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Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jul 1862, p. 3

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eiro5YoiA the5bie 5t ULinuesU'r on 1, ILUUi5sts -01 n&withi Bradley, near Bïston, tataly, wîih t ucis tsasding peilois ressîta that hie lite la daspaireti cf'. ioutheru ?ist gentlemuan lias a large bàIl an us~s tiff appeaars tig te guai-si is rarsidausce, and, as waa. tente: of usuel, hera ifswssi ihe deg at ulghL.-. preeeeds Tise og seuntIed inCa a field as ha was Wout te do, and scsampered eway. Alter oirat hy watienlngiý abotst hae eplad soinethtssog et, ,lpclud- tIng undar tis a ilissg,- ands as U WIs hin lais antd uaver la a bessting positon, wit bhis hat [Clgte towardthte do-, andi la hin- quite a drl 1 bis- thse deg tilt!net recoguita hlmn, and coin- nepprata suencesi e dasperate attacle ou bita, whicis eo main, ha tontinued tintil ýhe almsot tomaIMr. ly slevoý Ilughusi te pla ces. - Tha flash wu toi- a an ha Cou- bittea il ceai-thse body teuseis can axtaat' ýe batles that Mrf. Hughes liteÎ a lmnosi beyoud douve te Ise. -Reivainly enseavoruI te gai away nont!, in. fros thea dog, but tould auoC.dc seô tilt ha anti tia sumcdd in le gaing bis pocleet-isuifa ont, .y, wuveawith uvisicis hodesperataly et tise snimel. h agains1 Ha uas next smr neg fo esc"'.tlslttd on , Ih inta.ti gnhtntl, thedeg lying alsuost doati soe esearees distaece awaq. Dr. Bemt attendus Mr. utitireses! Huglias. Tise dog-lias hea lupt ai.- liimself, Tise eat hut eu befai Mr. IIuises îfi-os aesty 'orni's a wfut eououusir will b h tisa I ofni ihi hut the Csing u~ a sureesler cf Prit )ea de tise ri reis - aS dinaintais ii ýts ansiby - titissg, kisud otigiite hab- ae cariels et- bsiliaot iafdraies, as weal et tise reisoureae of À.ify th ise Empares- of let iextiug iis tisa paradaisn froia tIse Orices h' poussau a treîîg, rs-ecad) dent iationlaliiy." 'Thisll isiotiet iis- ny13 heretof ie p-o- ah 2ir reassen, uaisl or jlitsi;c-liei e yurs ittii edl $10 ept mielveui, sisal!lie bellion or gieing il mmr uf piemnel ipro- cîwa tise praset ropcrity of aiL suais se îîroceds te tha ) pi-tcîstint Chat If' lu be ftsfch9"td. Si:ver1 raisllion or wis Ce thse i-abeI, thrst s, dialibc ie Isiti:m1 s-fosi-ver,- fs-cafrits. llasae dosers- ai eosiig uce tesit; alto> ail Nasvea cdi ty cur t-oopsi. %orla Siate Ce anoths- trL,* ui - axcapt foi- g aiîist the ilais of LtLsev scasîmkt salu nu i a 1win r givvti aid rsois- e"sgustg iîsl decis r ss-i-uitl ilisistissei lt 15 isutho oai, le h1 legs, it lsasaid.