas-at-i aie c~snrl Ca-eai Gorgna. he1eperse a the wss a iaîel it,a)tesogs-î.-îlanal -i rcplyIsaeeitr bii've acahrtt esanry cor tîsut Isle Sserif lai pativer CntIse tannisaheexeue f*te ltsuyt tsro rtulidie a-r-nsaisisg n iishsaasie st tiensia a tie isasa eanad cmhankmens. lu therefare grenier pi-t"eth ie tnittér beyns-iltise poasiiîaïity 0 Isle ckýy wii dessy ils auIhoru-aIJ tsy Ihave M idnr srhulbs eesar. i-sla. se- iaswsssoaîyiunlesta-sud5 rght asa-kIstofird rfaheii liolàa-resident landti ale t îýIuî l tise Cuasnay Taca- dIIIt.IVICl- e-ls tisi ssni, oi tal.41 oakfonfredc o_ as sures-r lo btla ud aaiass-ti tIa s5 l laIli his resptutisiy sashaniteti, thegre erss a mens-e of s-Cifalrud o ttil nbces-taintaiseIj- tfIle peuple o JOHN, SHER?, IsM Veil sns-wssfà-st, thaît afier cte rs--c- 1Yoasr Obusd't servaLnt, f Mi ga iCnst nsise. Liaonsioaitliselite M Iisiste-îl ltie F'reîch - T~îDAas rsGsg Geoýina as ta returning ta tiais Cou,îy C.ast isieesoUsn-ais-a -lavoa gaîs-i it-l isie i hast llieieudtY, eit tgnraOfc sosal e talnnutier ai asi-.m's, unesssr-stle et til--ir iraiiierlwýnt if ai Mantreal, May 29, 1862. destlits lblit towns;lsp,,andti isai tiaey '-sc stlJa-e3r,182avair-. rissfai, gs-i isdt-i ~ae Tseaimhoii- n,-lxnTus cil de is-s-ct,s ao rn is b-nbci , andti4tait,.': Tise awsard af tise Aritaratoss iiita-th ieefe to ndi tda ns- )a 1s;ioai i- aie r a.e titon fr li pir)uot)ld-le resécetass-as-Paitise siw lsall-thirs eeunfld dsay (ta-d.for -tis sornitauioji. Thgre liton fs- tseparposewesii ieprsientsia tsutas Ceuni7 -pay ina the praîsar. o hsrs-e avse Iseen e-sîe-tt, -idth:ise littias- dasIbî but tîtat .Me~i b tale sIeCossaseil tise presigni Session.,as as oillion af aIo 4 ao-faitIse expeasseao i ussras-et.01tI la-ceras--lu'd s-rats-;rnstta- 5 us .81s0 ta tise seves-al branches *of s-be ils hebr< t 0.litetses-lvestplisi gadfortun --e'il dTIascasatoi- lésgislatusse, TIse artien uat fonsntsetl ts big.I !0s ttsu ssssotst u-Ir.oa ais---- --- - tIse Coaeeili abat Isleseveni pEtitintst en.i- îaiîsa5. Çq 1reaniuaits iss-tn ia-lsMn-TE W trais-tesltsu hisrs firs-tIse purpose issati liers- Of Toeu-li Iickey, ant i lloîe-s, pW -,a sTIii.Iýiclsy irrsfe-sseid an toteasitosi oi ias-es-astis-ud tauIlle- sererail brtanchs ai aise'niltatl-sbrid e Villagebas matie ' i-a; i-ss stsc---itafl tisi9e ie EPIAEBATTLE.- Arus-toat' aies-)3td.vai, anti 14 cs-iht's-nfor.stasl, as-asose tas-iiily i-rintj 0,%;LSONBOTII SIDE.S. MI rt Ern .alîk 1 pasris-ese..-Mr. Saigster. lesas itatIv-stif *tiasse lia ps-sasc-ýu i . Ilti t! Tise followisag selanrt oai tIe Aadit.-rsa' (Ir Iiglt si Neleosa and otiie-i, îssuyii; taCs'-t tas-, sîis-gisl;-uisîi%e a-e-egi;e, last arasresti -Yesr Astiuretac ta epa-rtfai- sls-trce to finislatlie s-ossd fetwei ss-I sa-sasLî assi-t nui-sot i disasit-Iu ts ÂaassnonJnc tr lisat tisey hasve u -Iite-ulyous r -aase' alt s is le 2Asicarncessisnao -- sg-ass snia Ior-ict iss asst 'bef4.sas-ag esat-as recgiv-ata aces-santas-rISGI 'cas-efuity aossspartag aise ms-. tsasilaisit tisese- 1- -ti il ie yclse h atsa ii-,- l ar lyepas-gunesîthaisîa aiterasoosa, iroul itas ns-sKital hie s-ochersinaail i gaes a i r]ilifis-s a- aur.sa-w asiy srnhiaaiof siths-tCtlC s- 'e ssav ha thisa siey lias-e las-aisi tise Bonse Corr-cet. tctrta-s ftsilie Coonly", plaaytîsafisru na e-ttt -rais-atli tis xtîiiînstrs- Ia s ti.s-aiîaate Ibattiai, if) whiclh lotir Anditar, fs-astiiCs a-tpas- thasat thtyisiy lasiattio osattise lrd cance.