Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jul 1862, p. 4

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lItent rc' ternu' fer lias-, ;0 have lier, 1001 utisyti gZaganti briglît, 10. t-ai cuit hte, cul ool eokitliike, an-i -eak, hrÇ i~aoctruy itiou oycick 7,ou<* llne fora d'unce I tletu b-Weil ime tumt; k. gives I ifY II Wba liis vtli tilit cotietii"Is w roi tg &-i y 4;e, tîutt1 cali'Lfutgel I - wVd ulIdtitu tllh otrto- Iid %indu l'ti toldth riomn gayln ttti ilir't clti-kauesoi0 (IL elîcilcs mu sol>) 'ufiliS i cluana gamn). tuiitl tiffl*nt goluîtm bua h lut eltusloti ry ati icter uttuwn'y tuinuuîd; f ir li-tettLkititi S kin Ctd, Il jitie thue znte ,auttlgo I tt a 1, ia Yo11ng fùliot, ïes, pont- longît, iti dobt ta", uîtîtu Gui1 ,%ut întlîng wtotl. lio il luiit Astil t t-Iitrciig, As4imt tut ud1 strottf, aatyrouonStabout. e o a pn,ne;uu' uttîit rd, fltm-tid it!lî lth 1 gteit-- 1 giuis-I glesit 1ouljod%,ti'5bit -3 tdlk I It.re 1110engiîtiî oL ettîtll, ou1I iia tad e-t imo a ! ti Peotynt-n i ILàauill It- Vs)- I ati puieaui iuola, rotonmt tnIi t-ti-lo vei'Lim tou er, Mntitti it i, tu om tadyitt '.ii guIafirleolant fi i ait-cti, ju a % ut ove noe- rIot li utgril1f ,01I so et- lu te ,uDublin UniverstlYs" cie ivt the above title, bas te La alueady beau remarincd îhatlîe 1 befere Agomiemtin , but beoti- els-se lived sntco Agamnemnon, iown týi, even iu m oderni limes, againeS littin by their heroismn on i obiinu ; tht-y bai-e vanteti poet.--tbey lhad ntibody lu iu#ke mortai.- Europe lias bren cratn- itleaifor tae t Iuntlret yoarî. at-mies and nauieu vomIS reckon the score. TItey wei-e nanrd in a ~andti Sld. One or Iwt-ocfItitet A r. There t-au àber for KNim- Çtt- Nelson. for Sir John Moore. ix Eundroti, for alnme foi s-t-de 7ill lhiatest hbct-han the proseni tbe past, whemt net-c incoultest-e. ien telographq bectime hitory 7- ng9oe, îtliywililsiuupiy ai strata Du vhici tutrity viii bo ,foording inbility anti permanctence )uedaLti*u tif cociefty,;vhich i yl upon tem and rnaIt theut Soin.I Snaaied Smr John Moore. Liiok se-nover vas onytltingtlcsut-ore Inthat hidailI-ü-Itsti ould tas-e pasapentteofamte. Ho biatifougbuh tIenirals bcd, bail bcdt bu suc t -his creverstes,, anti had juat beati atove vatel' before theadat- aruty o.f Soult. On the -voila tif L he met bis fou. anti Mighi bave re, as hundretis of others diti, in ait Led grave, te Iis bout- and îoali mes, tati net an ordinary unnoticed mtt fnom a retente eountry parialu, In amtd conimon prtiaaic putsuiteq, gluice in his imnaginst;in of lte voition as ho vas hurt-led tu a bans (in the silence oftife1,0 ightithin id cf te enemny's advsncing gunt. bk wm* enug-tie pichuecuva witl t ( fulignificance cf path;m, !heart of the pool ; anti tuen iL ne- A, il. was ftunît te htavef been enti witit ambon, tbèeeftan neyer muore aways. Ii. true little cereutcny teved att that buri_-It- o fainerai til andI theectoe ibe earth ; atut bl< tte atrot- ;y and cat-eleas - oblivion, vheu-c I dtoouday vitb turecarcieti coin sm of te - lest, iy observei, te ts have pitchied, t- standardtm t-wbile on ioniii the membera, t-eil be bail- juat i slite feit a0 plump, et inisted e te Ibis It orf net intuene ofelthe southaru Womneuln, the War- (Frian the Mulnphis Oorreapiundent cf tlig New * York Worici. 