-.Aaneeser Kesaifsfer. eao tise Moisi-cal ppssceniased tis' report ofe tis-libc'oi-e tise Police-- Magîs- CraIe et' litiCitin lwhs4v hd is wall.known ilfeMcGiflclk figurail W -a piIsan r. -The report set Ibniji that aise hitti - atoiemepur'. lent reveIltisatu Detective, O'Leeey, of Metiti-cal, wisuepprs-lseadediser for, parti- clpattuig initise HsigasÇ. mus-Ssii,,and hat ase lissid cier4 sitisai lIliuwius-ho wuSs ixssCuted msie tânea sgeun Tuoesto, eieti as ianocenat iisu, and Isia notlihsg tu do wit mtisaaedr ii question. . We ara aew i'uoisssd, hoeseer, tîsat I)etective Coga, cf titis tityinhaus-aecivaS a ltter-frota lier signit-d 'hihnFa--ci,"-'lIse nismuse as suhptd la I<Sits-ssldeiyissg tishe wh)Iie altey ffl5e, utsiCjpresctin luMonust-a îl, aad tise latta îiuruirwto thlise baen it. tessu b.y cossa isfur lier. After iefas--ng Ce tis apelhnsiui, se geais on tâ.ramai-k about tCisco 'sîduct eof O'Lany, andsi s.a "'sy 'atitai me tu say thiiti at sever happestii aussI iver mli. Dou't hliee Iste ars iaji sl? cclithusg. It ta al <fLesusy's dssîiisg. OLeas-y uaid 1 wes ceîlhile of doiis,, tylhsrg." - Iiirefereisse toe tIetrs fousîd ici ies- passesuiosi, Cl' gels sys'he st tîsesu {o hrer sdes- tise directios of tise laitaMr, Richaird Deip~se.y. Thse fusst cussiaised a $4 bill, and as se iis nt scknuwled,>u theai-acaip oai'it, le wrote asteesîd. "Tise Chii nataitiMS$3, ilsicits a siitise 'blood mcnevl' igtlîrred hO1 thilie rellosi. Culgens asteas i efcr- essea te théis lhoul mon er" ha eceisied ini cuunacieu wiitiste mucheri hat ha lues net Tet beeapid i isa expensues. MSSEuATSi Sitss.-A cet-ain divina gavaetint a psailm islta bis csis-, w' i-h t. Ccmptad tc uts it c e su ne tisais ba si- lai- mnade s4îlnSsrs- the >cleri-yasile ha cama te that part- of tisalitsusy l'Lord havea mercy-upou us miarableia liiiies," la bisýùr tu-iasde austher hitisdar, andi madil su f -lou -,Lord haveie seiy upoîs us cd andi Ci~~'îAî issrt'Mîi eijd ii lsuis s - ulisietlIsle "1stIjîIîy disisatels' Lei 5 sis~tseOnluihiaiiC-si . hitth ie Qui-st-e rs ch oi1ma(ss-isitciî e pois- 'vs-Qtcuh ins a nte. Lorized MyJhtuis~itts seper cf soii eatl>sg n de- j> î IsICiat City lt-tii a toit sI-ym befune lluer pcissrýsd'aeit.a-d Siu '--5..i5 t' ai-us. issiiluiii tassuat rr, w ss wss t> Os-sAs- to iCivi tissi te hWerippuied opn Io blac s a.Seltusis i-i eielie husd thsles ets pri1se- tisechiai--' 15i-5li til tn isiasle ; aite- put dueani iugi -giCzccos-ingU) tbLt echissase ides tis ' ea sud o uf C iilstta s lCtiisiy Ckesl' -on.fi, whus tis iitsgitrate was-rcsudy leor of tise assuthier jobl, tliS - CndenNasasy r ounds -(s-nous isa eNsw York Wcrld.)- - setts Fciiig Chu:t a wriaay break eut lie- ~ tien lthe Lsisituu sitas ai)Gi-fat Dri- e, lth- -tain, te pepe et'Cattiaahava hit epen -sian -s %ingentouIs uxpaiiesilCa isa tallevaS of its cis ano hsore-a. h[' v -y asi-andi ef course wuts c-- wIl - 4n 1ruraseRis -hat tie i-isiies ti-eisît;ii bear- Liist Gret Briaiim-litd to tryýÏnd ý ii- rteu tisass. Thiote. iArey àMuG;e ice- 'a i-a- i- prectpseL, u be(o a atits-isi; seiChes- ehî. itliol sg cor l etf-isguuties- anegoclilt.Ilie 1Y lier argues tlsCic Iiitei States--ulhl glissdy ule rclose %ils Vist ler, as tlie ituerests thay Ur- 0%si have ùat stiukr.e on titisgi-ast akes la infutait. hoe isae y grie tes1isst thsose theisEngli;iliisuvin ývas a iada. 