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Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jul 1862, p. 3

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't - 't' tl- nziVIairt hourd ifi rapiul sudcees"a,.wl -eb go niymy reeattuuiz tanti cIv'ered hy aur in.tt.ý uthe larKct l utkas.!th,ý ltiot hut, liton their vlg14 lente 'ti BI suad rear Il' yvs îwo or titre.brigades of Rd cOntinrIÉ'nt ritY hoi:nil<ed the t enendtiarte ;ct. tltedtalictn, it-hi' ýi4Iot B3iti-shli Nle :Ita 'ihng wua bitter andtetrrine. aoUnts whicil$MlDhFahr Bd ltUrna- st(nand w ryor tisaitfariard nt a rite, andi WC lare and i-ive ,,the ene( My'with irregsatiblé fury a platntcr1ilta ourinlefî caiergçe lood's Taxas brigadie. 1in 'the lud: Wlituey's c(i-fes after, and Pentiar foilows. i lglmnul, usii1The livia la tînto corplet.e, and. tiforward.J, th. tnealan ntta froinanc ee)d of the lice ta the other ia lte caun- anti 'thte tun e~orrthirty thousanti a rclli tecti etu tro i e 0 the~ protmise . ral Lbein, lia retreat. Whueling thei tii -îuty fiall, 'rillory frein the fiant, the Fodorals turc Inpýorteti fraitu part of àitetabrea aOur loft), anti sa"" îlein g àtmiiujatheo ttiet. The Very cartia shakes t the amusa sixteca rouf I Kot ane îieee of ours werc apeneti idraoui i 'a-lU1yuti aI bas becîir donce-it h itlet and' mtm attuehied ; iiyonei, andtiotiwarul pnesaur troapa ranta. dotacli-ts bI ap ir' apr- n ui tsabe ta thli trug aui pncaputlitrieg e ,"~aa'a~ stores, at-tes, eloîbiiu, &e. t u,-ikùe end wthn- 15l6o0dh ils on the tra:i.t.he six brigadesL maaivel lI' itas wepî otccryýthiig -luefore thecm, presenting h nat only its an unhrok-utn, salit! frontt anti ClOsing 1n, ilsy may %vll upon the enorny, kept up an incesant'sue- lin" Objetion cessiont oi volleys ulpon Clair eanfused WCe bavte lîen mses, andtiuncerriiîgly saùtgbtern en xpénisa o! ifs Mrngte. I. fit the sanie IlV IlU 11d 1e(I a ti i1Ioîisaiida. aiglt or ton. Buit "hr aJes i " sk ail-,Ha nppe.ratie '. a.soutnavuerld faust Alîd la headitui tho ro- ,d tu oi- troatiig ,foc, and as niglîh lse s aii aanon-,whiclu ait.y ivftîr iit-tîlgencea froua biM ta. Tus efutlreaiuietc e now abolit iueP. in., antîtI judas jti MîîanPer'n, rolittorf lite onîilu0 eo'Cnpeîo-jus us te hose oif Mr. btviiy 'r 'e'ieglethte enfuy's çiuruu Yîai'c a r, lIIe ii tant tantirapid dischu-gîts ofi )awv' Ot tt. "llln l thîti Anctison hlreu-a flei rpai, hii on the the lretru':ulitii;i"'iit;, luenit i, atîdicap. anle eon ti uIit-d 1000 îîi'iiiers, aaticanînons, t'eetîin. AUl s.atte-eI il] iîextrîtttlde Confusioni teionno llepuIl leiiul. Thiesfuir four liotîna ti lliii feu ur-iti-ur foiri', aiull by a single atuir traatîtein V> 1it1a0 tiousatil of au eliiîttit, tissti y wentîy- ti, es in I ix puces tof arlillet-v. .' u)H th It (t inttal i rctupired maav prîioneis andi ;trouullu oust i.