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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jul 1862, p. 2

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Uuýclsuin il t-pprty-Jante es iit Co. Catution ,-Isaac pl-iaS. À»jiîentlcit WWntenl-Jno. iryan. (ireat Chnlîe-A. Thnnipten. LirocIit4Ete, Canningten -A.'Top Carti-. Droillard.' ?to Coniractet'-Co. Ontario. nYLY ONE DIOLLAR A Y 'A.'R Wfl¶î, T!iTXy4Juiy 17, 1862!. Tîi war neev is liecornhig more inr. tint, arvi a few days men-y hriing interestiog rIetaito or -movemnenliti1u teCnnfederates. Jum oîWtiry wnuid appear te be galning lnot gr onl. Tbey have re-talen Mdrfrces- lt ro, and, on or tire ininnr places, andi are ti~VllrilZ opon Nanlîville. The fed- erais in those, comparatiyely smailt,-luit aiiimportant engaeotnntsiave be de- f(,ntprldmutgrieat loti, andi are nom a-d - nddlinig." '-lic Confeolerates have etq8ini - - c le OTFosîro agnit lite inr,îders tif tlîeir comntry, anti are now; orrywlîore, fighiti17 furiouîly. Commîunications have hopi i t off betweron îLe feder als nt Cilin- borlwnd Cap, anti Lousvilie, Le amgi nd Cht1ciîat, andtic tua mare ileeptches froinith e lcerorJ crmy et' tho -Potomaîc weuiti appear to e ave>tleet iin n e tter * psiton.Fears et' an epidemie arc enter- tailicd at Richemond. 'he TonoSchools;, orrtier, wreshoolti F;ay thettîilren f the town tchonfil (in et 1er to as-id the crtîtigaiOr. the 'di,.,r o-f "the, nianât l fthe Ontario Observer) *itl h tetraied et a Pie-Nic a1 Cor- titt's point, on Tltorstlay, the 31st int- There van lie a goodi tiine enjoyet. Cor. lîatt'd point it as beautifutanireatic a soel na.îher exeotî Upun Late LOntario, andi is flae place for a pie.-nie.. 'týe schoel emnait tee have made 1e 1 a~mâ~ts for a bnand wiît dn ev6ijihing in their -power Itenadite îlýeenjeymenýt of tule hu. day. The ladies (and wbat cae be joune. witîtout their asistance?> mîtl do ail in their power te ieîprovo the eccasiorV, andt limoge iro aré tiot alreatly aamro f it. anti others te wbom cireulars have beect-sent are oexpected <"mitli ibeir' mal t iberlt te mssitin providing refreshinents for the iccasion. Otiter plac.es have1 their pie- is.-wby neot Whitby ? and what beter occasiion ceuld hle chesea thian in givine - the chiltire»i of'tlae, Town Scîteets a ItoU,ý day. 11)y ail mecans lt there be a big tir. mt. -settimb Vrovtnasi &psranccConî- pair .- Out attent.ion lias bef d'tecteo te J * f'orattabe av» swhich a&iurwsuîu'n the Scôttish Provincial ofetTtt. Maity of cri conttnportî4es wuEt~id elogi2ing the Coax. pan>', iat gvitig special instances of their1 __libenmity, auâ, the henefits te the comninni- ty. 