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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1862, p. 1

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Mathew Ted7y NS, 110u,.e-soltm >5luth. Afice tîver Gi . Gnose's k Street Whlity. .W. 1 ]le liogtt it' tico, Brutk l. W. îutiurtaLi(lasuieely fur Bruck.t, luihy~ 47 MeINAI], - lINEY', &è. Omeie- Ruih ,.IlsAIN ss'itF. ili ruuuthe. $tsau ,ear enviuer 0- t l' ýilytf0 1 40 l!hUNY AT t t, NIka 'ithv .W 41! i It CNY AThA1), S a' v'u sursAîlITOP,,,L'; 4p ÈL ->sîl11tM'si1%,til'i' el %il L L,:iti P'Mice, tosii liiut CRitON, FNItiti. tî'uuAtND !c.d mv t tl. Wii [li »CAiBroch . R1). Nil ck Alltl-uil-' PEi A, 'i rttiti AND airuvutlt'l ilalR ý i.ht IIUI iEt% Cm- Withtaira mrPrnted sfds, grcatt thongibtsanasd stlrtag indu VOL. VI, WIIITBY, C. W.,1?flI OFFICE BYRLON MT., WlitEýY. A 1141, uapi PeIn Alliert, lurclitg.i anceee suditloîît I"s.i'iy-tuî hiilatter pain>.,,. Le twilli alteleîtl rn-itict, î>av rofeaaiui,.ial aila l tavîvIla esteh is tifl.('i1ronie, suitali othitr I1lii - hscda'itothe humats, yit -ine treittes. tauutuva idu'Couiaorts tahtoisent tentI "tîred ti li.îsu lstu11 - u'ie.,t'a. spectlut attentiona ~Iiii iii,triç-tti-Ifhn-ay i ila[îu'psui,'it ina iftlic s ius' it tlt IEyc %sied Eus', Ili4tu-utie « roll ii aitsesi uin ihit; aiut le'iue's 1tsl, ilt fliat r i'r"d 810t I., atai. ;a l t ' iia loiieh. h>uitielta, frioai 10 a. sît. ut ita l. i.;ititiqluit 'i ita hu 1 11l'L l'î'rv, frotte ilui 4 p. tii. Ailt aituuvir oft ci-aical oupurationi atkillftolv ;uurturmeil lu tuartiunor itary, tLlathe lest tîs oiitl te ,t lse ua ut Irlu sat uluît ,ctanurîliii hîr hot, eigtonli tontn I'cuiurut1sa tt~uî*It I'itii.lu Nurt oitiusu. isýi lsty tiiuiea.u in guid - i 'lill. tinsîrsi tf sep.>,» t suuuue, îtogo'ealuii- at i11 te 1uut-iivt. 01 -ituutausi txtntt. t iuu tell IIuoitiaca iis4 iei 1, -A l'us, goiito uti foata ~r cathaugu ýfor fîîrs,î. lier poîpvuy, 15ly (buita si r aua Ru se uy p id FlIililauERS1N1) uIl Eli>,t i,\t ' t uî'm T u sl-tsih l itiie iii.ts hius ',, tndlhurme. JEAS'l IT wil501ilW iJ , [Il lts ' huis-I I' .ts e ltl lusiutiu ir ri"i'ucl pl't ý iit 't iis elltiilteu t'iuuuît i'utîh. iliuil aeiiiit',i 11 li> tirti' tascllers. (i 'titi .11Elslittg tutusl t tilt,' it'ttlei'u l ttvu'it eite us4u .or4 a-l%,icetýit t , .ts- xte l h i ,i tIi'. p blc I~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~i fiortels.' tîvftt'i su. f ilm iuuiluI IN"t)thiiml a'i tî, xl ii *hýic ii-i't'lleltnilii. "us' v Ct1*el tt's, hiit i it Ir.t iii>'hltis iîs î e tlitte ustrî1iii, 1tuu,iietlic istull dis'a 10li ZWiVi(aY'e I'TEL le-el G1ua 1 l. i!iu « i i tt'tilu ist i bhî lutc ts'ivyUIO'N iits-M.AI tatj uu îlîî tu t'aotiig tu'iîtîii t m ii l ciii ultuiialteu, uittittilu uiil1iiu lai lI sk '>1' uiu su shi stilt ileiltti 't n- ILta ltu ,t u iizv Mtu'.t. - . IL1-o llieu ici>ltia..,ni etta - ALIJON ih01ÇLEL, THE TERRAPIN. rt iy li 'ch>tt Olî F TIIS ;WZi.