'That is te say), shoield s-aii Lincoln breakiloutitr es is uis-i îeiiiiVtts s grisatEciglisis or Ceisadian insiopery ii petil ofi in l" s- estrscien. TiseensiS(ilsl oiI con- b -.fiscletewar tus cor sea boaedulsed-iliei bcnate- se. o f ýI AnscC to i- iak', fioctici.- gnte-This ssccumje, ta-uigi sasy, la ceisisici-a ]. Bt qustetaiule uy or Caciadian papers,- vvse demand hat x ssiiv~sib o takan to unniieti- briniý t (0 consideaiutioss ot thse te ov- -,-- ai-anesa-s. Bat o ours>eutis ca vos-y ie s isai thsa ggais. being davelopisci UNLAIMDPROPERT nsayisaé auet. ~ aiîîs~îi~ sropurety, loft sunclaisi aoCt on both aides, andi Chat mose r aoi. ablea vieuv meay sispercetie thse planuoft aGi- Tisae eaurges Chat tia> 1ghting ha. frie Ri:ismeud must hava beanuet thse sigist, anti lCellan', posittin auuoÇ' ýbut be pri'aancss. i Thesetisrao> days et Jane meen tisa Cou. fees-ates si-t stroug eneugis te heiti their position la Virginia for a ime, tisat Miay ha indefljsital1 'proloi>ged. Evldently .uha feacralg sijil have again te begiu tisa seige lotititnoua uviti a muais. worse chance: titan et Et Tise nlew Anserican tari!5 çoetinues'te excitaecii-eeg hostile scommsent. The 27aaes bitterly denelsacas thesa pirit wiici regaitis tise tarit wltis satisfaction, 1bèaa.se et its injurions, eil'ect upoa Eng- landi In particuier ans!t, urope la ganaral. Thse freadotu ef tisaCity ef LeonnwA presasileu eMi-. Peebody, in a gels! nufi' 'lise eereniony eo' awalatiste prizes, Is tisa Gret Exhibition, 'took place on tisa itt iat a.The ettendasca wau eatlnsated et 100.000. The' liai t ofewids fl1ls 24 ýolunnsoef enal type. - Tisaftificaation bill wfts gýAiu debated ln thse Housae t Comions, atien stmead. tisest alcuiated te praserve tise flousaeto -Cointn due centrai ouser tise publie4 sauney wsatcarig-isiby e majority cf fie su,suissst th isenistry. leadtaelieuse oe- Lords, on tise1lith iss., Lo-d Broughsamucailes! attenstion t tise slait rade; and urged tisaitishe Neirîhara Siaeti e rie net enîtieti te tise cradit as- Sissiesite îhemaalves, for tise meesuuies i- .cently taken for tisesuppression eftriada. -Tise bill for tise car-ying ,cot of the reaty finully passed tise Commont'. Is sema reniai-lisn'tehie Cos ns, Lord Paseserstoss saiS tisea was nct tntantms-'to wlhhdnaw tihe British iroepis froua Canada. Thse5Paris 1Parice ssarte tiiet Franuce wail siuver treat with-Juurez. Whan thse E-usicisai-auj-basaisierita tise City cf Maxi.- ce tisa Mexicans will ha censeltas! anti their wiïlits îscrupuuiousIy rée'sced. Francssitosil u iy tCei-ctMexico afiar tise ceasplste exeultioSs cf a future Cieaty.