1 licard the fHeu. Leslie ombs uay that ln bis opinion no cloa hati injured- Kentubcly iu thi ris-IBS m mch as ils youug weme.-The lruth b louethtover uquesiably.-Tbe feutales dcwn bero- wrt-o rly possesseti vith savon devils of secesso.-They vero col rebels *,froin argument. Womea de net reaucu. They leap like a cat le a conclusi on, and eamy lite a bouse on it-e viten tboy go1ta t.,i Secesibu vent in among the daughiers of the Sout jusl as a contagiots iliseaso wouid, or a neV styl.ofbonetu.-It asuit Mreti inta them, or fitteret inSolo temt. Thoy ýtooei . Tbey liked ti l.Il matie lte amiable angry, the eveetacour; tihe at- tractive repitîcire, andthe. Iaudsome ugly! lt- mode bavete cf alfemale cbhtma andI graceil. I muldt the foutue moral cse anti sente of houer. It led tbe fcmsie feot mbt te ways "d attitudes of tIthe vomen tif te town, plyiug themr avoccat iens.îi Titoro has been ne, pat-alloel in the wbele world's lîstcry ef tItis mysterious, sitiglabri extmretlnary female phenomenl in te Sotheru States ef muet-ion. -A-Illte sweeuhearts ands aeet ixWen anotd taif. grown girls cf a tot-n have aunk thein little jetilousies anti rivali-io, anti combineS to dcritio, shame, hics and -h-oot iute the a.lmy erery pair of. pantaloons oifthie place. Andt ley do il. They hava doue it. Up on my honor 1 belicive tha if lte whole of vornandotn il t ague aieong thoni- clves as toucltiug the one thiug oe! tom.- pelling the men te go witoul deir stoca amîd torldogs, it vouiti ho doue. 'on -cmari't anear or argue w-it a t-timon. SIte aya : 01 Why, loti t amuy mcx 7V Thero is but one t-capon left us in combat vitht theso ecesb ; tht-jr own-insnlt. dien. lintier vas igbt lànauing i1:. . If I iati space I could- fuitniaItcarta in.u stestiOi that iilualrate the assertions 1 bave matie. Giddy, beartlous girls, witIt net an ictea above au, oyter,, bIave recruitodth te ranka i f Ieauregat-d by their roientîs James couds op his carS te Sarah. Sa-, rab qenîsdot-n. ht-r itquit-y, "wtbat Teg ,ment tites Jamies beloug îc T" James ge mb ÃŽtte atmy or tbe river. Thtomas set e pleaure oif Susài a hitu he next tiance. Susan duit-e's L-ttw but- long thte furlougit tf Thomas endu t-s. AnS tzmonc. IBut fancy'Iis speotf cannouatiin- donc vithuperaistency-witit a o-tmau'a perislency. PaItEn.iS, ILOOK OtUT b-Alie"tmlype.