î. L kîitossi $lii ti-e tin lu ccijnattiî i theoild ST. NClILI.Kisgast(o, fes'ntiu (t.'tis', k1t tusMnir. er TIe pvuînbutea itt,!sli nuiii tIhe iri êvtio jEvora lrocoi'ihie delioiey l nivl.A *elgajr Iiu ltsl'ui-' paiaJ itol ttuuax illuue but thit butut hînsaîatia are jtcirmittedt t,, ir, CANTFON F lOTEL, DUFt' ,' iii(uK, PICKEtRING.,GO ItAJLIl0).8> IOTEL, ttiLi ViLLi., FIl'OlNT STREllueu th iMrkei. - w>î m'ow Ehl'ncpritsur. Bielleville, Oct t', lu,11.421 3iA NILLA MlUSE, T JIF ui:tinuruîti luutgs zmlenve o Ltitforin lis fitdi4, utîttithe» tnitvlig puoblic, thust ho tissa ak St thue iaitse x'ehl Iîîw i ,ancIt utti.shY tricbtettiuutihtsiea.nîl >' eih~cax'urîug tel ti tint ansI cisuxoisi, uih' iuuilîlbe patroilsi hjuaa tottuainle iteco Ama tucuitixe anti tendance. New Plour, Grain, Peed -and Pro'vision Store. ýVext dporLs 3r Iaaia<0s on Doa- T H1Esulitusibon having loageo'th ie pro- -lîeaOceiffieil by Mnr.%W. R. Dixon, Olerxt- for gale lîîw fer Csuiin rlotir, lltckwiettt Fliîitr, hhtmeat, (innit (HllCofrît >'rle,,irrts iwîîC5î> tolu. $ali i'îrk,.4int fur aal Sr. liia,.iii. ln-rnilura, Cutithali, Ciîsîle, Irbtaii, l'atutt l'fallia, Wasxlîlmoatl.i, fui-A ils 'atr il ' WM. DO'&ALDSON.- (JIf.IOTItL, DR OOKLU1q<. Il Fi'.alîîîve 'vol kîtoan, îb eaîîilsi, lît'll, niîîl irenî)ltua, liavN lii plitra-.lst-îî bv tIt! hacrîhuer, sudlic uiqaînus t,,tinatni Iflîn. t le'iiilAvLio e -l ltîstal ta, attend per oiivtly lilie -a-alt n u t ,l îaa T Ii itreniLna hlève buiî ltcuev lvitiit4.d final rrîuvaavil, îuîiuteuuvedî'elîlv ýitl fo trîity .1 onl p, îstiîl nsi'o t wilf bspaured nt h liart 'laTreaeitt î'vnî'r tt r<'Ilîe (Globie 1"tel ahomeîtu lîîiîgtesti tfîe 'ioi, Tistalluili li fi metuefmitîul pleufitl'ly viaiitlîe l a nd ts t.ai iîî a iititis. ilit ti iu I i nii ii.ni'lsilM i t rtil.Va IVi Ttuus,, &u'. aill'.-C (io d tttitl,îu î,th lt > tIi liýe.iv ii tie et Lt.v A. il'ruîuieifr ii- ini Teî i'ri, itil-i.4 tiu av u it - lith o titi' b-lit iiuuiiii.i u *tie-t t> e t rùi,(u 1?ë tind ltiiil liori knipt ol Illte u'iis rhu-('rfi ks'ui siuliîiO'l' lhtsi.ilc. 'Cive s ilui, .a Dsoi i iik, ti o ' (7C e e: itiiîî. i !ontiîitîîi. h I i r. r, va~l . 41 VuI e iir, liae') , T iis lt. ii, ll T pvlo1 .irA i .iA'd ý.mL 1:1p. aî liii ai-t stt u ii i l ' u t, 'lieQr iii"tmti t. Jituhî:( ST()IX AIf C 11 ITEOT., iz-144, Bay:h rtreot Toront~o. 11<0W is TUE '111E. 411 7T7Yi>tmt IAKENENSS ATp J. A. 4larjk' s icIPrizo PicLaire If1tilery T F voit,Iîire a oiirrutt ,îil l'ate-like Atulro 'l'riadsol-fr. u, a- tikeisus' in an Li'i'k t, l ih or tliaae, 1l'un J-. A. tC. eati (eoit lu the abest at>le, andid saot Iilice. 