Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jun 1862, p. 6

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31othow Teofy i3rtislî &Awmrlca ExPressCo, Mlonlreal Ocean SteaiMhlp Go.,ý and, Lilluz he steamers, lhIitoved o door Seoth, or the Itegisury 0f- fice.. I(OIIERT E- CA(IPBELL, 'pi il 23, -862. 15* f Tailors, Shoemakers, Caxriage fluilders, Dress Makersi, and Heads lof pFamilies- Geuorally. émol et w'ANZAR & <"e Wiop M'aclihît «4 Fqiultand m Moînotiriiig With lut-st iroproroteients mî.n t l6irpricom. JAMES IL GERRIE, Agent ftr ('amaty 1îtur. FARM FOIR SALE. T Il F oîtierl r lirfor slo ok usttîî-lbé oflut No. 12, i the' tî con. orîthe Town.- sbdil) of Tiorsti, co n tiîîaiian l îtidrerd *ept iii, o.a i ýofthe Viittnge of Bcaierton, .4 wml tiîohered, und a iii;er filýitz trenor 'fater eroco-os the lot. it isin h tho imoieîdiâîe vîieintIv (f il'aiott 01150*. MNli, itChurche. Fo r tering, whielà areo lihoral opply (if W lot- JOUX CARTERt, %elltby, Pe(fle GEORGE MILNR, 12 Brottgltm Pt' tOfflie JOHNS &GI{OSLEY, Sah \ ti iioit eroaif>itipraod GlITTA PERCHA4 CEMENT ROOFING' 'Tiùcteacîjist anmd unoet dîtrohlo ltaiflng in uice. FrTÇ FfRE ANI) WATER PROOF. If' fti1 Io dptiý)ivd t,> it"'- ,nd oid IRoof.,of tal Uinds, auttttaShi'iSleo afft ithont rcltloxing tlî hefittglen. The Coctîje sofily'about One-Third that of Tin, andit i l twîee a's cdhrable. GUTTA PERCHA .-VEXENT F ,rctlvinz> tnd ret)airitn Tini and othter s I-, ioftvry deocriitlon, froin t ira t 'C', . 11t i xjtreod byithe cotrnctiiii n n tiiNelorso:d. N'WLNUarsite OaT CiRîîACK WýV*4ti iii tatefo. aufl w-e ot cire ahîtidant priiof nf 11i ve ltitn In.uheir fao-r. i lw ire raliyapplicil by ardinary ishor- iZ a ritîîg ci-p ee - . No 'î; 7T 1 RQURE -.. Ptare put uip rcady for 11ýV alOJ&oito-1ail parts of lte Couî.ery, witln fuil printed udirec- titonsafor application. mfl. W. W. B3ROWN, Ol~otînsole Agent for the Couonies of i ý&."O $cD DU11HAM. Fuil dtkiliine clrcularia will lbe fur- îiiiJtcd oik apietion by mail or 1 a tia n t' ur Principal Office and 78 WILLIAM STREET, Coi i. f Li',orty Strcetf New' York. *JOHNS &o CROSLEY. ýAgen t. 1'nmted-Term* Cash. 22 UtNTlES OF à ~AX i ,udarîi)nzm micoilrc ltîka W théemIta- I itoîttoft théî Countienuof Teckr, Peel, and O>ntatrio, for tîtth aiur taiors -Onferred tîpou tîto dinrinag poot ycai, Utgain tome befare von on îgotrtarthcr suppo)rt sud conllïdenoe ýVel'r ho in), Jury te mtrit that coali- élcoce % iii have ou cheéorf\thly eonfiiéd infie1. l'montitdcoîîiti ry, snd the atrîctet'àattention taenstcwilil U thoélîîeaua 1 ehoil take te 1 -Pt'tUeontinoice. ~rs ltft let thec74Jroiucin', mIer. a liceic, of ait îtlc8 aud .snga7ec-enr#., laré- çularty Sept, rchou bo sttended ta. Prteocaor- ra'iicd, unrd'days lfxed, without--tloétrouble of T'O' BAKES, &o. .1 Rate Chance for Business. A liubc and ïoton Brocl Streot, ut Port4 'WIutbl. Th#8llimné24 