'l'*nspeeial cases have corne entier Our Owmneilmeraion, wuere parties eoaeerned pirdnc t the documnents. [t ont-in stauîce the poliy ifor £tha;thpe n ma £415s. ireO. igsithrefFcite y vearos antis lni At aitinner given te Ris Exçpeietley t G;overnor flenaral by-the cei ' fMo- Ireal-a feir days ince, ire -uton other speeces-a verymimpertâeii o Lord M1-one, anent nat41l defw esl the ttUS eofCenadians. It hbaaltractoti no ih"attention tlsrouzhoitt-the-so-- vineo, andi S indicativeoet Fngiisýh policY with regard' te us, deserves mort,-tat a liioselfto thle venrbring on <angerons Inuî'. and-peihps hearing ln mid 'thn piayfitl disposition of' oui, country people, who sometmmes amuse theimselvCS by pelt- in4-Governor.GeoiersaIs mitb 'rot ton e99-. tiuraing P>Ârliaaioint-biliigs-or thaiisg Crowvn Princes.and Colonial MNinerq from 'their sehspef i isremallts eof ail vice, a ntiwrnidt ibhasqorànccs of'deepi intercat ina the weifatreef.t'hte Province- Ile points eut dean>' anti féréily>the greatest danger te irlicit our countryttMay lie expod, hhooRbws Ut a:reAt nation, tilvitietifroYtT ius b>'on]>' an imniary lune fer thousanis cf mýiles, ;ris tlibtat are becomng a military peepe-deliglit- ing' in, the the a' pemP anti' panepl>' of wr"-and tolit s emîliatltbouzh it is att ne cessery'te pursue an 1cggncsivepoliiy, it is ver>'- necesser>'. if - re wonitibc, on friendiy terms with cur neiglilors,, teo, be Such ite aocf defence as meulti prevent an aggrressive petiar on their part-ant f'urthermore, iliat Canadliens mnst net ex- peot tie ariTes et' Enfitanti chiuefly te pro-I teet thpir cnntry-tbct aitineugli 41tWe whole irosourtes ef the -Emupire -would be -pt forth tei defent the 'part attackted, still Canada lieing 'a part cf the Emnpirv, shoniti cirpecite odo b er r ae ia ber eondetfeece' On in bis own werds, ituhat 1 sh-ould wish tô impres upon Caniadians is thii net that the>' suld mt rise a standing amni>, or enjïage ian>' large cNpeidtit.ufe, but that the>' shoulti aire socli meesu rc as mît i'ueble tiien, in a sutititt emergeetcy, te put forth thir s trengýth to meet any attack." [ais Exceilency reati omi e assagcs ef a letter frein Lord Piâamesten -the greatcst et' living statsmen-tite pilla of wtiçh me liava given abovvo1 anti,'wich confotti te- the izellItkoova policy et bis Lerislapin m-tters et self defence. We are glati;Lord Monck bas spek-en eut en îLe sebýject thus, nimistsleably, fer while ire Lorie10 It Wili serve te open the cyes et' Canaàdians b tlateir dut>' andti Ieir truc interesta, lte'manliness qanti apparent siîicerity eof Lis irords go to, aur heurt,.- We fut in uo ur Governor a mnan whis quite ep te theUlimes, mcll versetiin la te- craft, ant i mthal ilkel>' te ha ver>' populan.e la opýpo.9ition teo the policy and ideas -et Ris Exccllency-and indeeti et evcrytitag else -me flîid, as iniglit bave licen expech.- eti-ýtito U"béThiegreat GCnt miii an ine;-dinato atection for the Aunericans, demies tboi there is an>' danger ho fear f rom tbeai, anti aitlough adr.itting the. gt'eaess oet heir arpies anti ilitary lire- ' parationsq, assures us thatb ey <tmili treut yon as geatl>' as an>' sucttn',& dove <-tiàt the>' weelti net- laarm a bair of oua' ladd~,1 that wmit1izy 'talk of g'ànnexiag Caniada" "Imanirest desatin>', 44'tmisieg the -anangy necks of Canadian," etc., that tie>' do netj mean a word ef il; and deenles theu idea of self da4tence. ' ' Nom regreting as iaucb as the GkIbe cati1 an> - <vents or -wmonds wnicb 'wpuld cremo or l'ester a feeling hostile te o'sin the States, ire catneot shut ouïmeyes tg tho truie stahe of the ecae, andi ignoring theo ve r> plîssibie ntid irebabte' future, as de- SLE1111ATION OF TUF TWïlrT 'Op JUi I lesittî 30UTUONTAbot thesù m 1>'~~~~~~~~ ano uerauy êsiii on former ote on Ceiebrationu. Thes ladiies mere numerensi8lmnîe t t lcait in Ilis pàvî'or thecôùntry,Vt a 'gte'c th >iidî extent, 'le now loketcI fowardti nti cele. olienit brateti more as a holidaiy, anti aay'tf festi- 4t l'S 49, Vit>' than n lR nyohe ihýanti w1r>W110 Origest, are, oct Or'anPenuenjo>' beniselves iiîh ittît limit pi thoir fVictads just Da gltiiioisly as if thun> mere itue maoti dvotit -rtspectens etf- ILt gril twi r Z(glorioes, pioais-and i imonali oemer>." lie h li'teh The s;peaters fr, anti e'eders cf tht, S tand 11 tuice ord1er, thetnlla tlake sputital occuision l ieni-o titi11 dis;tv'î# an>'intentitnorinsning rior oltetti- it l frît.ft in- thn feligsofr Ini-in Catlinlî2s,,Q.ci'li 4i ît otîmer bcd>'. tuti in fari proclaitu thei- full -t ilfeî selv-es de boncd by tiein ebligetion-to de-teodet, fenti'tbtscivil -nipltc î i ,at e'fiti 'rtoree o ftliow Cathotice agaiuniî 'il aîatati For citio-l f'oir, otir uwm part w*capOhoes'y <ampt ýha icither front Orangemen, nornet cii>' ef lîuir itev(l. %fi-. V demenstruations bas an expression been useti mIile a ftrr that iras ne4it lriahita'i-,nichar- Orongemie. 'Tlirune clii itiîbe inti 'uch as ne macn nodti îl offence Qtlcrl, irautt at. The totiges prosentttGreenwood i et, ,Mn.ntc the Oéieve, Astîboina, i3rooklin, Clarernint, 1îteclîcaiv in Dufflitî' Cwuk, andtihte tee Whitiy lotgea. sa ui,1h,, Te-o bamîdnl et' niusic ciia-cd thîe d4ys lii theli 1) proceedingoý. An excellent' dinner aras for ilicir fi provided t Sterlii's antiLtaa"s itotels sistedi ittuai what'e ail thpx delicacies, and' stheailisîs ai tns 1ý . 1 tien ,a;tw Pr that coiitt be desiret ivîre servu'd. ATfIe r ael i ditattr the su-et botIA;es re'f'ormi k inpt'ro- trtoeo :cession andpraeculeal tovards tlw 0OrangýeIiiethe fo hall, ppposite mhicb the>' mere addine'sctinat bis fat, 1y the. ýRevd; Mn. Viner.ý The niuverend ta,et the mc gentleman takinghis texi frot IkStanîtet ts ti' i lta claaîtcr, 24t1îvi'srse-l'An -el1maici OdY cccl saud ho the people, sec- 'Vu.-hin lm wion Ite TirceCelle Lord hitîtîi chamtcîitiit iter -v einte lIke ted tle m bîtoii rcîn ait the penpcle ?tAnd a li tte the'r lsai Kitigýl." .tcr etrr s ai hie.od îgin e'the p oil oîse the iîtterposthianiof Lic Alun1iglty in choc- lise iii duc ing a -Kitîg for, thetcpeie. the ereoi h.«,jn gentltemun amsevteu : tiat onaingemen dPi stu la resu]l not incet te itiiieîilOr a fî.lleti foc, bti fher mr te keep olive Liio.se prinequtles oftawv, rtIe-r, in thevnia anti cen.slitu(itin;it attueity for whteh d ec-înaiieis theW forefatherà Wblet] Nîe eonùdoniin "d the dsia a0t part~yspirit. atia %lvoc.'ittd beigiotîs tnity. Loyali>' te the titrone, andi alto- gianaciato the Sovonsigo m(,et iin thle dti-;lie \uiirrosaçteti ipoti'hia ha-itima, anti irhicli