ý Tise Prese seathea date cf Geiseral Ficse paîtrtui-e fer Mexico la atil doabt- fui. Tisfa e says tisaitthe Fr~echsay will cemipnsa cavai-lui dituliceos cf iufsutry and e îui-cîsrionenulmisiet ofbatteries. -I is reootes tisat stores uvera prousidati for 35,000 mnis. - Livripool, July 12. Messrs. Weiiefieldeash & Co, iland, Asisley & Co., andi Ric4sardsuri, Speusce & Cos., report fluer fi-es, 4,1 24a tu 28& 6sf- Wisssst_-tendia' nupwai-dand jpartially id uidisar. Curai still advsaecissg, olxcu sdý yellow 28s- l-diions-tiss saieaàuther- itucs report Datt' quiet aus4 tesssieg dois- 'UAsu. Port flaut. lisucoi s seaty. Lard qusiet et 39a te 42.9. Tauluw it bsýant, aed Gd hîghier. TFt ili-el-asirculai- reports au5str 4fniîtbut 5aivd. Coffueinactive. aSte îady, MOOTE-W IGII-AtWhitby, en Wins. Frss,klin. Moora, te Mu-arn Wright botisetPîckenng. , REt"43LUS-Àî twhitby, on Suuday, thio 2Qi 'sst., .t'rtisux.Wellesley, son of N. 0. Rajisodus iq., Sheriff cf tisa Coca' yof Ontsario,in thse fiftlx jisar et hie ae. Friay, tisa Tiese upply et prodece is ves-y meagre. F'all ibeat 95. a $1 03. Sprlng SOC. ua 90e. Baly60C.- PtsacL siemenS 55e a 60c. Oslu 45c for haine coasuieptias. Buetter fresis i2lc. Egirs 10e Pas- Soz. Chiickegs 20c a 30c par pair. Wool 25e e 32c. - 1iSes Z4,60. 5ÀshSka 0r. INi NEW YensK sas' fil s. Ps'nvis a 2c botter egeti. ,a fair con- st iC rss $4,50 5c e o 0auo et tisair iara1aoasas on rhursday, 24th of'July1 1862j 'fnet >re-iouslyelsissiati, ssnd, chargea pals! fer de d G %sin.g and catet Oia. ido Jmsirisu lw>l. - i 4 de Sfises.- - ido Tes.. dd de sudry si-Cliee, els!Cetsn do uaae&Womq s 1 cama naw Wiudow Sashs ITabla.- ' Ftsstluusr Be.. - - mi till lx stovei 1 MAiCýt valisit tNiwi ot ni sîsital 2 Resspursnotasfiispateb Soemmesnail wiîaîlas fr Tissmaer. e JAMES ROWr,.à i Ce. 27 tI'oý 1i I l)-icn.ifickrsg Jek bs-ow. seorea, whiSt, lîi , ist4u ira osrahad. %V Mholir 5,0 auid i ie A tiscti 1 iNDY 4th Augtrut uýxt, at 4 kicscl, p. in.. ud~ 1'oîssd beepr Pickerissg, J si y 4, 15OC. LWELLING TO LET. A T rolctoetpiied ltRevi.Mr L syl. asios'17tiis t. -A L 8$0 .;JNNOTIER TWI) STOILY Brick Dvtlliîiig Sate ast.c1;1,,<k. 1'udbewiciu isinsodi- stely. I. E. PERRY. Wiîttliy, Tily 8, 1962. 2 A LOT OF (A .&f tt nosi)skod 'sb)Direct frei tise eirereut tis'O Tea- and Cofroe Waiehouse. HAIflLTOIl & Ut>1EITS. Wisitisy, J niy 2,18652. 25 Windsor, IL.-a.d Çomipauy. 14Yi(~l erc-hy givan hat a uilviuincf 1i'a fe)r ecisc ussi theaplital eo tf tise sui vit eousspsiny fisisibeti usdsy dsia-rati, a.1i(lfiat t-s ,a- wiu ilil bi payasble st tise clice of Jas lei iwet&It Co., IPort* îVlitby, ou and sutur letJiist Uy Oi'der, Wii5y, .1 aie S, 1842. 2 1?IGIIARD SNOWSuT Te Isis-cktStsreet, Soth-of fLie'A Motel. WstssJiy i ch, aSSi. .MCOLUN & Co. is now o i a o Faîl, wva mill commcence to-day ta sali a laigo part cf oui- - at a great reduction froun our former 1 rcs Bhws1TarasoIs, and ail Suimmer Goods sold t' Cos t from this date te suake way for Pull Gooda. BUTTER AND EGOS, akes lu Exciag.