bY86.feetw ith goodi aitolie celtar. :Thé 1t cteofains llàI! u sers, and' ié WeilI)l iautéd uvitlî fruit trocs. Tiers are7 ,tblé ,,nucd,,, asudao-0ood d1 et wster. î Tiie l lou attsha ,dàgood brick avotu 7 by 9 oui tIc bde, huitable fer te earying on teLa-rLye Eakary Businzess 1h ald eomnaitd the whole tende 'otthne t'or-l ber, sud wgood Itttsi oeé utîo, doré bY drii!ng, o brîzad oacittu e town, whIoh la uu111V ton mtinîutes drive. ALSO FOR SALE le géndI r0505 muid caution Agalmot Counter.exita. T'he he reputo iand extensive sale o(Meurs. Per. cyi.mmdieloe.haerng ndoeed noty inîpeln îdhIndi- NdiltWPW "t 1oponihe pulic 1c llîî àdar o OI- osiosctheie oit prcparlion, CMem..perry beg toifr penneprhaaîn i ir medidci hal nome are, enaho.noesb ihete niealho igoslnmct . k j.. PERRY k Co.. jo aixed titîihe ouloide ofeaeh manw perof its Carial DaIm of$%raum and Deleroivew, sece, "ant heir caine, atldrena. sol aisoeIhat ofIthe me. dirine. b, tîtnwo on lte boitte. le boitais -hich lx flony; andI. in addition. ail Mesar-.Per-tYo* oedieilkens old in Aneiea lia.loolo. Chins. and ail Other paIutle worUd wili cproleceil y apaîtentasle afftTtetl10e acli Iwitlp lwriu thir atn an adresalin full; andI cvery pwd aidalo oîlte 131101lie aeeroiiitjd 1w a coovni ihe pamplelt, titrd "Exîrarla (mUSinhe lfent 1Fi*id, fi whlch ta icelaied in the pries charged feur the inedjeine. Mtesse,. a. & U i.. Psry -& Co. are unoIv foli cou. hulted atI Ihir rreîi<lrncc.No.l1, Ilentera glreet, Ion. tdon. a. ethry crer nitier any ecîrcumomanc&. oryeI ejîher tu homes or alrnasl, andI Uey here amuullite Publie apist ntîy perOl i OSltheï10r flOe. The greateat Medical Uiacovery of te ÀAgc. 1.-Ikt y SCIUA BAI.M F h'Iop M. .1. b. Ensia etinrly aMeinnru mti knoN cthmseh. nu Ill, e warld se l'îlE GRFEt Sl TOIE l. r 'Vt, altr-er theîiog retey for fleIto"s c aini). a ersoe lauaaedINYweri or lire Wheîî ts. lselcl1lu>(lite tilleatif yoalh niaiaeiu,or oId oge - Il io acertain cure liuîail eas u eXreme. ocrvonsde. ility pnidîueed yearly aimprudencee, suId iarioso oallier ty. .10*>-. or losujeé nldigestiont. %nites oftreati. dimOs c tsight. gidileow, chelic, boWel oatilbilions lii'er etplmiuoîaj, itdirelaxstion, dyséiiiu, asdm iiaftti,ef vri-ccinotago wne. rheuuîtsun, eogn o sr.Veci&aiidulcelreS"thfi. fi rvos.. iesit, h>-ienn iauiitî- the ltmui itrildcnpeiriculation. atid female complaiteî. Titis itiralnalule inediciti ihencutuat otiderfalitomphacf art cicr olore. sai t stIapieti fur batsexes. t, lbus te effertt freaturls snd encreamitt heo noral vigne tutIhta.vin sr., eau. fcitig roni prostraton outtIlatuor "utè hy soi, 'Ont- tng ieolmiuen or bot ultunîec. Thqisamuta hshae becut retired Ti, limalli aid cigar liy isunea as swori t u on oalh l'etbirc- ltit ightHll. Letidaynrnuitonidait.asud Tie falliuwieg A ltlrmao5-ir Peîc te anclt, 1Kt., týirJj. Date. lHart., MO. P. Sir J'ibn ibiagrvem. Har, 1 Si ec. ('uroli K t.. Sir Robset Wialter Cerden, lKt-. David Williaim Wire. Esq. 