- celîing tnitctine, egatding tuhich pot-a- grapits bave been lioatîn<r areung ii thei teirpapers for co-et-ai ypaaàas t lut reaicheti comnplelion, ant isl noir in pumccai- o peration. Allen vas a natire of Mas. eltimorîts, but ii-otinl Net- York-, uttgaget as ut prntuer anti devsing titis nuachl 'ne, whicb col li twenly yeara labor anti fun-iy thouganil dollars in money, ut-Iile 'the luventor ieti vithouL reaping te betieit tif bis iunvention* DSy meamue ti thia mecliatuical type setter, type (botb lottons anti poncuation mareks) is picteti up, properiy pisteS in te cern piug ailie atidiatributed after use, tlic tiperator producing tbese effecti by mainl- pultion tifte keya, tue pet-san tbus dqing the- t-et-k tf ix or eis,ht ctmpoîilonu The itu-iceofo! iis remai-leemachine is $500, anu iaready a. numbor bave been et-- der1ort-loace eoe!tho Ieading printing anti ntesujuaper emtablehmenti% inthe cil7,. -A e;piuimeýtu iii ho sent te Lontdon exhibition ai Mrt. Yeaton'c office in William treet.- Ns-to York Eveiinig Pouf. - -PniT£xiuW Jcatuun.-A jubile. viii uoon tait. 1>laceim-Vientia, in honor cf lb. -four luntdreti year' existecte o! the art. et litiifiti u- that ity. Ttc fitst Vieuna priiter, UiricbH lIn, openedihi pditiîg~ office in 1462, but Sddnet suicee, nè tiiirutedt e Route. Ret-as te causa o! theo Emperor Frederîc tue Fubrîh bettt-- injç a priviiige on the pit-mers li the year 1648, tuhieh placeS Item lu equai- mnk *itb the nobieuten anti acbolars, and per. uitteti theut te voar a st-ord. in titia cly sutidenly enteretihe onîu boute te otluor day, and'fountieee i ciet-kînreoring a artg. book iu the air, anti tue cutd resîiug oun bis ohmn. l'WIy ait't )ou a ntwirk, John V' ha inquireti. '64 am, it," repllies the clent. Yen are ! 4-t what irt.k 7" 'l Balanéi >glte Ictiger, &aàl" -Since Greenwooti vas ist.,laid eut as a lImbu)yInz place lu 1840, 89,857 have been interneS vithin its limita. 'Thitît o!fil-, whnî a large and sulent City. -A goti wife is lite a pt-lnter's t-tller- the'Ioiet- being coîepoîted e! molasses anti glut-. Ste las ast-cal as the 'fat-mon ar- ticle, anti sticks te ber hulibanil like the latter. A A tt-a1 Ibought hy an ai d bacielor- Old maidu are crocs 10 te tond in genet-al, because they have no hushaudtit expenti fteir ilîtemnptr ou. MOtATýi.Ptosoumnr.-Talcan a Oite St-tp e! brandy for -the strsungtb of the t~Caut tîmmul lit-a. JOHNi3RYAN lnore,-i., %Wlîîtlîy. Brock Nit d-4 eIo1Polircrd's Ilotel. 1 .1S . toa lie~s 1 i.îmîi,rtîuîliLty f i 1=ttiit iic ils andti iiimiutitntiin iii iîtiv, muivi-iîii tutI ime is prepiiîred i titcitte Mutilenr M;iikimis niA or1-1 i-Li amtd$T', !thLLI.71 -Vex juiiît riwîtaiy mitt prominîyi LaýIeî-miîi ettltieliia'FeittUti"ille-r llit. ro}iirib, t% -i, sitdi itîed lii lite latei, ailes. WILLiAM TIEMPEST, M. D). K 1i C 18T E ET, 0SilAWA, CANADA T AIL Ii eR 11fliI)AI'lt-Eiibg Si. (tslaiv». Gitriiith,4 iiie tii treler ii lte bemi stylo EN .L.EI imYi Faiicy snd St-tieDry (j ootit DF li titti (, ertioreis, Ilriix-isiots 47 J. & J. IlIISLO P, Y.ALEIZ in Dry Goi aiind Go-s-asud Mitool lui t., Otiliali. S. B. FAIRBANKS, S IIClTOIlt, ?