îhirty pi-rcc i l i- i oup ,Fr- tI'uI-rc'Svin.:-I Y, titi i le. lte -otrtu f Gutes's Millt, tpi t. coir altîti if'itrunu, u ieldt iecufeo, 15,0e liîbya ntr(MIL 1 (lî'811tIIl,-of S ixt i' o- tati r sttiaenutsta ) tades ndRankisa,) hai;one atrti-tit'tIud i-t- 4.000iiii p'stitiinoiîuIicîg duizeniç ato, ai, tuforlIiors o-f <tory gradc, froin calarrtîital chisrcheo. - ticCtt1* l'ore'u"s anti SoulwiccC'crack,' idoin Court- divisions atelted Ratay before aur ativance, --.a very netisa owever, anttIhat te fight lusteti ane-laf, td ehn-hour lîunrer, .tint anc. whala _regimuent Town Hiall. wonld havee suie tr-Ii. McClelIart, prisa- ptish>yetlrif necrs sîy, irepîentediy tous pro 'ut anti dit-te- rship-migiîtt! ed vemiit. iî but when itthétrebri' tifel' iithotn gudes ta Our left cînergei. fiant thé wuoda stci-.lirta the 8aueh confusion an i;ttibu<c ctite t'blIatha Lions. Ilaw. gave ordcrs ta roîreat lîipjod off bis bors credît te the and asealieti1,as bout haenuiti. -Soma aay t ero many thiitihoww îu'el ouaîied, anti ns7 ces" IllayY uie ufliceut't (p'itoue-iu urve the report thtat 1. 'IV elose ~ tt feibuiubuu ta it is botu us for esiorytliîig ,,hid oil p -oaypo (ris of IiýLîre pnr"id for ;a grand ft att lGaias MIli 'otaenot( e MClelIia CvOI iom:'lm tinla captura aur thuy are sn w l)e ifc -batiwo atlecuplto siann ')tfé;&tatea bhis cttîlçii.ou re dill"rent ati .Id h ect i r- 50ta tbfat a r Ira-llehogrentestltiar of bis tic ja'is 94tige. t"da atece Then" itou lit o:a,3 aitd, front ïc 'iiîs ii, inoinî't tut i-lvc ut'O mini od aau 0 'bF -ldiiut n iVen. 'fu(bu:'lx Dour tI onadine, ig ar of tit acieer siopjî',iîupi$jtst lte titîru- IV ±O Study etpît ii'luii-,f; lt il, .Our truopb noceurl- ie Canltras5' nl lt, commanduîbut - une,ai if Satan tait, W re ne'intIl bhi bis b -Iioui ii'o thIeta, in- tger hauve taoiei fmnIYoo-,torci oi 'leut(b trormm Xu1 ui îets a hualove b Itlle aeývI. There wu as uMt. sg iuoôld in- ui a atiiaaguu.m'2tu warkct i hm-a ii'i'alth, andti earin. ýrthy of the "'Maley %tuafutla iql te ntntIftyý epassé(I tiirt- Reinrq, tbeo alaîu.Sori tiemliin 14iuttîmning re vilia the the d aid, often'o.arL.dclita poc! isý, etc., ig portion' e! e it wolild hbc uuin iotuf'îîuiuit leasi than .$150 lui resupect begoId;iallitllîber fi&hoetiout Of saune 01id sahits of the eioîiîes luit line il 50 acfadien $1, 000 ii feti tri,!' potes. , Watches, Lott galt ati Aler, wt., orefuptiamong- the Rspathi, ate Daitîcu. oaa luckry b. ivi4sual baveng ncalems titan slix clroietui's ticklng in h'u pack-et ut ta WCo select ai(e lime-. As a, gencrai thing, Mare- late engage. m il'waufruti upon the deitilon fthe ibeId thrun oit aiy t>' ioof wmieL me hava ea Ileati or Clottninusatinatance was scattereti - 1<The ?fliy wu$ t1ins. maning dfiVefr D)tu,Crcelk, atid purs.ued ta thant behindl -Io0VtitOe sand ifily 4ter aoevere~ (iOttest off 1ve hours, entirely repdlsed front Ni.ght put an end to the conteat. ,rteve to atate that aur loss iiiu tiScera and illCa la grent. Wc .aleep on the. fieIl, tAnd i ree the contest in the morning; 1 bava -the honor