351 - lrock Streci NW'AW4,.. LEATHER PINDINGS, &c. Liuuîu tîIotiilli îf'rWhilth, the Contit ittuiisuspitlit sprsînieum k.,owutas Caldwell's 1100k, Brookk3t., .Uta ISETJIGELERI!. The atory oft lii is balit, e'traditionsry Iu a village ut the fuît (,f Snowdoie, wi>re Llewelyn ttue Grattli altions>. Ttie greybouund, usmeti Glolrt, wasagivrintteinhlly Is faithlur in4aw, Kiîag Jiilîî, lu the i os> 1205, ud the puae te ttîia etay la czillcd Bu0otiselert, oeltegruaeoe GelerI. Tige apear>nî hoard te bugle sounti, Aisdiclauerly stilled the miorts-, Aund nua israciî undîtnay aiontid And til lie bo iew s l>nlcr 6bsst, At# uiveo a lusitier chaecr, ('tes'teielrt, tcolite, wert fnover ut, le*vlyti's lintiltutliri> '0111 wlînre ilt'ýtitil GîlerI fout, Tige ttuwer l' alilMA a ce 1 St> tru, %s brae; a laiti ut luome, A lion, litthe cliase te, "fTwsioeil%- t UI.oweIyî,>c botarti 5e wtilI'd1lie seveti: hc licoed Isslord, And sa il hubd. luit sotîshu s'saa PetrlCAS lîound, 'Vite lt.'Y royal .10111ti; But totern, Geiuvt cultd bu futind, 'Aildeli lhu uhI'n 1,10 on. Aw oin, iîwus 'er the roks anti ilclUs 'r~ie glîisetciiiltgs rimes, A l sivi uucl aggcy chiaosyellu The itaiihagîed crisie ! Aild micalit miel tun.tait ebooty pruved, Furor lttiii fpot tiiere. et iaj'cnil luwuth-pol honcnri ili fliitritint Oirtle aiiti Blut ai,: tlie guii'dlIsis castie atour, Thiiiîtiid 14 (unr.wa sinnser'd i wtligure; Iiuu, 'il ouka tej ilet,t Ilin> iîvuriiu liîeetlii,, is lÙugnite, ihîIiwiiul Ilu liante L.lewelvil an'l A i ii i wciit elert ton,. Anditi alil, wlîui'îr hii tyusalie!caut, Froui hluusi-'.ît suuk'd 1hi,. îui. ,t'ertierlt*41l bis ilifiltiîitbei! lie f'oussa, Itithi hlots'luîîii,'d c'îrcrt ru-miit; And i t uili oiil theu wil1i snd grousid %%*Itli rLctl 'l'aal hi aproli. li'e ai'd Ilis& ei'lilii, 110voice relilie le it,iireii'ti w'tli terrir wilil; liiu,ti. betl'n dlie t taîi vvnuvray ide; ]»>it iWiini' tristitjilise ciiitI. lîl-su illy cii hilitl Iv tltcu'.4 devonr'fil Thie lriiiiiiic fîr ic- cried1 ýAitulatihte liiit, lis i retigeftit siword Ilc l-uiigud iiCiîlert'L4 aide. Ilb!kiteuliatt lu,ke, as prouetle full; Ni, bitv uot ialu.ir1 luit tîli ii>tilrt'A dci s eig.l Pii'a'u lins,'uuur Isis lintirt. Aru'iiiet bý (icleri',. îliî y )cle . '"tiîc ,luiiibvrtr wii lîuiili i %Vliîît wiursitii,' înni.su!tt'aiuiy euiild tell 'tu heur him iîîisut',, Cry ! Conconii bueiittl tlud lieup filiii rrici-l veitielihâ lii îiîsd At'giiaiIrwiîîl ii' ri my behct, Ne)icrMtV h b111y1lin kr ils'd. rt1t But illii t, inetill>eii le lèya itailint wbt, ai totre,, dl ltdeil, * ' rii&-îd ill it » uili. Ai, wlîit wax i lii'ia ie'esapatt Fier n'tlî, iiiithelsr IlLa gilllîtstliutie'itlic wol bailuli l'O liveIiutit'ii'x iii.ir. V wu uii'a nail LUJ.l 'î'lï 'aWnc lIeut "t'tilt'014.'t!.aieti The Irttic lduw. wlhiichuitl thuce loti Tihis liitart