lue neprealet is tashe tirai ol Tuga the Edü lioun orfatt>'Orniigenioa. Mm. Viner dîvelt pstJieticnlly tipon thé sors anti bea- Deî-iuSna- reavemviitso f our GrniiusaQueeti,Imd .I con-tuded an eloquent ii5çaorse lb' crIc>- thefit t et gisng th t frtu overiîmtiie iniçtitittîiis elhih, unmker miich, Canidiauns liacti. Ife nefer e'Geeiu redto tehie Annenicin tobe in lIais cl on rîlia uiectiri anil -duavhcrn coield the peu- mas lots of i ple mliii looketito )-Wýiashlgton finîtilcti- 1 might rerr sat'anoivleinti tlicir natiîce lied been 'part oî;tr i tfoinwed. Peeiple l i iti, ini Iis centntry fair, sue-mi id voet tbanu(laid s e *vioyeîght Lte de weit cr prii fer tbe e îssimi;a tue>' eijo » ve. W1iiie takotialilt( (lhe site oft thinga tuait. prCvailruI ini tte afýMco Stata's sere so ter]iltle, tha t tlte great ana gonil mien wm ifmandedti he ruipiîblie %voal4 oiitipo noat nom i'ecoenize iil ie 11coilidcointi eom.r bcck-wit i laindai ,stid 'by thie tnetoip itra ai nit war. thoe tirset ut difiane.lte -free- oethîe ceuntr ftmnddilt,,gutîme lamaTer Po. rt " idtucipies li'l to r1'ltrtiti n-tveiiege of àetiressing sda1' l paulie-, he ceuilti tic, lie all n thîs occîaion5 amaid eulyenc lt' tresauing c jor>'. lie 1cour SpokeC aatrl tid oxiaine -for îtieîti- rilcipleaof 1et 1 0 laqalcn. icoulho 1butîcverîhtig te p prie)".- s eatt sldptt otlch«ertng cii,-fuir ,r. Mîcletltsttc ;1114 given wtttil a mviii, t-n (if Iill reekliii LodpgenvxL neccîinanendcntich r (ifk u Vier, catd Mr. Mctunéb mia ing- appellho the paitnietisaet w:a-rs loe ext givera far the 1 arce fer the G nanti Uanier. naI> ms oat catîcut f* 'n)rmuil f bia chlractrimaoic ltmiwîrnIAt ifaven cf the liien - ,1,lue utiaa uiOîltteirlurf-noa be aidi-tmcii the ticuehuit mrenietliers. 'The cnsniii- L eigooti, as no casîau ,coêmld lie comn utaa'beauitil lidumhsasile nona-cuat attendeti arsi catae ifnientir. . i -ir, lati sciaIii ittil, illt tlie 'litaI tvet oct.1n oPpriunity to socunae aid> t o life, t'it lie caSzur-A ti ui t lmÃœS uIlt - aintisince lais frivii tl o ortI, lt, (Vn. Mentir1) aloi' ri*t vvi'i lg itn S Io t e lmiIolce' u> but Ille 1'1-iiesIll-ulodbce 'tciee-i nt ' gîtr enar for lCiiti ulhmî- rtaia IY cf the îirAiceedinat9,imtda evu.n i e the olficers anti cinrittet progratice ima charge, tosecure t anti se nîuch 'altetc. tv.î1d5mî rchets emecteti ta, andti teir ippa ieco mat atitie ti mea<ilittle tue cloif Crreeabnnle kFair. 1er of ihe 1WAiibyj CAveaide-, 1had the pleasar t' ofîtleuîtine lhe New Quinriely Pairans n, n tîte prosp1ierous lit îe illjjagey7 tmtn, ou Tuesta>' last. ThereI itecl, but few huyeri, nt-id he mark, that uhis wr.4 ilgreat otlhe wanit of ptihlieity erth e ýyaumè iiipropeni>' y-t"he 'raters ýinki. lioweer Ibe foin tog1etiier, mai as suceessaul ait Ad ho expeetedl and iti lV11e vo bereat'ter, w minou i la botter ýre, kîlomiag that yun'dai"kenia tl tinît rehites te thet, iOie-i;.y tr, and 1thairt ir oonl nlevayý -Waornmy AND QoirA vs. Do0wx / gyt. -The return matih betw1 m ville aind the Whiîby an&i la V came ofF 90 M oniay l3et, ti haw*- grouad. The game wu Ue I ' f.vuir oif tiie latter by' the very rwes ýjor Oshawa fily gtistatined the reputation they thifï rsmh of rihsg a t i e Ée-d4 tel mci fr te 1Iyliuu;'e !nd 9djing Ct'! tlle urli 4 >V wen%'t teoe] a goùomre aii b oscomatch. ýiuLefol-' ios{ieg is lie rsultota»Seeur- lii>WMANVILTt-.1sr atT e,-11.. Itii,. 