-ZTAItY PUBLIC, &c.,adc. 4t)ahaw's, C. W. JOUX cIL LfIiTNS'EJ AUCTItO)N FER FOI? CANADA L We,. s erahie lstrîiCCft ktr ite-liltiabi talus t11t Iliturim ii an ti Dîhbtfit( lAilltites, un au- ictîiins liv Alictifoîîl IliuoicilFuntitltre,- Niechandizeandtiehr ýit ctia roasonabie cominticn. . 10 INSURANCIÉ & G1ENERULAGE-NT M~ reasonabie ratis, sid iii the inolit reimpini blIe lll~Ct1El1 iEAt i t)tttwn Jo>' iS B . E. SKAE P l IA L c, ,Dentia,Osliawa. DtmituAitigmc, lctly tîppo- etiPoi tlit 110.-Eit anco on Sinioe Streot,Lthit-d dilr nortitof te Outarlo llsnk -47 W. Il. GlilOs. & Co., lt-oit, diret fnuom lcnî1,vr, nIut iw lirions for c*81t.- 47 IJY_1IkN ENULIýSigtIr.Ir. B. FY ~ uN1VAT L1 , Ro1ioluor in Chan-. smm topî1pnit t ePeit Office. ,Aiahw 47 D. F. BURKE,- W h1TOLFSAL.E Titie Andi pitL erbt, Groctir simd 'o-iàioui Plser, Kiug SL Ciita Glass aîîd Croîkcry in grpt-on i-riety. Lolnatc-ra, Sur-iinom. &-e., -tuttiFreâd, Oymsloami auaun. *47 McELI[tOY9S hÃ"TEL, fOOD ACCO>MMODlATIO>N, onu cttentlt-s fi.ut-ma. is.t tis- of <itîun. u st lTae bigh rete nd et iov ttte f nêus. lPer- eTuaMedicines itcvi% nducoe4 tecy onpnuciledidi. vndalabai tbiupon te5 iilwicaand purÇuu Caoint- pWctlesufr of t eir iîteiam1usui, MemstarJeety eg toinforia peestin bpu glMtefr uiieli autitmine RY & Co. I, afiedO n tumeaide e! bLk t. pet- tf t theiiathaute of Syrcum n Deerxie H seace, am ilirmnn, as55t-s.MMuabssitat tîbe n". tIiiine.iisbown on the boLle ibubabp usibi Iofelolly; aWinl adiiobn %ll MescuPenyis e eiees saurIn Atunà Is-l.noiua- Chub, sad ail u .her ,pitx.te woui, will Le ie oiertil it>uacpauSi 2euible adbi utIeelut boje. t"iessiuliteïrautue anSd retaIn tititiand ai-lt-y patitet andSOi Dimltlue feetimsatlti y a enzpitu iii. pamphlet. ttited '11KtrUitbl Imma1te ,Se-tt Frb et »iclsitt iitasleul u inbcpies elte urs-l(i the metictitis-. ée-ana DENTISTIRY 1 DRS. ÇALLENDIER & CAUD surgeoanq Denttiste, &e., oomeiUoYve Mr, Carleton Lyixdels Store DUND£e$TREÈtT, IIUTBT. inatairalised. Tho long oex roleotf Dri, Cllandel s& Card and thoir txru~ n~~~ o! theprao tic. of Dentitr%-, nabe thetu Wapproolate the great 1 etnolits t;)bo jirl Iront a careibi pro- ite-atiolt-1 tllie o li-bmpnrDrtitt, and beauuLiituý organe tho teothi. upean tboir premeratoOli roeatui.al oftte hoal, haàppinos,andti oofort of mnnkInddeponti, Thoir sipertttons lu i iî braneo hé proféssion cannot fail to giveo cal Isctctijn. Jet the nfaitiotod wlidleaucod teetit. only vistt thein in tituo, bol'ore thé dieoaso gots, toei firin a bol. AWRTiPICI ALTRETI uIirolliUii u ver, PhtliaIlate altiosîP i tecoleobratod,and latont anid nlinq roN-ud metbodiiadoptd t11 tie prot'o-auon. '«U )o operlpn >of Dmu. Cilofit di&Crarnoo(nlllvporfinseti, anîd pot-fot In thoinselvaët, tbiaCnot only tha nat" r- aloXpýroacicin i roiriel.loitee nncoin; tort the bowerr oftoir artificrl tethlot 5pro. mnotefSat the Saineinte. 