aillt ,r rtnit..' Aili.l 0w a galla,ît teinth the ruaile, Wlti cuis eullutre îck'J;d Aîîîl ,îuirlsteii, >tor t i witiîli is 1çfrisse, Peter (.ierLt ut,îuaîr.tc 't. be'aimoaiuitheilptcuatair. la thte surmer cf 1856, whlie travellingi in te interior cf New Engianti, I fcuud'my. self in coonpanty witit a persan iooking ftrty yeurscfrsge, wh<> badlevideptly passeti a considerabie portion of bis h?ie nCaliforniîa and Meuxico. lheîag travelers pCléisnre on1 -gur way te te White Motintains, a sort of ransient iutiumacy grew up. Afy conepan. ion entertained ieu with stores of Mexicait and bat-der lité wbich u ld bave mad4e thte fortune cf a malptiipe writer; but anuga thene ail, betng unyself anmari cf oseabu. CttPoeProgrre#s, Kiow1edge, irolterhood. LY, IJL 8, 182. .~NO& 2" Thte affair maie ne noise;nMy testimeu,' peor but noble -familyinEgatai va otittant inlua d&Yevei-y :hiug vaseduçaLet i lu a.ning scioilu Parie., His, fergottIn. kuolvietge of metallurgy aras exact anti laflaisaicet ttacbed -no value te Mouoy prefouni, anti Le accuinformAdi me èoni. except lis a ltesus'towandtheLb acconapliait. dentially that tite mine Lsd longsr ine beenl meut of tome grand sctenne of busiateas. a poJor speculaiion for the patis', lte ek. iu person Le 'vag cool, quiet, anti site»1, -penses cf rslsiug the ores from bbte dctp ionsm, ralluer free lu Lis relation te 1eo teQitr hafts consuminz nearly ailtte fit5nit.n. soir, btt t à1£swerer nons idmunkanrd. Ail Aftor valchiatg Cliffooniis operations for k titings vitlt Lita vero stb 1ets eoftcalulamentit ci-more, 1 bacaine satiafiet i Iat Li ien, exceptbisl loeasanti Lis friendltips. slatmettheîs vre correct, sud h1venudbave Iis sllâtmeuiLs vers varn, close, snd ex», written to e Dosonti, disuaiisg Ilîim fromt cus'ten TLer, vas netmiaag oosý, tics.ite purcitase, Lad nt a secret awcrof bis peraiie, or deflant l inte tan ; wta ver Le superi0rsagacitl restrained theii. ditsetsdtoli ngit fr Le im; f ou ' CIlerd pasitet only a portion of bis conuiemimeti Iesmond yen lsad tist î4 over. tinte ai te luznda. Every Sonday titrolbitss 7tmtt, fer lu al uiugs tl1coný - ntoreing be; ýmounteti s ýpowoi-ful black iluet aqared wiîtbis,philosopLhy Jyu herse, desceudiug lte naoutain ou tLe smilp ; eevertbeless* youu' Mexicanorat ot ieadtoi iliigr fiunl Fe trader bas p'incpnortiim n an h i dew Wa ntitagv.olin rthe Cu. v ei exisete u bis systent o? coninot ban couducled.t ii e4mariy bu4siness lut he witlî dklreu.anti precialeal; in te ciîy iaitrvul. The.cr periodieul absence oxciteul îlmisi Sdoue Le baud fer yen by îLe cloerg.y toiattsnch a degre. LLai I couli mans andi profetgor e lu Lhe deiert çAcit mail not fonhean betraying itt Le iai. le ali is bis ovn pbilesoPitor anti preaciter. * sontotbing about a vcaîtlîy ?ufxiiëall oman Il1 rAidt