ta he Very respectfully', B., E. LE E, Goueral. Ili Brazil the common -forai of introdnc- totmi ia aai4ta Le ce folio" - t "Sir, fshowv me to introduce tc your acquinîiance My rrieUd, Mr. .tones- If lhe tcalsa asything, HouSIC9 THE 'n~UNITED Si'Tzc-,Tlere are une houae to every ait persa" n atii 'iountrY. lIn'-New York city thero are thirteen persons ta a dwelling on the ave- -ýMet lu.IBoston about aîne iNWOr. leais erysevea. AV t 0-1o rtthe 6th t mat. Mrs., Thaomaa t Vhite, jr. of a daughter. At Petenbaro', on the 9(h lest., Mrm. 1. J. Christie, of' a ddanghter. Titi, bu-lîn'u'î ransttcted on the rnarketý for a w#.ek pUt, h-4 b(een of A limuîed- chunroceer. Spring %Wlïeztî- At 85c, Fait $1 P1,leas .50c, Oau a 40e, Wool 80e, Lny $10 ne! new, $14 for id. FBEIX DROUILLARD, 11At iIALC N 1sImTtpim 1i Wîl~î1 17 1f ice Stret lU..qt, 'Turoin. APPRENXTICE WÀNTED. w ' IL, uipttivtii b i nl"t-Pinitiî X ,1A1ý .A boy firwtttî Ic oittry Iîre, fierd. ;ý p'ylu j ti y,1";.-1tt2ý. - ,iltiiN BJFAN, Br*ý Strci, Wliitiy STRAYED. JNTO VTItE lAIiSVS OF TiIE $UBiUu- The~ oruutr- irq te tttco liber a m r in GEORGE OGSTON, Luib thSTol(fit, Whiib.v. fiîîi lOtit, e18t- OF.Ill wi 102nau îs i ouitc a-ino'the iii ilu<t. rýn j'yio ttANS it)iiMOT ii'ttiitur, 11111 1TIIOMAS IIU'STN, Jaly,113$.27' 110O1'TfiM-AE SALE -PdRI & MILL,_P9QIPRTY. T ,tFlîenr ias y nelovaatI uIstuctiana le t SEFCKEICS IlOTE L, -DUN'ILA1TQN, oN Sturday, the 2nd day ofiAu,-. t t :w Wtck lu the sfternooulute fat- lowing '-aluable propertyvM.c Vie Smitfit'lil!o eî's ni of Lottio t'iUkeu'lii..-, 100 ares ; and usisatiraai Nù. 2u. mti tîn lird eanecastotia iiiiof t.oitlî ltg~ 4ri lorcs, imure or lots, oi ltiicit tianre it il GQOD SA-W ~M l-LL. Tthe Wattor l'ivllegela a vëirtg osua.-Iào The gropsn'ty is aiiutueiéolit tlre.mÏiies froun tise <IrittiTrun lWlwu $tatlvn ute Fo'reucli,îa'.§ 3 ty, ontl t >' aoLtnm f roni 'wlue [.t)itd à mr s idtîrlite pawt r M dtel cQIu 410iii la ougiigo utaku by glt-tl> WQi, mie ___Cshad__ r-min«A tit-ecceu iiiuî kuîtual itaineutd. -AULx. THdjMPEtON, TO CONTRAOTOR3. r II1E unîertigisîti llbin uaitenascu et' 1 li~ 9uuîr 01ud, u Tlioraii, ou Thursday, P,4th of July, 1862, CAUTION., hitlet-m ' AN iiitt;<'ît.45u tr'oîtittttir lit iii u blnlilc oî.4y1%%îlî lmr t l' or uit>' ISAAC IlOPINS, - ' Lot No. 30t, $tlitCou.i. W itiî:. du!7it<lt 52. 2' , UNCLAIME» ?UOPflRTY.. T elîleowngropry.ef nittiAtiud nt r tic WarlîotIuuoo t0nbici'tert, i'ill he dttluosed of by nt 4Ir itrehoiion Thursdaý,Z4t'h of *u1y, 18621, f tnt provioîJuil i4d, and, el gvs 1ii i l'r tlte siine. ido l:rto~îts 4 do iîtttlt i dit 'foi. idi, ttttdrv îut.i'ce,&, aid Clotiduîg. 1 ezto nid w;titiîtws-. 1 Oàtso ne tVwnWildu(w SituAiý. 1 ati ('Cloir. 1 Table. il,alîu'Mop1111ei. m 1 tîttiai it Nteve .