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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jun 1862, p. 3

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tic s of the Poee for th6 cUuintý of Ontario, transtitted by Justi&es whose fltlfes are annexed, and nom wpublished by mo-under Proica 4 and 5 'Vic., Chap., 12. Clerk ofthe Peace,C'O ator. Name of Dofuodaut. Jamtes Caipbeill.... I John boody. aud John Rogers...... J. MeMa.ater. Woa. mcbestor. R. lockîngs ........ Ges.- Cotwctt. R.Fort.... tChas. AMcGann .. aud Pot Bornas.., SDenis McCroau .. and Hienry Walttrs,... John. Murphey ......... bru. Griffin ........... Cla.rk Hodgins ...... E. Hockîngs ............ John Conuor...... N. Millor ....... .. F. Cark- ...... ...... P. Covanâugh ......... Mma Pitkington ....... David For..- * .- Addison Lowr .........j Jatneî Middteton ...... Rohî. Watker .........; . brs. LamhLkýn....**j Joshn Taylor, ...;....... , .......Patick Ford....... Date of Fightiug..... [.. ......1862. dttto......... ............. 'S j L'gttilng Dags . 8 inreacti Dyy tow 93. ....... ......... Aprit 26;ý iDrunk aud Diaorderty.. ......29, Brocala &tw 93 ......................" 29, Drunk sud. Disorderly.,............... ay 1, Dtreach lBylaçz93.............k , « 6 A.sault ..................... 17, ditto .............*.q ..... 17, Breach liv.iaw 93 ...... , ...... .... ' 20, ditto... ............. *..........c 2, citto.. ............. ............<22, ditto 22, ditto 2, Drunk and disorderly..£ 23,6 Non-papînent-of Wagea................ ar, 18, Assant j...... Thïeatening Language..... 18,1 Doiug busines on Suuday ...1...... April -7, Assanît aud Battery............" 29, Setliig Liquor in tine prohibiîd ...... :May 14, Assault and flatter7 ....................ar. 26> S' 'I (c c' k' 55 fWm. H. White ... Adam Whtcte.. Jas. Bagarhaw. .. IAbrah.am Bagshaw.,. ...r...............................it......April 21, qfe I eo. St. John ... J lhiiip St. John.. Chas. Huston. ... WM. Herou. lEdmnud Hrou .. iaden--.WnOliver.,........ Selting Liqucr %without IÎcense.......My 5 ........Tih Nugeut .......Malcions lu ury 80 property........ 5 . ....Piip St. Johin..... Assault and threateniu«....f 2,c -thur R:)a o aick . .........eaving emp oy ient wthout ba e.* 30 1îe ,.ý............. IAaultandbaer .................... ..... 461, i ) .......... â. MArthur........... Aau........................... ..... .Sept. -25, 18( ....... Joeph ileoderson ....No.payment of wages ............ ar. 6, 18E ........Jamecs Ductow ......... . Aseaut.............. ;................ ' 22, .,,Patrick Ford.ý............ dto ..................................fi26,1 .. ....John E liiot ..... Asault and battery.................... 15,' .J. Toh..........No,, pyment of wagea ................... S .WM. Boet.......... Frions drivin- aud damage to Sleigh....IFeb. ' .Wn.i. McCoy ............ ltsauit and' battery......... .........éar 21," g Johin lIa key ........... Asult ............ ................boy 10, ' d ................ Trepuas........................... et26, fi .Glieon bowellt........... Iu outk aud disor ba............. 17ý.i, ......o....... litnglquon Sn...»..»............." 128. ci .........lJane.S1td jst l . ir3k udidrdrt...........p #4 SJon Ciffrd......... Sellinglilr S................c-c iJasCnmplv.......unand Ap- " 1-, fi Moranl..... ....r, u dsret. ......;....... 23 c SJoaepb(tetiun!tra . it Rails........... 1.. " 61 , tg d..to............................ 8' ...i~io~y..........dito.......................... 8, ...h....... ddioma .., ......Iaordty cd iodct on..stre..t..o...h...... "-23> .Abuagail dilia............,rtat............ 1 ...... 'cc 12," ...... Jam es WPlonel.......... 1sautto dbaîr .................... 1rtg6,81 .......Anon oy «C....ro .....Larcon................... 628t ....... n.P.PatC ey.S......... dto ...re cio Twuhp y.la......... ...o. 2,$18i ..J........ haë. ebie..................... Dioýe1 odc nsre fO t . 28, .Aaom Troaxs........rant.... .. .............. .Mr 1, 18 .Uo ra....................Asal n bte........ .............. t 1 , 9 .Wl ....Molin MWarren.........onaundnt ofuiWames..............o!y 2, .lJuadby beuaines. . assoit.....d.......ry.................oue . , '1 ....... 