11ithebodos-atiity ni titi initoriti iteoti. anthetio iaritiony lit the biendiitg ufcolor, the grcatestt ncticbction viii bc foundi . lrtiuliar attention git-en teoth conoaII rotinti otitf eillýtiid-c, eoti. iParets nu li attndte utitis ap a very buotmLt~ i ii off p ring. Allop>erntiouc arrantoi natidt4feWb. Ternis reoal.Consaitonî fion. CIIRAPER TIANEVU T I iiELAUOFtST $T00KAND GREATEST warop &C., eau bo accu ntt limeStoro i ithe unît.rsignod., $tio-4'ioi-ovr3* style andi qiait-and at ail "f. VZ' U&S do mcLI&âfe U ha-m beenti introîîbUoodanouigsl. tuber variticc: TuE KING -0F s vo YES, MRON D1TKE, GRAND TRUNK, iPRINCE ALBIERT, DAV Y CROOCET, I 1-R' COUIAt. IALA F S lOP ul. Estatbtiled neari>-ya euqaalu(lnowfi ttiieogb «MI the wnrbil'ib anTuSUI&A V" ' N UtA- TORi c isnt- l. itlîg retnehy for triti bo tif nciy a meetor"e iloimireti bma -r -tife witeit -- Il in a cerut trina iculnes ,'(cetrîns errotuni i- ibty pftoee les-s >s-ci îtprioetiee, anS. rarimsOtunoier itttes sfsgbt.t. cktuoe i loie iowel und t bubon lt i tlbuanta cO'Ijitli4tm tti relaxation Ilynetier>-, coutiits. cobthscors-. rumt-and.cii alerrdihemtis i.#eri-m.n. lie*& hpts-ria. î*imp ýiîatLv li.iiernteifuiît ilc-.toire-aoa. rt:eg en samii uigli.aiciotitiects and frimtta itplsiîi ii , i:vutcaWe metiorntii Ille tiinwotimrtuub tribtt&,Ittb o!un ns-ar ptttre, anda W ldâted C-i lstb cees-al biai, itiùicrt orreslorma; andti tîer,-Anil ticatirai -tOt i teewitiarcmi- feriiig &oantîretiî.o anidl murpasu i mont.. iutg in t-tuties or hlthil iiat-o'. 'I'sui bai-le -ii rrttreS tumebs-lu Wativigir tyîlie s-, sawoniti oit oaih s-tro lte bh iglotIm lard htaTrr ofL.itumO#aatc thteiui-u ngAimul -Sir Pl'cronent-e. 1Ki.. it-Jas. Ditt. Di., . i.P.. Sir Jîta tspmi-ilànt tZirOs-n. Cari-oii. K iSrlt timier Waltee C£nbeni i..liaiId Williamiutirt-. ieaq. %William iin t, Eau, M. P, Sir.e tutu e iti pi-t- hotus-. or f.,suuqoaitîlimsin linns fit-us. wbîhici-reglis., clni Ian;'(xilubr -fliitg a M-ig armeiiylforito t-firitfmeuas> yuuun coui for irifi-iig Ie 8saemCfuion *oItnttniin. --Ili reotnieitii-J ft- u ies gtansfiw ittSery. &c_ are St-s itiemphorotti amL utu ton i<amits us-efr rîînofitcllit. ruutiiottmi. peny deIrnmt-. tamuI il- isnsciai ilir, n d1I tcus-i mn studeitiabbe. - Pris-lias] I. nubiotiàk l is. ait-ii oits o tt* nm n cblo tcas renaa.o o lfiiatei* .go est ttiea d mra i c n lm e g an , a t dimSia s iras-la Lupsia so t rntsl-. wfa- ttc rire s and clbua lati go in eitgéitLl. reiitttti ie illly cîtitiiiug ini. Ottiammmry actiona.,lttltub nvtebes. s.011Ilemil gt the sairnstoe acli tue t-mtwc iie pena o(ttte-.e -ls tain aciaa*" tttiorrtoSa Glse ,ti.uîr. e. s,.a cinglilital %%-l ri mte nesibin U nnmis-i renue-ty ; nil, etirs- atauu n thio Lts-tanr.sd t- crc isut i il. p-i-ex. ItEALTI] I>PI-*.Nlitl CPt>N Pur£ uLoot. reiact'spu-arruxatu ecourue .itu aut ilillbs-t-us- for cil tiAit-qco(a smO Lits ln. asb as