ýtai t-r. 2 Reiperi, inot eonplrti. JAMES p. &Co.; A T ti llo Af Ctineuvîi, iNo. 2a ii Vu ttli*211cutli f Pickerinig, io dnrk browît ioowite Ili m tari, und niotirrte. t ili heoo't lt' l-Iic Aietiitî1 ait NA V 4t0î Aitguî-.t iîîtii t 't4 a'lo-k, 1). iti.. miîle" SjIjIcd1 D iAti. Pl'<'îtiKiltr. .rtrkerttig, Jet) 4ý, 1î62. -DWELLING TU LET.' PLyS 15. R E. PLURYTi. N 0 T LER TITI) 13TOEY Briek tlw li1tý (.A~ faiwimuesaini,)açlFl. aieui-i t itîî,i- WindsorR.zE.d CmpaaIy. WLM lity, .t llbctl.tyttl8» ut hm2. fle (A fmai,_t, nct(;, ort'u yi-ct roi în Tea and CStreet, Wazehotsoo W'lltlv1, JitIN , 1I,1 Y2. , ' N ")Ili tEi. vES' ia NOI'liit t M, po mm ,e'i -lt liitýîl s-t flt u(,t i iti ii t "of ut i i ., ul ti , u t us .',liui'ictor lo Ju! tî. 48 yOrdo src a(, ow IWiY1'FOR SALE.Y Wiîting . dito T,1 o Lt o.6,2 oJUt '.Ii tle SCil of)ieWui: OSIIXVAJaIy 2d18 62. CLERENOT!,SAÀL1E.@ As one' i )f ie fiIîrm of iLNG&C.is noW . pi 1rnh~ay to Eurlope Ln p11r1h'îý 1'Iirgely for the 1'. il, tic t'iliicomnntnce (o dà1a ,tc S I l~ o~Ir f aur ,7eTt-rit rdirTtin-frovi oui foîmc'(,ý. low p1'); Shaw s, Pa'rmsols. and "il!summc; -. oods r6 dat) s frorri 'this dup ftn twike w;ky for FiIL Gouda.» BtU I AR AND .1'1; Ç1) tae -uENcing-. Y iir..culvtcribers bcg o e.'dI your tttntion to tie Cicati tat liavind i :rvet ý co114 0ILutiigope, ii thadtinon' i- thi-,tinie to tenil inyour order, ocaior sevifor tticir jstly celebrated; Oomind wer and-I eap r, WhimAi it ou' retidyfor ileliverY nt. tlitir works in Wil .".crV M ichîîîo3a ld lu set to ninrk, :un! taî jf-ieion ~uu tecpon atfi îr trial, or nd <a1ilc por thu inîformtation 4tiiooe that .int tLprO t71a>e t< Ttve no u hd an 0pntmtî ity nf scein.g thînaln ii , a-evulîd rc;er theit to tîefiv 'n uteunUi liIsauviz: il,,~' ' Wierno VItýPr, J:lrîg JluLtl.h,~Wi~î. i 1 riteI 1! ', 14Juet l -4 iîî r1wn Noah Jlîîai11 ll di DJIVISION COURTS n ........... ....A..~~- 4. UX 'igr~. ........ Shcriff's Sale of Lands. l \Vt : it , lit thnC ir tli i u t, 1, t4te-T , 2 ' I'-l, ile % I ho ,u1IIh: x' t"îl()f rë-rlztii r't-t ivr10hi ia,,t v oîîii. : ' Toltt I n iî,te aî,<t bit ,i ricî t ertonw-4. tlo tui-~vt -la Ileho Cuînty Cou rt. letrbitdlîttîi Loîu un1 <tcu!I t. -!" I f , *'Iitii'>,. tkt7 Y 0 t ut W l- n Ai l it tl, tIu iit'.u vtîu î l.ut No. O ni the -L rtIlit!tl 21fJlot io f e ,BNtewt&A n 'i la n 'ExpressVo. la lice.',(i O Talr,-Sh , Ikhrs,.C art'c. O Ïý FT-IE ie ofFmii - Fiair anti :1 iuiji WN wm'rny, Jt BA lR G A A LARGE StTiJ CARRIAGE Il Of alt dexor ltoita%, veryl10 -yod eredIt, ut 244wv. p FU ING & (111 1S'fiNXG ti ttse('t, tî-I 'e gsttioî nt lt Iil.~- totlhll. gotlcratUy, littt Ito III, fiic, t ONTARIO NEW Y-TELS, <i'îr'torl i tvw"i i rT 'li". oî P .4 n!, i 1,,i at rtî f itîlt t on P i itio,îtvlin. MII-stîn iii til ei' d "re ton t's , ît'l- i l 1u. uF gltlFA, qilm tjIii' Fitot ~ ~ ~ Ii Wlly Tuy it. 1 -Ili GOLU & SILVJR WATCHES CloeulizitI t iuc ni, Ladi3 & ent~GD1d Chaina, ]3rolochns,' Loteiuit 'tes Jet o'du«tirt loto. ~ t suitt 111.1. SWhitby Br-wery. 44iusrii'r. tre itou' :u-t 11re D ., aie Cwiler".i TO ,LETr! udliýý Lo, Fil

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