'Ove Phee .........ýBeah fTo syws..l........... oV2, 18 ........JoIL a Wa le..........i t ...............o......O t ....r... ot.. me Hoinigan ..... . ditto .............................. Mr.314, 18 .......fied LTao........ .. ..ito ....2...........'. ~......ic1Ln...... ...I d arre, . ............ So-amn fWgs....... .......Oiy 2, .............H"-...'-<...15, 'Sý3 .-YAddionaLow...........isst and<.........................." , .... .Asih.a......... diwilimMile .. ........ ifsntoryag ...................... a. 24, ..a..coul........ Fo.. e. ......................a. 2 c .J......uhlo Fraer.......l.....dito...................... April 1," id.....Johured La...d....aci fTown ........a...........>al 25, fi STomas Money.rat... Assoult ............... ..............Mue 2, < .Alez. Kennedy....~~~~......o.amnto ae ...............pi 2 ........ditto.....................Gr s t notu ogug ...........n 7, ' Name or ho~x~ggJsie dlUto ditta ditta ditto ditto ditta ditto dîtto ditta ditto John A. di. tto . ....... Wm. Smith..... L. aron..... ditto ...... ditto retou taHnrdBehu..- Maldlm ittespi . ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. Sangster Malcolmn Gillespie.. ditto ditto . ditto r ;1. ditto . 2. ditto ... ditto ... ÇMalcolm Gillepie) ,eIHcnry Brethour.., Adom rFollarton ... F. A. Greeve ..... Josýeph Gonld ..... J. Campbllt.... J ditto ..... .. 'S. n. Pairbanka . ditta ditto ..... tg dîtto ditta ditta ditta dîtta ditto ditta jRahrt Camupbelli... John H. Tbampaa.... Ira B. Crotr . Jas. S. Garuett. ilitto a. Geo. Braâbazon..... ditto. ditto A.. Hurd.... ......... N. Bagatiaw ...... ditto ....... ditta ..... ditta ditte ditte ditto ...... James S. Garuett ... ditto .... ditta ... James S. Garnett ... {Jas S. Garnett .... 7 and James MoPhersn) ditto lAuount of peu. atty fine or dam. -ngp. Fine w hen pad or te l.e paid te uaid Justice. 4 DOFortlawîtla..l-..-ý .................... 8 '55 Farthwith......... ........... .......... 3 Do Porthwith... ................................... 4 00 Forthwit.h............................... j 501Foithiwith................................. 6 00 Forthwithi........................ 4 Do Eight days... ......................... 3 25... ....................................... .. . 2 75 ..... ...................... ............. 275.... ............................... ............................................. ......ht ay ................. * .......... 3 Ni'Eight days ..................i............ 1...... 2 7 5 Eig ht days ...................................... 1 50...............4....... . ....... 1 0Six days 7 0ýForthwitîh.......*............... .......... ... . 6 00'iForthwith....................................... ...... No fiue. 1 OOjPaid to 7th April ................. .......... 1O00 laton days .................................. .Dsiad............... Dsisd......... 6 OTen doa........................................ 1- OForthwith .................................... 10 00 !Fine remitted at requcat of Township Council. 2 00OTen daysa......................... ....... 8 O0 Ton doa.............................. ......... ... Daînied from service. 20 0Forthwith, ...................................... 1 00 Forthwith .................*.....1................ 2 OD!Twenty-une doag........ ................. 2 001 ForthWith ................................... To whotu paid ovcr hy uaid Justice. Tlown Treasure........... Tawn Tremurer.. ........ ........ Toawn Treasur............... Town Treasurex................... Town Treacerer.... . .......... Town Treasreri.............. Df ot pald> why flot antd gemeral observation. Pait!. Paid. Townd Town reasuer......~ ipoid. Town Treasurer.......... Town ¶'.reasurer ............. Town Treaurer ...«.......... Town Tressurer.. Town Treasuror. ................. Prosecutoir. Township Treaauref, HlaIt ta informer, haifto County Treas. Ptsitifordredtao p oats. lProsecutor. ýTownahip Clcrk. NaOt paid. Paid- Poid. Paid. Not paid. Psid.' ýNot Wai. Paid."e Paide ýNot paid. .INa ~ounty*Treadurer. Caunîy Treasurer. Couty Treasurer. Prosecutoa.- lCounty Trenarer. Ton doas............... .............. ......... Proecutor. 