tatDeismeçnd ti ans eeiul inen arboun iteopoti te tasny, Lut as Lc weuut ha lest lange sumnt. Yei-tiýUugÉit aents n fway rougitly dressed ti ait ppeau-aed travu'l ineredibie. It vas a part et bis systent ,'uiornou bis rehuru, t ocant iaibiued ibat nes'er te play for amali. or single soultes, l- vemaluing 'vas not the eîaly motive of, but thea viole of lis against te -wiole cf hi-i almlleic. bis autagouist>a i bis oredit hein- unlipiited ' At lcngtb. puoÏCtel Lte eday, -Des- aud unfelinng, I vas as easyfor Lluîî Leointi matie Lis appeurance', accompstii dra buils fur as million as foi- au bunireti Iy a train cf oee itndrdai nd.tbirty pack tboitsand, antigotitis prnciple ho playeti îmules bcsrnig morcluandîse, wines,, simd agaiutany thing a: litîhe les weigitty tharitu tht t u hrdi-tb iousanti dollars in gusii tautd itimsel? anti bis courage rose witb Lime a- siveri coint.j A Party er tbirîy Mexican tuunt Liai bai seemingly grne otef him, glisuiilias escoried te lite-galinetftteha, vben iu facti t vas meraly a stop liaclivandi d ua, andi were itosjftalaly receiveti by for a loager loup. 'Tii,' lue voiti say, uit, pad.ne, wito entertaîiud thucan fur, the 'is merely te credtiytemm-oaiaga >inutt uui4ht, anti wticorntîl Dcémotd sth lte material, Youv mon cf busintes have nonu lat extravagant proetauisina of nientti interestin in tîmmati-l îbeyoil un boy, e,îp but ouîy bin la elfects as. a nitpreaenta. I 1e.monti openati a package e? mer- ive o? values. Nov, ilu plasying wiilmsnucb clisite, anti distributoiitr". etits, te tLe men as _Farquhar, vite have uaunev, T'-tuative atiforcigatminons vitecrovt.'tin- trade viti thîe pure principal cf traie, -dis- te tho lieda te makre fnienti viti theb ucuameret of te substance."t - long expecteti propnieter. Wine- anti ar- "'Atter all-0" 'ssii 1, interrnpting te nan-.tient apirlîs' floedet like vater, andtihit rative cfmny travelleti fienti, viicit a crowdvi ight vaneti in extravagant jollity. Pati. ot cager listeners vers dinking lu, lui ne Gerrueesanti ilscbichia'ute patse lte y-on net look upen jour fniettt Royal Des- nigiti ltnnain- ijbe twolItintirei thon- meed-byîhe-by, is titat the tedaaams ?" santi tollars andl replaciîag it intmhe Lage. 1 o0 Titeir oxcitantent amnounteti airoýt to- in- "Wl dtyen net regard .tbis. princd etfaarity. Tltey vept anti lrayedi, anadt kis- Mamnblers as a prince o? rascals 2' ýeti Deamonîl atai myseif, aundiwheaa, after aulie nover cheatei. A.1l rascals choa." a asleoples iglit, they ti5c'k lbve of us 4'jo 1o, tou, Itet us itear tLe rnest.ut - and ti utned-,foi- timociîy of doxico lte "A weok aftei- Farquhit. deatit Des net'morning, tituy fairly sutitiet themuteves moudentmetimy abi, trz -huusIf'iatut silence, anti cuali only %wave sa adiot- tapon a Led 'vithont a Word,, ed A