1 i-alg i. .mst. ..............4 .........n.m....t........ .. hotuý b Ilaum .............................- tlwntieu, i5ts i rit ... ........... tilfiand.l mitonm. r t--î~Maitt . ... 5)mtrt. tu laeu. R iai-t tlj..... ihtîaattmîtt......n...... $.'at i. i lia,..... .................. btrie.mtk ait- -- - - tu-t it ....tma............a ;7 b 1,'whi flan--i--------------------.....o lia-t b ioitt .......im .... .t ime> ît. b t IImuju .......... htmu'.lu lant .......tumrumet .... ... -....l lltrIttîrl irs.hni m ........ ... Ochuti flut.... .... Oms-u, t tatar.i r lattn..... . . . -- Olrtuta lm--i ........ ..... i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..a. . h. . . . . . . t 1.al ...t'ai..... t ttstaltmt a... .....t..ije .. ... 'iraula. Ia~ a- .......ttc......... .........S ...i.... ............................ .......... ma Iescout f te mtc -u ta-iai ît tyesuai. . . . . .10i liraiu ia.a mat- - - a- - - -hin8t The atccrei"tîry cf lie, séo'reviyÇckcta o li cub pn>tmro infor2nd act itheil fie~Il b>' heir pmuatescp themeti>' emring' an atditio,îtid .ttnacthon te the gamfe,' anal ats uaoa4 stiiul-itiiîag hue ptayers to do, thym tfmost. A goul lunch tee, %me aie ittbortatcd, was, sered on1 the occasion. ATIEIiI2(-FIaR ST tits'G. litai C tufnltllt.. .. ........... . . a zla-utmca' 1t. b iitc. c r mauTamtck............ . tt ticaat.................... Ca-g--Olchtiu-m- t tfuOt . ......e l>aem-l ttifos-.ta Ui .mi .....- va ............. À ijih,iîîiuy tlri ....................s Cati ttaîtivmmi.ta Mo.- i l .........- > 1 A,uhmuc rW.Jit. li - s. -,t-t ...... O ................ .i.e ISu. . l........ I Ttiftt.i C. . ..... atti a'.tflr1 0iaî-t ihi c*1,a I. Oiiwý1re (t.. .... ........ j i2yeà a, 4, S. ta. a I - 's Do les 0 acquiremnts-éW-a ton e lotur througb Cantada,, asfarnas Wtdt. They ntre in ni%,rkcà cuntrat wiîlî hait>'li tuti ilîcensidereti rein,,ki-or, LemCanatda, Mr4 Maitland' remnas are, m e'mtpsfromi ton hlait>'essvaiis but' nltogether they ' itI Lave tell'înct of ah' deisl et' Mnr. Tr'ohlepe. Mn Aî)eyTrpliopn,-mhooc. mis as a -'n'tovulît,A~' no reader of'et' Corntit lttntn catimlî- Engliflu mrial -ptïLli:] ceis mt îeny-aas, aimlice. bis retlur te Eisgland Afoer a-tour threuçxh the IYtitecd trtstidCanada, 'pullislietia heote lr petng Ie give a description of the scetueýll of his trnvel. -Thte volume in qureslon hmas -tau mgý percei ve froimithie 11.1;j ju i - gîîcn gt'eat satisfaction te linctiter .-u-JU iialti5and ha en? fnole imilup îeth l- -c 'r e cf wmenu <mid vattit>' ilitictan1'd Mu . Tnallaipc -tise oa ln s tUt, imaI lI.imtan of tlie jnrc.wt-muthitr. itr.