asnt-sey.sceriifuic. uit--. bo1t0414 bt,citspiuple ouite foie and tb lai&3-. ,. tueti.c atilý ndlu, pert- . ON NERVOLuSNE$. RFLAXAIO?, ANI) EX AusinuiclCoLts-J~ii 0 "-atl. uns-tliiliht pre d6. Th- e, iilent Friectu. A OEDICA b Wciric01tti-rNature,. Troanos-it andî * Cnt-e tcf ns-rt tiph iiid -it . rasnoni npermcmoerboea ad all u-inc-gtiab iZcsées if uts- neri-si, yst-rmidn. i otsrdinses elmiteidlint1lx-thiui s-xs. prialt-uns a diege-ecçy tif orumntalI aintitmýieat iureçu7t m-ritLtitg initîmiteult a u-uuuy nitîtwilg wll-Illefî t iiti-- i-sa mofinu, uupeair iurvcil- wbli in ia -ltil ttuy cati tic effeliualty reintivoitb,>' utc cmýtailipemss. >uAii ole ttifeitti, li Ai-viilsin agli Petateulitiwmu,w FXTiLACTS O -TItIti t I Bi.NT PFlttNtJ1 Ptire Oi.whiel milaicii- ireiomtWfiheginike-s t piisuta. ati l i4itieild iii te prieehased fartlite metiiittre. l)s-pet.No.,. l-siseais-O xford Strel. Liuuitiit Aigett: Itito & Co, 15,l'srritig.len siret, Londonum. DlR. LA CROIX'S physiological View or arage, cage ta .11 ptes tf' îheUnion. 0t1tiltîimit- ttii,01 I nl m uI t I llae i lm, secrt lies býtLhse,iîe t]l l .ctutt dehibty, oorouîbîcua ioStsln- fiit-i - niîno y wdmb. hMA ,ftlr'inqifsfer ia BsuaumlinuC&o jria, a i (m oeNOi~,ati un af, it-fud Ladgy t&c., àde. IL us s trnlifitll-dvîer hoelite . id ad tau.... teiiltini.. urin. $REWARD!1 SILEN or itrsyed fpmthe premioof thm ml G ou. of Picerinîg, TWO BAY P01VIE65 ~One a Marc, arid the other à Horce - the nsnre h"a peaor on lier off iindi-lireg i iorece baga white, star on foraltoad, andi both binti foot are white, ti.îy stand eaeh 'about 1 IX< hannshh. AnDypersonglving Information to the toubsori- ber t etvii bd to their recev.ry, iriS .rocei*f tii. above rovord. 24 L>tlnsCrok. PIRE AND IFPE INISU1ULNG1 COMPANY AVsi-anary-anc -.---------------.---- r- SPRING IMPOKTÂTION-ýS. -B OJAMES BLACKu J ~A SMAL ARN 7011,8ALE Bgte aunounco the arrivai of thoîr Spring anti Sommeor Stock, ermbracing a muchet'TY<EAREbu~ntt larger assortment thon noua' whîch he>efetfr S.tu t pricos ta'iiba-copr itnl île Iain falwIktî son witi, Toronito, or o thor Town in Weserin Canada, consistitig cfthie lat iti o sctrbel ltint eatrcf 111 o styles in thto vlititme of (reonooc, rs aizotiroonly DressGocil, lloierydwàelblilzitetl pnit le a tlioromfziî tate of te- f)Iirwiit)vitbl ut-bi 151 - t*, 'herau. Shavis, lots, (lo140, la c t-ird ; the lot ia w.'1 faueed5 ati Mandes, .Ribbong, Parasols, &'c., &e., tbiere al t-tu s oione tt-nýea areàt of Voodiltl Fuorys, iWhiti Cottons, SstnipatisbirLing, Sluuctinig, Table tLineiîî, roweiingg, Cor- lett.