sept lte thme atranger x>-itô ad tnde themai al tweiva boni-s, ite baltidoît thuMt gudred fi-oo sud happy for tihe rosI o? their ]ives.' asnd ffty imiles, kitîing1 tL reé orfômur Ltrtu. i osoonor haul titi-lasi mnite o et t >aIvassitipgnoa Lie entiig.o auiu-deponting fantîly isappeaneti dowu te of cordurey panis, wben Leo peneti hs es, wiatiing pati t tan D-amnouttiteck me vitit Hoe 'atchedthie eperation a laitie ip arimihLiminte a ptrivate i-centanti look-edthie sind gays : 'How amuit mouey halvte ou?' loor. lIe detailedth ie 'iueienti of bis 6 $_s tAbontfi %oecuaauti dîulhan in goht jurnoy. Hlooke4 bagitati anti careiweri dt15' Lis complexion bail atunet a leaiFeto Lue, ý4 'By minîng P as if suffering fromn internât. disesse. Wl w vilI give you fivoe tonsanti more- ' Il shoulti nuL bave tencbed jeu," be do't interrupti ne. Iloeel3a a draft uipom ii,'sit,1 at I net bacen impolleti andtided Bt. Louis. Take ibis-ant te rest o? jour hy motives at once aingutîar andti te ju aicney -,tutu ail itîto coin et Son ilFrancis. iliacntible. 1 hatve uutir advice, and jet c;go by tbe>ersî ves8eh te &caploco> tno living unatiltas been iny couttuebsa-' "2 andi tience Le Guanajuate, inL -MxeCo. i1 "tesmond,'" r replied, Il yeur aitidla ilIt write by yen te the Palm ne oirasez, unuettieti viit excessiive fatigue an nti aut, infermin; hlm ibat 1 i i give Ivwoituudreti cf alaep. Let us talk eft tiis to-mormew."t tenusanti dollars -for theo silver-nuiuie et " No," sai ho; 'Il have gseau uy Cunta-assas alioL ho owus; ho la: poon fatiter. 1 met lut it a pausa of thee moued- and ti ui mo th e mina is sWci-lbmatain ceai- SataFe." muillion. The paire keews me, auid vilI "Tour father is tben living' tii as I requepi. Yili yen go?' Ne," ihe Las beau de.ad itese twenity di aYeM. - jearu. Buit Le laid bis Lanti on uiy thuul- Il iHlovaccu?'dem, asuaid, lu biseld ratêtvolet Il'Telmorrow.' ultoyl do yctuknow trio Il 'Very Vwell, viii b. viitt jeu at Ile 1"1Yês, faîler," I aid, Ibut I tlugbti 1îicetidca of1Cantaraoa in l six muntia.4.I1yen wei-e tetti long tige." sitli Lakte the landirente titrengiml Mexico.il IlHa cnly omiled. anudconanued,<Ldress. t ug nme, vite -bis eyes axeit ompetnmmielu 1 not with the lurid fire of insuni.y but with vb -temild and i teadllight cf -a profound 1entbusiasm. HRis countenance was. the type cf rugged serne, deep cunning,-,and a 1wisdom whicb it was impossible toý cireum- Svent or elude. The vast cbeek.bonesntcod, iont lke ragged rocks, and the spanritle torehead displayed the largest pow& of 1perfection andi eobinstion. There mnay i, av'ebecut in 11i8 comnposition a mixture of' fthe Ilebrew, but 1 bave stien Amaorican, iheatis with aquilins contours of Lte'same outîlue... #'At lte endiof Lte seventh montit, fseven hundred tltousanti dollars in' ailver liat been sent a.way from the mille after' paying aill the expenses. î» Dem nd nver mseemeditO oscic or -atoni-theti whe i the tontlybalanceS wers unneuitued te itimn. IH.,gave hi#i erders for Lb. mal#% of crude silie, andth e dýisposition cf t1hý jroeedu in fortigr cies with, the cool n«ef) an ordinary onnting. 