«siasari Scoi tats~ a-lts rsaiul .ie sa -i-isa .ia a--snGse-asSme- liaiem havse pie-pas-cal in duapitate, abstractsofaiota analust No. 20, tastietusufeliicon.ie fIV, -ts1aaistalt us,-ss aics.ie&Inat s-ys bs-ae iiseigeiasa;ias.grena. aise receips at i spas-ia tatinQ Ise. IICtttîi- srs isa Mr. Versasse. ts-t la- ce] s is- s-if0t-e in2t,ii, a a bas-tor isusiisibr. Yfutergl iouae syiiris- tise e-asli t , sassai asà- -sit i aise u-a nusus i li teeretrai le-ass-'tsa- u su ,, asla; ts alina- tas 1sas s ssi--îa:aasiai ts-i-e0ss-tsiigs i Ikî, 0!'ai as-tesrible etarm aulich is bs fl>otieul thi lise tlst tiasv oat lias-reier ins isle tsse iy 'i-.luatsasigne rcese-iby lfia-atcliiaa-s Isa;lisea. t5salatt -iai -stise s-ili taFiaas-. O un Case>-' s-t us-s es-as- fise coua lie h grass--es-iaisuetioc ((g-d b b r-r ig (]1('I I l i idi-rý;a I-ii- Cen cie' tissa tis-y lave as-c1ara-i deiltesî-- tis ul v thtie Select Cousanittea ois v M- uss-iraiad - -uiPsettl aiaîiny îas-astii i ruaizsaatse a-s>c5.est ns-i,'allvte arl-as-tsiasg ls.r aia ýq r, w- ta l -as tsi tise fia-st ilis, gave slsaa-nst-s-ts ai deeil a tisa- ni t si usî-eri s-ctaai ,e -sail--I lgaîîs-i agsîs asq athecastanb!. sl'lIa cas- -da emp-a c Vous- usIttis-Ile siuisells aiî-i anisi, Wstty> Fitsna, Pr-, ta l isIoses i Or lies ls n lass- iI- As- n a er ri us-ss, 'asiuinwie elasl isa ndm na t--ot-i aais tsuafailqt-t s M- ae -rll t - ai sati rs aits- ltu sIst. it ua- e-i- --t -iaaasan a-ila I it Your Aditorsx.iiiiiied he -ns-tnoes-tes- a oa-tas si ,ýtgilans-e brus ( las-if s elts i alsillisaa wina ls e yus- Jsdt- nms-aisi a d M r. no- ny, tie astas i a i -stt.aais-îcagir tutu 5 a-s <a ! ps tulenaali es-isSe l'aa toi;ECONDhù lbet trs DA .'issI-elait-ts-su--as . is -tss-î,t -se I1tiü'S kiah s-bt sa~--sr s-s-as-cyring s-tb ts insaie s ai issale issit of S-tusaila 1escep itia tia-ra itd ate TaaVi--ienbl-lie csirathll-pi-a ltai rtosucpr ietiaiaslastie( ta-ands i as-i rs-e e Gi-0er ,. tig r~--i l CoLshi nss esaisis-as. î aat -uyîs-a sst 'r tuiy ns-î-bieseu ut WItI eb s e > auin îisist :okil t iseesaie t issexla basa(lon-l el,(is-a l, Toupon nt lasos aiaaic sa t îa(Ls-naIfo la ss--nttî ieiîss-aailiu y.di'lla is ea s-rsss--rs-es -s-s-ia- i iic i nt a nd tceîicous-- - li et tisa l a s -- ea--- ----- d las' taa Ius a st aass-d t r y u la o th i Illena as lle stuiaaaforClas ti onassus (rab isn it . s-a î e r e il ad--M. Iis'-i4mzo cy. snc îî airas tati s- MIs-osan- filebay1O coi- I - Ps-rat-aurreporlus-oai Latit Ivhieif al if ls-i-a caisse.imaie;t1e ndExe -i a u e si ît C u i i C Le r E, s m i i e t d O fi c tia n î UIis - s as a -l a i s e s-s a i le- a s ut u s t e 1sssa n s--.li -vIb-l- Ili a fl s l j t s is a .si At ie t ti l! u it l' n IT, 1 sfr n lip i( Mars-e e nta i- v s, [ r lT t-ar r j t i n. i -sisol 1 - t-Ilaas- ie gong - a s- s è i ex ii s a f lt g c i - usina-t. for ai tan the Lis-ocs Road.-Mr. 1 t sIaisgla Immiatg dnas as (lai n tgessi- iaai-siiiaa ie ots ie.,ns~ W is th y 1sIss 3 a 1 62.b el , ( ~ e -js ) -uts ai s-o i C15'55s- ii i , t-. h i 3 i il i o s- dt se 6- 0 -t a S Ofreati tis-eil' mu as-. s-os-ais-gas-a ba as-VS - itErati CFTie -to~Y Y ent-a-suea. -pCs-s'OisaTiN- S'tnXslsOs- LAos-. tie Pal s il ates- JuGit.imass-,isua s-luisth A i t ,~-,o aas, a iots TlcWadn sati ise ailwiug rpr lt.Sia-ue atie]le-et mso gaiidastefnnsIjh---i vng.s-ahciapoe ppnlni.T u waaa ai tis Cossny Esagneer s-- sOf aT hlyhs-as- t ae-etlsndlae iU-r niihts-i'a-eers---.c ia aeofitieSshshbth,-yis~ata-dsii Casas-t, c a(as1, 186sas a-sai a fh i- ntiseod-tisa-. On s- rouss-ylai senatasefti;sta h-tigsul- -etites- aries antpthe Sout.-tip l n ' rlian-s- i - 1 , 1

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