Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1862, p. 3

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long. i Xpuri us for ititutl on narlue va te traut, mp . rticaluynucs t- sanie etinpluiinhs malle b>- regards the -hcîudînrýandcc efs; ai, ite Goc'ucnuuuuueuîlt te) C11eLut111 it iuquimy te lue ftL, arcdif iL uppeuru tlat s-artwivl foicudei, t in po-' a Sybteut et exatciinuti.uinu put ait ed omu etht uhio oti r mot oly uhcmagimîg do btet-sliously iiuiitou te tise ildmcuitu lm c-de. NLet eP nsI ucsiiv>.-Mýr. mites hi$svitnlilg.-jut stuc- ihlîOOOi x i ofihet îbstciuc', tcd te o 2',tluougl u tt OLibiele 1rti>-on recordj, esa a mportin' wg kiy outcoîîo. Im sn im usjii'u y N'va unîl . Itero ut tuila>- ako occassiomn t -lieo owivn rf rCuti-al r,"i di a iceoti rectaiur chue Mi. Smceuriiag wie rcei un> rngooii, et ilugh>'. y directt l iii attention te ani is %Vtoîl kuOwn te couuîcry tute -* pric tonet" which mntiîiig tnatulactiomris1th mittoîluuth sthie nactiugwonii t htimourmtu ote biinsett, anti ht evel'-cotuluct bîis business. l is a breudin, farun ut Watev- wherr, by-thic-by, Puoccuir lus lti, te geoilecoan lcnmrg nucu eogce %ic vittuhile Mare for ich et 18,36, front înlieh týe- tht lait Derb>- day, tiocever, setuin iifromnt. Sevenrai ind--y nepertedi, a mnijerity uft tien gooti tortunme maiily to an in. geL ot" uor, he'ti 'o itienCa.J tenta ut Ne-wucar-iccL, Chester, 'Te laît bet lai b>- Mn. Pitartu wacus 3,0ti0 te£î5, or cita het, agaiuuul tht e itînienI batini eopy ot tht ittier et a unr te East NWrd lMecianitu,' - Wtt' (Leeds Meircuruy) loti- aýtucsing tnocuety .n- i{eibeèit- ,'62. Getieme,-Ius oil'incg oh aM a oditite, I conuea ce cretient-'mls te tning bc- Tia iioms agt ot suitemu itu- e %nhemi noacon accrus te be for wantt otpro jetr scopeto P lx- se alimoutt cîliy, nhnit ioujio- iy echeirolto balooiien-y, puhi- Lin fuiui5 Wis utu mait -ne-'- a1 Nittat ichar-acier mIo d>- l 'ceciduet gOnte b>, coq1.o ne- 47I hurve Va alhtt îevci t>,natuu-al anti phycsicaal ulne- )hegy, astrotcgnipby, LMutecc-- ietegy (uîîclent anti risutir. tie egof ut- alis, arîd chu-tu-t. acquiuirtiulceewilî isîuny, scx- t.cao] ialuofet Bcecie, Miot- 'Hierpen intsli gelogy. ciii obahie tance et the dicnuption,- ipethui, iutthe, ciuîutof his 0cr tiersttciul mugie laîtterrut, diora- oling vi-los, ur pharitacoagu- iAMoNc -»Tso u?-Thte litte Peel apoko lu thte ilonsuet a hbe yean 1836 ce tht fîluew- - Wh1en I was chiot Setretmin> 1 ii! mrtier was comumittet te- ielon-Suir anti Cltumel. A ad a demidi> rer cige towantis ttnd bu t--nployeti four mmun ut s eai to i wirder hlmn. Ttiîune neut ccl cule uottht river $uin, cA te Cietuiel, uand ptai~n ite h1 roi, thec escape utftis vie- impossiblhle titsa, titereto.,e, ,dered, -andth tluntny itas ago y tis biioua crimet that tht t ouftret a eitard cf £500 for ýro e cifetche murdrenr.