't'ffa Cutiti, Eaq.ýM. P., Sur- Htenry. ibiggrrudge lIt., andtibiers. I5rit-e îlig ler toule, or tour qustlituca in niie-for Oia. whicidaaresls., and ati £5 baties, rlertiîug ao oig aremeil>- fer soy oftlie foi-in..ut Secotîdary lIvuîlilom. andI for pîrif>-aug the sysîeo (rom OutoiutIi.li., recenuurdeilfoc al ihoil, (liseuses for whîclî unretifr).- &c.. aam nul atly etoîpl.i>ed litu vain, hal toofientuuite uer um uuof bcslh. lus act ipurely- ielerite..duteI ita ieuellcial itîlluete on thc systeni lta sndeautle.- Pi-ire îl. sAd 311EA, ot S E Carg OPtus. T e A ND s CTtIM FU..O COATtO Osoe!tg UScrO > enaipoacil of. tare valuatule gata, snd alloaextiteu, of (ioop&Jha antI Cublla. for tecuoi-conainale -Iri. go- iorrheSa. atidal attretral affection&. stinetujlarý nt higb-.colorednsceeriione, dorsalpanuoiea.caiie in etier ses, catunbi iuediale relief bTT sehdsiq iii- ftsematgiry action. "peld- toteleffs. atilI elisiit, ie Oi U Itie cuastio'eve rs t.MCftieut valoabît ta Tût cancsofotGotorehooia. Glec - Ëfiutturet, &c.. a single trial iwilI prove the ettnasy cf Ihias unqualleil reiîedy; s', il lst once sala opon lihe ladder. snad 1hle nieto.gentitl organa, reàuoring theunta 0 une healtit. Viie 115. aid 33x. lier liix. . ' IOEALTU ttEl'EJOD-4 PON PURE Bt.OOl. an intadliile icore fuir ai difeaitu ni lte ais. snoas AOriey. sroua. oteers. !cttie loiuilea. punffekaois lie ON ER UtNS.RELAXATION, AND l9X HAUSTATION. N1e iedtiuon. '!nlergeta ue199 pages, Illuitaaîrti by 1001 price 24a d. Thé Sulent Frienel. A éEDIOAàL Work nthe NDtur.Tu-ment. ad spcrmsloribosu, aTil unitt-genital disaamcofethle nerst-i stm. and illter ubacases icliemai ibath seeproduciog a degenîeaey ofmaffia]ati pbyaicl Irglit, ttriîaîingin louaI deblliy andI iniipcty; abhomina- whythase diorases suocftc» appeau- incurable, ien in- cthtthey cai ho. cifeîally remoSfet hy tht mort simple meinet, Alan lut hé hat(roenAirAente inait. parts afule world, EXTRACT O UtTHE SJLISNT a-RIEND, Pucé 5tii., whlci connlains directions fthe -uai.estr o peuiccls,. anti 14 Incldedin lthfe piee cinrgecilfor lte S Solli Mevrs. R. k h PERRY&iCii.ia Whti epale Dept,o10 Beraie*rena.Oxtordeslesi.îatu. Agenis: BICLAY& Co., 15, F~a'ringdoix Street, Landen. The Cele bra±ed German OU1 (u eS cta-, braisce, frost bites, rtuing 1 flores, aud ail kinds otf flsht wountde. i h lethégréaietoaofedy inowu tor lîéuîing Thc mied7 taisnfallibté Wrar etif.iIn horfes antd cattie sofféring front pain.