-Tuelotsnc il cf tîto Amuueaiui CI opuactiias e races cf hItu~ te. tluuîthtuir ewn cce ntry watt them ini>' muet aar'cl-thii inr in î<uad ,Iitetit"elrs Il- otîiv m %ptvonîhy et' suîcb a ceuni'>'. it ra wefrci, Mia. Treltope ment fer baeonul Çiai.ice'si-1 ber iaicute nrideuia 'cia ipn (t' tht Aînenicauis. On the centra- ffierse-ihotighliehoeccaaýionmty fumaiq *t jiu JailtiStatuac.ï mcouleur dalerode .uudlý ii ttaî-:,,tiof ]is praise anad admiration. N.1nutl'thÃŽ ii mcli ehulih cad me fuit ne failliî with it ;bhut me dti-jioti atît iiith Mr. T.ul iefaor Iisdescnitioiiucf '-amid!%. tL iî lýIc t us blxeiw-i te o-<aabLinIi li fib preise","andti îeaahirsuiicit$u of t~îataari, mankieicornhau!, antim.. i juul~y -- %niata oerp fiaiîanise MIncuini. paarés lite tavts ii ti U!atZS cf- Ilte, -Pua.- utîmoat mnscs atby ctI aenv efienimu- recti>', -gires te prfereece 'to tliosc'-cf thlie peitamhiet a jucer couiîtr>, af;ier 1boaing tute:Unitedi Siatrsi» Ver- true-ti oco. tf èéurse, In-e)rieh as ", oethtry mithb-a poÃ"ýuaaatiof tsten lime.q diat untmler. luit itii~ cur ôpinimit; Justifipti by 1staitivel cal. culatim>uis, Ltbai.t Il epeer-Pl'vtce f ClittaleA have mithin the ps-st h.tn yeeirs, improeea in as great a ratito snas' amn e' ini ILgretoes.ýtaiotlami ii eal; MÉ f i' Oldi long se'tibeti NomewatadSmaî Aa andi ether large eus et the nite aant- c. '~lucseuvn-bttlai _myi iui avirttti-ler-all colt ea ttoît, tatîti e -~~~~~~~~o illvariîuusauai-esc !bu timlt ai 4 ,tie. Setly l hti man biia è nfi coul" trnth bli "'a t ? bof thèincouid tlicy ut once Mon, the turtility eof cor v lï.' 1, énty, of Canadian sec. nIef I<l Sut expnrienethe deli 'hts ummer and aoitumn, andi front antd coa cotild tbey but know the which the Canadian spttier posîedsef, our Frontier lino from the cent of' Ontario Tï?Iko te thp Rpite rive-r. would, in the cou 8 ofa few years, lie denAity. opIed1* hý Èr)ç i farmrsitintiprinperons atiaiiippy_ set counirieu in thIe- *drid--whicl preset 1;0 mOSOy attractive feature& s e pper Canada, andi thoso" attractive féatures are more ap- Parent, it appears qtii us, the ftrther west- rêen ;tween the appoatrant)e, alike of the ttowvnw ud-villages; ad othà tfcontitry len tho ývirin;hY of 'Montréaul, â'Ibt ti ~wbt. lied entîered into anotber ]and. -' roclc- f ileiscrtainly àl beautiful towtn andth le eItrîiouutding villages appear to e ho hivlng and. prospeonus; but below Brockvllie îevvrything loks stnrant, as if the day 'Of prrress had ti one i>Y - nver torrtuira. Truc, thrc ar~ecitiieq ud tlî'f <misvtebnîy ptçasant village but tttg "enîiri e aset is t>ueo orstagnation, ithe lact;ofot energy whieh marks Leîier Cmonoda in cmparisen with TUpper Canadla somns in extclid its bâiefol influence over vmilaL4r md tmî<touey netl4the tteighborhood of flrîukvi!h± îiïreacheti. 0r counrse wte do net include thte citiîQspf L(jým-rC amuL e have 'soid Montrent may chait ko 'ie cornpari.son with any city Ut:h is iContiiient ; we altudoetothe coun- try aiOWJIaf4 villages only, andi probably wucl i ttliî l k f energy arises f[rom the Inferior çtiit nti ndsoit of Lower Canarda,' a4 crtîigilY :1 portion of t May ho iltriibu- tidti he halbits tuttiutoma of a lescin- Cornvall ;bis tht, flt town deliervieg' the fniiafin l tviiu; Monreai-for Ln's toi- is antîtere hiilrt ot stra.gging cotageR, tînti mf o t, 'litle at the R.ilway de- palt, wmild q*r-40halmoaqt tusertc- fandi Gm*wlýlrý, tbti4)iih sati iithe Uirectory ~ llt<ti!i--tSformepr ptosperity.