- hob belieredt Uat tbe-ieiscreatt 1tae l Imurderers iras tht ri tý n and gave the itîfonasa led te duir execunti h? Auri d these lbattis Ipaidtinlamy.otiici %alt, the sucsM qt£2,000 te 1eor iu humuan ahapuoVl"-Kemr Yeru..-Wbccitht t wus sieck, the lat alittIe tea. Ou ishi b ics on aL saucer, auat bave it, the Dukcc rt- please. " These tare w mu-h - lindoosa anti àlb> titemi1 Ha ithe aet ain>- in Europe, ,omedti te te ta-e spise or orerlook iht- ifé. -I -a ah your hletiut Voiu 1a.îtae" Amoirm ner- 10-ifAlt,' A 'v nained Mel, lhaha ,six 0ulc, welit ticwci stairs, auddtout off tof as she eouldreaeh,ï 'OAl shocLkhugîry haggled., mfll Duuini, gt ho day she' wrote on a piee oC)f. ollest paper -ihat, being uasuecessful inebernseareh >i -for ber busbauîd's razor, sitc bcd taken a 01pe knife co uceuiniliuîh lier object. Sîco is hout tut cxpectcii tu necover. an tht A ric isrTeit om -Ar S N(orJ.-Tlue Le iuy gîiditand siiver metdais coWupetcud for by thellgllald UIJPtlyýut. Canglinawaga, onc- t Tkiuuîlay, wcre wmo by Mn. Damniel ,tred Rouse, piiteur. Tiis luthe secondtim o f pa-late chat the atwnîd of butor bas faileu - te pur type), hitotun the other' iîautd, their rade u,011 of -s lt1in faînîlittr uitula uuatr anti utuiîmstickd." Re-mtuuc-immrtu-l'io Ottaita Unîioi $av$ it du p -cuci>- eIl ntdrtoed that the iui -uuir. guiucnimtum't duc iii rayon attc'gc suai lOte h.-orcvimîc utiui î,i>- lopping tilt stcfluctuâ btnmesca roto that err gninuwi itiducu, tue civiltenuice lust.'Te pui-umiui practice wilt do it mernico. Ve hure îîut -the ligbtect iiouht that groat saici-iugeîCa hi- t'ecteii hy ma prudenitnia 1111-emeit -i his dîtnction. ------ 444- ' or-u nen' zAN rî.mcctx-O Sutiunilny imonuig, 1>ivctuuFarrmel ot No. 6 Liuen>-, I (ttbBrigade Rouycl Artilleur>, 1i-Uunsiuîcmi0iisuicide inhile ou dut>- at Font hRelt'y. itle lcft is guand nîuîure ntiy upemu a îulnmeltuny iccilunieut ansd- 1uungei ilid the lcîkë.-News. A Cocu, AsaAscur.-Thqa Corkc Reporter stuit.ui tmtWuich, suppueued te, hart bèen pari>- otem Kilmalheek mutiler, iteiig elesely.tpunsnei b>- tht police, lbas lunopolsed to give himseif up if the MfiO rowatuni elter- ed iuy the goneriimect hoie i te bis A Geniu womnca ut Wiuistcatl, Con- ncticuit , iiii<l l it Lis cooutry dcî't kîtoit uuytimg uabout the vuar yet." Dcing bhe exiudu-îueof et %Ur ci-n mGermut>, cite wmcu t-ottiulltul lu irnt: icnusblucksioitht'S suup tor thiie euiyruîs, tuO- isecewenc mmr. Anu hislurnaiàanmud a Frenciimaci itenete tie lxanged t-Logether. The lutter ia su roruiy mfeceul- > bis. situuîi9ni, whîile P5addy ttuok il cor> easy, anid tlId bis ceni- iuunioc t te eeju up liii spirits, for it wu mruttiru- t ali te be haget..il- Ah, be 'gir 1uCucc he Frecictrun, tthere bo rotn gracîi tiiiteu-ente hetuneemiyoo ant ime, for yen Iisiiuuctano used iti l L' ? tsr uau.~uuocuoih unctiem;' 1 c-il. tn a te tne of til tiîuuuus. -ecît.