- Prom ýtholaïàud4ofut ëteatmonis as to the1 efioaoy ot thlsinvaliahle ramdy, fIé foIIow-Iinh ebe sled: t111 n saitoodyour oaitteIsat six, Jearut,.uand arn satisffl bti ttIt le nmnquaiîod-toc heo-,litg CLé, antd 'etriig trust-bites. ltie ,eaLy la1 equallygi eatmuppied fis meut or ltsat.'1 JAMES GRLIIIG Ta A. KurOWLi$, %q, * Piakecing, Péb. 1e, 18411. dgIn jieetîce tayou, snd acao dut> 1 ôta-othé' publie, 1 thmek st cia-ht fu rec,mmond yont cêlehrutsîd Gerinuuus 1. îMy litt], girl gort ne- veroly sealdel, sa u ch noihat cr recover i vuë douibtai but hy the timéel> applicfation f yotr ou qiie l10 o umpleoly cîtitil. * MATTIIEW SWALLO'Pi, Jr.' Piocering, Jsnuiary 17, 1861. SDFoaR Sîa,-ln Zjeticeeto un. and lthe pub- lie int geÙérit. I- thunk itnUIt t', m med MAIÇUFACTURER .0F ALL. IUNDS 0F J j i t' 1! c~UPOLTRYiNAL 18BANCII -ESGreat Work on the Hoe. IJOSEPH F. RAINER Pianùo-FPorte. Nfanufaocur r, ~IWERE Entyybc fud a âne from 6 t 5J<, 6U. 7 and 73J octavecs, îîîaîîufae-: turcdofthc Sert mateiiols, 101d prototîîccd by the0 mntdistineiruhled Artiste, to bo otîcor pamqed bv atrcîîgtl Anu trity iofTmne Wil àeaOd On the momt réeooiîble termea nd war ranta tu tO tnd nY Clînltto. Orderofrom an>' partif the dccouni'pprmeptill atmied do. - At 010o Prvmcal Icîititioo lîed in Londoîî On 24 t 27 >lepteînher. lf4f11. thtert prize mwas awardcd toi(wîiepil F. Rhuer for the tilperior qîîaility of im Janq-Fortes, wihî wrc tt.- cd-iîî regcardI to Touche Tooe &ýualttyj of Tint, ad DeUrafaie'f neoîîfid niirtwo extra orizeni fur the cuiperlar polimh (et thç lnmlronîeuîf*. !le also took the flhét prizca nItIt Pa-liliar ini 18,58 îd8. Tho Pianos of Jos. P.Kitiuer wore plaoCdolu the highest cluse and a. diploton amardd fiîm. M ir 4aiîîcrýi uîanîé lé mol knowvn telte C~iln niPublie Xe 'ano i rnlctrand roquireca no fiîrtlior catuîaodatloî3 thon that whilel11W einstrùnoîcnîé <i jumlly eorzted.' ffl InordorIng. ploa4e sute thetI tnibet of Phono wantcd. JOS. F. RAINER. uaii an u opare îtîîu ue satistied uefore YOU go eJsewherc ? -M- Funerftls Fully-Supplied, And'.exerything in the undertaking Eue to be httd on the short- est notice. Cofftos kcpt constantly on bond. AVARE ROOMS No. 4, Brock Street, and'N. '2, Colborne Street, Whitby, C. W, DR. LA CROIX'S 1'hysiologoIcal View of Cardiage, AND) 130 E0tVN~ 25 lruceoanîr25 cctteu. SelittIrco 4t 0 ti. of yauuth and Ifi utttiv. iii-ait ti scrttfolliee ut bath ,iexe oui nl nguîc, cauuittg pnioai uttlic hcart, t.tcils itgirieFM" THE U} invoîointar.# etlt oiuugo. d, eeaBJ' meuncicv, iuidiireetiooîný nd laeiilt, tmidkcouu l'-oiooa ifthriUinqg holeenfel #te Jiadisg cool MERCANTîJ.ILE ( MIes.,a à (iifeoStulewl, and oaflcun ktr-iod o 'y iÎ.tC., <Ic. t iil trt-utiilnl idimer ta tîtlO5Niîc înarricd d Ihtwe coittei)-tiil. hutte iar-iuîgi, vlîo enteriti eret douoùýt ithir pheei-ol MAIN & SIENECA cotndition, sud wmitaore cwttttion« t aI lnna hîtzarded th elt h îî. lapioctdprivilèges le un important link in the à to *ýiieh occri hiittiuî elute- é ttiî led. of Coilea-e, î ocatedýi'n ' YOU N(; IÉN yo lirec troitîhicti with %vea- NEW YOR1K. 1'XIli 11014-,, îrI 'todhy 1liait habit li vfntll, vlt e'ecse of Whirh not-dilzitîiei, pain-, tii ceet- ALBA NY, CLI luilueis, tsoittàuuea a riogîtin- lu e coi-s, wettk