-o în.Y 0v! LrmneIby' the raitroati wlilhl ctrripes toi' Ilers westwaotl whe for- wperly stappeil ot the tewn,~ andi carries kbe jtroducs <of t1o votintry straight te-a larier tna k..t. Some distance badk of Cornwall -l8,tailes- tllLrù ies the uttle Villag et A emall plaee't~og~.c,îtne o ivr thouqetti itliabitanta, chiefly Hli-4h lat-I 8cth~p.yet twithai. athrlying villa c wvhich, we presame,. is chiofly indt. id,, for jtj suer e2y1of Don 0 1le routity, atitd ànkaer; - iler and at4n- ke eper, ait in one. - --- The.' n-'xt to,î! on tho Western route from forîw:dl jm bn t ,,,qwfred trom the c~opnndqmyp' aricer wsiglibor.'-Og. iiehrgiminediately '6Pposite, hasï.r it p% n cftr4dfIa periiPtio or the f~,eo Preuott and the latter town, it wouldt ern htaS nil~'neeînk'garb in c eo-A'Weqtaopt,. A.-more mserable 10okiVare tis buta acm5...... QoI41 ac-c-a-tenner-11 uiphiolthe, nkilb- Inlind 1h IciLi er t id frenu7 ererai.sp traife but bv vices ef ta geuraiilean evhary'-- istitution1 cuti oeere nd' -gi -cencerning it. -acttrttî aitoni>us louai Celsabrlutou. pucs Lalbn4p jitUtg-te, mcii adaptet Iotee m'ad'piffbr',ihAit -i-§ intënded. At the perioti ef eut Yisit to Kingstoin, Ihero were about 800 pniSeners, of bath sexes, ia -lebohiittiary,'fil -,tsTem rare emi. ployet i uîng onking heurs. - îe mon iChiùlyiy $sBhoeniakjng,,t4ggp .tb eýl iere lme carpenters, cabinet nmakers, tailers, anti various others, andi lie m.îmen inseash. Ing, cleaning, anti duing theo neucessar>' nee. dlework ofîte. prjes~.' Nartlnhe Peni.- tonîiary isthe Luatac:asyluwavr'ct ' miedieng structure, situaled inlaneaf-and et. teniçive' ga-ounds, in mhieb stanids, alsls,-a heumasoaro. houpe oe.gepied by, t4qxeibent suirreon su per n tendent, -Most, if noal the lixcaties confond.t in tLis asylurn,$Je coniits, or, et beasit, have been guîlty et soe crime. Beme of lien crimes commit. ted b>' these men more bermibi>' ahrocioauo, yclt îLe>'appear flot te thiiik 1>? enytiiuu Ftut. gEîting ou~ t'ftheplace c 0hircu finement, anti mere il net fer tie itneen ealre Of bol th e deetor andti he vmrtn trule111c1tiot %mouliflfecpentty eccur. AhatonîgnKîgsln' a fen oasffp a cit>', Ptis utitt c thnivillg plae, au'aiheing a'ttoat. ti t etthe foot cf_ the luskc ltatk bfteeuin qîxile ami extensive ititanti port. Slip and - boatil-hiidiutg art, carrieti on bore ho a cen, tiiereble extemît, luimbiring ia aise camieti eon te snmtetn, an d l~r.ae a foir From i1iigtan te - N shor aulpoat jaîrxe>', n relIer be-ries te dsti-Cvre lui the Uppt'n Pnovtîtqe f Leretofore, eoxceptnar Brai intid villagýes holour itnga lIe those et' Lower titan Caîîaa. Ntàpine thlon.. lia-el>' place. la but a v -bi ittgglîbe..Ceun>' Tovui sotablljuinit4y et shilepn Il -Wpwod

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