î-o-un, %îcuctiutn' mii ii uiurYioici ivisi t utuow," utc-idthet t-i-iu"I tliuu li laitue woniut utjei ut ivcîî-cie liai-e licadi iucc Ctiltlinusu" 'lt'chitoncIl 4111tk 'iu ilt TiUS AcrOImu mINTVIS GRANDY>iO.N$uuutCY- IIOS»Ey iMADE mc stuc Inci ouî sncetlsut n-ut-kivr ivc a hrief accuotau it rthce uînnut t- tio n(,,>e ili - ii'r-itie uîuuChadiketuamui Sids,î ru!i(eru. >hur lut din t cthtitoSoitiîcicot, uzlmguî til tlînirg tue t cruuy mîit ite WIvulllelcistulus Ofthie ClitlutBliuk, Caruatîui WvC diii cittietckutîn hitt le brother (cf '.% . CIîcuiîîietuMm .2eic i-W. Cliii- %uucuk umist ilemucu initi u iiesrc- -ji 'u)amuicla etuu'-n'u i, puobably oufee L1 iii iout gigiiic suriucluie -m-tt 'uhîr ;hit Lu tIiotî---ditut Mr. Cthadwiick, be it s.iiii, iL indu cit;ttcny' itititt bu pvut'nisv, tiioti withouit a binud im euecitt-, qtr.i cuiuttumsît ît m'uuutcecliierut -Puubbery' iutncei umun apiimual >4iitIa lis ingera ut htimtse, luughing rit hoodc-hikoît Justice. 'Tht euIjWoruy tltti Banik ot Cîtton lu et suum-thunt .m- tnt l.deseres n e x- teii-u cotikct. SitucZinicîrnitacc, thet uoimmclnerpuprutrtem- t lue c'lfttiiîIlcuili,i Cmumîicha West, insu a wealthîy arcdrespect- tlc gv-ith-rnituit, -cl knowcrin humte tutigit-i lutinm ui4t, Citoru.,île îc-,sthe ucm-gitiituu- uotf th jciud, i hiit uc-u ccstâitutl iii 1855. I umccii.thetiiciîcîfme uctIng t.v -NetJ lonîg c-t-r mltungcuuiz-itiuui utspeciat chater iras grn(ucc fu th tinsuîtitutuion Lu>- Punlia- iemut, a udit l.cutîtinueti te do a lugitîiuîuctei hiuiîus util bue tterrible nalîreuticcci- J dient ut th) cct Jardines Carnai, wheruby a a-boIe train of p mirie s precîpitat- ed irito he rivund amiSoce a'eru tuangîci tu. deail ci domiiens tre drowrauc. A -cergbuetemhouslest, bhcir-clires caa Mn. 'tZiciinnitanmd, iicetfiltu,' p bis allua, Lt Baik as a coricseqtlececc mnti - Op bucuiiuc-. 'ilse charter, hwenrias cwova ntiii Le thunow muta>-, anid.the ex- eutons olttuimii dporuiîscienfront Pantia- ment toLueliauge te na of *thteitank o!ý Clitouu.Au. bis peoi t fiLs histerv thle frietieias soidtut a iNesterca baxiking tiniin loi' about -S,Oüo. The y$8,Ot)0enahl- cil tiecote geL out aiissîceet if 00;ý but tise>- d-cm- puzzhuii bu get tiieuia ainuinmg tho cuuîtmi>.Mattens netet i fir sormie ulnt u.iiu muiapoutil the trntchise eguiic ciangeil aitust. A Mir. Worku betgitt t, andui uumauc)toLeset tht hat on iLs fiet ugcîuu, andi for bhat purpsce hliel te the bi-ottiurs, John Il. and Gecac-e W. Ciai- - .wic%. onLtintdirided hait intecsut ici tht Baîtk et Citon. ThteiiCiawicks I1,ntuiid- cd y u ho tiinguCicuxtcýns4vc flour.rund itna uoîes t 27 Peur! àtret, anti b> tlsÂt Î.hi;Otamou.ifullcnt ro.u,.i of the b- iu. -cab ywsa C hadw-ick & (Jo., k <hst lin- dii id alf of tbiô haevtr, banikfibï x- tui-ce, furniture, ntbtl's, plates engravetiAN T andt. oe engrauct, stock, cot., witb the right anad privilcgus bc-Jàngiig to the-Banck R T SI REVc2àVu. ef Clîtton, Ouwta % Veàt ,;>andi qaid 'orks