- pets,DankWno NoaatMilnuarale Qults, Ticklng, &C. For furtutr'partlculorg apply on thè preint W. woiltdidrect spocial attention to the genilsmmn'a Dopartmient, comnpting anl ses. i -extenisive tsfertmentotf Bt-oad Ciotis, Cassimes, Tweeds, Cotton )rilla, Denimus, - ,-ats, Caps, Shirts, Under Clothing, Citilars,, Ties, llraceR, anti Ready-tiiude Clotbing, FAUX FOR SALE. In Meut anti Boys Comas-, VoiLas and Plante otf overy, style and qtînlity, madea up 0ii thec promiRes, the fit and wou-kranship tn:iy bo depetudet int. MAC'ES OF LAND, 1200 aMi es ti-laret, Tho Tniloriiig Dapab tmurt la titlder-te uuipotinddnificeo f a Fiblit ClasaCtter, n ati 2 (tit tltee xremtn o! ftonur "r-ato gqntlomen fitvo-ing un vith their ordcrm, umty roiy on Siovitig tlhoir garmonti Macle up n ho11 tugd lhiitig Lsot No>. 2.5, 4rb Con. ofîthe AýWorktnanlike maniner, antd in te latoait styles offousîion. TOWiîsbtl)t idt loit, in the Cnnorn fualnt, GR<E RI ES.-A Freait Stock oif Teas, Suigîrms, 'obîccoie, &et. &c. tawitl i lwtii botuse aan t lierutlsblnjm SEEDS. -'Clover anti Timothy, as t-vIl as -loli aestrtnent qf Gardon Sec(].,, jtist rhr ite ato î9t 4 "esn of Ftul[ trîeat inut1me icnitmiutlIt wb hosobtilit aie or lwo ictt-n, recel-eS. Cali beforo purcbaoitg elqeWhore- gW-Remetober - *sutptitc-esrm. olt iriti- R. & J . CAM P B E L L, lt iric aluasapltahe WIViithy, .April 28, 1862. PttîpuIilu BieXZ; Bt-oit/e.Stre<mt.. l'IR,511R ao _______________ - *Lot Ne. . 4,5thCon. irock Royal Iasuraacc Buildiotgs, Limerpiocu, -i ANI N-29, Lombarrd Sqrta-e, fiao>uo W . I L TWO MILLIONS S rERLING F I RiE D E P A RT ME-N T,' MANUFACTURER-0F ALL KINDS 0F Titia, cimiat- u 1.t a5i gl~asfnti 11CMIl .raau Lo.itsuc ,siLr LtiTsas Ail ji loeei rat.itlV ' iti utieaiuut tI The but-ge C ipittul euil imlî)ltru ilut it gouetit t "%~~ ma u~.u o flîath 8 Oi)puny i114 1tt-es ilhtuticmîpç t-1 ctsm fei> iy -ft »imtr L 1 F E D E P A R T M E N T,9 Offes-s for sale a- very large aund excellent assotrnent of lo-ctal pumtieijtitin ot.p l e4 em reiîii umiiilî cu iiaeîn t s oe f A SiaOFAS, BUPREA1IJSqLO {UNG B hSci.- r Net- Poliiit-aloite 1t-i x motloluswr-,Lok Glse tif tut pn&ugent-. B'dstends, Tale Vardrobtts, Cbetts o rawQr, ookeî £200,000 STERLIKG! B otie Cases, Mmu.ttra.ses, Pst-lor, anti ri wnjàBoum 1Ctat-e oking Ch :iriî, Ofi!e Sunuotc roîm mii -ot-tr ~ itî -Chairs, Cmn-eîteil Clumirs, ToiitTi ula cîulSitdý c,&- m :ou .tii.at n2~ 8 9 t gt-,tîl ei sco rie. W.r tolilý ni ijuihu tfI the;t itunateriluiaund wttr man- ýShjp lje t-%I(ýetfillyÃŽnvitý ti exîuiný ime suutit . *- Erry art*tu !is uîîmtnufac. Exiuibiuiuîg nui imrese ii ino yrar aloni, tii tured umî-tide -s114 wn aupet-i'utentirto. andl tan ho depenuled i pui. Th ul , linj eemUPILOLS8TEIY WiX AL1~l'IT 'lRANC1IES £700,000, Cuill at-d compareaud bc satisfied bo yu-clwhe" Exlbiing auttmurensî i iw, yi truAmiine ofri ytu g le er -4 -- tlv uf (lime îîitt -îî t-uîîu ut l otona; ueceosos-> imforit-tii t ut tî iletut-h JOHN AGNEW, e Agi il fît ieroil tif %tlàtului i t. ' 16GEORGE YULES. t oD T,1A 1J 81 I '\ '\ -1ES e.F un,,era-ls Fully Supphied,ý At Reduced Pices Fori th 16 IGEOIIGE YULE.. Quebec,,Governmertt Agency. 