DTOT créavoakiotaaI tc bak ziuti t4orr cxtreini- DEiIT l ien, coutfutslnnutliens, Jlou4,ut uicmery with AN D uT' LOII uîtsnîoly uy haetiréil-Ii)w lte situttar-% A Schoiarship îssued fr NEWt'AlIS AND LONDON rREATN lfNT- lu Colleg, ti I Ie gcîoîî1 iii i Wc have, recontii-dovoted mueli or aur unme aither for eoupîetlllg ttheaton: ii visiting thueEUROPEAX 1 lIîI-Aî. inga a s>'tinté tlaercaftsr. nc'sîlina- ouîélves of the kutowleo3rê uand ree - Thé Designe fýtheso lei searchati ofthe o ut killeil Phistliane %antd impact tei youngunon anti-la colis la Ecrolie snd thc Cotineuit. Thoé proofctm ug oine èaifuton.- pîulhactte ieiees lundirott ure vl in ieCus fI haro thte ftil bîttielit otthc lIANY NEW rorgctsoo octin Esoe EFFI CACI GUS -BEItEDIES vîtliehi me en.C tlrehys e corie h.tdvi aibleai to ionttodoé mb it r proeuiee, ai tîté îegeoaýttt .Publc n t- mt ntea ri ut l sauné sonl, 1 . og teotîs A ltySeRCY.and atiinteîat te Book.koelngj, il s d Roiohod lls etdoore, uooo Phvabeisntunî mi uei oalt luthiaoc PECULtIAR nepartunent ur prolcsslona ne. priittetaea tielnr. tire,fuw ilM, S lis wu-5ah The SponceniAm syalen F Ncrcut1 iitFi=,.- Loe ilo tuo sfD hip mlétoua-ht by W. P. taipe tuidicncoti tfieay l wichlis lecuto-éci Scholarship, toil couiru lu titoooantlies oreues, anti neter titi!ès) o ett vance, $40. a 1ti c-ro spodo cître cthocCt'any bil resulté, ai lie COiile0 J. ni lione buet Dr- LDe S.sey'i Féiole l'eriodeul Reoknt p lz& esut Boiff Pis. W. P. Sa-ancEte Pricetlilie-rboax. Theyc aunialied taon>' For fothor inlorciatioui, p'art ut th IW î~dstutesor Canada. 1.1Coleée ooms or moud fûr Ci TO Ti 1E L4DIES--Wlîoo ncd al oeasafsgdal lar, enloii letter atacas>, medWi ciIadviuaýr mtIregard tus an> otthose jl- teruaaKtiog COuItIlalnta ta vîticI theur deijoste or. BRYANT &Q ataizlton reniellrs ti i able, are partielrly iited ta oiiuuilt Un. Thse Secrets of Yoritis'1UVqeîîeu. Britis Ameica AssOnal A4 m5crs e tU r&eofqiPremai urt Dsîa y-.4 N 0O Â D a aoleeaao, anniV. JeuA sbliekeda Bisi ttcr 1 Np POAE tu IFALO COLLEGE, L-,STREETS, Sautiuual Choie TLADÈLPIIIA, IVEÉÀlAM, [ICAGO, ils. front ise fnifs- iuy of the thex, ýre t oror raie-l- ladies, us horoagh, action, Sle go or- suitd Pruct(e, and thuicansd Peu. noet thorouugh andl oi 6f pemman. ic Payable ini sa- doJ.C. 1BECYANT pes ai ut te catalogeand cim- THE HORSE AND 1118 DISEASES:- 13Y 190 ert Jenunî.gs, V. S.# Pýrrfoor t aîogy. and <)Opralîve 1zucgrry ilte Veîeeiosary Colleiee of Philaflrtpuîîe, Prenr af Veîeerilory 7e# ie oein tflitl e iwairllîîr College cf Ohio. lleretari- of the Atlhéti. con Veueinari Aoes1iiîn of Pliuiailelte6o. tic., e. WILL TELLJ. bu 1 f lite Orlgtio. Illitôry anîd dsclttivtra litse of tlîea vgriîea turéedaç of EoîoVen, ,Aialic A(riessil tîîd A'oeriiAuî lor-s, ndt itlut' puy ciraI formoationî and Iîîenllnritu.s of ni i a ah- mial. atîd Iow ta îîsuortaio hlis necby the utttib,.r