agreas te furcuIla li ntcessal-y debectures SCOhTT & Co., New Von, c'ýlitiltcicic for emiyo il the charter, - .4.ublititu ttfollountcug lcadllug Feniuudttu "VTIiii.ceusiudrLionis for t he tot'tgOicg ' sale are, hit Agui lîciiick & Coc are te liits LouNeoQuAWrEit.nY (Conservative). puy fi iotu iiîiîug oet1the batik notes ta TnsE uutcioîim cvtr(Whlg). bueno, cao puy foui' btdreil dollars TUtU NOeiî lBitTS tEVisix Rîcvieuv (FrcCtuh) back. rosît cf Ihiîikijg bloisc, and tmrniuth 'f' n1, sr.î imviw Lbea) casiertwoliîuuîic illlrs (if eashier deanîs a idi-tlutai) Ltoise with EdiWr-BatikiiM.Wui, htqnco .zt(Tory) liote ].teporta.r, et iiUlN. Y., and 'OneT hcetrese citut t.stcof Yiropiiuiffeir luciîidrtidollasstor cedtingent and -noes. -wii rendthc~5amle uk~nusiiulhy lunter- ()ueissf cashien,, caling together iî« on leà ima 4gycîîn. Ti.ey dil'eettrs, etc., etc., as he Inay ticSxine-.weîîeu I'A ce tilatio.is; cii (iisr; aise saiti Chîadwuick &C.,are inuu nîsilim0 itt ul1- ouînl îii to furtuih anîmpte mu1 for bbc ratiemptien Ipuurluronus Tente of ;ile futne lîiclunii, writ- of.ali Bccuk utof ri i 10tcs that îiuay ho tutu aller tiîtliving, iiLteý ad mxeiiictof pinîi circulatioini; aluo provitit for I'he t'lci euet poiti yontu f .e titclu,01!hune: iîcrsy-4et 't19l*to c.hc'Fé Priniiiemcls ttîf>t blHtuk, cUli i iNoir Yoirk for tise cashbien 10 rtu unst% iomi itlî tilmiy rouily iilfligi- reuiecunucu>- nlotes t4at iflu>' ho-prcucmut.cd île ciii rt-Iluble ;irit«m-ef irrciii velt ucu uit , tlitc ctuîîer, aidiiel ich lhnnît. a pocie ait tclmi, iiuiin u t> iîuctr woii-us.ttbiiei tu bîik u viiLu lcllîIdviuable te e mub'cr, iiipîu ntuiit io uteiiofît4-r liuttia uttht batik, cci ktp tht bank in -e ungutiuu,u u111.utecnîdrttiu lc * ucedtc 0iar as uroviuing for tht e- e.EARLY tCOPIES. iieîpitî ut Clitolni cuts tir- 'lrliuiltiuen.l mmasfri ctii'lAI- eilteti Lu>-sud tiîCwick & Co., for the isîî1 ilislirem.in-t u ucuiot V.uu ie lu tliucut Pauuce Of Omue e tir ; ifttlî circulation will iiuîîniiîi, iiiimiucli i ust e tti nuo' u iîçu ausiy ni hurOtiL;,thit terni of one rear iitc hnl f ulsittuuaot uitOuil a-m Iîîcîy lue cîbcteu(lliy trjtton - ' rtolhe A e dî.-i!iuil,uic<u.' tP uit'sl t; timut suidChadNiick & TERN.aISlLe Z.A N1ýU M. _(à. shatiliave cotitriti ot ail cîr.cutatien Fuir a'u i>- Aeoftltiî hur hi -vitwc-z.....el8 o iu Fsisuti lb>- the batik d' r Iîî For ciuuytw, ut t ho fîuurgleniews - il..... Oit0 euie yvr, tinilesa ennuliet in ~ttht RidFarin ut tlficrtil ,0P. m itevc. ......-1 00 writing, as vrucfn'r i> tttluiqeN îiew.........---8 (10 provituki ahove; that al nelt pr-it unis Vor hhccwoî' Miîiiejs1 ctngaroll' thteoc- ofusaitinotes sehall, after F-r iltiuuckueood uuuil ..mît.....i1w- ant ullctiî,-ttu euen, bho died monce Four hlit kwc-i -nî ttu,,ltunntewq u -... 'r0 c\nL-ny ticritýeMuuths, as i'ollowing; n- t For anucimodcid t iu ne ltivicas ..... 