1bouse clerk. Ho would often chsck.îmY' exaultation by s>,roesncb reinark as 4"Trun thii tuny be riches, Le yop, but Ieotysel t, who requires ton millions for a specitlc purposo net to bo accomüplishLet by a sinail.i er suri, h je more poverty andi destitution., Noen arc happy. or unlxapèy as theoy have or have net the. means te accouuplisbtlh eir enda." - 1 1wa, thon, do yon propose Le do wfth' ton Millions?"1ý . "4That in tty seceL- ",Have you reeollected,, thon, by> what means you will acliieve the ciller eight, si18CPe yoit will haîve but two lu aIl eat the end o lt? aenter prise?"1, "M' boney. maki ng', lkoLte art of war, is an affitir of will, intellect, anti fortune. 1 lîteseess ll the elemenîs -of success, and amn coniequently sure of tîte reanît. 1 arn flt. avanicions, I nover engagewhere 1 can nuL conquer, andi 1 secceeti wiîlt meut hby inspiring a Conftidence tat is neyer violat. -ii. Look at a mnillion as you do ai a thousanti. It itt not dufficul, Loconvert twe iblousandti mton!" Il "But the details cf hunrenËse A busi. 9iTbere in yeur errer. Napoléon* gev. erneti an army of five bundreil thousanti mnen, by the applicatiioni of certain uIe which yen oeil prittcipit.s. Carf net yen lift t nspade ful cf sanîl withont Couniting the single parbicles cf sand P1 "A few dayga ter this 1 accidently over- hourd a private conversation belween thie clerk sand Glbert Clitl'ord the euigieer., h 'wut iu lle Spanish language, of wbich Clilfof -bd always professed bimeif ignol. tant. When 1 reportetiltitis tofsmn, a nt aise infornd hjip ihat ClifiI'rd hall been twice absent for 'bwo successive daysi from the mnine, lie becamne thongitîful antI diâtlnrbed. soot after Clioeord wssagaint As/t 'se entoete i îe atone-artbway, Clifford came out of bis mreo ob' titèt court'yaird entirosseti, As if foi' somt ifliaig occasion, haIt asieep. fie sai, lu a drow. àya,' Ilbv "Wbant voethose àbbîî tiretfÉ%4. Lb. f&ot cf te utntain ?" "elYen-bave Sharp Cars", I epiied. IlW. wereattaetk. ed t fethe Casa ignon." Tia1,te thind tinte peoolri hýave bot fired tapon, there-l' nepiiot ilFtl, éù Le Wninereti bis 'room. IlWe ougitt 'te pull down tr casa 4 it is a moe sheltor fur nobberm."...- About ivolu tbe morning Desmonti rousa froma Lis bed (vo siept in lte sane rontý,; anti venteut, by the back door 1huis îLte gai-ten, l tatn minutes tto retunaed. 