- HITBY, July s, ie JAMES NMCLXNG & o' WiZissosus lZoe, .)rsekt., wPMtby. lite. i " a -"4 " r "lu 2$ sbscribers beg to call yoter attention to the fact th i atin n hre t cernng art a pace; and that now Wa he time ta sendl in your ordlerýer corne your- selves, for thcirjustly celebrtedi Coubiued Ilower âid Reaper, ~lsichis 110%V r.a4sdy fer delîvery nt thoir %works ins Whitby. Every Machine solt i l is e té work, -anti --tatsfaction- gEuarlnteed, upon e fair trial, or nio sale. *For thaý information of tisosa hat *&nt to pssrchsiss lMaahinem, amiî have net head anN opport inity ofreeing, them ic6 use, we wosstd rsiler theui to the folowitig genitlesmen Chat. bought o[ us last sesson, viz: - *-11 $hlcrsiîsl 13-wnT, Picieeriligt .TohniTLtt1enhn, Vhithy.i Wnu. & lle7iry .'ôwell$i, Aclli<&tlu Jol Lenst, 4 \Vin. Zshocsi,4 I.B ('rpolittir, siWnBlw tiiesiîac Jc.cnhWtiaîef, ."wss<cr il;l, AVîn. Clbîiet> "A. il. 1tra r, 0"n yr Vsîi, 1o t.tetha lyama Wiiei a uer AndIhise Powran Ipl reuet ine;in urgc ser Xta al ndseh.e a chnbreor suie ls S sorteyar uiti certant t y l esrya5nd fto <harble iisyndt1 W hei tby pble av i. Alsos )i, Sel Cuvtso, g aii Tts!c uff~iers oeii , l.' -q .r, i&C iýlalwt, ,'rhss JelOVAN W KEYi& 00 N. fl.-hey o Ld s is sat Iha lGyae rnaUfanIn a Spro BROQK SI1U-,wn'~ A YEW »OOus SOUTR OF THrE NONTREAL BANIU. HAEON IIAND, ani are constantly is;nufactuiig Cerriagas, Biggica, Waggenja, &cOfItba lateat end most approv2éd styles, manufsaotujiiusgfroi-o» Ieit m.atas-l andi ',)y e choceat svorkmen, bahut eptecit veorkmas thl!saaslvcs, t le l eksI-ie Chir w-ck i-kmlgive satisfasction ta style; -finish, suasi dtsi-aiiity. Ail inîslo f Nwrk dene. idi îe.tciaassand despaitcis. *ýuillAYDEN'S PATfENT WIEt-'lin isoughit tisa righit fer hia Cnunty for IItyeydi's Paitenet W7eel, îiscy ibc- aIse to anilscÀ4 that. they are prepared te fliiail orderse for, tise susose. - ONONAN, WALKJiX & Ce. %eIIlTÉY, Mais ual-ý, 18RA.I-12 ýVISIONCOITRTS. Sept. , 1 2 4. iri g IV14, Z. BUR.NIIA'M, FLOUIJING &GIS-TINGf T MI u'i-tie s t rti nsforili the llmis b- tsstis of tiae 111sroulidisig cousssr' lid puli essialiy, tssj l .ssisssthtsso ONTARIO-,NEW MILLS, (sorînarly i'ne,îv1snat l'et r Ti IrsMilI. .1 2,11 Cia 1ni ilgsiauts s5515ttt5 OSiwiW 55555 favor tuwtii, "lister p tnrilagss. ia ,wsuiualitti i iU;ttiiist thlie linissssrs, tisît Jtiiey' tais gartiscir owii %vwisut lsad tsdaiti bu t.a es~ns Issady )silssois i:rasaosst;iqul ils goe tiufcis.TeyesJsetie bras simd stimtafor tisir owilsiOe. £PM~ Whlitisy, Malsy s2, 1uju1. * 1 gheriff'i Sale. of Lands. CèuaCv stf OrturlatO, N Ss'TlJltAY, tisa T ut s tis. e ossîietaui issiivia>' licou ÉeWNý,it ». 0 ,strth tîsuy cii out., purulsa4e is tl ie 1seat ssuri(,t,,tsi ha isttisrde.d I>t2, sutJ12alo P0014esiwiii ise uhd 4 Il1uh- uit> siucstietas'euy tojî s- ini tis 'i'swsi oi sittintisa couîsy of OsitGOLI) & SILVER¶.W1TCIEE, tshu rtit tis5ticanduîi liters- i li 1tlihMssc isesani in Chie îtsleusiuiOs d Isuu i d sstt.reissistist X 't l t Cisareosi ,sstei-'ia nuider i-sid lu>virwiseof CL C,~ ~ . ~L 1 ili. I . ýaikif, ra Fncl,, isF. Ladies &Gents Qold Ohaine, JisicisEnglîsi usaae, - Coiant Càusit.Rings, isluis ý i1t1 iiîUi E1 -)hb ai nos £rooohes, - Bewusl , I ,à- rmil. LBa-Cou, d.. a!ru jiU11s.cSstt, ueiusat.