0 001 ,oe1)Fu,,,u 1; ua&, he uic teiWm., 0o thirti oet profitg to'e hoPaiiaidtot z cku onq Uerl ni'îft ts .faits euueiu 00ui cuti two (1))blirdue et tht rttbprofits te roer:atcd Èir. siiChadwick & c'O.;smt ok iatCUJIN ho ciuloyeti amndparticipated in a1l bnci- utA-îîîo f 25 ýer c.i.t. ti-îuthte abtu ces:' \nhcreci satu lnotes nay bc usei. T'rie!wti ul awe ti. Cica uuî-uhuiniz fturunor "i.tnt aCO. (L. s.) mrn'e.]i utny cione rituril out tic filsiun us-unis.'ilins: Lt.in eolîîe-of or~twtitt "A î.nîîmu.,J. W of fi(nes) Reuu<~ltvleuur, wit emt utoduone acilreos for Signeti seilci auît(dtlivciul ici tht pre- 5j; fuuuu- e uptus îuttliîitfouir lIentow. ud cîiît mmk soutCe et mJ,tiuus IV,. Rnribu" Ç )tufor IMc I !; s il u. inW n lîs ui oîplaiîuc. dtai Mardli FSA '1301, 1 , avers bliat tict Chadwicks oh- V.ciMaîtitl suuio-bers miupplttd frecoeu taiu thte ituîceteýt in the Batik_ ullotici te Uîilud S.cd-u bcuu1e idicia i ise undifratiuleit represvuu- Ni.fli. uic i i'is eItu- itenafhine tiinc; luit mîiter ho wcs swindlcd iin 'Y" uîihuie hoiluiil'w- aï iutni' ieprouolîsiîtestatiOuq tîey circîitut- t î tý-ce uiciun t-i tFlu bis Witiiîut ivinig mty place ton LEONAiID SCOIr & CM thm uit-ui1ciu. BY W.ty f cîtintttr 0No. 5-t ould St, Nq' V ork. cliiuc t'iciiu-î-kict up ici Iis detcnc tduit Vi-iatil no intet wliat(etin the liltik ut('if ot,('gilitî noigiît tocMA IL LINEi,'OFl STA-G E % adit-tîliut i iunes the B.tiku-goth Im utittit wit ca s uferer to thetutile ~~jp~y NO TL ut b-,uio.i> the epenation, anti 'e, I TB ,N R L Ct-ur9e W- Chaduwick, ciaimnet daniages te thit aciiuilitLB'ut the iaw imoei cou « iýowlY ton the 'C -îuncs, ihencç ire fini d tht brtîer, John IClswi-,ii Nasuh- tVitle uiiotîngIngjhis îvntiesh uo tieCvh i.Lnbffyce cîi ru Witrl fvîie il. ru itcity itiono ho got-ic u iOf ATneti ofliuu, afcui Dten,'txhniig Wi-,('risc tiit thosand iolum. 1 «cr W Aci '-rt l'u-ruy ; uîttî, a lu.re tceiiisuy daîi Ciisiwitk, in vicin et tiiose rocent dis-;. itiiuii n Prie iîihct n'ice Albert, aicîi i'îrt luuy cliiocînes, uhouid niiul lus tueadingsal eSa îui îc, cc, r.mhieliiuolesveUxhniujleu tu3o Wu îilk thene la cviuiecce enougisLu un*.l;n- e-uuum oli U L'un uuhtaeu ace nest iQ tiiy'the Cbaiîuulivdtuut otherSur or '~utu iuoiet iii cWamill utreet tonr swimdi-'D I!,i m rasWiiiv il rnding cci i heuc011 iat f.' otn'eteh.tîr i te mu-l ai thtii iii- ufonrtr, îmnd cjiry, .-tut t o -îruiîi, trh'ecucii. tuenese tfiu-< cc - ooktd atter Lice btter, us iL Mli U..hrt-g-, l.Princee Atbunt ili lu'ontu'r. llicitP- teteucILe>- te tnighteu ither uîoirii- 1u eclt iîti, ,uuriîu te tuuiitnt te x lt niire euucnuulating the gcttmcg upî hridce bit.ulz-0 cc,hOiISVlitliv urTOtM>iitu et îthiý or-tltgus butaciikuonu hue Ofuciî t l imeîu, u>it!,,li uieimaore hlite todo bucu.tuM%, T the It-îriy.iccii iLrchct'u iiink t Fet- uud tg,oiluey -u u -, as the fane wîh-uiuiy bh J ~ >~175 eLs. 7rom fU-&> i,îrizeto lVhithv Station IRWI-MIL-IîîWbitby, on 1111 25th lît, by thte1ev. Dre.