'Il haveexamineti Clifforel's biteu,"'said hIîo ai Thte herse isi unning luoe.Wuthe torrall. lHe bas been oaÉreefi13vrttihet dovn, but I deiocteti severai ýhmt srai s1- e? Lookedti torrns ou bis flsukd, each ruuut bave receivedti .xigbl'ri, tnean a Mignon, nas îtrraare nons cLe8Iera -,h neigbborhoed. IL vas Cîit'orti ofrt upo us. _Yo en 1meit '-Possbet bearthuesoundiof a rifle Or'pF53' ai .thst distance, mmci lesa tant iwe imiles anti thé mountain iitelrvcning. (;et op sýd 'See tai yonn pistole ami re u eter< end sie-ib it more Lonigbb. lie uîay pcssi M ttlyabept Lao kili us if Wvo8si4-p." I rose anti treaseil myself4quicëkly,. Desmnudst abrclo a lielli and bringing bis book., froati the' eclilif shoveti me lluait nt lèis Limn twe buntiret Lbousanid dollars jru value of crudr tirr-,eni Lad Lui-n ble,a uring the soven .mon)ths Hrcuin. le aScoruained i Iis by kî,ua' ing te aautofe ores tae, qui, nail by te confessim cf the patine lareia, s-ho admnitte t Lti e bai dîvideti eue huntireil thousand lneîween hirmtte.f nti thýt Lbotul. Mandante, andi thait Clîltordilted Itîtiden o;nis Luntiretithota.santi in bars, in a 'vuhl neaf te foot oflihe meuptatin. Tliti, buhit learneti by lte intformatieot o? spics whtnti Le bad kps. te soaliClifford,1 ou bis ewn atecounl, inbending t L ohi n'enavlenit tintu te apîtroprlnte te 'viole. > "IT it on e x u tin in , D e iantonti son t fuir itol Caban clark, vite va. ise tiot thebi C ouspirators8. GluTen dcame vitit it'm), sud opetting lbis bocks oxplaitedti lti e%,'eta itundrrti thonuandl 'as thueuh-tie profit, te( expeilseS net laving *'xceetiet i lirett hunul. ted theinuti in ail. Deatoti, wbo Lad Loto, uttentively stutiyingibte areoene', tumnei from thu table', antid eaigbita Lo e hosenîtid, "Ili-. Cliffordl," said ho, 1,"tio ores lak-en frontte mine o'~ta teliave yîelticd tvo Lundi-et tlittzanid môre ; lmet mucli Lave yen giveultot tho Paire Gariai, Loa ri uteitt ire commanainte, anti bey muet> more us ceucenîct in uthe v-1l cf Signera Aloyn ?" 'a Clitford mode no i-cpiy. Iliii tiicli lips quivered, anti bis Lonigue rofziltoul lisut ullorance. Titis Inian, poerfnl, aehjid, nciii fu of hot-ed blooti, became pale sud fee- bIc for a mom'ob uider lia. terriblè gazi! of Desmoni, viosoe ees fizisbteti unanthly fines. IlYen ai-e a thief, lJi-. Cliâlori, as val1 as a conspiramor anti assassinj; yen fineti - upon u iv ai tnigliti froun the ca ig tu. aCliffori roeufre unlis chair, sîepîu backwank, adea ti-e irevolver. "YOn Lave forgeuteut te caup your îdSt V' saiife-smond, amiling. "I will givo joti 1 h ai irawn a boni upon teult ondo te villain anti uculti have killeti bin tsi te worti, hutaslooek trin mDesmouid nos. îuitu ht,îr tuial)ui Si. CONWAI p Ianlla,'ie~ 2, lai. Poie-o r . 4i- 1{USSELL'S IIOT'EI, Q u 1-,B riC.n 1' ILE iundtu'iLeal. ,ua"ivî,. s.*tir luA', Un-mm 11

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