-Butte niuie, i. e Ail tisa rsýJst, tCule, ussisiiitie--ihbýth unt lai t Spietaclc.s te suitail sighIs. anall li:es'i etbtovsuîts TssSe tfuisdsxstsi, J %;,IIIS or a ny russthssrniftlisai, e! in sudiCtis o lis htheakeisuJwesr 1101VPO;r4Nl ssIh',sssrt1silt'les (t No. 10, . iiotsSroWsuy inîts rtCs.a' teoisa Tquraiupof East Wist- FaIs. MI, 1 ýe fi luy, intisa Cssassýity l iitrio. lii isaQnCuî'Benîu.WJitby Bx-ewery. Tlsuuua C Esresanpluutitvs. Wilism Wesut Isuf f lvt Ne, 92, ils tise 2iul Coi, et Roetî, 100Dus-. - * -h- iustsceui's Bi-itels.lhEbeia. arecnow urcpared Ce far' )"sssuu , N-tTsi, lsiitfV..Ca-ls.iiih tht pSLtrofl tua W huorti s , lîruear cies t - à- e-at, se'sssas ith isln x0cilusat artic;isu l iails ittAeis Lit N-,),i5,eus t"rssse ofssp aa' u is. n iiaY bl us aiLsisesi, ud eu tari- us Su sit pus' ties Tsïwsaehuusmcf 1'Uttell, andss i sty Of Os.- elsasi i-. tasisi - Jotiesi aie eýqîulR t.110 isssïucrtnaa!arlieca; l'r0s-:; . O Wltb3 iu e lu s u 16.24 firltikh &American Express Co, Monitreiti Oeean steamsliip Co., and, -Glasgow Lino ýSteamers, ijllttXouim osi ýutis eor tise Iigistry Of-, l-- Witby, Apnril 2C, ISM2. h'>f Tailor 's, .Shoarnukors, Oarriagq Builiter D»ro's akers, and IHeada of Famlilics Generally. Cfait et WANZAR & Co'". Sawlsg uiisa l?îUýe hf- iv nWruiisrtgethe ao ge ssottisnt, Whithy, Nui. 1Ls ~i 6-4V TO LET! Yard andst dt bluis A)iuIy b Flis iAnd (insius Stvrc, DuitidssStreust WANTEI)! 4000u 1III1DIES tS Il 1- IEPSK IN S, iftr wlsa i ai se si vs a ii iv psid iii s.u A. LO0G-A X§ BIriset Streeit, Wiiitls3s Wisiiiy liut. ~1,19 . -48-tf ~M 0RTSMdR LMIAK, 4 Kinig Street IÇsist, Toronto. P23rd Jisie, 1-1..24 IFARM FOR SALE.' T VIIREE JI[UNiltRIDACRES eof land for saise hs1iýiig 1 oiisss f 1,(it No. il, andst Cssrets' hasitci Lot 'ý o. 61i itise -Isu Con, of tliseTown- .sspuf«cwswriý,;lt., iisilion t ale a% tfel tàse.,, 5s. .t -tiQ Isissidreçi dollasi.dswn assd itn tortuof yssrs flor the bate. For l'arCher pssrticasssrsi ssiiiy to tisa pioprietor, JOS1AUA RIC11A1IDSON, Wiitby, >tsy 101 To1,sfGUI.tby2 FAUX~ FOR SALE. T fIE ssii iuesr of1ýlSr uisale thea sottls-liaitt ofltN.12, ti it;le tth con, of l tcown- e11isiü f!hiorah, esisiiingoua husdýrads.acts ,f k, I'0 ti. Tiswlanid is itliatosi wiCs- lu oeamilteoftisa ViLtura of' B5saerton s: lawsll tisnhered, uniX a iisevur fuisisgetreuio ue araýscas te lot. t le iii tisa nssa4i.i aetty. of tisa P<stt aLeaMii huîreas For ternis, wisîais susIli'eralsapply (if hy let- ter p)repsuid) te .1 1N CARITER, or te Cx EORGE GREAT issu roi -situa ý.J.3ty v - V

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