-Thurnton, Mr. George irwin, to Miss Elizabeth Smith Miii, both of Wliîtby,. Cil no-,IC2L,011ii7 . f 'Very littit grin àfo5bring. Fail Whcat, Spring SOce a 85eu Blar ley 55e a GO. Peaà 4e a 48c. Oats 40c a 4Ue. lluy $12 a $16. 13rea i Butter 124C. Wool al1c. Icin îran îd Mew Yorkc sales ini wlieâanidîifontbave, further improveti. In,-Troutüo prices of grain do not ex- ceeedthcusethoso in Whithy smarket, with tht exception of Oats whichVbnug 50c. NEW ADVERTISEME!NTSI- A LOT 0F <A. fcrioîs cnqkcd i..)Dirt tfritiii he curprat ieî Tea and -Cofeo Warehouse. ii/tMILTON & ROIEL'TS;. Wind4or Uýad. Company. q T)iEl ic-nrey uiven ilut ic diviudecid e i'ut-L IlLr Loedil <iii tht Cupitiui Su'u.k cf tîma ahovuc ur"'i1oauiuis itwuttu da(Iy dcclanre, ainl that tipi sc1w ii pi fu1usyiîhtt t1icciLice o fJuI I 1tovrc'& co., Port Wihy U ui ulftOr lt Jily 1nc.tt Wjlttity, dan n :PERR.Y, rest ini tue tank wai te I n diocu net- appear. -Ttiat - iig forerLihnutired tbo-L i 1y nc Andiultihe uuurce Éfonîthue Suiot xhtg lnuci ituaund uuiiUmetu thce Sttitic)us tuu ta. l'u uuru cncnoliig iuy Vue chune Stages cili dci u'mefI u id uilugîiug uiers, uandl par- t~icuar cietuictîid Otltu iccir-tIs uiýti -rrihe. E'lleu' iucfruin Uxbintgo citteuu Ce Yu'oiTuecu>, (lhe irut -cay outîu l icc, Je~îu% TjiciiiukI's N,,rtlieurâ u I li, Uuciuigc u11!t uuilt <att tutt!l Cc th itlictehls la i tc vil- l.age., get W'iitluy, 'Fnid Itn N., RAY,. 24t NOTICE* Oiitaral. tLu haîp poluteil ucuarliis of Prilloccia 'eli ilîreîî nt Ulbürt mid Elizubcetliî Sarce te of tiit Twn-4iîip tf Whitby, isi the said ýCouuty, Datusi theu aveiteccutlî dav of Jiinoe, 188f2. c3obùotor for Appiciot. 23 A Work ofÂAbsorbing Inferest THRILLING AJVENTIJRES - AMIONG TIE EARLY SETTLERS, ircwn frc.uu Illt cîtut eNentf-ul p'iod o1 Anircitlîi t atrry cd froin tt i ost Iutiietic molecs,tiieut mtoieu yçt partutte 0e ilthe uid, wetrcl, alul 1îcarf i citaîer uf rolisuiicct. Thec volaue euoimins thefuihwimr uiug otherd, MClcmh'mFcarfti cp, Pots' Bîcuperatu Enoonuutir witih Big ~Foot, Advriturci, tf DPunie! floitîe, l'rusAdvtuitureu iic.uCnot, - Tht My'uttry ut Liciuutr, AtilIi> ler in:uilaTipbt '1ace, Tht ie Vnderfui Es* ), Tlie Duýj-imou miuîd thtiic2latonul, Thnt i0nrer't§ Tbrillitng [diait Atvenlitrc, Thîe Fgliting Parion. ]lurrors of ii<uhraci-orlku'd Feuv 'tfi Advcîîturm, amruug the G(iltua, 'riîe Gamblnl en ai uutNtthez PelnaiAivuiture of (aptaiIrady, Feurfmul EirOqnter % ith a Beur. GetieraPaucis Dariiuc Expliiî, Tho Mass Onu au. Fort m*mlmau, 'The Wbtu irtun,- NiukDi(ck cudlu ittLynehmrut, V Isbsrbers bwg to ccii yc4s1! at<sntlbnthit ite at ttbab htyiru-lmund hai'lveàt la ooaiicg On a puace, aind that now; ustbitetmuo.Intesoi-yotur ordd, or coseuyoor- soiua, fors theîrmîleabatl. 