niit eCondition cif' ISIS lt-tii lt;1 loîottwith nninaroîîs e0tpl1illîri The IIorse and is Diseuxs WILL TELL Y0V 0f Breottic. Brenkicg, %< eeîwil ix linrmft lI brewt ttioc iItuides ulaîlininis- Ic.riîîg î 4ci1i40,, lOQhw ta trest Biting,! Kiekiln, tf, boriîîit, -Plhvini, stuibhice. Cuîl. 14tiiig, Ietlijît aindothcr lvices W vîtiîeli he ila oubjelet witlîI lumeronsîa cýlâator$ IdIien. The IMorne-and Uib Diseuses 'WILL TELS.L YOttl<If 'thé 0*i'iii, mtpllîe, Anîd Irefftiit uf Sîraîtgletà. $ore Thrast, >eîiulCotrei. llîiza, Itronedhlîbs, Pfiitonnon, Vierlsvý, Bren ken: Wi:îîl. (2hreaîîiuie, Igtnrig aîîd WtitlÇîme 1P, LpsorsmcNmih, t2id Ulcors, .sudil>i-cntvtrdTfeti jeili other limtgtta of tth'eiith and Re'- piriatoru lOrgane,., Thq lorw>an Un u 1eDîflednee WILL TELL. TOC 01Qit e onne, ma>lnptoms1f aînd Trecalniint of Wônt.>, îPots, lutt'irr StTRoîgcîaehoý, Stny"d'al vrcltmîinsi, R11 Itire, l'a1!t'y. Diarhrvnti, Jstîidieu- _lIepatirrhoeo, flavIIlt-iutLainî ut i ad odher dlee m- îîrthe Sîci mach, Jlat'ls. Llver sud Urliary,(Or- gan4. The florm usnd. plis D2seaxete WILI. TELS.L Oti f thé onotea, %y niptoula, and Tritrfitenit oi-, lBlond, and loer 7 S a i t R n i d t n e , * t w c a ie . - t s i a r-oe Kreeti, _iVitî ala eti Solo Brtinitoil trgi-.Crâekee l lrniîc Scrittcep, l3nlkere Tlîroohi. tîa' ,i. Arlco ut Mîit'ti, VeriiiZo, EP'i Iipey<. 'bger,5~lO er dientî of lis ane.L d zîîl it-ad. Tise Morue andufMis1 Dibeases WILL TELL YiU (Of theu elliftisVfittoi and Troatînnof i' itiulo, Ioll il (Olndera, Ftirey, Searlùt Foer, M1angé, Siicfoit, J.ockà fitîw, l;titoitna, Cnnîp, (talls es, ofîlie Ege tand llctirt, &C., &C., islid îlw f 'tnanoga (nrtofBlecdfiop. Tepiianc *Rowelinte, mrag lrnnAnplolîn Tnppîng, .n tîé sgo., ii'esbos The Morse and HMs Peealea - WTLL TELI..Yi>tW 0f IAre%-ia niètiîod u0tain-. * irg e ôr-té os;on iW syqpnch, e iter n oric*ate rat Codlt Ii&e, itiCfstOfft îiitn to lrwaéto; AIK letili9forn i mid la%* of Wutç.-y-cy. Tho w1ltolo tilfg tii* fui etîtdy ut the hûblhs< îiýecliariuirp, nactoi l afiul. Vie. book conluilos 884 5g.9s, fi9ropriztely llust-ited by nutri>' One dnihétI r)grnvisuim It la prlnted in a clsa sd opefn ty'ie, aidwill bo tarvorded toW £ltfaddrois., 1ostsge . l1i,1) receipt pice, lia tid, fî0î), ut, letrib0 geinta that lia, applylea- carly, RT( c i - - * i 10 Offrs for sale a very large and excellent assoitmenýt. o SOF AS, BUREAUS, LOLNGESi Bedsteads, Tables, Wardrobes Chests of Diawmers,-LookjinglWasses B~ook Cases, Mattrosises, ParInr, andtI t~auing Rooni Chiairsa, 1ocking Chmiré, Office Chairs, Csne-tcated Ciîairs, Toilot Tobleaj, Towel Stands,l&c., &r-, in grent vaciety, andi ,t greatly reduced pricas. Warranted Wo be mode ut thé lent materiul and workmafî - sîaup. lie respucttuliy inviteq tan oxanîination of bis stock,. Every article i ianufac. t il -ï IV WNe TILL

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