11ittititss cetilul"iti-l tii uit (3110W N LA ND' PUB3LIC DPRMNS Laud -iît i iertl-Ageiît, TÇhe Clobrated Gërman Oil ! (1UIC-R cits. ist:isui ra iep. ntttniug IL is the greateust t-muily kuititfr iccuîng tutildîts t i ittitit atitu-t-i-a tut fui an nilebenAti. Vibc t-eurdy l'ilifmtlitili otir roiî,t-iug tumrs andî e1ttîi siffei-igir toi- pslit. Ft-oui tiuhttci-l.,t tflitiluiutla 55m4 toh officie> tif iuliuiaSu'- ti 41Y, Ibhefih- Ina bae b1eut soit-ueti -t. 1 i ttvusol yOuur nil flic itaI six yeat-s, nid ilmtide nithni tutI a4 eîolelfoit ielimug cutpanstticttnttgft-'iuz-t.uoc. i î-fcy ey e<iulliy gi est ajpliedtu tnimaitut- hl.tulW,s- Ta. A.tCoutEq And exerytliing, in-the. undlertalCiung hue to lie haci On tho short- !emt notice. Coltina kept coittunt1lu on liimicli ýW AR11 lliMS No. 4, Brtick Street, anti No. 2, Colnot-ne Street, %Vhitbj4, C. W. WIIITBIYOctober 28, l1861. 42 FRIENi >5ANDI) IJO LTZN Anîd thcn for)iget th-t a certain (il s) l honoralle coiureilmîtum ot thje Villagetif ositawa,w t- t-uiles i Liqioorn, leut titrotui eifl5u or féof fui!rfandi Open uo.upetirtimli, hîtnuvsted -ii c in getingliens- O IwlitiIaprecetient for thnse ut %lin r u- iros t-ob mi i uî ter "eq il 2I Beht r i t knno n, t4ltn Io uviury :suvcu in t<mial inditt1mCoumtt of Oitt t-o in panticuluir, ltaIt t La? AM AN" ivill sou on ancd ufre.v Mt il e îtxt, aliS utotil fuitLIer notice: 5 Gallecueof(the hast uecbîfled -Whockýey l'or s a a 1 0 5 66 46 e - M oeubgthnslb h!ldkoeY for 2 150 66 ni 6 doa Rie NWhlacev ltr a a a 2 50 64 619 OdBourentbout Whiikey - - 3 7~5 66 t *4S raltstly fromuf IWhtskc a - a 1 5 5 ' XX Ftumuly %Whlakoy - a 225 5 t C Pore Spurttt- a a s a 3 75 SWlnes, Brandies, Rutua,- Gins aSJlltmîluqetcunlyi. cîei rcs uo - iIba tiof Gonid uian -S Zr......... e 0 14 brnli ýaiumumuiuu ..t- - - --. ii t t E i .......... 1 M) 2l* l i t t IOiUg> 1A V qt-. FOR TRIE COIYNTV OF ONTÂJUO. V l.yndî & Mnrktîwt'OothCou titi-. 5. Loi-i FairbaikS. Jr. tii the lrrn tof Falrbl;lk4 S. APort iirîgIocî Brook, Il fi. oui MoGbi, hiw~îor io ('-eîntv. Phoenix, Pire Assurance Cor. EwrTAîîISU31ED 1N .782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., Areta for ('anadai. t l,ý f,%taoe tue rd WVhitby, Aio lo, 19711 A S3tU AN rtfl cU01IPANY- M&RL-1-E DJEPARTMENT. w 1.1,L: k 11, r it cprîtt et-- licn- grit 111b oitiour-tka. l'or tliii. snr mo-i 'ln-4. j îîr cfuL nl .i oit tAle t rilt iîferm i,î - luîuuîid t Ltsni i- t-oued îîî. JO.%EPI 1 F. RAIJ Pianlo -Forte Mlanufac WvAimEtoOZs, IIHIT1IY, put; Yi>l.tte, ovetisa, s n~i vN'- -unr iou. ou tri-te -ibs, b-n ut tcioiokeri -trio i , 1 - ý 0m tý.M , - ý,; ýl , l;;;ý ý- '" 1 Mnncrns. R. & 8.tuan o.aralt ecb %ulied al their rnidtnec. No. 1.Deirg tetln do., &à theY nevi.!. mider an trcmiaue rai-el ethee Kt home -,Pr atwocd, end i-y herouiy tion the publie aasit noy ber-soni amiei r mm&re. ThoIrateat iMedieft i Ucorery of the . J - l ý 1 ý 5 1 ýý 1 - Ir 1 , 1 1

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