'Witli is oW ratly for. delivriy mt thoî%r1onkaii) Wbitby. Every Mciusold lusot teork and .uclibataCtîoruncu uuupuct':a fcc r îial, or nosit Fer thte informms ion oftthtouet tht w7iitbi~o tulycease Maltmes nti haire mot hail an oppontuinit>- of ,t -(ing itheiiiy uSe, -i-n -u iIdi-ejer tinute te tlloNving gengtlemeh (luit luouglit of cia-hst srsson0 rilï:- j 8uietnatDBrowns, iýdr-rnig, - t 1 iti ttii-jîutinWlitiy. Wcm.&et enny t e ,Itrch. Hitlm, - Jmohns hs'ng, '44 hiisî Mtu1nH -'>' .. arpeucer, ..,, -Wjî.IcW, (corget Lkut, i iîuciîîaue, Toit,;uuiet & L)irky, - nroat, et Wu01a d t ie ' idicIfcén Il heyn îL 1 Tî îî u l 1, g . " Fcmau driff a Nllilumt ' 69 JohnCi 1plt, etr.SicL jolp auenli, t N. l.-Thcy wocld aiso state that thcy arc muuiiituring a supeior THRESHIN'G 1>I..AOHINE And llorse P'ower, andi wotild requcut intending pureliaerg to call andi fl teir Ma- chines beforu buying clucuvhero, for thcy arecqute certain the style and fîiýh of their, Msechicse witbrir.g theu into public favor. 1<Alo, Stecl Elougbs, OPstivators, P'anting' Alili Sufi.rsStvelî-UllWork, &c. Miis S~qsStve, BROWN &" PATTERSONS.2 WHITY, Jone 17, 1862. DONOVAN, WALUKEY & Co$ JJMCTICAL CARUJ.GE BUILDEIS, BRQCK cSTREET, WIIJTBY, C- W.e, -APFEW DOOU«S S01IJTH_01, 5, E MONTFREAL BANX. JAEON IAD niaecntaty' iîicîrngCraeIu 'eWuggns, &cof the lktcst andi most approyed !eâ, unnufactîtng from the best.inaterial andi 14ythe choicest workunen, bc!ng compc'teiii wàrkmen thomslvcu, thoe. fecul iffreti tieir work wNi il givc satisfaction in style, fiiiî, -ud dis'4lui1ll'y. ',iAU i ldu <if work donc with neutuccus antid ucpitch. e- Il \ YDEN'S PAtpNk IE' -ivn buuglît, 141 righit fur thls-Cbutity for lcilcPatent Mi etl, they bcg alieo tsnnotunc that tht>- are prepareti to f111 ail erders for the ,;anite. wîîru~' Mach totI 1OYONAN, WALIKEY &C.1 THE Wîllt ntaýrToswn on tlice ltlm day Pt J-,l>- et PX) - heaii hr thteitouderftut 1111?OZONQMAONH!IHiPPO0 PO T A MU 8o. W LLmzhuI mru 4 FRIDAY THEE lB8th OF JULY LXTiiýb u i LL',(it co)L l An -'IE.D Ni cte Larui -grand cuiuiiu.uiof Five Distinct Exhibitidns 1 MNE MAÈËCII PAVILlON I.entlt X ami 8. lai Si J. G. S Froc i 0ue trrINll i ti>thoursuý,ntiuniien above tianiut, gypl. mid laIIpntet iliîo tld eoaîîtry ccl (tetux qemuseof SIXTY TRIOUSAND DOLLARS! Tut omchy nuit otan extutbitedinlisAliceicu;ie*- tte-il WIiti the ttc11ieriuoftti fIoiy Wnht': Af ihiAi ýJch pay, "lpon tlid eautii tre iiu ujf Mu liAs.11 Mi uouutsAquantaci -wittlbut(.%,,çu b>- a EflormrIUS: È1epb.arts,- 'lducet l'y -(Jt Cartor anti IOurOpf1t hic ilippopotamt.s, ALT, thcu EGVi'TtANegiaditel- - 1.ivrcd by taIIü -AT IlL E 0L Y M P 1 A.N T U il V Witlt its innnrnaruitiTronp of Anlîs.tu, 1Equu- train,Acrobstie. &o , mciand a rge Conum tmvo 0 Asa Brown.