13 OOiPa......convic..o........................ 2 0id a Aprl................................... ifft.. ........................... outy Tremaurer. .................Village TreSerer. 20 *,......,........................ ............. ............... .-j--Committed to paî fer 21 daya vith bard labor. 1-00........................... .........-.. ............... 05 ...o ............... .....#.a................... ... ..... ... ...Comittod ta galwith lbard babar one moeth. ... o. do do do 2 00o..... ,............... ........ ....... VfigeTrmrr 12 00........................ .............. Vilg.resrr 10 Do.. ................... .................. raue. 5 DO Appealed. ......... ....Commited ta-goal with Lard labor for one manth. 2 DOForttrsith............................... ........ 1 50 Ta ho paid ~i ona manth tram date of eonviiction. .Dsmisaed.... .............. ... 3 00 lu Que maîîth......... .............. Townlaip Tresaures 00 I8l n nonth.....a,................. e.............. Cunty Treaurer.. 1 Do Porthwfth...................................... C nty Treomurar. 1 0îForthwith..................... outyTreaurer; 14 6!Oem................................. ........... rsct 'n6 J 03'Forthwith ..................... .......... 9 001................................ 10 133.....I,................................ In twenty.oue-daya. 2 Do. . . . . . . . .. .........................toProsecutor, u 2 Do ......... ...........................si to Progecutar, au .0.................. .............. alf tProecutor,1 00 ........... .................................... HIft taProsecutor,1 2 lsFarthwith.... ....... ........................ Prse etar. 30 0ferthwith .. ** ......Prasecutor. 1 5OiTtro wèels ......... ........... ....Ha fTownship Trem 1 00 Forthwith .................................ontiy Treaserer. Prosecutor. Calnoty Treesurer. 12 00 1 ... .. .... Fpprty. Warrant in h.aîds of ConstaLla. Not jet Psid. DU&~ TI~ f Not pet paid. .Ten dapa in common «soL Jan., 1863. ad UMunicipality. ad $1Mumiplt,..' haif ta I¶îicipality..i half to Meuîicips1ity..i w ai to informer. FjPro6hwîtr Forthwith .................... Round to keep tp .peS for one parw. Not pet paid. Not pet psid. No distreas. No diatreas. No distrema hat the abovo is a true. copy of the Returns of Convictions, m«ade tç the Court of n June, 1862.î .2, .~ou KMENTS. N.EW ADVERTI8IEMENTS, o. Ilt _____ ____ ____I 4, ut w, manager. l'11wg a Na8ture of Cheaýge.> ....... .t..... 0F'C1of the Bfisiî & Americau Express Go, Nonreal Oc an qem'hp Co., and Giasgow LUne Steaméers, Rinoudoimio Soutth of tho Rcegimtry Of- fice. ROBERT E. CAMIPBELL, L ..o.,o ALBL" M BI Tailors;Slàoemaakers, Carriage Buidors, .Drosa *I4kers, and lRoads of Familles WiIht i1u-st iiprovcmcint8 ,.nd iat Io* prices. j J.AMES IL GERME, -Agent fojr Coutity 0ntarfo. Msreh 2e, 1R62. il FAR1M FOP. sAE '1~hE abacil rolfr,,for ic the outt-ialft .Lof lot. Nl,. 12, i l te Ptiicou. of the, Town- sMhp c et ih, cnn Ltainizzg ie u t.dred acrem ofi C' u nd1(. Tlio laod l t, attedI- witl,- lu eue riik f 1ti, V illage f B Le verton, 18 wet.1 ti xird s d a n e ,e . fa llin g ,<to a in o f w a t e r or~ a ? l t, tiT lu the inmedite 4iciûti of tle P flcMit!q, nacdChiincheal For terniuS, whijci are liherai appty (if by let- ter prcpaid) to JOHfN CARTER, Whlitby, Poat Offcet or to G-ZlORGE 3MtLNE, 12 Brougharn Poit Ofltcd. «TOR. SALE OR TO ýLEASE AT WIClC, iu Ibe Townslib.p of Brook, a £1.11..ksii' 'ep lli1. tliau uflfillitlcd Dweliintzlieuse and l hfail a acre of land, wett Bitoiite<tfor una For particulair, apply (if by letter prcpi.1d) to CsEOROE U1ADIDEN, GEOGRGE CORMACXL TUNIBLI' MEI(IIANT (ACirpeniter, and Liolrren1t Vt.y A large que,.. UNDE RTAKING. F UýEIALIfulygnpli,,In(latteiaded ut WA loarse trc on liberal teriÈie. ih -,Pc Gt. 14EORtGE CORMACK. Whity, eh.ritl, 162.4-ly 3. SPATJLDING1'S ONTIRALIIOUSE.ý 127 King St, W084 MToronito. DOLPiUIiSALOON, NTEXT TO THLE ROYAL LYCEUM, King 1. Street, Torototo, _-e Frce Lunch aery TO_"LEijI ADWELIING oonnning 7 ap.artmn A1.well otd tfo Officem. Thra 18 a poil Yard and Stil1c. A)ply te Fltradý- WM. DONALDSON. Fler nt tr.dn Store, Dandia Srel Wtlthy. 1 1 .- nna

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