ý, V~aîifrttsumi trrillua of ts ifruitt îbb $50, duc0)Qie t11 o f 3a4y jlte. Any wrson T t1wis or t4war4iur îIIIi« e IcGu~tit Lt rotiiriiing itto tbbc owiujr al. Due ultably ro- pubit o c eerîIy c ebaIégd h wiirded. DANIEL OCO'N NOR, ONTAUIO IW XILLS, Mt $isermauuBrovtilaoîue$ :i.c uotrTiylui;i MIfilab) 2Uh 22-11 Lb No 4, uîd irîlle t h 44r A îf i~i li amdlwst- aig- cmunlNc9rIig horîîgir rm:ded hcuuuelie iîut ili timfc' S ORprmpaî1ed l",1(, ii TINGotto ;hr tnuý- ?Wheat,, Pea3, -»ar1oy & O(at0. ti.uy v('(01gc U1îîr rowil whciat ftuprd, uid cuit 11 deugndwilil u (shfor a~ cris uI,. îrite1m3wbure, 4îîd w;ù c..gôî. s~~t~.Thy suaal UiVe1b braiý Fias;t, Barloy andoutt& delilyrcd ut Frouc,ýli- cii sirtoir ! i wS1. ~fl.Jiu Y PAI'IR & BOLTON,1A4 ROKE 'Frcncu 501 1111i, til û, lt.22 Eut WiiîI, Mîy 'ý1 , 1I4. NL. K-Â1uoCuui .ii OUL. B.&,B WIIIIBI PQST-OifitCE '-_ NOTICIE! T 111,' WHfITBT P08;T OFF~If t1ý Aiy l 1'r tPe diepatclî and delilvry of uilul.ri 8 O'olock in. tho inîorîing, ntail i70110ck, P. mî. 'Brtish & Mnerlean Express Co, Montreai cean Steamship (Co., and Giasgow lino Steamers, 1 llcmovtd oudoQr -toutli of the Rcgiutry 0f- R013ERT E. APEL oLOl fiio tCÂAMI>Bl.LL's OMNIBUS Wlsitby, Aprît 29, 18 M9. 15, f Tailore!, Shoemakers, CaTrnage Builders, iDres akers, and. Heads of Familles - Gonierally. - Cumil at WASNZA1< &'C'i. Scwtng Mituluirue inthiet, Wiitîbyar0tme t hulange agsuontit Withuilc ut imprevrmentu i t t ur pntctit. -maccli 24, 1862. Agent for Count)- Omtsnio. PARM FOR SALE1 far tie thie $outilu-liait T of lt No 1-o In htlîcoii.-iiîtht Tcýwtl of gil o hùali1 eoiitaiiihui ODit husidred oacrem ofgÇlîl na. t iul 1 .4situîîted witii- la i o. île llc of tt tlihurc u2ef iE.oýtver tQIn, le tt tluiberecd, muid càneyer failiiîg scr'n <cf<,'aciqtor, tromwes tt it, it ihin la tht mnî,cdi.îe vicùh.ciy uf th0. ,it tietMilii,. adChî,reIIhc. For tinus, wiî arc lihural cîpily (if by l(t. ter lîropiid) tu T b u n t hii uîi~ scî GOLD & SILVER WATCHES Frlet i iiilto i tiamus. La-diez Gents GoId Ohainge Ear-rings; LiitestSztyle&>Jc -t Jual, Coultimccud mouuuc.itIlîîbupaut cfeSem ~ Spedacles teitaltail thî i~iitby r.wery. c~ - r [uA-ti nîuîusare îuuvurearctutf utu J cuti tt itr ('l' ou c it mîry lire *ti iý itii an i - ,i :i taticle iii mu n4t lcitItiu'u -.- -ic', bu recrt e , uil0cm ten , fte suit pri'- ikutltulmmdctutrci ti ti e dli iirt rtieli-. Withv. N. Vîi. 51,1 . - 61--u I ,I J -1>R1i.1NG' tucuoamming rtimuni»-t Yatrd and t il. 4> ;uiY t WANTED. 4,UOO-llIAND JoliN CA1F,- tby, Post Office. sHE E P s GEORGE CORMACK. L UIBER MAEittCtANT, Carpenton, nd 7t,tdccr, Greemr St. Wltly. A large qiuuuu ticy ut il iTicndui efîamuourcoatatiy on bandi. Fj7NERIS al.fly stnpplilod anti atteratied ni i iti ý,ie ufl ep -1aeit ly oir 5 AIlaearteW liire on Iiberiti rr. -Wbhicv Pcb (GEORGE Ct>RM.ACK., 84itý, eb t, 18&2. - 4-1%- For uWli'l.-tt hitittgist pneiu wý -A. LOG - Brutl Wbitiu,h>t 1 itt unmtti National Cirons, Ntblo's Gardlen, N. Y.- y9a Great Western Cirou8t, uclunati and St. Ltui, VAi Great Eaasten Cirens, bt Atierem, Boton. ,k's Jllppopotamus or r Per- lai Prom Ceo

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